I Really Am A Slag Shou

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I Really Am a Slag Shou!


Chi Zhao binds with the slag shou system, and if he succeeds in his missions, he will be

But who said life is easy!

A rich old man who was slagged by him: “I know you love me. Your past pains, I’ve
already investigated them.”

The star admiral who had been slagged by him: “Don’t be reluctant anymore! I’ve always
known that you didn’t betray me.”

The entertainment mogul who was slagged by him: “Don’t make any noise. Honey, will
you come home with me?”

The dark sentinel who was slagged by him: “Now, do you still want to say that it is not
my child?”

The prince regent who was slagged by him said, “The mountains and rivers are yours,
but you are mine.”

Chi Zhao burst into tears: “Boss, believe me just this once. Let me get the reward, okay?”

Thinking that the acting is very good, in fact, every day he’s spreading meng.

Author(s):Your Glory, 你的荣光


Year: 2019

Country: China

Genres:Comedy, Romance, Supernatural, Yaoi

Tags:Dense Protagonist, Episodic, Handsome Male Lead, Possessive Characters,

Transmigration, World Hopping
Source:I Did My Best Translations, KK Translates



UUID: 270005e0-8614-11eb-b3b2-dfafb9e6255f

USER: Outofthisworld

DATE CREATED: 2021-03-16


More info and chapters: https://www.asianovel.com/series/i-really-am-a-slag-shou

Chapter 1
Source: I Did My Best Translations


Hello everyone,
Some of you may be readers of my other project “After Being
Transported into a Book, I Adopted the Villain”, while some of you
may be new, either way, welcome.
So far I plan to release five chapters a week every Sunday (that
date may move during the school year). Although for this first week
I’ll only be releasing chapters 1-3 so I can start building a stockpile
of chapters.
Just a quick FYI, I don’t have an editor so if I make a mistake in my
spelling or grammar, just comment below and I’ll fix it.
Now on to the story (ノ^ꇴ^)ノ*✲゚*。⋆
[Are you ready?]
Chi Zhao enthusiastically nodded: “Ready!”
A loud beep signaled that the countdown had started. When the
system reached one, Chi Zhao suddenly saw a burst of white light in
front of his eyes, and the feeling of turning heaven and earth spread
across his whole body. Without opening his eyes, Chi Zhao felt a
violent gush in his stomach.
The system quickly told him where the toilet was.
While gripping the toilet, Chi Zhao vomited until his stomach was
empty. After what seemed like half a day, Chi Zhao could finally
speak, “How can the world transfer be so uncomfortable…”
[It’s normal for you to feel uncomfortable the first time. It
should be fine in the future.]
[Here, the information of the world has been sent to you. Take
a good look and strictly play it according to the plot line.]
Chi Zhao let out a weak mutter, then laid down beside the toilet,
closed his eyes, and began to look at the world information sent to
him by the system.
The full name of the system is slag giving system. While Chi Zhao
was a lonely ghost, it’s not right to assume that he was originally
meant to be paired with this system. He just died one day. When he
couldn’t figure out whether he should start actively seeking the
place of reincarnation, or if he was supposed to wait for something
like a tunnel of light to pick him up, the system appeared.
It proposed a deal. Chi Zhao would bind with him, play the role of
a slag giver in other worlds, and earn points. If he succeeds in a
world, he can get 10 points, and after saving 100 points, he can
exchange them for a bottle of resurrection water, which means that
he can resurrect back home.
Chi Zhao was only 20 years old. He had been reviewing for the
CET-4 [1] for three months at the time of his death. Coincidentally,
the day before the exam, he died. Thinking about all that wasted
effort gave Chi Zhao complicated feelings. So he didn’t say anything
and just bonded to the system.
After the binding, he remembered a very important question, “If I
failed, is there be punishment?”
The system sympathized with him. This little guy’s life is gone,
and his IQ went down. The binding is already done. What’s the use
of asking this question now?
Nevertheless, the system gave him a thoughtful answer. There
was no punishment. However, if he did not finish it, he would be
trapped forever, unable to rest, only trying to succeed every day
until he could save up 100 points.
If someone else heard this, they will be very afraid. After all, the
word “forever” sounds very serious. Fortunately, Chi Zhao didn’t
think too much. In fact, he thought it was a good deal. Although he
can’t go out, he won’t die. Isn’t it just acting? Where’s the difficulty?
Silly, naïve Chi Zhao, at this time he did not yet know what kind of
mistake he had made.
As the name implies, as part of the slag giving system, Chi Zhao
should always play the role of the slag. Since he is a newcomer, the
system very kindly sent him to a world with a relatively low
difficulty level. As long as the script is followed, almost anyone can
In this world, Chi Zhao’s character is Qi Yuan. Like Chi Zhao, he is
also a college student and an orphan. Ever since he started high
school, an anonymous rich man has been supporting him. His living
expenses, tuition fees and even his pocket money are all given by his
sponsor. But he didn’t appreciate the rich man at all. Instead, he
actually begun to complain about him. He envied him, thinking that
this rich man has so much, but only gives himself so little, too stingy.
He always wanted to know who was sponsoring him, because he
wanted to ask for money, but he couldn’t find any information
because the other party hid too tightly. However, after he went to
college, the rich man’s power became unstable because he had no
children or heirs. He needed a false heir to stabilize his position. At
this time, he thought of Qi Yuan.
Qi Yuan finally got to meet the rich man. He knew that he was rich,
but he did not know that he was so outrageously rich. He was
actually the head of the biggest family in the city, the owner of the Li
family, Li Yihan.
Li Yihan was 32 years old, 14 years older than Qi Yuan. After
seeing him, Qi Yuan changed his mind. He didn’t want just money
anymore. He wanted everything from money to people.
Chi Zhao: “….” [2]
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻┻
… What is “from money to people”? It’s not what he thought it
meant, right?
Ultimately, as a fake heir, he moved into Li Yihan’s house,
gradually gained Li Yihan’s trust, and then deliberately or
unintentionally started to seduce him. Unfortunately, Li Yihan was
never interested. The longer Qi Yuan stayed at the Li house, the
more he did not want to leave this rich and powerful life. So, he used
every scheme he could think of until finally, he lured Li Yihan into
his hands. However, he accidentally found out that Li Yihan had
made a will. After his death, all the money would be donated to
charity. Neither the Li family nor Qi Yuan would get a penny.
Qi Yuan instantly lost interest in Li Yihan, and his previous
complaints escalated to resentment. On the one hand, he gradually
turned cold to Li Yihan, and on the other hand, he secretly interacted
with other wealthy men. After Li’s competitors learned this, they
only needed to give Qi Yuan a little sweetness for him to take the
initiative to work for them.
Li Yihan trusted Qi Yuan and originally did not suspect that he had
been stealing company secrets to competitors, but gradually, he
became suspicious. After finding out that Li Yihan had been growing
suspicious, Qi Yuan became fearful and anxious, so while playing
innocent, he did something in Li Yihan’s car.
He originally wanted to kill Li Yihan but did not expect that Li
Yihan would get lucky. He didn’t die, but instead ended up with a
life-long disability. Qi Yuan, while Li Yihan was in a coma and lying
in the ICU, took all the money he could find and ran away abroad to
continue his life of drunkenness and debauchery.
Poor Li Yihan woke up to find that he could no longer walk, and
that the company’s working capital had disappeared. Most
abhorrently, after he had investigated everything, he found that all
of this misfortune was due to Qi Yuan.
It is inconceivable how much Li Yihan hates Qi Yuan. Qi Yuan
spent two years abroad and became addicted to drugs. He soon
spent all the money he had stolen. He had no money to buy drugs,
so, he returned to his old job and seduced men. He had done this
before and gotten away with it because everyone knew that his
backing was Li Yihan. Now that he could not depend on others, he
was easy to bully.
Qi Yuan soon ran into more trouble, he owed a bunch of debts and
offended the local Mafia forces. At this time, he saw the domestic
news, Li Yihan returned to the business world, and miraculously
cured his legs.
Qi Yuan felt that since Li Yihan was all right, he would certainly
not blame him anymore. He used the last of his savings to buy a
return ticket and tried to find someone to contact Li Yihan.
Finally, Li Yihan came to see him. Looking at Qi Yuan’s broken
rental house, Li Yihan smiled like a ghost. He told him that all the
people who caused him to become addicted to drugs and offended
him were his own. The purpose was to get Qi Yuan to return home
and show him his face.
As if to appreciate the moment, Li Yihan sat aside and watched his
men break Qi Yuan’s legs. He also punctured his eyes. Then, he left
Qi Yuan there to die.
Within three days, Qi Yuan died.
He died of pain and hunger.
Seeing the end, Chi Zhao suddenly shot up from the ground and
asked the system, “Is this a novice world?”
[Yeah, isn’t it simple?]
It’s fucking hard!
Chi Zhao’s forehead throbbed, and he covered his head. “So to
reiterate, that is to say, I’m going to seduce a lot of people and
have relationships with them all.”
“Keep it from Li Yihan and sell all the secrets of his company to
his competitors, and then I’ll attempt to kill him and instead
disable his legs.”
“Finally, I let Li Yihan get his revenge. First, I will live a
miserable life abroad. After returning home, I will have my legs
broken and be stabbed blind, and then I will starve to death in a
broken house.”
[Bingo! Isn’t it simple?]
Oh, it’s really simple.
Chi Zhao was about to cry. “Is it too late for me to repent now? I
think it’s good enough to leave the world quietly, let’s untie this
bond between us…”
Seeing the host produce negative thoughts, the system rushed to
comfort him.
[Don’t be afraid. I’ll shield you from pain to a certain extent.
You can also fake your relationships. I can provide you with a
night potion, free of charge. If you use it casually, no one will find
out that you have done nothing.]
Chi Zhao was relieved that both of his major problems had been
solved, then there was only one thing left for him to worry about.
His conscience does not allow him to be so immoral TAT
[Cheer up! It’s precisely because you’re such a slag that he can
reach the height of life later on. Look, before being slagged by
you, Li Yihan was just a well-behaved old man. After being
slagged by you, he grew up instantly and became a powerful old
man who’s not afraid to be vicious.]
Chi Zhao: “…”
It makes sense.
[Li Yihan is here, let’s go! I’ll be supporting you silently!]
Li Yihan came into Qi Yuan’s bedroom a minute ago. He looked
around and found no one there. Frowning, he opened the door of the
bathroom. He instantly saw Chi Zhao sitting on the ground, pale and
startled. Li Yihan quickly walked over to him.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
The data sent by the system is all written with no pictures. As a
result, Chi Zhao didn’t know what Qi Yuan or Li Yihan looked like.
Seeing Li Yihan’s appearance now , Chi Zhao almost stopped
Too…too handsome!
Such a handsome man, the original owner can still go against him?
What a nuisance! Qi Yuan’s conscience is too badly damaged! Bad
[… Host, don’t forget, now you’re the one whose conscience and
eyesight is damaged.]
After a moment of silence, Chi Zhao put his full attention on Li
Yihan. He shook his head, suddenly lacking spirit, and went to stand
up using the toilet as support. His body was thin and weak, and after
vomiting he had no strength left. As soon as he stood up with his left
leg, he staggered.
Li Yihan stretched out his hand quickly. Thanks to him, Chi Zhao
did not fall to the ground. Instead, he fell into Li Yihan’s arms.
The person in his arms is like a piece of paper, light and
weightless. Holding the other man’s arm gently, Li Yihan was afraid
of being too strong and crushing him.
Chi Zhao was dizzy. This fall directly knocked him out for three
seconds. When he finally regained consciousness, he found that he
was no longer in the bathroom, instead he was lying in his bed. Li
Yihan’s hand was still on his waist. He was talking to someone
outside, “Zhang Bo, tell them that the young master is not
comfortable, and the banquet tonight is cancelled.”
Chi Zhao didn’t know what was going on, then suddenly, a
cheerful voice rang through his mind.
[1,000 thumbs up for you! [3] That was great. To understand the
essence of seduction as soon as you get up. You’re the most
enthusiastic host I’ve ever met!]
Chi Zhao: …What?
[1] China’s college English proficiency test. Mandatory for
university students in China who are not English majors. It is also a
prerequisite for a bachelor’s degree.
[2] the original said, “Chi Zhao Sparta”. Which I assume refers to
a meme that uses a face like the one below. Anyway, he’s not happy.
[3] The original had “666 送给你”, which means “give you 666”.
The 666 is a hand movement. So it’s like applauding someone.
Chapter 2
Source: I Did My Best Translations


I’ve been watching Carole and Tuesday recently.

I quite like it.
After setting Chi Zhao in bed, Li Yihan stood up and went to the
He was wearing a raven black work shirt, and his dark blue jewel
cuffs were shining in the evening sunset. He was dressed neatly and
seemed ready to go out.
Walking to the door, an old man dressed as a housekeeper
appeared. Li Yihan whispered a few words to the old man and then
turned back.
“I asked Zhang Bo to call a doctor,” Li Yihan stood by the bed,
his calm eyes fell on Chi Zhao. “Where do you feel
[Qi Yuan played all night at a party yesterday and then went
home and fell asleep. So if you told him that you just drank too
much last night he probably wouldn’t be suspicious.]
After listening to the system, Chi Zhao immediately pulled up the
blanket a little bit. “I drank a lot yesterday, and now I feel dizzy.”
Li Yihan doesn’t pay much attention to Qi Yuan’s life, but he
knows what he should know. Since Qi Yuan moved into his house
and got some pocket money, he often went to various drinking
places. Every day he mingled with the so-called “elder sisters” in
the university. If they weren’t drinking, then they were messing
Li Yihan looked at him with a raised eyebrow. All the
gentleness he had just shown disappeared in a second. His tone
was somewhat harsh. “Qi Yuan, I told you a week ago that you
needed to attend the Zhengde Group’s charity party tonight. Did
you forget it or is it that you just aren’t taking this seriously?”
Chi Zhao opened his eyes wide and looked at him innocently. Li
Yihan’s forehead throbbed. That innocent look made it seemed as if
Li Yihan was unjustly slandering him.
In his heart, Li Yihan warned himself not to be deceived by Qi
Yuan’s innocent appearance. After a pause, he said continued, “I
didn’t care about what you did before, because you’re an adult,
but now your uncontrolled lifestyle will affect me. I’m going to set
down some rules for you.”
“No more drinks with your college friends. You can go to a
normal class reunion, but if I find out that you’re going out to
party with your friends, I’ll cut your living expenses for a month.”
Li Yihan has been single since he was made head of the family. He
hasn’t been around any children before, so don’t even mention
raising a child of his own. Today is his first time to discipline as a
parent, so he doesn’t know whether he has done it right or not and
whether he was too strict.
Li Yihan is calm on the surface, but in fact he is closely observing
Qi Yuan’s expression.
Chi Zhao blinked and nodded, “I understand. Thank you, Mr.
In name, Qi Yuan is Li Yihan’s adopted son, but in reality, they
have no personal relationship. Qi Yuan has been moved in for only a
month and has seen Li Yihan less than ten times in total. Li Yihan
calls Qi Yuan by his full name, and Qi Yuan respects him as his
benefactor. That is the full extent of their relationship.
Li Yihan raised his eyebrows slightly; he had never seen such a
good-natured Qi Yuan before. It was if it the person himself was
Li Yihan no longer stood estranged on the side, but instead sat
down on the bed. He asked, “Are you still dizzy?”
Chi Zhao still felt a little out of sorts, but he was not as dizzy as he
was when he first came. He smiled a little and said, “Much better,
thank you.”
Li Yihan did not understand. He had just thanked him once before,
why was he thanking him again, “What are you thanking me for?”
“Thank you for bringing me out and not leaving me in the
bathroom.” Chi Zhao answered honestly.
Li Yihan did not “bring” him out. He carried him out in his arms
[1] . Qi Yuan 175 centimeters (5 ft 7 in), so he he’s not light.
However, Li Yihan can still easily hold him. Since this is the student
who he has been sponsoring and not some stranger, he still has a
degree of anxiety for his health. Li Yihan softened his expression.
“You’re too thin. Eat more later.”
Chi Zhao nodded, meaning that he had written down Li Yihan’s
instructions in his heart. Suddenly, the voice of the system sounded
in his mind.
[Host, what are you doing? What’s the use of nodding? Look at
how good the atmosphere is now. Please hurry up and seduce
Chi Zhao muttered. “How can I seduce him?”
The original owner could seduce Li Yihan by using extremely
clever ploys and concealed schemes, but this is not feasible for Chi
Zhao. Chi Zhao is a bookworm, and every day he thinks about how to
get more scholarships and how to pass his tests. He’s too simple to
know such methods. Don’t say he can’t do it. Even if he does do it,
the scene would be horrible.
It doesn’t matter. The system has another way to deal with Chi
[I’ll teach you. You just need to remember three rules to
ensure that you can take Li Yihan to bed in less than a year.
Remember, the first rule, always appear in front of Li Yihan. The
second rule, always let him feel your good intentions. Finally, the
third rule, you must let him know that you like him!]
… Can this seduce people? Why is he so disbelieving?
Chi Zhao wanted to ask another question, but Li Yihan looked at
him doubtfully. “Qi Yuan?”
Chi Zhao kept his head down when he spoke to the system. It
looked as if he was in a daze. When Li Yihan called out to him, Chi
Zhao returned to his senses and raised his head in dismay.
Obviously, he hadn’t reflected on why Li Yihan called him.
Li Yihan twisted his eyebrows again. “What’s wrong with you?
Are you still uncomfortable?”
Chi Zhao shook his head in a daze. “No, I, I am…”
Thinking of what the system said, he was inspired, sincerely
looking at Li Yihan, Chi Zhao said: “Mr. Li, I will not go to those
parties in the future, I will study hard and won’t give you any
Li Yihan listened to him and his expression remained unchanged.
He gave a slightly obscure “Em”, signaling that he heard it. Chi Zhao
bowed his head and said, “Then, after that, you… Can you come
home more often?”
He lowered his head, so he did not see Li Yihan’s expression. The
latter was stunned for a moment, and his expression loosened.
Li Yihan finally felt enlightened.
Li Yihan is very busy with his work, so he lives in more than one
place. He has returned to this house less than 30 times this year. In
the past month, Qi Yuan met him ten times because Li Yihan needed
to deal with the affairs of the Li family, and he had to publicly show
Qi Yuan in front of everyone, so the number of times he had
returned here was actually higher than normal.
But in fact, the amount of actual time he spent here was not even
enough time to equal three whole days. Qi Yuan lived alone in this
house, and almost no one spoke to him. Li Yihan suddenly felt like he
could understand why Qi Yuan often went out to party with those
dirty people.
Qi Yuan used to live in a school dorm with roommates and plenty
of friends. Now Qi Yuan is tied here by a contract with him. Wouldn’t
any child inevitably feel lonely like this?
A little guilt lingered in his heart. Li Yihan wiped his lips and
nodded, “I’ll try my best. Qi Yuan, if there is anything you need in
the future, as it is now, come directly to me. Understand? I know
that I get busy enough that I always neglect the people around
me. I’m sorry. I hope you will understand.”
What a handsome man does is right in everything he does, and the
words he says are all especially warm-hearted [2] .
Chi Zhao was immediately moved by him. Before long, the doctor
came to examine Chi Zhao. He said Chi Zhao was hungover. He drank
a bottle of hangover drugs, ate some light food, and went to sleep.
Li Yihan stood by and listened to the doctor. He ordered the
servants to cook a light dinner for Qi Yuan. He also told Qi Yuan to
go to bed earlier. After all this was done, he finally turned around
and went out.
The door was closed quietly. Chi Zhao opened up the blanket and
crept down. He put his ears on the door and listened to the other
Zhang Bo: “Sir, Assistant Zhao has been waiting downstairs.”
Even though it’s currently autumn, the weather is still a little hot.
Li Yihan unfastened his collar and whispered, “I won’t go today.
Tell him to go back.”
Zhang Bo’s voice was slightly surprised. “Sir, are you really not
“Why, do you want me to go that badly?”
Zhang Bo awkwardly laughed, “Naturally not, Master Qi Yuan
will be very happy.”
Afterwards, Chi Zhao could not hear what they said. He
straightened himself up and sighed sadly. “Li Yihan truly is a good
The system’s voice coldly spoke in his head.
[Good guys don’t get good rewards. Let’s get started already.]
Chi Zhao nodded with great approval. “Exactly! Just look at me,
I’m a good man, and I died young.”
System: “…”
Good people don’t boast about being good!
While Chi Zhao was still lamenting how kind Li Yihan is, the
system didn’t dare speak. If Li Yihan was really so good, then his
way of getting revenge against Qi Yuan would not be to torture him
by blinding him and breaking his legs. There are tens of millions of
ways to revenge. He could have just killed him immediately, but Li
Yihan did not choose to do that. He chose one of the cruelest forms
of revenge.
This alone shows that it wasn’t just kindness that resides in his
heart. He did not expose that side before because nobody provoked
him. But once someone did provoke him, his cruelty was easily
Chi Zhao was a little timid, and the system did not want to
frighten him, so he held back all his words and only reminded him to
do his task.
[From now on, you have to be seducing him all the time. In the
original plot, Qi Yuan snatched him up by the time he was 20
years old. Right now Qi Yuan is eighteen years old, you still have
two years to go. After less than two months together, Qi Yuan lost
interest in him and began to give Li Yihan a nice green hat. At the
age of twenty-one, that is, the year of his senior year, he got
mixed up with Li Yihan’s competitors. Two years later, at the age
of twenty-three, Qi Yuan finally killed himself.]
[Simply put, this task can be completed in only five years. Let’s
go already! I believe in you!]
Five years…
It sounds so short.
Chi Zhao clenched his fist. “Okay, I’ll try to seduce him!”
[1] The text uses 抱 [bào], which means, “to carry in one
[2] It’s an idiom meaning that people are biased towards those
with a good appearance.
Chapter 3
Source: I Did My Best Translations


Final chapter of the day.

The next morning, Chi Zhao got up from his bed and stretched out
happily. This bed was much more comfortable than the rigid
dormitory bed he usually slept in. Perhaps this deal was actually
worth it and dying wasn’t such a bad thing.
[Li Yihan has already had breakfast and it’s about time for
him to leave for work. If you dawdle any longer, he’ll leave.]
After hearing this, Chi Zhao rushed down from the bed.
After washing and putting on clean clothes, he quickly ran
downstairs. Li Yihan heard the movement and raised his head. Qi
Yuan looked like he was anxiously looking around for something, his
eyes as wide as saucers. When he saw Li Yihan, he was stunned.
Then his expression gradually relaxed.
Li Yihan didn’t say anything. He just lowered his eyes again and
tried to sort out his emotions.
Chi Zhao stood at the stairway entrance and licked his lips
nervously. He walked over stiffly, pretending to be calm. Then he
politely said, “Good morning Mr. Li.”
Li Yihan murmured, “em”. Zhang Bo brought out Qi Yuan’s
breakfast. The food was the same as Li Yihan’s, the only difference
was that Qi Yuan’s drink was milk, while Li Yihan’s was black coffee.
In half an hour, Qi Yuan would go to school. The school is half an
hour’s drive from the house. Li Yihan, on the other hand, went
directly to the company, which was in a different direction from him.
During the whole day, Chi Zhao could only see Li Yihan for a few
minutes at breakfast. Li Yihan was busy as he was supposed to be
leaving today. It was estimated that he would be back in a little less
than a month.
The first rule that the system gave him would not be possible for a
while, but he can make more efforts on the second and third rule.
Showing good intentions to others? This is his strong point! In
university, Chi Zhao majored in preschool education. There were
thirty girls in the class and only two boys, and the other boy, who
was still in his sophomore year, couldn’t bear so many expectations
and pressures, so he decisively switched departments.
As the only boy, he was the little angel of all the girls in the class.
He did his job seriously and didn’t chat unnecessarily, so everyone
liked him a lot.
However, for some unknown reason, they all regarded Chi Zhao
like they would a friend’s younger brother. No one was interested in
him as a potential partner.
Hey, such a sad thing…
Please don’t mention it.
In a word, he has been classmates with thirty girls for two years.
Chi Zhao knows how to treat people well. Although there is a big
difference between men and girls, in essence, we are all human
With this in mind, Chi Zhao saw Li Yihan put down his knife. It
looked as if he had finished eating. He picked up his mobile phone in
his left hand and looked casually at it, his right hand moved to grab
his coffee cup.
Chi Zhao blinked, reached out and moved the coffee cup a few
centimeters away.
After seeing Chi Zhao’s small movements from the corner of his
eye, Li Yihan raised his head unconsciously. Chi Zhao looked at him
for two seconds, then he answered solemnly, “If you drink that
immediately after eating, you will suffer from indigestion.”
Zhang Bo stood beside the table and saw Chi Zhao’s movements.
He wanted to hold his forehead in frustration. Before, he only
thought that Qi Yuan was a person who was slightly troublesome
and especially fond of playing around. He did not think that he was
so nosey. Li Yihan hated to be criticized by others. Qi Yuan had only
seen Li Yihan a couple of times, so how could he already act this
Zhang Bo felt really sad. After ten years of working in Li’s family,
he had already used all kinds of fancy tricks to fix the Master’s bad
habits. For the longest time he had willingly played the bad guy. So,
it was unexpected that after more than ten years, the first person
who could publicly call out the Master’s habits was this adopted son.
For a full three seconds, Li Yihan did not speak. Zhang Bo took a
step forward to resolve the silent tension. He saw Li Yihan take his
eyes off Qi Yuan’s face and let them fall on the cup of coffee that Qi
Yuan had just moved.
“So,” he said in a low voice, “when can I drink it?”
“In five minutes.” Originally, when Chi Zhao had put forward this
point, he was only doing it to show his good intentions to Li Yihan
just as the system had instructed. However, after saying this he
found that he had unintentionally increased the stay time for Li
Yihan by five minutes, and he could not help laughing.
Qi Yuan’s appearance is originally beautiful and pure.
Unfortunately, since the original had such too many bad personality
traits, he looked gloomy, sensitive and not easy to approach. But
now, with Chi Zhao’s soul in his body, when he laughs, two little
tiger teeth appeared, making the young man look animated and
Li Yihan was infected by this bright smile, and his mood instantly
improved. He nodded, “Okay, I’ll remember from now on.”
When Li Yihan was sixteen, his father died and the Li family,
which should have inherited by him, was gobbled up by various
relatives. He and his mother almost fell to the point of homelessness.
From then on, he was no longer an ordinary teenager. In six years,
he grew up and took back the things that should have belonged to
him one by one, and once again raised the Li family to prosperity.
At the age of 22, he was the master of the family. It’s been ten
years now and he had never had anyone else around him.
Additionally, he did not trust those outsiders and he himself wasn’t
someone that craved human affection. Of course, this is what he had
thought before.
After being alone for so long, he had forgotten what it feels like to
have someone care for him. Today Qi Yuan helped him remember
that feeling.
Although he had just experienced a little of that long-forgotten
warmth, Li Yihan still did not completely trust Qi Yuan. He has not
forgotten the survey information sent by his staff. While a person
may or may not change, he and Qi Yuan had no real personal
relationship, and their lives had no real overlap.
Li Yihan’s current thoughts were complex. However, Chi Zhao
didn’t notice Li Yihan’s complicated feelings, he was just happy to go
to school. After death, he realized how nice it is to go to school. Qi
Yuan was a freshman who was meant to be learning new things, so
for Chi Zhao, who was already a college veteran, Qi Yuan’s classes
should be fairly easy.
Upon entering the classroom, half of the people there were his
classmates, but none of them bothered to greet Chi Zhao. So, he
silently found an empty seat and sat down.
The system had said that the main goal of this novice world is to
teach Chi Zhao how to play his part successfully. The system has
taught him all it can, and the rest needs to be practiced by Chi Zhao
himself. As long as he does not make any major mistakes, the system
will not disturb him.
Right now, it’s only October. They had started school in August, so
It’s normal that they can’t recognize their classmates. Chi Zhao’s
mood is very calm, he didn’t have any worries that others might
think that he’s not the real Qi Yuan.
He took out his textbook and began reading. Suddenly, a man
sat beside him. He put his arm on the back of the chair, behind
Chi Zhao, and looked at him provocatively. “Qi Yuan, the day
before yesterday was a pretty fun. The upperclassmen liked you
very much. He asked me if you’re going to The Dragon Pearl
tonight. I promised him that you would.”
This person is Zhou Tian, a classmate of Qi Yuan, and also a
person who introduces him to various entertainment clubs. The
Dragon Pearl is a well-known gay nightclub. Just by its name alone
one can tell it’s an extremely immoral place [1] .
The people who go there are all there for a special type of fun, and
most of them are men. If Qi Yuan goes there, it goes without saying
that he’d be the one being played with.
Chi Zhao frowned at Zhou Tian. “I’m not going. Last time I only
went because you pushed me to go.”
Zhou Tian didn’t expect him to say that. His face suddenly
turned ugly. “Qi Yuan, are you messing with me right now? I’ve
already promised senior, but now you’re saying you can’t go. Just
what is it that you want me to tell them, huh?”
“I didn’t tell you I’d go so I don’t know why you made any
promises. Besides, I’ll never go to those places again. You don’t
have to look for me in the future.”
The system lived in Chi Zhao’s mind, watching Chi Zhao dealing
with all kinds of people was like watching a play. Usually, it only has
to sit on a bench, cut a piece of melon [2] , and eat while watching.
But when it heard Chi Zhao saying this, the system suddenly
yelled in a hurry.
[You can’t say that! You still have to go, or how will you give Li
Yihan a green cap? This Zhou Tian guy is also one of Li Yihan’s
green hats. His family has a little money, and you need to rely on
his network to meet some of the other green hats.]
“But I don’t want to go… Just where is that place? It’s too dirty,
and too evil!”
System: “…”
After half a day of hesitation, the system compromised.
[You don’t have to go now, but you still have to go in the
future, so you must maintain friendly relations with Zhou Tian.]
Chi Zhao agreed. He turned his head and looked at Zhou Tian,
whose face was already cloudy. “What about this, you give me the
contact information of the senior and I’ll call him myself?”
Zhou Tian frowned, and gave a sneer in his heart. So Qi Yuan was
this type of person. How can you say that you don’t want to go? Here
you are saying such magnificent words, but in reality, you just want
to get the contact information of senior, so you can contact him
Although his heart was sneering, his face relaxed. “Okay, but
you’ll have to be the one to tell him that you’re not going.”
He rattled off the upperclassman’s cell phone number to Chi Zhao,
who input the digits one by one using the keyboard of his cell phone.
Before calling, he first turned to Zhou Tian and said, “Oh Yeah,
what’s the name of this guy again?”
Zhou Tian: “…”
Hearing the name of the student, Chi Zhao wrote it down in his
heart and then pressed the call button. There was a quick answer.
Just after hearing a hello from the other side, Chi Zhao quickly
spoke, “Hello Mr. Duan, I’m Qi Yuan. I’m just calling to tell you
that I won’t be going tonight, and please don’t invite me again.
Chi Zhao said these words so quickly that he didn’t give the other
party any time to interrupt at. When he finished, he directly hung up
the phone.
After putting down the mobile phone, Chi Zhao calmly opened his
book, and lightly browsed the content. Zhou Tian sat beside him, just
staring at him with a shocked expression.
After a while, he finally reacted. He knocked the book out of Chi
Zhao’s hand and glared at him angrily. “Qi Yuan, what’s wrong with
Chi Zhao was stunned and did not understand why he was acting
like this.
Zhou Tian suddenly stood up and pointed to Chi Zhao and glared,
“Now you can only wait for death!”
[1] I don’t know why it’s immoral sounding, I tried to look it up
but the character also mean “dragon ball” so the results were all
about the cartoon.
[2] melon eaters, or eating melon, meaning people who like to
watch drama unfold even though they themselves aren’t directly
involved in it.
Chapter 4
Source: I Did My Best Translations


I admit it, I procrastinated.

That’s why these chapters are getting out later than intended.
Anyway, here’s the first of the five.
After saying that, Zhou Tian rushed away, and Chi Zhao could only
look at his retreating back, feeling puzzled.
Eventually, the teacher came, but very few of the students listened
carefully. As a person who has already learned this lesson, Chi Zhao
didn’t have the mind to pay attention to it.
Instead, he was deliberating with the system.
“He’s such a hot-tempered man. I haven’t done anything
wrong. Why did he curse me?”
System: “…”
[He didn’t curse you; he was telling the truth! That
upperclassman, Duan Bo, is the Duan family’s prince, the future
successor of Duan family. The influence of Duan family and the Li
family are about equal. Now that you’ve provoked him, there is
absolutely no good end to this situation!]
Chi Zhao disagreed. “What’s wrong with that? I’m still the heir
of the Li family.”
[… Brother, you are fake, but these ones are the real deal.]
Chi Zhao: “…Then what do you think I should do?”
[Don’t always ask me, this is your task, you are Qi Yuan now.
Qi Yuan has what type of personality? What kind of choices will
he make? Think about it some.]
Chi Zhao recalled Qi Yuan’s life and thought for a moment. He
answered, “He would not have refused the invitation of Duan Bo.
He would go against Li Yihan’s rules while still maintaining his
image of cleverness and kindness in front of Li Yihan, all while
looking back at Duan Bo.”
[That is correct. Youngster, it seems your intelligence has
finally logged back on.]
Chi Zhao nodded thoughtfully, “Should I call him again then?”
Although Chi Zhao himself does not like those kinds of places,
right now he is completing a task. Thinking about how after
completing the task he can get ten points; he feels that it is
necessary to make some sacrifices.
[No… after you hung up the phone, Duan Bo laughed three
times, and right now is wondering how to teach you a lesson.]
Hearing the system, Chi Zhao thought that he would be forcibly
brought to the bathroom by the school bully like he saw in the TV
series, and then one of Duan Bo’s younger brothers would put Chi
Zhao’s head in the toilet.
…In the end, nobody came.
Li Yihan and Qi Yuan’s contract lasted for five years. During these
five years, the Li family was responsible for Qi Yuan’s eating and
living expenses. Every month, Li Yihan would give him a certain
amount of money for these expenses. After five years, when the
contract ended, Li Yihan would pay him a large sum of money, and
then, the two people would go their separate ways.
For his part Qi Yuan only needs to attend some events as the Li
family heir, events such as shareholders’ meetings, charity parties,
press conferences and so on. He doesn’t need to do anything for the
rest of the time. He has a very comfortable life.
At present, Qi Yuan has only appeared with the Li family at two or
three small gatherings. Now most people only know that Li Yihan
has adopted a son and plans to cultivate him into an heir, but they
do not know what the adopted son looks like or what his name is.
Chi Zhao came out of the subway station and slowly walked home.
Someone would send him to school in the mornings, but after school
there was no fixed curfew. So he let the driver go on ahead, and then
he took the public transport back.
Chi Zhao walked along the sidewalk beside a park. After passing
through an area, Chi Zhao blinked and stopped suddenly.
He started listening carefully for a weak crying voice. After
following the voice and looking for it for a while, he finally found a
little orange kitten hidden in some tall grass.
Chi Zhao was shocked. “How did it crawl into such a space?
Where’s the mother Cat?”
Looking around, he couldn’t find any other cats. Chi Zhao squatted
on the ground and tried to untangle his thoughts. The weather is
getting colder and colder. If such a small kitten stays here, it will not
survive, and if he takes the cat home… What if Li Yihan disagrees?
Fortunately, the kitten didn’t seem to be afraid of people. Now
that it was already five o’clock in the evening, the temperature was
gradually starting to drop. The little kitten was afraid of the cold and
shrunk further into Chi Zhao’s outstretched hands. When it realized
that Chi Zhao’s fingers seemed to be emitting a comforting warmth,
it raised its head and rubbed them with its ears.
Chi Zhao’s heart was immediately captured by the fluffy, soft
touch. He looked around to make sure that no one was there. With
an anxious heart, he picked up the kitten.
Carefully holding it in his arms, he obeyed the meng selling
kitten and said to himself, “Little one, this brother will take you
home. There is a big brother in my family’s home. When we go
home, you must try your best to sell some more meng so that you
can stay.”
Naturally, the kitten couldn’t understand people, but when it
heard Chi Zhao’s voice, it reluctantly echoed it back with cry. After
hearing the faint meow, Chi Zhao was happy. “That’s a promise,
isn’t it? Let’s go home. This brother will pour some milk for you.”
The system after observing the whole process: “…”
With the kitten in his arms, Chi Zhao’s pace was lighter and
happier than before. He didn’t notice that a car was parked on the
side of the road behind him. After he went on walking, the car
started again.
Li Yihan owns a house near the company. He usually lives there.
But when he thought of Qi Yuan’s request yesterday, Li Yihan began
to rethink many things. It just so happens that he only had a little
work today, so he can go back early. Who knew he would see this
scene on his way home?
The black Rolls-Royce soon passed by Chi Zhao. Li Yihan looked at
the young teenager in the rearview mirror, and his expression
became more and more elusive.
Before Chi Zhao arrived home, he put the kitten in his shoulder
bag. He had planned to smuggle the kitten upstairs and raise it for a
while by himself. He’ll ask for permission when Li Yihan comes back.
However, just two steps into the living room, he saw Li Yihan
leaning over the tea table with a glass of water.
Chi Zhao was shocked and stammered out, “When did you come
back Mr. Li?”
Li Yihan frowned. “This is my home. Can’t I come back?”
“Haha,” Chi Zhao laughed awkwardly. “Of course, you seem
busy. I’ll go upstairs first.”
After that, he wanted to slip away, but when he was about to walk
past Li Yihan, the latter slowly raised his hand and pulled his
shoulder bag around. Chi Zhao was forced to stop. Before turning
back, he heard Li Yihan ask him, “Why is your bag still moving?”
The first battle has already been lost.
Chi Zhao pondered bitterly and then finally took the impatient
kitten out from his bag. He was silent before whispering, “I picked it
up from the roadside. It was trapped in the grass. I think it’s been
separated from the mother cat.”
After that, he raised his head and looked at Li Yihan with a
pursing lips.
Chi Zhao and the kitten almost looked the same. They both had a
kind of pitiful, you don’t want me, you are a big bad egg look. Li
Yihan’s fingers slightly gripped the glass harder, but his face
maintained its indifferent expression, “So you want to keep a cat?”
Chi Zhao’s eyes lit up immediately. “Well, you can rest assured
that I’ll be responsible for all its food and drink, and it will never
cause you any trouble!”
Li Yihan’s eyes finally moved away from Chi Zhao’s face, and then
fell on the little kitten. After a while, he lifted his eye and looked at
Chi Zhao. “If I let you keep the cat, what good will it bring me?”
Chi Zhao was stunned. “Must it bring you something good?”
“Naturally,” Li Yihan’s voice was as clear as a spring and very
pleasant to hear, “I am a businessman. Businessmen are not in a
good position to give out charity. You should know this.”
Chi Zhao thought, “It can play with you.”
“I don’t like to play.”
“It can make you happy.”
“… I’m not interested in hairy creatures.”
The function of the cat is just these two things alone. Chi Zhao also
wants to say that it can increase Li Yihan’s happiness. But looking at
Li Yihan’s appearance, it’s estimated that he will immediately reply
with another sentence like, “I don’t need happiness.” Half-silent,
Chi Zhao asked, “What do you want then? You can say anything as
long as I can do it.”
Zhang Bo rubbed the silver beside him. He thought that Li Yihan
had nothing to want, and anything good enough to want was
something Qi Yuan couldn’t afford. In his mind, Qi Yuan had said
something useless.
But Li Yihan looked up and down at Chi Zhao and opened his
mouth in a leisurely way: “Number one grade.”
Chi Zhao did not respond for a moment. “What?”
“At the end of the semester, the top score ranks first in the
grade. If you can accomplish this, you can have a cat.”
Chi Zhao was stunned for a long time. “But the end of the term
is in January. What about before the end of the term?”
Li Yihan put the cup of water on the table. “You can keep it here
for not, but If you don’t get the result, you can say goodbye to it.”
With that, Li Yihan smiled slightly. “Rest assured, I will get
Zhang Bo to help it find a good family.”
Chi Zhao: “…”
Too ruthless. After several months, he will have already
developed feelings. If the kitten was sent away at that time, he
would die of heartache.
Standing up, Li Yihan turned and left. Chi Zhao looked at Zhang
Bo, who was pretending to be a silver polisher, with a weak, pitiful
and helpless expression.
Zhang Bo put down his work. He went to Chi Zhao and scraped
his brain for half a day. Finally, he came up with a comforting
remark: “It’s okay young master, you don’t have too much
pressure. It’s no big deal. I’ll send the cat to my house, so that if
you want it, you can see it at any time.”
This is too much! Can’t they have some confidence in his IQ and
learning ability?!
Chapter 5
Source: I Did My Best Translations


Fun fact, Chi Zhao’s name means “shining pool”, while Li Yihan’s
name means “one cold plum”.
Anyway, for now the kitten gets to stay.
After only two days of feeding, the kitten gained a lot of weight,
from being skinny when it first came to house, to now being well-
balanced. It was estimated that in a while, it will even be able to
upgrade to being wide-bodied.
These days, Li Yihan went home almost every day, and Chi Zhao
was getting used to this life. In the evening, Chi Zhao squatted on the
kitchen floor and attentively watched the kitten lick its milk without
Li Yihan came to the kitchen to fetch some water. Earlier, he had
heard Zhang Bo saying that the young master had not gone out
anywhere in the evening recently and had been studying hard at
home. Li Yihan felt that this was all due to his good parenting.
Originally, Chi Zhao was a good child who liked learning. Even
without Li Yihan’s condition for keeping the kitten, he would not go
anywhere. He would have stayed at home and read books on his cell
phone. But it was only after Li Yihan’s threatened him that he had to
study very carefully.
Taking a bottle of mineral water, Li Yihan went over to Chi Zhao
and looked down at the top of his head. “What’s the name of the
Chi Zhao could not help but resent Li Yihan right now. He used to
be a preschool education major. He studied liberal arts while Qi
Yuan is a science student. He can’t understand any of the books, and
even worse, he has to learn a lot of this stuff for the first time at a
college level.
When Chi Zhao thought of this, he quickly became depressed.
Since he is depressed, he will naturally not give the culprit a good
Following the hair on the cat’s head, Chi Zhao quietly raised his
eyes and very boldly stated, “Little Li.”[1]
Li Yihan was not angry. He just slightly ticked his lips up and
repeated the words of Chi Zhao.
“Little Li?”
The last syllable was spoken with a strange tone. Chi looked into
Li Yihan’s eyes and could see a sentence clearly forming in it.
—— Ha-ha, it seems that I don’t want my allowance this month.
Chi Zhao: “… It’s better to call Xiao Pang.”[2]
Afterwards, Chi Zhao lowered his head down, and while Li Yihan
did not leave, he did not say anything either. Chi Zhao explained to
him, “It’s too thin, just like me. If you let me eat more, I’ll let Xiao
Pang eat more. Xiao Pang, lets become fat together!”
Li Yihan, like him, half squatted on the ground and looked at Xiao
The action of Xiao Pang’s milk drinking seemed slow and
leisurely, but truthfully, it’s like a tornado. The milk on the plate is
becoming less visible to the naked eye.
Li Yihan stared at it for a while and then asked Qi Yuan, “Is it male
or female?”
“Male,” Chi Zhao answered happily this time, instead of taking
the opportunity vent some more of his resentment onto Li Yihan,
“I guess it’s less than two months old. In another year and a half,
I’ll take it to the hospital and castrate it.”
Men, when they hear the word castrate, naturally have an
instinctive lower body pain, as if they were protesting against the
word in spirit.
Silently, Li Yihan turned his head and looked at Chi Zhao. “You
seem to know a lot. Have you ever had a cat before?”
Chi Zhao opened his mouth and said, “Of course, I often picked
up stray cats from the street. I’d clean them up after I get home,
give them a bath, cure any diseases, and train them to go to the
toilet, then I would give them to a family that wanted to adopt. If
they’re old enough, I’ll get them sterilized.”
Li Yihan’s expression did not change. “You used to live in a
welfare home, and then in a dormitory. Didn’t your roommates
mind if you took a cat into the dormitory?”
… oh fuck!
For a moment, Chi Zhao forgot his personal settings, and told
Li Yihan his true experience. He shifted his eyes aside and began
to think up several crazy excuses. Less than a second later, he
turned his eyes back and said in a normal voice, “I didn’t put
bring them to the dormitory. There is a special hidden place in
the stairwell of our school, so I put the cats there. There are a few
girls who help me. They are responsible for providing funds and
finding an adoptive family. I am responsible for caring for them.”
It has to be said that the brain of a person who gets a lot of
scholarships turns fast, and all the remaining loopholes are blocked
by some simple words. If Li Yihan asks him why he used the term
“home”, he can say that the school is his home. If Li Yihan wants to
know who those girls are, he can say that they are not in one class,
but just gather together. They are part of a volunteer organization,
each responsible for their own job. Which class and which grade
they all came from, he can’t remember.
Chi Zhao explained calmly, but in fact, his heart was holding its
breath, nervously waiting for Li Yihan’s next question. Thankfully, Li
Yihan did not ask anything else. Chi Zhao was too weak to raise his
head and did not see Li Yihan’s slightly raised lip corner.
The next day, Li Yihan sat in his office and looked at the list of new
recruits sent by the Minister of Personnel. After a moment’s
deliberation, assistant Zhao said, “Boss, the number of times you
have recently returned home has increased.”
Li Yihan lifted his eyes and looked at him. “What about that?”
“Nothing. I’m just worried about your trust in Qi Yuan. Don’t
forget what kind of person he is.”
Li Yihan dropped his eyes back to the new employee’s files. He
calmly said, “Seeing is believing.”
In other words, Li Yihan distrusted his findings?
Assistant Zhao was anxious, “Boss, I visited so many places, so
many people. Summed up as a sentence, that kid is a
troublemaker. I still do not understand why you want him to live
in your home. What if he has bad intentions?”
“Let him live in my house for the time being” Li Yihan put the
folder on the table and looked at assistant Zhao coldly. “I don’t
need you to approve the decisions I make.”
Assistant Zhao also found himself out of line. He lowered his head
in silence and dared not speak any more.
Knowing that what his assistant said was for his own good, Li
Yihan did not say too much. He paused before continuing: “After
all these years with me, you should also know what kind of
personality I have, rest assured, I have my own ways to find out
the truth.”
Assistant Zhao did not understand what this sentence meant, but
Chi Zhao did.
“He put a tracker on me?!”
[In your watch, I detected it in the morning when Uncle Zhang
handed it to you.]
Li Yihan went out early this morning. When Chi Zhao woke up,
Zhang Bo gave him the watch, saying it was a gift from Li Yihan. Li
Yihan also left him a sentence: remember to look at the time more,
because you don’t have much time left with Xiao Pang.
In the morning, when he had heard this, Chi Zhao was almost
laughed. He thought Li Yihan was pretty funny. Although he was
older, he was still quick witted.
Now he realized that he was trying to put a tracker on him.
… What dangerous intentions!
[A tracker is installed, but it doesn’t work you when you’re
calm. Maybe he’s afraid you’ll get lost, so that way he can find
you in time.]
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment. “You say that, but do you
believe it yourself?”
System: …Of course not.
Chi Zhao was about to leave. When he was packing up his things,
the system asked him quickly.
[What about the watch? Are you going to wear it?]
“Of course, if he wants to track me, let him. I’m not afraid of
being found out by him.” Speaking of this, Chi Zhao was suddenly
stunned. “Wait a minute, when I read the story, it didn’t mention
Qi Yuan being given a tracker.”
[That’s because he was not tracked, the process of your acting
can change things, and a tiny detail can change the whole
situation. I don’t know which detail triggered this development,
so you must pay attention to the details from now on, and never
do anything to destroy the plot!]
Chi Zhao promised to be careful.
After school, he planned to immediately go home, but as soon as
he came out of the building, the system suddenly called out.
[Duan Bo’s people are outside the school gate. They are going
to ambush you and take you to the Dragon Pearl.]
Chi Zhao stood there and pondered for a moment. He raised his
feet and continued to walk out. The system did not expect him to be
so calm. According to Chi Zhao’s character, he should be anxiously
trying to avoid it.
So the system asked him what he was planning to do. Chi Zhao
took out his cell phone from his pocket, pulled up Li Yihan’s cell
phone number, and walked outward. He replied, “What are you
so afraid of? Am I not being tracked? I should take this
opportunity to deal with Duan Bo, or maybe someday, he will trip
me up again. By the way, didn’t you always want me to seduce Li
Yihan? I didn’t do it before, because there was no chance. Now
opportunities are coming to my door by themselves.”
After that, Chi Zhao pressed the dial button, and then he threw his
cell phone into his jacket pocket. At that moment, he arrived at the
school gate. As soon as he stepped out of the gate with his left foot,
his right hand was immediately pulled by a man. They dragged Chi
Zhao into a car, as he shouted, “Who are you? Let go! Where are you
taking me?! Help, save –“
Later, Chi Zhao’s mouth was covered so he could not speak. His
face showed an expression of terror, while at the same time, he was
still chatting with the system in his heart.
“What a good chance for a hero to save the heroine, don’t you
think so system?”
The system was so shocked that it didn’t say anything and just
threw him a file in its head.
Opening up the file, it was full of four-letter words.
Chi Zhao: =_=
[1] Chi Zhao is using the same character 李 for “Li” that is used in
Li Yihan. This character means “Plum”.
[2] 小胖 meaning “little fat”.
Chapter 6
Source: I Did My Best Translations


I still have 2 more chapters I plan to release today, but I got to get
some sleep first. So check back in like, 14 hours, after I’ve slept and
had a chance to clean the last two chapters.
The nightclub is not far from the school, only two blocks away.
This is a university town. Because of its geographical advantages
and fast money, most of the staff there are students from the
University, and a few are workers who came to work there specially.
Chi Zhao was brought into a room where there were quite a few
people. Seven men were sitting on the sofa. Just looking at their
temperament and mood, he could see that they were for recreation.
Needless to say, the one sitting in the middle is Duan Bo.
Duan Bo looked at him and laughed in an odd way. “I was
going to let you come on your own, but you didn’t show up. I had
to invite you to come. Why do you make me to invite you to
The boy next to Duan Bo also laughed twice. He looked very
tender, maybe he wasn’t completely grown up. When he heard him
laugh, Chi Zhao could not help thinking that it sounded surprisingly
… In fact, his laughter is more amorous than a woman’s!
“Duan gege, this is the person you wanted to wait for. He is
yellow, thin-faced and doesn’t seem very clever. How long has he
been here, and he still hasn’t said hello to you? He has no vision
at all. He’s far worse than me.”
Duan Bo ridiculed: “Nonsense, how can he compare with you?
Even if he was stripped, nobody would give him a second look.”
Duan Bo wanted to annoy Qi Yuan with words. As long as he
showed a little anger, Duan Bo was ready to let his men beat him up
on the spot. When Qi Yaun could not take it anymore, he would cry
and beg for mercy from him, and then Duan Bo would play with Qi
Tuan till his heart was content.
Chi Zhao saw the dirty look in his eyes. He frowned and was
disgusted by the sight. “Duan Bo, what on earth do you want to
“Ah, you sure can change your tune quickly. You used to ask the
seniors when they would take you out to play.” Duan Bo stood up
and picked up a bottle from the table. The bottle of beer was ice cold.
He took the bottle and patted it provocatively against Chi Zhao’s
cheek. “This senior now takes you out to play, what’s the matter?
You don’t want to go now?
[I’m detecting a lot of malicious intent… Host, you’d better be
careful. Li Yihan is still at least five minutes away. Look at this
kid, he may beat you in five seconds.]
Chi Zhao asked him in his heart, “Did Li Yihan hang up?”
[No, he’s still listening.]
Then it’s fine.
Chi Zhao raised his eyes softly. “Well, I don’t like it anymore. I
promised someone that I would never come to such a place
Duan Bo was stunned, apparently not expecting that Qi Yuan
would dare to confront him in such a situation.
“I used to behave badly. Even if I said I would change, not
many people believed me, but I really hope that the person can
trust me, so let’s not embarrass each other, okay?”
Duan Bo was laughing angrily. He didn’t know which point to
start with. “Mutual embarrassment? Qi Yuan, open your eyes and
see, just who is it that’s about to be embarrassed?”
Duan Bo smashed the the bottle in his hand without giving others
time to respond. Sharp broken glass flashed across the face of Chi
Zhao. A new bartender, who had never seen such a scene before,
screamed out in horror.
Li Yihan’s chest felt tight. He has been listening to Qi Yuan’s
actions through the phone. The driver was driving as fast as he
could, but he is not Superman, he can’t appear next to Qi Yuan on a
whim. Li Yihan held his cell phone tightly as his face gradually
became cloudier. The driver saw his face from the rearview mirror,
and quickly stepped on the gas petal a little harder.
It’s okay if the police revoked his driver’s license. In a word, he
can’t afford to drag his feet this time.
Li Yihan did not know that the place they were going was a
nightclub. When Qi Yuan’s position stopped moving, he immediately
called the police. After all, water far away could not put out the fire
nearby, but he did not expect that by the time he had arrived, the
police had still not arrived.
Li Yihan strode into the nightclub. The front desk and the waiter
on the first floor did not recognize who he was and wanted to stop
him. When the manager found out that someone was making
trouble, he hurried out to take a look and was pulled over by Li
Yihan before he could even say a word.
In that moment, Li Yihan sounded like the god of death, “Where is
the room opened by Duan Bo, take me to it!”
The manager could not afford to offend Duan Bo, but when he
looked at the man’s face, he felt that he could not offend him even
more. Without saying a word, he took Li Yihan to Duan Bo’s private
room. When he was leading the way, he thought for a long time and
finally remembered why the violent man was so familiar with him.
This is Li Yihan…
The manager wanted to cry. The owner of the Li family came to
them to find the Duan heir, and the reason was obviously not good.
At first glance, he was ready to fight Duan Bo half to death. When he
finished, should their nightclub also close down?
When he opened the door, Li Yihan thought that he would see a
mess all over the place. Qi Yuan might be half-dead. Maybe it was
even more serious, it could be fatal.
But after opening the door, the one he saw half-dead was not Qi
Yuan, but Duan Bo.
Qi Yuan stood on the far left side of the room. Duan Bo was beside
him. His upper body lay on the sofa, while his lower body fell on the
ground and his hands were held away from his back. This was an
extremely uncomfortable position, but Duan Bo had no choice. His
face was full of blood. Qi Yuan stepped on his back with one foot, one
hand held both of Duan Bo’s hands tightly. His other hand held half
of the smashed bottle, the tip of the broken glass was facing Duan
Bo’s face.
As soon as Li Yihan entered, he heard Qi Yuan say, “Don’t come
any closer, or I’ll kill… cut him!”
Everyone: “…”
Duan Bo’s subordinates did not dare move, afraid that the asset
Duan Bo was most proud of, his handsome face, would be destroyed.
If Duan Bo met an accident here, then none of them can escape the
Dogs that really bite don’t bark! [1]
For a moment, everyone was thinking this sentence in their
hearts, including assistant Zhao who came in with Li Yihan.
These skills were deeply hidden from the eyes of so many people.
To actually turn the situation around in such a way, this is not
something you can do with just a couple days of practice. Why didn’t
he find this out when he investigated?
Assistant Zhao couldn’t understand. At that time, Li Yihan had
already stepped out of his stunned state. He went over to Qi Yuan.
He first looked at Qi Yuan, then at Duan Bo. Finally, he looked back
at Qi Yuan’s face and said, “Let him go.”
From the moment he came in, Chi Zhao’s expression relaxed a lot.
When he heard those words, he immediately released Duan Bo and
threw the bottle aside. He ran quickly to Li Yihan and opened his
mouth to say how afraid he was. But when he thought of what Li
Yihan had just seen, he felt guilty and subconsciously lowered his
head. “Mr. Li, why did you come here?”
Just as Li Yihan was about to reply, Duan Bo suddenly tried to
grab Qi Yuan. Li Yihan’s face sank. He grabbed Qi Yuan’s arm and
dragged him behind him. Then he lifted his leg and kicked Duan Bo
firmly. Since they were quite different in height, his foot kicked Duan
Bo’s ribs directly, and Duan Bo immediately collapsed from pain.
Li Yihan’s bodyguards quickly picked up Duan Bo, who had finally
recognized Li Yihan’s identity. Li Yihan’s murderous eyes swept
across all the remanding people in the room.
“I have nothing to say to you. Go back and complain to your
father. By the way, tell him that all the cooperation between my
Li family and your Duan family is over. If he doesn’t understand
why I did this, you can explain that to him as well.”
After that, Li Yihan took Qi Yuan away with him. They had just
taken two steps when Duan Bo shouted in pain, “Why? I didn’t
cause you any harm!”
Li Yihan’s footsteps paused. He turned his head and looked at
Duan Bo coldly. “But you have caused Qi Yuan harm.”
Chi Zhao looked at the scene calmly, and he called out to Li Yihan
in his heart, “How cool! This old man is amazing!!!”
System: “…”
Can you please explain why you look like such a weak chicken but
have such good fighting skills!!!
[1] Meaning that the quiet ones are always the most dangerous.
Chapter 7
Source: I Did My Best Translations


I know…
I’ve been neglecting this story.
When he was a child, because her son looked more like a girl, Chi
Zhao’s mother always thought that he would be excluded or even
bullied by his peers. With the idea of taking precautions, Chi Zhao’s
mother sent Chi Zhao to a martial arts school for more than ten
It wasn’t a fancy school for rich kids looking for a hobby. The
coaches had real skills. Two of them had retired from the country’s
top bodyguard corps.
Even after so many years of learning, Chi Zhao never had a chance
to test himself. Who could have imagined that he would finally get to
use his skills in another world?
After listening to Chi Zhao, the system fell into deep thought.
This system indeed had a pair of golden eyes…
On the way home, Chi Zhao and Li Yihan both sat in the back seat,
about forty centimeters apart. Chi Zhao sat straight up with his
hands together on his knees, waiting for criticism.
Throughout the entire car ride, Li Yihan didn’t look at him once.
Chi Zhao began to feel anxiety well up in his heart. Was it that his
performance was too fierce, which led to the opposite effect of what
he wanted?
Back home, Zhang Bo nervously watched a large number of
people enter the door. Li Yihan was in the front. Qi Yuan was two
steps behind him, following him step by step. Then, assistant Zhao
and a group of bodyguards all dressed the same.
Li Yihan strode up the stairs and Qi Yuan followed him. Assistant
Zhao stayed downstairs with others.
Entering the study, Li Yihan turned around at last. He looked at Qi
Yuan, the latter anxiously biting his lips while looking at him.
“You can fight?”
Chi Zhao blinked and nodded. “Yes, I learned it in school before,
but I only defend myself. I never take the initiative to provoke.”
“You looked like you were quite good.”
When he said this, Li Yihan’s voice did not fluctuate. Chi Zhao
could not tell whether it was praise or irony, so he did not dare to
answer rashly.
Seeing that he did not speak, Li Yihan leaned back on the desk
behind him, his arms crossed, and his long legs overlapped. He
quietly looked into Chi Zhao’s eyes. “If you were so good, why
didn’t you resist at first? Did you intentionally let yourself be
taken away by them?”
[It’s no wonder that he was so silent. Host, you must think
clearly before answering.]
Chi Zhao did not respond to the system, and his look changed,
“Don’t lie to me. I hate people who lie to me.” Li Yihan stood
upright and looked down at him.
The distance between the two was short. Chi Zhao was forced to
raise his head and look at Li Yihan’s sharp eyes. He bowed his head
in a submissive way. “If I had resisted, you wouldn’t have come to
save me.”
Li Yihan was shocked for a moment and frowned. “Then why did
you rebel later?”
“I didn’t know when you would get there. If I didn’t fight back
at that time, my face would be lost,” said Chi Zhao, raising his
head quietly and looking at him innocently. “I’m not silly, am I?”
Li Yihan: “…”
Isn’t that silly?
Qi Yuan’s eyes have the feeling of expectation. Li Yihan is not
made of wood, and naturally can understand what he is thinking.
At the ripe age of eighteen, it was easy to fall in love, and he was
his benefactor, the man who had taken him out of school into his
own home. Qi Yuan is an orphan. He grew up living in a care facility
and received too little love. Li Yihan suddenly appeared beside him
and gave him money and became his family. Then he mistakenly
thought that it was precious love. Really, Li Yihan had no reason to
be surprised.
Li Yihan was not happy or angry at finding out his feeling. He just
felt very, very difficult.
He brought Qi Yuan to his home just for show. Sometimes he
acted as if he cared about Qi Yuan a great deal, when in fact, he
didn’t intend to keep him around for a long time. When the contract
ended, he would be expelled from the Li family by Li Yihan with
compensation. Although they both knew it was all an act, but
outsiders wouldn’t know that. Who knew how they would gossip
about the young man when that happened?
Based on this, Li Yihan tried his best to make Qi Yuan feel more
comfortable, after all, he was the one that pulled him into the
contract. But he never thought that his actions would lead Qi Yuan to
misunderstand him and even develop feelings for him.
The silence lasted too long, even the atmosphere became
awkward. At last Qi Yuan broke the silence first. He paused, stood
upright, and seriously assured, “Sorry, I won’t trouble you
The light in Qi Yuan’s eyes has been extinguished. It seems that he
has become a mature adult. Seeing this, Li Yihan felt uncomfortable
in his heart, but he couldn’t describe what kind of discomfort it was.
Qi Yuan smiled and said, “Thank you for saving me. If it weren’t
for you, I would not be able to come back today. I know you’re busy,
so I’ll go and see Xiao Pang now.
After that, Qi Yuan turned around and went out. The door was
closed for only a minute when assistant Zhao opened it again. He
came in and asked, “Boss, when you were in the nightclub, you
said that you would cut all business ties with Duan family. Is that
true or false? Should I start making plans?”
Li Yihan raised his eyes. “Of course it’s true. Why would it be
Because Qi Yuan is a fake heir. Just how many consequences will
this have for the Li group? Is a fake heir worth it?
These words were not spoken aloud by assistant Zhao, but his
expression showed everything. Li Yihan looked at him
expressionlessly. “Zhao Bin, as long as the contract is not over, Qi
Yuan is my heir and also the heir of the Li family. There is no
difference between him and the Duan heir. Whether it is Qi Yuan
or the successor of the Li family, you shouldn’t be looking at them
as two separate entities. If you can’t do that, you can leave.”
Li Yihan’s eyes were like cold ice. Looking at them felt like needles
on Zhao Bin’s skin, which made him sit in a difficult position. He was
anxious to bow his head and admit his mistake and only when he got
out of the study did he finally wipe the cold sweat from his head.
The boss is right. Although they know Qi Yuan is a fake heir,
people outside think Qi Yuan is the real Li heir. Duan Bo bullied Qi
Yuan. That means he bullied the Li family. There is nothing wrong
with this logic.
He looked downstairs. Qi Yuan was sitting cross-legged beside the
cat’s milk bowl, staring at Xiao Pang drinking milk without blinking.
When he finally finished drinking the last drop of milk, Qi Yuan
quickly took Xiao Pang into his bosom and began to pet him with a
happy look.
Zhao Bin moved his eyes away. Maybe he did change. Growing up
in such an environment, Qi Yuan would naturally be full of
aggression. Since the boss gave him a comfortable life and
considerate care, he no longer needs to attack others in order to
protect himself. Naturally, he could change.
At twelve o’clock in the evening, almost everyone was asleep. Qi
Yuan’s door was suddenly opened and Zhang Bo crept in. He
squinted around the room and finally found the watch resting on Qi
Yuan’s pillow.
The housekeeper gave Qi Yuan a gentle look.
What a heartbreaking child. This may very well be the first gift he
received. That’s why he cherished it so much. Even when he sleeps,
he must put it in the place nearest to himself.
Zhang Bo took the watch away and closed the door carefully as he
left the room. He handed it to Li Yihan, who was waiting outside the
door. Li Yihan took it and looked down at the shiny new dial.
Zhang Bo did not quite understand, “Sir, did not you say that
you want to be able to locate the young master? If you take the
watch away so suddenly, then what will we say if the young
master asks about it?”
“I have another piece that looks exactly the same. Go to my
watch cabinet, take it out. and give it to him tomorrow.”
As he said this, Li Yihan held the watch in his hand, then turned
around and left. Zhang Bo was shocked. “Oh, I see…”
They both left, and Chi Zhao, who had been sleeping soundly,
immediately opened his eyes, smiling and showing off to the system,
“see, I told you he was a good guy and he took the watch back so
quickly. “
System: “…”
It didn’t know why, but it felt a little sympathy for Li Yihan…
Chi Zhao turned over and asked with great vigor, “Didn’t you
say that the next plot point is coming soon? What is it? Say it, I’m
Chapter 8
Source: I Did My Best Translations


According to the system, the next major plot point is when Li

Yihan takes Qi Yuan to the Golden Autumn Wine Party. This is Qi
Yuan’s first meeting with Li Yihan’s rival, Chang Qing.
The first meeting shouldn’t require too much effort from Chi Zhao.
Just say a couple words to Chang Qing and leave him the impression
that Qi Yuan is a bit depraved.
Chi Zhao notes, and the system asks him what he intends to do
next. Li Yihan had already gotten rid of the tracker. Most likely, after
finding out that Qi Yuan liked him, Li Yihan’s last point of caution
disappeared, and he feeling a little guilty, he was embarrassed to do
something lie track Qi Yuan’s whereabouts again.
Despite Li Yihan already being 32 years of experience in this
world, years in which he had experienced a hundred wars, in fact, in
terms of emotions, he is very pure.
Chi Zhao told the system that the first time Li Yihan received a
hint from Qi Yuan, he would surely be at a loss and slip away. After a
month, he would probably be calmer and come back to see him.
The system has serious doubts about his speculation.
[If it was you, would you react that way?]
Chi Zhao: “… Shut up.”
When he woke up the next day, Chi Zhao did not see Li Yihan. He
heard Zhang Bo say that he went to the company early in the
morning. Chi Zhao went with the system at school for the day, and
when he came home, he hummed, happy to reunite with his cute
Xiao Pang’s scalp felt numb whenever he sees him. The poor
kitten felt he was going bald because of the number of times Chi
Zhao pets him.
Before a certain someone could return and steal his tofu, Xiao
Pang planned to run away as soon as he caught any hint of Qi Yuan’s
unique scent. Unfortunately for the small cat, Chi Zhao was
surprisingly quick and managed to scoop him into his arms. “See
Dad and run, who taught you such bad manners? Dad is studying
every day for you. Why don’t you know how to be considerate of
your old hard-working father?”
Chi Zhao held Xiao Pang up and began to sincerely criticize him.
Suddenly, a voice rang out from above his head. “Old father,
weren’t you still his brother just the other day?”
Chi Zhao looked up in a daze. Li Yihan stepped down the stairs,
dressed like he was going out soon.
“Where are you going, sir?”
Li Yihan looked into Qi Yuan’s eyes. There were calm, like a still
lake without the slightest ripple. He had no feeling of shame or
disgrace at all. This was good. He didn’t want Qi Yuan to be at odds
with him.
Li Yihan answered softly, “I’m going out to have a meal with an
old friend. There’s a party next Saturday. You’re going too. Make
sure you’re ready in advance.”
Chi Zhao immediately promised, “Yes sir. Have a safe trip.”
Li Yihan nodded gently and took two steps forward. When he
came close to Chi Zhao, he paused for a moment. He seemed to
hesitate about something, but the pause disappeared so quickly that
no one except himself had noticed it.
Chi Zhao held Xiao Pang and watched Li Yihan leave.
Two days later, Duan Bo returned to school. Chi Zhao was walking
down the road, and Duan Bo passed by. He looked at Qi Yuan with
fear and hatred. He wanted to beat Qi Yuan badly, unfortunately, Qi
Yuan was surprising good at fighting.
Additionally, Qi Yuan is now the heir of Li Yihan. Duan Bo can’t
move against him because if he does, it’s not Li Yihan that will kill
him, but his own father.
Duan Bo’s frustrations spread from student to student, and soon
the entire school knew. Zhou Tian had even changed his attitude
from before and began acting more concerned about Chi Zhao. He
would not let Chi Zhao feel that he was flattering him, nor that he
would let Chi Zhao feel that he was neglecting him. Chi Zhao
remembers what the system said. In the future, Zhou Tian is also
one of his concubines. Therefore, he still has to show Zhou Tian
some good will. Over time, he has even created the image that he
and Zhou Tian are good friends.
Li Yihan didn’t go home for close to a month, just as Chi predicted.
He came back every day before, but now he comes back every two
or three days.
In the absence of Li Yihan, Chi Zhao does not need to slap his own
face and feels sorrowful. Instead he was living a comfortable life.
Unfortunately, while he was relaxed, Li Yihan was not happy.
After sitting in the office and hearing the report on Qi Yuan for the
second time, Li Yihan asked impatiently, “Just studying?”
The investigator scratched his head. “In addition to studying,
yesterday the young man watched TV for half an hour while
holding an orange kitten.”
Li Yihan was silent for a moment. “How’s his mood?”
“Very good,” the investigator laughed. “The young man is an
optimistic and cheerful man. He seems very lively. He laughs at
everyone and even greets me when he sees me.”
Li Yihan frowned. “How does he greet you?”
The staff tried to recall his memories for a moment, coughed a
little, and began to imitate Chi Zhao.
He smiled a little and then acted like he was holding
something. “It’s so hard to stay up so late. Would you like to drink
a glass of milk?”
After the imitation, his hands and expression immediately
returned to their normal state.
Li Yihan looked at him with a blank expression. “Did you drink
The investigator laughed, embarrassed: “No, that’s what the
young man likes to drink. He drinks a glass every day before he
goes to bed. How can I steal it from him?”
“I see,” Li Yihan slightly hooked his lips up, and then instantly
turned cold again. “You can roll away now.”
Investigator: “…”
Assistant Zhao: “…”
The boss is getting more and more moody every day, and
Assistant Zhao was also very confused. But thinking about it, it
seems that when the boss is most moody, he is listening to the
report on Qi Yuan’s daily life. Zhao Bin tentatively asked, “Boss, does
Qi Yuan make you angry?”
Although he said no, Li Yihan’s expression obviously became
even worse. Zhao Bin thought he had found the crux of the matter
and said, “Why don’t I go and remind him for you that a man of
Qi Yuan’s age is unafraid of tigers and is still ignorant of many
things. He shouldn’t think that this is his own kingdom to lord
over. Once I remind him, he will never offend you again.”
Li Yihan lifted his eye and looked at him expressionlessly.
Zhao Bin: “… Or you can go back and remind him yourself.”
Li Yihan remained silent; his expression unchanging. Zhao Bin felt
that he would be fired in the next second. Suddenly, he heard Li
Yihan say, “Okay, I’ll go back in a minute. Push back my afternoon
meetings for me.”
Li Yihan’s expression was no longer so terrible. After Zhao Bin
watched him stand up and leave the office, it took him a long time to
He probably, maybe, just maybe… he was right about something,
but what was he right about?
Zhao Bin was puzzled.
In fact, not to mention Zhao Bin, even Li Yihan didn’t understand
what was going on with himself. He didn’t go home so that Qi yuan
had the chance to calm down and figure out that his feelings were
not love but gratitude, but when he didn’t go home, he always
wanted to know what Qi Yuan is doing, is he living off of tea and
It turned out that he thought too much. Qi Yuan didn’t think about
tea and rice at all. On the contrary, his appetite was better than that
of his time, and he could eat half a bowl more each meal.
Thinking about this Li Yihan felt very uncomfortable. And did he
use the milk Li Yihan bought for him just to give it his men? Qi Yuan
didn’t give him any milk!
On the way home, instead of letting the chauffeur drive, he chose
to drive back by himself, in a focused and quiet atmosphere, which
was very suitable for thinking. As soon as the idea came to mind, Li
Yihan was silent.
The man who just screamed for milk couldn’t be him. Well, it
shouldn’t be…
Today, Chi Zhao only had classes in the morning. At noon, he went
home and had lunch. Afterwards, he sat on the beanbag beside the
window and read books. The huge beanbag was soft and fluffy. Once
he sat on it, it was like his whole being was sucked into it. Xiao Pang
laid beside him in the sun. He read two pages of books, and then he
rubbed Xiao Pang’s butt.
In just a week, Xiao Pang had already become a reformed lover of
butt scratches. His tail was shaking slowly. Chi Zhao was wearing a
white turtleneck sweater, his hands were busy helping Xiao Pang
smooth his fur, and the warm sunlight came through the window
falling on top of a man and his cat.
When Li Yihan returned home, he saw such a scene waiting for
him. He stood at the door, silently watching. After hearing the door
opening, Qi Yuan and Xiao Pang raised their heads to look up at the
sound. Qi Yuan blinked and immediately showed a brilliant smile.
“Mr. Li came back early.”
Chapter 9
Source: I Did My Best Translations


The autumn reception is the city’s most famous high-class party,

held once a year, each time it was held at different times, but it was
always in the fall.
Being invited to the autumn reception is a symbol of status,
almost everyone who is invited will attend. Li Yihan has only in this
city for two years as head of the household but has already lost
interest in this ritual-like reception. This year, he reluctantly
decided to attend in order to give Qi Yuan the chance to appear in
It was Qi Yuan’s first appearance in high society, and Li Yihan took
it seriously, personally overseeing everything from etiquette
training to appearance preparation.
After changing into his clothes and fixing his hair, Qi Yuan came
out from his room. Li Yihan had been waiting for a period of time, so
once he heard footsteps, he looked up.
Qi Yuan had traded his usual loose casual clothes for a high-class
tailored suit. The fabric of the suit was pressed on his body to show
his figure perfectly. In the past, Li Yihan always felt that Qi yuan was
a bit short. In fact, his proportions were very pleasing to the eye.
Since he was not used to dressing in such clothes, Qi Yuan’s
walking became a bit stiff. His originally soft hair was fixed in place
with hairspray, which exposed his smooth forehead. Li Yihan
suddenly found that his eyes are not jet black, but instead were a
little more tawny, like polished tiger’s eye.
Li Yihan was silently lost in his thoughts when Qi Yuan walked
over to him and said: “Mr. Li, I’m ready, we can go now.”
Li Yihan reacted to the young man’s voice instantly and stood up,
he took one step before pausing, “What about your tie?”
Qi Yuan pulled a dark red tie out of his pocket. “It’s a little
tight, ” he said, “I’ll put it on when we’re closer to the reception.”
Li Yihan stared at the tie for two seconds but said nothing more.
The venue was in the center of the city, not far from where they
lived, and could be reached in about 20 minutes. When assistant
Zhao turned back from the driver seat and told them that they were
five minutes away, Chi Zhao took out his tie and began to tie it
around his neck.
Chi Zhao never wears a tie. As a result, the once pristine tie was
being worked into a knot.
While Chi Zhao seemed calm, the system was freaking out.
[No, it’s the other way around. The big one’s in the front, the
little one’s in the back… it’s the other way around! The other
other way around!!! … No, you can’t do it, can you? Quickly untie
it, oh my gosh, you must be a genius, you can even mess up a tie
to this extend.]
Chi Zhao: “…”
It’s not my fault. The tie started it… (╥﹏╥)
During the fight between Chi Zhao and his tie, the other people in
the car were silently watching him strangle himself bit by bit. When
there was only a minute to go, Li Yihan sighed silently and moved
over to Chi Zhao’s side. He took the tie, which had become a tight
knot, and began to untie it.
He slowly worked the tie off before tying it up again using the
right method, Chi Zhao sat quietly and well behaved, not daring to
move, Li Yihan’s hand touched on Chi Zhao’s chin from below. The
two sat so close, it was like their breath was becoming intertwined.
When Assistant Zhao saw the two from the rear view mirror, he
felt a bit wronged. It was just a tie, the boss was so slow, but also so
gentle. Is he going blind, the boss is actually smiling?
This smile is too subtle, if you didn’t look carefully, you’d miss it
all together, and this is definitely not mockery for the young boy, it is
a bit like… Assistant Zhao searched his mind for a long time but
couldn’t remember the adjective.
The word was on the tip of his tongue, but he just couldn’t
remember it. The more he couldn’t remember, the more he obsessed
about it, until finally he wanted to bite his own tongue in frustration.
Finally the tie was knotted properly Li Yihan also conveniently
fixed Chi Zhao’s collar, making sure that every detail is meticulously
cared for. At last, he was satisfied enough to withdraw.
Chi Zhao raised his head and smiled gratefully at him.
This smile is like a small fat claw lightly scratching Li Yihan cold
heart making it itch.
Subconsciously, Li Yihan moved his hand up two inches until it
just barley grazed Chi Zhao’s chin.
Assistant Zhao, who was about to bite through his tongue, opened
his eyes wide. He saw the smile on his boss’s lips deepen. His long
fingers touched the soft flesh on the young man’s lower jaw before
he lightly rubbed it twice. Qi Yuan looked surprised. the boss looked
at him and suddenly felt a rare impulse. He raised his hand and
patted Qi Yuan’s head.
Chi Zhao: “…” This is considered being treated as a pet, right?
Assistant Zhao: “…” I remember now, the word is spoiled!
System: “…” What is the situation? Forget taking two years to
conquer Li Yihan, it’s only been two months! Is a person’s heart so
Chi Zhao had no real sense of the change in Li Yihan’s attitude. He
only thought that Li Yihan had simply developed some good feelings
towards him, but he didn’t think that the good feelings might have
been spoiled with something else. He had an important task today,
so his attention has long been turned away from Li Yihan.
As soon as he arrived at the party, he began to look for Chang
As he looked, he said to himself, “Oh concubine, where is my
concubine? “
[I can hear everything you think. Don’t say such things out
Chi Zhao felt a growing sense of self-pity. He is working hard and
not only does the system not help, but it’s also picking at him.
Soon after Li Yihan brought Qi Yuan inside, someone immediately
came over to chat with him. Once that person left, and the next one
would come right away. The people present are all refined, so they
wouldn’t swarm around him like flys. Instead, they all stared at Li
Yihan, and at just the right time, pretend to casually pass by his side
before coming up to talk to Li Yihan.
Nearly everyone asked who Qi Yuan was, and Li Yihan took the
opportunity to introduce him. He introduced only five people to him
before telling Qi Yuan that he could go grab some food from a buffet
table and then play around some. Five people is enough, these five
people will go back, and in less than 10 minutes, the whole audience
will know Li Yihan’s successor is called Qi Yuan.
Qi Yuan is not the true heir, so he doesn’t have to listen to these
hypocritical people’s flattery. Li Yihan didn’t want to him to feel
bored, so he let him go over to the dining buffet tables to pick some
food and play at will. Chi Zhao wasn’t really paying attention as he is
still worried about how to find Chang Qing.
However, he was a little hungry. Before looking for Chang Qing, he
should find something to fill his stomach first.
People come to these events to network or brag about what
they’ve accomplished over the past year. They have a few drinks,
and rarely do any of them eat a lot, but today is different.
All because of Chi Zhao.
When Chang Qing came over, Chi Zhao was eating a piece of cake
with a small fork. Chang Qing spotted him and took two glasses of
red wine from the waiter’s tray before slowly walking over to Chi
Zhao. After seeing how the man was enjoying his food, for a second,
he didn’t have the heart to interrupt him.
After standing silently for some time, he opened his mouth, “Qi
Yuan, right? “
Chi Zhao had already heard about his arrival from the system. He
finished eating the last bit of cake, took out the kerchief then from
the pocket of his suit, wiped his mouth, and then tilted his head to
look at Chang Qing, “Yes, and you are? “
Chang Qing smiled a little and gave the younger man his name
while waiting for Chi Zhao to reveal a look of surprise and
But Chi Zhao simply stared at him without responding.
Chang Qing: “…”
Seeing Chang Qing’s face, Chi Zhao nodded disinterestedly, “Oh,
it’s you. “
Chang Qing: “…”
For the past two years he has been the business world’s most
powerful dark horse, even a three-year-old child off the streets
would know his name, what is “Oh, it’s you”?!
After a while, Chi Zhao’s IQ logged back on, and he began speaking
again, “Mr. Chang, I didn’t expect you to be so young. “
Chang Qing almost vomited blood at Chi Zhao’s reaction,
fortunately he is not an ordinary person, even now his face didn’t
change color. He smiled softly, “You are also very young, the Li
family is bound to have another promising leader like Li Yihan in
the future.”
This sentence was to test Chi Zhao. While he heard the unspoken
intention, he didn’t take the bait. For one thing, he’s not someone
who is particularly skilled at dealing with schemes, and he certainly
can’t get around Chang Qing. Additionally, his task is not to fight
with Chang Qing in the business field, but to fight with him in the
Chi Zhao quietly looked at him, and then reached over to take the
wine glass in his left hand, but his intention wasn’t to drink wine.
Two people’s fingers gently grazed each other. Hanging his eyes to
look at the place where their fingers touched, Chi Zhao chuckled:
“No one is willing to be a second version of another person, I just
want to be the first Qi Yuan. Mr. Chang and I, we have the same
thoughts on this.”
Chapter 10
Source: I Did My Best Translations


Chang Qing began to seriously scrutinize Chi Zhao.

Li Yihan stood five or six meters away from them, close enough
for him to see who Qi Yuan was talking to, but too far away for him
to hear what they were saying.
By Li Yihan’s side there were two Mediterranean men who were
talking to him. Li Yihan seemed to be listening to what they say, but
in fact, his eyes kept glancing over to Qi Yuan.
A good-looking, elegant man came over and saw Li Yihan’s
appearance, the he playfully raised his eyebrow.
Following Li Yihan’s line of sight, there are two people. One is the
new general manager of the Chang corporation, the other is Li
Yihan’s adopted son.
The two Mediterranean men finally finished what they wanted to
say, and when they saw the master of the Li family nod gently to
them, their mood immediately improved, and they felt that he was
indeed a man of great ability. Then they happily went to find the
next young man who they could talk to.
After they left, Tang Si walked over to Li Yihan’s side. “Your
adopted son seems to be very interested in Chang Qing. Aren’t you
going to have a look? “
Li Yihan looked up at his friend, then dropped his eyes as if
nothing had happened. “They’re just saying a few insignificant
“It’s all right if you don’t believe me, ” said Tang Si, laughing in
vague manner, “In any case, Chang Qing has a reputation for
being okay with both men and women, and I remember his latest
taste being an energetic young man. That’s just as well. The
general manager is a generation younger than you, and you can
use seniority to push him around the negotiating table.”
Li Yihan frowned. “What are you trying to say? “
Tang Si smiled a little, “Even blood related son may not
necessarily listen to you, let alone an adopted son. Looking at his
appearance, he seems to have a good impression of Chang Qing.
He even dares to have other ideas about Chang Qing. Your
adopted son is not very simple.”
Li Yihan’s line of sight fell to Qi yuan body, now that Chang Qing
was gone, he paused, picked up a plate of cake, and continued eat. Li
Yihan didn’t bother responding to his best friend’s words.
He couldn’t tell Tang Si that it wasn’t Chang Qing that Qi yuan was
interested in, but himself.
Seeing that he didn’t answer, Tang Si thought that he was right. He
wanted to speak again, but before he could he heard Li Yihan say,
“Not simple? He’s the simplest person I’ve ever met.”
As he spoke, Li Yihan eyes were calm and his tone was straight
forward, as if he was talking about the weather. Such a casual
attitude showed that Li Yihan was serious, he really thought that Qi
Yuan’s mind was simple to understand.
Tang Si: “…”
He hadn’t seen Li Yihan in a few months, is it possible he became
an idiot? Even he could see that Qi Yuan was a bad investment. He
was clearly scheming with Chang Qing!
Tang Si said this, but Li Yihan twisted his eyebrows and just
looked at him, “Your eyes are must be out of order. “
Who’s the one with the eye problems, huh?!
Tang Si was angry, he threw done his words “Just you wait, I’ll
prove it to you. “
The outside world is not clear about Li Yihan’s disposition, while
Tang Si is openly gay, and he’s also exclusively a gong. As he lifted
his feet and walked over to Qi Yuan, Li Yihan’s reaction was that he
immediately wanted to drag him back.
Tang SI walked quickly and within a few steps reached Chi Zhao,
who had just put down the cake plate he had devoured at the speed
of light. Feeling a little choked, he looked around for the glass of red
wine that Chang Qing had brought over.
After a little thought, he decided that he didn’t want to have
anything to do with Chang Qing, include drinking the wine he
brought. Just thinking about how bad he was behind closed doors
made Chi Zhao want to vomit. He pushed the glass aside in disgust
and decided to ask the waiter for a low-alcohol drink.
At this point, Tang Si came up to him. The waiter was passing by
and he reached to grab a couple of cocktails from the tray, which
were a nice shade of pale pink, like French macarons. There were
only two glasses left on the tray when Tang Si and Chi Zhao went to
grab them at the same time. The end result left Tang Si with both
glasses of wine.
Chi Zhao’s outstretched hand hung in mid-air. Tang Si saw this,
and showing a friendly smile, handed one of the glasses to Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao gave him a thank you. Tang Si hung his lips and just as he
went to take a drink he could hear —
gulp, gulp, gulp.
After three mouthfuls, Chi Zhao’s glass was empty, leaving only
the lonely mint leaves lying at the bottom of the cup.
Tang Si: “…”
This kind of cocktail does not have a strong alcoholic taste, but is
still slightly sweet, a bit like fruit juice. Chi Zhao quite liked the taste
and felt like he didn’t get enough. He turned around and picked up
the glass of red wine that he had just abandoned, “Are you still
drinking? I haven’t touched this cup. Shall we exchange it?”
The smile on Tang Si Ze’s face froze. This was the first time he saw
someone exchanging drinks with a stranger at a cocktail party. He
remained stunned for two seconds before nodding his head and
looking at Chi Zhao. A smile cracked on his lips and he let out a
boisterous laugh. He put his glass in Chi Zhao’s hand and then took
the glass of red wine in exchange.
After another three loud gulps Chi Zhao’s glass was once again
empty. He smiled at Tang Si politely, and then turned to another row
of dining tables to find something delicious.
Tang Si: “…”
Li Yihan was standing fairly close to them, however, two or three
women standing together blocked him from Chi Zhao’s sight. Tang Si
came back with a glass of red wine and a wooden face. He looked at
Li Yihan. The latter still wore his usual cold expression, but Tang Si
could just barley see the corners of Li Yihan’s lips twitch from time
to time.
Just laugh! Aren’t you tired of holding it in?!
Tang Si was silent, he handed the glass to Li Yihan, “You win, I
was wrong.”
Hearing this, Li Yihan finally smiled. No matter what age a man is,
watching his best friend admit defeat is one of life’s great joys. He
put down the glass and patted Tang Si on the shoulder with a
mocking smile.
It changed hands four times, and in the end, no one drank that
glass of wine.
Li Yihan only talked to Tang Si for two minutes, and then he went
over to the dining tables. Qi Yuan had been drinking too fast, so he
was a little concerned and wanted to go check on him.
However, Qi Yuan was no longer at the dining table. At some point
he had ran to the other end of the room, where he was sitting on a
sofa, staring at the various people passing by in front of him.
He looked sober. In fact, if Li Yihan looked closely, he could see
that Qi Yuan’s eyes had become blurred. The cocktail he was
drinking didn’t smell like alcohol, however, the alcohol level was
very high. After he ran to the other side, he saw this kind of cocktail
again, and he drank two more cups. Although each cocktail is small,
together, the amount is actually very considerable. Plus, he drank it
too fast and too enthusiastically, and it made his head spin.
Chi Zhao sat askew on the sofe, his right hand supporting his
head, his left hand resting casually on the arm of the sofa. With a
smile, he looked at everyone who passed him. Two girls walked over
to him and seeing that his eyes were resting on them, blushed.
Qi Yuan is already a good-looking man, but today he is specially
dressed up. Plus, with the effects of the alcohol, right now he is like a
miniature pheromone dispenser.
Chi Zhao, who was alone for 20 years, always wanted to have a
relationship. Unfortunately, he had to study hard when he was in
high school and didn’t have any time to have a relationship. When he
got to college, he did have time, but he became a male friend of his
female classmates, not a single one of them thought of him as a
potential lover.
Looking at the crowd passing by, Chi Zhao began to seriously
think, if he can’t find a girlfriend, should he just try to find a
System: ”…”
Are you humans so casual about your sexuality? Is changing
sexual orientation is as easy as changing clothes?!
Chi Zhao was thinking about it when suddenly, his eyes were
blocked. Li Yi Han looked down at him with two silent eyes, and
three seconds later, he slightly bent over. Li Yihan stared at Chi
Zhao’s eyes for a while, then he asked aloud, “Qi Yuan, are you
drunk? “
Qi Yuan didn’t answer him.
Li Yihan knows when Qi Yuan dare to look at him so carelessly, it
was because he was hiding something. He must be drunk.
“Do you know who I am? “
Qi Yuan tilted his head, and this time answered, “Sir. “
Yeah, way too much to drink…
Li Yihan did not intend to stay any longer. He stretched out his
hand and with five fingers like pincers, firmly grasped Qi Yuan’s
forearm, pulling him up
Qi Yuan stood up obediently and began to walk unsteadily. After
almost falling down, Li Yihan helped him, and carefully checked Qi
Yuan’s face, making sure he okay before leading him out.
Tang Si saw this scene, and immediately clicked his tongue twice.
Ah, Father’s love is so great. Just how long did it take for Li Yihan to
change his personality?
No, to others he was the same ice emperor that he always was, but
to Qi Yuan…
Ah, the father’s halo shines bright.
Li Yihan didn’t know about Tang Si silent complaints. He only
knew that a drunk Qi Yuan’s was still pretty good. When he drank
too much, he didn’t act like a demon. He also still looked so good. He
stuffed him into the car, and then he got in and ordered the driver to
go home. The car was quiet as Li Yihan looked out at the scenery
passing by.
There were four people in the car, and all four of them were in a
very calm mood. It was only one onlooker that was unhappy.
The system was very nervous because it found itself disconnected
from Chi Zhao. What does that mean? This means that Chi Zhao is
blackout drunk, ah!!!
It immediately called Chi Zhao’s name, but Chi Zhao only blinked
his eyes like he did not hear anything. Suddenly, he turned his eyes
to Li Yihan.
The system got a very bad feeling.
Sure enough, the next moment Qi Yuan looked like a sliding
skateboard and slipped to Li Yihan’s side. Li Yihan was hit by the car
door and his hip bone was hurt. He looked back with astonishment.
Qi Yuan pinched his face and happily announced: “Boss, let’s go fall
in love together!”
Li Yihan: “…”
System: “…”
Assistant Zhao: “…?!!”
Chapter 11.1
Source: Foxaholic


Gu Qingyan next wants to participate in a talk show called

"Tonight has something to say", he is considering whether to
directly and the book fans burst a vest, anyway, the debt is not too

Maybe the book fan sees that he is so hard and needs a high-
intensity filming. He feels that he is pitiful and forgives him for
dragging the manuscript. Of course, Gu Qingyan knows that his
mischief makes it difficult for book fans to feel that they are pitiful
and unrealistic. The arrears of the manuscript are filled with the

However, Gu Qingyan is also very wronged. He has not made any

manuscripts this time. His manuscript has already been completed,
but in order to cooperate with the propaganda of the TV series, it
can not be published at one time.

For Gu Qingyan, he is very wronged and he needs comfort, and the

microblog number for his own actors is no longer being torn by his
own book powder. In order to give an explanation to his own play
powder and book powder, Gu Qingyan decided to expose his
authorship. .

Let the storm come more violently.

Gu Qingyan sent a small microblogging to his little brother for

Little brother's little crying bag: Little brother, I was torn by fans
of the heart of the heart, I am saddened. @ 小哭包家的小哥哥有 , I
have something to do with the help of the book fans, I am thinking
about whether to confess tonight (╥╯^╰╥) but I am afraid...

Xiaoxiaobao's little brother: The little brother will protect the little
crying bag, and the little crying bag is not afraid of not afraid. (づ ̄3 )̄

Little brother's little crying bag: (; д;) Little brother, I think after
our family's blade is estimated to be more than can be sold, a serious

Xiaoxiaobao's little brother:? ? ? Why, why are you crying? ( ゚ロ

゚;) What do you mean by this?

Little brother's little crying bag: swallowing water, you will know
later (; '⌒`). I hope they can come to the time and give me a way to
live. ╮(╯_╰)╭


Then Gu Qingyan used his own large size to send a microblog.

Gu Qingyan: The fans of the heart of the office, I will confess in

"Tonight's words", give you a reasonable explanation, and then
please let me go, don't send the blade again, (; へ:) beg! ! !

All the fans are so aggressive, so what is the situation? ? Why do

you want to do this? ?

The onlookers of the melons, the fans of Gu Qingyan, and the book
of the heart of the heart are very embarrassing, in a very aggressive
state. Is it necessary for the parties to admit their mistakes? ?
I love Gu Gu: So what is the situation in this, a face-lifting (⊙ω⊙`)?

咩咩咩 : I heard that the book that was recently taken care of by
the heart of the heart has been torn, but I think there must be a
misunderstanding. After all, the acting is really good, and I don’t
believe in the poor personality. How can he have a bad relationship
with the sheep, and you still remember the last time on the shore of
Daming Lake. ? O(*////▽////*)q

The little oranges of the sheep and sheep family: The people who
eat melons are very aggressive, and always feel strange. And I agree
with you upstairs, how can I be a good friend with my sheep?
Besides, Xiaojia’s tutor is so good. I absolutely have reason to
suspect that this is another incident of patronizing malicious people.
However, after the last routine estimate, someone has to be beaten.
So the front row sells seeds, 00

子 子 君 : I hope that this visit can give everyone a reasonable

explanation and answer. To be honest, we all like to care for it. I like
to care for the last time of the ink show. But this time I heard that
the role of Gu Gu was taken through very mean means, and my heart
was very uncomfortable, and there were rumors on the Internet that
the relationship between the heart and the care was very bad, and
the authors I liked were greatly selected. The relationship between
the actors is not good enough.

Xiaoyuzi: I hope to give a reasonable explanation. Although I know

that actors and characters should not be linked, but the book that is
so big to the fans is the spiritual food, so it’s really full, I hope that
the explanation can give an explanation. .

Don't talk to kiss me: So is it only one of my concerns that is very

strange? Why send a blade? There is still the first time I saw that Gu
Gu was selling on the large size, and the people who were eating
melon expressed curiosity.

Small strawberry: On the floor, is it really strange? ? ?


"Tonight has something to say" is a special fire talk show, and the
host Lemi has always been very popular with the audience, because
her host style is humorous, talkative and elegant, very emotional
and sometimes love to fill the soul chicken soup. of. And "There is
something to say tonight" this program will invite many popular
star artists from time to time, so her show has been very hot.

- "Speak tonight"

At the beginning of the show, I saw the host Le Mi wearing a

graceful black dress, short hair and a smile on his mouth, and
greeted the audience on the spot.

"Welcome everyone to come to "Tonight has something to say" I

am the host Le Mi, recently there is a group of families can be
described as a violent fire, their family's face value is very high,
children are cute and very polite, now I heard that children still have
I have a fan support club."

"And their family, everyone is familiar with him very familiar.

Through that program we know that he is attracted to him in the
future, and later heard the love story between him and his lover. I
was touched by them. And I am very fortunate to have him today,
this is a very hot meat, everyone guess who he is??"

Lemi made an ear-opening sound with his hand on his ear, and
now the audience shouted with a loud voice: "Gu Qingyan!!!"
I saw Lemi smile and make an invitation: "Now, please ask Gu

The music sounded and Gu Qingyan walked out. He is very casual

today, a simple beige knit sweater, a pair of jeans that fits in shape,
and a pair of sports shoes that are not too expensive. But the simpler
the dress, the more his appearance and his approachable, Gu
Qingyan smiled and greeted the audience.

Lemi can say that the first impression of Gu Qingyan is very good.
Lemi told Gu Qingyan to sit down and chat with Gu Qingyan.

Lemi looked at the gentle and beautiful Gu Qingyan, and asked the
joke: "Hello Gu Qingyan, can I call you a little crying bag?"

Gu Qingyan shook his head and said with a slight apology: "I am
sorry that this is not possible, because this is the nickname of the
little brother."

Then I smiled and said: "You can ask me to care, my fans love to
call me, I also like this title."

Lemi smiled and said: "It turned out to be Lu’s exclusive nickname.
Is it only you can call him a little brother?"

Gu Qingyan's face was slightly reddish and nodded. "Well, this is

the only nickname between us."

Lemi looked at Gu Qingyan's appearance and couldn't help but

sigh the magic of love: "I think friends who have seen "Did you be
abused today?" should be touched by the love story you mentioned
in the last issue, so Is that story really happening to you?"

Gu Qingyan smiled at Lemi’s words and his expression was very

sweet: “It’s true, I like my little brother for 16 years.”

Lemi exclaimed: "So long?"

Gu Qingyan’s expression looked unusually gentle. He slowly said:
“Well, 16 years. For me, my little brother is essential in my life.”

"Required? Why do you say that?" Lemi's expression looked very


"When I was 7 years old, I was brought to Fangfang City by my

mother. I was a child who was not very gregarious since I was a
child. I had a slight contact disorder and autism at first."

Lemi heard Gu Qingyan’s narrative: “I can’t see it completely...”

Gu Qingyan smiled and said: "I experienced some things when I

was young, and the mischief between the children. We played hide-
and-seek together in a ruined building. Then they joked and left me
alone. I broke the glass and ran out. A little injury."

Gu Qingyan’s expression looked very plain and smirked, but Lemi

guessed that he must have been scared at the time. A child with a
small fear of autism was left alone in a deserted place. How scared it
was at the time. Helpless.

Lemi couldn’t help but feel distressed: "And then?"

"I was born in a park unfamiliar, where I met a little brother who
left home." Gu Qingyan's eyes sparkled and seemed to be in memory.
"He looked at me with pity. I kept making me happy, and finally
brought me back to his house."

"He is very kind to me, take care of me, intimately rub me the
ointment, and comfort me when I am afraid."

"I was later taken away by my family, but I have always been
obsessed with my little brother. Because my subsequent contact
disorder is getting more and more serious, I instinctively do not
trust strangers, resist contact with people. I will also have
nightmares. But then my little brother will appear in my dream. He
gently comforted me and said to me: Little crying bag, little brother
will protect you forever."

"Because of his existence, I am not afraid. I told myself that I must

overcome everything and work hard to become a normal person.
And I finally did it, I am not resisting contact with people. Also
because my little brother I Looking for a career I like, I like acting.
Although the reason for the beginning is to repay, I want to repay
my little brother."

"I came to Fangye City at the age of 16 and met a 20-year-old

brother, and then fell in love with him at first sight." Gu Qingyan
smiled very sweet, with the sweetness of falling in love. "But he
didn't know that I was a little crying bag. I used a very stupid way to
get him to support me."

"Is it hard to pay attention to your secret love with a shell?"

Gu Qingyan smiled, but with a little jealousy in his eyes: "I have
been with my little brother for two years. My character is not very
good and it is easy to suffer. I have problems and misunderstandings
between us at the age of 18. We were all at the time. Still too small
and too immature, so I finally chose to escape..."

Gu Qingyan paused and then said: "I returned to Fangyi City at the
age of 23, and the first day I came back, I happened to meet my little
brother. He said that he likes me, but I am very upset, I lied to him. I
don't like him anymore."

"But my little brother didn't give up. He said he wanted to pursue

me. Later we went through a lot of things together..."

"And then you started again?"

"Yeah, it started again. Although we missed five years, it doesn't
matter because this time I will never let go of his hand again." Gu
Qingyan smiled very beautifully. "I am very lucky, with me." The
little brother met again. And we all grew up and learned to express
how to love someone. He is indispensable in my life. I love him, not

Amy looked at Gu Qingyan's expression and sighed: "Great, my

little brother and little crying bag are back together. I think
everyone will bless you, I hope you will continue to be happy."

Gu Qingyan smiled sweetly: "Thank you."

Amy said that she was really sweet when she saw Gu Qingyan’s
smile. She went on to ask: “I heard that you are a very good friend
with the sheep and his family, Mr. Song?”

"Well, we have a very good relationship."


"It’s really a pleasure to chat with me. It’s almost over, and the
show is coming to an end. Well, the last question today, I heard that
you were attacked by a book fan of the heart?"

"Well, it is true." Gu Qingyan smiled and smiled. "I have something

to confess today."

Lemi looked at Gu Qingyan curiously: "Is this rumor about this


Gu Qingyan nodded and said with embarrassment: "In a sense, I

really took the back door."

The words Gu Qingyan lived on his face, and the tip of his ear was
red: "The rumors that I am not at peace with my heart are false,
because I can't do it myself. If it really has to be, I think I have to be

Lemi suddenly lost her mind: "What do you mean?"

"The peace of mind is my pen name, this heart is my hometown. I

wanted to have a little brother, that is my heart, so I gave myself a
pen name." Gu Qingyan's blush No, "As for why I never used the
number of my heart to forward the news of my role in my book,
because it is too shameful, after all, I boast of myself..."

Gu Qingyan was embarrassed to explain: "As for why I said that in

a certain sense, I really took the back door, because the younger
brother thought that I liked the role of Qin Ge in "Competition", and
found the place to buy " The follow-up article on the copyright of the
competition is dedicated to me, and I said that I would like to invite
me to play my favorite character. I have not been so frank and
confessed that it is an article written by my own code, so I did not
refuse to appear in the end. Of course, as far as I am concerned, how
can I not like the characters in my own writing?"

Lemi listened to Gu Qingyan's words and felt that she had been
stuffed with a big dog food, but she immediately adjusted and
responded: "So this is why you sent the Weibo before the show?"

Gu Qingyan nodded and made a movement to wipe the neck: "My

book fans have a little fighting power. Before they sent the real blade
to the editorial department. Then I loved dragging more. I was afraid
that after the horse was dropped, I was sent by the fans every day.

At the moment, Gu Weiyan’s Weibo has been blown up:

扣子君: Gu Gu is actually a big heart! ! ! Great about your text! ? I

finally found a new reminder, long live! My big knife is already
hungry and thirsty!
The little oranges of the sheep and sheep family: I was touched by
the story of the little crying bag and the little brother. I wish the
little brother and the little crying pack together for a lifetime! !

Xiaoyuzi: The identification of Gu Gu is a big doubt. I know that we

only send editors to the editorial department. ! Great, you know that
you love to drag more! ! Follow the text! ! !

I love to care for me: I like it, and it is a face. o(*////▽////*)q

My heart is big: I am inexplicably stuffed with a big dog food by the

pen name of the heart, but it doesn't matter. The problem is the
follow-up of the big competition. ! ! Are you not finished? You are
going to hurry up! ! ! !

Broken heart: The heart is big, it turns out that you are a patron,
really good, I like the big and the artist is the same person. But the
question is coming, when are you more essays! ? Even if you are
filming, it is not a reason you can drag it! !

Hey: I know that it is definitely a wave of face-lifting.


Xiaoxiaobao's little brother: Little crying bag, little brother loves

you, loves you. You are also essential to your little brother. @小哥哥

Little brother's little crying bag: I also love to love my little

brother. (づ ̄3 )̄ づ

Then Lu’s big Weibo and Xiaoweibo were all caught up by the fans
with a rhythm: the little brother treated the little crying bag! ! You
must always be happy, and please let the little crying bag be more
timely, thank you! !
Zhuo Yi, Gu Qingyan, followed the program and looked at Gu
Qingyan with a particularly complicated look. Because he is also the
book powder of the heart, he knows that Gu Qingyan is actually a big
chase that he has been chasing. The most important point is that he
can personally and Gu Qingyan urged more reminders to follow up,
to know that he is the person who fell off the pit! ! !

The big knife in the hand is already hungry and thirsty, although
the text of the heart is very good, but he is a big pit, and the pit is not
filled without humanity! ! Still unmoving and unfolding, it’s horrible!

Gu Qingyan looked at Zhuo Yi, only felt that his neck was a little
cold and could not help but shrink.

The author has something to say:

I changed my blood in this chapter, I still prefer the original

version, so my friends will see it on Weibo. (My little crying bag is
really distressing.)

Of course, the revision can still be seen 00. I have tried very hard
to repair o (*////▽////*)q.
Chapter 11.2
Source: Foxaholic


Chapter 11.2: Only Ghost Would Like You

Translated by IAllsIsAwe

 The next day, Chi Zhao opened his eyes.The first thing that he felt
was that he had a splitting headache.

 He was lying on his bed and his clothes had been changed. He sat
up, rubbed his temples, and then called the system, “What
happened, how did I get back?”   

 There was no answer.

 Chi Zhao: “System?”

 [You don’t remember anything?]

 “I remember I was eating, and then I felt dizzy. So I found a place to
sit down.” Chi Zhao blinked, and his expression became a little
uneasy. “Wait, that’s not right. Why don’t I remember what
happened after that?” 

 The system did not say anything. It directly played yesterday’s daily
record for Chi Zhao. To prevent Chi Zhao from jumping off from
upstairs, it considerately only let him listen to the audio. The system
didn’t even let him watch the video footage.

 The beginning part of the audio had already been miserable enough
to hear. He did not expect that the part after returning to the room
was the real human tragedy.

 Li Yihan: “Don’t move. I’m helping you take off your shoes.”

 After a scuffle, there was silence. It seemed that he had taken off his
shoes. At this time, Li Yihan’s voice came closer.

 “Qi Yuan… Are you sleeping?”

 Chi Zhao listened nervously. After about two seconds, his own voice
came through. The sleepiness had hit him. His voice sounded lazy
and sticky, with a thick tired voice, “Yeah, why?”

 “Do you really like me? ” After a long silence, Li Yihan tentatively
asked this question. Chi Zhao’s heart immediately raised up.

 On second thought, please don’t tell the truth!

 “Hehe, only ghosts would like you.”

 Chi Zhao: “…”

 He can’t help but cover his eyes. The system reminded him coldly.

 [Don’t despair now. Listen to the next part and then despair.]

 Li Yihan had not expected that he(Chi Zhao) would answer himself
like this. His voice became colder. “Then who do you like,

 Chi Zhao heard himself wickedly give a cold ‘humph’, “Like him? As
if he’s worthy enough of that! Guys like him, even if he laid in bed
naked, I wouldn’t give him a single glance. Li Yihan is still okay.
Mmm.. But he doesn’t pay attention to me and always mistreats

 When he got to the last part, his tone was pitiful. Li Yihan seemed to
have laughed, “How did he mistreat you? Tell me, I will help you to
abuse him back.”

 “He forced me to study. If I don’t study, he will send my son away.

He’s too evil. So very evil. Hmph. One day, I will make him kneel on
the bed and begging me. He’ll beg me to slow down, but I won’t. I
will torture him bit by bit, and make him fall down by my
masculinity. And then he won’t be able to leave me anymore.

 This was the end of the recording. The system looks at the Chi Zhao
that had been struck silly.

 [Li Yihan’s expression at the end, do you want to see it?]

 Chi Zhao was really crying this time, “Am I…. Am I going to be
driven out of the Li’s family house?” 

 The system heaved another long sigh, everything said within the


 Chi Zhao sneaked out of the room carefully. He hid behind the door
frame and looked around. Not seeing Li Yihan’s figure, he rushed out
quickly, carrying a bulging backpack behind him.

 When he came downstairs, he turned around the corner. Just as he

was about to leave the door, a hand skillfully grabbed his backpack.
Chi Zhao hurriedly dug into the ground twice, but he could not
escape from the devil’s hand behind him.
 He turned around dejectedly. Li Yihan is still the same as before. He
looked at Chi Zhao calmly, “Where are you going?”

 “… My classmate’s house. We need to hand in our academic papers.

My classmate and I have the same topic.”

 When Chi Zhao answered, he didn’t even dare to lift up his head.  Li
Yihan laughed mysteriously. “It seems that you still remember what
happened yesterday.”

 No, he didn’t remember. It’s the system who just had to play him the

 Chi Zhao took a deep breath and admitted readily:” Mister, I was
wrong. I promise I won’t drink again from today on. Yesterday, I was
talking nonsense after drinking. Please don’t take it seriously! QAQ “

 Li Yihan stood in silence for a while. Chi Zhao was like a prisoner
waiting for his sentence. His heart was about to jump out of his
throat. Suddenly, Li Yihan held out his hand. He raised Chi Zhao’s
chin. He didn’t use much strength, but Chi Zhao immediately raised
his head when he felt his intention. 

 They were very close, close enough for Li Yihan to see his reflection
in Qi Yuan’s eyes. This kind of action and posture seems a little
ambiguous. Li Yihan noticed this and paused, but he did not put his
hand down.

 “Is it really drunken gibberish?” 

 Chi Zhao nodded repeatedly, “En-en!”

 As Chi Zhao moved, Li Yihan’s hand followed with him. His fingers
rubbed against the soft flesh of Chi Zhao’s jaw, the sensation felt
very good. The itchy feeling in his heart appeared again. He didn’t
want Chi Zhao to notice his peculiar state, so he retrieved his hand
and observed him (Chi ZHao) for a long time. “In other words, every
sentence is false?”

 Chi Zhao was going to cry. “Yes, it’s all fake.” Give him a hundred
guts and he still wouldn’t attack Li Yihan. He still wants to complete
the task and save his little life.

 Li Yihan smiled.

 Chi Zhao looked at him in confusion.  Meeting his puzzled gaze, Li

Yihan raised his eyebrows. “Then, that you did not like me. That is
also false?”

Chapter 12
Source: Foxaholic


Translated by HoneyCat (@catlovesmilktea)

Proofread by Daed (@itsanotherreader)
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Chi Zhao looked at Li Yihan foolishly. He froze, not because of Li
Yihan’s question, but because Li Yihan smiled.
He looked like he would be very happy if he (CZ) did like him.
Chi Zhao suppressed the strange feeling in the bottom of his heart.
He pursed his lips and finally nodded.
Anyway, let’s first follow the script.
Li Yihan’s expression didn’t change, and the two men looked at
each other in silence. About a minute later, Li Yihan raised his hand
and patted him on the head. Chi Zhao’s hair is thick and fluffy. With a
pat like this, it can go down two centimeters shorter and then
bounce back immediately.
There was a faint smile in his eyes. “Still too young, focus on
your studies first.”
After this sentence, Li Yihan turned around and went back
upstairs. Chi Zhao blinked, then asked the system in his mind.
“System, what does Li Yihan mean?”
【It seems you are too young.】
“If I’m old enough, he can accept me?”
【Prob…… Probably.】
One person and one system were shocked. The original owner
had worked hard for two years, before finally splitting open the
iceberg and let the older man successfully accept him. But Chi Zhao
only worked hard for two months, no, he didn’t even really try. It
was just an average and dull two months. And then, the iceberg
unexpectedly split itself!
Chi Zhao was immediately moved to tears: “The novice world is
really friendly to novices ah. I’m sorry, I misjudged you, system.”
The system was even more shocked than him. Li Yihan was
extremely difficult to get along with. Before, several systems
brought their hosts to try, but all of them failed. They didn’t even
make it to confirmation of the relationship because from the
beginning till the end, Li Yihan didn’t like the Qi Yuan that was
played by the others. Even after discovering Qi Yuan liked him, he
still showed disgust.
All the worlds are assigned randomly. When they were first
assigned to this world, the system had been a bit depressed.
However, on second thought, this is a novice world. The main goal is
to train Chi Zhao. If it fails, it fails, and it can also let Chi Zhao
accumulate experience. It didn’t expect Chi Zhao to succeed, and the
speed of success was so fast!
The system felt that its logic library was in some disorder. Chi
Zhao was still asking him, “Then, can I finish the task ahead of
【 No, all plot points are fixed and must be carried out in strict
accordance with the time. For example, if you give Li Yihan a green
hat, there are some people from the ones that you are supposed to
give him a green hat with that only appear at a later period. And
Chang Qing hiring you to steal information will only happen several
years later. At the moment, Chang Qing still hasn’t opposed Li Yihan,
so he won’t intentionally approach you.】
Chi Zhao was a bit confused, “Then now that Li Yihan’s attitude
has changed, do I still have to treat him well? If by any chance, I
treat him well and he says he wants to be with me, then do I
agree or not?”
【 Agree! You must accept him! This is your only chance. The
standard evaluation of plot points is if it has occurred in the plot.
The plot point two years later is that you and Li Yihan are together.
No matter when you get together, it’s alright as long as you two are
together at that particular plot point.】
Chi Zhao suddenly realized, “Then about me betraying Li Yihan
and giving him a green hat, I don’t necessarily have to wait that
long. If I put a green hat on him now and I’m still putting a green
hat on him at that time, then it’s also the same. I’ll still be judged
to be successful, right?”
Right, right , right……
But how can anyone be so impatient to give other people a green
hat ah!
The system first picked Chi Zhao, because it thought that he had a
high desire to live and was relatively well-behaved. At first glance,
he was a good child who would listen to the system. After
interacting for several months, the system discovered that it was
gravely mistaken.
Chi Zhao is just like a tangyuan with sesame filling, white on the
outside and extremely black on the inside!
The system was bewildered and thought he really wanted to put a
green hat on Li Yihan now. Fortunately, Chi Zhao wasn’t so dark. He
currently attached more importance to another matter.
The final exam is starting soon. If you don’t study, your son will be
sent to Zhang Bo’s family as a grandson……
College students have always been cramming for exams. The
three days before exams were the busiest time for students.
Everyone was forced to study assiduously and tirelessly. Chi Zhao
usually studies hard, and wasn’t so desperate before the exams.
There were five major courses in total. When he finished the last
exam, Chi Zhao put away his pen and began to head out with his bag.
Seeing that he was leaving, a slim figure chased after him. Chi
Zhao looked at the person in front of him blocking his path . He
didn’t remember who she was for half a day.
It was the class monitor who stopped him. Originally, Qi Yuan
wasn’t popular. But ever since the inside was replaced with Chi
Zhao, the students in the class found that Qi Yuan didn’t seem so
snobbish and gloomy as before. Although he still wasn’t very
talkative, he loved to smile a lot more and understood a lot more
manners. The girls in the class suddenly noticed that Qi Yuan was
very good-looking, especially that he has the feel of a small school
Half of the students in the class are from this city, and the
remaining half have to stay here for practice. They will only go back
before the new year. Those left behind intend to travel to a
neighboring provincial capital for a few days to accumulate source
materials for social practice. The girls wanted Qi Yuan to participate,
thus, they asked the class monitor to trick Chi Zhao over.
The class monitor and Qi Yuan weren’t familiar with each other.
At this moment, she was somewhat embarrassed as she spoke. After
listening to her, Chi Zhao did not even think about it and directly
agreed, “Sure, when will we go?”
The class monitor was stunned and immediately laughed,
“This Friday, and we’ll come back next Monday. We are going to
book a hot spring hotel. Do you like to soak in hot springs?”
Chi Zhao smiled amiably, “I like it very much. Just let me know
when you decide on the time. I’ll go first.”
“Ah, okay.”
Chi Zhao walked out of the school gate and was about to find the
subway station when two honks sounded abruptly. Chi Zhao
squinted and discovered it was Li Yihan’s car.
He didn’t need to return home by himself anymore. Chi Zhao was
happy. He quickly walked to the blue sapphire sports car, pulled
open the door, and took a seat.
Zhou Hetian was right behind him. Li Yihan drove by himself and
swept past him. Zhou Hetian watched the car’s shadow getting
smaller and smaller, and couldn’t help sneering.
Recently, it’s getting much colder outside. Sitting in the passenger
seat, Chi Zhao rubbed his hands. This body has thin skin and is
especially afraid of the cold. As long as he stays for one minute in an
environment at or below zero degrees, his hands will immediately
turn red and be completely frozen.
Seeing this, Li Yihan handed him a glass containing freshly
brewed health-preserving tea. The glass doesn’t stay warm, but it
worked very well as a precious hand-warmer. Chi Zhao obediently
thanked him then took it over.
Holding a nice and warm glass, the hands were soon not very cold.
Chi Zhao suddenly remembered an issue, “Don’t you dislike tea,
Li Yihan gazed fixedly ahead, “I drink it occasionally.”
Chi looked at the various kinds of medicinal herbs floating in the
glass and he was very puzzled, “No, wait, don’t you hate the taste
of jujube?”
Li Yihan’s face did not change color, “Last time I checked my
body, the doctor asked me to drink more jujube tea.”
Chi Zhao still felt that it wasn’t quite right, “Milkvetch root,
Chinese wolfberry, jujube, rose…… Why does this recipe look
familiar, ah, isn’t this the blood tonic and beauty-nourishing tea
that girls in our class drink for a few days each month?”
Chi Zhao was stunned, “Sir, do you also lack blood?”
Li Yihan: “……”
He shouldn’t borrow tea bags from the secretary again next
Hey everyone! It’s HoneyCat here~ I’ll be translating from chapter
12 and onwards of ‘I Really Am A Slag Shou!’. Hope you enjoyed the
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Chapter 13
Source: Foxaholic


Slag That Rich Old Man (13) – Peers

Li Yihan was strangely silent for two seconds. After that, he finally
noticed another key point in Chi Zhao’s words.

“You seem to get along well with the girls in your class.”

“En!” Chi Zhao nodded happily, “I’ve also been invited today to travel
together. I’m leaving this Friday.”

Li Yihan stepped on the accelerator and nearly exceeded the speed

limit. He frowned slightly and asked while staring straight ahead:
“Which classmate, is it just the two of you?”

Chi Zhao answered very honestly, “I don’t remember her name.

Anyway, she is a classmate and it’s not just the two of us. Altogether,
there are more than a dozen people. After finishing the exam,
everyone wants to relax.”

Hearing this, Li Yihan’s tense face eased up a bit. He said: “If you
want to relax, I can take you to an island country for a holiday and
rent a villa with an ocean view. It’ll be more comfortable than
staying in a small hotel room.”

Chi Zhao looked at him gratefully, “Thank you, sir. But I still want to
go out with my classmates.”
Li Yihan’s expression didn’t change, but his heart was beating
violently. Didn’t he like him? Then why would he rather go out with
a group of people who he wasn’t really familiar with on a rushed trip
than go abroad for a holiday with his sweetheart?

Chi Zhao didn’t know what Li Yihan was thinking. He didn’t hear Li
Yihan’s reply. Thinking about it, he added: “I haven’t had a gathering
and played with my peers for a long time. This time, I can change my
frame of mind.”

There are too many holes in this sentence. Li Yihan didn’t know
where to even start. Why do you want to play together with your
peers? Do you think he is too old to get along with on ordinary days?
Also, what do you mean by changing a frame of mind, could it be his
frame of mind is very depressed when he’s at home?

People ah, once they fall in love, both their IQ and EQ will decline.
Recently, Li Yihan has already noticed that he didn’t dislike Qi Yuan
and even enjoyed the time spent with him. But the two people had a
14-year gap, the age difference was too big. Furthermore, Qi Yuan
was only 18 years old, and he had just come of age. People of this
age were both young and impulsive, so he was always worried.

Living up until this age, Li Yihan has never liked anyone. Therefore,
he doesn’t understand the feeling of being in love, not to mention
how to treat the person who he has a favorable impression of. He is
a businessman, every move he makes goes through careful
consideration. He will only take action after he is sure that it will
profit him.

But towards Qi Yuan, he always had no time to consider and had

already taken action, such as this cup of hot tea in Qi Yuan’s hand.

Today, the company was very busy and everyone was working
overtime. But Li Yihan glanced at the time and noticed that it was
almost time for Qi Yuan to finish the exam. He dropped his task and
drove out by himself. Before heading out, he remembered that Qi
Yuan is unable to endure the cold. He thought about it, even
especially found the secretary and asked for a bag of tea from the
box that she usually makes when she’s free.

After driving at the highest speed possible the whole way to the
school gate, Li Yihan also wasn’t idle when he arrived. He took the
time to make a bottle of hot tea with the hot water kept in his car,
just so that it can warm Qi Yuan’s hands.

In fact, he should’ve told the secretary the truth so that she could
give him four lovely hand warmers of different colors and shapes
from under her desk, and he won’t need to be misunderstood as
lacking blood.


At the same time that IQ drops, the EQ isn’t much higher either. Li
Yihan is now a victim of this mentality. Qi Yuan’s casual remarks will
be over-interpreted by him, and then he’ll never look back as he
goes towards a pessimistic direction.

Li Yihan doesn’t understand, he isn’t a pessimistic person. Why is it

that when it concerns Qi Yuan, he can’t help but think that Qi Yuan
wants to avoid him and leave him?

After thinking all the way, the car had already arrived home, and Li
Yihan still hasn’t come up with a reason why. Meanwhile, Qi Yuan
entered the living room happily. The first thing he did was to catch
the increasingly round Xiao Pang, then went upstairs to pack his
luggage while petting the cat.

Li Yihan shoved his hands in his pockets and stood for a while with
his eyes hanging down. In the end, he didn’t go looking for him
It’s natural for young people to like to play and have fun. Let him
play with his friends for a few days. He has long been accustomed to
being alone at home and eating a meal alone.

Dismissing his thoughts, Li Yihan sighed lightly. With a hint of

melancholy, he followed Qi Yuan upstairs.

Zhang Bo, who was ignored by both of them in the whole process:

Mister’s abrupt change in style has become more and more

confusing recently.

Although he didn’t know his classmates very well, Chi Zhao was still
very happy at the thought of going to an unfamiliar city for four
days. In less than ten minutes, he had already packed his luggage.

On Friday morning, he didn’t even eat breakfast. Just like a kite that
finally broke free from its connected string, he dragged his suitcase
and flew out of Li’s home.

This was the earliest that Chi Zhao has ever woken up, and he left
before the sky was bright. Li Yihan stood by the French window of
the room, dressed in elegant and soft pajamas. He stared at the
entrance that didn’t have a soul in sight for a long time and suddenly
thought that he should also give himself a break.

He’s been working continuously for several years. He can take a day
off once in a while.

Qi Yuan went to look for people his age, and Li Yihan also found his

When he received Li Yihan’s call, Tang Size was still sleeping

soundly on top of a big bed. He picked up his phone and heard Li
Yihan say that he wanted to go out for a drink with him. Tang Size
immediately woke up.

He held his phone, his voice slightly trembling, “You…… Did you
discover that you’re terminally ill?”

Li Yihan: “……”

This also can’t be blamed on Tang Size. Li Yihan never takes the
initiative to find someone to go out for a drink. For so many years, it
really hasn’t happened even once. It has always been Tang Size who
drags him out to a small bar to sit for a while.

There were endless rumors outside that Li Yihan is a natural

workaholic. He may sacrifice himself on his desk one day. Tang Size
has heard plenty of these speculations. Under this imperceptible
influence, as soon as Tang Size heard Li Yihan say in a low and
serious voice that he wanted to have a drink with him, he
subconsciously thought that Li Yihan was going to die early.

Waving away another person’s dishonest hand, he hung up the

phone. Tang Size stood up and began to dress quickly. The young
man on the bed with no strand of hair on his body also sat up. When
he sat up, he didn’t use the quilt to cover himself, thus the red marks
on his body were naturally exposed.

The boy’s voice was sweet, androgynous to the ears, “Size, where are
you going?”

Tang Size was thinking about what Li Yihan was going to say to him.
He was in no mood to deal with his bed companion. He fastened the
last button of his shirt and then found his wallet from his coat. He
threw a card at him, “Leave by yourself within an hour.”

The young man had just been smiling. Now, his expression had
already become very unsightly. He understood what Tang Size
meant. They were over. After a one-night stand, he was no longer
interested in him. Previously when he had been playing along with
Tang Size for nearly two months, it was not for this little money. He
still wanted to say something, but Tang Size had already walked out.

The young man bit his lower lip and immediately got out of bed
naked. He wanted to chase after him, but before he could go out, he
was blocked by two bodyguards outside.

“Please change your clothes and leave at once.”

The young man had no choice but to go back.

At seven o’clock in the morning, only the breakfast restaurants are

open at this time. The bar has long been closed. Li Yihan left Tang
Size an address of a clubhouse. When he arrived to Li Yihan’s private
room, the two chatted casually. Finally, after the preparation was
finished, Li Yihan threw out what he really wanted to say.

However, hearing these words, Tang Size thought he might have


He looked at Li Yihan with a complicated look, “You mean, a friend of

yours likes a child much younger than him.”


“The child is already an adult, but had only just come of age.”


“.…..They are also known as father and son.”

Li Yihan seriously corrected, “It’s not in terms of father and son but
the public identity is father and son. In fact, their relationship is
between teachers and students and between the older generation
and the younger generation.”
Tang Size: “……”

It has already been said in so much detail, is it still necessary to code

the information? Anyone with an IQ greater than a snail knows that
you are talking about yourself ah!

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Chapter 14
Source: Foxaholic


Translated by HoneyCat (@catlovesmilktea)

Proofread by Daed (@itsanotherreader)

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Tang Size was silent, “So what do you really want to ask me, whether
or not you should chase after Qi Yuan?”

Li Yihan was just about to put his wine glass on the table, his finger
on the tail of the glass froze momentarily. He raised his head as if
nothing had happened, “What Qi Yuan, what thing did I say have to
do with Qi Yuan?”

“Don’t act like you don’t know. The information you just said, the
whole country can’t find a second pair like you guys.” Tang Size
glanced at him and paused. He sternly said: “Are you serious?”

Li Yihan remained silent for a moment, then nodded.

Tang Size was immediately surprised, “I’ve known you for so long,
but I didn’t expect you to be a kindred spirit ah. I always thought
you were asexual.”
Li Yihan: “……”

Finding that his eyes were not right and there were signs of
imminent anger, Tang Size quickly changed the subject, “You haven’t
answered me yet. What do you want to do in the end when you told
me all this?”

Before Li Yihan could answer, Tang Size guessed: “Are you afraid of
being talked about? To be honest, it doesn’t matter. You two aren’t
related by blood. The age difference isn’t the same as a real father
and son. Even if others talk about it, you also don’t need to take it to
heart. However, your Li family would probably create a big
disturbance. With great difficulty, they finally got you to set up an
heir. As a result, you get together with the heir and neither of you
can have children.”

As he thought of the expressions that those people in the Li family

would make when this matter is exposed, Tang Size burst out into
peals of laughter.

Li Yihan had also thought of the problem that Tang Size had pointed
out before. The original reason why he got involved with Qi Yuan
was for the purpose of establishing a false heir. If his relationship
with the heir changes, the rest of the Li family will make even more
trouble than before. They had already tried to stuff their children
over to him like crazy. After having Qi Yuan, they finally stopped. If
they came to know about this, his home would be turned into a

Although this problem is serious, it isn’t imminent and there are

many ways to solve it.

