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Compressors and Surge

Types of Compressors

• Positive Displacement

• Rotating
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Positive Displacement

• Reciprocating (Piston)

• Screw
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Reciprocating (Piston)
Rotary Screw
Air Compressors
• Also Positive Displacement Machines
• Normally 200HP to 1000HP
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• Axial
• Centrifugal
Centrifugal compressors
• Widespread use, many applications
• Gas is accelerated outwards by
rotating impeller
• Can be built for operation as low as
5 psi, or operation as high as 8,000 psi
(35 kPa or 55,000 kPa)
• Sizes range from 300 hp to 50,000 hp
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Cross section of horizontal split

Picture of horizontal split

Cross section of barrel

type compressor

Picture of barrel
type compressor

Cross section of
bull gear compressor

Picture of bull
IMPELLERS gear compressor

Picture of (bull)
Single Case Compressor Centrifugal Impeller gear and impellers
Cross section of horizontal split
Discharge volutes Impeller inlet
labyrinth seals
Shaft and
Drive coupling labyrinth seal

Journal bearing
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Casing Thrust bearing

(horizontally split
flange) Compressor
discharge nozzle

inlet nozzle
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Picture of horizontal split

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Horizontal split compressor
Cross section of barrel type
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Picture of barrel type compressor on a
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Cross section of bull gear compressor

Labyrinth seals

Drive coupling

Main gear

Journal bearing
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Inlet guide vanes Pinion shafts

Gear casing
Compressor volutes
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Picture of bull gear compressor

Axial compressors
• Gas flows in direction of rotating shaft
• Can be built for lower pressures only 10 to
100 psi (0.7 to 6.8 Bar)
• High flow rate…Used in Gas Turbines and as blower
or upstream!
• Efficient (for high flow)
• Not as common as centrifugals
• Much more sensitive to Surge
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Stator Blades
Rotor Blades Shaft



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Picture of axial compressor

Axial-Hybrid Compressor

actuator linkage Labyrinth seals
Compressor rotor

Rotor blades
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Adjustable guide vanes

Compressor Compressor
inlet nozzle Thrust bearing outlet nozzle
Compressor system classifications

Single-Section, Three-Stage Single-Case, Two-Section, Six-Stage

Two-Case, Two-Section, Six-Stage (LP & HP)

Parallel Network (More Q)
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Series Network (for very high Rc)

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Compressor Curves and Surge

What is the compressor curve?

• The compressor provides us with pressure

and flow.

• The compressor curve shows the

relationship between pressure and flow.

• If we just measure the pressure (using a

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pressure transmitter) and flow using a flow

transmitter) we can then determine the
curve shape…

• The Operating Point of a compressor is

determined by the intersection of process
resistance curve its the performance curve.
Developing the compressor curve
Hp Polytropic Head
Rc Pressure Ratio (Pd/Ps) or (P2/P1)
∆ Pc Differential Pressure (Pd - Ps) or (P2 - P1)
Pd Discharge Pressure (P2) R process,2
The force that works
against the compressor.
(invisible line)


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Compressor curve for a

1. specific speed N1
2. IGV angle, or
3. Inlet-valve opening

Q2 Q1 Qs, vol [m^3/hr]

Qs, mass (W) [Kg/hr] .
Used to define the driver
Developing the compressor curve

Process limit
Adding control
Maximum speed
Surge limit

Power limit

Stonewall or
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choke limit

Stable zone
of operation
Actual available Minimum speed
operating zone

Qs, vol
What is Surge?
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Surge: Inability for the compressor

to sustain the forward flow. Flow
collapses ( )on the impeller.
Developing the Surge Cycle
• As pressure builds, resistance goes up,
operating point “draws” the perf curve
• Compressor reaches surge point A
• At this point A the potential energy in the vessel
exceeds the capability of the compressor
• Because Pv > Pd(max) , the flow reverses
• Pressure Pd drops and forward flow is Pv
• Excessive surge, i.e. surge count ≥3
(within a specified time).
B A Pd = Compressor discharge pressure
Pv = Vessel pressure
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• From A to B….20 - 50 ms…….. Drop into surge

• From C to D....20 - 120 ms…… Jump out of surge
• A-B-C-D-A….0.3 - 3 seconds…… Surge cycle

Qs, vol
Surge description

• Flow reverses in 20 to 50 milliseconds

• Surge cycles at a rate of 0.3 s to 3 s per
• Compressor vibrates
• Temperature rises
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• “Whooshing” noise
• Conventional instruments and human
operators may fail to recognize surge
Some surge consequences

• Unstable flow and pressure

• Damage in sequence with increasing
severity to seals, bearings, impellers, shaft
• Increased seal clearances and leakage
• Lower energy efficiency
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• Reduced compressor life

