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Jr Chemistry E/M

SYNOPSIS  IIB elements have a d10 configuration both in
elemental form and in their stable oxidation
General Introduction: In the modern states.
periodic table elements are classified on the  d-block elements are present as 3d, 4d, 5d and
basis of their electronic configuration into 6d series in the periodic table.
 3d series starts with Sc [Z = 21] ends with Zn
s, p, d and f block elements. [Z = 30]
 The elements whose differentiating electron  4d series starts with Y [Z = 39] ends with
enters in (n-1) d sub-level are called d-block Cd [Z = 48]
elements.  5d series starts with La [Z = 57], Hf ( Z  72)
 The d-block elements in which the atoms or ions ends with Hg[Z = 80].
have incomplete d-orbitals are called transition  6d series is incomplete
elements.  Technitium is the first man made element.
 A typical transition element shall have an  Elements in VIIIB group
incompletely filled d  sublevel either in its Fe, Co, Ni ; Ru , Rh, Pd ; Os, Ir , Pt ; Hs, Mt , Ds
elemental form or in any of its chemically Lattice Structures of Transition Metals
significant oxidation states.  Sc, Ti, Mn & Fe group elements have hcp
 All d  block elements are not transition structures.
elements.  V & Cr group elements have bcc structures.
Ex: Zn, Cd & Hg are not transitional elements  Co, Ni & Cu group elements have ccp structures.
 The general outer electronic configuration of d- Note: Zn, Cd, Hg & Mn have one or more typical
metallic structures at normal temperatures.
block elements is (n-1)d1-10 ns0 (or) 1 (or) 2
 The transition elements are placed in between Electronic Configurations
the electropositive (or) metallic elements (s-  The elements with exceptional configuration in
block) and the electronegative (or) non-metallic 3d series are Cr (24) [Ar] 3d5 4s1 and Cu (29)
elements (p-block) [Ar] 3d10 4s1
 The properties of these elements are in between  The elements with exceptional configuration in
4d series are
those of highly reactive metallic elements of s-
Nb (41) - [Kr] 4d4 5s1 ; Mo (42) - [Kr] 4d5 5s1
block and those of less reactive non-metallic
Ru (43) - [Kr] 4d7 5s1 ; Rh (45) - [Kr] 4d8 5s1
elements of p-block
Pd (46) - [Kr] 4d10 5s0; Ag (47) - [Kr] 4d10 5s1
 d-block elements are placed in the groups 3 to  The elements with exceptional configuration in
12 (i.e, III B to VIII B and I B & II B ) 5d series are
 The elements of IB group namely Cu, Ag, Au P t (78) [Xe] 4f 14 5d 10 6s 0
are called typical transition elements since in
these elements electrons from completely (or) 4f 14 5d 9 6s1 (or) 4f 14 5d 8 6 s 2
filled inner (n-1)d subshell take part in bond and Au (79) [Xe] 4f 14 5d10 6s1
formation along with outer s-electrons  Atoms of d-block elements having d 5 (half
 IB group elements copper, silver and gold are
filled) and d10 (completely filled) configuration
called coinage elements. In olden days these
metals are used to prepare coins. are more stable because of greater exchange
 The elements of IIB (Zn, Cd and Hg) are not
considered as transition elements as they do not  ns 2 np 6 nd10 configuration for an ion or atom is
show the properties of transition elements known as pseudo inert gas configuration (or)
because of completely filled d-orbitals. nickel group configuration.
 Examples for atoms / ions having ns 2 np 6 nd10 Zinc Calamine ZnCO3
configuration are Pt, Pd  nickel group  Zinc Blende ZnS
Silver Argentite Ag 2 S
Cu  , Ag  , Au  , Zn 2 ,Cd 2 , Hg 2
Horn silver AgCl
Occurrence of Transition Elements  Pt and Au are almost unreactive.
 3d elements are more widely distributed in  Pt, Au and Ag are called noble metals.
nature than 4d and 5d series.
 3d series elements with even atomic numbers
Characteristics of 3d series: Transition
are largely available in nature than those with elements exhibit horizontal similarities also in
odd atomic numbers. addition to usually existing group similarities.
 The transition elements exhibit typical
 Iron is the fourth most abundant among all
characteristic properties. This is due to their
elements in the earth’s crust.
small atomic sizes, large nuclear charges and
Some Important Minerals of 3d-elements the presence of unpaired d - electrons.
Scandium Thortveitite Sc2  Si2O7  a) Variable oxidation states
b) para and ferro magnetic properties
Titanium Ilmenite FeTiO3 c) formation of coloured hydrated ions and salts
d) alloy formation ability
Rutile TiO2 e) catalytic properties
Vanadium Carnotite 2 K UO2 VO4 .3H 2O f)complex forming ability
Trends in M.P, B.P. & densities:
Vanadinite Pb5 VO4 3 Cl
Transition elements have high melting points.
Chromium Chromite FeO.Cr2O3 High melting points, boiling points and heat of
atomisation values of transition elements are due
Manganese Pyrolusite MnO2 to the involvement of (n - 1)d electrons in
Braunite Mn2O3 addition to ns electrons in the interatomic
metallic bonding.
Manganite Mn2O3 .H 2O  In any series melting points increase upto VI B
group and then decrease.
Hausmannite Mn3O4
 M.P of Mn & Tc are lower than neighbouring
Iron Haematite Fe2O3 elements.
 In any series of d-block, last element (IIB group)
Magnetite Fe3O4 has the least melting and boiling points. This is
Siderite FeCO3 probably becuase the d-electrons do not
participate in metallic bonding.
Limonite Fe2O3 .xH 2O  Among all metals tungston has the highest
melting point. Mercury is a liquid at room
Iron Pyrites FeS2
Cobalt Smaltite CoAs2  IIB group elements have very low m.p values
Cobaltite CoAsS due to non involvement of d 10 electrons in
metallic bonding.
Nickel Pentalandite  Ni, Fe, Cu  S  In a period densities increase as the atomic radii
Garnierite  Ni, Mg  SiO3 .xH 2O decrease. Density increases down the group in
transition elements.
Copper Chalcocite Cu2 S  Iridium has the highest density (22.7g cm -3)
among all the elements. Osmium also has a very
Copper Pyrites Cu2 S .Fe2 S3
high density (22.6g cm-3).
Jr Chemistry E/M
 In 3d-series highest density is observed in Cu  nd
In Cr and Cu 2 IP value is almost double the
and least in Sc.
1st IP value due to half filled and completely
filled ‘d’ orbitals in Cr  and Cu  ions
 In a period the increase in IP2 and IP3 values
are predominant than increase in IP1 .
 In IIIB-group ionisation potential decreases from
scandium to lanthanum, but in the remaining
groups trend is not same.
 Atomic radii of Zr = 1.6 A° and Hf =1.59 A°
and their IP values are Zr = 674 kJ/mole and Hf
= 760 kJ/mole. This is due to Lanthanide
 IP values of 4d and 5d series are almost equal
due to lanthanide contraction.
 Chromium and copper have unusally high
Atomic and ionic radii of 3d series second ionization energy when compared with
 The atomic radius decreases in a period in the their neighbouring elements.
begining, with the increase in the atomic  Second ionization energy of the zinc is
number. considerinably low because removal of second
 At the end of series, there are increased electron-
electron from zinc leads to the stable d 10
electron repulstions between the added electrons
in the same orbitals. These repulsions exceed
 Third ionization energy of Mn is higher than
the attractive forces due to increased nuclear
charge. Therefore, electron cloud expands and the neighbours because of stable d 5
the atomic radius increases at the end of any configuration.
series.  Among 3d, 4d and 5d series of d-block elements,
 The radii of 4d and 5d series are almost equal. first ionization energy is least for lanthanum and
This is due to lanthanide contraction. is highest for mercury.
 Atomic and ionic radii of Cr, Mn and Fe are Oxidation States of 3d Series: Transition
equal. Between Ag and Cd bigger atom is Cd. elements exhibit variable oxidation states.
 The slight irregularities in size have been  Both ns and (n-1)d electrons will participate in
described to crystal field effects. bond formation due to small energy difference
 Atomic radii of Zr is 1.6 A° and Hf is1.59 A° between them.
due to Lanthanide contraction.  Sc, Y, La and Ac do not exhibit variable
 The ionic radii of transition metals decrease with
oxidation states. These elements always exist
increase in oxidation state. in + 3 oxidation state as they acquire octet
Ionization Energies of 3d Series configuration in that oxidation state.
 Their IP values are higher than s block elements,  For transition elements the oxidation state
but less than those of p block elements. ranges between 0 and + 8.
 They are less electropositive than s block  Manganese (Mn) in 3d seires, Technitium (Tc)
elements, but more electropositive than p block in 4d series and Rhenium (Re) in 5d series
elements. exhibit stable +7 oxidation state.
 IP values generally increase from left to right in  The maximum stable oxidation state + 8 is
any series but the increase is less than that of S exhibited by Osmium (Os) of 5d- series and
block elements due to increase in nuclear charge Ruthenium (Ru) of 4d series, but it is unstable
is opposed by screening effect. for Ruthenium.
 In transition elements, across a period from left  VX 5 hydrolysed to give oxo halides VOX 3
to right, the +2 state becomes more stable while
+3 state becomes less stable.  Besides the oxides, oxocations stabilize V 5 as
 Cu, Mo, Ag, W, Au and Hg exhibit stable +1
oxidation state.
VO2 and V 6 as VO22 .
 Chromium also exhibits +1 oxidation state but  Cu forms flourides, chlorides, bromides but not
it is unstable. iodides.
 Ferric ion with d5 configuration is more stable  
Cu 2 oxidises I to I 2
than ferrous ion with d6 configuration.
 The variable oxidation states are also referred 2Cu 2  4 I   Cu2 I 2  s   I 2
as variable valencies.  Cu  compounds disproportionate in aqueous
 The minimum oxidation state exhibited by an
element is given by the no. of outer s-electrons
and maximum oxidation state is given by the  Cu 2 compounds are stable due to more
sum of s-electrons of outer most shell and negative enthalpy of hydration.
unpaired d-electrons of penultimate shell.  For example, in group 6, Mo (VI) and W (VI)
 The compounds with lower oxidation state (i.e.,) are found to be more stable than Cr (VI).
+2 exhibit the reducing nature (eg : Cr+2, Fe+2 In Oxides: In oxides of 3d series highest
etc). Their oxides have basic character and also oxidation number in the oxides coincide with
exhibit reducing property. its group number.
 Compounds with lower oxidation states are  In 3d-series after 7th group no higher oxides
ionic and with higher oxidation states are above Fe2O3 are known.
 Due to formation of multiple bonds in oxides,
 The compounds of lower oxidation state are
they are more stable than flourides
