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Test 2

 PAPER 1 - LISTENING (30 minutes)

 PART 1

1. What has the boy lost?

2. What time does the race begin?

3. Which musical instrument does the boy play now?


4. What will the weather be like tomorrow afternoon?


5. What is the subject of James Wilson’s  book?


6. Which part of the man’s body hurts him at the moment?


7. Where was the man’s knowledge of Spanish useful?


 PART 2


Why did Sarah first become interested in the weather?

o A.  She had experience of bad weather where she lived

o B.  She studied weather in school science lessons.

o C.  She saw programmes about weather on TV.

2. Who encouraged Sarah’s interest in the weather at home?

o A.  Her mother
o B.  Her father

o C.  Her grandfather


Pupils at Sarah’s school club

o A.  produced a book about the weather.

o B.  provided information to the school for projects.

o C.  set up equipment for studying the weather.


What mistake did Sarah's family make during a sailing trip?

o A.  They failed to check weather forecasts regularly.

o B.  They didn't recognise signs of bad weather coming.

o C.  They hadn’t made preparations for the bad weather.


Sarah thinks in future she’d like to

o A.  work in the area of sport.

o B.  be on TV weather programmes.

o C.  travel abroad for her job.


What kind of weather does Sarah like best?

o A.  when there’s fog

o B.  when it’s raining hard.

o C.  when the sun is shining.
 PART 3


- Date of college trip: (1) 15th …………. .

- Number of international teams will take part: (2) ………………. .
- Number of sportspeople who will compete: (3) …………… .    
- How the group will travel to Birmingham: (4) by ……………. . 
- What group members should take on the day: (5) ……………. . 
- Name of the website page: (6) …………….. . 
- Which day other details will be available to students: (7) ……………. . 


o A.  March

o B.  June

o C.  April


o A.  40

o B.  114

o C.  140


o A.  52

o B.  250
o C.  520


o A.  train

o B.  plane

o C.  coach


o A.  cameras

o B.  mobiles phones

o C.  identity card


o A.  birinfo

o B.  terinfo

o C.  pirinfo


o A.  Friday

o B.  Tuesday

o C.  Thursday
 PAPER 2 - READING (35 minutes)
 PART 1

There are five questions in this part Look at the text in each question. What does it say? Click on
the correct letter A, B or C for your answer.


o A.  Tickets reserved today are cheaper.

o B.  Buy ten tickets and get one free.

o C.  There are only ten tickets left.


o A.  You must finish your drink before you go into the concert.

o B.  You can order drinks for the interval before you go in.

o C.  You can get drinks both before and after the concert.

o A.  Switch this printer off at the back.

o B.  Do not touch the switch at the back of this printer.

o C.  Do not take the back cover off the printer until it is turned off.


o A.  This shop doesn't close for lunch on Fridays.

o B.  We do not serve lunch on Fridays.

o C.  This shop closes early on Friday.


o A.  There is no class today because of Mr. Hawksley's illness.

o B.  Tell Mr. Hawksley if you cannot come to class.

o C.  Do not come to class if you are feeling ill.

 PART 2

There are ten questions in this part. Read the text and look at the sentences below about
unusual women of the past to decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. If it is correct, click
on box A. If it is not correct, click on box B.