Factors leading to onset of surge
• Startup
• Shutdown
• Operation at reduced throughput (production)
• Operation at heavy throughput with:
– Trips
– Power loss
– Operator errors
– Process upsets
– Load changes
– Gas composition changes
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– Cooler problems (blockage…)

– Filter or strainer problems
– Driver problems

• Surge is not limited to times of reduced

• Surge can occur at full operation
Major Process Parameters
during Surge

Using high speed

1 2
TIME (sec.)
• Rapid flow oscillations
PRESSURE • Thrust (Push) reversals
• Potential damage
• Rapid pressure
oscillations with
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1 2 3
TIME (sec.)
process instability
• Rising temperatures
inside compressor

1 2 3
TIME (sec.) Operators may fail to
recognize surge
How far the Compressor is
away from Surge?
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Distance from Surge

– The more accurately we can measure the distance to surge,
the closer we can operate to it without taking risk
– The surge limit line changes depending on the compressor
inlet conditions: Ts, Ps, MW, ks (gas const.)
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– Compressor maps based on only measurement of pressure

and flow are not invariant to changing inlet conditions. They
are provided for certain Suction conditions.

– The antisurge controller must provide a distance to surge

calculation that is invariant of any change in inlet conditions.
Limitations with OEM provided
coordinate systems of the compressor map

• These coordinates are NOT invariant to

suction conditions as shown
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• For control purposes we want the SLL to be

presented by a single curve for a fixed geometry
Commonly used (OEM provided)
coordinate systems of the compressor map

• Typical compressor maps include: (Qs, Hp),

(Qs, Rc), or (Qs, Pd) coordinates, where:
Qs = Suction flow and can be expressed as actual
or standard volumetric flow
Hp = Polytropic Head
Rc = Compressor Ratio (pd / ps)
Pd = Discharge pressure of the compressor
Ps = Suction pressure of the compressor
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ks = Exponent for isentropic compression

• These maps are defined for (1) specific set

of suction conditions: Ps, Ts, MW and ks.
That’s why an invariant coordinate space should
be defined since it is not affected by the suction
Deriving Invariant Coordinates

Zs,d = Compressibility in Suction, Discharge
Equations for Zs + Zd
Zavg = Average Compressibility =
Polytropic Head & Ts = Suction Temperature
Volumetric Flow2 : Rc = Compression Ratio =
Pd = Discharge Pressure
R −1
Ps = Suction Pressure
Hp = Z avg R Ts ⋅ σ Ru
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R= - Gas Constant
MW = Molecular Weight
2 ∆ Pos
Qs = Z s R Ts ⋅ Ru – Universal Gas Constant
Ps σ= k- 1
k = Specific Heat Ratio =
kηp Cv
Cp = Specific Heat at Constant Pressure
Cv = Specific Heat at Constant Volume
ηp = Polytropic Efficiency
Invariant Coordinates

Reduce each equation by a factor A:

A = Z s R Ts
Rc − 1 ∆Pos
Zavg R Ts . Qs
2 Zs R Ts .
Hp σ Ps
= = hp , red A
= = q2s,red
A Zs R Ts Zs R Ts
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R is Reynold const. From experience, we know

that the ratio of the compressibility Zavg/Zs
varies negligibly. Assuming it to be constant
over the compressor operating range:
h p,red Rc − 1
= σ q2s,red = ∆Pos
σ Calculation
• The relationship between pressure &
temperature for polytropic compression
leads to a practical way to measure
polytropic constant σ : σ
Td Pd σ
= = Rc
Ts Ps
log Td
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Solving for σ: σ =
log Pd
Advantage of Invariant
Coordinates Illustration (1)
NOT invariant coordinates (Hp, Qs) Invariant coordinates (hr, qr2)
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Hp = Polytropic head - Choose the Right Coordinates for the Antisurge Control System
Qs = Volumetric suction flow - Invariant coordinates: Suction conditions disregarded (Ps, Ts,
qr2 = Reduced flow squared MW, Ks)
hr = Reduced head
Advantage of Invariant
Coordinates Illustration (2)
Hydrogen Recycle Compressor Invariant Coordinates
Surge Points - Mode fA 65

Variant Coordinates
Actual Surge Plot 1 6

.8 5
6 4
35 35
6 4
5 32

Reduced Head
5 .4 12
6 3 512
5 3 .2
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Dis. Pressure Psig

6 3
20 6 3 -.2
-.4 -.2 0 .2 .4 .6 .8 1 1.2 1.4
15 Reduced Flow [none]

