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General Application

1. Introduction to PDMS: PDMS (Plant Design Management System) is a very

sophisticated Tool for Plant Design. By this tool we can design any kind of plant such
as chemical plant, process plant etc. This software is most valuable software.

2. How to Open the project: To work on this software at first we need to create a
project. We will see latter, how to create a project when more experience/knowledge
will get. Now we need to know how to open a created project. Here we are showing
the procedure to open a project. At first you have to double click on Shortcut Icon of
Run PDMS on your desktop then we will see a window like

this is called Login form, at this window we

have to select a project Name and User name from drop down Manu then we need to give
Password for the project. After giving the correct password we need to select correct
MDB from the list, then we need to select a Module from drop down Manu. To modelize
something we need to select the Design Module. Then we need to select Load from as
Macro File from drop down Manu then click OK we will enter into the PDMS project.
One thing must be remembered that in login form everything must be written in block

3. Different Applications of The PDMS: There is some Module in PDMS.

Those are General Application, Equipment Application, Pipework Application,
Structural Application, Cable Trays Application, HVAC Designer Application,
Hangers and Support Application.

4. How to view the element and control the views:

 When we run the PDMS (design module), we see a form named Members at Left
corner of the screen. Click on ‘Control’ or ‘Display’ at the main Manu bar, then
select Drawlist.
 To add something to the screen or Drawlist, select a ‘SITE’,’ZONE’ or any Item,
which we want to display, then click on ‘Add CE’ in the members+draw form.
 If we want to display with color, then click on color and select a color and click on
‘Add CE’.
 Click Right Mouse Button on the screen; we see a shortcut menu with different
options. Select –Limits--->Drawlist, to see the whole Drawing to screen. By ‘Look’
menu, we can see the Different View of the objects. Like UP, DOWN, NORTH,
SOUTH etc. By Tab ISO, we can see the Different Isometric View. Press F9 for
Borders & Press F2 for Zoom with Middle Mouse. To remove something from the
drawlist, select desired item, then Click ‘CE’ (CE Means Current Element) at the
Bottom of ‘Members+Draw’ “Remove From draw list” or Click on All to remove
all the drawings from the screen or Drawlist.

5. How to See the Hole in the Model:

Click on ‘Settings’ tab on the Main Menu bar then click on Graphics-
>Representations, we will see a window then Check on ‘Holes Drawn ’ & ‘Update
All Graphics’ then click on ‘OK’. To see the Insulation, select desired % from drop
down Manu of Insulation or Solid.

6. How to Unclaim:
When more than one user is working at the same element, then it is Claiming for
other user who want to create something in the same element. It is required to
Unclaim by other user otherwise it is not working. To Unclaim, Click on Utilities
Tab then select ‘Claimlist’ then Unclaim All. Then we have to save the work.

7. How to Create A Macro:

When we create some element in a project but we want to shift these to some other
project, then we have to make Macro or DB listing.

 To create a DB Listing, Click on Utilities Tab & DB Listing, then select the desired
SITE, ZONE, Equipment or Pipe, which we want to shift to other Project. Click on
Add menu (in the DB Listing Window) & click on ‘CE’. We must have to give a File
Name in the Filename Text Box, like ‘C:/equip.txt’, and then click on Apply Button.
The file will contain the dblisting.

 To place the element of the dblisting, open the Desired Project in which we want to
place the element. Click on ‘Display-->Command Line’ then enter ‘$M [Macro
name]’ (Like $M C:/equip.txt).

8. How to create A List:

When we want to Move or working with a Group of element then we have to make a
List. To create a List, Click on ‘Utilities’ Tab then Click on List... We will see a
window Named ‘List/Collections’. At first Click on ‘Add’ Tab then Click on List,
then Give a Name of the List in the ‘Description Box ’ then Click on ‘OK’ Button.
Select an Item from the Members then click on the button ‘Add-->CE’. The entire
Item that we want to make List have to Add by this way to the List.

9. Use of Command Line:

Actually the Command Line is used in Different Cases. We will see the different use
of the Command Line when we will study the different Module. For an example the
common use of the Command Line, we can Move the Item by writing a Command
Like ‘BY N 1000’. By this Command the selected Item Move to north 1000 mm.

10.Checking Clashes:
Actually this option is used to Pipe working. By this we can check clashes of the Pipe
or other. To Check Clashes with any element, first select the element and then Click
on ‘Utilities’ Tab then Click Clashes. It will show the List of Clash.

11.How to see the Reference Data:

Click on ‘Utilities’ Tab then Click on ‘Reference Data’. We will see a window
named ‘Reference definition Application’. Click on ‘Display’ & Gridlines... We
will see a window named ‘Display Gridlines’. Select the Line Below the Tab ‘Auto
Limits Level’ then select an option from drop down Manu of Tag With then Click
on ‘Add’ Button. Then we will see the Reference Data File. We can select a colure to
see the Reference with colure. If we select ‘Key’ from Tag with then we can see the
Reference Data with No of Files. If we select the ‘Position’ from the Tag With Drop
Down Manu then we will see the Positions of the Reference Data File.

12.How to Save the Work:

When we will create something in a Project it requires to save the work. To do this
Click on save work Button (Red Button at 2nd Row, 2nd Column) we will see a
Message then click ‘Yes’.

13.How to Get the Work:

When More than one user is working in a same Project we can see what is done by
other user. To see this, we have to get the work. To do this Click on ‘Get work’
Button (1st Button of 2nd Row).

14.How To Measure Distance:

To do this, Click on ‘Measure’ (6th Button of 2nd Row) we will see Positioning
Control Window then Select ‘Graphics’ from 1st Drop Down Manu. Select start
point of Measure Distance by pressing Left Mouse Button then select End point of
Measure Distance. Then Measured Distance will show in the Measure Window.

15.How to See the Direction of an Item:

At first Select an Item then Click on ‘Display Axes of CE’ Button (7th Button of 2nd
Row) we will see a Window Named ‘Define Axes’. Click on Select Tab then Select
‘CE’. If we Check (tick Mark) on Label then we will see the X, Y, Z Direction & If
we Check ‘Cardinal Directions’ then we will see the E, N, U Directions. If we want
to enlarge the Length of the Axes Line, Set a Value in Size Box then we will see the
Given Length of the Axes.

16.Key Board Shortcut:

Press F2 for Zoom, F3 for Parallel Pan, F4 for Perspective Pan, F5 for Rotate, F6
for Parallel Walk, F7 for Perspective Walk, F8 for Shade, F9 for Borders.

17.How to Delete an Item:

At first Select that Item which to be Delete, then Click on ‘Delete’ Button. We will
see a Massage then click ‘Yes’. We must remember one thing is ensuring before
Delete an Item because the Deleted Item cannot be retained.

18.How to Leave from the Project:

To Leave from the project don’t Close the Window. To do this Click the ‘Design’
Button of main Manu Bar then Click on ‘Exit’. We will see a message then do
according to the Message.

