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Chapter 4– The Creation of an Empire

Answer Key
A) Fill in the blanks-
1) Ibrahim Lodi and Babur in the year 1526
2) Din-i-illahi
3) Agriculture and Revenue System
4) Sir Thomas Roe, Jahangir
5) Todar Mal
B) Match the following-
1) c
2) a
3) e
4) b
5) d
C) Answer the following questions very briefly-
Answer-1) Baburnama
Answer-2) Bandobast
Answer-3) Babur was invited to invade India by Daulat Khan of Punjab.
Answer-4) Second Battle of Panipat was fought between Akbar and
Hemu in 1556.
Answer-5) Shah Jahan was also called Prince Khurram.
D) Answer the following questions briefly-
Answer-1) Many generals, including Daulat Khan, were not happy with
the ruling of Ibrahim Lodi. So, Daulat Khan, a governor of Punjab, invited
him to Invade India. Moreover, Babur wanted to lay his hereditary claims
because of his Timurian ancestry.

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Answer-2) After the beginning of the sixteenth century, there was no
political unity. The country was fragmented due to a lack of central
leadership. The last King, Ibrahim Lodi, was not liked by his ministers and
governors. So, Daulat khan invited Babur to invade India. This was the
beginning of the Mughal period in India.
Answer-3) Shahjahan build the Taj Mahal in memory of his beloved wife
Answer-4) Features of Mughal Administration are-
- Akbar laid the foundation of a secular state.
- Akbar introduced the mansabdari system.
Answer-5) Panipat was an ideal battleground for those who invaded India
from north and those who defended the country from the south.
E) Answer the following questions in detail-
Answer-1) Babur was invited to invade India and wanted to conquer
Punjab t lay claims of his Timurian dynasty. He defeated Ibrahim Lodi in
1526 in the First Battle of Panipat.
Answer-2) Shershah Suri was a very good military and civil administrated.
Sher Shah is most remembered because of reforms- made in agriculture
and the revenue administration. The land assessment was strictly done,
and revenue collection was lenient. He encouraged trade and commerce.
Akbar's model of a collection of revenue was similar to that of Sher
Shah's system, and it was called Bandobast. The land was surveyed and
measured carefully, similar to Sher Shah's system. Revenue collection
was also lenient because if crops failed, the farmers were exempted from
paying. Sher Shah Suri was the forerunner of Akbar in terms of
Answer-3) Aurangzeb was a staunch Muslim. His policies angered the
Rajputs, silks. He spent 26 years trying to bring Deccan under control. He
had no interest in art and culture and was even banned from playing
music on the court. So, Aurangzeb was unpopular.
Answer-4) Humayun was the eldest son of Babur. He had to face
challenges from outside as well as within the family. His brothers
constantly revolted against him even after getting their share, and Afghan
rebels also constantly troubled him. Sher Shah Suri defeated him in the

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Battle of Chuasa in 1540 and later in the Battle of Kannauj. He fled to
Persia and stayed there till the death of Sher Shah Suri.
Answer-5) Revenue System of Akbar-
The land was the primary source of revenue under the Mughals. The
revenue system was called Bandobast. The land was grouped under four
categories- land always under cultivation. The land is constantly under
cultivation; the land is occasionally let to regain fertility, and Banjar
depends on cultivation. The revenue was fixed after assessing the
production of the last ten years. Loans were given to farmers, and special
facilities were given to farmers in case of droughts and famines.

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