“Aiyah, what’s there to be anxious about, the heir doesn’t necessarily

have to be a child or a daughter-in-law ah. Qi Yuan is so young, you
can teach him slowly.” When it came to the last sentence, Tang Size’s
tone rose slightly, which wasn’t very decent when listening to it.
Li Yihan shook his head, “I’m not worried about this.”

“Then what are you worried about?”

After a brief silence, he replied: “I also don’t know what I’m worried

Tang Size felt puzzled. He carefully inquired about some of the

details between them again. Once he heard Li Yihan say that Qi Yuan
had already admitted that he liked him, Tang Size recalled the boy
he saw at the last cocktail party who was obviously very simple-

He seems to understand a little.

“Are you worried that he doesn’t really like you?”

Li Yihan raised his eyes and stared at Tang Size. The latter saw that
he was interested and began to break it down for him, “You see, Qi
Yuan is an orphan and no one cared about him since he was a child.
You suddenly appeared when his personality was just beginning to
form, which enabled him to lead a stable life, letting him continue to
attend school and live the same life as his peers. He would definitely
be especially grateful to you, even possibly regard you as a savior.
You haven’t dealt with people of Qi Yuan’s age, so you don’t know, at
their age, they are neither long-term nor mature enough. They just
like whatever they see. Otherwise, why do college students change
boyfriends and girlfriends the most frequently?”

“He thinks that he likes you, maybe he’s only very grateful to you. On
top of that, he is young and hasn’t met many excellent people. After
he broadens his horizon and meets many more people who have
more things in common with him and are about the same age, he
will understand that his feelings for you are more like infatuation
than like.”
After saying such a long piece, Tang Size sipped his wine and looked
inquiringly at Li Yihan, waiting for his approval or denial. In the end,
he waited for so long, only to get a question.

“Then what should I do?”

This is a very clear answer. It turns out that Li Yihan also thought so
in his heart. No wonder he called him out early in the morning.
That’s true though, anyone in this type of situation would be very
uneasy. After all, if he isn’t careful, the person he likes might become
clear-headed, and then he won’t like him anymore.

The very experienced Tang Size gave his suggestion, “You have two
options to choose from. The first one, use all you’ve got to pursue
him and let him truly like you.”

This one will take a very long time. Qi Yuan is too young. He may
leave at any time and meet other men. Li Yihan doesn’t think that he
has that much time, “What’s the second one?”

“The second one,” Tang Size paused for a second and smiled slightly,
“use your body and means to keep him so that he can no longer
leave you. After that, he’ll have no choice but to like you.”

Li Yihan and Tang Size made eye contact. Two seconds later, Li
Yihan thoughtfully looked off into the distance.


Chi Zhao was on the bus at this time, and he still wasn’t aware of the
danger approaching.

During the day, he traveled outside and went back to the hotel to
take a hot spring vacation at night. Today has been very fulfilling for
Chi Zhao. Altogether, there were more than a dozen people,
including six girls. Girls like to take selfies when they go out, or let
others take pictures of them. The most thing Chi Zhao did the whole
journey was holding a camera, directing them on how to strike a
pose and then took pictures.

The other boys wanted to do it for them, but all the shots they took
were straight male aesthetics. Only the photos taken by Chi Zhao
were completely in line with the current ins style. He is simply a
walking photographer.

In order to thank him, the girls bought him two ice creams. While he
was eating, the girls would secretly take pictures at one side. When
they saw that all the girls’ attention fell on Qi Yuan, the rest of the
boys were nearly going furious.

There is only one person who isn’t jealous, that is, Zhou Hetian.

His line of sight fell on Qi Yuan from time to time. Seeing him walk
together with a female classmate with a hypocritical face, he can’t
help wanting to sneer.

The day passed and everyone went back to the hotel. Chi Zhao took
his things to the hot spring area and walked to the changing room.
He changed his clothes and was just about to go out when a brown
hand grabbed him and took him to a distant place.

The person dragging Chi Zhao was Zhou Hetian and he was going to
fight back subconsciously. The system immediately reminded him
that he shouldn’t be at odds with Zhou Hetian, only then did Chi
Zhao restrain himself.

This hotel had the style of a tropical rainforest. Standing under a

short palm tree with no one beside it, Zhou Hetian pressed Chi Zhao
against the wall and looked at him mockingly, “I’ve been eating very
well ah, Qi Yuan. If I hadn’t known what you were, I also would’ve
been deceived by you.”
Chi Zhao frowned slightly, “What do you mean?”

Hearing his words, Zhou Hetian sneered. He put one hand on Chi
Zhao’s shoulder, one hand on the wall, and one leg slightly bent
against Chi Zhao’s thigh. This posture was too ambiguous. Zhou
Hetian can touch his place as long as he moves a little.

Two girls of the class passed by and saw Zhou Hetian and Qi Yuan’s
posture. They gave a small cry of surprise, then they tangled
between going forward to ask and leaving quickly. They felt Qi Yuan
was being coerced, but looking at his expression, he also seemed
very calm.

The two girls struggled for a long time. Zhou Hetian sensed the
movement and turned his head. He smiled at them aggressively and
immediately scared the two girls away.

Watching them run away, Zhou Hetian turned around and pinched
Chi Zhao’s earlobe in a vulgar way, “What to do now, they saw, it
seems like I have ruined your plan to take all men and women ah.”

Zhou Hetian used a lot of strength. Chi Zhao could only feel pain and
nausea. He especially wanted to kick him previously and trample
him into having hemiplegia, but thinking of his task, he could only
put on a cold face and warned him: “Let me go. Or else, I’ll be rude to

Zhou Hetian almost laughed out loud, “Come on, why don’t you tell
me how you’re going to be rude to me?”

Zhou Hetian only knew that Duan Bo can’t do anything to him, but
he didn’t know that he beat up Duan Bo. After all, Duan Bo won’t
allow such a shameful thing to spread out. Zhou Hetian wasn’t
aware he was courting disaster. Chi Zhao narrowed his eyes and felt
he could simply kick him lightly, which shouldn’t have a big
influence on the plot.
He sized Zhou Hetian up and down. Finally, the target he focused on
was his family jewels.

Subconsciously, Zhou Hetian felt a slight chill. Chi Zhao moved his
left leg back a bit. He was just about to lift it up when a hand
suddenly yanked Zhou Hetian in front of him backwards. Zhou
Hetian staggered two steps and fell to the ground. He got up angrily,
but was kicked down again before he could make out who was
behind him. Subsequently, someone stepped on his chest. This time,
he saw clearly who the person was.

The head of the Li family, Li Yihan.

Chapter 15
Source: Foxaholic


Translated by HoneyCat

Proofread by Daed

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Zhou Hetian has seen Li Yihan before, but only in magazines and
news interviews.

He was deferential to Duan Bo because Duan Bo was the heir to the

Duan family. And now, he personally saw the head of a family, which
was much more powerful than an heir.

Zhou Hetian didn’t dare to resist any more. The cold sweat on his
face continued to flow down. His words were no longer full of anger,
but became extremely nervous, “Mister-Mr. Li, could there be any
misunderstandings between us?”


What’s there to misunderstand with what he saw with his own

The cold light in Li Yihan’s eyes deepened, the weight of his foot
becoming heavier. Zhou Hetian was already having difficulty
breathing. Chi Zhao stared at this scene, dumbstruck. As soon as it
saw that Zhou Hetian began to choke, the system hurriedly let him
go save the man. If Zhou Hetian had an accident here, besides
affecting the plot, it will also affect Li Yihan himself. Zhou Hetian
wasn’t a nameless nobody, his family still has a bit of money and
power. If he dies, Li Yihan will definitely attract trouble for a period
of time.

Chi Zhao felt that what the system said was reasonable. He walked
over, pulled Li Yihan’s arm to make him withdraw, “Sir, this can take
one’s life!”

Hearing Chi Zhao’s words, Li Yihan turned his head and stared at
him expressionlessly. His eyes meeting Li Yihan’s gaze, Chi Zhao
subconsciously stiffen for a moment. At this time, Li Yihan’s eyes
were like the vertical pupils of a poisonous snake. They were very
ice-cold and scary. Chi Zhao’s heart suddenly tightened.

Finally, Li Yihan released Zhou Hetian, the latter was already in

shock by his torment. He kicked him away in disgust. After that, he
dragged Chi Zhao and took him outside without allowing any
opinion on the matter.

Chi Zhao didn’t change his clothes, didn’t take anything, and he
didn’t even know the direction he was going. His heart was anxious
and frightened, but he didn’t dare to ask half a word, because Li
Yihan looked very terrifying at the moment.

Li Yihan took him back to his room. It was much better here than Chi
Zhao’s standard room, and it was also big and bright. Not only was
his room a room where two people crowded together, but it was
also super small. Even the windows were mini windows. He actually
wanted to book a big room for himself, but everyone came out to
play together. It was also a group of students who wouldn’t have
much money. If he was independent, it would only look out of place
with everyone else.

The system heard Chi Zhao was still in the mood to comment on Li
Yihan’s room and almost died on the spot from its anger.

Host, can you focus on the main point? You are about to meet the
blast of torrential downpours from Li Yihan ah!

“Who is he?”

Three words suddenly sounded in the silent room, instantly drawing

the attention of the system and Chi Zhao back. Chi Zhao looked at Li
Yihan and processed his words for two seconds. He quickly replied:
“A classmate from the class.”

Li Yihan’s look was still so cold, “I know, I asked what his name was.”

Although he didn’t know what’s the use of asking his name, Chi Zhao
still answered obediently, “Zhou Hetian.”

The last time that Li Yihan had been this angry was when there was
a mole inside the corporation. He lost his temper in the meeting
room. What he said at that time struck everyone’s heart, making
them dare not to betray Li Yihan even if they were beaten to death.
From then on, no one dared to provoke him again. If Assistant Zhao
was here, he would probably be so scared that there would be cold
sweat flowing steadily on his back.

But no matter how angry Li Yihan is, Chi Zhao still has that sort of
expression free from the outside world, as if this matter has nothing
to do with him.

It’s exactly this kind of expression and reaction.

Li Yihan looked at him silently.

Qi Yuan shows as if he cares about him very much, but in some
details and critical moments, he always looks like this, just like a
person who has nothing to do with him. If he really liked him,
shouldn’t he feel anxious when he discovered he was angry?

Li Yihan increasingly believes the fact that Qi Yuan doesn’t truly like
him. At the same time, he still feels somewhat sour in his heart. Qi
Yuan doesn’t like him, but he likes Qi Yuan. Of course, this wasn’t a
fair feeling. Now the balance is leaning over towards Qi Yuan, and
his situation is just like his heart, which was already falling slowly.

“Do you like him?”

Hearing his question, Qi Yuan suddenly widened his eyes. He

repeatedly shook his head, expression very innocent, “Of course not!
I like you.”

Li Yihan lowered his eyes to prevent Qi Yuan from seeing his mood
that wasn’t in the least fluctuating. He smiled bitterly and
indifferently in his heart, then raised his eyes and continued to ask
him, “Then why did you let him touch you?”

Li Yihan found the answer from Tang Size in the morning and
thought about it for a long time. He felt Tang Size was right. Thus, he
came right away in the afternoon to Qi Yuan’s hotel that they
booked. If he wants to make Qi Yuan like him, it’s only natural that
they must get along even more.

When he arrived, Qi Yuan and the others still hadn’t returned yet. Li
Yihan just sat in the room waiting patiently for a while. He only
came out when his subordinate watching outside came in and told
him that he saw Qi Yuan’s classmate. When he used to take Qi Yuan
home, he met two or three of Qi Yuan’s classmates. He saw one of
the girls and went over to ask, but the other side stammered in
reply. Her face was still a bit red.
Li Yihan walked in the direction pointed by the girl and saw a scene
that infuriated him.

From his point of view, it looked like Qi Yuan was kissing the guy.
After walking over, he naturally found out that Qi Yuan didn’t kiss
him, but the physical contact between the two was indeed real.
Furthermore, Qi Yuan looked very indifferent, as if he was not
unfamiliar with such a touch.

This was the part that truly ignited Li Yihan’s anger.

Li Yihan stared closely into Qi Yuan’s eyes and waited patiently for
his answer.

Qi Yuan was stunned, “I didn’t let him touch me. I told him to let go,
or else I’d be rude to him.”

Li Yihan wasn’t even a bit fooled, “Why didn’t you resist directly?
He’s not your opponent at all. You could just knock him to the
ground when he touched you.”

Chi Zhao was stuck and didn’t refute. Of course, it was because he
will be one of his concubines in the future ah. If he severely injured
the concubine now, who will he look for to put on a green hat in the

Seeing him go silent, Li Yihan felt like his internal organs were all
churning. He suppressed the constant surge of emotions and opened
his mouth once again, asking in a hoarse voice: “Do you like him
touching you?”

Chi Zhao was shocked. How did Li Yihan’s brain circuit work, and
how did he come up with such a horrifying idea!

He immediately shook his head, “I don’t like it.” Not only did he not
like it, but it was also very disgusting!
Chi Zhao didn’t say the latter sentence because it was not in line
with Qi Yuan’s character. Li Yihan looked at him quietly and helped
him fill in the second half of the sentence in his heart.

I don’t like it, but I also don’t hate it.

That’s why he didn’t resist. Maybe when he was touched by that

person, he still felt curious in his mind and wanted to be touched
even more. This is exactly a child ah, a child who feels curious about

Chi Zhao suddenly felt something was wrong. He called the system
for help, “System, system ge! Why does Li Yihan look at me with that
expression? What does he want to do ah?”

The system glanced at Li Yihan’s appearance. He gazed at Qi Yuan

just like a cheetah was looking at its prey. This prey was very
disobedient, and it dared to think of escaping. No hunter could allow
this type of situation to happen. Therefore, he needed to let the
small prey in front of him know that he was his and that he could
not escape.

【emmm…… Notice! In order to bring even better aid experience to

the host, the system is about to receive an hour of maintenance. I am
very sorry for the inconvenience caused to the host by the system
maintenance and also hope for your understanding.】


Chi Zhao was stupefied.

At such a critical moment, the system is under maintenance?!

Garbage system!!

Without the system, Chi Zhao has no choice but to brace himself and
work on his own. Facing Li Yihan’s gaze, he took a step back and
another step back. Finally, there was nowhere else to retreat to and
his back was against the wall.

Wait, this scene seems a bit familiar.

Before Chi Zhao could remember why it seemed familiar, Li Yihan

already stepped forward and cornered him with one hand
supporting himself on the mural behind him and the other hand on
his chin.

…… This was the second time within an hour that he had been
knocked against the wall.

As expected of the “slag shou” setting! He hadn’t done anything, but

he can already attract so many people who want to attack him!

Chi Zhao has a problem. The more tense the situation becomes, the
easier it was for him to become distracted. Looking at Li Yihan’s
eyes which are full of strong emotions and aggressiveness, his mind
was actually thinking that he could count and see how many people
he had been slammed against the wall by in these next five years. At
that time, he can also rate them, such as the best posture, the best
atmosphere, the best perspective, and so on.

At present, Li Yihan has beaten Zhou Hetian in all aspects.

Li Yihan was half a head taller than him. The space surrounded by
his arm was cramped and airtight. Between breathing in and out, all
that Chi Zhao could smell was the smell of Li Yihan. The smell of his
body was very good. It was a kind of faint fragrance of cedar.

He was still immersed in the smell. Suddenly, a magnetic voice

sounded over his head, “Qi Yuan, do you like me?”
When he said this, he gently forced Chi Zhao to raise his head and
look up at him. The distance between them was no more than two
centimeters. Chi Zhao could even count the number of Li Yihan’s
eyelashes and his handsome face was close at hand. For a split
second, Chi Zhao was fascinated by the appearance.

He replied absentmindedly: “……like.”

Li Yihan raised the corners of his lips and slowly lowered his head.
He drew out the process, long enough for Qi Yuan to realize what he
wanted to do. Qi Yuan didn’t resist as their lips met . Li Yihan’s half-
closed eyes deepened. He stretched out the tip of his tongue and
forced Chi Zhao to open his mouth. In an instant, all the air was
plundered by Li Yihan.

——Since you said you like, then you’re not allowed to back out,
and I won’t give you another chance to back out.
Chapter 16
Source: Foxaholic


Translated by HoneyCat

Proofread by Daed

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the site!

When Li Yihan parted his lips, Chi Zhao abruptly opened his eyes.
His hands pushed Li Yihan’s shoulders, wanting to stop his behavior.

However, after sensing his resistance, Li Yihan tightened the

strength of his hold. He held Chi Zhao’s head in one hand and held
his waist with the other, immobilizing the latter.

The soft and slippery tongue wreaked havoc in Chi Zhao’s mouth.
The other party’s domineering lips sucked his breath away, and he
could only bear it. Chi Zhao’s waist gradually softened. Now, don’t
even mention resisting, he didn’t even have the strength to raise his
hand. It was like there was an electric current bursting out from his
heart and running through every part of his body, including his hair.

By the time Li Yihan finally let him go, he couldn’t even speak. He
could only hang down his head weakly, his forehead on Li Yihan’s
left shoulder as he gasped for breath.
Li Yihan held him the entire time. Now, he was in a better mood
seeing him like this. He laughed softly. Chi Zhao felt the vibration of
his chest. He raised his head inexplicably, “Sir, what are you
laughing at?”

Why, he was laughing at his inexperience. Li Yihan himself is an

inexperienced person. Someone with only theoretical knowledge for
many years is inferior to actual combat. To be able to be kissed by
him until he was gasping for breath and was exhausted, it can
clearly be seen that Qi Yuan was even more inexperienced than him.

In other words, he had never kissed anyone else before.

This discovery instantly washed away all the fury in Li Yihan’s heart.
He touched the small pieces of hair on Qi Yuan’s neck and did not
answer the question, “Are you hungry? Do you need to order
something to eat?”

Chi Zhao shook his head, “No, I finished eating with my classmates

As Chi Zhao replied, he suddenly seemed to realize something. He

swiftly looked at Li Yihan, the latter looked at him with his eyes
twinkling with mirth. Chi Zhao was unaware of how beautiful and
attractive he looked at the moment. There was still some light liquid
on his lips that hadn’t dried. His original thin lips were now a bright
cherry color, and even the corners of his eyes were slightly red.

Chi Zhao was silent and said tentatively: “Sir, I’ll go back to my room

Before he could finish speaking, Li Yihan interrupted him, “You will

sleep here today.”

Are you kidding me.

The system went off for maintenance.

If he slept here today and the system doesn’t come back in time, he
won’t be able to keep his chrysanthemum safe!

Chi Zhao snuck a step towards the door and showed a cute smile,
“But all my things are over there, and my classmates are also waiting
for me to go back. We came out on a trip after so much trouble. I still
want to stay together with my classmates.”

Li Yihan glanced down at the position where he was standing, then

raised his eyes again. The smile in his eyes dimmed a bit, “Qi Yuan,
you made me angry today.”

“If you want me to calm down, then stay.”

Chi Zhao looked at him blankly. Li Yihan took a step forward and
locked him firmly in his embrace. His voice was very low and deep,
“Besides, don’t you want to talk to me about something?”

Chi Zhao’s voice was not much louder than a mosquito, “Talk……
Talk about what?”

“Talk about what we just did, about what made you boldly like about
me, about how I should reply to you.” Li Yihan looked down at him.
At this very moment, his eyes only saw Chi Zhao.

This kind of atmosphere was really too ambiguous. Chi Zhao wanted
to hide, but there was nowhere to hide. He stuttered for a long time
before he could finally get out a complete sentence, “S-sir, t-t-too

Li Yihan was stunned. Two seconds later, he suddenly laughed, “Qi

Yuan, what are you thinking?”

Chi Zhao was silent. He was thinking about why that garbage system
still hasn’t returned yet.
“Don’t worry, I won’t do anything else to you,” Li Yihan smiled.
“After all, we have just started, and the normal process in a
relationship is to go step by step, isn’t it?”

Chi Zhao was out of his mind, and as soon as he heard these words,
he retorted seriously, “Not necessarily. It depends on the
circumstances and the parties involved. Some people are suitable for
step by step……”

Looking at Li Yihan’s arched eyebrows, he gave a forced laugh, “It’s

very good to follow the order, sir. If I stay here, where do I sleep?”

Li Yihan raised his chin in another direction, “There is a small

bedroom inside. You sleep inside that room and I’ll sleep in this one

Chi Zhao was relieved, and his chrysanthemum was saved.


Seeing Qi Yuan gradually relax and no longer vigilant, Li Yihan

observed him for a while and found that he was completely calm. He
didn’t even think of refuting what he just said.

Just a moment ago, he had used the words “in a relationship”.

The emotions in Li Yihan’s eyes slightly deepened. He took two steps

back so that Qi Yuan could make eye contact with him.

Chi Zhao saw his movements, and his gaze quickly followed him. Li
Yihan shoved his hands in his pockets and asked him slowly, “Do
you know what just happened?”

After a while, Chi Zhao blushed and nodded.

“Tell me.”
Chi Zhao pursed his lips, he was a little unable to say it. But at this
time, there were just the two of them here. And there’s no worry
about being heard. Chi Zhao mulled over it for a while and answered
in an especially small voice: “Sir and I……kissed.”

“Do you know what kind of person would do this?”

This question was easier to answer than the previous one, but Chi
Zhao found it even more difficult to speak than the last one. After
mulling it over again for a while, he continued to answer: “Lovers
and married couples.”

“Then,” Li Yihan stretched out his hand, grabbed onto Chi Zhao, and
pulled him into his arms. Chi Zhao raised his head in panic, his eyes
wide open. Li Yihan bowed his head slightly, his eyes filled with
tenderness like water, “Do you know what this means?”

Chi Zhao blinked his eyes. After three seconds, he nodded seriously.

It was like there were fireworks exploding in Li Yihan’s heart. No

matter whether Qi Yuan truly likes him or not, at least at this
moment, Qi Yuan has feelings for him. And he completely belongs to
him. He originally didn’t want to continue asking questions because
there was a kind of suspicion of bullying the boy in his arms, but as
he looked at Qi Yuan’s obedient appearance, he couldn’t help it.

He raised the corners of his lips and asked in a low voice: “What
does it mean?”

Chi Zhao replied very simply, “It means that starting from today, I’m
no longer sir’s adopted son, but his boyfriend. Congratulations, sir,
you have a boyfriend.”

Li Yihan: “……” That’s right, but why does it sound so strange.

Suppressing the strange feeling in his heart, Li Yihan and his little
boyfriend lived together for the first time for one night. Although,
they slept in their respective beds.

Outside, Li Yihan tossed and turned. He couldn’t sleep. All his mind
could think about was the picture of Qi Yuan kissing him in his arms
two hours ago. Thinking about it, he found that he was a little


A single thirty-year-old man has blossomed overnight, but he placed

more importance on his relationship process than the average
person. In other words, he paid a lot of attention to the quality of his
relationship and would not proceed hastily. He has to plan every
step with utmost care so as to leave the most beautiful memories for
himself and Qi Yuan.

In the future, when they become old and unable to play, unable to be
romantic, and at the point when it takes a lot of energy for them to
even speak with one another, the only thing they can do is to recall
these romantic memories.

From a certain point of view, an old man and a budding young girl
are two kinds of very similar creatures.

Li Yihan couldn’t sleep outside, and Chi Zhao who laid down inside
didn’t sleep either. He was currently making fierce verbal attacks on
the system.

“Are you kidding me? You left me behind and ran away by yourself,
and you used this kind of perfunctory excuse to escape!”

【I’m being accused unfairly…… I really went to get updated.】

“Then what have you updated, is it a more comprehensive user
experience report or a faster complaint channel?!”

【.…..I was wrong.】

Chi Zhao gave a cold snort, “It’s good that you know you were
wrong. Hurry up and give the potion for one spring night. Seeing Li
Yihan like this, who knows if I won’t be able to protect my virginity
one day. I have to be prepared at all times, just in case.”


Chi Zhao: “Don’t tell me you’re going to go for ‘maintenance’ to

escape again!”

【No, no, how can you use the same excuse twice in a day?】



Chi Zhao asked suspiciously: “What do you mean, you still really
want to escape? Why do you want to escape? Are you going to trick
me again?”

It’s not a good thing that the host is too smart. The system finally
understands why the main system had given it this warning when it
was about to leave. It should have listened to the main system and
found a human host with an average IQ. TAT

However, it was useless to say anything now. It was already bound

with Chi Zhao.

After a moment of silence, the system spoke once again.

【You see ah, our spring night potion is very effective, but it has a
bug—it only works on the general characters in the world. If you
encounter important characters—that is, the protagonist— it will be
useless, because the protagonist is completely immune to all
external forces.】

Its voice was somewhat cautious.

【So, host……】

Chi Zhao silently sat on the bed.

Chi Zhao silently looked up at the sky.

Chi Zhao silently walked to the window, opened the window, and
pondered about the probability of dying if he jumped down from

System: “……!!!”

The author has something to say:

Chi Zhao: I want to request a song, 《Where To Buy Regret


Li Yihan: I also want to request a song, 《There Is No Regret

Medicine On Earth》

System: ……
Chapter 17
Source: Foxaholic


Translated by HoneyCat

Proofread by Daed

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the site!

The system finally reasoned with Chi Zhao in every way possible,
who was on the verge of collapse, to come back.

The system told him that great plans can be ruined by just a touch of
impatience. Compromise will make a conflict much easier to resolve.
The character “endure/bear” has the character for “knife” above it, if
you don’t bear it when you encounter a situation then you will
provoke disaster instead…..

After a long time of racking one’s brains for a solution, the system
said all the common sayings it knew about patience. Chi Zhao no
longer tried to seek death, and gradually calmed down. However,
when he thought that he had to not only devote his spirit and time to
the task but also his body and chastity, he wanted to dig the system
out of his mind and whip it five hundred times. While he’s whipping
it, he also wanted to scold it.

Who told you to not tell me the truth!

Who told you to only report the good news, not the bad news!


For a long time afterwards, the system did not dare to reappear. Chi
Zhao wasn’t in high spirits, but Li Yihan couldn’t find the reason.

They have already returned from the trip. Because Li Yihan was
there, Chi Zhao didn’t really participate in the group activities in the
following days. In addition, he didn’t know how to introduce Li
Yihan to his classmates. They were always by themselves.
Afterwards, they returned home half a day in advance.

At dinner time, Chi Zhao stopped eating after two bites. He didn’t
even eat as much as Xiao Pang did. Li Yihan knitted his eyebrows,
“What on earth is wrong?”

Chi Zhao couldn’t say that he was mourning for the impending
demise of his moral integrity. He was silent and then casually gave a
reason, “I’m afraid I didn’t do well in the final exam.”

If he didn’t do well on the final exam, Chi Zhao will have to part ways
with Xiao Pang. Anyone with eyes could see how much Qi Yuan likes
Xiao Pang. Li Yihan did not doubt him. He chuckled, pulled Qi Yuan’s
hand to stand up, and then had him sit in his embrace.

Zhang Bo was waiting to serve at the side. Seeing this scene, his eyes
nearly popped out. Chi Zhao was bewildered by his series of actions.
Noticing that Zhang Bo’s gaze was not right, he struggled for a little
while, wanting to stand up. Li Yihan’s hand fell from his shoulder to
tighten around his waist. Then, he turned his head and gave Zhang
Bo a look.

Receiving Mister’s look, Zhang Bo froze for two seconds and quickly
turned to leave.
When he left, his mind was still in shock.

Sure enough, those who spend a long time in a rich and powerful
family will see things that they shouldn’t have seen. He thought the
family’s Mister was the most clean-living and honest one, never even
having those messy hobbies. Looking at it now……It wasn’t that he
didn’t have any, it just hadn’t been revealed before.

To commit iniquity! An adopted son is also a son. Mister, to engage

in something like this, do you not fear ruining your reputation?

Of course, Li Yihan wasn’t afraid. He’s already reached a height that

many people can’t reach in their whole life. Moreover, for many
years before, he didn’t live for himself wantonly. Every day the
things he did aside from work was work. Now, he’s finally found a
person who can divide most of his energy and make him willingly do
anything for him. Why should he restrain himself?

Chi Zhao’s earlobe reddened again, the skin behind his ears turning
a pale pink. He pursed his lips and bowed his head slightly. He did
not dare to look at Li Yihan. Li Yihan looked at his appearance
endearingly and can hardly tear himself away. He raised the corners
of his lips and coaxed him, “Don’t want the cat to be sent away?”

His eyelashes softly flickered twice, and Chi Zhao nodded.

“Look at me.”

This was an order, but also a request. Chi Zhao paused, and then he
slowly raised his head and looked at Li Yihan.

Li Yihan looked back at him intently, his voice with a gentleness that
he didn’t even notice, “As long as it’s what you want, I will give it to
you, but you have to tell me. As I said before, I am very busy at work
and will neglect the people around me. You are different from
others. I don’t want you to feel neglected at all. So I will try my best
to care about you, pay attention to you, and understand you. But
similarly, you also have to help me and tell me all your needs, okay?”

Li Yihan has no experience in this field of being someone else’s

boyfriend, but he really is doing his best to learn. Chi Zhao’s
expression was somewhat dazed, and his heart seems to be flowing
through a shallow warm current. So this is the feeling of being liked
by someone ah.

Touched for only two seconds, Chi Zhao once again remembered the
bug of the spring night potion and his soon-to-die moral integrity.

Looking at Li Yihan like this, he seems to see the original demise of

his moral integrity’s speed being accelerated five times.


The more Li Yihan likes him, the earlier he will face that day. Chi
Zhao cried in his heart, his mood being shown in his face. Seeing him
become depressed, Li Yihan did not understand the situation. Just
when he wanted to ask, he saw Qi Yuan grabbing his hand. His hand
was one size smaller than his own. Qi Yuan has white skin and
slender fingers, like jade, while his own skin color was darker and
was a very healthy color. There were also two blue veins standing
out on the back of his hand.

Qi Yuan’s fingers covered the back of his hand, and the warm touch
made his heart tremble.

Qi Yuan looked at him solemnly, “Sir, let’s take it slowly.”

Chi Zhao’s meaning of “let’s take it slowly”: Although he has to die

sooner or later, he could still die one day later!
Li Yihan’s understanding of “let’s take it slowly”: He wants to take it
slowly because he also wants to take this relationship seriously, so
he does still care about me.


Although they thought of something completely different, they also

have strange different means of achieving the same end.

Before long, Chi Zhao’s results came out. Sure enough, he didn’t get
first place. He got third place, and it wasn’t easy to get this result.
After all, he was a liberal arts student, and he still had no choice but
to push beyond his ability to start studying from scratch.

Because the relationship between the owner and the homeowner

has changed, one person became an immortal, and Xiao Pang
ascended to heaven. It immediately obtained the privilege to
permanently live in the house, and there was no longer any need to
worry about being sent away.

The system disappeared for a whole month before it dared to

reappear. By that time, Chi Zhao was too lazy to deal with it.

The system came back this time with good news.

【Host, I applied to a superior to increase the flow speed of the plot,

and the superior agreed. Since the plot line has changed and positive
changes have taken place, the following plot tasks can also be
changed accordingly. Previously, you had to spend five years here to
complete the task line, but now you only need to take three years!】

Chi Zhao didn’t understand, “What? What does it mean that the flow
speed of the plot increased?”

【It is to reduce the task time. This is a special case. It is only when
taking circumstances into account that it can advance when the host
completes the task too quickly. Now, the task for two years only took
two months to complete. My superior also thinks it is too fast, so
they’re preparing to push forward the plot and let the next plot
point happen in advance.】

Chi Zhao still didn’t quite understand, “Don’t you calculate the
success value according to the completion degree of plot points?
Before, you guys didn’t seem to care much about time ah.”

The system was stuck for a while. The host was really sharp ah. He
can always see the key issues. But that’s fine, the power of
observation was the host’s strength, and fabrication was its

【We don’t care about the time, but we care about the mental state
of the host. There will be no tasks to do in the next two years, and
every day is being lovey-dovey with Li Yihan. If by any chance, you
get too invested, and you really fall in love with Li Yihan, this kind of
thing is absolutely to be put an end to. Host, you must remember
that you are not a person from these worlds. You still have family
and friends in the original world. Your ultimate goal is to save up to
obtain the resurrection water, and then get resurrected.】

Speaking of his family and friends, Chi Zhao scratched his head
distractedly, “I know, then what has changed since the plot was

【Two changes. First, after your 19th birthday, you’re going to

seduce other people. In the original plot line, you were going to have
relationships with nine men, but now it has been reduced to three.
But before you start seducing, don’t forget to take a look at Li
Yihan’s will. This is the □□ that leads to the plotline. I remember Li
Yihan’s will was made long ago. Originally, there was no Qi Yuan in
it. You can just search for it and take a look at it.】

Chi Zhao took note of that, then asked, “What’s the second one?”
【Second, after the plot line has changed, Chang Qing will not come
to find you to buy information, but the plot must be completed. So,
host, you have to take the initiative and sell the information to

Chi Zhao: “……Proactively betray Li Yihan?”

He always felt like he would die an even worse death.

Chapter 18.1
Source: Foxaholic


Translated by HoneyCat

Proofread by Daed

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The day the system came back was on the 29th of the twelfth lunar
month, and the next day was New Year’s Eve.

Qi Yuan doesn’t have any other relatives, while Li Yihan does have
relatives. But in the eyes of his relatives, Li Yihan is synonymous
with money. They can only see money, they couldn’t see Li Yihan at

During the Spring Festival in previous years, Li Yihan either went on

a business trip or took a vacation in a picturesque place. This was
the first time in many years that he stayed at home for the Spring

And he is no longer alone.

The New Year’s Eve dinner for only two people looks a bit desolate,
but those who were eating the New Year’s Eve dinner didn’t think
that way.
Li Yihan picked up a piece of meat for Chi Zhao and then poured half
a glass of wine for Chi Zhao symbolically. He still remembered Chi
Zhao’s surprising acts when he was drunk. Today is New Year’s Eve,
so it’s better to tone it down a little.

Chi Zhao watched the transparent liquor being poured into the cup.
The splashing sound was quiet and warm under the soft light. He
watched for a while, put his right hand under the table, took a long
time to fish out something from his side, and finally pulled out a
debit card.

Li Yihan put down the wine bottle and raised his eyebrows slightly.
It has always been him giving Qi Yuan pocket money. What is it,
because the new year should have a new atmosphere, so Qi Yuan
plans to give him some pocket money as well?

Facing Li Yihan’s gaze, Chi Zhao explained, “I got the scholarship


“It’s not much, just two thousand yuan. I originally wanted to buy
something for sir, but after shopping in the mall for a long time, I
found that I can’t afford the things that you need, so……”

He silently put the card on the table and slid it closer to Li Yihan,
“Help me keep it for now. When I have enough, you can tell me what
you want, and I’ll buy it for you.”

Not only is his scholarship money in this card, but there’s also the
pocket money that Li Yihan gives him every now and then. For this
past half-year, the total number in this card has actually reached
millions. Chi Zhao didn’t spend that much, it was enough for him to
get by with two thousand yuan a month. He used this excuse just to
get Li Yihan to accept it. After all, it won’t be long before he’ll be
seriously injured and paralyzed by Chi Zhao. Although there is very
little money in it, a mosquito is also meat no matter how small it is.
It could always be of use somehow.
Chi Zhao handed over the card with a deep sense of guilt. He did not
even dare to lift his head. The plot that would originally happen
after only two years was brought forward at once, which made him
face the fact that he was going to hurt Li Yihan in advance. Chi Zhao
still couldn’t quite accept that.

Li Yihan looked down at the card that was a little worn out on the
corners. It was issued by the school and printed with the words, XXX

For so many years, it is not that he hasn’t received gifts from others.
He’s received all kinds of gifts, some even sending themselves as
gifts. What Qi Yuan gave him was definitely the cheapest one, but
also the one that made his heart surge up the most.

Because Qi Yuan had nothing else but this card.

This was equivalent to a five-year-old child giving his favorite

lollipop to others. Even though it was just a worthless lollipop, but
for the child, it was his most precious treasure.

Li Yihan’s face softened. He held out his hand and, without refusing,
directly put the card away. Then he raised his head and looked at
Chi Zhao seriously, “I will keep it well.”

Chi Zhao was stupefied, “That, you don’t necessarily have to keep it,
you can just directly use it if you need to……”

Li Yihan smiled gently, raised his glass, and interrupted him, “I like
this gift very much. It will be your birthday in a few days. Is there
anything you want?”
Chapter 18.2
Source: Foxaholic


Qi Yuan was born on the third day of the New Year, which was a
convenient day. The new year was celebrated together with his
birthday, and they would not conflict with each other. Li Yihan was
in a good mood because he hadn’t help another person arrange their
birthday celebration before. Chi Zhao looked at the smile on his face
and pursed his lips, “No, sir, I like everything you give me.”

After saying that, he also raised his glass and gently touched it with
Li Yihan’s. The clear clinking sound of the glasses had a weak
aftertaste. Chi Zhao was not in a good mood. He downed the shot
before Li Yihan could stop him.

His outstretched hand was still in mid-air. Afterwards, he thought,

they were at home anyway. The servants and Zhang Bo were also on
holiday. There were only two of them in such a big house. Even if Qi
Yuan would act wildly in his drunken state, it didn’t matter.

Usually, Li Yihan wouldn’t allow him to indulge, but today’s Chinese

New Year. Li Yihan also didn’t want to restrain him.

That being said, after watching Chi Zhao drink three glasses, he still
put the wine bottle aside. He pulled Chi Zhao to to his feet, and then
moved to the living room.

There was still some time before the Spring Festival Gala starts.
Currently, the TV was only serving as background music. Not long
after they got to the sofa, the two were kissing again. Chi Zhao was
still very clear-headed at the moment. While Li Yihan was immersed
in the wonderful perception of kissing, Chi Zhao suddenly opened
his eyes. He looked at the face close at hand, paused for two seconds,
then held Li Yihan’s shoulders with both hands and gave a sudden

Li Yihan was caught off guard. When he suddenly found himself

pushed down onto the sofa, he was still a little dazed. Then, a slim
yet not weak body approached, and Li Yihan’s gaze immediately
darkened with desire. Chi Zhao had just taken the reins for only two
seconds before Li Yihan clasped the back of his neck. One minute
later, heaven and earth rotated, and their positions were instantly

Perhaps it was because both of them drank wine. Perhaps it was

because the atmosphere tonight was so good. Perhaps it was
because, after more than a month of getting along, it was already
enough to pave the way. Anyway, something about today’s kiss was
different than usual.

Chi Zhao looked naive, but he was already twenty years old. He
knew everything that he should know, it’s just that he had never put
it into practice before. His lips and teeth were full of the other’s
taste, and a soft tongue was still raging in his mouth. Li Yihan’s
movements were strong and yet gentle because he wanted to take
care of Chi Zhao’s feelings.

Only men understand men the best. When they’re really doing it,
who cares who it is under them? The lower body would control the
brain. Being considerate or gentle was all thrown out the window.
The most important thing was to relieve their own desires first.

Chi Zhao was already aroused from the kiss. And with their bodies
pressed up against each other, Chi Zhao could also clearly perceive
Li Yihan’s current state. Even in this kind of situation, he will still
exercise restraint and focus on him.

Really. What a gentle person ah.

Chi Zhao closed his eyes, and his hand, which had been placed on Li
Yihan’s waist, slipped down and touched a certain place.

Li Yihan’s breathing immediately became a bit deeper. His

astonished and heated gaze fell into Chi Zhao’s eyes.

Chi Zhao gave a faint smile, “Sir, I think we can move on to the next
step. What do you think?”

The author has something to say:

Li Yihan: I think…… I can!!!!!!! 【voice crack】


Let’s say here that every world is HE, this is certain.

The author is a sweet writer and will not send a knife.

It’s just a pity for Chi Zhao, his task will never be finished……

Hey guys, HoneyCat here! So for those who haven’t read the
announcement, I’ll say it here again.

I will start splitting up the chapters into parts starting from chapter
18 and onwards. I apologize for any inconvenience and hope for
your understanding.

Happy reading! (๑˃ᴗ˂)‫ﻭ‬

Chapter 19
Source: Foxaholic


Hi everyone! I’m really sorry for the late update due to being busy
in real life and hope you understand. I’m also quite unsure if I can
update chapters normally these days, so just wanted to let you guys
get a heads up, just in case… (* ̄▽ ̄)b
Anyways, here it is! Scroll down for both part 1 and 2 of the latest
chapter of I Really Am A Slag Shou!
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me a drink~!
Translated by HoneyCat (@catlovesmilktea) and Daed
Here’s chapter 19 part 1 and part 2
Happy reading! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚
Chapter 20 Part 1
Source: Foxaholic


Translated by HoneyCat
Proofread by Daed
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and the site!
In the end, they didn’t go to the private restaurant that was
supposed to taste good.
The chef got off work on time. Because Li Yihan had notified him
in advance, he did not cook anything. Now, they didn’t go out to eat,
and there was no food to heat up at home. The two sat face to face in
silence. After about five minutes, Li Yihan stood up. He rolled up the
sleeves of his shirt and smiled at Chi Zhao: “I’ll let you taste my
After graduating from college, Li Yihan never cooked his own
meals. Even when he was in college, there were only a few dishes
that he knew how to make. Standing in the kitchen, he fell silent in
front of the huge refrigerator.
After looking at it for a long time, he took out a tomato from the
fridge, planning to make scrambled eggs with tomatoes.
This dish could be considered the simplest and most classic home-
cooked dish. As long as he wasn’t too stupid, it can be fried well.
The kitchen door was ajar. Chi Zhao quietly snuck up to the door
and watched Li Yihan weigh the tomatoes and eggs in his hands.
The tomatoes bought by the chef were neither too big nor too
small. Fearing that it wouldn’t be enough, Li Yihan thought about it
and took out three more.
This time it was enough to eat, even if two more people were to
Chi Zhao watched for a while and silently returned to his room.
After supper, it wasn’t long before Li Yihan pressed Chi Zhao onto
the bed again. He didn’t know if it was just him, but Chi Zhao felt that
today’s Li Yihan was not as gentle as before in bed. He forcefully
gripped onto Chi Zhao’s waist, trailing kisses down his body , leaving
red marks on Chi Zhao’s skin that were darker than before. Chi Zhao
was thrown into disorder from passion by his actions. At the same
time, he felt a little uneasy.
This kind of Li Yihan scared him but also drew him in deeper.
Li Yihan wanted him for a total of three times. At the end of the
last time, Chi Zhao was truly exhausted. He didn’t even wash up, he
pulled up the quilt to sleep. Li Yihan chuckled lowly. He held up his
head and kissed his forehead. After that, he didn’t bother him again.
Chi Zhao fell asleep in a daze. Feeling his movements, he nuzzled
closer. His hand moved across Li Yihan’s chest, leaning his forehead
against his heart, and buried his face in his arms. After he felt
comfortable, he stopped moving.
Li Yihan’s heart was transformed into a puddle of water by his
subconscious actions. His hand was still on the back of Chi Zhao’s
head, and his soft hair felt very good. He gently stroked it for a little
while, listening as the breathing of the person in his arms became
more and more stable. His eyes drooped, and his hand slid down
until it fell onto the back of his neck.
There were small fine hairs on the back of his neck, and Li Yihan’s
movements were even more gentle. He slowly kneaded his neck
twice and then showed an ambiguous smile.
The system came back when Chi Zhao’s brainwaves had calmed
down again. Although it was not of the same species, it did not want
to watch the host’s live AV. Every time the host and Li Yihan did
something shameful, it would retreat deep into the recesses of Chi
Zhao’s mind, cleaning up its cache.
It was the same this time. When it discovered that they were
finished, it ran back again. It didn’t expect to see this scene as soon
as it came back. The system stared at Li Yihan’s face and calculated
for a long time. It couldn’t figure out why he had such a creepy and
crazy smile on his face.
The next morning when he woke up, Chi Zhao took a look at his
class schedule. He didn’t have class today. Well, there was a club
activity in the afternoon, but he was too lazy to go. He might as well
stay at home and sleep.
Li Yihan was in a meeting. He glanced at his mobile phone before
moving his gaze back to the big screen.
Qi Yuan’s awkwardness still continued. Li Yihan’s countermeasure
was to pretend that he couldn’t see, and then keep being nice to him
as if he wasn’t troubled by his behavior. The only change was that
his actions in bed were getting fiercer and fiercer. Sometimes Chi
Zhao even suspected that he wanted to eat him.
Not the kind of “eating” that was sexual slang, but the literal
meaning—peeling off the skin, removing the bones, and swallowing
into the stomach.
Sitting in a clubhouse, noticing that Li Yihan had been staring at
his mobile phone, Tang Size snuck up behind him and glanced at the
interface on his mobile phone.
“What is this, an electrocardiogram?”
A man’s clear voice suddenly sounded from behind. Li Yihan
frowned, but still grunted in reply, “Mn.”
That chip is connected to this app. It was the only customized chip
in the world, and the only customized app in the world. The original
purpose of this chip was to detect Qi Yuan’s physical state in real-
time. But now, it was used by Li Yihan as Qi Yuan’s mood drawing
For example, the ECG isn’t fluctuating much at this time, and the
frequency is slower than usual. This means that Qi Yuan is
depressed and in a bad mood.
Chapter 20 Part 2
Source: Foxaholic


Translated by HoneyCat
Proofread by Daed
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and the site!
Tang Size looked at him in confusion, “Whose ECG is this, yours?”
“Qi Yuan’s.”
Tang Size: “……Pervert.”
When the average person hears the word “electrocardiogram”,
their first reaction would be that Li Yihan cares about Qi Yuan’s
health. Only Tang Size immediately understood the real use of the
ECG. This also shows that they’re similar. Only an abnormal person
would understand what an abnormal person is thinking.
When they were having a little get-together outside, Chi Zhao was
fidgeting at home.
The reason for his depression was that he was going to see the
will soon. Of course, seeing the will doesn’t matter. The problem was
what’s going to happen after he sees the will. The system
continuously comforted him with low expectations.
【Death is inherent for all men alike, either they die heavier than
Mount Tai, or lighter than a feather; to be cheated on (green) is
inherent for all men alike, either it’s like soot entering the water, or
a bomb destroying a mountain. Host, you must be open-minded, Li
Yihan’s future life is still long. It is precisely because you cheat on
him (green him) that his life will become so wonderful and colorful,
and he will reach the top in one stroke, ah!】
Chi Zhao: “……I got it. I’ll go now, so you don’t have to tell me
any more of your crooked reasoning.”
There was no one at home, which was convenient for Chi Zhao. He
went to Li Yihan’s study and, following the plotline, found the
notarized will in the second drawer on the right of Li Yihan’s desk.
When he pulled the document out of the envelope, there were two
thin pages of paper. If you look at it at a glance, you can read it in
less than half a minute. Chi Zhao’s heart was very heavy at first, but
the more he read, the wider his eyes opened, and his heart
inevitably quickened.
Meanwhile, Tang Size heard Li Yihan’s words and smiled,
“That’s right, who said that the heir must be a child? First, you
teach your wife. When the time comes, you two can adopt a child,
and then you will continue to teach the child. No matter what,
there will be no shortage of successors.”
After taking a sip of wine, Tang Size looked at him, “But you
have to think about it properly. The relationship between the
adopted son and the adopted father is very strong. Unless
something big happens, it will not change. However, the
relationship between lovers is very fragile. Maybe one day you
two will break up, and then you will have to find a new heir.”
“No need.”
Li Yihan said it too decisively, and Tang Size sneered, “Don’t
blame your brother for not reminding you. Money is a good thing,
and everyone wants it, but not everyone will pay their whole lives
for money. That young master in your family is clearly someone
who loves the person, not the money. If there comes a day where
he doesn’t like you anymore, he will definitely up and leave. Even
if you give him all your money, he won’t necessarily stay.”
Li Yihan knows this point better than Tang Size. If only Qi Yuan
loved money, then he wouldn’t have to worry so much.
Li Yihan took his mobile phone and replied indifferently: “He
won’t leave.” Because he won’t let him go.
Tang Size still wanted to say something else. Suddenly, Li Yihan
stood up. He knitted his eyebrows as he looked at the screen of his
mobile phone. For a moment, he thought something had happened
to Qi Yuan, but the doctor who sold his chip had told him what
various conditions represented. Like this current situation, it should
be the shock experienced after being stimulated.
He left this page and clicked open the location page. Qi Yuan was
still at home. He put two fingers on the screen and slightly pulled
them apart. No matter how accurate the positioning was, it couldn’t
put the specifications of his home into it. He could only see that Qi
Yuan was not in his room. After recalling the location of each room,
Li Yihan understood.
That’s the study.
Qi Yuan saw something that shocked him in his study.
Until now, Li Yihan had never taught Qi Yuan anything about
business. The most important things in his room were the bidding
documents and financial statements. Qi Yuan can’t understand them,
so it shouldn’t be those. Then the only one left…… was the new will
that the secretary just sent a few days ago.
In the new will, he changed his will from donating all his property
to charity, to leaving 80% for Qi Yuan and donating 20% to charity.
The rest of the Li family still didn’t have any money.
If it were an ordinary person, they would most likely faint from
joy at the sight of this will—but this was Qi Yuan. Li Yihan had a bad
feeling. He clicked on the electrocardiogram page again. Sure
enough, Qi Yuan’s heartbeat was gradually slowing down. The slow
heartbeat was like a heavy hammer, hitting down on Li Yihan’s
The author has something to say:
Chi Zhao: The plot point collapsed! The plot point actually
collapsed! I don’t want money, I only want the plot point
Li Yihan: ……
System: ……
Chapter 21 Part 1
Source: Foxaholic


Translated by HoneyCat
Proofread by Daed
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and the site!
Chi Zhao stared at the will, completely dumbfounded.
“The will has changed. Then, do I still have to go out to get
drunk and let Li Yihan wear a green hat?”
The system has never encountered such a situation before. It
quickly pulled out a “Guide for What a System Should Do In Special
Circumstances” from its database and flipped through several
hundred pages to find the answer that applied to the current
【Yes, you still have to go. What Li Yihan does is his business, and
your task is to finish what you have to do. After all, our final
evaluation is to let Li Yihan be reborn in Nirvana. He must first reach
Nirvana before he can be reborn. The more he likes you now, the
more bitter his Nirvana will be.】
Chi Zhao still felt wrong, “But the will has changed. I have no
reason to be angry ah.”
【Aiyah, isn’t it all the same whether you have a valid reason or
not? Even if Li Yihan loves Qi Yuan with all his heart, based on Qi
Yuan’s personality, he wouldn’t stay at home. He will definitely go
out to hunt, it’s just a matter of time.】
There seems to be some truth in what the system said. Chi Zhao
put the will back and then straightened up, “Then I’ll go out now.”
【Let’s go, let’s go. We’ll have to face it sooner or later.】
Chi Zhao changed his clothes and came downstairs. Xiao Pang was
lying on its stomach beside the floor-to-ceiling window, its eyes
squinted in its sleep. Its tail swept across the ground, wagging
languidly, indicating that it was in a good mood. Chi Zhao walked
over and scratched Xiao Pang’s chin with his finger.
“Alas, papa’s leaving.”
System: “……”
Isn’t it just putting on a green hat, do you really have to act like
you’re about to go to the execution ground?
Damp and dreary, a chilly gust of wind blew across and cut out a
grim figure. This departure of Chi Zhao’s ah…… Nevertheless, he will
still return.
The bar was quite far away from where he was. Chi Zhao called a
car with his phone. Half an hour later, he arrived at the door of the
At past five o’clock in the evening, there weren’t many people in
the bar– but there will be more and more people.
Chi Zhao ordered a cocktail, sat at the bar counter, and then
stopped moving.
Although the words used in the plot were that he went to “get
horribly drunk,” the system chattered nonstop in his mind,
forbidding him from drinking.
【 You can’t hold your liquor! You absolutely cannot drink. Who
knows what you will do after drinking? Last time, you had
Patrick…… Pei! You had Li Yihan to help you, but this time you’re on
your own. If you forget what happens, even I can’t save you. Just
pretend you want to drink, just that much will do. In two hours,
Zhou Hetian will arrive.】
Can only see, but cannot drink. This way of getting drunk was
truly torturous. Chi Zhao silently stared at the glass of wine in front
of him. The bartender stood opposite him, looked at him several
times, and then understood.
This was definitely an inexperienced youngster. He guessed it was
his first time coming to a bar. The kid came for the thrill, yet when it
gets down to it, he can’t relax. He could only stare helplessly.
After working in the bar for a long time, the bartender had seen all
sorts of customers. He sized up Chi Zhao with his eyes, wondering if
he should tell his friends to come and make a move. Suddenly, his
heart jumped, and he looked up into the distance. There was a man
sitting in a corner; his cold gaze penetrated the crowd and fell upon
The bartender felt a chill run down his back. He immediately
lowered his head tactfully, not daring to look at Chi Zhao again.
While wiping the wine glass, he wiped the cold sweat on his
forehead with his sleeve in passing. Good lord, fortunately, he didn’t
tell his friend. He took the kid as a young fledgling, but it turned out
that he’s already taken. No wonder he didn’t do anything and just sat
there in silence. He must have had an argument with that man and
ran out in a fit of anger.
There were all kinds of people in the bar. As a bartender, the wine
can be mixed badly, but one must have a good eye for people.
Otherwise, one’s front teeth will be knocked out by someone one
day, and one wouldn’t know how one had provoked others.
Because the system was too noisy, it had already been shooed
away by Chi Zhao to clean up the data garbage elsewhere. Seeing
that the host wasn’t in a good mood, it had left very considerately.
Hence, it didn’t notice Li Yihan when he came. As for Chi Zhao, he
had always been facing away from that direction, so he was even
less likely to see him.
Chi Zhao kept an eye on the time. Once it was almost time, he
picked up his glass and took a few sips symbolically. He only needed
to make himself smell like wine, he didn’t really have to drink much.
Chapter 21 Part 2
Source: Foxaholic


This chapter part was translated by Daed and proofread by

lynn to be hosted on Foxaholic. 

The previous translator (HoneyCat) has taken a hiatus due to real life.
Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Some people liked to drink alcohol to relieve their stress and down
their troubles, but not Chi Zhao. When he was in a good mood,
perhaps he might have a few sips; if he was in a bad mood, don’t
even mention alcohol—he wouldn’t even want to touch water. Li
Yihan was also aware of this trait of his. 

When he saw Qi Yuan’s location showing up at this bar, he

scrunched his brows and mused for a long time, but he couldn’t
fathom what he (QY) came here for. Hence, he tracked him here.
Under the special effects of the dazzling light, Li Yihan spotted Qi
Yuan through the crowd. The other man was obediently sitting by
the bar. For a second, he hesitated at the doorway. In the end, he
chose to sit in the far corner. This spot would let him observe Qi
Yuan, yet it wouldn’t let his presence disturb the other party. 

For two entire hours, Qi Yuan didn’t move an inch. When he raised
his arm, Li Yihan had thought that he was about to leave. Qi Yuan
didn’t like noisy environments; he preferred to be in the quiet
house, sitting on the comfy sofa with one hand petting his cat and
the other grabbing the junk food. While he was at it, he would put on
the soap drama on the television which the general public loved to

Li Yihan didn’t understand why Qi Yuan would come to this place,

until he saw Zhou Hetain appear by Qi Yuan’s side.

Of course Li Yihan remembered Zhou Hetian’s face. In fact, he

remembered it very vividly. Zhou Hetian was there with his friends.
When he caught sight of Qi Yuan sitting alone by himself at the bar,
he was momentarily stunned. Then he walked over. Since he was far
away, Li Yihan couldn’t hear what they were saying. But, after a few
words, Zhou Hetian suddenly laid his arm on Qi Yuan’s shoulder. 

Li Yihan jumped to his feet. A young girl sashayed over, her hand
moving to rest on his chest, “Hey, handsome, are you here alone?
How about letting me accom-…….ah! What’s wrong with you?!”

Li Yihan did not have the slightest shred of elegance in his

demeanor. He shoved the girl who approached him away, swiftly
taking two steps towards that side before he saw Qi Yuan turn his
head and directed a smile at Zhou Hetian that definitely did not
count as a refusal.

In an instant, Li Yihan felt like all the blood in his body froze.

Qi Yuan cocked his head and, with a smile, said three words to him.
By the way his mouth moved, it seemed to be “Then let’s go”. 

Zhou Hetian thought that Qi Yuan was drunk, thus he (QY)  was
willing to leave with him. However, Li Yihan knew, he wasn’t drunk
at all. He wasn’t like this when he was drunk. When he was drunk,
he would become very candid and very cute—he certainly did not
look nor act like this.
In a situation like this, Li Yihan would immediately catch up to them
and break them apart forcefully. Then he would beat Zhou Hetian to
a bloody pulp. Yet the reality was that he stood there in one spot,
unmoving. His legs were the same as if they were nailed down to the
ground, his gaze fixed on the two’s leaving silhouettes. He couldn’t
speak a single word nor make a single move.

Because he was afraid.

He didn’t dare to chase after them. He was afraid that he would hear
words that he didn’t want to hear, see the reality that he didn’t want
to know.

Chi Zhao followed Zhou Hetian out of the bar. A hotel was
conveniently located next to it. Zhou Hetian booked a room, turning
his head back to smile at Chi Zhao who seemed to be leaning against
the wall because he lacked the strength to stand. Chi Zhao smiled
back. Seeing Zhou Hetian heading towards the elevator, he followed
behind him with his right hand behind his back.

In less than three minutes, Chi Zhao came out again.

The “Spring Night” medical water that the system gave was actually
a spray bottle. With one spray, the other party would instantly enter
a deep slumber and then pass a ‘spring night’ in their dream. All the
details in the dream were immensely realistic; even though he
wouldn’t have any markings on his body, Zhou Hetian wouldn’t
suspect a thing.

One spray was equivalent to one round in the dream; two sprays
would be two rounds. Moreover, the system had told Chi Zhao to
absolutely not spray Zhou Hetian more than necessary. If he overdid
it, then even if it was just a dream, it would run one ragged.

Chi Zhao was speechless. Did it think that he would do a couple

extra sprays?
As soon as they entered the room, he promptly sprayed Zhou
Hetian’s face. He watched as Zhou Hetian immediately collapsed and
slept like a dead log. Chi Zhao was too lazy to even move the other
guy up onto the bed. 

He got annoyed at the sight of that face, so he might as well leave.

He planned to game for half the night in the hotel lobby until he was
overwhelmingly sleepy. At that time, he would return to the room
and sleep. And when he woke up afterward, he could continue

Sitting on the hotel lobby sofa, Chi Zhao’s attention was quickly
focused on his game. Li Yihan sat in the driver’s seat, his eyes fixed
on Chi Zhao’s figure which had come out right after barely going in
for a while.

His left hand gripped tightly onto the steering wheel and his right
hand kneaded his phone. Since five o’clock in the afternoon, Chi
Zhao’s heart rate had kept a steady rhythm. Not even the slightest
significant sign of excitement ever appeared. Only until now did the
height of the heart rate waves become faster. 

Because during this long period, the only thing that could excite him
was games. In other words, Zhou Hetian wasn’t even on the same
level as a game.

If there were any errors in this chapter, please contact me in our

Foxaholic discord. You can join as well if you want to be notified of
the latest updates!

Table of Contents
Chapter 22
Source: Foxaholic


Translator: LiLi041

Proofreader: Lore

Chapter 22- I Love You

Chi Zhao had gotten the first kill for three consecutive games. While
he was being very excited, the system came back.

    After having cleaned out all the redundant garbage data, the
system felt very good and refreshed.

    It subconsciously scanned its host’s environment. It had done

this to ensure its host’s safety, but halfway through the scanning
process, it got stuck.


    Chi Zhao’s eyes followed the enemies on the screen, currently in

a very nervous state. He only spared a little bit of his attention for
the system and asked impatiently, “What’s the matter?”

    【L-L-L-L-L-L-Li Yihan is outside…】

    Very good. Now Chi Zhao was stuck as well.

    Chi Zhao’s thumb was pressed on the attack button. He
continuously attacked a mob, directly punching more than 20 holes
in it. The mob’s body had disappeared, but his character was still
punching at air with no expression on his face. His teammates were
going crazy. They could have let it go if he were hitting the corpse,
but what was he doing hitting at air? Could this person be an
elementary school student?

    His teammates started to voice their complaints, but Chi Zhao

didn’t hear them at all. Right now, his inner self could already
cosplay as a very famous painting——”The Scream.”

{T/N: Below is the famous painting “The Scream”

(蒙克的呐喊- méng kè de nà hǎn) }

    “How did Li Yihan come!? How did he know I was here!?”

    【I-I-I-I also don’t know! You didn’t tell him where you were
going, so maybe he thought that you were kidnapped. Then, he
panicked and searched all over for you… all the domineering
president novels are written like this. Domineering presidents are
really powerful. With a single command, they can even destroy half
of the sun!】

    “You’re talking about a tengu, not a domineering president.”

    Chi Zhao’s body was very stiff. After two seconds, he put down
his hand and stood up, acting as if nothing had happened. Then he
walked towards the elevator.

    【Host, what are you going to do!?】

    “I’m going back to the room! He’s already come all the way here
to find me. What if he wanted to try to catch us in the act? If he
discovers that I’m not in the room right now and am actually on the
first floor playing games, it would just be too weird, okay!”


    The system looked back. Li Yihan was still sitting in his car,
looking ahead calmly. He didn’t seem to have any intention of trying
to catch the cheaters in the act. His eyes were fixed on Chi Zhao’s
body, the emotions in his eyes too deep for the system to calculate.

    The system’s detection could only reach ten meters away from
Chi Zhao at most. Once this range was exceeded, the system
wouldn’t be able to see clearly. Only after entering the elevator and
watching the door slide shut did one person and one system wipe
their foreheads with relief, feeling as if they had just passed a

    Then, they sighed simultaneously in their hearts. Goodness, too


    Once Chi Zhao reached the third floor, he got out of the elevator.
A man was standing outside the elevator. The two brushed
shoulders as they passed each other. Chi Zhao had never seen the
man before, so he didn’t stop. However, that man’s movements
paused for a second before he continued walking to the elevator in a
normal manner.

    He went down in the elevator and reached Li Yihan’s car. After

he opened the car door, he first gave Li Yihan a bow before stepping

    “What’s the situation inside?” Li Yihan asked calmly.

    “The room is clean and tidy. It looks as if no one is currently

living in it. The lights are off and a man is lying on the ground, in a
drowsy state. It seems that he has either been drugged or knocked
out. I don’t see any wounds and bruises. It could be that he had been
knocked out too quickly, so the bruises haven’t yet been revealed.”

    Li Yihan’s expression didn’t change after hearing his

subordinate’s words. He continued, “Did you take a picture?”

    “I did.” His subordinate handed over his phone respectfully.

    He took the phone. In the photo, Zhou Hetian was lying on the
ground in a strange posture. This was a very uncomfortable posture
that hurt his neck. He would definitely wake up with a stiff neck. His
clothes were very tidy, with not even a single button unbuttoned.

    Starting from when Li Yihan saw Zhou Hetian, a big, invisible

hand seemed to be gripping his heart tightly. Now, that hand finally
relaxed a little.

    Li Yihan leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes as he said,
“You can leave.”

    The subordinate had been called over by the boss in the middle
of the night to check on a room. Naturally, he was extremely curious,
but he didn’t ask about anything. He also didn’t ask what Li Yihan
wanted to do and left obediently.

    A minute after his subordinate left, Li Yihan opened his eyes.

    Qi Yuan had seen him.

At that moment, Qi Yuan’s back was extremely rigid. He didn’t even

dare to look back as he stood up stiffly and re-entered the elevator.

He had been so relaxed before, but he suddenly stiffened. There

could only be one reason for this. That was, he had discovered that
Li Yihan was outside.

    It was past eleven in the evening, almost twelve. Qi Yuan

usually had a good work and rest schedule. He would yawn
incessantly if he didn’t go to bed at half past ten. He had probably sat
there for so long tonight because he planned to pass the night in the
lobby. However, he returned to his room after he noticed Li Yihan.

    Li Yihan stared ahead blankly for a long time. Then, he gave a

low and bitter laugh. He lifted his defined right hand and covered his
right eye. Broken fragments of laughter came out of his throat from
time to time, bringing with them a heartbroken feeling.

    Qi Yuan, Qi Yuan, did he want to leave him so much? So much

that he didn’t even hesitate to make Li Yihan believe that he had
betrayed him?

    Chi Zhao returned to his room. He spent a long time moving

Zhou Hetian onto the bed. Then, he tore off Zhou Hetian’s shirt and
carelessly covered him with the blanket. After he finished with Zhou
Hetian, he stripped himself bare, leaving only his underwear.

    After shuddering, Chi Zhao sat on the bed and waited for
someone to come catch them in the act.
    But, almost half an hour had passed, and no one came to knock
on the door. Chi Zhao even nearly fell asleep. Suddenly, his phone
vibrated. He took it out and glanced at it. Li Yihan was calling him.

    Chi Zhao became sober in an instant and called for the system,
“Should I answer? Should I answer!?”

    If the system knew, would it still just be a low-level system even

now? No, it would’ve long been promoted.

    While Chi Zhao struggled with the system, the phone rang eight
more times. Then, the phone hung up automatically.

    Chi Zhao & the system: “…” Okay, then.

Chi Zhao was nervous all night. Just after dawn, at six o’clock, he put
on his clothes and went back to the Li home with a pair of panda
eyes. As for Zhou Hetian, he didn’t need to worry. When he woke up
and found that Qi Yuan wasn’t there, he would naturally go ask the
front desk. When he put everything together, he would think that Qi
Yuan ran away out of shame.

Chi Zhao stood at the door of the Li home. Chi Zhao spent a long time
trying to muster up his courage before he was finally ready to face
his bleak life. There was no one on the first floor when he walked in,
so he simply returned to his room. He had just turned around when
he saw Li Yihan sitting on his bed, holding in his hand a book written
in a foreign language.

  The two of them had met face to face. Li Yihan looked at him for a
while. Chi Zhao was about to clear his throat, when Li Yihan asked,
“Have you eaten breakfast yet?”

    … Ah?
    Chi Zhao was dumbfounded. Li Yihan put down his book, stood
up, and smiled gently at him. “I haven’t eaten either. You should first
change your clothes. When you go downstairs, I’ll fry two eggs for

    Having said that, Li Yihan started to leave. Just when he was

about to walk past Chi Zhao, Chi Zhao grabbed his arm on impulse.

    He stared fixedly at Li Yihan’s eyes. Why didn’t he bring that

matter up?

    Clearly, Li Yihan had seen him get a room with someone else
last night. Why didn’t he say anything? Why didn’t he question him?
Why didn’t he get angry?

    Li Yihan was fairly calm, the complete opposite of Chi Zhao,

whose eyes had already started to shoot flames.

    Words full of anger were brewing in his throat, but Chi Zhao
understood that he didn’t have ground with which to scold Li Yihan.
His character design was a “slag shou.” Regardless of whether he
was acting or not, every single one of his actions were meant to
harm Li Yihan. He didn’t have any reason to be angry.

    Li Yihan let him pull at his arm. After a long time, Chi Zhao
finally squeezed out a sentence from his throat, his voice trembling
slightly. “You… don’t want to ask me where I was last night?”

    In the quiet space, the sound of cloth rustling was heard. Li

Yihan gently pulled his arm out and pressed his slender fingers
against the side of Chi Zhao’s face, his slightly rough fingers rubbing
Chi Zhao’s soft cheeks. The surroundings were very quiet. Chi Zhao
seemed to hear his heart beating violently.
    Li Yihan had a very shallow smile on his face, and his voice was
low and raspy like that of a cello, but his words were completely
unrelated to Chi Zhao’s question.

    “I love you, Qi Yuan.”

    Chi Zhao suddenly opened his eyes. At that moment, his heart

Author’s Note: Oohhhhhhh!——Go for it! This old mother author is

crying tears of excitement and yearning.

Translator’s Note: My first chapter for this story, yay! I really liked
reading it, so I was doubly excited to translate it! But this might be
my only chapter… ? I think Foxaholic is dropping this group project
and KK Translates will be picking it up from chapter 25 onward.

You can check out my other works at

https://lilistranslations.wordpress.com/! ~\(≧▽≦)/~

Proofreader’s Note: TL said I could write notes so I did :)). Tbh I

was a bit sad that I might not get the angst I was anticipating, but Li
Yihan misunderstanding it as Chi Zhao wanting to leave him is good
Chapter 23
Source: Foxaholic


Ch23 – Threaten
Translated by Daed
Proofread by Meh._.meh

This was Chi Zhao’s first time hearing Li Yihan say that he loved him.

He had thought that this might happen some day, but never would
he have thought that it would be under these circumstances.   

As he looked at Qu Yuan who stood there dumbfounded, Li Yihan

slightly lowered his eyes. He leaned down, kissed the corner of the
youth’s mouth, then passed him on his way out of the room, heading
downstairs to fry eggs.   

In the next ten long minutes, Chi Zhao didn’t say anything. The
system didn’t dare to breathe loudly. It had this feeling that this kind
of host seemed to be a little silent to the point of scary. After ten
minutes, it heard the words that Chi Zhao sent over through his

“Does his brain have soap suds in it?!”   

System: “……” As a device that didn’t even have a brain, forgive it for
being unable to answer this question.   
Chi Zhao was truly unable to understand. Never mind that Li Yihan
wasn’t the slightest bit angry after personally witnessing Chi Zhao
reserving a room with someone else, how could he still tell him the
three words “I love you”? Even if he (LYH) was a masochist, he
shouldn’t be acting like this, right?!   

At this time, the system’s faint voice sounded.    

【You asked~how deep~my love~for you was~How much~did

I~love you~Go and think about it~Go and take a look [at the
moon]~The moonlight represents my heart~~~】1   

Chi Zhao: “……Do you have a death wish?”   

System: QAQ The host is so fierce.   

Like this, the “cheating affair” was swept under the rug. And well, it
wasn’t like Chi Zhao could stay in the room for an eternity. As soon
as he walked out, the fragrant smell of fried eggs reached his nose.
In the end, he sat down in the dining area like a loser.   

After breakfast, Li Yihan personally drove Chi Zhao to school. The

car arrived, but Chi Zhao didn’t get off the car. He sat in the
passenger seat, hugging his backpack to his chest. It was very quiet
in the car, to the point that Chi Zhao could clearly hear the sound of
their breaths.     

He rolled the front of his bag under his fingers and said in a low
voice, “Then I’m off, Mister.”   

Li Yihan didn’t answer. Chi Zhao turned his body. Just as his hand
touched the door handle, Li Yihan called out to him,   

“Qi Yuan.”   

Chi Zhao immediately retracted his hand. He turned back, his eyes
slightly widening, “Hm?”   
Li Yihan caressed the top of his head lightly. After two caresses, his
hand habitually fell down to Chi Zhao’s nape. Feeling slightly
ticklish, Chi Zhao couldn’t help but to scrunch his neck. Li Yihan’s
hand faltered, but he didn’t remove it. Instead, he continued to
caress and stroke him.   

His voice was very gentle, “Don’t come back so late in the future.” 

Chi Zhao’s pupils slightly contracted. For a moment, he was frozen in

place. In the end, he gave a low grunt.   

Li Yihan smiled faintly and retrieved his hand, “Go then, I’ll pick you
up at night.”   

Chi Zhao left. Li Yihan sat in the car, watching him enter the school
grounds, then turned his steering wheel around heading towards
another location.   

Zhao Bin was currently in the hotel that Chi Zhao had stayed in last
night. He looked at the young boy before him who was in his early
twenties with a deeply troubled expression on his face, completely

Li Yihan had stayed here the whole time last night. Chi Zhao didn’t
sleep for a night, he didn’t sleep for a night either. He just passed the
night watching Chi Zhao’s electrocardiogram. Afterwards, when Chi
Zhao came out, only then did he start the car and return home. In
actuality, he had arrived home right before Chi Zhao did. They had
entered one after the other through the house door, not more than
ten minutes apart.     

After he left, Li Yihan called Zhao Bin out. Zhao Bin was a skilled
fighter; he served as an assistant and doubled as a bodyguard. He
took two men with him and headed straight for Zhou Hetian’s room,
restraining the man on the bed who was still unconscious.
What caused Zhao Bin to be so troubled was that this guy slept so
soundly. They had stripped him bare and tied him up, yet Zhou
Hetian managed to sleep through the whole process without waking
up once.     

Just as Zhao Bin was debating whether he should throw a bucket of

ice-cold water in the man’s face to wake him up, Li Yihan arrived. He
walked in, glanced at Zhou Hetian who was like a Cantonese white
cut chicken2, then made his way over to sit in a chair that was in the
corner of the room. He lifted his chin towards Zhao Bin, followed by
pulling his phone out to look at the wavelengths on Qi Yuan’s

Since morning till now, Li Yihan had been busy with other matters.
He hadn’t had a chance to check it. After going through the logs of
the wavelengths and increased speed of Qi Yuan’s heart in the
morning, his lips curled in a good mood.   

No matter how good of a liar someone is or how good they are at

pretending, they could not fool their own heart. Qi Yuan did feel
something towards him. And this feeling was very clear, otherwise
his heart wouldn’t react so strongly when he heard him (LYH) say
the word “love”.    

Qi Yuan would meet many people at school and chat with many
people, but none of them would affect his mood. On the other hand,
every time that he was by Li Yihan’s side, Qi Yuan’s heartbeat would
be slightly quicker than usual. The range of the waves would also be
larger, like he was very excited.

As he thought of these, Li Yihan was in an even better mood. When

he heard a splashing sound from the side, he raised his eyes in an
unhurried manner.    

Zhou Hetian had just been fast asleep when he was suddenly woken
up by a bucket of ice-cold water. His eyes shot open in astonishment.
Just as he was about to get angry, he saw three burly, buff men who
seemed to be bad news at just one glance. Although these three men
seemed formidable, their clothing clearly signified that they were
subordinates. His eyes subconsciously darted across the room,
searching for their boss. Subsequently, Li Yihan’s peerlessly
handsome face came into his sight.   

Half an hour later, Li Yihan walked out of the room, followed by

Zhao Bin.   

“Tell Zhou Zhenyang to leave this place if he still wants to stay in the
business. He better go far away. As for his son, since he didn’t bring
him up properly, then he should take him along with him and teach
him again.   

Zhou Zhenyang was Zhou Hetian’s dad. Zhao Bin nodded and said,
“Understood.” Li Yihan stood before him. He paused for a moment,
then turned around and asked, “How many people right now know
about my relationship with Qi Yuan?”   

“Not many. I’ve been dispatching people to keep tabs on the

situation. The ones who know right now are all our people. They are
aware of their position; they won’t let it leak.”   

Li Yihan furrowed his brows, “Let them.”   

Zhao Bin was blindsided, “Huh?”   

“Let them leak the news,” Li Yihan repeated again. Then he

emphasized,”No need to spread it too far, as long as the people over
there know.”    

“The people over there”?   

A lightbulb went on in his head, and Zhao Bin understood who he

was referring to. But now he was even more befuddled. Were there
any benefits in letting them know? The Li family already took Li
Yihan and Qi Yuan to be a large chunk of fat meat. If they learned of
this, then wouldn’t they kick up a huge fuss?    

However, he did not dare to go against the boss’s orders. Lowering

his head, Zhao Bin replied with another “Understood.”

Zhao Bin’s efficiency rate was very high. The next day, there was an
elder who came to the company using his identity to find Li Yihan
for a chat. Li Yihan didn’t pay him any mind, neglecting the other
party for a whole day. Then he let his secretary go out to tell the
elder that Li Yihan wouldn’t be returning to the company, he was
already on his way home.   

Li Yihan naturally knew how angry the other party would be. These
Li family elders shared a bad habit. Despite not having any
capabilities, they each thought highly of themselves and felt that
others should as well. The elder would definitely not be happy with
the treatment that he had received and would continue to come find
Li Yihan.    

Li Yihan knew this, yet he didn’t interfere. He lowered his eyes

towards the acquisition proposal in his hands. Chi Zhao laid
sideways in his lap, with Lil Fatty in his arms. While he caressed the
cat, his other hand kept pressing the remote control to find
something to watch. Li Yihan moved his gaze from the acquisition
proposal, lowered his head to glance at Qi Yuan, then silently

Suddenly, Uncle Zhang walked in and reported, “Mister, Er Ye 3 has


Er Ye was Li Yihan’s second granduncle, meaning that he was Li

Yihan’s grandfather’s younger brother. Chi Zhao hadn’t really met
the members of the Li family before. He sat up, sending Li Yihan an
inquiring look. However, he was met with the sight of the other man
making a very burdened expression.   

“Mister……” Chi Zhao called him in a low voice.   

The rest of his words hadn’t even fallen off his lips before Li Yihan
scooped up Lil’ Fatty and shoved it into his arms. In a gentle tone, Li
Yihan coaxed, “Be good, you go upstairs first. Come back down after
I’m finished with this.”   

Visitors rarely came to the house. Yet even if it was rare, Li Yihan
never told Qi Yuan to hide upstairs. Chi Zhao furrowed his brows in
confusion. But the other man acted like he didn’t notice. Instead, he
turned to command Uncle Zhang, “Take the young master upstairs.”

Ever since they got together, Li Yihan hadn’t used such a

commanding tone towards him. This caused Chi Zhao to become
even more bewildered, yet he had no other choice but to follow
Uncle Zhang up the stairs.   

Chi Zhao appeared to be a good, obedient kid, but was he really? 

Even Uncle Zhang who had already interacted with him long enough
to see through his true personality could answer that he certainly
was not!    

Chi Zhao sat in his room for a while. When the sound of talking
traveled from downstairs, he immediately cracked open his door
and ran over to squat by the head of the stairs. There was a wall at
the head of the stairs which helped hide him perfectly. Chi Zhao’s
ears perked as he heard the commotion from outside.   

Er Ye was almost eighty years old this year. He was quite lively and
his temper was equally as explosive. As soon as he came in, he
pulled on a long face and rebuked Li Yihan.   
“The foster son becoming the lover, no one would believe it if you
spoke about it in public! Do you still know that you’re a man? Two
men becoming entangled together—if you don’t feel any
embarrassment for it, I find it disgusting! You are the head of the Li
family. How could you commit such foolishness? You want to adopt
a child, we cannot say anything about that. But if you want to mess
around like this, that won’t do! I’m telling you right now, the Li
family is not just your Li family. If you don’t drive him out, don’t
even think about continuing to be this family head anymore!”    

The more Chi Zhao heard, the tighter his brows furrowed. It was
quiet outside for about three seconds, then Li Yihan’s calm reply
traveled to his ears, “The Li family may not be just my Li family, but
the Li Corporation is solely mine. Since you [formal] have said so,
then I won’t be this family head anymore. Please return. And while
you’re at it, tell the other members of the Li family that from now on,
the Li Corporation has nothing to do with them.”   

Er Ye’s eyes bulged, and he lifted his cane to hit Li Yihan, “You
scoundrel, how dare you talk to me so impudently. Today I will
teach you a lesson in your grandfather’s stead!”   

Uncle Zhang immediately rushed up and restrained Er Ye. Li Yihan

stood across him, giving him an unveiled sneer, “You [formal] have
truly become muddle-headed from age, to actually think that I
would listen to you if you threatened me. I will also tell you right
now, the only person on this planet who could threaten me is Qi
Yuan. As for you [formal], you’re better off staying wherever it’s
The author has something to say:

Li Yihan: That’s right, I purposely said it for him to hear.

Chi Zhao: ……You’ve changed, you’re no longer the “Super Good
Samaritan” of my heart.

1. A cultural reference to this classic song “The Moon

Represents My Heart”
2. Cantonese poached chicken, known as “white cut chicken”
3. Second Granduncle, in this context.
Chapter 22
Source: Foxaholic


Chapter 24 – Hate That You’re Not Dead

Translated by Daed
Ch25 onwards will be translated by KKtranslates. Thank you!
Warning: mentions of suicide and torture (punishment for

“Would being together with a man affect Li Yihan that negatively?”

Chi Zhao’s question was directed to the system. After a brief silence,
the system’s voice resounded.

【This world is not as progressive as the world that you grew up in.
If this was to be publicly exposed, it would lead to some very bad

The environment that Chi Zhao grew up in was one to two hundred
years ahead of this world in its civilization. It was the same for their
progressiveness. In his world, man and woman, woman and woman,
and man and man could all be together. When each child reached
puberty, the first problem that troubled them was how to determine
their sexual orientation. It was not like this world, where they had to
rack their brains for ways to hide their sexual orientation.
Chi Zhao had been crouching on the ground. When he heard the
system’s answer, he lowered his head, spread open his two legs, and
sat on the floor, “And here I thought……”

【Thought what?】

He had thought that this world’s homosexuals and heterosexuals

were the same. After all, Li Yihan had developed feelings for him so

Chi Zhao’s heart felt uncomfortable. He hadn’t thought that Li Yihan

would also need to experience the pressure of public opinion to be
with him. When he lowered his head, deep in thought, gradually
there were no voices downstairs. After a minute passed, the system
cried out,

【Li Yihan’s coming! Li Yihan’s coming!】

Are you sure that it was Li Yihan coming? And not the grim reaper?

The stairs were covered with thick carpeting, he made no sound at

all as he made his way up. When Chi Zhao raised his head, Li Yihan
had already walked up to him. He arched a brow, “Why are you
sitting here?” 

Then he stretched his hand out towards Chi Zhao. After staring at
that hand for two seconds, Chi Zhao placed his hand on top.

He was pulled up effortlessly. Chi Zhao averted his gaze guiltily,

“Um……Mister, did Er Ye leave?”

“He’s gone,” Li Yihan’s gaze was fixed on him, “You still haven’t
answered me, why you are sitting here.”

After a moment’s pause, he asked again, “Qi Yuan, did you hear
Chi Zhao shook his head very naturally, “No. I did want to eavesdrop,
but by the time I came out, there were already no voices

Li Yihan’s hand habitually cupped Chi Zhao’s nape. Chi Zhao had
already become accustomed to it. He thought that this was Li Yihan’s
little quirk. Some people liked to hold hands, some people liked to
link arms, and some people—like Li Yihan—liked to touch other
people’s nape. However, this time was different. After he heard his
words, Li Yihan’s hand slid slightly, slowly moving over to where Chi
Zhao’s Adam’s apple was.

Chi Zhao subconsciously gulped, and his Adam’s apple moved as

well. Li Yihan’s gaze fell on the place that he was caressing. A long
time afterwards, he chuckled.

“Go down then, you still haven’t finished watching your show.”


Excluding this visit, the members of the Li family never appeared

again. Chi Zhao didn’t notice this. He thought that the members of
the Li family didn’t care about this matter. On the contrary, they
cared about it like their lives depended on it. But Li Yihan didn’t let
them appear before Qi Yuan, because the performance was already
over. There was no need for the other actors who hadn’t gone up on
stage yet to appear.

Recently, the corporation had more and more matters to attend to;
there were also more and more internal problems. Li Yihan did not
understand why. All the problems occurred in succession. Even the
annual profit was lower by a significant amount from the previous
year. At first he thought that there was someone stirring up trouble.
After looking into it, there wasn’t anyone. He could only chalk it up
to bad luck. 
The system—the only one that knew the truth—kept its mouth shut,
deeply hiding its merits and name.

Since the plot had advanced, then the Li Corporation’s

circumstances would also need to gradually come out into the open.
Only in this way would the situation of ‘when it rains, it pours’ be
created after Qi Yuan’s betrayal of Li Yihan was exposed.1

The system was smug for only two days when its logic was thrown
awry. Because although the problems all appeared, Li Yihan was like
a superhuman. With barely any effort at all, he had already resolved
everything. If this was any other time, the system would definitely
be shaking in excitement and yelling internally. It would sing praises
and flatter a business talent like Li Yihan with all its might. But right
now, the system was going mad.

If the problems were all handled, then how would Li Corporation go


The system finally experienced what Chi Zhao felt when he saw that
changed will.

Just like this, a human and a system sank into an emotional slump.


There was a big business deal that needed Li Yihan to be there in

person. He went on a business trip. However, since he still had to go
to school, Chi Zhao didn’t tag along. Before he left, Li Yihan left two
temporary bodyguards behind for Chi Zhao. The bodyguards
followed him wherever he went, they were incredibly professional
and dutiful.

At 2pm in the afternoon, Chi Zhao sat in the warm and cozy cat cafe.
He came out to meet other males behind Lil Fatty’s back.
With one hand petting a purebred British Shorthair cat, Chi Zhao
looked out the window blankly. His mind was completely filled with
one problem.

 “……The will’s been changed, and the green hat failed. I want to take
back my previous words. Li Yihan is not a great Samaritan, he’s a
pervert and a masochist. I’ve already gone to such lengths and he’s
still not the slightest bit mad, is this humane?!”

“It’s fine that he’s not mad, whatever. But what about my mission?
Does failing consecutively for two plot points mean that the whole
mission failed? Then everything I’ve done was useless and a waste
of time?”

“I sacrificed so much, from my body to my heart. Yet Li Yihan didn’t

give me any face at all, causing two plot points to fall apart in one
shot. He’s too much!”

The system: “……”

【Don’t be so downhearted, we still have other chances.】

‘I have nothing left to live for’ was written across Chi Zhao’s face,
“What other chances do we have? The plot has already collapsed to a
total mess. I even suspect that if I go on the bed with someone else
in front of him, he wouldn’t even blink.”

……Now that was an exaggeration.

【The more important scenes are at the back. Perhaps Li Yihan

doesn’t have as high expectations for his other half’s physical
loyalty. But he has very high expectations for the mental loyalty of
the people around him. I did research on this. There was a secretary
who betrayed Li Yihan and was directly sent into jail. She was
sentenced to serve twenty years of jail time. This was a girl, too. He
dispatches someone to visit that girl every month to tell her how
well the man she loved the most and his current wife were doing.】

【He even bribed that girl’s jailmate to torture her everyday. That
girl had committed suicide so many times. Unfortunately, she was
saved every time by that jailmate of hers. She couldn’t die at all.】

Chi Zhao was dumbstruck, “Wow……Then she must have caused Li

Yihan to lose a great deal of money, right?”

【Mn, when she was a spy, the corporation lost five hundred

 “……Did you miss a couple zeroes?”

A watch that Li Yihan bought already had a starting price of two

million yuan.3 And he had a drawer full of luxury watches. Fifty ten
thousand, this would be equivalent to five yuan in Li Yihan’s eyes,
wouldn’t it?

【That’s why, you now understand how much Li Yihan despises

spies, don’t you? As long as you sell the data to Chang Qing, when he
finds out, he will definitely be furious. You can do it, host. I believe in
your abilities. You will definitely be able to let Li Yihan hate the fact
that you’re not dead!】

Chi Zhao: “……” He’ll do his best.

Just as he was conversing with the system, a middle-aged woman

dressed luxuriously walked into the cafe. She surveyed the
surroundings, her gaze finally locking onto Chi Zhao’s figure. She
walked over coldly. The two henchmen didn’t recognize her, but her
hostility was blatant enough. They promptly acted, intending to
shoo her away. Perceiving this, the woman hastily cried out, “Let go
of me, I am Li Yihan’s aunt!”
The three characters ‘Li Yihan’ immediately drew Chi Zhao’s
attention. He raised his head and met that middle-aged woman’s
gaze. After a moment’s consideration, he called out to the two
henchmen, “Stop, let her come.”

British Shorthair cat

The author has something to say:

Chi Zhao: It’s here, it’s here, it’s here! The part where she throws five
million yuan at me to leave her nephew has finally arrived! 

Aunt Li:……Actually, I would much rather you give me five million

yuan, and then I go far, far away from you two

1. ‘When it rains, it pours’ is a proverb meaning that misfortunes

or difficult situations tend to follow each other in rapid succession
or to arrive all at the same time (oxford dictionary).
2. 500,000
3. 2,000,000
Chapter 25
Source: KK Translates


Hi everyone, welcome to my next novel! I will be taking over and

continuing the translation for ‘I Really Am a Slag Shou!’ here
(chapters 25+). Please check the novel page for links to the previous
chapters ^^ This is a novel I haven’t read yet so I’ll be translating as I
go. Let’s hope I don’t get disappointed 🤞 For now, I’m going to try and
update it daily but we’ll see how I go…. Happy reading ❤
“If it weren’t for Li Yihan supporting you so that you don’t
need to worry about food or clothes, you would probably be
moving bricks around on some construction site right now. Is this
how you’re repaying him? By biting the hand that’s feeding you?
You white-eyed wolf!”
Li Yihan’s aunt’s voice wasn’t loud but every word was spoke with
power and force. Chi Zhao supported his chin and stared at her for a
while before speaking, “What else?”
Li Yihan’s aunt was stunned. What else? Were her words earlier
not enough? Everything she had said just now should make another
person ashamed and angry but why was Qi Yuan unfazed?
But it made sense. For someone who could do something so
wicked, their conscience would’ve long been eaten by dogs.
Chi Zhao watched her just glare angrily at him without
responding and couldn’t help but feel disappointed inside.
Alas, he had thought that she would pull out a chequebook, throw
him a cheque of five million and tell him to take the money and get
Please read this from kk translates
But it didn’t happen. What a pity.
The system silently watching from the sidelines: “……….”
Chi Zhao took a deep breath. He changed his posture and raised
his lids to look up at the other party, “So, after all that talk just
now, you just want me to leave Mister.”
It really wasn’t. She knew perfectly well herself how little
influence she had about this matter and she also knew that Qi Yuan
was in it for the money and definitely wouldn’t leave in vain. She
was just too angry, so she took advantage of the time Li Yihan is out
on a business trip to find Qi Yuan and curse up a storm.
She sneered, “You leaving? What use is there for that? The
news about Li Yihan being gay has already spread. Do you know
how much the corporations’ stocks have fallen over the past
month? Everyone out there is saying that he is incestuous and
promiscuous and has become so infatuated over a man that he
has even forgotten what his own last name is. Even if you leave,
those rumours are still around. Look at this, this is all your
Chi Zhao glanced at her, “Are you angry because I seduced your
nephew or because the stocks have fallen?”
Li Yihan’s aunt’s expression froze for a moment. She quickly
said, “Of course it’s because you seduced my nephew. His parents
are no longer around so I can be considered his closest relative. If
I don’t care about him, who else will?!”
Chi Zhao smiled, “Is that so? That’s good then. I thought you
were angry because the stocks fell but now that I think about it,
what relationship could you have with the stocks? You don’t even
own much of it anyway.”
There was a small light blue table between them. Chi Zhao placed
the British Shorthair cat on the ground before sitting properly and
leaning forward slightly to get closer to Li Yihan’s aunt and see the
other party’s face more clearly. It was so close; he could even see the
corners of her eyes twitching. Chi Zhao’s voice was like a lover’s
whisper, but his words were like sharp words exchanged between
“Don’t always go after other people’s money, and don’t always
waste your time worrying about other people’s affairs. Also, you
shouldn’t act so pretentious. You’re not even as good as a dog so
stop trying to pretend to be an elephant.”
Li Yihan’s aunt’s eyes instantly widened. She shot up from her
seat, pointed at Chi Zhao and began to throw curses at Chi Zhao, in
turn attracting the attention of the other people in the café. Chi Zhao
on the other end kept his eyes lowered, hiding all his emotions. He
raised his hand and the two subordinates standing on the side
immediately stepped forward and dragged Li Yihan’s aunt out of the
When he left, Chi Zhao give the staff two hundred yuan. Although
he didn’t bring her here, she had come here for him, so this was his
way of compensating the store for the disturbance.
The staff originally had a good impression of him and this act of
his increased it by several folds. She had also heard a part of their
conversation just now so when Chi Zhao left, she clenched her fist
and made a cheering gesture, “Don’t pay attention to the rumours.
Everyone is equal in front of love. Good luck! I support you!”
Chi Zhao smiled faintly as he accepted the stranger’s warm
After returning home, Chi Zhao didn’t watch TV. Instead, he sat on
the sofa on the first floor with Lil’ Fatty in his arms, mechanically
repeating his actions from earlier at the cat café.
Very quickly, the incident on Chi Zhao’s end and his reactions
reached Li Yihan’s ears.
After listening to the report, Li Yihan hung up the phone with a
dark expression.
He issued two orders to Zhao Bin; firstly, to fire the subordinates
who are in charge of watching over the Li Family, and secondly, to
fire his aunt’s husband, take out all the evidence collected in
advance of the corruption and bribery he had been involved in and
send it to court.
His aunt’s husband is a mid-level supervisor and her son also
works in the corporation as a new employee. As for her daughter,
she is studying abroad while she herself is a housewife who only
spends her time shopping and wasting money. With her husband
losing his job and her son about to lose his job too, not to mention
not having a source of income for the family, her husband was going
to face a lawsuit from the corporation. Monetary compensation and
jail are things that cannot be avoided. With this, even her daughter
would not be able to continue with her studies.
This was what Zhao Bin thought when he was issued with those
two orders, but he didn’t sympathise with them at all. They had
fallen into this state because they had been too conceited.
Please read this from kk translates
As Zhao Bin left to do his job, Li Yihan sat by his bed, watching Qi
Yuan’s heart monitor.
It was slower than usual, and it hadn’t changed much for a rather
long time. Li Yihan could tell that Qi Yuan was deep in thought.
Every time he thought about important things, his heart rate would
change like this and, usually, those things are related to him.
Li Yihan furrowed his brows. He was worried about Qi Yuan
taking his aunts words to heart.
Chi Zhao on the other hand was mulling over how he should go
about selling the company secrets to Chang Qing when music
suddenly sounded. He dug out his phone from his pocket and saw
that it was a call from Li Yihan. By chance, he took note of the time
and realised that it was already a little past eight and he hadn’t even
had dinner yet.
Chi Zhao answered the phone. With the combined effects of the
phone signal and the electrical current, Li Yihan’s voice sounded
somewhat different. The opening lines were the usual greetings
such as how was your day and have you eaten. After Chi Zhao
answered them one by one, Li Yihan fell silent for a moment before
asking, “Qi Yuan, do you have anything you want to tell me?”
Chi Zhao’s hand that had been petting the cat stopped. Sensing
that he was no longer being petted, Lil’ Fatty glanced back at him
before smoothly jumping out of his lap and leaving in search for
Chi Zhao knew what he was asking. Li Yihan’s two subordinates
were not only there to protect him, but also to watch over him. Li
Yihan must’ve found out by now what happened during the day and
he was probably asking him this question to give him a chance to
speak out.
Why did he want him to speak out? To help him take revenge?
He definitely would do that.
But he didn’t need his help. Back at the café, he had already lashed
back himself and what’s more, Li Yihan’s aunt didn’t do anything to
him so there was no need to retaliate.
But it did feel really nice. After suffering some unjust treatment,
there was someone who would immediately step out to stand up for
him. In the past, the girls in his class would always want a boyfriend
who would spoil them and Chi Zhao couldn’t understand them. Now
that he has a boyfriend who would spoil him, it had to be said that it
felt really great and it made his heart feel warm.
The corners of Chi Zhao’s lips rose. He unconsciously shifted his
gaze to one side and just happened to see the digital clock sitting on
the cabinet. The date on it had passed by very quickly. In a blink of
an eye, he had stayed here for eight months. Very soon, the last plot
point would come, and his happy days would come to an end.
The corners of Chi Zhao’s lips fell. Li Yihan didn’t hear his answer,
so he patiently asked again. His question managed to get Chi Zhao’s
attention back. Chi Zhao blinked a few times and replied, “Yes, I do.”
Li Yihan’s mood relaxed a little. All this time, Qi Yuan had never
requested him for anything, except for when he wanted to raise the
cat. Not hearing a single complaint from him, Li Yihan had always
felt uneasy. Now that Qi Yuan was willing to voice his complaints to
him, he felt very happy.
“What is it? Tell me and I’ll help you solve it.”
Chi Zhao leaned back on the sofa. Moving his free hand to the side,
his finger subconsciously rubbed against the surface of the sofa. He
smiled slightly, “I miss Mister. Really, really miss you. How are you
going to solve this for me?”
The author has something to say: Li Yihan: That’s simple. Turn on
the camera and let’s chat naked. System: Mister Sexy, currently
online and naked. Delivered to the door. Payment on delivery! Chi
Zhao: …………
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: Oh Chi Zhao you flirt 🤭
Chapter 26
Source: KK Translates


Because of Chi Zhao’s words, Li Yihan vitality surged, and he

couldn’t fall asleep the entire night. If it weren’t for the corporation
being in a bad situation recently and requiring this deal to go
through, he would have flown back that very night.
Li Yihan’s calls usually lasted for half an hour but today, it had
gone on for more than two hours. If Chi Zhao didn’t say he was
hungry, he probably would’ve talked until Chi Zhao fell asleep.
After hanging up, Chi Zhao looked over at the two
subordinates, “You two can go back and rest. I’ll just get
something to eat and I will go to bed after eating.”
It was much safer at home compared to outside so the two
subordinates didn’t need to be too vigilant. They responded and
returned to the servant rooms Zhang Bo had temporarily prepared
for them. After they left, Chi Zhao stood up, took out a plate of
mango cake from the fridge and brought it with him upstairs.
It was eleven o’clock in the evening. After a few mouthfuls, Chi
Zhao had demolished the cake. He then smacked his mouth with
satisfaction, “I’m full now. Let’s go! Time to steal information!”
He had already thought about how he would sell it and all that
was missing now was the information. Chi Zhao quietly pushed open
the door to Li Yihan’s study. He stood before a large archiving
cabinet in thought, “Which one to sell?”
【 The first one to the left on the second row. It contains the Li
Group’s plans for the second half of the year including what projects
they will be working on, which companies they will be working with
and which companies they plan to acquire. Sell this one. Chang Qing
will definitely want it.】
Chi Zhao immediately vetoed it, “This can’t do! It’s too
important. If Chang Qing knew what the group is doing for the
second half of the year and deliberately got in their way, what
will become of everyone there? What if all those employees
become unable to be paid?”
【Then the second one from the right on the third row. It contains
the financial details of the Li Group over the past few years.】
Chi Zhao frowned and rejected it again, “That’s the Li
Corporation’s inside information. If I reveal all that, Chang Qing
will know about all their financial loopholes. Wouldn’t that make
it very easy for him to destroy the group?”
Please read this from kk translates
The Li Corporation is a century old business that is strong and
well established. How could it be destroyed so easily? Even if it
encounters a problem, under Li Yihan’s management, it would be a
matter of minutes for the corporation to come back to life.
【…..Then which one do you want to sell?】
Chi Zhao went through several of them before finally pulling out
one, “How about this one?”
The industry the Li Corporation was originally involved in was
heavy industry. In recent years, it had moved onto real estate and
construction. The file Chi Zhao had picked out was a project that was
due to be started in July and it included details of the how the land
would be purchased from the government, how publicity would be
done, the building design as well as who they intended to hire to
build it. On first glance, it looked pretty good.
But that is if you ignore the additional file at the end.
The attached file was a piece of paper with only a few short
sentences written on it. The words were very formal and serious. If
you translated into layman terms, it basically said that the Planning
Department had found a better business opportunity and that the
plan has been postponed indefinitely.
System: “……….”
Chi Zhao was still gently guiding the system, “You also said it
before that he will only be reborn after reaching Nirvana so what
we have to do is to let Li Yihan reach Nirvana. Burning him with
fire is different from burning a couple of incense sticks. We might
really burn Li Yihan out if we go too hard so we should hold back
a little, right?”
Right your grandmother.
The system silently cursed at him. It only spoke up again after
some time and this time its voice wasn’t the same as before and
seemed to be sterner.
【Host, do you know the consequences of failing the mission?】
Chi Zhao’s hand holding the documents shook, “Isn’t it just
moving on to the next world to complete the task there?”
【Incorrect. That is what happens to your soul. Your soul will not
receive any punishment. Your body however is still under our care.
The longer you take to finish and the longer you delay it, the more
your body is going to suffer. If you continue to fail, yes, your soul will
not be punished but the moment your body is damaged, you
probably can only live for one or two days after going back. At worst,
you may not even be able to return and remain trapped in the
various mission worlds here forever. When your body can no longer
be preserved and becomes dust, even if you work hard to get out,
you will no longer have the chance to do that anymore.】
Chi Zhao’s body froze. He didn’t expect this at all.
After a long time, he finally asked, “When will my body be
completely damaged?”
【The time flow of each world is different, so I cannot tell the host
about this. The host should just focus on completing your task as
soon as possible. Don’t become too emotionally attached to the
target. Your future with boundless prospects is still waiting for
Chi Zhao: “……..” He was originally solemnly taking in the systems
words just now but when he heard the last line, he wilted.
The system stored away its big wolf tail and also found it strange.
Everything it had said just now was correct but when Chi Zhao
asked that key question earlier, it had lied. In fact, it could have told
Chi Zhao that based on the time flow in this world, his body would
only begin to decline after about a thousand years and, after three
thousand years, his body would be completely destroyed. But the
system was afraid that once it said this, the host who was originally
soft-hearted towards Li Yihan may completely let himself go
thinking that there was still plenty of time anyway.
In the end, Chi Zhao went with the document that looked useful
but was actually completely useless. He ran over to Chang Qing’s
company, found the person and explained to him that he wanted to
sell him something. Sitting in the office, Chang Qing couldn’t help but
smile, “What are you selling me?”
“In any case, it’s something you need.”
Chang Qing narrowed his eyes, “Then what do you want?”
Please read this from kk translates
He supported his chin and stared at him for a while. Chang Qing
crossed his legs, the smile in his eyes growing deeper, “Alright, you
can go back first. I am very busy today. When I have time, I will
go find you for this trade.”
Chi Zhao was worried about more complications arising with the
delay, so he urged, “Then you hurry up.”
“I understand.”
Chang Qing watched Chi Zhao leave and sat there in his sofa with
his eyes lowered in thought for a long time. He felt that this was a
little interesting, so he called someone over and said, “Go to the
White Oak Restaurant and make a reservation for two.”
The White Oak Restaurant was a very well-known restaurant.
Those who go to eat there are rich and powerful. His subordinate
readily accepted the task and asked, “Director Chang, what time is
the reservation?”
“It is up to you to find out yourself.” Chang Qing raised his eyes,
“Doesn’t Young Master Tang like to bring his little lover to have
dinner there? Just go and find out when Young Master Tang will
go there next and book it at that time, understand?”
His subordinate subconsciously glanced at the door before
bowing his head in understanding.
After the plot advanced, the progress of the world accelerated too
but although this can affect the general situation, it cannot affect the
hearts of the people living in these worlds. Three years ago, Chang
Qing was not so hostile towards Li Yihan and hadn’t yet regarded
him as a thorn in his eyes. Moreover, Li Yihan’s actions made him
feel that he definitely wasn’t someone easy to deal with, so it was
best not to have any bad blood between them.
Although he didn’t want to offend Li Yihan, it didn’t mean that he
couldn’t watch Li Yihan embarrass himself.
The old tree had finally blossomed but the one he was holding
onto so preciously was actually someone who would betray him for
money. If this reached Li Yihan’s ears, it would be an amusing show.
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: Chi Zhao is such a good boi
Chapter 27
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao sat by the window inside White Oak Restaurant. Chang
Qin hadn’t arrived yet, so he had asked the waiter for a glass of
water and he sat there sipping on it, waiting for him.
Tang Size lazily sauntered in and was led to his exclusive seat by
the waiter which was far from where Chi Zhao sat. Tang Size walked
a few steps before realising that something was wrong. When he
turned around and looked carefully, he recognised that it was Qi
Yuan from Li Yihan’s family.
Tang Size raised his brow. Did Li Yihan and his family’s child come
out for dinner?
Tang Size found it interesting and got ready to go over to say
hello. Chi Zhao clearly no longer remembered him; the last time the
two met was at the reception last year, he also doesn’t usually visit
Li’s place and Chi Zhao on the other hand never attended those
messy events since the two got together. After all, Qi Yuan’s former
identity was that of a fake heir and he needed to act out his role
appropriately but now that his identity is Li Yihan’s lover, Li Yihan
naturally wouldn’t let his lover work hard and deal with a group of
scrutinising and critical people.
Please read this from kk translates
Tang Size was in the midst of turning back but before he could
take another step, another familiar figure walked in. Chang Qing had
entered the restaurant after him. He had specially set this up today
to let Tang Size see. If Tang Size didn’t see, then it would have been a
waste of his time.
Chang Qing walked up to Qi Yuan without averting his gaze and
didn’t even glance at Tang Size. Qi Yuan stood up slightly, nodded to
Chang Qing before sitting down again. He passed over the menu
looking like he wanted to let Chang Qing order the food while Chang
Qing smiled gently back at him.
Tang Size was dumbfounded.
What was going on?
Wasn’t Qi Yuan still at school? How could he be friends with
Chang Qing?!
Seeing that he wasn’t moving, the waiter spoke up to remind him,
Tang Size immediately turned around and desperately shushed
her. The waiter was stunned for a moment. Tang Size glanced back
to make sure the two hadn’t noticed him before lowering his voice
and saying, “Change my seat to that one there.”
The table he had pointed at was a small square table for two. The
back faced Chang Qing and there was a large vase blocking so it was
a good place for eavesdropping. The corner of the waiter’s lip
twitched but she still changed it as requested.
Noticing a figure walk past, Chi Zhao looked up. He felt that he
looked a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen
it before, and the system also only had an impression of the
important characters in the plot. Someone like Tang Size who
belonged to the “legendary good friend of the protagonist”
category was naturally not included in that. Since neither of them
remembered, Chi Zhao didn’t pay it any attention. He continued to
speak to Chang Qing, “I have brought it over. Where’s the money?
Did you bring it?”
Chang Qing smiled, “Don’t worry.”
He raised his hand and bent his finger. A person dressed as a
bodyguard standing outside the restaurant with a metallic silver
briefcase immediately bowed his head. Chi Zhao looked at it with
narrowed eyes for a moment before pulling out the documents from
his schoolbag.
But he didn’t give it to Chang Qing. He asked him first, “How much
do you plan to give?”
“It depends on the value of your thing.”
If they were to talk about its value, it’s actually worth nothing.
Even if Chang Qing gave him one yuan, it was Chi Zhao who had
profited. He had no idea how much it could sell for, but he adhered
to the principle of making more money where possible. After Chang
Qing read the cover of the document, Chi Zhao immediately set the
bar high, “Five million.”
Chang Qing said unhurriedly, “Five hundred thousand.”
Chi Zhao: “…………” Great, looks like he has met a bargaining pro.
Chang Qing had ruthlessly swung down the knife, directly cutting
off a zero from the end. Chi Zhao and he continued for a long time
before finally settling at a price of 1.5 million yuan. Chi Zhao gave
him the documents and after going out, Chang Qing’s subordinate
handed him the metal briefcase.
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Even after seeing the two figures disappear one after another,
Tang Size still couldn’t close his mouth.
He had come out to have dinner with his new fresh meat today
but after seeing the two together, he had already sent the fresh meat
home with a short text message. Withdrawing his gaze, Tang Size
tried to reassure himself.
Maybe Qi Yuan was selling Chang Qing his own patents and he
might not have stolen Li Yihan’s confidential documents. Kids
nowadays are clever and have invented many things at a young age.
Qi Yuan must also be like this….Fuck, even he has difficulty believing
in an excuse like this, okay?!
Tang Size was in a heavy mood. This was pretty much equivalent
to seeing Qi Yuan cuckolding Li Yihan. He found himself in an
awkward position; if he told Li Yihan, his friend would be hurt but if
he didn’t tell Li Yihan, his friend would be kept in the dark.
Since both would leave him in an awkward situation, he should
just go ahead and tell him.
When Chi Zhao went to Chang Qing’s company, Li Yihan had
already returned from a business trip. Without his subordinates by
his side, it was much easier for Chi Zhao to do bad things. He had
skipped school today; despite leaving for school early in the
morning, he didn’t go to school at all and had instead gone to the
bank after having some breakfast outside.
After waiting for more than an hour, it was finally Chi Zhao’s turn.
After Chi Zhao gave Li Yihan his card as a gift, Li Yihan had given him
another card that was of an even higher level. All the money he had
was gathered and put into this card that was given to him by Li
Once that was done, he went to find Chang Qing at the restaurant.
Now carrying a briefcase that looked like it contained money, Chi
Zhao was very nervous. He had always felt that if everything went
according to routine, three tall and strong black men would
suddenly appear and point a gun against his back, saying with a
threatening voice, “Give me the money, bitch.”
………Clearly Chi Zhao had watched too many European and
American movies.
He had planned to walk to the bank but now he didn’t dare to do
that anymore and instead took a taxi over. Once there, he once again
had to queue up for more than two hours.
Haaa, no matter which world he’s in, the efficiency of state-owned
banks still is so frustratingly slow.
While Chi Zhao waited for his number to be called out, Tang Si had
already arrived at Li Yihan’s office. He kicked Zhao Bin and the
others out before looking sincerely at Li Yihan, “Brother, let me tell
you something but before I say it, I just want to let you know that
if you want to live a good life, it is a must to have a little green on
your head.”
Li Yihan: “………..”
Chi Zhao’s butt was almost about to be stuck onto the banks chair.
Finally, the bank called out his number. Chang Qing had given him
foreign currently. In total, it was 1.5 million yuan but in foreign
currency, it was about thirty thousand. Thirty thousand was also
rather heavy. If you included the briefcase, it wouldn’t be a problem
to use it to kill a cow.
Chi Zhao stood up and went over to the counter. With a bang, he
placed the briefcase onto the counter, opened it and placed two
stacks into his backpack first before saying domineeringly, “I want
to deposit money.”
Seeing the briefcase filled with foreign currency, the female teller
was stunned for a moment. She then pointed him a direction, “Large
deposits can be done in the VIP room. There is no need to line up.”
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Chapter 28
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao clutched his wounded heart and carried the briefcase
over to the VIP room.
He timed it such that he returned home around the time he would
usually return home from school. At this time, Uncle Zhang was just
about to clock off. Seeing him return, he immediately stood up
straight and bowed slightly to Chi Zhao.
Since his relationship with Li Yihan had changed, Uncle Zhang’s
attitude towards him had also changed. Before, he would look at Qi
Yuan with eight parts kindness and two parts pity, but now it was
five parts courtesy and five parts respect which was completely in
line with his status as the housekeeper.
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Seeing that estrangement and indifference in those eyes, Chi Zhao
stood there and didn’t move.
For the people in this world, Chi Zhao would subconsciously not
pay them any attention because he was afraid that he would become
too attached to them, but Uncle Zhang was different. When he just
came to this world, the first person he saw was Li Yihan and the
second was Uncle Zhang. He had always looked at him with a smile
and would help him buy Lil’ Fatty’s snacks and clean the litter box.
He was a very kind and gentle uncle.
Uncle Zhang had already changed his clothes and was about to
leave. Seeing that Chi Zhao had no intention to move aside, he
decided to go through the back door instead to leave. As soon as he
turned around, Chi Zhao asked a question.
“Is it so hard for you to accept Mister and I becoming a
Uncle Zhang paused. He softly sighed and turned back around.
“It is not difficult to accept. Although I am old, I am not
muddle-headed. I have worked with Sir for many years and to be
honest, even if he just finds a bird to keep him company, I can
easily accept it and if it were a human, I would be even happier.”
“Then why…..”
“Uncle Zhang didn’t wait for him to finish asking, “Because,
Master Qi Yuan, you don’t really want to be a couple with Sir.”
As the housekeeper, saying these things was out of line but since
he had worked here for so many year, Uncle Zhang had already
regarded himself as half Li Yihan’s elder. Seeing his junior falling
into a pit and yet be unable to do anything, he felt very
Uncle Zhang looked at Chi Zhao suspiciously, “I really don’t
understand. What exactly do you want? If you just want to play
around, you shouldn’t provoke Sir. He isn’t someone you can
afford to play around with.”
This Chi Zhao knew. The price of playing around were broken
legs, turning blind and then starving to death. He still remembered it
It wouldn’t be long until it was time for him to leave. When he was
at the bank just now, he had taken out two stacks of money from the
briefcase. Once converted, it should be a little over a hundred
thousand. When the time comes, buying a plane ticket to go abroad
would be about ten thousand and half of the rest would be used to
rent a place while the other half would be used to sort out his food
and daily expenses. Life may be tough, but he at least wouldn’t
starve to death.
From growing up until now, Chi Zhao hadn’t truly had a hard life
yet. He sighed internally and then raised his eyes and said to Uncle
Zhang, “I have troubled you these days.”
Uncle Zhang was taken aback but Chi Zhao just walked past him
and returned to his room.
Chi Zhao didn’t print out another copy of the stolen document to
replace it. He instead mixed a few of the documents and in the
empty folder, there was now another document. The one that was
left empty was the one that originally had documents on the
corporations’ plans for the second half of the year. When he left. Chi
Zhao deliberately left it sticking out a little so that Li Yihan could see
that someone had touched it, but it would also not look too obvious,
like it was done deliberately.
Li Yihan had returned a few days ago. It was estimated that he had
already noticed that something was off, but he didn’t act any
different from before. Chi Zhao felt that he was probably quietly
collecting evidence first before taking him down in one fell swoop.
While he was collecting evidence, it was time for him to take the
next step.
Go and tamper with his car.
Chi Zhao fell into daze again. Lil’ Fatty wandered around the
house before finally slipping into Chi Zhao’s room. He tilted his head
and glanced over at Chi Zhao. Feeling that the state of his poop
shoveler didn’t seem quite right, he sat there in thought for a while
before reluctantly walking over and offering up his fluffy butt.
———Rub it. This master here knows you want to rub it.
There was no reason to reject an ass that was offered up. Chi Zhao
held Lil’ Fatty in his arms and petted him until Li Yihan was back.
Looking back down at Lil’ Fatty’s butt, the hair there was visibly
……It looked almost bald.
Li Yihan stood at the door. Seeing him come back, Lil’ Fatty knew
that he was saved. He let out a tearful meow, causing Chi Zhao’s
repeated act of petting to finally stop. Lil’ Fatty quickly used this
chance to escape from his clutches.
“Have you eaten?”
Chi Zhao shook his head.
Li Yihan looked at him expressionlessly, “Come down and eat.”
Dinner this time was extremely quiet, even the system didn’t dare
speak and Lil’ Fatty also sat silently to the side, secretly observing
the two humans. Amidst the silence, Li Yihan’s cold voice suddenly
travelled over, “I still have some work to do. I’ll go upstairs first.”
Chi Zhao looked up in surprise, “Oh, Mister. Don’t work too
hard and go to bed early.”
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They had been sleeping together the past few months. Chi Zhao’s
subconscious words just now showed that he had thought that Li
Yihan would not sleep in the same room as him tonight. Li Yihan
looked at him in silence for a few seconds before turning around and
heading upstairs.
With Li Yihan gone, the rest of the food tasted like wax in his
mouth. Chi Zhao placed down his chopsticks and similarly went
upstairs. For half the night, he sat by the door in daze.
Suddenly, he spoke, “System.”
The system seemed to know that he had something to say so it
made a small sound to show that it was listening.
“I don’t want to hurt Li Yihan.”
After a moment of silence, the system made a sound of
understanding. No one wants to harm other people and those who
are willing are bad people. The systems naturally wouldn’t bind
themselves to bad people like them.
“But I also want to go home.”
Chi Zhao hung his head, his voice getting smaller, “He really
will live on and not die unexpectedly like how I did?”
Chi Zhao had passed away in an accident. He was walking down a
road normally when something fell from a tall building next to him.
He wasn’t even able to see what it was before his life was
This method of death was really too random.
It is very difficult for a human to be born. Firstly, there must be a
man and woman who are willing to marry and then it is followed by
pregnancy. After nine months of pregnancy, the mother who has
already suffered enough would still have to put her life on the line to
give birth before being able to enjoy the joy of welcoming a new life.
Life comes by hard, but death comes by too easily. It’s so easy, it can
make people feel despondent.
If the store at the park didn’t randomly connect the power that
day, the school would not have had a power outage. If the school
didn’t have a power outage, Chi Zhao would not have chosen to go
out for a walk because the dorm was too hot. If the child in that tall
building didn’t put the flowerpot next to the edge of the balcony, the
dog would not have accidentally nudged it off.
This serious of funny events eventually resulted in a tragedy no
one could laugh at. Most people would say, how could there be some
many ifs?
The system didn’t speak. It naturally knew of Chi Zhao’s
experience and it was only a long time later that it spoke.
【It won’t happen because Li Yihan is different from you.】
“How is he different?”
【 Your life only just begun when you met me and Li Yihan’s life
will finally start when he leaves you. Right now, his life has not
begun yet so he will not die.】
It was rare for the system to say something so profound. Chi Zhao
was stunned for a moment before lightly chuckling, “It’s good that
he won’t die.”
When their conversation ended, a door outside opened. It was the
sound of Li Yihan coming out from the study. Chi Zhao listened with
a bated breath and heard the sound of another door closing. He had
returned to his own room.
Chi Zhao sat cross-legged on the ground and waited there for
another half an hour before tiptoeing out.
When he reached the basement, he didn’t dare turn on the light
and just felt around though the dark until he reached the garage and
turned on the lights in there.
After doing everything today, he will leave by plane tomorrow
morning. It would be no problem buying a ticket at that time
because the world will definitely leave a seat for him. Chi Zhao
wasn’t afraid of being captured by the surveillance cameras, so he
boldly walked over to Li Yihan’s car.
“What about the tools?”
【In the cabinet over there.】
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KK has something to say: Sorry all, I will be splitting the next
chapter into three parts. I normally prefer posting entire chapters
but the next chapter is titled “3 chapters in 1” so it is 3 times
(actually more a little more than that) normal chapter length.
Chapter 29 Part 1
Source: KK Translates


As for where Chi Zhao went today, Li Yihan naturally knew all
about it. The clues he had deliberately left behind were also
discovered by Li Yihan, but Chi Zhao had forgotten one thing; once
or twice was fine but there cannot be a third time.
Li Yihan was now left with a psychological shadow by Chi Zhao.
He stood before the archiving cabinet with furrowed brows for a
long time. His first reaction wasn’t to think that Qi Yuan had stolen
his files, but that Qi Yuan was up to something again.
He had always felt that with Qi Yuan’s character, he wouldn’t do
something like this so simply so there must be some tricks behind it.
And so, he took out a few more folders. As expected, after taking
down five, the contents of one didn’t match.
Poor Li Yihan. He had to sit down on the floor of the study and go
through over a hundred folders, comparing them one by one, before
finally finding the missing item.
He thought for a long time only to finally remember that it was a
plan that the Planning Department had made at the beginning of the
year. Only a few days after it was proposed, it was turned down by
himself and the matter was over and done with.
This kind of thing has happened too often. Li Yihan’s pain and
sadness from earlier had turned into helplessness and amusement.
Holding the empty folder, he was still a little curious. He wondered
what Qi Yuan would do next to make him misunderstand him.
Qi Yuan had gone to Chang Qing’s company. He knew this, but he
didn’t say anything about it. He just waited patiently for Qi Yuan’s
act to finish. Qi Yuan hadn’t done anything for the past few days but
today he finally acted. Checking his location and seeing that he was
at the bank in the morning, he felt that something wasn’t right.
If he wanted to sell the documents to Chang Qing, shouldn’t he go
to the bank after meeting Chang Qing? Why did he go to the bank
When Tang Si came to find Li Yihan, Li Yihan was checking the
activity of the card he had given Qi Yuan.
When Qi Yuan spent money, he never paid it any attention and he
wouldn’t check it either. Seeing it today, he saw that Qi Yuan had
basically not spent anything. With only one or two expenses a day,
his daily expenses didn’t exceed two hundred yuan. Moreover, these
expenses were only spent on food and they were the most common
restaurants found lining the streets like hot pot restaurants, skewer
restaurants, pickled cabbage and fish restaurants….
He didn’t buy clothes or daily necessities or even notebooks for
taking notes. Staring at these trivial expenses, Li Yihan finally
realised why he found it strange.
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He had never bought anything that could be kept or used for a
long time.
It was as if he would only stay there for a short period of time. Just
like travelling, once it reaches a certain point in time, he would
Tang Size was too nervous when he came in and he didn’t look at
Li Yihan’s face carefully. It was only after he finished saying
everything that was on his mind and he checked Li Yihan’s reaction
that he made a sound of affirmation inside.
Look at that. If you’re a man, you would be furious when you hear
something like this. Just the look in Li Yihan’s eyes was enough to
freeze people into ice sculptures!
Tang Size softened his tone and comforted him, “Fortunately, I
found out. You should hurry home and see what exactly he sold to
Chang Qing so that you can stop the loss in time and then deal
with the child later….”
Before he could finish, Li Yihan looked up at him, “Deal with
“Of course, it’s dealing with……..” Tang Size met his eyes and
immediately fell silent. After a long period of silence, he smiled
awkwardly, “Deal with me. Uh, that, I’ll deal with myself and
leave. I still have dinner plans tonight. See you later.”
Tang Size ran away in a hurry, letting the door close behind him.
There seemed to be a fire burning in Li Yihan’s chest. The heat
travelled through all his internal organs and there was also a faint
feeling of sweetness in his throat. He closed his eyes for a while
when suddenly, his computer made a sound.
The bank deposit was instant. When Li Yihan opened his eyes and
refreshed the screen, he saw that just half a minute ago, 1.4 million
yuan was deposited into the account.
Sitting next to the wheel of the car, Chi Zhao held a red wrench as
he discussed with the system their next actions.
He decided to loosen three bolts on the wheel of the car.
According to the system, once these bolts are loose, it would make it
easy for the car to slip when driving and at that point the system
would communicate with the world consciousness to create a little
accident for Li Yihan to get him into a coma.
Chi Zhao looked bitterly at the bolts for a while before finally
making up his mind to loosen it a little. Just as the system was about
to praise him, he seemed to have changed his mind and the bolts
were tightened again.
Because he was too angry, he used more force when tightening
and had tightened the bolt a little more than how it was before.
System: “……..”
【What’s wrong?】
“I can’t do it.” Chi Zhao replied in a small voice.
Chi Zhao was very downhearted, and the system was even more
so than him, but it must cheer up and comfort Chi Zhao.
【He will make a comeback in the future and will come find you
for revenge. You will be able to see an even better him then.】
“Nonsense.” Chi Zhao’s voice was even smaller, “The Li Yihan at
that time won’t be the same Li Yihan. It would be Li Yihan 2.0.”
System: “……….”
“Because of me, he will no longer trust others. Because of me,
he would no longer let others close to his heart. Because of me, he
will be left with a psychological shadow that cannot be erased for
a lifetime and his heart will always be filled with anger and
hatred towards me. Even until he dies, he might not be able to let
it go.”
The system didn’t speak. It was probably because it had nothing
to say.
After a long time, the system said carefully.
【Then……what about the matter of going home?】
Chi Zhao scratched his head irritably, “You go clean up. I want
some time alone. Don’t worry, I’ll have everything taken care of
by the time you’re back.”
Chi Zhao wouldn’t lie to the system. Since he had said that, the
system felt reassured. It stretched out a data strand and gently
patted Chi Zhao’s neuron.
【 Then I’m leaving. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself.
Once you’re done, go back to your room and pack your things.】
“I know.”
After the system left, Chi Zhao sat there staring at the bolts for a
long time. He then finally reached out to loosen the bolts but after a
moment of silence, he once again tightened them back.
Even Chi Zhao thinks he’s being silly, but he just couldn’t make up
his mind. He didn’t have the determination to complete the task nor
have the determination to give it up. He wanted both, but he also
couldn’t afford both.
Li Yihan was just a task target whereas completing the task and
having the opportunity to go back was everything to him. He should
be very clear about which one was more important but why was it
such a difficult decision?
Chi Zhao suddenly felt frustrated. Sitting on the ground with his
hand hanging low, he looked like a pitiful child who had just been
abandoned. He raised his free hand to quickly wipe his eyes and
sniffed his nose before placing the wrench over the bolt once again.
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Li Yihan stood in the shadows by the door of the garage. He had
been watching on for a long time with no expression on his face. It
was only when he saw him loosen the bolts for the third time that he
decided to slowly walk over, squat down behind him and hold the
hand holding the wrench.
Chi Zhao turned back in surprise, but Li Yihan didn’t look at him.
He continued to hold Chi Zhao’s hand and move it such that the
wrench was over the bolt. Li Yihan’s hand was stronger than Chi
Zhao’s so he was able to very quickly loosen the bolt.
Chi Zhao kept resisting but he couldn’t beat Li Yihan’s strength.
Chi Zhao was so anxious, he was almost in tears. Li Yihan glanced
down at him and asked, “Is one enough? Do you want to do
another one?”
Chi Zhao’s breathing was erratic. He tried his best to retract his
hand, but Li Yihan continued to hold onto it tightly, not letting him
move. Seeing that he wasn’t answering, he asked again.
Chi Zhao was startled. His expression suddenly changed, and he
fiercely shook his head. This time, Li Yihan let go of him. Chi Zhao’s
brain finally came online again, and the system also noticed the
abnormality. It quickly dropped its self-cleaning process and hurried
In fact, Li Yihan’s alias should be Shen Long.
One can see Shen Long’s head but not it’s tail. This was too
strange! How could he always show up when Chi Zhao is about to
finish a plot point?!
The system called out to Chi Zhao twice but both times it was
ignored. Chi Zhao continued to glare fiercely at Li Yihan, looking as if
he was ready to fight him to death.
Met with Qi Yuan’s sudden change in attitude, Li Yihan’s reaction
was very calm. It was as if he didn’t help Qi Yuan create a safety
hazard for himself just now and had just helped him fry an egg.
Chi Zhao was about to explode in anger, although he didn’t
understand why he was so angry.
Now that he was found out, then there was no need for him to
continue hiding it. He said, “I am a bad guy.”
Li Yihan didn’t even turn his eyes, “Yeah.”
“Saying that I like you was a lie. I only like your money. If you
were a pauper, I wouldn’t have even paid you any attention.”
The first few lines were like a blunt knife, stabbing into Li Yihan’s
heart. After hearing the second part, the pain gradually eased and he
lowered his eyes, “Yeah.”
“What yeah?! I hate you, I really hate you! That’s why I want to
cheat and be with others. You’ve met Zhou Hetian, right? I’ve
slept with him. You, Li Yihan, have been made to wear a green
hat by me!”
This time Li Yihan didn’t ‘yeah’ anymore. He raised his eyes and
looked calmly at Chi Zhao. This calmness however was different
from before. It seemed to be a lot more complicated and there
seemed to be some kind of emotions Chi Zhao couldn’t understand
in there.
It was tolerance and deep love. Although he knew that it was a lie,
just hearing it coming from Chi Zhao’s mouth left a deep wound in Li
Yihan’s heart. He recovered for a while before being able to calm
himself down.
Chi Zhao couldn’t bear with it anymore. He pointed at his nose,
“I not only made you wear a green hat, I also stole your
company’s confidential documents and sold them to your
competitor for a lot of money. Now that I have received the
money, I am ready to leave. Even if you found out now, I’ll be
leaving tomorrow, and you won’t be able to find me after that!”
After pointing at himself, he pointed again at the car, “See
that? This is me setting you up for an accident because I’m
worried about you going after me. The accident could be big or
small or you might even lose your life.”
Li Yihan’s gaze followed the direction pointed by Chi Zhao’s
fingers but he continued to show no expressions on his face. Chi
Zhao stepped forward and grabbed his collar. He gritted his teeth
and said with a slightly trembling voice, “Is there a problem with
your brain? After seeing me do so many bad things, why are you
not angry?”
Li Yihan’s gaze finally moved. He opened his mouth but was only
able to speak after a few long seconds of silence, “……I also don’t
Chi Zhao was dumbfounded. His grip on the collar loosened for a
moment. After that short period of shock, he tightened his grip
again, the pull forcing Li Yihan to bend down slightly. Chi Zhao
cursed, “You have a problem! You are crazy, a masochist! Why
are you not angry? I want you to be angry at me, I want you to
hate me!”
At first, his voice was cold and harsh, but it later gradually turned
hoarse. Li Yihan sighed. He reached out and gently wiped away the
tears from the corner of Chi Zhao’s eye with his thumb. His tone was
a little helpless, “I can’t hate you. No matter what you do, I can’t
hate you. Can’t I just……. continue to like you?”
Chi Zhao and Li Yihan looked at each other. After a while, Chi Zhao
dropped his hands and rested his head against Li Yihan’s chest like
he had given up.
There were no other sounds in the silent underground garage but
Li Yihan could feel his chest slowly getting wetter and wetter.
Li Yihan raised his hand and gently patted Chi Zhao’s back. After a
while, when he felt that it was enough, he finally spoke, “Okay, okay.
Don’t cry.”
It would’ve been better if he hadn’t said anything. With those
words, Chi Zhao’s tears could no longer stop. He broke down and
started to sob. Seeing this, Li Yihan immediately became flustered. Li
Yihan had thought that he was crying because of him but in fact, it
wasn’t. Chi Zhao was crying because of his body that was about to be
destroyed and he was also saying goodbye to his ten points.
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KK has something to say: The next chapter/part is the last one for
this world!
Chapter 29 Part 2
Source: KK Translates


