Lecture Gec7 1st Part

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Ethics- is about matters such as the good thing Moral decision- the choice of what act to

that we should pursue and the bad things that perform. Ex. I choose not to take something I
we should avoid. It is about what is acceptable did not pay for.
and unacceptable in human behavior.
Moral judgment- when a person is an observer
It may involve obligations that we are expected who makes an assessment on the actions or
to fulfill, prohibitions that we are required to behavior of someone, he is making a moral
respect, or ideals that we are encouraged to judgment. Ex. X steals from a store. I make an
meet. assessment that it is wrong.

Do not confuse ethics with aesthetics, this Moral dilemma- When an individual can choose
refers to judgment of personal approval or only one from a number ofpossible actions,and
disapproval that we make about what we see, there are compelling ethical reasons for the
fear smell or taste.(personal preference) ex. various choices. Ex. Drowning scenario of
Taste in music or taste in clothes. mother and spouse.

Similarly, we have a sense of approval or _______________________________________

disapproval concerning certain actions which
SOURCES OF AUTHORITY (bases of moral
are relatively trivial in nature. This is etiquette,
the proper way of conducting ourselves in a valuation)
given situation. Ex. Table manners, polite way of These are the key influencers for our moral
addressing someone,dress code. conduct or the way we behave. We act in a
certain way because of these factors.
Ethics is about human well-being or human life
itself.. Law- governs our conduct, created for
harmony, peace and order,and safeguards our
Descriptive and normative study of ethics.
Descriptive study-reports how people ,
Law limits the proliferation of lawless violence
particularly groups, make their moral valuations
without making any judgement either for or and serves as deterent for the commission of
against this valuations.(merely describes)

Normative study- prescribes what we ought to Law commands obedience, we adhere to the
provisions of law for fear of punishment for its
maintain as our standards or bases of moral
valuation. violation.

Terms to ponder in the study of ethics

Moral issue- A situation that calls for moral Laws in force do not cover all aspects of human
experience, hence law alone won’t be enough
valuation.Issue to be resolved by keeping moral
values in mind. ex. A person cannot afford a basis for ethical reflection.
certain item but then possibility presents itself RELIGION- a particular system of faith and
for her to steal it. worship. It involves faith to transcendental
beings even cult practices or practices of

We live in a Christian country so its safe to

assume that most of our ways are greatly
influenced by our religion.

The phil. Law recognizes our freedom of religion

without any government intervention. Meaning
we can freely perform our religious practices
without restrictions from the government
pursuant to the principle of separation of
church and state

Culture- collective way of life, or way of doing

things. It is the sum of attitudes, values, goals,
and practices shared by individuals in a group,
organization, or society. Culture reflects the
moral and ethical beliefs and standards that
speak to how people should behave and
interact with others.

Cultural relativism is the idea that a person's

beliefs and practices should be understood
based on that person's own culture.

This means that what may be acceptable to us

may not be acceptable to other cultures and
vice versa.

We have to respect the moral valuation of one’s

culture but we also have to take into account
the generally accepted moral standards and
principles and the law on human rights to
determine whether or not a certain practice is

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