Logical Reasoning 7

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ever we say something (in any conversation) there are f assumptions Which must be true forthe statement ‘sens. In other Words an assumption is something iors taken for granted’ in the context ofa statement ‘yas questions on Statement and Assumptions give you nfenent and fllOW it up with two further statements ch have tobe tested for whether they are implied in Seoriginal statement or not. In order to identify whether “Fssmpton i implied ina statement the best way to do aris look atthe original statement in the question by frig the assumption Which is being tested. In case the ion being tested is implied, negating it will have the ectof weakening the argument ofthe original statement. Directions: In each question below is given a statement ‘allowed by two assumptions numbered I and II. Consider the statement and decide which of the given assumption isimplct. Given answer (@) Ifonly assumption I is implicit. (8) Ifonly assumption Il is implicit. (©) Ifboth I and II are implicit. (@ Ifneither I nor I is implicit. — Example 1 Statement ‘tong programming skills cannot be the only criteria for ‘successful career in the field of Information Technology. Assumptions |. Bright careers in Information Technology are not linked only with strong programming skills. '\ Ifa person has excellent communication skills as ‘ellas strong programming skills, only then would bebe successful. pug Cleary, there should be some other skills such iki, 2eeNel skills, communication skills, negotiation ing 4" # Stecessful career. Hence, assumption | is “Assumption Il is not implicit because it talks only CHAPTER Statement and Assumptions re — about communication and technical skills. Hence option (2) is correct. Note: Try the negation test in this question. If Assump- tion 1 is not true, i. “Bright careers in Information Tech- nology are not linked only with strong programming skills’ is untrue, then the argument contained in the statement “Strong programming skills cannot be the only criteria for successful career in the field of Information Technology” loses its strength. Hence, this assumption is implicit in the statement. Example 2 Statement ‘The maximum IAS exam selection will be from our institute—A director of a coaching institution. Assumptions 1. Most of the students who study in this institute are genius. Il. Teachers of the coaching institution are preparing their students thoroughly. Solution _ Assumption [is irrelevant because there might be some other genius students who are studying in other coaching institutions. Assumption II is implicit. A coaching institution can only claim such statements it is preparing its students thoroughly. Hence, option (b) is correct. — Example 3 Statement Over a cricketing career most players would do well to remember that there is only one thing that overcomes hard luck—hard work. Assumptions I. Ifacricketeris hardworking, he/she can easily tackle the toughest phases of his cricketing career. Il. Acricketer writes his/her own destiny by hard work, in it sket 1s are implicit. All crich jon eo sates thei careers, but only those ‘Sob int! players fice difficult Gm shases bravely and work succeed, WI y, hard luck becomes hard to or fora cricketer ion (¢) is correct insignificant for a ——— — Example4 Statement ‘The case of. drugs play vital isabsolutely no use in the Olympics. Assumptions cricketers, hockey players and footballers are not volved in doping. So we ean spend time to watch such games. I, Asian athletes donot win from taking drugs. Solution Both the assumptions are irrelevant. In the vfatement nothing is said about other games and as such Jearly indicates that if taking ance of athletes, there to watch the athletics ‘Marion Jones cl 1 role in the perform: of spending time ‘medals because they refrain NOS RTE FOr Logical ne, negating that assumption has ‘new the argument in the statement Bese sen the perth Performa, of Asian athletes is irrelevay tion (d) is correct. mt the argument Hegee — Example 5 Statement = ‘A Reliance Fresh Retail sto vendors in Ranchi. 7° WAS atacked by yy *Betable ‘Assumptions I. Reliance Fresh has affected th vegetable vendors Il. Reliance Fresh stor ia stores are builtin thick Solution Assumption 1 is imy Assump plicit because down the line, Reliance Fresh is affecting the foot dors. That is why they have been violent, As. Jea ve, is irelevant because nothing is mentioned near"! location of the stores. Hence, option (a)is comer 8 livelinogd op "Oca "y populate (a) Ifonly assumption I (b) Ifonly assumption II is implicit. (©) If both I and II are implicit. (@ Ineither I nor Il is implicit. 1. Statement: UPSC is tougher than MPPSC. So I will appear in MPPSC. ‘Assumptions: I. Every graduate should appear in MPPSC. Il. One should avoid tougher things because one might fail in them and failure might lead to a loss of time. On the other hand if something is easy the chances of succeeding are high. 2. Statement: Rahim is a tall boy Assumptions: I. Rahim’s father’s height is 6 feet 7 inches, IL Any height above 6 feet is con- sidered to be tal. 3. Statement: Whats the distance of my home from my office? Assumptions: I. My home is at the centre of the city. IL My office is 10 km away from the park, which is 1_km away from my home. 4, Statement: A says to B “Refer to the Camtri dictionary instead of the Oxford dic. tionary to be good at English.” Assumptions: I. B wants to be good at English IL Aisa good advisor. 