known as ‘ous’ compounds and those of higher
oxidation states are ‘ic’ compounds. eg: Fe+2 (+2)  Mn2O7 is stable.
Ferrous. Fe+3 (+3) Ferric. Electrode potentials and chemical
 Most stable oxidation states of transition series reactivity
are: Ti  IV  ; V  V  ; Cr  III & VI  ;  S.R.P of M 2 / M values increases from left to
Mn  II  ; Fe  III  ; Co  II & III  ; right as IP values increases. (except Zn)
 Cu cannot displace H 2 from acids because it
Ni  II  ; Cu  II 
has highest S.R.P value which is +0.34 V.
Trends in Stability of Higher Oxidation  Mn, Ni and Zn have more negative S.R.P values
States than expected.
 In 3d series highest oxidation numbers are Reason: Mn & Zn have d 5 & d 10 stable e.c.
observed in TiX 4 , VF5 , CrF6 . Ni has higher hydration energy.
(  H Hyd Ni 2 = -2121 KJ/mole)
 Manganese show +7 state in MnO3 F and in
 Mn 3 and Co 3 are strong oxidising agents due
other halides it is not observed.
to high S.R.P of M 3 / M 2 values.
 Beyond manganese except FeX 3 and CoF3 are
only known trihalides.  EM0 3 / M 2 show varying trends
 Flourides of highest oxidation state are stabilised
 ESc0 3 / Sc2 is low as it gets noble gas configuration
due to high lattice energy or higher bond
enthalpy  EFe
/ Fe2
is low as Fe 3 has stable d 5
Eg: CoF3 , VF5 , CrF6 configuration
Jr Chemistry E/M
EMn  Paramagnetic substances contain unpaired
 0
/ Mn2
is high as Mn 2 has stable d 5
electron spins or unpaired electrons.
configuration. Ex : K3[Fe(CN)6], Sc2+, Cr3+ etc
 Mn3  d 4  is less stable than Mn 2  d 5   In paramagnetic substances the magnetic field
of the substance (B) is more than the applied
because the latter has half-filled d-subshell magnetic field strength (H).
stable electronic configuration. Thus Mn3  For paramagnetic substances B>H.
 The substances which are repelled by the
easily reduced to Mn 2 and acts as oxidant.
magnetic field when they are kept in higher
 EMn
/ Mn2
is more positive than ECr
/ Cr 2
(or) magnetic field are called diamagnetic substances
(stronger to weaker field.)
/ Fe2
due to high 3rd I.E of Mn.  Diamagnetic substances exhibit decrease in
weight in the presence of magnetic field.
 Ti 2 , V 2 and Cr 2 are strong reducing agents
 It is hard for magnetic lines to pass through a
and liberate H 2 from dilute acids. diamagnetic substance than in vacuum.
 If Magnetic field in the substance (B) is less than
 Cr 2 is a stronger reducing agent than Fe 2
external magnetic field (H), then they are said
because its configuration changes from d 4 to to be diamagnetic.
d 3 (a half filled t2 g level). In aqueous solution
EX : Ti+4, V+5 , Sc3+, Zn, Hg, Cd etc
 Mercurous ion is diamagnetic in nature. It exists
d 3 is more stable as compared to d 5.
as Hg 22 .
 Mn 3 is oxidising agent as its configuration  For diamagnetic substances B<H.
changes to d 5  Diamagnetic substances contain electron pairs
E 0 M 3 / M 2 in the 3d series are observed for some with opposite spins.
metals as  Ferromagnetic substances are considered as a
special case of paramagnetic substances.
Co 3 / Co 2  Mn 3 / Mn 2  Fe 3 / Fe 2   Ferromagnetic substances are those in which
Ti 3 / Ti 2  Sc 3 / Sc 2  V 3 / V 2 there are large no. of electrons with unpaired
 At times oxidizing power depends on the spins and whose magnetic moments are aligned
stability of the species formed from the in the same direction.
 For Ferromagnetic substances B  H
oxidizing agent. Ex: VO2  Cr2O72  MnO4 .
 Iron, Cobalt and Nickel are best examples for
W.E-1: Why is E 0 value for Mn 3 / Mn 2 couple ferromagnetic substances.
 Ferromagnetism disappears in the aqueous
much more positive than that for Cr 3 / Cr 2
solution of the substance
or Fe 3 / Fe 2 ? Explain  Paramagnetism of substances (molecules, atoms
Sol. Mn 2 contains stable d 5 configuration. So or ions) is due to the spins of the unpaired
removal of another electron from exactly half- electrons and also due to angular orbital
filled configuration requires more energy i.e., momentum.
greater third IE of manganese is responsible for  The magnetic moment of transition metal ions
the variation. exhibiting paramagnetism is calculated by the
Magnetic Property of Transition
S  L  4S (S  1)  L( L  1) BM
Metals: The substances which are attracted
into the magnetic field when they are kept in Where S = Sum of the spin quantum numbers
higher magnetic field are called paramagnetic L = Sum of the orbital angular momentum
substances (weaker field to stronger field). quantum numbers.
 For an electron, spin quantum numbers Colours of Transition Metal Ions: Many
s=±½ S= sxn compounds of transition metals are coloured and
Where n = number of unpaired electrons. the compounds of s-block and p-block elements
 The unit of magnetic moment is Bohr Magneton are almost colourless.
eh  The transition metal ions with unpaired
(BM) 1 BM = d-electrons absorb characteristic coloured light
4 mc
from the visible region and transmit its
where e = electron charge; h = Planck’ss
complementary colour in the same region. This
constant, m = mass of electron, c = velocity is responsible for the colour of the ion.
of light. Ex: i) Hydrated Titanium ions (one 3d-electron)
1 BM = 9.273 x 10-24Joule / Tesla . absorbs green light from visible region and
= 9.273 x 10-21 erg / Gauss transmits the purple light.(pink)
ii) Hydrated Cu+2 ions absorb red colour and
Unpaired Magnetic moment transmit blue colour.
Ion Configuration electrons(S)
Calculated Observed iii) Mn2+ ion transmits pink colour
3+ 0
Sc 3d 0 0 0 Colours of visible radiations
3d1 1 1.73 1.7  1.8 Absorbed Wavelength of Complementary
2 2.84 2.7  2.8
colour colour colour
3 3.87 3.7  3.9
Violet 400 - 450 nm Yellow-green
3d 4
4 4.90 8.8  4.9
Blue 450 - 490 nm Yellow
Mn2+ 3d
5 5.92 5.7  6.0
Greenblue 480 - 490 nm Orange
4 4.90 5.3  5.5
3 3.87 4.4  5.2 Absorbed Wavelength of Complementary
Ni 2+
2 2.84 2.9  3.4 colour colour colour
1 1.73 1.8  2.2 Blue green 490 - 500 nm Red
3d 10
0 0 Green 500 - 560 nm Purple
Yellow green 560 - 575 nm Violet
Yellow 575 - 590 nm Blue
 The contribution of orbital angular quantum Orange 590 - 625 nm Green blue
number towards magnetic moment is low and Red 625 - 750 nm Blue green
hence it can be neglected [ L = 0] for 3d series.  According to crystal field theory, the d-orbitals
But in some cases  exp is higher than calc . e.g. of transition metal ions split into two groups
when ligands or counter ions or solvent
Fe 2 , Co 2 , Ni 2 , Cu 2 molecules attack on them. This is known as d-
 Spin-only magnetic moment is given by orbital splitting (or) crystal field splitting.
  4SS  1 BM  In presence of other ions or molecules five d-
orbitals lose their degeneracy and split into two
 In terms of number of unpaired electrons (n),
the magnetic moment is given by the formula. groups namely t2 g  d xy , d yz , d zx  and eg
 s  nn  2 BM (d x2  y 2 & d z 2 ) of slightly different energies.
if n =1 m= 1.73 BM  As the energy difference between two groups
if n =2 m= 2.83 BM
if n =3 m= 3.87 BM eg & t2 g is small, the energy from visible light
 In 2nd and 3rd transition series (4d & 5d) , the is sufficient for the excitation of electrons.
orbital contribution is significant and so L must  The colour of the transition metal ion depends
be included on the number of electrons undergoing the d-d
transition and the energy difference between
S L  4S(S  1)  L(L  1)BM
these d-orbitals.
Jr Chemistry E/M
Colours of some of the first row  Catalysts at a solid surface binds the reactants.
(aquated) Transition metal ions In which metals utilise (n-1)d and ns electrons
for bonding.
ION Outer electron No.of Unpaired Colour
Configuration electrons Ex: Iron (III) catalyses the reaction between
iodide and perdisulphate ions.
Sc3+ 3d0 0 Colouress
Ti3+ 3d1 1 Purple 2 I   S 2O82  I 2  2 SO42
V 3+
3d 2
2 Green Mechanism:
Cr 2+
3d 4
4 Blue 2 Fe 3  2 I   2 Fe 2  I 2
2 Fe 2  S 2O82  2 Fe 3  2 SO42
3+ 3
Cr 3d 3 Violet
3+ 4
Mn 3d 4 Violet
3+ 5  TiCl4 with Al  CH 3 3 forms the basis of
Fe 3d 5 Yellow
Mn2+ 3d5 5 Pink Ziegler Natta catalyst used in the manufacture
6+ 1
of polythene.
Mn 3d 1 Green  In the Wacker process the oxidation of ethyne
2+ 6
Fe 3d 4 Green
to ethanal is catalysed by PdCl2 .
Co2+ 3d7 3 Pink
2+ 8
Ex: i)In the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact
Ni 3d 2 Green process, the catalyst used is V2O5.
Cu2+ 3d9 1 Blue ii) In the synthesis of Ammonia by Haber’s
Cu +
3d 10
0 Colourless process, the catalyst used is a mixture of Iron
Zn 2+
3d 10
0 Colourless and Molybdenum.
 The transition metal ions with empty d-orbitals iii) In the manufacture of HNO3 by Ostwald’s
(or) completely filled d-orbitals are colourless. process, the catalyst used is Platinum.
iv) The catalyst used in the hydrogenation of
Eg: Sc+3 ; Cu+ ; Zn+2 etc
oils is Nickel.
 The metal ions may exhibit different colours in
different oxidation states. v) Fenton’s reagent  FeSO4  H 2O2  is used as
e.g. Mn 2 - Pink an oxidising agent
Interstitial Compounds: Compound
Mn 3 - Blue
formed when atoms with small atomic size like
Mn 6 - Green H, B, C and N are trapped in the holes of
 Anhydrous CuSO4 is almost colourless. But transition metals are called interstitial
hydrated CuSO4 is blue in colour. This is because compounds. The components are not in definite
of the absence of water molecules (ligands), ratios in them. So such compounds are also
there is no splitting of d-orbitals in anhydrous known as non stoichiometric compounds.
CuSO4.  They have metallic nature, hard and brittle with
 The Cr (+6) and Mn (+7) have empty d-orbitals high MP and B.P.
but their compounds are coloured.  The density of these compounds is less than that
 The colours of oxo-ions like Cr2O72 , CrO42 of metals due to expansion of lattice.
 Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta form such compounds.
and MnO4 can be explained by charge transfer  Hydrogen occupies always smaller tetrahedral
phenomenon. holes while C and N occupy larger octahedral
Catalytic properties of transition
 Oxides and sulphides of T.E with more than one
metals: Transition metals and their compounds oxidation state form these compounds.
act as good catalysts. This is due to the presence
Ex: 1) Fe0.82O , Fe0.94O 2) WO2.88 , WO2.92
of free valencies and also variable oxidation
states. 3) Fe0.89 S , Fe0.96 S
 A stoichiometric compound may become non Physical Properties
stoichiometric compound at high temperature.  It is orange red coloured crystalline solid.
 ZnO is white when cold and yellow when hot,  It is moderately soluble in cold water but freely
because stoichiometric ZnO changes to non- soluble in hot water.
stoichiometric ZnO, when heated.  It’s melting point is 398°C.