4 Curve 1: MW = 4.62; Ps = 6.033 kg/cm2 a

Curve 2: MW = 5.90; Ps = 6.800 kg/cm2 a
10 4 2
2 Curve 3: MW = 7.90; Ps = 14.900 kg/cm2 a
1 1 Curve 4: MW = 8.20; Ps = 6.800 kg/cm2 a
1 1 1
Curve 5: MW = 9.70; Ps = 14.900 kg/cm2 a
Curve 6: MW = 10.8; Ps = 14.900 kg/cm2 a
1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000
Vol. Inlet Flow - ACFM [ACMH]
Actual Cubic Feet per Minute
Distance From Surge
is a Moving Target
For Off-Gas • Most all process
compressors will also
For Nitrogen have to operate in off-
design conditions

• Automatic antisurge
control must be able to
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For Design stage operate under varying

operating conditions:
– Suction Temperature
Design Nitrogen Off-gas
– Suction Pressure
– Gas Composition
Ts Ts Ts – Rotational Speed
ks ks ks
Replacing hr with Rc
• Reduced Head hr can be replaced by Rc (Rc=Pd/Ps)
while keeping the coordinate system less
dependant upon suction conditions
f (R )
• The surge parameter Ss now becomes Ss = 1 2 c
where the function f1( ) returns
the value of qr,SLL
2 on the SLL for
the input Rc
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• This eliminates the need for Td and Ts transmitters for

Important Note: Td , Ts , and rotational speed (N) are
still recommended inputs for your anti-surge control
system for monitoring and event archiving purposes
• Polytropic head Hp = (Jule/Kg)…How much energy this
compressor is giving to the gas.
• FT should be connected to suction. If FT is measured at the
discharge then (in S3 we use a different fA mode, and in S5
we just connect it in the project builder to the discharge
(internal compensation)).
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Antisurge Control
Working with Invariant Coordinates

The reduced coordinates

hr define a performance map
SLP (Surge Limit Point) which:
OPL (Operating Point Line) • is invariant to changing
OP (Operating Point) inlet conditions
• has one surge limit
point for a given
rotational speed and
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compressor geometry
• permits calculation of
h p,red the operating point
Slope OPL= 2 without difficulty to
q s,red
obtain molecular
2 weight and
qr compressibility
Performance Curve Drawn in
Reduced Coordinates
h p,red = Rc -
1 q2s,red = ∆Pos
Distance From Surge Calculation
The controller continuously
SLL (Surge Limit Line)
The ratio of the slope of the
Surge Limit Line & the slope of
hr the Operating point line:
Performance Curve
Operating SlopeOPL
Point Ss =
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When Ss = 1, Then we are

OPL (Operating surging.
Point Line)
Ss The : Angular distance
between the OP and the SLL
point (Proximity to Surge Limit
• Variable Ss defines the relative slope of a line from The distance between the
the origin to the operating point. operating point and the surge
• Ss is calculated each 5ms and averaged each 40ms. limit:
• Ss= 0 to 1 (right side of the SLL)
• Ss=1 to 2 (left side of the SLL) d = 1 - Ss
Ss vs. Operating Point Distance
h r /q 2r,op
Ss =
h r /q 2r,SLL
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Controller Deviation
DEV = (-)…Bad…PI action…A/S
valve will open proportional to the
error. The more Dev is -, the more
the valve will open. RT might be
needed (coming soon). The controller calculates
deviation from the SCL
hr DEV = d - b1
d = 1 – SS
b1 = the relative distance
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DEV = (+) Good

between the SLL &
the SCL
b1 = 0 – 100 (S3+/++)
b1 = 0 – 0.99 (S5)

DEV represents the

2 distance between the
operating point and the
surge control line.
Best DEV is close to +zero (more efficient).
Example 1

Given b1=0.5, and DEV = +0.3 . Find the

value of Ss calculated by the controller?

DEV = d – b1
=1 – Ss – b1
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OP Ss = 1 – b1 – DEV
= 1 – 0.5 – 0.3
= 0.2 which is less than 1 (0 to 1) then
the operating point is to right of the SLL.

2 Distance from OP to SLL d= 1 – Ss = 0.8

Example 2

Given b1=0.5, and DEV = -0.2 . Find the

value of Ss calculated by the controller?

DEV = d – b1
=1 – Ss – b1
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Ss = 1 – b1 – DEV
= 1 – 0.5 +0.2
= 0.7 which is less than 1 (0 to 1) then the
operating point is to right of the SLL.

2 Distance from OP to SLL d= 1 – Ss = 0.3

Example 3

Given b1=0.5, and DEV = -0.8 . Find the

value of Ss calculated by the controller?

DEV = d – b1
=1 – Ss – b1
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Ss = 1 – b1 – DEV
= 1 – 0.5 + 0.8
= 1.3 which is more than 1 (1 to 2) then
we are in surge.