Unusual women of the past

You may think that no women went to sea or joined the army until the
twentieth century, but this is not true. Although they usually had to pretend to
be men, there are a few true stories of woman who fought for both good
reasons and bad ones.
One English woman soldier in the seventeenth century was Christian Walsh,
the wife of a man who was made to join the army, although he did not want
to be a soldier. Christian refused to accept the situation, unlike most women in
those days. She cut off her hair, dressed as a man and joined the army, calling
herself Kit Cavanagh, in order to look for her husband. It was thirteen years
before she found him and during that time she fought in several different
countries. She was only discovered to be a woman when doctors were
operating on her for an injury she had received while fighting.
A rather different example, from around the same time, is Anne Bonney. It is
not certain why she left Ireland, where she was born, and went to the islands
which are now called the Bahamas. However, we know that when she got
there, she fell in love with a sailor called John Rackham. She worked with John
to steal a ship from the local port. They obviously chose the ship carefully,
because it was the fastest one in the port at the time. For the next ten years
they sailed round the Caribbean, attacking other ships and stealing everything
valuable from them, as well as taking sailors to help on their own ship.
One day, Anne was surprised to discover that a boy they had taken off
another ship in this way was really a young woman. She told Anne her name
was Mary Read. She said she had dressed like a man to increase her
opportunities, because in those days of course most women were expected to
stay at home. Earlier, Mary had fought in the army, but had stopped
pretending to be a man for a short time when she married a soldier who had
realized that she was a woman. Unfortunately her husband died, and so Mary
started to dress as a man once again and became a sailor.
Anne and Mary continued their criminal career with John Rackham, but in the
end their ship was caught by the navy. The two women went on fighting even
after all the men were taking prisoner, but they avoided punishment and
disappeared. Nobody knows what happened to them after that. Perhaps they
pretended to be men and joined another ship, or maybe they got married.

1. The writer says many women joined armies before the twentieth century.

o A

o B

2. Christian Walsh wanted to marry a soldier.

o B

o A

3. Kit Cavanagh spent thirteen years in the army.

o A

o B

4. Kit fought the doctors when they tried to operate.

o A

o B
5. Anne Bonney went to the Bahamas to find John Rackham.

o B

o A

6. Anne helped John to get a fast ship.

o A

o B

7. Mary was already working on a ship before she met Anne.

o A

o B

8. Mary joined the army in order to be with her husband.

o B

o A

9. Anne and Mary went to prison after John Rackham.

o A

o B

10. It is uncertain what happened to Anne and Mary in the end.

o A

o B
 PART 3

The are five questions in this part. Read the text and questions below. For each question, click on
the correct letter A, B, C or D for your answer.

    Suzanne was very nervous about her interview. She had prepared for it for at least
three weeks before. She  really wanted the job but she knew that a lot of other people
wanted to get it, too. She had been told when she phoned the number in the
advertisement that there were so many applicants for it, so she prepared herself. She
made notes of what might be asked and of what she wanted to ask.
   When the day came she arrived half an hour early. There were six other people waiting
to be interviewed. They all looked much more confident than she did. She began to feel
even more nervous. One by one was called. Each of them came out and looked satisfied.
Suzanne was the last one to be called into the interview room. She had decided by that
time that she had no chance of getting the job, so she felt relaxed as she walked in; she
felt that she had nothing to lose.
   The three interviewers were all serious and they didn’t seem to be interested in her. She
forgot all the answers she had prepared and said the first thing that came into her head.
Two days later, she got a letter telling her she had been chosen because she had been
the only one who acted naturally

1. How did Suzanne know about the job?

o A.  In an advertisement

o B.  In an office

o C.  In the waiting room

o D.  Her friends told her

2. What did Suzanne do before the interview?

o A.  She made notes of what she might be asked

o B.  She took care of what she would wear

o C.  She felt confident about her interview

o D.  She took care of her appearance

3. How did Suzanne feel at the waiting room?

o A.  She felt less confident than the other applicants

o B.  She felt as confident as the other applicants

o C.  She felt more confident than the other applicants

o D.  She felt less nervous than before the interview

4. What is NOT true about Suzanne?

o A.  She was confident of her ability

o B.  She felt that she had no chance to get the job

o C.  She said the first thing that came to her head

o D.  She felt that she had nothing to lose

5. What was the attitude of the three interviewers to Suzanne?

o A.  They kept smiling

o B.  They were cheerful to see Suzanne

o C.  They were very serious

o D.  They seemed to be interested in talking to Suzanne
 PART 4

There are ten questions in this part. Read the text below and choose the correct word for each
space. For each question, click on the correct letter A, B, C or D for your answer.