Alloy Formation: Alloy is a homogeneous Chemical Properties

 On strong heating it decomposes and gives
mixture of a metal with other metals or
metalloids or nonmetals. Alloys are solid in solid
solutions. 3
2 K 2Cr2O7  2 K 2CrO4  Cr2O3  O2
 Since d-block elements are similar in size, they 2
can easily form alloys.  On heating with alkalies it is converted into
 Alloys are generally prepared to modify the chromate [Yellow colour]
properties like malleability, ductility, toughness, K 2Cr2O7  2 KOH  2 K 2CrO4  H 2O
resistance to corrosion.
 In acid medium K 2CrO4 changes into K 2Cr2O7
Potassium dichromate  K 2Cr2O7  2K 2CrO4  H 2 SO4  K 2 SO4  K 2Cr2O7  H 2O
Preparation: Yellow Orange
 It is manufactured from chromite ore  It reacts with HCl and evolves chlorine.
 FeO.Cr2O3  . K 2Cr2O7  14 HCl 
2 KCl  2CrCl3  7 H 2O  3Cl2
 Chromite ore is roasted with Na2CO3 to convert
 In acid medium
into Na2Cr2O7 . It is mixed with KCl gives
Cr2O72  14 H   6e   2Cr 3  7 H 2O
K 2Cr2O7 .
Mwt of K 2Cr2O7
 Eq.wt of K 2Cr2O7 
O O 6
  It acts as a powerful oxidising agent in acidic
O Cr 126
0 Cr medium (dilute H 2 SO4 )
 It oxidises KI to I 2
K 2Cr2O7  7 H 2 SO4  6 KI 

 Two CrO units are bonded to sp hybrid
4 K 2 SO4  Cr2  SO4 3  3I 2  7 H 2O
oxygen atom.
 Cr atom is surrounded by four oxygen atoms  Both Na2Cr2O7 and K 2Cr2O7 are oxidising
tetrahedrally. agents but K 2Cr2O7 is preferred because it is
 Cr atom is sp hybrid. not hygroscopic and can be used as primary
 It contains two types Cr  O bonds. standard in volumetric analysis.
 It oxidises ferrous ions to ferric ions
 O Cr bond length of sp3 hybrid central K 2Cr2O7  6 FeSO4  7 H 2 SO4 

oxygen atom has single bond length ( 179 pm ). 3Fe2  SO4 3  Cr2  SO4 3  7 H 2O  K 2 SO4
 Other oxygen atom surrounding Cr atoms have  It oxidises sulphites to sulphates
intermediate bond length which lies in between K 2Cr2O7  3Na2 SO3  4 H 2 SO4 
single and double bond length ( 163 pm ) due to
resonance. 3Na2 SO4  K 2 SO4  Cr2  SO4 3  4 H 2O
Jr Chemistry E/M
 It oxidises H 2 S to Sulphur.. Structure of Dichromate Ion
K 2Cr2O7  4 H 2 SO4  3H 2 S   Cr2O72 contains eight Cr-O bonds.

K 2 SO4  Cr2  SO4 3  7 H 2O  3S  Cr2O72 contains six equivalent Cr-O bonds.

 In Cr2O72 Cr atom undergoes ‘ sp3 ’
 It oxidises SO2 to H 2 SO4 .
K 2Cr2O7  H 2 SO4  3SO2  Structure of chromate ion
K 2 SO4  Cr2  SO4 3  H 2O  In chromate ion hybridization of Cr is sp3 .
 Shape of chromate ion is Tetrahedral
 It oxidises C2 H 5OH to acetaldehyde and
Potassium Permanganate Preparation:
CH 3CHO to CH 3COOH Potassium permanganate is prepared by the
 It oxidises thiosulphate to sulphate. fusion of MnO2 with alkali metal hydroxide and
 It oxidises nitrites to nitrate.
an oxidaising agent like KNO3
Chromyl Chloride Test
 This is a test of chloride. When a mixutre of a 2 MnO2  4 KOH  O2  2 K 2 MnO4  2 H 2O

metal chloride and K 2Cr2O7 is heated with conc. K 2 MnO4 can be converted into KMnO4 by

H 2 SO4 , orange red vapours of chromyl chloride bubbling CO2 , Cl2 or ozonized oxygen through
are evolved. the given solution.
3K 2 MnO4  2CO2  2 KMnO4  MnO2  2 K 2CO3
K 2Cr2O7  6 H 2 SO4  4 NaCl 
K 2 MnO4 disproportionates in acidic or neutral
2 KHSO4  4 NaHSO4 
solution to give permanganate.
2CrO2Cl2  3H 2O
3MnO42   4 H   2 MnO4  MnO2  2 H 2O
Chromyl chloride 
In the laboratory permanganate ion is obtained
 When chromyl chloride vapours are passed by oxidising Mn (II) salts with peroxodisulphate
through NaOH solution, yellow colour  S O  ion.

