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Nama : Sela Ainus Safaah

Kelas : 1A Manajemen Bisnis Syariah

Nim : 63040220027


1. Review passage with 5W+1H guidance

1. Who argued to each other in the conversation? Slamet and
2. “In Professor Zuhri s class, I am determined to study hard
because I really want to grasp the fruit of the subject he is
teaching.”The word he refers to..Professsor zuhri
3. What made anis upset? Extra assignments from professor zuhri
and talk about ideal students.
4. Why did anis not like her professor? Because the Professor
always gives additional assigments to students who are late
5. Why did slamet agree with anis professor? Because according
to Slamet,Professor Zuhri gave additional tasks to train disipline
so that no one is late to class
6. What did ahmad suggest to anis and slamet? keep head cool
7. How do you conclude the characteristics of an ideal student
according to anis opinion? Unseful for others,willing to work
hard and can be and example for others
8. How dou you contrast ahmad s and slamet s definitions about
an ideal student? I do not agree because Ahmad and Slamet
sald that the ideal student should be a light and role model for
his friends, because in my opinion the definition of an ideal
student is different for each individual
9. Which definitions of an ideal students do you agree te most?
why? Anis, because ideal students want to study hard to
master the subject
10. What is your own definition about an ideal student? In my
opinion,ideal student are student who are able to complete
their student on time
11. When did the conversation start?In the morning
12. Where did they start the conversation ? In the classroom
2. Recap main points of passage in 8 parts

About In this chapter discusses the opinion about the definition of

the ideal student.considered as students who can meet academic
standards.In society, ideal students are seen as people who are most
useful to their environment. Apart from these opinions, we must also
have our own assumptions about the ideal student, according to our
respective thoughts."

Slamet and Anis argue about additional assignments given by

professor Zuhri. Because Anis wanted to decide for herself how the
ideal student would be so she got carried away and a little emotional.
Finally they were reconciled by Ahmad.

Ahmad asked slamet and anis about their class this morning,
slamet's class went smoothly, while anis was annoyed at being given
additional assignments for being late for class, he was always annoyed
when everyone talked about being a good student which was measured
by how good their grades were and ignoring how well they really study
and lecturers who only care about students who show up on time.

Ahmad argues that an ideal student is a good and noble student,

whose quality is determined not only from his brain intelligence but
also his morals.We have to determine the science of rice the more it
contains the more we bow down.In addition, socially and religiously it is
recommended that a student should benefit the community through
the knowledge he has acquired, a student with such qualities will surely
be loved by teachers, parents, friends and people around him.

Slamet argues that ideal students focus on virtue and heart, and must
maintain their achievements and physical development, because ideal
students can be more useful if their behavior is good and the right
attitude can be an example for their environment.

To be ideal students we don't have to be nerds, but we can adopt a

healthy lifestyle by eating healthy foods, maintaining personal hygiene
and balancing study, exercise, socializing and rest time. it cannot be
achieved without determination and discipline.

That is the point of view according to Anis about the ideal student
definition the definition of the ideal student that is beyond the brain,
heart, and physical appearance The ideal student also has idealism. He
must clearly know what he is doing and take responsibility for it. He
knows what he wants, it's not that he just follows what other people

About Ahmad gave suggestions to make a list of ideal student

qualities for presentations, found some empirical evidence about ideal
student qualities, and suggested scientific articles in the Journal of
Education and Behavior as a reference to find articles that match the

1. Transitive
a. He always gives an extra assignment to those who are late.
b. Preffesor zuhri gave me an extra assignment because I was late
to the class
c. Don’t you think he gives you an extra assignment
2. Intransitive
a. I work an assignment from the statiscs class until 4 a.m
b. I went to his class this morning
c. I am always irritated
3. Linking
a. Student becomes a model for his friends
b. My Professor seems to only care to students who come to the
class on time
c. I see the reasone why you look so moody
4. To Be
a. It is endless if you are arguing like this
b. I am sory slamet
c. That is my definition of an ideal student

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