19. How to define a position precisely:

In pdms there will be necessary to define points precisely sometimes. For example if
you want to measure distance between two points you must identify the two points
precisely. To do this pdms provide a tool positioning control. There are 2 drop down
menus and a box to define position by co-ordinate. The first drop down menu is Pick
type. From here we will choose from where we will pick our point. We can pick point
from graphics, elements, screen or any. And pick method we will select snap most of
the time.
20.How to Search:
If we want to Search Desired Item then Type the Name of the Item in the Text Box at
the top of the Member+Draw and Press Enter. If we click on Right Arrow at the
top of the Member with Selecting an Item (Such as SITE, ZONE, or Any) we will see
the Next similar Item, which we have selected earlier.
Equipment Application:

1. How to Create Some Administrative Element. Like SITE,

 At first we have to enter the Equipment Module by Click on Design--
>Equipment then Click on the main menu Create-->SITE (By
selecting world in the Member) we will see a window named ‘Create
Site’ type the Name of the SITE in the Name text Box then Select the
Purpose then Click OK a Site is Created.
 Then a ZONE have to Create by the Same way (By selecting SITE).
 After creating ZONE a Equipment have to create click on create--
>Equipment we will see a window Named ‘Equipment Creation’.
Type the Name of the Equipment in the Name Text Box. If we want to
create the Equipment at the definite Position then set the position of
the Equipment otherwise it will create at Position (0,0,0).
2. How to Create Equipment From standard: To create a Standard
Equipment Click on Create-->Standard we will see a window then type
the Name of the Equipment in the Name Field then select Specifications
(i.e CADC standard Equip) then select a CADCENTER standard and
selection have to Continue until the Lower Section is Empty. Then Click
Apply we will see the Positioning Control Window then Click on ‘Explicit
Position (Last Button of the window)’ we will see a window then have to
give the desired position of the EQUIP then Click on Apply. The
Equipment will create at the given Position.
3. How to Create Equipment From Primitives : To Create
Equipment from Primitives Click Create-->Primitives we will see a
window then select Solid/Negative (Negative is used to Create Hole) in
the Create Field then select desired Type (BOX, Cylinder, Nozzle etc).
Then click Apply we will see a window, Type Name of the primitives in
the Name Field. The Default Position is 0,0,0 we can give the new
position and give the Attributes. Then click OK; the primitive will create
at the given position and with given Attributes.
4. How to Modify an Element (ATT, Name, Nozzle
Specifications etc): we can modify an element of an Equipment, To
Modify click Modify-->Attributes (after selecting the Element) we will
see a window then give the Modified Dimension, click Apply. The
Element will be modified. We can Modify Name, Nozzle Specifications,
and Equipment Specifications.
5. How to Move an Element to Required Position: We can move
an Element by Different way. To move By Command Line click on
Menu-->Display-->Command Line then type Command (BY N 1000) to
move the Element 1000 mm to the North. Another way to move an
element Click Menu-->Position-->Move-->Distance we will see a window
set the desired Direction and Distance. Another way to Move an Item
Click Position-->Move-->through. Another way Click position-->Drag--
>Distance/ Through. We can place an Item to desired Position Click
Position-->Explicit (AT) By selecting the Item we will see two window
one is positioning control and another is Explicit Position. Select Origin at
Datum Field in ‘Explicit Position’ Window and set the Desired Position
then Click Apply. The Item will move to the Desired Position.
6. How to see the Position of an Item: We can see the position of an
Item (at Origin or Different P Point). Click Position-->Explicit (AT) by
selecting the Item. We will see two windows one is positioning control
and another is Explicit Position. Select the desired Datum in the Explicit
Position Window we will see the position of the Item at Desired Point.
7. How to Rotate an Item: Suppose a Nozzle is created in a Cylinder at
0 Degree we want to move it to 45 Degree. Click Orientate-->Rotate we
will see a window Named ‘Rotate’ click on Cursor--> Element then all the
Tab in the Screen will be inactive and have to identify the Element around
which the Nozzle will rotate. Then put the Desired Angle and Direction
then Click Apply. The Nozzle will to the desired Angle.
8. How to Copy of An Item: To Make a copy of an item (or List) click
Create-->Copy-->Offset/Rotate when select Offset we will see a window
‘Copy with Offset’. Select ‘object’ (CE / List) then select ‘to’ (CE, Rel)
then set No of Copy and Offset Length.
9. Idea of P Point
10.Miscellaneous: If we want to select the Element of Equipment we must
select ‘Element’ From Drop Down Manu of 3rd Row of Main Manu Bar.

Pipework Application:
1. Introduce with Pipe Work.
2. How to Create Some Administrative Element. Like SITE,
 At first we have to enter into Pipework Module. To do this click
Design-->Pipework we will enter into Pipework Module.
 To Create a SITE click Create-->Site (Selecting World in Member),
Then we will see a window where it have two manus named Name
and Purpose. We have to fill Name & Purpose Field then click OK.
A SITE will be created.
 To Create a ZONE click Create-->Zone (Selecting Site in the
Member), after then all procedure is same as creating a SITE.

3. How to Create A Pipe & Branch with desired Specification:

When we will create a pipe it will create a branch also.

 To Create A Pipe under a Zone Click Create-->Pipe (Selecting the
Zone under which we want to create Pipe) we will see a window set
the Name of the Pipe in the Name Field. To set a pipe specification
click on Specification Tab at the same window. We will see another
window in which there many specification. We have to select a desired
specification, Insulation and Tracing should be off at primary Stage.
Then click ok in the create pipe menu.

 Then we will have another window ‘Create Branch’. This will allow
choosing the specification for branch. And also to choose the branch
creation option either connect or explicit. If we want to start the
branch from any component then use ‘connect’. And if we want to
stand the branch from an explicit position, then we will use ‘explicit’.
After then click OK.

 If we use the ‘connect’ option then we will see a new window named
‘Connect Branch’ in this window we have to define which end (Head
end, Tail end) is connected to which item (Tee, Nozzle etc). Suppose
we want to connect Head end of the Branch to a Nozzle, to do this
select Head and Nozzle from Drop Down Manu then Click Apply all
tab at the screen will be inactive and have to identify the Nozzle at
which the Head of the Branch to be connected. The Tail of the Branch
should be connected by this way.

4. How to Create A Branch of a Pipe with Specification:

To do this at first select the pipe under which the Branch will create.
Then click Create-->Branch we will see a window named ‘create
Branch’. Set the name of the Branch, and then select the specification of
the Branch. Select Connect/Explicit. We have to select Connect, when
we want to connect the Head end or Tail end to the desired item (Tee,
Nozzle etc) and select Explicit when we want to create a Branch at
Explicit Position. Then click OK. We will see a new window, the
activities at this window is described earlier (at step 3)

5. Some Idea for Head & Tail, Connect, Explicit etc of a

A Branch has two ends, Head end & Tail end. We have to select
Connect (At ‘Create Branch’ window) when we want to connect the
Head end or Tail end to the desired item (Tee, Nozzle etc) and select
Explicit when we want to create a Branch at Explicit Position. When we
select Explicit and click OK then we will see a new window named
‘Branch at Explicit Position’ select Head from Drop Down Manu and
have to give desired position at that position the Branch to be started, and
we have to select Bore and Direction, then Click Apply & Dismiss.