 Na2CrO4  is obtained. 2 Mn 2  5S 2O82   8 H 2O 

 When lead acetate is added to yellow coloured 2 MnO4  10 SO42  16 H 
solution, yellow precipitate is formed.
Structure of Permanganate Ion:
Na2CrO4   CH 3COO 2 Pb O

 PbCrO4  2CH 3COONa

Yellow ppt
Uses: It is used as volumetric reagent in the
estimation of Iodide ions, Fe 2 ions. O O
 It is used as a primary standard solution.
 Permanganate ion is diamagnetic but manganate
 It is used for the preparation of chrome alum, ion is paramagnetic with one unpaired
chrome yellow, chrome red, etc., d-electron.
 It is used in dyeing, chrome tanning, calico  The oxidation state of central atom is 7
printing, photography.
Mn undergoes sp 3 hybridization.
 Chromic acid  H 2CrO4  is used as a cleaning
t2 g set of 3d orbitals involve in hybridization.
agent for glass ware.
Shape of species is tetrahedral.
Physical Properties: Acidic Medium: To acidify the KMnO4
 It is purple coloured crystalline compound. sulphuric acid to be used but not hydrochloric
 It is fairly soluble in water. acid because it oxidises hydrochloric acid to
 Its solubility increases with increase in chlorine.
 2 KMnO4  3H 2 SO4 
Chemical Properties: When heated alone (or)
with alkali gives oxygen. K 2 SO4  2MnSO4  3H 2O  5  O 
2KMnO4  K 2 MnO4  MnO2  O2 (or) Mwt of KMnO4
Eq wt of KMnO4 
4 KMnO4  4 KOH  4 K 2 MnO4  2 H 2O  O2 5
 It oxidises ferrous ion to ferric ions.
 When it treated with conc. H 2 SO4 , it forms
2 KMnO4  10 FeSO4  8 H 2 SO4 
Mn2O7 [explosive compound]
5Fe2  SO4 3  2MnSO4  K 2 SO4  8H 2O
2 KMnO4  2 H 2 SO4  2 KHSO4  Mn2O7  H 2O
 It oxidises KI to I 2 .
 KMnO4 act as an oxidising agent in alkaline,
2 KMnO4  10 KI  8 H 2 SO4 
neutral and acidic solutions.
 In alkaline medium 6 K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  5 I 2  8 H 2O
Molecular weight of KMnO4  It oxidises sulphite or sulphurous acid to
Eq wt of KMnO4  sulphate or sulphuric acid
 In alkaline medium it is reduced to Potassium 2 KMnO4  5 Na2 SO3  3H 2 SO4 
manganate and then to insoluble MnO2 . K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  5 Na2 SO4  3H 2O
2 KMnO4  H 2O  2MnO2  2 KOH  3  O   It oxidises H 2 S to Sulphur..
 It oxidises iodide to iodate. 2 KMnO4  3H 2 SO4  5 H 2 S 
2 KMnO4  KI  H 2O  2 KOH  2MnO2  KIO3
K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  5S  8 H 2O
Neutral Medium  It oxidises SO2 to H 2 SO4 .
 In neutral medium
2 KMnO4  5SO2  2 H 2O 
Mwt of KMnO4
Eq. wt of KMnO4  K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  2 H 2 SO4
 It oxidises C2 H 2O4 (Oxalic acid) to CO2 .
2 KMnO4  H 2O  2MnO2  2 KOH  3  O 
2 KMnO4  3H 2 SO4  5C2 H 2O4 
 It oxidises H 2 S to Sulphur..
K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  10CO2  8 H 2O
2 KMnO4  3H 2 S 
 In acidic medium MnO4 oxidises ferrous ion
2 KOH  2 MnO2  2 H 2O  3S
to ferric ion and oxalate ion to CO2 .
 It oxidises MnSO4 to MnO2
6 KMnO4  10 FeC 2 O4  24 H 2 SO4 
2 KMnO4  3MnSO4  2 H 2O 

