Corazon Aquino Speech-1

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Corazon Aquino Speech

What we'll discuss
Background of Corazon Aquino's
Content analysis of the Speech.
Importance of the selected
Primary Source.
The contribution of the primary
source to the Philippine history. CRDTS
Who isCorazon Aquino?
⬗ Corazon Aquino or Maria Corazon Sumulong
Cojuangco- Aquino,
was born on January 25, 1933 in Tarlac, Philippines.
⬗ She was enrolled in a law school in Manila
where she met his husband, Benigno Aquino, Jr.
⬗Cory came from a rich haciendero family
in Tarlac and owned vast estates of sugar
plantation and whose relatives occupy local
and national government positions . JrapgaelG
Who isCorazon Aquino?
⬗ She is the 11th president and first
female president of the Philippines and
in Asia.
⬗ She was also dubbed as the
“Mother of Democracy” and the
overthrow of Marcos Dictatorship in
⬗ She died on August 1, 2009.
The death of his husband...
Benigno Aquino Jr..
On August 21, 1983, Benigno Aquino Jr.
ended his stay in the United States and
returned without his family to the
Philippines, where he was immediately
assassinated on a staircase leading to the
tarmac of Manila International Airport.
Background of
Corazon Aquino's Speech
Background of the Author
Executive Secretary of the Corazon
Aquino Administration assigned to
write the speech but he was not able to
finished her speech and Cory do the
honor to finish it.
Teodoro 'Teddy
Boy' Locsin, Jr.
About Aquino's Speech
-Cory Aquino -She then told of
addressed the United September 18, 1996 Ninoy's character
States about her conviction, and
presidency and the resolve in opposing
challenges faced by the authoritarianism
the New Republic
of Marcos
-She began her speech
with the story of her -Cory attributed the
leaving the United peaceful EDSA
States three years prior Revolution to the
as a newly widowed Martyrdom of Ninoy.
wife of Ninoy Aquino
About Aquino's Speech
-Cory emphasized the
importance of the
EDSA Revolution in -Cory then proceeded on
terms of being a her peace agenda with
"limited revolution that the existing communist
respected the life and insurgency, aggravated
freedom of every by the dictatorial and
Filipino." authoritarian measure
-She also turned to the of Ferdinand Marcos.
controversial topic of
th Philippine foreign
debt amounting to $26
bllion at the time of her
The People Power Revolution of 1986

⬗ February 25, 1986

⬗ Contrary to what majority believes, it
was known worldwide for its peaceful
The People Power Revolution of 1986
⬗ When Ninoy was killed at Manila International Airport(not known as
NAIA), Marcos' credibly was questioned
⬗Marcos called for a Snap election on 1986, going against Cory to prove
his legitimacy to the allied countries

⬗The country was experiencing an economic crisis and the people

started protesting
The People Power Revolution of 1986
⬗It was rigged to his favor so the people called it a fraud
⬗Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel V. Ramos,
the leading military officials during
martial law tried to take the Presidency
but more than a million civilians
gathered for a walk of life along EDSA to
end the 21-year dictatorship of Marcos'
content analysis of
Corazon Aquino's
The text is about the
Corazon Aquino’s
speech before the
U.S. Congress.
About Aquino's Speech
Seven months after Cory assumed the presidency, she was invited
to deliver a speech before the US congress. During the speech, she
ask for financial aid to the Philippines, she convince American
businessmen to invest in the Philippines, and express gratitude
towards the United States for helping the Filipinos regain their
freedom. Also, she described the condition of the Philippines during
the Martial Period.
The text contained:
1. How she and her family had felt that she lost her
husband many times because of his suffering in the
hands of dictator, until his death.
-Detained for 43 days.
-Filed criminal cases and fasted for 40 days.
2. How the death of her husband eventually became the
start of revolution, and how, even so unsure, she fought
alongside the people.

-The citizens and allied nations

further doubted Marcos' credibility
3. The plans she had in mind like restoring the democracy
and fixing the casualties in the time of Marcos. One in which
she implied huge debt that Filipinos had not received.
-The $26 billion debt of the Philippines by
the time of Marcos' presidency.
-people cried for democracy, not for food
or money.
4. And lastly, she thanked America for being her home for 3
years when her family was living there with Ninoy and for
the support the country has given to the Philippines,
especially in the completion of the 1987 Constitution which
she states “gives full respect to the Bill of Rights”.
- In her speech, she showed how Ninoy conquered all of
his sufferings with having strong faith in God. Having
to face death plenty of times, Ninoy kept his hope to
The Lord. .
Cory mentioned that Ninoy also went through hell when his
execution did not took place while he was in prison so they
arranged another trial for subversion, murder and a
host of other crimes before a military commission. She
also said that they would keep his body dead or alive
and gave him realization whilst almost having no life
after all they’d done to him then he decided to call off
the fast on the 40th day. He wanted to stay alive just
like his dream of attaining democracy.
-One of the most memorable line that Cory Aquino Stated
that " We fought for honor, and, if only for honor, we shall
pay" .

-She also said that "In giving we receive, in losing we find,

and out of defeat we snatched our victory".
-I tell them I don't have any formula for ousting a dictator
or building democracy. All I can suggest is to forget about
yourself and just think of your people who make things
Corazon Aquino's
Importance of

Importance of CORAZON AQUINO'S speech
⬗"cemented the legitimacy of the EDSA government in the international
arena" (Candelaria and Alporha, 2018, p. 41)
it describes what happened during and after Martial period.
⬗it shows the "principles of the new democratic
government" (Candelaria and Alporha, 2018, p. 41)

⬗It also shows the strong and "continuing alliance between the Philippines and
the United States of America" (Candelaria and Alporha, 2018, p. 41)
The contribution of
to the Philippine history.
Her speech contributed a lot to the real narrative of
Philippine history as it shows how Filipinos would
strive to fight for democracy. Not only has she shown
that "women can lead" but it also served as an EYE-
OPENER not only for the country's citizens but also to
other countries. She opened a NEW ERA, regained
democracy and built a future where the people from
below have a VOICE; became a blueprint— evidenced by
the freedom we currently have.
Thank You for

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