When he later realised that those tears couldn’t be stopped, Li

Yihan gave up and leaned against his car, allowing Qi Yuan to lean on
himself. He didn’t know how much time had passed but, in any case,
it was long enough for Li Yihan’s waist to go numb.
Chi Zhao held tightly onto his waist and was no longer sniffling.
Only his nose and the corners of his eyes were still a little red.
He buried his head into Li Yihan’s chest and said with a muffled
voice, “Mister, I was wrong.”
This apology was very different from before, but Li Yihan didn’t
know how it was different. In any case, he felt like a huge rock had
just been moved off from his chest.
He stroked Qi Yuan’s back and whispered, “I don’t blame you.”
Those earlier small commotions and his act of cheating were all
because Qi Yuan wanted to leave him. As for his later act of stealing
documents and selling them for money, it was because of the words
his aunt had said to him. Those words had left a thorn in Qi Yuan’s
heart, making him feel like he was a burden and that as long as he
was around and Li Yihan treated him well, the corporation would
deteriorate day by day. After all, even the froth from people’s
mouths can drown people.
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Even todays act of loosening the bolts, Li Yihan understood the
reason for it. It was because he was desperate. No matter what he
did, he couldn’t get the results he wanted so he had decided to take
an extreme measure and give himself an attempted murder hat.
With this, he would definitely be driven out of the Li Family’s door.
Even if he wasn’t driven out, he could leave himself and
conveniently use the excuse of fleeing after committing a crime. It
was just that he couldn’t do it in the end. After a moment of impulse,
Qi Yuan eventually realised that it was wrong.
After all, he was still a child. Children can make mistakes.
If the system and Chi Zhao knew of Li Yihan’s thoughts, they
would both definitely give him a big thumbs up ——— Brother,
you’re good.
Chi Zhao’s voice sounded both fragile and weak. Li Yihan lowered
his eyes while Chi Zhao raised his head to look at him. Like this, the
two looked at each other for a while. Chi Zhao once again had the
urge to cry but thinking than men should be tough and that he
shouldn’t cry again, he quickly wiped away the tears that had leaked
out and said softly, “Mister, I love you too.”
Li Yihan’s I love you was something that could be said without
paying a price for it, but Chi Zhao’s I love you placed his body and
chances of resurrection at stake. Although it didn’t sound too
serious, the longer it was dragged on for, the greater the chance of
failing to be resurrected. Chi Zhao was basically putting everything
that he had at stake here.
Li Yihan was stunned. His gaze changed and he opened his mouth
to speak but before he could, another voice poured into Chi Zhao’s
mind first.
【 Wuuu—– What kind of legendary love is this?! Host, since
you’re going all out, I’ll go all out too. I also don’t want my reward
anymore. Let’s just spend our days here and we can continue our
contract when we get to the next world. Wuuuu——】
Chi Zhao: “……..Shut up.”
In fact, even if Chi Zhao didn’t give up, the system had already
given up. Even since Li Yihan walked into the garage, the plot had
already completely collapsed to the point that its mother wouldn’t
be able to recognise it. Without a car accident, the Li Corporation
will not go bankrupt, and if the Li Corporation doesn’t go bankrupt,
there naturally would not be the subsequent series of retaliations
happening. Moreover, looking at the current situation, even if Li
Yihan didn’t realise and really got into an accident, the first thing he
would do after waking would not be restoring his business but to
find the host and tie him to his side, preventing him from leaving
In any case, the host would not be tortured to death like the
original plotline so what was the point in struggling?
After giving up completely, there were no more entanglements in
his heart. Chi Zhao naturally no longer made mischief and Li Yihan’s
life finally went back onto its tracks. There was however something
Chi Zhao had always wanted to know.
“How did you know that I was in the underground garage?”
Li Yihan didn’t answer. He just brought Chi Zhao to the laptop in
his bedroom.
Seeing the surveillance screens on it, Chi Zhao fell silent for a
moment. He then asked with confusion, “What made you think of
checking the surveillance cameras?”
Li Yihan rubbed Chi Zhao’s head, “You made it so obvious that
you’re about to escape so of course I have to be more vigilant.”
Suddenly receiving a large sum of money, Li Yihan realised that Qi
Yuan may want to settle things here and leave but he didn’t expect
Qi Yuan to do it so quickly. Fortunately before he went home, Uncle
Zhang had suddenly given him a call.
It wasn’t that he disliked Qi Yuan, he was just keenly aware that Qi
Yuan had no intention to stay by Li Yihan’s side. In a relationship
where one is thinking about their future while the other is thinking
about how to leave, it is one that is destined to fail. Uncle Zang didn’t
want to watch Li Yihan who had finally opened up to love to
suddenly experience such a heartbreak and that was why his
attitude towards Qi Yuan changed.
But when he heard those words from Qi Yuan that day, he couldn’t
help but think that something didn’t seem quite right. Thinking this,
he called Li Yihan and told him about the conversation he just had
with Qi Yuan. Li Yihan was smarter than Uncle Zhang. He very
quickly worked out that Qi Yuan was planning to leave.
Please read this from kk translates
Chi Zhao lowered his head guiltily, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise to me.”
Chi Zhao looked at Li Yihan confused. He didn’t understand what
he meant. This time, Li Yihan’s hand didn’t habitually fall onto the
back of Qi Yuan’s neck. Instead, it followed the line behind Qi Yuan’s
ears before slowly moving over to his cheek. He said, “Tell me that
you won’t leave anymore.”
Chi Zhao frowned and muttered in a small voice, “I originally
don’t intend on leaving.”
The reason for his stay is Li Yihan. If he leaves Li Yihan then for
what reason would he stay here for? He should just break his limbs
and go off to the next world to complete his next task.
Li Yihan hooked up his lips slightly. He bent down and kissed the
corner of his lips, “That’s good then.”
Li Yihan, the head of the Li Family, had lost his youth at a young
age. After experiencing great setbacks in life early on, his life finally
went on a smooth track. No matter what, whether it was love or
work, he never encountered another problem.
Under his leadership, the Li Corporation quickly became one of
the top three companies in the country and it was also ranked
among the top fifty in the world. Although he had an endless supply
of money, Li Yihan rarely enjoys it. What he liked most was
returning home to his love and spending time together like ordinary
People knew very little about Li Yihan’s lover. They only knew
that the other party was a man. Besides that, no one knew what his
surname was, what his job was or how he looked. There were
rumours that Li Yihan’s lover was his adopted son and that they
have violated social ethics but as soon as this rumour came out, it
was shot down by many businessmen as fake news and was soon
Li Yihan lived until a very old age, but he unfortunately couldn’t
last a little longer. Two years after his death, same-sex marriage was
legalised, but this famous and talented gay businessman was unable
to get a marriage certificate with his lover.
The outsiders felt that it was such a pity, but they were just being
too involved with other people’s business. Li Yihan himself didn’t
care about getting a certificate with Qi Yuan. He was just a little
regretful; he should’ve gotten to know Qi Yuan earlier instead of just
donating money. If he got to know him earlier, he would’ve been
able to accompany Qi Yuan longer instead of leaving him behind,
making him spend his remaining years alone.
But this worry of his was unnecessary. Chi Zhao naturally
wouldn’t stay in a world without him. After Li Yihan was buried, Chi
Zhao asked the system to shield him from the pain and then sat next
to Li Yihan’s gravestone, closed his eyes and fired a shot at himself.
He didn’t do it deliberately to make it so sad, but there were only
a few options for suicide. The others were mostly difficult to deal
with and dying here made it convenient for the others as they could
just check it and bury his body directly afterwards.
Chi Zhao thought he was being very considerate but what he
didn’t know was that this act of his caused a sensation to ripple
through the world. In the end, he and Li Yihan became a beautiful
love story passed down through generations for many, many years.
When the world transfer once again started, the system used this
opportunity to make a few changes to Chi Zhao. It filtered out all his
emotional attachments for the previous world and carefully stored
them aside.
Chi Zhao had no knowledge of this. His still had the memories but
his feelings had faded significantly. He still remembered that he
loves Li Yihan very much and everything they had done together.
Technically speaking, Li Yihan had only been dead for a few days. He
should be sad but somehow, he was very calm.
Chi Zhao thought it was because his mental fortitude was good, so
he didn’t think much of it.
Moreover, he didn’t have the chance to think about it.
After lying on the ground retching for a long time, Chi Zhao looked
up with a sickly expression, “You big liar. Didn’t you say that only
the first world would be uncomfortable?!”
【Yes I did. See how you haven’t vomited anything out? This is an
Chi Zhao had no energy to argue with the system “Give me the
Hah. Chi Zhao’s expression remained indifferent and cold.
What was the use of acting cute? Even acting cute cannot hide the
systems dastardly ways.
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KK has something to say: Aaand that’s the end of the first world!
Gotta give it to the ML for being able to think of excuses/create
scenarios in his mind to justify Chi Zhao’s actions HAHAHA one is an
interstellar world~
Chapter 29 Part 3
Source: KK Translates


This is an interstellar world. The role Chi Zhao will act as is called
Shao Ze’an, the second young master of the famous Shao Family.
This second young master is quite well-behaved and far less dark-
hearted than Qi Yuan in the first world, but what he did was much
Shao Ze’an was a rich second generation and also a second-
generation government official. Having just come of age and not yet
graduated from college, he enjoys having fun and doesn’t like
attending class. When he should be in class, he wouldn’t obediently
stay and would always go out to play. Together with a few other rich
second generation degenerates who also gathered a group of their
friends, the dozen or so people hired a starship and directly went
from the main empire to the vicinity of the Death Galaxy.
The Death Galaxy isn’t a river. It is in fact an extremely vast
planetary belt consisting of countless wormholes, blackholes and
unknown planets. Ordinary people would die when they go there so
it was given the name Death Galaxy. These people came over to play
but they were unexpectedly caught by Empire rebels the moment
they arrived. It just happened that an admiral of the Empire was
fighting against the rebels there and the moment they were taken as
hostages, the admiral was put into a difficult position.
Please read this from kk translates
The rebels used the hostages to order the admiral to come alone
before they would release them. In order to save them, the admiral
made the decision to enter the rebel’s starship alone. The rebels
however had no intentions in the first place to release the hostages
while the admiral also had no intentions to let the rebels go. Very
soon, a large battle started. The admiral killed nearly a hundred
rebels by himself and he then escorted the hostages back to safety.
But at this moment, the admiral noticed that something wasn’t
right. Those rebels had called for reinforcements and he had no
choice but to stay and continue fighting the fierce battle. At the very
end, he was able to escape carrying serious injuries.
As for Shao Ze’an this hapless guy, he was so unlucky, he was
accidentally injured during the fight between the two parties. None
of those hostages remembered that there was a friend of theirs who
hadn’t escaped, and all fled without looking back. In the end, he was
discovered by the rebels and brought back to their base.
There was someone in the rebel army who had once lived in the
main star of the Empire before. He immediately recognised him as
the second young master of the Shao Family so they didn’t kill him
but killing him was probably a better outcome. Instead, they had
two devices implanted into Shao Ze’an’s body; one in his arm and
one in his ear. The one in the arm could detect whether he was lying,
and it also carried electricity. If he was disobedient, no matter how
many light years away they are, just a press of a button can
electrocute him into convulsions. The one in his ear was like a
eavesdropping device. Anything Shao Ze’an heard; they could also
hear. They could use this device to order Shao Ze’an around and can
even control him in an instant so that he can’t play any little tricks.
Each of these two devices contained 0.01mg of poison. Despite
such a small amount, it can cause instant death the moment it is
injected. With this, he couldn’t ask for help even if he wanted to. As
long as the rebels in the Death Galaxy feels that something wasn’t
right, they could immediately kill him.
Shao Ze’an was left with two options; to die now or to betray the
country. He chose the second one. Because of his identity, he was
able to easily access the Empire’s secrets. And when the Shao Family
later discovered that Shao Ze’an was almost unable to return alive
because the admiral wasn’t able to save him in time, they were very
angry. Just as they were about to complain about it to the Emperor,
Shao Ze’an received an order to marry the admiral using any means
And so, Shao Ze’an used the pressure from his family’s
background to forcefully marry the admiral and take up the identity
of the admiral’s wife. With this he once again obtained a lot of
information. The Emperor’s army was defeated steadily and
consequently, the common people could no longer live in peace and
many people lost their lives. When the admiral led his army to fight
against these rebels, because of Shao Ze’an’s insider information, the
army was almost completely wiped out. When he finally discovered
that Shao Ze’an was the undercover spy, Shao Ze’an fled in fear but
was soon injected with the poison when the rebels realised that he
was discovered.
The unmanned spaceship crashed into a meteorite leaving no
bones or flesh behind. The admiral vented out his anger on those
rebels. After another six years, he was finally able to take them
down. In the process of taking them, a young officer who had been
staying by his side as his military adviser helped ease the wounds in
his heart. With the end of the war, the admiral retired and together
they naturally progressed into marriage.
The admiral led a happy life while Shao Ze’an’s name was also
successfully associated with the word traitor for thousands of years.
Chi Zhao: “……….”
Although the original owner was very miserable, it was still hard
for him to feel any sympathy for him.
He asked the system, “What part of the plot is it now?”
【You will know if you look up.】
When Chi Zhao came to this world, he had retched a few times
and later laid on the ground to read through the world’s
information. Now that he raised his head to look up, he realised that
he was surrounded by dead bodies. All had died very miserably and
the starship was swaying around dangerously. It probably wouldn’t
be able to last very long.
Chi Zhao’s eyes moved around very quickly. After a second, he
moved his gaze back again.
Compared to the other dead bodies, this dead body before him
was too handsome and the clothes he wore was different from the
others. There was a hole in the clothes by his waist and fresh blood
was still flowing out at this very moment. Chi Zhao looked at the
man suspiciously, “This man…….”
【Yes, he is the admiral. Louis West.】
Chi Zhao: “……..”
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“Didn’t you say that he escaped with serious injuries?? How
could he die here?!”
【 He’s not dead! He’s still alive. There was just a small accident
and he got poisoned so he is currently in a state of shock. But the
third wave of reinforcements are about to arrive. If this goes on, he
might be a goner.】
Chi Zhao was horrified, “Then how can you be so calm?! The
protagonist is about to die. If he dies, who am I supposed to
【Aren’t you still here? He has a pure mecha on him. Only those
with S-level spiritual powers can activate it but he is currently in
shock and can’t do that so he can’t escape. You can just activate the
mech for him and kick him out.】
He’s an admiral. Would it really be okay acting so simply and
But there was no time to think about those things. Chi Zhao
hurried over and followed the systems instructions. He undid
Louis’s top, found a ring-like thing in his shirt and wished really
hard for it to be activated.
The black ring immediately lit up. After Chi Zhao stuffed the
mecha back into Louis’s arms, the system suddenly cried out.
【Host, a sneak attack!】
As a conditioned reflex, Chi Zhao turned around. A rebel who had
not died yet was holding a particle cannon and pointing it in his
direction. Chi Zhao instantly flew over and kicked the muzzle aside,
causing it to blast a hole through the ship wall instead. The moment
the hole appeared; Chi Zhao had trouble breathing. He picked up a
weapon and smashed it onto that rebel’s head, knocking him
unconscious before turning back around, picking Louis up with
much difficulty and dragging him over to the hole. Let alone kicking
him out, he didn’t even have the strength to push him. He felt like he
was about to suffocate any moment.
Everyone here was wearing protective clothing. Chi Zhao
temporarily placed Louis down, took off a mask from a body next to
him, put it on and took a few deep breaths before supporting Louis
up again.
“Stop there!”
The third wave of reinforcements had arrived. Anxious, Chi Zhao
pushed the admiral out the hole like he was pushing a sack of
potatoes. When he was done, he stood up and spread open both his
arms to block the hole from the rebels whilst staring them down.
Chi Zhao was resolute. In fact, he was thinking inside that because
he had already failed one world, no matter what he will not let the
plot collapse in this world. If anyone dares to chase after his target,
they will need to get through him first!
System: “……….” The host has become obsessed. This should be a
good thing.
The eyes of one human and one system stared fixatedly at the
rebel reinforcements. No one noticed Louis open his eyes slightly.
He tried to see Chi Zhao’s back view, but his physical state was too
weak and the moment he left the ship, his mecha had turned into its
large form, quickly wrapping around him and taking him back to the
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: Although this is the last part of CH29, it
is the beginning of the second world so I’ll be putting it under Arc 2.
Anyhow, it’s an interstellar world! I hope it’s not too difficult to
translate 😅
Chapter 30
Source: KK Translates


Standing in front of the hole, Chi Zhao suddenly felt some pain.
【 Because your physique is not good. You are of C-grade
physique, the second worst grade out there, so it is normal to feel
pain from the radiation in space.】
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment, “Then should I also take off
that person’s protective suit?”
【I think…..】
Before the system could speak, the leader of the group of
reinforcements exploded in anger. This person not only openly
saved Louis West, in such a serious situation he was even standing
there in daze!
Louis had a lot of mechas. The most commonly used one had
already recognised its master and would only obey Louis’s orders.
After falling into a state of shock, it had shut down completely. The
mecha Chi Zhao had dug out was one specially designed for
retreating with strong defence abilities and fast escape mechanisms.
The equipment the rebels had were not so good so it would be
impossible for them to catch up to him.
And so, the leader gave up chasing after the enemy. He looked
around and ordered, “Go and check again to see if anyone’s still
A man behind him immediately responded. One stepped forward
and asked the leader, “Then what should we do about him?”
He was referring to Chi Zhao. Ever since he pushed Admiral West
out, he hadn’t moved or said anything. The leader’s rough face didn’t
show any expression in particular. He sneered and was about to tell
his subordinate to kill him but before he was able to utter the first
word, Chi Zhao rolled his eyes back and fainted on the spot.
Leader: “………”
Couldn’t even hold on for three minutes under space radiation. It’s
that useless C-grade physique alright!
The strengths of the people in this world are measured using two
standards; one was physique and the other was spiritual power.
Those of S grade are the highest while D was the lowest. There are
very obvious differences between each grade. For example, those
with S-grade physique can expose their skin in space and can
participate in fights in space without wearing protective gear. The
worse the physique, the less time they can stay exposed in space.
The reason why the leader didn’t say that Chi Zhao was a D-grade
physique was because D-grade physiques couldn’t be exposed to
space at all and would die in excruciating pain with no time to utter
a single word.
There are only four SS-grade people in the entire empire and
Admiral West was one of them. The original’s eldest brother was
also one. The original owner, the unlucky person others couldn’t feel
any sympathy for, had C-grade physique and B-grade spiritual
power. This was common among ordinary people but in the circle of
second-generation of officials, it was useless.
Chi Zhao’s own spiritual power is S-grade. It was because of this
strong spiritual power that he was found and later bound to by the
system. With the system also living in his mind helping him, if it was
evaluated again it would come back with a spiritual power of the
immensely rare Super S-grade.
If this kind of ability was put in an interstellar novel, it can be
considered as a super gold finger. Unfortunately, the script Chi Zhao
got wasn’t that of a hero in an interstellar novel. Instead, he was
given the script for an ultra-cowardly slag who betrayed the empire.
When Chi Zhao woke up again, he found himself bound to a metal
chair. Behind him was a large machine shaped a little like a jellyfish
with countless silver-white metal tentacles underneath. At this
moment, it was moving around, and it would also let out small static
sounds as it moved.
Chi Zhao looked up and saw a machine typically used for intricate
surgeries above him. He instantly fell silent.
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He had a bad feeling.
Chi Zhao followed the source of the voice. A man in his thirties
was standing next to him, looking gently at him.
【This is Professor Morris, the one responsible with technicalities
for the rebels. His ability to perform operations on people and on
mechas is top notch. Before he defected, he was Shao Ze’an’s
grandfather’s mecha technician which means Shao Ze’an knew him.
Don’t sit there with that silly look, hurry and call out to him!】
Chi Zhao: “………Professor Morris.”
It was only when he spoke that he realised that his voice was very
hoarse. It sounded like his vocal cords were broken, like he had
suddenly aged to a seventy or eighty-year-old grandpa. Professor
Morris smiled warmly, “Don’t talk for now. You were unconscious
for three days. I helped you treat the outside wounds using the
treatment capsule, but you haven’t had any water during this
time. Your throat must be very uncomfortable.”
He pulled up a chair and sat across from Chi Zhao. Without
needing to look up at him anymore, Chi Zhao felt a little better.
Morris took in the awakened him for a while before suddenly
laughing, “Young master Ze’an, you’re really getting more and
more beautiful. Just like your mother, a big beauty.”
Chi Zhao: “………”
Can these words be used to describe a man?
Chi Zhao began to feel uncomfortable under his stare. The system
quickly explained.
【 The people in this world basically have no concept of gender.
Generally, the strong is paired with the weak and the weak is the
one who marries into the family. There are also cases where the
weak is paired with the weak, and the strong is paired with the
strong, but it is very rare. With the physique and spiritual power of
the original owner, it was already determined at birth that he would
need to marry into another family. He was complimenting you by
saying that.】
Chi Zhao fell silent for a moment. He decided to skip over this
topic and get straight to the point, “What are you trying to do?”
Morris stretched out his pale but firm hand and gently caressed
Chi Zhao’s face. He was actually pretty good looking, a little like an
elf prince in those European and American fantasy films Chi Zhao
had watched. Not as handsome as them but those melancholic and
fragile eyes combined with that pale skin and gentle temperament
reminded him of those characters.
“What a pretty face…..no, no, no…..” Morris whispered, “Don’t
frown. You shouldn’t make such an expression. Don’t worry, I
won’t hurt you. I just want to do a small operation on you.”
After saying this, Morris retracted his hand and stood up. He took
a few steps back, smiled and then started to press a few buttons on
the remote in his hand.
The machine that was moving around slowly just now suddenly
increased its speed. A deep needle plunged into Chi Zhao’s ear, the
tearing pain making him gasp out in agony. Morris however
remained indifferent to all of this. He even became even more
pleased when he saw Chi Zhao making a painful expression.
“Fuck this pervert. He didn’t even give me anaesthetics!!!!!”
The system also didn’t expect this. It quickly moved to block Chi
Zhao’s pain.
【Host, hurry and pretend to fall unconscious. If not, he’ll become
Chi Zhao took a deep breath and brought out the best acting skills
he could muster. He bit his lower lip, twitched a few times and then
rolled his head back as he ‘fainted’.
System: “……..”
Alright. The system gives him a 6/10 rating.
Chi Zhao thought he could leave as soon as he woke up. After all,
he should be sent back to the main empire to play the role of a spy.
According to the plot, Shao Ze’an woke up and found himself in a
tattered spaceship. With no time to think about why he was there,
he quickly piloted the spaceship to the nearest teleportation point
and teleported all the way back home. Shao Ze’an had thought that
he had encountered some sort of miracle, but this only lasted until
the moment he stepped into the house and heard an unfamiliar
voice in his ears. Only then did he despondently find out that he was
under the control of the rebels.
Chi Zhao closed his eyes and quietly waited for the operation to
end. The system had blocked the pain, but it couldn’t block the
feeling of metal filaments moving around in his skin. It felt very
strange and a little numb and itchy. He was about to ask the system
if the pervert was watching him. If he wasn’t, he could move a little
to relieve that itch.
But before he could say anything to the system, there was a loud
sound of explosion coming from outside.
Morris turned his hand and looked out with a frown. Chi Zhao
quickly opened his eyes and similarly looked in the same direction.
Morris seemed to have noticed that something was wrong behind
him so he quickly turned his head back, but Chi Zhao was faster than
him and had already returned back to his ‘playing dead’ state.
Morris: “………..” He must’ve been mistaken.
Morris has A-grade spiritual power and his senses are very keen,
but Chi Zhao was more powerful than him. Before he turned his
head to look back, Chi Zhao had already sensed the crisis and put on
his act in advance.
Morris watched Shao Ze’an for a while and thought for a moment
before walking over to the machine and pressing a couple of
buttons. While Chi Zhao was still wondering what he as doing, a
burst of sleepiness struck him. Chi Zhao could only utter two words,
“Damned pervert——-“
System: “…….” Rest in peace my host.
Outside, Louis West controlled his mecha in the air as he scanned
through the ruins over and over again.
Please read this from kk translates
This was the rebels base camp. The rebels were led by the former
five-star general Alorin who was banished to the Death Galaxy to
fend for himself because of a crime he had committed. No one
expected him to actually survive and even forge a path out for
himself. Since then, he began to recruit troops and military power
with the intent to destroy the Empire.
For many years, the Empire was unable to find Alorin’s lair and
could only occasionally dispose of several of his smaller basecamps.
This base camp here was one of the more important ones and was in
a very hidden location. If Chi Zhao hadn’t touched Louis at that time
and left his own genes behind on the mecha, Louis would not have
found this place.
While the army fought with the rebels below, Louis had been
constantly scanning around the base camp. His eyes were sharp like
an eagle, and his expression cold. The more he couldn’t find the
person he was looking for, the worse his expression became.
That day he had sensed that someone had saved him, but the
poison had rendered his body extremely stiff and his heart had
almost stopped so even opening his eyes to see who was saving him
was very difficult. Before the mecha wrapped him in, he
subconsciously realised that he may never know who had saved
him. His strong willpower helped him break through the poison in
his body and, finally, he saw that figure.
That weak and thin figure standing there with theirs arms spread
open, firmly protecting him from the enemy.
The mecha Chi Zhao had activated wasn’t a smart mecha and it
couldn’t keep recordings of the surrounding environment. Louis was
placed into his own treatment capsule by the mecha to temporarily
preserve his life and once at the base, the doctors there hurriedly
treated him, cleared out the poison from his body and helped dress
his abdominal wound.
The S-grade physique wasn’t a joke. After returning to the base in
the morning, he was able to stand up again in the evening. He
immediately took out the mecha that had already returned to its
ring state, extracted that stranger’s genes and then compared it with
the empire’s gene database. Very quickly, it was concluded to be the
genes of Shao Ze’an, the second young master of the Shao Family.
Comparing genes wasn’t done to know the other party’s name, but
to trace them. The guests on that ship are either rich or famous with
very few of them being servants. If the other party was also one of
the rich young masters, it would be easy to handle as they could
directly track them with their genes.
But gene tracking could only be used if they are within two light
years away and the entire Death Galaxy was about three galaxies
large. After finding out that it was Shao Ze’an, Louis immediately led
his group of elite troops out to each for him.
This admiral’s injuries had in fact not completely healed and he
was practically commanding the troops with sheer willpower. Like
this for three whole days, he had been searching unrelentingly
throughout Death Galaxy. He even ran into two space storms as he
searched. Not wanting to let his subordinates die in vain, he took the
lead every time. Everyone thought their admiral had gone crazy.
They didn’t even know if the other person is alive or not. Even if
they managed to find the enemies base, it was probably just a small
With Alorin’s cunning nature, he would definitely not take Shao
Ze’an back to his nest.
Others didn’t understand but Louis didn’t care. He just wanted to
find that person quickly. On the brink of death, it was that figure that
made his heart that had stopped start moving again. As for what
those palpations at that moment meant, he didn’t know. He just
knew that he must find him.
Genes could be used to trace one’s location, but it cannot pinpoint
their specific position. The mecha could scan through the base in
search for signs of life. If he couldn’t find any, it would mean……
Louis clenched his fists. The wound on his abdomen that had not
yet completely healed began to ache again. Suddenly, he heard his
aide shout, “Admiral, Morris is here!”
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KK has something to say: Louis is already not following the script 🤦‍
Chapter 31
Source: KK Translates


Professor Morris was a very famous mecha technician amongst

the upper class and he was also a well-known scientist, revered by
all throughout the empire. After he defected, there was an uproar
across the Star Network. Everyone wanted to know why he defected
and even the prestige of the royal family dropped a little as a result
of this.
The Emperor had long passed the order to bring Morris back at all
costs, dead or alive. It was enough as long as his body was brought
back. He wanted to broadcast his tragic outcome to the Star
Network as a means of taking revenge for the royal family.
Morris had defected ten years ago. Since then, no one knew where
he was. Unexpectedly, he was here at this base camp.
While the others were busy thinking about how they could
capture and take Morris back, Louis thought a little further. Morris
had once worked as a mecha technician for the Shao Family and he
had defected ten years ago. At that time, Shao Ze’an was already a
teenager so Morris must know him.
A helpless and weak son of a high-ranking official had appeared
here and was recognised by them. He could already guess what he
could possibly have gone through.
Louis’s pupils constricted. He immediately piloted his mecha
towards the direction pointed out by his aide.
Morris was protected by a group of people as they retreated and
in his arms was the unconscious Shao Ze’an. Morris kept his hand
placed against the young man’s frail neck as he stared warily at
Louis. As long as Louis took another step closer, he wouldn’t hesitate
to snap Shao Ze’an’s neck.
Louis stored his mecha away. He slowly approached them and
said in an extremely low voice, “Put him down.”
Morris smiled broadly, “I heard that the reason for Young
Master Ze’an’s capture was because of Admiral West. Did the
admiral come here today to save the young master or do you
plan to disregard his life and kill him together with us?”
Although Morris was a mecha technician who was also engaged
with scientific research, his physique was actually AA. As long as he
moved slightly, Shao Ze’an would die. The young man laid quietly
and defencelessly in Morris’s arms. Only the slight rise and fall of his
chest showed that he was still alive. He raised his head slightly,
resting his forehead against Morris’s shoulder. His complexion was
morbidly pale and there was also some cold sweat across his
forehead. It was clear that he had just experienced torture.
They were surrounded by Louis’s elite troops and also his
personal soldiers. Everyone had their weapons pointed at Morris
while Morris’s people also had their weapons pointed back at them.
The atmosphere was extremely tense. Everyone’s guard was up.
On one side was Morris the traitor and on the other side was the
second young master of the Shao Family. They didn’t want to give up
either of them.
Under such a tense situation, only the second young master who
was still pretending to be ‘unconscious’ after being awakened by the
system was feeling relaxed. He was feeling so relaxed, he could even
let out a burst of profanities.
“His grandmother! How did he know that I was here?!”
【 This………I just went and checked the plot again. The people
here seemed to have invented technology called Gene Tracking
which has not been perfected yet and can only be used if one is
within two light years away. It is something monopolised by the
empire and is extremely expensive. Only those who are particularly
rich or those who work for the empire can be registered on it and
use this technology. As the Shao Family’s young master, you were
also naturally registered……】
Chi Zhao wanted to spit out blood, “If you knew this, why did
you make me save him?! Should’ve just let him fend for himself!”
If you didn’t do anything, you’ll be the one self-destructing.
As the system silently complained, Chi Zhao was anxious. He
however couldn’t do anything and could only continue pretending to
be unconscious.
Hmm? Something’s not right.
Why did he need to act unconscious? He could pretend to wake up
at an appropriate time and then yell out ‘help me you idiots’.
Wouldn’t that give him the label of a coward?
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That’s a good idea!
Chi Zhao was very excited. He slowly started to roll his eyes a little
but just as he was about to open a small slit, he heard Louis standing
on the opposite end ask, “What do you want?”
Morris chuckled, “You don’t have to worry about that. But I
have to say, it has been many years since I’ve seen soldiers of the
Empire. I really want to see today whether you will choose to
save him or destroy the enemy.”
As soon as he finished saying this, Morris threw out a bomb. The
bomb exploded in mid-air, casting dark fog everywhere. It was so
dark, one couldn’t even see their hands before them. Only Louis
managed to see Morris throw Shao Ze’an out from the corner of his
eyes. With his hand strength and Shao Ze’an’s physique, Shao Ze’an
would probably die from the impact.
One was Shao Ze’an who was thrown out and the other was
Morris who was about to run away. Louis subconsciously made a
split-second decision and quickly rushed over to catch Shao Ze’an. In
that short time, Morris managed to escape.
Qhen the others managed to escape from the fog, they could no
longer find him. It was as if they had all suddenly disappeared.
Someone proposed angrily, “Go. Let’s chase after them!”
Louis furrowed his brows. In his arms, he held Shao Ze’an who
continued to act unconscious, “Come back. You won’t be able to
catch them. No one can escape this quickly, they must’ve hidden
themselves somewhere. Seal this place off and search every nook
and cranny.”
“Yes sir!!”
The subordinates moved to search for the rebels, but the aide
didn’t follow. He reached out to Louis, wanting to remove Shao Ze’an
from his arms, “Admiral, allow me. The doctor is waiting in the
spaceship. I will send Young Master Shao for examination first.”
Like he didn’t hear him, Louis looked down at the silent young
man in his arms. He pressed his finger against his neck to check his
pulse before immediately picking him up into a princess carry and
carrying him over to the spaceship.
The aide who still had his arms out: “……….”
Louis that thought that Chi Zhao was unconscious the whole time
but, in fact, he had fainted when his head made impact against
Louis’s chest which was harder than a block of wood. The other
party didn’t feel anything but for his C-grade waste of a physique, it
was painful enough for tears to form.
When he woke up again, the environment around him had once
again changed. This time it was a warm and brightly lit room. Chi
Zhao opened his eyes and for a moment thought he was lying inside
an open coffin.
【 This is a treatment capsule. Please don’t randomly jump to
conclusions, host.】
He couldn’t even just think about it? Does this host still have
human rights?
Chi Zhao sat up. Sensing his movements, the treatment capsule
considerately opened its top. It even let down a small set of stairs for
him to use as it did this. Chi Zhao got out and moved over to the
window. The vast sea of stars outside was a sight to behold.
His life was really too hard………
While Chi Zhao was still feeling woeful, the white metal door
behind him slowly opened. When Louis received the message, he
had rushed over immediately. The young man still had his back
turned to him. This time, he didn’t have his arms spread open but
somehow, he could sense some worry and sadness from him.
Louis couldn’t help but frown. He slowly walked over and asked in
a low voice, “How do you feel?”
Hearing his voice, the young man turned around, looking over at
him with his pair of clear, dark eyes. It even made him, an admiral of
the Empire, feel a little nervous. His hands stiffened a little. Despite
his outwardly steady and reliable appearance, inside he felt like an
unexperienced brat.
“This is the Imperial Army ship. You are safe now; we’ve
rescued you from the rebel’s base camp. I am Louis West. You……
do you still remember me?”
Who wouldn’t remember that face of his? Shao Ze’an opened his
mouth wanting to speak to him, but a look of surprise briefly flashed
across his face and he quickly swallowed the words he was about to
Louis keenly noticed this. He took a step forward and carefully
examined his face, “What’s wrong?”
It wasn’t anything to do with Chi Zhao’s condition. It was just that
he had heard Morris’s voice.
“Young Master Ze’an, don’t let West discover my existence.
Since you can hear my voice, you probably realised that I have
inserted a small device in his head. It can be used to
communicate with you, and it can naturally also kill you
effortlessly. If you don’t want to die, just behave, do you
Chi Zhao had been silent for too long and his eyes weren’t focused
on anything in particular. This made Louis very worried. He shook
Chi Zhao’s shoulders, his expression no longer cold and distant,
“What’s the matter? Do you feel uncomfortable?”
Chi Zhao paused. He no longer heard any other sounds in his ears.
He shook his head slightly, “No, I was just a little……dizzy.”
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When Louis brought Shao Ze’an back, he had immediately given
him a rough check, but there were no signs of any internal or
external injuries. It was just that his skin resistance was very low,
and this only happens when he has suffered severe pain or has been
subjected to some form of terrible stimulation. Louis really wanted
to know what they had done to Shao Ze’an but, seeing his pale and
feeble appearance now, he couldn’t ask.
This room was a training room and with a bed on one side. He
brought Chi Zhao over to the bed, made him lie down and helped
him pull up the sheets before asking, “Do you only feel dizzy? Any
other symptoms?”
Chi Zhao lowered his eyes and shook his head, “No. I was
probably too startled. I get scared easily. Sorry for showing you
such an embarrassing side of me.”
Shao Ze’an was in fact a slightly introverted person. He would
always be like this to strangers and appear very polite but at the
same time, he was also a person who did not listen to his family. His
favourite thing to do was to play truant. If it wasn’t for this, his
future would’ve involved him muddling his way to graduation,
muddling his way into a marriage, and muddling his way until the
end of his life.
Maybe even until death, he would not have known that he was
actually such a cowardly person who could be so selfish. Because of
his whistle-blower role, he had caused at least 60 million casualties.
All of these were held accountable by the rebels and Shao Ze’an.
Chi Zhao fell silent. Treason was treason, there was nothing much
that could be done. This was the plot and his task. At most, he could
try and avoid leaking out too much information to reduce the
number of people affected without affecting the plot too much.
Sitting by Shao Ze’an’s bed and seeing the young man’s quiet and
well-behaved appearance, Louis found it difficult associating him
with that back figure he saw back then. But when he thought about
it again, he felt that only such a person could be so calm and resolute
in a situation where there was no return.
Louis wanted to reach out to rub his head but the two had no
associations; he and Shao Ze’an are still strangers and this was the
first time the two saw each other while both parties are awake. To
do something like that, it may arouse the young man’s disgust.
Morris: “Make him leave.”
Chi Zhao paused. Seeing that he wasn’t obliging, Morris
repeated, “Make him leave. From now on, you have to listen to
what I say, or you will die.”
Chi Zhao gritted his teeth. He looked up at Louis, “Mister
Admiral, I’m a little sleepy, can you leave? I…..If there’s someone
next to me, I can’t sleep.”
Such an obedient child.
Louis had entered the military academy at the age of 16 and
graduated at 26. For the next ten or so years, he had been
commanding border operations. The people around him are either
killers who kill without as much as a blink or those whose smiles are
more poisonous than those of snakes and scorpions. It had been a
long time since he had seen someone as pure as Shao Ze’an.
Louis gently curved his lips up, “Alright, go rest up. When you
wake up, you can go home.”
After saying this, Louis helped tuck a corner of the sheet in and
left the room.
As soon as he left, Morris followed the plot and said his lines. It
was nothing more than intimidating him, coercing him, reassuring
him; basically, giving him the carrot and stick treatment. Chi Zhao
quietly hummed in response several times to the point that he
started to feel a little impatient. When Morris sensed the impatience,
he narrowed his eyes and pressed a button on his end.
Chi Zhao suddenly started to convulse. He subconsciously gripped
his left arm from which the numbness was strongest at. The system
had reacted 0.1 second too late. Just this 0.1 second of delay was
enough for Chi Zhao to have the urge to cut Morris up into pieces.
It hurts too fucking much!
Chi Zhao’s breathing hastened. It took him a while to finally
recover from the pain. This time he didn’t have to pretend because
he really was in pain.
Morris gave him a stern warning: Do not play any tricks or next
time it would not be just a few seconds of pain but one that will stop
you from waking up again.
KK has something to say: It’s time to act out the role of an
undercover spy!
Chapter 32
Source: KK Translates


Louis left the training room and turned to enter the strategizing
room. They were on their way back to the main star of the Empire
and should be there in half a day.
There were about a dozen people in the room at this moment.
When they saw him entering, they all stood up and saluted,
“Admiral West.”
“Are the results out?”
A search through the base camp didn’t find anyone but they found
a laboratory with a level of protection comparable to that of the
imperial palace. The mecha scans couldn’t find Shao Ze’an last time
because he was in this laboratory with Morris.
This laboratory had a secret external passage from which Morris
and the others had escaped through. When Louis’s men rushed over,
they only found a laboratory that had already been destroyed.
The room itself wasn’t damaged but all the equipment in the room
were all rendered useless. The one that suffered the most damage
was the large machine in the centre. All the parts were severely
crushed and deformed, and it was impossible to tell what it was.
It was obvious that this was Morris’ laboratory and the equipment
in there were tools he used to research and invent with, particularly
the pile of scrap metal in the middle of the room. Every one of them
could tell that it was something important, something Morris never
wanted the empire to discover, hence his decision to destroy it so
The aide called over researchers and civilian officers, but they
also couldn’t figure out what it could be. The aide reported this
unfortunate outcome and looked at him curiously, “Did Shao Ze’an
say anything? If he and Morris were together, he might have seen
its original appearance.”
Louis shook his head, “He’s asleep. He’s not in a good mental
condition and will need a detailed examination when he returns.
Have you contacted a doctor?”
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The aide opened his mouth. He first glanced at the comrades next
to him who quietly turned away, acting as if their attention was
Aide: “……Admiral, I have already notified his Excellency and
his family. When we return to the main star, Shao Zelin will
personally pick him up and take him to be examined.”
Shao Ze’an’s father is the empire’s official Minister of Justice and
is a very fair and strict person. The original owner was basically the
biggest source of shame in his life. Shao Zelin is Shao Ze’an’s older
brother, the legendary SS genius who is in the military. At only
thirty-five years of age, he is already a lieutenant general.
The life expectancy of the people in this world is generally longer.
Most people can live to more than one hundred and fifty years old.
People like Louis who are less than forty years old are still regarded
as the younger generation.
How the ranks work in the empire is very simple and crude. If you
want to be an admiral, you need not only strength but also people’s
support which can be achieved through especially powerful military
exploits such a saving hundreds of thousands of people or regaining
lost territory for the empire. Louis was the admiral who brought
back a border galaxy a neighbouring empire had snatched hundreds
of years ago and this allowed him to reach that rank.
The rank of an admiral is the highest military rank and defaulted
as one star. Above that are also two-star admirals, three-star
admirals and even five-star admirals. Those are all honorary titles
and in fact, the highest ranking is an admiral.
Louis and Shao Zelin are not that much different in strength and
age. The biggest difference between the two was that Shao Zelin has
not yet achieved such great military merits.
These two people are considered as the empire’s star duo by the
general public. With both of them carrying the title of the Golden
Bachelor, many people would do whatever means to be married into
their family but unfortunately both are workaholics and have not
even given those who are of the same or opposite sex a single
But this may soon change.
Hearing that Shao Zelin was going to pick up his younger brother,
Louis’s first reaction was to frown. The aide knew his admiral well
and he could tell that he wasn’t happy to hear this news.
He silently complained inside.
What’s the point in being unhappy? That person is the younger
brother of Lieutenant General Shao. Isn’t it within his right to take
him back?
After he was done complaining, the aide took up a serious and
cold expression again, “So Admiral, please ask Shao Ze’an as soon
as possible about the purpose of that machine. When we return
to the main star, it may be difficult for us to see him again.”
Is it so easy entering an official’s house? What’s more, the official’s
wife is known for her overprotectiveness. Even if Shao Ze’an didn’t
become like this because of them, he clearly looked like he had been
abused by the rebels. Since the wife won’t be able to find the rebels,
she will only find them who hadn’t caught the rebels to vent.
The aide sighed inside. When he looked up again, he saw that his
admiral was looking darkly at him.
Aide: “…..” Did I say something wrong?
After two hours, it was estimated that Shao Ze’an should’ve
woken up. Louis returned to the training room with two bags of
nutrient solution. At that time, Chi Zhao was sitting in bed, chatting
with the system.
【 Oh, don’t be discouraged. Although the process is a little
different, the plot points were still completed. Look, the first plot
point of Shao Ze’an being captured was completed and the second
plot point of having the devices put into you and then being sent
back to the main star will be completed soon too. Although the
method of completion was a little different, it was still completed. It
doesn’t matter if it’s a black or a white cat. Any cat that can catch
mice is a good cat!】
Chi Zhao felt a little comforted hearing this. He clenched his
fists, “I will definitely complete all the plot points! Never give
others the opportunity to get in my way of completing my tasks!”
【Good going! I will support you silently in your mind!】
Chi Zhao was invigorated. Those who didn’t know what was going
on may think he was about to blow the place up, “Tell me, what’s
the next plot point!”
【 Insistently forcing a marriage with Louis West! Come on, you
can do it!】
Chi Zhao: “……….”
Before he could respond, a sound came from outside the door. Chi
Zhao looked over and saw that Louis had entered.
He was extremely handsome and flawless in appearance, always
wearing a black military uniform with the buttons neatly buttoned
all the way to the top. At the sides of the collar were also two rows of
gold military rank badges, highlighting his stern and abstaining
Louis walked over and gave him the nutrient solutions. His
slender hands were very beautiful, just like those of a pianist.
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Chi Zhao fell silent. This forced marriage partner was too
He received the nutrient solution. At this time, Chi Zhao was
indeed hungry. He tore the packet open and began to gobble it up.
The nutrient solution didn’t taste bad but because it was all liquid, it
felt strange like having a glass of juice for a meal.
Watching him frown while drinking, Louis couldn’t help but
smile, “There are only these on the ship so I can only trouble you
with this. Bear with it a little, you will be able to eat what you like
when you return to the main star.”
Chi Zhao nodded while drinking to show that he understood.
Louis sat by the side of the bed watching him for a while before
speaking up, “I have already notified your family. Your brother
said he will come pick you up in person.”
The relationship between the original owner and his older
brother was very ordinary. Because one was cold and the other was
introverted and in addition to the fact that there was a twelve-year
age difference, there was basically no communication between the
two. He was a little surprised to hear that he would come to pick
him up.
Chi Zhao held the packet between his lips, blinked a few times and
then quietly nodded.
Following his movements, the packet of nutrient solution also
swayed. It was a little cute. Louis then asked, “What did he do to
“Tell him I just tied you to a metal bed and threatened you to
tell us about the defence situation of the Empire’s main star.”
Morris’s voice suddenly appeared. Chi Zhao still had not gotten
used to this and his eyes suddenly stagnated for a moment. Louis
keenly sensed that something was wrong but just as he was about to
ask, Shao Ze’an had returned to normal and replied in a small voice,
“He tied me to a metal bed and threatened me, asking me to tell
him about the defence situation of the Empire’s main star. If I
didn’t speak, he would punish me.”
Louis’s eyes instantly turned cold, “He tortured you?”
Morris’s voice carried a threatening tone, “Young Master Ze’an,
don’t add extra information. If you continue, I can turn you into a
dead body right now.”
Chi Zhao wasn’t afraid. Morris had finally caught such a suitable
puppet to manipulate so he definitely wouldn’t kill him so easily. But
since Chi Zhao was playing the role of Shao Ze’an and Shao Ze’an
definitely wouldn’t be calm hearing this threat, Chi Zhao deliberately
lowered his voice a little such that it Louis wouldn’t notice that there
was something off but it would allow Morris to hear the subtle
change in his voice.
“It….It’s nothing serious. Just was electrocuted and I fell
unconscious for a long time. Not long after waking up, I fell
unconscious again and then when I woke up, I was here.”
When he was done, two voices sounded at the same time.
Louis: “When you were kidnapped by Morris, you were
unconscious the while time and didn’t know what was going on
Morris: “Idiot! Tell him that you just fainted but you could still
hear outside sounds!”
Chi Shao was silent for a moment. After a while, he replied,
“Yes but before I fell unconscious the second time, I heard some
sounds. My guess is that it was the sound of the soldiers of the
Empire coming to rescue me.”
That was fine. It could also cover up the loopholes in Shao Ze’an’s
words just now. Morris’s expression turned a shade darker as he got
ready to teach him a lesson later.
“You seem to trust the soldiers very much.”
Looking at Louis’s face, Chi Zhao lightly hooked up the corner of
his lips. Because his complexion wasn’t too good, this smile of his
made him look a little pitiful.
“My grandfather is a soldier and my brother is also a soldier.
My physique is too low so I can’t be one but I have always
admired those in the military. People who defend my family and
the country must be very good and trustworthy people.”
Louis was stunned. He was only able to react after some time.
This time, instead of silently restraining himself, he placed his
hand onto Chi Zhao’s head. Fighting all year round, Louis’s hands
may look good but there are actually thick calluses on the surface.
Compared to Shao Ze’an’s well cared for skin, it was indeed too
rough. His large hand covered the top of Chi Zhao’s head and gently
rubbed it a few times before he smiled at him again, “It is precisely
because of kind and strong citizens like you that the soldiers are
willing to risk their lives defending their homes and country.”
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KK has something to say: Chi Zhao once again unknowingly
raising the protagonists affection 😅
Chapter 33
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao looked at him and didn’t speak.

Louis thought he was embarrassed, but he actually wasn’t. Chi
Zhao was conversing with the system in his mind.
“He looks like a really good person…..”
“Last time I also thought that Li Yihan was a good person, but
in the end Li Yihan……..”
Chi Zhao fell silent again. Quickly changing his previous attitude,
he turned away and said coldly, “Protecting me is what you should
be doing. Don’t expect me to give you my thanks.”
No matter whether the protagonist is a good person or not, in any
case, he just needs to play his antagonist role to the end. Don’t even
think about getting in his way!
System: “……….” The host is too obsessed, what to do? QAQ
Louis raised his eyebrows slightly. He silently gave Shao Ze’an a
It seems that young masters all share such a common problem
and it was also often shown in holographic movies. Louis used to
look down on such a character, but after interacting with Shao Ze’an,
he felt that this kind of person wasn’t annoying and was even a little
Louis very naturally took away the emptied packet of nutrient
solution from his hands and then asked the question his aide wanted
him to enquire about, “We found a large experimental device in
Morris’s laboratory. Do you know what that is?”
Chi Zhao subconsciously wanted ask him what the shape of it
was but Morris who had been silent until now suddenly spoke up
again, “Say you don’t know. You didn’t see anything because you
were tied to the metal bed by me and couldn’t move your head.
You could only see the ceiling and some of the surroundings and
there was nothing like that.”
Chi Zhao repeated, “I didn’t see any large equipment. I was tied
up at the time and could only see a small part of the place. I
didn’t see anything apart from Morris.”
Louis nodded in understanding, “I see.”
Suddenly, Morris spoke again, “Get some more information out
from him. Why is he asking this?”
Chi Zhao blinked a few times, “Mister Admiral, why are you
asking me about this? Was there a problem with the laboratory?”
“We found some destroyed equipment.” Louis replied, “It is not
possible finding out their purpose for the time being, so I wanted
to try asking you.”
Seeing him frown slightly, Louis added, “It doesn’t matter if you
don’t know. When we return to the main star, we will send it to
the Royal Research Academy to be examined there.”
Morris muttered thoughtfully, “If it’s the Royal Research
Chi Zhao: “……….”
Louis worked really hard. He immediately gave out all the
information in one go. Chi Zhao suddenly understood why Morris
wanted to send him back to the main star. It was because he was
indeed very useful.
With a father who’s an official, a brother who’s a lieutenant
general, a grandfather who was a retired admiral and a mother who
monopolises the entire jewellery industry in the Empire as well as
countless classmates who are children of high-ranking officials, Shao
Ze’an was simply blessed which such excellent conditions. He was
practically a big cheat plugin.
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Chi Zhao quietly looked over at Louis, “Mister Admiral, do you
have anything else you want to ask me?”
Louis shook his head, “No. Also, you can just call me by my
name instead of Mister Admiral.”
Chi Zhao smoothly changed it, “Okay, Mister West.”
Louis: “…..”
He couldn’t help but laugh, “Just call me Louis.”
Chi Zhao felt that this way of referring was a little too intimate. In
terms of relationship, they were still strangers.
Chi Zhao smiled slightly, “Okay then, Louis. In any case, it’s
great to be alive. I thought I was going to die. No one knew I was
there; my parents had no idea and my classmates all ran off. By
the way, was it my classmates who told you I was taken away?”
Louis was slightly surprised, “Your classmates?”
Chi Zhao nodded, “Yeah, I thought they had forgotten me, but
luckily not.”
Looking at the shallow dimples on Shao Ze’an’s face, Louis
finally noticed the strangeness in his words. He looked at Shao
Ze’an seriously, “No, I didn’t hear anything from your classmates.
I saw you so I returned to save you. In fact, I can’t be regarded as
saving you since you were the one who saved me first.”
Chi Zhao and the system both swore at the same time.
Morris continued to sit opposite a large screen, listening to their
conversation while drinking tea like he was enjoying listening to an
The shock they received only lasted a moment and Chi Zhao
managed to quickly recover. Anyway, he shouldn’t let this matter sit.
The moment he is given the saviour title, no matter what he does in
the future, he wouldn’t be able to blacken himself completely.
Chi Zhao calmly shook his head, “You remembered wrong. I
didn’t save you.”
Louis didn’t understand why he said this. Chi Zhao calmly
pointed out a flaw, “You thought I saved you probably because
you found some of my genes on your mecha. In fact, I didn’t do it
with the intention to save you, but to save myself. At that time, I
thought you were dead. You didn’t have a heartbeat nor were you
breathing after all. As an admiral, there must be a mecha on you.
I wanted to use your mecha to escape but I later found out I
couldn’t open it with my spiritual power so I could only give up.
Think about it, with my B-level spiritual power, how could I
activate your mecha?”
Louis hadn’t thought of this problem. Because there was only the
two of them there at the time, he had subconsciously thought that
Shao Ze’an was the one who saved him. Hearing this now, he was
also stunned, “Then how did I get back?”
Chi Zhao’s expression didn’t change. He continued to speak
nonsense, “You activated the mecha by yourself. I originally
wanted you to take me along but before I could say it, the rebels
arrived and then you ran off by yourself. I think you did it all
subconsciously and probably didn’t know I was there. It’s okay, in
a situation like that, it’s already difficult enough for you to
escape. If you didn’t, then I wouldn’t have been saved, right?”
Louis looked at Chi Zhao in silence while Chi Zhao calmly looked
back at him.
The room was very quiet. Chi Shao didn’t know if he believed his
words just now but when he was about to add some more wood to
the fire, he saw Louis stand up, “Let’s talk about this later. I’ll go
see where we are now. You should rest up.”
After saying this, Louis left without giving Chi Zhao a chance to
say anything. Seeing his sudden chance in attitude, Chi Zhao
breathed a sigh of relief. He probably believed him.
After he left, Morris’s voice sounded again, “Why did you say
Chi Zhao answered naturally, “Because that is the truth. Why
do you all think that I saved him? He is an admiral. Can a
physique as trashy as mine save a mighty general like him?”
Morris: “…..” That seems to make sense.
Morris didn’t take those earlier words seriously. What made him
believe him was because of the spiritual power. Indeed, how was it
possible for Shao Ze’an who has a B-grade spiritual power to
activate an S-grade mecha? That would be impossible, unless he
suddenly levelled up then and there. At the beginning, he had
thought that Shao Ze’an had levelled up and was still very vigilant
but now that he knew that he was still the same useless young man,
he felt relieved.
Morris went quiet, but this time Chi Zhao suddenly called out to
him, “Morris.”
Morris’s tone raised slightly, “Young Master Ze’an, is
something wrong?”
“I can be your spy.” Chi Zhao said.
Morris laughed, “You couldn’t be naïve enough to think that
you still have a choice on this?”
Chi Zhao ignored those words and continued, “Whether or not I
have a choice depends on you. I can be your spy but at the same
time, I also want a certain degree of freedom. For example, when
I am talking to others, I will not repeat your words exactly. You
cannot see my surrounding environment, but I can. To ensure my
own safety, I will make fine adjustments to your words.”
Morris’s expression fell. He didn’t speak.
“I am willing to be your spy because I still want to live but your
orders come out of no where and it sometimes puts me in a
dangerous situation. I have to preserve my life first before I can
help you acquire inside information. This is my request. You can
make your choice.”
“Oh, then Young Master Ze’an, what do you want me to
“The choice is to either agree with my request and continue to
cooperate with me or kill me now. If you don’t agree, I won’t be
able to live long anyway. Whether it is dying in your hands or
dying in the hands of others, what is the point of struggling? It’s
better to just end it quickly.”
The hostility in Morris’s voice grew stronger, “Aren’t you afraid
of dying?”
“I’m afraid, and that’s why I am asking for your cooperation. If
you think I am too bold, then just kill me and find yourself a
second, more suitable spy.”
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There was another moment of silence. Suddenly, Morris’s
laughter travelled over. He was laughing out loud. Chi Zhao who
had never heard him act so unrestrainedly before couldn’t help
but frown. Once Morris laughed enough, he said emotionally,
“Young Master Ze’an, you are more interesting than when you
were a child. You have grown up very well. Your parents have
been teaching you well. They should’ve raised you into one of the
Empire’s talents but in the end, they had cultivated an
outstanding traitor.”
The most important quality of the Empire was loyalty. Just
hearing the words treason or betrayal left people with an
unpleasant taste in the mouths. Chi Zhao listened calmly, indifferent
to his mockery.
Finally, Morris decided, “Very well. I agree to your request,
Young Master Ze’an. I hope you can bring us enough
Louis intuitively felt that Shao Ze’an was lying. His spiritual power
was S-grade and his intuition was very accurate after all. But why
would Shao Ze’an lie about this kind of thing?
Louis furrowed his brows as he walked out. He ran into his aide
in the process, “Admiral, your injury has not completely
recovered and still requires treatment. You have left it for many
days now. Now that we are safe, you should lie down in the
treatment capsule for a while……”
Before coming to Louis’s side, the aide was also a big, strong man
but right now, he felt like a nagging mother-in-law.
The aide felt a little depressed and what made him even more
depressed was that the target of his mother-in-law character was
still walking on as if he hadn’t heard him. The aide could only accept
his fate and open his mouth to persuade him again. Suddenly, Louis
turned back and asked him without much of an expression on his
face, “Do you know what Shao Ze’an’s spiritual power is?”
“Yes.” The aide replied quickly, “B-grade. The second grandson
of Admiral Shao is an ordinary person, many people know about
this. I also can’t understand why. It is reasonable to say that the
Shao family has a very powerful gene so Shao Ze’an shouldn’t be
too far behind but sometimes life plays its tricks. It may really be
like what the experts said, combining strong with strong could
really give birth to a low-level child. Isn’t Madam Shao AA? She
and her husband are both strong, so they gave birth to both
extremes; a child who is SS-grade and an ordinary child….”
“Hey, admiral, where are you going?”
Louis left before the aide could finish speaking. The aide stood
there silent for a while before finally deciding to call the military
doctor over to get her to help him persuade the admiral together.
Louis returned to his personal room and sat in his chair. With his
eyes lowered, he fell in thought for a long time before finally taking
out his ring-shaped mecha.
The obsidian-like ring shone brightly in his hand. This mecha was
indeed on that could only be opened by those of S-grade. Could it be
that he had really saw wrong and felt wrong? Because he was
poisoned, he had hallucinations?
Something like this was easy to judge. Although there is a
possibility of levelling up, one couldn’t leap to such an advanced
level so quickly. Each person could only undergo this once in their
lifetime and they can only advance by one grade at most but most
advance by half a grade. Levelling up wasn’t easy and ninety percent
of people never get to level up in their lifetime. In the nearly ten-
thousand-year history of the empire, there was only one person who
had levelled up more than this and that was more than three
thousand years ago. After that, this had not happened again.
Perhaps, he really had remembered wrong.
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Chapter 34
Source: KK Translates


When he was brought back by the mecha, Louis was in a

completely unconscious state and after waking up, the first thing he
did was to compare the gene on it with the gene database. His
subordinates had asked him whose genes he was comparing, and he
only said that it belonged to a hostage who had not yet been saved
and didn’t say anything else. So apart from Louis, no one else knew
that Shao Ze’an might be Louis’s lifesaver.
Now that this matter had been proven to be false, there was no
need to tell them.
Louis however still found it strange, but he couldn’t put a finger to
it. After another three or four hours, Chi Zhao who was beginning to
feel drowsy again heard someone call out to him, “Wake up, we’re
Chi Zhao opened his eyes, his blurry gaze falling onto the figure
before him. After seeing clearly who that person was, Chi Zhao
finally completely woke up.
Louis didn’t miss that moment of vigilance in his eyes and that
strange feeling inside him grew even more. Louis lightly frowned
and said again, “We’re here at the main star. Can you get up?”
Chi Zhao nodded, pulled away the sheets and slowly got out of
The minor procedure Morris had done didn’t bring any harm to
Shao Ze’an’s body, but it had a certain impact on his nerves. Chi Zhao
himself didn’t feel any severe pain, but his body had been
desperately sending out SOS signals and his muscles were inevitably
tense. Even after resting in the treatment capsule, he still felt stiff, as
if every cell in his body was extremely tired.
Chi Zhao walked slowly. Louis also slowly accompanied him. Chi
Zhao pursed his lips and suddenly stopped.
He seemed unhappy.
“I didn’t save you, so you don’t need to be so good to me Mister
West. You are the highest ranked officer in this ship. At this
moment, you should be standing in the command room, not by
my side.”
Louis was about half a head taller than him. With such a
height difference, he needed to look down slightly to look at the
young man. There were no fluctuations in his voice, “Regardless
of whether you’ve saved me or not, I am treating you like this
because I wasn’t able to save you in time. It’s was because of me
that you were imprisoned for such a long time. This is
undoubtedly my fault.”
Hearing his words, Chi Zhao was non-committal, “If you want
to atone, do as you please. Anyway, as I have already said, I don’t
need you to treat me so politely.”
With his show of concern being regarded as atonement and what
he had said with the intention to show goodwill being taken as an
act of politeness, Louis felt a little depressed inside. His face and the
corners of his lips fell as he walked out with Shao Ze’an.
Before, he had given Shao Ze’an the label of a proud young master
but now he gave him another label; moody. He wondered if the
other young masters also have this problem.
The answer was naturally no. Chi Zhao was purely afraid that he,
like Li Yihan, wouldn’t play his cards according to the usual routine,
once again destroying the character and plot he had worked so hard
on, so he did his best to speak with thorns in his words.
Exiting the ship, his older brother Shao Zelin was already waiting.
When he saw Shao Ze’an come out, he took a few steps forward.
Despite also being a soldier, Shao Zelin’s eyes were much colder
than Louis’s, but Chi Zhao could also see deep concern in them.
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“How do you feel?”
Chi Zhao didn’t look at him. They are family so Shao Zelin would
easily see the change in the soul in his brother’s body. Chi Zhao
planned to use the stimulation from this incident as an excuse for
his change in temperament and then slowly change the Shao family’s
impression of him.
“I’m alright. Let’s go.”
His younger brother seemed a little different from before. Shao
Zelin frowned as he stared at him for a while but when he
remembered where he had just returned from, he felt that it could
explain this change in him. After a short moment of silence, he
nodded, “Let’s go.”
The place where they had stopped at was the Mission Port. Only
imperial soldiers can enter and leave this place, so the eldest son
was sent to pick him up instead of Shao Ze’an’s parents. In fact, they
are in the hospital at this moment waiting for their youngest son to
arrive to give him a thorough examination.
The two took a few steps before noticing that someone was
following behind. The two turned their heads at the same time but if
you looked more closely, you would notice Chi Zhao turning his
head around a little earlier.
Shao Ze’an didn’t speak. It was Shao Zelin who spoke, “Admiral
West, do you still need something?”
Louis stood in place, his deep gaze quietly stopping on Shao Ze’an.
Hearing the question, he looked at Shao Zelin, his expression
returning to his usual official and stern look, “No. That’s it for
today. I will personally visit the residence another day to give my
Shao Zelin nodded and turned to leave with his brother.
Louis stood there watching them leave and didn’t make any
attempt to follow.
The rest of the journey was very quiet with no one saying
anything unnecessary. Morris sat in his seat, poking his forehead
with the back of his electronic pen. He couldn’t help but laugh, “This
is very interesting……”
Chi Zhao now has some psychological shadow left from Morris.
Although he had won some freedom for himself, Morris still had
complete control of his life. He had to do whatever he says and all he
could do was to change some minor details. He was in no position to
disobey any of Morris’s orders.
It wasn’t fun being a puppet. Chi Zhao frowned irritably and
leaned back against the chair, closing his eyes to rest his eyes.
Shao Zelin turned and glanced at his younger brother. He felt
troubled inside.
The only thing that could make Lieutenant General Shou feel
troubled, was the prestigious Madam Shao.
In the Royal Hospital, several highly respected experts were
invited over to examine the official’s young son. They were all
waiting quietly in the waiting room at this moment. Hearing the
sound of the door opening, everyone looked over. Before they could
see what the legendary second young master of the Shao family with
a normal person’s body looked like, the usually reserved Madam
Shao had immediately rushed over. She nervously checked Shao
Ze’an up and down, “My dear son, you scared your mum to death!
Are you okay? Did those rebels do anything to you?!”
Perhaps it was because of the body’s memory itself, the moment
Chi Zhao saw her, he thought of his own mother. Ever since he had
entered this world, his nerves had been tensed but he felt that he
could now finally relax. His voice unconsciously carried a hint of
grievance, “……Mum.”
Madam Shao could tell that her youngest son had been
mistreated. She immediately hugged Chi Zhao in distress, patting
him on the back, “It’s okay, it’s okay. You’re home now. Mum will
not let those people get away with it. I’ll definitely pay them back
An unsmiling official stood on the side. Although he seemed calm,
he was actually no less worried than his wife. When he heard that
Shao Ze’an was caught by the rebels, he was so panicked, he almost
collapsed. At this very moment, he was very excited to see his son,
but he didn’t show it. He walked over to his son and said awkwardly,
“Dad too.”
That line was spoken too late, confusing the people there in the
process. After some thought, it was understood that his line was to
supplement Madam Shao’s lines. The official received some silent
stares from the people around them. In order to relieve the
embarrassment, he shifted his attention to his older son who had
been silently standing to the side.
Shao Zelin and his father stared at each other for a long time. He
then finally pursed his lips together and said, “……..Yeah, brother
After some reassurance, Chi Zhao was led by several experts for
an examination. Sitting in a device that looked very futuristic, Chi
Zhao wondered, “Are Morris’s inventions really that good? In such
a big hospital, they couldn’t even find those two devices in my
【Don’t forget, his laboratory could even block the scanning rays
from an S-grade mecha. If the laboratory could be hidden, two small
devices shouldn’t be an issue.
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Chi Zhao understood, “You mean, these two devices also have a
shielding function?”
Chi Zhao was speechless, “Then wouldn’t that mean that no one
will be able to find my implanted devices?”
【 Of course. Why did you think it took such a long time for the
others to find out about it?】
Chi Zhao still found it strange. Was Morris really so powerful such
that his own inventions far surpassed the technology of the entire
empire? This hospital was the Royal Hospital and the most talented
doctors in the galaxy as well as the most advanced equipment are
here. Could there really be no one else who could be his opponent?
Just as he wondered this, Morris suddenly spoke, “There is a
purple space capsule shaped examination machine. Try to avoid
being examined by that one.”
Chi Zhao raised his eyes and looked around the room. In the
distance, there was a purple machine and two doctors stood next to
it discussing with each other, “Should we check his myosin
response too?”
The other looked at him like he suggested something
unnecessary, “No need. Those measurements will only change
with burns. Young Master Shao has no burns so there is no need
to test it.”
“I was just suggesting. Didn’t Madam Shao say it earlier? She
wanted everything to be checked. Why don’t we…….”
As the two discussed, they would glance at the purple machine
from time to time. Chi Zhao understood now. Turns out, Morris
wasn’t omnipotent. That myo something something could detect the
abnormalities in his body.
Chi Zhao looked over at the two doctor and walked over. He said
to them, “Excuse me, is the examination over? I want to go home
and rest.”
The doctor who insisted on making Chi Zhao also have this check
done opened his mouth to speak but he was interrupted by the
other one, “Ah, it’s all done now. The results will be out soon. You
can go out first. We will take the results and find you in a bit.”
Chi Zhao smiled politely at him and walked out.
The results of the examination naturally showed no
abnormalities. Even so, Madam Shao didn’t feel reassured. Once
home, she immediately coaxed her younger son into bed and
ordered him to rest. As for college, she called and asked for a week
off. To Madam Shao, studies weren’t important at all. The most
important thing was her son’s health.
After lying in bed for a while, Morris’s voice sounded again.
Chi Zhao found it a little annoying. He was like a fly, always
appearing when he didn’t want to be disturbed!
Seeing Chi Zhao’s unhappy expression, the system quickly
placated him, encouraging him to endure. Chi Zhao silently endured.
Morris said a whole bunch of grandiose words and then talked about
something he couldn’t understand. Finally, once he had finished
setting everything up, he moved onto the main topic.
“Now Young Master Ze’an. You should complete my first task
for you.”
Chi Zhao’s eyelids were originally dropping, almost falling asleep
listening to Morris’s rambling. Hearing those words, he instantly
became more energetic. Chi Zhao’s heart pounded. He did his best to
restrain his excitement. He pretended to speak calmly, his voice
faintly trembling, “What task?”
Morris: “……..” Did he hear wrong? Why did he seem to hear some
eagerness in his voice?
After a moment of silence, Morris smiled again, “The task is, to
do everything possible to be married to the admiral ——– Louis
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KK has something to say: The first task!
Chapter 35
Source: KK Translates


After a short period of silence, Chi Zhao spoke up again, “Why?”

“There is no reason. This is an order. Just do as you’re told.”
Morris looked at the top corner of his screen which displayed
several grids. The data in these grids are of Shao Ze’an’s physical
data. Through these numbers, he can determine Shao Ze’an’s
physical and mental conditions but ever since the devices were
installed, the mental evaluations had not changed much. It seems
that it still had room for improvement.
Morris took note of this and planned to improve the device he had
inserted into Shao Ze’an’s upper arm. He then repeated impatiently,
“Do you remember what I just said?”
“I remember.”
Morris smiled, “Very good. I’ll give you seven days. In seven
days, I want to see news of your upcoming marriage on the Star
Network and within a month, you must move into the West
residence. Young Master, since you are so clever, I hope you won’t
let me down.”
Chi Zhao rolled his eyes, “Yeah.”
After that, Morris’s voice disappeared. Chi Zhao sat in bed,
pondering over how he should tell his family that he wanted to
marry Louis when suddenly the door opened and Madam Shao
walked in with a plate of freshly cut fruit.
“My dear son, have some fruit before sleeping.”
Chi Zhao pulled away his quilt and was about to get off but was
quickly stopped by Madam Shao, “Sit down, mum will bring it over
to you.”
Chi Zhao could only sit back in bed again. On the bedside table
was a row of decorative looking black ring patterns. Madam Shao
pressed one of the rings and the originally small and neat bedside
table immediately stretched out into a long bench that spread across
the bed. She placed the fruit on the bench and watched Chi Zhao
lovingly as he speared a piece with a small fork and bring it to his
mouth. After a while, she sighed, “It’s all my fault. I didn’t give you
a strong enough body. It would be great if you and your brother
met in the middle…….”
Every parents wish for their children to live equally well but
that was impossible. Chi Zhao swallowed what was in his mouth
and blinked a few times, “The strong have their advantages and
the weak also have their own advantages. The capable people
work hard, and it is because I don’t have that ability that I can
live a carefree life. I’m originally a person with no ambitions so
this kind of life is right for me. Mum, you are not at fault. Don’t
blame yourself.”
Madam Shao was stunned. Hot tears filled her eyes, “Darling,
you’ve grown up.”
Less than two seconds after being immersed in her own
emotions, Madam Shao remembered the reason for her young
son to grow up so quickly. Her graceful and delicate face turned
angry, “It’s those rebels. I’m going to sign an agreement
tomorrow to take out 10% of this year’s profit and donate it to
the military. Surely this is enough to fix them up! And that West! I
definitely won’t forgive him. With so many people on that
starship, why were you the only one left behind? He must give me
an explanation for this matter!”
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Madam Shao was the type of person who strongly favours her
own family over others. To put it nicely, she was overprotective. To
put it more bluntly, she was on par to a helicopter mother. For the
original owner to become like that, Madam Shao’s role was
indispensable. Although she didn’t deliberately raise Shao Ze’an to
be like that, this ‘loving mother’ Madam Shao who dotes on him all
the time eventually made him completely ignorant of the thoughts of
other people.
Chi Zhao was in no position to comment on whether it was
right or wrong. He paused, placed down his fork and said to
Madam Shao, “Mum, it has nothing to do with Admiral West. He
worked very hard to save us, but I was unlucky and didn’t get out
early enough. Because of me, Admiral West suffered a lot. The
root cause of this incident was us. If we didn’t insist on going to
the Death Galaxy, we wouldn’t have been caught by the rebels.”
Madam Shao showed a look of surprise. Her youngest son had
changed so much such that he was now speaking up for others?
Madam Shao felt that something wasn’t right. Chi Zhao gave her
enough time to buffer before continuing, “Mum.”
“Hmm?” Madam Shao turned her attention back.
“I want to marry him.”
Madam Shao was confused for a moment. The two looked at each
other for a long time. She thought she had misheard,
“Marry…….marry who?”
Chi Zhao opened his mouth. With the top of his tongue pressed
against the roof of his mouth, he uttered the name countless single
men and women in the empire have been pining for, “Louis West.”
After the initial shock passed, Madam Shao stared wide eyed at
Chi Zhao and double checked it with him several times before finally
walking out with a complicated expression. Chi Zhao quietly finished
his fruit and laid back down to rest. When he woke up again, he
found out he had been called in for an assembly.
Chi Zhao with a head of bed hair: “…….”
Chi Zhao had expected Madam Shao to call the original owner’s
father over but what he didn’t expect was that even the grandfather
was called. The original owner’s older brother had already returned
to the military, so he had missed out on this event.
Shao Ze’an’s grandfather is 100 years old this year. With spare
white hair and a deep furrow between his eyebrows, it was obvious
that he was someone who didn’t smile much. He asked Chi Zhao if he
really liked that kid from the West family to which Chi Zhao silently
nodded in response.
“But you haven’t known him for long and you don’t even know
what kind of person he is.” Those were the words of the original
owner’s father. Taking off his official robes, he was now an ordinary
father worrying about his sons love life.
Chi Zhao looked at him seriously, “I know what kind of person
he is. Although I haven’t known him for long, I can tell.”
It’s over. It’s infatuation.
The official had nothing to say. Grandfather looked at him in
silence for a while and then turned to his son and daughter-in-law,
“Leave. I want to talk to Xiao An alone.”
Madam Shao was a little worried, “Father, Xiao An……”
“Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing.” Grandfather interrupted
her, “Go out first.”
They had no choice but to oblige, leaving Chi Zhao and
grandfather alone in the room. Chi Zhao couldn’t help but feel a little
nervous. He thought of a bunch of touching declarations of love in
preparation to deal with the next scene but the first question he was
asked had nothing to do with Louis.
“Morris that child, how is he now?”
Chi Zhao was taken aback for a moment. He then answered
honestly, “He seems okay. His position on the rebels side seem
very high.”
The room was silent. After a long time, grandfather then asked,
“Did he torture you?”
Although his daughter-in-law has been constantly crying about
how miserable Shao Ze’an was and how excessive the rebels and
Morris were, his daughter-in-law liked to exaggerate. He wanted to
hear what his grandson had to say and see what that fellow Morris
had now become.
Chi Zhao didn’t know what to say. Morris could basically hear
everything they were saying. Even if he wasn’t listening, he would
definitely get someone to listen in. If he said something Morris didn’t
like, he would be electrocuted again when no one’s around. The pain
could be shielded but not the numb sensation. Just the feeling of the
numbness across his whole body was uncomfortable enough.
He was silent for too long and this silence didn’t seem like it was
because he couldn’t say it, but because he didn’t know what to say.
Grandfather frowned, “Xiao An, what are you thinking right now?”
“Tell him that yes, I tortured you.”
Morris’s voice suddenly sounded. His voice sounded very calm, a
little different from usual. Chi Zhao paused and said, “Yes, he
tortured me.”
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Grandfather stared at Chi Zhao’s eyes. His gaze was a little scary.
It wasn’t that grandfather did it deliberately, his face was just like
this. After a few seconds, he sighed and walked over to pat Chi
Zhao’s shoulder, “It’s good that you’re back…..It’s good that you’re
Those words sounded strange. Chi Zhao raised his head and
asked, “Grandfather, did you think that I wouldn’t return?”
“After betraying the empire, the first thing Morris did was kill
his senior brother. At that time, you were still young, so probably
no one told you about this. Morris’s teacher only accepted those
two disciples, each of them top geniuses. But he didn’t
expect…….They had a good relationship yet he could do
something like that to his senior brother so it wouldn’t be
surprising for him to do it to you.”
As Morris listened to Shao Ze’an’s grandfathers’ words, his
expression was very calm. Even the two subordinates standing
nearby didn’t sense any abnormalities. Only Morris knew. His hand
that has hanging loosely by his sides had already clenched tightly
into a fist, his nails digging deeply into the flesh.
When Chi Zhao heard this, he was not very surprised,
“Grandfather, he has already betrayed the empire. Those who
can betray the empire can do anything.”
Grandfather’s expression was a little complicated. He seemed
to want to say something, but he hesitated and closed his mouth
again. After rubbing Chi Zhao’s shoulder a few times, he said
again, “As for the matters involving you young ones, grandfather
won’t be involved. If you really like that child, grandfather can
help you out but telling your family something like this is useless.
You should go and find that West child and see what he thinks.”
Alright. If Chi Zhao himself went, he probably would be driven out
before he even crosses through the door. If he wanted to complete
his task in time, he could only use the power of his family to put
some pressure on Louis.
Although he thought this, Chi Zhao nodded obediently, “I
understand grandfather.”
Morris gave Chi Zhao seven days. Chi Zhao planned to sort the
situation out at home first before going to talk to Louis about it.
After he disagrees, he would cut to the chase and break the news of
their engagement on the Star Network before forcing the marriage
onto Louis using both the pressure from his family and society. With
Louis’s temper, he would most definitely be angry but he was also a
man with principles so he wouldn’t do anything to him. At most, he
would ignore him and let him live like a widow after the marriage.
It just so happened that Chi Zhao also didn’t want to have any
physical contact with him so that would kill two birds with one
As Chi Zhao had this all calculated and planned out inside, what he
didn’t expect was that Louis would come to the Shao residence early
the next day.
If not for Chi Zhao’s words yesterday, Madam Shao would most
definitely teach Louis a lesson but since she now knows that her son
is deeply in love with this admiral, she couldn’t help but feel that her
son is not good enough for him. No matter how thick her filter in her
eyes were, she still had to face reality.
The official had gone to work, and Shao Zelin would only return a
few days in a year. Yesterday his younger brother had an accident so
he temporarily took a day off so he probably wouldn’t visit home
any time soon. This left Madam Shao, Shao Ze’an and Grandfather
Shao who hardly ever goes out at home. Madam Zhao sincerely
apologised to Louis while feeling complicated inside, “Don’t say
that. After all, it is our family’s Xiao An’s fault. If he didn’t skip
school, he wouldn’t have encountered something like that. I still
haven’t had the chance to thank you for saving him.”
Standing by Louis’s side was his aide. They both came wearing
their military uniforms to make the visit more formal. After hearing
Madam Shao’s words, the aide’s eyebrows rose in surprise.
What was going on? This overprotective mother had suddenly
gone mad?
Louis and Madam Shao exchanged polite courtesy words when,
suddenly, a thin figure appeared in the corridor in the distance.
Louis looked over, pausing in the middle of speaking. Madam Shao
followed his gaze and similarly looked over. It was her youngest son.
He was standing there silently with his lips pursed, looking a little
timid. It however wasn’t the type of timidity one would show when
seeing their sweetheart, but rather like a student waiting for their
teacher to announce their grades.
Madam Zhao frowned slightly. She then turned back and checked
Louis’s expression. He was looking intently at her son and when he
appeared, the corners of his lips raised slightly. That smile wasn’t
the same smile he had when speaking to her, but a smile that came
from the heart. Admiral West was known to be an unsmiling,
dignified and cold soldier. For him to show such obvious emotional
changes, it goes to show how much influence her younger son has
on him.
Madam Shao was confused. This……..who exactly is the one that’s
deeply infatuated?
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KK has something to say:
I wonder who…..🤭
Chapter 36
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao greeted Louis and his aide and then walked over to
Madam Shao’s side. He asked in a small voice, “Mum, did you tell
Madam Shao opened her mouth to speak but before she could,
Louis spoke first, “Tell me what?”
Madam Shao’s eyes moved between the two of them. She
suddenly felt like she might have been tricked.
These two brats may have already set things in stone in private
and, fearing that they wouldn’t agree, they’re now working together
to trick them into agreeing?!
The more Madam Shao thought about it, the more she felt that it
was possible. Of course, her son wasn’t the scheming type so the
only one who could come up with something like this could only be
that evil West.
Louis had no idea that in Madam Shao’s eyes, he had instantly
gone from a good young man to an evil brat. Madam Shao calmed
herself down and shook her head at Chi Zhao, “No. Since he’s here,
you can tell him yourself. How about having a chat in the flower
room? It’s quiet and the scenery there is good.”
Chi Zhao obediently nodded and looked over at Louis.
Louis stood up and followed Chi Zhao along.
In fact, Chi Zhao didn’t know the way. The system quickly scanned
and guessed the location of the so-called flower room.
The aide originally wanted to follow but before he could take
another step, he was stopped by Madam Shao. When the two figures
were gone, Madam Shao slowly scrutinised him through narrow
eyes and then gracefully sat down, “Tell me all about your
admirals love history.”
Aide: “???”
Madam Shao’s questioning went into great detail. She even asked
what flavour of nutrient solution Louis liked and what small hobbies
he had. The aide felt overwhelmed. He didn’t understand why
Madam Shao would ask him these things but since these questions
didn’t reveal any military secrets, it was okay to tell her about it.
After feeling conflicted for a while, he felt that his admiral probably
wouldn’t mind so he went ahead and answered them all.
While the aide on one end had completely rebelled, Louis and Chi
Zhao on the other end sat on a rattan bench in the flower room.
The bench was very wide and the two sat on each end of it,
leaving some space between the two of them.
Louis looked at him, “What did you want to say to me?”
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While chatting with the system inside, Chi Zhao wasn’t afraid of
saying anything but now that he was in front of Louis, he cowered.
He had never done anything like proposing. What’s more, this
wasn’t a marriage proposal but a one-sided forced marriage.
After feeling conflicted inside for a long time, Chi Zhao gritted his
teeth and turned around, looking both nervously and firmly at
Louis’s eyes, “I want to marry you.”
The first second, Louis didn’t show any reaction.
The next second, his expression changed, His eyes widened
suddenly, his gaze filled with shock, surprise, confusion and
But, contrary to Chi Zhao’s expectations it didn’t seem to have any
anger or disgust?
Chi Zhao had a bad premonition. He seemed to have seen this type
of reaction in Li Yihan before. Afraid that Louis would ruin the plot,
he immediately changed his attitude and said in a vicious tone,
“Whether you agree or not, I will marry you. This is my decision,
no one can change it!”
The system who was silently watching on couldn’t help but feel
that Chi Zhao’s way of speaking harshly didn’t seem quite right.
When normal people spoke harshly, wouldn’t they say something
like my father is xxx, if you don’t listen to me, only death awaits??
Just as it wanted to remind Chi Zhao of this, Louis spoke up first,
Chi Zhao was taken aback. Louis was still looking at him. He
seemed to really want to know the answer to this question. Chi Zhao
didn’t know how to answer. He naturally couldn’t say the truth, but
he also couldn’t use a reason like ‘I like you’. Louis was a good
person and it was easy for him to feel pity for someone who likes
him. What Chi Zhao needs right now isn’t pity but for the
protagonist to dislike him.
Thinking this, Chi Zhao turned his head and snorted coldly,
“There is no reason. Even if there is one, I won’t tell you.”
The young master’s proud nature had reared its head again.
Louis pursed his lips. He turned his gaze ahead and no longer
looked at him.
He needed some time to process this. For all these years, it wasn’t
that no one had talked to Louis about the matter of marriage but, at
that time, Louis’s life was focused on the military and he didn’t’ have
the time or energy to care about something like thar. To be honest,
he hadn’t thought about it until about five minutes ago but when the
word ‘marry’ was spoken by Shao Ze’an, his heart suddenly started
throbbing. This feeling was something he wasn’t familiar with, but
he also didn’t hate it.
After a long period of silence, Louis turned back and looked at Chi
Zhao seriously, “Give me some time.”
Chi Zhao thought he needed time to think about it. He secretly
complained inside: Look, it’s all because the system made him save
him. See what has happened now? Louis isn’t disgusted and is even
ready to go back and consider it.
What should’ve been a forced marriage may no longer be forced.
But since the final outcome was the same, perhaps it could still be
considered as successfully completing the plotline?
Chi Zhao thought this but just to be safe, he added, “Whatever.
Anyway, no matter what you think, my decision will not change
so don’t waste your effort.”
After saying this, Chi Zhao quickly turned his head away to make
it look like he couldn’t care less but in Louis’s eyes, it turned into
Shao Ze’an trying to speak ruthlessly to hide his true emotions and
looking away because he was too embarrassed.
You see? He no longer dared to look at him now.
Louis’s eyes softened and his eyes carried a hint of a smile. He
even had the urge to reach out to rub Shao Ze’an’s head, but he
remembered some things and retracted his hand. He paused and
said solemnly, “I’ll be back soon.”
Madam Shao was still interrogating the aide, completely ignoring
the bitter expression on his face. Suddenly, she felt someone
approach her from behind. When the two looked back, they only saw
Louis. The aide looked around but couldn’t find Shao Ze’an while
Madam Zhao could probably guess what had happened. She didn’t
stand and looked up at the tall Admiral West from below, “He told
“Yes.” Louis lowered his head slightly, humbling himself, “I
want to go home and tell my parents about this first and then
return together with my parents for an official visit.”
The Shao family is of a Chinese descent and they place a lot of
importance on formalities. Louis on the other hand is of Celtic
descent and his side isn’t as strict about these matters. Him doing
something like this was naturally his way of showing respect.
Madam Shao was satisfied hearing this but she still found it very
strange, “How long have you known my Xiao An?”
After careful calculation, it was less than three days. This was a
very important matter too. Could the two already have known each
other before this?
Hearing this question, Louis paused and then curled his lips up
slightly, “Some things have nothing to do with the length of time.
Just one glance is enough.”
Madam Shao: “……” Huh, he’s good at being romantic.
As Louis and Madam Shao had this exchange, the aide on the side
couldn’t understand it at all and felt very frustrated. When they
finally left and got on the hovercar, the aide immediately asked,
“Admiral, what were you and Madam Shao talking about? What
are you going to talk to your parents about when you get home?”
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The hovercar had a self-driving function and was navigating to its
destination by itself. Hearing the aide’s questions, Louis slowly
turned and looked at his aide calmly.
“I’m getting married.”
The aide blinked blankly for a long time. He then asked the most
critical question, “…….With whom?”
Louis didn’t immediately answer. He turned his head back to the
front, then lowered his eyes and said both gently and carefully,
“Shao Ze’an.”
For him, that name felt a little new but after saying it, it seemed to
carry a different and fatal attraction, making him have the urge to
say it again. After repeating it a few times, he raised his eyes and
looked at the world flashing by outside and suddenly let out a laugh.
After that, he said to the aide emotionally, “Turns out, he likes
He looked over with smile, “I really didn’t expect him to like me.
Did you expect it?”
The aide answered dumbly, “……..No.”
Whether Shao Ze’an likes his admiral or not, the aide really didn’t
know, but if he was asked if his admiral likes Shao Ze’an, he can
answer with complete confidence, of course!
Although the progress was rather fast, if they just got engaged
first and then slowly get to know each other and slowly proceed into
marriage, it seemed quite acceptable. Wasn’t this already a trend
amongst the upper class? Thinking this, the aide was very happy.
With his admiral finally solving a major life event, as an aide he also
wanted to offer his blessings.
“Congratulations! When are you going to host the engagement
banquet? Should I start writing up a guest list?”
Hearing this, Louis gave him a strange look, “What
engagement? Didn’t I say it just now? I’m getting married. M-a-r-
Aide: “……”
Although it is currently the interstellar era that advocates rapid
advancements, you’re going too fast!
Louis didn’t pay any attention to the aide who was crazily
complaining inside. He was still immersed in his wonderful mood. If
it wasn’t for Shao Ze’an saying those things to him today, with his
dense nature, he probably would not have realised his own feelings
even after a very long time. But now, he understood. He understood
why he was so worried about Shao Ze’an’s safety, why he felt
disappointed when he heard that Shao Ze’an didn’t save him and
why he would always want to see Shao Ze’an and even wish to
personally take care of him.
It was because he had fallen in love with Shao Ze’an at first sight.
Compared to the aide’s shock, Louis’s parents were only
pleasantly surprised. To them, no matter who their daughter-in-law
is, as long as they are human, it was good enough. Only god knows
how worried they were when they thought Louis would eventually
spend the rest of his life with only his mechas.
With the parents having no issues, there were no other problems
that needed to be resolved. Everything that had to be prepared were
prepared and a few gifts were also personally selected. Soon, Louis’s
parents and their son arrived at the door of the Shao residence. The
conversation between the adults of both sides were very
harmonious as they sat at the dining table. Louis sat there quietly
and didn’t interrupt, and Chi Zhao also sat there quietly but it wasn’t
because he didn’t want to interrupt, it was because he didn’t know
how to interrupt.
That’s it? It’s already the stage where the parents meet? Are the
marriages of you future people all so simple and crude???
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KK has something to say: Already at the ‘meeting the parents’
Chapter 37
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao was very silent, and Morris was even more silent. He
didn’t expect that such a difficult task would be completed by Shao
Ze’an in only four days. He had originally given that order because
he had noticed that Louis seemed a little different around Shao
Ze’an, but he didn’t expect Louis to actually agree with Shao Ze’an’s
unreasonable request without batting an eye and even thoughtfully
arranged everything. From the looks of it, the wedding might
happen very soon.
Morris couldn’t help but laugh. What he said before was right.
This really was interesting.
After lunch, Louis’s parents didn’t immediately leave. Louis’s
family was also from a military and political background so although
the two families don’t have many associations, they would still see
each other in major social events and there were many topics to talk
about. When they moved from the dining room to the living room,
Louis’s mother noticed that the two children hadn’t spoken much.
She immediately smiled kindly and said, “Today’s weather is pretty
good. Louis, why don’t you take Xiao An out to play? Going out for
a walk is also good for your body, what do you think Madam
Madam Shao smiled back, “Of course, Madam West.”
“Oh, don’t be so polite. We’re going to be family soon. You can
just call me Mary.”
Chi Zhao: “…….”
Louis’s mother is really not ordinary…..
They were told to go out for a walk, but Chi Zhao wasn’t very
familiar with the main star’s environment, so he didn’t know where
to go. Louis asked him a few times if he had a place in mind but,
unable to get an answer, he eventually picked a place himself.
They arrived at a special effects café that can customise special
effects to the guests liking. They didn’t have a reservation, so they
just found a cubicle to sit in. When outside, Louis would put on a
mask which would turn his face ordinary to avoid being recognised
as the admiral.
After reaching the cubicle, he took that mask off. Around them
were small glowing balls of light floating in the air. It felt like they
were sitting in a strange and splendid world. Chi Zhao couldn’t help
but reach out to touch one of those cute and tiny balls of light, but
his finger didn’t come into contact with anything. Louis saw this and
smiled, “This is a unique view from Detara Star. If you like it, we
can go see it together.”
Chi Zhao silently retracted his hand, “I don’t like it that much.”
Louis looked at him for a while and seemed to have something to
say but after a moment of silence, he closed his eyes and held back.
Forget it. Now was not the time.
He took something from his pocket and placed it on the table in
front of them.
It was a small black cube that looked no bigger than one cubic
centimetre in size with exquisite detailing. Chi Zhao tilted his head
as he looked at it. Unable to tell what it was, he reached out to pick it
up and took a closer look.
Seeing it sitting in Shao Ze’an’s palm, Louis felt very satisfied,
“This is a memorial mecha issued by the Royal Military Academy
after completing our first-year survival training. Only those who
pass it are issued one and, depending on the ranking, the colour
of the mecha will be different. Only the first place is black.”
When he said this, Louis looked expectantly at Chi Zhao, wanting
to see excitement in his expression. After all, the Royal Military
Academy was the best military academy in the empire and if you can
get first place, you are most definitely the best student in that class.
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But after observing for a long time, Louis didn’t see what he
wanted to see. Chi Zhao looked at the small cube and had some
understanding; this was similar to badges, rings and buttons people
in the military would keep. It was basically something
Chi Zhao was right, but this mecha was a little different. These
mechas are usually given by the students to their future lovers and
that was why it was so small and exquisite. It also didn’t require a
high spiritual power to activate to accommodate for the physical
condition of each students future spouse.
Although it wasn’t expensive, it held deep meaning. Chi Zhao
didn’t want to take it. After all, he was a ‘traitor’. When he is
discovered in the future, Louis will definitely regret giving it to him.
Chi Zhao’s hand holding the mecha paused. Just as he was about to
put it back onto the table, he was suddenly hit with a strong sense of
danger. Chi Zhao’s eyes instantly widened and his body’s instinctive
reaction was to run in the opposite direction of the danger but
before he could stand, he was pulled into Louis’s arms. Louis tore off
the necklace around his neck, activated the intermediate mecha and
stuffed it into Chi Zhao’s arms.
Before being covered by the mecha, Chi Zhao could only have the
chance to see a wave of heat quickly sweep through the café they
were just sitting in. The screams and cries sounded endlessly as
people ran out in panic. Only Louis rushed in.
Chi Zhao didn’t know how to use the mecha. After entering, the
mecha sensed that it wasn’t Louis and sent out a request.
“Mecha Rafael. Intermediate level activated. Would you like to
connect your spiritual power?”
Chi Zhao was stunned for a few seconds. He then shook his head
frantically, “No!”
Are you kidding me? If he connected it now, wouldn’t it be
revealed that he has S-grade spiritual power?
Chi Zhao also didn’t know if Morris was listening in so he
hurriedly added, “My spiritual power is B-grade. I can’t connect
with you.”
Raphael was an escape mecha, not a smart one, so it didn’t have
the ability to answer his questions.
After discovering this, Chi Zhao also fell silent.
The mecha would only start the escape journey if it had a route
set up in advance or if it realises that the user’s life was in danger.
Since nothing was detected at this moment, Raphael remained
hovering quietly in the air, consuming its own energy. Those who
recognised that it was one of Admiral Wests’ Seven Archangels
mecha cried with excitement, “The Admiral is here to save us!”
They waved at the mecha with enthusiasm and anticipation. Chi
Zhao hesitated for a moment and subconsciously waved back.
Without spiritual connection, the mecha and user cannot be fully
connected but a shallow connection was still possible. For example,
right now the imposing Raphael had raised his left arm and was
both calmly and stupidly waving back at the civilians in greeting.
The civilians: “……..”
Was this really Admiral West? Why is he standing there not doing
As the people wondered this, suddenly, an even more striking
mecha rushed out of the ruins. That was Louis’s most regularly used
combat mecha – Michael.
Louis piloted the mecha and used less than a minute to take down
the rebel squad responsible for that terrorist attack. After that, Louis
didn’t remain idle and immediately moved to save the people who
were trapped. Chi Zhao watched for a while and also had the urge to
help but he was mecha illiterate and didn’t know how to operate it
at all. In the end, the system reminded him that he could use voice
Chi Zhao tried saying ‘save the people’ and Raphael immediately
began to move. Although it was an escape mecha, it also had some
other basic functions. It was just that it was a little worse than other
Louis couldn’t help but frown when he saw that Shao Ze’an not
only didn’t leave and was instead flying back. But since it was no
longer dangerous, he didn’t say anything and let him do as he
Chi Zhao sat in the mecha, watching Raphael actively save the
people. It moved large rubble away and rescued the bloody people
who were crushed underneath. Their desperate and fearful looks
were all imprinted deeply in Chi Zhao’s heart. After being rescued,
they all held each other and wept bitterly. They had thought that
they would never see each other again.
Not everyone survived and many people died, at least a few dozen
of them. Chi Zhao stared at the surroundings in daze. Suddenly, he
asked the system, “Was this done by the rebels?”
【 Yes. Some are lurking around here on the main star and from
time to time would engage in terrorist attacks, trying to cause panic
among the people. With this, it can lower the royal family’s
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Chi Zhao frowned deeply.
【 Don’t show such an expression, it has nothing to do with you.
This kind of thing happens often.】
The system was trying to comfort him. Chi Zhao could sense this,
but he didn’t believe it.
This had happened not long after he and Louis entered the café.
What else could it be apart from it being directed at them? Louis was
cautious so it was impossible for the rebels to know of his
whereabouts so it must be himself who had revealed their location.
When he first came to the café, he had unconsciously read out its
name. The rebels must have followed them over after that.
Chi Zhao pursed his lips tightly together. At this moment,
Morris’s voice sounded, “Only that many people died? Guess he
got lucky. Young Master Ze’an, it’s now your turn. Pretend to
have made a mistake and use the mecha’s cannon to kill a
Shao Ze’an is currently in Louis West’s mecha. No matter what he
does, it would be considered as something done by West. Morris
was trying to tarnish Louis’s reputation by doing this but after
waiting a few seconds, Shao Ze’an didn’t move.
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Morris narrowed his eyes, “What are you waiting for?”
As soon as he finished speaking, Chi Zhao expressionlessly
established a brief connection with Raphael. Because Chi Zhao’s
spiritual power was higher than that of Louis, he instantly took over
Louis’s control. He looked at a certain place in the distance and
coldly spat out one word, “Attack.”
Actually, even if he didn’t speak, Raphael would’ve attacked
anyway. Now that he and the mecha are completely connected, his
thoughts would be instantly conveyed to the mecha. With Chi Zhao’s
Super S grade spiritual power, he was able to accurately control
Raphael’s artillery fire into blasting off half a wall in the distance.
Standing not far away stood a policeman. He was taken aback,
thinking that it was another terrorist attack, but that blast didn’t hit
him and had instead hit the wall behind him that was about to
collapse a few moments ago.
The policeman couldn’t help but wipe away the sweat on his
forehead. What a man. He didn’t know which admiral this was, but
that admiral’s actions are a little too fierce. Although he knows that
his spiritual power is high and most certainly wouldn’t accidentally
cause injuries, he should at least give a warning before firing. He
was so startled earlier, his soul almost few off.
Morris couldn’t see the situation there and only heard Shao Ze’an
issue the attack command. Just as Morris wanted to ask about the
current situation, Chi Zhao suddenly spoke, “Raphael, let me
Raphael checked the surroundings and confirmed that it was safe
before landing and automatically changing back into the appearance
of a ring.
Without the mecha’s protection, the smell of blood immediately
rushed into Chi Zhao’s nose. Seeing the tragedy around him with his
own eyes, he couldn’t utter a single word.
It wasn’t that he had never seen a dead body before. When he first
came to this world, he had woken up amongst a group of dead
bodies, but those bodies had nothing to do with him. The scene he
was seeing now however was because of him.
In other words, these people had died because of him. It was also
he who had dragged these innocent people into this nightmare.
The main star’s police arrived and took over the job of rescuing
and treating the casualties. Louis also got out of his mecha. When he
looked at Shao Ze’an in the distance, he felt that something didn’t
seem right. After some thought, he immediately understood and
quickly strode over.
On Chi Zhao’s side, the system called out to him with a trembling
[H-h-h-h-h-host…..Please calm down. You are not an ordinary
person right now. If you get too emotional, your spiritual power will
go berserk. In this world, one’s spiritual power can be used to kill
Chi Zhao heard this. He also wanted to calm down, but he just
couldn’t help it. Just the thought that these people had become like
this because of him and their looks of agony and sorrow made his
temples throb with pain. Inside, he felt very angry, very weak and
very sad. He really wanted to do something to vent.
He stood there with his head hanging low, his hands forming tight
fists by his side. Louis who was making his way over, suddenly
stopped in place.
The air…….seemed to be shaking.
Most people wouldn’t have been able to sense this subtle change.
Even Chi Zhao hadn’t noticed it because he was still immersed in
self-blame. As a soldier who had been fighting for many years, Louis
was very sensitive to his surroundings. It took him a second to
realise what was going on before he immediately sped up and ran to
Chi Zhao’s side, pulling him into his arms.
Chi Zhao’s forehead was pressed against Louis’ s neck from which
the veins were beating vigorously. Chi Zhao suddenly opened his
eyes and listened to the sound of heartbeat pound again and again.
Slowly, the redness in Chi Zhao’s eyes faded somewhat.
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KK has something to say: Oh no, all those casualties 😥
Chapter 38
Source: KK Translates


At the same time, all the people present who were still alive were
clutching heads as a splitting headache spread through, rendering
them unable to remain standing. This pain came and went very
quickly. The head of the police force who had come to help save the
people was the first to recover and he quickly came to an
understanding that this was someone’s spiritual power going
Spiritual powers going berserk was something everyone would
encounter but low levelled ones wouldn’t affect anyone. Those that
can make others experience such pain must be A grade or higher.
The people here today were not only common civilians, but also
people from the police force three of which who had A-grade
spiritual power. With even them experiencing the abnormal pain, it
meant that the spiritual power of the one whose spiritual power had
gone berserk must be of S-grade. Of the people here, the only person
with S-grade spiritual power was West……
The head of the police force looked at Louis suspiciously, fearing
that he would be unable to control himself again and hit them with
another wave.
At the same time, he also found it strange. Why would Admiral
West’s spiritual power suddenly lose control? Was there something
here that could strongly stimulate him?
His eyes moved over to the boy in Louis’s arms.
Just now, that boy seemed to have come out of Admiral West’s
mecha. In the beginning, everyone saw two mechas; one was piloted
by Admiral West while the other was piloted by him. Seeing how the
admiral was holding the boy so tightly in his arms, how could the
head of the police force not understand the situation?
With one’s lover almost being attacked; anyone would be unable
to bear with it. It wasn’t easy for Admiral West hold back until now.
When Chi Zhao was held by Louis, he was shocked, and his
spiritual power immediately stopped going berserk. After a few
seconds of recovering, he looked up but the person holding him
pressed his head back down again.
Chi Zhao: “………” Excuse me brother, what are you doing??
Admiral West was embracing a young man in the middle of the
street and his spiritual power also went berserk. That was enough to
show how worried he was about the young man.
There was an uproar amongst the crowd. Someone took the
opportunity to record this scene. Louis remained calm and didn’t
raise his head. He only used his spiritual power to study the
surrounding situation and reached the conclusion that everyone
seemed to believe that it was his spiritual power that had gone
berserk. Feeling relieved, his hold around Chi Zhao relaxed. Chi Zhao
also noticed this and immediately broke free. He glared at Louis who
just blinked back at him with confusion.
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Hmm? He had helped take the blame for the spiritual power going
berserk but instead of thanking him, Shao Ze’an seemed to appear
angry instead?
Other places may not be so strict but on the main star, if one
cannot control their spiritual power and it goes berserk outside,
regardless of whether it caused any damages, they will be fined. If it
caused some serious damages, then they may even need to go to jail.
After all, learning to control it is also a necessary quality for the
strong. If they cannot even do something like this, then they
shouldn’t even go outside.
Chi Zhao wasn’t too clear about all these little rules and
regulations. Right now, no one knew that his spiritual power had
reached S-grade so naturally no one had taught him about those
things. He had thought that Louis was using this opportunity to take
advantage of him but from the looks of the people around him, it
didn’t seem to be that simple. When he remembered the warning
the system said earlier, Chi Zhao seemed to understand a little.
He was helping divert his attention so that he can quickly calm
Chi Zhao swallowed and asked the system nervously, “This
spiritual power going berserk……Could one with B-grade
spiritual power do something like that just now?”
The system quietly asked back.
【What do you think?】
Chi Zhao: “………”
While Chi Zhao was silent, Louis had already thoughtfully thought
of a reason for him. This young man before him liked him and when
one likes someone, they naturally didn’t want the other person to be
hurt. He must be feeling very distressed for him.
Thinking this, Louis’s heart felt warm. He lowered his voice and
reassured, “It’s okay. They will only look for me when the time
comes. It’s just a fine. There won’t be any other penalties.”
After that, he caressed Chi Zhao’s face. Feeling the rough but
gentle touch and realising the hidden message in his words, Chi
Zhao’s eyes widened in shock.
“He already knows? How did he know?!”
【Even if you ask me………I also don’t know. It looks like he didn’t
find out about it today. He probably knew it a long time ago. Did you
accidentally expose yourself? Or did he never believe in you in the
first place?】
Chi Zhao also couldn’t tell. He studied Louis closely with a frown,
grabbed his hand and proceeded to drag him away.
The head of the police force approached Louis, “Admiral West,
Before he could finish speaking, Louis was dragged away by Chi
Zhao. He turned around and nodded apologetically to the head
before turning back and following Chi Zhao along.
The head of the police force fell silent. He turned to look at the
slowly growing group of onlookers and could already foresee the
uproar that was about to set off on the Star Network tonight.
Chi Zhao dragged him over to the parking lot. Louis wasn’t
wearing his mask, so his head-turning rate was at 300%. They got
into the hover car and Chi Zhao gave it the instructions to take them
home before turning to look vigilantly at Louis.
Louis didn’t understand why he would look at himself with such
vigilance from time to time. Just as he wanted to ask about it, Chi
Zhao used the method the system had taught him and firstly
adjusted his physical condition with his spiritual power, forcing
himself to calm down before speaking, “You don’t have to worry
about me so much.”
Louis looked at him, “We will be partners in the future so of
course I have to worry about you. This won’t happen in the
future; I won’t let you see such bloody scenes again.”
Louis thought it had happened because he had received too much
stimulation from that tragedy. As he spoke, his voice softened, “But
you should also try and learn to……”
Before the word ‘control’ could be said, Chi Zhao grasped his hand
tightly. He had used a lot of strength. Although Louis didn’t feel any
pain, he could sense the Chi Zhao’s anxiousness. Louis paused and
swallowed those words back. He looked at Chi Zhao with a frown
and saw the latter move his gaze aside slightly, as if he was listening
for something.
Not hearing Morris’s voice, he took a deep breath and looked into
Louis’s eyes, “I will. Let’s not talk about this in the future, okay?”
Please don’t mention it. If Morris finds out that he now has S-
grade spiritual power, and may even be more powerful than that,
Morris would realise that he had been lying to him and taking
advantage of the loopholes in the devices to hide it. By that time,
even if Morris doesn’t kill him, he would be tortured severely and
monitored 24/7. Perhaps Morris may even ask him to enter the
army or the political scene. In short, he would be sent to places
where there is more information. As a person with S-grade spiritual
power, he would indeed be qualified to enter those places……
Chi Zhao could already foresee his miserable outcome. Louis
however didn’t seem to have any intentions to comply. He looked
doubtfully at Chi Zhao: “Why? You seem afraid……..”
Chi Zhao’s eyes widened. If Louis finished those words, he would
be finished, He reached out to cover Louis’s mouth, but Louis had a
better physique and could move faster than him. Before he reached
out, his hand had already been grabbed by Louis. The look of doubt
on Louis’s face grew stronger and stronger. Out of anxiousness, Chi
Zhao leaned forward and kissed Louis.
With this, Louis couldn’t say another word.
The system observing from the sidelines: “……..”
It really has made a unique selection. This host is not only smart
and obedient, he’s also kind and hard-working and is even willing to
sacrifice himself. Every time, he would to the protagonist…….Haa,
forget it. It would just end up crying if it continued.
Chi Zhao closed his eyes and pressed his lips onto Louis’s lips.
After confirming that he wouldn’t speak anymore, he withdrew and
said in a small voice, “I am afraid so don’t mention it again.”
After a moment of silence, he looked up and looked pleadingly at
Louis, “Please.”
Both Louis and Chi Zhao knew that they were talking about his
spiritual power but on the rebel’s end, they thought they were
talking about the terrorist attack just now. Perhaps because Chi
Zhao was lucky, Morris was also called out just now, so he wasn’t
watching over them. Instead, it was his two subordinates. They’re
both not very smart and couldn’t read between the lines.
That kiss just now was Louis’s first kiss. When the young man
approached him, all his senses worked at its maximum capacity and
Louis’s super powerful brain was also rendered frozen for a few
seconds. His body was too stiff, and his reactions also slowed down
by half a beat. It wasn’t until the young man moved away that Louis
was able to regain some sense of reason.
Please read this from kk translates
That day when Shao Ze’an was picked up by his brother, he had
deliberately quietly followed behind him to test his subconscious
reaction. Obviously, he had succeeded. Shao Ze’an had turned his
head back faster than his brother and his brother’s spiritual power
was S-grade.
At that time, Louis was certain. Shao Ze’an and indeed levelled up
and that figure he saw that day was definitely Shao Ze’an, not a
But why did Shao Ze’an want to hide this? He was saving others,
not hurting them so why was he working so hard to hide it?
Louis didn’t understand. He went to the Shao residence the next
day firstly, because he wanted to apologise and secondly, because he
wanted to ask Shao Ze’an about this but, instead, he had heard
something else that occupied his mind and he wasn’t able to ask in
the end. This continued until today.
Louis suddenly realised that what Shao Ze’an wanted to hide was
not the fact that he had saved him, but the fact that his spiritual
power was very high.
As the two looked at each other, Chi Zhao could almost feel his
heart in his throat. After a long period of silence, Louis quietly
Almost instantly, the young man’s tensed back relaxed. He hung
his head and looked as if he had just escaped from great danger.
Louis silently watched him, his gaze serious and stern. When Chi
Zhao looked back up after a while, he was almost startled by this. At
this moment, the hover car had already reached the Shao residence.
Chi Zhao paused and said to, “I will explain it to you later. Goodbye,
Admiral West.”
After saying this, Chi Zhao got out. Louis didn’t follow him. Chi
Zhao walked on nervously until he opened the door and entered. It
was only then did he feel the scorching gaze coming from behind
him disappear.
At least he was able to fool him today. He would worry about the
future when the time comes. With his ability to make things up, it
shouldn’t be hard finding a reasonable and sensible explanation.
In the middle of the night, Chi Zhao’s eyes suddenly flew open.
……..He was wrong. He really couldn’t think of a reasonable and
sensible explanation.
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: Chi Zhao, your way of trying to shut
Louis up doesn’t seem quite right…..
Chapter 39
Source: KK Translates


Louis discovered that he has S-grade spiritual power, and this also
meant that he already knew that Chi Zhao was his lifesaver. No
wonder he agreed to this marriage so quickly. It was because he
wanted to repay him for the favour.
Chi Zhao turned over. He never thought that Louis would come to
like him in such a short time. Very soon, he started thinking about
something else.
After today’s experience, Chi Zhao felt that he probably might not
be able to provide the rebels with intelligence.
As soon as he thought this, the system reacted.
【How can you think that?! If you don’t give them information, let
along completing the plot points, host you will be killed!】
Hearing the system’s outburst, Chi Zhao was speechless, “Look
at the world you found for me. We have already been together
day and night for several decades so shouldn’t you know me well
enough by now? In the last world, I couldn’t kill Li Yihan and this
world is asking me to kill tens of millions of people. What makes
you think I can do it here?”
【 This world wasn’t selected by me…..It’s random. What’s more,
you couldn’t do it to Li Yihan because you love him. You don’t love
the people here….】
This had nothing to do with love. Any normal person wouldn’t be
able to do such a psychotic thing. But speaking of Li Yihan….
Chi Zhao touched his chest. It felt a little empty. Before, when he
thought of Li Yihan, he would still feel a little sad but now that they
were on this topic, he didn’t feel any sadness anymore. It was just a
feeling of something missing from his heart. Although it wasn’t
painful or uncomfortable, it felt very strange.
Chi Zhao then asked, “System, did you do something to me?”
It had only been a few days, not even a month had passed. No
matter how strong Chi Zhao’s mental fortitude was, it was
impossible for him to forget about Li Yihan so quickly. Something
like this can no longer be described as having a strong mental
fortitude, it was clearly more in line with being heartless!
For a long time, Chi Zhao didn’t hear the system speak. His
expression darkened, “Speak! I know you’re there. Did you think
it’s going to work playing dead?”
Chi Zhao: “……And no system maintenance allowed!”
The system froze. After debating between shamelessly going into
maintenance mode or confessing, it finally chose the latter.
Please read this from kk translates
【 I was afraid that you would be affected by the emotions left
from the last world and would not be able to complete the task in
this world properly so I…….filtered your memory.】
Chi Zhao frowned, “What do you mean by filtering my
【 That is, screening through your memories and taking out the
emotions, leaving only the memory. But don’t worry, I have carefully
stored it aside. Once you have gone through a few more worlds and
your mental fortitude is strong enough to bear with those emotions,
I will surely return it to you!】
So, it was like that. Hearing that it would be returned to him in the
future, Chi Zhao was relieved. He was however still a little unhappy,
“Do you really have so little trust in me? Maybe I can complete
the task very well even without it being filtered.”
The system ruthlessly tore apart that notion.
【 I still have a recording of you hugging Li Yihan’s gravestone
while crying. Do you want to see it?】
Chi Zhao: “…….No thanks.”
With this topic coming to an end, the system asked him what he
planned to do if he couldn’t bring harm to the innocent.
Chi Zhao laid in bed and narrowed his eyes, “The plot points
require that I act it out successfully and not let the plot collapse.
The general plot direction should specifically refer to the ending
of my character and the protagonist.”
Combining it with his experience from the previous world, Chi
Zhao noticed that, apart from the protagonist, the system didn’t care
much about the other people. It was as if only the protagonist was
important. He had said that to test his conjecture out so when he
heard the system hum in agreement, Chi Zhao was relieved.
“Then that’s simple. I will still act out the role of a spy and I
will also provide the rebels with intelligence but when I give it to
them, I will manipulate it a little to prevent the rebels from
succeeding. When Louis leads his troops to attack the rebels, I
will leak out Louis’s location and left the rebels beat him half to
death. At that time, I will tell Louis that I’m a spy. Like this,
wouldn’t the outcome be the same?”
Sounds like it’s very simple….
【 But how will you manipulate with it and how will you ensure
that Louis will only be beaten half to death instead of being killed?】
Chi Zhao pulled up his quilt and closed his heavy lids, “We’ll
think about it when the time comes. Wasn’t there a saying that
goes; when you get to the mountain, there will be a way through?
Let’s figure it out when we’re there.”
“I’m sleepy. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
System: “……” In the end, the host didn’t actually know what to do.
Rubbish host! Go eat some jujube pills!
Tonight was a sleepless night. Chi Zhao fell asleep very quickly,
but many people lost sleep.
The Star Network was chaotic. Photos of Admiral West and the
young man hugging were circulating everywhere and there were
also news articles reporting that Admiral West was so worried
about the young man’s safety that his spiritual power went berserk.
Many of his fan expressed disbelief at this news but they soon had
their faces slapped by Admiral West himself.
Admiral West’s personal account was taken care of by himself and
his way of taking care of it was……..not taking care of it at all. Despite
having registered for over ten years, there were no posts at all on his
account. Just half an hour ago, however, an update suddenly
appeared on this usually blank page.
The tone was official, and it was worded very simply, very
consistent with Louis’s external image. The content basically said
that he and his lover will soon be married and then he thanked the
public for their support and requested that they don’t disturb his
lover’s life.
Seeing this news, all his fans finally learnt what a bolt from the
blue felt like. They transferred their anger onto Shao Ze’an and
started to use all their power to dig out the young man’s
information, completely forgetting what their idol Louis had just
said. It didn’t take long for the information to be found. This young
man was called Shao Ze’an, a student. At only 23-years-old, he was
more than ten years younger than the admiral.
As the fans read through Shao Ze’an’s personal information, they
sneered. Wasn’t this just a kid? They didn’t’ know which part of him
the admiral fell in love with.
They continued to complain as they scrolled down. When they
saw that Shao Ze’an was the second son of the Minister of Justice,
they all fell silent.
When they saw that he was the younger brother of Lieutenant
General Shao Zelin, they were shocked.
And when they saw a photo of Shao Ze’an taken at his coming of
age ceremony, there were dumbfounded.
With good looks, excellent family background and even having
one of the Empire’s star duo as his older brother, the fans could only
cry tearlessly. Sure enough, good-looking people will only be paired
with even better-looking people. If nothing else, just his face was an
entirely different level compared to them.
Shao Ze’an was indeed very beautiful, with the type of beauty
unique to young masters of nobles during this age. Although he was
a descendent of the Chinese ethnicity, the race had been integrated
for many years such that the racial differences between people have
long disappeared. Shao Ze’an’s appearance was the perfect mixed-
race look. At the coming of age ceremony, he wore a specially
tailored scholarly style suit. The Shao family was a family with both
a military and political background and is therefore both proficient
in the art of the sword and the pen. The older son had gone done the
former path while the younger son had chosen the latter. In the
picture, he wore a gentle smile, as if expressing gratitude to the
person taking the photo for him. Louis sat in his room and stared at
this photo for a very long time.
It was true that the Shao Ze’an in this photo is very beautiful, but
Louis felt that the Shao Ze’an he sees usually is even more beautiful.
Although the person in the photo looked polite and friendly,
somehow, he felt that there was also a sense of emptiness and
The Shao Ze’an in the photo looked warm and gentle but is in fact
cold inside, while the Shao Ze’an in reality may look cold outside but
is in fact very warm inside.
In any case, this person always refused to show his true character.
Thinking this, Louis’s hand passed through the transparent display.
He wanted to touch the young man’s face and wanted to ask him
why he didn’t want others to know that his spiritual power was S-
Please read this from kk translates
If he was doing it to save face, that was completely unnecessary.
His family situation wasn’t complicated and there wouldn’t be any
pressure on him. Each of his family members would be sincerely
happy for him if they heard of this news.
But if it wasn’t to save face, then what other reason could it be?
Recalling the young man’s reaction during the day, Louis couldn’t
help but furrow his brows.
There must be something he hadn’t found out about. What could it
Although Chi Zhao had said that he would explain it to Louis in the
future, Louis didn’t believe in his words at all. His intuition strongly
told him that even if he was given an explanation, that explanation
would probably be a lie.
Looking at the boy on the screen again, Louis thought for a
moment before turning it off and going to the bathroom.
Chi Zhao had gone out with Louis for a day but almost lost his life.
Madam Shao was shocked by this and made Chi Zhao stay at home
for another few days. Only after confirming that the main star was
not at risk of other terrorist attacks did she let him go back to
In this world, people study a variety of majors and Chi Shao
couldn’t understand any of them. Fortunately, the original owner’s
grades were originally bad so no matter how poorly he did, no one
would be suspicious.
When the parents of the two parties met, they had discussed their
wedding dates but the dates that were discussed were either the
next year or the year after. In short, they had to wait a year or two
before getting married. Morris however gave him a month and he
wanted him to live in the West’s house within a month.
Louis and his parents do not live together. He has a place of his
own which is located near the military headquarters. Chi Zhao had
thought that he could stubbornly force the marriage to happen to
make Louis reluctantly accept him but now, with Louis willing to
marry him, there was no need for him to be in such a hurry. If he
suddenly said that he wanted to be married in the next few days, the
others would probably think he’s crazy.
Crazy is crazy. As long as the marriage can happen, who cares
about that?
As he left the classroom deep in thought over how he should tell
his parents about this matter, he didn’t see that there was someone
in front of him. That person was also strange. Seeing that Chi Zhao
had his head lowered, deep in thought, normally the other person
should make way for him, but he didn’t do that.
Just as he was about to run into him, the system reminded Chi
Zhao who then raised his head. When the other party saw that he
had noticed him, he smiled, “I thought you were going to run
straight into my arms.”
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: So some of you have been wondering
why Chi Zhao didn’t write instead if he couldn’t speak….Did you
guys forget that his mission is to play the role of the slag shou and
die pitifully?? Why would he expose his situation early and ruin the
plot line? His goal is to keep the it as close as possible to the original
and slag the protagonist……
As for the original Shao Ze’an, this is just my theory but remember
how his spiritual power is pretty weak? If he tried to secretly reveal
his situation, I’m sure his body would show some changes which
would be noticed by Morris (his power isn’t high enough like Chi
Zhao to manipulate with the data Morris receives on his end). That’s
just my reasoning though, might be kinda farfetched haha😅
Chapter 40
Source: KK Translates


Everyone in the college knew about Shao Ze’an and Admiral West
yet this person actually dared to speak like that. Chi Zhao couldn’t
help but glance at him a few more times. After receiving Chi Zhao’s
calm and innocent look, the other party laughed, “When will you
and Admiral West and the engagement party? Is it happening
With how tight time was, they may not even have the wedding
itself, not to mention an engagement party. Chi Zhao asked the
system for this person’s name and then remembered that he was the
top student of their major, Zheng Qingwu.
Zheng Qingwu and Shao Ze’an have known each other since they
were young, but they haven’t had much interaction. At most, they
are considered ordinary friends. Zheng Qinwu was very talented
and would always make Shao Ze’an look bad in comparison so Shao
Ze’an never liked him very much. Thinking this, Shao Ze’an only
casually said a few words before leaving.
Chi Zhao continued to walk ahead. This time, he wasn’t thinking
about anything so he walked a little faster than before. At the same
time, he noticed that someone was watching him intently.
Chi Zhao looked over at the source and saw someone standing
there. He looked very ordinary, and could easily blend in with the
crowd, but the atmosphere he gave off was more dignified and
colder than most people in the upper class. Seeing him look over, the
man hooked up his lips, straightened up and waited for him to come
Please read this from kk translates
It was Louis.
Suddenly, Chi Zhao fell into daze. There was once someone who
used to come pick him up from school, but that person never got out
of the car because too many people knew what he looked like and he
didn’t want to bring Chi Zhao any trouble. At that time, Li Yihan had
said casually that he wished that he could change his face so that
when Chi Zhao left school, he could find him with one glance.
He also wanted to try it; standing at the gates, watching Chi Zhao
walk over to his side step by step.
Chi Zhao pursed his lips. The empty feeling in his heart grew
stronger. At this moment, he felt somewhat thankful that the system
had filtered out his memories or he really may do something that
may be out of character.
【No need for the thanks. We don’t need any thanks between us
with our relationship.】
Chi Zhao: “……Who wants to thank you.”
Walking over to Louis’s side, neither of them spoke. It was just a
look that was exchanged, and Louis could tell that he had recognised
him. After returning to the hovercar and setting it to autopilot mode,
Louis asked how school was. Chi Zhao answered them one by one
and returned the gesture by asking, “The military isn’t busy
Louis understood what he was trying to say and smiled, “Not
busy. Recently there aren’t any conflicts so I can take some time
Chi Zhao was stunned, “What if there are conflicts?”
Louis paused for a second and replied, “Then I will be busy. The
conflict can be big or small, and some……may last a long time.”
Louis is an admiral and he had always placed a lot of importance
on the Empire’s safety so his loyalty to the country is a lot stronger
than most. Chi Zhao blinked a few times. He seemed to have found a
way to get married to Louis more quickly.
“If a long war breaks out, will you always be staying at the
front line?”
Louis looked at him for a while and nodded.
Chi Zhao turned his head and seemed to be thinking about
something. After a while, he turned his head back and appeared to
have made an important decision, “At the end of the month, let’s
get married.”
Louis was stunned, “At the end of this month?”
“But…….” Even Louis felt that it was too soon. There are only
seven days left before the end of the month. Are they going to plan
and organise a wedding in seven days?
Chi Zhao seemed to know what he was worrying about. He
said, “Don’t worry about the wedding ceremony, we can hold that
later. I haven’t graduated yet anyway. Right now, I just want to
be your legal partner.”
Louis didn’t understand why he was in such a rush. Just as he was
about to ask this, Louis remembered something, and he immediately
The Empire had a rule. If a soldier is stationed on the front line for
a long time, only their legal partner can join them. Parents and
children can only visit, but they cannot live together.
Louis’s gaze turned gentle, “It actually doesn’t need to be like
this. We can take it slowly. A conflict wouldn’t happen in just one
or two days.”
Chi Zhao raised his eyes, “I don’t know when the war will start
but what I do know is that you are faced with all kinds of danger
every day. I have known you for a little more than ten days and
have already encountered two such dangers. In one of them, you
even almost lost your life. I can only feel reassured after getting
married. Do you understand this feeling?”
Louis looked into Chi Zhao’s eyes and saw how serious he was. He
lowered his eyes slightly, as if he didn’t quite understand.
In fact, even Chi Zhao himself didn’t understand.
Whether they are getting married or not had nothing to do with
whether Louis would encounter any danger. The reason why Chi
Zhao said this was only to because he was making things up on the
spot, trying to justify himself. After he was done speaking, he
realised that his words were not only illogical, it also had some
serious bugs. Chi Zhao fell silent and began to ponder over what he
should say to salvage the situation. When Louis saw his slightly
annoyed and slightly frustrated look, he suddenly understood.
He wants to stay by his side and use his power to continue
protecting him.
Although his physique was poor, his super spiritual power could
make up for it. If the young man can save him once, then he could
save him a second time. He wanted to be his protector.
Since the time he enrolled into the Royal Military Academy and
became a soldier, fighting to defend his country, Louis had never
been protected by others. As a soldier of the empire, he had always
regarded protecting the citizens of the Empire as his upmost
responsibility. When a dangerous situation breaks out, people
would flee in panic and those fighting alongside him fell faster than
him because they were lacking in strength. What he had to do during
those times was to fight the enemies one against a hundred as their
final stronghold.
Many times, he fought alone, both mechanically and fiercely
cutting the enemies down. The blood that had just flowed out from
the blood vessels were still warm to touch but he couldn’t feel it at
all. His heart was just like his surroundings; cold, numb and lonely.
People often say that Admiral West was born to be a great leader
and a protector of the Empire. After returning from the fierce
battlefield, his expression would always be unchanged, as if he was
just casually visiting a local market.
It was because no one had seen it. No one saw him leaning against
a meteorite, exhausted and slightly absentminded after the bloody
The battlefield is ruthless. Perhaps one day, the roles will be
reversed, and he would be one of the many corpses lying on the
ground and the person who killed hm would look at him in an
equally confused and quiet manner.
Louis wasn’t a pessimist nor was he an optimist. He had always
been rational and would treat life rationally, making every decision
rationally, but when facing Shao Ze’an, this rationality never seemed
to work. For example, right now, he didn’t want to continue making
a calm and rational decision.
Please read this from kk translates
Although they can now live longer, the old saying hadn’t changed;
tomorrow and the future, no one knows which will come first. Even
if he was of high status, this reality cannot be changed. During the
time he could still have control over, Louis wanted to follow his
heart and be selfish for once.
Chi Zhao was still frantically thinking of a way to salvage the
situation when suddenly, he heard an extremely gentle voice sound
from above his head.
“When you graduate, let’s hold a wedding. How does that
The cogs in his mind that were still turning around instantly
stopped. Chi Zhao quickly raised his head and looked at him with
surprise, “You agree?”
Louis’s expression was very calm, “Mhm.”
He looked very calm but in fact, various emotions were brewing
inside him. Compared to this young man’s stable life, his life was
filled with too many uncertainties and the biggest uncertainty was
how long he can live. People get married so that they can spend the
rest of their lives with each other until old age but when marrying
him, it meant being apart more often than being together, constantly
being worried and scared, and it may even be like just now,
encountering life-threatening situations as soon as you leave the
Louis was naturally an upright person. If he was to be married
one day, he would tell his future partner this and let that person
carefully consider it first. If after consideration they still want to
marry him then they would move on to the next step.
But when he looked into Chi Zhao’s eyes, Louis didn’t say anything
except for a ‘mhn’.
Louis also felt that he was despicable but even if he was given
another chance to redo it, he would still say nothing.
For some reason, he didn’t want this young man to leave him.
Even if marrying himself could possibly make him live a life on par
to a widow and may actually even become a true widow, he didn’t
want to let him go. He would use everything in his ability to ensure
the safety of this young man and make sure he wouldn’t have to
worry about food or clothes for the rest of his life. He couldn’t
guarantee anything other than that and could only do his best.
This approach was very selfish, and it could even be said to be
wicked. Before this, Louis didn’t know that he was someone who
could do something like this. Now that he had done it, he had the
urge to laugh.
Laugh bitterly.
After all, the boy before him was still young. After encountering a
situation where his life was in danger and seeing what the world
was like after the veil of peace was removed, it was actually quite
easy for him to fall for the admiral who had fought bravely against
the enemy to save his life.
Breaking into the rebels starship alone and fighting against them,
although Louis couldn’t witness that scene himself, he could imagine
that if he was in Shao Ze’an’s position, even if he didn’t fall for Louis,
he would have very good feelings towards him.
As the old Chinese saying goes; the grace of dripping water is
reciprocated by a gushing spring, and the grace of saving one’s life is
reciprocated by devoting their life to them. With the development of
civilisation, love at first sight still existed but it was very rare and
most fall in love over time. He didn’t know how long this young
man’s love for him would last and whether it would fade over time.
But that didn’t matter.
Louis gently curled up his lips. He reached out and gently rubbed
Chi Zhao’s hair before letting his hand slowly move down to the soft
hair on the back of Chi Zhao’s neck. When he felt that warm and
rough touch, Chi Zhao didn’t seem to feel uncomfortable. On the
contrary, it gave him a familiar and reassuring feeling.
Seeing him obediently lower his eyes and his expression turn
softer and more dependent, the smile in Louis’s eyes deepened. He
leaned over and said in a low voice, “I will treat you really, really
So well that you will fall in love with me completely.
Until you can no longer leave me.
And eventually become someone who well and truly belongs to
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: Louis seems to have truly fallen for Chi
Zhao. 🙈
Chapter 41
Source: KK Translates


Louis gave him his oath, but Chi Zhao didn’t return one to him.
Right now, in Chi Zhao’s eyes, Louis was a 1.88m tall siren. At any
moment, he may start flashing red lights and call for the police.
Chi Zhao gazed silently into Louis’s eyes and had no intention to
respond. Finally, under the system’s reminder, he replied dryly, “Oh,
okay. Thank you.”
Louis: “……..”
Back home, the two told their parents. Louis’s family was fine
with it and his parents were happy to hear the news. In contrast, the
Shao family almost fell apart.
Madam Shao immediately summoned her eldest son back from
the military with the reason that ‘there was an emergency at home’.
When Shao Zelin hurried back and heard what happened, he was
first stunned for a moment before he turned and looked at his
younger brother, “You’re going to marry Louis West?”
Chi Zhao nodded.
Shao Zelin fell into thought for a moment, “I see. Let me know
when the wedding date is set so that I can take leave.”
The rest of the Shao family: “……..”
Madam Shao had called him back with the intention to get him to
persuade Shao Ze’an because the latter seemed very determined, as
if not marrying West right away would kill him. Seeing her oldest
son’s reaction, Madam Shao immediately stood up and transferred
her anger onto her oldest son.
That night, the entire family was in chaos for most of the night.
After returning from the Death Galaxy, Shao Ze’an’s personality
had undergone great changes. Before, Madam Shao could control
him somewhat but now, seeing her youngest son’s calm and
determined look, Madam Shao finally understood what it meant
when a son is no longer a child.
No one could convince him and both families have met so it
basically meant that they are now engaged. Even if they get married
tomorrow, they have already gone through all the proper
procedures so no one could make any critical remarks about it.
Madam Shao almost collapsed. She was now very certain that this
was a trap set up together by Louis and Shao Ze’an and they had
been waiting for this day.
The parents couldn’t persuade him, and the grandfather had no
intention to be involved. As they were defeated one after another,
they had no choice but to agree to this matter. Chi Zhao sat quietly in
the chair and lowered his eyes. He once again couldn’t help but
express —– This original owner’s life is just too dramatic. He is both
very lucky and very unfortunate. He was born into the best family in
the entire empire and should’ve lived the happiest and most
comfortable life, but god unfortunately didn’t have that in mind for
It was now early in the morning. If they don’t sleep now, the sky
would soon be bright. Chi Zhao rubbed his eyes sleepily and stood
up, preparing to return to his room. After taking a few steps, he
suddenly realised that he wasn’t the only one here; Shao Zelin had
not yet left.
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As the two looked at each other, Chi Zhao suddenly felt a little
Shao Zelin looked at him calmly. There were no fluctuations in his
eyes. He just quietly looked at Chi Zhao for a while and then asked
him a question.
“Do you really like Admiral West?”
Chi Zhao paused for a moment. He blinked a few times and just as
he was about to speak, Shao Zelin frowned, “You don’t like him.”
Chi Zhao: “……” But he hadn’t said anything yet!
People with S-grade spiritual power can easily tell if the other
party was lying but Shao Zelin was able to reach this conclusion not
because of his spiritual power but because Chi Zhao’s emotions
were clearly shown on his face. Even Chi Zhao himself didn’t realise
that he would subconsciously show some of his real emotions in
front of his family. His parents were too concerned about him, so
they didn’t notice it but Shao Zelin who wasn’t too affected by the
marriage news had no trouble noticing it.
He couldn’t understand it, “If you don’t like him, why are you
marrying him and why in such a hurry?”
Morris’s voice sounded again. He probably felt that Shao Ze’an’s
acting wasn’t very good, so he had prepared something like this in
advance to deal with it. Hearing the scripted lines read out by
Morris, the corners of Chi Zhao’s lips twitched a few times.
Shao Zelin who had been watching him intently all this time
naturally didn’t miss this change. He found it even stranger, “Xiao
An, you…….”
Before he could ask further, Chi Zhao suddenly spoke, his voice a
little stiff, “I…..I don’t like him but I want to conquer him.”
Shao Zelin: “……..What did you say?”
“…….Yeah, I want to conquer him. He is the Empire’s admiral,
one of the Empire’s star duo. No one has ever been able to walk
by his side. If I can do it, it will prove that I am not useless.”
After reading out those shameful lines, the rest were a lot
easier to say. Chi Zhao raised his eyes and said seriously,
“Brother, we’re both our parent’s sons. You have your strengths
and I have mine. My strength is to make the star admiral fall in
love with me, become obsessed with me and surrender to me.”
Once he was done with saying the lines Morris had prepared, Chi
Zhao couldn’t help but complain to the system, “What kind of
rubbish lines are those?! It’s too ridiculous!”
About three seconds later, the system’s voice sounded.
Chi Zhao: “………..”
Turning his attention back to Shao Zelin, Chi Zhao noticed that his
expression wasn’t what he had expected. Shao Zelin looked at him
strangely. He didn’t seem to be shocked, but he was looking at Chi
Zhao as if he didn’t recognise him. After long period of silence, he
slowly approached Chi Zhao and carefully looked at him.
Chi Zhao subconsciously took a step back. Once he was done, Shao
Zelin straightened up again and frowned, “Xiao An, this isn’t…..”
something you would say.
Before he could say the next four words, Chi Zhao’s brain
suddenly rang an alarm. His strong intuition told him that Shao Zelin
must not be allowed to finish this sentence and, if he does, Chi
Zhao’s life would be in danger.
Out of instinctive reaction, Chi Zhao immediately spoke up,
“This is really what I think, brother. Don’t ask me about it
anymore. Although I don’t like him, I like the way I feel now.
Marriage doesn’t necessarily have to happen out of love. It’s fine
as long as I’m happy, isn’t that right?”
Shao Zelin was stunned. He could only change his words, “Alright
then. If that’s what you want.”
Hearing this, Chi Zhao nodded and turned back to his room.
Shao Zelin watched his leaving back and couldn’t help but feel that
something wasn’t right with his younger brother. Even after Chi
Zhao’s figure had disappeared, he was still standing there. After a
long time, he slowly paced back to his room.
There was no wedding, no ceremony. Standing at the Marriage
Registration Centre and watching the staff register his marriage, Chi
Zhao was finally able to set down the stone in his hart.
Plot point………. Completed!
Chi Zhao was very excited. Even his expression showed rare
excitement. Louis turned his head and looked at him tenderly.
“Shall we go home now?”
Before leaving, Chi Zhao had already packed everything up. When
he heard this question, he looked up at Louis and smiled faintly,
“Yes, let’s go.”
The wedding ceremony would be held after graduation. Madam
Shao was very dissatisfied with this, but she also understood that a
decent wedding couldn’t be arranged in such a short time. Seeing
the newlyweds, Madam Shao however was still upset. Even until the
family banquet began, she didn’t have a good attitude towards Louis.
Louis understood her feelings very well. No matter how sharp her
words to him were, he didn’t respond and just continued to treat her
politely. In the end, even Madam Shao felt bad about her treatment
of him.
After sending off the adults, Chi Zhao stood at the door, watching
their hovercars get smaller and smaller in the distance. Louis turned
around and gently held Chi Zhao by the waist, “Go in now?”
Chi Zhao’s body stiffened. This position was a lot more ambiguous
than the hug they shared before under special circumstances. It
wasn’t that he hadn’t done it with others before, but the person who
held him at the time was Li Yihan. He was willing to be touched by
the other party but, now, the person touching him was Louis.
Right now, they weren’t under any special circumstances and the
two of them are also very sober, so it wasn’t done out of impulse. Chi
Zhao subconsciously wanted to resist Louis. Louis also sensed the
person in his arms stiffen. He was surprised for a moment and
looked down at Chi Zhao. Chi Zhao quickly readjusted his state and
looked up at Louis with a natural expression, “What is it?”
Louis paused. He shook his head and said, “Nothing.”
After saying this, his hand lowered naturally. He then turned and
went inside first before turning back to look at Chi Zhao with a smile
in his eyes, “It’s time to go home, my wife.”
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He acted as if nothing had happened. Chi Zhao was silent for a
moment before following along and going back him. Although he
looked calm, both his arms were in fact very tense and he didn’t
know where to put them.
“System, I suddenly thought of a problem.”
“That is…….You see how Louis is right now? Do you think it is
likely for him to let me live a life on par to that of a widow?”
After not hearing the systems response for a long time, Chi Zhao
said, “You can say it. I can bear with it.”
【Then I’ll say it straight. From the looks of it, Louis is——–】
Before it could finish speaking, Chi Zhao changed his mind,
“Stop, stop, stop. Don’t say it. I’ve realised that I’ve overestimated
myself. If you don’t say it, I will be okay but if you do, I definitely
won’t be able to bear with it!”
System: “……”
【Then what should we do? You’ve already moved into his place.
Isn’t this equivalent to personally entering the tiger’s den? With the
food right in front of him, how could he not eat it?】
Chi Zhao didn’t want to have any physical contact with someone
he didn’t like. What’s more, the plot also didn’t mention anything
about giving up his body! His task was to act, and the script didn’t
mention it so why should he sacrifice himself? Since he had deceived
him until this point, it wouldn’t hurt deceiving him a little more.
There must be a way for him to not be driven out of Louis’s place but
also keep his morality safe.
While Chi Zhao frantically tried to find an excuse for himself,
Louis who had been following behind him suddenly spoke up, “Xiao
Chi Zhao looked back subconsciously. After turning around, he
realised that Louis had changed his way of calling him. He was
stunned for a moment before quickly accepting this more intimate
title. It was just a name; it didn’t matter what he was called.
He called his name but didn’t say anything after that. Louis’s place
was decorated rather simply, and everything was spotlessly clean.
One could tell with one glance that it was a soldier’s residence.
Standing in the lobby on the first floor, Chi Zhao looked up and saw
that the interior had a central courtyard and there was even a
floating corridor stretching across the second floor. Suddenly, the
vision ahead darkened. Chi Zhao moved his gaze back and looked
questioningly at Louis who was now standing in front of him.
Louis was also looking at him. He reached out and rubbed Chi
Zhao’s head again. This level of touching was something Chi Zhao
had already grown used to, so he obediently stayed in place,
accepting it. After a moment of rubbing, Louis’s hand once again
rested onto the back of his neck. As he rubbed the young mans
smooth and delicate skin, Louis spoke up again, “There is
something I haven’t heard you say to me.”
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: Older brother is suspicious!
Chapter 42
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao asked, “Say what?”

