Examiner: Capt Loo: Cadidate: Gerrie

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Examiner: Capt Loo Cadidate: Gerrie 7-May-2014

1) Emergency Towing Arrangement (What for Towing Chain Forward and Aft ?)

2) Different SAR preparation and Search Fig; How to decide to use ?

3) What is Continental Shelf, EEZ, Contiguous zone, Base Line..,?

4) Innocent Passage, and Master concerns?

5) Archipelagic Water, Master concerns?

6) MLC 2006, Master concern, other than Rest-Work Hr?

7) Magnetic Comp Coefficient-A, errors in default?

8) Gyro Comp errors?

9) TRS vicinity, wind veering and pressure falling suddenly, action? In which Quadrant?

10) Situations for Declaration of Security?

11) Preparation for Ice Navigation?

12) What is Note of Protest? When to and When it cannot be Extended?

13) Types of Warranty?

14) SCOPIC Clause, Master concerns?

15) Hague Visby Rules and master concerns, what all things to do as per ?

16) What is BL? Detail knowledge of Bill of Lading.

17) Heavy weather affects? What is Surf Riding, Broaching to?

18) Vessel Aground. Factors to be considered before Refloat?

19) Port of Refuge procedures?

20) Magnetic compass Coefficient-A&C, difference information?

Capt Loo Cadiate: March 2014

1. MLC 2006 , beside of work/rest hour, what is your main concern?

2. PSC & FSC what are the main different inspection items?
3. Tell me about AOA? What is Form U? contents of Form U?
4. What do you know about MARPOL Annex VI?
5. Stowaway found onboard prior arrival port, vsl coming to Singapore, state your action?
6. What is Master Responsibility of ISPS?
7. What is DOS? When to request DOS?
8. What is Master's concern for loading DG cargo?
9. What is Enhance Surveyor Program
10. What is Hauge-Visby rule?
11. What is New Jason clause?
12. What is Possessory Lien? Maritime Lien?
13. Under marine Insurance, what is warranty?
14. What is Sue and Labour clause?
15. What is SCOPIC?
16. As a Master, how do you beach a ship?
17. What is smelling the ground?
18. What is Interaction? Explain with modern? He give me two small ship modern…
19. What is coefficient A,B,C,D,E ? how to correct them?
20. What are the gyro errors?
Result : Failed
Capt Loo Cadiate: Jan 2014
The following are the 1st attempt oral question by Capt. Loo for me.
1. What is PSC (He asked under which requirement)?
2. What is Master's concern in MLC apart from Rest Hours?
(He just stopped asking (some more...Some more) only when I said seafarers rights
as per contracts)
3. How many Ocean current do u know?
(He just asked and I answer whatever I know and some examples as per Mariners
Handbook's note. But he changed another question in mid way)
4. What is screw race?
5. Which fog can see at sea and explain?
6. What is parametric rolling? How to avoid?
(He asked me to draw how to avoid)
7. What are Master's concern for loading IMDG?
8. How will u load timber as Master?
9. What are OSC's duties?
10. Which search pattern will you use for Large Area search and rescue?
(He asked me to draw the pattern .... all patterns)
11. Master's concern before re-floating aground vessel.
12. What are the mid latitude weather?
Result= failed (After suddenly stopped by saying that "Let's stop for today")
Best wishes and regards
-- Nyein Hsu Wai
COC Class 1 Examiner : Capt. Sanga Candidate: Kyaw Zin Latt May 2014

1. Taking over command as Master

2. During taking over command, how you check the passage plan prepared by 2nd officer?

3. How to avoid Heavy weather or low pressure?

4. What is Synchronous rolling? How to avoid?

5. 2nd officer call you at midnight, received distress message from 30 nm, what is your action?

6. What is your responsibility after taking survivors onboard?

7. Your vessel ran aground. What are your actions? (He asked me to write down that actions)

8. If your vessel cannot refloat what is your action?

9. What is the different between LOF and Contractual Salvage? Why LOF is expensive?

(Answer: LOF is based upon award and value of the ship and properties salved.)