3 K 2 SO4  6 MnSO4  5 Fe2 SO4   20CO2  24 H 2 O
K 2 SO4  5MnO2  2 H 2 SO4 3

 It oxidises HX  HCl , HBr, HI  to X 2

 It oxidises Na2 S 2O3 to Na2 SO4 and Sulphur..
2 KMnO4  3 Na2 S 2O3  H 2O  2 KMnO4  3H 2 SO4  10 HX 
2 KOH  2 MnO2  3S  3 Na2 SO4 K 2 SO4  2 MnSO4  8 H 2O  5 X 2
Jr Chemistry E/M
Uses: It is used as an oxidising agent in  The halides of higher oxidation states are the
laboratory and industry. fluorides because metals can be oxidised to
 In laboratory it is used as primary standard higher oxidation states with only fluorine which
solution. is most reactive.
 In titrations KMnO4 is used to estimate the  Bonding in fluorides is mainly ionic.
quantity of reducing agents like oxalic acid,  In chlorides, bromides and iodides, the ionic
Mohr’s salt solutions in acid medium. character decreases with atomic mass of
 Dilute H 2 SO4 is used as acidic medium.
 Dilute HCl can not be used as it can be oxidised Sulphides: Transition metals form sulphides
either by direct combination with sulphur or
by KMnO4 to Cl2 .
with H 2 S or Na2 S
 Alkaline KMnO4 is called Bayer’s reagent.  The sulphides are generally coloured or black
 It is used to identify unsaturation in organic and are insoluble in water.
 It is used in the manufacture of saccharine, Additional information
benzoic acid, acetaldehyde etc., Alloys: Alloys are generally prepared by
 It is used for detecting halides, sulphides, a) Melting a mixture of the metals or the
oxalates etc., components taken in proper proportions.
 A mixture of sulphur, charcoal and KMnO4 b) Simultaneous electrolytic deposition of metals
forms explosive powder. under suitable conditions.
Compounds of transition metals Oxides c) Amalgam’s are prepared by grinding the metal
 Transition metal oxides are formed by the action with mercury
of oxygen with transition metals at high Ex: Zn, Na, Cu , Ag (or ) Au
temperature. d) two metallic oxides are reduced at a time.
 General formulae of the oxides are
Ex:- Fe, Cr alloy is prepared by reducing
MO, M 2O3 , M 3O4 , MO2 , M 2O5 and MO3 . chromite ore
 The oxides in which the metal is in lower e) Finally powdered metals are compressed at a
oxidation number are basic in nature. temperature slightly below their melting points
 The oxides in which the metal is in higher
Ex: - Mo, W
oxidation state are acidic in nature.
 The oxides in which the metal exhibits f) Quenching: Fe, C alloy is made by sudden
intermediate oxidation states are amphoteric. immersing in oil or water
 Among the oxides of manganese lower oxides  Alloys are in wide use in nuclear engineering,
are basic higher oxides are acidic intermediate dental fillings, manufacture of strongly magnetic
oxides are amphoteric materials.
MnO - basic  Alloys are usually divided into ferrous and non-
Mn2O3 , Mn3O4 and MnO2 - amphoteric ferrous alloys depending on the presence (or)
absence of iron in the alloy.
Mn2O7 - acidic
Ex: Ferrous alloys : Stainless steel, cast iron
Halides: Transition metals react with halogens Non - ferrous alloys: Brass, German silver
at high temperature to form transition metal  Alloy of a metal with Mercury is called an
halides. Amalgam.
The order of reactivity of halogens is Ex : Zn-Hg, Al-Hg, Na-Hg etc.
F  Cl  Br  I .  Fe and Pt do not form amalgams.
Some Ferrous Alloys
Alloy Composition Uses (in making) LEVEL-I (C.W)
1. Invar steel 64% Fe, for pendulum
35% Ni, rods
Element with atomic number 111 might,
Mn & C belong to the following group
in trace amounts 1) Chromium 2) Scandium
2. Nichrome 60% Ni, in heating 3) Copper 4) Titanium
25%Fe, of fire stoves,
2. The following belongs to d-block but it is not
15%Cr furnaces a transition element
1) Mn 2) Fe 3) Zn 4) Cr
Some non-ferrous alloys
3. Which set of elements is transitional in
Alloy Composition Uses (in making) character
1. German Silver 50-60% Cu, Spoons, i) Fe, Co, Ni ii) Ru, Rh, Pd iii) Os, Ir, Pt
10-30% Ni, forks, utensils The correct statements is / are:
20-30% Zn 1) i,ii 2) iii,i 3) iii,ii 4)i,ii,iii
2. Brass 60-80% Cu; Machine parts 4. Which of the following set of elements does
20-40% Zn not belongs to transitional elements?
3. Bronze 75-90% Cu; Utensils, 1) Fe, Co, Ni 2) Cu, Ag, Au
10-25% Sn Coins, Statues 3) Ti, Zr, Hf 4) Ga, In, Tl
4. Gun metal 88% Cu; 5. In the transition elements the incoming
10% Sn; Guns, Bearings electron occupies [n-1]d sublevel in
2% Zn; preference to
5. Bell metal 80% Cu; Bells 1) np 2) ns 3) [n-1]d 4) [n+1]s
20% Sn 6. Catalytic activity of transition elements and
6. Deverda’s 50% Cu; to reduce nitrites their compounds is due to their
alloy 45% Al; (or) nitrates to 1) Small size 2) Vacant d-orbitals
5% Zn NH3 3) Higher densities 4) Colour
7. Duralumin 95% Al; for stressed 7. Transition metals are good electrical
4% Cu; structures conductors because
0.5% Mn; like aircraft 1) They are metals 2) They are solids
0.5% Mg 3) They have free electrons in outer energy levels
8. Magnalium 85-99%Al; in balance beams, 4) They are hard.
1-15%Mg aircrafts parts and 8. Which of the following is a transition element
motor spares 1) Al 2) As 3) Ni 4) Pb
9. Aluminimum 88-90% Cu; in ornaments, 9. The ground state electronic configuration of
Bronze 10-12% Al photoframes etc
chromium is against
1) Hund’s rule 2) Pauli’s principle
10. Wood metal 50% - Bi Automatic
3) Auf-bau principle 4) Boyle principle
25% - Pb fire alarams,
10. The following has pseudo-inert gas
12.5% - Sn sprinklers system
configuration in the (n-1) shell.
12.5% - Cd
1) Typical transition elements
11. Type metal 60-80%-Pb Sharply defined 2) Zinc group elements 3) Both 4) Neither
13-30% - Sb casting
12. Solder metal 50% - Sn Electrical 11. Which one of the following pairs of ions have
47.5% - Pb appliances the same electronic configuration?
2.5% - Sb 1) Cr 3 , Fe 3 2) Fe 3 , Mn 2
 Steel is an alloy of Iron and Carbon (2%). 3) Fe 3 , Co 3 4) Sc 3 , Cr 3
Jr Chemistry E/M
12. Which one of the following ions has same OXIDATION STATES OF 3D SERIES
number of unpaired electrons as those 19. The following does not show variable valency
present in V 3 ion? (E 2014) 1) Mn 2) Fe 3) Zn 4) Cr
2 2 3
1) Fe 3 2) Ni 3) Mn 4) Cr 20. Element which can show +2, +3, +4 +6 and
+7 oxidation states is
13. In the following pair of d-block elements, 21. Maximum oxidation state exhibited by
the first member is a liquid at room Osmium is
temperature and the second member is 1) +8 2) +7 3) +6 4) +5
mostly available in the earth’s crust. The pair ATOMIC AND IONIC RADII OF 3d SERIES
is 22. Which of the following pairs of elements have
1) Hg, Fe 2) Hg, Tc 3) Hg, Zn 4) Hg, Au same radii ?
14. Match the following 1) Zr,Hf 2) Sc, Y 3) La, Ac 4) Zn, Cd
List-I List-II
A) Rutile i) Mn2O3 23. Which of the following ion is coloured in its
B) Chromite ii) MnO2 aqueous solution?
1) Cd+2 2) Zn+2 3) Sc+3 4) Ti+3
C) Pyrolusite iii) FeO.Cr2O3 24. Transition metals are coloured due to the
D) Braunite iv) TiO2 following electronic transition
1) d - s 2) d - d 3) s - p 4) f - s
1) A-iv, B-iii, C-ii, D-i 2) A-i, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv
25. In which pair, both ions are coloured in
3) A-i, B-iii, C-iv, D-i 4) A-iv, B-i, C-ii, D-ii
aqueous medium
15. Match the following 1) Sc+3, Zn+2 2) Cu+2, Ti+4
List - I List -II +3
3) Ti , Co +3
4) Cd+2, Mn+2
A) FeCO3 I) Calamine
B) Fe2O3 .xH 2O ii) Chalcocite 26. The catalyst used in the oxidation of 1°
alcohol to aldehydes
C) Cu2 S iii) Limonite
1) FeSO4  H 2O2 2) Fe + Mo
D) ZnCO3 iv) Siderite 3) Pt + Ir 4) Raney Ni
Correct match is 27. The catalyst and promoter respectively used
1) A-iv, B-ii, C-iii, D-iv 2) A-ii, B-iv, C-i,D-iii in the Haber’s process of industrial synthesis
3) A-iv, B-iii,C-ii, D-i 4) A-iii, B-i,C-ii, D-iv of ammonia are (E 2012)
16. Which element exhibits highest density in 3d 3) Fe, Mo 4) Mo, Fe
17. The maximum and minimum melting points 28. The ion having maximum magnetic moment
of first and second transition series is
respectively are observed with 1) Co+3 2) Cr+3 3) Ni+2 4) Cu+1
29. The following metal shows ferromagnetic
1) Cr and Zn 2) Cr and Hg
3) Cr and Cd 4) Mo and Cd 1) Co 2) Cr 3) Cu 4) Mn
30. For a paramagnetic substance, the field
strength of substance ( B ) and applied field
18. The IP of Zr is 674 kJ/mole. The IP of Hf is strength ( H ) are related as
1) 656 kJ 2) 760 kJ 3) 616 kJ 4) 631 kJ 1) B = H 2) B < H 3) B > H 4) B >>>H
Note: 1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct ex- POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE
planation of A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct 39. When KMnO4 reacts with acidified FeSO4
explanation of A
1) Only FeSO4 is oxidised
3) A is true but R is false 4) A is false but R is true
31. Assertion (A) : Magnetic moment of 2) Only KMnO4 is oxidised
 Fe( H 2O)6  SO4 is given by 4(4  2) BM 3) FeSO4 is oxidized and KMnO4 is reduced
Reason(R): In the above complex Iron ion has
four unpaired electrons 4) KMnO4 and FeSO4 oxidised
32. Assertion (A) : The “spin-only” magnetic 40. The number of moles of KMnO4 that will be
moment [in units of Bohr magneton,   B  ] needed to react with one mole of sulphite ion
in acidic solution is
of Ni 2  in aqueous solution would be (atomic
1) 2/5 2) 3/5 3) 4/5 4) 1
number Ni = 28) 2.84BM
Reason(R) : The metal ion has 2 unpaired 41. The product of I  with MnO4 in alkali
electrons. medium is
33. Assertion(A) : Magnetic moment of Ni ions
1) I 2 2) IO3 3) IO  4) IO4
can be very close to that of Ti+2 ions
Reason(R) : both metal ions have equal no. 42. Assertion(A) : The compound formed as a
of unpaired electrons. result of oxidation of ethyl benzene by
34. Which of the following elements form Reason(R) : The isomer of ethyl benzene is
interstitial compounds? Xylene i.e dimethylbenzene with KMnO4
1) Alkali metals 2) Transition metals
3) Halogens 4) Noble gases gives phthalic acid.
35. Hydrogen occupies the following holes, C and 1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
N occupy the following holes explanation of A
1) Tetrahedral and octahedral 2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct
2) Octahedral and tetrahedral explanation of A
3) Octahedral and octahedral 3) A is true but R is false
4) Tetrahedral and tetrahedral 4) A is false but R is true
36. One of the constituents of an amalgam is
1) Fe 2) Hg 3) Au 4) Os 43. The number of moles of K 2Cr2O7 that will
37. The alloy used in the reduction of nitrites to be needed to react one mole of H 2 S in acidic
ammonia is
1) Gun metal 2) Devarda’s alloy
3) Solder metal 4) Bronze 1) 1/6 2) 1/3 3) 2/5 4) 2/3
38. Assertion(A) : Zinc-copper couple that can 44. Chromyl chloride when dissolves in NaOH
be used as a reducing agent solution gives yellow solution. The yellow
Reason(R) : Zinc copper couple can be solution contains
obtained from zinc coated from copper 1) Cr2O72  2) CrO42 3) CrO5 4) Cr2O3
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A 45. When chromite ore is fused with NaOH in
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct the presence of air, the product formed is
explanation of A 1) Na2Cr2O7 2) Cr2O3
3) A is true but R is false
4) A is false but R is true 3) Na2CrO4 4) K 2Cr2O7
Jr Chemistry E/M
46. Assertion (A) :When a solution of potassium
chromate is treated with an excess of dilute LEVEL-I (H.W)
nitric acid chromate undergo oxidation
Reason (R): Dichromate ions are produced INTRODUCTION
in above process 1.
The following is not a typical transition
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
1) Cu 2) Ag 3) Au 4) Hg
explanation of A
Which of the following statement regarding
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct transition elements is false
explanation of A 1) Their atoms contain partially filled ‘d’ orbitals
3) A is true but R is false 2) They are capable of showing variable
4) A is false but R is true valencies
3) All of their ions are colourless
COMPOUNDS OF TRANSITION ELEMENTS 4) They form complexes readily
47. Cinnabar is an ore of 3. Which of following is a true transition
1) Hg 2) Cu 3) Pb 4) Zn element
1) Zinc 2) Cadmium 3) Aluminium 4) Iron
48. Calomel is
4. The group numbers of transition elements
1) Hg 2Cl2 and Hg 2) Hg 2Cl2 1) 1 to 10 2) 1 to 9 3) 3 to 11 4) 3 to 12
5. Best conductor of electricity is
3) Hg + Hg 2Cl2 4) HgCl 2 1) Cu 2) Al 3) Au 4) Ag
49. Which of the following metals react with 6. Which of the following set of elements are
chlorine to form their respective chlorides? transition elements ?
1) Cu 2) Ag 3) Au 4) All 1) Po, At, Rn 2) Ga, In, Tl
50. Which of the following is not an amphoteric 3) Cs, Ba, La 4) Ac, Ku, Ha
oxide? 7. General electron configuration of d-block
elements is
1) HgO 2) PbO2 3) ZnO 4) SnO2 1) ns2np6nd1-10 2) (n-1)d1-10 ns0-2 np0-6
51. Which of the following iron salts exists as a 3) (n-1)d1-10 ns1-2 4) nd1-9ns0-2
dimer? 8. ns1 electron configuration is not present in
1) Ferric chloride 2) Ferrous chloride 1) Ag 2) Mn 3) Cr 4) Cu
3) Ferrous sulphate 4) Mohr’s salt 9. Which of the following is the stable electron
52. Which oxide of Mn is acidic in nature? configuration of Fe+3 ion
1) 3d64s0 2) 3d5 4s0 3) 3d6 4s2 4) 3d4 4s2
1) MnO 2) Mn2O7 3) Mn2O3 4) MnO2 10. The general configuration (n-1)d 3 ns 2
indicates that particular element belongs to
LEVEL-I (C.W) - KEY the following group
1) 3 2) 3 3) 4 4) 4 5) 1 6) 2 7) 3 1) II B 2) I B 3) V B 4) III B
11. Which of the following ion has same number
8) 3 9) 3 10) 3 11) 2 12) 2 13) 1 14) 1 of unpaired electrons as that of V3+ ion
15) 3 16) 4 17) 3 18) 2 19) 3 20) 2 21) 1 1) Cr+3 2) Mn+2 3) Ni+2 4) Fe+3
22) 1 23) 4 24) 2 25) 3 26) 1 27) 3 28) 1 12. Platinum, palladium and iridium are called
29) 1 30) 3 31) 1 32) 1 33) 1 34) 2 35) 1 noble metals because
1) Alfred Nobel discovered them
36) 2 37) 2 38) 2 39) 3 40) 1 41) 2 42) 2 2) They are inert towards many common
43) 2 44) 2 45) 3 46) 4 47) 1 48) 2 49) 4 reagents
50) 1 51) 1 52) 2 3) The are shining lustrous pleasing to look at
4) They are found in active state7
ELECTRONIC CONFIGURATION 24. Which of the following element exhibits
13. In which of the following elements, the maximum oxidation state
configuration is against Auf-bau rule ? 1) Mn 2) Co 3) Fe 4) Zn
1) Ni, Pd, Pt 2) Sc, Ti, Zr 25. In which of the following compounds iron has
3) Pd, Pt, Cu 4) Fe, Cr, Mn the lowest oxidation state
14. The configuration of chromium atom in 1) Fe (CO)5 2) Fe2O
ground state is 3) K4 [Fe(CN)6] 4)FeSO4(NH4)2SO4. 6H2O
1) [Ar] 3d4 4s1 2) [Ar] 3d5 4s1 ATOMIC AND IONIC RADII
3) [Ar] 3d6 4s2 4) [Ar] 3d7 4s2 26. The correct order of atomic sizes is
OCCURENCE 1) Sc < Y < La 2) Ti < Zr < Hf
15. The chemical formula of siderite 3) Sc > Y > La 4) Sc>Y<La
1) Fe2O3 2) Fe3O4 3) FeCO3 4) MnO2 COLOUR
16. The mineral of silver is 27. Which of the following cation is colourless in
1) Argentite 2) Horn silver its aqueous solution
3) Sylvine 4) Both 1 and 2 1) Cu+2 2) Sc+3 3) Fe+3 4) Co+3
28. Cuprous ion is colourless while cupric ion is
coloured because,
17. Which of the following group elements
1) Cuprous ion has completed d-orbitals while
exhibits high melting and boiling points Cupric ion has an incomplete d-orbitals
1) IVB 2) VB 3) VIB 4) IIB 2) Cuprous ion has exactly half-filled ‘d’ orbitals
18. Which group elements exhibits highest 3) Cupric ion has completely filled ‘d’ orbitals,
densities while Cuprous ion has incompletely filled ‘d’
1) IIIB 2) IVB 3) VIB 4) VIIIB orbitals
19. Which of the following transition metals has 4) Cupric ion has half - filled d-orbitals
the highest melting point? 29. Which of the following pairs of ions are
1) Cr 2) Mo 3) W 4) Hg colourless
20. Transition element which is volatile Co 2 , Fe 3
1) Ti 3 , Cu 2 2)
1) Zn 2) Cd 3) Hg 4) All
3 2 2 3