2 Distance from OP to SLL d= 1 – Ss = -0.3

Basic Antisurge Control System

• The antisurge controller UIC-1 (User-defined A/S Indicating

Controller) protects the compressor against surge by
opening the recycle valve
• Opening of the recycle valve lowers the resistance felt by the
• This takes the compressor away from surge
• A/S valve is chosen as fail-open. R process
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1 1 1

Suction Discharge
1 qr
Surge parameter based on invariant
– Flow measured in suction (∆∆Po)
– Ps and Pd transmitters used to calculate Rc
Recommended example of ASV
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The Surge Control Line (SCL)
The first defense line
Rc SLL = Surge Limit Line
SCL = Surge Control Line

• When the operating

point crosses the SCL,
A PI control will open
the recycle valve
• PI control will give
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adequate protection
for small disturbances
• PI control will give stable control during steady
state recycle operation
• Pb: Proportional Band, Kr: Integral reset.
• Slow disturbance example
• If PID is used, then the valve will keep oscillating
What affects the value of b1
(Distance from SLL and SCL)?

• Stroking speed of the valve. Closing time needs to be the

same order of magnitude to assure optimized loop gain works well in both directions.

• Capacity of the valve

• Discharge volume to upstream of

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antisurge valve. This is determined by piping

(diameter and length of pipes…the longer the pipe is the
slow the response…so we need to increase our safety
margin b1).
The Recycle Trip® Line (RTL)
the second defense line
Rc SLL = Surge Limit Line
RTL= Recycle Trip® Line • Disturbance arrives - the
SCL = Surge Control Line operating point moves past
the SCL initiating Proportional
& Integral (PI) control action

• If the operating point hits the
RTL, the conclusion is:
– We are close to surge
– The PI controller was too
slow to catch the
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2 – Move the valve now!
Output Q
to Valve • An open loop response is
Recycle Trip® Response
triggered and the operating
(Step Response)
point moves to a stable
PI Control Response

• RTL is defined by RT distance

Time from SCL.
The Recycle Trip® Line (RTL)
to Valve • After the operating
point moves back to
the safe side of RTL,
PI Control Response the open-loop function
Recycle Trip® Response should be ramped out
– PI controller will stabilize
the operating point on the
SCL until normal process
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flow in re-established

• For large, short duration disturbances a fixed ramp out

of the open loop response may hold the antisurge valve
open too long
– Could result in an unnecessary loss of process flow
– Antisurge controller should utilize its distance from surge
calculation to accelerate the exponential decay
The Recycle Trip® Line (RTL)
to Valve
• Total response of the
controller is the sum of
Total Response
the PI control and the
PI Control Response Recycle Trip® action
Recycle Trip® Response


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– Energy savings due to smaller

PI Control
Recycle Trip® required surge margins
– Compressor has more turndown
before recycle or blow-off
+ – Surge can be prevented for
virtually any disturbance
To antisurge valve
Improving the Accuracy of
Recycle Trip®
• Open loop response is the fastest way to
get the antisurge valve open
– But, open loop control lacks the accuracy
needed to precisely position the antisurge
• By definition, open loop corrections of a
fixed magnitude are often either too big or
too small for any specific disturbance
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– The rate of change of the position of the

compressor operating point has been proven
to be an excellent predictor of the strength of
the disturbance
– This derivative calculation can be used to
adjust the magnitude of the open loop
Recycle Trip® Based on
Derivative of Ss
Recycle Trip®
Response calculation:
• Maximum protection
d(Ss) – No surge
C = C1Td1
dt – No compressor damage
where: • Minimum process
• C = Actual step to the valve
• C1 = Constant - also defines disturbance
maximum step
• Td1 = Scaling constant – No process trips
• d(Ss)/dt = Rate of change of the
operating point
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Output Output
to valve Medium disturbance to valve Large disturbance

PI Control
PI Control
Recycle Trip® Recycle Trip®
Time Time
Multiple Recycle Trip® Steps
After time delay C2 (RT_deadtime in S5) controller
checks if Operating Point is back to safe side of
Recycle Trip® Line
- If Yes: Exponential decay of Recycle Trip® response
- If No: Another step is added to the Recycle Trip® response
to valve Multiple step response
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to valve One step response Total
100% PI Control

Recycle Trip®

C2 C2 C2
PI Control
Recycle Trip®
Multiple Recycle Trip® Steps

Rc Output

3 2

5 0
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0 1 2 3 4 5 Time
Safety On® Response (SOL)
the third defense line
SOL - Safety On® Line
SLL - Surge Limit Line • If Operating Point crosses the
RTL - Recycle Trip® Line Safety On® Line the compressor is
SCL - Surge Control Line
Rc in surge
• SOL is defined to overcome errors
when calculating SLL
• The Safety On® response shifts
the SCL and the RTL to the right
• Additional safety or surge margin
is added (b=b1+b2 x n)
• PI control and Recycle Trip® will
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New SCL stabilize the machine on the new