5. Statement: Narayan the CEO of the company says to his employee, “Achieve the targets we have set for you or [will fire you.” Assumptions: I. WithNarayan’sstatement,theem- ployee will work hard to achieve his targets. TL, All bosses are in the habit of intimidating their employees. In the last year, Lucknow University has launched a number of manage- ment courses for the better future of its students. Assumptions: I. These courses may attract ste dents. II. Lucknow University is consions about the future of students “We should take permission 0" the director ofthe college in ost organise the annual fest.” Ones to another. Assumptions: I, Without the directo’ ‘we can’t organise the an 6. Statement: 7. Statement: and on fresh II. The director does not w jy study raises celebrate annual fess, |” 1S: Statement: Atari ole) drug ements “TFyOU want to specialise in Human concer ich is prescribed © PANN: 3, si Resource Management in India, join following antibiotic medication. XLRL” pared with thertwoantaleTEY 97) sumptions: XLRI provides specialisation in (one of the three must be prescribes ie bs eal this study shows that Crocin SIP I XLRI has the best HRM course tantly rises the risk of adverse Ce in India effets following antibiotic medic ement: Most rural folks are uneducated and Assumptions: 1. There is no risk if a ° ae g, stat therefore superstitious, two other anti-allergy dus ions: I. Education increases rational administered. nti assum thinking. I, Tes necessary t0 take oF IL Rural folks don't go to school — drug after ; ion. a ment: Since the exam is held on the third a ee eat more Frito jo, Seater Sunday of November it is going to be 16, Statement: Children whose a have higher held on 18th November this year. Lays aon E a nt vhletic capabil- Assumptions: 1. This year it will not be held on ies hs whose mothers eat little, 15th, 19th, 20th or 21st of No- werording to a new British study. POP “Assumptions: I. Those whose mothers don’ «1° IL. This year it will not be held on Frito Lays have zero motor skills 16th or 17th November. ‘and athletic capability. 1 statementL “See it first only on our channel”, an IL It is essential for pregnant women advertisement of a news channel, tohave Frito Lays in order to have Assumptions: I. Advertising is the first and most children with higher motor skills important thing for every chan- and more athletic capability. nel. 17, Statement: Many students were caughtred-hande Il, Other news channels do not want and rusticated while using unfair to show things first. ‘eans during the recent university means during examinations. : ‘Assumptions: J. The University authorities have 12 Sutement: To keep my knowledge about world never taken such strong actions affairs strong I always read The Economist magazine. Assumptions: I. There is no other magazine ex- carlier. | cept The Economist for world Il. The examination administration affairs. committee had prior knowledge Il. The Economist is a cheap maga- about this issue. zine. 18, Statement: The parents of majority of the students of IIM Ahmedabad have decided to withdraw their wards from the insti- tute to protest against the sharp fee hike. Assumptions: I. It is likely that such attempts will make the IIM Ahmedabad 13 Statement; The present condition of law and order is the worst of all time. Assumptions: I. The present government does not pay heed to the requirements of ‘maintaining law and order. I. In earlier days, the law and order condition was better. authori i 4. Statement: India’s contribution to the growing wie ve See global market of management consul- IL. The institution will be closed after taney may touch $5 billion by 2030, 10th of June. which is 10 per cent of the current 19. Statement: In the absence of Ravi, Sunil will be ___ export size. teachin, ics i Assumptions: I. The current export size is $50 Assumptions: I. AMS isc eas hw f billion, mathematics. ° II, The current year is 2010. Il. Ravi is better than Sunil. se 's clear from the past records of the st people who exercise intain the 20. Statement: Iti: gym that mo: at the gym regularly maint perfect correlation between height and weight. I. Exercise at the gym for everyone. IL If one wants to have weight ac- cording to his height, he should exercise at the gym regularly. “Please switch off your mobile phones while you are in class”, a notice out- side a classroom in XYZ. Assumptions: I. Every student of XYZ keeps mobile phones. II. Switched on mobile phones might distract the atmosphere of the class. 22. Statement: Ifyou have the desire to excel, we have ajob for you. Assumptions: I. If you don’thave a desire to excel, you will not get a job with us. Assumptions: is essential 21. Statement: Now © Prepare tor Legion R °8Son;, i Il. Every ; 7 ry F oa “Pl excel, 7 *Quires th " ease i i 10th Febraset YOU fee yo institution,” "AP Otice aya! bet Ts Unless they are ing 4 Notice, a > @ num| thy will Not submit iad of stage mh verre ‘ebru; OSeq fon ee depar . 7 | ome to hy thas Assumptions: [, A substantia, meget! ers fai er n a fail to Pay their pj CUstom. lephone depart ils in IL. There has be, meat “e Tate in the ¢ Payments, 25. Statement: Use Brylcream to look Assumptions: |. People want to Tooke T. Only ugly people wit) this product, Putchase 23. Statement: Assumptions: 24. Statement: €n a hig ase oF teleph,

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