21. The second IP of Cr is high due to 30. Colour of ferrous ion is
1) Red 2) Blue
1) 3d 5 2) 3d 0 3) 3d 10 4) 3d 4
3) Pale green 4) Pale yellow
22. Transition metals are less reactive because 31. Colour in transition metal compounds is
of their attributed to
1) High ionization potential and low melting 1) small size metal ions
point 2) absorption of light in UV region
2) High ionization potential and high melting
point 3) complete  ns  subshell
3) Low ionization potential and low melting 4) incomplete  n  1 d subshell
4) Low ionization potential and high melting CATALYTIC PROPERTIES
point 32. Which of the following is used as Catalyst in
OXIDATION STATES the hydrogenation of oils
23. An element M has the electron configuration 1) V2O5 2) Pd 3) Fe 4) Ni
[Ar]3d54s2. Which one of its oxide is unlikely 33. The catalyst used in the polymerisation of
ethylene is
to exist
1) MO 2) M O 3) MO 4) M O 1) R3 Al  TiCl4 2) SnCl4 3) Ni 4) Pt
2 2 3 4 2 7
Jr Chemistry E/M
MAGNETIC PROPERTIES 44. During estimation of oxalic acid with KMnO4
34. Which of the following pair of transition the self indicator is
metal ions, have the same calculated values of
1) KMnO4 2) H 2C2O4 3) K 2 SO4 4) MnSO4
magnetic moment?
2 2 2 2
2 2
3) Cr and Fe 4) Co 2 and Ti 2 45. Number of moles of K 2Cr2O7 reduced by one
35. The following species is repelled by a mole of iodide ions is
magnetic field 1) 3 2) 1/3 3) 6 4) 1/6
1) Hg+2 2) Fe 2 3) Co+3 4) Ni+2 46. Number of moles of K 2Cr2O7 reduced by one
36. The following is not a ferromagnetic mole of Sn 2 ions is
1) Fe 2) Co 3) Y 4) Ni
1) 1/3 2) 3 3) 1/6 4) 6