Compressor can surge due to:
2 – Transmitter calibration shift
Additional surge margin (b2) qr – Sticky antisurge valve or
– Partially blocked antisurge
Benefits of Safety On® response: valve or recycle line
- Continuous surging is avoided – Unusually large process
- Operators are alarmed about surge upset
Determine the lines on the invariant coordinates?
 Define SLL (from OEM)
SOL - Safety On® Line
SLL - Surge Limit Line  Adjust b1 = 0.2 (Safety Margin)
RTL - Recycle Trip® Line (Distance from C to A)
Hp red
SCL - Surge Control Line  Adjust RT=0.1
(Distance from A to B)
 Adjust SO=0.1
B A (Distance from C to D)

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 @A, DEV=
 @B, DEV=
2  @C, DEV=
 @D, DEV=
 Distance A to OP is 0.15; DEV @OP=
Multidimensional coordinate
system representation
In case of a Variable-Speed Compressor, the Surge Points for different Speed Curves will hardly
ever be located on a single straight line through the origin of the Operating Map. Same thing
will happed if there are IGVs.

For example, if the “F1(RC)” numerator and “DPO/PS” denominator modes are selected, the f2
characterizer is a function of speed (N), and the f3 characterizer is a function of guide vane
angle (alpha), Ss would be calculated as:

For fixed speed and no IGVs:

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For variable speed and no IGVs:

SCL Derivative
Response Algorithm
• When the operating point moves quickly
towards the SCL, the rate of change
(dSs/dt) is used to dynamically increase
Rc the surge control margin (b=b1+b3x
Td0 x dSs/dt). (ex. Td0=5, b3=3)

• PI controller reacts earlier since OP will
be hitting SCL earlier

• The derivative response is used to avoid

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large disturbances only (there is no

need to increase the safety margin
when there is no need to do so)

• If the process is stable, then dSs/dt =0.

Q • If the process is stable then we can set
(FC3 =OFF, b=b1) otherwise (FC3=ON,
The bigger the disturbance, the faster b=b1+b3x Td0 x dSs/dt) SCL will keep
the Operating Point moves, the more swinging. If we operate at the SCL in
margin is added and the sooner the this case, we will have unstable
valve is opened. operation.
The b equation

• b = (b1) + (b2 x n) + (b3 x Td0 x dSs/dt)

- b1: Defines the minimum distance of the SCL from the SLL (after defining the SLL
from the invariant coordinates)
- b2: SOL coefficient while n is the surge count.
- b3: SCL derivative response coefficient. It represents the maximum margin that
could be added due to derivative response. Td0 is the derivative time constant.

• dSs/dt is the velocity of the operating point. The bigger dSs/dt

means we are moving faster towards surge.
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• dSs/dt is the measurement of the stability of the process

• -1 <= dSs/dt <= +1
• Positive then the OP is moving towards surge and SCL to the
• Negative then the OP is moving away from surge and SCL is
returning to the left.
What does Td0 do?

• b = (b1) + (b3 x Td0 x dSs/dt)

• Td0 acts like a multiplier for dSs/dt

• It simply makes the controller more or less sensitive to

changes or disturbances in the process.

•The higher Td0 (say 10 as an example) the smaller the

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disturbance it takes to get all of our extra safety margin.

What does dSs/dt term do?

•If Td0 = 1, then

•Stable process

•Small disturbance

•Higher disturbance
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• b3 maximum derivative response constant.

• In S5 b3 is called deriv_response_max

• Note: Typical values for tuning:

b1=20 to 35
b2= 0.05 (25% of b1)
C1(RT_max)=10 to 25
C2 (RT_deadtime)= 1 to 1.5 Sec.
Pb = 0.8 to 1.3 (or slower 0.5)
Kr = 3 to 5
- Usually within 20 or 30 sec , if we have excessive surge ( n =3) then we send an ESD signal.
- The excessive surge output is closed (energized) when the compressor is not surging, and open to trip (fail safe).
Surge counters in S5

This status variable gives the current number of
surge events detected by the Antisurge Controller
through the Safety On Response and EAS Surge
Detection functions. The surge_count is reset to
zero by asserting the SO_reset command, or when
the Shutdown_SO_reset parameter is set to True
and the Antisurge Controller enters the Stop State
and the stopping ramp is complete.

Example: If a surge event was detected and the

excessive_surge_time expired before reaching
excessive_surge_thresh then this counter will
overwrite what was detected before even if reset
SO was not reset manually; to be ready for
excessive surge detection. Both SCL and RTL
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will maintain their shifting; b=b1+(b2 x n).

