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Exercise1 :Direct course application

1. Define: Conductor in balance electrostatic; capacitor; conductor’s capacity.
2.1. Explain how, using a positively charged conductor, we can produce on a metallic sphere:
a) A negative charge only ; b) A positive charge only ;
2.2. Can we charge two metal spheres with a single blow such that one carries a positive charge and
the other a negative charge with a single charged non-conductive bar; without having to reload the bar
2.3. What name do you give to the effect you used?
3. Calculate the capacitance of a spherical capacitor formed by two concentric spheres of radius R1and
R2. The dielectric medium is air. AN: R1=2 mm; R2=50 cm .
4. A conductive sphere( S1 )of R1=0,2m is brought to potential V 1=1 MV . It is surrounded by a conductive
spherical cap( S2 )concentric radius R2=1 m , thickeness=1cm and connected to the ground.
4.1. Determine the field strenght and potential at any point in space
4.2. What are the chargesQ1andQ 2worn by( S1 )and( S2 )  ? CompareQ1andQ2atQ0=4 π e 0 R1 V 1
5. A coaxial cable of length L (L very large) is formed by:
 A central cylindrical conductor of radius R1;
 An insulating layer of outer radius R2dielectric constante r ;
 A conductor.
The whole forms a cylindrical capacitor charged, then isolated
5.1. Calculate the capacityC of this capacitor assuming the insulator is vacuum
5.2. Calculate the electric field in insulation at a distance x of the axis, in terms of the potential difference V
between conductors (this relationship is the same as in a vacuum);
5.3. What is the maximum value of this field?
5.4. The insulation can withstand a maximum of Emax =7.2 ×10 V / m. We impose R=10 mm.
a) Calculate R so thatV can be as high as possible ;
b) Then calculate this maximum as well as the capacity C of the cable per kilometers (for this
maximum). We givee r =7.2 ;e r =8.854 ×10 F/m

Exercise 2: Determining the capacity

Part A: Cylindrical capacitor
A cylindrical air condenser is formed by two coaxial armatures of radius R1and R1 ( R1 < R2 )whose
length of the generators ish ; We neglect the side effects
A.1. Determine the electric field vector at a point M located at the distance ofr of the axis( R1 <r < R 2)
A.2. Deduce the expression of the capacity of this capacitor. A.N: R1=10 cm ; R2=20 cm;h=50 cm
A.3. Special case where R2−R 1=e ≪ R1
A.4. To avoid a destructive spark, the electric field between the armatures must not exceed the value E0
. What is the maximum pd V 0 that can be applied between the armatures?
AN: E0 =3 MV /m; CalculatedrV 0
A.5. The pd V 0 being insufficient, the inner radius armatures can be replaced R1by a radius armatures
R0 , without changing the other geometric characteristics of this capacitor. What radius R0 should we
choose so thatV 0 has the greatest possible value. AN: Calculate R0 and( V 0 ) max
Part B: Spherical capacitor
B.1. Two concentric spheres( S1 )and( S2 )infinitely thin of radius R1and R2 ( R1 < R2 ), are such that( S2 )is on
the ground (zero potential) and( S1 )is brought to a variable potential of valueV 1positive. Determine:
ESB 131 : Chap. 3 _ Conducteurs électrostatiques / fiche TD Proposé par Dr. MIMSHE / ENSPM Page 1
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a) The capacitance of this spherical capacitor in air
b) The total load and the surface density of loads on each armatures
B.2. Determine:
a) The potentialV ( r )at any point M (OM =r ). representV (r )
b) The maximum valueV 1 mofV 1such that at no point in space the maximum value of the electric
field is exceeded Em =3 MV /mto avoid destructive spark in dry air. We will admit that R1may
vary and that R2 isgiven( R2 =20 cm )
B.3.1. We surround the two( S1 )and( S2 )by a third sphere( S3 )infinitely thin, concentric of radius R3. We
relate by a common thread( S1 )and( S2 ). What is the capacity of this system, depending on R1, R2and R3 if
we take for armatures on one hand the conductor( S2 )and on the other by the conductor ( S1 , S 3 )?
B.3.2. We relate R1and R3. For what value of R2is the capacity of the system at its maximum?

Exercise3 : coefficients of Capacity and influence of a load system

1. We place a conductive sphere( S1 )radius R , inside a concentric hollow sphere( S2 )limited by spherical
surfaces( S ' ) and( S ' ' ) of radius R' and R' ' ℜspectively( R '< R ' ' ¿ .
1.1. Knowing that( S1 )is initially isolated and carries a charge Q while( S2 )is connected to the ground,
calculate the potential of( S1 )
1.2. It is now assumed that( S1 )is initially grounded and that( S3 ) is brought to potentialV , calculate the
loads on the surface( S1 )and on( S ' ) and( S ' ' ) .
2.1.Determine according to R andα =R /d , the capacitance and influence coefficients of three small
conducting spheres( S1 ),( S2 )and( S3 ), of the same radius R whose centers are at the vertices of an
equilateral triangle of side≫ R . We will limit ourselves to the terms of the d th order ina
2.2. The three spheres carry the respective chargesQ1,Q2andQ 3. One carries out three successive states
of equilibrium:
 ( S1 )is grounded (V = 0) and at equilibrium the connection is cut;
 ( S2 ) is grounded (V = 0) and at equilibrium the connection is cut;
 ( S3 ) is grounded (V = 0) and at equilibrium the connection is cut;
Determine the new chargesq 1,q 2andq 3of the three conductors after these three operations in terms of a ,
Q2and Q3; NB: For distant actions, we will admit that each sphere is equivalent to its total charge
placed in its center

Exercise4 : Grouping of capacitors

1. The equivalent capacitance in the diagram below is 155nF. Calculate the capacityC 3knowing that
C 1=VS2=100 nF ,C 4=470 nF andC 5=1 μF

2. Determine the value ofC AWAY

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