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\oltl UJ,UJ\DIUII J!.JILLJII UII II c::Ji ~ JUL.Juvu.1u, J :,.!.J • .,._. .

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if,)6Ui(rr Ca,rn.'. uil, Ca-6Uw- 7
CUJ.(~h-~ -fl 6lRIT .if,)L. I/ I 080/ 2022/.!hn 6TT . I°! .10.2022
~ , llJil',LD u Qurr l])lu.i n6TT rr, rfrr ru 6TT ~§Jl 601 ID, LD nJ1l 6U r;l6U LD !D!I)J UJ C: LD!!) uIJ u4 rfrr ru 6TT ~ QJ rr JJ
Qarnrnr n ~6lJ IT&cllrn ffil¥QJLD (mmil.f) l)((i )/01 I 0 / /\ (1 V/
~~:J i ,~ -: L4 §D'lUlUJUl, $!)1JLD6Cfflll.
) 1 , 1 ~ I' I \) 2tl 22 ) ~rtl\LJ !!,L 6lJl¥&6lfl&ffiffifT8, ~@)JlJULJU(b)dilffi~. ,/
' ~ ·, ,.,\-v--· .l \
, t-,1\ . \ ~
Qa-1U!!]Gurr!fJllµ'rT6Trrr, i(.ru.~.,
!fil6U!t°rr CaiLL w, Co-6Uw-7 .
1-~£'.? ~&@8ir {LO),
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. :·- '.11.urului> 1....uG&rrLLLil.
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Aa-w..a Ff.-:IJ - @ I ~&rrUJ L.OLJffl.@ITIT.
:',. =-= ·s ,,h'ebe en deputed to vi sit th e six States that have adopted the Groundwater Act and
:l2'a 3 Jf :ne team member s and vi siu ng States , for yo ur kind persual as:
SI. I Member s of team propose d
State Name
, 1 I Th i ru . J.Balamu rugan, M.Sc.,
Assistan t Di rector( Geolog y)
I 2. Thiru. Sivaram a Krishnan, M .Sc.,
I Assistant Geolog ist
1 Te langana I
j 3 Thiru Kamalak annan , M.Sc.,
i Assistant Geologist
I ' 4. I Thiru. K. Karthick , M.Sc .,
I As si stant Geologi st
1. Th1ru . K. Anandharaj, M .Sc., M.Tech .,
I Assistani Oireciort Geology )
2. Thiru . V. Bharath , M.Sc.,M .Phil
I I As sistant Geolog ist
Karnat ak a 13 Dr. S.Suganthi M.Sc., Ph .D.,
Assistant Geologist
4. j Tm t. M.Suvedha , M.Sc
I Ass ista1 t Geologis t