Reseting reset SO manually will reset this
counter and will return b=b1.

The surge_count_total status variable gives the total number of
surge events detected by the Antisurge Controller. It is
incremented each time a surge is detected. The
surge_count_total must be manually reset to zero using the
surge_count_total_reset command.
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Excessive Surge in S5
Excessive Surge in S5
• If the operating point moves to the left of the SOL and stays
there, the surge counter will be incremented at time intervals
set by the parameter “Safety On Repeat Interval”.

• Each antisurge controller can have two outputs configured;

one Modbus output representing the 1st surge detected
(Safety On) and one hardwired digital output for compressor
trip (Excessive Surge). The first output is activated when the
Safety On response is triggered. The second output,
Excessive Surge, is triggered when the Surge Count
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parameter exceeds the value of the Surge Relay Threshold

parameter. The Excessive Surge output is closed
(energized) when the compressor is not surging, and open to
trip (fail safe).
The Tight Shut-off Line (TSL)
Assuming a low clamp is
Dynamic control range implemented*. When OP crosses TSL from left to
Controller right it shuts the valve off.
Flow rate output
through A/S valve is fully closed since
Controller Output: DEV is +tive OUT = 0%
valve Shows how much
the A/S valve is
open PI Control D

A Time
Controller B C
• TSL position = d1% (ex. 10% off SCL)
Low clamp on controller output
0% to the valve •Here we assumed a low clamp is implemented. If
there was no low clamp then the valve will ramp
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Rc SCL open from 0 at point C.
TSL = Tight Shut-off
•The Tight Shut Off response fully closes the control valve
C to 0% when it is at its low clamp position and the operating
B point is safely to the right of the surge control line.
D Benefits
• No leakage and noise when controller is far
away from surge - point A
• Eliminates noise and energy waste
• Eliminates dead time in the response of the
qr antisurge valve when the operating point is
close to the SCL
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How close the lines should be?
Output Linearization

• Linear valve trim is preferred

Controller output for good controllability / same
dynamic flow response over the
Flow rate complete stroke
valve • If the valve has quick opening
trim or equal percentage,
controller output should be
Valve trim characterized as mirror image.
quick opening Valve trim We add a signal to the output
equal percentage to make it linear.
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By enabling the corresponding

valve flow characterizing function
Controller output
dynamic flow response becomes
Manual Override - MOR
• MOR = “On” is called Hard Manual.
• MOR = “Off” is called Soft Manual.
• The correct setting of MOR is normally “Off”.
• With MOR = “Off”, controller will switch from Manual to
Auto when Operating Point crosses the RTL, and will
bring the Operating Point back to the SCL.
• With MOR = “On”, controller is nothing but an open-
and-close button for your antisurge valve. The
controller ignores the calculation of DEViation and
gives no surge protection whatsoever.
© Compressor Controls Corporation

• Used in Maintenance only (when adjusting the valve for

example where we don’t want to see any recycle flow).
Put MOR to ON to replace the transmitter since you
don’t know what process changes are there during
• If you want to open the A/S valve manually, just go to
“Manual” and increase the OUT by pressing the
designated buttons on the S3+/S++.
Manual Override in S5V

• hard_manual_enable= “On” is called Hard

• hard_manual_enable= “Off” is called Soft

• Putting MOR or hard_manual _enable to

ON doesn’t put the controller in Manual
© Compressor Controls Corporation

mode. To put the controller in Manual you

need to press Man/Auto on S3+/++
Operator panel, faceplate on TV, or from
Con5 (under command).
Limiting Ps or Pd using the
Antisurge Controller
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- Here we control the A/S valve opening (OUT%).

- The Selector selects the highest “priority”.
- If we are limiting Pd; suppose it went up then we open
the A/S valve to reduce Pd even if the DEV is +tive.
Limiting Ps or Pd using the
Antisurge Controller


1 1 1

Suction UIC
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• The antisurge controller can be configured to limit:

- Maximum discharge pressure (Pd)
- Minimum suction pressure (Ps)
- Both maximum Pd and minimum Ps
• This does NOT conflict with antisurge protection. If we have
loop1 as A/S and loop2 as Pd, then the controller will give
whichever is max valve opening (OUT%) to protect the
Loop Decoupling for
Multiple Antisurge Controllers
Section 1 Section 2

PIC SIC Disturbance

1 1

1 2
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Disturbance comes from the

discharge side
• Pd,2 increases
• Ps,2 remains constant R
• Rc,2 increases Rc,2
• Section 2 moves towards surge R

Antisurge controller UIC-2 will open

the recycle valve to protect Section 2
against surge
• Pd,2 decreases 2
• Ps,2 increases qr,2
• Rc,2 decreases
• Section 2 moves away from surge
Loop Decoupling for
Multiple Antisurge Controllers
Section 1 Section 2

