Stain Removing Details

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Stain Removing details

 Remove color bleading on color cloth?

Vanish la mukki+hot water la waikkanum.

 Grease remove- more hot water+emulsifier +bleach

 Soda ash is color remover

 How to remove color-Soda ash80gm+detergent powder

30gm+liquid detergent 30 ml

 By using hot water wash it

After that put in washing machine and wash in quick cycle using
liquid. Detergent

 Tea coffee stain remover-10mlwater+10gm vanish for paste can

use it for color close but avoid if color loose

 Ink remover-thinner for white good also color cloth

 Emulsifier-for oil stain

 Soda ash is very light it won't damage

 Vanish- oxy bleach,for color cloth

 Hypo- chlorine bleach for white

 Dimethylformamide- color stain removing direct use like stain


 Silver color stain remover is thinner

 How to remove under arm stain?

Vinegar+acitic acid+Lemon+baking soda

 Old Rust stain remover-hydro sulphate/fluric acid chemical

content (redlin rust free)

 For woolen cloth rust stain,dhuppatta- can use fluric acid

 Burgar stain-vanish+hydrogen peroxide

 To remove stain from blazer- hydrogen peroxide liquid 5%

content + purela laundry liquid/detergent +soda ash+oxy bleach

 For white patch on black pant-use acitic acid+liquid blue

 Grease remover-hot water +Ifb liquid +Soda ash+detergent soak

it then if not go use stain off stain removal and soak

 Yellow stain -use rust stain remover

 Acitic acid is oil stain remover

 safe for silk and wool It is a clear fluid.It must be diluted with 2
parts water for use on cotton and linen (a pretest is
recommended) It should not be used on acetate

 Remove stain from good fabric saree-vanish/ifb liquid

+hydrogen peroxide liquid apply on using brush

 Soda ash is dirt and stain remover

 Remove oil stain using white board chalk

 lipstick stain remover bathing soap/vanish

 Remove fungus from color clothes using acitic acid

 Cotton fungus remove using sodium hypo chloride

 Rain coat remover acitic acid

 Mass Yellow stain remover-bleach powder+hylo liquid +baking

 Blouse sweat stain removal-if not go with petrol base use

 Dress color stain remover-use diemethylfarmamide

 To bleach and remove all stain in white -use bleach
powder(filtered) +soda ash/detergent/baking soda and wash it.
1 hour necesary. Or Use sodium hypochloride solution liquid or

 Liquid Bleach using measurement -20ml for 8/10 litre of water

 To remove cuff and collar stain without too much scrubning-

soaking shirts 5to10 minuits dip in caustic soda and detergent

 To shine white cloths-Use hot water for soak and after wash use
tinopal for natural whiteness

 Use vanish on color cloth like we use bleaching for white

 Bleaching powder/chlorine bleach use only for white

 Oxy bleach use for color cloth

 Measurement of bleach powder+soda ash for 10 cloth- bleach

100gm+soda ash 150gm

 For 1 item 10gm bleach+15g soda ash

 Silk stain- ifb liquid+liquid ammonia

 Saree oil stain -use any soap to rub on stain and use aciticcacid
10ml+soda ash 10 gm+detergent powder20g+ifb liquid 20ml
After dry clean if smell not go use comfort
 Grease stain remover wht or color-redlin rust stain
remover+thinner+detergent soap
For iron stain/rust-use hydro carbon

 Color stain remover for white without bleach-sodium hydro

citrate(hydro sulfate) powder spray water over the item and
brush then dip on sodium then brush over the surface it wont
damage the cloth also if you find any hard stain use it.
Fluric acid use it for color cloth to remove color stain

 For color stain use oxy bleach.

 No option to remove stain color on silk saree try dry clean

 For white shirt use try bleach +vanish liquid and washing process
with hot water

 Remove color stain from white-use rin ala

 While washing cloth if any color mix use oxy bleach

Types of stains
Earth stain-like fruit wine
From the body-protein in anything live matter from the body all the
icky stuff like blood milk perspiration
Oil matter-minneral vegetable.petroleum oils that could be from hair
gels to cooking oils.oil greases etc lipstick makeups
1.two ounces of dishwashing detergent+ two ounce of white
vinegar+2 ounce of water mix it up before test check it of
inconspicuous area of the garment to make sure the color doesn't
bleed take the formula and tamp it. Right top of the stage
2.protein based stain-two tablespoons water+a teaspoons of
ammonia+a teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide+a teaspoon of detergent
pour it on that and
Oil base stuff-an ounce of grease +an ounce of table spoon or an
ounce of water if you need add acetone (use this as long as you don't
have acetate fabric +nail polish remover

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