6. How to Create Component of a Pipe:

 We have to create some Component between Head & Tail. To do this

select the Branch in which the component to be created then click
Create-->Component. We will see a window Named ‘Piping
 Specification is specified when the branch is created. Insulation &
Tracing is same as Default.
 There are two options Forward/Backward. When we want to create
Component from head of the Branch then we have to click on
Forward, when we have to Create Component From Tail then click
on Backward.
 Tick Mark on ‘Auto Conn’, then select the desired component that
we want to create, then Click on Create Tab, the component will
 The Leave Direction could be changed from Drop Down Manu of
‘Direction’. The Component could be Rotate at Desired angle from
Drop down Menu of ‘Rotate’. The Component could be moved
through selected Item, which is selected, from Drop Down Menu of
‘Thro CE’. Such as if we select ‘Thro ID Cursor’ then all Tab at the
Screen will be inactive then have to select the Item through which the
component to move with Pipe. We can move the component to the
desired distance by Distance or Spool command.
7. How to Create an Angle Between two Components of a
Suppose we have to create an angle between Two Elbows (Like one
Elbow is at 0,0,0 and another is at 500D & 500N). At first select second
Elbow and move it to 0 (by using through previous) then from command
Line move it to the 500D and 500N, then select the first Elbow and click
Orientate-->Component-->Leave we will see a window (Must be at
Forward). Press on CE. Click on Angle Change and select Toward Next
from Drop Down Manu of Direction and Apply. Then select Second
Elbow (must be at Backward) then apply same procedure. The Pipe will
connect at an angle.

8. How to Modify Pipe & Branch Specifications &

To do this at first select the Pipe who’s Specifications have to Modify,
then click Modify-->Pipe-->Specifications for modify Pipe
specifications. To Modify Branch Specifications, Click Modify--
>Branch-->Specifications/Explicit. When we select Explicit we can
change the Explicit Position of the Branch.

9. How to See the Position of a Component:

To see the Position of a component at first select the Component then

Click Position-->Explicit (AT). We can see the Explicit Position at
Different Point (Origin, P Point etc.)

10. How to Orientate of a component (Leave, Arrive etc):

To do this Click Orientate-->Component-->Leave. We will see a

window we can change the Arrive Direction using this window.

11.How to Connect Branch Head & Tail:

To Connect Head or Tail of a Branch Click Connect-->Branch. We will

see a window we can connect Head or Tail of a Branch using this window.

12.How to Check Clashes:

Click Utilities-->Clashes. We will see a window Named ‘Clash Display’.
Click Control-->Check CE then the clash List will show, using this
window we can check clashes.

13.How to See the Detail of a Component (When Creating the

To see the Detail description of a component when creating the
component click Settings-->Choose Options. We will see a window,
Select all from Drop Down Manu of Selection Criteria then click on

14.How to Change the Route of a Component (Route Though,

Branch off, Split Route):
To change the Route of a Component Click Modify-->Component--
>Route. We will see a window, then choose an option from Drop Down
Menu and click Apply. The Route will be changed. One thing must be
remember at this stage, the Route will be change of that component, which
have Multiway, like Tee.

15.Idea of P Point:

Structural Application
1. Structure –Beams & Columns:
a) How to Maintain the Hierarchy:
The Hierarchy of Structure is as follows


(FRMW)-->SUBFRAMWORK (SBER) (optional).

To create this Administrative Element at first we have to enter the Structure--

>Beams & Column Module. To do this Click Design-->Structure-->Beams
& Columns. How to create Administrative Element is described earlier (in
Equipment at step 2)

b) Some Idea of P Line:

There are some P Lines of a steel section, bolthole, and web, Channel etc.
Some Letter Code identifies the P Line. Some of those are as follows.
 BBH (Bottom bolt hole)
 BBHL (Bottom bolt hole, Left)
 LBOA (Left Bottom of Angle)
 LBOS (Left Bottom of Steel)
 LBTS (Left Bottom Top of Steel)
 LTBA (Left Top Bottom of Angle)
 LTBS (Left Top Bottom of Steel)
 LTOC (Left Top of Channel)
 LTOS (Left Top of Steel)
 NA (Neutral Axis)
c) Initial Settings (Section Specification, Section Storage Area,
Node Storage Area):
 At first we have to set the Section Specifications. To do these click the
Tab (first Tab of 3rd Row). We will see a window Named Section
Specification (Default). Then select the Specification and Generic
Type from Drop Down Manu. Then P Line to be set (Justification,
Member Line, Joint Line. All shows NA as Default). Then Click
Apply & Dismiss.
 Now we have to Specify where the principal Structural Element are to
be stored in the design database Hierarchy. Click Settings-->Storage
Area. We will see a window at this stage we have specify storage
areas for Primary Nodes and Sections, both have to select one by one
(By selecting Sub-Frame at Member+Draw). If Sub-Frame is not
created then (Selecting FRMW).
 The shortcut way to set Section storage area and Node storage area
Click 2nd and 3rd Tab of 3rd Row of Main toolbar By selecting Sub-
Frame work or Framework.

d) How to Create a Section (Straight, Curve, Ring):

To Create Straight Section

 Click Create-->Section-->Straight. We will see a window Named
‘Section’. Select String Method (Single/Continuous/Radial).
Normally it is Single. Secondary Nodes Button is set to on. Conform
Button is also on. Click on First Tab of Create Option to set the start
point of the Section. We will see a window and set the start position of
the section, then Click OK then Click on Second Tab of Create Option
(to set the End point of the section). We will see a New window at this
window we have to se Direction and Distance of the section. Then
Click OK the Section will be Crated.
To create Curve section
 Click Create-->Section-->Curve. We will see a window Named
Curve Section; there is several Create Method. Here discussing One
Method, Click on Last tab of first Row we will see a Positioning
Control Window, Click on last Tab of this window we will see
another window (Explicit Position) set a Position and Click Apply.
Set three position by this way then a curved section will be created.