1 1

1 2
© Compressor Controls Corporation

Opening the recycle valve on Section 2

causes Ps,2 to increase / Result: R
• Pd,1 increases
• Rc,1 increases Rc,1 R
• Section 1 moves towards surge

UIC-1 will open its recycle valve to

protect Section 1 against surge
• Pd,1 decreases qr,1
• Ps,1 increases
• Rc,1 decreases
• Section 1 moves away from surge
Loop Decoupling for
Multiple Antisurge Controllers
Section 1 Section 2

1 1

1 2
© Compressor Controls Corporation

• The system is oscillating

Opening of recycle valve on Section 1 • Slowing down controller
caused P to decrease / Result: tuning could lead to:
• Ps,2 decreases - Increased risk of surge
• Rc,2 increases • Compressor damage
• Process trips
• Section 2 moves towards surge
- Larger surge margins
• Energy waste
Loop Decoupling for
Multiple Antisurge Controllers
Section 1 Section 2
© Compressor Controls Corporation

• Antisurge controllers need to communicate in real time to

coordinate their control actions
• When UIC-2 opens the recycle valve:
- Section 2 will be protected against surge
- Section 1 will be driven towards surge
• How much Section 1 is driven towards surge depends on how
much the recycle valve on Section 2 is opened. (Decoupling Coof.)
• The output of UIC-2 is sent to UIC-1 to inform UIC-1 about the
disturbance that is arriving

Note: The same applies when the antisurge valve on Section 1 is opened first
Loop Decoupling for
Multiple Antisurge Controllers

• A decoupling control algorithm is designed to reduce and

eliminate the interaction between the loops. Also called
Feedforward control.

• Decoupling is achieved by adding a portion of the output of

controller A directly to the output of controller B.

• As a result, controller B actually begins its control action

© Compressor Controls Corporation

before it sees the disturbance caused by controller A output.

Ideally, this proactive, feed forward control action would be
just enough to cancel the upcoming disturbance caused by
controller A output.

• (ex. If A/S 1 changed its output by 40 and LD2 is set to 0.20,

then 20% of the 40 will be 8%, so A/S 2 will increase its
output by 8%)

• The loop-decoupling response can only be positive, so it will

never decrease the recycle flow rate.
Loop Decoupling for
Multiple Antisurge Controllers
• Decoupling is used to fine-tune the process and avoid oscillations.
• In S5, set the corresponding Packet IDs.

LD 1-8 : Decoupling Gains. Enter a decoupling gain value along with the
appropriate sign (positive or negative) in the fields corresponding to the
Controller ID numbers of the controllers from which this controller
should be decoupled. It should be positive if this recycle rate should rise with
that of the companion. It should be negative if this recycle rate should rise when
the other is reduced.
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Fallback Strategies
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Fallback Strategies in S5
For Minimum Flow Fallback

• The minimum_flow_enable discrete parameter is set to True to

enable the Minimum Flow Fallback strategy. It is set to False to
disable this strategy (controller will fall back to Run Freeze
Fallback instead).

• When the Minimum Flow Fallback strategy is enabled and active,

the minimum_flow_level parameter specifies the minimum flow
level through the compressor that will be maintained. The
2013 Compressor Controls Corporation

controller will calculate proximity to surge (Ss) as the ratio of a

specified minimum flow level (minimum_flow_level) and the
suction flow measurement (dPo at suction):

It will then raise the recycle flow rate as needed to keep the compliment of
this ratio above the desired surge control margin (b).
© Compressor Controls Corporation

Operating States for S5V

• In a Series 5 Control System, the valve-
sharing function allows several Antisurge
controllers to share one Antisurge valve by
keeping the recycle rate (OUT) high enough
to protect the section closest to its surge
or process limit.
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Valve-Sharing in S5V
The secondary valve-sharing controllers pass
their proportional, integral, and Recycle Trip
responses to the primary controller, which
includes the highest responses in the calculation
of its valve-sharing response:
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CRVS = valve-sharing response

CRP = highest proportional control response
CRI = highest integral control response
CRRT = highest Recycle Trip response
© Compressor Controls Corporation

Piping Layout Considerations
• Piping layout influences the controllability of the
the complete system
• The primary objective of the antisurge controller is
to protect the compressor against surge
• This is achieved by lowering the resistance to
compressor flow
• The resistance is lowered by opening the
antisurge valve
• Dead-time & lag-time should be minimized
© Compressor Controls Corporation

• This is achieved by
volume to be
minimizing the minimized
volume between
three flanges
– Discharge flange of
the compressor
– Recycle valve flange
– Check valve flange
Improving Control Response
volume due
to cooler

