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Water Fall Agile Scrum

The waterfall model, which Agile is a time-boxed, iterative The most popular process
was first applied to software approach to software delivery that framework for software
development, is still regarded aims to deliver software gradually development is Scrum, a subset of
as a traditional, tried-and-true throughout the project rather than all Agile. It is a lightweight
method for achieving specific at once near the end. 71% of framework. Similar to Agile, it
objectives. The waterfall businesses say they use agile employs an incremental
method entails a series of methodologies occasionally, methodology to speed up project
phases: conception, initiation, frequently, or always. completion.
analysis, design, construction,
and maintenance. It
incorporates a sequential
design process in which
progress is seen as flowing
steadily downward (like a

Waterfall Agile Scrum

Stages are handled and finished Reduces waste by focusing Even as the project is in full swing,
each in turn and they don't development efforts on high esteem the sprint method enables
cover. elements and lessening time to development that produces a
showcase. marketable product

When the requirements are

clearly understood, it works Team members take pleasure in The incremental delivery system
well. development work and like to see decreases the time to market while
their efforts put to good use. potentially increasing revenue
because each backlog item
This method's linear structure completed signifies a new product
makes it simple to comprehend improves the deliverables' quality release.
and control.
Since each sprint is reviewed
before moving on to the next,
testing is done continuously,
The waterfall method works enabling teams to change the
increases customer satisfaction
best for projects with precise project's scope or direction at any
through the quick, consistent
goals and consistent time.
delivery of functional software

Customers, developers, and testers Because new increments are

The waterfall development created frequently, new changes
constantly interact with one
methodology might work best can be implemented for very little
another, placing a greater emphasis
for teams with inexperienced money.
on people and interactions than on
project managers, project
processes and tools.
teams, and teams whose
members change frequently.
In contrast to the waterfall model,
It is possible to introduce and carry very little planning is needed to
out impromptu changes. begin the project.
Waterfall Agile Scrum

Before moving on to the next The necessity of designing and It is difficult to implement the
phase, each phase must be documenting is not prioritized. Scrum framework in large
completely finished. Traditionally, teams.
there is no procedure for going
back to change the project's The kind of decisions needed during
direction. the development process can only be If people aren't very
made by senior programmers; the dedicated or cooperative,
model is challenging to use for less- there's a good chance that
Can't handle change - Once an experienced programmers. the project won't succeed.
application has entered the
testing phase, it can be very
challenging to change a There is a high chance of scope creep, A team member's departure
component that was poorly which could result in never-ending midway has a negative effect.
thought out during the concept projects.

As a result of the need for testers

High risk: On a Waterfall project, throughout the project, resource costs
you never really know where you have increased.
are because working software
isn't produced until the very end. Iterations are relentless and require
It always seems to take 80% developers to finish every feature in
longer to complete the last 20% full, which can be mentally taxing.
of a project.

Unsuitable as a model for Assessment of effort is challenging

intricate projects

Slow and expensive because of

the strict controls and rigid

Unsuitable for projects where

there is a moderate to high risk of
requirements changing
Best Practices

Waterfall Agile Scrum

The tasks are not too complex. There are many changes frequently. Project specifications are
The goals are precise and short. A regular introduction of new
features is required. There must be a quick feedback
Technology is comprehended
The client expects to see a
There are no ambiguous
functioning product on a regular There are lots of changes
There is a capable,
Expert resources are easily
The development team members multidisciplinary team in place.
are fully committed to the project.
Short deadlines must be met for
the completion of complex
Choosing What Fits
The success of your software depends heavily on the methodology you choose in the world of software
development. The waterfall method with sequential steps will be ideal if the project requirements are
clearly defined and there is little chance of changes. However, if your project is large and subject to
frequent changes, the agile method will help you complete it as quickly as possible. And choose the
scrum method if you have a cross-functional team in place with the know-how to finish a dynamic
project in a limited amount of time. Each approach has advantages and disadvantages, so it's important
to carefully weigh your options to determine which one best suits your needs.

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