10. What is procedures for Port of Refuge?

11. Your ship needs to be dry dock with cargo onboard, what ur Master concern?

12. Your company told u that vessel going to dry dock, what your action?

13. What is Enhance Survey Program?

14. What are the entries of OLB?

15. One of ur crew found sick, what ur action as Master?

16. Bsn complains about food , what ur action?

17. What is ur job as per ISM?

18. Two stowaways found onboard prior arrival port, what is ur action?

19. What is PSC? What are their inspections?

20. Master main concern for bulk cargo loading?

21. How to test loadicator?

22. What is yours concerns for MARPOL?

23. What is Hague-Visby rules?

24. Ask me, swinging compass practically. Give me chart and parallel rule. Then ask me which one first
COC Class 1 Examiner: Capt. Sanga Candidate: N.H Wai Jan 2014
(1) Taking over command as Master
(2) During taking over how will you check the passage plan?
(as my answer included about relevant routine, he asked what do I meant Routine. As I mention about TSS and reporting system, he said OK)

(3) On the way received Distress message about 30-35 nm, what is your action?
(Mentioned SOLAS chapter Regulation: 33 and procedures and OK)

(4) What are your responsibilities for survivors?

(also mentioned SOLAS chapter Regulation: 33 and OK)

(5) What are your actions when there is grounding?

(6) How will you estimate whether the ship is in imminent danger or not?
(Answered calculate stability and damage stability for flooding compartment reference with
Damage control plan and Damage control Booklet)

(7) If your vessel cannot refloat what is your action?

(Answered about LOF and salvage contracts)

(8) Why LOF is expensive?

(LOF is based upon award and value of the ship and properties salved. (he seemed to be satisfied that Answer)

(9) Who to avoid heaver weather or depression or low pressure? (Answer MSC Circular 1228)
(10) Why do you have to reduce speed in the heavy weather?
(go through as per my above answer) (Answered because of Engine racing or propeller racing problem)

(11) Your company informed for dry docking and what is your action?
(12) What is the fumigation and what are your responsibilities?
(13) What is Code of safe working practice?
(14) What is work place safety and health act?
(15) What are the entries for official log book?
(16) Your chief officer informed one of the crew did show up for duty?
(17) What are your jobs as per ISM?
(18) How will you check the watch schedule and duty plan on ship?
(19) How do you carry out Emergency Drills onboard? What are your concerns?
(20) How do you manage seafarer under age 18 ?
(MLC 16-18 seafarers under age and not send dangerous jobs working aloft)

(21) What are your concerns for MARPOL? (I answered SOPEP, Oil Record book, Garbage Record books, Special area, ECA)
(22) You found that your magnetic compass error is very large what will you do?
(23) If your vssl from Europe on the way to Ausi, where is the best place to swing the Compass?
(24) He asked me the procedure of swinging compass. Dev & Calculate Coefficients
I answer the procedure starting from taking true bearing, compass bearing at 8 points, apply Var and get
COC Class 1 Examiner: Capt. Sanga Candidate: Feb 2014

First, Ask me about what type of ship you are serving?

1) How you will take over as a Master for joining ship?

Followed as per notes, he stopped me after take over ROB and cash balance.

2) For 2nd officer's passage plan, which points you will consider about?
I mentioned SOLAS V regu 34 and answered. Added points as per ICS bridge procedure guide ' chp 2 passage plan, including
ECA and dist to ECA.

3) While proceeding into sea, heavy weather encounter, what your action and how you handle it?
If owner or charterer said not to deviate, how you will do?
Firstly, I answered, Ascertain own ship's posn and stom posn, bearing, dist from strom etc, then take precaution in 4 areas,
handling - heave to/ 75 nm and 200 nm and use fan diagram. I mentioned as per SOLAS chap V regu 34-1 Master's discretion.

4) He asked me to write down initial action? how you know imminent danger or not? How you
will reflot?

5) if you cannot reflot what you will do? Answered, contractual salvage and LOF.

6) What is the different between contractual? why LOF is more expensive?