To create a ring section

 To create a Ring Section Click Create-->Section-->Ring. We will see
a window Named Ring Section. Click last Tab of the window we will
see two window one is Positioning Control & other is Modify
Section (Ring), then set all Required Data and Click Apply. There are
several Creation Method at this window.

e) How to Create Section Fittings:

To Create section Fitting Click Create-->Fitting-->Single. We will see a

window set Specification, Section Type, Sub Type. Select a specified
fitting set desired Justification, Zdistance, Beta Angle; then Click
Apply. A section Fitting will be created at desired position.

f) How to Modify Specification, Definition, Justification,

Member Line:
To Modify these Click Modify--
>Specification/Justification/Definition/Member Line. We will see
different window at every stage. Modify the desired properties.

g) How to Extend:
To Extend a section Click Position-->Extend-->By. We will see a
window, select desired end which to be Extend and set Extended Distance,
then Click Apply.

h) How to Trim or Connect:

To trim section, Click Connect-->Trim to Pline-->Pick (force) When
prompted to ‘Identify Section to be trimmed’ Pick one of the ends which
we want to connect, we will then be prompted to ‘Identify Pline to be
trimmed to’, then we have to select the desired Pline to which the section
is to be trimmed, then press Escape to action the change.
i) How to Rotate:
To Rotate a section Click Orientate-->Rotate (By selecting the Desired
section). We will see a window, set Rotate Angle and Direction and
Click Apply.

j) How to Split a section:

To split a section click Modify-->Section-->Split. We will see a window
named Trimmed (Connection at split) then click Apply. When prompted
to ‘Identify Item to be spilt on’ we have to pick the Element which
corresponds to the split point then press Escape and when prompted to
‘Identify section to be split’ we have to select the section which to be
split then press Escape. Then a message will be appeared, then click OK
or have to do according to the Message.

k) How to Copy:
To create Copy, select the desired section or list, then Click Create--
>Copy-->Offset/Rotate/Mirror. When click Offset, we will see a
window select Object & to. Then set Number of copies and Offset
Length at different direction, then click Apply. More or less same
procedure to be applied for Copy-Rotate and Copy-Mirror.

l) How to Create a Regular Structure:

To Create a Regular structure, Click Create-->Section-->Specials. We
will see a window Named ‘Section Creation’. Select Regular Structure.
We will see another window ‘Regular structure’. Now set Storage area
and profile of Column Data and Beam Data. Set in ‘Grid Origin’
Datum as ZONE and set a Value at ‘Underside of Base-Plate’. Set the
value ‘East spacing, North Spacing, Elevation’. Trim section to plines
Button to be on then Click Apply.

m) How to Add Bracing:

To add the Bracing, Click Create-->Section-->Bracing. We will see a
window Named ‘Bracing’. Set Storage area and Profile as required.
Select the desired Bracing Configuration from ‘Available Bracing
Configurations’. Say, we need Cross Bracing. Select Cross Bracing
Click Apply. We will see another window in which Bracing Gap A and B
have to set. Conform button to on. Then pick the two column between
which the Bracing Members are to be connected (To achieve the required
configuration, make sure that your first pick near the bottom of the first
column and that your second pick is just below the cross beam of the
second column), then Accept.
n) How to make (Cut Plane) an angle at the end of a Section:
To do this, at first, select the desired section. Then Click Modify--
>Section-->Cutplane. We will see a window, Select CE, set a Direction
of Cut Plane, then Click Apply.

o) How to Delete Tidy Node: Click Delete-->Tidy Nodes. We will see

a window, set Mark Nodes for Deletion, and then click OK.

p) How to Create a Simple Panel: To create a simple plane, Click

Create-->panel. We will see a window; set Name, Description,
Justification, thickness. Set Predefined as default and desired
obstruction. Now in Create Method Click 4th Button. We will see two
windows, one is ‘positioning control’ and another is ‘Define Vortex’. At
least three vortexes have to set to create a Panel.

q) How to Split Panel: To do this, Click Modify-->Split panel. When

prompted to pick ‘to be split on’, then pick a Beam along which the panel
will split.

2. Structure-Walls & Floors:

a) How to Maintains Hierarchy:
At first we have to enter the Walls & Floors Mode. To do this, Click
Design-->Structure-->Walls&Floors. The Hierarchy of Walls & Floors
is the same as like as Beams & Columns.

b) How to Set the Specifications of Walls:

To set the Specifications of Walls Click first Tab of 3rd Row. We will see
a window, set Specifications Data and Pline Settings. Then Click on
Properties and set the Thickness & Height of the Wall, then Click

c) How to Create Walls (Straight & Ring):

 To create Straight Wall, Click Create-->Wall-->Straight (By
selecting FRMW at Member+Draw). We will see two windows, one is
‘Positioning Control’ and another is ‘Straight Wall’. Select String
Method (Single/Continuous/Radial). Single Secondary Nodes Button
is set to on. Set the verification: Conform Button to on. Click on
First Tab of Create Option, to set the start point of the Wall. We will
see a window and set the start position of the section, then Click OK.
Then Click on Second Tab of Create Option (to set the End point of
the Wall). We will see a new window. At this window we have to set
Direction and Distance of the Wall. Then Click OK.
 To create Ring Wall, Click Create-->Wall-->Ring (By selecting
FRMW at Member+Draw). We will see a window, select a ‘Circle
Definition’. There is Several Creation Method at that window. Click
on last Tab of Creation Method. We will see two windows, one is
‘Positioning control’ and other is ‘Create Section (Ring)’. At the
‘Create Section (Ring)’ window we have to set required Data
(Radius, Angle, Position, Orientation), then Click Apply.

d) How to Cut a Wall at an angle:

To do this, at first, select the desired Wall. Then Click Modify-->Wall--
>CutPlane. We will see a Window ‘Named Section Cut Plane’. Select
CE. Set the desired end (Start, End) of the Wall, at which the wall to be
Cut. Then set the Direction of cut Plane and Click Apply.

e) How to Extend Wall: To do this at first select the Wall which we

want to Extend then Click Position-->Extend-->By we will see a window
Named Extend wall-Explicit select CE set Desired End of Wall which we
want to extend then set desired Distance to which we want to extend the
wall then Click Apply.
f) How to Modify Specification, Justification, Definition of
To Modify Specifications/Definition, at first we have to select the desired
Wall that we want to Modify, then click Modify-->Wall--
>Specifications. We will see a window. At this window we have to set the
Required Data, then Click Apply. To Modify Definition, Click Modify--
>Wall-->Definition. We will see a window; at this window we can
change the Data as required, then Click Apply.
g) How to Set the Specifications of Floors/Screed: To set the
Specifications of Floors/Screed, Click Second Tab of 3rd Row, we will
see a window and set Specifications Data as required and set Thickness
of the Floors/Screed, then Click Apply.
h) How to Create Floor: To create Floor, Click Create-->Floor. We
will see a window named Create Floor. Set all the Data as required.
Predefined to be set as Default, then click the 4th Button of Create
Methods. We will see two windows, one is positioning Control and
another is Define Vortex. Set the position of the first Vortex and then
click Apply. At least three Vortexes to be set to create Floor.
i) How to Create Screed: Procedure is same as Floor.
j) How to Modify Floor/Screed: To modify a floor/screed, at first
select the desired Floor/Screed, then Click Modify-->Floor/screed--
>Specifications/thickness/Definition. At every stage we have to set the
Modified Data and then Apply.
k) How to Create Wall Fittings: To create Standard Wall Fittings
(Door, Window etc), at first we have select the desired Wall at which the
Wall Fittings to be Placed. Click Create-->Wall Fittings-->Standard, we
will see a window named ‘Wall Fittings’. Select create Standard from
first drop Down Manu. Set Specification Data (desired Item which we
want to create). Click on Properties Tab to modify the properties. Set the
required position of the Item at Positioning then click Apply.
l) How to Create Floors Fittings: To create Standard Floor Fittings
(Chair, Table etc), at first we have select the desired Floor at which the
Floor Fittings to be Placed. Click Create-->Floor Fittings-->Standard,
we will see a window Named ‘Floor Fittings’. Select create Standard
from first drop Down Manu. Set Specification Data (desired Item which
we want to create). Set the required position of the Item at Positioning
then click Apply.