Louis looked at Chi Zhao, his eyes looking like it could see straight
through him, “Do you like me?”
Chi Zhao nodded without thinking.
Louis laughed, “Don’t just nod. I want to hear you say it.”
It was just a word. It wasn’t a bit deal.
Chi Zhao very easily opened his mouth and said, “Yeah, I do.”
Although he got the answer he wanted to hear, the little bit of
anxiety in Louis’s heart didn’t go away. He tightened his grip and
leaned down. As his face got closer and close, Chi Zhao who soon
realised his intentions didn’t move to evade or resist, but his body
subconsciously stiffened for a moment.
Because this wasn’t the first time, Chi Zhao only stiffened for a
very short moment before quickly relaxing and preparing himself
for the ‘giving up the body’ segment. This time, Chi Zhao was also
very calm. It was just a kiss. It wasn’t like he had never kissed before
for the sake of the plot, so it was bearable.
It was bearable for him, but it wasn’t for Louis.
What happened earlier could be attributed to the young man
being unaccustomed to it and feeling nervous, but it had happened a
second time so even Louis could no longer deceive himself. He very
clearly felt the young man’s resistance. He didn’t like him touching
him and even felt a little disgusted.
If that was the case, why didn’t he avoid it?
Shao Ze’an sometimes behaved very domineeringly and also
sometimes very forbearingly. His character basically consisted of
two extremes. Louis couldn’t help but furrow his brows at this.
Tonight was their wedding night. Louis didn’t want to spend his
wedding night alone but he was more worried about Shao Ze’an
feeling uncomfortable with him by his side. Thinking this, he pursed
his lips, lowered his hands and stepped back.
“Do you still want to take things slow?”
Although they are now married, they haven’t even properly dated
before this. They only got married so soon because the young man
didn’t feel reassured if they didn’t. If they immediately skipped to
the last step, it was indeed inappropriate. It was normal for the
young man to feel scared and hesitant.
As soon as this thought appeared in Louis’s mind, even Louis
himself lost confidence. He felt that this was the only logical reason
for his reaction.
Since he had already abducted the young man into his house,
Louis wasn’t in a hurry. In fact, he was very willing to consider
having a stage of ‘intermarital dating’. After going through all the
stages and doing the usual things lovers would do, he could then
slowly move on to the final step. With this, they wouldn’t miss out
on the best moments of being in love.
Chi Zhao didn’t know that Louis was thinking this. Right now, he
just wanted to give God his thanks. Louis, louis, you’re so
On their wedding night, Chi Zhao and Louis didn’t sleep in
separate rooms. Instead, they slept on different ends of the same big
bed with a space between them that could probably fit a third
person. This kind of distance made Chi Zhao feel very safe. His good
impression of Louis had hit an all time high at this moment. Chi Zhao
who had long forgotten about his earlier worries praised excitedly
to the system, “No wonder he’s the protagonist. Look at what a
good person he is!”
System: “………”
It seems to have been traumatised by the words ‘good person’.
Every time Chi Zhao praises the protagonist for being a good person,
the protagonist would immediately repay the compliment by doing
something completely unexpected.
The entire house was controlled by a smart computer. As soon as
they laid down, the lights in the room were dimmed. Chi Zhao’s
physique wasn’t good so the first few seconds after the room
darkened, he was practically blind and couldn’t see anything. It was
only after a period of adapting to the dark that could he see again.
This house was designed for Louis, so he hadn’t had the need to take
into consideration the weaker physiques. Realising this, Louis felt a
little bad.
He should’ve paid more attention to this matter.
After mentally noting to himself to share with Shao Ze’an the
highest authority over the house, Louis turned over and looked at
the young man lying next to him.
“Goodnight, Mrs. West.”
Louis’s voice was melodious and clear. Chi Zhao followed the
source of the sound and looked over. Now that a few seconds had
passed, he could see an outline, but it was just a faint outline of
Louis. Louis on the other hand could see without a problem. He
could see every change in expression on Chi Zhao’s face and even
the faintly trembling eyelashes.
The original owner’s room was specially designed for the original
owner so something like this where he would be blinded for a while
wouldn’t happen. Experiencing it for the first time now, he was a
little at loss. He could only carefully pull up the quilt, almost
covering himself up completely, and then turn to face Louis.
Knowing that there was someone in front of him, he felt more at
Chi Zhao’s voice was very small and soft, “Goodnight to you too,
Mr. West.”
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After saying that, Chi Zhao ruminated over those words and
somehow found it a little funny. He couldn’t help but hook up his
lips and then slowly close his eyes. Louis could see all of this. He
quietly watched Chi Zhao fall asleep and waited until his breathing
became regular before sitting up. After a short pause, he moved over
to Chi Zhao’s side.
Without any changes to his expression, he fished the young man
out of the quilt and pulled him into his arms. As he did this, he
released some of his spiritual power and used a gentle but also
rather strong force to infiltrate Chi Zhao’s brain and spiritual
domain. Although Chi Zhao’s spiritual power is stronger than his, he
is currently asleep and once asleep, he is completely unguarded. He
didn’t even have any intention to be vigilant towards this person
next to him, so Louis did it without much difficulty. With his
spiritual power, he let Chi Zhao fall into a deeper sleeping state such
that he wouldn’t feel anything no matter what he did.
He brought Chi Zhao back to where he laid and continued to hold
him in an embrace. Louis lowered his head and kissed the person in
his arms between the brows with a smile on his face. He was clearly
in a good mood.
The system who didn’t require any sleep and was therefore
watching the entire time: “………”
Look! It has appeared, the legendary seduction operation!
Starting from today, please call it half-celestial system.
Unsurprisingly, when Chi Zhao woke up the next day, he was
horrified to see that he had rolled into Louis’s arms in his sleep.
When he first opened his eyes, Chi Zhao was still in a half-asleep
state and that up-close view of his handsome face startled him
completely awake in an instant. He looked down at his paws in
surprise. At this moment, one was on Louis’s chest and the other
was wrapped around his lean waist.
Chi Zhao: “……….” Was I such a person all along?!
Because Louis was too upright, Chi Zhao never considered the
idea of him being responsible for this and immediately thought it
was his own masterpiece. It must’ve been because he was too
muddled by sleep and ended up reaching out to Louis with his sinful
As for the reason……
Everyone loves beauties and men are also animals who think with
their lower body. Chi Zhao is usually very sensible but when asleep
his brain doesn’t work anymore so his instincts must have taken
Chi Zhao secretly spurned on himself and then quietly stared at
the wheat-coloured chest muscles exposed in front of him.
It’s really big.
……..Really want to touch it.
Chi Zhao stared at it for a long time. He quietly looked up and
when he saw that Louis still had his eyes closed and appeared to be
sound asleep, he quietly swallowed nervously and reached out to
quickly poke the chest muscle. After touching it, Chi Zhao felt
extremely guilty. He immediately closed his eyes and pretended to
be asleep, acting as if he hadn’t done anything just now.
Louis had actually woken up when Chi Zhao woke up. He was
different from Chi Zhao; even when sleeping in his own home, he
would always be vigilant. Firstly, it was so that he could sense any
dangers outside anytime and secondly, it was to prevent others from
invading into his spiritual domain.
And so, as for what Chi Zhao did just now, he felt everything and
could even vaguely guess Chi Zhao’s thoughts. He had a very hard
time holding back his smile. It was so hard, he eventually decided to
stop holding it in.
After about half a minute, Chi Zhao who was hiding from his
sneaky act finally reopened his eyes. As soon as he raised his eyelids,
he was met with Louis’s gaze which carried a smile.
Chi Zhao: “……..”
Following a moment of silence, he nonchalantly moved his eyes
away, “I have bad sleeping habits. It was unintentional.” So you
can’t blame me.
After understanding the subtext behind his words, Louis’s smile
deepened. He said in a low voice, “I don’t mind. If it was
intentional, I wouldn’t mind it even more.”
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Chi Zhao quickly moved his eyes back and glanced at him. He then
scrambled out of Louis’s arms and got off the bed. Although he
looked calm, he almost ran straight into the bathroom. With this
enclosed space separating Chi Zhao from the semi-naked General
West who constantly emitted pheromones, Chi Zhao felt that the air
was much fresher, not as sticky or hot as before.
Chi Zhao sat on the toilet to reflect on his behaviour. The system
who had watched these two scenes in succession quietly spoke up.
【 Host, I suddenly realised that I might have made the wrong
decision filtering your memory.】
Wasn’t that matter already settled last time? Chi Zhao waved his
hand nonchalantly, “It’s okay, I forgive you.”
Who wants your forgiveness!
【What I mean is! You can’t fall for this protagonist!】
The failure of the previous world was due to Chi Zhao’s
inexperience and also his excessive kindness, but the main reason
was because he had fallen in love with Li Yihan, so he wasn’t willing
to hurt him or leave him. It didn’t matter if the plot for this world
isn’t followed but if the same mistake is repeated again, then it…….it
will fight Chi Zhao!
The system has no body while Chi Zhao has a body. The two of
them are completely different so even if it wanted to fight Chi Zhao,
it couldn’t. Those words earlier by the system were just complete
Realising this, the system’s mood fell. It felt too miserable. The
system really had no power over anything. If the host really wanted
to sabotage the mission, it could only anxiously watch on from the
Chi Zhao asked it strangely, “Why do you think I like Louis?”
【If you don’t like him, why touch his chest muscles?】
“…….I was just tempted by lust. It’s different.”
Although his emotions had been filtered, Chi Zhao still
remembered how it felt to like someone and that was why he could
say to the system with certainty that he didn’t like Louis. Of course,
he has a good impression of Louis and when he is around him, he
felt more at ease but that didn’t mean that he likes Louis.
Chi Zhao knew himself best. Although people may think he’s
exaggerating, he is actually very devoted. Once he likes something or
someone, if his life permits, he could probably continue to like it for
several hundreds of years.
Those who are devoted are very difficult to be moved. That was
why after living for more than twenty years, he never met someone
he could develop feelings for and when he finally did, it was
someone he met in another world.
Just from this, it was clear that Chi Zhao’s possibility of falling for
someone was particularly low.
According to some calculations, the chances of someone winning
the first prize twice is several billion times the chances of someone
winning the first prize once and just winning the first price once was
already difficult enough.
Even now, Chi Zhao has never won such a prize before so he
understood very well that he probably would never meet a second
person that he would like as much as he did with Li Yihan.
After hearing Chi Zhao’s answer, the system was still
【Really? Don’t you humans fall in love easily?】
“That may apply for others but not for me. Think about it, if it
was really that easy to fall for someone, would I have given up
the mission in the last world so easily? If I could fall for another
person easily, I could just do whatever I want to Li Yihan and
then find another person after that.”
That seems to make sense.
But the system still felt like it was being fooled. It quickly
searched through Chi Zhao’s words for loopholes but at this
moment, Morris’s voice sounded. He finally gave Chi Zhao the task to
steal information.
When Chi Zhao heard this, he fell into thought, “The minutes of
today’s military meeting………..”
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KK has something to say: HAHAHA Chi Zhao poking the chest
muscles….Why are you so cute?! 😂
Chapter 43
Source: KK Translates


Military meetings are a daily occurrence in the military and would

take place almost every day. It is estimated that Morris and the
others had heard something and knew that today’s meeting will
discuss some matters that they are very concerned about.
After thinking for a moment, Chi Zhao had an idea.
Breakfast was made by the robot butler and the taste was quite
satisfactory. Chi Zhao sat quietly in the chair, drinking his congee
spoonful by spoonful. Louis didn’t like to talk much when he ate, and
he also ate very fast. Within just a few minutes, he was already done.
Completing tasks quickly and accurately was a soldier’s trait.
After all, they never knew when an emergency will arise. After
eating, Louis didn’t leave and remained sitting in his seat. With his
eyes lowered, he read news reports on the Star Network and would
from time to time look up at Chi Zhao and hand him a glass of water
or napkin.
Breakfast was incomparably harmonious. Louis would quietly
take care of Chi Zhao without being too enthusiastic or cold. In short,
it was just right. It didn’t make Chi Zhao feel uncomfortable.
Chi Zhao wiped his mouth and then looked obediently up at Louis,
“When will you be home today?”
When there is no war, Louis’s schedule was much like an office
worker and he would turn up to the military at a set time. He
answered gently, “Five o’clock. I remember you finish class at two.
I’ll get someone to pick you up?”
Chi Zhao shook his head, “No need. I will go to the military
headquarter to find you and then we can go home together.”
Louis didn’t answer for a while. Chi Zhao made an unhappy
expression and continued, “Why, I can’t go to the military? You
think I’m too shameful for others to see?”
Louis: “……..”
He couldn’t help laughing, “I didn’t mean that but…The
military environment is very stern and boring. There is nothing
fun there. If you go, you will definitely find it very boring.”
The military headquarter is located in a building with a yard.
Unlike the Mission Port which holds many classified weapons and
military equipment, the security there isn’t as strict so if the
admiral’s wife wanted to go, no one will stop him.
Chi Zhao said nonchalantly, “When I was young, I often went to
the military headquarter to find my grandfather. I am no less
familiar with it than you. Besides, I’m not a child. I’m not going
there to play.”
Hearing that their lover wants to go to their workplace to wait
until they get off, anyone would be moved by it. Louis was no
exception. This time, he didn’t stop him and just nodded acceptingly,
“Okay, I’ll let the guards know to take you to my office when you
Hearing this, Chi Zhao revealed a satisfied smile.
Including this time, this was Chi Zhao’s third time at the college.
The first two times, Chi Zhao could still endure through somewhat
but this time he had grown tired of studying and wasn’t in the mood
to listen to the lectures. During class he would either sleep or play
some games, almost the same as the original owner’s previous
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As soon as it was two o’clock, Chi Zhao immediately left the
classroom. He ran into Zheng Qingwu again in the corridor. The two
stood facing each other and nodded in greeting. Chi Zhao didn’t pay
much attention to this passer-by and the only thing on his mind was
to hurry over to the military headquarter.
Morris had said that Louis will definitely have a copy of the
minutes from the meeting. It isn’t a very important document so
Louis wouldn’t have hidden it away. As long as Chi Zhao takes a peek
while no one is watching and then put it back, no one will suspect
Chi Zhao deeply believed that no one thought that Shao Ze’an was
a spy because he had no reason to betray the Empire.
The guard at the gate was already informed that the admirals
newlywed wife would be coming so when he arrived at the military
headquarter, the guard carefully checked his identity and then led
him over to Louis’s office.
Louis was wearing his usual black military uniform. When he saw
him coming in, he immediately got up from his seat. The guard who
had brought him over considerately closed the door behind him.
This wasn’t Chi Zhao’s first-time seeing Louis in a military
uniform, but this was his first time seeing him wearing it in a
military setting like this. When his gaze fell onto the badges on
Louis’s collar, Chi Zhao suddenly felt that Louis was born to be an
Louis really enjoyed being on the receiving end of the young
man’s focused gaze. He walked up to Chi Zhao and gently fiddled
with the loose strands of hair in front of his forehead, “How was
school today?”
Chi Zhao blinked a few times and answered honestly, “Slacking
away as usual.”
Louis was amused by this answer. His laugh was like a cello,
deep and pleasing to hear, “The things you learn there are
useless. time I’ll bring you some textbooks that will suit you
Chi Zhao didn’t accept his kind offer, “No, I won’t want to study.”
What Louis wanted to give him was most likely books related to
spiritual powers. He didn’t want to read it, let alone learn it. Firstly,
he didn’t want to study at all right now and secondly, he didn’t want
to take the risk of being discovered.
There were still three hours before Louis could get off work and
he couldn’t spend it leisurely. Very soon, his aide came in and called
him away. Using this chance, Chi Zhao first let the system scan the
entire office to find the meeting minutes and then hurried over to
skim through the contents while the system kept an eye out for him.
When Louis as about to return, the system was about to warn Chi
Zhao only to see that Chi Zhao had already put the meeting minutes
back and restored everything to its usual appearance before rushing
over to his seat. When Louis pushed open the door, the scene he saw
was of Chi Zhao calmly drinking his tea.
System: “………..”
With the bonus golden finger in this world, its usefulness was
greatly diminished.
After the task was completed, Chi Zhao had nothing else to do.
When he saw the meeting minutes earlier, he understood what
Morris wanted to know. There were eight things discussed during
todays meeting and only one of it was related to Morris and them.
The imperial garrison near the Death Galaxy was going to send out
troops to attack a group of space pirates in two days and the main
force behind these pirates were the rebels. The Empire wanted to
follow the trails to take down a few of the rebel strongholds.
But after this information was known by Morris and them, they
could lie in ambush ahead of time and use it to their advantage to
attack the Empire’s troops head on or, if they wanted to take it
further, they could even take advantage of the momentary weakness
in the garrison and go launch a surprise attack on the base directly.
Information is very important on a battlefield. Just a few lines can
change the flow of the battle and determine the lives and deaths of
tens of thousands of people.
Morris urged him to quickly report the information, so Chi Zhao
used the excuse to visit the bathroom and told him what he saw
word for word.
The system didn’t understand. Didn’t he say that he would
manipulate the information a little? But he just told them
Hearing the systems query, Chi Zhao said wisely, “Young man,
how can you be so useless? You should use your brain a little, you
System: “…….” It doesn’t have a brain. That is the sad reality.
Time flew by and it was soon five o’clock in the afternoon. Louis
got off work on time. When he left the office, his aide followed
behind them carrying a pile of documents that needed to be
The minutes of todays meeting was in that pile.
As it was time for everyone to get off work, there were many
people walking out. When they saw Louis, they would stop and
salute him. Chi Zhao who walked next to him experienced firsthand
what it was like to have powerful connections.
Where there are people, there will be gossip. News of Louis’s
marriage spread through the military in just one night. After they
saluted Louis, they would look at Chi Zhao curiously and then nod
slightly to him as a gesture of goodwill.
The archiving room was in another building so the aide was just
going to send Louis out first before going over to archive the
documents. There was a rule here; no vehicles were to be used and
they can only go on foot.
The three of them approached the elevator together. When the
elevator door opened, Louis and Chi Zhao entered first while the
aide stood behind them. At this moment, the aide suddenly felt a
little sleepy. He yawned and rubbed his eyes and walked over to the
window to breath in some fresh air. He naturally stretched his arms
out and rotated his tired wrists with the documents still in his hands
but after rotating it around a few times, the aide suddenly stopped
moving and loosened his grip——-
And all the documents were thrown out by the aide. As expected
of the admiral’s aide, his arm strength was amazing. Chi Zhao
watched as the documents turn into a black spot in the distance and
then slowly make a downwards arc.
Louis: “………”
The rest of the people who witnessed this: “…………..”
Aide: “……=口=!”
After silently watching the documents disappear, Louis slowly
turned his gaze over to stare at his aide’s face. The latter trembled in
fear, “I-I accidentally……..”
“Hurry up and go find it!”
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The aide hurriedly took along a few soldiers to look for the
documents. The people standing around were completely at loss. If
he could become the admiral’s aide, his IQ would definitely be
higher than an average person. How could he do such a stupid thing?
Louis clearly also thought this. He walked out of the elevator with
a frown and a few seconds later, he suddenly turned and directed
his sharp and suspicious eyes at Chi Zhao who received his look and
just blinked innocently.
If one invaded another person’s spiritual domain, it was
equivalent to temporarily controlling the other person’s thoughts. If
there is little difference in spiritual powers, the things you can do
are limited but if there is a big difference, you could completely
control the other person’s body without the other person noticing.
Complete manipulation wasn’t a problem in those situations.
The aide was AA so if someone were to control him, they must be
But how could Shao Ze’an do such things? Although he can be
wilful at times, he was not someone who would play around like
Chi Zhao’s eyes were pure and clear as if this matter really had
nothing to do with him but in fact, he was etremely nervous inside.
Please don’t be so sensitive. He had only briefly manipulated the
aide for 0.1 second to suggest that he should walk to the window but
just this 0.1 second arouse Louis’s suspicions.
Louis flattened his lips, “You go home first. I’ll go back later.”
With this incident happening, Louis naturally couldn’t leave. Chi
Zhao nodded, “Come back early. I’ll wait for you to eat together.”
Louis smiled. Chi Zhao pressed the close button beside him and
soon the elevator door closed.
As soon as the door closed, Louis’s expression changed. He turned
around and went another direction whilst deep in thought.
Behind them, among the crowd of onlookers nearby, Shao Zelin
couldn’t help but frown as he held the military notice he had just
Why did Louis look at his brother just now?
It was his aide who had acted strangely yet why did Louis
subconsciously look at his brother?
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KK has something to say: HAHAHA the aide’s expression 😂
Chapter 44
Source: KK Translates


Things went very smoothly. After Morris received the intel, he

passed the news on to the top and they responded quickly with
dispatching out a troop. Just as Chi Zhao thought, they had chosen
the second option and directly attacked the imperial garrison’s base
camp in the Death Galaxy. However, because the documents were
suddenly thrown out by the aide, all the military plans were
rescheduled so when the rebel troops arrived at the base thinking
that they would only be greeted by a small group of pitiful soldiers,
they were met with the entire army and their massive stock of
There were those who would seek death, but this was their first
time seeing someone rushing so eagerly to their deaths.
Instead of staying comfortably at home, the fat sheep had actually
sent themselves to the door. The entire garrison swiftly cleaned up
this group of rebels and when the news reached the Empire’s main
star, everyone was incredulous.
“Is there something wrong with Alorin’s brain?”
The others: “………” Who knows?
To send a small group of his subordinates boldly to the door to
provoke the Empire, it clearly didn’t seem like something a former
five-star admiral would do. The only possible explanation for this
was that something was wrong with his brain.
The common people weren’t that smart and were just happy to
hear the news. As long as something didn’t go Alorin’s way, they
were happy.
But the high-level military personnel had some more thoughts
about this. That day, they were originally scheduled to deploy a
large number of soldiers to eliminate some space pirates. If the
original plan went ahead and Alorin made this move knowing this,
then this sudden attack made sense.
Thinking this, the high-level military personnel shuddered.
As the people in the military had various thoughts on their minds,
Chi Zhao laid at home hiding from his merits.
No one realised that all of this had something to do with Chi Zhao,
including Morris. Although his tone wasn’t very good, he didn’t do
anything to Chi Zhao. Chi Zhao was originally prepared to be
punished and had asked the system for help in advance to shield the
pain but after waiting for a few days, he realised that Morris didn’t
seem to blame him for the blunder.
This time, it was Chi Zhao’s turn to be puzzled.
Once again, he had completed the task safely and Chi Zhao also
learnt from this attempt that he shouldn’t do anything in front of
Louis if he had similar tasks in the future. Louis was too observant
and can suspect Chi Zhao with little trouble. If this were to happen
again, he may end up exposing himself.
Chi Zhao frantically shook his head. No, no, no. Definitely not. He
will not let anyone expose him until the day he dies!
Morris would issue tasks from time to time and Chi Zhao would
very carefully perform the acts behind Louis’s back. Whenever he
has the opportunity, he would usually hide far, far away and
basically sit at home controlling the events.
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Louis had always wanted him to learn about spiritual power
manipulation and control and even wanted to get him a bunch of
books and courses on it but he in fact didn’t need it. The best teacher
was the system. Although the system may not be reliable most of the
time, it was still very good at teaching —– It has educational
materials from all over the world and can also teach Chi Zhao brain-
On this day, Chi Zhao as usual gave Morris what he wanted and
then started thinking about who he should start with next time. Just
as he was thinking this, Louis returned home.
Chi Zhao turned his head and felt that he should stand up to greet
him but, thinking at it contradicted his domineering personality, he
twisted his butt around and didn’t move.
Louis saw his hesitant actions and thought it was because he was
too embarrassed (?). That appearance of him sitting awkwardly
made him let out a small laugh. (KKnotes: That (?) was in the raws.)
He walked over and habitually rubbed Chi Zhao’s hair, “Do you
feel bored staying at home alone?”
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As it is now vacation, Chi Zhao had basically been at home every
day. He shook his head and saw a golden letter in Louis’s hand. After
being here for some time, he had become more familiar with the
military procedures. He raised his eyes and asked, “His Majesty has
issued you with an order?”
The golden letter was used for the Emperor’s exclusive military
orders. Although it is the interstellar age, people still used it as a
double insurance. In some important occasions, written records
were used as a symbol of tradition.
Louis sat down next to him, “Yeah, someone has found trails of
Alorin. His Majesty wants me to go and take a look.”
Chi Zhao: “………” Alright, another piece of important information
was heard by Morris.
This kind of thing couldn’t be avoided no matter what he did.
Since the Emperor had ordered it, then he had no choice but to heed.
Chi Zhao fell silent. He felt that he shouldn’t continue with this
conversation or everything would be shared and overheard by
Morris. With Louis’s personality, he probably would be willing
reveal to Chi Zhao where and when he’s going as well as how many
people he would bring along.
Chi Zhao was right. Seeing him fall silent, Louis paused and
continued, “His Majesty is urging me to hurry. He wants me…….”
Before the next words could be spoken, Chi Zhao suddenly
stood up and grabbed Louis’s hand, “I suddenly realised that His
Majesty seems to be very afraid of Alorin. Every time he has news
about him, he would immediately send people out.”
Shao Ze’an’s brother and grandfather are both high-level generals
so knowing some military affairs was normal. Louis nodded, “He is
the leader of the rebels after all.”
Chi Zhao made a puzzled look, “What kind of person is Alorin?”
This question was difficult for Louis to answer. Alorin had
rebelled thirty years ago and at that time, Louis was still a child.
After growing up, he met Alorin twice but both times they were
piloting their mechas and didn’t fight. Each time, he just saw the
mecha flash by and when he wanted to chase after it, it had
Louis thought about it for a while and spoke truthfully, “I also
don’t know. All I know is that he used to have high prestige in the
Empire and was the youngest five-star Admiral in the country.
When he rebelled, my mother cried for a whole day because she
never thought he would become a traitor.”
Chi Zhao also had an impression of Louis’s words. The amount of
prestige Alorin had was very obvious if you looked at his older
brother’s name. Alorin, Shao Zelin. Madam Shao had decided on this
name the moment she found out she was pregnant. Regardless of
whether her child was a boy or a girl, she wanted to give her child a
name related to Admiral Alorin.
Shao Zelin also suffered for many years carrying a name related to
the name of the rebel’s leader…..
Speaking of this, Chi Zhao became very curious, “Then why did he
Louis looked at him for a long time before finally shaking his head,
“I don’t know.”
Chi Zhao was stunned, “Didn’t everyone say that he has a
grudge against His Majesty? And because he wasn’t willing to
accept being exiled, he rebelled?”
Chi Zhao wanted to know more about the inside story, but Louis
actually wasn’t telling him? This was something even a three-year-
old child knew.
Louis also wasn’t sure if it was okay telling Chi Zhao these
things. After some silence, he decided to explain it to him, “That’s
just what the public was told. At first, I also believed this but the
more I thought about it, the more I felt that it couldn’t be that
simple. His Majesty had exiled Alorin because he suddenly
attacked him with the intent to commit regicide. Many people
can testify this because Alorin made his move in the parliament
and all the ministers witnessed this scene. His Majesty almost
died and the next day Alorin was imprisoned. Within a week, he
was exiled to the Death Galaxy.”
Chi Zhao listened quietly, as if he understood Louis’s suspicions.
He asked Louis, “For such a serious crime, the final punishment
was just exile?”
Hearing this, Louis gave him an impressed look. He curled his
lips up slightly and his expression seemed to be praising him for
being so smart, “You also think it doesn’t make sense? This was
also something I couldn’t understand. For such a serious crime,
even if it is not a death sentence, he should’ve been sentenced life
in prison. Most people might think being exiled to the Death
Galaxy is terrible because they can’t survive there but it is
different for Alorin. He is an experienced admiral. In the Death
Galaxy, he may have a very difficult life, but he definitely won’t
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It was on par to the Emperor deliberately setting Alorin free.
Anyone who have met the Emperor would know that he is definitely
not someone that benevolent and tolerant. Louis couldn’t
understand why he wanted to let Alorin go. It was all because he had
let him go that Alorin had become the leader of the rebels who now
threatened the Empire’s safety.
Chi Zhao lowered his eyes in thought. After a moment, he
whispered in a small voice, “Could he have done something he
feels guilty about…..?”
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Hearing this question, Louis also fell into thought. However, these
were all just their guesses so there was no point wasting their time
figuring it out. Morris who heard this conversation just silently
Young Master Ze’an’s instinct is really good. He managed to guess
in the right direction.
He knocked on the table and said, “Ask him when he’s leaving,
where he’s going and how many people he’s bringing along.”
Chi Zhao: “…….” Alright. Seems like it’s useless even if he tries to
change the topic.
A trace of annoyance flashed across Chi Zhao’s face. He pursed his
lips reluctantly and asked accordingly, “When are you leaving?”
Louis didn’t answer. He had noticed the change in Shao Ze’an’s
expression just now, so he asked instead, “You don’t want me to
Chi Zhao blinked a few times and looked at him innocently, “No?
Why are you asking this?”
Louis: “……….”
He paused for a moment and then smiled naturally, “It’s nothing.”
He would set off tonight at midnight and bring along his elite
troops. As for the location, Louis only said that it was the Death
Galaxy and didn’t say the specific location. Morris asked him to
continue probing but Chi Zhao was worried about the dangers it
could bring Louis. It didn’t matter if Alorin got away, he wasn’t
someone that could be captured so easily anyway, but he was
worried that Morris may send a group of rebels to ambush Louis if
he knew of the time and place.
Chi Zhao didn’t know what to do. At this moment, he felt a rough
but warm touch. He raised his head. Louis’s thumb was still pressed
between his brows. It gently rubbed the creases between his brows,
smoothing it out.
The two looked at each other like this for a while. Not knowing
why, Chi Zhao felt a little uncomfortable.
This was also one of the benefits brought by his heightened
spiritual powers. His intuition told Chi Zhao that there was danger
near him. If it was the usual, Chi Zhao would have jumped three feet
high and escaped but right now the person before him was Louis.
This person made him feel more at ease than being around his
parents so even if he felt danger, Chi Zhao didn’t move and just
looked back at him, puzzled.
Louis pursed his lips but said nothing.
The number of times Shao Ze’an fell into daze…..happened too
And he wasn’t in daze because of boredom. It would happen
randomly and without warning. Every time it happened, it would go
on for a few seconds and his eyes would unconsciously look to the
It was as if he was listening to someone talking.
In addition to that, he would also often interrupt him. If it
happened just once or twice, Louis didn’t mind but with it
happening so frequently, Louis started to find it strange. Every time
he thought back to those moments, he would realise that Shao Ze’an
would interrupt him when he started to talk about things he
shouldn’t be casually telling others about; for example, work, for
example, news the outside world doesn’t know about and for
example…….Shao Ze’an’s spiritual power.
There was another thing that concerned Louis. They have now
been married for three months. In these three months, Shao Ze’an
has never taken any initiative to get close to him and would just stay
quietly at home. Even taking the initiative to approach Louis or talk
to him happened very rarely and, in those rare moments when it did
happen, it only happened after he fell into daze.
He had a faint speculation inside. Louis continued to gaze down at
Chi Zhao’s eyes. Suddenly, Chi Zhao wrinkled his face in pain. He
moved back and his voice carried a trace of complaint, “It hurts.”
Louis had unconsciously increased the strength in his hands. Chi
Zhao’s physique originally wasn’t good and there was now a red
spot between his brows which may soon turn into a bruise.
Chi Zhao rubbed the sore spot with wide eyes, “What are you
Louis also wanted to ask him that.
Shao Ze’an, what exactly are you thinking?
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KK has something to say: Is Louis going to find out soon?!?
Chapter 45
Source: KK Translates


It was midnight when Louis left. Since Chi Zhao didn’t have to go
to school, he didn’t need to get up early the next day so he sat on the
bed, watching Louis pack his things and leave.
Before leaving, Chi Zhao asked, “When will you be back?”
“If it is fast, I’ll be back in two or three days. If it is longer,
maybe seven or eight days.”
As he said this, Louis sat down next to him, “If you feel bored,
why don’t you go home for a while or go to my parents place?”
Chi Zhao shook his head. He didn’t want to go anywhere, he just
wanted to stay at home. Unexpectedly, Morris hadn’t slept yet.
Hearing his voice, Chi Zhao resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He
replied lifelessly, “Oh, then I will go home.”
Louis looked into his eyes. He leaned down and kissed the young
man’s soft and moist lips. When he raised his head again, his eyes
carried deep desire. He closed his eyes for a few seconds to recover
while keeping his head still pressed against Chi Zhao’s forehead.
Louis’s voice was a little hoarse, “I will send two subordinates over
to protect you. Remember to take them with you when you go out.
Don’t lose your temper and don’t toss them aside, alright?”
Chi Zhao usually goes to bed early. After staying up more than
three hours later than usual, he was already too sleepy. When he
heard Louis’s deep and magnetic voice, he couldn’t hold back
anymore. He stretched out his arms, wrapped it around Louis’s
waist and nodded slightly. A small voice came from Louis’s arms, “I
know. You should try and come back soon.”
Louis loved seeing the young man rely on him the most. He
hooked up his lips and kissed his hair before tucking him in bed,
“Goodnight. I will be back as soon as possible.”
Chi Zhao’s entire body was buried under the quilt with only his
head sticking out. His cheeks were slightly red and his eyes were
also wet, as if he had just been bullied. Louis rubbed his ears and
paused for a moment. When Chi Zhao saw him reach to untie the
necklace around his neck which held the mecha Raphael and move
to tie it around his neck, he frowned and immediately sat up but was
soon shot down by Louis, “Lie back down.”
For most things, Louis would accommodate Shao Ze’an and he
would give him anything he wanted but for some things, Louis was
also quite stubborn, not letting Shao Ze’an say a single word.
The mecha ring still carried Louis’s body temperature. Chi Zhao
wanted to say something but thinking that Louis should return
safety this time as that was how it went in the original plotline, he
shut his mouth. Seeing that he was being obedient, Louis smiled
When he left the house, the aide was already waiting outside. He
got onto the hover car and asked, “Is Edmond there yet?”
“He has already arrived. Major General Edmond is leading the
search but, forgive me for being too blunt, it was again
Their Emperor had been tortured by Alorin over the years to the
point that he had almost become neurotic. No matter where the
news of Alorin came from, he would immediately send out a team to
investigate. He was willing to let ten thousand die than let that one
person go and this time was no exception. You see? As soon as he
received the news, His Majesty immediately approached Louis and
asked him to go out with his subordinates to verify the authenticity
of the information.
Louis also realised this. He didn’t express an opinion on this
matter and just said calmly, “No matter what the result is, this is
a task His Majesty assigned so make sure he completes it
properly. How is the situation on planet Blick? Is it suitable for
This was Louis’s real destination. It was almost the opposite
direction from the Death Galaxy. Louis was to go there to attend a
more important military meeting with several other high-level
military officials. This meeting wouldn’t take long and if nothing
went awry, he would probably be back the next morning.
But after the meeting, he had something else to do.
When the aide answered, the hovercar had already started
moving. Louis watched the scenery flash by before lowering his eyes
and looking at the gold letter in his hands.
This was a military order letter issued to him by the Emperor last
year. The Emperor had asked him to resolve a large-scale conflict
that had suddenly broken out between three violent districts. That
conflict had long been resolved and all that was left now was the
As he looked at the letter, he pursed his lips. He didn’t want to lie
to his lover, but he had no other choice. For some things, he wanted
to see the outcome himself.
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Chi Zhao slept until dawn. In the past few months, Chi Zhao had
woken up in Louis’s arms every morning. The first couple of times,
he was extremely ashamed and blamed himself for it but later, after
hearing the system’s report, he realised that he was tricked.
Chi Zhao originally wanted to expose him but for some reason, he
chose to remain silent. Chi Zhao still maintained the belief that dead
pigs aren’t afraid of boiling water; since he hadn’t done anything and
just held him as they slept, it wasn’t a big deal.
As the system watched Chi Zhao reach this conclusion, it was very
skeptical for a while. It felt that Chi Zhao would soon say it was just
‘sleeping’ together and that it wasn’t a big deal.
When he woke up that day, no one was holding him. Chi Zhao
opened his eyes and sluggishly got up. His entire body didn’t feel
Habit was a very scary thing, Chi Zhao quietly complained.
Morris had instructed Chi Zhao to go home. Because Louis wasn’t
around and he couldn’t steal any information here, he should just go
back to the Shao household to see how the main star is now. His
father can be considered as one of the top ministers around. By just
casually asking, he could get a lot of information about the political
world. Chi Zhao originally wanted to linger around for a while
before going back but when he saw the unusually empty room, he
silently got out of bed and went home together with the two
attendants Louis had prearranged for him.
Today was a weekday. Except for his grandfather who was at
home, the others had gone to work. Chi Zhao wandered around
bored for a long time until someone finally returned.
Chi Zhao had thought that it would be Madam Shao who would
return first. After all, she had the most freedom. Being her own boss,
she could go to work whenever she wanted and go home whenever
she wanted. As soon as she hears the news of her youngest son
returning home, she would most certainly drop everything and
hurry home.
Standing at the door and staring wide eyed for a few seconds, Chi
Zhao was stunned.
Shao Zelin took off his military cap and unbuttoned his top button.
He nodded to his brother, “You’re back?”
Chi Zhao blinked for a long time but he couldn’t understand why
Shao Zelin would be back, “…….Brother, aren’t you stationed at
Mission Port?”
Shao Zelin was originally stationed at Mission Port. Although it is
close to home, he cannot return home and if he is to return home, he
would need to request for leave. Of course, Chi Zhao wasn’t
narcissistic enough to think that Shao Zelin had returned because he
missed his younger brother. He stared, still wide eyed, “Is
something the matter?”
Shao Zelin hung his military hat by the door and changed into
slippers, “No, I’m just tired and want to rest for a while, so I asked
for three days leave.”
If he remembered correctly, Shao Zelin only gets three days leave
a year?!
Shao Zelin is currently at a very important stage of receiving
military merits. Unless necessary, he wouldn’t ask for leave at all.
Last year he didn’t take a single break apart from the one day which
was a sick leave as he needed a day off for surgery after becoming
severely injured while fighting enemies of another race.
Such a person actually is feeling tired? Does he even know how to
write the word tired??
Chi Zhao was very puzzled but Shao Zelin continued as if he
couldn’t see the look of surprise on his face. He indifferently walked
past Chi Zhao and ordered the robot butler to give him a glass of
fresh juice before casually going to the living room and sitting down
to flip through today’s news.
…….Seems like he really did come back to rest.
The rest of the Shao family was also surprised by the sudden
return of the eldest son, but they soon got over it. Seeing that it was
a rare occasion for the family to all be reunited again, Madam Shao
wanted the whole family to go out on a trip together but
unfortunately this proposal didn’t receive support from anyone.
Grandfather didn’t like to go out so he naturally rejected the ideal;
Mister Shao still has work and wouldn’t take leave just because he’s
tired like his eldest son; Chi Zhao came back to steal information so
he naturally wouldn’t want to go on a family trip and Shao Zelin was
the most frustrating with just giving her a two word response ‘not
As Madam Shao sat there sulking, Chi Zhao followed Morris’s
instructions and asked his father a lot about the current political
situation. Chi Zhao felt that the reason Morris wanted to know this
was to know more about the enemy such that he could see who else
he could buy in from the main star.
As long as no human life was involved, Chi Zhao wouldn’t
interfere too much.
After all, he couldn’t always give misleading information.
Although Morris is not suspicious yet and only thinks that it was just
a coincidence last time, if it happened more frequently, he would
definitely be suspicious. Even if his investigations show that Chi
Zhao hadn’t lied, there was no way to be certain that he wouldn’t
vent his anger on Chi Zhao and use him as a punching bag.
After almost all the questions were asked, Chi Zhao turned around
and picked up a glass of water from the table. Just as his fingers
touched the edge of the glass, his movements stopped. Chi Zhao
silently raised his head and was met with Shao Zelin who was
staring at him again.
Throughout the entire afternoon, Shao Zelin had been staring at
him like this. Chi Zhao hadn’t asked about it the last few times but
now he couldn’t hold back anymore, “Brother, why are you always
staring at me?”
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Shao Zelin didn’t act like he was caught in the middle of doing
something suspicious. He changed his posture naturally, “How is life
after marriage?”
Hearing this question, the rest of the Shao family also looked over.
Chi Zhao could feel the pressure on him and just vaguely answered,
“Pretty good….Louis treats me very well.”
Louis treating him well, that was something everyone could see.
Just as Madam Shao wanted to ask about the more intimate details,
she paused and decided that it was best to ask that in private.
After dinner, everyone returned to their rooms. Half an hour later,
Madam Shao left her room with the intention to have a nice chat
with her newly married young son but when she turned the corner,
she saw her eldest son about to enter her youngest son’s room.
Madam Shao: “……..”
There was even a need to line up to chat.
In all honesty, Chi Zhao would much rather have a chat with
Madam Shao because she seemed more easy to get along with.
Facing Shao Zelin’s eyes that are always calm, not to mention
getting along, Chi Zhao didn’t even have the urge to say anything lest
he reveals himself.
Shao Zelin sat across from him, watching his younger brother sit
in front of him in the same proper manner as that of a primary
school student, “I have never asked you this but have you ever
seen a psychiatrist after returning from the Death Galaxy?”
Chi Zhao blinked, “No, but my mind is okay. I just received a
scare from it, it’s not severe enough to cause a mental illness.”
“Some mental illnesses are hidden very deeply. While you may
not notice it yourself, almost everyone else can see it. You just
need to cooperate and let the doctor see what is wrong with you.”
Chi Zhao frowned, “But I’m really fine.”
“I see that you’re always going to the military headquarters.”
Shao Zelin stared at him. He paused for a moment before
continuing, “Is it because you feel insecure?”
When he heard the word psychiatrist, Chi Zhao’s heart sped up a
lot because he felt that Shao Zelin seemed to be implying something
but when he heard that last sentence, he breathed a sigh of relief. It
seemed that Shao Zelin hadn’t noticed anything and was just
concerned about his younger brother’s psychological problems.
Chi Zhao replied casually, “It has nothing to do with feeling
insecure. I was just bored alone.”
Chi Zhao nodded vigorously, “Yes, brother. So, don’t worry
about me. I’m an adult now. If I have a problem, I’ll go see a
doctor right away.”
After a few seconds, Shao Zelin nodded, “That’s good then.”
Shao Zelin stood up and got ready to leave. Out of politeness, Chi
Zhao also stood up to send him off. When he reached the door, Shao
Zelin suddenly looked back. He asked, “Where did West go for his
mission? Did he tell you?”
Chi Zhao shook his head, “I don’t know, he didn’t tell me. I just
know that it is related to the rebel Alorin.”
Chi Zhao regretted it as soon as he said this. Although he didn’t
know why he regretted it, that feeling of regret spread through him
in an instant. As Chi Zhao was wondering why, he didn’t notice a
cold light flash across Shao Zelin’s eyes.
When Chi Zhao looked over, he had already returned to his usual
indifferent and calm appearance, “Alright, you go rest. I’m leaving.”
Chi Zhao stood in place, “Goodnight.”
Watching Shao Zelin leave, Chi Zhao muttered complaints inside
for a long time. He asked the system, “Seems like my act……was
【Yes, very successful. Everyone was fooled by you. Why do you
Chi Zhao also didn’t know why. He furrowed his brows in thought
for a long time, but his mind just grew more and more chaotic.
“Forget it, I don’t want to think anymore. I must be
overthinking things.”
On the other end, Shao Zelin who had just left Chi Zhao’s room
stared at the ground for about a minute before turning to go to his
parents’ room.
Hearing the knock on the door, Madam Shao came over to open it.
Her eldest son walked in with a cold face and wordlessly closed the
door behind him. Madam Shao and Mister Shao both looked over,
After a few seconds of brewing, Shao Zelin raised his eyes,
“Mother, father, something happened to Xiao An.”
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KK has something to say: 😮😮😮
Chapter 46
Source: KK Translates


Scarlett Star was named after the late Princess Scarlett. Princess
Scarlett loved the beauty of this planet the most during her lifetime
as it would always be surrounded by clouds and mist and the plants
on this planet were dense and tall. Those lush forests made people
feel as if they had entered the land of the giants and the negative
ions on this planet that are several dozen times more than those of
other planets was another one of its biggest features. Everyone who
comes to this place would involuntarily feel relaxed.
This planet was the princess’s property when she was alive, but
she had died young and, with no children and no partner, the
ownership of the planet was returned to the Emperor — that is, her
brother. The Emperor subsequently converted half of it into a
tourist attraction while the other half was used for the nation where
many schools and research institutes were built.
Planet Blick is one of the military’s representative planets and is
located close to Scarlett Star. After the meeting, the starship carrying
a group of generals and admirals travelled over to the teleportation
point on Scarlett Star, preparing for their travel back.
While the others left, Louis’s starship remained behind with no
intention to move.
The staff at the teleportation point asked several times but the
aide once again sent them away. When he returned, he saw Louis
sitting in the co-pilot seat, looking calmly at the vast galaxy ahead.
Aide: “Admiral, if you don’t want to go back now you can take a
rest or go out to enjoy Scarlett Star’s scenery.”
“I’m waiting for Edmond’s reply. Once I’ve received his reply, I
can decide on the next destination.”
The aide heard this and responded to show that he understood.
Major General Edmond had set off a day earlier than Louis. If they
calculated the time now, he had been in the Death Galaxy for more
than a day. Logically speaking, news should’ve already been sent
back. Louis looked at the silent communicator and frowned.
After about half an hour, the communicator finally lit up. Louis
made the others leave first before picking it up. Edmond wearing a
military uniform appeared and said to Louis solemnly, “Admiral,
you were really spot on. Those rebels knew about my
whereabouts and they tried to ambush us with their heavy
Louis’s heart sank in an instant. There was a moment of silence
before he asked, “How did those rebels react when they saw you?”
Edmond was older than Louis, but his mind was still like that of
an immature boy. He scratched his head, “React…….they didn’t
react much. They started attacking as soon as they saw me. It
took me a while to deal with them all.”
No reaction.
What did that mean? It meant that they knew who that person
was, so they didn’t need to react.
Louis had a total of seven mechas, named after the seven
archangels. He had taken along his most commonly used Michael
and Gabriel with him while the escape mecha Raphael was given to
Shao Ze’an. As for his spare mecha Uriel, it was given to Edmond to
use before he left.
Edmond’s spiritual power was also grade S so he could use his
mecha. He had asked Edmond to pilot his Uriel into battle and
Edmond did as he was told. The final result was that the rebels
didn’t react specially when they saw Louis’s exclusive mecha.
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The conjecture he had was now confirmed but Louis still didn’t
believe it. He raised his eyes and asked, “What heavy weapons did
the rebels use?”
Edmond listed out several heavy weapon names. As he named
them, he thought internally: Those rebels really went all out this
time. They had taken out their most powerful and most expensive
ones, the ones they would use when dealing with Admiral West and
Lieutenant General Shao. Since those weapons were used against
him, did it mean that his strength has been recognised by the rebels?
The more Edmond thought about it, the more he felt that it was
the case. He was secretly pleased, and this emotion was revealed on
his face. When he finally recovered from his happy mood and saw
the expression Louis had on the opposite end, he couldn’t smile
Edmond looked at him fearfully, “Ad-admiral…..Did I say
something wrong?”
No, nothing was wrong.
Those heavy weapons are the most powerful weapons and they
were used specifically to fight against long-range combat mechas,
that is, Michael.
The target of the rebels this time was very clear. They had come
for Louis.
The only person who knew of this false news was Shao Ze’an but
the rebels knew about it and had also attacked with big fanfare. That
was enough evidence in itself.
Louis had previously suspected that intel was being leaked. There
had been times were mistakes were made and they had to
reschedule or change their plans at every turn while the rebels, as if
they had all suddenly become retarded, would make some
incomprehensible actions. The military headquarters had been
paying close attention to these incidents and after analysing, they
discovered that these strange behaviours of the rebels could always
be linked back to the military plans that they had to reschedule or
change. Although they couldn’t succeed, the severity of this problem
was already impossible to ignore.
There was a spy in the military headquarters and this spy was
also very powerful, in a high position, or he wouldn’t have been able
to access so much confidential information.
Once they discovered this, the first thing they checked was those
who have had the information go through them, but they had
completely overlooked those who could access these secrets going
through that avenue.
For example, although he is not working in the military
headquarters, the wife of the admiral who could enter and leave at
Louis’s current expression was extremely poor. Edmond had been
in life and death situations with Louis many times before and knew
that he was someone who wouldn’t show any changes to his
expression even when he is on the verge of death so when he saw
such an expression now, he was stunned, “Admiral, did Alorin do
anything else? Did you make me pilot Uriel to confuse them, but
they didn’t fall for it? Don’t be discouraged. I’ll return and we can
take them down together……”
Before he could finish speaking, Louis had already turned off the
communication interface. He was in a very bad mood and didn’t
want to hear Edmond chattering noisily.
The Edmond who wanted to show his loyalty: “………”
After turning off the communication interface, the entire room
immediately turned quiet. Louis remained sitting in the co-pilot seat
with his eyes lowered, hiding the turmoil in his heart.
He looked calm but his right hand had already crushed the
Louis was a clever man. As long as he manages the find a clue, he
can figure out all the ins and outs of the rest in an instant.
There was no doubt that Shao Ze’an was stealing information for
the rebels. That time when the aide suddenly threw the documents
out the window, he had thought that Shao Ze’an was being naughty
and wilful and was deliberately teasing the aide. Think back now, he
realised that it wasn’t because of that. If he wanted to stop the
damages from occurring after the information was leaked, the only
option was to destroy the plans in there. That way, it would not
bring the Empire any harm.
On one hand, he stole information but on the other hand, he tried
to destroy it. Such a contradictory approach could only mean one
Shao Ze’an was held hostage.
The rebels had used a certain method to make Shao Ze’an work
for them, and because of that unknown method, he couldn’t ask for
help and could only be constantly threatened day and night and
forced to become a traitor.
All of this probably started since he returned to the main star, or
possibly even earlier.
After realising this, the armrest that had been crushed by Louis
was now directly broken off the chair.
The aide stood quietly outside, waiting for Louis to call him back
him. Suddenly, there was an unusual vibration in the air. The aide’s
actions paused, and he subconsciously glanced at the soldiers next
to him. Those two soldiers were Louis’s personal soldiers and their
strengths are also very high. The three of them exchanged a look, all
revealing similar shocked expressions.
One soldier and the aide rushed in while the other immediately
ran to the power room. Fortunately, there were no people below A-
grade on the starship. If Admiral West’s spiritual power was to go
berserk here, everyone at most would just be in pain for a while and
if not that, it would be some minor internal injuries and bleeding
which would be fine if they entered the treatment capsule for a
But the power room couldn’t withstand this! An S-grade spiritual
power going berserk could easily destroy a skyscraper with level 7
protection. If the admiral can’t control himself and destroys the
power room, they can only buy tickets for commercial starships to
go home and would also need to write many reports explaining
what happened to the starship.
Chi Zhao’s spiritual power was higher than Louis’s, but his
lethality was much lower because at that time he hadn’t learned
how to use it. Even if it went berserk, it could only affect a small
area. Louis on the other hand was different. He had been trained for
decades and had been under strict self-control day in and day out.
Right now, almost half of Scarlett Star was affected.
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The teleportation point suffered the most. Two starships were in
the middle of teleporting when it was attacked by his spiritual
power, instantly distorting time and space. They had originally
wanted to go west but in the end, they were sent east.
While Scarlett Star suffered, Chi Zhao was about to go to sleep
and, in another room in the Shao residence, Madam Shao and Mister
Shao had a looked of incredulousness after hearing their eldest son’s
“Xiao An is being held hostage? But how is that possible? He
has been at home the whole time and is with his classmates in
college and Louis at home. If someone is holding him hostage,
everyone should be able to tell!”
Shao Zelin knew that it sounded unbelievable, but this wasn’t a
conclusion he had reached without much thought. He had felt that
something was wrong a while back and after observing for several
months and the interaction he had just now, he finally felt that his
conjecture was correct.
West’s whereabouts was known by all high-level military officials.
It is known that he is going to a military meeting in behalf of the
main star but Shao Ze’an had told him just now that Louis had said
that he was going to do something related to Alorin.
Shao Zelin couldn’t say exactly what kind of person West was, but
he can tell that West truly likes his younger brother. If it was a
military secret and West lied to his younger brother, it was
excusable, but there was no need for him to lie about this kind of
thing. For what reason did he lie to Shao Ze’an?
There were only two possibilities. One, West did something that
wronged his brother or two, he wanted to take this opportunity to
test his brother.
Louis cheating would be something that would only happen if the
sun rose from the west instead of the east so that only left the last
possibility; West is testing out his younger brother.
Originally, this plan should’ve been seamless, but no one expected
the workaholic Shao Zelin to suddenly ask for leave and return
home. As a result, his lie was discovered by the others.
Shao Zelin explained one by one the flaws in Shao Ze’an’s actions
and combined it with the incidents in the military as well as the
Louis’s various actions. Once connected, everything made sense.
There were no loopholes to his conjecture.
Mister Shao frowned. Madam Shao still couldn’t accept it
because she didn’t want to accept it, “Xiao An would definitely
not betray the country! Even if someone held him hostage, he……
why didn’t he tell us? Why didn’t he ask us for help?”
At the beginning Madam Shao’s tone was still forceful but when
she reached the end, her voice grew small and helpless.
“Because he can’t tell us, mother. Think about it, if he has the
opportunity and ability to ask for help, would he let himself
continue to be threatened by them?”
Shao Zelin didn’t mention any specifics, but Madam Shao
understood his meaning.
Her youngest son was being threatened and the thing that is held
hostage could be anything; perhaps his life, perhaps his family, or
perhaps his lover. In short, he couldn’t act rashly. As long as he is
disobedient, those rebels would immediately take away his most
important things or maybe kill him immediately.
Madam Shao’s face instantly became pale. She couldn’t say
another word. The room became deadly silent. Mister Shao slowly
raised his head. He looked a lot older than before.
“Xiao An said that he was unconscious for a while in Death
Galaxy and when he woke up, he found himself in Morris’s
laboratory. Is it possible that Morris did something to Xiao An?”
Shao Zelin silently shook his head, “I don’t know. Anything is
possible but they are all just guesses unless Xiao An tells us
himself what happened.”
Madam Shao who was in a stunned state suddenly stood up,
“I’ll go find him. I’m his mother. He will tell me about it.”
Shao Zelin frowned. Just as he was about to stop her, his father
moved faster and held her back, “Calm down! Xiao An was held
hostage but we never noticed and he hasn’t gone anywhere apart
from college or home. Do you know what this means? It means
that someone is watching him nearby, perhaps they are people
we don’t expect at all, or perhaps…..they didn’t send anyone over
and had done something to Xiao An such that they can monitor
him the entire time. If you go now, you may alert them and
possibly cause your son to lose his life!”
Hearing her husband’s words, Madam Shao collapsed onto the
ground in despair.
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KK has something to say: They found out!
Chapter 47
Source: KK Translates


“Then…..what should we do now?”

When Madam Shao finished asking this question, she and Mister
Shao looked over at their eldest son.
Shao Zelin actually also had no idea, but he was calmer than his
parents so he could make the best decisions for them, “Don’t do
anything. The top priority right now is to figure out how Xiao An is
being held hostage and where the people monitoring him are.
Father, just pretend you don’t know anything and mother———-“
Shao Zelin paused and looked over at Madam Shao, “You
should go in hiding for a while. You are to stimulated right now
and can easily expose yourself in front of Xiao An.”
Madam Shao didn’t want to leave but she also knew that her
eldest son was right. After a moment of silence, she nodded. Shao
Zelin then stood up, “Just do this for now. Remember, don’t
mention this to anyone because anyone could be a threat to Xiao
Madam Shao and Mister Shao were both deep in thought. Just as
Shao Zelin was about to leave, Madam Shao suddenly remembered
something and stopped him, “Wait!”
Shao Zelin turned around and saw Madam Shao looking at him
hesitantly, “Louis…….”
Before, she had thought that her younger son’s sudden change in
temperament was because of the fright he had received from the
rebels and his insistence on marrying Louis West immediately was
because he had fallen in love with him at first sight and wanted a
sense of security. But when she thought about it now…….if he was
held hostage and the other party asked him to gather intel, marrying
Louis and living with him seemed to be something done in order to
achieve that.
The more she thought about it, the more shocked Madam Shao’s
expression became. In an instant, she came to an understanding. She
looked at her elder son with confidence, “He didn’t marry Louis
voluntarily, did he?”
Please read this from kk translates
“He actually doesn’t like Louis and was forced to do it by those
people, isn’t that right?!”
This question was something Shao Zelin had also asked. At that
time, Shao Ze’an had given him a very middle school like answer.
Anyone could be monitoring Shao Ze’an’s actions, but Louis
definitely wasn’t one because if that was the case, Shao Ze’an
wouldn’t have to marry Louis. If Louis was a traitor, why let Shao
Ze’an come to him and steal information that he already knows?
Shao Zelin pressed his lips into a line, “Xiao An doesn’t like him.
He had no choice.”
Madam Shao’s vision turned dark. She almost fainted.
Being forced to marry someone you didn’t like, being threatened
by strangers in an unfamiliar environment and working for them
while not knowing when they may kill you — her son had been
living this kind of life for the past few months and all of them,
including his most trusted parents, were completely unaware of this.
They had even happily sent him off to someone else’s home.
Their eldest son didn’t return home often and had inferred this
after only seeing his brother a few times. What if he didn’t’ return?
What if the one who picked the youngest son up was someone else?
Maybe they wouldn’t even know about this and would sit at home
feeling ashamed that they had given birth to a traitor.
Only now, Madam Shao began to sob. She was afraid of being
heard by Shao Ze’an who was sleeping next door, so she tried to
hold herself back. Mister Shao’s grief was no less than hers. He was
smarter so he could even imagine what kind of life Shao Ze’an
must’ve been living the past few months. Before the accident, Shao
Ze’an was just a rich young master who didn’t know anything about
the ways of the world. After having experienced this suddenly, how
scared and despaired must he have been? Just the thought of this
made Mister Shao feel extremely upset.
He took a deep breath and walked to Shao Zelin’s side, “What
should we do about Louis? He and your brother are together all
the time, would he find out?”
Shao Zelin silently raised his eyes, “He seemed to have already
found out.”
Mister Shao looked at him in shock. Madam Shao who also heard
him looked up in daze. Shao Zelin had never felt so troubled before.
He rubbed his temples and said calmly, “Leave it to me, I’ll talk to
him. Don’t worry, although he is an admiral, he is also Xiao An’s
husband. He won’t be so ruthless.”
Mister Shao and Madam Shao were very worried. They were
afraid that Louis would make a decision based on his identity as an
admiral and send Shao Ze’an to military court. After all, Shao Ze’an is
guilty of treason. Whether he was forced or not, he could bring harm
to the Empire so they must stop it from happening.
Hearing Shao Zelin’s words, the two could only leave it to him no
matter how anxious they felt. Neither of them slept well that night
and were constantly worrying. Early the next morning, Madam Shao
left the residence before Shao Ze’an got up. Before she could
completely settle her emotions down, she was not to appear in front
of Shao Ze’an.
When Chi Zhao woke up, he felt very refreshed. The first person
he met when he left his room was Mister Shao. He happily greeted,
“Dad, slept well last night?”
Mister Shao silently turned around, shocking Chi Zhao.
Good heavens! Such dark eyebags. Did he stay up the entire
Chi Zhao looked at him suspiciously, “Dad, your eyes………”
Mister Shao unconsciously touched his eyes. He then smiled
calmly, “Ah this? I was too excited when I heard that your mother
wanted to travel on her own and didn’t sleep until dawn.”
Chi Zhao: “………..”
How long have you been under Madam Shao’s oppression
Madam Shao had made an excuse that she was going to travel
alone but, in fact, she is currently secretly wiping her tears in
another of their residences on the main stair. Chi Zhao had no idea
that the world had completely changed while he slept and didn’t
doubt Mister Shao’s words, so he followed Mister Shao down to have
When he went downstairs, he saw Shao Zelin in a military
uniform again. He couldn’t help but wonder, “Brother, didn’t you
ask for leave?”
Shao Zelin originally planned to have a chat with Louis through
the communicator device today, but he received news last night that
Louis’s spiritual power had gone berserk on Scarlett Star and that
the impacted area was very large. Louis had already been brought
back by the military and would arrive at the Mission Port in two
hours. It is estimated that he would be prosecuted by the Military
Procuratorate for this.
Before the prosecution, Louis would definitely not be able to get
out and all communication devices would also be confiscated.
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Shao Zelin calmly lowered his smart brain and replied, “Yeah,
I’m going back to the station for a look and to chat with my
subordinates. Standing around leisurely while they’re working
feels quite refreshing.”
Chi Zhao: “………” What a strange refreshing activity it is.
He looked at the smart brain Shao Zelin had turned off. He had
casually glanced at it earlier and he seemed to have seen the word
Scarlett, but Chi Zhao had no impression of that word so the page
didn’t attract his attention.
Seeing Shao Ze’an leaving, Shao Zelin pulled up the news interface
again. The news had been completely supressed by the military. No
outsiders knew that Scarlett Star’s sudden abnormality was because
Admiral West had lost control of his spiritual powers. As long as no
one knows, the punishment for Louis shouldn’t be too serious. Looks
like he would just be asked to write a reflection report and be fined
a large amount of money.
Louis was an admiral after all. Unless he committed an
unforgivable crime, they wouldn’t put him in jail.
Not long afterwards, Shao Zelin set off. Chi Zhao watched his
departing back and felt as if something was now outside of his
control. He poked the system, “Do you think that they’re acting
The system had no energy and it also didn’t have the super
intuition Chi Zhao has. All it could do was scan the surroundings
from time to time. Hearing Chi Zhao’s question, it subconsciously
scanned the surroundings again.
【No, what’s wrong?】
Chi Zhao also didn’t know. After thinking for a while, he
couldn’t say what seemed strange and could only give up, “I don’t
know, maybe I thought wrong. By the way, what’s the next plot
point? Don’t tell me they’re going to make me steal intel and
continue with it for four years?”
Four years was enough time for the situation between the Empire
and the rebels to be completely reversed. Four years later, the rebels
became more and more powerful and the Emperor also became
more and more anxious. Louis looked at the crumbing Empire and
decisively brought along his troops to attack the place where the
rebels were stationed. By that time, the rebels no longer hid in the
Death Galaxy and had their own their own territory and base.
That desperate war originally had some hope of victory but
because Shao Ze’an was by his side, the rebels had already learned
of the news before they arrived, and it was naturally a complete
defeat in the end.
After a near death experience, he managed to return to the main
star. At that time, there was also a rebellion on the main star’s side.
The Emperor’s brother couldn’t stand it anymore and had usurped
the power and became the new Emperor. He then regrouped and
worked together with many ministers before they finally annihilated
the rebels ten years later.
What happens ten years later had nothing to do with Chi Zhao
because he died four years later. The moment Louis returns to the
main star completely bloodied and defeated would be the time for
him to retire and leave.
【 Let me see….There aren’t many plot points in this world. You
basically just need to listen to Morris. Oh yes, the next plot point is
three months later. Due to the intel Shao Ze’an provided, the aide
was caught by the rebels during a mission and was tortured for a
whole month before being rescued by Louis. The moment the aide
was brought out, he was shot and killed by long-range weapon
wielded by one of the rebels. Louis who watched him die before him
was greatly stimulated by his death.】
Chi Zhao: “…….”
He asked the system very sincerely, “System, there is a question
I’ve been meaning to ask you for a while.”
【Hmm? What is it?】
“Are you related to Zhou Papi in any way? Is he your relative?”
(KKnotes: With some quick googling, seems to be a villain in some
System: “……..”
Chi Zhao didn’t understand, “Did the protagonist eat your rice
or steal your wife? Why do you hate him so much? I’ve noticed
that all the plot points share a common feature and it is to
torture the protagonist particularly miserably. Tell me the truth,
does he owe you money?”
System: “……..” What the hell is that?
The system was silent for about five seconds. It then made an
aggrieved sound.
【That has nothing to do with me. That was just how the plot was
written. If you want to be the protagonist, how could you be one
without paying a small price for it? No one can have a smooth sailing
life forever; this isn’t a Mary Sue world.】
“Alright, what you said makes sense, but I still have another
【Speak, what is it?】
Chi Zhao chuckled, “It’s the same old. What if I can’t do it?”
System: “………”
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: HAHAHA I honestly feel a little bad for
the system
Chapter 48
Source: KK Translates


Louis was contained in a small room less than twenty square

metres in size by the people from the military. Sitting on the edge of
the bed with his legs spread open and arms resting on his knees, his
entire figure was slumped.
This was the scene Shao Zelin came upon when he entered. He
paused for a moment before pulling up a chair and sitting down
opposite Louis.
In just two days, Louis’s chin now had a stubble. He slowly raised
his eyes and when he saw that the person who entered was Shao
Zelin, there was a faint reaction in his eyes.
“I heard His Majesty just came by.”
Louis straightened up and said indifferently, “Cursed me out a
little and then left.”
Their Emperor had a bad temper since a young age. Now that he
was in his middle ages, his temper got worse by the day. Shao Zelin
looked around. This was an ordinary detention room. Although it
was small, it was well equipped.
“Xiao An is still at my place. When can you get out?”
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From the time Shao Zelin entered, Louis hadn’t shown any
changes in emotions but when he heard those words, he glanced
over with eyes that seemed several degrees sharper than before,
“…….You knew that Xiao An went home?”
The two were clearly relatives but their attitudes to each other
made it hard for others to tell. Shao Zelin’s face was even calmer
than Louis’s. He nodded, “I know. I just came from my place.”
Louis’s body suddenly stiffened. He looked at Shao Zelin with
pursed lips and for a moment a lot of thoughts crossed through his
mind. Shao Zelin continued, “Don’t worry, he doesn’t know that
you’re here and he also doesn’t know that you went to Scarlett
Star. He still thinks you’re in the Death Galaxy.”
After hearing this, Louis still didn’t relax. He continued to stare
fixatedly at Shao Zelin.
Those lines of his just now revealed a lot of things. Shao Zelin
knew that he had lied to Shao Ze’an but he didn’t expose him and
instead helped him conceal it. He also said earlier that he came
straight from his place, so it meant that he was home last night.
Louis looked at Shao Zelin with eyes filled with vigilance and
distrust. It couldn’t be helped. He had just found out that his lover
had been held hostage by the rebels for several months, so he was
still in a state of wariness. Who knew if there was someone around
him who worked for the rebels? Whilst Shao Ze’an may be forced, it
may not necessarily be the case for others.
Shao Zelin knew what he was thinking. He fell silent for a moment
and then proceeded to change the subject, “Why did your spiritual
power go berserk at Scarlett Star?”
Louis half closed his eyes. When he was about to use the excuse he
had prepared in advance, Shao Zelin’s voice sounded again, “Was it
because of Xiao An?”
Louis looked at Shao Zelin. The two stared at each other like this
for a long time before Louis stiffly looked away and let out a strange
and bitter sounding laugh. After laughing, he said in a low at muted
voice, “So you know about it too.”
For the past one night and two days, Louis hadn’t closed his eyes
to rest at all. Of course, something like this was nothing for his
physique but even he can feel tired. While being escorted back to the
main star, he was locked in a small room similar to the one. Since he
had nothing to do, he had more time to think.
‘So you know about it too’. Louis didn’t even try to hide it and
admitted directly.
Shao Zelin was quiet for a few seconds. He then spoke up again,
“It wasn’t voluntary. Everything he did wasn’t out of his own will.
My brother….although he isn’t a good person, he also isn’t a bad
There was no filter in Shao Zelin’s eyes. Everything he said was as
it is. Although when facing his parents he reassured them that Louis
is Shao Ze’an’s husband and would definitely not hurt him, it was
just an excuse to comfort his parents. Facing Louis now, Shao Zelin
wasn’t actually all that confident.
Hearing Shao Zelin’s words, Louis furrowed his brows. He
understood what Shao Zelin was trying to say. He was helping speak
for Shao Ze’an, hoping that he could arouse Louis’s sympathy and
make him take into consideration their past feelings.
“He is my legal partner; I care and love him more than anyone
else. You don’t need to tell me this because the only thing I will do
is to protect him.” He paused and said like he was making a
promise, “I will never hurt him.”
After hearing these words, Shao Zelin didn’t reveal a touched
expression. He instead looked at Louis strangely, “You already
know that Xiao An is being held hostage so you should also know
that he doesn’t really want to marry you and is just following
directions. Once Xiao An is rescued, your marriage…….will be
Without needing Shao Zelin to say it, Louis had already thought of
How happy he was when he just learned that Shao Ze’an liked him
was how miserable he was now. It turned out that all along, it was
just himself being led around by the nose. No wonder Shao Ze’an
stiffened when he first touched him. In his eyes, he was probably
more terrifying than a water demon.
After being rescued, the first thing he probably would do is to
divorce him. After all, this was a forced marriage. As he lived with
him each day, he had probably been living a life on the edge. What
could’ve been on his mind as he laid in the same bed as him every
Did he feel despaired, constantly praying with all his might for
someone to come and save him from such a terrifying situation?
Was he willing to pay any price as long as he can leave the rebels
and leave his side?
Many emotions were suppressed inside him. Louis closed his
eyes. He felt like he was about to explode; he couldn’t breathe and
couldn’t make a sound.
Shao Ze’an didn’t like him and he may possibly hate him very
That line was like a red-hot soldering iron, searing into his heart.
The heart is the softest part of the human body and at the same time
it is also the weakest part. As this searing hot pain spread through
his entire body, Louis lowered his eyes and didn’t speak.
Shao Zelin was also very silent but there was a time limit for
visits, so he had to quickly finish asking.
“You and Xiao An have been together the longest. Can you
think of anyone around him who may be monitoring his actions?”
Louis looked over and subconsciously frowned, “No one.”
Shao Zelin was stunned. Louis moved his hand and pointed to his
head, “No one is watching him. They’re watching him through his
With the current level of technology available, Shao Zelin
understood instantly. His expression turned serious, “You mean an
eavesdropping device?”
Louis spoke slowly and quietly, “When we first found him in the
Death Galaxy, we encountered Morris, but he escaped. Later we
searched Morris’s laboratory and found some destroyed
equipment including a machine no one knew what it was used
for. It was sent to the Royal Research Academy to be investigated
when we returned but so far there have been no results.”
Louis paused for a second and continued, “Xiao An said he was
in the same room as Morris and he was lying on a metal bed with
nothing around him. Thinking back now, he was probably
already being watched at that time and what he said was
probably a lie. He should’ve seen the true appearance of that
machine and knew that he had been implanted with something.
That machine was probably used to do that.”
Shao Zelin’s voice became lower, “When we first returned, we
did a full-body examination for Xiao An. Everything that could be
checked was checked but it wasn’t found……”
An eavesdropping device was more troublesome than a human. If
it was a human, they could just catch them and kill them but for an
eavesdropping device, there was a possibility that the person
implanting it may have also left some other time bombs along with
it. Perhaps even Shao Ze’an doesn’t know what’s in his body.
Shao Zelin clenched his fist tightly. Because he had used too much
force, cutting the blood supply, his fingers quickly turned cold. He
clenched his fist and forced himself to relax before looking again at
Louis, “What do you plan to do next?”
Louis replied plainly, “Take him to be examined.”
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“No!” Shao Zelin didn’t even need to think, “Rough examination
didn’t find it so doing a deeper examination is too dangerous.
What if there are sensors installed to that device? And how are
you going to take him to be examined? If he is being monitored,
they can hear what is going on. As soon as Xiao An knows, those
rebels will know too!”
Louis looked at Shao Zelin with cold eyes, “Do you think I
haven’t considered that? But we can only figure out where the
device is by doing an examination. Only after figuring it out can
we figure out how to take it out. The longer that thing stays in his
body, the more dangerous it is. You should also be aware of this.”
Shao Zelin didn’t want to take such a big risk, but he also
understood that Louis was right. The room fell silent for a while.
After an unknown period of time, Shao Zelin stood back up. The
visitation time was almost over.
“Right now, only you, me and my parents know about this. The
three of us will continue as usual and prevent Xiao An from
noticing anything strange. What about you?”
Louis closed his eyes again and replied in a low voice, “Me too.”
Shao Zelin seemed to want to say something else, but after some
thought he decided against it.
Louis clearly still had feelings for his brother, and those feelings
were very deep, so he didn’t give up on him despite knowing that his
brother didn’t like him. Just now, Shao Zelin wanted to remind him
to get out of this one-sided relationship as soon as possible but he
found that he couldn’t say it.
It didn’t matter if you called him selfish or malicious, but the truth
was that the more Louis likes his brother, the safer Shao Ze’an is.
One is a colleague who is no more than an acquaintance and the
other his is blood-related younger brother. The choice wasn’t
difficult to make.
Walking out of the temporarily detention room, Shao Zelin took a
deep breath and slowly let it all out.
——— Sorry.
The aide visited the Shao residence and told Chi Zhao that Louis
would be back tonight. As soon as Chi Zhao heard this, he
immediately went back to his room to pack in preparation to leave
with the aide.
At the door, Mister Shao looked hesitantly at Chi Zhao while not
daring to make it look too obvious. He quickly told his youngest son
to take care and hurried back in, fearing that he would be seen
Chi Zhao blinked a few times, confused. He then looked at the
aide, “Let’s go. Did your mission go smoothly this time?”
Louis had ordered the aide that no matter what he was asked, the
aide was not allowed to answer or reveal the slightest of
information. After some silence, the aide said vaguely, “When the
admiral returns, you can ask him yourself.”
Chi Zhao glanced at him strangely but didn’t make it difficult for
him, “Okay.”
The aide breathed a sigh of relief. Look at this, his family’s madam
isn’t as wilful or as difficult as it is rumoured and is actually very
easy going.
Unbeknownst to him, Chi Zhao only did this because he knew of
the aide’s original outcome and pitied him. If it was put into novel
terms, this aide was basically a steppingstone for the main
protagonists road to success. He not only died tragically; he was
tortured tragically before that. It really was too pitiful.
As Chi Zhao thought this, the system didn’t know how to respond.
【………Host, don’t you think that compared to the aide, you’re the
most pitiful and tragic cannon fodder? The aide was tortured for
only one month, but you were tortured for four years. What’s worse,
the aide was regarded as a martyr after his death while you didn’t
leave behind a single strand of hair when you died. Even if you did,
you would be spat on every day.】
Chi Zhao: “…..” True that.
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KK has something to say: Oh man, Louis is so heartbroken 💔
Chapter 49
Source: KK Translates


The aide sent Chi Zhao home and left. Carrying his small baggage,
Chi Zhao slowly walked in. He planned to put his belongings away
first before going back downstairs to wait for Louis’s return.
The system had always felt that Chi Zhao was overinvested in
playing the role of the wife. Just as it wanted to remind Chi Zhao
about this, its sensor went off.
【Host, Louis has already returned.】
Chi Zhao’s act of closing the door paused. He looked around in
search for Louis and finally saw him standing by the tall floor to
ceiling window. At this moment, Louis had also just turned around
and was quietly watching him. His gaze was calm but complicated,
carrying emotions that Chi Zhao couldn’t quite understand.
Chi Zhao casually threw his belongings aside and unconsciously
relaxed his expression, “So quick. Didn’t you say that you will be
back in two hours?”
It was originally going to be two hours but the dark atmosphere
around Admiral West was so severe, even the prosecutor felt
pressured and didn’t dare be in the same room as him. As a result,
the original lengthy procedures were streamlined and shortened
from the original four hours to one hour. There was also another
process which involved Louis standing in front of the national
emblem and swearing that it wouldn’t happen again, but Louis
didn’t give it a single glance and left as soon as the final judgement
was passed.
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The officers wanted to stop him, but they valued their lives more.
Louis’s large hand brushed through his hair and gradually moved
down. His actions were very slow and very gentle making Chi Zhao
feel like he was being carefully cherished by this person before him.
He liked this feeling very much and gently nuzzled his cheek against
Louis’s palm.
The emotion in Louis’s eyes immediately turned deeper. This
young man’s expression was too warm and gentle, and he didn’t
want to scare him, so he lowered his eyes and quickly concealed it.
Louis had returned an hour ago. He opened his mouth and only
spoke after a few seconds of delay, “……Missed me?”
It was only when he said this that he realised that his voice was
hoarse. He couldn’t help frowning. Chi Zhao naturally heard it as
well and looked at him with some concern. Louis smiled gently back,
“I hurried back and didn’t get much sleep, so my voice is like this.
Don’t worry, I’m fine.”
Chi Zhao’s expression relaxed. After a pause, he nodded and
answered Louis’s previous question, “Missed you.”
This was the truth. Shao Ze’an’s body was naturally cold and he
would typically have cold hands and feet. Louis and he are two
extremes and Louis’s body temperature was usually several degrees
higher than his. When they held each other, he was like a self-
heating stove and he didn’t have to worry about being cold at night.
The past two nights without this heater called Louis felt strange.
He really missed that feeling of warmth.
【Hah, weak earthlings.】
Chi Zhao: “………..”
If it was the usual, Louis would’ve already smiled happily in
response. On the outside, Louis was a cold and serious soldier but
when facing Chi Zhao, all his emotions would be revealed on his face
and it was very easy to understand. Today however, upon hearing
what he said, Louis just faintly raised the corners of his lips and
didn’t say anything else.
Chi Zhao couldn’t help but tilt his head. He felt that Louis was
acting different from usual and his hand too, why was it always
touching the spot behind his ear?
That part of Chi Zhao was a little sensitive. He wanted to move
away but he felt that it may hurt Louis’s feelings so he bore with it
and didn’t move.
【Bullshit. Rubbish host, I knew you’re at it again. Speak. Did you
fall for the protagonist again?!】
Chi Zhao: “……..”
He gritted his teeth and warned the system, “Stop peeping into
my thoughts. If you continue, I’ll going to watch a horror film.”
The system was very confused. How are those two things related?
Chi Zhao sneered, “I am most afraid of horror films. When I am
scared, I can do 30 backflips in a row.”
System: “……….”
The system lives in Chi Zhao’s mind and normally nothing
happens but if Chi Zhao was overstimulated, it would suffer along
with it. That feeling would be like when a human falls out from a
The system silently shut up. Chi Zhao looked at Louis, “Did
something happen during the mission?”
Louis’s expression clearly indicated that something was going on
and Chi Zhao’s first thought was that the outcome probably wasn’t
good. But seeing that Louis didn’t appeared injured, Chi Zhao
breathed a sigh of relief.
Louis nodded and went with the flow, “It didn’t go well. I’m a
little tired. I want to go rest for a while.”
Chi Zhao hummed in understanding, but his gaze still lingered on
Louis’s face. His expression didn’t look too good. Looks like there
really was a problem.
Chi Zhao’s heart softened. He spread open his arms and hugged
him. Not long after his soft and thin body was pressed against him,
Chi Zhao tiptoed and planted a kiss on Louis’s chin. He whispered,
“Go ahead. I’ll call you when dinner is ready.”
Such dedication to acting out his role?
Louis pursed his lips and didn’t speak. He turned and went
Watching his lonely leaving figure, Chi Zhao sighed internally,
“It’s not easy being a soldier’s wife, I have to constantly worry
about my husband’s mental condition. When I get home, I should
send my cousin who is a wife of a soldier a large basket of fruit to
show my condolences.”
【Why not money? Don’t you humans like money the most?】
After a moment of silence, Chi Zhao replied, “……Because I’m
Louis was in a poor mood. Chi Zhao pondered for a while and
decided to go to the kitchen to make something to comfort Louis’s
soft and fragile heart. Chi Zhao didn’t ask much but he felt that one
of Louis’s comrades may have lost their lives and that was why
Louis had such a sad and bitter expression.
You should know that Louis is a man who can fight one against a
hundred and wouldn’t feel sad even when he is about to die. The
threats against the Empire have been around for a while so Louis
wouldn’t suddenly be upset because of them. The only possible
reason was that one of his good friends had suddenly left him.
The battlefield is ruthless, and weapons have no eyes. Chi Zhao’s
hand holding the kitchen knife paused and he silently sighed.
The death of a comrade can stimulate him like this. If he were to
witness his aide’s death, he would directly fall into depression.
“System, it doesn’t matter if the plot point isn’t completed,
right? It’s just a small plot point anyway.”
After a long silence, he heard a cold and dull grunt.
Chi Zhao: “……….”
It was better not to ask. If he continued asking, he was basically
sprinkling salt onto the system’s battered little heart.
In fact, Chi Zhao didn’t know how to cook, and he had only learnt a
few simple dishes from Li Yihan when he had nothing to do in the
last world. After arriving to this world, many of those ingredients
have become extinct so he could only replace it with other
ingredients instead.
After some pondering, he picked out a few ingredients which
looked more normal and tried to fry them together. When he plated
it up, it looked pretty good.
Chi Zhao picked up a fork and brought a small piece to his mouth.
His expression instantly turned very colourful.
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Hearing the snort in his mind, Chi Zhao’s face turned dark, “Did
you just laugh at me?”
【 No? Why would you think that? That really hurts my feelings
you know? Host, you can’t just overlook my mental condition just
because I am a system. Although I have no heart, no lungs, no blood
and no flesh, but I am also a good system with feelings and
emotions. I can get hurt too.】
After being circumvented by the system, Chi Zhao actually felt a
little guilty. He silently placed down his fork and turned towards his
second dish. The first was a stir-fry and the second one was a stew
which should almost be done now. Chi Zhao picked up a ladle and
gave it a taste.
This time Chi Zhao’s expression was worse than Louis’s.
Chi Zhao: “You are laughing at me!”
System: “……….” In fact, it had tried its best to hold it in, but it
couldn’t. Seeing its host suffering, it couldn’t help but feel a little
Chi Zhao stood quietly in front of the stove with an ugly
expression and seemed rather unhappy. Louis didn’t expect the
young man to cook himself. After all, he was a young master born
with a silver spoon in his mouth. The past Louis also didn’t know
how to cook. After joining the military, he had to learn some skills in
order to survive in those extremely harsh conditions.
Louis may be a military genius but in terms of cooking, the food
was only barely edible. Watching Chi Zhao standing there, he
naturally took for granted that this was Chi Zhao’s first time cooking.
Unless you are naturally talented, it was normal to fail the first time.
In this way, it explained why the young man looked so unhappy. He
must be feeling very depressed.
When no one was watching, this young man would reveal his true
emotions and reactions. Louis watched his back thoughtfully and
seemed to have reached a decision inside.
Because he wasn’t from this world, Chi Zhao’s vigilance was very
pitifully low. If he went out, it would be slightly higher but when
facing his family and Louis, Chi Zhao wasn’t vigilant at all.
And so, he had no idea that Louis had been watching him from
behind all this time. It wasn’t until Louis pushed open the door that
he realised, and he was a little flustered to have been found out.
Louis walked over and smiled at him, “Did you make it for me?”
Chi Zhao closely checked his expression and asked tentatively,
“Are you feeling better?”
“Yeah, much better.”
The young man’s concern was like a deadly drug, making him
addicted and unconsciously sink in. Louis lowered his head slightly
and planted a light kiss between Chi Zhao’s brows while the latter
motionlessly stood there accepting the kiss as he held a ladle. After
he moved away, he looked aside uncomfortably, “It’s not for you, I
was just playing around. Dinner will be sent over soon. You can
go out and wait.”
With that, Chi Zhao picked up the plate of stir-fry and got ready to
toss it out.
Tasted very bad. If you gave something like this to someone who
is in a poor mood, even if you don’t have depression, this dish would
make you have it.
Seeing that he was about to pour out the food, Louis quickly
grabbed it. His hands were quick and none of it spilled despite this.
Knowing that the young man was only saying this because he had
failed, he rubbed Chi Zhao’s head, “I want to eat what you made.”
Nowadays, people would still have a kitchen at home but there
are very few people who use it, so cooking has now become an art
itself. After all, nutrient solutions are everywhere, and it is much
cheaper than fresh ingredients.
Even if the rich can afford fresh ingredients, they would not make
it themselves. They had specialised smart cooking companies who
would deliver the meals at fixed times. Being able to order anything
they wanted; it was very convenient. Louis also has this so although
there was a kitchen at home, it was basically not used except when
coming to get fruits and drinks.
Seeing that he really wanted to eat it, Chi Zhao looked at him
helplessly, “It tastes really bad.”
As he said this, Louis had already taken a bite. There were no
changes to his expression, as if he was eating the usual food.
In fact, Chi Zhao’s cooking wasn’t that bad. He had a good grasp of
the ingredients and heat, but the combination of the ingredients
wasn’t ideal. Although it could be eaten, don’t expect the taste to be
anywhere close to good. Regardless of the last world or this world,
Chi Zhao had been eating top-class food, so he naturally didn’t like
the two dishes he made.
But for Louis, in order to maintain his strength and increase his
changes of survival, he had eaten even the most unpalatable of
foods. To him, these two dishes weren’t hard at all to stomach.
Seeing him take a few bites without any changes to his expression,
Chi Zhao started to suspect his own taste buds. He sat next to Louis
and looked suspiciously at the dishes before looking at Louis, “Just
give it a taste. There’s still dinner later.”
After a while, Chi Zhao reached out to grab his tableware, “You
really plan to finish it! I didn’t make it well this time, it will be
better next time. Don’t worry, you won’t hurt my feelings. You can
stop eating now.”
Louis smoothly avoided his hands. He looked at Chi Zhao, “Is this
your first time cooking?”
It was for the original owner but it wasn’t for him. Chi Zhao
hesitantly nodded.
Seeing him nodding, Louis continued to calmly pick up the food.
He calmly continued, “This is your first time making it so no
matter what you say, I have to finish it.”
Chi Zhao wondered, “Why?” It wasn’t like he wouldn’t make it
again. Did he really have to do this?
“Because,” Louis picked up a glass of water and calmly took a sip,
“all your first times are mine.”
Chi Zhao: “……..”
System: Amazing.
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KK has something to say: Real smooth Louis, real smooth
Chapter 50
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao watched as Louis finished eating the two dishes with a
complicated expression but Louis, as if he didn’t see it, picked up the
plates and placed it on the cooking counter.
The robot butler controlled everything in the house with a central
brain. It detected the dirty tableware and immediately started to
clean it up.
Louis then accompanied Chi Zhao to eat the dinner delivered over
but because he had eaten too much earlier, Louis didn’t each as
much this time. Once done, time quickly passed and soon it was time
to go to bed.
The lights in the room slowly darkened. As the two of them laid in
their respective positions, Chi Zhao opened his eyes and looked into
the darkness. He couldn’t help but say to the system, “He seems to
really like me…….”
The system wasn’t in the mood to talk about this. As soon as it
heard it, it felt like it was going to explode.
【So what. It’s not a big deal that he likes you. The question is, do
you like him?!】
Chi Zhao: “Can you not be so angry? I was just making an
observation. After all, I haven’t been that good to him and have
mostly been regarding him as free labour. It’s too strange for
him to like me so much despite all that.”
System: “……..”
What’s stranger is the hosts comprehension ability.
Have you seen anyone who treats free labour like that? Every day
you accompany him to eat, sleep, chat and get off work!
Chi Zhao couldn’t hear the systems complaints. He turned over
such that his back was to Louis and gazed out into some corner in
the room.
Just as he was in daze, a fiery and powerful body leaned over,
firmly wrapping around Chi Zhao. Louis held him tightly with one
leg pressing down against his leg. This posture was as tight and as
domineering as a python’s grip. Chi Zhao had no room to move.
Louis lowered his head and took in the fresh smell of shampoo
before gently pressing his lips against the skin on the back of Chi
Zhao’s neck.
When the moist and slightly cool touch came, Chi Zhao was
startled. The thoughts he had on his mind was instantly scattered.
He thought Louis wanted to sleep with him and felt that it was
indeed about time.
Chi Zhao was stiff for a moment. He violently shook his head
internally: No, no, no! Absolutely not!
The system was aware of Chi Zhao’s thoughts and couldn’t help
but reveal a relieved smile. The host is now a matured host and can
make mature judgements and decisions.
Immediately afterwards, Chi Zhao thought inside: Morris is still
listening. He didn’t want to be listened to or even recorded by a
pervert while doing that kind of thing!!!
System: Smile slowly freezes.
So if he wasn’t being recorded, he would be willing to sleep with
the protagonist?! I knew you’re a rubbish host! You really fell for
Sensing Chi Zhao’s resistance, Louis didn’t move away and instead
held him even more tightly. Fortunately, Chi Zhou couldn’t turn
around or he would be frightened by the way Louis looked at this
very moment. He looked extremely scary and his eyes were both
dark and crazed, as if he was about to eat Chi Zhao alive.
Small kisses were printed onto the back of his neck and a small
numb and tingling sensation followed, making Chi Zhao hair stand
on end. He had already gone this far before, and his body was also
young and healthy, so he soon realised that he had a reaction.
Louis’s leg was close to that place and he naturally also noticed this.
His movement stopped and a few seconds later, a deep and sexy
laugh sounded behind Chi Zhao.
……..That laugh was foul play.
Louis’s kisses grew stronger and more intense. His head
constantly moved, and he slowly navigated to the back of Chi Zhao’s
ear. He knew that Chi Zhao was sensitive there. After a slight pause,
he used his teeth to both firmly and lightly nibble on his earlobe.
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Chi Zhao couldn’t hold back and let out a low groan.
Looks like they can’t go back now.
Chi Zhao didn’t want to be listened into while they made out and
Louis certainly didn’t want that too, so they didn’t take the last step.
Although they didn’t take the last step, everything else that could be
done was done. At some unknown point in time, Louis was already
pressing Chi Zhao down from above. He reluctantly let go of Chi
Zhao whose eyes were slightly red and watery. At first glance, it
looked like he had just been bullied. Louis’s eyes deepened. He really
wanted to continue but he could only let go of the young man under
Although he could let him go physically, he couldn’t do it
Louis looked at him intently, his eyes seemed to glow faintly in the
dark, “Connect your spiritual realm with me, okay?”
Connecting spiritual realms was a term unique to this world. Chi
Zhao didn’t know how it worked but he knew that the effect after
finishing was a short period of spiritual pleasure. It wouldn’t be an
exaggeration to describe it as taking ecstasy.
In other words, it was making love without physical contact but
there was a drawback. Once one’s spiritual realm is connected, you
can no longer connect with others. It is a lifetime bond so even if you
are divorced or widowed, it cannot be changed.
Most people will not connect spiritual realms with their partners
since, after all, no one knew whether they would continue until the
end with their current partner. There are some people, however,
who are willing to use it to prove that their love is sincere.
Chi Zhao was stunned for a long time and couldn’t give him an
answer immediately. Louis wasn’t in a hurry. He just looked at Chi
Zhao quietly, patiently waiting. At the same time, he conveyed a
message to Chi Zao: That he must answer him, or he won’t let him
sleep tonight.
He continued to look at him, taking in all his reactions. As he did
this, he also released invisible threads of spiritual power to probe
their surrounding environment.
No matter how small the sound, it is a sound. As long as he makes
a sound, there should be a trace of it, but this also required
extremely high spiritual power and extremely precise control. Even
for Louis, this was very difficult. After a few seconds of persistence,
he was overwhelmed with strong exhaustion and what was even
more disappointing was that he still didn’t hear the rebels.
With the amount of energy exerted just now, even the sound of a
drop of dew falling ten kilometres away could be heard. If he
couldn’t hear anything even like this, it meant that the rebels really
didn’t make any moves. Either they were not listening, or they were
too lazy to interfere.
Louis was a little defeated. He lowered his eyes and slowly
withdrew his threads of spiritual power when suddenly, Chi Zhao
who was under him spoke, “But I don’t know how……”
His voice was no louder than a mosquito. Louis was stunned. He
looked at him with disbelief, “You agreed?”
Chi Zhao looked at him hesitantly and finally nodded.
Before he answered, Louis had revealed a very disheartened
expression. If he really refused him, he may possibly even cry. It was
just connecting spiritual realms anyway, not physical connection. It
shouldn’t be a big deal satisfying this request.
System: “………..”
Sometimes, the system is impressed by its own ability to hold
itself back.
Louis’s emotions became agitated in an instant. In this world, if it
wasn’t because they are extremely in love, no one would agree to
such a thing. The rebels didn’t control him, yet Shao Ze’an still
agreed. What did this mean?
As for what it meant, Chi Zhao didn’t know. All he knew was that
he felt really good.
No amount of words could describe this feeling. Chi Zhao was in
daze and still felt like his soul had left his body. One moment he
would be thrown up into the clouds and the next moment he would
be brought back down by the other party. After the spiritual powers
wildly stimulated his body, he could no longer lift his fingers. He laid
on the bed like a dying fish and could only gasp for air. In the end,
Louis picked him up in a princess carry and brought him into the
That’s right, they went to wash up. After all that, their bodies were
covered in sweat and it was also a mess underneath.
After taking a shower, it was late at night. Chi Zhao was originally
already tired, so he fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.
Louis watched him tenderly for a while before giving him a light kiss
and slowly getting up.
An hour later, he appeared at the Royal Research Academy. Shao
Zelin and Mister Shao had been waiting there for a while.
Mister Shao looked at Louis, “He’s asleep?”
Louis nodded.
Shao Zelin looked at him with a frown. He couldn’t help but feel
that something about him seemed different. After approaching him,
Shao Zelin’s pupils suddenly constricted and his expression
darkened, “What did you do to him?!”
Mister Shao was stunned. He didn’t understand what his eldest
son was talking about.
Louis frowned, “It has nothing to do with you. Also, I got his
“The him right now doesn’t have the option of giving you
permission! You clearly know what situation he’s in, yet you took
advantage of it. Louis West, you are too much.”
Anyone who knew Shao Zelin knows that when he raises his voice
and looks very angry, he isn’t necessarily angry, but if he lowers his
voice and his eyes turn scary, he is definitely angry. In those
situations, the people nearby should hurry up and escape as far as
possible to avoid being dragged in.
Mister Shao’s eyes flitted back and forth between the two of them
and he soon could basically guess what they were talking about.
Mister Shao’s expression was a little complicated, but he knew that
now wasn’t the time to argue about these things. Compared to
everything else, he just wanted to let Shao Ze’an return home safely.
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“Stop arguing.” Mister Shao lowered his voice, “Find the
director first.”
The director is also one of the most important talents in the
Empire. The old man was more than 110 years old this year, but he
looked about 70-80 years old. They weren’t able to figure out what
that machine did before but when Louis came over and mentioned
an eavesdropping device, the director seemed to remember
He strode quickly to the room where the remnants of the machine
were left and drew a sketch on the light screen. After some
comparison, it looked about 65% similar.
That was already a very high degree of similarity.
The director’s eyes widened. It took a while for him to restore his
expression. He muttered, “So he hadn’t given up on this
Louis looked at the director, “What did you say?”
The director rubbed the inner corners of his brows, “This kind
of eavesdropping device is for undercover agents and was
invented by Ludwig. Morris worked in the same laboratory as
him before. After he rebelled, all of Ludwig’s research and papers
were taken away by the Emperor. This was a very important
invention and our original plan was to continue working on it,
but we later discovered that before Morris escaped, he had
burned the most important core data such that it could no longer
be restored.”
Ludwig was Morris’s senior brother. Louis furrowed his brows,
“Do you still have the original plans?”
The director nodded, “We do but it will probably be of little use.
After so many years, Morris must have improved the design.
Morris and Ludwig is different. He is cruel and doesn’t treat
people as humans. Who knows what he has added to it?”
The director is a trustworthy person. If anyone can help them in
this current situation, it could only be him. Knowing that the second
young master of the Shao family was held hostage by the rebels, the
director was also very worried. He looked over at Mister Shao, “It’s
best not to act rashly. Morris is very careful so he definitely
would have blocked any escape route he can use.”
After he said that, the director sighed, “This is also retribution.
Ludwig had invented this thing to protect the safety of the
Empire’s agents so that the moment they encounter an accident,
news could be sent back, and troops could go and rescue them.
Now that it’s in Morris’s hands, it has become a tool used for
Mister Shao felt that there was very little hope when he heard
this, “Is there no way to take out that damned device?”
The director shook his head helplessly, “Without knowing what
that device has been turned into, we can’t take it out. After all,
when this thing was first invented, it was already equipped with
a function that monitors your physical condition. If you lose too
much blood, it will detect it. If you have an abnormal heartbeat, it
will detect it. If your muscles relaxed too much, it will detect it. If
we take a step back and assume that Morris hasn’t added
anything else to it, there is still that function in it. How can we
ensure that Shao Ze’an will not lose any blood during surgery
and how can we ensure that the other party will not realise that
something isn’t right when we’re injecting him with
The other people’s expression turned more and more grim. The
director sighed again, “In fact, these are nothing. I’m most
worried about Shao Ze’an himself. We can’t pass on the news that
we are trying to rescue him. With his spiritual power, if he finds
out, he will not be able to conceal his emotions at all and it will
definitely be sent over through the physical data readings in an
instant and be discovered by Morris.”
In the end, it seems that all the escape routes seemed to have been
blocked. Mister Shao even had the urge to enter the battlefield
himself. Damned rebels, damned Morris. How can these bastards
still be alive?!
Shao Zelin and his father shared similar thoughts. There were
four people present and all three shared the same expression. Only
Louis’s expression was a little strange, “No, Xiao An can hide his
emotions. He has been relying in this to manipulate with the intel
the rebels receive.”
The director was stunned, “How can that be?”
Louis blinked and said innocently, “Because Xiao An’s spiritual
power is S.”
Everyone was caught off guard, “What did you say?!”
Louis rubbed his nose, “Actually, I’m also not certain. It may be
S or it may be higher than S. At the very least, his spiritual power
is stronger than mine and of course stronger than yours too.”
The last part was addressed to Shao Zelin. Taking in Louis’s calm
expression, Shao Zelin: “…….”
Stronger is stronger, but what is the meaning behind that
disdainful look?
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KK has something to say: Oops! Now they know about his spiritual
Chapter 51
Source: KK Translates


The group of three left the Royal Research Academy. Mister Shao
still couldn’t digest the news. He looked at Louis in disbelief, “When
did you find out?”
Although he didn’t say it clearly, Louis could tell that he was
referring to Shao Ze’an’s spiritual power. Louis answered honestly,
“When I sent him back to the main star.”
Mister Shao: “…….” So you knew from the beginning?!
“Why didn’t he tell us?”
Mister Shao’s tone carried some hurt. Louis explained it in a low
voice, of course, this explanation was also something he came to
realise today, “Because the rebels wouldn’t let their puppets have
such a high spiritual power. If they found out, they would no
longer use him.”
Instead, they will directly kill him off.
Although S-grade spiritual powers were rare, it does exist.
Perhaps Morris has already figured out a way to control it, but Shao
Ze’an’s was higher than S which was completely uncontrollable.
Why would they want to continue using a puppet they cannot
Mister Shao sighed and reluctantly accepted the explanation. Shao
Zelin was still standing on the side. He wasn’t as easy to fool
compared to his father and would think more deeply. For example,
at this very moment, he muttered silently to himself: In that case,
why would he tell you? If he told you, wouldn’t it be discovered by
the rebels too? Could it be…….
Shao Zelin’s gaze became more and more puzzled. Did Xiao An
like Louis or not? Could it be that when he said he didn’t, it was
something the rebels told him to say?
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Damned rebels. He could no longer figure out which of his
brother’s words was the truth and which was a lie.
Chi Zhao had no idea Louis had made a trip during the night and
the pitiful system who had hidden itself in the depths of Chi Zhao’s
mind to do some self-cleaning was also too depressed to notice.
When Chi Zhao opened his eyes the next day, Louis was still lying
down by his side, seemingly asleep.
Chi Zhao watched him in silence for a while and then moved his
arm aside and got out of bed.
He entered the bathroom and sat on the toilet and then proceeded
to cover his face with both his hands.
He cried remorsefully, “I’m a beast.”
Although the system didn’t know why the host said this, it agreed.
After a while, Chi Zhao spoke again, “To think I did something
like that to Louis yesterday. I actually didn’t want to but I don’t
know what happened. Before I could react, we were
already…….Hey, what should I do?”
Why does this line sound so familiar…..
“I don’t like him. Last night was just an impulse. Louis is a
good man. I shouldn’t treat him like this.”
The system remembered now. This was the classic line white
lotuses liked to use. Should it follow up next by playing the classic
second lead and cry: If you don’t love him, don’t touch him. Now that
you’ve done it, you should be responsible for him!
As soon as it had this idea, the system’s internal library messed
Too damn ridiculous………
【Alright, alright. Isn’t it just sleeping together spiritually? What’s
the big deal, big brother? We’re all adults here so it’s common for
guns to be accidentally fired. Besides, don’t think of yourself as the
perpetrator. Even if it’s sleeping spiritually, you were the one who
got topped.】
Chi Zhao: “……….”
Chi Zhao’s expression was a little strange. He thought the system
was still suffering terribly, “You’ve accepted it?”
The system cursed out a few times inside. Even if it couldn’t
accept it, it can only accept it. If not, it wouldn’t be able to last any
The system didn’t answer, and Chi Zhao didn’t ask again. He
remained sitting on the toilet, his expression erratic and half in daze.
He was recalling how it felt last night.
That feeling last night was great, really great. And for a long time
after it ended, Chi Zhao was filled with bliss. That feeling wasn’t
something spiritual realm connections could give nor was it brought
to him by physical stimulation, it was the feeling of Louis when he
held him and looked at him with strong, affectionate eyes. As this
feeling grew stronger, he couldn’t help but want to hug him back
and rely on him as much as he wanted.
How strange……
This wasn’t a feeling he hadn’t experienced. In the last world
when he was with Li Yihan, he often had this feeling but after that
was filtered by the system, the feeling had faded. If not for last night,
Chi Zhao almost forgot what it was like.
However, he and Li Yihan would feel that way together because he
liked Li Yihan, loved Li Yihan. They loved each other so even if they
spent their days ordinarily, it felt completely the opposite. But he
doesn’t like Louis so why did he feel this way? Could it be……that he
also likes Louis?
【Aha! You have been caught by me. So you really do like Louis!
You pig trotter!】
Chi Zhao: “……….”
He had never expected that there would be a day where he would
be called a pig trotter by the system.
Chi Zhao thought for a moment, “System, what are the worlds
made of?”
The system was stunned for a while. It asked vigilantly: 【Why do
you ask this?】
“Just suddenly curious. Are these worlds real?”
【 Yes, every world is alive and kicking. Smart systems cannot
create such a real world. I am a Slag Shou System so here, the gongs
slagged by the slag shou are the protagonists while in other systems,
they may not necessarily be the protagonists. A world can have
many protagonists but each world only has one system and host
pair doing their missions so you can rest assured that you won’t run
into peers.】
The systems original intention was to make Chi Zhao think that
this world was very real, just like the world he once lived in, but
because it was too anxious, it didn’t realise the loopholes in its own
Smart systems cannot create such a real world.
Cannot create such a real world…….
This sentence wasn’t quite right. If the world was real, the system
should’ve said that smart systems cannot create worlds ‘like this’
and not add an emphasis before the word world: ‘Such a real’ world.
Why would it use the word real to describe a world? When it is used,
isn’t it typically when something is extremely close to something in
reality but still not the same in essence?
For example, a very real painting or a very real story.
Chi Zhao narrowed his eyes. He recalled some of the things the
system had said before and its reactions. He could tell that the
system was hiding something from him and didn’t want to tell him
the truth.
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After reaching this conclusion, Chi Zhao was even more surprised.
Wow, it really was different with such a developed spiritual power.
He was really so much smarter.
This topic will temporarily be skipped over. There was still a lot of
time and Chi Zhao was well versed in the principles behind fishing
and taking adequate time to reap the results. He will still need to
cooperate with the system for at least ten more worlds so he
shouldn’t make any unnecessary actions for the time being.
Without Chi Zhao’s knowledge, Louis brought him to be examined.
The director of the Royal Research Academy spent an entire week
transforming several medical examination machines into the
appearance of game machines and even added several layers of
shielding barriers. Although in terms of current technological
advancements the device should not have reached the level of being
able to detect signal waves from medical examination machines, it
was better to be safe.
Louis used the excuse of bringing Chi Zhao out to try the latest
gaming experience centre to bring him there. In the venue, there
were more than twenty machines, three of which are medical
examination machines. He calmly brought Chi Zhao to experience all
three of them and casually made up a reason to step away, “I’m
going to out say hello to the owner. He is a friend of my fathers.
You stay here and play, I’ll be back soon.”
Chi Zhao was playing a holographic game where he controlled a
mecha. Hearing this, he took off his helmet, “Should I go with you?”
Louis’s smile remained unchanged, “No need. His temper isn’t
good and……he’s also a little tedious to deal with.”
Chi Zhao quickly put his helmet back on, “Go on then. I’ll wait
here for you.”
The director who was watching the surveillance: “……….”
You’re the one who’s tedious!
This venue was kindly provided by the director. Louis came out
and turned down several corridors before reaching the monitoring
room. The director’s expression wasn’t very good, “The situation is
more serious than I expected. You can take a look for yourself.”
Louis received the smart brain displaying a 3D image. On it were
two flashing red lights. Louis enlarged it with a frown and saw that
one was in the depths of Chi Zhao’s cochlea and the other was on his
left upper arm.
There were actually two!
Louis’s pupils instantly constricted. He turned and looked at the
director. When the director’s eyes met with his, he couldn’t help but
tremble. The director was however someone who has experienced
all sorts of things during his life, including the former Emperor’s
He cleared his throat and said in a relatively low voice, “This
will be troublesome. I originally thought that if worse comes to
worse, we can take the risk of taking out the device. With Shao
Ze’an’s spiritual power, it shouldn’t be a problem hiding it from
the rebels for a while but there are two……if one is moved, the
other will definitely detect it. Looks like taking it out surgically is
no longer an option.”
Louis’s grip around the smart brain tightened. Without even
having the chance to emit smoke, the poor smart brain was crushed,
“What if it is taken out at the same time?”
Louis wasn’t a doctor; he didn’t know how difficult the
operation was. The director shook his head, “Impossible. One is in
the head and the other is in the arm. The former is much more
difficult than the latter. If you want to take it out at the same
time, the time must be accurate to 1/100th of a second. With so
many variables during an operation, it cannot be that precise at
all. Don’t tell me to come up with a surgical machine that can be
that precise.”
“Why not?”
The director didn’t know what to say for a while. After some
silence, he said, “Because there are no designs. Didn’t I say that
the core data was burned by Morris? The core data are those
designs. I can draw the shape because I have seen it, but no one
knows what the internal structure of that machine is like.”
“In other words,” Louis said with a sullen face, “there is only
one option left.”
The director blinked his old eyes and for a moment didn’t
understand what he meant.
“What do you plan to do?”
Louis threw away the shattered smart brain and turned to leave.
His voice travelled back from several metres away and it sounded a
little distorted, “Find Morris, kill him and then take the designs.”
At the end, Louis paused and stopped at the door. He shook his
head slightly and said in a lower volume, “Forget it, taking the
designs is too much trouble. Taking the machine may be better.”
Director: “…………”
Too violent!
But he likes it. After taking the machine and completing the
surgery, can he gift him that useless machine?
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KK has something to say: Now what are they going to do now…….?
Chapter 52
Source: KK Translates