; ricJri ra Pr adesn Th 1ru S.Pradeep M Sc ,M Tech
Assistan t Director (Geology )
, :::' Th,ru Pusparc1Jc1 n M.Sc
Ac.s1stc::in t Geolo g is t _ _ _ _ __J
•v•'J I I 1,1,r1 1 11 I '11 II f/1 11 IJ / l 1I J
j·'. f "'I •
,. " I 11 , , 1 , 1 J 11 •<,I ·, 111 I'/ Jt I f,11 fl I
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• ,, ;,, I ,••:. 1), //, Jl<: 1 fl . 11, , I , ,, ,'J ; rv ,•. rJqJ:J11r1 1<int ,
•""f _-,, •, " ,i •./;J ••, f ..,, • I ' ff _. ·, t <,1 . 1n Jr. I <)r1
( . . ! . , .... ' , 1 ' , '. l;\,J r : ~Jf ,
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;,, .., · ,:. , ·, -.✓• ✓• '/ / / " , / / ;, :., ',-1 1','/', <. , ,.11 11.;1 V '/J rJQ'1
'J , ' r;J~' .. rr ,,,', t '
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•, •1, r 1,,, 1
11.,1,..,J /<1 1 11J I /. <1 / /'/ IJ1 '1 14J IJ:,t,, d :26 Qfj 2022
,''-/~~~-!~" : ; ~ ..,,, •• '.1 1.:1:;,1 1·• ,, , Ir• 1;ir,1r,,, • t :1t1<Jt1 •Jf ( ; 101,md Wat1;r Act - Team
, • 1/ ,. , . .,,,_.. _ 'J"/ J' l', 1• •• ·, 1 ·• I :) ·,t:,11; ·, tl 1:JI r1a 1c_: adoptc;d Ground Water Act -
. , . .. f " :;. '/ 1 • ' _,•., ' ' • , , " ( ( I i"( :,(_f~! 'j 1 f (J
; . ·. •_ ._ . . ·, ·•· , '· ·. N . I 'J', 1 1Jf :; I ', Ir r.f r,,, 1,r1:lu1 ; fr; yc1rd 1nv Ground W&tr;r
! ·,.· ·.':~ .. ·.. , :,, ·.,,:~ /'.,//
i, ,' -,.,; ·,· :, ', · ,,1 ·, ,_ •,•1, 1: '/ ,, r,,,J tr, · r •n•; r t t/i'.U , '..,c:<.rr:;>lariat , Chennai-9
'. • ~,,;,, • !, ;, • I / ) 1'1 1/4 ,j;;fr;(j 'J () (),j / () //
·.· ' •1
• '; ·, · / 1 -,,,, , ,,. , _ . 1, ., I r,, 1) I ' ,/JI<, It :>(J?'J , O~l1;d 2? 08 2022
, ,. -,. . ., . p,,
,/,ftf' , , ,,,1,, ' { ~'.' -l ' ,,J '·:1 ,.. i..v ..
· ~ ,. r 1 · ' ,, ,-. ., ! ~ • ,. 1-: !1 <: • '' " I I~ :nf,:;~ r.!:d •ri::~ th~ f~!l(;\'.':ng
, ·,;, .. _ · :; '· ·,,:_·. · ·J:i, . ·,·,, ·,, , ; 1 , . ,, _ ·, 1 ·, •:;11,.·, •r :;t Ii .JV ' ; ,3d 1;ptt.:d thr:: Groundw::iter Act and
.., :;:;-," ·;,:_ .. '/ , ", :, · ,·.l, ·• r 'J ' ):J l r,·, Ir)( jf) l) t l-'1nd Pf:.'(5 U::ll :) '3
1,.-,, ', ~;,,V: I ~r,J( I; Mernb<:r5 <Jf t,:am p roposed
f n1 r u. J. Bdidmu rug an , M.Sc.,
/. ·.,,.-, 1•,t :;,r' D1r,~<.tor(Geolo g y)
i I r · 1; •, 1v::;r:~rn:J Kri'., rinan , M Sc., 7
:: :_, . . .,.;/.,..1 /) I· ·,-_ ·.l;, r 1 Gr1<1l')91·,t
1 · , r J ( 3rn3IJkann an , M
Sc ,
/-·. ·, ·.,t:;r t r ..,,; 1; loq 1:.t
4 n r •; v.
V-:;rt hi c v, M .Sc. ,
/- ·.·, •;, :, r 1 r; r.?c) ()q lst I
··r rr; V An:.,nd~1araJ. M Sc ,
/• .,,1•.,' :.,r ;I u rr 1; r,10rl(; ~Olo gy)
M.Tech , l
;,, ~r r J / Bh::iralh M Sc ,M Ph il
/ •: , ·,r,l;,r I (_,r:;;rJ lrJq ', \
/ t' :, · · r:; •:;, ,, :1 , Ur ,·, ·.,u9si n11 1IJI '::ic , Ph O ,
/• '_. ·, 1;:t ,Jnt G r-10 109 11,t
t1 r rr t r/• ·.,,; Jr.d r1;j M '.;r;
I ', ', •,t ;, • t r .,,_r) ir)(J l', I
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1\ •.·.1•.l, 1111 I l11, 1, l111 (I ,r 1il 111}y)
1111 I J .
..! I 111 1 M, il \i' lll h , 111 , M : .. .
/\•.·.1•, l.111\ l ~, .,,I,11 1l•,I
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J I 1111111 I' l ', li. 1111.q 11,, 111 , M :,!
I\• , ,I' .I II 1I I , • ,J, " :1· f
,, 1111111 ,~ I : :. 11 1111J jl, M : ,1
/\L,Ul:,l.111( ( ;1 111111111' ·1
1111111 M : '. 1v,il, 1111 1,11 , M ! J'
/\l.,ul•~ t.111I 1)11 II ( l0 1(C: 1 o l11r,v )
1111111 I< : :111 , ... 11. M : ,1. , M l 1·1
I II .