Followed as per notes. I mentioned also LOF could turn out to be long procedure for claim settlement.

7) Master responsibility as per ISM? Answered five points.

8) Tell me about code of safe working practice? how and when you use for this book?
Answered as per notes, mentioned it published by MCA UK. when safe working arragement onboard,
health and safety protection, medical care and respond for emergency situation including risk

9) your vessel go to north lattitude? what your action and consideration? what is the geographical
Answered as per notes, Charterer term in conract, Ice class notation, polor code etc.
10) C/O reported one crew member not reported for work, state your action?
Answered, investigate and reason, without reason, breach of general disciplinary offences as per
Merchant shipping act 179 sec 80. and fines.

11) At sea, Bosun report you 2 stowaways found in forepeak store? what's your action?
Answered and mentioned, related to Circular…MSC-312 , MPA Cir. 14-2006

12) OLB entries? Answered till fines and he stopped me.

13) Emergency drill?

14) Before entering dry dock what's your preparation? answered as per 2 months preparation.

15) Apart from grounding what risk you will be faced to?
answered fire, pollution, stress on hull, uptrust force, capsizing etc.

16) in Ballast water management, how you will instruct CO? mentioned IMO circular, and as per notes.

17)what is the important circulars and documents on board ship?

I answered as per 18 of 2013, Cert to be carried on board - SOLAS cer, LL cer, Tonnage cer.

18) Distress call 50 miles? what will be your actions? mentioned SOLAS chap V regu 33 and as per notes.

19) how you instruct C/O arrange what for crew? what is rest hour requriement?
How rest hours related to carry out drill? Is there any exemption for 7 days?
Answered STCW 2010 ammened, MLC 2006, ISM and rest hours.
Capt Sanga Oral’ Candidate; Feb-2014

1: Take Over As Master

Pls refer to the note that answer there should be more thank enough
Do not forget to mentioned that after finish with Capt then you go and see C/E, C/O, 2/O and then take a deck round etc.

2: How do you check passage plan:

Pls mention company SMS checklist to be followed and your means of sufficient sea room through the voyage.

3: Company asks you to go to polar region, what are your concerns?

Pls mention AOA, Insurance, Charter contract, Ice Class etc. Then tell him about the Polar Code.

4: Stowaway found on board what is your action?

Do not forget to tell him that your responsibility finishes until you hand over to the authority.

5: 2nd officer wake you up as distress alert received, what is your action?

6: As Master how you ensure the security of the ship and also action when pass the piracy area.
Answer: you have to make sure that the training carrier out for the crew. Also check the equipment related make sure that is
working properly. Provide the support to C/O in implement the Security Plan and methods. When passing piracy area make sure
that additional lookout posted, if necessary then deck patrol and fire hose etc are posted. Ask CSO if any additional methods are
required. Engine should be ready for maneuver etc.

7: you have received the TRS warning, action ? MSC 1228

8: What your concern when you load the bulk cargo?

9: Company inform you to dry dock in 2 months, action ?

Do not forget to mention that you have to enter the class condition listed item into your repair list.

10: C/O come to you and report that one crew has not come to work for one day, action ?
I have answered till the fines posted, then he ask me where is the money goes ? MPA
11: Emergency towing arrangement

12: How you know that your load indicator is ok ? class approved and then compare with visual.

13: Master responsibilities as per ISM

14: what are the entries to OLB

15: What are the different log books on board ?

16: how you instruct c/o for Ballast water exchange

17: what Is your concern when c/o arrange job

18: what is your concern when grounding?

19: difference between LOF and Salvage contract

20: why LOF is expensive that the salvage contract

21: vessel aground, what are the risk ?

22: From where you can get the assistance regarding the vessel stress?
Class Emergency Technical Assistance Service

23: Ask me to swing the compass then ask me which COE to correct first and how to correct

24: How you conduct training on board?

Examiner: Capt Khoo Cadidate: ZMNaing 6-May-2014
1) Last ship experience & particulars

2) How many bulk cargoes did u loaded?

3) What is the characteristic of Sulphur?