Back in the game centre, Louis stood outside watching Chi Zhao
play. He subconsciously stopped to fix up his dark expression before
entering with his usual gentle and well-mannered appearance.
Sensing someone approaching, Chi Zhao took off his helmet,
“You’re back. How was your talk with the owner?”
Louis smiled, “Not bad. The old man is busy, so I didn’t stay for
Chi Zhao nodded seemingly in understanding. He didn’t expect the
owner here to be so old that he could be called old man by Louis. He
must be at least a hundred years old.
Chi Zhao was only casually commenting this and didn’t give it
much thought. Louis walked to the side of a machine and sat on it
but didn’t move to turn it on. Instead, he turned his body away and
contacted his aide through his smart brain.
When he received news that the aide had already installed the
invisible surveillance systems, Louis was finally able to relax and
turn his attention to the game machine in front of him.
This morning, Admiral West and Lieutenant General Shao joined
forces to submit an application to the Armament Department
requesting to use one of the most advanced equipment in the
military today —— Invisible surveillance. This surveillance was
created to deal with a neighbouring galaxy whose spiritual powers
are very high. Although their biological physique was weak, in
contrast, everyone there has a spiritual power above A. In order to
defeat them, the Royal Research Academy had spent a lot of blood,
sweat and tears.
Three years ago, Louis led his troops there to regain imperial
territory which were occupied by them and along the way he also
signed a trade agreement and peace treaty. The treaty was impartial
and beneficial for both galaxies so it should bring both galaxies
decades of peace. As such, this equipment probably wouldn’t be
used for a while.
The reason for borrowing was written on the application form but
the reason was perfunctory. The non-commissioned officer at the
Armament Department was silent for a moment. Forget it. In any
case, it’s just left there in the warehouse and won’t be of much use
After getting the invisible surveillance, the aide immediately
drove the hover car back to Louis’s residence at the highest speed
possible. The installation of it took a very long time.
The last step was to apply a signal paint in the centre. Once done,
the aide took out a circular remote and turned it on. In an instant,
the entire house was covered by a layer of silver-white light which
disappeared again a second later.
Installation was complete.
The aide was very satisfied. Although Louis didn’t tell him why he
had to install such a high-level system in his own home, he had been
working under Louis for many years and knew that he should just
trust his admiral unconditionally. After all, his admiral has never
disappointed him.
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Back home, Louis entered first and then turned slightly to watch
Chi Zhao also walk in. He was a little nervous inside and was afraid
that this invisible surveillance system would be useless for Chi Zhao.
After all, no one knew how high his spiritual power was. If he found
out, Louis didn’t know how to he should explain himself.
Chi Zhao walked in very naturally. He stopped before Louis and
tilted his head, “What are you doing standing there?”
Louis faintly curled his lips up, “Waiting for you.”
It was another quiet night. The two kissed in bed with reluctance
to part. Following normal order of things, the next step should be
taken but the young man in his arms suddenly tilted his head back,
looking like he wanted out.
His refusal was very euphemistic, but no matter how euphemistic
it was, it was a refusal. Louis’s actions stopped. He opened his eyes
which still carried strong lust and they stared at each other like this
for several long seconds. Louis then pursed his lips and obediently
got up, “I’m going to take a shower.”
Once Louis left, Chi Zhao pulled up the quilt to hide half his face,
leaving only a pair of clear eyes exposed.
He watched the bathroom door close.
After another half an hour, the bathroom door opened, and Louis
came back out. Chi Zhao at this time already had his eyes closed and
his sleeping posture was very peaceful and well-behaved. Louis
walked over to his side and looked at him silently for a while before
going back to his side of the bed. As usual, he planted a soft kiss on
Chi Zhao’s hair and laid down. The robot butler sensed its owner’s
routine actions having been completed and proceeded to turn off the
lights in the room.
In fact, Chi Zhao wasn’t asleep. He had a been listening carefully
and heard Louis come out and approach him to give him a goodnight
kiss, but he didn’t move.
Once the room was completely dark, Chi Zhao silently opened his
eyes. A cool chill could be felt from behind him. Louis had taken a
very long cold shower earlier.
Chi Zhao couldn’t no longer tell how many times this has
happened. It would happen almost every day. As long as he shows
signs of rejection, Louis would not continue. It wasn’t that he didn’t
want to; Chi Zhao could tell from his eyes obvious reluctance.
Men are animals that think with their lower body and holding
back was very uncomfortable. Chi Zhao knew this very well and felt
Did he like me that much?
Liking him so much that if he didn’t want him to touch him, he can
accept it without a complaint?
To be honest, Chi Zhao had never thought much about Louis’s
feelings for him because Louis’s love came too quickly. Perhaps
others may believe in love at first sight, but Chi Zhao doesn’t. He
thinks that all love at first sight can be boiled down to two words
—– Superficial attraction. Something like love at first sight can only
apply to handsome men and beautiful women. If someone falls in
love at first sight with an ugly monster, then Chi Zhao might try to
believe it.
With this kind of thinking, Chi Zhao had always believed that
Louis was only fond of the original owner’s appearance. What’s
more, when Chi Zhao first came, he had saved Louis’s live. His life-
saving grace and combined with the buff from his appearance, that
was the reason for Louis liking him until now.
Although liking him because of his appearance and out of
gratitude was still liking, it didn’t have an emotional foundation so it
wouldn’t last very long.
Chi Zhao had always thought this but now, he started to question
Perhaps Louis was different and has an M tendency so the more
you made him hold back, the more he liked it?
The system quietly sighed.
【Host, you really deserve the pig trotter nickname.】
Chi Zhao: “………”
The next day, Louis went to work as usual. Vacation in this world
was very long, lasting for three whole months, and Chi Zhao would
usually stay at home when there are no tasks. A little more than an
hour after Louis left, Chi Zhao who was bored out of his mind
familiarly entered Louis’s study.
Although it was called a study, there are in fact no books here.
Even paper was scarce. Chi Zhao wandered aimlessly for a while and
even he didn’t know what he wanted to do here. He wandered over
to a wall and stopped before it.
This wall was Louis’s meritorious service wall which displayed
various trophies and medals Louis had received. Chi Zhao picked up
a golden medal and examined it for a while before putting it back
and looking at something else.
It was a photo. During this interstellar age, in addition to still
photos, there were also moving ones. This one was a moving one.
The Louis in the photo was still very young and seemed to be in his
early twenties. He revealed to the camera a confident smile as he
held up a mecha competition trophy he had just won.
Chi Zhao looked at the Louis in the photo and sighed again.
Louis is so handsome in military uniform.
System: Death glare.jpg
Although the system didn’t say anything, Chi Zhao could sense its
warnings in his mind. Chi Zhao fell silent for a moment and said in a
small voice in his mind, “I didn’t…….”
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【Do you know what it means if you fail this world again?】
“……….It means my chance to return is smaller.”
【Host, to me, if you fail, I just can’t get a reward and will at most
need to suffer a little longer. When the time comes, I will change to a
new host and continue completing missions with them, but you are
different. If you fail and don’t complete the plot point, it’s over.】
The system’s words were stern. Chi Zhao pursed his lips, “Yes, I
After the exchange with the system, Chi Zhao raised his eyes and
chanted to himself internally: I want to be resurrected, go home, so I
have to complete the task, complete the plot point. This time, no
matter what it is, nothing will stop me.
After repeating this over and over again, Chi Zhao’s expression
slowly changed. Chi Zhao’s expression earlier was docile and well-
behaved but now, there was no trace of warmth in his eyes. That
indifferent appearance would surprise anyone who saw him.
Looking at the photo of Louis, Chi Zhao looked like he was just
looking at a stone. He quickly blinked a few times and then turned to
leave the room.
Sitting in his office, Louis took in the changes to Shao Ze’an’s
It was then followed by chuckles which carried a hint of
complicated emotions.
He could never guess how Shao Ze’an felt about him.
In the past, he felt that Shao Ze’an might be afraid of him. In such
an environment, it was normal to be afraid. Or perhaps, Shao Ze’an
hated him. After all, in some senses he was also someone
responsible for Shao Ze’an’s predicament. Or………he may also like
him back, because sometimes, he would reveal such dependent
sides to him.
But now, Louis realised that all of the above were wrong.
Just as he thought, Shao Ze’an would only reveal his truest
emotions when he is alone. The scene just now revealed what he
was like after he had removed all his disguises. As he looked at the
photos, there weren’t any emotions in his eyes. What did this mean?
It meant that he wasn’t afraid of him, nor does he hate him or
even like him. He……..had just never thought much of him at all.
Being in love was fake, happiness was fake and even his
occasional reliance and dependence on him was fake.
So once he was free from the rebels control, would he leave?
Louis stared unblinkingly at the monitoring screen. After a long
time, he couldn’t help but reach out and gently touch the Shao Ze’an
in there. The young man had returned to the bedroom. He didn’t
sleep well last night and wanted to catch up on some sleep. He pried
away the quilt, laid down, closed his eyes and no longer moved.
Louis slowly withdrew his hand, his arms falling naturally by his
sides. He had originally been trying to suppress his spiritual powers
from going berserk again but after seeing such a peaceful scene, it
somehow calmed back down.
—— It’s okay. I won’t give you a chance to leave.
Life-saving grace is as weighty as a mountain. If you don’t want
me to return the favour, that’s fine, I can agree to that.
But the condition is that you pay back me what you owe me,
slowly, for the rest of your life.
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KK has something to say: Yet again in this world, the ML spys on
the MC…😅
Chapter 53
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao had always felt that something was getting out of his
control and the situation was getting stranger and stranger around
Strange point 1: He hasn’t seen Madam Shao in a long time. The
Madam Shao who would insist on seeing him once a week was still
having fun at a resort somewhere and seemed to have forgotten
about her home back on the main stair.
Strange point 2: Louis suddenly became very busy and would be
away from home almost every day, only returning at night to sleep.
Even during those occasional times he was at home, he would
always lock himself in the study. If an average office worker was
busy like this, Chi Zhao could understand but Louis was an admiral.
The only thing that can keep him busy is if there was a war and a
war couldn’t happen in his study.
Sometimes, Chi Zhao felt that he might be avoiding him.
His guess was very close, but Louis wasn’t trying to avoid him. He
just wanted to create more opportunities for Chi Zhao to be alone so
that he can live a little more comfortably. Along the way, he could
also learn about the orders Morris gives him.
And lastly, strange point 3: This was also the strangest of them all.
Over the past month, Chi Zhao felt that stealing intel had become
much easier than before. Before, he had to try to get access to the
information whilst avoiding being found out but now he no longer
needed to do that anymore and could get the information he needed
by just taking a look. Moreover, at some unknown point in time
Louis had developed a habit of bringing home his military
documents. As a result, Chi Zhao no longer needed to go visit the
military headquarters and only the aide suffered.
After no longer going to the military headquarters, Chi Zhao didn’t
have much contact with many lower-level soldiers. If he wanted to
play some tricks, he could only do it through the aide.
The aide’s expression may seem calm on the outside but tears
flowed endlessly inside him.
As one of Louis’s most trusted subordinates, the aide naturally
also knew about the admiral’s wife being held hostage by the rebels
and he also knew that the stupid things he had done unconsciously
were because of his very powerful wife. The aide was very touched.
For the sake of the Empire, the admiral’s wife was willing to make so
many sacrifices, so it wasn’t a big deal for him to sacrifice a little too.
And so recently, he would run over to Louis’s place whenever he
could to give them his presence and give Shao Ze’an a chance to let
him carry the blame.
Chi Zhao was very vigilant at first because he was afraid that the
aide would notice the strangeness to his body but unexpectedly, the
aide seemed to be very dense. Despite being controlled so many
times, he didn’t seem to have noticed and he even found a reason for
it himself saying that he had some form of rare disease which would
often result in such unreasonable actions.
When Chi Zhao heard this, he was instantly pleased.
Very good, you asked for it.
The aide now carried the name of a fool and even the military
wanted to fire him.
Today, Louis went to work. As for Chi Zhao, because college had
only started recently and there weren’t many classes, he had
returned early. As he thought about these strange points, his heart
was heavy. As usual, Morris’s voice sounded and this time he was
again instructed to steal information. Chi Zhao listened to his order
with a bored expression when suddenly, a strange magnetic voice
mixed in.
Chi Zhao frowned. He couldn’t help but ask, “Who is that?”
That voice stopped. After a few seconds it spoke again. The voice
sounded very imposing, “Good day, Shao Family’s son. I am
Chi Zhao was quite surprised. This was the super villain! He
couldn’t help but confirm it again, “You are Alorin?!”
At the same time Louis abruptly stood up. The drink the aide had
just brought over was immediately knocked to the ground. The aide
was startled, “Admiral, what is the matter?”
Louis looked at the aide with unconcealed shock in his eyes,
“Morris and Alorin are in the same place.”
In one place…….What was so surprising about this? Both are
rebels and they are both also of rather high statuses so wasn’t it
normal to be in the same place?
Louis didn’t want waste any time explaining to the aide. The
director had mentioned that although the device implanted is small,
the machine controlling it is huge and is impossible to carry around.
This meant that Morris must remain in the same place to monitor
Shao Ze’an. He was just a scientist while Alorin is the leader of the
rebels. In other words, it wasn’t possible for Alorin to go out of his
way to find Morris. There was a high probability that they are both
staying in the same place and that place is also Alorin’s main base
The above were all speculations. No one could be certain, but it
was better to have a clue than nothing.
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Many admirals sat together for a last-minute military meeting.
Most of the people here are Louis’s close associates. After Louis told
everyone about the information he had just received, they looked at
each other for a long time and didn’t know where to start.
Meetings between soldiers were like fights. As they spoke and
spoke, they would always end up quarrelling and once they start
quarrelling, they would move on to using force. Though with Louis
present, no one dared to actually start a physical fight.
Louis listened to them quarrel, his expression darkening more
and more each second.
Even at such a time, they still had the time to get into meaningless
Sitting in the third position to the right of Louis was a young
officer who had just joined. He looked difficult to get along with and
would always have his head lowered. Whenever someone called out
to him, he would also always respond indifferently, giving people an
impression that he was very arrogant and closed off.
This young officer thought for a while and slowly looked at
Louis, “Admiral, were you the one responsible for the spiritual
power incident at Scarlett Star?”
As soon as those words were uttered, the room fell silent. Some
present knew that Louis was the one responsible and some didn’t,
but whether they knew it or not, they all looked wide-eyed at the
young officer. There were two newly promoted officers this year
who were assigned to be under Louis’s command. One was like a
spring breeze while the other looked at others with dead fish eyes.
The one who spoke was naturally the latter.
For a while, everyone felt complicated inside. It had turned out
that this dead fish eyed officer not only didn’t give himself face, he
also didn’t give Louis any face. He seemed to be rather neutral.
The dead fish eyed officer was called Charles, and he is the
Empire’s tactical researcher. He not only is a researcher, his rank is
also equivalent to a major general so his position could be ranked
amongst the top five in this room. Louis looked at him for a while
and calmly acknowledged it.
When Charles heard this, he was about to say something, but his
arm was suddenly tugged by someone. Charles turned and looked
over. Sitting next to him was the other newly promoted officer —
Major Jiang Shupei. The rank difference between the two was rather
large but their relationship was unexpectedly good.
Jiang Shupei wanted to remind Charles not to speak too
harshly lest he offends Admiral West. Charles glanced at him
slowly before turning back and saying nonchalantly, “Ah, as
expected. I was also there on Scarlett Star collecting geological
data for the military. As someone who experienced it personally, I
had thought at the time that it was probably you.”
Others: “……” Alright, I can see that you have keen observation
abilities, but can you stop talking nonsense? Can’t you see how poor
the admiral’s expression is?!
Fortunately, before Louis’s patience ran out Charles went to
the main point, “Before it went berserk, I didn’t find any
abnormalities on Scarlett Star but after that, I noticed that the
collected data seemed unusual.”
As he said this, Charles drew a vertical line, “I won’t get too
specific since you won’t understand. Let me use an example. Say
for example the distance between the centre of the earth and the
surface is this far, it meant that there is something else
underneath that surface.”
Everyone sat there stunned for a moment. Their eyes then
widened: So deep?! A sleeping beast???
Charles could tell what they were thinking just from their
expressions, “It cannot be a living creature because that thing is
too big. Considering the scale, it seems to be more like an
underground building, or an inverted triangle.”
Edmond was also present at the meeting. He scratched his head
and asked with puzzlement, “Then why didn’t you mention it
That was a special case and must be taken seriously.
Charles shrugged, “I didn’t know what it was. What if it’s
something His Majesty built himself? If I leaked his secret out,
won’t I be sent out to Death Galaxy?”
But didn’t you leak it just now……
Louis fell in thought for a moment. He then made a decision. He
asked Charles to take people over to test it again and bring Edmond
with them as well. The latter has high spiritual power so if that thing
underground can only be detected with large spiritual powers,
Edmond could do it.
When he returned, the sky was already dark. Louis sat in the
hover car and seemed to be deep in thought, so the aide didn’t dare
disturb him and sat quietly in the driver’s seat.
After a long time, the aide heard a question come from behind
him, “……..Does Alorin know Princess Scarlett?”
The aide thought carefully, “He probably does. Alorin was His
Majesty’s classmate and have known each other since a very
young age. As His Majesty’s younger sister, the princess, should
also have had some contact with Alorin.”
Louis mulled thoughtfully, “I remember that the Seven Days of
Vengeance Battle was what really made Alorin a household
name. He managed to use seven days to level out the Stricker
Federation and afterwards made it join the Empire. Since then,
the strength of the Empire greatly increased, and His Majesty
also received much recognition from that.”
The aide blinked and turned around, “Admiral, what are you
trying to say?”
That was from several decades ago. When the Seven Days of
Vengeance Battle took place, even the aide hadn’t been born yet.
They haven’t experienced it so they also could’t understand why the
elders would get so excited whenever that war was mentioned.
There were even some who were like Madam Shao who even gave
their children a name similar to Admiral Alorin out of excitement.
Louis shook his head, “It’s nothing. Just suddenly remembered
those things.”
Not only Louis remembered it. Today, after Chi Zhao heard
Alorin’s voice, he couldn’t help but search Alorin up on the Star
Network. He too found information about the famous Seven Days of
Vengeance Battle.
After skimming through the information, everything was as Louis
had said. Alorin was extremely brave and managed to completely
defeat the opposing country in just seven days without even causing
civilian casualties or requiring support from the regime or the army.
Alorin killed the Confederate leader, captured several high-profile
confederates and then left the scene. After he left, the Emperor sent
over several admirals and easily suppressed the civilian resistance.
Following that, the Empire was able to smoothly seize over Stricker
The reason for the war was Princess Scarlett.
Princess Scarlett had gone to Stricker Federation to play. She hid
her identity, but she was still recognised over there. There had
always been frictions between the two countries so the people from
the Federation brutally murdered her out of revenge. When the
news was sent back, the Emperor was furious, and this triggered the
subsequent series of conflicts.
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Chi Zhao stared quietly at the contents on the Star Network. He
fearfully sought comfort from the system, “System, why do I feel
that this seems a little scary?”
【Actually, I think so too…..】
The princess died and the two countries fought. It was clearly a
situation where both countries are well matched but Alorin only
took seven days to crush the other party. Even if they were
extremely angry because the princess had died, it couldn’t be to the
extent of everyone suddenly turning into Hulk, right?
Moreover, this princess also died……..too coincidentally. From a
national perspective, her death didn’t bring any pity or compassion.
Chi Zhao even felt that Princess Scarlett’s death was truly
worthwhile; her death had brought about so much benefits and
rewards to the Empire.
Chi Zhao and the system were both in a complicated mood. Both
are outsiders nor have they gone through the Empire’s education
system so they didn’t hold any special feelings towards the Empire.
They simply looked on from an outsider’s perspective and very soon
began to doubt the authenticity of this matter. In fact, there were
also people in the Empire who were doubtful but any remarks about
it were suppressed. Moreover, compared to the dead princess, the
people valued what they could gain from the situation more and that
was why even until now, there was no major uproar.
In the evening, Louis returned. Chi Zhao sat on the bed watching
him walk around. When he was done changing and washing up,
Louis laid down, but he didn’t lie down completely and supported
himself up with one arm. He looked over at Chi Zhao, “Do you have
something you want to say to me?”
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment before he nodded.
Louis hadn’t seen him so entangled before and couldn’t help but
laugh, “Speak. What is it?”
Chi Zhao opened his mouth, but it took him a long time to ask the
question he had always wanted to ask, “I want to know what your
allegiance is towards.”
“Is it the Emperor, or………”
Louis was surprised by this question. After a pause, he slowly
shook his head, “It’s the Empire.”
Chi Zhao breathed a sigh of relief. He knew from before that the
Emperor wasn’t a good person otherwise he would not have been
overthrown by his younger brother in the end but today, Chi Zhao
discovered that this Emperor may not just not be a good person, he
was also very likely a super villain. He didn’t want Louis’s allegiance
to be for him. How sad would he be if he finally found out the truth?
Upon hearing this, the system slowly spoke up.
【Um, host….I think compared to the Emperor….】
Chi Zhao’s face darkened, “I know, I know. No matter who I am
compared to, I am the one who makes Louis the most upset. Do
you really need to remind me every single time?”
System: “……….”
If you were more aware of it then would I need to remind you
every day?! Rubbish host!
Although he didn’t know why Shao Ze’an suddenly asked him this
question, Louis answered truthfully. After answering, he looked
down at the obedient young man, “And you?”
Chi Zhao raised his head and took a few seconds to process this
question. He paused for a moment, laid down and closed his eyes
and said, “I’m not a soldier so I don’t have such a high sense of
responsibility. If I really have to answer……then my allegiance is
That one word was interpreted in three different ways by the
three people present.
To Morris, he thought that Chi Zhao was talking about his own life
and that was why he chose to betray the Empire.
To Louis, he thought that Chi Zhao was talking about the lives of
the people of the Empire. After all, everything he had done until now
involved risking his life to protect the lives of the public and
Only the system. Only the system truly understood Chi Zhao and
understood what he meant.
His allegiance and respect were towards all lives; not just his, also
that of others.
Ot was because he had died once so he knew how cold and
helpless one feels when dying. Even if he can’t save others, he was
determined not to hurt them. This was his allegiance and belief and
it was a principle that had been engraved into his soul.
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KK has something to say: The Emperor is fishy……….
Chapter 54
Source: KK Translates


After saying those words, Chi Zhao got ready to sleep. The lights
in the room slowly dimmed and an unknown bird outside the
window let out a chirp. Louis turned over and watched Chi Zhao’s
sleeping face in the dark. After about half an hour, he leaned over
and left a gentle kiss on Chi Zhao’s lips, “As expected of the person I
fell in love with.”
Before he could finish speaking, Chi Zhao who was supposed to be
deep asleep suddenly opened his eyes.
Louis: “……..”
Chi Zhao: “………..”
Louis: “………You’re not asleep?”
Chi Zhao: I wish I was…….
His eyes still carried some surprise. After the initial awkwardness
passed, Louis calmed down and smiled gently at Chi Zhao. This time
he no longer stole a kiss and kissed him openly before reaching out
and pulling him into his arms, “Go sleep. It’s already late.”
Louis had one hand on his back and the other supporting the back
of his neck. Chi Zhao laid in Louis’s arms with a complicated
expression. He wanted to say something but when he opened his
mouth to speak, he found that he couldn’t utter a single sound. In the
end, he could only give up.
Louis closed his eyes. When he finally felt Chi Zhao’s body relax,
he tightened his grip around him and held him even more closely.
When Chi Zhao got up the next day, Louis had already left. Chi
Zhao sleepily climbed out of bed and then scratched his head in
despair before looking out the window.
Chi Zhao: “Haaa.”
Chi Zhao: “……Why are you sighing?”
【Because I suddenly noticed something. Compared to you falling
for the protagonist, what makes me more depressed is that you and
the protagonist are again deeply in love with each other. Haa.】
Chi Zhao fell silent, “We’re not in love.”
【 Whatever you say. In fact, I have already accepted it so you
don’t need to continue being in denial. Isn’t it just another failure?
It’s not a big deal. Failure is the mother of success. The failure this
time is the grandmother of success and the next time it’s the great
grandmother of success.】
Chi Zhao: “………” He didn’t want to talk to the system anymore.
The system had accepted its fate, but he wasn’t willing to. He had
already worked really hard but why couldn’t he successfully
complete his mission? No way. This time he must succeed!
Inexplicably, Chi Zhao became more enthusiastic about
completing his mission. The system who heard these thoughts of Chi
Zhao couldn’t help but show a deep, meaningful smile.
The thirty-six stratagems are broad and profound. In order to
capture the bait, one must deceive them.
Time flew past and Charles and Edmond finally returned from
Scarlett Star. They brought back with them news that there was
indeed a large building under Scarlett Star but, because they were
afraid of inadvertently alerting the enemy, they didn’t investigate
too deeply so they weren’t sure where the entrance and exit of this
building was.
For the next month, the military personnel were busy looking for
this whilst using a cover story to hide their tracks.
With such a large building underground, it was absolutely
impossible for no one to know about it. It was even possible that
50% of the permanent residents on Scarlett Star are Alorin’s people.
When Louis told the Emperor that he had found Alorin’s location,
the Emperor was overjoyed and immediately transferred most of
the military power to him, demanding that he must bring Alorin’s
body back.
After investigating the enemy’s situation, familiarising himself
with Scarlett Star’s defence and formulating a battle plan, Louis was
ready to set off with his army.
Chi Zhao had no idea that a big battle was about to start and was
still digging around for information.
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Today was the day when the aide’s plot point should happen.
After looking around and not finding any information about this plot
point, he couldn’t help but be puzzled. Could Louis have become
suspicious of him and decided not to bring back his mission book?
When Louis returned and told him that he was going on a mission,
Chi Zhao was stunned, “And the aide?”
Louis was also taken aback for a moment. He answered as if it
were natural, “He will come with me. Why? Do you need him for
Go with you?!
Shouldn’t the aide do it alone?!
Chi Zhao was dumbfounded. He hurriedly poked the system,
“What’s going on? Why did the plot point disappear on its own?”
System: “………” What’s the point of asking me? I’m just an
invisible electronic dog. I am useless in this world!
Chi Zhao was still shocked by the plot point suddenly
disappearing. Louis touched his face and habitually pinched the soft
flesh on the back of his neck, “Wait for me at home. When I’m back,
I want to give you a gift. It’s something you will definitely like.”
Bright red flag.
Wasn’t this the most classic death flag one would see in dramas?
It had the same effect as “When the war is over, I will come back
and marry you”.
Chi Zhao pursed his lips and turned his attention to Louis, “When
will you be back?”
Louis smiled, “I’ll do my best to return as soon as possible. I
won’t let you wait too long.”
……It sounded more and more like a death flag……
As the two of them exchanged warm words at home, on the other
side inside Scarlett Star’s underground base, Alorin silently listened
Morris stood beside him and didn’t know what this former
admiral was thinking.
After listening for about ten minutes, the silent Alorin suddenly
spoke, “He was discovered.”
Morris was taken aback. After a few seconds, he looked at Alorin
in shock, “Impossible. I have almost always…….”
Alorin looked at Morris expressionlessly, “I said, he has been
discovered. You want to question me?”
Morris frowned deeply. He stared at Alorin’s eyes for a while and
then gloomily looked away. He looked at the panels displaying Shao
Ze’an’s various physical statistics, “Understood. I’ll kill him.”
As he said this, he reached over to send out the order to inject the
poison but Alorin stopped him, “Wait. He is still useful. Bring him
Morris looked at Alorin and then at the data displayed on the
panels. The voices of Chi Zhao and Louis as they conversed still
sounded in his ears. Morris seemed to have thought of something
and nodded decisively, “Okay, I’ll do it right away.”
Alorin glanced at Chi Zhao’s physical data again and then turned
to leave with large strides.
After he left, a middle-aged man immediately followed behind
him, “Admiral, the Imperial Army is about to depart. When shall
we leave?”
Alorin smiled mysteriously, “No rush.”
His footsteps stopped. He turned to look at the middle-aged
man, “Go and tell Morris that after I leave, he will stay here for at
least twelve hours. After that, whether or not he can escape
depends on his own ability.”
The middle-aged man was taken aback, “Why does he need to
stay behind? Morris is just a scientist. He does not have the
ability to lead the soldiers.”
“But he can contain Louis West.” Alorin’s voice was low, “And
Shao Zelin….They’re all coming here for Morris, not me.
The middle-aged man’s expression showed that he didn’t
understand. Alorin laughed mockingly and turned to leave.
Yes, of course he doesn’t understand. Perry has never loved
anyone, and no one has loved him so of course he doesn’t
understand how it feels to have the life of one’s loved one being
threatened by another person.
It really is……..extremely hateful.
When Morris heard the message from the middle-aged man, he
snorted, “What a joke. Do you think I’m stupid?”
The middle-aged man remained expressionless. He just
repeated Alorin’s words, “The admiral said that only if you stay
here for twelve hours will he be able to cut off Leopold’s head.”
Leopold was the Emperor. Morris’s expression changed a few
times before he finally clenched his fists, “……I understand. I will
When Louis left this time, he acted more sentimental to Chi Zhao
than ever before. After sending him off, Chi Zhao went to class as
usual, but his mind was still concerned about the matter with the
aide. It wasn’t a big problem that the plot point had gone a bit off the
tracks, but the main issue was the reason behind it.
For example, the plot may really be out of his control.
As soon as Chi Zhao entered the classroom, he heard Morris
say in his ear, “Leave now and get rid of those soldiers behind
you. Go to the café outside the college east gate. There is someone
there waiting for you.”
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Chi Zhao froze. This was the first time Morris made him meet with
other rebels.
He silently turned around and walked out. Some of his classmates
who saw him enter and then leave were left puzzled. Chi Zhao
walked quickly. When no one was paying attention to him, he
whispered, “Who are you making me see? What are you trying to
“You’ll know when you get there. Don’t waste time talking
nonsense. Hurry up.”
Morris sounded anxious. Chi Zhao frowned when he heard this.
He used his spiritual power to interfere with the surrounding crowd
and easily got rid of the two guards Louis had arranged for him.
When he reached the café outside the east gate, he looked around
for a long time before a hand landed on his shoulder.
Chi Zhao shuddered. He immediately turned around only to see
that it was an acquaintance.
Zheng Qingwu?!
Zheng Qingwu smiled faintly, “Come with me.”
Chi Zhao didn’t understand. Do the rebels nowadays start so
young? He clearly was a student who hasn’t graduated yet but Zheng
Qingwu was already a rebel?!
Zheng Qingwu led him though various loops and turns before they
finally reached a small aircraft. He who had been silent the entire
time turned around and finally said his second line, “Get in, I’ll take
you there.”
Chi Zhao instinctively didn’t want to get in but Morris’s threat
sounded, “Get in. Young Master Ze’an, I don’t mind sending a
corpse over there.”
Over there?
Over where Morris? Where you are?
Chi Zhao silently climbed onto the aircraft. Zheng Qingwu could
pilot the aircraft and his skills were very good. Chi Zhao couldn’t
help but find it strange, “Where are we going??”
Zheng Qingwu turned his head and smiled, “Scarlett Star.”
Chi Zhao blinked a few times, “Why are you going there?”
Zheng Qingwu shook his head, “I also don’t know.”
Chi Zhao heard this and couldn’t help but look at him up and
down, “You……..”
He wanted to ask Zheng Qingwu if he was doing this willingly or if
he was also being controlled. Zheng Qingwu seemed to understand
what he wanted to ask and smiled even more gentlemanly, “I’m just
like you. To be precise, you were a successful example and then I
came next.”
Controlling a rich second generation and a second-generation
official was very useful. This was the result Morris had gathered
from Shao Ze’an so he soon found a better, smarter and more
capable person than Shao Ze’an, Zheng Qingwu. This was also the
reason why Chi Zhao wasn’t discovered despite sabotaging some of
the information he gave the rebels. Because Morris didn’t trust him,
he gave Zheng Qingwu the same task and, since the information both
gave back was the same, it meant that Shao Ze’an was really working
for them.
Fortunately, there was a second spy around, otherwise Morris
would not have easily believed that those accidents were purely just
To think that he wasn’t the only one……
Chi Zhao’s palm went cold, “How many people are you
Morris laughed, “I believe this has nothing to do with you.”
After that, Morris’s voice suddenly stopped and even the crackling
sounds were gone. It meant that the two-way sound transmission
was turned off. Chi Zhao frowned. At the same time, Zheng Qingwu
turned his eyes and seemed to be listening to someone talking. After
three seconds, he raised his head to look at Chi Zhao before smiling
and approaching him.
Chi Zhao immediately vigilantly stepped back, “What are you
going to do?!”
Zheng Qingwu smiled again and placed his hands behind his back.
Chi Zhao’s vision blurred, and the next instant Zheng Qingwu had
appeared behind him, stabbing a cold needle into his neck. In less
than a second, Chi Zhao fainted. Before he fainted, he didn’t forget to
curse out in his heart: This damned rubbish physique!!
System: “……” Host, you should rest in peace.
In a suburban garden on the main star, Madam Shao was chatting
with another recently acquainted lady. Her name was Hera and her
husband had died young, leaving her to manage several large energy
companies. She was from Scarlett Star and had only just come to the
main star two months ago with plans to settle here in the future.
Mrs. Hera smiled, “Speaking of which, your youngest son is
really the most aristocratic child I’ve ever seen. What is he doing
On the topic of her youngest son, Madam Shao’s smile was a little
stiff, “At school. Today is a weekday.”
Mrs. Hera nodded understandingly, “If I have a son like that, I
would send people to watch over him every day. After all, he’s
just too beautiful and it can easily invite danger. Have you
heard? There have been several homicide cases in the college
area recently. Someone has been specifically targeting beautiful
male students. They work in a gang and even now they have not
been captured.”
Madam Shao was surprised, “Really?!”
“That’s what everyone says.”
Madam Shao quickly lowered her head and used her
communicator to contact Chi Zhao. Although they couldn’t meet,
they would use text to communicate with each other for a few
minutes every second or third day. All they talked about were family
matters and Madam Shao did well in not exposing herself.
Madam Shao typed up a sentence but even after ten minutes, she
didn’t receive a reply from her youngest son. Madam Shao
immediately stood up and anxiously called the collage. When she
learned that Shao Ze’an and turned up to school in the morning only
to leave soon afterwards, her face turned pale.
She wasn’t worried about Shao Ze’an encountering those criminal
gangs, she was worried that the rebels would so something to her
son again. Madam Shao tried to calm her trembling hands and the
moved to contact another person.
Shao Zelin at this moment was sitting in the office at Mission Port.
Right now, half the troops on the main star had been led away by
Louis and because Mission Port was the main stars main stronghold,
he didn’t go and remained behind. When he saw that he had
received a call from Madam Shao, he had a bad premonition.
Hearing what his mother said, Shao Zelin said quickly, “Don’t
worry, I’ll look into it. It might not be as serious as we think it is.
When I have news, I’ll let you know immediately.”
He ended the call and contacted the two soldiers Louis had left
behind first. The two of them were also very distressed. Their target
had disappeared, and they also didn’t dare disturb Louis so they
could only frantically search around. Fortunately, they had managed
to find some clues.
They sent over a copy of the surveillance footage to Shao Zelin’s
smart brain. Shao Zelin only needed to glance at it to understand.
The other party had deliberately left clues of his whereabouts.
The places he took Shao Ze’an to were all monitored places and even
when they entered the teleportation point, there was no intention to
hide their faces.
That person had intentionally done this to lure him to Scarlett
In the last recording, Zheng Qingwu suddenly raised his head and
smiled faintly at the camera before lightly tapping his throat. It was
a very obvious threat. The meaning of it was, he must come over or
they will kill Shao Ze’an.
Shao Zelin sat in his chair, his face showing rare undisguised
On the other end, Mrs. Hera was still gently comforting Madam
Shao, “It’s okay, I was just commenting casually. How could it be
so coincidental, isn’t that right?”
Madam Shao forced out a smile, “Of course. You’re right.”
Mrs. Hera let out a long sigh and then gracefully stood up, “It’s
all my fault, you look so pale now. You should have a good rest.
I’ll head off first and I’m come see you another day.”
It was good timing. Madam Shao also wasn’t in the mood to
continue chatting with her, so she stood up apologetically, “I’m
sorry, I’ll definitely catch up with you next time.”
Mrs. Hera smiled gently before turning and leaving.
When she turned her back to Madam Shao, her eyes shifted
slightly to the upper left, as if she was listening to something. She
then smiled gracefully and walked on with confidence.
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KK has something to say: Shao Ze’an was taken away! What are
those rebels planning….
Chapter 55
Source: KK Translates


Morris had thought that Shao Zelin would bring some troops over
to save Shao Ze’an and along the way ensure his own safety but,
unexpectedly, he was confident enough to hand over his duties to
his trusted subordinates and head out alone.
But it wasn’t appropriate to say that he went alone. Before he left,
he rushed over to the Royal Research Academy and snatched the old
director like an eagle, throwing him into his aircraft.
The old director was pretty much a handful of old bones. After
being tossed around like this, he was very pitiful, “What use is it for
you to take me? I don’t even know how to pilot a mecha!”
Shao Zelin didn’t speak. As for usefulness, we shall see when we
get there.
When Chi Zhao woke up again, he was not surprised to see that he
was no longer on the aircraft and that the person beside him was no
longer Zheng Qingwu and was instead the Morris he had not seen in
a while. Chi Zhao slowly sat up from the ground and looked around.
He was in a pavilion similar to the ones you would see in a zoo
exhibition. Around him was a large circular ring of wall made of
glass but there was nothing apart from himself inside. Chi Zhao
blinked a few times and looked at Morris who was standing outside
the wall of glass, staring silently at him.
The two looked at each other like this for a while and neither of
them spoke. The interest on Morris’s face was much stronger than
when they first met but, in addition to this intense interest, there
was also a bit of undisguised pity.
Chi Zhao frowned. Before he could ask, the system cried out first.
【H-h-h-h-h-host! Oh no, oh no, oh no!—–】
That shout made Chi Zhao’s head hurt. He spoke very calmly,
“Quiet down. How many times have I said it? In the case of
trouble, you have to calm down first. What is the use of shouting?
Can it solve the problem? Speak, what is it?”
The system was silent for a moment. It was probably taking in Chi
Zhao’s preach just now. When it spoke again, its voice had calmed
【When you were unconscious, Zheng Qingwu brought you over
to this underground base and Morris did another operation on you
and took out both devices.】
Chi Zhao was a little surprised, “Really? But why did you shout?
Isn’t that a good thing?”
【 I haven’t finished speaking yet. After removing them, he
injected you with a tube of black liquid. At first, I couldn’t work out
what it was so I sent a sample back to the headquarters and just
received the result.】
“What is it?”
The system’s voice disappeared briefly. It then sounded in horror.
【 It’s liquid explosive!! And the strength is very strong, it can
blow up this entire underground base in one go!!! This thing is not
compatible with your blood and just has a protective layer on the
outside so that it can temporarily flow freely in your body. Once that
protective layer is completely dissolved, even if it doesn’t explode,
you will die from rejectionnnnn!】
Chi Zhao: “………”
“The fuck?!——-”
“Why the hell didn’t you say it earlier?! You even said so much
nonsense before touching on the main point. Is now the right
time to do that?!?!”
【Didn’t you tell me to calm down?! When I’m calm, I like to speak
nonsense first!】
Chi Zhao: “……..”
The system and Chi Zhao were still arguing when suddenly, there
was a laugh outside. The smile on Morris’s face was different from
usual and he looked very peaceful today, “I thought you would
continue to be calm like usual. I didn’t expect to see you panic.”
Chi Zhao even had the urge to kill him, “What do you want?”
Morris smiled, “I don’t want anything. Just wanted to invite you
over to reminisce about the past. After all, we’re old friends.
Thanks to the information you have been sending to us the past
six months, we have learnt that the Imperial Army will be coming
over soon.”
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Chi Zhao was taken aback. In an instant, he understood the
connection between these two matters. Turns out, Louis’s task was
to raid Morris’s nest?!
Seeing that Shao Ze’an was only staring blankly at him, Morris
didn’t care. It didn’t matter if he didn’t speak. It was enough as long
as he says everything he should say.
“In short, your act of treason helped buy you more time for
yourself for the past six months but, Young Master Ze’an, your
value is gone now. I’m sorry, today will be your end.”
Once done, Morris waited for Shao Ze’an to turn hysterical. He
was someone who could betray the country to save his own life so
now that he heard that he was about to die, he should panic and be
agitated. But after waiting for more than ten seconds, Shao Ze’an
didn’t respond. He just stood in place with his eyes slowly moving
around before stopping at a gap outside.
That pause lasted less than a second before Chi Zhao looked away,
so Morris didn’t notice it at all and the Empire soldiers who were
watching the live broadcast also didn’t notice. Only Louis did and his
heart fell.
He noticed. He has found out that Morris was broadcasting this
Hurry and speak! Say that you didn’t betray the country. Tell
everyone what you did behind the scenes!
Louis’s veined bulged and the entire control room began to
tremor. His aide stammered, “Ad-admiral, please calm down. We
are currently searching for his position. We will soon find
madam’s location.”
Louis stared closely at the silent young man on the screen. He
closed his eyes and slammed his fist against the wall next to him,
forming a deep indent, “Hurry and search!”
Chi Zhao didn’t have much time left. In an instant, his mind went
through multiple thoughts.
Before he knew it, the plot had actually collapsed to this degree?!
The final war had kicked off ahead of schedule and no matter who
wins or loses, he wouldn’t survive! What to do?! What to do?!
After some thought, Chi Zhao made a decision, “Don’t worry, we
still have a chance!”
System: “…..” What chance?
The system had already turned on its pain shielding function for
Chi Zhao. It had completely given up and was ready to usher in the
last moment and send Chi Zhao directly off to the next world.
Chi Zhao took another look at the place where the camera was
hidden and then glanced over at Morris, “Yes, I am well and truly a
Morris frowned. Why did it seem like those words were not
spoken for him to hear?
Morris’s live broadcast was broadcasted using the secret base’s
radio signals so it was strong enough for all the people from the
Empire and the rebel’s side to receive it. Now that it was almost the
end of the battle, this base would sooner or later be captured by the
Empire’s troops. Morris knew this. He knew that his mission wasn’t
to protect the base but to buy time for Alorin who was over on the
main star.
The moment Louis heard Shao Ze’an speak, he understood his
He knew that everyone was watching this live broadcast, so he
wanted to confess his sins so that no one would go and save him.
Louis’s expression at this moment was extremely terrible. The
people next to him saw this and didn’t dare make a sound. The new
officer Jiang Shupei frowned. He walked over to Louis’s side and said
in a soft voice, “Admiral, at a time like this being anxious won’t
help. The first ten floors of the base have been taken over by us,
Before he could finish speaking, Louis suddenly turned around
and mercilessly pushed Jiang Shupei away. Because of his strength,
Jiang Shupei was directly flung over to the opposite wall. He pitifully
got up and watched Louis leave the room with bloodshot eyes, not
sparing him a single look.
Jiang Shupei opened and closed his mouth. He sat there on the
ground in disbelief. The aid knew that Louis was going to go find
Shao Ze’an himself and immediately followed without looking back
at Jiang Shupei. After about a minute, Charles frowned and walked
over to his side, but he didn’t make any move to lend him a hand.
“I told you before not to be involved in other people’s matters,
let alone their private matters.”
Jiang Shupei got up and said with annoyance, “I just think that……
even if you save him, it’s useless.” He is a traitor. Even if was being
threatened, it has brought about immeasurable losses to the Empire.
Once he returns to the main star, he will be definitely be brought to
Charles briefly glanced at him, then shifted his gaze to the
screen, “Whether or not it’s useful, that is the admiral’s business.
It has nothing to do with you.”
Jiang Shupei was silent for a while. He pursed his lips and
similarly looked up at the screen.
After Shao Ze’an had generously admitted the fact that he was a
traitor, he had nothing else to say. He even sat on the ground,
looking like he was prepared to die.
In fact, that was the truth. Chi Zhao was even impatient, “When
will this explosive go off? Hurry up. Why don’t we find a way to
detonate it? It’ll save us from the agony of waiting.”
【 … ..If it detonates now, the people on the base won’t be able to
live. I calculated it, there should be twenty minutes left.】
Chi Zhao: “But I’m in a hurry. I still don’t know if my act just
now was successful. Anyway, I’ll be dying as a traitor just like the
plot intended.”
The system also felt that the ending was similar to the original
plotline; dying without a single remnant left behind and even being
left with a tarnished name for thousands of years. But the plot in the
middle had gone to smoke and Louis didn’t go through a near death
situation so the chances of it being deemed a success was very low.
While Chi Zhao and the system discussed the probability of
success, outside, Morris was still talking about his and Alorin’s story.
“Traitor is actually just another name for someone who
abandons the Empire. In order to gain the resources and land
from the Confederation, His Majesty sent his younger sister to the
Confederation to play; the schedule, the escorts, they were all
arranged by him. The princess left happily and the result? She
was strangled to death by her own guard and her body was then
thrown inside the house of a confederation member.”
Morris laughed sarcastically, “What a great plan. After
sending out the order to kill the princess, he turned around and
started targeting the princess’s lover —- Our admiral Alorin. The
Emperor swore with grief that he wouldn’t let the Confederation
off and then sent him off with the troops he had prepared in
advance. That was the story behind the famous Seven Days of
Vengeance Battle.”
“Everyone in the Empire reprimanded Alorin for betraying the
country but what he betrayed wasn’t the country but the
Emperor. The cowardly Emperor saw that the truth was about to
be revealed so he pretended to exile Alorin to the Death Galaxy
but the truth? Before the exile, he had already sent out an
assassin to kill Alorin. If Alorin hadn’t escaped in time, no one
would’ve known of this truth.”
Chi Zhao calmly looked up at Morris, “And you?”
“Me?” Morris laughed, “My story isn’t as sad as Alorin’s but my
hatred for the Emperor is no less.”
The first to propose using Ludwig’s invention to control others
wasn’t his junior brother Morris, but the Emperor. Ludwig disagreed
and, because the emperor had proposed this idea, Ludwig felt that it
was very dangerous, so he planned to destroy his invention to
prevent the Emperor from using it. When the Emperor found out, he
was very angry, and he planned to snatch the invention and kill
Ludwig along the way. Morris was also about to be killed but he
managed to escape. The Emperor who was afraid that he would
reveal the truth immediately bit back and denounced Morris as a
No one would believe a traitor’s words, not to mention he also
had no evidence.
After hearing the two secrets about the Emperor himself, the
soldiers of the Empire exchanged a look of shock. They didn’t know
whether to believe it but, looking at Morris, they felt that he was
speaking the truth. A large number of people even felt some
sympathy for Morris and Alorin.
Morris stood there while Chi Zhao sat on the ground and the two
stared at each other like this for a while. Chi Zhao could see pain and
hatred in Morris’s eyes. He sighed and slowly lowered his eyes.
Although he didn’t speak too loudly, the words his said were
profound, “But that is not an excuse for killing innocent people.”
Morris was startled. Chi Zhao stretched his neck and looked up
again, “If the Emperor hurt you then you should take revenge on
the Emperor himself. From what I can see……You started off with
that intention but after so many years and after experiencing the
thrill of power and the excitement of killing, your original
intentions have changed.”
Chi Zhao’s eyes were too pure. Morris could only look back at
him in silence. After a long time, the corners of his lips twitched
stiffly, “You are right. I no longer have the same intentions as I
originally did. At first, I wanted to take revenge for my senior
brother but now all I am thinking is, why am I the one who’s
suffering, why am I the only one being treated unfairly. You, and
also them, should all be like me.”
Morris’s expression once again became crazed and distorted. Chi
Zhao couldn’t help but frown.
Morris took a few steps forward. He placed his right hand on
the glass wall, “Young Master Ze’an, you have really grown up
very well but unfortunately, your luck was poor and you met me.”
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It was about time for Morris to leave. His subordinates were
calling out to him, but Morris didn’t make any move to leave.
After a while, he laughed mockingly at himself and said
something that should never have been said, “Under you is a
bomb that can completely blow up the entire base. It will
detonate in ten minutes. Don’t worry, no one can deactivate it
apart from me. Young Master Ze’an, you have ten minutes left in
your life. If you have any last words, just say it now. Maybe
someone will be able to hear it.”
After saying this, he smiled. The smile this time didn’t carry any
complicated emotions and seemed like it was just a parting smile.
Chi Zhao didn’t understand. He was clearly broadcasting this live,
yet he said something like this. What was he up to?
While Chi Zhao was stunned for a while, Morris had already
turned and got ready to leave. Just as he was about to cross through
the door, Chi Zhao lowered his head and responded in a low voice,
“You don’t have to worry. Mo one will come find me so no one will
hear it.”
Morris stopped for a moment, but this short moment was almost
as if it was an illusion. He soon walked out to join his subordinates.
Chi Zhao and the system were speechless, “Just us two now.”
【Oh, it’s so bleak.】
Chi Zhao: “……” It feels bleak being together with me?
Chi Zhao who carried the desire to successfully clear this world
was still not at ease. He wanted to ask again if it would be judged as
a success though every time he asked, the system had answered
with ‘I don’t know’.
But before he could speak, the system suddenly cried out again.
The last time the system was like this was because he was about
to die. In this world, nothing else could be as shocking as a death
sentence so Chi Zhao both calmly and impatiently asked: “Wha—….”
But before the system could speak, Chi Zhao saw the answer.
Louis entered dragging Morris’s corpse and tossed him into the
corner of the room like he was a piece of trash. His chest rose and
fell, and his body was still stained with blood that belonged to
someone else. Louis quickly approached Chi Zhao and checked the
glass wall around him.
After he touched the wall and figured out what the material was,
Louis furrowed his brows deeply. He then proceeded to clench his
fist and desperately smash the wall.
“Boom, boom.” The dull impact sounds made Chi Zhao’s ears hurt.
One could only imagine how much force Louis was using. Right now,
he looked like the God of Death as he desperately smashed at the
glass wall. The wall however didn’t budge. It was clear that it was
something Morris had prepared for Louis.
Chi Zhao stared at him blankly. He had stood up when he saw him
enter. He didn’t think that Louis would still come and save him
despite knowing that he was a traitor. Chi Zhao was shocked, but he
was even more anxious.
After a moment of silence, Chi Zhao spoke quickly, “It’s useless,
you can’t open it. Hurry and leave. There is not much time left.”
Louis’s figure stiffened for a moment, but he didn’t answer.
Instead, his actions became faster than before.
“You can’t open it, it’s useless. Can you hear me? It will be too
late if you don’t leave now!”
Still no answer.
Chi Zhao’s expression slowly changed, and he now looked very
angry, “Are you crazy?! Are you a kid? Stop acting out this useless
if I can’t save you, I won’t leave drama. We’re not good friends, let
alone good partners. I’m a liar. You were deceived by me. You
shouldn’t be here saving me. Hurry and take your people and
“Shut up!”
Louis suddenly exploded and shouted at Chi Zhao. This was Louis
first time speaking so harshly to him. The two looked at each other
for a moment and Chi Zhao was stunned to see how bloodshot
Louis’s eyes were. He stood there blankly for a few seconds before
finally regaining his senses and walking quickly over to Louis. Chi
Zhao similarly smashed the wall between them and because he had
used so much force, his hand immediately turned red and the bones
felt a little strange. Fortunately, the system had shielded Chi Zhao
from the pain, or he would have started howling out in pain right
then and there.
Louis’s actions stopped. As he panted heavily, he looked at Chi
Zhao with a frown.
The latter gritted his teeth and could only tell him the truth,
“Morris lied to you. There isn’t an explosive underneath, the
explosive is in me, in my blood. Do you understand?!”
“So, saving me is pointless. Wherever I go, the explosive will
go, and it is going to detonate no matter what. The only option
now is to hurry and leave. Tell everyone to get out of this place
and get away from me. Louis, are you listening?”
His last line carried a tone of pleading. Louis looked at him
blankly, as if he didn’t expect this outcome. The Louis right now
looked so dazed and helpless; he even appeared a little pitiful. Chi
Zhao’s heart stung. He couldn’t help but frown and suppress this
feeling of distress inside him.
Louis asked, “How are you certain that the explosive is in your
Chi Zhao was helpless. Was this the time to ask this?
“I can feel it.”
At the same time, the aide and the others finally caught up. They
had already heard Chi Zhao’s words when they were outside so
when they entered, their footsteps slowly came to a stop. After
stopping, the aide looked at Chi Zhao with a very sad expression.
Without turning around, Louis spoke, “Take everyone to
retreat immediately.”
The aide responded and then looked at Louis, “What about you,
Louis pursed his lips. He took a few steps back and turned around
“I will stay with him.”
Before he finished speaking, a particle cannon hit a spot on the
wall two metres away from Chi Zhao. Earlier, because he was
worried that hot weapons could ignite the explosive, Louis didn’t
dare use any weapons and had used his fists instead. After seven or
eight consecutive fires, there was finally a crack on the glass wall. As
the aide watched Louis walk towards Chi Zhao, he closed his eyes
and couldn’t bear looking on.
He quickly turned around and ordered the rest of the people,
Not everyone could respect Louis’s decision. There were some
who didn’t move, “But Admiral, he….”
“What nonsense. Hurry and go! Go and inform the others!”
Under the aide’s leadership, the others could only do as they were
told even if they were reluctant. This time, Louis’s fist hit the wall
and soon a gap formed. Louis entered and stood before Chi Zhao
with a somewhat awkward smile.
“I’m sorry. Stop trying to drive me away, okay?”
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KK has something to say: We’re almost done with arc 2!!
Chapter 56
Source: KK Translates


Hearing Louis’s words, Chi Zhao was stunned for a moment. He

then pointed at himself, “I am a traitor. Since the time you
brought me back to the main star, I was already on the rebel’s
side. Even my marriage to you was done with the intention to
steal intel more easily.”
In order to blacken himself, Chi Zhao had carried all the blame,
but Louis had no intentions to change his mind. He just stiffly
smiled, “I know you don’t like me and I also know you were
controlled by Morris.”
Chi Zhao was stunned.
Louis smiled with so much difficulty, it even looked a little
heartbreaking, “I also know that you didn’t actually betray the
Empire and have never provided them with any useful
information. I know everything so there’s no need to continue
lying. I won’t believe your lies and I won’t leave you. Making you
like me is something I have no power over but making me stop
loving you and leaving you here alone is something you have no
power over.”
Louis slowly approached Chi Zhao and pulled him into his
embrace. With their bodies tightly pressed together, their hearts
collided, and their skins touched. Chi Zhao’s forehead was pressed
against Louis’s neck and he could feel very clearly the blood
pounding through his blood vessels.
Chi Zhao remained there for a few seconds in shock. He really
didn’t expect Louis to have already found out about it and from the
looks of it, he seemed to have known about it for a while now. In
other words, the plot had collapsed since a long time ago and this
world was once again a complete failure.
Another failure. Chi Zhao felt that he should be frustrated enough
to beat his chest but he in fact didn’t react at all and was more
worried about getting Louis out of this place.
After a short moment of shock, Chi Zhao desperately tried to
push Louis out, but his physique was only C grade. Let alone
pushing Louis, he couldn’t even make Louis move a little. Chi
Zhao was extremely frustrated, “If you know then why aren’t you
leaving?! That’s right, I don’t like you. You annoy me. You’re
annoying to death. I don’t even want to die together with you! Do
you hear that? I don’t want to die with you so get out. Get out!”
Louis only replied with an okay. He held Chi Zhao even more
tightly and slowly closed his eyes.
Everything was recorded by the camera. As the soldiers quickly
retreated, the aide watched them retreat while also watching this
scene through his smart brain. He saw Shao Ze’an desperately make
Louis leave and he could also see the half of his face that wasn’t
covered by Louis’s figure filled with anxiousness and distraught. The
aide quickly rubbed his face.
Dammit. Sooner or later, he will kill all those rebels!
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Louis just wouldn’t leave. Chi Zhao’s voice slowly changed, and he
began to cry out desperately. He shouted and choked on his words,
his voice sounding like it was almost about to be torn apart, “Leave!
I’m begging you, just leave! You will live well without me. You like
me now, but you can like another person in the future! You
shouldn’t die here; your end shouldn’t be here!”
Louis was the protagonist and his future was bright. He would
meet his true love and he would live a life filled with respect and
honour. He was still young, only in his thirties. He shouldn’t die
Chi Zhao’s face was covered in tears. It was too cruel. It was too
cruel making him watch Louis’s life counting down right in front of
him. Every second he wasted, Louis’s life shortens a little and all this
happened because of him.
Hearing the person in his arms wailing and sobbing, Louis’s heart
felt like it was scrunched up into a ball. It took him several long
seconds for him to endure through this pain.
He held Chi Zhao’s head with one hand and his voice was so small,
it was almost a whisper, “But my end is you.”
Chi Zhao’s cries and struggles hit the pause button. Louis
gently rubbed the back of his neck and continued, “Only with you
by my side will I be able to find my future, my life and my end.
Only when you are by my side will I find live a meaningful life.
The West surname represents glory and honour, but the name
Louis is the real me.”
“Just for these few minutes, let me stay by your side as Louis,
as your husband, okay?”
Three minutes had passed and almost everyone had retreated.
Only a few people remaining were still desperately rushing back.
Charles had ordered the warship to start up and the aide stood at
the door, waiting for the remaining soldiers to board.
Hearing Louis’s words, the originally busy warship suddenly
turned silent. The aide endured through his inner grief and moved
to turn off the live broadcast.
Right now, he cannot be emotionally disturbed. His task was to
escort everyone out of this place and then later kill those damned
Chi Zhao was still struggling but he no longer struggled as hard as
he did when he first started. His fists were like they were hitting
cotton and he had cried until his voice was hoarse. There wasn’t
much strength left in him, “No! I don’t want it, I don’t want it……..”
Louis felt pain in his heart. He quietly sighed and wanted to let Chi
Zhao go to say something to him face to face but when he made the
move to release him, Chi Zhao conversely tightened his arms around
him. He gripped him so tightly, it was as if he wanted to sink himself
into Louis, “I don’t want it! I don’t want to see you die in front of
me. You can’t do this to me. I’m not afraid of death, I’m really not
afraid, but I’m afraid of you dying. You can’t do this to me. This is
the second time…..”
The second time for him to watch the person he loves slowly stop
breathing. Those eyes would no longer be bright, and the body
would gradually stiffen and turn cold. The feeling of never seeing his
lover again was more painful than death.
The system was originally watching on sorrowfully when
suddenly, its database started to shake violently. The system ran
back in panic only to see that it looked like a tornado had just passed
through and everything was a mess. The small box containing the
filtered emotions that shouldhave been hidden deep inside the
database was almost about to break open. The system was taken
aback. It hurried over and quickly covered tens of millions of junk
files over it before the box could finally be controlled.
Once that was done, the system wiped its non-existent forehead.
Too scary. How emotionally stimulated must the host be right
now? It seems like the death of his lover from the last world had cast
a large psychological shadow on him. Fortunately, it was one step
ahead and had filtered the emotions out in advance or something
may have gone terribly wrong.
……But now there was another problem aside from filtering and it
was a problem that couldn’t be fixed.
The system felt very down. It silently burrowed itself into the
deepest part of Chi Zhao’s mind. Right now, Chi Zhao was too
emotionally stimulated so it shouldn’t go out there or the patches
used to for last years update may be rendered useless.
Chi Zhao had said that it was the second time, but Louis didn’t
think too deeply about it. Even if he did, he would just think that he
was referring to the time they first met. After all, at that time he was
only half a step away from death.
Louis’s movements paused for a moment, but he still forcibly
pulled Chi Zhao away. Chi Zhao raised his head and looked up at him
with a pair of red-rimmed and teary eyes. Louis gently wiped away
the tears at the corner of his eyes with his thumb.
The look in Louis’s eyes at this moment was as if he was looking at
the most precious and fragile crystal doll in the world. His actions
were extremely careful and tremendously gentle.
Chi Zhao stood in place. When Louis touched his eyelashes, he
subconsciously closed his eyes and when he opened his eyes again,
he saw the corner of Louis’s lips curve up slightly.
They stared at each other like this for a second before Louis
bowed his head and gently kissed Chi Zhao. Once done, he
straightened up and coaxed him, “Don’t cry.”
There are some things that should be said or there may no longer
be a chance to say it in the future. After some thought, Louis spoke
up again, “I love you.”
Since the beginning of this world, Chi Zhao had always felt that his
emotions were a little weak. No matter what the situation was, he
couldn’t be very excited, and this continued until just now. In an
instant, it was as if something he had lost had come back.
He was stunned. He then said in a crying voice, “I……I seem to
love you too.”
As for why he used the words ‘seem to’, it was because Chi Zhao
also wasn’t sure. The feeling in his heart tells him, yes, he also loves
Louis but the reason in his brain tells him, no, he doesn’t love him.
Chi Zhao didn’t understand what was going on. While he was still
in a state of confusion, Louis was stunned for a second.
He then laughed happily. A series of magnetic and sexy laughs
rang in Chi Zhao’s ears. Louis lowered his head and planted a kiss
between Chi Zhao’s brows.
He expressed almost gratefully, “Thank you. Just that sentence
alone is enough.”
The warship had started up. The aide glanced at the situation
using the scanner, the two of them were still down there, but he
couldn’t do much about it anymore. The aide quickly boarded the
warship and moved to the control room.
As soon as he entered, he heard Edmund’s hoarse cries, “Fuck!
This is too damn touching! I will definitely avenge the Admiral
and his wife!!!”
“System, how much time do we have left?”
【Less than two minutes. Host, you…….】
As for what the system wanted to say, Chi Zhao didn’t know
because it fell silent halfway through. Chi Zhao had already accepted
the fact that Louis will not leave. No matter what he says, he
wouldn’t leave.
This time, Chi Zhao took the initiative to hug Louis. He buried his
head in his arms wordlessly and just used his actions to convey his
meaning to the other party.
Louis’s expression turned bright. Like this, they held each other,
waiting patiently for their end.
The warship had lifted off. On this warship that carried many
tough and burly men, most of them were tearing up. Even Charles
who has never been all that emotional didn’t look too great.
Everyone made the resolution to not let the rebels off. They were
determined not to forget today’s hatred.
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【Fifteen seconds left.】
When the system quietly reminded him, Chi Zhao’s body stiffened.
Louis seemed to have felt this as he lowered his head to kiss Chi
Zhao’s hair before closing his eyes.
“West, move aside!”
The moment they were waiting for didn’t come and instead it was
Shao Zelin’s voice which sounded first. Louis frowned
subconsciously but at the same time, out of trust for Shao Zelin, his
body moved before his brain could think. He quickly turned around,
revealing Chi Zhao who was in his arms. Shao Zelin on the other end
was holding a crossbow-style weapon. He shot something out from
it from a distance of a dozen or so metres away and it was only after
it plunged into his skin did Chi Zhao realise that it was a needle.
Seeing that it hit the target, Shao Zelin breathed a sigh of relief. He
then picked up the director who only managed to get a few seconds
of rest and hurried over to Chi Zhao’s side.
Director: “I can go by myself! Lieutenant General Shao, you can
stop carrying me!”
Whatever. If we waited for you to run over by yourself, it would
be a few seconds of delay. Shao Zelin silently complained inside but
he didn’t reveal anything on his face. He took out everything he had
picked up from Morris’s laboratory and ordered his brother, “Lie on
your side. This may hurt a little but bear with it.”
Chi Zhao: “???”
He still didn’t understand what was going on. Seeing that he
wasn’t moving, Shao Zelin immediately pushed him over. Louis was
startled by this. He quickly caught Chi Zhao who was about to fall
and gently laid him on his side.
The director took out the tools and began to operate on him
without anaesthesia.
He made a small cut with a knife. Seeing that Chi Zhao didn’t cry
out in pain, the director couldn’t help but smile, “You’re good, little
brat. As expected of someone who resisted the rebel’s control.”
Both the system and Chi Zhao were taken aback. Knowing that Chi
Zhao would be suspected if he kept silent, the system quickly
removed the pain shield.
Chi Zhao: “Ah ow ow ow ow ow! What are you doing!”
Director & Shao Zelin & Louis: “……”
Seems like it wasn’t that it didn’t hurt, it just took him some time
to react.
“The injection you got just now was a stopper. It can stop the
synthesis reaction of the explosive. Right now, we’re going to do a
small operation to drain out that liquid explosive. After we get
out later, you will have to go through a bigger operation which
may leave you bedridden for about a year and a half. Bear with it
—- Forget it, one of you knock him out. Right now, he definitely
won’t be able to bear with the pain.”
Upon hearing this, Shao Zelin immediately squatted down and
knocked the back of Chi Zhao’s head with his hand, rendering him
unconscious. Louis didn’t even have the time to react.
After standing up again and seeing Louis’s astonished look, Shao
Zelin coldly nodded, “No need for thanks.”
Louis: “……” Who wants to thank you!
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KK has something to say: How touchinggg 😭
Chapter 57
Source: KK Translates


As his consciousness slowly returned, Chi Zhao slowly open his

His surroundings were completely white. Chi Zhao was a little
dazed. He called out, “System?”
【Yes, you’re awake?】
Chi Zhao was stunned. He didn’t remember what happened before
falling unconscious, “Am I dead?”
【No, you are still in this world, alive and well.】
After a while, Chi Zhao began to see more clearly. Because his eyes
couldn’t adjust for a while, it was all white earlier but now it had
slowly regained focus.
“Xiao An…….Xiao An? Can you hear me?”
Chi Zhao turned his head to the side and saw Madam Shao’s
anxious and pleasantly surprised face. Chi Zhao opened his mouth,
Madam Shao immediately burst into tears. This son of hers has
really suffered too much. He was first threatened by rebels for half a
year and then he was almost used as a human bomb. If it weren’t for
her eldest son arriving in time with the director, she may never see
her youngest son again.
Madam Shao cried and said, “You have been in coma for half a
month. Don’t worry, the operation was successful. You will no
longer be in danger anymore. Mum will never let you suffer
Madam Shao explained to him why he was able to still be alive. In
fact, when Shao Zelin arrived, even he felt that he was too late and
he planned to take the director and quickly leave but the director
roared and staggered into a nearby small room.
That was Morris’s laboratory. The director looked around with
bright eyes before picking up a few bottles and jars and asking Shao
Zelin to take him to Shao Ze’an. It could be said that if the director
wasn’t around, Shao Ze’an would be dead.
However, according to the director himself, this incident was also
thanks to Morris giving them a small leeway. He had very
considerately left the stopping agent on the table and it was difficult
for the director to miss it. It was estimated that he probably wanted
to give Shao Ze’an a chance to live but whether or not he could use it
depended on Shao Ze’an’s luck.
Morris had run into Louis on his way out and he had
unfortunately died in Louis’s hands. Chi Zhao looked around but
couldn’t see Louis anywhere. He couldn’t help but frown. Madam
Shao saw this and teased, “Looking for your brother? He’s
currently waiting for the verdict from the military court.”
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Chi Zhao was taking aback, “Verdict? For who?”
“Of course, it’s for your brother. Abandoning his
responsibilities and leaving without a warning, it’s a very serious
crime. If they punished him according to the original rules, he
should be sentenced to at least ten years imprisonment.”
Chi Zhao’s eyes widened. Just as he was about to speak in
surprise, he noticed that Madam Shao didn’t appear worried at all.
She had also used the words ‘original rules’ just now. Chi Zhao
looked at her suspiciously, “What do you mean by original rules?”
Madam Shao laughed, “The new Emperor knew that he left to
save you and was very touched so he said that he would be
lenient on him this time. It is still not clear what punishment will
be given but he definitely won’t be sent to jail. He’ll probably be
suspended for a period of time.”
During the time Chi Zhao was unconscious, the main star had
gone through earth shattering changes. The original Emperor was
killed by Alorin himself and the entire palace was upturned. With
the publics support, the Emperor’s younger brother became the new
Emperor. This was the same as the original plotline. As for Alorin
himself, he ran away again but this time he couldn’t run far. With the
rebels suffering great damage and their base camp seized, even if
they could escape from the Empire’s soldiers, they wouldn’t be able
to fight back any time soon.
Chi Zhao was more concerned about something else, “Where’s
Madam Shao sighed with a smile, “He’s also in the military
court. When your brother’s verdict is passed, he will return with
him. I haven’t told them that you’re awake because I’m worried
that Louis would immediately rush out of the courtroom.”
Chi Zhao blushed. He lowered his head and didn’t speak anymore.
Madam Shao affectionately rubbed his head, “My dear son, you
should live on well with him.”
Chi Zhao: “….”
The live broadcast from that day was seen by almost every soldier
present through their smart brain and, after returning to the main
star, these soldiers posted the video onto the Star Network. In just
half a month, not to mention the Empire, even the neighbouring
countries have seen this touching parting video. It was unknown
who did it, but someone had cut out the last segment of Shao Zelin
rushing in, so the video stopped when the two held each other
tightly. Those who didn’t know the full story thought the
protagonists in the video had sacrificed themselves.
This was a real parting scene and was more real than anything
you could see in movies. It moved many people to tears.
The power of public opinion was very powerful. Almost everyone
sympathised with Shao Ze’an one-sidedly and they could also tell
that Shao Ze’an didn’t actually betray the country from the exchange
in the video. After returning to the main star, Louis took this
opportunity to announce Shao Ze’an’s spiritual power on the Star
Network and also revealed everything he had done. All of a sudden,
Shao Ze’an became a young hero, willing to sacrifice himself for the
Chi Zhao desolately asked the system, “Is there a possibility of
fixing this situation?”
【What do you think? Morris is already dead.】
Chi Zhao: “……”
He really wanted to be like those cartoons and shout out to the
Suddenly, the door to the ward opened and Louis and Shao Zelin
entered one after another. The moment they saw Chi Zhao sitting at
the head of the bed, they were both taken aback.
The next second, a black figure flashed before Chi Zhao’s eyes.
Before he could react, he found himself wrapped by a warm and
solid body. Chi Zhao almost found it difficult to breathe from the
embrace. After a while, he couldn’t help but slowly relax his body.
Forget it.
Since it cannot be fixed, he should just enjoy it. Anyway, he had
Louis with him so it wasn’t a bad idea continuing on like this.
System: “……..”
Why does it sound like another way of saying what’s done is
The rest of their lives were spent peacefully and happily. Without
the threat of the rebels, Chi Zhao could do whatever he wanted.
Louis spend the first few years chasing after the rebels but once they
were wiped out, he didn’t have anything else to do.
This pair of husbands entered retirement early. Chi Zhao finally
got rid of the bad luck of having to attend school constantly and
instead started to bring others this bad luck.
Although Chi Zhao never learnt how to control his spiritual
power, the knowledge taught by the system was more useful than
any of the textbooks in this world. Chi Zhao then used this
knowledge to teach more children and it didn’t take long for him to
gain the reputation of Professor Shao.
Professor Shao himself had no interest in teaching and educating
people. It was just something he did to busy himself because he
wanted to accompany his admiral husband who was still working in
the military. When Louis felt that it was time for him to step back, he
similarly resigned from his professor job and together they settled
down on another beautiful planet.
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And coincidentally, it was the planet Louis had mentioned to Chi
Zhao before, Detara Star.
On the first day of moving to this planet, Chi Zhao who was
enjoying the beautiful scenery suddenly remembered that in the
original plotline, Louis had a second love but after living with Louis
for so many years, he had never seen that person.
Chi Zhao couldn’t help but ask about it. Louis frowned when he
heard this question, “Jiang Shupei….Who’s that?”
After thinking for a while, Louis managed to dig out the owner
of that name from the depths of his memory. He answered
casually, “There seemed to be someone like that. He was assigned
to me ten years ago, but I felt he talked too much so transferred
him away during the second assignment. Why? Do you know
Chi Zhao: “………Don’t know.”
A lover in the plot but now a stranger. Even if he didn’t fall in love
with him, he also shouldn’t have that much hostility towards him.
Chi Zhao looked at Louis’s profile and just silently smiled.
In this world, the first to leave was Chi Zhao. When he closed his
eyes, Chi Zhao seemed to be able to feel Louis kissing his cheek.
Warm tears fell onto his face and the damp sensation made him feel
Chi Zhao’s feeling for Louis wasn’t very passionate, he never had
the feeling of loving him to the ends of the world. The two of them
just calmly went on with their lives, enjoying each other’s company
and lived a warm and fulfilling life. Chi Zhao originally thought that
even if he left, he wouldn’t be too emotional and would be able to
calmly forget this love of his.
But in fact, Chi Zhao didn’t want to leave. Once he left, he would
continue with completing his other missions while Louis would stay
here forever until the death of both his body and soul.
When he thought of this, he felt uncomfortable and wanted to cry.
He even felt that it would be better if he could truly die in this world.
In any case, he had lived enough, and he was satisfied dying here
together with Louis. To start together and end together with Louis,
that sounded pretty good.
Sensing the changes to the host’s mentality, the system didn’t
speak. It originally thought that it could allow the host to retain his
feelings from this world, but it looked like that was no longer
possible. It once again filtered out Chi Zhao’s emotions and then
stored those emotions into the same small box.
The wave of emotion quickly receded. When Chi Zhao opened his
eyes again, his heart felt a lot more comfortable, but it also felt
Before, he was immediately be sent to another world once he was
done with the first, but the system didn’t do it this time.
【Wait here for a bit, I’m going to have a discussion with the main
system. We have failed two worlds in a row. It has happened once
and now twice but it must not happen a third time. The third world
must be a success! I will definitely give you the simplest one!】
Chi Zhao was silent. He replied dispiritedly, “Okay.”
Having had his emotions filtered out, the Chi Zhao now was in an
apathetic sate. All he had on his mind was: So what? The first world
was a novice world so it should be the easiest to complete but what
was the result of that?
Data communication can be conducted at hundreds of thousands
of words per second. The system had advised for Chi Zhao to wait a
while but in fact the system returned after just three seconds and
was also extremely excited.
【 Hahahahahaha I love the master system daddy! This time it’s
absolutely guaranteed! Go go go! The plot point is within reach!】
Chi Zhao: “…….” Alright, another crazy one.
The world changed and Chi Zhao felt a little dizzy. He stood up
whilst swaying slightly and was able to recover a few seconds later.
He was surprised, “I really no longer vomit!”
【That’s right. time you might not even feel dizzy anymore.】
【This is a world I begged the main system daddy for a long time
for and you can complete the plot points even while lying down so
you don’t need to do anything this time. Even if you fall for the
protagonist again or the protagonist like you again, it doesn’t matter.
The plot is extremely stable and will never collapse!】
Chi Zhao didn’t believe this, “It’s that good? Then hurry and
send the world information over for me to take a look.”
The system swiftly sent over the world information and Chi Zhao
quickly skimmed through the contents. Once done, he was finally
able to understand what the system meant by a plot that would
definitely not collapse.
He really didn’t have to do anything because the original owner
had already done everything that needed to be done. No matter
what happens in the future, the grudge between himself and the
protagonist had already formed so as long as the truth was revealed,
the protagonist would want to strangle him to death.
The more Chi Zhao read, the more dumbfounded he was. In the
end he blinked a few times and similarly started to laugh crazily like
the system.
Chi Zhao: “Hahahahahahaha hurry, hurry and give me a kiss!
What a smooth world, you really can clear it by just lying down!
Let’s not say too much, from today you are my system daddy!
Daddy, what stage of the plot is it now? Should I go find the
protagonist to show my presence?”
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KK has something to say: And that’s the end of Arc 2! up is
entertainment world~
Chapter 58
Source: KK Translates


This is an ordinary modern world. The character to be played by

Chi Zhao is called Xue Qing, an actor with some fame.
Xue Qing had excellent looks and often played the role of the likes
of domineering presidents and cold and aloof male gods. His
appearance and personality fit these types of characters very well to
the point that it was simply tailored for him. With many people
saying that his acting skills were good and also the fact that there
was someone supporting him behind the scenes, Xue Qing’s
reputation grew over the years.
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And the person who had been supporting Xue Qing was the
protagonist of this world———–Qi Yuyang.
Please don’t misunderstand, the relationship between Xue Qing
and Qi Yuyang wasn’t of a sponsor and a sponsored. The two were
high school classmates. There was a little incident in the middle and
for about six years the two of them didn’t meet but not long after
Xue Qing debuted, when he still needed to run around to get his
name out, he happened to run into Qi Yuyang again at an event. The
two chatted a little and slowly became acquainted.
In the eyes of the outsiders, Xue Qing and Qi Yuyang have a very
good relationship and seem to be good buddies but in fact, their
relationship was much more complicated than that.
Qi Yuyang suffered from severe insomnia and headaches. Like all
kinds of BL novels, when the gong is sick, only the shou can cure it.
Xue Qing was the one who could cure Qi Yuyang. After meeting Xue
Qing, Qi Yuyang discovered that his headaches and insomnia could
be cured without any medications. Although he didn’t understand
why, it was a pleasant surprise and he naturally didn’t want to let
this opportunity pass, so he approached Xue Qing in every way
possible and finally managed to bring the other person home.
Because he didn’t want to have any more headaches, Qi Yuyang
stayed by Xue Qing’s side almost all the time. As soon as he leaves
Xue Qing for more than two hours, he would have unbearable
headaches and would have to play the OSTs of the dramas Xue Qing
acted in as background noise to ease the pain.
With them living under one roof, some developments aren’t very
surprising. After a couple of push and pulls, the two of them got
Qi Yuyang had never liked another person before, and he didn’t
know what love was. He thought that since he didn’t feel
uncomfortable when around Xue Qing, that was considered love, a
fate decided by the heavens. It would’ve been great it everything
were that simple, but the truth was, everything was more
complicated and crueller than they seemed.
It turned out that there was a terrible conspiracy going on in the
shadows. It had started many years ago when Qi Yuyang was still in
high school.
Xue Qing’s father was a psychologist. Xue Qing lived with only his
father since a young age as his mother passed away a long time ago.
With only two men living together, their lives were very mundane.
His father also liked to do experiments, causing the family to
constantly be out of money and live on a very tight budget.
Xue Qing’s father was someone who detested the rich. After
hearing that Qi Yuyang was Xue Qing’s classmate, his father started
to have some twisted thoughts. He made his son note down Qi
Yuyang’s usual whereabouts and then, as soon as he found an
opportunity, Xue Qing’s father kidnapped Qi Yuyang. Qi Yuyang’s
parents had both passed away and it was his grandfather and
grandmother taking care of him. As soon as they heard about the
kidnapping, grandmother and grandfather were terrified. They
didn’t dare call the police and directly sent the ransom money over.
Logically speaking, it should be over the moment the money was
given but the other party was a kidnapper and also a kidnapper with
high IQ. With such a good opportunity in his hands, how could he
not make good use of it?
After receiving the ransom money, he didn’t immediately release
him and instead, threw Qi Yuyang in an alley a week later. The police
found Qi Yuyang there and brought him to the hospital where he
was unconscious for three whole days. When he woke up, he
became taciturn. He was no longer the bright and sunny boy he used
to be.
His headaches and insomnia also started from that time.
As mentioned earlier, Xue Qing’s father was a psychologist and
was very well versed in in the defences and weaknesses of one’s
heart. For an entire week, he used all kinds of terrible methods to
torture Qi Yuyang, making him break down over and over again. He
didn’t do these things for fun. He had done it for his son.
Whenever Qi Yuyang couldn’t sand it anymore, he would
hypnotise Qi Yuyang and let his son stand next to him and recite a
collection of poems or novels in a steady tone to create a
psychological imprint in Qi Yuyang’s mind. This continued until Qi
Yuyang believed that only by approaching Xue Qing, would he no
longer need to suffer and only Xue Qing could rescue him from this
endless pain and misery.
It was also a form of double insurance. The person who
kidnapped Qi Yuyang was Xue Qing’s father but if the truth was
revealed, Xue Qing’s life would definitely not be very easy. As an
accomplice, perhaps he would also be sent to jail. With such an
imprint added, Qi Yuyang wouldn’t have the heart to hurt Xue Qing
and would definitely do his best to save him. After all, in his
consciousness, Xue Qing was his saviour. He could only obtain
salvation and peace with Xue Qing.
With the hypnotic effect, Qi Yuyang no longer remembered what
happened to him when he was kidnapped, and he didn’t remember
who kidnapped him. The police had searched for a long time but
couldn’t figure out the kidnapper’s identity and eventually had no
choice but to stop. Qi Yuyang’s grandparents were traumatised after
this incident. They no longer dared to stay in this city anymore and
brought Qi Yuyang back to their hometown in the south. When he
graduated high school, they send Qi Yuyang out to study abroad for
college before finally returning.
As a result, Qi Yuyang and Xue Qing didn’t see each other for six
whole years and Xue Qing’s father’s hard work had remained
ineffective until………the day they met again.
Hypnosis was hypnosis. Even if it seemed real, everything was
fake. After Qi Yuyang and Xue Qing lived together for two years, one
day, Qi Yuyang met a psychiatrist at a reception. This psychiatrist
sensed that his mental state wasn’t the same as the others after a
short exchange. His possessiveness towards Xue Qing was almost
psychopathic. One look and you could tell that it was abnormal.
This psychiatrist found it strange and deliberately approached Qi
Yuyang several times. In the end, his efforts paid off. He successfully
broke the hypnosis, allowing Qi Yuyang to remember the past.
Over the seven days of inhumane torture, Qi Yuyang only slept
briefly for a couple of hours or so. Every time he was tortured until
he was about to go crazy, Xue Qing would stand next to him and
softly say a few words before he was allowed to close his eyes and
sleep for an hour.
Xue Qing wasn’t always in that dark and cramped room. He went
back to school during the day and whne he got back, he would throw
his bag aside and slowly approach Qi Yuyang without a trace of
emotion on his face. Let alone sympathy, Qi Yuyang had never seen
any sort of emotion one would have when witnessing their own
classmates being tortured on that face of his.
The way he looked at him was like he was just a large stone.
Would a human feel compassion for a stone? Of course not.
And such an indifferent Xue Qing was the same Xue Qing who laid
beside him in bed every day.
With the hypnosis broken and illusion shattered, one could only
imagine how angry Qi Yuyang must’ve been. The perpetrator had
hypocritically made himself out to be the saviour and had even
brazenly moved into his house and eat and use his things at will.
Once Qi Yuyang knew the truth, he even had the urge to kill Xue
Qi Yuyang was a ruthless person. Even after knowing the truth, he
didn’t reveal it and instead secretly gathered information about Xue
Qing first. On Xue Qing’s twenty-fourth birthday, his birthday party
was held by an outsourcing company. Qi Yuyang had specially given
them a lot of money to get them make it as extravagant as possible.
Many stars in the entertainment circle came and many of Xue Qing’s
fans were also invited. Reporters were naturally included too.
One second Xue Qing was blowing out the candles and the next
second he was taken away by the police in front of everyone. In just
one night, the public opinion on the Internet changed and
everything that was done by Xue Qing was made public. The public
uproar continued on for a long time but Xue Qing didn’t have the
time to deal with this because he was still held in the detention
With Qi Yuyang working behind the scenes, Xue Qing was
sentenced to life imprisonment. He had many crimes laid onto him
and it was likely that he would never be able to come back out again.
Within a few years, Xue Qing died silently in prison. No one knew
how he had died.
As for Qi Yuyang, after being deceived for so long, he had become
even more dark and withdrawn than before. He wanted to find Xue
Qing’s father but after searching for a long time, he found out that
Xue Qing’s father had died a long time ago.
The revenge had to be stopped here. Qi Yuyang was at loss. He
then remembered the psychiatrist who had saved him from this
predicament and went to find him for another psychological
consultation. This time, Qi Yuyang managed to find his true saviour.
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The psychiatrist liked Qi Yuyang but Qi Yuyang still had some
psychological shadows left from his relationship with Xue Qing.
After more than ten years, when they reached their middle ages, did
he finally let down his guard and gradually get together with the
psychiatrist. Since then, they lived a peaceful and ordinary life.
What was ironic was that this psychiatrist used to be Xue Qing’s
father’s student. It was also because of this that he could easily tell
that Qi Yuyang was hypnotised and be able to treat him successfully.
After going around for several decades, Qi Yuyang still failed to
completely get rid of the shadows left behind by the kidnapping
case. Whether it was Xue Qing or the psychiatrist, they all more or
less had some form of relationship with it.
In this regard, Chi Zhao expressed deep sympathy to the
protagonist Qi Yuyang.
But if you want to be a protagonist, you will have to suffer a little
more than others. Chi Zhao already knew this. He was instead more
concerned about another matter.
The kidnapping had happened six years ago, and it is now six
years later. In other words, it wasn’t long after Xue Qing and Qi
Yuyang met again. The harm had already been inflicted and the lies
had already been laid out. Chi Zhao really didn’t have to do anything:
He didn’t need to hurt anyone, he didn’t need to deliberately pursue
plot points nor did he need to do things that would go against his
conscience. All he had to do now was to live well until Qi Yuyang
becomes acquainted with the psychiatrist and the plot would
automatically move to the end.
If this wasn’t getting a free ride then want is?!
Chi Zhao’s eyes were teary, “I’m so touched. After failing two
worlds in a row, you not only didn’t throw me aside and even
helped me find such a good world. System, I……”
The system calmly interrupted him.
【 I know you love me but please also control your emotions.
Human and system romance will not work out.】
Chi Zhao: “…….”
This was Qi Yuyang’s home. After the two met, Qi Yuyang
gradually discovered the benefit of being close to Xue Qing. It was
easy to transition from frugality to luxury, but it was hard to
transition from luxury to frugality. When he didn’t know of a way to
relieve the pain, he could silently endure through it but now that he
knew of a way, he didn’t want to endure through the pain at all. He
however didn’t know how to invite Xue Qing to live with him so he
asked the company to temporarily take back the apartment
allocated to Xue Qing saying that it would be returned after
renovation and for the time being to live at Qi Yuyang’s place.
This kind of excuse was very poorly thought out but Xue Qing
knew the reason for Qi Yuyang doing this, so he didn’t question
anything and simply agreed.
It is now eight o’clock in the morning. Soon, Xue Qing will need to
attend a press conference for a movie that is about to be released.
Chi Zhao walked into the walk-in-closet to check his appearance.
With one look, he was stunned.
Chi Zhao blushed. He shamefully covered his face, “I-I’m so
【Handsome to the point that you want to push yourself down?】
Chi Zhao: “With such a handsome face, can’t I push someone
else down?!”
The system snorted. It didn’t speak and just coldly tossed a folder
Chi Zhao opened it with a head of question marks only to see that
there were only three bolded words —– Slag Shou System. The first
two words were even italicised and the word shou was also circled
in red.
Chi Zhao: “…….”
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KK has something to say: New arc! WTF, what a psycho dad….
Chapter 59
Source: KK Translates


The original owner had already changed his clothes so Chi Zhao
could directly leave. After leaving the room, Chi Zhao walked down
two steps before realising that there was another person standing at
the end of the stairs. Hearing the footsteps, that person turned
around. The moment his sullen gaze fell onto Chi Zhao, his entire
body suddenly relaxed.
This feeling was similar to the moment someone who was waiting
for rescue at the bottom of a cliff suddenly sees a rescue team. He
concealed it well, but he still couldn’t hide it from Chi Zhao who was
an old monster who had lived for nearly two hundred years.
Qi Yuyang gave him a smile that looked natural but also didn’t
look very happy, “Are you going out?”
The original owner’s personality was very cold and basically
didn’t speak much. Chi Zhao adopted the original owner’s
personality and lightly hummed.
“Where?” Qi Yuyang continued to ask.
“Movie press conference.” Chi Zhao continued to answer
Xue Qing had acted in a blockbuster movie about youth with
multiple protagonists. He was rather popular, so he managed to get
the role of the third male lead in this movie. Even for this role, he
played the taciturn but very handsome top student who was
pursued relentlessly by a girl for most of their youth. In the end, his
heart was moved but because he chose to go abroad, they failed to
get together.
When he came back again, the girl was already married. He sat
alone in the corner of the wedding banquet, looking forty-five
degrees up at the ceiling smiling sadly as he thought about his lost
youth and wife.
This was a movie filmed before he met Qi Yuyang. If Qi Yuyang
knew, he would definitely arrange for a better role for Xue Qing. Qi
Yuyang’s father had founded Jiayu Culture and it is now one of the
top entertainment companies in China. There was a saying in the
industry; Jiayu products are exquisite products. Many male and
female artists dream to be the main character of Jiayu Culture and
now, Xue Qing was living together with the boss of Jiayu Culture.
If anyone were to find out, they would be envious to death.
Qi Yuyang didn’t want Xue Qing to find out how important he was
to him because he didn’t like having another person knowing his
weakness. He pursed his lips and laughed, “That’s just right. I was
about to go out too. Should I take you there?”
Xue Qing had his own car, a small Audi. The press conference
wasn’t something that would end quickly. After the conference,
there would be a celebration party, a drinking party and various
entertainment activities after they were done with eating and
drinking their fill. It was estimated that Xue Qing will return in the
middle of the night or even early in the morning. Qi Yuyang couldn’t
even stand the thought of not seeing Xue Qing all day.
Of course, Qi Yuyang didn’t want to become a pervert constantly
stuck to a man’s side. He must learn to control himself. Xue Qing
can’t stay by his side for the rest of his life. One day, he would leave
and perhaps hop onto a new bandwagon or get married. At that
time, he wouldn’t be able to stop him.
Sending Xue Qing over was his last chance to see Xue Qing today.
After Xue Qing is gone, he would return alone and train himself to
endure through the pain.
Chi Zhao looked down at Qi Yuyang from above. From this
perspective, and in addition to his usual cold expression, there was
actually a faint trace of pity.
In the past, Qi Yuyang was already aware that Xue Qing was
handsome, but he wasn’t interested in men nor did he have the time
to admire Xue Qing’s looks. To be honest, although Xue Qing looked
good, he wasn’t masculine enough and was more just a pretty face.
When they were in high school, Qi Yuyang and Xue Qing were
both school heartthrobs. Xue Qing was gentle and beautiful while Qi
Yuyang was handsome and manly. The two were of completely
different styles with not much similarity between them. If he hadn’t
noticed the strange effect Xue Qing had on him, Qi Yuyang wouldn’t
have spoken more than two sentences to him.
But now, Qi Yuyang suddenly felt that the ‘femininity’ he detested
was gone and it was replaced by pride and nobleness that radiated
from his blood and bones. When Xue Qing looked down at him, he
had a feeling as if he was being looked at by a god. Just one glance
from the other party was enough to make all the cells in his body
celebrate with glee.
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Surprise flashed across Qi Yuyang’s face for a moment. He then
quickly returned to his senses. Before he could speak, Xue Qing had
already walked down. He stood before Qi Yuyang and said calmly,
Qi Yuyang suppressed the surprise and strange feeling inside him.
He pursed his lips and turned to follow.
Qi Yuyang personally drove. The place where the press
conference was held was a hotel. As soon as they arrived, Xue Qing’s
manager hurried over. He already knew about his artist and Jiayu’s
boss living together so when he saw that Qi Yuyang had personally
dropped him off, he was only slightly surprised.
After arriving, Chi Zhao reached to open the car door but when he
pulled the handle, it didn’t budge. He turned and looked at Qi
Yuyang. The latter received his gaze and suddenly asked out of the
blue, “Do you like acting?”
If you don’t like acting and just want to make a lot of money, I can
give you the money. Just don’t go out anymore and stay by my side
every day, okay?
Qi Yuyang even felt that there was something wrong with him, but
he couldn’t help it. Every time he approached Xue Qing, he couldn’t
help but want to keep the other person locked up at home. Xue Qing
didn’t need to do anything. As long as he could see him, he could just
stand around like a mascot and that was enough.
Chi Zhao was taken aback. He thought for a moment. The original
owner chose to be an actor because Qi Yuyang’s company was an
entertainment company. Being an actor was the best way to
approach him and the original owner also liked the feeling of being
watched by tens of thousands of people so it could be considered as
liking it?
Chi Zhao silently nodded. When Qi Yuyang saw this, he
suppressed the emotions in his eyes and didn’t speak.
This time, Chi Zhao could get out of the car. He walked out and
was immediately greeted by his manager who along the way gave
his greetings to Qi Yuyang in the car. Chi Zhao said to the system in
his mind, “Really. I really love this world.”
Even the acting was very easy. Wasn’t it just acting cold and aloof?
That was too easy. As long as he didn’t speak and didn’t react, he
would have the character down perfectly!
【You can love anything you want, just don’t fall in love with the
The system’s sudden reminder caused Chi Zhao’s mouth to twitch.
He subconsciously turned his head and glanced at Qi Yuyang who
was still in the car. The latter had not left yet and was watching his
departing figure with furrowed brows. When he saw the other party
suddenly turn around, he was taken aback for a moment before
showing a somewhat reluctant smile.
After all, Qi Yuyang was only twenty-three years old. Both his
parents were gone and his grandparents who had raised him up
were also gone one after another so there was no one left in his
family. He also had a mental illness that no one could cure. He had
been suffering for six long years and haven’t had a good night’s sleep
or a peaceful day without any mishap. It was no surprise for him to
regard Xue Qing with such high regard and be so unwilling to let him
He really couldn’t leave him.
Xue Qing looked at Qi Yuyang for such a long time, Qi Yuyang
couldn’t help but feel that his gaze was different from usual. He and
Xue Qing had lived together for a while and Xue Qing had never
looked at him so…….how should he put it, so emotionally.
Qi Yuyang’s body moved before his mind could work. He
stretched out his hand to unbuckle the seatbelt across his body but
at this moment Xue Qing withdrew his gaze and left without looking
back. He naturally didn’t see the stunned look on Qi Yuyang’s face.
Chi Zhao’s sudden departure was naturally because of the system.
【 This world doesn’t need you to do bad things! You no longer
have a reason to ruin the plot, you hear me?!】
Chi Zhao: “Since when have I ruined the plot?”
【 Don’t think I didn’t see it. What are you doing looking at the
protagonist with so much sympathy? Did you fall for the protagonist
Chi Zhao: “………I! Have! No’t!”
Chi Zhao was about to go mad because of the system. Of course,
the system had already gone mad because of Chi Zhao. Right now,
the system was like a wife suspicious of her husband’s infidelity. It
constantly watched Chi Zhao with scrutinising eyes, afraid that Chi
Zhao would once again develop feelings for the protagonist.
Although this world is very simple, it still would not be able to
withstand deliberate sabotage. Thatwas why all dangerous threats
should be taken out before it can begin to sprout.
The little system who was once soft and cute was gone. Now
standing in Chi Zhao’s mind was a cruel and vicious system bro.
The press conference was quite boring. It was just a group of
people having casual banters. Chi Zhao’s character is cold and aloof,
so he just casually brushed of any questions the host asked him. Just
as Qi Yuyang expected, there were other plans after the press
conference but after the celebration party, Chi Zhao lost interest. He
didn’t like such noisy places nor did he like drinking.
Thinking that there was still a protagonist waiting to be fed at
home, Chi Zhao left midway. The people there all knew about Xue
Qing’s relationship with Qi Yuyang so even if they were dissatisfied
about this and wanted him to stay, they didn’t have the guts to speak
Even despite leaving midway, when Chi Zhao returned home it
was already past nine in the evening. Qi Yuyang had no servants at
home. Because he always has nightmares and would sometimes
smash things around him because of his headaches, he didn’t want
the others to see such a violent side of himself, so he never allowed
anyone to stay and just had people regularly come over to clean or
deliver food.
When Chi Zhao walked in, he saw that the living room was dim
with only the floor lamp beside the sofa turned on. Chi Zhao walked
over with confusion. As expected, Qi Yuyang was lying on the sofa.
He was still wearing the clothes he wore this morning but for some
reason the dress shirt was very wrinkled, completely unlike the
clean and neat look from earlier today.
Qi Yuyang had on hand resting on the edge of the sofa, his slender
fingers pointing down, almost touching the carpet. With the other
arm resting over his eyes, Chi Zhao couldn’t see his furrowed brows,
but he could see his tense jawline as well as the fine beads of sweat
rolling down his neck. Qi Yiyang’s entire body was completely stiff
as he muttered something that couldn’t be understood.
Although the brain’s memory was blocked by hypnosis, his body
still remembered. Qi Yuyang’s body had suffered during the torture
and it was something that could never be forgotten so he would
often have nightmares and feel painful and uncomfortable when
sleeping but when he wakes up, he couldn’t remember anything.
Only the feelings from the dream remained, tormenting him even
after waking up.
Chi Zhao sighed. He looked around the room before picking up a
coat from the hallway and covering Qi Yuyang with it. After some
thought and some hesitation, he knelt down on the carpet and
leaned closer to the sleeping Qi Yuyang. He said with a whisper, “Be
good, don’t be afraid. I’m here.”
Qi Yuyang could easily recognise his face and voice. Just a look or
a sound could instantly relieve the torment he was experiencing.
This however only worked with the actual person and photos or
recordings of Xue Qing didn’t have such a magical effect. It was
probably because Qi Yuyang knew deep inside that it was fake, so
his subconsciousness rejected it.
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Not long after speaking, Qi Yiyang’s body gradually relaxed. His
tensed muscles softened at a rate visible to the naked eye. Chi Zhao
felt very sympathetic. He gently patted his body with a gentle and
regular rhythm one would use to coax a child. When he saw that Qi
Yuyang had calmed down and wasn’t having anymore nightmares,
Chi Zhao rubbed his numb knees and stood up.
As Chi Zhao looked at the protagonist, he expressed emotionally
to the system, “Such a sin. Such a good child and look at the state
he’s in now.”
【Haa, so pitiful.】
Hearing the system echo his sentiments, Chi Zhao again let out a
【 You’re sighing again! Why are you sighing again?! Did you fall
for the protagonist again?! You humans are so hypocritical. You
promised me that you wouldn’t ruin the plot again!】
Chi Zhao: “……..”
It was the last straw. Chi Zhao gritted his teeth, “Let me repeat
it again. I have not fallen for the protagonist! It has only been
how long? Do you think I’m a dog, going in heat whenever I see
another man?!”
【Dogs are better than you. They get two oestrus periods a year
but you…….】
The system’s grievances suddenly stopped. It sensed some faint
fluctuations in the hosts’ brain.
Chi Zhao smiled darkly, “Say it. What about me?”
System: “……..”
The system no longer dared to make another sound. After a few
seconds, Chi Zhao turned and left. Since he had no activities planned
for tomorrow, he could take a day off. It just so happened that he
wanted to sleep in a little.
Thinking this, Chi Zhao’s footsteps were a little brisk. It didn’t take
long for the sound of the door closing to be heart. On the other end,
Qi Yuyang who was still lying on the sofa suddenly lowered the arm
resting over his eyes, revealing a pair of bloodshot eyes.
After a while, he slowly sat up. He looked at the coat covering him
with a frown and was slightly lost in thought.
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KK has something to say: Pitiful ML…….
Chapter 60
Source: KK Translates


When he woke up the next day, Chi Zhao examined the two faint
dark circles around his eyes in the mirror with a bitter expression.
After a while, he quickly covered his face and said shyly, “Even if
there are dark circles on my face, I’m still so handsome.”
System: “………”
Chi Zhao got up late but Qi Yuyang as usual got up early. In the
beginning of the original plot, Qi Yuyang didn’t dare let Xue Qing find
out about his circumstances, so he never behaved very reliant on
him and just used various excuses to approach him.
At night, because he couldn’t use any excuses to get close to him,
he would secretly open the door to the room next door every now
and then to take a look at Xue Qing’s sleeping appearance in order to
calm himself down.
Because of this, Chi Zhao deliberately didn’t lock the door so that
it was easier for Qi Yuyang to come and peek.
How considerate.
Breakfast was already laid out on the table. Chi Zhao indifferently
walked to the table and unceremoniously started to eat.
When Qi Yuyang saw him coming, the pounding headache finally
eased away. He lowered his head and also started to eat.
Qi Yuyang ate much faster that Chi Zhao. After eating, he wiped
his mouth and paused for a moment before uttering a sentence he
had been brewing over for a long time, “Thank you for last night.”
Chi Zhao wasn’t surprised. Qi Yuyang would naturally find the
coat over him after waking up so thanking him for it was normal. Chi
Zhao glanced at him indifferently and then moved his gaze back to
his food.
It was only after looking away did he remember that in addition
to being cold and aloof, he also had to be greedy. After all, the reason
the original owner approached Qi Yuyang was because of his money
and resources.
The cogs in his mind turned a few times. He lowered his spoon
and looked at Qi Yuyang proudly, “Want to thank me? Then give
me the protagonist role in ‘Dream Whisperer’.”
‘Dream Whisperer’ was Jiayu Culture’s major project for the
second half of the year. It was still in the beginning stages and the
actors have not yet been found. With Xue Qing’s current level, taking
the protagonist role was too much for him. After all, he only had his
popularity and didn’t have any reputable works under his belt. Even
in the only movie he had acted in, he only played the third male lead.
But Qi Yuyang was only slightly stunned before readily agreeing
to his request.
At the same time, he felt a little happy inside.
He had originally felt a little sorry for Xue Qing. After all, he had
semi-forced Xue Qing who basically had no relations with him into
living under the same roof as him and he would always interrupt his
schedule to make him stay at home. The prime time for actors are
only these few years and if this chance was missed, there was
basically no chance in becoming popular in the future.
Now that Xue Qing was willing to ask him for something, he felt a
little less guilty inside. This was good. He can give Xue Qing
resources others can’t get and Xue Qing can stay with him to help
him with his headaches and insomnia. The two of them can benefit
from each other.
Qi Yuyang was very satisfied, Chi Zhao was very satisfied and even
the system was very satisfied. The host didn’t say anything
unnecessary to the protagonist and he didn’t even give him an extra
look. Very good. It seems that this world should be safe.
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One shouldn’t count their chickens before they hatch.
Unfortunately, the system was just a bunch of data, so it wasn’t
aware of this saying.
They would first live together for two years and then get together.
After a year of being together, Qi Yuyang would meet the
psychiatrist. Another year later, at Xue Qing’s birthday, Qi Yuyang
would suddenly unleash his attack and send Xue Qing to prison.
Only after living in prison for three or four hellish years would he
die and leave the world.
This mission was set to go for about seven or eight years, and it
was rather short compared to most. Moreover, the plot points were
so pitifully few, it was less than the last world. The first plot point
was set to be two years later when he and Qi Yuyang both got drunk
and slept together. The process of getting together was quite logical.
In other words, Chi Zhao had nothing to do right now. All he had
to do was to properly act out the role of an actor and occasionally
request something from Qi Yuyang. This wasn’t a problem for Chi
Zhao. Qi Yuyang’s business was flourishing and he wasn’t short of
such a small amount of money. As for resources, they were
originally prepared for actors, so it didn’t matter who acted.
As long as it didn’t hurt nature or his sense of reason, Chi Zhao
would not hold back.
The original owner didn’t care about Qi Yuyang and would only
think of him when he needs him for something. Following this
character set up, Chi Zhao also didn’t pay much attention to the
protagonist and only focused on acting. Xue Qing’s acting skills were
actually rather mediocre but with just his face which left everyone
behind in the dust, it was hard for him not to become popular.
Reasonably speaking, Chi Zhao should receive offers left and right
but because Qi Yuyang was controlling it behind the scenes, the
offers he received became very few. Usually he would have one or
two schedules in a day and sometimes none at all. His days overall
were spent quite leisurely.
Today he had left to shoot an advertisement. During the break, his
manager couldn’t help but be curious. He walked over to Chi Zhao
and asked quietly, “Xiao Qing, tell this brother the truth. What
kind of relationship do you have with President Qi?”
Chi Zhao subconsciously glanced at the back of the studio. Qi
Yuyang was sitting there like a grand master with his secretary
standing next to him talking to the assistant director who smiled
very flatteringly. At this moment they appeared to be discussing
something about the contents of the documents they had in their
Chi Zhao retracted his gaze and said indifferently, “Friend.”
His manager fell silent. What nonsense. What kind of friend would
accompany another friend to work everyday and leave behind his
own work? That one there is President Qi. What kind of friend can
make him do something like that?!
Rather than a friend, I think it’s boyfriend!
The manager felt that he had reached the truth. He just smiled
knowingly and didn’t say anything. Xue Qing was still in the prime of
his career so he naturally wouldn’t want others to know about his
sexuality. As Xue Qing’s manager, he should protect his artists
privacy. After all, how his future would be like also depended on
how well Xue Qing performed.
After the shoot, Chi Zhao went to attend a dinner party which was
also a gathering of the staff involved in the production of ‘Dream
Whisperer’. Just as Chi Zhao stood up preparing to leave, Qi Yu Yang
came over with a frown, “Something came up at work. I have to go
back to back to sort it out.”
Chi Zhao looked at him and replied indifferently, “Oh, then you
should go.”
There was no expression on his face and all that was missing were
the words ‘what does it have to do with me’ written on it. Qi Yuyang
couldn’t speak. He had originally wanted to say ‘come with me’ but
he swallowed it back down.
He secretly took a deep breath.
It’s okay. It’s just a few hours apart. If he can’t endure even that
much, how would he be able to live his life in the future?
The other party was indifferent and Qi Yuyang himself also wasn’t
someone to insist. Since he had nothing else to say, Qi Yuyang
swiftly turned around and walked out. Chi Zhao also started walking
but before he could take more than two steps, Qi Yuyang turned
around, seeming to have thought of something.
“Don’t drink too much. Don’t force yourself if you don’t like it.
If someone asks you to drink, don’t pay attention to them.”
Chi Zhao was taken aback but before he could react, Qi Yuyang
had already turned back around and left.
Chi Zhao stood there blinking his eyes in confusion for a moment.
He didn’t understand why Qi Yuyang felt that he didn’t like to drink.
The original owner was an alcohol lover and he loved to drink all
kinds of alcohol.
Was it because he had returned from the celebration party early
and he inferred it from that?
That’s pretty amazing.
Chi Zhao happily tossed that matter to the back of his mind and
didn’t think much of it. Qi Yuyang who was walking out was also
confused. Does Xue Qing not like drinking? He doesn’t seem to like it
but how did he know this?
He thought about it for a long time but couldn’t reach an answer.
He then remembered the mishap at work and his expression
darkened. He quickened his pace as he strode over to his car.
Chi Zhao was the male lead so when he arrived at the private
room where the party was held, he was naturally the object of
attention of many people. Even if he wanted to keep a low presence,
it wasn’t possible. They had only just started the meal when some of
them tried to get him to drink. Chi Zhao pushed it off with the excuse
that he was diagnosed with gastritis yesterday and was told not to
drink. Although the others only expressed disappointment when
they heard this but they didn’t insist and let him off.
These people were all very reasonable but there was one person
who wasn’t like this.
This movie was a joint investment. Jiayu Culture was the main
investor while there were several other smaller investors also
sitting at the table. Among them was a middle-aged man who had
invested second only to Jiayu’s amount. He had originally wanted
another actor from Jiayu to play the male lead but as soon as he
proposed this, it was quickly shot down. Instead, this little white
face who only had good looks was signed.
After drinking for three rounds, the middle-aged man’s distaste
for Chi Zhao grew. He felt that Chi Zhao was not as good as the other
actor and only his face was not bad.
Chi Zhao didn’t drink and had long discovered that the middle-
aged man was looking at him. He however didn’t pay it any
attention. This continued until the look in his eyes started to change.
Chi Zhao raised his head unhappily and sent him a look of warning.
But just this one look seemed to have lit that middle-aged man’s
Bah! The thing he cannot stand the most is this kind of fake bitch.
He was only able to get the role of the protagonist because he slept
with Qi Yuyang! As long as anyone gives him enough money, he
would be willing to climb into anyone’s bed!
The middle-aged man placed down his glass and looked at Chi
Zhao with narrowed eyes, “Xue Qing, you shouldn’t be like this.
Everyone’s drinking and only you’re not drinking. If you’re so
uncooperative right now, what is it going to be like when it’s time
to film?”
Chi Zhao smiled apologetically, “I’m sorry, it’s not that I don’t
want to drink but my body doesn’t allow it. Let’s do this. time.
time, I’ll definitely accompany you for a drink.”
Chi Zhao didn’t rudely cut him down and wanted to give the other
party a chance to back off but unfortunately the middle-aged man
didn’t take the hint. The middle-aged man’s expression suddenly
turned meaningful. He had been waiting for those words.
“You’re the one you said it. It’s not that you don’t want to drink.
Here.” The middle-aged man poured a glass of baijiu (KKnotes:
Chinese clear liquor, it’s pretty strong) and slammed it on the
table in front of Chi Zhao, “Drink it. Take it as giving me face.
Didn’t you say that you had gastritis yesterday? If you drink this,
it will show your sincerity and I can guarantee our cooperation.
How about it?”
Hearing him say that, a few of them quickly stood up to stop him
but the middle-aged man seemed to have drunk too much. He
turned a deaf ear to the other people’s coaxing and continued to
look at Chi Zhao while Chi Zhao looked down at the glass. While he
remained expressionless externally, he asked the system with
absolute seriousness, “Can I beat him up?”
System: “…….”
The system also considered it seriously before answering with
some difficulty.
Please read this from kk translates
【 That will ruin your character set up. Why don’t you lure him
out, put a sack over his head and beat him half to death? I can help
you find a good spot. The bathroom here is pretty good but there is
surveillance by the door. Ah, how about the back door? There is an
alley there and it’s not monitored. It’s a good place to beat someone
Chi Zhao was only saying it though. Although he really wanted to
beat this guy up, Chi Zhao had now lived for many years so his
attitude towards life had changed. He had become more peaceful
and is no longer the inexperienced youngster who would lash out in
response to any provocation.
Hearing Chi Zhao’s calmness and indifference, the system
expressed admiration.
【Host, you’re amazing.】
Chi Zhao smiled. Just as he wanted to boast a little more, he
heard the middle-aged man next to him continue speaking,
“Why? Not willing to drink? Okay, okay, I won’t force you lest the
others say that I’m bullying you. Let’s do this. You come here and
serve me drinks.”
The rest of the people: “…….” Is he seeking death right now? He
even dares to do that to Qi Yuyang’s person!
Chi Zhao: “…….” Dammit, don’t stop me. I’m going to beat him up
right now!
System: “………..” What did you say about being more peaceful?
Chi Zhao shot up. He was the type who liked to take action as soon
as he thought of something but before he could roll up his sleeves, a
dark figure suddenly flew past him, punching the middle-aged man
in the nose. The middle-aged man let out a cry of agony and looked
up with anger only to be met with Qi Yuyang’s face. The middle-aged
man froze.
Qi Yuyang’s chest rose and fell and he looked furious. Before the
midde-aged man could beg for mercy, he was slammed with another
punch. By the time the others could pry them apart, the middle-aged
man’s face had become swollen to the point that it resembled a pig’s
Chi Zhao stared at this scene, dumbfounded. This dumbfounded
look however was only expressed internally and, in order to
maintain his character, he didn’t show any obvious changes on his
face apart from slight surprise. He didn’t expect Qi Yuyang to
suddenly appear and give that man a beating.
Qi Yuyang wasn’t someone to curse. He believed in the principle
of speaking less and doing more so he just glanced coldly at the
middle-aged man before turning and walking out. He didn’t call Chi
Zhao but Chi Zhao reacted quickly and ran out after him.
This farce ended very quickly. The rest of the people looked at
each other and then at the unconscious pig head on the ground
before shaking their heads sympathetically.
He may have had his fun just now but tomorrow, he will suffer.
Although he wouldn’t die, the middle-aged man would definitely
experience big misfortune.
Qi Yuyang went straight out to the parking lot and slammed the
door shut with a loud bang after getting in. Chi Zhao who was a few
steps behind stood outside the car for a moment. He couldn’t help
but furrow his brows before getting in as well.
The air in the car was very quiet with only Qi Yuyang’s breathing
which had not yet calmed down. Chi Zhao who sat on the other side
was like he was completely invisible. Even his breathing couldn’t be
heard. If you closed your eyes, you wouldn’t realise that there was a
second person there.
After an unknown amount of time passed, Qi Yuyang raised his
eyes and glanced at him, “Why didn’t you respond when he said
something like that to you?”
I did respond. If it wasn’t for you suddenly appearing, the one
beating him up would be me.
Chi Zhao answered inside and then slowly raised his eyes and
answered with another question, “He was only speaking
nonsense. Why did you hit him? And you did it in front of so many
people. You’re really unafraid of the law?”
Qi Yuyang turned his head away and didn’t speak.
The matters at work had already left him in a bad mood and after
not seeing Xue Qing for three consecutive hours, he felt like his head
was about to explode. He had come here to find Xue Qing to relieve
him of this pain only to overhear that old pervert say something like
that. When he heard it, anger immediately rose inside him and,
without any second thought, he had already thrown out a punch.
Right now, he had calmed down considerably but he also didn’t
regret his actions. Instead, he felt that he should’ve hit him more.
Seeing that Xue Qing was still looking at him, clearly waiting for
him to answer, Qi Yuyang stewed over it for a while before
muttering, “Because he’s disgusting.”
Chi Zhao who heard this lowered his eyes. He said slowly, “Don’t
do this in the future, this is my own business.”
Qi Yuyang frowned even more deeply. But he thought about it.
Xue Qing was right. Men all like to save face. After being spoken to
like that by that old pervert, Xue Qing would naturally get angry.
Perhaps his decision to stand up for him just now conversely made
him feel like he had lost even more face.
Qi Yuyang pursed his lips and was silent for a while. He changed
the subject, “After high school, have you had a girlfriend?”
Qi Yuyang had asked this with no other hidden intentions. He just
wanted to know about his old classmate’s life better but the moment
that question was asked, he started to feel a little nervous, as if the
answer was very important to him.
Qi Yuyang blinked a few times. He didn’t understand why he felt
this but before he could have the chance to think about it, he heard
Chi Zhao say, “No. What about you?”
Qi Yuyang smiled, “Neither.”
With his current state, not becoming a serial killer was already a
good enough so don’t expect anything like dating.
But now, with Xue Qing here, perhaps he could find someone he
likes and experience what love was like.
For a while, the two didn’t speak. Suddenly there was a laugh. This
laugh came too suddenly. Chi Zhao looked over with confusion,
“What are you laughing at?”
Qi Yuyang laughed while shaking his head, “Don’t you find it
ironic? The two of us were school heartthrobs in high school but
six years have passed and everyone else has escaped single life
except for us school heartthrobs.”
This statement was indeed very amusing and, with the addition of
Qi Yuyang’s laugh which was gentle and infectious, Chi Zhao also
couldn’t help but smile. His smile was very light and humble but it
instantly attracted Qi Yuyang’s attention, making it difficult for him
to look away.
If Xue Qing smiled more, that would be great.
This thought suddenly appeared in his mind. Qi Yuyang lowered
his eyes to hide those thoughts of his and after a few seconds, he
looked up again, “Are you full?”
Chi Zhao shook his head. The food today was only good in
appearance, but it didn’t taste great and the people around him were
too noisy, making him lose his appetite.
Qi Yuyang started the car, “It just so happened that I haven’t
eaten either. Let’s go find a place to eat. What do you want?”
Qi Yuyang was looking back while reversing and didn’t pay
attention to Chi Zhao, so he didn’t see the latter’s eyes light up,
Qi Yuyang looked over with surprise. Chi Zhao’s face stiffened,
and he quickly returned to the original owner’s paralysed face. He
said calmly, “I mean, let’s have barbeque. Haven’t had it in a while
so it wouldn’t be bad having some.”
Qi Yuyang: “……..”
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KK has something to say: BBQ~ 🍖🍖
Chapter 61
Source: KK Translates


Xue Qing was a celebrity. If he wanted to have barbeque, he

couldn’t go to any of the lively food stalls or roadside stalls that
don’t have a roof over them. Qi Yuyang searched on the navigation
before finally taking Xue Qing to a famous barbeque restaurant.
He left Xue Qing in the car and got out alone.
Qi Yuyang didn’t let him out so Chi Zhao could only look out
eagerly. He really wanted to have barbeque. It had been almost a
hundred years since he last had it.
In the last world, he could still barbeque food but because the
original ingredients were gone and the soul element of barbeque
—–Mr. Cumin had disappeared into the depths of history, no matter
how you barbequed, you just couldn’t get the right taste.
Looking at the brightly lit and smoky barbeque restaurant from
outside, Chi Zhao swallowed.
About five minutes later, Qi Yuyang came out again. Seeing him
start the car without saying a word, Chi Zhao almost went out of
character, “Where are we going?”
Weren’t we going to have barbeque?
Chi Zhao didn’t ask it out loud, but Qi Yuyang understood his
question. He smiled slightly, “I spoke to them. They will send it
over when it’s done. You can’t eat in a place like that so I booked
a private room at another place and they will send it over there.”
So it turned out to be like this. Qi Yuyang was quite thoughtful.
It was enough that he could have barbeque. Chi Shao was relieved
and very visibly relaxed.
Qi Yuyang watched the changes in his expression from the corner
of his eyes and couldn’t help but find it funny. How long has he not
had barbeque for him to get so anxious about it? If he didn’t let him
have it today, would he be utterly depressed and be unable to sleep
This old classmate of his may look cold and aloof but in fact he
still had the same emotions and desires as normal people. After
recognising this, Qi Yuyang felt a little happier inside.
He still has desires. That’s a good thing.
The two men have good appetite. After arriving to the private
room, Qi Yuyang ordered four more dishes and, not long afterwards,
the barbeque was delivered. He had ordered more than two-
hundred-yuan worth of food which was equivalent to the amount
for four people but in front of Qi Yuyang and Chi Zhao, it wasn’t a
problem at all.
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To be a celebrity, one must stay in shape or your body would
appear dry and shrivelled on camera when you take off your shirt.
Chi Zhao had been exercising everyday so there are already obvious
muscle lines on his lower abdomen. Although it wasn’t to the extent
of a body builder, there were faint six pack abs.
Coupled with Xue Qing’s beautiful face, Chi Zhao would always
admire his appearance in the mirror for a while every time he took a
Really handsome. If his hair was longer and he wore ancient
costumes, he could go and cosplay as a heavenly deity.
Right now, this heavenly deity had a lamb skewers in his left hand
and roasted kidneys in his right. He nibbled on the skewers while
his other hand dipped the food in chili powder. His usually thin lips
had turned bright red from the food and there was also a gloss to it
that couldn’t be overlooked.
Qi Yuyang: “……..”
Qi Yuyang watched him silently for a while before pouring him
a glass of alcohol and saying in a low voice, “If you encounter
something like that again, even if you don’t want to get physical,
don’t just keep it in. If you continue doing that, it would only give
the other person the impression that you are easy to bully. I have
seen plenty of these people, their minds are filled with useless
lewd thoughts. It’s useless talking sense to them.”
Chi Zhao divided his attention from eating and looked at Qi
Yuyang, “I understand.”
He had answered too carelessly so Qi Yuyang frowned, “It has
been almost a year since you’ve debuted but why are you still like
this? You don’t care when someone insults you?”
Chi Zhao felt that Qi Yuyang was being strange. He placed down
the skewer he was down devouring, wiped his mouth and finally
became a little more serious, “I care so don’t worry, I won’t let
myself suffer.”
Qi Yuyang took in his serious gaze and for some reason had the
urge to smile. He picked up his glass and used the act of drinking to
conceal the small grin on his lips.
He had concealed it well, but it couldn’t escape Chi Zhao’s eyes. He
narrowed his eyes “Why, you don’t believe me? I’m not as weak as
you think, I’m very strong.”
Qi Yuyang still didn’t speak. He raised his brows and lowered his
glass back down. This could be regarded as giving Chi Zhao a
His dignity as a man had been provoked. Chi Zhao tossed aside the
sewers in his hands and said extremely seriously, “I’m not
bragging. I am really very strong.”
Knowing that he may be upset if he didn’t agree, Qi Yuyang said as
if he was coaxing him, “Yes, yes, I know. You’re the strongest.”
Chi Zhao: “………”
Although he didn’t drink, Chi Zhao had had a lot of mutton and
also some pork loins, so he was on fire. He was completely serious,
“I’m not lying. Even someone like you can’t beat me.”
Qi Yuyang looked at Chi Zhao and paused for a few seconds. He
clapped and said flatly, “Really? That’s amazing.”
Chi Zhao: “………”
It had been a long time since someone dared to provoke him like
this. Chi Zhao closed his eyes, calmed his breathing a little before
quietly opening his eyes again and smiling at Qi Yuyang.
Qi Yuyang was caught off guard by this faint smile. He saw a hand
reach out towards him but, because it belonged to Chi Zhao, he knew
that he wasn’t in danger, so he didn’t avoid it even if the other
party’s actions seemed to carry malicious intent.
In less than a second, the chair and table collided and Qi Yuyang
who was originally sitting in that chair had been thrown onto the
ground by Chi Zhao.
He was pressed onto the ground with his rightarm pressed behind
his back by Chi Zhao. Chi Zhao didn’t use much force, so Qi Yuyang
wasn’t hurt but he was surprised. As it turneded out, Xue Qing
wasn’t bragging and really had some skills.
Chi Zhao smiled triumphantly, “Do you believe me now?”
Qi Yuyang who was pressed under him recovered from the initial
shock. His gaze deepened and he then suddenly applied force,
switching the positions of the two around in an instant. Chi Zhao
who had no chance to resist was slammed onto the ground. The
floor was covered in thick tiles. If his head really knocked against it,
he would at a very minimum get a mild concussion.
But just as Chi Zhao was about to hit the floor, Qi Yuyang quickly
cushioned it with his palm.
Qi Yuyang had Chi Zhao’s two hands pressed above his head with
one hand, while the other supported the back of Chi Zhao’s head.
This position meant that Qi Yuyang was basically lying on top of Chi
He had knees next to Chi Zhao’s abdomen, one on each side, and
their eyes were no more than ten centimetres apart. Qi Yuyang had
only instinctively wanted to subdue the person who dared to throw
him down, but he didn’t expect to find himself in such a situation.
Xue Qing was lying underneath himself, his lips tightly pressed
together and his clear eyes carrying a hint of anger. He seemed to
quite upset with the current situation.
But Xue Qing was Xue Qing. Even if he was unhappy, he wouldn’t
say it, let alone express it. He would just stare at you with eyes cold
enough to freeze you and send a chill down your back before you
finally let him go.
If it was anyone else, they might have followed Xue Qing’s wishes
and let him go but Qi Yuyang was different.
Xue Qing looked at him while he looked back at Xue Qing. The
emotions in his eyes gradually grew deeper and deeper….
“Guest, are you oka…..ah!” The waitress who had rushed in
immediately rushed back out when she was met with this scene.
“Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to do that. I thought…..please
continue! I’m really sorry!”
The waitress escaped faster than she came. After running several
tens of metres, she later realised something. That person
underneath just now……Didn’t he look like Xue Qing?
Oh my god!!
Chi Zhao: “………”
Qi Yuyang: “……….”
After the waitress barged in, no matter whether it was anger or
ambiguity, it had all disappeared without a trace. Chi Zhao quickly
recovered and pushed Qi Yuyang aside. As he straightened up his
clothes, he said unhappily, “You win this time.”
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He was just careless. If they went at it seriously, it would be hard
to tell who may win.
System: “………..”
Chi Zhao sat back in his chair and picked up his chopsticks to
continue eating. It was only after he picked something up that he
realised that Qi Yuyang hadn’t answered him. He looked over with
confusion and saw that Qi Yuyang was sitting about two seats away
from him with his eyes lowered, seemingly in thought.
Chi Zhao frowned and asked, “What’s wrong?”
Qi Yuyang’s ears moved slightly. He uncomfortably touched his
hot earlobe, “It’s nothing, just a bit hot.”
Hot? It’s only early June right now and the wind at night is rather
cool, not to mention the private room they’re in also has air
conditioning. Chi Zhao looked at him strangely before finally coming
to an understanding, “It’s because of the barbeque. Since you’re
feeling hot, don’t eat it.”
After he said that, Chi Zhao brought the rest of the barbeque to his
side, leaving nothing for Qi Yuyang.
Qi Yuyang: “………….”
Alcohol could numb people’s nerves. When Xue Qing wasn’t
around, Qi Yuyang would rely on sleeping pills and drinking to
relieve his pain, but medicine can be addictive and drinking before
sleeping can be detrimental to health.
So he only used them as last resort.
The last time he relied on alcohol to sleep was several months
ago. Today Qi Yuyang drank a lot of alcohol again but this time it
wasn’t because he wanted to sleep well, but because he was happy.
Drinking, skewers, chatting with friends. All these normal and
common things was something Qi Yuyang had done for the first
time. He called his secretary to take himself and Xue Qing home
together and, after getting home, Qi Yuyang didn’t even take a
shower and directly laid down and fell asleep.
His alcohol tolerance was actually very average. If it wasn’t, he
wouldn’t have used alcohol to help him sleep. Today he was in a
really good mood, so he drank a little more than usual.
Before going to bed, Qi Yuyang thought in daze: If he could live a
normal life like this forever, if he no longer had to suffer from
nightmares or pain, how good would that be……..
Not long after falling asleep, Qi Yuyang realised that he was
dreaming again. The dreams in the past were terrifying and this
time it was no exception, but every time he woke up, he couldn’t
remember the contents of his dreams, so he had no idea what was so
terrifying about it.
Standing in a dark room, Qi Yuyang gradually started to feel
suffocated. He closed his eyes and started to use the method the
doctor taught him before; slowly rolling his eyes and moving his
fingers. After doing this for a while, he could wake up from the
nightmare. Although falling asleep again would be more difficult, it
was better than staying in a nightmare.
As he did this, he suddenly had a feeling of being watched. Qi
Yuyang immediately opened his eyes and saw Xue Qing standing
opposite him.
Qi Yuyang was stunned: “…….Xue Qing?”
Xue Qing looked very young and he seemed a little shorter. It
seemed to be a younger version of him. At this moment, he was
looking expressionlessly at Qi Yuyang. Although the usual Xue Qing
was also expressionless, it wasn’t like how he looked like now, as if
he had no soul. At this very moment, he looked like an empty
puppet, quietly watching over Qi Yuyang. Deep fear instantly
overwhelmed Qi Yuyang.
Suddenly, Xue Qing moved. Seeing him approach himself, Qi
Yuyang immediately closed his eyes, not daring to look again. He
couldn’t even begin to think about why the Xue Qing in his dream
looked like this. Just as Qi Yuyang was feeling panicked, like his
heart was about to stop, the cold and terrifying feeling suddenly
A warm hand touched his cheek. Qi Yuyang’s eyelashes trembled
slightly and he slowly opened his eyes. Xue Qing was standing in
front of him with a faint smile on his face. He opened his mouth and
said in a very, very low voice, “Be good, don’t be afraid.”
“I’m here.”
Grief immediately rose inside him. The feeling of being saved
couldn’t help but make his eyes dampen with tears. He didn’t
hesitate to stretch out his hand and hug this person who could bring
warmth to his lonely and gloomy life. He buried his head deep in the
shoulders of the other person, greedily taking in their scent.
Xue Qing’s hand was still on his head, slowly comforting him. Qi
Yuyang raised his head after a while. His eyes were deep and
solemn, as if he had made a decision. Upon seeing this, Xue Qing
revealed an even gentler smile. Qi Yuyang leaned in and kissed those
lips of his.
The entire time, Xue Qing didn’t reject him. Tonight, the room that
was once the birthplace of Qi Yuyang’s nightmares had become the
place for him to experience the beginning of passion and ecstasy.
At 2:10 in the morning, for the first time in six years, Qi Yuyang
was not awakened by a nightmare.
He could still remember everything in the dream. He stared up at
the dark ceiling above him and then reached down to touch himself.
After another ten minutes, Qi Yuyang who had changed his
pyjama’s opened Xue Qing’s door. Xue Qing was lying in bed,
sleeping soundly. It was summer now, but he hadn’t changed to
thinner sheets so his face that was buried in the sheets had a faint
He had his entire body buried in his pillow and under the sheets.
He looked much softer than usual with his eyes closed. Qi Yuyang
slowly walked to his side and pulled down the sheets slightly for
him. Seemingly feeling something in his sleep, Xue Qing’s brows
furrowed subconsciously, and he rolled over in Qi Yuyang’s
direction. He nuzzled against the pillow a few times before
becoming quiet again.
Seeing the series of unconscious actions, Qi Yuyang couldn’t help
but smile silently. He sat down next to Xue Qing. After a long time, a
low sigh sounded in the dark night.
“Now, you really can’t leave.”
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KK has something to say: Oh my, ML had a spring dream~ 🤭
Chapter 62
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao slept until dawn, completely unaware that just last night,
the plot of this world had become precarious again.
In order to keep him from going out, Qi Yuyang basically pushed
away all the activities he could push aside. He hadn’t been like this
before but since the time they had barbeque, his actions had become
more and more intense.
If you asked him, he would give a plausible explanation: Keep a
low profile and accept less of those messy activities can reduce the
chance of meeting perverts.
But how could there be so many perverts? Although there are
men who like men, there aren’t as many of them as heterosexuals.
The manager made some reasonable complaints, but he didn’t dare
say it to Qi Yuyang. He could only suggest to Chi Zhao to personally
talk it out with Qi Yuyang. Chi Zhao however wasn’t interested about
increasing his exposure. He had already had his fun being an actor
and no longer have any interest in acting or appearing in front of the
Let’s put it this way. If Qi Yuyang pushed all his activities off and
made him stay at home everyday to lounge around, he wouldn’t say
a word and would instead calmly accept it.
Him being like this not only made his manager confused, Qi
Yuyang was also unhappy.
It was because Qi Yuyang realised that he couldn’t tell what Xue
Qing wanted.
Humans live their lives to satisfy their desires. Only if one has
desires can they have the motivation to live. Qi Yuyang deeply
related to this but Xue Qing didn’t seem to be interested in anything.
He always looked like he had no desires in life, making Qi Yuyang
feel uneasy and even a little anxious.
Because like this, he felt like he couldn’t tie Xue Qing down. It was
as if Xue Qing would suddenly leave any moment.
Sitting in his office, Qi Yuyang looked down at the documents with
a gloomy expression. The employee who had brought the
documents over couldn’t help but sweat nervously. Recently,
President Qi hadn’t been coming to the company much and had
basically worked at home or chased an artist named Xue Qing
around. Today, he had turned up and they had thought that it was
because he was in a good mood, but it clearly didn’t seem to be the
The employee lamented inside and got ready for the incoming
anger but, after waiting for a long time, President Qi still didn’t
speak. He quietly raised his head. President Qi was still the same as
earlier, but his eyes appeared unfocused.
The employee breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to
turn and leave, he heard Qi Yuyang ask, “I remember that you
have been married for nine years and your daughter is currently
in elementary school?”
The employee was stunned, “Yes, President Qi. Why are you
suddenly asking me this?”
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Qi Yuyang stared at the employee’s face for a while and
suddenly asked, “With your appearance, you still managed to get
someone to give birth to your daughter. It seems that you have
some skills. How did you manage to capture your wife?”
Employee: “…….”
If you’re asking for experience, just ask for experience. Why are
you attacking me in the process?!
With a sullen face, the employee silently cursed him back. He then
smiled and said, “It’s very simple. Just treat her well. Treat her
better than anyone else would.”
Qi Yuyang furrowed his brows, “I also know that I should treat
him well but how should I do it?” (KKnotes: Him and her sound the
same in Chinese so the employee isn’t aware that Qi Yuyang is
talking about a man.)
Qi Yuyang was just a young man in his twenties and he clearly has
no experience in dating. Seeing the aloof president suddenly asking
himself how to pursue another woman, the employee straightened
his back and secretly felt satisfied inside.
“Pay attention to her inner world and satisfy her material
needs. The most important thing is to make her aware that you
are talking to her as a man. These are the three important
points. With president’s conditions, no matter how difficult that
woman is, it shouldn’t be a problem for you.”
Qi Yuyang didn’t correct the employee’s misunderstanding. He
thought about the three points and felt that they were reliable
advice. But what did it mean to make him realise that he’s talking to
him as a man?
Qi Yuyang asked the employee this. The employee just smiled
mysteriously, “Because your ultimate goal is to become her
boyfriend, not her friend. If you don’t correctly show her that, it’s
useless even if you give her the moon. The only outcome is
becoming her male best friend.”
Qi Yuyang understood. It’s basically making him understand that
he is interested in him.
Suddenly being told that he wanted to have a heart to heart talk,
Chi Zhao couldn’t react.
There was a swimming pool in Qi Yuyang’s home. At eight o’clock
in the evening, the two men sat by the pool together, each wearing
loose fitting pants and holding a bottle of beer in their hands.
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Chi Zhao can swim but Xue Qing couldn’t so he could only sit by
the side of the pool in daze. Qi Yuyang also can swim but, in order to
accompany Xue Qing, he similarly stayed on land.
“I remember when we were in high school, as soon as there
was swimming class, you would take the day off. I thought that
after so many years you would have learnt to swim.”
Chi Zhao shook his head, “Didn’t learn.”
Almost no actors couldn’t swim because they didn’t know when
they will be required to film water related scenes. Qi Yuyang looked
at Chi Zhao, “Are you afraid of water?
How would Chi Zhao know the answer to this? The plot didn’t
mention everything about this so Chi Zhao could only continue
shaking his head and reply vaguely, “I just don’t want to learn.”
Doesn’t that still mean that you’re afraid of water?
Qi Yuyang was able to understand Xue Qing a little more and felt a
little happy. He laid down on the beach chair and looked up at the
dark and gloomy sky. The air in the city was very bad at night. Not to
mention stars, even the clouds in the sky couldn’t be seen.
“My father taught me how to swim. He said that swimming is a
skill that everyone should know and then threw me into the pol
regardless of whether I wanted to do it or not.”
Qi Yuyang showed a nostalgic expression, “I thought I was
going to drown. At that time, I thought my father wanted to kill
me. I flailed around in the water for a long time shouting for help
but then I realised that my father had been supporting me all
along so that I didn’t sink.”
“He was rarely by my side when I was young and was always
very busy. My mother then divorced him, so no one was at home
to care for me. Over a month, I would only see him a few times
but during those few times he left me with good memories so
when I think of him now, I don’t feel any resentment towards
Qi Yuyang started to talk about his past. When he finished saying
this, he didn’t hear a response from the other party. Looking over, he
saw that Chi Zhao was looking ahead in daze.
To put it bluntly, Chi Zhao could resonate with the topic of
childhood but that wasn’t the case for Xue Qing.
His mother had died when he was four and his father was also
someone with a warped character. Raised by his father since a
young age, he became selfish, numb and indifferent; not liking
anything in this world and also not hating anything in this world. He
was basically like an emotionless stone. It could be seen in the plot
that Xue Qing held almost no feelings for his father. As for why it
was almost, it was because the little bit of feeling he had for his
father was just hatred.
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He felt that his father was responsible for him becoming like this.
His father had never shown him any concern when he was a child
and he had never experienced love, so he naturally didn’t know how
to love others.
That was very reasonable but unfortunately when criminals are
convicted, they don’t think about why the criminals become the way
they have turned out and only investigate what they did.
As Qi Yuyang spoke, Chi Zhao was in daze. He was thinking about
Xue Qing’s past but in Qi Yuyang’s eyes, he looked like he had fallen
into his own memories. Qi Yuyang now remembered that Xue Qing
seemed to have come from a single-parent household and his family
background wasn’t very good.
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Qi Yuyang was a little conflicted. He however was still a little
curious because Xue Qing had never talked about his family, “How is
your father now?”
Chi Zhao was surprised, “You remember my father?”
Qi Yuyang rubbed his nose, “I don’t remember, just heard
others talk about it. Seemed to be a professor or a doctor?”
He used to be a doctor and a part-time professor but since Xue
Qing started high school, he quit his job and stayed at home the
whole time doing who knows what kind of bad things.
Xue Qing’s impression of his father was only two words;
indifference and hatred of the rich. Chi Zhao however felt that this
impression of his wasn’t very reliable.
Because from the plot point of view, his father had a lot of
students and many of these students are children from even
wealthier backgrounds than Qi Yuyang but he didn’t do anything to
them. Instead, he taught them and imparted them with knowledge.
Perhaps he really did hate the rich, but it certainly wasn’t as extreme
as what Xue Qing thought.
Alas, it was useless saying anything now. He was already dead.
After kidnapping Qi Yuyang, Xue Qing’s father had disappeared.
No one knew where he went and what he was doing. Xue Qing
thought he was going to squander the money had had ransomed. Qi
Yuyang’s grandparents had given him a ransom of 60 million and six
years ago, the value of 60 million was double the current value. With
so much money, it was enough for him to spend it for a lifetime.
When Xue Qing’s father left, he didn’t leave any of the ransom
money for Xue Qing but he didn’t take away the house, the house
deposit or any of the other money. Xue Qing had relied on these
things to survive until this day. Without it, he wouldn’t have even
been able to attend college.
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment, “He used to be a doctor. As
for now, I don’t know.”
Qi Yuyang was surprised, “You don’t know…….What does that
Qi Yuyang could easily find out whether or not Chi Zhao was lying
with a quick check, so Chi Zhao told the truth, “He has left for many
years now. I don’t know how he’s doing.”
After saying this, Chi Zhao lowered his eyes and acted the role of a
pitiful child abandoned by his father. Qi Yuyang watched him
silently. He didn’t know how to coax someone, let alone comfort
them so after a brief silence, he laid back down, looked up at the
dark sky and then closed his eyes.
“There are many visitors in life. Among those who leave you,
he is not the first and he will also not be the last.”
Chi Zhao looked over at Qi Yuyang with a frown. He didn’t
understand what he was trying to say.
“Some would leave, some would stay.” Qi Yuyang suddenly
opened his eyes. He turned to look at Chi Zhao and the two looked at
each other. Chi Zhao was slightly startled inside.
Blinking his eyes, Qi Yuyang revealed a slightly shy smile, “As for
me, I want to stay.”
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Chapter 63
Source: KK Translates