/\::: ,1·.l.111t l )11 1•r 1(11 (< ,, ,, il , 11 1v)
5 Utto r Prn d osl1
: ,1,.
J . I 1111111 M M,1111k, i1 11 l, 11 1. M
/\:; t,1 :,l.1nt ( ',1·11 l111 p·.l
I\ I ·111i1u l<, 1111 ,100 1ll1y , M : ,/, ,
/\::s 1:,l.111I C o n lo , p·.I
11 .
T 111! M ;,; 11v1·dh,1. M ! ,<. M I 1l1
/\ ~.~.1·,t. 111I C, ·n lr,, 11' ,I
lhir11 I' ll,111 k11:.l 111.1n M :;1,,
M 1'111I .
? II
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/\ •;: ,1~ 1, II it
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H o ry an:1
3. I 11 11r1 1N Ar u11 ;1c l1,1l, J111 M ,JC ,M
/\s s 1:.;ta 11t C u o lo q y (G< ;CJlo qy )
4 T hiru B.1l.111 M !~c , I 'h I> .
/\s s it,l.1nt Gc:c iln rw,t
5. I Or
S A1y:1 M 0 c: , Ph IJ ,
/\ s s1strl nt G e;o lorw ,t
111 r• '; o f th •; q r()t11 1rlw ;,1, H
look into thri r.o ncc• pl •,/r,r ocu1
The a bov e team me mbers will
f tho G ro 1incJ w otor /\1,l 111 T<l rr 11I
rega rd to the imp lc: mo nl :-i ti;:.,""; o
Act ado pted by the 6 Sta tes in r
two w 0n k1 ..i ftor thr, w ,11 of th1·1
bmi t tho outc ome ro port w ithin
Nad u Sta te & req ues ted to su
Sta tes con cern ed.
GiovT. L [: 'J1 f'I? - 1 I\J D'
rl'\l C.. L.
Sd/ l r S I ' rnb nk~Jr,rn 2G 08 202
C hie f F nn 111m.: r, '>G & SW l1 1J(,
W RD , Th a ram a n1, C hE=n na ,-1 '13
h o nna1 ,
ine cr, G rou nd W a ter Circ l~. C
Cop y to the Sup erin te ndin g Ena
M adu rai and Th anj avu r. , V r: llr; rr~ .
G rou nd W a lu r Orv 1r.,1on , Chr :n nai
Cop y to the Exe cu tive Eng ine er,
Cud dal ore , Th anj avu r , Tric hy ,
- :~..~urJ 1
Sa lqrr. , Ma du m 1 Trr un,...lvr.: l1~f<
v~Jl !, l a - ( 'J~~-1<_
, r.,,f; '). •;1..,- -
For Ch1 F:: f I n1J1 r~r , rf; 0 S\/'/ Pu r,
w r<D, T ha ro m on1, Ch8 n 11..,, 113
,i 1 "


W.titi1 l,t1 :,our~l~S l), p.11 t11w11t,

'._ •~•.. .' • ,•I•::•' Sl' C.I (} ld t I, ti '
Cllc 1111,11-D
Lott<·r Nu 1fl2 16 m 11 ? O1:l- It\ ,,•d '.)G Oil ! 0'.J:J
I-l orn
Dr Sandccp Saxena, I A. ':S ,
/\dd rtlonat Chref Secretory 10 Gove111mcnt
,, The Chief Engineer,
"' Water Resource s Oepmtment,
State Gro und and Surface Wntcr Resources Dat~1Centr o,
Th aramani,
Chennnr-11 3.
Sub: Water Resources Department - Implementation of Ground
Wr1ter Act - Team of members proposed to visit G States that
hc1ve adopted Ground Water flct . Permi ssion - Regard ing.
Ref: From the Chief E11ginccr, State Ground cind Surface Wnter
Resources Data Centre, Water Resources Dep::u tment, _
Chennni Le11er No. AG-V/GW./\CT/ 2022 , Dated 22 06.2022.
Witt, reference to t11e letter cited, you are requested to issue perrnission to the
team of members proposed to visit the State mont1011ed ogJinst their names, for a
limited period of days, so as to understnnd tho concepts/procedur es adopted by the
said 6 Stntes in implcme11tation of the Grot1nd Water Act. A proper background
note and briefing to be 'g,ven on the objectives, scope J11cJ expected outcome to the
team members before l1Jnd. n1e outcome report be sent to Government within
2 weeks of the tour for record .
Yours faithfully,
r~ _ v"v\.,?~ IV\
I '(· if·-0 1 )_
for Additional Chief Secretary to Government.
~ ~ f ')1/ l ')
--- --- I '

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