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SPCC/ EL&L DEPT/ F5/ The Individual and Society

Name: ___________________________ Set ______ ( ) Date: ________________________

Poetry comprehension

Read her poem below and then answer the following questions.

Human Family by Maya Angelou

I note the obvious differences Mirror twins are different
in the human family. although their features jibe,
Some of us are serious, and loves think quite different thoughts
some thrive on comedy. while lying side by side.

5 Some declare their lives are lived 25 We love and lose in China,
as true profundity, we weep on England’s moors,
and others claim they really live and laugh and moan in Guinea,
the real reality. and thrive on Spanish shores.

The variety of our skin tones We seek success in Finland,

10 can confuse, bemuse, delight, 30 are born and die in Maine.
brown and pink and beige and purple, In minor ways we differ,
tan and blue and white. in major we’re the same.

I’ve sailed upon the seven seas I note the obvious differences
And stopped in every land, between each sort and type,
15 I’ve seen the wonders of the world 35 but we are more alike, my friends,
not yet one common man. than we are unalike.

I know ten thousand women We are more alike, my friends,

called Jane and Mary Jane, than we are unalike.
but I’ve not seen any two
20 who really were the same. We are more alike, my friends,
40 than we are unalike.

SPCC/ EL&L DEPT/ F5/ The Individual and Society
Name: ___________________________ Set ______ ( ) Date: ________________________

1. Which phrase is used in the poem to imply that all people are related?
They are described as family.

2. How do people’s attitudes to life differ, according to the poem?

Some declare their lives are lived

as true profundity,

and others claim they really live

the real reality.

3. Why does the speaker focus on the difference of “skin tones” (line 9) when describing
people’s physical appearance?
To show how people in the human family have

4. On what experience does the speaker base her claims about mankind?

5. According to the poem, what TWO things has the speaker NOT seen?

6. What similarities does the speaker see between people? Give TWO details.

7. According to the speaker, to what extent are the similarities in Q6 real?

SPCC/ EL&L DEPT/ F5/ The Individual and Society
Name: ___________________________ Set ______ ( ) Date: ________________________

8. Look through the entire poem for words to match these definitions:

a. (adj) noticeable, clear

b. (v) be very successful

c. (v ) cry

d. (v) complain, groan

9. How does the speaker feel towards her fellow human beings?

10. What is the tone of lines 35-36?

A. Philosophical
B. Instructive
C. Dramatic
D. Lyrical

11. What is the message of the poem?

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