m) How to Connect Wall: To Connect the wall, Click Connect-->Wall

to wall. We will prompted to Identify Wall to be connect to, we have to
pick the desired wall, then we will prompted to Identify Wall end to be
connected, then we have to pick the Wall, then Click Escape.

n) How to Create Negative Extrusion: Negative Extrusion to be

created in Floor/Screed. To do this, at first select the Floor, at which the
Negative Extrusion to be created, then Click Create-->Negative
Extrusion. We will see a window Named ‘create Negative Extrusion’.
Set desired Hole Depth and Apply Create Method as like as ‘How to
Create Floor’.

o) About Display Modification Form: When we Create Floor or

Negative Extrusion, we see a Check box (Display Modification Form) at
the Bottom of the Create window. If we want to see the Modification
Form after creation of Floor or Negative Extrusion, Click on and then
Click OK, we will see Modification window. We can modify different
value from this window.
p) How to Create Trace Boundary. To do this at first selects the
Floor/Screed at which the boundary wall to be created. Then Click
Create-->Trace Boundary. We will see a window, select Wall from drop
down Manu of Trace then Click OK. We can enlarge the boundary and
place it to desired Elevation by setting the Value of Boundary &
Elevation of Offsets.

3. HVAC Designer:
a) How to Maintain Hierarchy.
b) How to Create Main Branch.
c) About Style Option.
d) About ‘Use Brief Form ’ Window.
e) How to Create Different Component.

4. Structure-ASL Modeler:
a) How to Create Stair Platform etc.
b) Give Some Idea of Relative activities.

5. ISO Draft:
a) How to Create an Isometric Draft of a Pipe:
Iso draft is usually used for Pipe. To create an Isometric View of a pipe,
at first, we have to enter into the Isodraft Module. To do this, Run the
PDMS with Isodraft Module. If we already at Design module, then click
Design-->Module-->Isodraft-->Macro File. The PDMS will run with
Isodraft Module. At this Module, to create an Isometric View of a pipe, at
first, select the desired pipe then click Isometric-->Standard. We will
see a window Named ‘Standard Isometric’. Then set the Standard Iso
Option, and then click Apply.

7.0 Draft Module-General Application:

b) How to Enter into the Draft: We have to run PDMS with Draft
Module. If we are already at other Module of PDMS then Click Design--
>Module-->Draft-->Macro file then the PDMS will run with Draft
c) How to Display Members: After running the PDMS with Draft
Module we have to display Members. To do this, Click Display--
d) How to switch DB: To switch DB, Click Control-->Switch DB from
e) How to Maintain Hierarchy: Under World there are some DEPT,
under each DRPT has some REGI & under each REGI there are some
DRWG. Under each DRWG there are some SHEET & LIBY. Under
each SHEET there are some VIEW & NOTE. Under each VIEW there
are some LAYER & RRUL.






f) How to Create some Administrative Element Like DEPT,

 To create DEPT, at first select the WORLD, then Click Create--
>Department. We will see a window, give the reasonable Name and
Click OK.
 To create REGI under DEPT, at first select DEPT, then click create--
>Registry. We will see a window, give Reasonable Name then click
 To Create DRWG under REGI, at first select REGI, then Click
g) How to Create a Sheet: Sheet to be created under DRWG, so at first
we have to select DRWG, then Click Create-->Sheet-->Explicitly. We
will see a window, give proper Name and then Click OK. We will see
another window Named ‘Sheet Definition’. We can set desired Title
Paper Size etc. and then click Apply.
h) How to Create a View in a Sheet:
 View to be created under a Sheet, so at first we have to select a Sheet
in which View to be created, then Click Create-->View-->User
Defined. We will see a window, give a Reasonable Name and Click
OK. We will see a another window Named ‘User defined View’
 We have to create Drawlist, to do this Click Graphics-->Drawlist (at
the User-Defined view window). We will see another window Named
‘Drawlist Management’. From this window we can create a New
Drawlist or Delete Drawlist. We have to Select Desired Item (which
to be Showed in the View) From ‘Reference List Members’. Then
Click on Add Tab the Item will be added to ‘Drawlist Members
(Right Hand Box)’
 We can delete the selected Item From Drawlist Members. To do this,
at first select the desired Item which to be deleted from Drawlist
Members, then Click on Delete Entry Tab. When all the activities
have done at this window then Click Dismiss.
 Now we are at ‘User-Defined View’ window. At this window we can
set Title, View Type (Wireline, Universal Hidden Line etc). Set
Standard from Section Mode. We have to set a Style from Drop
down Manu of Style, at which we want to show the view. We can set
Hatching Rules, if needed. We have to set Direction (Down, UP,
North, South etc or Different Iso), and then click on Auto Scale &
Nearest Tab one by one, then Click Apply. We can change the Scale
from drop down Manu.
i) How to Control the Frame Size of the View:
 To do this, at first, select Desired View Frame, then Click Modify--
>View-->User-Defined. We will see a window, then click Frame--
>Size-->Cursor. We will see a window and all tab in the screen will
appear inactive, then set ‘2D Cursor Hit’ from drop down Manu of
option. Then Hit Two point as required.
 We can resize the View frame with very easy way. We see some Tool
Button at left side of the screen. Click on 2nd Button (From Top) the
Button will appear at Red Color, then select Desired View frame,
which we want to resize. Then resize the View Frame. After action
we have to off this button.
 We can move the View Frame by Previous activities. When we select
the View frame, we see some node at frame boundary and one Node
at centre of the Frame. By pressing Left Mouse at the centre we can
move it to desired position.