Those words floated through the gentle and cool air. Chi Zhao
hadn’t reacted yet, and instead it was Qi Yuyang himself who felt
moved. He subconsciously lowered his head slightly, carefully
savouring his current feelings.
Warm, gentle and full.
This was a feeling that would appear when a man has someone
they want to pursue, protect and possess. The Qi Yuyang from half a
year ago would have never even dreamed of living like an ordinary
person but now, not only has he lived such a life, he has also found
someone who could move his heart.
It just so happened that this person was also his cure and the
guide in his dream.
Qi Yuyang chuckled for a long time before looking up again at Xue
Qing who should’ve already responded to his words. But, when he
looked up, he saw that Xue Qing’s expression was a bit strange.
Chi Zhao: “Emmmmmmmm……”
System: “……….”
【Don’t steal my lines, thank you very much.】
Chi Zhao looked at Qi Yuyang strangely again and then
absentmindedly stood up and walked towards his room. Qi Yuyang
watched his leaving figure, perplexed, and his expression started to
reveal some nervousness.
Did he realise that I like him?
Does he……..hate me?
That was why they say that it’s not good to overthink. Chi Zhao’s
actions didn’t actually mean anything. He only wanted to return to
his room to talk to the system. He was just anxious and forgot that
he still hadn’t responded to Qi Yuyang.
The pool wasn’t close to the bedroom. Chi Zhao returned to his
room after walking for five minutes and he was in thought the entire
time. When he closed the door, he reached a conclusion, “This is just
his way of trying to make me stay, right?”
Chi Zhao had been here for about two or three months. According
to the plot, Qi Yuyang’s mentality should have developed to the
point where he must keep Xue Qing by his side as a human
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With this, it could explain his abnormal behaviour today; asking
him to have heart to heart talk with him was so that he could
capture him from the psychological aspect and make him willingly
stay. The somewhat subtle line at the end was probably one of his
flowery words used to convince him.
After analysing it for a long time, the system still hadn’t spoken a
word. Chi Zhao was puzzled. He called out, “System, are you still
“Why haven’t you said anything?” Chi Zhao then asked, “What
are you doing? Did you hear what I said just now?”
【 I’m downloading the latest version of the must sing karaoke
song list. Do you want to have a go singing?】
Chi Zhao: “…..Is now the right time to sing?!”
The system was silent for a few seconds. After that, it’s voice
sounded again but this time it sounded a little wronged.
【 Then what time is it now? Don’t you just want me to tell you
that the protagonist doesn’t like you? But think about it, whether the
protagonist likes you or not is not something we can control. Our
first two experiences have told us that the protagonist is crazy and,
no matter what you do, he will still become infatuated with you.】
…….That’s true.
“Then what to do? Just do nothing?”
【It’s very simple, just preserve yourself and don’t fall for him. Let
him do his own thing and when the time comes, it would be
impossible for him not to hate you.】
Chi Zhao nodded with understanding. After nodding for a
while, he found it strange, “Why are you so calm today?
Whenever we’re on this topic, you would usually become agitated
and be ready to fight. What’s wrong with you today?”
The system let out a long sigh and after that it didn’t speak. After
about half a minute, a mellow tune sounded in Chi Zhao’s mind.
【 I am like the mourning goose in the sky, I am like a dragon
swimming on a shallow beach, I am like a fish swallowing a hook
line, I am like a boat that loses its rudder in the waves. Alas, thinking
about it, my heart feels broken. How I wish tonight could turn into
Chi Zhao: “……..”
The system seems to have received too much stimulation and had
now begun to sing Peking Opera.
Hearing Chi Zhao’s horrified internal voice, the system sighed
again. It wasn’t stimulated, it just saw the miserable future of this
world that seems to be on the verge of collapsing.
The opera song was still playing. The system sorted out its own
library and after everything was arranged, it picked out the next
song to sing: Heart Sutra.
Recently, the system had become obsessed with singing and from
time to time there would be the sound of Peking Opera and drums. It
was estimated that in a few months, it would be able to do stand-up
comedy. Chi Zhao didn’t know what to say for a while but when he
couldn’t bear with it anymore, he requested that the system cut off
the connection between them. He really didn’t wan to listen to old-
fashioned songs play in his mind day in and day out.
Days gradually passed by. Even if Qi Yuyang didn’t want Chi Zhao
to leave, he couldn’t keep Chi Zhao at home for the rest of his life.
Very soon, it was time for the filming of ‘Dream Whisperer’ to start.
Chi Zhao was quite confident in his acting skills. After all, he was
someone the scum shou system had bound itself to and he had
already lived for more than two hundred years. This was just acting
out a scene, it’s what he usually does so it’s shouldn’t be a problem.
After standing in front of the camera for a while, Chi Zhao realised
that his face really hurts.
Xue Qing’s acting skills were average, and Chi Zhao’s was even
more average compared to Xue Qing. What did average mean? It was
barely passable. Anyone who saw it would just show a hopeless
expression and think ‘Forget it, forget it. Just make do with that’.
The next scene had nothing to do with him, so Chi Zhao hurried
away and squatted down in the corner to think about the meaning of
No wonder he failed the first two worlds……..
Chi Zhao was shocked. Turns out, he actually has no acting
Chi Zhao was shocked, but the system was even more shocked
than him. How could this be something you only find out about
The system really regretted it. It had thought that it had picked up
a treasure only to find out later that it had picked up a grenade. The
most annoying thing was that Chi Zhao acted very seriously every
time and his level of professionalism was no less than the other
hosts, but he just couldn’t succeed. Even the system didn’t know
what to say.
One person and one system squatted in the corner, depressed. Qi
Yuyang had gone to attend a meeting at work and had not yet
returned or he would’ve immediately come over to comfort Chi
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Today was the second day of filming. The screenwriter visited the
filming site and along the way greeted the actors.
The screenwriter was a well-known writer with tens of millions of
fans. He specialises in suspense and mystery novels and ‘Dream
Whisperer’ was one of his early works. When he arrived in the
morning, the screenwriter had already greeted Chi Zhao. The two of
them had no relations with each other so naturally they didn’t have
much to talk about. They only shook hands and exchanged greetings.
When the screenwriter could no longer stand Chi Zhao’s cold
attitude, he ran over to greet the female protagonist.
It was about two o’clock in the afternoon. The weather was very
hot. At this moment, the screenwriter was ready to go home. There
was a man standing beside him. The other party’s eyes wandered
aimlessly around the crew before finally locking onto Chi Zhao who
squatted in the corner, giving off a depressed mood.
That man tilted his head slightly and then approached Chi Zhao.
With a dark shadow suddenly looming over him, Chi Zhao raised
his head and looked blankly at this visitor.
The man didn’t mind his coldness and indifference. He smiled
slightly, his warm temperament becoming all the more prominent.
This man looked to be twenty-five or twenty-six years old. His looks
were clean and handsome. At first glance he looked very friendly but
upon closer inspection, one could see that his eyes were sharp, as if
he could see into the deepest part of a person’s heart.
He spoke, his voice sounding extremely pleasant, “Are you called
Xue Qing?”
Chi Zhao slowly turned his head to the side. It not only conformed
to the original owner’s personality; it was also because he didn’t
want to talk to this man.
Nonsense. The entire crew had already posted up photos of the
protagonist taken during filming, yet this person came and asked if
he was Xue Qing. Wasn’t he asking a question he already knew the
answer to?
Seeing that he didn’t want to answer him, the man found it more
amusing. He had seen Xue Qing on TV before, but he didn’t think that
he was actually such a cute person in private. Determined to
befriend him, the other party took out a business card from his
pocket and give it to Chi Zhao, “You can call me Louis. This is my
business card. If you have time, let’s have coffee together.”
Chi Zhao quickly turned his head back. His eyes were bright as he
looked at the person opposite him, “What did you just say your
name is?”
The man was slightly taken aback. This person seemed to be more
interested in his English name. After a brief moment of being
stunned, the man laughed gently, “Louis. It’s a name I used when I
studied abroad. After being called it for so many years, I grew
used to it so even back home, they continue to call me that.”
It was just having the same name. This person possessed no
similarities with his Louis, but even if it was just a name, it instantly
evoked many beautiful memories. Although the feelings inside him
had been filtered out, the memories were still there. It was all worth
There was a moment of warmth in Chi Zhao’s eyes, a look he
would never show when facing other people. Qi Yuyang who had
finished dealing with company affairs and hurried over to the
filming site was met with such a scene.
At two o’clock in the afternoon, the air was sultry. The sun that
was now at a slight angle shone lazily onto the two people. Xue Qing
was a few centimetres shorter than the other party, resulting in the
need for him to look up at him. His gaze was very focused. Although
Xue Qing wasn’t smiling, under the bright sunlight anyone could tell
that he had a good impression of this man.
He clearly had already seen Xue Qing and he was already standing
by his side, but Qi Yuyang felt the pain in his head become more and
more obvious, more and more severe. The pain this time was
different from before and it also carried some anger.
Chi Zhao was about to take the business card when a hand
suddenly appeared, roughly slapping his hand away and then
grabbing the brand-new business card. The card was directly
crushed in that hand, turning into wastepaper.
The man looked at Qi Yuyang in astonishment. Anger and desire
to monopolise in Qi Yuyang’s eyes were so strong, it frightened him.
The man found it very strange. He had never heard that Xue Qing
was gay. Was this person his boyfriend or his suitor?
Chi Zhao was also surprised but he didn’t show it. Moreover, after
a moment of surprise, his emotions were quickly replaced with
unhappiness. He hadn’t seen what was written on the business card
yet before Qi Yuyang roughly snatched it away. That was too
Through the corner of his eyes, Qi Yuyang saw a hint of
dissatisfaction on Xue Qing’s face. In an instant, his temples swelled
like they were about to explode. He glanced darkly at the man before
mercilessly throwing his business card to the ground and dragging
Chi Zhao away from the set by the wrist.
The man wanted to say something and reached out to stop him,
but Qi Yuyang had walked too fast and he could only watch the two
leave. He sighed, bent down and picked up the card that was
completely crumpled up.
How much strength must’ve been used to crush such a hard piece
of card to this degree? All he did was give Xue Qing a business card
not insult him, so was it necessary becoming so agitated?
Excessive possessiveness can lead to psychological abnormalities.
The boundary between objects and people would gradually blur and
end up becoming dangerous. This wasn’t a good thing. He didn’t
know if Xue Qing could withstand it.
The man shook his head slightly and internally expressed his
At this moment, the screenwriter approached him and wondered,
“Cheng Rang, what did you do to provoke President Qi?”
Cheng Ran was this man’s Chinese name. He was the
screenwriter’s cousin and also the consultant for the script. He
specialised in psychology and had helped provide the screenwriter
with a lot of useful resources. Hearing the screenwriter’s question,
Cheng Ran raised a brow, “You mean, that jealous god just now
was Qi Yuyang?”
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KK has something to say: ML so jealous and possessiveeee
Chapter 64
Source: KK Translates


When Cheng Ran went over to strike up a conversation with Chi

Zhao, the system was intoxicatedly singing “The Peony Pavilion”. As
soon as the last line was sung, the system suddenly noticed a
fluctuation in Chi Zhao’s mood. It hurried back, only to see Chi Zhao
being dragged towards the parking lot by Qi Yuyang and didn’t see
Cheng Ran who stood seven or eight metres away from them.
The parking lot wasn’t quiet, and people came and left at any time.
Qi Yuyang’s expression was sullen. He pushed Chi Zhao into the
passenger seat, closed the door and then quickly got in himself,
started up the car and stepped on the accelerator.
Qi Yuyang drove with no destination in mind. He basically drove
wherever there were fewer cars. After about ten minutes, he
reached a place where no one would recognise them before
stopping the car. It was clearly a place in the middle of nowhere.
Chi Zhao looked around and couldn’t help but keep silent.
This place seems to be an unfinished building site.
For legendary places where homicides are high, barren mountains
and plains rank first while unfinished building sites rank second.
Just now, Qi Yuyang didn’t seem to be acting very normally. Chi
Zhao didn’t dare disturb him for fear of flipping a switch in him and
ending up turned into a corpse and cruelly discarded away.
【 You’re overthinking it. Although the male protagonist isn’t a
good person, he most definitely won’t kill you in public.】
Chi Zhao, “Who says he won’t take my life? Didn’t the original
owner end up dying in prison because of him?!”
【That’s why I’m saying that he won’t kill you in public.】
Oh, I see.
But right now, he wasn’t in public!
Chi Zhao looked at Qi Yuyang warily. The latter turned off the car
engine and also turned to look his way. Seeing the alertness and
vigilance in Chi Zhao’s eyes, his expression froze for a moment. He
paused and said mockingly, “Why? You think I will hurt you?”
Chi Zhao didn’t speak. His silence basically answered Qi Yuyang’s
question. Qi Yuyang’s eyes turned red. He didn’t understand. He and
Xue Qing have known each other for many years and they’re also
living under the same roof right now. Over the past few months, he
had thought that they got along well but why? Why was Xue Qing
not willing to even trust him a little bit?
Even a stranger he had just met could receive undisguised
kindness and warmth but him? He got nothing.
Chi Zhao was shocked. He still maintained a calm look on the
outside, but he was panicking inside. He quickly asked the
system, “What should I do? Is the protagonist going to turn
aggressive? Why do I feel that he is angry to the point of wanting
to strangle me?!”
System: “……” He indeed wants to strangle him but not because of
anger, but because of jealousy.
Compared to the system who is just a body of data, Chi Zhao was
much more nervous. He also had his feelings filtered out, so his
recognition of feelings was a little on the slower side. He hadn’t
noticed that Qi Yuyang’s feelings for him had changed but the
system could see it.
A turbulent flow of data flashed past. The system revealed the
evilest smile it had ever made in its entire life.
You dare fall for my host! You dare break up the plotline! You dare
not play your cards according to normal routine! Since I can’t
complete my mission and can’t spend my days happily, don’t even
think about living happily yourself!
The blackened system replied to Chi Zhao in a naïve, almost
adorable tone.
【Don’t be nervous. Qi Yuyang is ill. For now, you are his only life-
saving medicine. If something happens to you or if you show any
intention to leave, he will definitely be very angry. Didn’t you
suspect that Qi Yuyang may like you a little? It just so happens that
this is an opportunity. Go against him. No matter what he says, go
against his words. Make him get angry to the point of vomiting
blood. He will definitely never like you again after that.】
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Chi Zhao: “……..” Is this approach really feasible?
Before he could ask further, Qi Yuyang had already moved closer
to him. The red veins in his eyes became more and more visible,
making him look like a terrifying man-eating demon. He had his fists
clenched tightly and, because he was using too much force, the joints
let out a soft crack.
“Why aren’t you answering me? Do you hate me so much, you
don’t even want to talk to me?”
Forget it. He should just do whatever he can to salvage the
situation right now. Regardless of whether or not the protagonist
has good feelings for him, it was better to take precautions. Right
now, the protagonist cannot be away from him so he definitely
wouldn’t do anything to him. Even if he annoys him to death, he
could only let him remain by his side.
Thinking this, Chi Zhao felt relieved. He coldly raised his eyes and
met with Qi Yuyang’s gaze. His voice was still the same as usual,
showing that there had not been any fluctuations to his mood and
that he was not at all concerned about Qi Yuyang’s current state.
“I have nothing to say to you.”
Qi Yuyang stared at Chi Zhao’s indifferent face and a sense of
powerlessness surged inside him. Xue Qing really didn’t like him,
and he actually even hates him.
Why? Did he do something to offend him? Or…….did he never care
for him from the very beginning?
Chi Zhao wasn’t good at arguments and had never lashed out at
anyone. The only time that could be considered as lashing out was
when he was dealing with Li Yihan’s aunt. He rehearsed several
cruel lines in his mind for a while when suddenly, he felt some pain.
Chi Zhao’s chin was tightly pinched by Qi Yuyang, his fingers leaving
two red marks on his chin. The original owner’s body was the fragile
type where a light touch could leave a large bruise.
Chi Zhao was forced to look up. He looked at Qi Yuyang with both
shock and anger and used his eyes to command him to let go.
Look, this is Xue Qing. Even in a disadvantaged state, he wouldn’t
cry out or beg for mercy. He would always maintain that cold and
aloof attitude to everyone around him.
Only now did Qi Yuyang feel that Xue Qing was finally looking at
him properly. When all his attention was on him, Qi Yuyang seemed
to hear the sound of blood rushing through his vessels.
The person in his dream was right in front of him with nowhere to
escape, like a weak prey falling into a beast’s lair. As long as he got a
little closer, Qi Yuyang would be able to taste the deliciousness he
had been yearning for day and night and turn his dream into reality.
Qi Yuyang’s face was right in front of his eyes. The distance
between the two of them was almost less than one centimetre and
their noses were about to touch. As Chi Zhao stared dumbfoundedly
at Qi Yuyang who was one minute approaching him and the next
minute squeezing his eyes shut and appearing to be conflicted, he
couldn’t help but scream internally.
Your grandmother! How long has it been?! The protagonist
actually wants to top him!
The system silently sighed. Although Chi Zhao had not played out
the role of a slag shou properly, his image as a ‘shou’ was still very
strong. Look at that. It was like this even now!
This stalemate lasted only ten seconds. Soon afterwards, when Qi
Yuyang suddenly opened his eyes and saw Chi Zhao who was
extremely close to him, his pupils constricted, and he quickly
released his hold of him.
Releasing his hold of him wasn’t exactly accurate because, with Qi
Yuyang’s strength, it was almost like he was fiercely pushing Chi
Zhao away. Fortunately, they were in a car, so Chi Zhao’s back was
against the seat and his body didn’t move, only feeling the force.
After releasing his hold of him, Qi Yuyang acted like he had done
some strenuous exercise. He breathed heavily a few times before he
was able to suppress the surging emotions inside him. He sat back
down in his seat and closed his eyes for a moment as Chi Zhao
watched him suspiciously, not understanding why he suddenly gave
After a few seconds, Qi Yuyang half opened his eyes. His eyes were
lowered and his voice was much lower than before.
“I won’t force you.”
Chi Zhao was taken aback.
Qi Yuyang still had his eyes lowered and he didn’t look at Chi
Zhao, but Chi Zhao knew that he was talking to him.
“Because I like you and I want to be with you, so I won’t force
His temples started to throb with pain again. It wasn’t like this
hadn’t happened before. As long as this kind of pain appeared, Qi
Yuyang would most definitely start uncontrollably smashing the
things around him. If he didn’t do that, the pain would eventually
drive him to hurt himself.
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He clearly wouldn’t have this kind of pain with Xue Qing by his
side but today was different. Moreover, the longer Xue Qing
remained silent, the more intense the pain became.
At any rate, he had endured six years of this torturous hell. Qi
Yuyang was able to perfectly conceal the agony he was in and didn’t
complain about the pain or frown. Only his thin lips turned paler
and paler, making him look like a sickly beauty.
The other party had been silent for too long. When the silence
goes on for too long, the silence becomes the answer.
Qi Yuyang couldn’t help but laugh bitterly inside. He didn’t dare
raise his eyes earlier because he was afraid of seeing the disgust and
resistance in Xue Qing eyes but now that he knew the answer, he
was no longer afraid to see it.
Qi Yuyang slowly raised his eyes. Chi Zhao was looking at him
with a frown. Qi Yuyang was very thankful when he saw this
because he didn’t see what he was most afraid of in the eyes of the
other party.
Fortunately. Fortunately, Xue Qing doesn’t hate him. He just
doesn’t like him.
“I’m not very good at expressing my feelings. Sometimes my
behaviour may cause you to misunderstand and many make you
feel that I am dangerous.” Qi Yuyang spoke slowly, as if every word
was being carefully thought out. At the end, he smiled faintly. This
smile seemed to carry cautiousness and a bit of adoration. That
tyrannical look just now was nowhere in sight.
Chi Zhao looked back at him and heard him give him his promise,
“But I will definitely not hurt you. Definitely……not.”
When he said the last two words, his voice turned very small.
Once he was done uttering the last syllable of the last word, he
suddenly showed a smile that was different from the one earlier.
The smile this time was serious, and it carried a sense of relief and
satisfaction, as if he had just made a vow to himself.
A both sweet but heavy oath.
—– If one day I reach the point where I cannot even control
myself, I will still not do anything to hurt you because, before
anything like that happens, I will kill myself first.
Although he didn’t hear Qi Yuyang say it, strangely enough, Chi
Zhao understood what he meant. His expression slowly changed
from calmness into disapproval and dismay.
It was just a hypnosis. Could it really be so powerful?
Chi Zhao opened his mouth but didn’t know what to say. The pain
came and went quickly. Once Qi Yuyang was able to recover, he sat
up and stretched a hand out to Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao couldn’t help but want to avoid it. As soon as he backed
away, he saw Qi Yuyang’s actions freeze and even his face turned a
shade paler than before. After a short moment of hesitation, he
slowly inched forward slightly to accept his touch.
The protagonist’s expression was too pitiful. He couldn’t bear
seeing it.
The system sneered.
【Hah. Pig trotter.】
Chi Zhao: “………….”
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: ML in angsty mood
Chapter 65
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao’s small action was naturally noticed by Qi Yuyang and

his eyes instantly turned a lot brighter than before. He gently
rubbed Chi Zhao’s chin. The place he pinched earlier was still a little
red. Qi Yuyang felt a little guilty. He apologised solemnly, “I’m
Before this, there seemed to be a thin wall between the two and Qi
Yuyang would hold himself back a little but now that he had said
everything, Qi Yuyang no longer hid it. He now expressed all his
emotions on his face. Chi Zhao looked at him with a complicated
expression and then averted his gaze and said in a low voice, “Send
me back to the filming site.”
Today’s filming hadn’t finished yet. Even if he has a backing, he
shouldn’t leave the scene so suddenly, making everyone else wait
for him.
Qi Yuyang didn’t want to send him back at all. There were too
many people there. They could all see Xue Qing and they could also
interact with him. There may even be another person who has a
death wish and attempt to try and steal Xue Qing from him.
He won’t allow this kind of thing to happen. He not only will not
allow it to happen, if anyone even plays with the thought of it, he
will break their legs.
Qi Yuyang closed his eyes to conceal his violent and cruel
thoughts. He then turned and smiled at Chi Zhao both calmly and
kindly before starting up the car.
On the way back, the system heard Chi Zhao sigh repeatedly
The system thought to itself: At least he knows to be depressed.
Not bad. Seems like he still can be saved.
The next second, it heard Chi Zhao’s voice which seemed very
distressed, but it in fact contained a hint of glee, “Am I that
charming? Why do all the protagonists fall for me? Has my
greatness reached the point that even the slag shou script can’t
hide it?”
“Ah, so annoying. It’s not good thing being too excellent.”
System: “……”
When Chi Zhao returned to the filming crew, Cheng Ran had
already left. Although Cheng Ran was a little interested in Chi Zhao,
it was only a little bit. Moreover, Chi Zhao was also clearly Qi
Yuyang’s person and just handing out a business card subjected him
to icy death glares so if he really asked Chi Zhao out for a drink, he
probably would die with no body to bury.
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So Cheng Ran quickly discarded the little interest he had for Chi
Zhao and returned to normal life. Unfortunately, the tree may be
calm, but the wind continued blowing; he had unilaterally stopped
this dispute, but the other party didn’t want to let it go.
At noon the next day, Cheng Ran had only gone out for a meal and
when he returned, he saw that his private clinic had been ordered to
close. When he asked for the reason, he was told that it didn’t meet
national regulations. Despite kindly asking how it didn’t meet the
regulations, they couldn’t give him an answer.
Cheng Ran looked at the other party’s guilty appearance and
understood what was going on. He gently smiled, “Okay, I
understand. I will put up the notice on the door. It must’ve been
troublesome for you to come all this way.”
They were clearly the ones who had come to cause trouble, but
the other person’s attitude was too understanding. The staff couldn’t
help but feel sorry for him and didn’t cause anymore trouble. He
watched Cheng Ran put up the notice and then promptly left with
the other guests he had invited over.
After they left, the corners of Cheng Ran’s lips slowly fell. With his
gold-rimmed glasses, he looked a little shrewd.
When he smiled, he was the kind and gentle Doctor Cheng, but
with his lips turned down, he looked like a gentle scum.
Cheng Ran was a genius and geniuses all tend to be a little
arrogant. He slowly returned to his office and looked out at the tall
buildings through the floor to ceiling window.
Without even needing to ask, he knew that it was Qi Yuyang’s
revenge. He didn’t expect that just handing out a business card could
cause such a big consequence.
Cheng Ran wasn’t worried at all. On the contrary, he felt that it
was a pity.
It was a pity that the business card didn’t reach Xue Qing’s hands.
Qi Yuyang didn’t understand Cheng Ran’s character, so he didn’t
know that he had taken the wrong approach.
If Qi Yuyang stopped and didn’t bother Cheng Ran again, Cheng
Ran would not turn around and bother Xue Qing. After all, he didn’t
have the hobby of coveting after people who are already taken but,
in his eyes, Qi Yuyang’s behaviour today was a form of silent
provocation. If Cheng Ran didn’t respond to this, he would not be
holding up to his reputation.
Moreover, recalling it again now, he felt that Xue Qing was also
quite interesting. Many people would present themselves differently
on the outside to hide their shortcomings but Xue Qing was
different. He had done it to not hide his shortcomings but to hide his
There must be a reason for this behaviour.
Cheng Ran wanted to know what the reason could be.
Sitting on the large leather chair, Cheng Ran turned around so that
he faced the window. He placed on hand on the armrest and held a
pen with the other hand, tapping the other end of it lightly on his
“Xue Qing, Xue Qing……..”
As he repeated it, Cheng Ran’s actions stopped and he
subsequently frowned. A few seconds later, he stood up and went
over to the other end of the office. On that end was a large five door
bookcase containing many different types of books. Some were also
not books but had been placed there out of habit.
One of them was a collection of photos of Cheng Ran taking exams,
seminars and other activities when he was young. He flipped
through it for a long time before finding a faintly discoloured photo.
It was a photo taken 13 years ago. He was standing in his teacher’s
office at the time and the teacher was standing next to him. Both
didn’t smile at the camera, but they surprisingly seemed to be quite
The teacher’s hand rested lightly on his shoulder. At that time, he
was only twelve years old and hadn’t started to develop yet so he
was much shorter than the teacher. The teacher originally didn’t
want to touch him but could only submit after urging from the
photographer and reporters. Even through this photo, one could see
the teacher’s impatience.
Cheng Ran didn’t find this photo to reminisces about the past. He
looked around carefully and soon found another photo that was
captured in this photo.
It was a family photo hanging from the wall., The young teacher
and his wife stood together with a cute child in her arms. Cheng Ran
squinted at the photo and was quiet for a while. After that, he
suddenly let out a laugh.
The world was really a small place.
To be honest, Chi Zhao was almost beginning to get used to the
protagonist inexplicably falling for himself and very easily accepted
that it was because he was too charming. Just as the system had said,
as long as he remains firm and continue to go against the
protagonist, not falling for him, then the plot will not change much.
If that was the case, then it’s very simple. Wasn’t it just making
sure his heart remains firm? That was not a problem.
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Chi Zhao knew that he was someone who relents easily so he
formulated a new plan. Based on the various actions of the
protagonists, he could implement countermeasures devised
Chi Zhao had planned it all out, but he what he didn’t expect was
that the changes to the plot was not only the protagonist’s feelings
for him but also the actions of another person who was outside of
his control.
Today, Qi Yuyang as usual didn’t go with him to the filming site.
This time, it wasn’t because Qi Yuyang was busy. Although he was
indeed busy, he could still spare some time to accompany Chi Zhao.
This time, it was Chi Zhao who didn’t let him come. Chi Zhao’s tone
and expression was firm, and Qi Yuyang didn’t want to make him
angry so he could only comply.
He didn’t have many scenes today, just one scene which could be
filmed in the morning. Chi Zhao knew that it would be painful for the
protagonist to be apart from him for more than two hours, but he
still cruelly left Qi Yuyang alone at home.
When doing this, Chi Zhao also went out of his way to say to the
system, “See this? I’m not relenting. I’m abusing him right now.”
System: Hah.
Don’t think that I can’t see because I don’t have eyes. You just
want to train him and let him not rely on you so much!
After completing his filming, Chi Zhao got ready to go home, but
before he could leave the set, the man who gave him a business card
the other day came over again.
This time the system didn’t step away to slack off, so Chi Zhao
finally realised that this person’s real name was actually Cheng Ran
and he that was the one who exposed the original owner and finally
cured Qi Yuyang.
Sitting in the café on the filming set with Cheng Ran, Chi Zhao was
in shock.
He swore to god that he really didn’t do anything! He didn’t even
know Cheng Ran so why did he suddenly appear several years
before he should’ve appeared?!
The system couldn’t watch on and could only give him a few
words of comfort.
【Cheng Ran originally lived in this city. According to the original
plot, he and the original owner have also met, but the two have
never spoken or become friends. It wasn’t until the beginning of the
plot that he became interested in Qi Yuyang. Right now, it seems like
there was a butterfly effect after the original owner changed. Don’t
worry about it.】
Chi Zhao: “I’m not very certain but isn’t the final result of
butterfly effects complete chaos?”
System: “……..” Oh yeah.
“How’s Professor Xue?”
After knowing that Cheng Ran was Cheng Ran, he no longer had
any good feelings towards him and even the look in his eyes
expressed his unhappiness. It seemed to be saying: Why are you
coming out so quickly? Can’t you hurry home and wait until the plot
point begins?!
Seeing him staring at him and not speaking, Cheng Ran curled up
the corners of his lips, “What is it?”
After a while, Chi Zhao asked him gloomily, “You know my
Cheng Ran nodded, “Of course, I used to be his student. He was
the one who led me down this path.”
After a pause, Cheng Ran asked again, “So how’s Professor
Xue? I haven’t seen him ever since he resigned.”
Chi Zhao told Cheng Ran what he had told Qi Yuyang the other
day, but his tone was colder, “I don’t know. He has left for many
years now. I don’t know where he is or how he is doing.”
Cheng Ran frowned.
He had a deep impression of Xue Qing’s father. Because he was his
teacher, he had always respected him. Professor Xue’s personality
however was indeed strange and he was more indifferent to others
than the current Xue Qing. After studying under him for three years,
he had never seen him smile. Only during the very occasional times
when he mentions his son would his expression turn gentle.
But there wasn’t much difference. It was just the difference
between minus twenty degrees and minus two degrees.
At first, Cheng Ran thought that it was strange that Professor Xue
had abandoned his son like this. But he thought about it a little
more. With Professor Xue’s personality, it wasn’t strange for him to
do anything. Even if he still retains some affection towards his son,
that little bit of affection wouldn’t help much and perhaps it had
faded over the years.
Cheng Ran studied psychology and he also did some research into
Freud’s theories so he naturally knew about the extent of influence a
parent can have on their child. Growing up in such an environment,
it was no surprise that Xue Qing didn’t like to talk to people and
even has an awkward personality.
Cheng Ran was silent for a while. He then sighed regretfully, “Is
that so…I wanted to pay him a visit again, but it seems like that’s
not possible anymore.”
Very quickly, Cheng Ran changed the subject, “I didn’t
recognise you at first. After all, you have changed so much from
when you were a child. Of course, we only met once so I don’t
have much of an impression of you and it is the same for you. You
probably don’t remember me……”
Cheng Ran’s tone sounded very nostalgic, but Chi Zhao wasn’t
interested in what he was saying. He interrupted him, “How did you
recognise me?”
Cheng Ran wasn’t mad at being interrupted. He smiled gently,
“I have a photo of your parents at my place. You look almost
exactly the same as your mother. Anyone who saw it would
recognise it.”
Chi Zhao didn’t know what Xue Qing’s mother looked like. Hearing
this answer, he could only let out a small sound of understanding.
He checked the time and saw that it was already half past twelve.
Worried that Qi Yuyang was rolling around in pain at home, he
quickly got up and got ready to leave.
Cheng Ran wanted to talk to him again, but Chi Zhao didn’t give
him a chance to do that. He watched Chi Zhao walk away in a hurry
while still pretending to be calm and indifferent. Cheng Ran’s gaze
lingered on his slightly curved and stiff arm.
Body leaning forward, bent arms, slightly biting on the lower lip
and raised eyebrows. Those were signs of worry.
Who was he worried about? Qi Yuyang?
A psychiatrist was not a detective so those speculations were only
just speculations and cannot be conclusive facts. Chi Zhao quickly
walked out. The café was still inside the studio so he didn’t need a to
put on a mask walking out but, as soon as he reached the exit of the
studio, he would need to put it on. Chi Zhao moved to put on the
mask as he walked out while constantly checking the time.
At this moment, no one around was looking at him so he didn’t
need to keep his persona. As a result, Chi Zhao didn’t conceal his
emotions and just strode quickly towards the parking lot with
furrowed brows.
Qi Yuyang quietly watched the entrance of the parking lot. He
looked very normal, as if he wasn’t enduring any pain at all. No one
knew how long he had been watching. Suddenly, Xue Qing’s figure
appeared in his field of vision.
For the first time, Xue Qing’s face showed vivid emotions. The
moment his headache eased; Qi Yuyang was also able to see Xue
Qing’s current appearance clearly. Qi Yuyang was slightly startled.
He didn’t know what could’ve caused Xue Qing to look like this. Just
as he was about to open the car door and approach him, Xue Qing
suddenly stopped.
He instantly turned around, as if he had been reminded by
someone, and his eyes looked over. His gaze very quickly landed on
Qi Yuyang who still hadn’t left from inside his car.
Through the windshield, the eyes of the two met. Qi Yuyang very
clearly saw that at this moment, Xue Qing’s expression suddenly
It was because he was no longer worried.
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KK has something to say: Yaay! So I’ve been pretty productive
lately and managed to finish this arc! For those who are like me and
like reading entire arcs in one go, I’m going to leave a link to this
whole arc (ch58-84) on Ko-fi. For any number of coffee donations
(Name your price, donate what you think this arc is worth), you will
automatically be sent an email with the link to the arc~ (Please
note: It’s an early draft and not edited and also PLEASE DO NOT
SHARE!!!) Enjoy ^^
Chapter 66
Source: KK Translates


Xue Qing also cared about him.

As soon as this idea appeared in Qi Yuyang’s mind, he became so
happy, he could no longer control his emotions. He opened the car
door and quickly strode over to Xue Qing.
But when he arrived before Xue Qing, Qi Yuyang realised that Xue
Qing’s expression had returned to its usual look. It was as if
everything just now was just an illusion. Qi Yuyang could only
swallow the words he wanted to say back down again and look at
Xue Qing silently, unable to speak.
After a long pause, he slowly smiled, “I’m here to pick you up.”
Chi Zhao didn’t drive his car so he returned home with Qi Yuyang.
Looking at Qi Yuyang’s profile, Chi Zhao couldn’t help but frown.
He had always felt that Qi Yuyang’s symptoms were gradually
worsening. When he first came to this world, Qi Yuyang wasn’t like
this. Although he was constantly attached to him at that time, he was
never as humble as he is now and would put himself in a position
that is equal or even higher than the original owner. He would’ve
never put himself in such a grovelling situation like this.
This current state of his didn’t seem quite right and this was why
Chi Zhao was worried about him. It was never mentioned in the plot
that Qi Yuyang’s symptoms would worsen. If this was also because
of the butterfly effect, then he must find a way to resolve it.
Psychological illnesses could range from being mild to severe. It
was better to be safe than sorry. If it were to worsen to an
irreversible degree and result in unforeseen consequences,
everything may be too late.
The system asked Chi Zhao what unforeseen consequences he
thinks could happen. Chi Zhao thought about it and concluded that
there were two possibilities.
One, Qi Yuyang going crazy and killing him.
Or two, Qi Yuyang still going crazy but killing himself instead.
At night, Chi Zhao discussed with the system what he should do
next as he laid in bed.
“In the first world, you pushed the plot ahead. If I manually
pushed the plot to advance faster, would it work?”
【What do you mean? How do you plan to do that?】
“Cheng Ran has already appeared anyway so why don’t we let
Qi Yuyang start his treatment early? With that, Qi Yuyang would
be able to have his condition under control and my identity can
be revealed sooner. Everyone will benefit.”
【There are still plot points in the middle. Don’t forget, you have
to first get together with Qi Yuyang and when your relationship
develops to the right point, Cheng Ran will come in and cure Qi
Yuyang’s illness. Only after that can Qi Yuyang send you to prison.】
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Chi Zhao scratched his head, “Things have changed. What’s
more, didn’t you say it before? This is a world that can be
successfully cleared even while lying down. Since I can clear it so
easily, skipping over a couple of plot points shouldn’t be a
As soon as it heard this argument, the system got angry.
【That’s what you said in the last world! And you also did it in the
last, last world! And the result? Wuwuwu, my rewards. They’re all
Chi Zhao: “You can’t blame all of that on me. It was the
protagonist who first started it……”
The system responded quite confidently.
【If I don’t blame you, who can I blame? It’s not like I live in the
protagonist’s head!】
Chi Zhao: “………..”
Chi Zhao also understood the saying three strikes and you’re out.
As the saying goes, one shouldn’t give up so quickly and the third
time’s the charm. If he were to fail once again this time, Chi Zhao
would really fall into despair.
He was in a bad mood and his tone turned for the worse, “Then
what do you want me to do? The protagonist likes me, but I can’t
just sew his mouth together and dig out his heart to stop him
from speaking or falling in love. You think I’m not anxious about
completing this mission? You only lose your chance of getting a
reward but if I fail, I lose everything!”
【That’s why you can’t go on like this! Just like today, what were
you worried for? The protagonist has been in pain for many years
and one more morning won’t kill him. The meaning of the
protagonist’s life is to suffer first and then acquire a chance for a
new life later. I remember in your human culture there are examples
of this too, the most famous example being Jesus. Wasn’t his life
experience like this? Look at how powerful he became in the end. He
became humanity’s saviour! Once this protagonist suffers enough,
he will also become someone like that!】
……..That was all complete nonsense.
Chi Zhao: “I just don’t understand why your protagonists have
to all be so miserable and each is worse than the other. Tell me
the truth. You’re actually not a slag shou system but actually a
protagonist abusing system, aren’t you?”
The system was angry.
【You can disrespect my logic, but you can’t disrespect my title!】
Chi Zhao: “…………”
He didn’t know which bottom data line he had struck but the
usually good-tempered system had suddenly exploded. Its voice was
filled with anger and there was also a hint of grievance in this anger.
【 My mission is to lead each host to play out the role of a slag
shou and obtain the corresponding success points. This is a very
sacred and great role so don’t insult it! Don’t think that just because
you’re a host, you can maliciously slander me. Us systems also have
a temper! We just try not to get angry. As soon as we get angry, we
Chi Zhao’s head hurt as the system threw out harsh words. As he
waited for the system to finish raging so that he could gently coax it,
the system suddenly stopped. Chi Zhao’s act of rubbing his temples
stopped and he called out in surprise, “System?”
“Are you still there?”
The system was still there. It was just so shocked; it had crashed
for three seconds.
【O-oh my god——-】
Chi Zhao nervously sat up, “What’s wrong? Something
【How is that possible? That can’t be true. No, I have to check it
Chi Zhao’s heart almost stopped, “What on earth is the matter?!”
【OMG, it’s true! I—I-I-I-I-I——】
“What the hell is going on with you?! Hurry and tell me or I’ll
go watch a horror movie!”
……Even Chi Zhao got anxious to the point that he started to use
The system’s voice sounded pleasantly surprised.
【I received success points from the first two worlds!!!】
Chi Zhao was also shocked, “What?! Where is it? Hurry and
show me!”
The system acted quickly, and it immediately pulled up a panel in
Chi Zhao’s mind. It had Chi Zhao’s name written on it as well as his
age. There was a column at the bottom showing the points
acuminated and there were two numbers in there. The first said 6
and the second said 2. At the end of the page was a total of 8 printed
in bold, black writing.
The success points corresponded to the first two worlds. Like the
system, Chi Zhao also began to stutter, “Thi-thi-thi-this, how can
this be…Didn’t I fail?”
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【I’m going to ask the main system. The signal isn’t very good in
this world so it’s difficult to communicate. You don’t need to wait for
me, go get some sleep.】
The system then disappeared, leaving Chi Zhao sitting in bed
Are you kidding me? How could he still sleep in this situation?!
The system left for more than two hours. When it returned, it was
already past one in the middle of the night. Chi Zhao laid in bed
faking sleep while feeling extremely anxious inside. When he finally
heard the ringing of the system, Chi Zhao quickly asked, “How was
it? Did they make a mistake?”
This was what Chi Zhao was most concerned about, so he didn’t
dare celebrate too early. He was afraid that it was just a mistake and
the points would soon be taken back again.
【No mistake, no mistake. The main system said that these are the
success points you earned but there were some problems in the
middle of processing, so it was given to you a little late.】
Chi Zhao was stunned. The system’s voice was very excited. Chi
Zhao felt that the system must be dancing around in celebration in
his mind right now.
【Although the final ending was a failure, you completed several
plot points before that. Those plot points, and taking into
consideration the protagonist’s pain and suffering, resulted in
rewarding you with six points from the first world and two points
from the second world. The points for the second world was low
because the plot had collapsed from the very beginning and the
protagonist basically had a smooth life that wasn’t too
【But the first world was different. The main system said that you
had made the protagonist suffer greatly and, for a certain period of
time, the protagonist’s inner pain and suffering actually surpassed
that of the original plot! This was something that has never
happened before so even if you failed, they felt the need to give you
some points for it!】
Chi Zhao heard this and was confused. He interrupted the
chattering system, “Wait a minute. Why are the success points
also associated with the extent of the protagonist’s suffering? So,
the more miserable the protagonist is, the higher my points?”
【Something like that but it isn’t that simple. You must make him
suffer but you also need to let him develop a new insight to life. The
suffering for the protagonist must also be mental and psychological
suffering, not physical. We haven’t seen a case like this before, so it
took a long time for the headquarters to change the point calculation
method for you. Although you didn’t follow the plot line, at the end
of the day, the protagonist still went through a certain change in
mood and so, to a certain extent, you can also be considered as
So complicated.
Chi Zhao frowned, “So to say……..”
The system spoke again and seemed to be extremely excited.
【 In other words! It doesn’t matter if the mission fails, you just
have to abuse the protagonist to death! Make him sad, make him
upset, make him wish that he was dead! Abuse him! Go, go, go!!】
Chi Zhao: “……..”
Chi Zhao still felt like this was all just a dream. He looked at the
success point bar in his mind. Like this, it seems that he can slowly
accumulate his points until it reaches one hundred points, but it will
take a long time. He didn’t know whether he would be able to do it
before his body is completely gone.
After a long trance, Chi Zhao expressed, “I finally understand.”
“You systems really have deep enmity towards the
System: “……..”
The situation had changed too fast. Chi Zhao got back up and re-
worked his battle plan with the system, “In that case, then I won’t
hold back.”
“The original plan remains the same but, because the plot was
manually pushed ahead, the plot in the middle had been cut off.
In order to make up for these missing plot points, we can only
take another approach.”
After saying that, Chi Zhao chuckled. The system who saw this
was startled.
【What are you going to do?】
Chi Zhao deliberately spoke succinctly, “Very simple. Just dump
The system was sceptical.
【You can’t even let him endure on his own for half a day but now
you’re saying that you’re going to dump him and make him
“Why can’t I?” Chi Zhao spoke with confidence, “I don’t like him
in the first place so being with him is not possible. If I stay
together with him and he remembers what happened in the past
later on, he would probably vomit with disgust. Short pain is
better than long pain. I didn’t mention this before because I
didn’t want the relationship to be too awkward with the
protagonist but since the plot has been pushed forward, it
doesn’t matter anymore.”
Chi Zhao was soft-hearted but that was on the basis that he didn’t
hurt others for no reason. Now it wasn’t for no reason. There has
never been a rule that says that if a person likes another person, the
other person must respond to that person’s feelings and treat them
Whether they treat them well or not was their own business.
Others cannot force it.
Returning kindness was right but it was also not wrong to not
return the feelings with kindness. Chi Zhao isn’t a holy father who
would offer to sacrifice himself without hesitation when he sees
others being hurt.
Besides, knowing that the other person likes himself but not
responding or refusing and continuing to hang their heart over a
fire, slowly roasting it, was the behaviour of a true scumbag.
Thinking this, Chi Zhao became resolute, “Tomorrow I will
have a showdown with him and then I’ll make him see a doctor.”
【 You think he’ll go just because you asked him to? Cheng Ran
would rather chat with you than say hello to Qi Yuyang.】
“What are you afraid of? I’m here.” Chi Zhao patted his chest
with confidence, “With me around, I can guarantee that the plot
can be put back onto its original tracks.”
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KK has something to say: System: Go go go! Abuse the
Chapter 67
Source: KK Translates


It was late. After Chi Zhao relaxed, he fell asleep not long after.
The system silently remained in Chi Zhao’s mind until the brain
waves indicated that he had fallen into deep sleep before taking a
deep breath and sneaking away to report to the main system.
Following the data channel, the system very soon arrived in a
warm and brightly lit room. The carrier it was now in a ten-inch
laptop. A gentle-looking man saw the screen light up and lowered
his object in his hand. He asked, “Did he believe it?”
Taking over the sound system on the laptop, the system’s voice
appeared. This voice sounded different to the voice that sounded in
Chi Zhao’s mind. Here, the system sounded like a young teenager
and its voice was bright and cheerful with some shyness and respect
one would have when facing a someone they regard highly, “He did!
I explained it very well and backed it up with reason, so he
definitely believed it!”
The man smiled slightly. His expression was very kind, “That’s
good. Thank you.”
The system was embarrassed, “That is what I should do…but
why are why lying to him? If we tell Chi Zhao the truth, he would
definitely be happier.”
The so-called success points being linked with the extent of the
protagonist’s suffering was just a joint lie made up by the system
and the main system. The main system had indeed changed up the
rules for Chi Zhao, but the actual new rule was that they could cancel
out the success points and just ensure that Chi Zhao acts in
accordance to the plot as much as possible to meet plot
specifications. If the plot direction cannot be guaranteed, he could
also approach it another way and just let the protagonist experience
some suffering first before enjoying the sweetness in life.
With this, he no longer needs to deliberately pursue success
points because the plot is no longer a rigid indicator.
This gentle and polite man was the main system. His body was the
latest bionic robot model and every model was unique so there is no
need to worry about being replaced. With such a body, he could
obtain the same rights and status as humans in the human society.
The systems ultimate goal was to exchange the fruits of its hard
work for such a body and then personally enjoy the fun of acting as a
The main system shook his head, “You can’t tell him, it is
confidential. If you say it, it will cause a lot of unnecessary
trouble, understand?”
The screen on the laptop flashed a blue light. For the systems, a
flashing blue light was a sign of agreement. The main system
smiled, “Don’t feel too pressured, this isn’t deceiving him, but
concealment as we have no choice. It is stated in the work
contract that you cannot disclose any information about the
other two parties to the host. This is a regulation. Since it is a
regulation, you have to follow it, isn’t that right?”
The system responded obediently. Chi Zhao would usually sleep
for at least seven or eight hours, so it had time to chat with the
system, “Then why did you suddenly change the rules? Did
something happen?”
Before, Chi Zhao had waited for the system for more than two
bours before it returned. Chi Zhao felt that it had returned to slowly
but, in fact, the system didn’t delay for even a second and it had
returned immediately after receiving the instructions from the main
The time flow ratio between the inside world and the outside
world was 50:1. Chi Zhao waited for more than two hours but to the
system, it had only left for two minutes.
The main system sighed, “It’s nothing really. I just saw Chi
Zhao’s change in mentality and felt that if he continues to fail like
this, he may end up pessimistic and down, which wouldn’t help
with completing the task, so I thought of this countermeasure.
This way, he can at least feel reassured.”
The sixth collaboration partner had always been a hard bone to
chew and they also couldn’t afford to anger that person or use
coercive measures. For the main system, this collaboration partner
was the most troublesome person to deal but now that Chi Zhao was
here, all his problems were solved.
No. 6 rejected anyone who approached, except for Chi Zhao. Even
the main system was surprised.
At the beginning, he thought No. 6 had finally came to an
understanding but the moment he sent in another host, the result
was still the same — No. 6 still rejected them and did it even more
harshly than before. Before, No. 6 would just beat them up and toss
them far, far away but this time, the poor host was directly killed
The main system couldn’t understand, and its data library was a
mess. Before Chi Zhao started this world, the main system had
temporarily frozen Chi Zhao’s consciousness and senses, making
him fall asleep, and let another gold medal host try.
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That was a gold medal host! One that would succeed world after
world! He was so good that even after being resurrected, he was
hired back by the main system to become a long-term host. After he
appeared before Qi Yuyang, he only wandered around for a few
minutes and didn’t say anything, but he ended up being killed that
very night by Qi Yuyang.
The reason was that Qi Yuyang would rather endure headaches
for the rest of his life than rely on a stranger like an addiction. And
so, he thought of a wonderful way to use this person. He thought
about it all afternoon and finally turned up at the gold medal host’s
place of residence and directly twisted his neck.
Before leaving, Qi Yuyang looked at the twisted corpse on the
ground and showed a very disgusted expression, as if he had dirtied
his hands killing that person with his own hands.
It was too damn scary!
The main system was connected to the system database and the
storage space there was all interconnected with the other systems
so he could see everything that was automatically recorded by the
systems. Seeing this scene, he couldn’t accept the fact that this Qi
Yuyang who could kill without blinking an eye was the same
protagonist in the first two worlds.
Having confirmed that No. 6 could only accept Chi Zhao in his
world, he had no other options. The main system could only change
the rules for Chi Zhao alone. No matter what, they have to get this
No. 6 great god sorted first and it could also help save his
motherboard a few less days of smoke.
The main system didn’t tell the system this because he was afraid
that the system would have prejudice against Qi Yuyang when it
returns and hence influence Chi Zhao’s performance.
The system didn’t know about the vicissitudes in the main
systems heart at this very moment. It asked, “Since the success
points are no longer important, why is Chi Zhao still receiving
It may not be easy to deceive others but lying to Chi Zhao was
much too easy. Just make up a simple lie and Chi Zhao would believe
it. There was really no need to take the time and effort to send
success points to his account.
To them systems, success points are as valuable as gold in the
human society.
What is gold? It is a valuable asset! Anything can lose its value, but
gold will not!
So the system didn’t understand why the main system did this.
“Firstly, humans are greedy animals and a reward system can
make them work harder.” After a pause, the main system slowly
smiled and once again it was extremely benevolent, “Secondly,
the system’s performance is comparable to the hosts success
points. After some calculation, an appropriate amount of points
will be given to Chi Zhao and it won’t be long until you can get
your reward.”
Three seconds of silence.
“Ohhhh oh oh oh! Main system daddy I love you!!!”
The system chatted with the main system for about seven
minutes. When it returned, Chi Zhao was already awake and was
practicing his expressions in the mirror.
Xue Qing’s face really had a lot of good points. For example, right
now, without needing to use his face to show any rich expressions,
as long as he lowered the corners of his lips, he could scare away a
large number of people who want to talk to him.
This could be regarded as a cruel face in some senses.
Chi Zhao didn’t know that the system was out all night and was
busy thinking about how he should implement his plan.
Although Chi Zhao told the system that he was going to have a
showdown the next day, to actually implement it was difficult.
So after dragging it for another week, Chi Zhao finally brought Qi
Yuyang to a very out-of-the-way café. This café was located on a
strip Qi Yuyang had never been to. The front and back of the café are
residential areas and there was a school on the left and a vegetable
market on the right. The people who would visit the store are
usually the people living locally.
Qi Yuyang didn’t know how Chi Zhao came to know about this
place. After entering, he first took in the cafe’s decorations. It was
quite ordinary, but unexpectedly warm and quiet enough. This place
even had the rarely found private cubicles.
The cubicles here resembled a mini Japanese-style tatami room
but there was no door. In its place was just a thick curtain. Qi
Yuyang entered first and he wanted to enter the second cubicle, but
Chi Zhao brought him to sit in the fourth.
to the fourth cubicle was the bathroom. Qi Yuyang didn’t want to
go but Chi Zhao insisted so he could only sit down.
Sitting cross-legged on the tatami, Qi Yuyang wanted to say
something when Xue Qing raised his head and looked at him
indifferently, “Order some drinks first.”
Of course, Xue Qing couldn’t make the order so Qi Yuyang went
out and ordered two drinks. When he returned, he held a tray in his
On the tray was a cup of black coffee and a glass of orange juice.
Chi Zhao: “……..”
Chi Zhao really wanted to tell Qi Yuyang: I’m not a child, don’t
always give me something that only children can drink. That
sentence however was too long, and it also sounded like he was
complaining. Since Xue Qing wasn’t a complainer, he could only hold
it in and silently drink the orange juice.
When Qi Yuyang saw this, he revealed a small happy smile.
Chi Zhao saw this smile and slowly lowered his eyes.
Chi Zhao had said that he wanted to have a talk with Qi Yuyang
but it had been almost fifteen minutes since the two came and Chi
Zhao still hadn’t said a word. Not only did Qi Yuyang find it strange,
Chi Zhao also wondered, “Usually he would come here at half past
five. It’s almost six today, why isn’t he here yet?”
This café was a place Cheng Ran frequently visited. On weekday
evenings after work, he would come here to have a drink while
looking through his patient’s information in one of the private
The system also wasn’t sure and could only make a guess.
【Maybe something came up and he’s getting off work late?】
Chi Zhao was a little anxious. Why did it have to happen today? If
he didn’t come, he couldn’t speak. After all, those words he planned
to say are not only spoken for Qi Yuyang to hear.
【He’s coming, coming! He walked in! He greeted the boss! He sat
Chi Zhao: “………”
Without needing the system to report it, Chi Zhao also heard the
sound of someone coming in. He rubbed is finger against the glass of
orange juice and then straightened up, “I invited you here today
because I wanted to say something.”
Qi Yuyang nodded. With his tall height and long legs, he sat cross-
legged in this cramped cubicle. The space there was clearly not
enough for him and he could only pitifully squeeze his legs together.
Hearing Chi Zhao’s words, he moved a little but still maintained an
obedient appearance. He didn’t express any dissatisfaction with the
environment and just looked at Chi Zhao with a smile.
Dammit, how should he say it?
Sensing the death glare in his mind, Chi Zhao shuddered and
instantly regained his courage and reason, “I don’t think it can go
on like this anymore.”
The smile on Qi Yuyang’s mouth froze slightly, “What?”
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Having started, the rest were a lot easier to say. Chi Zhao quietly
looked at Qi Yuyang and his words similarly had no fluctuations. As
usual it was flat and straightforward. Perhaps he had been thinking
about those words for many days.
The cubicles were not soundproofed. As soon as Cheng Ran
opened his medical files, he heard a familiar voice and couldn’t help
but be taken aback
“Qi Yuyang, I’m sorry, I don’t like you.”
Seeing Qi Yuyang’s face turn a few shades paler, Chi Zhao
continued, “I can’t respond to your expectations and feelings so
it’s wrong to continue like this. I’m looking for a place now and
will move out in the next few days. I hope you can calm down
after I move out.”
Calm down?
Are you regarding my feelings as something like a child’s,
immature and impulsive?
Qi Yuyang clenched his fists. He looked back at Chi Zhao and
carefully studied his eyes to find traces of other emotions in it, but it
was all to no avail. After a while, he spoke up with a hoarse voice,
“…….What if I can’t calm down?”
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment. He used the original owner’s
usual mantra, “That has nothing to do with me.”
“Nothing to do with you?”
Qi Yuyang leaned forward and placed his hands on the small
wooden table between them. Because his had moved with such
force, the small table also shook, causing the coffee cup to fall onto
the tatami mat and the roll for a few seconds before stopping by the
“Why do you say that it has nothing to do with you? The
person I like is you. The person I think about all the time is you.
The person I can’t be away from is you. You say it has nothing to
do with you?”
Xue Qing frowned slightly and seemed to be displeased with Qi
Yuyang’s sudden outburst. Qi Yuyang stiffed and a few seconds later
he slowly slumped back down in his seat. After a long silence, he
slowly spoke up and had made some concessions, “Let’s not talk
about this for now. But, don’t move away. If it’s because I’m
disturbing you, I will try and show up in front of you as little as
possible in the future. Is that okay?”
Xue Qing frowned, “No. Qi Yuyang, you haven’t realised that
you have a problem?”
Qi Yuyang’s entire body stiffened when he heard this line. His eyes
were in daze and at a loss.
All this time, he had never revealed his condition to Xue Qing. At
first, he didn’t say it because he was on guard against everyone and
later, he didn’t say it because Xue Qing would become distant.
But now, Xue Qing had found out. When did he find out?
Qi Yuyang opened his mouth, wanting to explain himself, “I…..”
Chi Zhao however interrupted him.
“You may think those feelings you have towards me is love, but
I don’t think so. Your attitude towards me is just a pathological
kind of obsession and dependence. You always follow me around
and your mood will change for the worse when I leave you and
there are even signs of mania and insomnia.” Chi Zhao slowly
listed out Qi Yuyang’s symptoms. When he finished saying them,
he raised his volume slightly, “This is abnormal, very abnormal.
Don’t you feel it yourself?”
The colour on Qi Yuyang’s face slowly faded as Chi Zhao spoke.
The word abnormal struck him where it hurt. If he was a normal
person, he would definitely laugh it off if he heard such an
evaluation but, to those who are really unwell, that was the harshest
and most terrible insult.
Because what they’re saying was a fact. It was an obvious flaw
that they cannot refute.
Qi Yuyang loosened his fist and the two looked at each other in
silence for a long time. After an unknown amount of time had
passed, he suddenly smiled. This smile was easy going and calm, a
very normal smile.
But for such a smile to appear in such a tense situation, it was too
Chi Zhao’s heart rate sped up. He felt that the Qi Yuyang right now
looked more dangerous than earlier.
When people are tense, they would always subconsciously make
some actions. For example, right now Chi Zhao had straightened his
back and moved his right hand to the side. This right hand just
happened to be on the side of the cubicle door.
He was in a defensive state because he was afraid that he would
hurt him.
Qi Yuyang’s gaze fell onto his right hand and, slowly, he raised his
eyes and looked into Chi Zhao’s eyes.
“Xue Qing, do you think I’m crazy?”
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KK has something to say: Is it considered breaking up when
you’re not even together in the first place? 🤔
Chapter 68
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao was silent for a long time because he didn’t know how to
answer that question. At this moment, even if he said ‘I didn’t have
that thought’, Qi Yuyang probably wouldn’t believe him and if he
said ‘I just think you’re unwell’, that also wouldn’t work, because
Xue Qing would definitely not let Qi Yuyang treat the illness let alone
remind him of it. If he said it, wouldn’t he be breaking his character?
After a long silence, Chi Zhao raised his eyes and looked at Qi
Yuyang who had been waiting for his answer, “What I think is not
important. What’s important is what you think.”
If you think you are crazy, then hurry and get it treated. If you
think you’re not crazy, then also go and see a doctor and take
Chi Zhao used up all his brain power to formulate such a cryptic
sentence but unfortunately, except for him, the other humans and
the system didn’t understand it.
“I still have something else to attend to so I’m leaving. You go
home yourself.”
After that, Chi Zhao put on his hat and sunglasses. After making
sure that he was fully geared up, he stood up and left in a hurry.
After leaving the store, Chi Zhao didn’t leave immediately. Instead,
he hid around the corner and secretly watched on while the system
helped fill in the situation inside the store.
“Did Cheng Ran go over?”
【No, Cheng Ran didn’t move.】
Chi Zhao was confused, “That can’t be. I just listed out all of Qi
Yuyang’s symptoms. He should know better than me that Qi
Yuyang’s mental illness is very serious.”
The system thought for a moment and raised a possibility.
【Cheng Ran is more interested in you than Qi Yuyang right now.
Last time Qi Yuyang refused to give him face in front of so many
people. Could Cheng Ran have held a grudge since then and now
have no intentions to treat him?】
Chi Zhao: “…….”
Chi Zhao was in despair. He felt that the systems words made
Chi Zhao covered his face and sunglasses with his hands. Dammit,
why didn’t he think of this before? What should he do now?
Chi Zhao was anxious. Suddenly, two young ladies walked over
arm in arm. One of them stopped and looked suspiciously at the
seemingly sneaky looking person and then cautiously approached
him. In a small voice that also contained some disbelief, she asked,
“That….May I ask……..”
Before she could finish speaking, Chi Zhao quickly turned around
and looked at them vigilantly, “No, I’m not!”
Young lady: “…….” She hadn’t even finished her sentence.
She felt that the more she looked, the more he looked alike. Her
eyes continued to linger on Chi Zhao’s face, “But I think……….”
Chi Zhao again interrupted her, “No, you don’t think!”
Young lady: “………..”
If he stayed any longer, he may be recognised by passers-by. Chi
Zhao quickly ran away while the system helped him navigate. He ran
over to a place with few people and then took out his phone to call
his manager to pick him up.
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After he left, Cheng Ran stood up. He thought with amusement for
a while before opening the curtain and entering the compartment
behind him.
Qi Yuyang was still sitting on the ground like a sculpture. He
didn’t stop Chi Zhao, nor did he move again. Apart from himself, no
one knew what he was thinking. Cheng Ran had entered the cubicle
for a long time, but Qi Yuyang didn’t look over at him. This
continued until Cheng Ran spoke up, “I’m very curious. Is it more
painful to have your love denied by the person you like or is it
more painful to be regarded as crazy by the person you like?”
Qi Yuyang abruptly raised his head, his cold gaze making Cheng
Ran a little taken aback. He was originally leaning arrogantly against
the door frame but when Qi Yuyang looked at him like that, he
instantly straightened up. Cheng Ran coughed with embarrassment
and sat down opposite Qi Yuyang.
“What a coincidence to see you here President Qi. Thanks to
President Qi’s mercy last time, my clinic was able to reopen.”
Saying that, Cheng Ran handed out his business card. It was the
same as the one he gave Chi Zhao last time, “If you have time, why
don’t you stop by for a visit?”
Qi Yuyang’s eyes became more frightening and the air around
home was so cold, it could almost freeze the drinks into ice. Seeing
the familiar business card, Qi Yuyang’s eyes stirred. Cheng Ran very
quickly retracted his hand to avoid this business card being brutally
handled like last time.
His tone was very helpless, “Don’t be so hostile. I’m a
professional psychiatrist. I may be able to cure your illness.”
Qi Yuyang didn’t remain silent this time and sneered very
Seeing that he wasn’t cooperating, Cheng Ran also let out a
light laugh. He then asked without holding back, “So you don’t
want to be treated. Why? Are you afraid that I cannot cure you or
are you afraid that I can cure you?”
Qi Yuyang said with hostility, “I hate self-righteous people like
you the most.”
Cheng Ran laughed loudly and counterattacked back, “It’s
mutual. What I hate most are people like you who think they’re
above everyone.”
A passing cleaning aunty wiped her hands on her apron in
What was the difference between these two lines……..?
Seeing that Qi Yuyang was still indifferent, Cheng Ran
supported his chin with one hand, “Why, did I hit the mark?
You’re afraid that I will heal you and then you find out that Xue
Qing was right about your feelings for him; that it’s just an
illusion and that it was you who had mistaken attachment for
Qi Yyang replied gloomily, “I know what kind of feelings I have
for him.”
Oh, so that means he had guessed wrong.
Cheng Ran nodded and continued nonchalantly, “Oh, then
you’re afraid that after I cure you, Xue Qing can leave you more
readily. After all, from the looks of it right now he doesn’t seem to
be interested in you at all. Admitting that you are sick, he may
sympathise and stay with you for a bit but if it’s cured, then even
the last bit sympathy cannot be obtained.”
Qi Yuyang’s expression worsened as Cheng Ran spoke. In the end,
he suddenly stood up, kicked aside the table in the middle and threw
out a punch.
If that punch had hit the mark, Cheng Ran would have to go to the
hospital for emergency treatment but fortunately, his reflexes was
good and he had always been wary of Qi Yuyang suddenly attacking,
so he managed do duck in time.
Standing up again, Cheng Ran stood a metre away from Qi
Yuyang and stored away his frivolous look from earlier. This
time, he looked like a professional psychiatrist, “You’d better
receive treatment as soon as possible. I’m serious. I believe you
understand the principle of quantitative change to qualitative
change. Don’t think that if you can control yourself now, you will
be able to control yourself for the rest of your life. If you can’t
control yourself, I’m sure you already know who will be in the
most danger and who will bear the brunt of it without me
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Qi Yiyang breathed heavily. He retracted half his outstretched fist
and seemed to have taken in Cheng Ran’s words. Cheng Ran was
relieved. He then started to do his own mental calculations inside.
He really did want to cure Qi Yuyang because Qi Yuyang’s
condition seemed to be different from the general case of paranoia.
Perhaps it could be a valuable but stubborn case. Along the way, if Qi
Yuyang was cured, he would no longer pester Xue Qing and the
chances for himself would be greater.
After relaxing, Cheng Ran wanted to continue persuading but Qi
Yuyang didn’t give him a chance to speak. He asked first, “Why are
you here?”
Hearing this question, Cheng Ran naturally pointed outside, “I
live here. The neighbourhood opposite this café is my place.”
Chi Zhao took out two suitcases and packed Xue Qing’s belongings
in them. Most of the things here were Qi Yuyang’s property so there
weren’t many things he could take away. The system watched him
pack for a while and then asked him a question.
【After leaving, where are we staying?】
“Find a hotel to stay at for a few days first and then look for a
Chi Zhao hunched his back and zipped up the suitcase.
【What to do if you run into paparazzi? You are a celebrity now. If
your address is exposed, you will be a chicken in a weasel den.】
Chi Zhao’s face darkened. What kind of metaphor was that?
“Don’t I still have you? I will have to trouble you in the future
to be on standby 24/7 and scan for suspicious people around
The system sighed.
【 Haa, at such a critical moment, it’s still me who needs to save
your useless ass.】
Chi Zhao: “………..”
There were sounds of footsteps downstairs. Chi Zhao turned away
and the door happened to open at this moment. Qi Yuyang’s eyes
stopped on the two suitcases by his side.
After several seconds, Qi Yuyang lowered his hand and
straightened up. He looked at Chi Zhao. “Where are you going?”
Chi Zhao slowly turned around and continued to stuff things into
the suitcase, “Not sure. But it shouldn’t be hard finding a place.”
Xue Qing’s account was loaded. For a celebrity who needs
maintenance and lavishness, it may be enough for one and a half
year of expenses but for Chi Zhao, he could spend it until an old age.
What’s more, he didn’t need to spend it until then. Not long
afterwards, when Qi Yuyang is cured, he would be sent to jail and
can only eat jail food there.
Qi Yuyang hastily approached him but soon stopped. He
clenched his fists tightly by his sides and once again said in a low
voice, “It’s too messy outside. You are a public figure. It will bring
you a lot of trouble randomly finding a place to live. Just live
here……I’ll help you find a place, okay?”
Qi Yuyang really had no choice but to say that. This was just his
way of delaying him a little longer. No matter what happens in the
future, his top priority right now was to make Xue Qing stay.
Chi Zhao wasn’t stupid to that extent. He naturally could see that
Qi Yuyang was trying to fool him so he responded without any
sugar-coating, “No need.”
There was no sound for a long time. The system quickly glanced
back and it’s entire body made up of data froze. It fearfully reminded
Chi Zhao:
【 Host…..Why don’t you say a few nicer things? I think Qi
Yuyang’s current state is not quite right…】
Chi Zhao’s actions stopped. He turned around and saw that Qi
Yuyang was staring right at him.
Using a lot of effort, Qi Yuyang endured through the various
dangerous thoughts appearing in his mind. He closed his eyes and
waited for the throbbing at his temples to ease off before opening
his eyes again, “Then you can leave tomorrow. Just stay here for
tonight and I’ll take you over tomorrow. Is that okay?”
Chi Zhao narrowed his eyes slightly. Although he had known Qi
Yuyang for less than half a year, Chi Zhao could still tell that he was
lying. If he stayed overnight tonight, he may never be able to get out
past that front door for the rest of his life. Before the illness is cured,
Qi Yuyang would definitely not let him leave, let alone willingly help
him move.
Chi Zhao moved the suitcase on the bed to the ground and firmly
spat out one word, “No.”
Qi Yuyang took a step forward. His eyes appeared even more
bloodshot. Right now, he looked like a beast who had been chased
and driven to a dead end.
After a while, he said in a low, hoarse voice, “Xue Qing, don’t
force me.”
Chi Zhao’s expression changed slightly but soon, that change was
gone. He raised his head and used silence to declare his stance.
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: TENSIONNNN
Chapter 69
Source: KK Translates


“If you want me to be treated, then I will go get treated.”

Qi Yuyang whispered. After along time, he was finally able to have
enough courage to look at Chi Zhao in the eyes, “I can do whatever
you want, as long as you don’t leave.”
Chi Zhao’s expression stiffened. Very quickly, he reacted and fixed
his expression into a ‘I don’t understand what you’re saying’ look
and said, “I didn’t say anything about being treated. How you’re
like has nothing to do with me. I don’t want to care or be
After saying that, Chi Zhao pulled out the handle of his suitcase
with one hand. There was also a Louis Vuitton leather bag next to it
which contained several spring coats. Chi Zhao was just about to
grab it when Qi Yuyang reached for it before him.
Chi Zhao was taken aback for a moment. He quickly furrowed his
brows. He was the type who was easily persuaded with gentle
words but if a forceful approach was taken, the effect would be the
opposite and it may even result in Chi Zhao’s disdain.
Qi Yuyang had also panicked, resulting in him making such a
childish action. Chi Zhao grabbed one end of the bag and pulled it
back. At the same time, he warned Qi Yuyang coldly, “Let go.”
Qi Yuyang didn’t comply. After some pulling from both sides, the
originally unzipped bag flipped over and all the clothes inside fell
out. When clothes fall onto the ground, there should only be a
rustling sound but both heard an unusual dull thud.
Both Chi Zhao and Qi Yuyang were surprised because neither
knew that there was something else amongst the clothes. The bag
was originally stored in the closet and when Chi Zhao was packing,
he only opened the zipper to confirm that the contents were Xue
Qing’s before preparing to bring it along with him so he didn’t notice
that there was something else inside.
It was summer now and all the spring clothes were at the bottom.
Chi Zhao had never seen this bag, so he naturally didn’t know that
there were other gimmicks inside.
A wild guess appeared in Chi Zhao’s mind.
Could it be a small safe hidden in there and after opening it, one
would find that there are hundreds of millions of yuan inside?
System: “………….” You have gone crazy over money.
Chi Zhao didn’t move for a while because from his angle, he
couldn’t see what had fallen out. However, Qi Yuyang saw it. A small
wooden corner was exposed under a cashmere coat. Qi Yuyang knelt
down and pulled it out.
It was a photo frame.
And it was the same photo that was framed up on the wall in
Cheng Ran’s photo.
Qi Yuyang looked at this family of three and his expression slowly
became puzzled, “This person….I seem to have seen…….”
Chi Zhao’s chest tightened. He snatched the photo back and held it
tightly in his arms. Qi Yuyang who was caught by surprise looked up
and was met with a look of vigilance.
Not only was Qi Yuyang confused, the system was also confused.
【What happened?】
Chi Zhao: “Can’t let him remember it at a time like this or the
plot will turn messy again!”
System: “……….”
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Sometimes, it really had to express respect towards Chi Zhao. The
plot had long gone off its tracks and it was now completely
unrecognisable, but Chi Zhao continued to refuse to accept this fact
and would still conscientiously work on following the original
Chi Zhao quickly stored the photo back into the bag and then
walked out dragging a suitcase in each hand without looking back.
Five seconds after this decisive figure disappeared through the door,
there were some unusual sounds outside.
“Thud bang bang——clatter bang——-bang!”
One of the suitcases had broken away from Chi Zhao’s hand,
throwing itself enthusiastically to the ground on the first floor.
Looking at the suitcase whose handle was broken, Chi Zhao fell
When you’re really unlucky, everything goes wrong around you.
Even so, Chi Zhao still left with his belongings looking like he was
escaping from something. Qi Yuyang stood at the top of the stairs on
the second floor, watching him leave in silence.
Chi Zhao thought he would remember some of his past torture
experiences after the stimulation from seeing Xue Qing’s family
portrait, but nothing had happened. Xue Qing’s father was very
powerful. If his hypnosis could be broken by just a photo, then there
was no need for him to work so hard to hypnotise Qi Yuyang.
What Qi Yuyang remembered was a trivial matter from a long
time ago. It was a memory fragment that had been lying deep in his
mind only to resurface today.
He was about seven or eight years old at the time and hewas
being held by his father. Behind him were three security guards
dealing with a thin man. The man was lying on the ground. His leg
seemed to be injured and it was bent at a strange angle. The man
didn’t have any strength to get up but even so, he still raised his
head and looked in their direction with hatred in his eyes.
That look was so horrible, he who was still a child was also
shocked by it. That man however wasn’t looking at him, but at his
father. His father however didn’t turn back and just glanced to the
side to look at his son. Seeing that his son was looking at the people
behind them, he impatiently patted Qi Yuyang on the back, “What is
there to look at? It’s just a madman. Let’s go, you still have
homework to do when you get home.”
Qi Yuyang who heard this turned his head back obediently. A child
has no view on right and wrong, good and evil. All they could do was
to listen to the adults. After a few seconds, for some reason he
quietly glanced back again. This time, his eyes and that man’s eyes
When he was a child, Qi Yuyang didn’t understand what that look
meant. He only knew that he felt uncomfortable being looked at like
that. Thinking back to it now, Qi Yuyang could understand
Anger, pain, bitterness, unwillingness, hatred as well as
stubbornness to never give up.
That man didn’t look at him for a very long time. It was less than
two seconds. After that, the man was pressed down by the security
guard and dragged aside. It had only taken less than two seconds
but twenty years later when Qi Yuyang recalled it again, the memory
was so clear, it seemed as if it was a memory from yesterday.
That man was the same man with the faint smile in the photo.
Qi Yuyang stood there in daze. Suddenly, he staggered a little, his
back slamming against the wall behind him. He covered his head and
closed his eyes in pain. When he opened his eyes a moment later, the
emotions in his eyes were deep and complex.
In the middle of the night, the manager was suddenly called out.
He saw Chi Zhao by the main road of the high-end villa area of the
city, dressed as if he was going on a long trip. He slowly parked the
car by the side of the road and looked at Chi Zhao, completely at
loss. The latter who was sitting on a suitcase nodded back at him.
The manager didn’t know what to say but he was a manager who
hds gone through all kinds of strong winds and waves, so this wasn’t
something he had never encountered before. He asked without
concealment, “Dumped?”
Chi Zhao stood up and pulled the suitcase over to the back of the
car. When he heard that question, he glanced back at the manager
strangely, “How is that possible? Look at my face. Is getting
dumped a possibility?”
Manager: “……….” With just that sentence, yes, it’s very possible.
After moving the suitcases in, Chi Zhao closed the back trunk.
From the corner of his eyes, he seemed to see his manager on the
phone but when he went back in, the car was quiet.
The manager glanced at him, “Where are you going to go
“Find me a hotel first and then I will have to trouble you to find
a reliable place to stay at for the next few days.” Chi Zhao said
this as he buckled his seatbelt.
The manager started the car, “Don’t. A big celebrity like you
staying in a hotel, are you thinking that you don’t have enough
scandals? I have an apartment with me. It was originally
prepared for another artist, but he joined a filming group before
he could move in. You can stay there first. He will be done in two
months. During those two months, you can slowly find a place for
That was okay, but……..”
“You can’t help me?” Chi Zhao blinked lightly.
The manager reacted like he had heard something heinous.
The look he directed at Chi Zhao was filled with condemnation,
“You even want to push this onto me?! I’m a manager, not a
nanny. I’m busy everyday helping you actors with finding roles.
Look at my hair, it’s all bald! I still have to fly out tomorrow and I
will be busy again abroad. Do you know how much money I have
spent on hair transplants and psychological counselling since I
became a manager? I’m already like this, can’t you be a little
more considerate?!”
Chi Zhao listened to this rant in complete daze and could only
obediently respond with a yes at the end. Seeing that his attitude
was good, the manager also stopped venting. After driving for more
than ten minutes, they reached the place. Chi Zhao got out and took
in the surroundings. He seemed to be in a relatively high-end
apartment building.
He took out all his large and small baggages from the trunk. The
manager stood behind him, “Go on up. I’m leaving.”
Chi Zhao subconsciously wanted to ask him if he wanted to drop
by for a drink, but he then thought about it and felt that the original
owner wouldn’t say something like that, so he simply turned and
Fortunately, he didn’t ask, or the manager would’ve been so
scared he would be sweating buckets.
Are you kidding me? Two men alone in the middle of the night, do
you want me to die?
The more he thought about the managers reaction, the stranger
Chi Zhao found it. When he reached the address mentioned by the
manager, Chi Zhao didn’t immediately enter the passcode. He first
asked the system, “Scan the area to see if Qi Yuyang is around.”
The system obediently scanned the surroundings and then said
Chi Zhao was a little surprised. He then reasoned it out for
himself. It seems that he was just overthinking it.
But in fact, Chi Zhao wasn’t overthinking. It was just that Qi
Yuyang had other things to deal with for the time being and hadn’t
come over yet.
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Hearing from the manager that Xue Qing had moved in, he let out
a low hum and asked, “Did he suspect anything?”
“Of course not.” The agent said confidently, “President Qi, I’m
not just boasting here but with my acting skills, if not for my
looks, I would definitely become a top actor.”
Qi Yuyang didn’t bother listening to the managers ramble and
hung up on him. He flipped through the files before him and then
dialled a number.
After his father’s death, Jiayu Culture had gone through a major
staffing change. Many old people from that time had jumped ship
including this person who was his father’s former secretary. Right
now, he worked as an executive in another foreign company.
Fortunately, this person hadn’t changed his number. Receiving a
call from Qi Yuyang, the other party was a little surprised, “It’s
young master, long time no see. I saw you on TV before, you’re
really young and promising!”
Qi Yuyang smiled, “Uncle Li, don’t call me young master. I’m no
longer a child.”
“Haha, yes, yes. It was out of habit. I still feel like you’re still a
After the casual greeting, Qi Yuyang asked in a nonchalant
tone, “Uncle Li, I was looking through some past company files
recently. Do you remember a person called Xue Xingfan?”
The other party quickly replied, “Xue Xingfan? Let me think…..I
don’t remember. Who is this? A previous employee of Jiayu?”
Qi Yuyang’s expression remained unchanged. He lightly
chuckled, “Perhaps. There was no information about it in the files
I read. Since you don’t remember then that person probably isn’t
He said a few more things but they were all just courtesy words
and very soon, the call ended. After hanging up, Qi Yuyang looked
down at the employee profile in his hand and couldn’t help but
wrinkle his brows.
Even his father’s secretary didn’t know. If he asked someone else,
they probably wouldn’t be able to answer either.
Qi Yuyang frowned for a long time. He then got up and went into
another room.
In another prosperous city, Uncle Li who had just hung up had a
solemn expression. His daughter was passing by at this time and she
couldn’t help but ask, “Dad, what’s wrong?”
Uncle Li was startled. He quickly laughed it off, “It’s nothing.
Just received a greeting call from a junior. Haven’t seen him for
many years so it was a pleasant surprise.”
His daughter smiled, “Isn’t that a good thing then? Just looking
at your expression, I thought something went wrong.”
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: What are you hiding Uncle Li…..
Chapter 70
Source: KK Translates


The manager’s apartment wasn’t very big; it was only about 100
square metres in size, but it was more than enough for one person.
At 6:30 in the morning of the next day, Chi Zhao got up and couldn’t
seem to relax in this completely unfamiliar environment.
Chi Zhao scratched his head, “Suddenly changing places, I still
haven’t adapted.”
【 Then you should hurry and get used to it. In a month or two,
you will have to get used to life in jail. Speaking of jail, I have a high
definition version of “Tears Behind Bars”. Would you like to give it
a listen first to get a feeling of it?】
Chi Zhao was about to retort back but, before he could speak, he
fell silent for a moment and changed his mind, “Okay, play it.”
There aren’t many sources of entertainment in jail. If he learnt a
few songs, perhaps he could leave a his future inmates with a good
The two underground floors of this apartment building were both
parking lots. Yesterday, his manager had said that he would go there
to pick him up so Chi Zhao selected the button on the elevator for
the first underground floor. When the elevator door opened, Chi
Zhao raised his head and was met with a familiar, tall figure.
He didn’t know when Qi Yuyang had come. Qi Yuyang was
wearing a thin t-shirt and a pair of slim-fit black jeans which made
him look clean and refreshing and also very stylish. He usually
always wore a suit and leather shoes so, although it was handsome,
he always gave off a difficult to approach feeling. Today, having
changed his style, he suddenly appeared more approachable.
Chi Zhao didn’t move. He stood silently in the elevator, quietly
looking at Qi Yuyang who was standing before him.
Qi Yuyang revealed a natural smile, as if nothing had happened
between the two of them yesterday, “Let’s go. I’ll take you there.”
Chi Zhao didn’t need to ask to know that his manager must have
been bought over by him.
Chi Zhao glanced to the side. He didn’t take a step forward and
instead took a step back and pressed the “1” button on the panel.
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Qi Yuyang pressed his lips tightly together. Seeing this, he didn’t
speak and simply stepped forward onto the track of the elevator
door and used his large hands to prevent the doors from closing.
Chi Zhao was someone who could be moved with gentle
persuasion rather than force. That was something Qi Yuyang had
learnt yesterday. Having learnt that, he stopped himself from losing
his temper and said in a low voice, “I’m just dropping you off and
then I will leave. Your car isn’t here, and no one can take you
there. You also can’t take a taxi by yourself.”
In the end, Chi Zhao could only get into Qi Yuyang’s car.
When he arrived, Chi Zhao opened the door and got out. When he
realised that Qi Yuyang wasn’t following him after he took a few
steps, he couldn’t help but pause and turn slightly to the side to
glance back using the corners of his eyes. Qi Yuyang was still sitting
in the car, looking in his direction. His expression was calm, as if he
wasn’t enduring pain and as if he wasn’t angry or anxious. It was
just calm, so calm that it felt strange.
Chi Zhao quietly asked the system, “Why is he so well behaved?”
【 Maybe…He wants to make concessions first in order to gain
advantages later and play hard to get?】
Chi Zhao was shocked, “System, you’re not stupid.”
System: “……….”
What do you mean?! Are you saying that I was stupid before?!
Qi Yuyang really kept his promise and only dropped Chi Zhao off
and left. For the entire day, he didn’t show up on the set. At night, he
came to pick Chi Zhao up again but this time Chi Zhao himself had a
car, so he didn’t get into Qi Yuyang’s car.
Everything was only difficult at the beginning. This principle
applied to any world. Chi Zhao thought it would be difficult
ruthlessly rejecting someone who was ill but in fact, after he got
started, everything after that was easier to do.
Chi Zhao refused all of Qi Yuyang’s attempts to show goodwill and
get closer to him. The interactions the two had basically only
consisted of the two short time periods when he left and returned to
his apartment each day. As for the time in the middle, Chi Zhao
didn’t know where Qi Yuyang had gone.
On Chi Zhao’s first day of filming without Qi Yuyang around, there
was no reaction amongst the crew. On the second and third day of
not seeing Qi Yuyang around, rumours very quickly started to
spread. Chi Zhao just ignored it and didn’t bother with clarifying, so
these rumours spread all the more. In the afternoon, those rumours
miraculously disappeared.
And Chi Zhao also noticed that those who taunted him behind his
back had started to avoid him, as if he was a water demon.
Chi Zhao fell silent.
“So he’s still constantly paying attention to me, isn’t he?”
Chi Zhao kicked the leg of the table next to him and didn’t speak.
Living alone was both convenient and inconvenient. Although it
was quiet, if you wanted to buy something, you could only buy it
Although his position was high enough, because he had Qi Yuyang
around before, his manager didn’t assign him with an assistant. Qi
Yuyang had taken care of everything and he had used Qi Yuyang’s
employees as if they were his own assistants.
Now that the great lord had been dumped by him, the staff of the
great lord most definitely can no longer be used. Chi Zhao clutched
his growling stomach and started to worry about a problem that had
plagued all of mankind.
——-What to do for dinner?
Chi Zhao wandered around the living room and then loitered
around the door for a while before returning back to the sofa.
It was nine in the evening. Chi Zhao hadn’t been having dinner at
home the past few days and had always been going out to eat after
waking up. After finishing early today, he had gone home to sleep
and when he woke up again, it was already this time.
If he was to go out to eat, he would have to drive a long distance.
After all, restaurants with good privacy are not anywhere close. If he
ate at home and ordered takeout, who would open the door?
【 Idiot. Can’t you just let the delivery staff leave it outside the
Ah, that is true. But…..
“What did you call me just now?!”
The system that can change its attitude very flexibly immediately
changed its words.
【 Dear host, why don’t you let the delivery staff leave it outside
the door?】
Chi Zhao sharpened his eyes and wanted to continue discussing
with the system a little more when suddenly, the doorbell rang.
Chi Zhao turned his head and approached the door. He checked
intercom screen.
Outside the door was a food delivery boy. He squinted his eyes
and read the message on the order: “Leave the takeaway outside
the door. Knock on the door and read out this passage. I can
hear…That, Mr. Xue, I’ve finished reading it. The takeaway will be
left here. Please remember to quickly take it in!”
After he was done, the boy ran off in a hurry, looking very anxious.
Chi Zhao and the system looked at each other with confusion. After a
while, Chi Zhao cautiously opened the door and looked down at the
takeaway box sitting quietly on the ground outside. Chi Zhao
squatted down, picked up the takeout and looked around blankly.
In the tightly packed box were two dishes, a soup and a serving of
steaming rice. Looking at the name, it was a place Chi Zhao had
eaten at a couple of times before. That restaurant was more than ten
kilometres away so if you tried to place an order from your phone,
you won’t be able to find the store.
That is, unless you are a frequent visitor to this restaurant, and
you call the bosses number directly to place an order.
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Looking at the exquisite dishes, Chi Zhao sighed, “Can you scan
again? Is Qi Yuyang really not nearby?”
The system obediently scanned again but it again returned with
【Nothing. There really is nothing. If he’s living next door, I would
have already found out!】
Not next door but he knew that he was hungry and wants to eat
something. Could he have installed surveillance in his place?
Chi Zhao only suspected this for a moment and the system
immediately dismissed it.
【 Impossible. I can find that out with my scanning and there’s
nothing here!】
Then something wasn’t right.
Chi Zhao didn’t touch the food and instead slowly looked around
the room. His expression seemed like he was deeply in thought and
the system didn’t dare disturb. After a few seconds, Chi Zhao’s
movements suddenly stopped, and he slowly turned to look out the
dark window.
These apartment buildings were all high-end apartment buildings
and the distance between the buildings was very large. Chi Zhao
walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked across with a
frown. At night, you couldn’t see the situation on the opposite end
with your naked eyes and can only see small individual windows.
His eyes slowly wandered across these small windows and, for a
moment, Qi Yuyang felt that their eyes met.
Ordering takeout for Xue Qing was a very bold act but Qi Yuyang
did it anyway because he wanted Xue Qing to know that he was
there and had never left.
It was also because he wanted to see how Xue Qing would react to
Through the binoculars, Xue Qing expressionlessly stood by the
window. He stood there for a long time, about five minutes. After
five minutes, he nonchalantly turned around and sat down in the
living room to start a quiet meal.
As Qi Yuyang expected, Xue Qing’s reaction was no reaction.
Lowering his binoculars, Qi Yuyang pressed his chest. He couldn’t
describe what he was feeling right now nor could he figure out Xue
Qing’s attitude towards him.
Sometimes, he felt that Xue Qing hated him but at other times, he
felt that Xue Qing had a high tolerance for him. That day, he was
determined and ruthless about leaving but today, when he found out
that he was living in the building opposite him like a pervert and
even secretly watching his every move, he wasn’t angry and he even
didn’t mind eating the dinner he had ordered for him.
There was only a warm yellow floor lamp turned on in the room,
so the lighting was very limited. In this dim setting, Qi Yuyang let out
a deep sigh. The sound from his throat was low and suppressed.
“Xue Qing, what are you thinking……”
What Chi Zhao was thinking about was…….whether he had
exposed himself over the past few days.
He was accustomed to letting himself go when no one was around
and sometimes when he chats with the system, he may add
expressions or body language. If unsuspecting people saw it, the
scene must’ve appeared very scary.
Chi Zhao frantically tried to recall and finally felt at ease when he
realised that he had basically left the place as soon as he opened his
eyes and would only return late at night and basically stay in the
bedroom the whole time. While he stayed in the bedroom, he had
made sure to keep the curtains closed every time.
It was a good habit to draw the curtains. He must continue to keep
this up in the future.
System: “………..”
【 That’s it? The protagonist has been spying on you with
binoculars like a pervert and that’s your only reaction?】
“What else can I do?” Chi Zhao placed down the chopsticks. After
some thought, he really came up with something, “Oh, seems like
his condition has worsened.”
【You’re not afraid that this seemingly dormant perverseness of
his would suddenly take a turn for the worse?】
Chi Zhao answered very calmly, “Not afraid. He hasn’t reached
that stage yet. Also, hasn’t he started with his treatment?”
【What if he doesn’t improve?! What if he just decides to continue
being hung up over you?! Why aren’t you worried at all? I’m so
anxious, my motherboard is starting to heat up!】
Chi Zhao took a sip of the soup and replied lightly, “This is called,
a calm heart keeps you cool.”
System: “……….”
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KK has something to say: ML and his spying tendencies strikes
once again!
Chapter 71
Source: KK Translates


Early in the morning of the next day, Chi Zhao left his apartment.
This time he didn’t need to reach the parking lot before he saw Qi
Although Chi Zhao had already found out yesterday that he was
living nearby, it probably wasn’t enough to expose him.
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment. He then decided to ignore him
and continue on.
Just as he was about to pass Qi Yuyang, Qi Yuyang who had his
eyes lowered spoke up, “This morning, I will go see a doctor.”
Chi Zhao’s footsteps stopped.
He turned his head slightly. Qi Yuyang also slowly looked at him.
He opened his mouth and seemed to be a little nervous, “Can you
accompany me?”
Chi Zhao’s eyes stirred slightly. Qi Yuyang looked at him
nervously but Chi Zhao in the end shook his head and refused
despite Qi Yuyang’s look of expectation and anxiousness, “No.”
Almost instantly, the lights in Qi Yuyang’s eyes faded. Chi Zhao
secretly took a deep breath and turned to leave. This was the
hallway of the apartment. After Chi Zhao entered the elevator, he
couldn’t see the situation on Qi Yuyang’s end so he could only ask
the system, “What is his expression like now?”
【Like his wife had just died.】
Chi Zhao: “…………..”
Although he knew that the system was mocking him, he couldn’t
help but admit that it really fit the situation…..
Qi Yuyang had stayed in a rehabilitation centre for two years,
been under psychiatric care for three years and had also received
five years of uninterrupted psychological counselling. After all of
this, he realised that genius doctors and all the most advanced
therapies in the world were all useless. If they played any role, it
was that they had made him even more irritable.
As a result, Qi Yuyang had no good impressions of psychologists
and psychiatrists. He had been disappointed too many times, so it
was hard to even be a little hopeful.
Sitting in the dressing room early in the morning, the makeup
artist helped Chi Zhao apply his makeup. On the other end, the new
assistant arranged by his manager was setting everything up for Chi
Zhao. After some thought, Chi Zhao asked his new assistant, “How
many scenes do I have today?”
The assistant flipped through the storyboard and answered
with a bowed head, “Three scenes. One in the morning and two in
the afternoon. There is also an action scene in the afternoon.
Brother Xue, shall we use a stand-in?”
After the little assistant finished asking this question, he didn’t
hear an answer from the other party. He raised his head and saw
that Chi Zhao was still lost in thought, so he asked again.
Chi Zhao blinked his eyes a few times and asked instead, “When
will the scene this morning be done?”
The little assistant chuckled, “How should I know that? It
depends on how well Brother Xue performs. If you are good,
perhaps it would be over in one shot.”
………And that was impossible.
Chi Zhao angrily lowered his leg and changed to a more
comfortable sitting position. Suddenly, the system’s voice appeared
in his head.
【You want to see him?】
Chi Zhao rubbed the tip of his shoe against the cement floor,
“No. I just wanted to see how Cheng Ran treats Qi Yuyang’s
Wasn’t that going to see him?
【 Don’t think about it. As soon as you leave, Qi Yuyang will
definitely know about it on his end. As a celebrity who is being
watched by tens of thousands of people, you wouldn’t be able to
eavesdrop at all. Just sit here. Besides, Cheng Ran is the youngest top
psychiatrist in the world. With him around, you will most certainly
be sent to jail just as you have desired.】
Chi Zhao: “…………Alright. I’ll take your word for it.”
Qi Yuyang didn’t directly go to Cheng Ran’s clinic. He waited
outside in his car for more than three hours, staring at his phone the
entire time, hoping for the screen to light up. Unfortunately, the
screen remained dark and the person who was on his mind clearly
had no intentions to call him.
Qi Yuyang was very generous. He booked Cheng Ran’s time for the
entire day all at once. Cheng Ran had nothing to do in his spare time
so he read a book in his office for a while before walking over to his
window and looking downstairs at the black business car parked
That car had been parked there since nine o’clock in the morning
and the owner of the car hadn’t moved the entire time with no
intention to get off or do anything else.
Cheng Ran found it funny. Did Qi Yuyang really think Xue Qing
would change his mind?
Without even needing to think about it, Cheng Ran could tell that
Qi Yuyang was waiting for Xue Qing but with Xue Qing being so
repulsed by him, how could he come and accompany him to see a
doctor? It was a foolish dream.
Upstairs and downstairs, the two people had different thoughts in
their minds and when they met, both didn’t show very pleasant
attitudes. Qi Yuyang’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot while
Cheng Ran made no attempt to hide the gloating expression on his
Fortunately, Cheng Ran still remembered his identity. He
stretched out his hand, “Take a seat.”
Sitting in the leather recliner in the office, Qi Yuyang didn’t show
any intentions to lie down. He firstly glanced at Cheng Ran, “Before
you, I have seen many psychiatrists and psychologists. They can
all be summarised with just one word, useless.”
Cheng Ran smiled and replied with kindness, “I think they can
also summarise you in one word, bastard.”
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Qi Yuyang narrowed his eyes. The temperature in his eyes
dropped several degrees. Cheng Ran stood up and said sternly,
“Of course, you can rest assured that I am different from them.
Until now, I have not encountered any difficult diseases that I
couldn’t understand.”
The words Cheng Ran had used was very interesting. He said that
there were no difficult diseases that he couldn’t understand but he
didn’t say that there are no diseases that he couldn’t cure. In other
words, he could definitely diagnose the source and cause of the
illness but even despite this, it cannot be guaranteed that the
problem could be resolved.
That was also understandable. Psychological illnesses are the
same as physical illnesses and some illnesses cannot be cured. If
everything could be cured, then Cheng Ran wouldn’t just be an
ordinary psychiatrist but a cult leader instead.
Without over-exaggeration and over-humility, Qi Yuyang’s
opinion of Cheng Ran improved somewhat. If his favourability rating
was negative ten thousand before, it had now changed to negative
nine hundred and ninety-nine.
Cheng Ran’s questioning process was the same as the doctors Qi
Yuyang had seen before. He asked him to tell them what he felt was
wrong and then talk about what he thought may be the cause for the
problem. Finally, the ]]asked him some other questions and made
him look at some strange pictures.
Qi Yuyang was very familiar with this entire process. It was
because of this familiarity that he started to feel irritable. Cheng
Rang could sense his impatience but he didn’t pay it any heed. He
put away the pictures and smiled lightly at Qi Yuyang, “There are no
shortages of expert psychologists and psychiatrists in this world.
With President Qi’s identity and financial status, I believe the
doctors you have seen were not useless and some may even be
better than me.”
Qi Yuyang furrowed his brows, “What are you trying to say?”
“I want to say that they couldn’t give you the right treatment
not because their skills were limited but because they didn’t have
enough information. The last time you received treatment was a
year ago. At that time, you hadn’t met Xue Qing yet did you?”
Qi Yuyang was silent for a while, “I knew Xue Qing from a long
time ago. We were high school classmates.”
Cheng Ran was stunned. He clearly didn’t expect them to also
have this type of relationship. He asked again, “Then try and
recall for a moment. From the time you started to have the
headaches until the time you discovered that Xue Qing can treat
your headaches, have you seen Xue Qing?”
Qi Yuyang pressed his lips together, “No.”
After saying this, he quickly raised his head, “But what does
this matter have to do with Xue Qing?”
Cheng Ran seemed to have heard something unbelievable. He
widened his eyes slightly, “What kind of question is that? Can’t
you see that there is a very obvious relationship here? You don’t
have headaches only when you see him so it means that your
condition is related to him. The cause of it is probably Xue Qing.
Those doctors couldn’t diagnose it before because you hadn’t met
Xue Qing then and they didn’t know of this connection between
you two.”
Qi Yuyang didn’t say that he was kidnapped and only said that he
had suffered a severe psychological trauma six years ago. Cheng Ran
could tell that he was very resistant, so he didn’t ask any further. In
any case, he could take his time, there was no need to rush. This was
also why Cheng Ran didn’t realise how terrible it would be if there
was a relationship between Xue Qing and the cause for Qi Yuyang’s
Qi Yuyang stared at Cheng Ran and said with emphasis,
“Because I love him, I feel reassured when I see him, so I don’t get
headaches. He is someone who can give him a sense of security
no one else can give. That is the reason. He isn’t related to the
cause of my condition.”
Cheng Ran’s expression changed slightly. He leaned against his
chair and said disapprovingly, “Qi Yuyang, President Qi, have you
watched too many TV dramas? The saying that one person is
another person’s life-saving pill may be true, but it definitely isn’t
the case between you and Xue Qing. If one person can have such a
big effect on another person’s psychological state, there can only
be two reasons. One, the two have known each other long enough
for one to become a pillar of support for the other person, or two,
that person isn’t a person but a god who can provide you with
spiritual comfort. Which category do you and Xue Qing fit in?”
After saying that, Cheng Ran sat up straight and rested his elbows
on the office table. He asked Qi Yuyang very seriously, “Or, did you
fall in love with Xue Qing six years ago?”
Chi Zhao came back very early today. He had noticed that the
more things he had on his mind, the better his acting skills were. He
didn’t use a stand-in for that action scene in the afternoon and had
personally had a fight with the action teacher, almost beating him
black and blue.
Although it had left the action teacher with some psychological
shadows, for once Chi Zhao really cleared the scene in one shot.
When he returned home, he finished his dinner and remained in the
living room watching TV.
If it was the usual, Chi Zhao would have gone back to his bedroom
to play on his phone but today it was almost 8 o’clock and he still
hadn’t gone back. He continued to stare intently at the TV. The
system could no longer remain silent.
【What use is there staying here? You don’t know which room he
is staying in and you also don’t know if he’s back.】
Chi Zhao whose intentions were suddenly seen through hesitated
a for a few minutes. He then finally turned the TV off and got up.
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Seeing that he was going back to the bedroom, the system
expressed its satisfaction.
“Ding dong——–”
Chi Zhao turned his head. The system reported immediately.
【Qi Yuyang is outside.】
Chi Zhao quickly put on his slippers and semi-jogged over to the
door. When he reached the door, he immediately stepped onto his
He cannot open that door.
While Chi Zhao debated over whether he should ignore it directly
or say something through the door to make him leave, Qi Yuyang
outside spoke first.
The camera was integrated in the door. As Qi Yuyang stared at the
door, he was staring at the camera. For Chi Zhao who as looking at
the intercom screen, it created an illusion that the two were looking
at each other.
Chi Zhao suddenly felt a little nervous.
“…..I don’t like seeing doctors.”
Qi Yuyang’s voice was low and clear, and it also carried a bit of
vulnerability that could easily be perceived. He knew that Xue Qing
was behind this door and he also knew that Xue Qing wouldn’t open
the door for him, so he only spoke to himself, “The moment I step
into the hospital, it meant that I am unwell. My heart, my brain,
my nerves, if I was I had a problem with it, I would treat it but
what I’m really afraid of is……Not being able to cure this problem
for the rest of my life.”
Some diseases are not terminal illnesses, but they are more
terrifying than terminal illnesses because they are conditions that
are psychologically devastating to the patient. The moment the
patient realises that they have to live with this pain and suffering for
the rest of their life was the most painful moment for them.
Healthy people can never understand how scared and sad people
who are sick are feeling. Humans are social animals; everyone is
afraid of not fitting in. Qi Yuyang’s resistance and fear was also
because of this.
He was afraid that Xue Qing would leave him because of this
abnormality of his.
Qi Yuyang had said a lot of small bits and pieces. He spoke about
whatever came to his mind regardless of whether there was anyone
behind the door. When he was done, Qi Yuyang took a step forward.
He reached out and gently touched the cool door panel. The
position he touched was exactly Chi Zhao’s height. His actions were
cautious and extremely gentle making Chi Zhal feel as if his fingers
were lingering on his cheeks.
“It’s hot recently. Don’t turn the air conditioner on too high at
“I’m leaving. Good night.”
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KK has something to say: Pitiful ML……..
Chapter 72
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao didn’t open the door even after Qi Yuyang left.
The system couldn’t help but praise him.
【Your performance this time is pretty good.】
Chi Zhao ignored the system and raised his eyes again, looking at
the now empty intercom screen. He then quietly returned to the
bedroom, picked up a small cushion from the sofa, climbed in bed,
found a good location and sat there unmoving with his eyes lowered.
System: “………”
It was another sleepless night. If this continued, Chi Zhao would
be able to act out a panda role without a problem.
Fortunately, Qi Yuyang didn’t come to Chi Zhao’s door every day
to say a bunch of nonsense. It was unknown if it he had done it
because he had received too much stimulation yesterday or
something went wrong with his brain but after that one incident, he
didn’t come again. As usual, he continued to see Chi Zhao once in the
morning and once in the evening, persevering in hope that Chi Zhao
could soften his attitude towards him.
If it softened now, then all the previous efforts would be put to
waste. For the sake of success, Chi Zhao could only grit his teeth and
continue with it no matter how difficult it was.
About a week later, during the Qixi Festival, Chi Zhao didn’t go to
the filming studio and instead drove over to a large shopping mall.
The manager had helped him accept a Valentine’s Day
endorsement event and, together with another first-rate male star,
he was to endorse a well-known chocolate brand. It was unknown
what the company was thinking to actually find two male stars as
models, but the effect was very good. With two hot stars standing
together, many girls let out high pitched screams.
While Chi Zhao was participating in the event, Qi Yuyang was still
toiling away in his company, looking down at the documents he had
been given with deeply knitted brows.
The subordinate’s voice was flat and sounded rather cold, “Xue
Xingfan was last recorded to have used his ID five years ago in
July but according to our investigation, he had left the city six
years ago in May.”
“After investigating the neighbours and long term
shopkeepers near Xue Xingfan and Xue Qing’s previous place of
residence, they all said that they have not seen Xue Xingfan after
Six years ago in May….
What was when Qi Yuyang went abroad for treatment. He was
kidnapped in April and then he left the country in May. The time
when Xue Xingfan disappeared was almost the same time as when
he left.
Qi Yuyang’s expression became even more unsightly. He didn’t
want to consider it but there were too many coincidences. Placing
down the documents heavily, Qi Yuyang asked with a solemn look,
“Have you found any traces of Xue Xingfan?”
The subordinate shook his head, “No, just like what I said just
now, the last time he used his ID was in July five years ago. At
that time, it was to buy a bus ticket to his hometown. We also
went to his hometown and inquired about him, but no one has
seen him. Since then, his ID and property had never been used.
Even if they were used, they were used by his son Xue Qing.”
Xue Xingfan was a professor. With his high IQ, if he wanted to
hide, he wouldn’t be found easily by others. But no matter how well
he hid, as long as he was still alive, he would definitely leave traces
“Keep looking.”
The subordinate bowed his head, “Yes.”
The subordinate left. Qi Yuyang remained sitting behind his desk.
He rested his two arms on the arm rests and slowly leaned back. He
looked extremely tired. Even the small act of closing his eyes
revealed this. After a long period of silence, a quiet mutter sounded
in the office, “A professor who specialises in psychology……”
——- Knock, knock, knock.
The door was knocked three times. Qi Yuyang instantly opened
his eyes and directed his sharp gaze at the door, startling the
secretary who had just come in. She quickly supressed her beating
heart and her tone became more cautious, “President Qi, Dr.
Cheng’s assistant just called and asked if you plan to make
another appointment with him. It has been a week since you saw
him last.”
When he left last time, Cheng Ran had asked him to come back as
soon as possible. He had wanted to give Qi Yuyang an in-depth
examination of his mind, but Qi Yuyang never went back.
Qi Yuyang lowered his eyes, “Tell him I won’t go there anymore
and ask him not to call again.”
The secretary was stunned for a moment. She was just a small
employee so although she would see Qi Yuyang every day, the
relationship between the two had never been close. She didn’t dare
say any words of comfort and just responded with ‘Yes’.
It was four o’clock in the afternoon. Qi Yuyang supported his
forehead with one hand. His temples had begun to throb with pain
again. He slowly took a deep breath and then stood up and walked
The event Chi Zhao was involved in started at two in the
afternoon and it ended at three. Calculating the time, he should have
already arrived home and that was why Qi Yuyang left work early
without any hesitation. At this moment, Chi Zhao had indeed arrived
at home, but he was standing at the door with an uncomfortable
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Not long after Chi Zhao arrived home, he heard the doorbell ring.
He had thought that it was Qi Yuyang but when he reached the door,
he discovered that the person outside was the actor who was
working with him today.
How did this person find out where he lives?
Did he follow me all the way back?
The hell, a pervert?!
……The above were the thoughts that ran through Chi Zhao’s mind
when he made this discovery.
The system was speechless. No matter how perverted this person
was, could he be more perverted than Qi Yuyang?
Chi Zhao opened the door. This apartment building was relatively
close to Jiayu Culture and Jiayu Culture was located in the city’s
largest film and broadcasting district so most of the residents here
were those involved in film and broadcast. Those who could afford
the apartments here are usually relatively well-known actors or
more powerful individuals in the film industry.
And because of this, the actor wasn’t very vigilant. Since the
security here was good and there definitely wouldn’t be any
paparazzi slipping in, he had already taken off his sunglasses and
mask. As soon as Chi Zhao opened the door, he flashed a bright smile
and casually strolled in.
Chi Zhao had no relationship with this actor, but the original
owner and this actor knew each other and have worked together a
couple of times. Chi Zhao wasn’t very happy with his uninvited
behaviour. Just as he was about to speak up, the male actor lazily
spoke, “Turns out you live in this kind of place now. So miserable.
Why, you broke up, but Qi Yuyang didn’t even give you a breakup
Chi Zhao’s expression quickly turned dark. He didn’t like someone
else mentioning Qi Yuyang in front of him. It wasn’t because he has
an issue with Qi Yuyang but because he hated other people’s
criticism of the relationship between himself and Qi Yuyang.
He replied unhappily, “We didn’t break up because I have never
been together with him. Besides, what’s it to you?”
The male actor shrugged, “So you were never even
Chi Zhao: “………”
Even the system could sense Chi Zhao’s anger, but this oblivious
actor didn’t seem to notice it. He even got close to Chi Zhao and
revealed a smile that he thought was filled with devilish charm, “In
that case, why not consider my previous proposal?”
Chi Zhao frowned. He didn’t know what this actor had proposed
to the original owner, but he could tell from that suggestive look that
it wasn’t anything good. Chi Zhao sneered, “I don’t even care for Qi
Yuyang yet you think I would care for you?”
As long as you’re a man, you would hold great importance for
your face and this actor was no exception. He narrowed his eyes
unhappily and reached out to obscenely caress Chi Zhao’s cheek,
“Don’t talk too much. You will know how good I am after you are
topped by me.”
Chi Zhao: “…………”
System: “…….”
There were those who would seek death, but this was their first
time seeing someone rushing so eagerly to die.
This time, without asking Chi Zhao, the system calmly gave its
own opinion.
【 Beat him up. It’s okay to beat him to death. This brother here
has your back, you definitely won’t go to jail because of this.】
For a moment, Chi Zhao felt as if he had become the younger
brother of an underworld gangster.
Without paying attention to the system, Chi Zhao let out a
mysterious smile and hooked his finger at the male star. The
male stair raised a brow and didn’t get fooled that easily. Chi
Zhao didn’t mind. He opened his mouth and spoke fluidly, “I
return those words back to you. You will know how good I am
after you are topped by me but you’re too disgusting and I will
have to hold a basin while doing it to catch my vomit. Let’s do
this, I’ll beat you up. It’s actually the same thing. Once you’ve
been beaten up by me, you will know how good I am.”
Before the last of his words were uttered, Chi Zhao had already
thrown a kick over, knocking the male star over. The male star was
in so much pain that he couldn’t’ get up and he was greeted with
several more blows before he remembered to make an attempt to
He was too careless. He had never thought that Xue Qing would
hit him. Not only did he hit him, his skill at beating people up also
wasn’t bad and he didn’t even have the chance to fight back. After he
ran out, he didn’t forget to leave his last parting words, “Just you
Chi Zhao coldly watched him escape out the door. He didn’t chase
after him and just rolled his eyes. How did such a stupid person get
into the entertainment industry?
Chi Zhao wasn’t interested in dealing with this kind of idiot. He
slammed the door shut and went back to his room to rest.
After that actor staggered into the elevator, his face turned pale
and he covered up his unmentionable place. In the middle, two girls
entered the elevator. They were both makeup artists and they all
recognised this actor’s face. Seeing him cover that part of him, they
were both surprised for a moment and quickly turned their heads
away, but they soon glanced back out of curiosity and quietly
The actor’s face was dark. It still hurt when he left the elevator,
but it was bearable. He put on his sunglasses while cursing Xue Qing
out and didn’t bother paying attention to the road. It just happened
that a car had appeared at this moment and for some reason the
driver was driving so fast that he couldn’t brake in time when he
saw someone ahead.
With a thud, downstairs turned chaotic.
When Qi Yuyang returned, he originally planned to park the car
directly in the parking lot but there was a crowd of people gathered
outside the apartment and there were even two police cars. Qi
Yuyang lowered the window of the car and asked someone nearby,
“What happened?”
That person was busy dealing with his own affairs so when he
was asked, he just hurriedly replied: “There was a car accident.
The one who was hit was a celebrity, that pretty famous young
actor called…..what was his name again? I can’t remember. You
should go and see for yourself!”
After he was done saying this, the man quickly ran off and didn’t
notice Qi Yuyang’s face instantly turn pale.
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He was dumbfounded for a moment and then he hurriedly opened
the door and rushed over to the site of the accident. The ambulance
had not arrived yet and the police didn’t dare move the injured
person until then, so they only checked whether his life was in
Qi Yuyang forcefully pushed aside the crowd of onlookers. Those
onlookers were irate when they found themselves pushed aside but
when they saw Qi Yuyang’s expression, they found that they couldn’t
say anything. Ah, looking at his expression, he may be the victim’s
Everyone sighed with sympathy and stepped aside, allowing Qi
Yuyang to finally see the victim lying on the ground.
The victim’s face was covered in blood and he couldn’t see his face
at all, but he was still wearing the clothes from today’s event. The
clothes were of the style and brand requested by the company and
Qi Yuyang had seen photos of it.
In an instant, Qi Yuyang couldn’t hear anything apart from
buzzing in his ears.
When the police saw Qi Yuyang suddenly rush over and look like
he had received a large blow, they quickly understood the situation
and moved to stop him, “Sir, please calm down! His life is not life-
threatening but he likely has a fracture so you can’t touch him.
Please calm down!”
Qi Yuyang roared hoarsely, “Let me go!”
He couldn’t hear the police. All that was on his mind right now
was the bloodied and unconscious Xue Qing. That feeling inside him
was too terrible, it immediately made him lose his mind.
Even if those six years of pain and torture were added together, it
was not as painful as this very moment.
Qi Yuyang felt as if his heart had been torn apart right then and
there. Half had been torn apart and the other half was still
connected and being pulled apart with great force.
With a large burst of energy, the two policemen couldn’t restrain
him at all. They were both shocked. How could this man not
understand what they were saying? They had told him that it wasn’t
life-threatening but why was he acting like he was on the brink of
The crowd of onlookers were originally here to check out the
scene of the accident but now their attentions were on the police
officers and the victim’s family. Amidst the chaos, a small, confused
voice sounded in the distance, “…….Qi Yuyang?”
Qi Yuyang’s body stiffened. He quickly turned his head and saw
Chi Zhao standing not far away. Chi Zhao had come down after
hearing the commotion. When he found out that there was an
accident downstairs and that the one involved was that damned
male star, he was afraid that he would really die so he came down to
take a look and just happened to see Qi Yuyang throwing himself
over that damned idiot.
After standing there in confusion for two seconds, Chi Zhao finally
understood. Qi Yuyang must’ve misunderstood. He found it a little
funny and the corner of his lips twitched slightly but before it could
completely form, Qi Yuyang had already appeared before him.
He stared at Chi Zhao in daze, “Are you…….okay?”
He asked with extreme uncertainty. Chi Zhao looked at his overly
frightened appearance and no longer smiled. Instead, he nodded
very seriously.
Qi Yuyang’s expression relaxed almost instantly. Chi Zhao couldn’t
bear to ignore him anymore. Just as he opened his mouth with the
intention to say a few words of comfort, he saw Qi Yuyang weakly
close his eyes and collapse onto him.
Chi Zhao was taken aback. He quickly reached out to support him.
Qi Yuyang had his head resting against his shoulder and his body
was wider that Chi Zhao’s and filled with muscles. He was so heavy,
Chi Zhao could barely remain standing. He anxiously shouted, “Qi
Yuyang, what’s wrong? Are you okay?!”
No one answered him. Chi Zhao placed his hand on his back and
seemed to feel something. Chi Zhao was slightly taken aback. He
moved his palm and glided it upwards. It returned wet and sticky
with cold sweat.
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KK has something to say: Hmmmm I can’t really see how the
relationship in this world is going to work…..Doesn’t seem like a
very healthy relationship 😅
Chapter 73
Source: KK Translates