Around the age of sixteen you must make one of the biggest decisions (0) …of… your life.
Do I stay on at school and hopefully go on to university (1) ………………? Do I leave and
start work or begin a training (2) ………………? The decision is yours, but it may be (3)
……………… remembering two things: there's more unemployment (4) ……………… people
who haven't been to university, and people who have the right (5) ……………… will have a
big advantage in the competition for jobs.
If you decide to go (6) ……………… into a job, there are many opportunities for training.
Getting qualifications will (7) ……………… you get on more quickly in many careers, and
evening classes allow you to learn (8) ……………… you earn. Starting work and taking a
break to study when you're older is (9) ……………… possibility. This way, you can save up
money for your student days, as well as (10) ……………… practical work experience. 


o A.  then

o B.  past

o C.  after

o D.  later


o A.  course

o B.  school

o C.  class
o D.  term


o A.  useful

o B.  worth

o C.  necessary

o D.  important


o A.  through

o B.  among

o C.  with

o D.  between


o A.  papers

o B.  skills

o C.  notes

o D.  arts

o A.  direct

o B.  rather

o C.  just

o D.  straight


o A.  help

o B.  let

o C.  make

o D.  give


o A.  where

o B.  what

o C.  when

o D.  while


o A.  again

o B.  always
o C.  also

o D.  another


o A.  getting

o B.  making

o C.  taking

o D.  doing

 PAPER 3 - WRITING (25 minutes)

 PART 1

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one.

Questions 1 to 10 using: conditionals – type 2 – (because … not – if )

1. If John had much money, he could buy that car. 

John ………………………………………………..

o ĐÁP ÁN HỆ THỐNG: can’t buy that car because he doesn’t have much money.

2. If I had time, I could learn to play the guitar. 

I ……………………………………………………

o ĐÁP ÁN HỆ THỐNG: can’t learn to play the guitar because I don’t have time.

3. We weren’t afraid of the test if we knew much about history. 

We …………………………………………………
o ĐÁP ÁN HỆ THỐNG: are afraid of the test because we don’t know much about

4. If she had cash, she wouldn’t pay a credit card. 

She ………………………………………………..

o ĐÁP ÁN HỆ THỐNG: pays a credit card because she doesn’t have cash.


5. The rice crop could grow if it rained a lot. 

The rice crop ………………………………………

o ĐÁP ÁN HỆ THỐNG: cannot grow because it doesn’t rain a lot.


6. If he didn’t eat so many chips, he wouldn’t be fat. 

He …………………………………………………

o ĐÁP ÁN HỆ THỐNG: is fat because he eats so many chips.


7. If you got enough fresh air, you wouldn’t be feeling tired. 
You are feeling ……………………………………………….

o ĐÁP ÁN HỆ THỐNG: tired because you don’t get enough fresh air.


8. If he liked your friends, he would come to your party. 

He …………………………………………………

o ĐÁP ÁN HỆ THỐNG: won’t come to your party because he doesn’t like your


9. If I had the money, I could buy a new computer. 

I …………………………………………………..

o ĐÁP ÁN HỆ THỐNG: can’t buy a new computer because I don’t have the

10. If we had tickets, we would go to the concert. 
We ………………………………………………….

o ĐÁP ÁN HỆ THỐNG: won’t go to the concert because we have no tickets.

 PART 2

1. You recently did a homework project in English and your English friend Sam helped
you by sending you some information.
Write an email to Sam. In your email, you should: 
•    thank him for his help
•    explain which information was most useful to you
•    say what your teacher thought about your project.
Write 35 - 45 words on your answer sheet.

2. Your English friend Leo has sent you a CD as a present.

Write a message to Leo. In your message, you should: 
•    thank him for the CD
•    explain why you like it
•    say what you are going to send him in return.
Write 35 - 45 words on your answer sheet.

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