37. Assertion (A) : Zn is diamagnetic
47. The oxoanion in which oxidation state of the
Reason(R): Two electrons are lost from 4s central atom is same as its group number in
orbital to form Zn 2 periodic table.
1) Both A and R are true and R is the correct 1) SO42 2) VO2 3) MnO42 4) Cr2O72
explanation of A
2) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct COMPOUNDS OF TRANSITION ELEMENTS
explanation of A 48. The substance that sublimes on heating is
3) A is true but R is false 1) MgCl2 2) AgCl 3) HgCl2 4) NaCl
4) A is false but R is true
49. Which of the following oxides is least stable
INTERSTITIAL COMPOUNDS at room temperature?
38. Which is not an interstitial compound?
1) CuO 2) Ag 2O 3) ZnO 4) Hg 2O
1) TiH 2) Fe2O3 3) Mn2C3 4) W2C 50. Which of the following metal oxides is white
ALLOY FORMATION in colour but becomes yellow on heating
39. The common metal present in german silver, 1) Ag 2O 2) ZnO 3) FeO 4) MgO
bell metal and brass is 51. Oxide of metal cation which is not
1) Fe 2) Cu 3) Zn 4) Sn amphoteric?
40. Which of the following is an alloy of a metal
1) Al 3 2) Cr 3 3) Fe 3 4) Zn 2
and a non-metal
1) bronze 2) electron 3) nichrome 4) steel 52. Which of the following oxides of chromium
is amphoteric in nature?
1) CrO 2) Cr2O3 3) CrO3 4) CrO5
41. In permanganate ion MnO4 , manganese has
an oxidation number of +7. Therefore it is LEVEL-I (H.W) - KEY
1) sp d hybridised
3 3
2) sp hybridised
1) 4 2) 3 3) 4 4) 3 5) 4 6) 4 7) 3
3) dsp hybridised
4) d sp hybridised
3 3
8) 2 9) 2 10) 3 11) 3 12) 2 13) 3 14) 2
42. When KMnO4 acts as oxidising agent in 15) 3 16) 4 17) 3 18) 4 19) 3 20) 4 21) 1
acidic medium, the oxidation number of Mn 22) 2 23) 3 24) 1 25) 1 26) 1 27) 2 28) 1
decreases by 29) 3 30) 3 31) 4 32) 4 33) 1 34) 1 35) 1
1) 1 2) 2 3) 3 4) 5
36) 3 37) 1 38) 2 39) 2 40) 4 41) 2 42) 4
43. An acidified solution of KMnO4 oxidizes
43) 2 44) 1 45) 4 46) 1 47) 4 48) 3 49) 2
1) sulphates 2) oxalates
3) iodine 4) ferric salts 50) 2 51) 3 52) 2
11. Transition metals are often paramagnetic
LEVEL-II (C.W) owing to
1) high melting point and boiling point
IONIZATION ENERGIES OF 3d SERIES 2) the presence of vacant orbitals
1. Maximum IP value in 3d series is 3) the presence of unpaired electrons
1) Zn 2) Cr 3) Cu 4) V 4) malleability and ductility
2. The second IP of Cu is very high due to the 12. Match the following .
configuration of Cu + is Set -I Set -II
A) Ferromagnetism 1) 9.273 x 10 −24 J .Tesla −1
1) 3d 5 2) 3d 0 3) 3d 10 4) 3d 9
B) Paramagnetism 2) Fe, Co, Ni
OXIDATION STATES OF 3d SERIES C) Diamagnetism 3) Cr 2+ , Fe3+ , Mn 2+
3. Variable valency of transition elements is on
account of D) Bohr Magneton 4) Zn +2 , Cu + , Sc +3
1) incomplete p - orbitals The correct matching is
2) incomplete d - orbitals A B C D A B C D
3) completely filled d - orbitals 1) 4 2 3 1 2) 2 3 4 1
4) incomplete p-orbitals 3) 1 2 3 4 4) 3 1 2 4
4. Transition elements show generally positive 13. Match the following
oxidation state due to Set -I Set -II
1) Large atomic size 2) low ionization energy
A) Sc 3+ 1) 5.92 B.M
3) low electronegativity 4) high electronegativity
5. Which one of the transition metal ions have B) V 2 + 2) 1.73 B.M.
no unpaired electrons C) Fe3+ 3) Zero.
1) Ti+4 2) V+4 3) V+3 4) Cr3+ +
D) Cu 2 4) 3.87 B.M
6. The maximum oxidation state of ruthenium
is The correct matching is
1) +6 2) +7 3) +8 4) +5 A B C D A B C D
1) 3 4 1 2 2) 4 1 2 3
7. Which of the following is a correct statement
1)Aqueous solutions of Cu + and Zn +2 are 14. The mineral from which potassium perman-
ganate is manufactured is
1) Pyrolusite,MnO2 2) Branuite,Mn2O3
2) Aqueous solutions of Cu +2 and Zn +2 are 3) Hausmannite,Mn3O4 4)Manganite,MnO3.H2O
colourless 15. Which of these react with potassium perman-
3) Aqueous solutions of Fe +2 is green in colour ganate to give oxygen quantitavely