4) What is IMSBC code? How to Ref to load?

5) What kind of papers Master to sign after completion of cargo?

6) How u determines the cargo quantity on Mate Receipt to actual loaded?

7) In draft survey, what master concerns in 1st Correction & 2nd Correction?

8) What is LRIT, how does it work?

After that he gave me paper and question to write down the answers:

1) What is MLC & DMLC?

2) Can assign Night work to young person or not ?

3) Is Meal break included in Rest Hr?

4) What is ship is schemed? Ship ID scheme?

5) Load Line Reg? Load Line Exemption ships?

6) Vessel A/C to 50 degree, Master action?

7) Width of Archipelagic Sea Land?

8) What is Internal Water, how affect the Master?

9) How u knows a coastal state is a member of UNCLOS?

10) What is proper color of Singapore Ensign Flag? National flag? How to apply?

11) One crew Drunken? Enable to work? Master action?

12) AIS provision & how it works?

13) Vessel Aground, Master concerns?

14) How to test AIS?

15) Master action, Morse code “short-short-long “Recon appeared in Radar? Not found in chart.

16) Int Code of Signal Flags’ meanings?

17) Lateral mark Port-Hand buoy? ……..,

Capt Khoo Cadiate: May 2014

1. Marpol Annex VI master concern.

2. How do you know sulphur content 1.0%.

3. Passing Indian ocean master concern.

4. Two small target are approach master concern. How to handle?

5. Encounter / counter wind force 10, what your action.

6. Crew Drunk/ fail to duty master concern

7. Meal time is rest hour?

8. Young crew can work at night?

9. Load line certificate renew master concern

10. Load line exception vessel ?

11. Alteration course 50 degree master concern.


13. Explain DMLC

14. AIS provision.

15. What is internal water? How you effect to master?

16. New circular form MPA

17. What is merchant shipping act. Who can change?

18. Singapore flag color? When use?

Result - fail
Capt Khoo Cadiate: Jan 2014
Last ship particular?
Passed experience.
Trade of vessel?
Q-How dealing the pirates in west Africa and how you dealing? (about ship rote)
After that given paper and answer 10 question?
1). You received the subsequent message from Maritime Safety Agency (MSA) your vessel not
proceed in English channel in accordance with rule 10. What is your action?

2). Vsl exhibit only two red in vertical line. Is she under way?

3). When overtaking to another vessel and engine fail. Who is give way?

4). Your vessel detected to another vessel by radar alone, from your astern same bearing and
distance reducing what is your action?

5). What is the indicator diagram and what information you can get?.

6). C/E said that engine have a lot of stress and leaking oil. What is stress and strain?

7). NPSH for pump.?

8). Fixed CO2 fire extinguishers are issued certificate under which requirements?

9). AIS certificate is issued under which requirements?

10). When alongside four stern lines are tight and bow is out, master order to slack 4mtr for
stern lines. Risk is there and what precaution will take ?
After read my answers and continue the Oral questions
11) Your ship is already out of the English channel after two days you received the message
from MSA that your ship not comply the rule 10 in TSS what is your action?
MSA already have the evidences with AIS track and your ship didn’t complied the rule in TSS
what will happen?
How much fine from MPA? By which section?

12) 2/0 officer received the DSC alert message. What is your action? (answering half way on
radio communication change the question)
You received the DSC alert on 8mz you will acknowledge or not? Why don’t you acknowledge?

13) Show the corrector magnet and asked what is this? Asked the blue & red what is this?

14) How you deal with cooking oil?

C/Cook said cooking oil also food waste and I will pass through the grinder and discharge
overboard. What is your action?

15) You are just one mile to pilot station with 8 kts spd 2/0 call you late, what is your action?

16) What is synchronise rolling?

17) You are on small feeder ship with two cranes and departments from the port. After some
time ship was listed to port side 5degree, what is yours action?
How you correct the angle of loll?
Your ship’s has two crane and why don’t you use the crane for correcting the list.

18) Details questions on IALA system, a lot of questions on special marks.

19) What is your concern the passage plan apart from the safety?

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