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Transcultural Perspective in the Nursing Care of Adults



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Transcultural Perspective in the Nursing Care of Adults

How Culture Influences Adult Development

Different cultures impact the adult development in various ways. Developmental tasks

related to adulthood differ from one culture to another, and the tasks are prone to changes in one

culture with time. Adulthood is characterized by starting families, being active members of the

society such as economic production, and taking various responsibilities as parents. However,

cultures vary regarding conceptualizing adulthood and the developmental tasks for adults, for

example, the responsibilities of young adults for their old age family members differ in different

cultures. Social changes also affect gender roles, hence influencing the family system including

child care conditions and parent-child relationships.

Women go through menopause changing their self-image and self-concept. The culture

influence is essential as women learn to respond to the changes within the context of their

culture. The perception and experience of menopause vary with culture. Every culture has

certain chronologic standards that defines the appropriate behavior in adulthood. Young adults

should learn independency and change role to those of adults from adolescence. Middle adults

take care of family matters and pursue their career to provide for their families. Since the human

body undergoes physiological development, most cultures require young adults to marry and

have children. They experience intimacy and isolation in establishing their families.

How Culture Influences the Transition of Adulthood

The transition of adulthood is pronounced by new roles and other responsibilities in some

interrelated domains like employment, family formation, and education. Various developmental

tasks in adulthood are influenced by culture. Attaining and maintaining a good performance in

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career seems based on the behaviors and also attitudes that arise in traditional middle-class value

system that stress on men working role. Middle-age men achieve a successful career if the wife

assumes the primary role of household management and children supervision. For unmarried

people, their success in career seem less important or might be difficult due to division of time

and energy. Adjusting to physiological changes of adulthood is another developmental task. Age

physical changes start in middle adulthood and they cause changes in activities of lifestyle,

attitude, and daily living. For example, the North American culture value beauty and youth. As a

result, they adopted things like cosmetic surgery, eyeglasses, and hair coloring. Their cultural

practices attempt to delay and resist physiological changes. In contrast, the aging effect is easily

accepted by some cultures like native North Americans whose traditional values emphasize

respect for aged and deference to them.

Adults help children to become responsible adults. At acceptable age at which young

adults marry differ by cultural norms. For example, it is common in the North American culture

for eighteen year old young adults to marry, move away from home, find employment, and leave

their home for further education. Canadians also encourage early independence. Other cultures

however, like the Middle East culture emphasize on extended family. Other traditional cultural

groups rarely allow females to leave home before they are married. Another developmental task

is changing roles and relations of people with their parents. Caring for their children and aged

family members becomes their responsibility. Primarily, women are assumed to be the caregivers

and the caregiving demands risks their health. In cultural groups that value extended family

responsibilities, caring responsibilities can be shared. Some cultures do not allow placing aging

parents in nursing homes and family and community tasks responsibility of the aged.

How Gender Influences Adult Development in Middle-Class Families

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Adults from middle-class families do not get leave school, start work or marry early as

compared to young adults from low-class families. Both white male and females can be allowed

to move out of their homes at the age of eighteen to start working and pursue higher education.

However, there is still a great difference in the timing of transitions to adulthood responsibilities.

There is a difference in the timing of participation in higher education and family formation

between males and females. Despite improved gender equality in white communities, adulthood

development still vary by gender. Males and females vary in family responsibilities like marriage

and raising children, and in how the roles are sequenced and combined. Young women have

children and marry earlier than males.

How Gender and Religious Beliefs Influence Adult’s Health during Situational


In most cultural groups, caregiving roles for children and the aged is undertaken by

women. In some situational transitions, the aged and children fall sick. Since it is the role of the

women to care for them, they end up overworking, experiencing pressure, stress, anxiety and less

sleeping hours. For, example, Mrs. Pollard has to take care of her HIV positive son and her

elderly sister whose health is poor and has hypertension. She therefore lacks enough time to rest

which adversely affects her health. Some cultural groups however have religious believes that

require the extended family and community to support caregiving roles. With their help, the work

of the caregivers is reduced and their health is improved. Some religious practices like prayer

strengthen the caregivers and motivate them in their caregiving roles.

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