Because of this new turn of events, a total of three ambulances

arrived. One was to transport the damned male actor, one was to
transport the driver who was more seriously injured than the actor,
and the last one was to transport Chi Zhao and Qi Yuyang.
There was no one else around and many people saw Qi Yuyang
talking to Chi Zhao so when the doctor looked for a member of his
family to accompany him, only Chi Zhao could step forward. When
they arrived at the hospital, it was chaotic again. Fortunately, Qi
Yuyang was a VIP guest of this hospital, so all the examinations were
done very thoroughly to ensure that he was fine and he was then
sent directly to the best ward on the top floor.
With good facilities and strong security, Chi Zhao wasn’t afraid of
paparazzi sneaking in.
But even if there weren’t any paparazzi, the situation had gone
out of his control.
Just now, there commotion downstairs was too loud and almost
all the onlookers saw Qi Yuyang collapse onto him. Photos and
videos of that moment must be shared like crazy online right now.
Without needing to check, Chi Zhao could guess what they must be
#Shock! Well known actor and a man hugging in the street#
#Xue Qing is gay?! The entertainment circle is once again filled
with them#
#Xue Qing’s love affair exposed. The partner is actually him!#
Chi Zhao was in no mood to check those nonsense posts. He stood
in front of Qi Yuyang’s bed, silently listening to the scolding with his
head bowed.
“How can you let him become like this? Look at it.
Malnutrition, severe lack of sleep and also arrythmia. Even if you
have money, you can’t abuse your body like this! As a member of
the family, you can’t even take care of him?!”
The elderly specialist’s momentum was too strong, making Chi
Zhao unable to speak up for himself. It took him a few seconds to
recover, “No, I’m not his family…..”
The grey-haired specialist looked at him up and down
suspiciously, “If you’re not his family then what are you? A
colleague? But aren’t you a celebrity?”
Chi Zhao thought for a while, “Not a colleague. We’re
The elderly specialist furrowed his brows. About a minute later,
he smiled meaningfully, as if he had figured out the relationship
between them.
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“Don’t play that trick on me.”
Chi Zhao: “………???”
The elderly specialist sneered, “Did you fight? He became like
this because you two fought, didn’t he?”
The elderly specialist revealed a smug expression that seemed
to say ‘What haven’t I seen before?’ and he then shook his head
disapprovingly, “Young people are always temperamental so
getting into arguments with your significant other is
unavoidable. These are all trivial things and it’s very normal but
no matter how you argue, you should still take your health more
seriously. Look at this. After all of that pushing and pulling,
didn’t you end up in the hospital?”
Chi Zhao dumbly tried to explain, “No, we……”
“Okay, okay, okay.” The elderly specialist waved his hand, “No
need to explain. Explaining is concealing and concealing is hiding
the truth. Even I understand this. Just look after him properly. He
had received too much shock and, with his poor physical
condition and low blood sugar, it’s not a surprise for him to faint.
He should wake up after a few hours. When the drip is out, press
the bell to call for the nurse. The nurse will help you change to a
new one. We will observe him for the night and if all is well
tomorrow, he can leave.”
After saying this, the specialist turned and walked out. After
taking a few steps, he turned back and reprimanded Chi Zhao
reproachfully, “Don’t argue anymore! No matter how big the
matter is, can’t you just sit down and calmly solve it together?
Young couples these days. Haa, it’s so hard.”
Chi Zhao: “…………”
The elderly specialist finally left. Chi Zhao looked at the closed
door and then at Qi Yuyang who was still lying on the hospital bed
unconscious. He sighed and slowly approached Qi Yuyang’s bed.
If the doctor didn’t say anything, Chi Zhao wouldn’t have noticed
it. Looking at him more closely now, he saw that Qi Yuyang’s chin
had indeed become a little sharper and his eyes also had a bluish-
purple patch underneath.
Malnutrition, severe lack of sleep, arrythmia….
He saw Qi Yuyang basically every day, but he hadn’t noticed it.
Was his observation power too low or was Qi Yuyang very good at
hiding it from him?
Pulling over a chair, Chi Zhao slowly sat down and silently looked
at Qi Yuyang’s face. No matter how strong and healthy one may be,
as long they are wearing a hospital gown and is lying on a hospital
bed, they would instantly appear a lot frailer. At this moment, Qi
Yuyang laid there with his eyes closed. His cheeks showed an
unhealthy sick colour and his lips were dry and peeled.
Chi Zhao watched over him for a long time until he heard the
sound of the door opening.
The visitor was Qi Yuyang subordinate. Immediately after
hospitalising Qi Yuyang, the hospital had contacted Qi Yuyang’s
emergency contact. Qi Yuyang hadn’t been to the hospital for about
half a year so the emergency contact details hadn’t been updated.
Usually, one’s emergency contact would be their lover or relative
and, if both were not possible, then their children.
But Qi Yuyang’s emergency contact was a person who was not
related to him in any way and was just hired with money.
Chi Zhao turned around and let out a small sigh inside when he
saw the subordinate. He then stood up, “The doctor said he’s fine,
just received a scare.”
The subordinate didn’t ask why he was scared and just nodded,
“We’ve troubled Mr. Xue.”
Chi Zhao was rendered speechless for a moment. To think that his
subordinate was also such a taciturn person. Chi Zhao didn’t speak,
and he just continued to stand there with no intentions to speak
either. Minutes and seconds passed. Gradually, the atmosphere in
the ward grew more and more awkward. In the end, Chi Zhao finally
broke the deadlock, “How long have you been with Qi Yuyang?”
The subordinate answered quickly, “Two years.”
“Then, has something like this happened before?”
The subordinate didn’t quite understand, “Mr. Xue, what kind
of situation are you referring to?”
“As in malnutrition, lack of sleep, arrythmia……”
Chi Zhao listed out all the findings the doctor said just now. The
subordinate thought back for a while and finally nodded with
certainty, “Yes.”
Hearing this answer, Chi Zhao was relieved. It basically meant that
these symptoms were indirectly caused by the headache and
insomnia and not something that had recently developed.
Just as Chi Zhao was feeling relieved, the subordinate spoke up
again, “But in the past, President Qi only had a mildly poor
appetite and just had some difficulty falling asleep. It wasn’t like
the past few days where he couldn’t eat a single bite and couldn’t
sleep at all. As for the arrhythmia, that also was never a
Chi Zhao: “…………”
Although he hadn’t said anything specifically about Chi Zhao, Chi
Zhao felt that this subordinate was talking about him. He was silent
for a moment before answering awkwardly, “Oh, I see. I
The subordinate smiled, “Then please take a sit. I will help
handle President Qi’s paperwork.”
The subordinate left, leaving Chi Zhao to mull in silence alone. He
then turned and directed his gaze at Qi Yuyang’s face. His gaze
travelled over his face and finally stopped at the hand where the
infusion tube was inserted.
Because it was in the middle of infusing, the veins on his hand
were more obvious than usual. Chi Zhao tested the temperature of
the back of Qi Yuyang’s hand and found that it was cold.
During the infusion, it can feel colder than usual. Chi Zhao
carefully stuffed his arm under the sheets, fearing that it may
accidentally press down onto the needle.
After doing this, Chi Zhao straightened up and turned to leave. At
this moment, his wrist was suddenly grabbed.
Chi Zhao turned. Qi Yuyang had opened his eyes at some unknown
point in time and was looking at him unblinkingly.
Chi Zhao pursed his lips and pointed outside, “I’m not leaving.
I’m just leaving to ask the nurse how many more infusions you
will need tonight.”
He had originally thought that Qi Yuyang would release him after
saying this, but the latter showed no intentions to do that. On the
contrary, his grip had tightened a little more.
Chi Zhao caught a glimpse of the taut infusion tube and got very
anxious, “Let go! Do you want to rip the needle out?!”
He used his other free hand to pry Qi Yuyang’s hand off. Looking
at Qi Yuyang, Chi Zhao felt helpless. He fell silent for a moment and
said in a small voice, “Don’t worry, I won’t leave today.”
One is at their most vulnerable state when they are sick. This was
even more the case when you are hospitalised. Even if you are lying
on a bed made of gold, if you don’t have anyone around you who
cares about you, it is a very sad and unfortunate thing.
Qi Yuyang has no relatives and his illness has also not yet been
cured so if he could help relieve his headache by staying behind, he
should at least stay to make it easier for Qi Yuyang.
Those were Chi Zhao’s thoughts. Qi Yuyang however didn’t pay
any attention anything he said apart from the word “today”.
Qi Yuyang’s chapped lips moved. A moment later, Chi Zhao heard
an unusually hoarse voice from his throat, “…..What about
Chi Zhao looked at him silently and Qi Yuyang met his gaze, not
giving in. Chi Zhao was a little flustered and his body acted before
his brain could think.
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He nodded, “I won’t go.”
When he asked the question just now, Qi Yuyang was still calm
but the moment he heard Chi Zhao’s answer, his expression visibly
turned excited and his eyes brightened. He supported his upper
body up and began to sit up but how could Chi Zhao let him do that?
He pressed him back in bed and helped raise the bed angle for Qi
Yuyang instead before straightening up again. When he looked at Qi
Yuyang again, the latter had almost completely calmed back down.
He asked again with a tremble in the voice that couldn’t be ignored,
“If you won’t leave tomorrow then….will you leave after that?”
Chi Zhao didn’t answer quickly this time. He pursed his lips, tilted
his head to one side and looked out the window. They were
currently on the highest floor of the hospital and you could see the
city’s large Ferris wheel in the distance. Chi Zhao answer in a low
voice, “Hard to say.”
Hard to say.
This uncertain answer made Qi Yuyang let out a laugh. Seeing the
successor of the entertainment industry and the boss of Jiayu
Culture sit in a hospital bed with such a silly grin on his face, Chi
Zhao was speechless. At the same time, he also felt a sour and warm
feeling in his heart.
Xue Qing’s expression was no longer cold and indifferent. When
he looked at him, those else seemed to show the warmth he once
showed to Cheng Ran. Qi Yuyang heard him ask, “What are you
laughing at?”
Qi Yuyang shook his head. He had only just woken up and his
body was still very week so his breathing was a little difficult.
Excessive fright coupled with arrhythmia almost resulted in a
heart attack. Fortunately, Qi Yuyang didn’t have any heart problems
and those were just mild symptoms but he must pay attention to his
health in the future lest an actual heart attack really happens. Chi
Zhao looked around, wanting to pour Qi Yuyang a glass of water, but
when he just took a step, a hand grabbed onto him. Chi Zhao was
helpless, “I already said, I won’t leave.”
“I know.”
Qi Yuyang looked up at the meticulously dressed Chi Zhao.
His voice was too small, and Chi Zhao couldn’t hear. He could only
bend down slightly and look on with a questioning gaze to tell him
to repeat it again. Qi Yuyang looked into Chi Zhao’s eyes and
hesitantly made his request, “Can you……..kiss me?”
Chi Zhao’s eyes widened slightly. His expression carried two parts
surprise. Qi Yuyang was still looking at him expectantly and had no
intention to take back this request. Any normal person understood
the principle of striking the iron while it is hot. With Xue Qing’s
attitude finally softening, he must seize this opportunity.
While his mind was firm, he was also inevitably a little nervous. In
his mind, he felt that there was an 80% chance of Xue Qing
mercilessly rejecting him, a 10% chance of him tactfully rejecting
him and a 10% chance of him agreeing.
Not to mention 10%, even if there is only a 1% or 0.1% chance, Qi
Yuyang was willing to give it a try. He couldn’t help but wonder
inside if Xue Qing would kiss his face or his forehead if he really
No matter where it was, it was fine as long as he agreed. It was
fine even if it was just a kiss out of sympathy that carried no other
Xue Qing’s expression slowly changed. When he saw him slowly
approach him, Qi Yuyang almost went into shock. He sat there in bed
both stiff and excited, waiting for his angel to present him a clean
and pure kiss.
When he was two centimetres away from Qi Yuyang, Xue Qing
gently closed his eyes. He bent down, raised his head and pressed
his pale lips against Qi Yuyang’s thin lips. It was both warm and
moist. Qi Yuyang looked at Xue Qing who was at such a close
proximity and suddenly understood why every screenwriter had to
create an icy, jade-like, aloof character in all their scripts.
It was because people like this can arouse a man’s heartfelt and
crazy desire to conquer.
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KK has something to say: They kissed?!?! Whaaatttt……
Chapter 74
Source: KK Translates


Sorry for breaking my daily chapter streak, I was too busy

yesterday to post up a chapter. Here’s todays chapter~
Out of impulse, Chi Zhao didn’t even think and just leaned
towards Qi Yuyang. It wasn’t until he felt the soft touch that Chi Zhao
suddenly realised what he had just done. He immediately opened his
eyes and tried to get up with the intention to leave.
But it was too late.
The surprise slowly faded from Qi Yuyang’s eyes and it was
replaced by a sharp and deep light. He very quickly turned the
situation around and, with one hand holding Chi Zhao’s shoulder
and the other supporting the back of his head, he would use his
slender and powerful fingers to carefully rub the back of Chi Zhao’s
neck whenever the kiss turned passionate.
In an instant, Chi Zhao lost his strength. When Qi Yuyang pressed
that spot on the back of his neck, a feeling of familiarity and
dependence suddenly stirred inside him, making him want to lean
against Qi Yuyang, submit to him and give him everything he
The two kissed indiscriminately on the hospital bed. Everything
had happened too quickly, and the system could only stare
dumbfoundedly at the pair of dog men. After a long moment of
silence, the system finally acted and quickly entered the depths of
Chi Zhao’s mind whilst muttering angrily, “Stupid idiot!”
A few minutes later, Chi Zhao raised his head while panting
slightly and saw that at some unknown point in time, he had ended
up sitting in Qi Yuyang’s lap. Qi Yuyang on the other hand didn’t
seem to find it a problem and continued to hold him while a smile on
his face.
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment. He then quickly jumped off Qi
Yuyang and restored his expression back to his usual facial paralysis
look. The only exception was that the corners of his eyes were still
slightly red, and his breathing was not as stable and calm as before.
“I’m going to get you water.”
The hot water bottle was in the ward, but Chi Zhao had thrown
out a line like this and hurried out the room without even taking a
cup with him. Qi Yuyang watched his escaping figure and the smile
on his lips couldn’t help but deepen.
Once outside the ward, Chi Zhao didn’t look for the water and
instead stopped and leaned against the wall after talking about ten
metres away from the room.
After a while, he covered his face and collapsed.
How did that situation happen just now?!
Having heard this question, the system appeared in a flash and
considerately put on a small movie in Chi Zhao’s mind. It was a
replay of the scene where he took the initiative to kiss Qi Yuyang.
Chi Zhao: “…………”
Chi Zhao supported his head and leaned back against the wall. He
clearly looked very depressed, “Did the plot collapse again?”
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The system internally said: What collapse? The plot has never
been normal from the very beginning okay?!
Although it thought this, the system didn’t say it and instead
changed its way of comforting Chi Zhao.
【Probably not. Think about it. In the original plot line, Qi Yuyang
and Xue Qing was in a romantic relationship. Kissing him now
shouldn’t be a problem.】
Chi Zhao frowned. Just as he wanted to say something, someone
nearby called out to him. After turning around to look, he saw that it
was the elderly doctor.
The doctor came over and reproached, “Why didn’t you stay in
the ward? What if the patient wakes up?”
Chi Zhao explained, “He is already awake.”
“Awake?” The doctor’s gaze turned sharp, “If he’s awake then
why did you run out?! Leaving a patient in the room, unable to
drink water when he wants to, don’t tell me you’re thinking of
just leaving him here? You really shouldn’t do that. Your
boyfriend is bedridden, yet you don’t plan on caring for him. Is
this something a human would do?!”
Chi Zhao: “………….” What the hell is this?!
“I’m not leaving.” Chi Zhao replied helplessly, “I just wanted to
get some air and then go back later.”
The doctor wanted to continue speaking but before he did, he
looked suspiciously at Chi Zhao’s slightly red lips. He was
astonished for a moment before letting out a laugh, “Oh….I
understand, seems like I misunderstood. Haha so it turned out to
be like this. Young man, you scared me. Alright, it’s good that you
two reconciled. I can rest assured now. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
The elderly doctor wasn’t wearing a doctor’s gown and appeared
to be getting off work. Chi Zhao watched him leave and walked
around a few places first before returning with mineral water he
bought from the vending machine.
There was mineral water in the ward, but it was twenty yuan per
bottle, much more expensive than the ones Chi Zhao bought. When
Chi Zhao returned with the water, he stuffed it directly into the
fridge and had no intention to give it to Qi Yuyang to drink.
Qi Yuyang saw this but didn’t say anything and just smiled
The more incomprehensible and confused Xue Qing was, the
happier he was. It meant that Xue Qings heart was messed up, that
he was hesitating and that he was feeling conflicted. He was no
longer indifferent to him like before.
Sitting on the hospital bed, Qi Yuyang wondered what could have
made Xue Qing change his attitude so suddenly.
It seemed to be…….because he was sick?
No, but he was already sick in the first place. Even after knowing
that he was sick, Xue Qing had only asked him to see a doctor and
didn’t do anything else. As for today……
A light bulb lit up. Qi Yuyang now understood.
Chi Zhao returned with a glass of warm water. He passed the
water to Qi Yuyang and watched him finish half the glass before
taking it back and along the way glancing at the door.
How strange. Didn’t he said that he was going to deal with the
paperwork? It has already been 30 minutes, why isn’t he back yet?
Chi Zhao checked the time and then asked Qi Yuyang, “Are you
Nutrition was provided through the drip but how could that be
compared to piping hot meals? Seeing Qi Yuyang nodding his head,
Chi Zhao immediately turned around to go buy him something but
QI Yuyang’s anxious all stopped him in his steps, “Don’t go.”
Chi Zhao looked back at him. Qi Yuyang met his gaze and pursed
his pale lips, “Just let the nurse bring it over. Don’t go.”
Qi Yuyang’s voice was very weak and his eyes were filled with
anxiousness and desire. Seeing that Xue Qing wasn’t answering him,
Qi Yuyang silently lowered his eyes, his eyelashes trembling slightly.
It was as if he didn’t dare look at him lest Chi Zhao rejects him.
Used to seeing Qi Yuyang’s masculine and dignified appearance,
anyone who saw him now would feel sympathetic not to mention
someone like Chi Zhao who had intimate contact with him just a
moment ago.
Chi Zhao returned and sat down next to Qi Yuyang. He pressed the
bell to call the nurse, “Okay, I’ll call the nurse over.”
The subordinate heard from the nurse that Qi Yuyang was awake
and deliberately wiled away outside for half an hour before
returning. Just as he entered, he saw the legendary celebrity Xue
who wouldn’t even give President Qi a moment of his time help Qi
Yuyang pick out the carrots from his food.
The two were very close with Xue Qing’s attention on the food and
Qi Yuyang’s attention on Xue Qing.
The subordinate opened his mouth to speak when suddenly a cold
and icy look was directed at him. He could only close his mouth
again and silently retreat.
From Chi Zhao’s position, he couldn’t see the door, but he seemed
to have heard the sounds of the door closing. Chi Zhao raised his
head, “Someone came in?”
The coldness in Qi Yuyang’s eyes was already gone. He looked at
Chi Zhao tenderly, “No, just noises outside.”
Chi Zhao accepted this and then pushed the plate over, “All done.
Go eat.”
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Although it wasn’t good to be picky, the doctor had said that Qi
Yuyang was malnourished so making Qi Yuyang eat was the top
priority right now. Forget about nutrition, just making him eat was
Gazing at Chi Zhao’s clean and slender hands, Qi Yuyang wanted
him to feed him but he felt that he may be pushing it too far and was
afraid of ruining the mood, so he obediently started to eat himself.
Chi Zhao watched him eat. For a while, there was only the sound
of cutlery colliding with each other. When he saw that Qi Yuyang
had very quickly demolished half the food, Chi Zhao couldn’t help
but furrow his brows, “The doctor said you’re malnourished.”
Qi Yuyang paused.
“What do you aat at him?”
Qi Yuyang slowly lowered his chopsticks and then raised his
head, smiling lightly at Chi Zhao, “It’s nothing. It’s just the usual
food……I just didn’t have the appetite recently and didn’t feel like
Staring at Qi Yuyang’s eyes, Chi Zhao frowned further, “Then why
didn’t you tell me?”
The smile on Qi Yuyang’s face gradually faded, and he calmly
looked back at Chi Zhao, “If I told you, would you listen?”
Chi Zhao was stunned.
“Would you care?”
Chi Zhao opened his mouth to answer but he couldn’t say a word.
Chi Zhao was rendered speechless by that question. Qi Yuyang
lowered his head again and picked up his chopsticks. His voice
sounded a little distant, “Not being able to eat is nothing, I’m used
to this kind of life. But, I can’t get used to your indifference to
Qi Yuyang picked at a piece of potato on the plate and he lowered
his voice to a volume that only Chi Zhao could hear, “Never can get
used to it.”
Chi Zhao still didn’t answer. He however tightened his hands
slightly and this small action of his was noticed by Qi Yuyang who no
longer spoke. The ward was quiet again. The system silently looked
at Qi Yuyang and felt that something wasn’t right.
Did it see wrong or was it overthinking it? Why did it feel that the
protagonist was trying to trick Chi Zhao? Was he deliberately doing
this to arouse Chi Zhao’s sympathy and guilt?
It stands to reason that this should not be the case. Qi Yuyang’s
character set up was that he should be a very arrogant person and
very competitive. He could use his money and power to deal with
Xue Qing to force him to stay by his side and would never
deliberately lower himself and expose his weak side to gain Xue
Qing’s sympathy because something like that was too degrading.
With Qi Yuyang’s personality and identity, it wasn’t something he
would do.
Who would have thought that Qi Yuyang really did just that? He
had now found a way to pursue the person he liked. As long as he
could get him, he no longer cared about his face and reputation.
When it was time to sleep, Qi Yuyang was still plotting over how
he should make Chi Zhao sleep on the same bed as him, but Chi Zhao
didn’t fall for it and slept on another bed for the night.
The system originally thought that Qi Yuyang would be very
excited and may not even be able to sleep for half the night, just
staring at Chi Zhao, but Qi Yuyang had instead fallen asleep as soon
as the lights were turned off. It seemed that he really was lacking in
sleep. On the contrary, Chi Zhao wasn’t able to close his eyes for
most of the night. He tossed and turned for a while before finally
turning over to look at Qi Yuyang.
The ward wasn’t completely dark. The warm-coloured bedside
lamp was still on and a small part of it fell onto Qi Yuyang’s face,
softening his features.
Outsiders would never associate Qi Yuyang with the word soft,
only Chi Zhao would do something like that.
It was because this man would only show his soft and weak side
when he was around him.
His heart lightly thudded. Chi Zhao closed his eyes and slightly
pulled up the sheets to cover up the light before his eyes.
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KK has something to say: Qi Yuyang, please not guilt trip Chi Zhao
like that……….
Chapter 75
Source: KK Translates


The next day, Qi Yuyang was declared fine after a quick

examination and his subordinate again went off to handle the
discharge procedures for Qi Yuyang.
While his subordinate went to deal with the paperwork, Qi
Yuyang sat on the hospital bed slowly buttoning his shirt. At the
same time, he would from time to time glance at Chi Zhao.
When he was done, he walked to Chi Zhao’s side making the
height difference between the two once again become apparent. Chi
Zhao silently raised his head to look at him.
“Come home with me?”
After a good night’s sleep and a full meal, the current Qi Yuyang
looked a whole lot better. He asked this question with his deep,
magnetic, cello-like voice, almost making Chi Zhao fall into a trance
but he managed to quickly recover and shake his head.
Upon seeing this, Qi Yuyang wasn’t angry. He just nodded
acceptingly, “Okay, then I’ll go home with you.”
The apartment Chi Zhao was living in had two rooms, but the
other room hadn’t been cleaned for a long time and there were a
bunch of things piled up on the bed. When he returned home, Chi
Zhao who was about to key in the passcode frowned and turned to
look at Qi Yuyang who was standing quietly next to him looking like
a big dog waiting for his master to open the door.
If Qi Yuyang was a dog, then his breed must be a German
Shepherd; seemingly obedient but can actually tear off a person’s
Amused by this though of his, Chi Zhao secretly curled up the
corners of his lips and then turned to open the door.
“The guest room is a bit messy. You can tidy it up yourself and
make do with it for the next few days.”
This was his way of tactfully telling Qi Yuyang that he would need
to leave once his illness is almost healed. Qi Yuyang however acted
like he didn’t hear it and walked to check the guest room before
going back to Chi Zhao who was in the middle of changing his shoes,
“It’s too far away from you. I won’t be able to sleep.”
Since knowing that Chi Zhao had found out that he was different
from other people, Qi Yuyang had let himself go. He used to try to
hide it but now he said everything without restraint and even used
his illness as a way to deal with Chi Zhao.
For example, right now. Chi Zhao asked him
uncomprehendingly, “We lived in separate rooms before too.
How were you able to sleep back then?”
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Qi Yuyang lowered his eyes and his voice became much smaller,
“Because you hadn’t abandoned me back then.”
Chi Zhao: “………”
System: “………”
Clearly hearing a curse from the system in his mind, Chi Zhao’s
complex mood disappeared instantly, and he even had a small urge
to laugh. He suppressed the messy thoughts inside and returned his
attention back to Qi Yuyang, “Then where do you want to sleep? I
only have two bedrooms here.”
Qi Yuyang’s eyes glanced at the master bedroom.
Chi Zhao also followed his gaze. He pursed his lips and showed no
intentions to speak. Neither refusing nor agreeing, it meant that he
still was a little conflicted inside. Qi Yuyang took a few steps forward
and slowly held Chi Zhao’s finger with his large hand.
For some reason, he didn’t touch Chi Zhao’s palm but perhaps it
was because of this, Chi Zhao felt like his heart was gently brushed
with a small brush. That numb and ticklish feeling spread over him
from the depths of his heart. Chi Zhao turned to leave and just
tossed out four words, “Do as you please.”
Behind Chi Zhao’s back, Qi Yuyang revealed a small, triumphant
The system was angry.
【 He’s tricking you! What not being able to sleep? What being
abandoned? They’re all excuses for him to get into your room! How
can you fall for that trick of his so easily?!】
Chi Zhao silently listened on and didn’t answer. Just as the system
was feeling confused, it heard the thoughts in Chi Zhao’s mind.
Soon afterwards, the system was horrified.
【 You clearly knew that he was doing it deliberately! What are
you planning?!】
This time, without needing Chi Zhao to answer, the system was
able to figure out the answer on its own. After a moment of silence,
the system flew off in anger and grief.
It didn’t even want to talk to Chi Zhao anymore.
Chi Zhao:”……….”
Chi Zhao was originally supposed to go for filming today, but he
had asked the director for two days off and asked them to shoot the
scenes for the others first. The director thought he was feeling
overwhelmed by the rumours on the internet, so he readily agreed
to his request.
When he mentioned this, Qi Yuyang was taken aback for a
moment, “Did the news travel online?”
Chi Zhao tossed him the phone to let him see it for himself.
The enthusiasm surrounding this news was still at an all-time
high because the person involved had never stepped up to clarify or
confirm it. Online curses continued. There were two groups of
people; one who believed that it was true and the other who does
not believe that Xue Qing is gay.
At the time of the incident, Qi Yuyang had already fainted and was
unable to have his say so the senior officials of Jiayu Culture held an
emergency meeting before finally getting rid of all the photos
showing Qi Yuyang’s face, leaving only ones that showed his back. As
for whether or not Xue Qing’s face was revealed, they didn’t want to
care, nor they could do anything about it. The situation was already
gaining attention from the public and removing Xue Qing’s photos
would definitely result in the publics anger.
Qi Yuyang looked on for a long time and didn’t express any of his
thoughts. It was hard to tell from his expression whether he was
feeling angry or complicated inside. After a while, Qi Yuyang raised
his head and asked, “Do you plan to respond?”
Chi Zhao was slightly surprised by this. He carefully scrutinised Qi
Yuyang’s face and then threw the question back, “Do you want me
to respond?”
As soon as he asked this, Chi Zhao regretted it. Right now, Qi
Yuyang was someone who would throw straight balls and he didn’t
know what it meant to be more reserved and restrained.
Sure enough, when Qi Yuyang heard this question, the light in his
eyes instantly brightened two folds, “I do.”
“If you want to come out, I will get everything ready for you so
that the company’s public relations team will only serve you and
will ensure that your reputation will not be negatively affected.”
This world was more tolerate of same-sex love, but it still wasn’t
to the extent of accepting it as something normal. Younger people
were more accepting while those of the older generations found it
much more difficult to accept. Very few celebrities were willing to
reveal their sexual orientation unless they have reached a point
where they no longer need to care about the publics opinion or if
they have found true love.
Qi Yuyang wanted to announce to the entire world that Xue Qing
was his, even if Xue Qing himself has not admitted this.
Chi Zhao frowned slightly and thought over it, but he eventually
shook his head, “No, I won’t admit it.”
Qi Yuyang still wanted to say something but when he saw Chi
Zhao’s expression, he found that he couldn’t say anything.
He understood Chi Zhao well and so he knew what Chi Zhao’s
current expression meant. It meant that there was no room for
negotiation on this matter and he would never agree to come out to
the public.
Qi Yuyang couldn’t react for a moment. Chi Zhao turned his head
and didn’t look at him again.
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Chi Zhao’s thought was very simple. After Qi Yuyang is cured,
even if he is not angry enough to kill him, it is absolutely impossible
for him to not have any complaints towards him. Coming out to the
public wasn’t just one person’s matter. If he admitted that he was
gay, his fans would be crazier than they are now and may even start
to hunt down the man in the photo.
In this day and age, finding out a person’s identity is very easy, not
to mention someone who is the CEO of Jiayu Culture who often
appears in public.
He shouldn’t let the world know that there was something going
on between himself and Qi Yuyang.
Because in the future, it would be a shameful event for Qi Yuyang.
It was now eleven o’clcok in the morning and soon it would be
time for lunch. Chi Zhao took out his phone to call for takeaway but
after he tapped on his phone a few times, he suddenly remembered
something else, “When is your next psychological consultation? I’ll
take you there?”
Qi Yuyang paused for a moment and then looked at Chi Zhao, “I
didn’t make an appointment.”
Chi Zhao looked back at him, “Why didn’t you?”
“Because I don’t want to see a psychiatrist anymore.”
Chi Zhao could see that Qi Yuyang was serious. He couldn’t help
but straighten up and furrow his brows, “Why?”
Qi Yuyang picked up a cup of water from the coffee table and took
a sip before replying, “No reason.”
Qi Yuyang refusing treatment. This was something Chi Zhao didn’t
expect to happen. After a long period of thinking, he wasn’t able to
figure out why he suddenly changed his mind. He was clearly willing
to cooperate with the treatment a few days ago.
Chi Zhao continued to think. Finally, he thought of a possibility,
“Did Cheng Ran’s treatment work and he found out that the
original owner was related to the kidnapping case?”
【I don’t know but logically speaking, it shouldn’t be that fast. It
should only be during the middle or late stages of the treatment that
Qi Yuyang would slowly recall the past events.】
Chi Zhao: “With the plot already like this and Qi Yuyang also
becoming like that, it wouldn’t be a surprise if something went
wrong with the treatment plot point resulting in him
remembering earlier than expected, right?”
System: “………” That does seem possible.
Chi Zhao sat on the toilet, tapping the floor with his foot
irritably, “Forget it, making baseless guesses now is just a waste
of time. I will find Cheng Ran later and ask him about it.”
How could he allow the protagonist to refuse treatment?
Treatment was the most important part of the plot line. Only after Qi
Yuyang remembers everything will the plot be able to continue.
Besides, he has already suffered for so many years and he shouldn’t
just let it go without knowing the truth behind it.
After sending Cheng Ran a message, he received a response
almost instantly. Seeing the reply on the phone, Chi Zhao stood up
and left the bathroom.
Qi Yuyang was sitting on the sofa watching TV. Chi Zhao said
very naturally, “I have something on and will be stepping out.
The takeaway will arrive soon. Remember to eat it.”
Qi Yuyang sat up, “Where are you going?”
“You won’t know even if I tell you. It’s just something work
related, you don’t need to follow. I’ll be back soon.”
Hearing this, Qi Yuyang didn’t say anything. After sending Chi
Zhao off, he paced before the floor-to-ceiling window for about five
minutes before seeing a royal blue 4WD drive out. That was Chi
Zhao’s car.
Watching the car leave, Qi Yuyang’s expression slowly changed.
Earlier he was just a good-natured man at home but now he had
turned into the unsmiling President Qi outsiders were familiar with.
He picked up his phone and dialled a number. The other end
picked up very quickly. Qi Yuyang ordered, “Go and follow Cheng
Ran. Note down where he went, who he met and what he said. Be
careful and don’t be discovered by them.”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 76
Source: KK Translates


Qi Yuyang had asked his subordinate to follow Cheng Ran but at

the end he had used the word ‘them’. It basically meant that he
wanted the subordinate to follow two people.
The subordinates would exchange information with each other
and this one had already heard from his colleague who had gone to
the hospital to help with the hospital procedures the other day. He
internally felt that his main task wasn’t to follow Cheng Ran but
instead to follow the untouchable flower, Xue Qing.
Cheng Ran had appointed his own clinic as the meeting spot. The
clinic was a well enclosed place with no outsiders coming and going
so it was a very good place to talk about matters that cannot be
overheard by others. This however made it difficult for the
subordinate who had to tail him. After sitting in the car in silence for
a while, he finally came up with a trick.
He contacted two of his colleagues and explained the plan to them
and in less than five minutes, the two colleagues arrived. The three
of them got out of their cars, exchanged a look and nodded at each
other before two started to swagger towards the clinic.
Soon afterwards, a loud roar belonging to a man rang out,
“Cheng Ran! Which one is Cheng Ran?! My wife just had some
counselling with you and she’s now trying to divorce me and even
wants to marry the man she has been cheating on me with saying
that it’s true love! This one here is about to get divorced. Shit,
who is this Cheng Ran?! Get out here!”
Medical rampages happen all the time. Cheng Ran was quite well
known, and he saw many patients each day so even if they
pretended to be one of his client’s husband, they wouldn’t be
exposed so easily. Besides, most psychological counselling these
days are about young adults with childhood traumas or married
women who are cheating or being cheated on. Something like this
probably wasn’t Cheng Ran’s first time encountering.
Just as the subordinate expected, the nurses couldn’t do anything
about the two men who had barged in insisting on seeing Cheng
Ran. Ten minutes later, a royal blue 4WD drove out of the parking
lot. Sitting inside was Xue Qing and also a man in a white coat.
The subordinate smiled triumphantly and quickly followed to
keep up.
It just happened to be lunch time so the two went to a relatively
high-end restaurant. After being seated, a waitress came and asked
what they wanted. Chi Zhao took off his sunglasses, immediately
shocking the waitress.
This waitress hadn’t worked here for long, so she still wasn’t used
seeing celebrities. Chi Zhao looked up at her, “We won’t order
anything for now. If we do, we’ll call you.”
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The waitress left while still looking dazed.
Cheng Ran didn’t have much time today. What’s more, there were
also two family members of his patient waiting at his clinic, so Cheng
Ran wasn’t in a good mood. He looked at Chi Zhao, “If you have
something to say, just say it.”
“I heard that Qi Yuyang doesn’t want to go to your place for
treatment anymore.”
Cheng Ran glanced at him and then smiled, “Yeah but what he
means isn’t that he doesn’t want to receive treatment from me.
He doesn’t want to get treated at all.”
Cheng Ran rested his elbows on the table and looked straight at
Chi Zhao, “Do you know the reason for that?”
Chi Zhao looked back at him with a frown and didn’t answer.
Cheng Ran had asked him that question not to know whether he
knew but because he was certain that Chi Zhao knew the answer but
wouldn’t tell him. This was why psychiatrists are unpopular. They
can sometimes be too keen and would notice things others didn’t
want to be noticed.
Cheng Ran sighed. He withdrew his overly scrutinising gaze
and said helplessly, “The patient doesn’t want to be treated and I
can’t force them. I have no power over this matter. That is, unless
Qi Yuyang changes his mind.”
“I have a way for him to continue receiving treatment.”
Cheng Ran raised his brows slightly and seemed to be listening
Chi Zhao paused for a moment and said, “You tell him this. His
condition can affect all aspects of life including his perception
and judgment of feelings. If he does not cure his illness, he would
not be able to love another person properly and, at the same
time, those that are loved by him will never truly believe that
they are loved.”
From Qi Yuyang’s point of view, it was something that wouldn’t
move him but if it is from Chi Zhao’s point of view, the effect was
very different.
Cheng Ran looked at Chi Zhao in silence. After a few seconds, he
said, “Are those your true thoughts or is it something you came
up with to make him continue with his treatment?”
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment, “Something made up.”
Cheng Ran’s expression became meaningful. He seemed to have
thought of something, and he suddenly let out a laugh. He shook his
head as he laughed, “Qi Yuyang really loves you.”
After saying this emotionally, Cheng Ran raised his head again,
“And you? Do you love him?”
Chi Zhao was silent again. He then gently shook his head.
Another question followed, “Do you not want to love him, or
you can’t love him?”
This question was too sharp. Coupled with Cheng Ran’s
perceptiveness, Chi Zhao suddenly felt very uncomfortable, “Doctor
Cheng, I am not your patient.”
Cheng Ran smiled faintly. His original serious expression was
suddenly gone, and it was replaced with a more relaxed look,
“Yes, you are not my patient, but you are very inextricably linked
to my patient. In fact, I was at first very interested in you, but I
don’t have a hobby of getting involved with other people’s
Chi Zhao sternly corrected, “I have no feelings for Qi Yuyang.”
“Really?” This word was spoken with disbelief, “Then why do
you want Qi Yuyang to get his illness treated so badly?”
Cheng Ran slowly mused, “Qi Yuyang not wanting to be
treated, that I can understand. After he left, I thought about his
situation and noticed a few odd points which could also explain
why he was so resistant to treatment. As for you…..I don’t quite
understand. Aren’t you afraid of Qi Yuyang no longer loving you
after he is cured?”
There was a glass of lemon water in front of Chi Zhao which had
been brought over by the waitress. Chi Zhao gently rubbed the glass
with his finger and his voice turned smaller, but it was still at a
volume that could be heard, “He actually doesn’t love me. Once he’s
cured, he will return to normal.”
Hearing those words, Cheng Ran wanted to say something, but
Chi Zhao raised his head, “Anyway, please contact Qi Yuyang
again and try to persuade him. Also, about the matter of me
seeing you today and speaking to you, please keep it a secret and
don’t tell Qi Yuyang.”
Cheng Ran didn’t understand, “And why is that?”
Chi Zhao replied firmly, “There is no reason, I just don’t want
him to know. Doctor Cheng, can you do it?”
Cheng Ran looked at Chi Zhao for a while and then gently nodded.
Chi Zhao put on his sunglasses and stood up, “Then I’m leaving.
You can have lunch here and then leave. I’ll pay the bill.”
Cheng Ran looked at him with surprise, “You’re not eating?”
“No need. I still have something to do.”
There was a protagonist at home still waiting for him to return. If
he stayed out here for too long, Qi Yuyang would probably be rolling
around the bed in pain again.
Turning and leaving, Chi Zhao noticed a man sitting in the seat
behind him wearing a suit and leather shoes. He had no food on the
table and only a glass of water and a laptop. Chi Zhao didn’t think
much of that man and only casually glanced at him before walking
When he returned home, one hour and fifty minutes had passed
since the time he left. Qi Yuyang had already eaten and at this
moment he was looking down at the time, subconsciously pursing
his lips.
Qi Yuyang immediately stood up and walked over to the door to
greet Chi Zhao, “It’s sorted?”
Chi Zhao nodded, “Yes, all done.”
“Have you eaten?”
“Not yet.”
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Qi Yuyang immediately went to the kitchen, “Wait. I’ll heat the
food up for you.”
The food in the kitchen was also takeaway but it was cold now, so
Qi Yuyang microwaved them one by one. As he waited for the food
to heat up, Qi Yuyang’s phone vibrated.
He had left his phone in his pocket, so he felt the vibration but Qi
Yuyang’s expression remained unchanged. He waited front of the
microwave until it was done, brought the food over to Chi Zhao to
eat, watched him finish eating and then returned the tableware to
the kitchen before finally going to the bathroom and taking out his
Except for the first two lines in the file sent over which recorded
the time and location, the rest was dialogue.
This subordinate was very capable and was able to almost
completely record down the entire conversation between Cheng
Rang and Chi Zhao. Looking at the words ‘He actually doesn’t love
me’, Qi Yuyang’s grip around his phone tightened.
Qi Yuyang was in the bathroom for a long time. Chi Zhao however
didn’t notice this because he was busy checking the news on his
After the topic of whether Xue Qing was gay or not was a hot topic
for a day and a night, it finally retreated and was replaced by
another even more hot topic.
It was news of the unfortunate male actor being involved in an
accident, but it wasn’t the accident itself that had attracted
everyone’s attention. If it was that, fans would at most just express
their sympathy but what surprised them was that the person who
had caused the accident was another famous actor and the reason
for the actor driving so recklessly was because he was at another
actress’s place. As for that actress, she had gotten married just half a
year ago and, with her husband, they are known for their loving
relationship in the entertainment industry.
The actor was at the actress’s place when suddenly, the husband
had returned. In a fit of anger, the husband wanted to kill this
famous actor and the actor had driven off in panic, accidentally
hitting someone in the process.
This plot was something one would only see in a TV drama!
The melon eating audience originally didn’t know about this, but
the police reported on it later and the actress’s husband also
suddenly made a divorce announcement. Once all the points were
connected, everyone understood what happened.
Everyone couldn’t help but express that the entertainment circle
was really messed up….
Chi Zhao happily read this news but of course, with his current
personality, he couldn’t laugh too happily and could only bend his
eyes slightly. Qi Yuyang noticed this when he came out of the
bathroom and couldn’t help asking. “What are you smiling about?”
Chi Zhao repeated the news and added, “Actually, the reason
why he appeared downstairs that day was because he came to
see me. He was too rude and was beaten up by me before he ran
out and got hit. At that time, I thought he was beaten so badly by
me that he couldn’t see the road or couldn’t avoid the car. Who
knew that there were other things going on in the background?”
Qi Yuyang was not interested in matters involving the others and
just frowned when he heard the first part of Chi Zhao’s words, “Why
was he rude to you?”
Chi Zhao thought for a moment when he heard this question. He
internally felt that it might be a good idea to let Qi Yuyang teach him
a lesson. Even after being involved in a car accident and having his
face disfigured, as long as he still remembered those words he had
uttered that day, Chi Zhao still felt miffed.
After repeating what the actor said that day, Qi Yuyang’s
expression instantly darkened. Without a word, he stood up and
entered another room and he only came back out after a few
minutes. Chi Zhao guessed that he was probably ordering his
subordinates to do something. When he came back out, Chi Zhao
was still sitting in his original spot, looking up at Qi Yuyang.
Qi Yuyang still looked furious and he even yelled at him for the
first time, “He said those kinds of things and you actually let him
walk out?!”
Chi Zhao blinked a few times. He didn’t understand why the anger
was directed at him, “I can’t kill him anyway. He’s a public figure
and I’m also a public figure.”
Qi Yuyang also understood this, but he was just too angry. He sat
down next to Chi Zhao seven parts gloomy and three parts
aggrieved, “I will deal with him but you, don’t think that you will
be let off so easily.”
Chi Zhao didn’t understand, “Then what do you want to do?”
Qi Yuyang turned his head and said very seriously, “Kiss me and
then I’ll tell you.”
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: Sneaky move ML, very sneaky 🤭
Chapter 77
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao turned his head and pretended to not hear Qi Yuyang’s
words just now.
He was too impulsive last time and it shouldn’t happen again. Chi
Zhao stood up and looked down at Qi Yuyang from above, his
expression returning to his usual indifferent look, “It doesn’t matter
even if you don’t tell me. I don’t care anyway.”
After saying that, Chi Zhao turned and left. Watching Chi Zhao’s
leaving figure, Qi Yiyang didn’t make any other movements. Only the
warmth in his eyes slowly cooled down bit by bit.
When they went to sleep that night, it was how they had agreed
on earlier and Qi Yuyang also slept in the master bedroom. The bed
in the master bedroom was very big, more than enough for two
people. Chi Zhao had given Qi Yuyang a new set of sheets and then a
pillow before turning off the lights, leaving only the two bedside
lamps still turned on.
As he laid in bed, Qi Yuyang was still taking his time in the
bathroom. Chi Zhao was too sleepy, so he didn’t wait for him and fell
asleep first. While he was in his muddleheaded state, he felt
someone lie down next to him.
A faint chill travelled over. It was currently summer, so it felt like
having a personal air conditioner next to him. Rather than making
him feel cold, it actually felt pretty comfortable.
Chi Zhao didn’t open his eyes and just continued to pretend to be
asleep. Qi Yuyang was quiet for a while before starting to
disobediently nudge over to his side.
Just as Qi Yuyang was about to reach the centre, Chi Zhao spoke
up, “Did you take a cold shower?”
Chi Zhao’s voice was clear and abrupt, and it carried no trace of
sleepiness. Qi Yuyang silently stopped in place and let out a hum.
If Chi Zhao’s next question was why he took a cold shower, it was
just what Qi Yuyang wanted and he could throw out a straight ball
without any hesitation. Chi Zhao however didn’t say anything and
just turned over so that his back faced Qi Yuyang.
Qi Yuyang was pretty obedient. After receiving Chi Zhao’s tactful
refusal and warning, he didn’t do anything else. The room became so
quiet, even the sound of a needle falling could be heard. After about
ten minutes, Chi Zhao’s breathing become more even. He seemed to
have fallen asleep.
Qi Yuyang sat up from the bed. He turned and got out and then
quietly went to Chi Zhao’s side.
Kneeling on the ground, Qi Yuyang’s eyes were fixated on Chi
Zhao’s face. After watching him for a long time, Qi Yuyang leaned
forward and pressed a cautious and restrained kiss on the corner of
Chi Zhao’s lips.
“If you want me to do something……..”
Qi Yuyang said in a small voice which carried a hint of lament,
“Just tell me directly. I will follow your request, no matter what it
is. There’s no need to tell me through other people.”
Qi Yuyang stretched out his hand, his finger tracing along Chi
Zhao’s chin to his cheek and temple and finally stopping at the back
of his neck. His actions were too soft and light, like the gentle breeze.
The system could hardly say a word as he watched the
protagonist feel the host up. The host on the other hand continued
to pretend to be asleep and didn’t seem to have any intentions to
catch him on the act.
Haa, so disappointed.
Chi Zhao didn’t understand what Qi Yuyang’s words meant. He
thought Cheng Ran may have already called Qi Yuyang and that was
why he said something like that. Lying on his side in bed, Chi Zhao
was also under tremendous pressure. He was afraid that Qi Yuyang
would notice that he was pretending to be asleep. Qi Yuyang’s hand
continued to touch him and his actions were also very light, making
it unbearably itchy. Bearing through the urge to move, Chi Zhao
squeezed his eyes shut, hoping that Qi Yuyang would leave soon.
Chi Zhao’s eyes moved a few times and his eyelashes trembled
slightly, like the wings of a butterfly. Qi Yuyang expressionlessly
watched Chi Zhao’s poor acting and, at the same time, his hands
continued to gently touch him.
After about half a minute, Qi Yuyang lowered his head again. This
time it was no longer a light kiss like earlier but a proper kiss that
would slowly make the other party intoxicated. Qi Yuyang didn’t
close his eyes and could clearly see Chi Zhao’s eyelashes tremble
more. A dark light flashed in Qi Yuyang’s eyes and he used his
tongue to force Chi Zhao to open his mouth, taking away his
opportunity to breathe.
Chi Zhao would be foolish if he continued to pretend even now. He
immediately opened his eyes and placed his hands onto Qi Yuyang’s
shoulders, trying to push him away and, at the same time, he wanted
to sit up. Qi Yuyang however didn’t give him this opportunity. He
stood up, quickly climbed onto the bed and used his two legs to
firmly press Chi Zhao down, in the process also kissing Chi Zhao
even more intensely. Right now, Chi Zhao felt like he was an oxygen-
deficient fish and Qi Yuyang was the only saviour who could provide
him with oxygen.
Qi Yuyang’s kiss contained too many strong emotions. Chi Zhao
couldn’t bear with it all. With just one kiss, Chi Zhao had fallen back
into bed, gasping for air. His lips had turned a very seductive red
and even his eyes glistened slightly after being bullied. Combined
with Xue Qing’s beautiful and abstinent face, it was a very sexy and
charming sight. Qi Yuyang gently rubbed the corner of Chi Zhao’s
eye with his thumb, wiping away some of the tears for him.
Qi Yuyang didn’t speak but his actions were slow and sincere,
carrying strong unspoken desire. Chi Zhao raised his head and the
two looked at each other. After feeling conflicted for a while, Chi
Zhao chose to respect his inner desires and took a deep breath and
slowly closed his eyes.
They had messed around for too long last night such that even
now Chi Zhao still hadn’t woken up. Qi Yuyang whose desires had
not been satiated until now had no idea how addictive something
like this could be. After getting a taste of it, he spent most of the
night immersed in it.
Chi Zhao was still deep asleep. There were many blue and red
marks on his body. Qi Yuyang lovingly kissed him a few times
causing Chi Zhao who was still in his dreams to move around
impatiently. Qi Yuyang smiled gently and proceeded to pull that
person into his arms before closing his eyes.
After lying there with his eyes closed for a while, Qi Yuyang really
began to feel sleepy. Just as he got ready to fall asleep, he heard his
phone vibrate a few times. Qi Yuyang frowned slightly but he kept
his eyes closed and had no intentions to check it.
But after the vibration, the other party saw that he wasn’t
responding so they instead switched to calling the phone. Qi Yuyang
gloomily sat up and checked his phone. It was the subordinate he
had sent to investigate Xue Xingfan’s whereabouts.
Qi Yuyang was slightly surprised. He pursed his lips and glanced
back at Chi Zhao who was still sleeping soundly and then quietly left
the room.
The room furthest away from the master bedroom was the
storage room. Qi Yuyang closed the door and then picked up, “What
is it? You found him?”
The words the subordinate originally wanted to say was blocked.
He shook his head and answered, “No, regarding Xue Xingfan, we
haven’t found anything and have not made any progress.”
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In an instant, Qi Yuyang’s expression turned dark, “Then what
are you calling me for? Here to disturb my sleep?!”
Subordinate: “………..”
But isn’t it already past ten……..
The subordinate was silent for a moment before quickly
answered, “Although we have not found traces of Xue Xingfan, we
found out the connection between Xue Xingfan and your father.”
Qi Yuyang’s expression changed, “What is the relationship
between them?”
Something like this couldn’t be explained with just two or three
words. The subordinate just gave a brief overview and then sent
over the information he had gathered. Qi Yuyang sat in the chaotic
storage room and slowly read though the contents page by page.
His father had no direct association with Xue Qing’s father. They
were the kind of people who would never cross paths. The actual
person his father had an association with was Xue Qing’s mother, Xia
Xia Lan was a reporter. She and Xue Xingfan had graduated from
the same university. The two met in university, fell in love and then
got married and had Xue Qing. Xia Lan’s reports were all about
society, most of which were related to women. She wanted to expose
the injustices suffered by women and draw attention to women’s
sufferings. It was a very good thing and originally Xia Lan would not
have any associations with his father.
But twenty years ago, the internet and media were not as
developed as they are now. There were only a few celebrities that
people know of and if you wanted to expose something, you could
only find a reporter who has the right to speak. A female celebrity
found out about Xia Lan and approached her, saying that Qi
Yuyang’s father had forced the actress into prostitution.
That female celebrity was one of the victims and there were many
other victims, but they were unwilling to speak out. Xia Lan busied
herself with this matter for half a year but because the other party
was too powerful and too many higher up personnel were involved,
all the reports were suppressed. Xia Lan however didn’t give up. She
went to find more powerful people to help support her case but on
her way to that person’s place, she was involved in a car accident.
During those days, CCTV was not as widespread. If no one had
witnessed the incident, they could only rely on the driver’s words.
As for the authenticity of it, no one would know.
When he read until this point, Qi Yuyang could still convince
himself. Perhaps it really was just an accident. But when he turned
to the last page and saw the part about the female celebrity
committing suicide by throwing herself off a building two months
after Xia Lan’s passing, he could no longer deceive himself.
Qi Yuyang stared at the black characters on his phone. It was a hot
midsummer’s day but right now he felt like he was in the middle of
an icy cold windstorm.
Falling into an ice cave. That was probably the best way to
describe this feeling.
When Chi Zhao woke up, Qi Yuyang was not by his side. He slowly
put on his clothes and left the bedroom.
He looked around the living room, the kitchen and the bathroom
but there were no signs of Qi Yuyang.
Chi Zhao was puzzled. He took out his phone to call Qi Yuyang
only hear vibrations coming from the storage room. The storage
room was filled with all kinds of useless things and it hadn’t been
cleaned in a long time, so it was full of dust. Chi Zhao frowned and
opened the door only to find Qi Yuyang’s phone lying quietly on the
Picking up the phone, Chi Zhao thought for a while and then asked
the system, “When did Qi Yuyang leave?”
【I don’t know.】
“Then did he contact anyone in the morning?”
【I don’t know.】
“What do you know then?”
【 I don’t know anything. I only came out because you had some
emotional fluctuations earlier and before that I was busy practicing
for the competition.】
Chi Zhao was stunned, “What competition?”
The system didn’t speak. It swiped and dragged open a banner in
Chi Zhao’s mind. A huge, eye-catching line instantly took over all of
Chi Zhao’s vision.
“18th Golden Chrysanthemum Virtual Singer Contest — Please
register your interest now!!”
Chi Zhao: “………..”
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KK has something to say: Looks like the system has found a new
hobby hahaha
Chapter 78
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao couldn’t find him, and he also didn’t know where Qi
Yuyang could have gone, so he could only sit and wait at home.
After waiting for about half an hour, Chi Zhao subconsciously
asked the system, “Is this situation called being heartlessly left
out to dry?”
The system: “……..”
It refused to answer his question.
His lower half still felt a little strange. Chi Zhao didn’t want to
move but he also couldn’t sit there all the time doing nothing. Other
people may be a heartless scumbag who runs off after sleeping but
Qi Yuyang was most definitely not someone like that. Where could
he have gone?
He waited for another half an hour until Chi Zhao could no longer
sit still. He started to call Qi Yuyang’s subordinate and secretary.
After making several phone calls, the response he got were all the
same; that they haven’t seen President Qi and didn’t know of his
【Oh, there’s no need to worry. Qi Yuyang is an adult, nothing will
That was true but there was still a small possibility. Chi Zhao also
felt uncomfortable inside, as if something major was about to
After looking down and thinking for a while, Chi Zhao stood up,
grabbed the car keys and hurried out, “Let’s look around. We can
think about it later if we can’t find him.”
The system didn’t understand.
【Let’s? Why are you involving me?】
“You think I can find him by myself? Don’t you have the ability
to scan the surroundings? I’ll drive and you’ll scan. Let’s look
around. As long as he’s still in this city, I’m sure we’ll be able to
find him.”
System: “……..”
You’re treating me like an electronic dog!
And as it turned out, the system was easier to use than an
electronic dog.
Chi Zhao visited places he thought Qi Yuyang might be, but he still
couldn’t find him. It was already six o’clock in the evening and Chi
Zhao couldn’t think of any other places he could have gone. He
began to wonder if Qi Yuyang was no longer in the city. Did he go
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He drove home. As he stood in the elevator, Chi Zhao mumbled,
“Does he really need to go that far? Isn’t it just sleeping together?
He doesn’t need to go abroad just to hide from me.”
Chi Zhao had gone home to check if Qi Yuyang’s documents were
still there but before he could leave the elevator, the system cried
【I found Qi Yuyang!】
Chi Zhao was taken aback, “He’s already home?”
【Not exactly…】
Chi Zhao still wanted to ask what it meant but at this moment, the
elevator door opened. When Chi Zhao saw the scene before him, he
understood the systems words.
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Qi Yuyang sat at the door with his head hung low. He had his back
resting against the door and one of his legs stretched out while the
other was bent. When he heard the sound of the elevator door
opening, he slowly raised his head and looked over at the person
slowly walking towards him.
He didn’t speak and just stared at Chi Zhao, dazed. Chi Zhao bent
down in front of him and frowned as he took in his current
appearance. He could smell a strong alcohol scent coming from him,
“Did you drink?”
Qi Yuyang still didn’t speak.
Looks like he not only drank, he also drank a lot. Facing a drunk,
Chi Zhao knew that it would be useless asking him anything. He
reached out to help Qi Yuyang up but the moment his hands touched
Qi Yuyang’s clothes, it was as if a switch inside him was flipped. Qi
Yuyang suddenly straightened up and hugged Chi Zhao tightly. Chi
Zhao felt like he a python wrapped around him. The other party’s
strength increased more and more, as if he wanted to strangle him
to death.
Chi Zhao had difficulty breathing. He tried to push Qi Yuyang
away, “Let go! I’m going to be strangled to death by you!”
Fortunately, Qi Yuyang still had some reason left in him. He
slightly loosened his grip when he heard this, but his hands were
still wrapped tightly around Chi Zhao. He pressed Chi Zhao into his
arms, buried his head into Chi Zhao’s shoulder and breathed deeply.
Qi Yuyang’s breathing was heavy and unstable. While he worried
about suffocating to death, Chi Zhao was able to notice this.
Combining all the clues he had gathered this morning, Chi Zhao
could vaguely guess what had happened, “Did something happen?”
Qi Yuyang continued to hang his head in silence. Only his grip
tightened a little.
They were in the corridor and there weren’t just them who lived
on this floor. There was also a family on the opposite end. If they
were seen sitting at the door, hugging, it was no doubt a strange
As for what had happened, he could ask him about it later. In any
case, Qi Yuyang clearly didn’t look like he wantedf to say anything
right now. What was more important was to get Qi Yuyang back
“Okay, let’s go inside first. We can talk it out after we get in,
Qi Yuyang turned a deaf ear to his words. Chi Zhao wanted to
stand but Qi Yuyang took it as him trying to leave and he even used
his legs to cling onto him, making him unable to move.
Chi Zhao exerted some strength but, let alone standing up, he
couldn’t even turn his head. He was angry. He used a threatening
tone, “Let me go. If you don’t let me go then I don’t want you
Those words really worked. Qi Yuyang’s body stiffened for a few
seconds before he reluctantly let Chi Zhao go. After Chi Zhao stood
back up, the first thing he did was to move his arms and legs. He felt
like all his bones were pushed out of position just now with Qi
Yuyang’s strength.
He twisted his neck and kneaded his waist. After he was done, Chi
Zhao lowered his head again to look at the drunk person sitting in
front of the door. Qi Yuyang looked up at him with a pitiful
expression, resembling a big dog about to be abandoned by his
His expression was filled with anxiety and uncertainty. After
looking up at Chi Zhao for a while, he silently hung his head again, as
if he had completely lost hope.
Chi Zhao wanted to laugh, and he also wanted to sigh. In the end,
he didn’t say anything and just lightly kicked Qi Yuyang’s knee, “Get
up, let’s go home.”
—–Go home.
What a strange but familiar word.
Qi Yuyang’s expression became dazed and even the corners of his
eyes were slightly red. Chi Zhao felt overwhelmed being looked at
like that but when he thought back carefully, he didn’t seem to recall
saying anything terrible.
He gritted his teeth and kicked Qi Yuyang again, “Hurry up,
you’re blocking the door.”
It was as if he suddenly returned to his senses. Qi Yuyang quickly
stood up allowing Chi Zhao to enter the passcode and opened the
door. Chi Zhao turned back and looked at Qi Yuyang who was
obediently standing by his side, looking the same as how he usually
If it weren’t for the strong smell of alcohol on his body, Chi Zhao
wouldn’t even be able to tell that he was drinking.
Having never seen what Qi Yuyang was like when he was drunk,
Chi Zhao didn’t dare let his guard down.
He directed the other party to the bedroom and then he moved to
get the bath ready but, no matter what he did, Qi Yuyang insisted on
following him around. Chi Zhao had no choice and could only let him
follow. In any case, everything that could have happened had
already happened.
Once he got the bath ready and checked the temperature, Chi
Zhao stood back up, “Alright, go wash up. I’ll go out first. Call me if
you need me.”
Chi Zhao turned to leave but his hand was grabbed. He looked
back at Qi Yuyang with surprise, “What? You want me to watch you
Those words seemed to have struck something in Qi Yuyang. He
released Chi Zhao’s hand like he was shocked and then stood on the
side looking cautious and guilty, like a child who had just been
scolded. He didn’t dare look at Chi Zhao in the eyes.
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Chi Zhao felt that something wasn’t right. He frowned and
scrutinised him for a while before finally raising his chin, “Wash up.
I won’t leave. I’ll stay here with you.”
Hearing this, Qi Yuyang’s expression finally eased a little. He took
off his wrinkled clothes and turned to step into the bathtub.
Following yesterday’s chaotic night, that young and firm body had
appeared again before Chi Zhao’s eyes. Chi Zhao silently stared at Qi
Yuyang, his gaze moving up and down several times.
He was too preoccupied last night to admire but he had time now
to do that. Chi Zhao very blatantly used his eyes to take in Qi
Yuyang’s assets. After all, he was already someone with years of
experience. Qi Yuyang however wasn’t and had only just come to
understand what love was like very recently, so he still got shy very
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As a result, Qi Yuyang stood in the bathtub neither lying or sitting,
just standing there shyly. After a while, the little Qi Yuyang below
also shyly stood up.
Chi Zhao: “……….”
When he realised that his body had undergone some changes, Qi
Yuyang stood there at loss for a while. Chi Zhao found it amusing
and asked playfully, “Do you need me to help?”
He originally thought that Qi Yuyang would instantly turn into a
big-tailed wolf after hearing this but, contrary to his expectations, Qi
Yuyang stiffened for a second and then suddenly sat down, causing
large amounts of water to splash out.
Chi Zhao had to bear the brunt of it and ended up half wet.
The system who was watching on silently saw this and cackled.
【Hey! Water seduction!】
Chi Zhao: “………….”
Chi Zhao was not in the mood to respond to the system’s teasing.
He frowned at Qi Yuyang, his tone turning somewhat serious, “What
is wrong with you?”
Since the time he saw Qi Yuyang, Qi Yuyang hadn’t said a complete
word or sentence or even reacted to any of Chi Zhao’s questions. It
really made Chi Zhao displeased.
Chi Zhao wasn’t happy, so he no longer wanted to slowly gauge
the situation out. He sat down next to the bathtub and asked
directly, “Where did you go today?”
No answer.
“Why didn’t you bring your phone with you?”
No answer.
“Why did you drink and who did you drink with?”
No answer.
Is it more frustrating to have a quarrel or is it more frustrating to
have a cold war? Chi Zhao’s answer to this question was that the
latter was the more frustrating scenario.
No matter what you did or say, the other party just treated you
like air. It was like punching cotton, the irritation building up with
each punch.
Chi Zhao took in a deep breath and stood up. He then issued an
ultimatum, “If you don’t want to tell me anything then don’t think
about talking to me anymore.”
Qi Yuyang was still the same, fighting everything with silence.
Chi Zhao wasn’t saying that for show. He didn’t care if Qi Yuyang
was sober of drunk. He turned to leave but before he could take
another step ———–“Plop”.
It was the sound of water droplets coming into contact with
water. Chi Zhao turned back with surprise and looked at Qi Yuyang
who was still sitting in the bathtub with his head down. He took off
his slippers and stepped into the bathtub.
Squatting in the water, he forced Qi Yuyang to raise his head.
There were very obvious tear streaks running down both sides of
his face. When Qi Yuyang’s light brown eyes slowly looked up and
saw the consternation in Chi Zhao’s eyes, he pressed his lips
together and turned his head aside.
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KK has something to say: Our MC somehow managing to abuse
the ML without doing anything HAHA
Chapter 79
Source: KK Translates


Mery Christmas everyone! 🎄🎉

The bathroom became extremely silent. After a long period of
silence, Chi Zhao finally moved.
Qi Yuyang thought he was going to leave so he cautiously turned
his head back, but he saw that Chi Zhao hadn’t left and had instead
sat down in the water just like him.
With the lower half completely drenched, although the upper half
was still dry, the water still quickly travelled up the clothes and it
didn’t take long for a large part of it to turn wet. The soaked clothes
clung uncomfortably to the body. Chi Zhao pursed his lips and
spoke, “Silence is the most useless method. If you want to solve a
problem, you have to speak out.”
Chi Zhao’s voice turned softer, “Qi Yuyang.”
Qi Yuyang who was named paused. He then slowly turned his
head back and continued to silently look at Chi Zhao,
“Do you have anything you want to say to me?”
A lot.
He wanted to know if Xue Qing had known about this all along. He
wanted to know if Xue Qing had hated him all this time. He also
wanted to know if Xue Qing had appeared in front of him just so that
he could see how much of a mess he was.
There were too many things he wanted to know, but he couldn’t
ask anything.
Because he wasn’t qualified. And because he didn’t have the
In all fairness, if Qi Yuyang was in Xue Qing’s position, he would
never be able to treat the other person the way Xue Qing had been.
He would most certainly make that person live in utter misery.
But Xue Qing had never shown much hostility to him and he even
talked to him about his parents without any hesitation.
Xue Qing was kind. Qi Yuyang had known this for a long time, but
he also couldn’t be kind to the point of being able to maintain a calm
attitude towards the son of the enemy who had killed his mother.
Qi Yuyang felt that there was an 80% chance that Xue
Qing…..probably didn’t know about it.
Xue Qing didn’t know about it, but he knew. What should he do
from now on? Should he hide it from him? As the saying goes, paper
cannot contain the fire and no truth can be buried forever. Sooner or
later, Xue Qing will find out about the truth of the matter. Besides,
perhaps someday Xue Xingfan would return. The moment he finds
out about Xue Qing’s relationship with himself, he would surely
reveal the truth in a fit of anger.
At that time, what could he do?
Qi Yuyang couldn’t hide the truth from Xue Qing, but he also
couldn’t bring himself to personally tell Xue Qing this cruel truth.
Xue Qing was his life, someone he cannot let go of in this lifetime.
He would rather kill himself than push Xue Qing away.
Why was the world so unfair to him?
Before his life could even begin, his father had buried a powerful
time bomb for him. Because of his father’s faults, he was kidnapped.
Because of his father’s faults, he was forced to endure six years of
inhumane torture. And now, because of his father’s faults, he was
about to lose his loved one.
He wasn’t wrong and Xue Qing also wasn’t wrong. Xue Xingfan
who had directed his revenge onto him in order to avenge his wife
also wasn’t wrong. The wrong one was his father, but he was already
So these faults, and this revenge, why did it all have to fall onto
Unwillingness is a manifestation of incompetence. One would only
feel unwilling when they are faced with no other options. For the
first time, Qi Yuyang felt strong unwillingness inside him.
Why did he have to live a miserable life because of mistakes made
by someone else? Why did he have to lose the opportunity to be
with his loved one because of mistakes made by someone else?
It was too ironic. Qi Yuyang was confident that he was most
certainly the person who loves Xue Qing the most in this world but
similarly, Qi Yuyang was also the last person in this world Xue Qing
should be with.
The current Qi Yuyang was indeed drunk, but he was different
from others when he gets drunk and wouldn’t lose consciousness;
he still knew who he is and is aware of everything happening
around him. He however becomes taciturn when drunk, unable to
say anything. On the other hand, he also become more willing to
follow his heart.
So after getting drunk, the first thing he did was to go back to the
apartment from the bar on foot. He didn’t see Chi Zhao at home, so
he walked out again and sat outside the door, quietly waiting for Chi
Zhao’s return.
At this moment, many complex and strong emotions were
turbulent inside him. Qi Yuyang felt like he was about to explode. He
had a lot of things he wanted to say to Xue Qing, but he couldn’t
utter a single word. He had many things he wanted to do but he
similarly didn’t have the courage to even raise his hand.
Because he wasn’t worthy.
He wasn’t even qualified enough to touch Xue Qing, let alone ask
Xue Qing to stay by his side.
But what could he do? He couldn’t live without Xue Qing and, if he
were to live, he wanted to spend all his time with Xue Qing. He also
didn’t want to die, let alone die alone.
Looking at Chi Zhao, the corners of Qi Yuyang’s eyes turned red.
He opened his mouth for a long time before three words slowly rose
from the depths of his throat. Because he hadn’t spoken for so long,
these three words were very hoarse. He was also drunk. After
drinking a lot of alcohol, the words spoken were no longer firm like
how it usually would be and was instead lighter and airier.
“……Don’t leave me.”
Don’t leave me. They were just three simple words, but it was the
most difficult promise for Chi Zhao to make.
Hearing those words, Chi Zhao didn’t answer. He instead evaded
Qi Yuyang’s eyes and lowered his eyes. Qi Yuyang saw his reaction
and his mood fell even further. It was as if there was a hole in his
heart and his heart was falling deeper and deeper down every
second. He clearly knew that he would die when it reaches the end
but he had no way of stopping it because there was no one around to
save him.
The only person who could save him was also unwilling to save
Qi Yuyang subconsciously stretched out his hand but before he
could touch Chi Zhao, he hesitantly withdrew. Chi Zhao saw this and
the doubts in him grew. He looked up and wanted to say something
but when he was met with Qi Yuyang’s painful and reluctant gaze, he
could only swallow those words back down.
“I love you.”
So……please, don’t leave me.
Chi Zhao’s expression only changed slightly. He lightly blinked his
eyes a few times and then changed his position such that he was on
his knees in the bathtub. With this position, he was about half a head
taller than Qi Yuyang. He cradled the sides of Qi Yuyang’s face and
lightly printed a kiss between Qi Yuyang’s eyebrows.
That touch was too gentle. Qi Yuyang couldn’t help but close his
eyes in response to this. In the darkness, he noticed that Chi Zhao
didn’t leave and only moved back slightly. He heard Chi Zhao
whisper, “I know.”
It was clearly a vague response but Qi Yuyang’s heart magically
relaxed when he heard those two words. He opened his eyes slightly
and looked up at Chi Zhao quietly before pulling Chi Zhao into his
embrace and burying his head in Chi Zhao shoulder. Completely
exhausted, he slowly closed his eyes.
Qi Yuyang’s hair was neither long nor short but his hair was
relatively rough. A few of his hairs scratched Chi Zhao’s neck,
making it hurt and itch a little. Chi Zhao wanted to change the
position, but he was afraid of waking Qi Yuyang up so he could only
give up.
When Qi Yuyang finally fell asleep and Chi Zhao was finally able to
stand back up, he could no longer feel his legs.
It took several minutes for him to recover. Chi Zhao then limped
over to release the water, change Qi Yuyang into his pyjamas and
then move him. During the entire process, Qi Yuyang was like a dead
pig. No matter how Chi Zhao moved him, he didn’t wake up.
Thankfully the original owner was rather strong, or he really would
not have been able to move Qi Yuyang.
When he was finally done with everything, Chi Zhao clutched his
waist and waddled back to the bed, exhausted. He looked at the
person lying beside him, still sleeping soundly.
Chi Zhao thought for a while and then called the system, “What
happened to him today?”
【Who knows?】
“…….If you don’t know, who else would know? Can’t you say
something else?” Chi Zhao’s tone was a little spiteful, “You can
hear my thoughts so why can’t you hear his?”
【 Because the protagonists are immune to all foreign forces. I
already told you about this. Besides, what good is it for me to hear
his thoughts? I’ll only be hearing about a bunch of useless 18+
thoughts anyway.】
Chi Zhao: “………”
After a moment of silence, Chi Zhao forcibly changed the topic,
“I still find it strange. Something serious must have happened
today or Qi Yuyang wouldn’t have drunk so much.”
The system only played a supporting role. It didn’t have the ability
to analyse the progress of the world so it couldn’t be of much help.
After listening to Chi Zhao’s analysis for a while, it snuck back to
continue practicing singing. Chi Zhao turned over and continued to
ponder seriously.
He had said ‘don’t leave me’. In other words, something that had
happened today made Qi Yuyang feel that he would leave him.
What could it be?
Chi Zhao thought about it for most of the night, but it was to no
avail. Even if he called the system out, the two of them together also
would not have been able to come up with anything. Neither of them
even considered the possibility of Chi Zhao accidentally triggering
the hidden plotline in this world.
As the saying goes, where there is a cause, there is an effect. In
fact, this hidden plotline was already present in the original plot but
Xue Qing didn’t like his father and had always been biased against
him and Qi Yuyang also didn’t like Xue Qing that much so, upon
discovering that he was being manipulated, Qi Yuyang only thought
about taking revenge. As for matters behind everything, he had
never thought about it or considered looking into it. Furthermore,
Cheng Ran in the original plot only cared about Qi Yuyang and had
no interest in his teacher’s son so he naturally wouldn’t help him.
Qi Yuyang’s father, Qi Shida, wasn’t a good person. Xue Qing’s
father, Xue Xingfan was also not a good person. As for their sons, if
you really had to be honest, they’re also not very good people.
Xue Qing didn’t show any sympathy or make any moves to help
rescue his innocent classmate and even nonchalantly approached
him later on to cheat benefits off him. As for the businessman Qi
Yuyang, although he wasn’t as bad as his father, he was still the
same and only did things with the aim to gain a profit. If Xue Qing
didn’t have any hidden intentions of his own and was willing to stay
with him, he would’ve imprisoned Xue Qing and used him for his
own benefit.
They were all hypocrites.
None of them were upstanding characters.
The main system sighed as he looked through the information
received on his end. As he sighed and sighed, it eventually turned
into a hum.
“The pain from love~ The pain from hatred~ I can no longer
distinguish between love and hate~ Why is it~~”
A familiar melody sounded from its own sound system and the
main systems actions stopped. After about three seconds, he slowly
lowered the documents in his hands and approached the
communicator to dial the engineer’s number.
After the communication channel was connected, the main
system spoke in his usual gentle voice, “Hello Mr. Engineer. I
would like to make an appointment with you. week, I would like
to visit the factory for a repair. Yes, it’s me. The slag shou system
hasn’t returned yet so make one for me first……”
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KK has something to say: All the angst
Chapter 80
Source: KK Translates


As for the truth of the matter, Qi Yuyang in fact had already

guessed about 70-80% of it when he first saw the information.
Cheng Ran was right. Since his headaches would only stop when
he sees Xue Qing, it meant that Xue Qing was closely related to this
illness of his. Even if Xue Qing wasn’t the main cause, he should at
the very minimum be one of the causes.
In front of Cheng Ran, he was unwilling to admit this. The last
thing he wanted to see was Xue Qing having something to do with all
the pain and suffering he had endured all this time. But the facts
were now laid out before him. Even if he didn’t want to see it or
admit to it, it was useless.
In the past six years, no one knew what happened to Qi Yuyang
when he was kidnapped, even Qi Yuyang himself had forgotten. Only
once, he dreamt of the past. At that time, he thought it was just a
dream. Thinking back now, it was probably a memory fragment
from that time.
In the cold and dark room, there was nothing in front of him. As
the pain and the silence that could drive people crazy continued to
torment him, a person slowly walked over.
—– Xue Qing.
An expressionless Xue Qing.
More and more cold sweat formed on his forehead. Qi Yuyang’s
eyes rolled around quickly and, suddenly, he opened his eyes wide.
That feeling of suffocation quickly faded and he could breathe again.
This was Xue Qing’s room. He was lying on a soft and dry bed and
there was another person lying in the bed next to him with his head
sunken into the soft pillow.
Seeing Xue Qing sleeping soundly, Qi Yuyang slowly sat up. He
then stretched out his hand and looked at his fingers.
Another nightmare. Just like before, he still didn’t remember
anything but after waking up, he would always feel pain in his hands
and have the urge to spread it open to relieve the pain in the joints.
But when he really moved do that, that feeling quickly
Those were illusions left behind from the dream. It had been like
that before, but it wasn’t as obvious as how it was this time.
Why would one want to spread open their hands?
Was it because he had been tied of for too long, stopping the blood
flow there and making his bones stiff and painful, and he
instinctively wanted to struggle?
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Qi Yuyang weakly leaned back against the head of the bed. He
hung his head lifelessly, slowly closed his eyes and breathed heavily
for several minutes.
Whether he was awake or asleep, the world was still very cruel to
Memories from before he went to bed slowly returned. Qi Yuyang
remembered everything he had said and done while he was drunk
as well as the gentle kiss Xue Qing had gifted him. Even now, he felt
like he was carefully cherished.
Without warning, tears flowed out from the corner of Qi Yuyang’s
He couldn’t understand. He really couldn’t understand.
Why was Xue Qing treating him so well? What exactly did he
want? And did he know about the history between their parents? If
that dream was real, then it at least meant that Xue Xingfan had
kidnapped him and Xue Qing knew about it.
Since he knew, why did he appear in front of him now? Was he not
afraid…….that he would retaliate against him?
There were too many questions and each of them were like sharp
needles, piercing deeply into his inner organs. As long as he made
any small movements, it would result in pain stemming from deep
After staying still like a stone sculpture for more than half an
hour, Qi Yuyang finally moved.
He laid back in bed and carefully held Xue Qing next to him.
Since he couldn’t understand, he no longer thought about it. He
didn’t know anything, but he at least knew that he couldn’t let Xue
Qing go, let alone let him be with another person. He was willing to
bear the mistakes made by the previous generation and he was
willing to make up for it, no matter at what cost, but he had one
——– For Xue Qing to stay by his side for the rest of his life.
This time, even if it went against his wishes, Qi Yuyang would
never let him go again.
When he woke up the next day, the first thing Chi Zhao did was to
check on Qi Yuyang. The latter had woken up earlier than him and
had already changed his clothes.
Chi Zhao sat up blankly, “Are you going out?”
Qi Yuyang was putting on his cufflinks. Hearing this question, he
nodded, “Yeah. Don’t you need to go for filming? I’ll take you
Chi Zhao blinked a few times and didn’t respond.
Right now, Qi Yuyang looked very normal…..It was as if the person
who got drunk last night wasn’t him.
“What happened yesterday?”
Qi Yuyang’s actions paused. He slightly pursed his lips, “The
people at the company gave me a document from the past and I
found out something my father never told me about.”
When he was done, he let out a faint laugh, “I was a little sad
and then I lost my temper.”
It sounded reasonable. Qi Yuyang’s father was a very powerful
person so he naturally would have a past people didn’t know about.
Chi Zhao blinked a few times again and continued to ask, “Then
where are you going today?”
“Going to Cheng Ran’s clinic.”
Chi Zhao was stunned. He then remembered that Cheng Ran
seemed to have contacted Qi Yuyang recently. Chi Zhao was silent
for a moment before he gave his own answer, “Oh, okay.”
Qi Yuyang dropped Chi Zhao off at the filming location and then
drove away. After Chi Zhao got off and walked a few steps he looked
back and only saw the car driving off in the distance.
Chi Zhao felt uneasy. He asked the system, “Do you think……the
plot is back on track?”
【What do you think?】
Chi Zhao: “…….” If he had a thought, would he have asked the
Days went by one by one and Chi Zhao’s filming was soon
completed. His manager began to help him pick out a new project,
but Chi Zhao refused it all, “Let’s take a break for a while. I want to
His manager frowned, “How can you take a break now? If you
don’t pick up an activity or script now, your popularity will soon
fade away. A celebrity needs exposure the most. Without
exposure, nothing is left. Once you lose your current popularity
and status, even third-rate actors would become more popular
than you.”
Chi Zhao: “…..You’re speaking as if I’m going to quit showbiz. I
just want to rest for a while.”
The manager hesitated for a long time before finally taking a step
back, “Then tell me this first. How long do you want to rest?”
Chi Zhao thought for a while, “Two months.”
The manager instantly widened his eyes, “Two months?!”
Chi Zhao was almost rendered deaf by his voice. From the
manager’s tone, those two months would probably kill him.
In the end, they were able to agree with a one-month break. In
fact, it didn’t matter how long the break was because, according to
the treatment progress, Qi Yuyang should remember a lot of the
details soon.
Even if he didn’t recall everything, Qi Yuyang would still find out
that the person who had kidnapped him was Xue Qing’s father and
that Xue Qing was an accomplice. Before, Chi Zhao had always been
very nervous because he didn’t know when Qi Yuyang would
suddenly find out and he also didn’t know if he would get angry or
decide to forgive him.
The thought of the latter scenario happening was more terrifying
than the former. For the sake of the plot point, Chi Zhao really
wanted to hurry up and be apprehended.
The system didn’t understand. Chi Zhao had clearly fallen for Qi
Yuyang but why was he still thinking about the plot points? Even the
system itself no longer thought about it and was already looking for
another way succeed in its life.
【Once you’re apprehended, you will need to leave Qi Yuyang. Are
you willing to leave him?】
Chi Zhao’s tone was more confused than the system, “Why
wouldn’t I be willing?”
When it was asked this, the system froze for a moment and finally
spoke a few seconds later.
【Because…..because you like him!】
Chi Zhao sat by the window, looking out into the distance, “It’s
not my first time liking someone. I used to think that it isn’t easy
for me to fall in love with another person, but it seems that my
feelings are actually quite cheap.”
The system was stunned. It didn’t understand Chi Zhao’s words.
Liking someone……could be cheap or expensive?
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After saying this, Chi Zhao realised how ambiguous it may
have sounded. He explained, “What I meant was, it turns out that
I will fall for anyone. As long as the other person treats me well
and I spend more time with them, I will fall for them. Since I can
fall for anyone, why put so much effort in this one? I should just
finish the task quickly and change to another world. The longer I
drag it out, the more dangerous it is for my real body.”
Chi Zhao had said this very naturally, as if he really thought this.
The system however expressed that if it really believed in those
words of his, it would be an idiot.
【In that case, why are you still sitting here? You have been sitting
here for two hours. Aren’t you just waiting for Qi Yuyang to come
The system ruthlessly tore apart Chi Zhao’s lies. Chi Zhao still
wanted to cover his ears and avoid facing the truth but at this
moment a familiar car appeared downstairs. Chi Zhao saw this and
quickly hurried over to the sofa, pretending to have been watching
TV all this time.
System: “……..”
【You’re on the twenty-fourth floor. Even if Qi Yuyang has a third
eye, it is impossible for him to see you.】
Chi Zhao: “….”
You’re right.
He was so nervous, he had forgotten.
About ten minutes later, Qi Yuyang opened the door and saw Chi
Zhao sitting on the sofa in the living room. He smiled gently, “I
didn’t even have the chance to congratulate you for completing
the filming. How did they celebrate for you?”
“Just got together for a meal and gave me two bunches of
Qi Yuyang glanced at the two bouquets on the dining table and
then sat down beside Chi Zhao without taking off his jacket, “Should
we go out to eat tonight? This time just the two of us celebrating.”
Chi Zhao looked back at him for a second and shook his head,
“Forget it. I’m a little tired.”
He then stood up and went to the bedroom. Qi Yuyang watched
his leaving figure, “Alright, go sleep first. When you wake up, let’s
have dinner.”
The last of his words were masked by the sound of the door
closing. After closing the door, Chi Zhao flattened his lips. He leaned
against the door and didn’t move to approach the bed.
It had always been like this.
Ever since he started to receive treatment, Qi Yuyang had
continued to act normally. If one didn’t know about it, they would
not have been able to tell that he was receiving psychological
treatment. No matter what stage of treatment he was at, he didn’t
show any slightest change in emotion. It was too calm, too normal. It
contrarily made Chi Zhao nervous.
At the same time, Chi Zhao also felt a little sad inside.
Because in the original plot, Qi Yuyang also reacted like this after
receiving treatment.
He slowly remembered many things but his attitude towards the
original owner didn’t change. He just silently, step by step, prepared
a pit for the original owner to fall into.
Looks like the plot was back onto the right tracks. The system was
right. This world really was a world he could easily succeed in. No
matter what changes there were in their relationship, the final
outcome would not change.
And as for this deep pit, it was soon time for him to jump in.
On the other side of the door, Qi Yuyang stood outside, his
expression hidden in the shadows.
After a moment of silence, he slowly returned to the living room.
He took out his phone and checked a message he received this
afternoon from the manager. With his eyes lowered, his expression
remained unchanged. A few seconds later, he turned the phone over
and placed it on the coffee table.
—— Xue Qing wants to take a two-month vacation. I granted him
one month.
A two-month vacation…..Two months was enough time for one
person to do a lot of things.
Well then, Xue Qing. What did you want to do?
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KK has something to say: Is Qi Yuyang going to recover his
memories soon???
Chapter 81
Source: KK Translates


“….. The hope, the fear, the jealous care, The exalted portion of
the pain And power of love I cannot share, But wear the chain.”
After reading out this verse, the boy in front of him closed the
book and glanced at the man standing silently next to him. After
getting a nod from that man, he turned and left and didn’t look back
at the other person in the cold and dark room.
Qi Yuyang had never read any of the poems Xue Qing read but
when he recalled this memory, he suddenly remembered that this
was Byron’s poem and it was one of his masterpieces left before his
Qi Yuyang opened his eyes. The surroundings had returned to the
original warm and bright space.
Cheng Ran was sitting quietly next to him. When he saw that he
had woken, he raised his head, “How much did you remember this
Qi Yuyang remained lying in the chair, looking up at the
ceiling. He replied in a low voice, “On the fifth day, Xue Qing read
to me a selection of poems from time to time. It felt like he had
been reading it for a long time but in fact he only read two.”
“That’s very normal. With all the other sensory organs sealed
off and only touch and hearing still working, the minds
perception of time can change.”
Qi Yuyang sat up and rubbed the inner corners of his brows. After
a long time, he raised his head and looked at Cheng Ran, “Why is the
memory so clear?”
Qi Yuyang could accurately remember the events from that time
and could even clearly remember Xue Qing’s and Xue Xingfan’s
expressions. After six years, even if those memories were sealed,
those memories from that time should have faded somewhat.
Cheng Ran lowered his head to record something and replied
without raising his head, “Because it was too painful.” So you
couldn’t forget it.
It was also because it was too painful that it worked so well on Qi
Qi Yuyang didn’t speak anymore. He stood up and wanted to
leave. Cheng Ran closed his notebook with a snap and stood up as
well, “Wait, I want to ask you a question.”
Qi Yuyang stopped and silently looked at Cheng Ran.
Chi Zhao thought Qi Yuyang was still slowly recovering and had
only remembered the small bits and pieces of his past, not yet
connecting the dots, but Qi Yuyang had in fact already recalled
almost everything. In the original plot, Cheng Ran fumbled around
for a long time before realising that he was hypnotised. This time, Qi
Yuyang was the one who took the initiative to approach Cheng Ran
and inform the other party that he was kidnapped by Xue Xingfan.
Knowing Xue Xingfan, Cheng Ran could immediately tell what kind
of method he had likely used.
As a doctor, Cheng Ran must help keep Qi Yuyang’s circumstances
confidential and he also cannot interfere with Qi Yuyang’s decisions
so until now, he didn’t say anything that couldn’t be said, and he also
didn’t overstep his boundaries. This was his first time asking a
question about Xue Qing.
“The reason you don’t want to take revenge on Xue Qing….”
Cheng Ran asked slowly while looking into Qi Yuyang’s eyes, trying
to dig out the thoughts hidden under his calm exterior, “Does Xue
Qing know about it?”
Yet again, it was a sharp question. Every time Cheng Ran asked a
question, it would sharply pinpoint the key issue.
Since requesting treatment again, Qi Yuyang had always been
very calm. Every time he recalled a painful memory, he only felt a
little uncomfortable and even despite this, he would force himself to
get used to it and would not leave this place to return to Xue Qing’s
side before that.
It was clear from the information provided by Qi Yuyang that he
was the victim and Xue Qing was the hidden perpetrator. The victim
however was the one here suffering. Even if the hypnosis had been
removed and he was no longer dependent on Xue Qing, he still didn’t
want to hurt Xue Qing and even continued to care for him.
Those who didn’t know would express emotionally, “It’s love.”
Cheng Ran however wasn’t that easy to deceive.
Having been a psychiatrist for many years and with his
experience dealing with various cases and patients, Cheng Ran had
learnt not to believe what he saw or heard. The things that can drive
people crazy and make someone ill mentally was far more
complicated than it may appear on the surface.
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The office became quieter than it was before, to the point that it
was almost complete silence. After a few seconds, Qi Yuyang moved.
He slowly approached Cheng Ran until there was about two and a
half metres between the two of them, “You just have to know that
my feelings for him has never changed. That is enough.”
Qi Yuyang looked very dangerous right now and his eyes carried
real threat. Cheng Ran instinctively wanted to escape. The feeling his
eyes gave him made him feel very uncomfortable. As Cheng Ran
subconsciously frowned, he heard Qi Yuyang continue, “Doctor
Cheng, remember your place and please protect my privacy.
Don’t let a single word leak out. Anything that can make Xue
Qing leave me……..”
Qi Yuyang’s expression darkened further and he uttered every
word with emphasis, “I won’t let you off.”
After saying that, Qi Yuyang turned and left. Cheng Ran didn’t
want to cause trouble but there were some things he had to say. He
opened his mouth and finally shouted in the direction of the door,
“There are some things you can’t hide for a lifetime.”
Qi Yuyang had his hand on the doorknob. His pause was so short,
it was undetectable to most people. Soon after that, he turned the
knob and walked out.
After he left, Cheng Ran threw the notebook onto his desk and fell
back into his chair.
It probably would’ve been better not accepting this deal in the
first place. Look at the situation now. He was probably already out of
luck. Although Qi Yuyang had warned him earlier that he wouldn’t
let him off if he dared to leak anything out, Cheng Ran felt that with
Qi Yuyang’s suspicious character, he would likely be driven out of
the city or even this country before he could say anything.
…..What should he do now?
When Qi Yuyang drove home, Chi Zhao was in the middle of
calculating his current assets.
Sitting on the edge of the small table in the guest room, he held a
small green notebook filled with numbers.
After a long time, Chi Zhao was puzzled, “Why is it that I get a
different number every time I add it up?”
【 Did you really get into a prestigious university with your own
Hearing the systems suspicious tone, Chi Zhao was angry, “Of
course I did! I was a very good student and got first in math
during the mock exam!”
“It’s just……..” Chi Zhao silently looked back at the numbers in
the notebook, “I haven’t used it in a while, and it has become
When he added it all up again, Chi Zhao successfully returned with
a different result.
In the end, Chi Zhao could only resort to using a calculator.
Seeing Chi Zhao sorting his assets into different categories, the
system couldn’t help but ask.
【What are you doing?】
“Can’t you tell?”
Chi Zhao answered very naturally, “Planning my funeral.”
(KKnotes: Actually more along the lines of planning what happens
after his death)
System: “…….”
Xue Qing was a celebrity but when he really calculated his assets,
Chi Zhao realised that he didn’t actually have much money because
most had already been spent by him. The remaining deposit left was
less than three million.
There rest were all things like sports cars, houses, yachts and
small joint ventures with others and the likes. Chi Zhao was going to
sell the things that could be sold and as for those that couldn’t be
sold…..he will also try and sell them off.
This was something Chi Zhao had also done before but at that
time Chi Zhao’s identity wasn’t that of a rich person, so it was all
sorted in just two days. Recalling the past, the system realised
【You’re going to give the money to Qi Yuyang again?】
Chi Zhao’s eyes widened, “Why should I?!”
System: “….”
Chi Zhao spoke with reason, “These are all Xue Qing’s property.
It was obtained by his and my hard work. Why should I leave it
all for Qi Yuyang? He has a large company and doesn’t lack that
money. The money should be used where it can be useful.”
Chi Zhao thought for a while, “I don’t know. When I have time,
I’ll look around and find a less shady charity foundation and just
donate it.”
【Since you know that most charity foundations are a little shady,
why donate it to them?】
Chi Zhao closed his notebook and shrugged, “Whenever
humans are involved, it will always be shady. It can’t be avoided.
At the very least, some of the money donated would fall into the
hands of those in need. Even if only a dollar was used to help
others, it’s worth it.”
The system sighed. The host really is a good person.
But why did it feel despaired inside?
It was now late autumn and one must wear a coat when going out.
Chi Zhao took out a coat and picked up his car keys.
【Where are you going?】
Chi Zhao replied as he walked out, “I contacted an agency
yesterday to sell the house. I’m giving him the key to the house
Xue Qing only had one real estate under his name and it was his
old house. That house was a very ordinary residential building but
because it was located in a rather good location, the price of it was a
bit more expensive. Although the facilities in this area aren’t that
good and it is also quite old, most people looking to buy would
probably not live there themselves and would just use it as an
With the city being so prosperous, there was also a possibility of
the building here being bought over by developers and demolished.
Chi Zhao drove over to the agency, passed the key through the car
window and quickly closed it again. The agent already knew that the
owner was a celebrity and had signed a confidentiality agreement
online so he quickly received the key and asked, “Then I will put
your place up for sale now?”
Chi Zhao thought for a while. Thinking that buyers wouldn’t come
that quickly, he nodded, “Okay. I’m going there to pack up now.
After an hour or two, you can take pictures.”
After driving to the house, Chi Zhao got out of his car and looked
In fact, in the original owner’s memory, he didn’t live in this place.
At that time, his family was quite rich and they lived in a three-story
bungalow but something happened and the money was gone and the
house was sold. He and his dad eventually moved to a small house
less than 100 square metres in size.
When he opened the door, he only saw some old furniture inside.
There was no hint of life whatsoever.
After strolling around, he couldn’t find a single picture of Xue
Xingfan. On his way out, Chi Zhao paused. He noticed some markings
on the side of the door panel.
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Those were traces of Xue Qing’s growth.
All of them were black markings apart from two red ones. There
were labels next to them. It was clear that they were an adults
writing. Perhaps it was written by Xue Xingfan.
“Mum 162, Dad 179.”
In the end, Xue Qing’s height didn’t exceed that of his fathers, and
he remained just one or two centimetres shorter than his father.
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment. He called out to the system,
“System, I’m a little sentimental.”
The system wiped its emotional analysis library and expressed
the same thoughts.
【Yes, me too.】
“We don’t even know where Xue Xingfan died. Xue Qing lived
his whole life not knowing that his father had already died, and
he didn’t even manage to see him one last time.”
Chi Zhao sighed and asked, “By the way, where is Xue Qing’s
mother buried?”
In any case, he didn’t have anything else to do. Chi Zhao wandered
around this small community and then went to the address provided
by the system. It was a quiet and bleak cemetery. Chi Zhao walked
for a long time before he found Xue Qing’s mother’s tombstone in
the depths of the cemetery.
Chi Zhao couldn’t put into words what he was feeling right now.
He wasn’t their son, so it was pointless coming here, but he felt that
it was better to come and show his face to fulfil the last of Xue Qing’s
filial piety before he goes to jail and waits for his death.
There were a lot of yellow leaves gathered by the tombstone. Chi
Zhao cleaned the places near the tombstone with his hands and then
took off his coat, spread it on the ground and sat down.
It was around one o’clock in the afternoon, the hottest time of the
day, so it wasn’t that cold without his coat. Chi Zhao looked up and
stared at the picture of a smiling woman on the tombstone. Xue Qing
really resembled her, they were almost replicas of each other.
She looked like a very gentle person.
If the mother was still alive, all the tragedy probably would not
have happened.
Chi Zhao bent down and continued to clean the tombstone for Xia
Lan. No one had been here for many years and the cemetery staff
also didn’t clean this place at all, so it was filthy. Chi Zhao even found
nearby a packaging bag for crispy noodles.
After he picked up the trash, Chi Zhao blinked a few times and
was taken aback for a moment. He then stretched his hand and
reached into the gap between the tombstone and the base.
With some effort, Chi Zhao managed to pull out a small red piece
of paper. He stared at it for a long time before calling the system out
in disbelief, “…….Why do I feel that this is real money?”
There were black burnt marks around the edges of this piece of
paper and it was clear that it had been burnt. This was a cemetery so
it was normal for someone to burn paper money but this…….this
clearly didn’t look like paper money?!
The system scanned it and also started to mumble to itself: From
the texture, it indeed looks different from the paper money
manufacturers typically used.
Chi Zhao stood there with a frown for a long time before finally
taking out a hundred dollar note from his wallet. He compared it for
a while and was shocked, “It really is real money! If you touch it,
you can even feel the braille pattern!”
System: “……….” Do you think I have hands?!
Now one human and one system are both in deep thought. Could
someone be so stupid……to actually burn real money as paper
As they were still thinking it over, the system suddenly cried out.
【Hurry, hurry, hurry! Qi Yuyang is here! Abort mission!】
Chi Zhao: “…………”
What do you mean abort mission?
Despite saying that, Chi Zhao quickly stuffed the small burnt
corner of a bill into his pocket.
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: We’re nearing the end of this arc~
Chapter 82
Source: KK Translates


The more he thought about it, the more Qi Yuyang felt that the
current Xue Qing and the past Xue Qing are almost two completely
different people.
Although he was still not very talkative or very expressive, the
Xue Qing now felt a lot more human compared to before. He can
smile, can feel frustrated, can feel sad and the look in his eyes also
carried some warmth which was completely different from the ones
in his memory which seemed like he was just looking at an object.
In just six years, Xue Qing had undergone a large change. Qi
Yuyang had no idea what he had experienced during this time, but
he could tell that Xue Qing was slowly getting better; becoming
healthier and adapting to the world.
Just like him.
Xue Qing knew about the kidnapping case six years ago but he
chose to come back to his side. They have been together for more
than half a year now and Xue Qing had never asked him for anything
apart from that time when he asked to be the leading actor. Thinking
back now, it was probably something he had done in order to make
him lower his guard and allow him to stay by his side.
In fact, he didn’t care about the leading actor role or how his
career developed, let alone how much money he made. If it was like
this, why did he come to him?
In order to…..help him ease the pain?
The silent companionship, the hints to see a doctor, and even
helping him find Xue Xingfan’s student who could help free him
from the hypnosis. Gathering all the clues together, no matter how
stupid he may be, Qi Yuyang should realise what it meant.
Xue Qing just wanted him to return to normal, nothing more.
Even if…….it would bring him harm once he recovers.
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From his previous conversations with Xue Qing, he could tell that
Xue Qing had no good feelings for his father and even thinks that he
is a person of very poor personality. It was probably something Xue
Xingfan had done deliberately. He had done it so well that even after
kidnapping Qi Yuyang, Xue Qing didn’t have any doubts at all and
just thought that he was doing it for the money. At that time, Xue
Qing had an imperfect personality, an unsound mentality and he was
still very ignorant of the world, unable to distinguish between good
and evil, so he became indifferent to everything that was happening
around him.
But when Xue Xingfan left him, he slowly grew on his own and
came to understand that there were good and evil in this world. He
felt that it was wrong to hypnotise Qi Yuyang and make him suffer
throughout his life, so he returned.
Although Xue Qing’s psychological state and personality has
developed a lot, his past personality still influenced his current self
greatly. He still didn’t care about many things including his own life
and safety.
In the early days, in order to protect Xue Qing, Qi Yuyang had set
Xue Qing’s phone up so that he could locate him at any time. Xue
Qing himself also knew this. When he returned home and saw that
Xue Qing wasn’t there, in an instant, Qi Yuyang’s blood ran cold. He
was only able to breath a sigh of relief when he saw that Xue Qing’s
suitcases were still there and his clothes were not missing. After
recovering, he drove off to Xue Qing’s location.
When he discovered that it was a cemetery, he stepped on the
He didn’t dare enter.
He was afraid of angering the deceased.
Chi Zhao thought Qi Yuyang had just arrived but in fact he had
been outside for more than half an hour.
Chi Zhao quickly put away the things in his hands, straightened up
and pretended to inadvertently notice Qi Yuyang in the distance.
He looked at Qi Yuyang in the distance. The meaning in his eyes
were clear. It was asking him to come over.
With this, Qi Yuyang was even more certain that Xue Qing really
didn’t know that Xia Lan’s death wasn’t an accident.
Qi Yuyang slowly walked to Chi Zhao’s side. Chi Zhao pointed at
the tombstone, “This is my mother.”
Qi Yuyang pressed his lips together tightly, completely unable to
say a single word.
Chi Zhao felt that something didn’t seem right. They way he
looked at Xia Lan’s tombstone seemed…….how should he put it, it
seemed very bitter.
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment. He had only just come here to
take a look and he had been here long enough now. He put his hands
in his pockets, took a step back and called out to Qi Yuyang, “Come
one, let’s go back.”
Chi Zhao walked ahead while Qi Yuyang followed behind him.
When he was about to go through a small path, Qi Yuyang looked
back. Xia Lan’s tombstone was located at the corner of this path.
Although desolate, it was quiet. Just looking at it from this angle
made people feel lonely and sad.
Qi Yuyang looked back for a few seconds before turning his head
back and quickly catching up to Chi Zhao’s departing figure.
Since the start of the treatment, Chi Zhao and Qi Yuyang had never
gotten intimate with each other. Although they shared the same bed,
they had clear boundaries between them. Everything was peaceful,
like couples who have been married for many years.
But recently, Chi Zhao would from time to time spend the night in
the guest room. Each time, he would give a properly planned out
excuse, but both knew that this was just the beginning of the
distance between them widening. Chi Zhao was doing this to test if
Qi Yuyang still relied on him so that it wouldn’t be too difficult on
him in the future. As for Qi Yuyang, he did this because he couldn’t
say no to Chi Zhao and he also felt that he wasn’t qualified to ask Chi
Zhao for anything.
It was another evening of the two sharing the same bed. Chi Zhao
left the bathroom still steaming from the heat, laid down and got
ready to sleep.
Qi Yuyang on the other hand was leaning against the head of the
bed reading something with a serious expression.
It took about ten to twenty minutes for Chi Zhao to fall asleep and
as for the thing in Qi Yuyang’s hand, he read it for more than an
hour. It was clearly only two pages and it was also an electronic
document so it could be read in one glance, but he had actually taken
such a long time to read through it.
The contents of this document were the various assets Chi Zhao
had been sorting out the past few days. Qi Yuyang stared at the
various numbers without any warmth in his eyes and then finally
gently placed his phone aside.
Organising his assets, selling his house and visiting his mother’s
tombstone after so many years, those actions felt too much like he
was preparing for a long journey with no intentions to return. Chi
Zhao however had not packed any of his belongings or shown any
intentions of leaving during this time. After contacting the agent
during the day, Chi Zhao had also asked around about a couple of
reliable charity foundations…
Qi Yuyang took a deep breath. He looked at the person lying
quietly next to him and took a long time to restrain his urge to reach
out and hold that person in his arms.
Tomorrow was the last day of treatment.
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Cheng Ran had told him that after tomorrow, all his memories
would be recovered and the hypnosis control Xue Xingfan had used
on him would be completely gone. At that time, he would no longer
have headaches and he would no longer have to rely on Xue Qing.
Strong sorrow surged inside him. In fact, his mindset had changed
as he underwent treatment. The onlooker sees more than the player
in the game. Cheng Ran and Xue Qing were right. He was indeed
abnormal; he was indeed ill. He was ill to the point that the
boundary between human beings and objects have blurred.
Before receiving treatment, he had arrogantly thought that Xue
Qing cannot leave him no matter what. He thought that he had these
thoughts because he loved Xue Qing. He had thought that since love
was selfish, having such thoughts was normal.
But it was in fact not normal. It was just his paranoid disregard of
the wishes of others. He selfishly concealed the truth and, in this
relationship that was never clear or unclear, Xue Qing was never put
in a position that was on the same level as himself. He had
advertised this corrupt possessiveness as love. If that was love, then
love was too terrible.
The more his condition was treated, the clearer Qi Yuyang’s mind
became and he could now see what kind of choice was the right one.
Sometimes, the relationship between the two was a dead knot. If
you ignored this dead knot, this hard and stubborn lump will remain
in your heart forever. No matter when, that feeling of being tightly
bound and restricted would never subside. Time can never take
away pain, it can only make people adapt to pain.
The process of untying this dead knot can be even more painful
and, after untying, the bloody wound would be exposed in front of
everyone. Wounds however can always heal.
That night, Qi Yuyang watched Chi Zhao for a long time. He
watched him for so long, the system itself began to feel
uncomfortable. When it was dawn, Qi Yuyang got out of bed, dressed
neatly, placed a document by Chi Zhao’s pillow and then left the
room. Chi Zhao only opened his eyes three hours later.
Seeing that Qi Yuyang wasn’t around, Chi Zhao was surprised. He
asked the system, “Where did Qi Yuyang go?”
The system could no longer speak.
Chi Zhao blinked a few times, “Why aren’t you speaking?”
【I can’t speak.】
Chi Zhao had a bad feeling. He asked nervously, “What’s wrong?
Did something happen?”
Chi Zhao: “…….Tell me now!”
【 Remember when we first came, I said that you can clear this
world even while lying down?】
Chi Zhao answered suspiciously, “Yes, I remember. So what
【Hey, life never goes the way you expect it to go and it also never
goes the way the system predicts it to go.】
Before Chi Zhao could explode, the system stopped going around
in circles and directed Chi Zhao to the document next to his pillow.
Before Chi Zhao woke up, it had scanned the contents inside.
【In short, you must remain calm after reading it. It actually isn’t
anything major. Although the plot has collapsed, we still have other
ways to obtain points! Think about all the points you got after
making Qi Yuyang suffer all this time!】
It was just one night’s sleep but why did the plot collapse now?!
Wasn’t still going okay last night??
Chi Zhao immediately sat up and picked up the document. After
opening it, he skimmed through the contents.
This document was the document about Xia Lan Qi Yuyang had
read before.
After picking up the weather-beaten corner of a bill from the
cemetery that day, Chi Zhao had also wondered if there was
something in the plot that they didn’t know about. His imagination
however wasn’t very good and no matter how he thought about it,
he couldn’t think of anything himself. He didn’t expect there to be
8pm prime time dog blood drama plot going on in the background.
Chi Zhao was stunned for a long time, “Was this left by Qi
The system’s voice sounded very pained.
【Yes, my condolences.】
Chi Zhao: “………”
Just this information was enough for him to connect the dots. For
example, it explained why Qi Yuyang acted so strangely that day,
why Xue Xingfan would choose to do something like this to Qi
Yuyang, why Xia Lan’s tombstone had real money and why Xue
Xingfan suddenly disappeared and never appeared before anyone
ever again.
The system didn’t dare breathe. It just silently watched Chi Zhao
sit there in shock. After a long time, Chi Zhao spoke up again, “How
exactly did Xue Xingfan die?”
The system really didn’t know. All that it knew were things
related to the plot and the plot was all about the protagonist. Each
world was a continuous cycle of time. Everything that happened
here has happened in the past and staff were responsible for
collecting this information and reproducing the plot here, later
allowing a system to bring a host over to complete the task.
This world has repeated countless times and every host that had
entered were different, playing all kinds of roles. The system
checked the database and saw that Chi Zhao was the second person
to act out the rule of Xue Qing. The first one had died as soon as he
entered the world and naturally had no chance of triggering the
hidden plot.
The system didn’t directly say that it didn’t know. It asked Chi
Zhao to wait a little and then ran over to the main system’s database
to search for the rest of this worlds plot.
After more than an hour, the system finally found some traces of
Xue Xingfan.
【 After he released Qi Yuyang, he left with the ransom money,
burnt all of it to ashes in front of his wife’s grave and then stored the
ashes in a sack. In the early morning of the next day, he smuggled
onto a ship to country D and threw those ashes out into the sea. In
country D, he found the truck driver hired by Qi Yuyang’s father and
set fire to the truck driver and his new girlfriend before committing
It was just as Chi Zhao expected. He took a deep breath, “If he
committed suicide, his body should be left. Where is his body?”
【Already cremated. Without any form of identification and with
his clothes all torn and battered when he was found, the authorities
took him for granted as a homeless man. Following the usual
procedures, they publicised his death for fifteen days and when no
one came to claim him, he was cremated.】
Chi Zhao balled his hands up into a fist, “Then there will also be
ashes. What about the ashes?”
The system could tell what Chi Zhao was trying to get at. It
seemed that he wanted to bring Xue Xingfan’s ashes back for burial.
Indeed, knowing that there was something like this going on behind
the scenes, even if Xue Xingfan was a murderer who had also caused
Qi Yuyang to suffer for so many years, the system couldn’t easily
regard him as a bad person.
The system was silent for a moment. It’s voice sounded a little
【 The ashes……the ashes are also gone. Unclaimed ashes would
only be stored for five years. Two months before you came, they had
just disposed of Xue Xingfan’s ashes.】
Chi Zhao was a little shaken. He didn’t expect that in a society like
this with surveillance and monitoring everywhere recording every
detail in life, someone could actually disappear so easily and without
leaving a single trace.
The system didn’t speak any more. Chi Zhao lowered his head and
glanced at the document in his hands.
This was given to him by Qi Yuyang.
Suddenly, there was the sound of the door opening which
interrupted Chi Zhao’s thoughts. He subconsciously looked up at the
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: Chi Zhao now knows about the hidden
Chapter 83
Source: KK Translates


Qi Yuyang entered the room. Seeing him, Chi Zhao placed down
the documents and slowly stood up.
Passing through the bedroom door, Qi Yuyang’s eyes fell onto the
document. His feet froze and he didn’t dare take another step
forward. Both his feet were firmly nailed to the ground and his
entire body was frozen like a sculpture.
He was waiting for his final judgement.
Chi Zhao was silent for a while. He then walked over. Now that it
was certain that the plot had completely collapsed and that it had
derailed so badly, eight horses wouldn’t be able to pull it back onto
its tracks, Chi Zhao no longer needed to continue with his act.
As a result, Chi Zhao’s entire personality became different from
the usual. At this moment, he not only no longer looked indifferent,
it even appeared a lot brighter than usual.
“When did you know about this?”
Qi Yuyang opened his mouth to answer but before he could say
anything, Chi Zhao answered it himself, “Was it when you were
About three seconds later, Qi Yuyang lowered his eyes and
Chi Zhao’s expression remained unchanged. He then asked, “Your
illness has been cured?”
Qi Yuyang’s drunken episode was two months ago so it meant that
he had known about Xia Lan’s death since two months ago as well as
the fact that it was Xue Xingfan who had kidnapped him. The
treatment that should originally take another week or two to
complete was probably already over.
He had hidden it very well……
As expected, Qi Yuyang hesitated for a moment and then nodded.
Chi Zhao’s expression was very cold. It made Qi Yuyang feel even
more uneasy.
“Do you have anything else you want to say to me?”
Qi Yuyang had a lot he wanted to say but when he was faced with
Chi Zhao’s ruthless and indifferent eyes, he found that he couldn’t
say anything. Words couldn’t express him well enough right now.
Every word and every note were completely useless.
It wasn’t their fault that they’re useless; it was his fault.
Please read this from kk translates
After waiting for more than ten seconds and not hearing Qi
Yuyang’s reply, Chi Zhao pursed his lips and approached him. He
walked very quickly, and, in a flash, he passed Qi Yuyang. This was
soon followed by the sound of the door opening and closing as well
as the cold metallic sound of the security door slamming shut. Qi
Yuyang suddenly felt like he was once again shut inside a dark and
cramped room where there were no other people around, no sound,
no colour, no air; only endless suffocation and pain.
The only difference this time was that there was no one who
would let him out again.
For a few seconds after Chi Zhao left, Qi Yuyang stood there
blankly. A few seconds later, he seemed to have suddenly returned
to his senses. He turned and wanted to chase after him but before he
could take a step, he stopped in place.
Slowly, his expression became distorted and his eyes squeezed
shut. He grabbed his head and bent down and seemed to be
suffering from immense pain.
His hair was almost pulled out of his scalp, but that physical pain
couldn’t relieve the pain from the depths of his mind. The headache
this time was much more severe than the previous headaches. It felt
as if Qi Yuyang would drop dead any moment.
There was no problem with Cheng Ran’s medical abilities. The
hypnosis in Qi Yuyang’s mind had indeed been removed but the
imprints left by Chi Zhao that were carved deeply into his soul still
remained and it couldn’t be treated by any psychiatrist. They were
shackles that would accompany him throughout his life.
Severe pain tore at his nerves. Qi Yuyang collapsed onto his knees.
After a while, he opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the
deserted room. Suddenly, he laughed.
The laughter was very light at first and then it grew stronger and
stronger until he was practically laughing hysterically. That laugher
was harsher and more moving than crying and extremely
heartbreaking to hear.
He had originally thought that the day he found out about the
cause of Xia Lan’s death would be most despairing day of his life, but
he didn’t expect that behind that despair, there would be a darker
and lonelier future.
After Chi Zhao went out, he didn’t go too far. He covered his entire
face and arrived at a children’s playground nearby. This children’s
playground was an open area, but it was raining heavily so there
were no children around. Chi Zhao crawled into the largest plastic
tunnel and the world finally became quiet with only the sound of
raindrops hitting the tunnel.
As a celebrity, the most inconvenient thing was that if he wanted
to leave his place and find a place to think about his future, he had
nowhere to go. He could only use the tunnel in a children’s
Holding his face, Chi Zhao asked, “What should I do next?”
Hearing this question, the system became spirited.
【 From the looks of it, we should probably stop it from getting
worse. Let’s do this. You find a place to die and I will shield you from
the pain. After you die, I will help you find a particularly simple
world that is absolutely guaranteed to successful!】
Chi Zhao: “…….” Honestly, he no longer believed anything the
system says.
“You said I could succeed even while lying down and look what
【 … ..How could I have know that there was a hidden plot like
this? I promise I will find you a role that won’t be able to be washed
clean, sound good?】
No matter how the system promised, Chi Zhao just acted like he
didn’t hear him. He covered his face and let out a muffled sigh.
“He actually let me go.”
Chi Zhao’s tone sounded a little strange. The system was puzzled.
【Did you want him to let you go or did you not want him to let
you go?】
“I hope that he would let me go and I also hope that he
wouldn’t let me go.”
What Chi Zhao hoped was for Qi Yuyang to be like a normal
person and, although it was a difficult choice to make, for him to
respect his wishes and let him go. But he also hoped that Qi Yuyang’s
feelings for him would not change and, like before, he would
continue to find him again and again to take him home, never letting
him go.
The former was what his sense of reason hoped for while the
latter were just his selfish desires.
【 You humans are so complicated. Why do you have to be like
this? Let me ask you again. Do you or do you not want to stay?】
Chi Zhao looked away and answered very quickly, “Stay.”
【Then that’s that. Since you want to stay, then go back. The plot
has completely collapsed anyway and whether or not you leave has
no effect on it. As for you, ah, there will be some effect and that is the
degree of damage your body gets but that is your body and that
person is also the person you like. You should be the one making the
choice. I’ll accept whatever decision you make.】
The tunnel in the children’s playground was large enough for two
children to stand side by side but Chi Zhao was an adult and it
wasn’t enough room for him to sit. He hugged his knees and rested
his chin on his knees, feeling aggrieved.
“We’ll see. If he comes to look for me, then I will go back. If he
doesn’t…..I’ll go and die.”
Whether it was the original owner or Chi Zhao, the two of them
had never taken the initiative in the relationship. The original owner
knew very clearly at the end that Qi Yuyang didn’t like him and was
only nice to him because he helped relieve him of his headaches.
Now that Chi Zhao was faced with this same question, he didn’t
know what kind of answer he would get.
All afternoon, Chi Zhao stayed in the tunnel and didn’t go out. It
was now the rainy autumn season and the autumn rain was rather
cool. When Chi Zhao left, he didn’t bring along a jacket and was only
wearing a long-sleeved shirt. As the rain grew heavier, Chi Zhao was
both hungry and cold. Chi Zhao rubbed his arms in attempt to warm
himself up a little when suddenly, a white light flashed in front of
him. Chi Zhao subconsciously raised his head to look but it hit the
tunnel instead.
【 …… .Look at this rubbish place you’re hiding out in. It would’ve
been better getting a hotel room. You at least have food and shelter
while you wait.】
Chi Zhao didn’t speak and just shrunk further inside the tunnel. It
wasn’t convenient for him to go to a hotel and the hotel was also too
far. This playground was just in front of his place. If Qi Yuyang were
to come find him, it would be more convenient for him to find him.
Chi Zhao told the system that he would give him a day. Although
he didn’t specifically set a time, it was now almost six in the evening
and the sky was completely dark.
Seeing that Chi Zhao had no intentions to move, the system
【Why don’t you……just go back by yourself?】
“No.” Chi Zhao was insistent.
For the others, love was love, but for Chi Zhao, this relationship
involved him putting his life at stake. If he wasn’t certain that they
other party really liked him, then he wouldn’t be able to abandon
everything and stay.
Because this was a relationship that couldn’t even be judged using
reality or illusions, all he could rely on was the other party’s feelings.
The system had no choice but to stay in his mind and wait
together with its host.
At 8 o’clock in the evening, the thunder and lightning and even the
rain stopped. Gradually, he could hear the sound of people but
because it was already quite late, there were not many people
outside. The patter of raindrops slowly faded, and Chi Zhao finally
gave up. He silently moved to climb out of the tunnel.
Lightly jumping out, Chi Zhao looked around. Seeing that there
was no one around, he relaxed his vigilance. As he slowly walked
out, he asked the system inside, “Which way is faster, jumping off
a building? But I think that will cause a sensation. Would it be
better to throw myself into the river? But you seem to only have
the ability to block the pain, not the feeling of suffocation…..”
The system silently expressed: Stop asking. You’re not dying
Chi Zhao had this problem. The more confused he was, the more
he liked to chatter on. This system already knew that Chi Zhao’s
chatter was just because he was a little sad that Qi Yuyang didn’t
come and didn’t want to show it.
Please read this from kk translates
As he thought about these things, Chi Zhao had his head lowered.
Once he turned the corner, he looked up and inadvertently saw a tall
figure ahead.
Qi Yuyang stood there under a sycamore tree, holding a black
windbreaker in his hand. Seeing Chi Zhao wander out, there were
some slight changes in his expression. Chi Zhao couldn’t describe
what kind of change it was. In any case, when Chi Zhao reacted, Qi
Yuyang had already walked up to him.
He unfolded the windbreaker and raised Chi Zhao’s arm, slipping
it into the sleeves. When he was done helping him put it on, he
lowered his eyes, and both gently and carefully buttoned the row of
buttons in front.
As he did all this, his actions were very natural. It was so natural;
one wouldn’t have been able to tell that he had almost wanted to
end his life at just a few hours ago.
“……When did you come?”
Hearing Xue Qing’s question, Qi Yuyang replied in a low voice, “I
don’t remember anymore.”
Anyway, he arrived when it was still raining. He had followed the
tracker and found his way over to the children’s playground. Xue
Qing’s phone also had a thermal sensor function. If the phone was
lost, the location would be displayed but since the thermal sensor’s
light was green it meant that it was still with Xue Qing and that he
was there in this playground.
Qi Yuyang didn’t know why Xue Qing came here. After some
thought, he guessed that Xue Qing was probably very stimulated by
his mother’s news, so he came to a place reminiscent of his
…..It had to be said that after all those years of receiving
psychological guidance, Qi Yuyang had also learned to put Freud’s
theory into practice.
He didn’t dare disturb him so he stood far away on the main road
by the entrance to the children’s playground. Although this
playground was an open area, there were fences all around and you
would have to pass through here to leave.
He stood there and waited until Xue Qing came out.
Once the buttons were all buttoned, Qi Yuyang raised his head, his
gaze lingering on Chi Zhao’s face. After looking at it for a while, he
stretched out his hand again to tidy up Chi Zhao’s slightly messy
His movements…….were extremely gentle.
A teardrop rolled down the corner of his eyes to his chin and
another welled up in his eyes. Tears obscured Chi Zhao’s vision,
making him unable to see but he could feel someone slowly wiping
the tears away for him.
Chi Zhao gently blinked a few times and soon, the tears that
blurred his vision were blinked away. He raised his eyes slightly. Qi
Yuyang was looking at him. He didn’t speak. His face moved slightly,
as if he wanted to form a smile, but that action seemed to be too
difficult and it took him a lot of effort to finally hook his lips up in an
awkward and ugly manner.
“Don’t cry. You don’t look good when you cry.”
That was a lie. In fact, he also looked good when he cried and it
was actually even better than usual but, no matter how good he
looked, Qi Yuyang didn’t want to see him shed tears like this. His
heart hurt seeing him like this. He just wanted to see his smiling
No one would want the person they like to see their ugly side and
Chi Zhao was the same. He quickly raised his hand to wipe away the
excess tears, sniffed his nose and then acted like he wasn’t the one
who was crying just now.
Qi Yuyang who saw this wanted to laugh but he also felt
heartbroken inside. He opened his mouth and after a long period of
silence, he uttered the line he had thought about all this time, “Go
home with me……..okay?”
Chi Zhao was originally holding back the urge to cry but the
moment he heard those words, he couldn’t hold it in anymore. He
had waited a whole day; from disappointment to despair and then to
rekindled hope. Finally, he heard the words he had wanted to hear.
Chi Zhao didn’t answer. He chose to directly hug Qi Yuyang and
bury his head in his shoulder, letting the tears flow down and seep
into his clothes.
Qi Yuyang was taken aback for a moment. From the moment he
left his place, his heart was tense as he wasn’t certain whether it
would end up shattered or broken but now, it was able to relax. Qi
Yuyang stood there stunned for a long time before letting out a long
He lowered his head, lightly kissed Chi Zhao’s hair and then,
looking like he had just received salvation, he slowly closed his
bloodshot eyes.
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KK has something to say: Last chapter tomorrow! (and an intro to
the next world~)
Chapter 84
Source: KK Translates


