Flip Flop Conversion Part 3

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Flip-Flop Conversion

(D to SR, D to JK and D to T Flip-Flop Conversion)

Steps for Flip-Flop Conversion:

The following are the steps for the flip-flop conversion.

Using these steps, let’s convert the D flip-flop in SR, JK and T flip-flop.
D to SR Flip-Flop Conversion:

Step-1: Draw the truth table of SR Flip-Flop (Required Flip-Flop)

Step-2 : Using the excitation table of the D flip-flop (existing flip-flop), find the required D input
for each output transition of SR Flip-Flop.
Using the excitation table of the D Flip-Flop, the following are the D inputs for each output

Step- 3 Using the K-map, find the expression of D in terms of S, R and Qn.
From the above table, we can find the expression of D in terms of S, R and Qn. The D is logic ‘1’
for the input combinations 0 0 1 (minterm m4), 1 0 0 (minterm m4) and 1 0 1 (minterm m5).
And two input combinations 1 1 0 (m6) and 1 1 1 (m7) are don’t care terms. Write these
minterms in K-map, and find the simplified expression of D.

In this way, the expression of D = S + R’ Qn

Step-4 Draw the logic circuit
D to JK Flip-Flop Conversion:
Step-1 Draw the truth table of JK Flip-Flop (Required Flip-Flop)

Step- 2 Using the excitation table of the D flip-flop (existing flip-flop), find the required D inputs
for each output transition of JK Flip-Flop.
Using the excitation table of the D Flip-Flop, the following are the D inputs for each output

Step- 3 Using the K-map, find the expression of D in terms of J, K and Qn.
D is logic ‘1’ for input combination 0 0 1 (m1), 1 0 0 (m4), 1 0 1 (m5) and 1 1 0 (m6). Write
these minterms in K-map, and find the simplified expression of D.

So, in this way, for D to JK flip-flop conversion, D = J Qn’ +K’ Qn.

Step-4 Draw the Logic Circuit

D to T Flip-Flop Conversion:
Step-1 Draw the truth table of T Flip-Flop (Required Flip-Flop)

Step- 2 Using the excitation table of the D flip-flop (existing flip-flop), find the required D inputs
for each output transition of T Flip-Flop.
Using the excitation table of the D Flip-Flop, the following are the D inputs for each output

Step- 3 Using the K-map, find the expression of D in terms of T and Qn.

D is logic ‘1’ for input combination 0 1 (m1) and 1 0 (m2).

Step-4 Draw the Logic Circuit

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