j) How to Move a View in a View frame: To do this, at first select

desired View then click Modify-->View-->User Defined we will see
User-Defined View window. Then Click View-->Cursor we will see a
another window select 2D Cursor Hit from drop down Manu of Option
then click in View Frame twitch at a desired distance at which we want to
move the View then Click Apply and Update Design one by one the
View will be Moved.
k) About Layer Under the View: When we create a View, three
Layers will be Created Automatically under that View named Dimension
Layer, Note Layer &Tag Layer. When we create Dimension, it is store
in Dimension Layer, when we create Notes it is Store in Note Layer and
all Tag/Label are store in Tag Layer automatically.
l) How to Create a View section:
 To do this, at first, select desired View then Click Create-->View--
>Section Plat. We will see a window named ‘Create a Plat Plane’. If
we know the Position of the section from the Model then set Explicit
from drop down Manu and set In front of Plane from drop down
menu of Retain Data. Then Click Position, we will see a window
named Explicit Plane Position. Set the Position of In Front of Plane
then Click Apply. Set Behind Plane from drop down Manu of Retain
Plane then set the position of Behind Plane then Click Apply. After
then Click Dismiss and then Apply. If the Section is not visible then
Click Graphic-->Update-->Design from Main Manu bar.
 If we do not Know the position then set Id Cursor/Id P-Point/Cursor
then Click Position. All tabs will inactive and we are prompted to
identify a design Item with the Cursor then we have to Click on
Desired Item with Left Mouse Button then Click Apply. Update the
Design from Graphics-->Design-->Update.
m) How to Modify View: At first, select the View, then Click Modify--
>View-->User Defined. We will see User-Defined View window. We
can modify all the Parameters at this window.
n) How to add a Drawing to the Screen: If we want to add a created
drawing to the screen, then select the desired Drawing from Members and
then Click (+) sign at 3rd row of Main Manu bar.
o) How to Remove a Drawing from the screen: To do this, select
Desired Drawing from drop down Manu of 3 rd Row then Click on (-) of 3rd
p) How to Update-Design:
Some times we add drawing to the Screen but the View is not visible. In
this situation we have to update the design. To do this Click Graphics--
q) How to see View Attributes By Command Line: To do this, we
have to type a Command (Q ATT) to Command line, then we will see
view attributes.
r) How to Copy a Drawing: To do this, at first select desired Drawing
which we want to Copy. Then Click Create-->Copy-->CE. We will see a
window. Select RIGI and Rename the Drawing then Click OK.
s) How to Create a Representations Rule: Representation Rules to
be created under the Library. At first select the Library then have to
create RPBL (representation Rule Library). To do this Type a command
(NEW RPBL) in command line then press Enter. RPBL will be created
under the library. Then selecting RPBL Type (NEW RRST/RS1) in
command line, a RRST (representation Rule set) will be created. Selecting
RRST Type a command (NEW RRUL/R1), a RRUL (Representation
Rule set) will be created. Now Select the RPBL and Type a command
(NEW STYL/S1). A STYL (Style) will be created. We can Named it like
‘S1’. Selecting the STYL Type a command (Q ATT). We will see the
Attributes of the Style then we have to change the Pfpen No and other
Pen if necessary, then select the RRUL, then Type a command in the
FOR ALL PIPE etc. which Item we want to represent by this style) and
press Enter. Then select the RRUL and Type a command in the command
line (Q ATT). We will see the attributes of the RRUL. We have to Styf
(Nulref to S1) like this ‘Styf /S1’ we can create many RRUL
(Representation Rule) under the RRST (Representation Rule set). By this
way we have to create one STYL (Style) for each RRUL, then select the
desired VIEW which we want to represent by this RRST, then Type (Q
ATT) in the command line, then press Enter we have to change RRSF
(Nulref to RS1) like this Rrsf/RS1. Then click Graphics-->Update--
>Design the will be represented by this representation Rule.
t) How to Plot a Sheet: Before Plot a Sheet we have to create a Folder in
C Drive Name like ‘OUT’. Then select the desired sheet that we want to
Plot and click Utilities-->Plot CE. We will see a window Named ‘Plot
Sheet’ then we have to show the path in Directory in which the Plot will
be stored like this ‘C:\OUT’.
7.1 Draft Module-Dimensioning Application:
a) How to Enter Into the Dimensioning Application
From General Application: To enter into Dimensioning
Application, Click Draft-->Dimensioning or Click on 3rd button
(from right) of 2nd Row then we will Enter into the Dimensioning
b) How to Maintain Layer: When we enter into the
Dimensioning Application it will be automatically at the
Dimensioning Layer, and dimension will be created at this Layer.
c) How to Create a New Dimension: At dimension layer Click
Create-->Linear Dimension we will see a window named
“Create linear Dimension”
At this window we can set Type (Chain, Tail, Truncate), Dimension
Line Direction, Terminators etc and Projection Line Text and Angle.
Then Click OK we will see a window Named “Linear/Angular
Dimensions” at

This window we can create our desired dimensions at the left box of
the window there are some dimensioning option like (Item, owner,
Before, After etc) For example if we select Item the dimension will
create origin to origin then click Create Button all the button will be
inactive the at the bottom of the screen is prompted to “Identify the
Item to be dimensioned with the cursor” then we have to select the
desired Item, Again this action to do and select another Item the
dimension will be crated between this two Item. If we want to create
dimension at the same Item then we have to create with ‘Before, After’
we can also create Dimension Using “P Point, 3D Pos, 3D Cursor etc”

d) Detail About Linear & Angular Dimensions: About

Linear Dimension is discussed above. Now about Angular
Dimension. To create Angular Dimension Click from Main Manu
Create-->Angular Dimension we will see a window Named
“Create Angular Dimensions” at this window we can set ‘Type’
‘Terminator’ ‘Projection Line Text’ Then click OK the screen will
be inactive and Prompted to ‘Identify the Item that the Angular
Dimension to be Attached to’ we have to select the desired Item
that we want to be dimensioned. After Click on the desired Item
we will see the ‘Linear/Angular Dimension’ window at this
window the action is the same as Linear Dimension.
e) Detail About Dimension Tool Bar: This is the most
important Tool bar for the dimensioning. We can dimension any
kinds of dimensioning easily by this Tool Bar. To find this Tool
Bar click from Main Manu Create-->Dimension Toolbar we will
see a window Named “Dimensions” at this window we can
visualize the different dimension style then select the desired Style
from drop down Manu of the window. We will see
“Linear/Angular Dimensions” the action is the same as the linear

f) Principle Attributes (Overshoot, Terminator,

Dimension Line, Offset, Projection Line, Projection
Line Clearance, Dimension Direction etc.) of Linear
Dimension: The principle Attributes are shown as below.

g) How to Use Command Line to create new Dimension:

We can create dimension with command line. To do this open the
command line and write the command like this. NEW LDIM then
press Enter.
NEW LDIM - Create new linear dimension element
TO ID @ - Use cursor to nominate (three) items to dimension

DPOI elements would be created by a sequence such as:

DPBA elements would be created by a sequence such as:
h) How to Use of Command Line to Modify PEN,
DMText, PLText, Overshoot, PLClearance, DTOffset,
DTAngle, Projection Text Pen, Projection Text Angle,
DTCH, PTCH, Dimension Line Terminator: We can
modify easily the above parameters by using Command Line.
 To modify ‘PEN’ pen means colors of Dimension line or
Projection Line. There is a lots of pen number. To change
the color write a command on the command line like
DLPN 30 then press Enter. The dimension line will
change with the color 30. We can also change the
projection line color by a command like PLPN 30.
 To modify DMText (when we want to override the
Dimension text then we use this attribute) at first select
the desired dimension that we want to override the text
then write the command DMTX ‘desired text’ then press
Enter. It will change with given text.
 PL Text means Projection line text. To modify or to give
the projection line text at first select the desired
projection line then write the command PLTX ‘desired
text’ it will change with the given text. If we want to use
the default projection line text then we have to write the
command PLTX DEF. If we want to use no projection
line text then we have to write the command PLTX
STAN it will shows no projection line text.
 We can increase or decrease the projection line after the
Dimension line it is known as overshot. To modify
overshot at first select the projection line then write the
command OSHT 5 it will increase by 5 mm.
 PL Clearance means Projection line clearance. To modify
it at first select the desired projection line then write the
command PLCL 5 it will clear by 5 mm from the
dimension point.
 DTOffset means dimension text offset. To modify it at
first select the dimension then write the command DTOF
0 5 it will move to 5 mm along the axis parallel to
projection line. Other command is available to do it like
DTOF @ dimension text move to by cursor position.
DTOF DEF by this command it will move the default
 DTAngle means dimension line text angle. We can
change the dimension text angle with horizontal, vertical,
parallel etc. To modify this at first select the dimension
then the commands are DTANGLE STANDARD,
 We can change the projection line text pen. To modify it
at first select the line text then write the command like
PLTXPN 30. It will change with the color 30.
 We can change the projection line text angle by the
 DTCH means dimension text character height. To modify
it at first select the dimension the write the command like
DTCH 2 it will change the character height by 2 mm.
 PTCH means projection line text height. To modify it at
first select the projection line text then write the
command PTCH 2 it will change the projection line text
character height by 2 mm.
 Dimension line Terminators is arrows or oblique or dots
or no terminators. To modify it at first select the
dimension then write the command DTER ARROWS,
can change the arrow size by the command like TSIZ 4 it
will change by 4 mm.
i) How to Create Radial Dimension: To create Radial
dimension click Create--> Dimension Tool bar from main Manu
we will see a window named ‘Dimension’ then we have to select
the radial dimensioning style then the screen will be inactive and at
the bottom of the screen is prompted to’ Identify the Item to
dimensioned’ then we have to select the desired Item. Then the
radial dimension will be created. We can also create the pitch
circle dimension by this dimensioning Tool bar.
7.2 Draft Module-Labeling Application:
a) How to Enter into the Labeling Application: To enter
the leveling application click Draft-->Labeling it will enter the
labeling applications. We can enter into the labeling application
by directly to click the 6th button of the 2nd of main Manu bar.
b) How to Maintain Layer: When we will enter the labeling
applications it will be automatically at the labeling layer and the
Layer will be maintained as bellows.
c) How to Create a General Label: To create General Label
click Create-->General Label we will see a window named
General Labels

We have to select the Item that we want to label from drop down
Manu of the Attach to. We have to click on Create NEW Button
then the screen will be inactive and at the bottom of the screen is
prompted to ‘Identify Item Element for NEW label’ we have to
select the desired Item that we want to be label. After selecting all
the desired Item then press escape button. The label will be created.
d) How to Place it at Desired position: We can place label
at desired position. To do this click Position on the General
Labels form. Here we can see the deferent option like (Label,
Bend, Clearance, Connection, Attachment) we can do all this
action by cursor to place the Label at new position. Or to do this
we can use Modify Mode Button at the left of the screen 2 nd
Button from top.
e) How to Attach and Re-Attach: We have already
discussed how to Attach. Now for Re-Attach set the desired Item
from the drop down Manu of Attach to then click on Re-Attach
tab then click on the desired Item which we want to Re-Attach
then press Escape Button.
f) About Text Settings, Text content, Frame, and
Leader Line: We can set all this parameters with the General
Label window.
 For text setting at first select the desired label then click on
CE tab on the General Label form then select the text setting
from drop down Manu of the Attributes. We will see a
window Named ‘Label Text Attributes’ at this window we
can set the deferent settings of the text like Text Pen, Font,
Justifications, Alignment, Height, Spacing, Line Spacing.
Then click Apply Button. The text will change according to
the settings.
 For text contents at first select the label then click on CE
then select Text Contents from the drop down Manu of the
Attributes. We will see a window Named ‘Dynamic Text’ at
this window we can set the desired text at the text box or we
can give the name from Intelligent Text. For Intelligent Text
Click on Intelligent Text Tab at the bottom of this window.
 For the Frame select the Label then click on CE tab on the
General Label window then select Frame from the drop
down Manu of the attributes. We will see a window Named
‘Label Frame Attributes’ we can set frame ON or OFF
Frame Pen etc. Then click Apply the Frame will be changed
according to the settings.
 For the Leader Line select the Label then click on CE tab on
General Label window. Then select Leader Line from the
drop down Manu of the Attributes. We will see a window
named ‘Label Leader Attributes’ at this window we can set
the Leader line ON or Off, Leader Pen, Terminator etc. Then
click Apply the Leader will be set according to the settings.
g) About Intelligent Text to show the Desired Name of
the Element: We can set the Label text by Intelligent Text.
Select a Label then select Text Contents from drop down Manu
of the attributes of the general Label window. We will see a
window at the Bottom of this little window a tab with name
Intelligent Text to see the all Intelligent Text please click at this
Tab we will see another window named ‘Intelligent Text’ we
can see all the Intelligent Text at this window.
The Intelligent Text are as follows.
Name #NAME (C2:)
Owner #OWNE (C2:)
Branch #BRAN (C2:)
Equip #EQUI (C2:)
Pipe #PIPE (C2:)
Posn #POS
Pos Up #POSU
M/d/y #ADATE
D/m/y #BDATE
dmy #CDATE

h) Use of Command Line to Change All the Attributes

of the Labeling:
i) How to Create symbolic Label.
j) About Library of Symbolic Label.

7.3 Draft Module-2D Drafting:

a) How to Enter into 2D Drafting Application

b) How to Create 2D Drafting Element.
c) How to Edit or Modify in Created 2D Text.

7.4 Draft Module-Miscellaneous:

a) About Different Pen.

b) Miscellaneous Text Facilities.
8. Reporting:

a) How to Create a Report: The Report can be created in DESIGN, DRAFT or

PRAGON module. To create report Click Utilities--> Report-->Create from
main Manu we will see a window named ‘New Report Template’ select Screen
from Destinations. If we want save the in Computer then give File Name with .txt
format. Then set a Type(s) like (NOZZLE, BRAN MEMBERS etc) which we want
to make Report. To set Hierarchy at first select the desired Item from Member
then click on Hierarchy Tab at the window we will see a window at this window
we can Remove or Add the Item By Remove and Add CE tab. Then click OK.
Now we have to create some Column to do this click on New Tab we will see a
window Named Creating Column at this window we can set the Column Name in
Expression, Sorting and units also can be set here. Then click Apply we will see
the report at Screen. Here some standard Column Expression



1. Pipe work MTO for /................

Type(s)- TUBI
Column: Expression Text
1. SPRE-Specification Reference
2. LBORE-Leaving Bore
3. DTXR-Detail Text
4. MTXX- Material Text
5. ITLE- Implied Tube Length
2. Nozzle Scheduling Report

Column: Expression Text
1. Name
2. P1 BORE-Bore
3. POS- Position
4. P1 DIR- P1 Direction
5. P1 CONN-P1 Connection
3. Tube Gradient Report for/....................