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• Compressor 1 has ideal piping configuration for surge

protection as the between the three flanges is minimized
• The piping layout for compressor 2 is common but not
optimum from an antisurge system response point of view

• The cooler creates additional volume and decreases the

effectiveness of the antisurge control system
Using a Single Antisurge
Large volume

Section 1 Section 2
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• In order to protect section 1 the antisurge valve needs to be opened

• The volume between compressor discharge, check valve and
antisurge valve determines the dead time and lag time in the system
• Large volume significantly decreases the effectiveness of the
antisurge protection
– Poor surge protection
– Large surge margins
– Energy waste
– Process trips because of surge
Sharing Recycle Coolers
Large volume

Small volume
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• The piping configuration for section 2 is excellent for surge

• Minimum volume between the three flanges
• The piping configuration for section 1 is not ideal as there is a large
volume of process gas to be de-pressurized
- Poor surge protection
- Large surge margins
- Potential energy waste
- Potential process trips due to surge
Optimum Surge Protection
© Compressor Controls Corporation


• This compressor has ideal piping configuration for

surge protection as the process volume is minimized
between the three flanges for all sections
Which Piping Configuration Would
you Choose?
Piping Configuration #1

Piping Configuration #2
© Compressor Controls Corporation

• Configuration #1 has minimum volume between the flanges and is the best
layout for antisurge control reaction time
• Configuration #2 requires one cooler less / capital investment is lower and
cooler maintenance costs are reduced
• Configuration #2 will require bigger surge control margins
Sizing the Antisurge
Control Valve
• Criteria for antisurge valve sizing based on
CCC’s experience
– Provide surge protection for worst possible disturbances
– Provide surge protection in all modes of operation
– Sized to provide flow peaks greater than what is required
in steady state to operate on the Surge Control Line
– Sized to avoid choke zone
– Not be oversized from controllability point of view
© Compressor Controls Corporation

• Take the points at the intersection

of the min. & max performance
curves and the Surge Limit Line
• Calculate Cv,calc (or equivalent) for
each point
• Select standard valve size using
the following criteria:
1.8 . Cv, calc < Cv,selected < 2.2 . Cv, calc
Performance Map
Dynamic and Accuracy
requirements of the A/S valve
• Full stroking time to open, under positioner
control, of less than 2 seconds with less than
0.4 seconds of time delay without significant
overshoot and closing time, also under
positioner control, of no more than 8-10
© Compressor Controls Corporation

• Linear (Preferred ) or equal percentage

characteristic of the valve

• Positioning accuracy 1 percent or better

• A/S valve is chosen as fail-open.
• OUT @4mA: Fully Open
• OUT @12mA: 50% Open
• OUT @20mA: Fully Closed
To replace a transmitter in S5
• After a transmitter fails, the A/S controller will Fallback into a
predefined strategy. In Run-Freeze Fallback the ASV will run
on the last good value or a predefined value (whichever is
higher). The compressor will run safe.
• Put hard_manual_enable ON and put the controller in Manual
(using TV or Con5). You can increase OUT more if needed.
• Remove the old transmitter and install the new one. Specify
the new transmitter range under Config_IO.
• Monitor the signal coming from the new transmitter under
• When you see the correct value coming from field, make
© Compressor Controls Corporation

sure that you are running on +tive DEV or zero DEV before
switching back the controller to Auto (using TV or Con5).
• Put hard_manual_enable OFF and the controller in Auto
© Compressor Controls Corporation

Surge Testing
Is surge testing required?

• NO !
• But recommended for End-user/EPC
contractor benefits.
• CCC does not require surge tests to set-up
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control systems
• For CCC field service engineers surge
testing is a daily routine
Surge Test
© Compressor Controls Corporation

Surge Test Demo

Surge Detection - Option
To configure this method of surge detection, it is necessary to execute a surge test and record the rate
of change of pressure and flow at the moment of surge.

Pressure and Flow Variations • Surge signature should be recorded

During a Typical Surge Cycle during commissioning
• Rates of change for flow and pressure
transmitters should be calculated
• Thresholds should be configured
slightly more conservatively than the
actual rates of change during surge
• Surge is detected when the actual
1 TO 2 SECONDS rates of change exceed the
100% configured thresholds
• The following methods have been
∆Po – Rapid drop in flow
– Rapid drop in pressure
– Rapid increase in temperature
– Rapid drop in flow & pressure
20 to 50
Surge Detection – Option in S5

• If EAS (Emergency Antisurge Station) Method is selected, the controller also

monitors the rate of change of flow and discharge pressure measurements for
indications of surge. If thresholds exceeded, the surge count is incremented and a
Recycle Trip Response and Safety On Response are triggered.
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