E111002-Project Final Proposal

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Project details
Title : Online Student Management System for GGI Vocational


Registration No : E111002

Supervisor : [leave blank]

Second Supervisor : [leave blank]

Date Submitted :

Date Approved : [leave blank]

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................... 2
Background and Motivation ..................................................................................................................... 2
PROBLEM AND AIM................................................................................................................................... 3
Objectives ................................................................................................................................................. 3
Proposed Solution ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Resource Requirements ............................................................................................................................ 4
Hardware Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 4
Software Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 4
Technological Requirements................................................................................................................. 4
Deliverables............................................................................................................................................... 4
Suggested Starting Point ........................................................................................................................... 5
Project Plan ............................................................................................................................................... 5

Record Management is the administration of records and documented information for the entirety of
its lifecycle, which includes creation, receipt, maintenance, use, storage, retrieval and disposal. In this
context, a record is content that documents a business transaction. Documentation may exist in contracts,
memos, paper files, electronic files, reports, emails, videos, instant message logs or database records. Paper
records may be stored in physical boxes on-premises or at a storage facility. Digital records may be stored
on storage media in-house or in the cloud. The goal of records management is to help an organization keep
the necessary documentation accessible for both business operation and compliance audits. In some small
to mid-sized businesses, spreadsheets are used to track where records are stored, but larger organizations
may find records management software for their management.
A proper records management is required for ensuring the continuity of records values can
continuously beneficial the organization. Specifically, the focus of this project is on the academic records
management. As part of the records types, the academic records are known as an important asset for the
academic institution. Numerous companies offer software products designed to store and provide access to
student information.
Student record Management system is a software solution for managing student data. It is specifically
designed for educational settings, and its many features enable institution’s efficient functioning on a daily
basis. A student record management software is a tool that tracks and records regular activities of the student
in institutes including attendance, exam performance, and their behavior. To improve the efficiency and
usefulness of data, may schools and institutions have entered their student records into automated databases.
Automated systems using available computer technology offer tremendous advantages over traditional
paper systems. However, most computerized systems still rely on paper records at various stages within the
The registrar of GGI Vocational Training Institute is responsible for handling student information
and gathering them during enrollment. This information includes each student’s background information,
student courses taken student attendance at lectures grades, performance records, student payments and
other information needed by the Institution.
The main purpose of the project is to build a student database system to facilities easy access of
student’s records. The student database system will allow the registrar of GGI Vocational training institute,
login to edit, update and student details records. It also enhances efficient management of student’s
information and process and print out student’s transcripts or results slips.

Background and Motivation

GGI Vocational training institute is the leading institute which is providing several courses for all
age students. The institute has more than 2000 students that take different courses. The success of this
institute depends on its ability to acquire accurate and timely data about its operations, to manage this data
effectively, and to use it to analyze and guide its internal daily activities.
GGI is still capturing and storing student’s record details locally, where hard copies of files for every
student is kept in office shelves, this seem to be tiresome and time consuming in case the registrar is looking
of a particular student document. The problems facing the current manual system are data redundancy,
difficult to upload and maintain, inconsistent data, insecurity, difficult to impose constraints on various data
file and difficult to backup.
In manual data processing, data is processed manually without using any machine or tool to get
required results. In this process, all the calculations and logical operations are performed manually on data.
Similarly, data transferred manually from one place to another. This method of data processing is very slow
and errors may occur in the output. In GGI mark sheets, fee receipts, and other financial calculations are
performed by hand. This method is avoided as far as possible because of the very high probability of error,
labor intensive and very time consuming.


This institute is experiencing a lot of students turn out to their various courses. Some do apply for
multiple courses at the same time. Sometimes files are being missing, which makes it very difficult to access
a particular student’s record in regarding to personal information, class start dates and tuition fee payment.
Also lost time due o manual routing of physical documents form department to department, errorscaused by
the manual entry of data from paper documents, payment of invoices could become delayed or resulting in
financial implications like lost discounts or non-delivery of services, inefficient document review or
approval processes and no formal policy or process for routing important documents as they comein. these
small inefficiencies can add up to significant loss of productivity and revenue.
Therefore, because of these drawbacks it has been decided to create student record management
software to address the problem cataloged above. With the above aim they should be able to have access to
the information mention in real time. This will help the management to take decisions and also will make
the record and finance staff work more organized.


• To Introduce user friendly online student Management system for admin, staff and students
• To automate the student registration proses by allowing students to self-enrolment to the courses.
• To provide feature that will support students to view existing course details and promotions
without login the system
• To provide student to pay the fees and submit the Couse work, homework, assessments ets on the
system on time and staff and view them and correct them.
• To provide admin to control all the things in the system for example (students record, course
record, fees record, staff record)
• To make a AI chatbot to the system to answer mostly asked question about the intuition and the
• To improve the intuition strength, make the UI very attractive and mention the achievements they
have done in the past.
Proposed Solution

After critically analyzing the issues faced by GGI Vocational the following solution was proposed.
The proposed solution aims at eliminating many of the issues that they are facing currently, while
also enhancing the performance so that they could carry out their day-to-day business activities
efficiently. Online Student Management System will be in the form of a web application.

The requirements will be gathered from GGI Vocational to understand the system functionalities
that they need. Relevant diagrams will be designed to assist in developing the system. PHP language
will be used to develop the web-based application system. Testing will be carried out on individual
components and on the system as a whole. A documentation of the whole system will be prepared.

Testing is done through black and white boxes to ensure the system is error free, and finally
documentation to help future developers.

Resource Requirements

Hardware Requirements
• Up to 4gb RAM
• Above dual core processor
• 500gb HDD

Software Requirements
• Windows 7 or above
• Word processor
• Visual studio
• Google chrome
• My sql

Technological Requirements
• JS


1. Project proposal
2. Complete system in the form of web application
3. Test documentation including test plan and test cases.
4. User documentation
5. Technical Documentation
6. Final Documentation

Suggested Starting Point

An ideal starting point of this project would be to start gathering requirements from the GGI
Vocational to understand what they expect of the system. This can then be studied and analyzed to help
develop the system according to their needs.

Project Plan





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