Column: Expression Text

1. LBORE-Leaving Bore
2. GRDE-Gradient
3. ITLE-Implied Tube Length
4. Steel Work MTO Reporting for/..................

Column: Expression
1. FRMW-Frame
2. SPRE- Profile
3. CULL-Cut Length
4. QUANTITY-Quantity

5. Pipe Work MTO for /......................

Column: Expression Text
1. TYPE- Type
2. DTXR- Detail Text
3. MTXX-Material Text
4. ITLE- Implied Tube Length
5. QUANTITY-Quantity
6. Line List Reporting for/.............

Column: Expression Text
1. PIPE- Pipe Name
2. PSPEC-Pipe Specification
3. HBORE-Head Bore
4. TBORE-Tail Bore
5. HREF- Head Reference
6. TREF- Tail Reference
7. Centre Line Length Report for/...........

Column: Expression Text
1. PIPE- Pipe Name
2. NAME- Branch Name
3. PSPEC- Pipe Specification
4. HBORE- Head Bore
5. CLLE-Centre Line Length
8. Catalogue point & Geometry References of Component in ...............

Column: Expression Text
1. TYPE-Type

b) How to Run A Report from Saved Template: To Run a report from

Saved Template click Utilities-->Report-->Run we will see a window. Select
Template from Sub-Directories then select a Report template like
(pipe_mto_csv.tmp) the Report will run at the given Directory.
c) About Page Info (Header, Footer, Introduction, Summary, Page
Length): We can set the Header, Footer etc to do this click Page Info--
>Header/Footer/Introduction/Summary/Page Length
Headers, Footers and Page Lengths
Information in Headers and Footers will appear at the top or
bottom of every pages of a file report. Headers and footers are
not available for screen reports.
Note: You must have a page length of between 5 and 500 lines
set before headers and footers will be displayed in file
The Page Length form, Page Header form and Page Footer
form are displayed by selecting the options under Page Info
from the menu on the New Report Template form.

For Introduction and Summary

The following examples are mainly taken from the templates
supplied with the product.
To insert a page number containing the text Page number,
Followed by the page number, use the !pageno variable:
'Page No. ' + vtext (!pageno)
To insert the user’s name in the form of the text User Name:
followed by the name, use the PDMS global variable !!user:
'User name: ' + vtext(!!user)
To insert the date and time, use the report variables !date and
'Date: ' + vtext(!date) + ' ' + vtext(!time)
To insert a blank line, use:
To insert the hierarchy reported on, use:
'Nozzle Schedule for ' + vtext(!selhierarchy)
To insert the number of elements reported on, use, for example:
'Summary: ' + vtext(!selsize) + ' Nozzles in Schedule'

d) About Option-->Runtime Prompts: At this window there are 7 check

boxes if we check a check box then that option will show at the Runtime.
e) About Destination: If we select Screen option then we will see the report at
the screen. If we select the Overwrite option and file name will be the same the
report will overwrite on previous report. If we select New option it will create a
new report.
f) About Selection: In selection there are three Item ‘Type(s), With, Hierarchy’
about Type(s) and Hierarchy are already discussed. When we want to make a
report in a Rang then this Rang have to give in With text box.
g) How to Create Different Column: To create column click at New Tab at
the Report Template window. We will see a window Named ‘Creating Column’
in Expression text box we have to give some standard column Expression as
Column Name. We can set the Sorting as required. We can set units as required.
h) How to Modify and Move Different Column: We can modify the
Column to do this at first select the desired column then click on Modify Tab we
will see the Modifying column window.
i) About Sorting: We can sorting the column to do this set a desired sorting at the
creation of column or during Modification.
j) About Unit: We can set units During Column Creation or Column Modification.
k) About Column Layout: At Creation Column window and at Modifying
Column Window we can see the Column Layout Tab when click this
Tab we will see a window at this window we can set ‘Space before
Column’,’ column width’, ‘Justification’, Numeric Display, Text Display
We can set the Customize Column Name at the Custom Text box.
l) About Totaling and Subtotaling: At the bottom of the column layout
window we can see Three option ‘Value, Subtotals, Totals’ To do Subtotals it have
to set a value. To do Total it have to set ‘on’
m) An example of Report: We want to make a report for all PIPE of a Project. To
do this click Utilities-->Report-->Create we will see New Report Template
window. Please select Overwrite as Destination. We have to give File Name like
this (X:\YYY.csv) here X is Drive and YYY is file name (.csv) for Excel file we
can use (.txt) for text file.

Now for Selection:

With—type ne ‘BEND’ and TYPE of OWN of OWN ne ‘HVAC’

Now for Column:

1. Click on New Tab we will see Creating Column window. At
this window.
Sorting—A to Z (case sensitive)
Click on Column Layout Tab. We will see Layout for Column 1
window. At this window we have to set.
Click on Custom option and Type in text box ‘NAME’
Then click OK

2. Click on New Tab selecting end and follow the following steps

At Creating Column window:

Expression—AFTER (SUBSTRING(name of SPREF, 2, 20), '/')

Sorting—A to Z (case sensitive)
At Column Layout window:
Click on Custom option and Type in text box ‘CODE NAME’
Then click OK
3. Click on New Tab selecting end and follow the following steps

At Creating Column window:

Expression—p1 bore
Sorting—0 to 9
At Column Layout window:
Click on Custom option and Type in text box ‘ARRIVE DN’
Then click OK

4. Click on New Tab selecting end and follow the following steps

At Creating Column window:

Expression—p2 bore
Sorting—0 to 9
At Column Layout window:
Click on Custom option and Type in text box ‘LEAVE DN’
Then click OK

5. Click on New Tab selecting end and follow the following steps

At Creating Column window:

Expression—p3 bore
Sorting—0 to 9
At Column Layout window:
Click on Custom option and Type in text box ‘DN DERIVATION’
Then click OK
6. Click on New Tab selecting end and follow the following steps

At Creating Column window:

Sorting—A to Z (case sensitive)
At Column Layout window:
Click on Custom option and Type in text box ‘DESIGNATION’
Then click OK

7. Click on New Tab selecting end and follow the following steps

At Creating Column window:

At Column Layout window:
Click on Custom option and Type in text box ‘SPEC’
Then click OK

8. Click on New Tab selecting end and follow the following steps

At Creating Column window:

At Column Layout window:
Click on Custom option and Type in text box ‘TUBE LENGHTH’
Then click OK
9. Click on New Tab selecting end and follow the following steps

At Creating Column window:

At Column Layout window:
Click on Custom option and Type in text box ‘QUANTITY’
Then click OK
Now click Option-->Other Format at the Report Template window. We will see a
little window Named Report Format set Format as CSV and set CSV format option,
Field Separator as (,) and Text Delimiter as (“) then click OK.

When all this action will be done then click Apply. An Excel file will be created in given
Drive. Then we have to Open this file with Open Office save as Open Office.

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