4) Aqueous solutions of MnO4 is colourlesss 1) CO2 2) Cl2 3) O3 4) H2O2
16. Which one of the following is not oxidized
8. The metal ion which does not form coloured
by acidified KMnO4
compound is
1) Chromium 2) Iron 3) Zinc 4) Manganese 1) sod.oxalate 2) Pot. iodide
3)Ferrous sulphate 4) Sodium sulphate
9. Mn2+ , Mn+3 , Mn+6 have the colours 17. Which of the following can not reduce
1) pink, blue and green 2) green, blue and yellow
acidified solution of Mn O4− ion
3) blue, yellow and green 4) yellow, blue and green
1. H2C2O4 2. H2 3. H(nascent) 4. Fe2+ions
MAGNETIC PROPERTIES 18. Oxidation of oxalic acid by acidified KMnO4
10. The magnetic moment of an ion in its +3 is an example of autocatalysis, it is due to the
oxidation state is 3.85 BM. The number of presence of
unpaired electrons present in the ion is
1) 1 2) 4 3) 3 4) 5 1. SO42− 2. MnO4− 3. Mn2+ 4. K+
Jr Chemistry E/M
19. K2Cr2O7 is preferred to Na2Cr2O7 for use in 3. Zn and Cd do not show variable valency
volumetric ananlysis as a primary standard because
because 1) They are soft
1. Na2Cr2O7 is hygroscopic while K2Cr2O7 is not 2) Their d subshells are complete
2. K2Cr2O7 is hygroscopic while Na2Cr2O7 is not 3) They have only two electrons in outer most
3. K2Cr2O7 is pure while Na2Cr2O7 is impure subshells
4. None of the above 4) Their d subshells are incomplete
20. The deep blue colour produced on adding 4. Oxidation number of chromium in potassium
H2O2 to acidified K2Cr2O7 solution is due to dichromate is
the formation of 1) +4 2) +5 3) +6 4) +3
1. Cr2O3 2. CrO3 3. CrO5 4.Cr O42− 5. Manganese exhibits maximum oxidation
state in
21. Mixture of K2Cr2O7 and conc, H2SO4 is called 1) K2 MnO4 2) KMnO4 3) MnO2 4) Mn3O4
1.Perchromic acid 2. Chromic acid 6. The number of unpaired electrons in ferrous
3. Chromium sulphate 4.None of these ion is
22. In the redox reaction involving Cr2 O72 − and 1) 2 2) 3 3) 4 4) 5
Fe2+ ions the number of electrons absorbed COLOURS OF TRANSITION METAL IONS
per each chromium of dichromate is 7. Which of the following ion is coloured ?
1. 1 2. 3 3. 4 4. 6 1) Zn+2 2) Ca+2 3) Cu+2 4) Sc+3
23. CrO4−2 (yellow) changes to Cr2O7−2 in pH = x 8. Which of the following metal ions is colour
less in water
and vice versa in pH = y hence x,y are 1) V+2 2) Cr+3 3) Fe+2 4) Sc 3+
1) 6,8 2) 6,5 3) 8,6 4) 7,7 9. Which of the following are not coloured ?
LEVEL-II (C.W) - KEY 1) CuSO4 .5 H 2O 2) FeSO4 .7 H 2O
1) 1 2) 3 3) 2 4) 2 5) 1 6) 3 7) 1 3) NiSO4 .7 H 2O 4) ZnSO4 .7 H 2O
8) 3 9) 1 10) 3 11) 3 12) 2 13) 1 14) 1 MAGNETIC PROPERTIES
15) 4 16) 4 17) 2 18) 3 19) 1 20) 3 21) 2 10. Identify the order in which the spin only
22) 3 23) 1 magnetic moment (in BM) increases for the
following four ions (Eamcet - 2011)
I) Fe +2 II) Ti +2 III) Cu +2 IV) V +2
LEVEL-II (H.W) 1) I, II, IV, III 2) IV, I, II, III
3) III, IV, I, II 4) III, II, IV, I
IONIZATION ENERGIES OF 3d SERIES 11. Which one of the following sets correctly
1. Which of the following is ionic in nature? represents the increase in the paramagnetic
property of the ions (E 2009)
1) CuF2 2) CuCl2 3) CuBr2 4) CuI 2 + + + +
1) Cu > V > Cr > Mn
2 2 2 2
2. Metal-Metal bodning is more frequent in 4d
or 5d series than in 3d series due to 2) Cu +2 < Cr +2 < V +2 < Mn +2
1) Their greater enthalpy of atomisation 3) Cu +2 < V +2 < Cr +2 < Mn +2
2) Large size of the orbitals which participate 4) V +2 < Cu +2 < Cr +2 < Mn +2
in bonding
3) their ability to involve both ns and ( n − 1) d 12. The electrolysis of potassium manganate
orbitals in bond formation solution gives
4) The comparable size of 4d and 5d sereis 1) MnO2+KOH 2) KOH+H2
elements 3) KOH+O 2
4) KMnO4+KOH
13. Baeyer’s regent is 22. Which of the following statements is false
1) KMnO4+H2SO4 2) KMnO4+KOH 1. An acidified solution of K2Cr2O7 liberates
3) K2Cr2O7+H2SO4 4) K2Cr2O7+KOH iodine from potassium iodide
14. In dilute alkaline medium, the equivalent 2. In acidic solution, dichromate ions are
mass of KMnO4 is converted to chromate ions
3. Ammonium dichromate on heating under
1. (52.66) 2. (31.60) goes endothermic decomposition to give Cr2O3
3 5
4. Potassium dichromate is used as a titrant for
M Fe2+ ions
3. (26.33) 4. M(158.00)
15. The reaction LEVEL-II (H.W) - KEY
2 MnO42− + Cl2 → 2 MnO4− + 2Cl − takes place in 1) 1 2) 1 3) 2 4) 3 5) 2 6) 3 7) 3
1. Basic medium 2. Acidic medium 8) 4 9) 4 10) 4 11) 3 12) 4 13) 2 14) 1
3.Neutral medium 4. Both a and b 15) 1 16) 2 17) 1 18) 3 19) 1 20) 3 21) 3
16. Potassium manganate is formed when :
22) 2
1. Cl2 is passed into an aqueous solutions of
2. MnO2 is fused with KOH in air
3. formaldehyde reacts with KMnO4 in presence 1. The atomic number of the element having
of strong alkali. magnetic moment equal to 1.7 BM in its + 2
4. KMnO4 reacts with concentrated H 2 SO4 oxidation state is
1) 29 2) 25 3) 24 4) 30
17. The reaction, MnO4− + e− → MnO42− takes place in: 2. Atomic number of a transition metal is 25
1) basic medium then its magnetic moment in its + 3 oxidation
2) acidic medium 3) neutral medium state is
4) both acidic and basic medium 1) 1.73 BM 2) 2.84 BM 3) 4.9 BM 4) 5.9 BM
3. Find the correct statement
18. Ammonium dichromate on heating i) Magnetic moment Mn 2+ ion is 35
decomposes with spark. This reaction is ii) Ti 4+ is exhibit purple color
called iii) 1 Bohr Magneton=9.273 x 10 −24 J. Tesla −1
1. Aphosphorescence 2. Incandescence
iv) Secondary valency of transition metal ion
3. Chemical volcano 4. None of these
is equal to its co-ordination number
19. When acidified solution of K2Cr2O7 is shaken
1) Only i is correct 2) Only ii is correct
with aqueous solution of FeSO4, then
3) i,iii,iv are correct 4) All are correct
1. Cr2 O72 − ion is reduced to Cr3+ ions
2− 2− 4. In the presence of strong eletrical field, the
2. Cr2 O ion is converted to Cr O
7 4
following set of orbitals are not degenerate
3. Cr2 O72 − ion is oxidised to Cr
1) 3d xy and 3d z2 2) 3dxy and 3dyz
4. Cr2 O ion is oxidised to CrO3
3) 3dxy, 3dyz and 3dzx 4) 3d x 2 − y2 and 3d z2
20. One of the products formed when K2Cr2O7
reacts with conc. H2SO4 in cold is GENERAL
1. Cr2(SO4)3 2. Cr2O3 3.CrO3 4. CrO4Cl2 5. Which transition metal is known as stratagic
21. The oxidation state of Cr in K2Cr2O7 is or Wonder metal?
1. +5 2.+3 3.+6 4. +7 1) Tungsten 2) Platinum 3) Iron 4) Titanium
Jr Chemistry E/M
6. Four successive members of the first row 15. The oxioanion which contains all equivalent
transition elements are listed below with their M-O bond is
atomic numbers. Which one of them is
expected to have highest third ionization I) CrO4−2 II) MnO4− III) Cr2O7−2
enthalpy? 1) III only 2) I,II,III 3) I,II 4) I only
1) Vanadium (Z = 23) 2) Chromium (Z = 24) 16. In context with the transition elements, which
3) Manganese (Z = 25) 4) Iron (Z = 26) of the following statements is incorrect?
7. Many transition metals form interstitial [AIE-2009]
compounds. The characteristics of these
interstitial compounds are 1) In addition to the normal oxidation states,
I) They have low melting points the zero oxidation state is also shown by these
II) They are very hard elements in complexes
III) They retain metallic conductivity 2) In the highest oxidation states, the transition
IV) They are chemically more reactive than metal show basic character and form cationic
the pure metals. complexes
1) II, III only correct 2) I, III only correct 3) In the highest oxidation states of the first five
3) II, IV only correct 4) IV only correct transition elements (Sc to Mn), all the 4s and
8. Which of the following oxides are acidic in 3d electrons are used for bonding
4) Once d 5 configuration is exceeded, the
1) V2O5 2) MnO 3) Cr2O3 4) MnO2
tendency to involve all the 3d electrons in
9. The magnetic moment of an ion is close to bonding decreases.
36 × 10 −24 Joule /Tesla. The number of 17. Iron exhibits +2 and +3 oxidation states
unpaired electrons of the ion are which of the following statements about iron
1) 4 2) 2 3) 1 4) 3 is incorrect? [AIE-2012]
10. In Nesslers reagent, the active ion is
1) Ferrous compounds are relatively more ionic
1) Hg + 2) Hg 2+ 3) Hg 22− 4) HgI 42− than the corresponding Ferric compounds
11. Na2CrO4 on treatment with lead acetate gives 2) Ferrous compounds are less volatile than the
a precipitate. This dried precipitate is used corresponding ferric compounds
as a pigment for road signs and markings . 3) Ferrous compounds are more easily
The solid is known as hydrolysed than the corresponding ferric
1) White lead 2) Chrome green compounds
3) Chrome yellow 4) Red lead 4) Ferrous oxide is more basic in nature than
12. Gold dissolves in aqua-regia forming
the ferric oxide.
1) Auric chloride 2) Aurous chloride
3) Chloroauric acid 4) Aurous nitrate 18. The non transition metal present in German
13. Which of the following sulphides is yellow in silver is
colour? 1) Cu 2) Zn 3) Ni 4) Pb
1) ZnS 2) NiS 3) CdS 4) MgS 19. Transition metal present in the alloy Gun
14. Which of the following are correct about metal is
Zn, Cd , Hg 1) Ni 2) Zn 3) Sn 4) Cu
I) They exhibit high enthalpy of atomisation 20. Which one of the following does not contain
as the d-subshell is full zinc ?
II) Zn, Cd do not show variable oxidation 1) Brass 2) German silver
states, Hg can show +1,+2 states 3) Bronze 4) Bell metal
III)compounds of Zn, Cd , Hg are 21. Which of the following is a constituent of
paramagnetic lithopone
IV) They are soft metals 1) ZnSO4 2) ZnS 3) ZnCl2 4) ZnO
1) I,II,III 2) I,III 3) II,IV 4) IV only
22. When H 2 S is passed through HgCl2 , we get 30. Four successive members of the first row
transition elements are listed below with
1) HgS 2) HgS + Hg 2 S atomic numbers. which one of them is
3) Hg 2 S + Hg 4) Hg 2 S expected to have the highest EM0 +3 / M +2 value?
23. Which of the following factors may be (Jee mains 2013)
regarded as the main cause for lanthanoid
contraction ? 1) Cr ( Z = 24 ) 2) Mn ( Z = 25)
1) poor shielding of one of 4f electrons by 3) Fe ( Z = 26 ) 4) Co ( Z = 27 )
another in the subshell
2) effective shielding of one of 4f electrons by LEVEL-III - KEY
another in the subshell
1) 1 2) 3 3) 3 4) 1 5) 4 6) 3 7) 1
3) poor shielding of 5d electrons by 4f electrons
4) poor shielding of 4f electrons by 5d electron 8) 1 9) 4 10) 4 11) 3 12) 3 13) 3 14) 3
24. Calomel on reaction with NH 4OH gives 15) 3 16) 2 17) 3 18) 2 19) 4 20) 4 21) 2
1) HgNH 2Cl 2) NH 2 − Hg − Hg − Cl 22) 1 23) 1 24) 1 25) 2 26) 4 27) 3 28) 3
29) 4 30) 4
3) Hg 2O 4) HgO
25. The correct order of E M2+/M values with LEVEL-III - HINTS
negative sign for the four successive elements 1. µ = 1.7 BM means it contains 1 unpaired
Cr, Mn, Fe and Co is (AIEEE-2010) electron.
1) Cr > Mn > Fe > Co 2) Mn > Cr > Fe > Co 2. Atomic number = 25, Electronic configuration
3) Cr > Fe > Mn > Co 4) Fe > Mn > Cr > Co is 3d 54s 2. In +3 state contains 4 unpaired
26. Which of the following arrangements does
not represent the correct order of the electrons, so µ = 4.9 .
property stated against it ?(jee main-2013) 3. Ti +4 has unpaired d electrons.
1) Ni 2 + < Co 2 + < Fe 2 + < Mn 2 + ionic size 4. In d orbitals the splitting is
2) Co3+ < Fe3+ < Cr 3+ < Sc 3+ stability in a) dxy , dyz , dzx - degenerate orbitals
aqueous solution b) d x2 − y 2 , d z 2 degenerate orbitals
3) Sc < Ti < Cr < Mn number of oxidation
states 6. Mn +2 has d 5 configuration.
4) V 2 + < Cr 2 + < Mn 2 + < Fe 2 + paramagnetic 8. Oxides with highest oxidation state is acidic.
behavior 9. µ = 36 ×10−24 J / T 1BM = 9.273 × 10−24 J / T
27. Percentage of Cu is minimum in 36 ×10−24
1) Brass 2) Bronze no. of unpaired electrons = .
9.273 ×10−24
3) Duralumin 4) Gun mental
28. The number of moles of KMnO4 that will be 11. Na2CrO4 + Pb (CH 3COO )2 →
needed to react completely with one mole of 2CH 3 COONa + PbCrO4
ferrour oxalate Fe (C2O4 ) in acidic solution PbCrO4 is known as chrome yellow.
is 12. HNO3 + 3HCl → 2 H 2O + NOCl + 2 [Cl ]
1) 1 2) 2/5 3) 3/5 4) 4/5
29. Potassium manganate can be converted into Au + 3 [Cl ] → AuCl3
potassium permanganate by oxidation
i) with chlorine ii) with ozone AuCl3 + HCl → HAuCl4
iii) electrolytically 21. ZnS and BaSO4 mixture is called lithopone
The correct statements is / are: 30. ECr0 +3 / Cr +2 = −0.41V ; EMn
/ Mn+2
= +1.57V
1) i only 2) ii only 3) iii only 4)i,ii,iii 0
EFe +3
/ Fe+2
= +0.77V ; 0
ECo +3
/ Co+2
= +1.97V

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