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Колесникова Анастасия, 4 курс, 5 группа

Testing listening

УМК: «Spotlight», В.Эванс, Д.Дули , В.Копылова,

Класс: 4 класс

Модуль: 2. A Working Day!

Лексический материал: Тема «Jobs»,

Грамматический материал: Present Simple


 Умение понимать основное содержание текста.

 Умение понимать реплики персонажей.
 Умение обобщать содержание прослушанного текст.
Типы текста:
 Диалог
 Монолог
Формы текста:
 Текст-повествование
 Текст-описание
 Диалоги без названия 1-10
 “Job riddles”.
 “Visiting the doctor”
 “What do I want to be?”

Testing listening

Ребята, это Хэйли! Сегодня вы услышите разговоры с ее другом

о профессиях, загадки, историю, которая проитзошла с ней, и
узнаете, кем она хочет стать.

Тексты без названия (1-10)

1. Послушайте диалоги Хэйли с другом, выберите нужную

картинку и ниже напишите ее название.

1. A: What’s he? B: He is a doctor.

2. A: What’s she? Is she a student? B: No, he is not. He is a
B: No, she is not. She is a
teacher. 7. A: What’s he?

3. A: What’s he? B: He is a postman.

B: He is a chef. 8. A: What’s he? Is he a policeman?

4. A: What’s he? Is he a policeman? B: Yes, he is a policeman.

B: No, he is not. He is a pilot. 9. A: What’s he?

5. A: What’s she? B: He is a fireman.

B: She is a nurse. 10.A: What’s he? Is he a pilot?

6. A: What’s he? Is he a chef? B: No, he is not. He is a bus


Score __/10

Текст 2

1. Послушайте загадки Хэйли и напишите, о каких

профессиях она говорит.
1) He wears a uniform. He drives kids to school and takes them

2) She wears a uniform. She works in a hospital. She helps

a doctor.

3) He wears a uniform. He works in a restaurant. He cooks.


4) He wears a uniform. He travels a lot. People call him

captain. He flies a plane.

Score __/4

Текст 3

1. Хэйли сильно заболела, поэтому забыла

написать слова в тексте. Помогите ей,
послушайте текст и впишите в пропуски
Haley feels 1) _________. Her mom touches her
forehead. Haley has a fever. The mom takes Haley to a 2)
__________. He is 3)__________. He gives her a
sticker. He tells her to take a pill. He tells her to drink a lot
of 4) __________. Haley goes home. She takes the pill and
drinks water. She does this for three days. She is 5) __________ again. Tomorrow she
will go to 6) _______________.
Score __/6

Текст 4

1. Послушайте беседу Хэйли и Джейн

и ответьте на вопросы.
H: What is your father, Jane?
J: He is a doctor.
H: What is your mother?
J: She is a nurse. And what about your parents?
H: My father is a pilot. And my mother is a chef. What do you want to be?
J: I want to be an actress. And what about you, Haley?
H: I want to be a teacher!

1) Is Jane’s father a doctor? _________________________________________

2) Is Haley’s mother a nurse? _______________________________________
3) Does Jane want to be a policeman?_________________________________
4) Does Haley want to be an actress?__________________________________
Score __/4

Total score __/24


Диалоги 1-10


1. Doctor 6. Barber
2. Teacher 7. Postman
3. Chef 8. Policeman
4. Pilot 9. Fireman
5. Nurse 10.Bus driver

Текст 2

1) Bus driver 3) Chef

2) Nurse 4) Pilot

Текст 3

1) Hot 4) Water
2) Doctor 5) Healthy
3) Kind 6) School

Текст 4
1) Yes, he is.
2) No, she isn’t.
3) No, she doesn’t.
4) No, she doesn’t.

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