Another six years passed. The year the relationship between Qi

Yuyang and Xue Qing was established, a major event broke out in
the entertainment industry.
The CEO of Jiayu Culture had taken out the evidence he had
collected for many years and directly handed it over to the
government and he also involved almost a hundred people along the
With this, the case that had been left to gather dust was once
again revealed to the world after more than twenty years.
The ugly behemoth Xia Lan had been fighting against for so long
was finally defeated by Qi Yuyang many years later.
Before all the verdicts could be passed, there were many people
who wanted Qi Yuyang’s life. Those people however were already
old. Twenty years ago, they were grownups but now they were all
aging old men. Even if they have their younger generations around,
the power they had back in the days no longer existed.
Companies that had to be closed were closed and those that had
to be jailed up were jailed up. When people followed the clues and
found out that the female reporter who was unfortunately killed in
her pursuit for justice was the mother of the current hot star, Xue
Qing, the entire country was shocked.
Everyone knew that Xue Qing was an actor from Jiayu Culture and
that he also has a very good relationship with the president Qi
Yuyang but no one could have imagined that they had such a history
between them.
Qi Yuyang’s righteous act of extermination…….Was it related to
Xue Qing?
Heavens, what a beautiful show of friendship!
As for what the outside world thought, Qi Yuyang and Xue Qing
didn’t care. People only saw Qi Yuyang’s righteous act of
extermination helping bring justice to the wronged by they didn’t
see how much he had to pay for in order to do this.
Even after many years of planning and even after doing
everything to minimise the losses, Jiayu Culture was still
considerably affected and its market value practically halved. Qi
Yuyang was now on the verge of bankruptcy and, because he had
offended too many people this time and he didn’t have any good
friends, there was no one around to help him out.
Fortunately, Chi Zhao was prepared for this.
The assets from that year had been kept by him and the value of it
had increased over the years. If a first-rate celebrity worked hard to
make money, they could still make a lot of money. When he gave all
his assets to Qi Yuyang, the latter was temporarily rendered
Qi Yuyang returned the card, “No need. It’s only going to be
difficult for a while and after that it will be fine. Trust me.”
Qi Yuyang said this very sincerely and there was a touched smile
on his face. Chi Zhao’s expression however was much simpler than
his. There was only one emotion and that was, he didn’t care.
“Just take it. It doesn’t matter who uses whose money. Anyway,
this is the wife funds.”
Qi Yuyang: “………”
In the end, President Qi could only accept his identity and silently
accept the card.
Just like Qi Yuyang said, it was only difficult for a while. After that
period passed, those people were no longer able to act up and the
situation slowly picked up. Furthermore, because of his act of
extermination, everyone came to know Jiayu Culture as a
particularly conscientious company. A good reputation was more
important than how much a company was worth. This was
something Qi Yuyang realised firsthand.
Please read this from kk translates
Years passed and Jiayu Culture developed more and more but
their president also got lazier and lazier. Ever since the nation’s
male god Xue Qing ‘retired’, their president would go out all the
time, eventually no longer turning up at the company. If you are a
high-level employee, you would see on his friends circle posts of the
boss showing off his every day life enjoying good food, good scenery
and good company,
Newly hired employees would still feel jealous and hateful, but
the older employees had grown numb to it. Show it off. Rain will still
fall from the sky; the boss would still show off. There are some
things you have absolutely no control over.
A fate that wasn’t so great at the beginning, if one party
desperately tries to fix and salvage it, no matter what the process
was, the final outcome would probably be pretty good.
When he left this time, Chi Zhao didn’t have any extreme
emotions. Feeling sad was natural but compared to the previous two
worlds, it wasn’t that bad. When parting has become a habit, there
was nothing else one wouldn’t be able to adapt to.
The system checked Chi Zhao’s emotions and determined that this
was the case before returning the emotions filtered from the first
two worlds back to him.
The process of extracting the emotions was turbulent and rapid
but the process of returning it was slow and silent. Chi Zhao opened
his eyes slightly. There was nothing around him. He was currently in
the buffer zone as he waited for the world transfer. Everything was
pitch black.
The feelings that had been returned resurfaced in his mind. Three
different but also same feelings merged together and even Chi Zhao
himself couldn’t describe what he was feeling.
The system threw out a sentence and ran away.
【I’ll discuss with the main system again. Wait for me!】
The time flow in this buffer zone was the same as the time
outside. This time, Chi Zhao waited a little longer. After nearly a
minute, the system rushed back huffing and puffing.
【 Go, let’s go! This time I promise……Forget it, I’m not going to
promise. Whether it’s a mule or a horse, let’s go and take a look.】
Chi Zhao: “………”
Transferred once again, Chi Zhao this time no longer felt
uncomfortable, but he also couldn’t say that he didn’t feel anything.
It was just very slight, like the moment the plane takes off. Although
it wasn’t very uncomfortable, his body did have a slight reaction.
【The information has been sent to you. Don’t open your eyes yet,
look through the information first.】
Hearing this, Chi Zhao gave up the idea of opening his eyes
looking around at his surroundings and used his mind to open the
This time, it wasn’t a modern world or a futuristic world but an
ancient world.
Moreover, the role he will be playing was the Emperor.
Chi Zhao was shocked, “I’m the Emperor!”
“How can the Emperor be a shou?!”
【Why can’t the Emperor be a shou? Emperors are also humans;
they also have chrysanthemums.】
Chi Zhao: “…….”
The system’s answer was too reasonable. Chi Zhao thought for a
long time but he couldn’t think of a rebuttal, so he could only return
to reading about the world.
The country he is currently in is called Country Chen. The country
is neither big nor small and, with its beautiful landscape and fertile
land, neighbouring countries have always had their eyes on it. The
original owner’s name is Chen Yi and is only fourteen years old this
year. He is the son of the former Emperor and his Queen. The former
Emperor had very few heirs with only himself as the son and two
daughters who had already been married off.
Before he was born, the country has been turbulent. Although the
former Emperor was a good Emperor, he had unfortunately died
early. There were too many internal and external troubles, and
anyone could tell that Country Chen was on its last legs. When the
little prince was born, Country Chen had just received another big
defeat. The former Emperor sat in the study and thought for a whole
night before finally coming out and naming his son, “Yi”. The
meaning of it was ‘the reclusive man’.
It could be seen from this that the former Emperor held no
expectations for Chen Yi and had hoped that he could live his life
comfortably and low-key.
When he was ten years old, the former Emperor passed away.
Once the Emperor passed, the Queen also didn’t hold out for long
and soon went with him. As for how they died, it was hard to say.
After all, this was the palace and there were too many people trying
to kill them. Chen Yi who was only ten years old at the time knew
nothing. He couldn’t be the Emperor the way he was. Everyone
wanted to be the one supporting the prince, but no one could
convince the crowd. After two months of turmoil, the officials finally
decided to jointly elect a prince regent to help guide the young
The royal family was declining and there were very few future
generations. This eventually resulted in them finding a prince regent
with a foreign surname. That prince regent was only twenty years
old, not that much older than the young Emperor.
But this prince regent was very skilled. In just two years, he was
able to help the country thrive and even led two successful
victorious wins against the neighbouring countries, making them no
longer dare act rashly.
While assisting the young Emperor, in addition to the prince
regent’s cronies, even the court officials started to have some other
thoughts. They started to hope that the prince regent could replace
the young Emperor. But no matter what they said, the prince regent
remained unmoved and continued to only be their prince regent.
As for why he did this, firstly, it was because he wasn’t that
ambitious and he wasn’t interested in the throne and secondly, he
had personally taken care of the young Emperor for several years,
treating him as a younger brother and apprentice. As a result, the
young Emperor relied on him a lot. As long as the young Emperor
could always maintain his current innocence and purity, he was
willing to remain by his side, assisting him.
But…..how could that be possible?
As an Emperor, Chen Yi’s character could develop in any
direction, but it would be impossible to associate him with the word
Just like the prince regent saw, Chen Yi was very dependent on
him and would obey him. No matter what he said, Chen Yi would
immediately do it. The most surprising thing was that, as the
Emperor, Chen Yi actually confided to the prince regent, saying that
he was enamoured by him. The prince regent naturally couldn’t
respond to this. After all, the other party was the Emperor. But after
pushing and pulling and interacting every day, it wasn’t a surprise
that he began to waver.
To the prince regent, he absolutely didn’t want to do anything that
would desecrate the Emperor, so he could continue to show loyalty
to the Emperor and remain by his side as his official. If one day the
Emperor changes his mind and becomes willing to marry and have
children, he could take it as if all of this had never happened. But if
the Emperor continued to remain insistent, he would help him
prevent the other officials from forcing him to marry a person he
didn’t like against his will.
That was the greatest concession and consideration he could
It may seem very subtle but for the prince regent, this was his way
of showing that he liked the Emperor. Though compared to the
Emperor, it wasn’t expressed as passionately.
It would’ve been great if everything went as planned by the prince
After assisting the Emperor for ten years, just as the young
Emperor was about to become an adult, the prince regent was
suddenly called into the palace. Since then, he never came out again.
As it turned out, for six of the ten years, Chen Yi had been
poisoning the prince regent. He knew that the prince regent was
powerful in martial arts and could detect even the smallest of toxins,
so he used the most slow-acting poison. Little by little, it eroded the
prince regent’s body. By the time he realised, it was already too late.
Although the prince regent was shocked, he wasn’t very sad. It
was because he had more or less expected something like this. Not
all children would be grateful to those who helped them, and this
child also possessed the world’s most selfish identity.
But what made the prince regent unable to accept this truth was
because Chen Yi had poisoned him with the intention to take his life,
not so that he could regain his power but because it was for another
His secret guard, his body double and substitute, Shen Sixteen.
Shen Sixteen was a secret guard trained in the palace since a
young age. Because he resembled the prince regent very much, he
was trained to be his body double. The prince regent didn’t know
how the two met. When Chen Yi saw that he succeeded, just like all
villains, he moved a chair over, sat in front of the weakened prince
regent and explained everything he had done.
From the very beginning, the person Chen Yu liked was the body
double. When he went to the palace to play as a child, he
accidentally fell into the pond. At that time, because of his
mischievousness, he had escaped from his servants and ran off to a
very remote place with no one around. Just as he thought he was
going to die, he found himself held up by a pair of hands. In a daze,
Chen Yi took in the other party’s appearance. The other party only
glanced at him and placed him on the grass before quickly turning
and leaving.
Chen Yi didn’t know who that person was or why that person
didn’t say a single word. Later, when he saw the prince regent, he
guessed that it was probably because he didn’t want to reveal his
After becoming the Emperor, Chen Yi did everything the prince
regent asked him to and was completely reliant on him because he
thought that the prince regent was the one who had saved him that
day. For the first four years, he did everything he could to repay him.
In a conversation one day, Chen Yi inadvertently mentioned that
year. The prince regent’s reaction made him suspicious.
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After some more investigation, Chen Yi learned that the person
who saved him was the body double and that the person standing in
front of him every day was not the one he truly liked.
Chen Yi was shocked, but he didn’t show it. Later, he tried to look
for the body double in secret. His efforts paid off and he finally found
him, only to discover that the body double and the prince regent
lived in completely different worlds.
Chen Yi was very angry, but he couldn’t do anything. Shen Sixteen
was completely bound to the palace and couldn’t leave this place
unless the palace disappeared.
For Shen Sixteen’s safety, Chen Yi didn’t dare act rashly. He
continued with his act around the prince regent and finally came up
with a solution after several months of thinking.
It had to be said, Chen Yi really wasn’t just lacking in virtue. He
felt that since he had treated the prince regent well for so many
years, he should be satisfied enough with his life and obediently
hand over his identity. Chen Yu spent six years planning all this and
he even somehow managed to get the Shen Sixteen who was
extremely loyal to the prince regent to fall in love with him. With
Shen Sixteen’s help, the plan proceeded even more smoothly.
The real prince regent was imprisoned in the Emperor’s palace
while the fake prince regent went out and about. From the
beginning to the end, no one noticed that he was a fake.
Chen Yi only intended to let the prince regent live for seven days.
After seven days, as long as no one could tell that Shen Sixteen was
fake, he would give the prince regent a bowl of poison and make him
disappear completely from this world.
In the evening, the prince regent would be imprisoned in a secret
cell, listening to Chen Yi and Shen Sixteen’s nightly activities and
during the day, he had to listen to the other palace officials bowing
down to the fake.
Chen Yi even planned to make that fake his male Empress by
using the prince regents name, Shen Wumian.
The prince regent who had made great achievements throughout
his life had thought that he was worthy of the heavens but in the end
he ended up in such a state. Even during the last few days before his
death, he had to endure great humiliation and shame. One could
imagine how much hatred he had for Chen Yi.
On the sixth day, a secret guard finally sensed that something was
wrong. He risked his life and managed to find the imprisoned prince
regent. When the latter finally saw the sun again, he forced his
heavily ailed body out of the palace and the first thing he did after
that was to take drugs that could temporarily suppress the toxins
and restore his strength to 70% of its original condition. After that,
he led his soldiers and horses into the palace, captured Chen Yi and
Shen Sixteen alive and forced Chen Yi to watch Shen Sixteen die in
front of him.
Following that, he tortured Chen Yi for seven days and nights. The
prince regent wanted to continue torturing him, but he could no
longer do it.
After the temporary suppression, the toxins started to act again,
and it was more severe than before. Even after searching for the
best doctors in the world, the prince regent still died six months
Seeing this, Chi Zhao was stunned, “It’s quite miserable. But……
what does this have anything to do with succeeding while lying
From the looks of it, it still seemed to be a hell of a difficult world!
Moreover, something didn’t seem quite right. In the previous
worlds, it always talked about when the original owner died and
that was it but this time it didn’t mention the original owner’s death
and instead talked about the protagonist’s death. Besides, wasn’t the
protagonist supposed to be reborn in Nirvana? With him dying so
soon, it didn’t seem like he would be able to reach Nirvana?
The system let out a mysterious laugh.
【Little brat.】
Chi Zhao: “………..”
【We have worked together for so many years yet why can’t you
trust me? If you continue reading, you will understand why you can
succeed even while lying down.】
Continue reading??
Chi Zhao blinked a few times and looked back at the document. He
had thought that it was finished the moment he read about the
protagonist’s death but when he looked at it again, he realised that
he could turn the page.
The first line on the next page read, “Shen Wumian closed his
eyes as he took along with him anger and hatred that couldn’t be
quelled even if thousands of years passed. When he opened his
eyes again, he was surprised to find that he was actually reborn
and he was reborn back to six years ago, before Chen Yi started
poisoning him!”
Chi Zhao: “………..”
The system laughed arrogantly. It then spoke profoundly.
【You can now open your eyes.】
Chi Zhao was already dumbfounded. He opened his eyes in daze.
The servant standing next to him saw that he was awake and
immediately came over with a bowl of medicine, “Your Majesty, you
are finally awake. This is the tonic the prince regent asked the
doctor to prepare for you. Please take it.”
Chi Zhao: “……..”
This fucking must be poison!!!
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KK has something to say: The start of a new arc~ It’s my first time
translating a historical setting but I’ll do my best. Apologies in
advance for any mistakes
Chapter 85
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao trembled. He silently stretched out a hand, grabbed the

quilt and tried to keep his voice calm, “….Leave it there. Zhen will
drink it later.” (KKnotes: Zhen (朕): Basically the imperial version
of ‘I’. I have seen ‘we’ used instead for the English translations, but I
think I’m going to stick with using Zhen.)
The palace maid frowned and continued to persuade, “Your
Majesty, it isn’t good for your health to drink the medicine when
it’s cold. You should take it now.”
It isn’t good for my health to drink the medicine when it’s cold,
and it isn’t good for my task if my heart goes cold!
He didn’t want to be poisoned to death as soon as he arrived!
Chi Zhao resolutely turned over, pretending to still want to sleep
and hurriedly read over the information of this world that he hadn’t
read yet.
Everything that he had read just now was just a summary of the
background setting and the real drama started from the time Shen
Wumian was reborn.
Please read this from kk translates
Shen Wumian was reborn to relive his life so he naturally would
not be as useless as before. The first thing he did was to imprison
Shen Sixteen and the second thing he did was to put the poison Chen
Yi once gave him back into Chen Yi’s bowl as a way of returning his
When Chen Yi began to poison him, he was exceptionally careful
for fear of being discovered by Shen Wumian but Shen Wumian
didn’t have to worry about that because Chen Yi didn’t know martial
arts. He also secretly changed up most of the palace servants such
that the palace was basically like his own home. Even if someone
found out that the medicine was poisoned, they wouldn’t say
Chen Yi thought Shen Wumian really cared about his health and
very cooperatively drank every bowl he was given without much
In addition to the poisoning, Shen Wumian also deliberately
pretended to be the person who had saved him back then. This time,
he knew what had happened back then, so he naturally did it
successfully. Chen Yi who couldn’t see Shen Sixteen nor notice the
flaws in his words came to believe that the person who had saved
him was Shen Wumian. He was completely devoted to Shen Wumian
and listened to his every word but Shen Wumian’s attitude towards
him got worse and worse each day.
In the beginning, it was only mental abuse; being reprimanded
daily and being insulted daily. Later, he was punished to do difficult
jobs only palace servants would do and there was naturally also
physical abuse following that. All these weren’t done by Shen
Wumian and was instead the eunuch’s Shen Wumian had bought
The dignified emperor lived a live no better than a little palace
maid and the most terrible thing was that Shen Wumian didn’t come
over to beat or scold him and had instead, slowly, step by step, little
by little, worked on Chen Yi’s endurance. By the end, even after
noticing that something was wrong, he could no longer ask for help
because both his body and spirit had grown used to this kind of
Shen Wumian’s actions were known by the officials and there
were still many in the royal faction amongst them. Some saw him
treating the emperor like this and were very angry but whenever
anyone raised any objection, they would be demoted to other places
by Shen Wumian for various reasons. In more severe cases, they
even lost their lives.
In an instant, all the objections faded, and no one dared to
provoke the prince regent again. Several officials secretly conspired
to rescue the emperor but when they were finally able to meet Chen
Yi, Chen Yi refused to leave as he didn’t want to do anything that
could hurt Shen Wumian.
Chen Yi had been ‘trained’ for three entire years. When he was
seventeen years old, Shen Wumian stopped poisoning Chen Yi
because his body could no longer bear any more of the toxins. Even
if he no longer did it, Chen Yi only had less than a month to live.
Shen Wumian sought a lot of imperial physicians for their
diagnosis and the final result was that “the Emperor has
unfortunately contracted a cold and cannot be cured”. When
people learn that their lives are about to come to an end, their
moods would naturally turn bad and Chen Yi was no exception. Shen
Wumian showed an upset expression in his face and stayed in the
palace, accompanying Chen Yi for a few days before proposing to
take him out of the palace to have some fun and stop by to see his
prince regent mansion along the way.
Chen Yi was extremely touched. He felt that Shen Wumian wanted
to lessen the amount of regrets he would have before he died so he
cooperatively dragged his sickly body out. When he reached the
mansion, he saw Shen Sixteen who had already been rendered
unrecognisable locked up in the dungeon. Chen Yi was
dumbfounded for a long time and didn’t understand what was going
It wasn’t that he didn’t understand but that he refused to accept
this reality. At this moment, Shen Wumian told Chen Yi all the things
he had done over the years in the gentlest and most cruel voice as
well as admitting to the fact that he wasn’t the person who had
saved him. Chen Yi was greatly stimulated by this revelation and,
together with the effect of the toxins in his body, he died before he
could leave the door of the mansion.
Chen Yi was dead, and Shen Sixteen was no longer useful. After
sorting out two of his greatest enemies in one night, Shen Wumian
calmly left the mansion. There were no changes in his expression
the entire time, as if nothing had happened, while the sedan chair
behind him contained Chen Yi’s body. That night, the palace bell
rang. The prince regent notified the officials and they held a national
funeral overnight. With this, the last emperor of Country Chen was
The next day, Shen Wumian ascended the throne as planned and
changed the country’s name to Shen. After his grievances were
avenged, his heart was no longer full of resentment and Shen
Wumain’s mood improved a lot. Having experienced great joy and
great set downs in his life, he was able to gain a new perspective on
life and his country. In the days to come, he worked hard to govern
and appoint people with true merits, just like how he did as a prince
regent in his previous life.
Only this time, he never let another person approach him again
because he couldn’t trust anyone. Although all his grievances had
been avenged, everything that had happened couldn’t be completely
erased from his memory he would remember that feeling of betrayal
for the rest of his life, unable to forget.
Having finished reading the plot, Chi Zhao didn’t think too much,
and his mind was only on the bowl of medicine, “It’s really
【 Of course, it is. This is something you will have to drink for
three years straight. Get used to it early.】
Chi Zhao: “…….”
Chi Zhao didn’t respond for a long time. He laid on his side in bed,
internally shedding tears.
His life was too difficult. Not to mention dying at a young age,
when he finally had a chance of resurrection, the process of
achieving it was too difficult. He not only had to cheat on someone,
betray the country, go to jail and poison another person, he also had
to experience all kinds of deaths!
Hearing his inner laments, the system spoke up.
【Don’t speak nonsense. Although the plot says that you have to
experience different kinds of deaths, did you experience it in the
end? Haven’t you always lived until old age?】
Having mentioned this, Chi Zhao couldn’t refute. Seeing that he
had nothing to say, the system quickly changed its tone and even
added a few fake sobs as it spoke in a sad and pathetic manner.
【 You only know to fall in love, you don’t even spare me a
thought. Look, it has already been so long. I have been with you all
this time unable to eat or drink anything. During all these years of
turbulence and struggle, I worked hard and took care of everything
for you. You not only didn’t show consideration, you’re even
complaining. Do you still have a conscience?】
Chi Zhao: “….”
For a moment, Chi Zhao felt as if he was being reprimanded for
abusing his wife.
Chi Zhao was the type who would fall for gentle means of
persuasion rather than force. Hearing this, he paused for a moment
and quickly compromised, “Alright, isn’t it just drinking poison?
What else do I need to do besides drinking poison?”
【 Very simple. As stated earlier, you just need to do everything
Shen Wumian tells you to do. Before Chen Yi found out about the
truth, he was very cooperative. You just have to keep treating him
well. That is one of your strengths so it will definitely not be a
It really wasn’t a problem.
In the past when he kept treating the protagonist poorly, the
protagonist still fell for him so if he now treats the protagonist
nicely, wouldn’t the protagonist fall for him faster?!
Before Chi Zhao could voice this concern, the system was a step
ahead of him.
【You’re worrying too much. That will definitely not happen this
time. He has personally experienced Chen Yi humiliating him, and he
also heard with his own ears Chen Yu and Shen Sixteen sleeping
together. Unless he is a cheap masochist, it’s not going to happen,
Please read this from kk translates
Alright then.
Chi Zhao peeled away the quilt and sat up. He silently sighed and
then, carrying the feeling a warrior with a broken wrist would have,
he said tragically to the palace maid, “Bring the medicine over.”
Shen Wumian’s rebirth was a month ago so most of the people in
the palace had already been replaced by him. For example, this
palace maid in front of him was one of his loyal servants under his
command and had very good martial arts skills. Planting her next to
Chen Yi to watch over him, she could kill him as soon as he showed
signs of fighting back before returning to report to Shen Wumian.
…. Too damned scary.
Chi Zhao tremblingly drank the medicine and then returned the
bowl back with two hands. In his eyes, that palace maid wasn’t his
palace maid, it was someone who had control of his life.
The palace maid who moved to receive the bowl saw this action of
Chi Zhao’s and raised a brow in surprise. She was silent for a
moment. She then quickly recovered and looked over at Chi Zhao,
“Your Majesty, you haven’t practiced calligraphy today. If the
prince regent knows about it, he will not be pleased.”
That was clearly a threat. Chi Zhao blinked a few times and raised
his head, “He won’t. Zhen will go practice now.”
As he said this, Chi Zhao had already hurried out of bed. The
palace maid watched in shock as he ran out without wearing his
shoes. She quickly chased after him. In any case, this person was still
the emperor. Even if he wasn’t regarded as one, he was still the
person with the highest noble status in this country. If he was seen
like this by the others, who knew what kind of rumours would come
She didn’t want to cause any trouble for her Lord.
Chi Zhao ran out too fast and the palace maid couldn’t catch up.
When she finally reached him, Chi Zhao had already opened the
door. Someone outside was about to enter and was slightly stunned
when they saw the door open on its own. When Chi Zhao saw the
other person, he couldn’t help but freeze in the middle of his act of
opening the door.
The person before him wore a black robe and a golden crown. He
had a pair of straight eyebrows and his lips were thin. His
expression was as cold as ice and despite clearly only being in his
twenties, there was a faint furrow between his brows, making him
appear stern.
The only person who could enter the emperor’s palace without
notice was Shen Wumian, the prince regent.
Chi Zhao took a deep breath and used the acting he had worked
on for the past few lifetimes. He revealed a smile he believed was
especially brilliant, pure and dependent, “Imperial Uncle.”
Chen Yi and Shen Wumian were from different generations so
even after Shen Wumian became the prince regent, he continued to
call him Imperial Uncle despite the two not having any blood
relations. Chi Zhao’s call just now was so affectionate, he almost
deceived himself.
Shen Wumian didn’t answer. His expression remained the same,
but his eyes moved slightly. That small change was something that
would go unnoticed unless you looked carefully but who was Chi
Zhao? He was someone who has lived for hundreds of years and his
perceptive skills were naturally refined during that time. As a result,
he clearly saw a flash of disgust and disdain in Shen Wumian’s eyes.
It seemed to say, disgusting fool, I will kill you sooner or later.
Chi Zhao: “………..”
It seems that this world can really be cleared without having to do
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KK has something to say: ML in the world already hates the MC 😮
Chapter 86
Source: KK Translates


That cold and disgusted gaze seemed like it was just an illusion.
Very soon, a gentle smile appeared on the prince regent’s face,
“Where was Your Majesty heading off to in such a hurry?”
It was the shadow Emperor.
At their first confrontation, Chi Zhao immediately gave the other
party such a label. After that, he continued to act like he didn’t know
anything and answered obediently, “To practice calligraphy. Hong
Lei said that if I don’t practice calligraphy, Imperial Uncle will
not be pleased.”
Hong Lei was the name of the palace maid. Upon hearing this line,
Shen Wumian smiled faintly, “Then please allow this one to
accompany Your Majesty.”
There was no mention of the palace maid’s wrongdoings. It
appeared that he was very satisfied with the palace maid’s actions.
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment. He then obediently agreed.
Although he had said that he would accompany him to practice
calligraphy, in fact, Shen Wumian didn’t pay any attention to Chi
Zhao after they arrived at the study and just let him stand at the
desk, writing pages one after another as he held a book, reading
Without his orders to stop, Chi Zhao didn’t dare stop writing and
could only muster on. After persisting for a while, Chi Zhao could tell
that this wasn’t practicing calligraphy, it was clearly an excuse to
torture him.
When they first came to the study, the sun was still high, but it
was early afternoon. The sun slowly went down little by little and,
after who knows how long, the candles in the room were already lit.
Chi Zhao could hardly feel his legs. At this moment, Shen Wumian
finally closed his book and slowly raised his head to look seemingly
benevolently at Chi Zhao, “It’s getting late. Your Majesty should go
back to rest.”
Although he said this, Chi Zhao didn’t move. Shen Wumian
frowned imperceptibly and then restored his expression before
approaching Chi Zhao. It wasn’t that Chi Zhao didn’t hear him nor
was he deliberately being difficult, his legs were just too tired and
shaky. He quietly moved it around before slowly lowering his stiff
Seeing Shen Wumian approach him, Chi Zhao pursed his lips and
raised his eyes.
It was still the same line. Chi Zhao had never suffered in life. Even
after experiencing three worlds now, he had always lived a life with
good food and clothes on his back. Everyone around him spoiled
him. Even if someone tried to wrong him, they would soon be dealt
with by his husband, so he naturally never had to suffer.
Today, Chi Zhao stood there for six hours straight, mechanically
writing word after word. His body had its own memory so even if
Chi Zhao didn’t know how, he was able to fluently write at a level the
original owner could. If it was purely a case of a teacher teaching a
student, Chi Zhao wouldn’t have an issue with it even if he had to
stand there for eight or ten hours. After all, that was how it should
However, Shen Wumian was different. He didn’t do this for the
Emperor to practice calligraphy. He just wanted to see the Emperor
Chi Zhao felt a bit wronged inside. His expression became a little
glum. When he raised his eyes to look at Shen Wumian, his eyes
seemed to be reproaching Shen Wumian, saying that he shouldn’t
treat him like this.
Shen Wumian had the urge to sneer. I shouldn’t do this? Have you
ever thought about whether you should or shouldn’t do it when you
quietly stayed by my side while secretly plotting my death?
Please read this from kk translates
Thinking this, Shen Wumian’s eyes turned two degrees more
hostile. He turned around to prevent Chi Zhao from noticing and
commanded with a calm voice, “It’s late. His Majesty isn’t in a state
to eat. Get a bowl of tonic sent over.”
Chi Zhao: “……..”
Damn you! As soon as I show defiance you send over a bowl of
And wasn’t it supposed to be only one bowl a day? Why was he
treated like this as soon as he arrived? What did he do wrong?!
After sorting out his emotions, Shen Wumian turned back and
continued to look at Chi Zhao gently, “After drinking the tonic, go
to sleep. If Your Majesty finds the tonic too bitter, this official will
ask them to send over some delicious candied fruit or snacks.
What does Your Majesty think?”
It’s futile. No amount of candied fruit can conceal the fact that he
was about to drink another bowl of poison.
It was too miserable.
Chi Zhao lowered his eyes and sighed at the thought of his
increasingly bitter life. He then nodded and said in a small voice, “I’ll
do as Imperial Uncle says.”
Chen Yi didn’t like to drink medicine. Shen Wumian had known
about this already. When he was a child, he had caught a cold and
the physicians were all anxious because Chen Yi was reluctant to
drink the medicine. Even if it was forcefully poured into his mouth,
he would vomit it back out.
The bowl of tonic at noon today was the first time Shen Wumian
sent it. He sat in the discussion hall, looking as if he was listening but
in fact, he had been waiting, waiting for Hong Lei to find him and
report that Chen Yi refused to take the medicine.
But he waited and waited, and Hong Lei never came. He couldn’t
sit still. He thought that something may have happened, so he went
to take a look himself. Unexpectedly, Chen Yi had obediently drank it
all and he not only drank it, he didn’t even ask what kind of medicine
it was.
Following the order from the prince regent, an eunuch soon
returned with a fresh bowl of tonic. Chen Yi was still standing
behind the table. The eunuch bowed and presented the bowl to Chen
Yi who looked at it for a moment before picking it up.
Shen Wumian watched very carefully, so he saw the resistance
and fear in Chen Yi’s eyes when he picked up the bowl of tonic. The
Emperor was still the Emperor, he still didn’t like to take his
medicine. Chen Yi however soon brought the bowl to his lips and,
without his urging, he drank it all in one go.
The concoction was too bitter. Chen Yi’s palm-sized face wrinkled
up into a bun. He quickly picked up a cup of tea and also drank it in
one go to cover up the bitter taste.
It was the same as before.
It was the same as before when he had mistaken him for Shen
At that time, he was just this obedient. No matter what he did, he
would always look at him with a look of endless admiration and
longing. His eyes were bright, like they could really emit light. When
he looked at him like this, Shen Wumian would always feel as if he
was the other person’s entire world.
At that time, Shen Wumian was deceived by this look of his. The
Shen Wumian now only hoped that Chen Yi could continue looking
at him like this so that after he discovers the truth later on, his
expression and reaction would be particularly gratifying.
He looked at Chen Yi. Chen Yi was also looking at him. Chen Yi
blinked his innocent eyes a few times and asked, “Imperial Uncle,
are you leaving?”
Shen Wumian returned from his thoughts. He nodded slightly.
Chen Yi let out a small ‘ah’, as if he was very disappointed. He
however soon regained his spirits and revealed an
understanding smile, “Then Zhen will send Imperial Uncle out.
The palace looks quite different at night. On your way out,
Imperial Uncle can stop and enjoy this sight.”
Chi Zhao didn’t think that there was anything wrong with what he
said but after hearing his words, Shen Wumian’s expression changed
slightly. He was silent for a moment before he smiled faintly, “This
official obeys.”
The two went out as the system called out in Chi Zhao’s mind.
【Why did you say that?!】
Chi Zhao was taken aback by it’s sudden outburst. He didn’t
understand what he did wrong, “Didn’t you say that I just needed
to treat him well?”
【I asked you to treat him well, not flirt with him. What you said
just now wasn’t that the moon is pretty tonight, it’s that you wanted
to have nightly activities with him! The ancients have always been
implicit with their words and asking someone to go moon watching
is equivalent to asking them to roll around naked with you!】
…..That sounded too exaggerated.
After hearing the system’s words, Chi Zhao was a little hesitant.
Shen Wumian noticed that Chi Zhao’s pace had slowed down but he
didn’t say anything and similarly slowed down.
From the study to Chengtian Gate, it was only two miles in total. It
may seem far, but it only took about the time one would take to
finish a cup of tea to reach it. The young Emperor had slowed down
clearly so that he could spend more time with him.
Shen Wumian felt that he had already seen through Chi Zhao’s
thoughts while Chi Zhao and the system were still arguing about the
boundaries of ‘flirting’.
After being educated by the system, Chi Zhao felt that the system’s
words made sense. The protagonist had fallen for him every time.
Although it seemed unlikely this time, but just in case, what if the
protagonist does it again? They must take precautions before it
Chi Zhao humbly accepted the system’s education and expressed
that he would never say anything suggestive again.
…..The problem was that he had no idea something like that was
suggestive in the first place!
Waking up early the next morning, Chi Zhao allowed the palace
maid to help dress him as he deliberated over the happenings last
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Although Chen Yi was not yet in power, he was already fourteen
years old. When he was in court, he would sit on the throne listening
to various matters reported by the officials. It stands to reason that
in ancient times, a fourteen-year-old was old enough to be
independent. In particular, Chen Yi had already become the
Emperor four years ago. The prince regent and the officials should
have already taught him how to govern the country during those
Before Shen Wumian’s rebirth, he had found two educators for
Chen Yi to teach him various knowledge. At the same time, he also
learnt a lot of bad things including the act of poisoning someone.
So this time, Shen Wumian immediately removed the two from
their positions and made himself the one responsible for Chen Yi’s
education. Chen Yi was naturally very happy. Regardless of the other
official’s objections, he directly agreed to it.
Chi Zhao was silent. Wasn’t this a case of the landlord’s foolish son
counting the money even after being sold out?
When he reached the main hall, Chi Zhao for the first time saw the
throne from such a close proximity. When he saw the throne in the
past, it was when he visited the Forbidden City and he was
separated from it by a railing and a sea of people, so he wasn’t even
able to take a good look at it.
This time, he finally saw the real one.
Chi Zhao carefully sat himself down on the throne, feeling very
Haha, I am now a person who has sat on a throne!
System: “……..”
The only thing the Emperor had to do today was to discuss how to
deal with the general of Yingyang Mansion.
Half a month ago, someone had suddenly impeached Yingyang
Mansion and Shen Wumian handled the matter personally. After
only half a month, he found more than twenty crimes both large and
small and sent everyone there to prison.
In fact, everyone knew that Yingyang Mansion was hindering the
prince regent’s plans and the person who impeached them was the
prince regent’s person. Those crimes were as if they were prepared
in advance and everything happened too quickly. Before anyone
could decide which side they would stand on, Yingyang Mansion fell.
As a result, everyone began to discuss how to deal with the former
Yingyang Mansion general, Pang Zhuo.
A certain official stood up and said, “Your Majesty, this official
believes that Pang Zhuo should be beheaded!”
Another official stood up, “Your Majesty, you mustn’t! That
great man has made great contributions. Although he has made
mistakes, but his merits outweigh that and he shouldn’t be
sentenced to death. If you sentence such a figure to die, it will
make the other generals lose their favour!”
“Bah! Not punishing him will incur the common people’s
wrath. Lord Zhang, I hope Pang Zhuo didn’t give you any benefits
and that’s why you’re speaking up for him?”
“Y-y-y-you….Don’t slander people! This one is only speaking
the truth!”
“Since you’re speaking the truth, Lord Zhang should
understand that Pang Zhuo’s mistakes are unforgiveable! Your
Majesty, this official believes that Pang Zhuo should be given the
dismemberment punishment!”
“Your Majesty! Please think twice Your Majesty!”
“If Pang Zhuo doesn’t die, Country Chen will not be happy. If
Your Majesty does not sentence Pang Zhuo to death, this
official……this official will kill himself right here, right now!”
“Ahhhhhh Lord Wang is again trying to kill himself. Stop him!”
Chi Zhao: “…….”
Was this really the legendary Imperial Court? Why did it feel like
he was at a vegetable market?
The officials below were arguing over each other and there even
several whose necks were flushed red and about to throw out their
fists. That official who declared that he would kill himself made
running gesture and got ready to ram his head against the pillar
while several officials around him skilfully stopped him and worked
hard persuading him to stop.
Although these people were calling out Your Majesty here and
there, in fact, no one looked at Chi Zhao. Everyone was instead
paying attention to Shen Wumian who sat on the bottom left of Chi
Zhao. Shen Wumian was even more amusing. He just closed his eyes
and acted like he heard nothing, letting everyone continue
At this moment, a official standing at the front spoke.
He appeared to be at least fifty years old and his hair was already
turning grey. He bowed slightly and said to Chi Zhao, “The officials
are arguing non-step. This old official bravely asks if Your
Majesty has already made a decision?”
So many people had called Your Majesty, but no one really cared
about the Emperor’s opinion until this old man spoke up. Chi Zhao
gave him a surprised look and was reminded by the system that this
person was Lord Wei, one of the prince regent’s officials.
Chi Zhao couldn’t figure out what the other party wanted. Wasn’t
he just watching the show? But now he was asked to express his
opinion? Was this old man trying to dig a pit for him?
In fact, Chi Zhao had wronged him. Lord Wei was a royalist and he
had said that because he wanted to use this opportunity to give the
Emperor a chance to participate in government matters.
Hearing the question, Shen Wumian also opened his eyes. He
looked at Chi Zhao with dark eyes which seemed to hold no
emotions. The latter felt pressured by this look of his and didn’t
know how to answer.
…….That’s right, this old man is definitely digging a pit for me!
As soon as Shen Wumian was reborn, he decisively struck down
Yingyang Mansion. Others might not understand the prince regent’s
intentions as he had always assisted the Emperor wholeheartedly
but Chi Zhao, who had an insight into the plot, knew that he just
wanted to regain military power.
If Pang Zhuo lived, his old subordinates would not return so Pang
Zhuo must die.
Although he knew this, Chi Zhao wouldn’t foolishly say it.
Regardless of what he says, they were just his thoughts and as a
puppet Emperor, he couldn’t voice his own thoughts. If Shen
Wumian were to find out that he had an intention of being involved
with politics, perhaps he won’t even be given a three-year grant in
life and would be executed on the spot.
Carrying such a thought, Chi Zhao made a decision. He looked
at the officials, “It is an important court matter. Zhen knows little
about it and is still learning. With regard to this matter, I still
want to hear the views expressed by the officials.”
After he was done, it was silent for a moment before again turning
into vegetable market 2.0.
Although he felt like his eardrums were about to burst, there were
two people who turned a deaf ear to everything. One was the prime
minister Lord Wei who looked at the Emperor in disappointment,
thinking that the Emperor must’ve been taught poorly by Shen
Wumian and the other was Shen Wumian who quietly watched Chi
Zhao expressionlessly.
Chi Zhao now had the ability to read the subtle nuances so he
could clearly see two words on Shen Wumian’s face.
Hypocrite, vile.
Chi Zhao: “………..”
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KK has something to say: Happy new year everyone!
Chapter 87
Source: KK Translates


The farce in the court continued until it was time for the court to
end and the officials still failed to reach an agreement. Even after
they left, Chi Zhao didn’t know what they planned to do with Pang
As an Emperor who had not been very involved with government
matters, all Chi Zhao had to do was watch the excitement during the
courts, read books, take a nap at noon and continue practicing
calligraphy in the afternoon and evening.
Holding the brush in his hand, Chi Zhao felt that if he continued
practicing like this, he would most definitely become a great
Except for Shen Wumian who came to watch over him practicing
calligraphy on the first day, he never came again in the following
days and the only time the paths of the two intersected was in the
morning. They would go to court together and Shen Wumian would
then arrange some homework for Chi Zhao. Regardless of whether
he had any questions, he only did what he had to do and left as soon
as it was time to leave.
Today was the same. The young Emperor had a habit of taking a
nap. After waking up, Chi Zhao slowly sat up and then proceeded to
the study surrounded by imperial maids and eunuchs.
The same life had been repeating for several days. Chi Zhao
absentmindedly practiced calligraphy under the watchful eyes of the
grand palace maid Hong Lei. The content he copied over and over
again was the same and he practiced without stopping until the sky
turned dark.
People always become more vulnerable during the night.
Chi Zhao was no exception. At this time, besides him, there were
two palace maids in charge of holding the lanterns, two serving
eunuchs and the supervisor Hong Lei.
In an unfamiliar environment and surrounded with unfamiliar
people, this kind of prisoner-like life made Chi Zhao feel very
uncomfortable. He however couldn’t show it because this was his
task, his job.
Chi Zhao knew that he shouldn’t complain. Everyone had to work,
and he should work hard on something he had agreed on. Moreover,
he was using labour in exchange for something he wanted, and this
was a common principle in any world, so it didn’t matter if he was
feeling bitter or tired. In any case, he should already be grateful that
he was still alive.
Chi Zhao lowered his eyes. He still felt uncomfortable inside and
felt a little glum.
While dipping the brush in the ink, Chi Zhao calmly rubbed his
eyes with his left hand and sighed internally.
It seemed that he really was quite delicate. To think that he
couldn’t bear with just a little bit of suffering.
Hearing Chi Zhao comforting himself in his heart, the system
silently shrank itself into a ball.
Humans seem to like to deceive themselves and others. About
this, the main system had said that it was because the capacity of the
human body and mind was too small and, in many cases, they
couldn’t bear with too many things. If they couldn’t bear with it, they
would just lie to themselves and say that it wasn’t a big deal. After
lying to themselves again and again, the crisis caused by overload
could also be lifted.
Chi Zhao was currently lying to himself. It wasn’t that he couldn’t
bear with the suffering, physical torture had never overthrown him.
He was a very determined person and that was why the system
picked him to be its host.
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The reason why he couldn’t bear with it now was because no one
cared about him. He had once again lost his loved one and once
again returned to a state of being alone.
The emotions the system had filtered out from Chi Zhao before
had already been returned to Chi Zhao. After so many days, those
emotions should have all returned. With three sets of feelings
mixing together, it stands to reason that Chi Zhao’s behaviour these
few days would not be very normal. A female would be moody for
several days when they are at the time of the month, so it was no
surprise that Chi Zhao was experiencing something similar.
Chi Zhao however always behaved normally, as if nothing
happened. At first, the system really thought it was because he was
very powerful and could handle all the feelings very well but later,
after careful observation, the system realised that Chi Zhao had in
fact been suppressing it the entire time.
He didn’t say it because he didn’t want to worry the system. He
didn’t want the system to become someone he vented to and he also
didn’t want the system who was already frustrated at him to find
him even more annoying.
If the system had eyes, it’s eyes would definitely become swollen
and red like those one would see in cartoons.
It’s host was too good, really too good. Besides being unable to
complete the task, he almost had no other shortcomings!
Chi Zhao’s emotional fluctuations could be detected by the system
and similarly, if the system’s emotional fluctuations were too severe,
Chi Zhao could also detect it. In order to prevent Chi Zhao from
noticing that it was so moved its codes were trembling, the system
quickly retreated deep into Chi Zhao’s mind and listened to the song
“Father” on loop.
The main system who was still connected to the system’s data:
With other things on his mind, it would also be reflected in his
writing. Chi Zhao only noticed after he finished writing that he had
written a line of words that were not in the book Shen Wumian had
given him. After a moment of silence, Chi Zhao crumbled this piece
of paper up and then threw it into the pile of waste paper on the
Another half an hour passed, and Hong Lei finally came over to
remind him that it was time to rest. Chi Zhao placed down the pen
and rubbed his stiff legs before returning to his room.
Less than ten minutes after he left, the paper he had thrown away
appeared in front of Shen Wumian.
Every scrapped piece of paper would be checked by a specially
appointed eunuch to confirm that there was nothing strange before
bringing it to be burned. Seeing that the content on this one wasn’t
from the book, the eunuch was naturally very vigilant and sent it
over without a second thought.
Looking at the simple words on the page, Shen Wumian didn’t
speak but the expression on his face became more indecipherable,
making it difficult to read.
—– The people and the world are almost always lacking.
The world was different, so the history and cultural development
was naturally also different. Shen Wumian didn’t know that this was
something written by a historical writer and thought it was
something written by Chen Yi himself.
The meaning of the sentence was easy to understand. It was just a
way of saying that life was variable and that some things are perfect
while other things are imperfect. Almost every literary person or
people who have dabbled with writing would express a thought like
this when they reach a certain age, but Chen Yi wasn’t an elder.
Chen Yi was only fourteen years old and his life had not yet begun.
Why would he have such a thought?
Could it be that he also has something he feels regretful about?
Shen Wumian was deep in thought. He would ponder over
something for a long time whenever he notices that something
wasn’t right and this time it was such an obvious note. When the
eunuch sent over the note, Shen Wumian hadn’t left the palace yet
and was still reviewing reports in Qingzheng Hall. Only the Emperor
could use the main hall. Even if he was the prince regent, he couldn’t
break the rules.
After a moment of contemplation, Shen Wumian decided to stay
for a while. Around the time Chen Yi should be asleep, he asked for
Hong Lei come over to check and see if she had noticed anything
strange about Chen Yi the past few days.
After the message was passed, Shen Wumian thought he would
see her in an hour, but Hong Lei came over two and a half hours
As soon as she entered, Hong Lei immediately kneeled, “This
slave greets the lord.”
Shen Wumian furrowed his eyes, his gaze exuding coldness, “Why
were you so late?”
In his last lifetime, he was rather benevolent towards his people
but in the end, he was betrayed by his most trusted shadow guard.
In the Shen Family, there were nineteen shadow guards. Shen
Sixteen was one of them and so was Hong Lei. Before she came to
the palace, her name was Shen Ten and she was the only female
amongst them.
Shadow guards aren’t necessarily completely loyal to him. Shen
Wumian had noted this point down from his past experience.
Hong Lei also didn’t know why the Lord suddenly became so
unpredictable and she could only cautiously reply, “My lord has
ordered the servant to come after His Majesty falls asleep. His
Majesty has only just fallen asleep a moment ago and only then
did this slave dare to come.”
Only just fallen asleep a moment ago. Shen Wumian’s brows
furrowed even more deeply. It was already very late now, two hours
later than Chen Yi’s usual time.
“Why did he sleep so late today?”
Hong Lei didn’t know, she wasn’t the roundworm in Chen Yi’s
stomach, but as a subordinate, she couldn’t answer her master’s
questions with ‘I don’t know’ or it would be considered as
negligence. As a shadow guard, being negligent was equivalent to
seeking death.
Hong Lei pondered for a moment and replied, “His Majesty
tossed and turned for a long time, as if there was something on
his mind. This slave wanted to ask but His Majesty kept silent.”
Shen Wumian stared at Honglei for nearly a full minute. His
expression seemed quite calm but anyone who was familiar with
Shen Wumian knew that he was assessing the other party’s
usefulness. If he reached the conclusion that they had no value, he
wouldn’t hesitate to sentence them to death. So what if they’re
shadow guards who have worked so hard next to him since a young
age? He similarly wouldn’t let them off.
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Hong Lei’s back was stiff. If Shen Wumian spoke now and asked
her to die, even if she didn’t want to die, she would immediately end
her life herself. Fortunately, after a long period of silence, Shen
Wumian decided that she was still useful and didn’t kill her.
He said faintly, “Get up.”
Hong Lei who was able to avoid death quickly stood up. Shen
Wumian placed down the things in his hands and walked out from
behind the bookcase. He proceeded to head to Chen Yi’s bedroom.
Hong Lei followed him. When they reached the door, Shen
Wumian raised his hand slightly and everyone behind him
immediately stopped, not daring to make any movement. They
remained outside, quietly guarding the room.
On the golden yellow bed, Chi Zhao who finally got rid of his
insomnia found himself immersed in a dream as soon as he fell
asleep. When he changed worlds in the first two worlds, he hadn’t
experienced the intertwined feeling of longing and sadness and now
that he experienced it, he finally understood that the system was
helping him at the time.
He understood the painstaking efforts of the system so he tried
very hard to adjust, making sure that the people in this world
couldn’t see that he wasn’t in a good mood. He however was the
Emperor and everything he did or said was watched by someone. He
wasn’t a movie emperor so how could maintain that act the entire
He suppressed all his emotions during the day but at night, those
feelings seemed like they were lashing back, and they found him in
his dream, making him feel terribly uncomfortable.
In his dream, Chi Zhao stood in the middle of a vast expanse of
whiteness. Opposite him, Qi Yuyang who was in his 30s was smiling
and looking at him. Seeing that he was in daze, he stretched out a
hand and said gently, “Come here.”
After a moment of silence, thud, thud, thud, Chi Zhao ran over into
the other party’s arms. He held the other party tightly, no longer
able to hold back his tears. Like a flood, tears fell out.
In his dream, Chi Zhao was crying fiercely but in fact, Chi Zhao’s
face was still dry, and no tears came out. He was however frowning
very deeply, his expression appearing sad and aggrieved and it also
carried some unreasonable complaints and indulgence. It was as if
he had met his biggest support in his dream and wanted to express
all his unhappiness and sadness to that person.
Shen Wumian stood by Chi Zhao’s bed, watching him
expressionlessly. There were no changes to his expression but
inside he was frowning. For some reason, Chi Zhao’s expression
appeared like he was very wronged, as if he had just been fiercely
trampled on. Shen Wumian couldn’t help but reflect on himself. Did
he go overboard?
It was just a few days of practicing calligraphy and it was just the
Shen Wumian pulled up his sleeves slightly and turned around to
leave but then he noticed that Chi Zhao’s lips were moving, as if he
was saying something. Shen Wumian paused, sat down next to him
and slowly leaned down to bring his ears closer to Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao’s words were difficult to decipher, and it was also
spoken very quietly. It took Shen Wumian a long time to tell what he
was saying.
“You should coax me again…..”
The coquettish crying tone pierced Shen Wumian’s heart like a
needle, causing his expression to change. At this moment, Chen Yi
still didn’t know who had truly saved him and he only had him in his
eyes so the ‘you’ naturally referred to himself who had ignored him
for a long time.
In the last life, even before Chen Yi betrayed him, he had never
touched a single finger of Chen Yi’s. Song Wumian had always
strictly adhered to the imperial rules and his principles and when he
later heard Chen Yi’s and Shen Sixteen’s cries of pleasure, his
feelings towards Chen Yi was nothing but extreme disgust.
But now, he had done something he had never done in these two
lifetimes. His cool fingers couldn’t help but reach out to gently touch
Chen Yi’s face. That soft touch made him startled for a moment and
then his fingers slowly traced the outline of Chen Yi’s face.
Chen Yi seemed to have felt this short but gentle touch in his
dream and warm tears immediately flowed out, falling onto Shen
Wumian’s hand.
That wet sensation instantly returned Shen Wumian to his senses.
As if he was shocked, he quickly stood up and, with an expression
filled with anger, the eyes he used to look at Chen Yi was extremely
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KK has something to say: It’s hard seeing the MC all depressed 😦
Chapter 88
Source: KK Translates


Since his visit that night, for the next half a month, Chi Zhao didn’t
see Shen Wumian again. He didn’t see Shen Wumian when he went
to court because the prince regent had taken sick leave. Without
Shen Wumian around, the court began to go in a strange direction.
Chi Zhao wasn’t interested in the changes in the court. The only
thing that made him relieved was that Shen Wumian finally stopped
punishing him by making him practice calligraphy.
Without any reason, Chi Zhao woke up and found out that he only
had to practice calligraphy for half an hour and Hong Lei would then
come and remind him that time was up and that he could do
something else.
At first, Chi Zhao was very grateful and very happy but later, he
became more and more anxious. The plot had said that Shen
Wumian’s revenge against Chen Yi was very gradual. It was
estimated that it wouldn’t be long before new and more terrible
ways of torture would rear its head.
Chi Zhao both nervously and fearfully waited for this. He waited
and waited….And half a month later, he really couldn’t wait any
It felt like there was a sharp knife hanging above his head. He
clearly knew that there was a deadly knife above his head and he
also knew that it would soon fall but that knife just wouldn’t budge!
It was too torturous! It would be better to just end it quickly!
Chi Zhao was very angry. He sat at a round table and thought for a
while before standing up and wandering to the prince regents
Although the prince regent was ill, state affairs couldn’t be
delayed. Every day, he ‘struggled and bore with his illness to help
share the Emperor’s burdens’.
A certain Emperor who had his burdens shared coldly snorted
inside. Who knew what kind of evil plans he had hatched? He was
even playing sickie. With his current physique, he wouldn’t even
have a problem defeating a cow.
But despite thinking this, Chi Zhao still felt that he needed to show
his face in case Shen Wumian was too focused on fighting for power
and had forgotten about what he had wanted to do to his enemy, the
When he woke up at noon, Hong Lei wasn’t around. The other
eunuchs and palace maids just did their things and the person who
had always served next to him was Hong Lei. Without her around,
no one else would approach Chi Zhao so even when Chi Zhao left, no
one moved to follow him.
When he reached the gates of the prince regents mansion, two
guards wielding large swords stood at the entrance. As soon as Chi
Zhao raised his foot to enter, there was a ‘clank’ and the long swords
appeared in front of him.
The guards looked at him expressionlessly, “The regent has
ordered that no one enters this place for the time being.”
It was one in the afternoon and the weather was getting hot. If he
continued waiting, he may need to stand there for an hour. Chi Zhao
wasn’t a real Emperor so he wasn’t very concerned about the matter
of status and respect so he just nodded his head happily when he
heard the guard’s words, “Alright then, Zhen will come back later.”
After that, Chi Zhao really wandered back. Even the guards were
shocked for a moment. They had thought that the Emperor would
make a fuss before leaving. After all, their attitude just now clearly
revealed that they only listened to the prince regent and held no
regard for the Emperor, but the Emperor was not at all angry about
Could it be that he has already accepted his role as the prince
regent’s puppet Emperor?
No one knew about the doubts the guard had. Chi Zhao felt that it
was too hot outside and soon returned to his room. Hong Lei wasn’t
around, there was no one watching him, and he also wasn’t in the
mood to practice calligraphy by himself, so he only had one other
option; chatting with the system in his mind.
It was very easy for one to become sleepy in summer. Chi Zhao sat
on the bed in daze for a while and little by little his head started to
nod. In just a few minutes, he fell asleep again.
On the other end at the prince regent mansion, Shen Wumian
listened to the reports of the situation outside and then lowered his
eyes slightly to look at Hong Lei who was kneeling in front of him.
“Keep talking.”
Although Shen Wumian no longer went to see Chen Yi, Chen
Yi’s daily life was still reported to him by Hong Lei. Hearing Shen
Wumian’s instructions, Hong Lei lowered her head even more,
“His Majesty didn’t have an appetite yesterday and only had a
bowl of birds nest and lotus seed soup in the morning. He didn’t
order anything for lunch and just at half a dish of Osmanthus
cakes and he ate a little more in the evening but only finished
half a bowl of rice.”
Shen Wumian frowned when the heard this. Even the cats raised
in the palace ate more than him.
Since a while back, from about the time he started to give Chen Yi
poison, Chen Yi’s appetite was getting worse and worse, but it was
now a little better. In the past few days, it was almost no different
from a hunger strike. Although he ate at every meal, it wasn’t
enough to even fill a small sauce bowl.
He didn’t pay attention to these things before. Although there was
someone who would record Chen Yi’s eating habits, as long as there
was nothing wrong with the Emperor and nothing wrong with the
food, the people below wouldn’t go out of their way to report it to
Shen Wumian. After all, these people are very observant. Everyone
could tell that the prince regent was very displeased with the
Emperor so they naturally wouldn’t bother him with such trivial
Even Hong Lei thought this. But three days ago, the prince regent
suddenly asked her to see him during Chen Yi’s daily naps and
report to him his eating habits.
Before, Chi Zhao didn’t eat much because he wasn’t in a good
mood and was depressed all the time. He had recovered a lot now,
but he still didn’t have the appetite because it was too hot, and he
just wanted to lie down like a corpse and do nothing.
Shen Wumian was still the same, expressionless. The fingers on
his right hand tapped the armrest at a regular beat, making the
atmosphere tense. After a long time, Shen Wumian finally spoke,
“You can go.”
Hong Lei breathed a sigh of relief and bowed lower, “Yes.”
Once Hong Lei was gone, Shen Wumian turned his head slightly
and looked at the guard who had been standing next to him the
entire time, “Go and break the legs of those two people. For them
to not kneel for the Emperor, they’re useless to keep around.”
With just that line those two guards outside are now destined to
live a life as a waste. In fact, this was already a light sentence from
Shen Wumian. In the past, if anyone were to go against his rules,
even leaving a corpse behind was letting them off lightly.
The guard straightened up and bowed his head. At the same time,
he mentally noted to himself that he should warn the others under
him not to offend the Emperor. Although the prince regent may
seem very displeased with the Emperor, he was someone who also
cared a lot about tradition and formalities.
Chi Zhao didn’t know what happened in the palace because no
one would tell him. When he woke up again, Hong Lei was already
back. Chi Zhao could vaguely guess where she may have gone but he
didn’t say anything. He just slowly sat up and pondered over
whether or not he should show his face.
After thinking about it for too long and estimating that Shen
Wumian had probably already left the palace, Chi Zhao decided to go
tomorrow instead.
He had it all planned out but unexpectedly, just as the dusk clouds
appeared in the skyline, Shen Wumian also appeared in his room.
Chi Zhao immediately entered first level alert state.
He’s here! He’s here! The second wave attack is here!
Chi Zhao had thought too much. Shen Wumian didn’t actually
come with intentions to do anything to him and had only come over
for a meal.
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Hearing Shen Wumian’s words, Chi Zhao was confused. Was it
popular for people in this world to visit another person’s place for a
In any case, if the prince regent wanted to eat, Chi Zhao couldn’t
drive him away. Sitting at a small round table, the palace maids and
eunuchs scurried in and quickly filled the table up with twelve
different dishes. Chi Zhao who had been sitting there from the
beginning hesitated for a long time before finally picking up the
chopsticks first.
It was only after that did Shen Wumian who hadn’t moved before
this, also move to pick up his chopsticks.
Although he was secretly plotting after his life and the throne
pretty much every day, Shen Wumian was unexpectantly someone
who abide by the rules……
After silently roasting him inside, Chi Zhao took a bite of the rice.
No speaking while eating. During this meal, Shen Wumian and Chi
Zhao didn’t speak a single word but Shen Wumian’s eyes continued
to watch Chi Zhao. Chi Zhao was nervous at first and then after being
nervous for a while, he no longer felt nervous.
His attention slowly transferred over to the food before him.
Under Shen Wumian’s watch, Chi Zhao took a bite after another.
Very soon, that bowl of rice was cleared up. When he was done, he
didn’t ask for anymore and instead asked to be served two bowls of
soup for himself which was also finished off.
It was completely different from Hong Lei’s report. Not only did
he eat a lot, he also seemed to enjoy it.
Hong Lei who stood on the side watching the entire time was also
very puzzled. At the same time, she was also a little worried. Her
current master was already suspicious enough. If he ever thought
that she had lied and was helping the young Emperor by making him
sound pitiful, what should she do?
Shen Wumian however didn’t think that. His attention was still on
Chi Zhao. He silently made a small nod of affirmation. Sure enough,
as long as he came over, Chen Yi’s appetite would improve. His poor
appetite the past few days was likely because he missed him.
Although Shen Wumian’s narcissism was enough to render people
speechless, it was true that Chi Zhao’s appetite had improved and
even he himself didn’t realise this. The system silently watched them
eat and glanced back and forth between Shen Wumian and Chi Zhao.
It didn’t understand.
Could it be that Shen Wumian’s looks helped with improving the
After Shen Wumian came over, Chi Zhao’s brain wave activities
seemed to have become more active. At first it was nervousness and
then it was fear, followed by calmness and a small hint of joy. The
first two states were understandable but what did the last two
What was there to be happy about?
Not to mention the system, even Chi Zhao himself didn’t
understand it.
It was rare for the Emperor and the official to have just a
harmonious moment together. After eating, Shen Wumian picked up
the calligraphy Chi Zhao had worked on these days and both quietly
and critically looked over it. After picking out several shortcomings,
Chi Zhao who didn’t understand the literary words he used could
only nod and act like he understood.
After for talking for who knows how long, Shen Wumian suddenly
noted someone standing next to him. He raised his eyes and looked
over. It was an eunuch who was carrying a tray with his head
bowed. He was clearly waiting for them to finish before bringing it
In the centre of the tray was a bowl filled dark brown liquid.
Shen Wumian’s hands holding the papers suddenly stiffened for a
moment. Seeing that he had stopped talking, Chi Zhao raised his
head and saw the medicine. He straightened up and naturally
reached out to take the bowl of medicine. Shen Wumian’s expression
changed slightly. He opened his mouth to say something, but he
could only watch Chi Zhao down the bowl of medicine in one go.
The last time he watched Chi Zhao drink the medicine, Chi Zhao
had felt that the medicine was too bitter and quickly drank a cup of
tea afterwards to relieve his suffering. Now, he no longer had any
expression after drinking the medicine. He very naturally returned
the bowl back onto the tray with no changes to his expression.
It was because he had grown used to it.
After realising this, Shen Wumian’s soft heart felt like it had just
been harshly kicked. His hands holding the paper tightened slightly.
On the other end, Chi Zhao wiped his mouth with a handkerchief
before returning to Shen Wumian’s side. He smiled lightly at him,
“Imperial Uncle, I have been drinking the tonic you sent. Not a
drop is wasted.”
……..It was as if he was saying it on purpose.
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Before those words could be finished, his heart felt like it had
been kicked three or four times in succession, each with great
strength. It was as if it wanted to make that fragile heart bleed. Shen
Wumian pursed his lips and hid it well but there was a small tear in
the paper he held.
Chi Zhao didn’t notice this, but Shen Wumian did. After a short
pause, Shen Wumian folded the paper up and coldly stood up, “It’s
late. This official should leave.”
After saying that, he didn’t pay any heed to Chi Zhao’s reaction
and promptly left. Chi Zhao watched his departing back and just felt
that this man was acting strangely.
Coming over for no reason and then leaving for no reason. What
else could it be apart from acting strangely?
Chi Zhao didn’t think too much about what could possibly be
going through Shen Wumian’s mind but after his visit today, Chi
Zhao for once was able to have a good night sleep without suffering
from sad dreams.
Dreaming of the past was an indication that one was dissatisfied
with the present and no longer dreaming of the past meant that the
present was now the same as the past.
Many times, humans are not that smart and their body limits their
minds. The soul however is different, and it is not limited. They can
recognise the same kind and can recognise each other even if the
appearances are different.
Lying on the comfortable bed, Chi Zhao slept soundly with no
knowledge that a certain ‘ill’ prince regent had once again broken
into his bedroom in the middle of the night and was standing
silently next to him.
He stood beside him for a long time before slowly sitting down.
The gaze he used to look at Chi Zhao carried both hate and calmness.
After watching for a while, he stretched out his right hand and
placed it over Chi Zhao’s slender neck.
The young man’s Adam’s apple wasn’t as prominent as an adults.
Shen Wumian slowly exerted some effort. Chi Zhao didn’t feel any
pain, but he didn’t like being choked so he frowned and patted at the
hand while still deep in his dreams.
The unconscious actions of his revealed that he had no realisation
of the danger that was coming and just thought it was someone
joking with him.
He was clearly a child who had grown up in the palace, but he
wasn’t at all vigilant. Should he be regarded as foolish or should he
be regarded as being too innocent?
Shen Wumian’s expression was too heavy at this moment. The
dark light in his eyes were like the death god’s scythe. The system
had been watching him warily ever since he entered the room and,
seeing his appearance now, it was scared silly. Just as it was about to
hastily wake Chi Zhao up, it saw struggle and conflict flash across
Shen Wumian’s face. Suddenly, he released his hold. Looking tired
and weak, Shen Wumian looked like someone who had finally
escaped from the water after drowning for a long time.
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a long period of
silence, he slowly opened his eyes and his hand lightly covered Chi
Zhao’s head. The turmoil in his eyes gradually calmed down.
The next day, Chi Zhao suddenly realised that the system had
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KK has something to say: System?!?
Chapter 89
Source: KK Translates


It wasn’t the first time the system disappeared. Whenever it threw

a tantrum or was feeling very despaired about the plot line, it would
disappear for a while and either practice its singing or find its main
system daddy to cry to.
Chi Zhao didn’t pay it much heed this time either. In any case, the
system would return once it feels better.
Compared to the system who had already matured, Chi Zhao was
more concerned about a certain prince regent who would act
strangely from time to time.
Ever since that meal, his royal highness the prince regent has
disappeared again.
After waiting for another two or three days, Chi Zhao realised that
Shen Wumian really had no plans to come and see him again or care
for him. Chi Zhao pondered for a moment and decided that if he
didn’t come in the next few days, he will take the initiative to go and
show his face.
While Chi Zhao was calm inside, the prince regent on the other
side felt like his heart was about to be twisted into a pretzel.
He didn’t understand. He didn’t understand at all.
After experiencing Chen Yi’s betrayal and humiliation, how could
he still have some compassion left towards Chen Yi? Chen Yi was
despicable, lacked virtue and he was someone who repaid kindness
with evil. Every time he thought of Chen Yi’s face, he felt disgusted
but why was it that when he sees him in person, he couldn’t seem to
do anything to hurt him?
Shen Wumian felt that there really must be something wrong with
Shen Wumian was trapped in an endless loop of disgust and self-
loathing. As long as anyone had eyes, one could tell that the prince
regent was in a very bad mood. They however didn’t understand
why he as in a bad mood. Everything was going according to plan
and everything that could get in the way was already dealt with by
Shen Wumian. The young Emperor was also well-behaved recently,
doing anything he asked him to do instead of stubbornly refusing.
With such a perfect life, why was the prince regent in a bad mood?
The subordinates scratched their heads and finally thought of a
It was probably because life was too perfect that it wasn’t
challenging enough for their amazing prince regent and he was just
feeling bored.
The considerate subordinates immediately decided to find
something for the prince regent to do. Of the nineteen shadow
guards, One to Ten gathered together and brainstormed for a long
time. They eventually felt that while other issues may be difficult to
find, it would be easy to find issues in the court or in opposing
After some thought, they felt that only the obedient young
Emperor was easy to deal with. Even if anything went wrong, he
could easily be crushed to death without needing the prince regent
to lift a finger.
Chi Zhao didn’t know that he was about to unknowingly step into
a large pit. He only saw Hong Lei standing beside him speaking
naturally with her eyes lowered, “It has been busy today and the
prince regent is having lunch in the prince regent mansion. He
has not yet left the mansion.”
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Hong Lei finished saying this and silently raised her eyes. Chi Zhao
gently blinked back at her looking innocent and obedient, but he
didn’t respond.
Hong Lei: “…….”
Hong Lei tried again, “Because he has been too busy recently,
the prince regent cannot step away to check Your Majesty’s
homework. Was there anything you didn’t understand?”
If you say yes, then I will immediately send you off to the
Chi Zhao just blinked again and smiled brightly, “No I don’t.
The homework left by the prince recent was quite simple. Zhen
Hong Lei: “…………”
Hong Lei could almost no longer maintain the calm expression on
her face. Before coming over, she had heard that the young Emperor
may seem obedient, but he was actually very difficult to deal with
and not as clumsy and foolish as he looked. After interacting with
him for more than a month, Hong Lei who had originally thought
that this rumour didn’t seem very credible felt that it was too early
for her to make that conclusion.
Taking a deep breath, Hong Lei revealed a rare smile, “Your
Majesty is very intelligent, the prince regent will be very pleased
if he knew. Since the weather is good today, why don’t this slave
accompany His Majesty to visit the prince regent?”
After all those curves and bends, she had finally voiced her main
intentions. Chi Zhao looked at Hong Lei with a smile. Those eyes that
carried three parts assessment and seven parts warmth made Hong
Lei’s heart skip a beat.
In this palace, no one took Chen Yi seriously, so no one cared what
kind of temperament Chen Yi had. Hong Lei also thought this. No
matter how clever or talented he may be, he was just one of her
master’s chess piece.
Looking at Chen Yi’s current appearance now, Hong Lei fell into
trance. In some respects, this young Emperor and her master
seemed alike…..
Just as Hong Lei wondered if she should take a step back, Chi Zhao
dusted his bright yellow sleeves and stood up, “Alright. Let’s go.”
Reaching the prince regent’s mansion, there were as usual two
guards standing outside. Chi Zhao familiarly walked over to ask if
the prince regent was willing to accept guests today but before he
could do that, there was a loud thump. The two guards had fallen
onto their knees and called out, “Greeting Your Majesty.” It startled
Chi Zhao so much, he almost performed a backflip on the spot.
Chi Zhao’s startled expression was noticed by Hong Lei. The latter
lowered her eyes slightly and approached Chi Zhao’s side, “Your
Majesty, the prince regent doesn’t like his servants entering
without permission. This slave will wait for you here.”
With Hong Lei’s reminder, Chi Zhao returned to his senses. He
looked at the two guards who were still kneeling before him and
cautiously stepped forward. Those two guards acted like they didn’t
see anything and allowed Chi Zhao to slowly enter.
When he pushed open the door and entered, Chi Zhao was very
puzzled. When he entered and saw that there was no one inside, he
was even more puzzled.
No one told Chi Zhao where the prince regent was, and that
rubbish system wasn’t around so Chi Zhao could only look around
on his own. Fortunately, the mansion wasn’t large, and it didn’t take
long for Chi Zhao to find Shen Wumian in a small side room.
Because his thoughts were a mess the past few days, Shen
Wumian had hardly slept. He had just had a meal and was feeling
sleepy, so he went to the room to get some sleep.
Even if he was extremely sleepy, Shen Wumian would never allow
himself to fall asleep in an unfamiliar environment so as soon as Chi
Zhao entered, he heard his movements. Those footsteps however
were light and frivolous, one that didn’t belong to someone who
practiced martial arts. The only person who would dare enter this
place so casually at a time like this could only be Chen Yi.
Shen Wumian didn’t say anything about not letting the others in
this time but anyone with eyes should know who can and cannot be
allowed in. It seemed that his actions the other day may have
created some misunderstandings amongst his subordiantes.
Shen Wumian frowned imperceptibly but for some reason he
didn’t open his eyes.
On the other end, Chi Zhao who saw that he was sleeping
immediately stopped outside the door.
He didn’t know what he should do. Should he leave?
Chi Zhao stood at the door conflicted for a while before finally
deciding to enter.
He was already here. If he left like this, he would’ve come for
nothing. Chi Zhao walked in and then, standing at a distance he
thought was safe, he stretched out his neck to observe the sleeping
Shen Wumian.
Shen Wumian was born in a noble family with both military and
political ties. His grandfather and Chen Yi’s grandfather had
accompanied the prince in his studies since young and their
relationship with the prince had been harmonious for an entire
lifetime. Shen Wumian’s grandfather had achieved many military
exploits and was honoured and respected his entire life. After Shen
Wumian’s father inherited his achievements, he continued to
accumulate military merits and, because he could no longer be
promoted to a rank higher than what he already had, the Emperor
granted him the title of ‘Foreign King’. (KKnotes: 外 姓王 , not sure
what the exact translation of it is. Basically, a very important title.)
When it reached Shen Wumian, he was regarded as the most
powerful of the three generations and was directly given the title of
a prince regent.
With three generations of generals, Chi Zhao could see fierceness
and coldness on Shen Wumian’s face. Unlike the others whose
features would soften considerably once their eyes are closed, Shen
Wumian was still the same, making others afraid to slack off even if
he appeared to be asleep.
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Chi Zhao stayed there for a while, but Shen Wumian made no
movements the entire time. Seeing that he appeared to be deep
asleep. Chi Zhao who had been standing there expressionlessly
suddenly curled his lips.
He lightly stepped over to the bed and slowly knelt down on the
He gazed at Shen Wumian’s face very seriously as he wondered
inside what Shen Sixteen looked like. Was he really similar to Shen
Wumian? With such a handsome and eye-catching appearance,
could there actually be two of them in this world?
And it just so happened that the two of them were coincidentally
involved with the young Emperor. Fortunately, this was an ancient
world. If this was a modern world, it would’ve become a dog blood
story involving an overbearing president, a white moonlight and a
Of course, the overbearing president naturally referred to the
young Emperor and the white moonlight was Shen Sixteen. As for
Shen Wumian….After some thought, Chi Zhao could only use this
phrase to describe him: A small white flower in the previous life, an
tyrant flower in this life.
That thought amused Chi Zhao. Shen Wumian’s appearance really
couldn’t be linked with a flower at all. To describe him like that, it
really didn’t suit hm.
Chen Yi’s every action was being watched by Shen Wumian. From
the cautiousness at the beginning to the boldness and relaxed mood
later as well as the light chuckle just now, Shen Wumian could sense
it all. The hand hidden in his sleeves stiffened involuntarily. Shen
Wumian felt that he should immediately get up and strangle this
person who dared to approach him while he was asleep. For a while
he felt that he should throw out an attack and make Chen Yi vomit
out blood and become unable to get out of bed for at least three
In short, each and every one of his thoughts were filled with
malice but in the end he didn’t move. Even his breathing slowed
down in fear that Chen Yi would realise that he was pretending to be
asleep and then quickly escape.
As his royal highness the prince regent alone tried to pretend to
be asleep, Chi Zhao on the other end was oblivious. He supported his
chin for a while and, feeling that nothing interesting was happening,
he decided to leave. But before he left, he glanced briefly at Shen
Wumian’s long eyelashes and internally clicked his tongue.
How could it be longer than a girl’s?
Chi Zhao had never closely observed how long a girl’s eyelashes
were, but he had seen advertisements. All the models in mascara
advertisements didn’t have eyelashes as long as Shen Wumian’s.
What are those long eyelashes there for? To seduce men?
Chi Zhao’s expression was serious but his mind played out various
dog blood overbearing president drama scenes. The ancient world
was too boring. There was nothing to do to pass time so Chi Zhao
could only amuse himself like this with his imagination. Without a
thought, Chi Zhao reached out and gently touched the fan-like
Caught unprepared, Shen Wumian opened his eyes.
Chi Zhao: “…….”
After standing there frozen for a long time, Chi Zhao finally
opened his mouth, “Im-imperial uncle……Let me explain.”
Shen Wumian quietly looked at him, “Mhn, explain then.”
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KK has something to say: How are you going to explain yourself
Chi Zhao?? 😂
Chapter 90
Source: KK Translates


Although he said he would explain, Chi Zhao had never thought

that he would really be given a chance to explain. He thought that
with Shen Wumian’s temper, his next set of actions was to jump up
and kick him over to the wall on the other end of the room or, in a fit
or anger, call in several guards and torture him in a small black
room for several days.
Contrary to his expectations, the prince regent didn’t play his
cards the usual way and actually wanted him to give him an
Explain what? What was there to explain?
Wasn’t it just overstepping his boundaries and doing something
crazy? Even someone with the IQ of a cat could see that.
Chi Zhao could guess that the prince regent was doing this to
make things difficult for him and then use this opportunity to create
more trouble.
Chi Zhao was a little scared. Without the system around, if Shen
Wumian were to really do anything to him, he didn’t have the
system to shield him from the pain.
Chen Yi’s eyes guiltily avoided his gaze and he didn’t dare look up
at him. Shen Wumian pursed his lips and sat up. Who knew that
before he could sit up completely, Chen Yi had already instinctively
taken a few steps back, raising both his hands in the air as if he was
trying to block something.
It was a defensive posture. Chen Yi was afraid of him hitting him.
Shen Wumian’s heart immediately stung.
That’s true. His actions before this had been so obvious that even
the officials in court could tell what his attitude towards the young
Emperor was so it wasn’t a surprise for Chen Yi who was the party
involved to notice it too.
His inability to eat or sleep and those tears he shed when he
finally slept, wasn’t it all because of him?
Making Chen Yi sad and scared was Shen Wumian’s original
intention but now that he had achieved it, his heart felt sore and
numb. He didn’t feel happy at all.
Various complex and difficult to describe emotions turmoiled
inside him. Following a bang, Shen Wumian looked up and saw that
Chen Yi had retreated too fast, accidentally knocking into a low
Everything in the palace was top-grade and that low stool
naturally was the same. It was unknown what material it was made
from, but it was extremely hard. Chi Zhao’s calf had rammed into
that stool and the pain travelled up through his bones, making Chi
Zhao have the urge to bend down and clutch his leg in pain.
However, with Shen Wumian in front of him, he didn’t dare bend
As a result, Chi Zhao could only stand stiffly in place. His right left
was so stiff, it no longer felt like it was his own leg. If one looked
closely, you could still see it trembling slightly.
If it was only a light impact, the pain would pass after a while and
the bruising would recover after two or three days but it was a
strong one that struck the bone and that feeling of pain felt like it
lasted an entire lifetime.
Shen Wumian noticed Chi Zhao acting strangely and frowned. He
proceeded to get up and stride over to Chi Zhao and then wordlessly
raise his right leg.
Chi Zhao who was caught off guard let out a small cry of surprise
and fell back onto the low stool.
Shen Wumian half knelt on the ground as he held Chi Zhao’s calf
and pressed several places with force. When he pressed the place
where Chi Zhao had hit earlier, Chi Zhao felt that he should really
kick Shen Wumian in the face.
Knowing that he was hurt there yet forcefully pressing it, sure
enough he was doing this to torture him!
Chi Zhao however was wrongly accusing him this time. Shen
Wumian hadn’t actually used much strength and he was only doing
it to see how bad it was, but he had no idea how delicate Chi Zhao
actually was. With just a light press, his entire body trembled with
pain and he quickly reached out to stop him.
While blocking him, he even said, “I’m fine. You, stop
Shen Wumian’s actions stopped and he silently raised his head.
The two looked at each other like this for a while. Chi Zhao was at a
loss for a moment but when he realised his mistake, he quickly
changed his words, “Imperial Uncle, I’m fine.”
When he was done saying this, Chi Zhao only then realised how
intimate his current position looked.
He was sitting on a low stool with his right leg held up by Shen
Wumian. Shen Wumian was kneeling very close to him such that
when Shen Wumian raised his head, Chi Zhao could even see a tiny
reflection of himself in his eyes.
Chi Zhao was stunned for a moment. After seeing the
astonishment and disbelief in Chi Zhao’s expression, Shen Wumian’s
grip around Chi Zhao’s leg tightened a little.
It seemed to be an indication that he was about to let go. Chi Zhao
got ready for this but unexpectedly Shen Wumian didn’t move at all.
Maintaining this position, Shen Wumian said in a low voice,
A guard Chi Zhao had not seen before entered. He wasn’t one of
the two guards he saw standing outside the door when he came. Chi
Zhao was a little confused. He had just wandered all over this
mansion and he didn’t see any other guards.
After blinking in thought for a moment, Chi Zhao came to a
This was the legendary shadow guard who would secretly watch
over people from the roof beams!
The shadow guard Seven expressed: No, we just sometimes watch
over people from the roof. The beams are too narrow, and we are
easily exposed if we do that.
After Seven entered and was met with the scene of Shen Wumian
and the young emperor in position like that, he was a little startled.
When he heard Shen Wumian instructing him to look for the
imperial doctor, Seven quickly returned to his senses and turned
and left.
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Hong Lei was still standing at the door. Seeing him suddenly come
out, she looked at him questioningly and he returned her
questioning gaze with a look.
Hong Lei revealed a look of surprise.
The young Emperor wasn’t scolded?!
……The shadow guards who had grown up together had somehow
developed a telepathic ability between them. With just brief look,
they could understand what the other party wanted to say.
The imperial doctor came very quickly. But this time, the young
Emperor had been transferred over to the bed by the prince regent.
The room was originally very small and with four people inside,
there was basically no space left. The imperial doctor examined the
injury and reported that it was a normal injury that will recover
with several days of bedrest. When the bone no longer hurts, he
could start moving around again.
After saying this, the imperial doctor prescribed him more
Chi Zhao once again felt that his life was very unfortunate.
He had been in this world for more than a month and hadn’t done
much else apart from drinking medicine each day. It used to only be
one bowl a day but now it was two bowls a day.
He rubbed the area around his injured leg as if that act could help
relieve the pain a little. Chi Zhao was speechless. This body’s
physique was just too poor. Even just a slight bump made him injure
the bone. He was practically made of glass.
Chi Zhao slowly rubbed his legs with his head hung low as he
thought of other things inside. Beside him, Shen Wumian was also
staring at his leg, but his expression was a little strange.
After the imperial doctor left, no one in the room spoke. Hong Lei
then entered. She had already heard about the young Emperor’s
injury outside. She paused for a moment at the door, “Since His
Majesty is injured, we should return to recuperate.”
Chi Zhao heard this and responded lifelessly.
He was still immersed in the sadness of having to have two bowls
of medicine a day and wasn’t in a good mood. On the other hand,
Shen Wumian who heard his dull response gave him a profound
“This slave will arrange for a sedan chair.”
The sedan chair could take Chi Zhao back to the Emperor’s room,
but it couldn’t take him through this door. When the young Emperor
came here, he had come with Hong Lei but he naturally couldn’t let
Hong Lei carry him. Thinking this, Seven turned around and placed
his sword aside so that it wouldn’t get in the way when he carried
the young Emperor.
But when he turned back, he suddenly saw his master’s face
which appeared expressionless but also seemed to emit cold
oppressiveness. His master also happened to be looking at him with
that expression.
Seven: “…………” Did I do something wrong again?
After a while, Hong Lei returned. Just as she asked for Chi Zhao to
get up and before Chi Zhao could say anything in response, the
prince regent said coldly, “No need.”
As soon as he said that, the other three were left dumbfounded.
Chi Zhao was the one who was most dumbfounded. He didn’t
understand Shen Wumian’s words. What no need? No need to get
up? Was he saying that he should recuperate in this small room?
Of course, the prince regent wouldn’t explain himself and just
turned his head to glance at his two subordinates. Seven and Hong
Lei who received their master’s commanding look instinctively
dropped to their knees and reported, “This slave will take my
Chi Zhao: “……..”
Wait a minute. If you’re leaving, what about me? What should I
do? Don’t leave me behind! QAQ
Chi Zhao acted very well and the expression on Chi Zhao’s face
didn’t change but there was hidden panic in his eyes. It was this
panic that exposed his true emotions to Shen Wumian.
Shen Wumian lowered his eyes slightly and restrained the
complex and deep emotions in his eyes. He approached Chi Zhao
and wrapped one arm around his shoulder and another under his
With just a little effort, Chi Zhao was held up in his arms. When
Shen Wumian was young, he was also a brave warrior who had
fought on the battlefield. With his strength, carrying the young
Emperor who was a short step away from being a sack of bones was
not a big deal. Chi Zhao who was in his arms had his eyes wide open
in shock. It was so wide, it seemed as if his eyes would pop out if he
opened it any wider.
Shen Wumian raised his foot and took a few steps before lowering
his eyes and glancing at the person in his arms. Seeing him like this,
Shen Wumian frowned. His arm around Chi Zhao’s shoulder
loosened. Chi Zhao was startled by this. Fearing that he would fall,
he quickly hooked his arms around Shen Wumian’s neck and Shen
Wumian took advantage of this moment to press Chi Zhao’s face into
his arms, preventing those large scary eyes of his to be seen.
Chi Zhao who was caught off guard, “…….”
In fact, Chi Zhao wasn’t the only one who was surprised. It was
just that Chi Zhao was the one with the worst acting skills in this
palace where everyone else are top actors.
……… Fortunately, Shen Wumian didn’t intend on taking him back
to his quarters like this. After leaving the prince regent mansion, he
placed Chi Zhao on the sedan chair and followed the chair back
without a change to his expression. Chi Zhao was restless the entire
way. When they reached the door to his room, Chi Zhao looked at
Shen Wumian who was once again about to carry him and hastily
tried to dissuade him, “Imperial Uncle, Zhen can walk. Zhen is no
longer in pain. It’s really okay…..”
The first two words, Imperial Uncle, was spoken using a normal
volume but his voice got smaller and smaller after that as he was
met with Shen Wumian’s indifferent gaze. By the very end, his voice
could no longer be heard. Chi Zhao’s ability to read his mood was
still functioning. After looking at Shen Wumian for a few seconds,
Chi Zhao pursed his lips and finally obediently stretched out his
arms like a child, letting Shen Wumian pick him up.
Even Hong Lei was so shocked, she felt that her head was about to
explode. She however didn’t show the slightest look of surprise on
her face and just silently followed her two masters, silently
wondering inside if she should treat the young Emperor better in
the future.
Returning to his sleeping quarters, Shen Wumian placed Chi Zhao
down but didn’t show any intentions to leave. He who usually
avoided overstepping his boundaries and would never touch the
young Emperor let alone sit on the edge of the young Emperor’s bed
for some reason no longer abided by those principles of his. He sat
down very naturally. It was also as if he had done it many times
In fact, he indeed had sat there many times before. It was just that
Chi Zhao didn’t know about it.
With Shen Wumian there, the other eunuchs didn’t dare enter. Chi
Zhao half laid in bed, no daring to breathe or look at Shen Wumian
so he could only stare awkwardly at the quilt on the side. Once the
silence was too much for him, Chi Zhao turned his head back and
looked at Shen Wumian innocently.
“Imperial Uncle, have you been busy these days?”
Shen Wumian was in daze but in other people’s eyes, it looked like
he was meditating and deep in thought. No one would dare interrupt
him while he was in thought. This young Emperor may look
obedient but in fact he was the most daring one.
After his attention was drawn back, Shen Wumian was quiet for a
moment, “Yes.”
Hearing his response, Chi Zhao immediately nodded
thoughtfully, “I see. Imperial Uncle, don’t worry. Zhen will
definitely recover and won’t forget about my homework so as not
to cause trouble for you. If you have something you need to do,
you can go. I have Hong Lei here to take care of me so it’s okay.”
Hearing Chi Zhao say this, Shen Wumian’s expression changed
slightly. This change in expression however was very elusive and
Chi Zhao unfortunately couldn’t understand the meaning behind it.
“Your Majesty, do you like Hong Lei?”
Hong Lei who was obediently standing outside the door suddenly
felt a chill run through her. She blinked a few times and didn’t know
what happened.
Chi Zhao in the room also blinked a few times, “It’s alright. As a
palace maid, she is quite competent.”
Shen Wumian smiled slightly, “Then Your Majesty, do you like
this official?”
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Chi Zhao felt like he was about to go crazy.
Why are you suddenly asking me this question? What was wrong
with Shen Wumian today?!
Biting the bullet, Chi Zhao made a calm but shy expression. He
lowered his head and silently nodded.
“Why do you like me?”
Chi Zhao’s anxious heart suddenly stopped beating. At an angle
that couldn’t be seen by Shen Wumian, Chi Zhao blinked a few times
and thought of an idea.
He raised his head and let out a small smile, “Because…….of fate.”
It was very implicit and only the people involved could
understand. As the third person involved, Shen Wumian
immediately understood what he meant. His expression then
became gloomy.
Chi Zhao was resolute. That’s right, this was the effect he wanted.
Although he didn’t know what was wrong with Shen Wumian today,
he must prevent the plot from going astray!
He had originally thought that Shen Wumian would storm off after
hearing this answer but a few seconds later, Chi Zhao heard a
second question.
“What about other than fate? Your Majesty…..do you like this
Chi Zhao raised a brow and looked at Shen Wumian whose
expression was indecipherable, “What I like the most is Imperial
Uncle’s face that is astonishingly handsome and unforgettable.”
A part of the bed was broken off by Shen Wumian.
Chi Zhao in the past would’ve been scared at this sight but now
when he looked at that tragically broken off part of the bed, he felt a
little happy inside.
Using his own abilities to pull the plot back onto its tracks. To sum
it up, he was this world’s saviour!
After that, Shen Wumian no longer asked him any more questions
and soon, the medicine prescribed by the imperial doctor was
brought over. Chi Zhao took a deep breath and drank the entire
bowl, but he was pleasantly surprised.
It wasn’t very bitter.
Traditional Chinese medicine was bitter, but the degree of
bitterness was also divided into different levels. For officials who
didn’t like the bitter taste, doctors would add a few herbs to the
prescription that wouldn’t affect its effect to make the taste more
tolerable. The poisoned medicine Chi Zhao had been drinking hadn’t
had any of that added so it was naturally very difficult to drink.
After thinking this, Chi Zhao’s expression became quite
In order to retaliate against him, Shen Wumian really paid
attention to the details…..
When Chi Zhao drank the medicine, the palace maid who had
delivered the medicine as well as Hong Lei and Shen Wumian were
waiting outside.
After the events today, Hong Lei felt that she should re-evaluate
the young Emperor’s role and status. She cautiously asked Shen
Wumian, “Master, tonight’s medicine…….should I still give it?”
Shen Wumian looked over. His expression was originally fairly
calm but when he heard those words, it seemed to have touched a
sore spot in him and he suddenly revealed anger in his expression.
“Why won’t you give it? Without my order, you are to give it to
him every day without fail!”
Hong Lei quickly lowered her head, “Yes, this slave
Master’s thoughts were difficult to understand. It seemed to be
more and more difficult to understand each day….
Hong Lei left, leaving Shen Wumian to stand outside shrouded in
gloom for a while. He then returned inside like he was abusing
himself. Chi Zhao just happened to be rubbing his leg when he
walked in.
What Chi Zhao didn’t know was that although the poison was
slow acting, its effect was very stubborn, and it would slowly get
stronger and stronger. During the early stages, there are basically no
symptoms but people who drink it would find that their body would
gradually become weaker and weaker each day such that even a
small bump would hurt them severely and a small cold could make
them lose half his life.
Shen Wumian didn’t have these symptoms after taking the poison
because he practiced martial arts and had a sturdy body. Chen Yi
was originally weak, so the symptoms appeared faster.
In that case, it wouldn’t be long for Chen Yi to…….
Before the last word could be formed, several scenes suddenly
appeared in Shen Wumian’s mind, all of which were of Chen Yi
dying. He laid in bed lifelessly with his eyes glazed over and his face
fragile like golden paper as a small stream of blood flowed out from
the corner of his pale lips….
Shen Wumian closed his eyes. After a long pause, he opened his
eyes again and slowly approached Chen Yi.
The prince regent had returned and he even silently moved to
help him massage his leg. Chi Zhao reached out to stop him when
suddenly, a cheerful voice rang in his mind.
【Host, host! I’m back! I left for a bit to hand in my registration to
sing live. The judges said that my singing voice is very good and that
it was something developed with extensive training, so they decided
on the spot to let me enter the preliminary round. They even said
that they would ensure that I enter the final round of the
competition! Sorry, I forgot to let you know before I left. How have
you been? Has the plot been progressing well?】
Before Chi Zhao could answer, the system scanned its
surroundings and saw Shen Wumian diligently massage Chi Zhao’s
leg. In an instant, the world became quiet.
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KK has something to say: Halfway through IRASS~! 🎉
Chapter 91
Source: KK Translates


Because he used to get all sorts of injuries, Shen Wumian knew of

simple ways to help increase blood flow and prevent blood stasis.
He massaged Chen Yi’s calf with little to no strength. It hurt at first
but afterwards, it started to feel comfortable.
But no matter how comfortable he was, Chi Zhao didn’t dare let
him continue. Once he felt a little better, he quickly pulled his leg
back, “Thank you Imperial Uncle, Zhen feels much better now.”
Despite the weight in his hands becoming lighter, Shen Wumian
didn’t raise his head. He continued to look at his empty hands for a
few seconds before looking over.
Chen Yi looked at him with distrust and fear. This look shouldn’t
come from someone like him.
Shen Wumian didn’t say anything and no longer made any other
actions that didn’t follow the plot line. He soon left. Chi Zhao
breathed a sigh of relief and finally remembered the system who
had been silent the entire time since its return.
When it first returned, it spoke like a machine gun, words firing
rapidly after another but when it saw Shen Wumian, that machine
gun immediately stopped. Without needing to ask, he could tell that
the system must have misunderstood.
Chi Zhao kindly explained, “It’s not what you think. I have
pulled the plot back onto its tracks. Everything is still under my
After saying that, the system didn’t respond for a long time. Just as
Chi Zhao thought the system wouldn’t reply, he heard a very
sorrowful sigh.
Chi Zhao: “……..”
“You don’t believe me? You can’t not believe me!”
Finally, the system responded to him.
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment, “Because what I said was
true! Don’t you have recordings? Can’t you just check them?”
The system was originally not around so how could there be any
recordings? Even if there was one, it was with the main system. As a
low-level system who often slacks off during work, it didn’t have
such advanced functions.
In any case, the system didn’t believe in Chi Zhao’s words. Chi
Zhao felt helpless. Seeing that the system’s mood was getting more
and more depressed each second, he quickly changed the topic,
“Didn’t you say that you weren’t going to enter the competition?
What made you change your mind again?”
Before, the system had the intention to participate in a
competition but it didn’t go ahead with it because it felt that it
shouldn’t step away during work as it was too unprofessional.
Moreover, this competition lasted very long; from the preliminary
competition to the finals, it may take several years. If anything were
to happen in the middle, it would have participated for nothing.
And so, the system had filled in the registration form but never
had it submitted. This continued until a few days ago when the
system faintly sensed that this world was also about to collapse. In a
fit of anger, it rushed over to submit the registration form and it
fortunately made it just in time for the last batch of registrations. If
it missed this chance, it would have had to wait another five years.
When humans are depressed, they would go out for a walk and
take in the scenery to improve their mood and that was the same for
the system. For Chi Zhao, the system was away for three days but to
the system, it had only been away for less than two hours. After
being praised by several virtual judges, the system who had
regained confidence returned with a good mood.
No amount of praise could match the protagonist’s actions.
There was another long period of silence. Following that, Chi Zhao
heard the system’s response.
【Us systems also have our own lives. Seeing that I’m about to be
unemployed, I naturally should find another job to support my
Chi Zhao: “…….I already said that the plot is under control.
Don’t worry, you won’t become jobless.”
The system acted like it didn’t hear him. It looked at its own name
glumly and continued.
【 Is it? But it seems that there was a mistake with the product.
When there is a problem with the system, the system would lose its
After it finished saying that, the system also went out of its way to
explain what was wrong with itself.
【Look, my full name is the Slag Shou System but you’re not a slag
at all so you can get rid of that. In the end I’m just a Shou System.】
Chi Zhao: “……”
Chi Zhao still wanted to continue defending himself but at this
moment, Hong Lei entered the room carrying a very familiar
looking bowl of medicine. Chi Zhao saw this and was suddenly
boosted with confidence, “Even if you don’t believe what I say, the
facts are now placed in front of you so you should trust in me. If
there is a problem with the plot, Shen Wumian wouldn’t continue
sending me poison. You see how he’s still giving me it? It means
the plot is still okay!”
Suddenly, there was a sneer in his mind.
【 You think I’m a system that just left the factory? Which plot
would collapse in an instant? Wasn’t it always gradual? I like you
today, I fall in love with you tomorrow, I will die for you the day
after tomorrow! Just you wait! Within a month, this poison will
become an antidote.】
Following that was an aggrieved sob and the system then
【 Forget it, I’m already used to it. I’m just going to sing. I will
probably be fired once I’m unbound from you. When the time comes,
singing will be my only source of comfort and way to vent.】
Chi Zhao: “……….”
System, you’re getting better and better at acting.
After that short bickering with the system came to an end, Chi
Zhao drank the medicine and continued to lie in bed. He pondered
over why Shen Wumian would suddenly make those
incomprehensible actions.
Did he fall in love with him too? That was too ridiculous. He
wasn’t some super Mary Sue, how could it be possible for people to
fall in love with him all the time? If he thought about it carefully,
there was actually a reason for the previous protagonists to fall in
love with him but in this world, Shen Wumian had no reason to like
him. Not to mention, there was also deep hatred between the two
that couldn’t be overlooked.
Thinking this, Chi Zhao was certain. He was absolutely certain that
Shen Wumian wouldn’t fall in love with him. But how could he
explain those behaviours of his?
Could it be…….
Chi Zhao’s eyes widened in shock.
He understood now.
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This was Shen Wumian’s second wave of attack! He planned to be
nice to Chen Yi, make Chen Yi fall even deeper in love with himself
and then dump him, make him despaired!
Wow this man……he’s really bad, very bad.
Chi Zhao who held the slag shou script and strove to torture the
protagonist to death in every world felt some admiration towards
After figuring it out, Chi Zhao no longer felt troubled and slept
very peacefully. He very quickly entered his dream world. On the
other end in the prince regent mansion, the prince regent who had
holed himself up in the study the entire time finally stepped out.
The other guards were all send to the palace and of the remaining
nine guards, three worked in other places, two were sent out to keep
an eye on the situation outside and one was locked up in the
mansion. Now, only three were left.
Two waited on the roof, guarding over Shen Wumian’s safety
while the third hid in the dark. After Shen Wumian left the study, he
waved his hand and the hidden guard walked out and knelt to listen
to his order.
Shen Wumian didn’t order him to do anything. He just asked,
“How is Sixteen doing?”
Among the shadow guards, the first ten had grown up and
experienced the most brutal training together while the remaining
nine didn’t have such experience. They had been brought back to the
palace one after another, each having their own roles. For example,
Sixteen’s role was to be the prince regent’s substitute and Fourteen
who was kneeling on the ground at this moment was a meticulously
cultivated spy with a perfect identity outside.
Only he himself and Shen Wumian knew of Fourteen’s identity.
Until now, Shen Wumian hadn’t thought about where to send
Fourteen. After all, he had lived a lifetime already and many things
are now known in advance so there was no use for a spy.
In the end, Fourteen remained in the palace, serving as an
ordinary shadow guard.
The shadow guards are always loyal to their master. If their
master wanted them to kill their own parents, they would do it
without hesitation. That was why, even if Shen Sixteen had been
locked up for more than two months, Fourteen felt no sympathy
towards him whatsoever.
“Still the same. Not speaking, not making a fuss.”
Having said that, Fourteen raised his head, “Master, in this
subordinates opinion, Sixteen is hell bent on dying.”
Hell bent on dying……
Seeming to have thought of something, Shen Wumian laughed.
That laugh was so soft, it didn’t’ sound like a sneer or a sarcastic
laugh. It sounded like a normal laugh that carried no other emotion.
Shen Wumian raised his head and glanced at the sky. Tonight,
dark clouds hung overhead and there were no stars or moon in
sight. Shen Wumian placed his right hand behind him, his wide
sleeves flowing with his movement, “I will go and see him. You all
guard outside.”
Three replies sounded at the same time but apart from Fourteen,
no one could find the source of the other two.
Shen Sixteen was confined in a dungeon by Shen Wumian. This
was the most secretive confinement room in the royal palace.
During summer, it would be several degrees higher inside compared
to outside and if it was during the hottest time of the year, it was
enough to kill a person. It was currently the hottest time of the year
but Shen Wumian wouldn’t let Shen Sixteen die so easily so he sent
someone to watch him and pour a bucket of cold water from the
bottom of a well onto him to cool him down every now and then.
In all honesty, Shen Sixteen’s treatment was far better than Chen
Yi’s. He was locked up by Shen Wumian at the beginning, but Shen
Wumian never tortured him. He only had him locked up and would
give him three meals a day as per usual. When it was time for Chen
Yi to see how miserable he was, only then did Shen Wumian order
him to be tortured.
The current Shen Sixteen hadn’t been punished yet. To ordinary
people, the sultry heat and the combination of hot and cold hitting
him from time to time can be torturous but it was nothing for Shen
Sixteen who had been raised as a shadow guard.
Although Shen Wumian wanted to retaliate against him, he only
retaliated against those who deserved it. What Shen Wumian hated
the most was Chen Yi’s betrayal and humiliation. Although Shen
Sixteen also betrayed him, Shen Wumian didn’t hate him as much
because Shen Sixteen was still a shadow guard.
As a shadow guard, his feelings had been cultivated from
childhood such that they only follow their master’s orders. Even if
Chen Yi made Shen Sixteen defect, Shen Wumian didn’t think that
Shen Sixteen really fell in love with Chen Yi. Perhaps in Shen
Sixteen’s eyes, Chen Yi was just a new master.
When he thought of this in the past, Shen Wumian found it very
ironic and amusing but when he thought about it now, Shen Wumian
suddenly had a few more emotions he hadn’t experienced before.
For example……relief.
The path leading to the dungeon was especially dark and the air
was hot and stuffy. Perhaps it was because his physical sensations
were also affecting his inner emotions, Shen Wumian also felt that
his heart felt stuffy, to the point that it was quite uncomfortable.
At this moment, there was only Shen Sixteen in the dungeon.
Hearing someone coming, Shen Sixteen who was sitting against the
wall with his head lowered raised his head, revealing a face that was
nine parts similar to Shen Wumian’s.
More than just his appearance, he had also been learning Shen
Wumian’s life habits, actions and expressions during the past few
years. Eventually, he no longer knew what his original personality
was like. Even now, Shen Sixteen didn’t know how he would react if
he was confined in a dungeon and only knew that if Shen Wumian
was confined, he would definitely be expressionless and indifferent.
As a result, he similarly took up that expressionless and indifferent
As for what he was thinking inside, only he himself knew.
Seeing Shen Wumian coming over, Shen Sixteen’s expression
changed. He still remembered his own identity and very soon, he
knelt before Shen Wumian, whispering, “Sixteen greets master.”
——-What I like the most is Imperial Uncle’s face that is
astonishingly handsome and unforgettable.
Those words still rang in his ears.
It was just this face. Just a glimpse of it entering Chen Yi’s eyes
made Chen Yi dream of it for many years. Even with a face like his,
even if he had been with him for many years, it still couldn’t be on
par to that short glance from that year.
Shen Wumian had already realised that there was something
wrong with him. He spat at himself and hated himself but no matter
what he did, he couldn’t fix those distorted thoughts of his. He
clearly knew that he would be betrayed, and he also knew that the
person the other person had in their eyes wasn’t himself but, like he
was a madman, he still wanted to stick around, hoping to replace
that person in Chen Yi’s heart.
Even Shen Wumian didn’t understand why he could be so foolish
and stupid.
The most ridiculous thing was that when he looked at Shen
Sixteen now, he who didn’t have much hatred for Shen Sixteen
before now really wanted to tear off his face so that no one would
know that there was another person in this world with a face like
his. That way, Chen Yi would only look at him.
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Although he thought this inside, Shen Wumian naturally wouldn’t
do it. His dignity and pride didn’t allow for it. For a lofty prince
regent to fight against a lowly servant, no one would believe it even
if news of it leaked out.
Shen Wumian lowered his eyes and looked at Shen Sixteen who
was kneeling before him. After a moment, he spoke.
The question he asked was his main purpose of coming here
today. He wanted to know the answer.
“Back then, why did you save Chen Yi?”
Shen Wumian suddenly confining Shen Sixteen in the dungeon,
even those in the know didn’t understand and Shen Sixteen also
wanted to know the reason for it despite never managing to get an
This time, Shen Wumian gave him an answer. It was about the
time Shen Sixteen rescued Chen Yi. For a substitute to suddenly
appear and expose himself, it was a big taboo. Shen Sixteen knew
this too. Although he didn’t understand how Shen Wumian knew
about that incident, he also understood that he was a pawn that was
no longer useful.
Fourteen was right, Shen Sixteen was hell bent on dying. He
hoped that Shen Wumian would give him a quick death, but more
than two months had passed and Shen Wumian still hadn’t done
anything. He neither killed him nor punished him or had any
intentions to let him go.
When he saw Shen Wumian come in today, he had thought that it
was finally time for him to die but he was left stunned by Shen
Wumian’s question.
It was clearly a very easy question to answer but Shen Sixteen
was silent for a long time before he answered.
“This subordinate…..also doesn’t know.”
He also didn’t know why. When he saw the child struggling in the
water, his heart that shouldn’t carry any temperature suddenly
trembled. He didn’t want to see that child die and so, he exposed
All of this happened in an instant. After he brought that person
out of the water, he realised what he had done and quickly escaped,
the entire time not noticing that the child had briefly opened his
After so many years, Shen Sixteen still didn’t know who that child
was. It was only now that he learnt that the child, he had saved was
the young prince.
A shadow guard cannot answer with ‘I don’t know’ as it would
make their master unhappy but Shen Sixteen really could only
answer that question with ‘I don’t know’. After hearing that
response, Shen Wumian’s expression gradually changed.
Ridicule and anger.
That answer may seem unreasonable in the eyes of others but for
Shen Wumian, it was incomparably clear. It was because he and
Shen Sixteen felt the same way.
He was also like this. He also didn’t know why he wanted to get
close to Chen Yi and he also didn’t know why he would suddenly do
something he wouldn’t usually do. What’s more, he also didn’t know
what he was doing right now.
A part of him wanted to kill him while another part of him wanted
to protect him.
“Do you regret it?”
Having not heard from Shen Wumian for a long time, Shen Sixteen
was a little distracted. He slowly raised his head and a blank look
flashed across his eyes, “What should I regret? Can the master
please clarify.?
Shen Wumian’s voice was extremely low, “The matter of saving
Chen Yi.”
If Chen Yi wasn’t saved, Shen Sixteen wouldn’t become like this. If
Chen Yi wasn’t saved, he could live longer. Everyone naturally
wanted to live longer, even if they’re a shadow guard cultivated for
many years to sacrifice their lives for their master. Even they had
the desire to live.
But after a short pause, Shen Sixteen shook his head under Shen
Wumian’s gaze, “I don’t regret it.”
Leaving the dungeon, Shen Wumian couldn’t describe his feelings
at that moment.
He thought Chen Yi was ridiculous but in fact, the most ridiculous
person was himself.
Shen Sixteen may have been trained as a shadow guard with
abnormally cultivated emotions but his feelings for Chen Yi had
never been abnormal. He was worthy of Chen Yi’s ten years of
memory and he was also worthy of Chen Yi’s eventual decision to
betray him and choose Shen Sixteen over him.
Standing in the deserted courtyard, Shen Wumian suddenly
wanted to laugh.
He wanted to laugh loudly in misery but let alone laughing, he
couldn’t even lift the corner of his drooping lips.
Between himself and Shen Sixteen, he now no longer knew who
the real substitute was.
Shen Wumian’s habit was to suddenly appear out of nowhere and
then disappear for a long time and then rinse and repeat. Chi Zhao
felt that he had managed to get a good understanding of this pattern
so when Shen Wumian disappeared once again, he didn’t pay it
much attention.
Before, Chi Zhao would still think about occasionally showing his
face but, seeing that Shen Wumian was showing signs of veering off
the original plot line, he decided to peacefully stay in his palace. No
matter how Hong Lei tried to convince him, he never went out again.
With the young emperor not coming out and the masochistic prince
regent not coming over to see him, the entire palace was shrouded
in gloom. Whether it was a palace maid or an official called over, no
one dared to stay there for too long.
Chi Zhao who had lived for many years was able to remain calm. If
the plot didn’t require him to do anything, he could stay in this one
third of an acre piece of land until he died. On Shen Wumian’s side,
he was at first doing it out of anger but later, in order not to let
himself thing of Chen Yi all the time, he began to find work for
himself to do.
With himself doing all the work, many of the officials no longer
had work to do.
There were many changes happening in the background. Chi Zhao
occasionally heard some news about official’s houses being
ransacked. An official had threatened to ram his head against a
column right then and there, but the prince regent didn’t say
anything and instead gave that official a gift, saying that it would be
better if he died like that. That angry official fainted on the spot with
his mouth foaming with rage and almost died like that.
The forces of the previous dynasty were gradually replaced by the
prince regent’s men. No one knew how the prince regent did it. How
was he able to so easily find everyone’s weaknesses? He even
somehow knew that Lord Chang’s concubine was secretly
‘communicating’ with someone outside and even brought it up in
court to deal with Lord Chang.
Poor Lord Chang was very old. He just felt that the prince regent
was abusing his power and wanted to find a way to distract him so
he mentioned in court that the prince regent was already old and
should find a wife to marry. He didn’t expect that he would be
attacked with something this shameful in return.
Chi Zhao listened to Hong Lei’s recounts like he was listening to a
story. Everything Hong Lei did was instructed by Shen Wumian so
when he heard Hong Lei tell him these things, Chi Zhao wondered if
Shen Wumian still didn’t trust him.
The silent system didn’t want to speak. It just quietly scanned Chi
Zhao’s brain structure. It had always felt that Chi Zhao’s brain must
be different from others, otherwise there was no way he could be
this stupid.
It was another starless and moonless night. Chi Zhao had just
fallen asleep when the system suddenly spoke.
【Host, hurry and wake up. The assassin is coming!】
Chi Zhao who was originally about to fall asleep was suddenly
startled awake. He quickly sat up, “What? What possum is
System: “……….”
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KK has something to say: ML abuse time~
Chapter 92
Source: KK Translates


【Not a damned possum, an assassin. An assassin is coming!】

The system was so angry, its motherboard emitted smoke but the
other party who was yelled at still took a second to react.
“What assassin?”
The system also didn’t know. It could only report the current
situation outside to Chi Zhao.
【The assassin is fighting against Hong Lei and the others. Hong
Lei is very powerful and is fighting one against four but there are too
many of them. Ah! An assassin just broke through!】
【He’s coming!】
【 He just cut down the veil! He’s rushing towards you! Ahhhhh
His sword is stabbing over!】
Chi Zhao: “………”
It was clearly a very dangerous scene but because the system’s
real-time broadcast was so excited, Chi Zhao couldn’t get nervous at
all. The long sword glinting coldly against the light quickly pierced
through the curtain, hitting the side of the bed. Using this
opportunity, Chi Zhao flexibly rolled off the bed and ran out. When
the assassin saw this, his expression darkened, and he immediately
chased after him.
If it was the usual, Chi Zhao wouldn’t run away like this and would
definitely choose to turn around and confront them straight on but
firstly, the opponent had a weapon and secondly, the people in this
world knew martial arts unlike himself who only learnt some basic
As such, Chi Zhao made the decision to run. Dying in Shen
Wumian’s hands would only be a short moment of suffering since he
had already made the plot collapse several times before this after all
but dying in the hands of an assassin was another story.
The Emperor’s quarter was very large and there were all kinds of
weapons. The assassin chased after Chi Zhao like an eagle trying to
catch a chicken. One desperately fled while the other desperately
chased. Chi Zhao’s entire mind was filled with thoughts of how to
escape from the assassin and he wasn’t paying attention to anything
else at all but the system noticed something. It looked at the assassin
in confusion and seemed to feel that something didn’t seem quite
The assassin looked furious and frustrated. He also didn’t seem to
have expected the young Emperor to be so good at escaping. Out of
anxiousness, he quickly called out, “Your Majesty, come back! I’m
not here to kill you, I’m here to take you out of the palace!”
Chi Zhao who heard this line immediately stepped onto his
brakes. He turned his head back suspiciously but before he had the
time to speak, the assassin’s eyes suddenly widened, and his
expression quickly turned vigilant. He thrusted his sword forward,
stabbing past Chi Zhao’s face, at someone behind him but
unfortunately missed.
Chi Zhao seemed to also sense something but before he could turn
his head back, his vision blurred and the next moment he saw
another tall and familiar figure start fighting against the assassin.
This assassin could be considered as the best in the country or his
master would not have given him the task of taking the young
Emperor out of the palace. Unfortunately, before he could make
more than five moves, he was captured by Shen Wuxian.
With a few painful croaks, the assassin’s face was flushed red and
the veins on his forehead looked like they were about to burst. His
moved his eyes with difficulty to look at Chi Zhao and opened his
mouth as if he wanted to say something but before he could do that,
Shen Wumian tightened his grip around his neck and broke it.
The assassin softly fell to the ground with his neck at a very
strange angle. Shen Wumian stared darkly at the damned assassin
on the ground in silence for a moment before turning to look at the
young Emperor who had his back against the door, too afraid to take
another step.
Just now, Shen Wumian had appeared too quickly, and Chi Zhao
hadn’t had the chance to notice his appearance. Chi Zhao only now
realised that he wasn’t dressed properly. He was wearing an inner
shirt and only had a robe on over that and he didn’t even tie his belt.
It was as if he had just got up from his sleep.
Chi Zhao had never seen him like this before. There was no
expression on his face and no temperature in his eyes. The eyes he
used to look at Chi Zhao was very strange, as if he was looking at an
object or something dead.
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Shen Wumian had rushed all the way over to the palace from the
prince regent mansion. This attack had happened too suddenly. The
other party had sent a total of twenty people all of whom are top
masters and are very familiar with the palace. He had clearly
replaced the people inside and outside the palace with his people,
but these people were able to enter effortlessly. Unless there was
someone inside helping them, that would be impossible.
Shen Wumian instantly recalled that in his previous life, Chen Yi
had also secretly replaced his people and plotted together with
people outside such that before he could even react, his power and
everything he possessed was stripped away.
He didn’t have the time to think about these things when he heard
about the assassins and he also didn’t even have the time to put on
his clothes properly before he anxiously hurried over. All that was
on his mind as he hurried over was the young Emperor.
Not knowing who those assassins were, what he feared the most
was that those people were really assassins who had come to take
Chen Yi’s life.
But just now, he clearly saw that when the assassin was dying, he
didn’t forget to remind Chen Yi to run away.
As it turned out, this was Chen Yi’s person.
It also explained why the assassin and Chen Yi were standing by
the door when he arrived. It was because they were about to leave
this place.
Shen Wumian’s current appearance almost resembled a hellish
Shura. His eyes were completely bloodshot and even the ends of his
eyes were slightly blood red because of excessive anger and
coldness. It rendered the system too afraid to speak.
【 W-w-w-what’s he planning to do? Is he going to kill you?!
Wuwuwu Host, please don’t die!——】
At first, Chi Zhao was also scared but with the system crying out
like that, he was no longer scared. He didn’t know where that
courage of his came from, but he was able stand calmly in front of
Shen Wumian and look back directly into his eyes.
Shen Wumian laughed soundlessly. His face was still stained by
blood from who knows where. No matter how handsome Shen
Wumian was, such a laugh could scare another person’s soul away,
let alone his. His voice was terrifying, like a murmur from the death
“Can Your Majesty tell this official where you plan on going?”
Chi Zhao looked at him and then looked at the assassin on the
ground who had been killed very miserably. He opened his mouth,
He wanted to say that he was looking for him, but Shen Wumian
didn’t give him a chance to continue. He suddenly exploded and
grabbed the young Emperor’s neck the same way he had choked the
assassin. With a bang, the back of Chi Zhao’s head knocked against
the thick door panel causing him to immediately see gold stars in his
vision. Shen Wumian’s hand gripping his throat had blue veins
bulging out. It looked like he was using a lot of strength and even
had the desire to directly break Chi Zhao’s neck right then and there.
But in fact, Chi Zhao could still talk, and he didn’t feel particularly
painful. Shen Wumian wanted to apply more strength to prevent Chi
Zhao from speaking anymore but he couldn’t tighten his hands
anymore because he knew that the neck in his hand wasvery fragile
and not even one tenth to that of the assassin from earlier. As long
as he exerted a little more force, the other party wouldn’t be able to
live and would turn into an empty corpse with blank eyes, ever able
to move again.
Chi Zhao closed his eyes to recover from the impact and then
opened his eyes again to look back at Shen Wumian. His expression
appeared to be a little painful and his speech also became slower, “I
wasn’t planning on escaping. I was going to find you….You’re
bleeding. Let me go first…..”
After saying that, Chi Zhao stretched out a hand to touch his left
shoulder. Shen Wumian was taken aback. He lowered his head and
only then realised that he was injured. It was even a rather deep
wound. He didn’t know when it had happened. He only now felt
sharp pain there. The plier like grip finally loosened. Chi Zhao who
was caught unprepared collapsed directly onto the ground.
The assassins were very quickly dealt with. Hong Lei who was
unable to perform her duties was sent to be punished according to
the regulations. The so-called punishment was ten lashes. One lash
was enough to kill Chi Zhao. Although Hong Lei’s body as tougher,
she was also a woman so after receiving ten lashes, it was estimated
that she would not be able to return to her duties for at least two or
three months.
After leaving people behind to guard the palace, Shen Wumian
arranged for another four people to protect Chi Zhao. Those four
people were all shadow guards. Chi Zhao originally had one by his
side but now he had four. It was evident that Shen Wumian’s
attitude towards him had changed.
As for Shen Wumian himself, he hurriedly left after everything
was settled. Chi Zhao sat in the brightly lit room, watching Shen
Wumian’s leaving figure and felt that he looked like he was running
After busying for half the night, Chi Zhao thought Shen Wumian
wouldn’t return but just when he was about to doze off, a figure
approached him. Chi Zhao dazedly opened his eye and saw that it
was Shen Wumian so he immediately stood up, “How is your
shoulder injury?”
It wasn’t a question about the assassins or whether he managed
to catch the real culprit responsible for this. Even despite revealing
his intent to kill the young Emperor earlier, the young Emperor’s
first reaction when he saw him was to ask about his shoulder injury.
Shen Wumian stared at Chi Zhao for too long. Chi Zhao stood
there cautiously and changed his tone from easy-going and intimate
to the usual restraint and politeness, “Imperial Uncle, are you
Shen Wumian’s voice was very hoarse. He shook his head, “This
official is fine. Apologies for worrying Your Majesty.”
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Chi Zhao frowned. The four guards next to him were like pillars.
They didn’t raise their heads or speak in attempt to minimise their
presence. Although their master didn’t say anything that revealed
weakness, but with that tone and that expression of his, anyone
could tell that he was showing his weak side to the young Emperor.
The four guards didn’t dare breathe. Chi Zhao who heard this
immediately moved closer.
The young Emperor was still growing and right now he only
reached Shen Wumian’s shoulders. He raised his hand and pulled
way Shen Wumian’s clothes. When he saw the wound that wasn’t
bandaged or treated at all, he showed a rare trace of anger,
“Imperial Uncle! Do you have a death wish?! Someone get the
imperial doctor here!”
The shadow guards hesitated for a moment. Shen Wumian had his
back facing them and they couldn’t see their master’s expression or
understand what he was thinking. After some thought, the guards
responded and quickly left.
The imperial doctor came very quickly. When he saw that he was
going to treat the prince regent, his legs trembled and he almost fell
onto his knees.
The imperial doctor was specifically for the Emperor while other
doctors were used for the rest of the royal family. Before coming, the
imperial doctor had heard about the prince regent leading his troops
to the residences of seven officials in the middle of the night, directly
killing one in their sleep and dragging the rest out to behead three of
them and imprison the rest.
If people used to express dissatisfaction with the prince regent’s
actions thinking that he was too obsessed with power, then the
people now don’t even dare express dissatisfaction. It was basically
the act of a tyrant! Convicting people without a proper investigation,
what if those people were innocent?
The imperial doctor didn’t know about the assassination attempt
and had just thought that it was something else. As he applied
medicine for the prince regent, he didn’t show it on his face but he
was already crying inside. He just wanted to quickly finish applying
and leave this place. The young Emperor however watched from the
side and would express dissatisfaction from time to time, “Why are
you applying so much powder? Do you even know how to do it
The prince regent was a tyrant but this Emperor here was not
much better.
For a moment, the imperial doctor felt like he could foresee the
country’s tragic future.
After finally finishing applying the medicine, the imperial doctor
hurriedly withdrew. Because of the medicine just now, Shen
Wumian had taken off his clothes and the shadow guards were also
ordered to leave so at this moment, it was only the two of them in
the room. Shen Wumian dressed himself and pursed his lips for a
moment before speaking, “This official has wrongly accused Your
Majesty. Asking for Your Majesty’s punishment.”
Hearing this, Chi Zhao’s heart trembled. Stop joking around.
You’re asking me to punish you? Do you think I’m going to fall for
Chi Zhao chuckled and planned to brush it off, “Stop joking
Imperial Uncle. Zhen has never blamed Imperial Uncle. Having
busied about all night, Imperial Uncle must be tired. Why don’t
you take a rest here?”
With Shen Wumian’s rigid temperament, he would most definitely
not agree to staying overnight at the Emperor’s palace. Chi Zhao had
said those words with the intent to make him leave but contrary to
his expectations, Shen Wumian looked up at him and then
obediently nodded, “Thank you Your Majesty.”
Chi Zhao: “………..” You’re too good at going with the flow.
Shen Wumian rested there for an entire day. Even though it was
already chaotic outside, because there were four guards guarding
outside, not a fly could enter this place so all the officials clamouring
for the prince regent’s attention weren’t heard at all.
Chi Zhao looked bitterly at Shen Wumian’s sleeping appearance.
He didn’t know when his bed would be returned back to him.
What rule-abiding? Bah, that was all a lie.
The sky was already dark when Shen Wumian finally opened his
eyes. He was really tired from everything happening last night and,
with the anaesthetic effect in the medicine, he slept longer than
When he woke up, Chi Zhao had just finished his dinner. Chi Zhao
who heard movements behind him placed down the dark brown
bowl in his hands and turned to look back, “Imperial Uncle is
awake. Wait a little, Zhen will pour you a cup of tea.”
Shen Wumian didn’t like having people serving him closely so
today, no palace maids or eunuchs dared to come in. Only the ones
who usually brought the young Emperor food dared to come in a
few times. At this moment, there were two bowls of medicine on the
table. Shen Wumian slowly sat up and paused when he saw it.
His gaze lingered on those two bowls of medicine. After looking at
it for a while, he got out of bed and approached the table. Chi Zhao
who was done pouring tea turned around and just happened to see
Shen Wumian pick up a bowl and raise it with the intent to drink it.
Chi Zhao’s eyes widened. He placed the teacup down, rushed over
and snatched it back. Because he had used too much force, half the
medicine spilt out onto the carpet.
“Wrong! This one is mine, that;s yours!”
Seeing the young Emperor’s startled and frightened appearance,
Shen Wumian froze. As he placed down the bowl of medicine, Chi
Zhao continued, “Imperial Uncle, are you hungry? Do you need
Zhen to call for some food to be sent over?”
As for what the young Emperor was saying, Shen Wumian could
no longer hear it. Just like the medicine on the ground quickly losing
its temperature, his heart cooled down bit by bit. Right now, he only
had one thought in his mind
——- It turned out, he already knew.
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KK has something to say: !!!!
Chapter 93
Source: KK Translates


Falling into an ice cave with thunderstorms rumbling overhead.

That was probably how he felt right now.
When he discovered that Chen Yi had betrayed him in his last life,
Shen Wumian didn’t lose his mind like how he did now. He stood
there stiffly, unable to speak. His face that was already pale due to
blood loss was now even more pale. Chi Zhao picked up the other
bowl of medicine but before he could even give it to Shen Wumian,
he noticed the abnormality in him. Holding the bowl, Chi Zhao
subconsciously frowned and then his expression froze briefly.
But compared to Shen Wumian’s pale and frozen appearance, Chi
Zhao was a lot calmer. Even if his expression did change, it was only
for an instant. Very soon, he returned to his usual appearance. He
gently placed the bowl back down and his eyes glanced at the
stained carpet on the ground.
That act of his told Shen Wumian that he was brewing over his
words. After lowering his head for a moment, Chi Zhao raised his
overly thin face and opened his mouth but before he could say
anything, he saw Shen Wuman take step back as if he was avoiding a
torrent of monsters. The eyes he used to look at Chi Zhao were filled
with avoidance and disbelief and there were also a lot of other
emotions in there that Chi Zhao couldn’t understand.
Something like this also happened a while ago but at that time Chi
Zhao was the one who retreated. At that time, Chi Zhao had knocked
into a low stool and as a result required bed rest for several days.
Shen Wumian this time also knocked into something. He directly
knocked into the table, causing it to fall over. Following the sound of
a loud crash, the four guards outside immediately rushed in.
Their expressions were filled with vigilance and killing intent and
their well-trained behaviour stunned Chi Zhao such that he even
forgot what he was going to say.
When he turned his attention back to Shen Wumian, he saw that
there was no longer anyone in front of him. Shen Wumian had put
on his coat and quickly left the inner hall of the palace. His pace was
no longer the usual calm pace and he even staggered a few times. It
was the guards first time seeing their master like this. After
exchanging a look, they didn’t know what to do and could only
quietly retreat, closing the door behind them.
Chi Zhao looked over at the table Shen Wumian knocked over as
well as the two bowls of medicine that were toppled over as a
consequence. The expression on his face slowly sank.
That unintentional slip up just now seemed to have revealed to
Shen Wumian that he already knew about the poison in the
medicine. That wasn’t anything major yet why did Shen Wumian
react like that after he discovered that fact? It was as if…..he couldn’t
accept it.
Thinking of a possibility, Chi Zhao’s face turned green.
Everything was already set up for him, but he still managed to
ruin it all?!
【The common people are so happy~】
Chi Zhao: “……The plot has collapsed again. Can you really be
【 So what if the plot has collapsed again? It doesn’t matter, I’m
used to it now. Moreover, we’re no longer relying on following the
plot to get success points, we’re making the protagonist suffer.
The system deliberately paused for a moment, successfully raising
Chi Zhao’s curiosity. Its alluring laughter rang in Chi Zhao’s mind
and ears.
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【 Hahahahahahahaha I don’t care anyway. As long as the
protagonist is not happy, I’m very very happy! Just like this, keep it
up and torture him to death. Don’t stop! Hahahahaha!】
Chi Zhao: “………..”
Chi Zhao was very frightened. He didn’t know when the system
had gone mad.
He clearly knew that it was poison but he still drank it. He clearly
knew what he was doing but he didn’t say anything. As it turned out,
Chen Yi knew everything from the very beginning. He was indulging
him, accommodating him. Everything he was doing probably looked
like a joke to him.
No. That’s not it. It wasn’t even a joke.
He only did it because he thought he liked him but in fact the
person he likes was still locked up in the dungeon. He—–Shen
Wumian, the so-called prince regent, is a liar, a substitute’s
substitute, the most despicable and ignorant pitiful creature.
Shen Wumian stumbled back to his mansion. Someone behind
him wanted to approach him. Shen Wumian’s inner irritation and
anger finally had an outlet. He turned around and shouted angrily,
There was a group of people kneeling behind him. Everyone had
their heads hanging low as they kowtowed on the ground, fearing
the prince regent’s wrath.
But Shen Wumian became even more angry after seeing this.
No, it’s all wrong!
They shouldn’t be doing this to him. They should be kowtowing to
their king and he wasn’t the king, he was just an official who assists
the king. Chen Yi also shouldn’t be acting humble and obedient to
himself, let alone remain so silent. He was the Emperor, the most
noble person in the worlds. Why…..why…….
Why was he able to so easily……give up his own life?
——- It was because the person who wanted him to die was the
‘loved one’ who was more valuable than his own life.
The hideous and terrifying expression slowly returned to normal
and the prince regent quietly stared at the group of people before
him on the ground. Just like the current environment, his heart was
very silent.
Time trickled by hellishly slowly. Finally, they heard the tyrant
who was still standing there speak: “Send all the people who
were locked up last night to the Criminal Interrogation Bureau. I
will personally interrogate them.”
The Criminal Interrogation Bureau was the first place the prince
regent took control over and was now completely under his
command. Once inside, one cannot get out again. The officials who
are still alive in there are destined to be met with tragic ends.
The palace was too big, and one person’s ability was too limited.
Chi Zhao sat in his room unable to calm down. He always felt that
something was about to happen, but it was also outside of his
abilities to stop it. He was just a puppet Emperor. Except for sitting
around and waiting, there was nothing he could do.
The palace was silent at night. Although he knew that there were
countless guards outside guarding the door, the surroundings were
so quiet, it felt as if Chi Zhao was the only one left in the world.
Sitting next to a lit bookcase, Chi Zhao suddenly reached out and
pressed a spot slightly below the collarbone.
Suddenly, a voice sounded.
【Feeling uncomfortable?】
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment, “A little. Probably ate
something strange earlier and feels a uncomfortable in the
The system quickly scanned Chi Zhao’s body when it heard this. In
fact, it also has a function of diagnosing illnesses, it was just that it
didn’t need to be used before. With this scan, it would be able to
know what kind of problem Chi Zhao was experiencing. After
confirming that it wasn’t anything dangerous, the system smiled
mysteriously and didn’t tell Chi Zhao the truth.
【 Don’t worry, it’s nothing. Go to sleep. You’ll be better after a
Chi Zhao shook his head, “Forget it. I’ll wait it out first.”
The system didn’t insist and accompanied Chi Zhao as he sat
there. On the other end, Shen Wumian personally watched the
officials who had colluded together to kidnap the young Emperor be
tortured until they no longer resembled humans. It was only when
the smell of blood filled his nose and the anguished cries echoed in
his ears did Shen Wumian finally feel a little better inside.
Among the group of assassins and officials captured by him, not
all of them went through the torture. There was one person who had
not been tortured until now and was just tied up to the side in
silence, watching his former colleagues and subordinates be
tortured with a deathly pale face.
At this moment, the sky was about to brighten up. Shen Wumian
stood up and approached this person as he looked at the other
bloodied humans in the room, “Lord Wei, this one here has
presented you with this return gift. How do you like it?”
Lord Wei was a left prime minister and he was also the one who
had asked for Chi Zhao’s opinion during court the other day. He’s
expression was gloomy, and he didn’t make any attempt to look at
Shen Wumian. The latter let out an inexplicable laugh, “I heard that
Lord Wei has a young son who is currently studying martial arts
at Qinghe Xietaifu’s place. This one here plans to invite the young
master back and allow him to reunite with his family. What does
Lord Wei think about this?”
The left prime minister quickly raised his head. The two of them
looked at each other. Although they were a few dozen years
different in age, the eyes of the two were surprisingly similar, both
cold and cruel. After a long period of silence. The left prime minister
suddenly laughed.
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“Shen Wumian.”
Since he had already reached this stage, the prime minister no
longer had any plans to return alive. He simply decided to call the
prince regent by his name. Hearing his name uttered, Shen Wumian
narrowed his eyes. Soon following that, he heard the prime minister
speak: “You are this angry, is it because this old man here tried to
pull you off your high horse or is it because this old man here
almost took His Majesty away from your side?”
Shen Wumian’s subordinate was still standing beside him. Upon
hearing those words, his eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he
controlled his body firmly, not allowing himself to move a single
inch and reveal his true emotions.
The prince regent and the young Emperor…….
He wished that he was deaf at this very moment. He didn’t want to
hear this secret and then be silenced later on!
The prince regent also laughed. His laughter was clear and deep,
very pleasing to hear.
“As expected of Lord Wei, those eyes of yours are very sharp.
So what if that is the case? You are now my prisoner.”
Lord Wei’s voice let out an unintelligible sound. It sounded like a
laugh, but it also sounded like a snort. Facing such an indifferent
looking Lord Wei, Shen Wumian couldn’t help but furrow his brows.
The latter just hung his head, the curve in his lips growing wider and
At first, it was just a low snicker and then it later turned into loud
laughter. Shen Wumian’s expression turned uglier and uglier as he
laughed. When he finally laughed enough, Lord Wei turned his head
and looked and the twenty something year old young prince regent
who was still clueless about love.
His eyes were sharp like an eagle and the words he spoke next
were like a curse, “How pitiful! His Majesty can like anyone but he
will never like someone like you! You restrained his freedom,
seized his authority, controlled his life and erased all of his
connections with others. Hahahaha, His Majesty can fear you and
hate you but the love that you want from him is impossible!”
The subordinate’s head lowered even further. He didn’t dare look
at the prince regent’s face at this very moment. He didn’t dare but
Lord Wei dared. Despite hearing those words of his, Shen Wumian
was not as angry as he thought he would be and was instead calmer
than before.
Looking at those deep eyes that showed no fluctuations in mood,
Lord Wei was a little surprised.
For Shen Wumian, this left prime minister’s words indeed hit him
in a sore spot, but he wasn’t angry. It was because that was the truth.
If Chen Yi didn’t mistake him for someone else, if Shen Sixteen had
not saved Chen Yi at that time and they were strangers who met by
the water, then Chen Yi would definitely not come to rely on him, let
alone admire him. Their relationship would instead be like all the
other Emperor and official relationships, supporting the Emperor as
he grew up and then slowly drifting away. The moment the young
Emperor has grown his wings, the first person he would want to kill
would be the prince regent who had supported him and at the same
time have the ability to govern the court and country.
The left prime minister still wanted to say some more things
when someone entered. Shen Wumian saw that person come in and
went over without a thought. For the master to take the initiative to
greet his guard, this was the first time.
Th guard who had come over was one of the four left to guard the
Emperor. He whispered a few words causing Shen Wumian’s
expression to change and immediately leave.
The shadow guard had come over to report on the young
Emperor’s situation. The young Emperor had not slept for the first
half of the night and, although he was able to fall asleep in the
second half of the night, he woke up less than two hours later. Right
now, he was sitting dispiritedly in bed. The guard had wanted to call
the imperial doctor over out of concern, but the young Emperor just
waved his hand and said that he was okay, that he just couldn’t
The guard didn’t know whether this was something necessary to
be reported to his master and debated over it for a long time. It was
only when he saw the young Emperor hold a spittoon and dry heave
a few times that he decided to notify his master while another guard
called for the imperial doctor.
In the end, his master arrived faster than the imperial doctor.
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KK has something to say: Sorry for the wait guys!
Chapter 94
Source: KK Translates


When Shen Wumian arrived, Chi Zhao was still weakly holding the
spittoon, looking very weak, pitiful and helpless.
His brain felt like paste and everything he looked at spun. It spun
if he moved and it still spun even if he didn’t move. He also had the
urge to vomit from time to time. His body also affecting his spirit,
Chi Zhao’s words to the system were also lifeless, “Am I about to
die? Did the poison finally take effect?”
【What a joke. You only drank the poison for a few months. If it
could take effect this easily, did the original owner need to drink it
for three whole years? Don’t worry, you’re fine. You’ll be better after
you rest for a while.】
Chi Zhao was doubtful. Suddenly, he heard noises at the door. He
swallowed back the words in his mind and weakly raised his head.
When he saw Shen Wumian, he unsteadily placed down the spittoon
and made an attempt to sit up.
Like a gust of wind, Shen Wumian reached Chi Zhao’s side from
the door in a blink of an eye. He pushed Chi Zhao back down in bed
without a word and, with one hand supporting his shoulder, he
furrowed his brows and took in Chi Zhao’s current appearance with
a heavy expression.
Chi Zhao’s scalp felt numb being stared at like that by him. It gave
him a feeling that he was going to be scolded again. He shrank his
neck back and didn’t dare say anything. Shen Wumian however
didn’t scold him. He just very scarily turned his head away to look at
the shadow guards in the room, “What is going on? How have you
been serving him?!”
——–What on earth is going on? How have you been serving the
lady? If anything were to happen to Zhen’s beloved, Zhen will have
you all buried to accompany her!
This classic line from a period drama appeared in Chi Zhao’s mind
for a brief moment and Chi Zhao’s mind was a complete mess.
Chi Zhao for some reason felt that he wasn’t acting the role of a
slag Emperor and was instead playing the role of a tyrants favoured
concubine. He wasn’t even the official concubine and just a lover
without a status. After all, his life depended on Shen Wumian’s mood
and love.
Chi Zhao found this scene particularly funny and he smiled a little.
His appearance right now however was just too fragile, as if a gust of
wind could easily topple him over, so he couldn’t express himself
very well. He thought he had raised the corners of his lips as his eyes
habitually lingered on Shen Wumian’s face but when Shen Wumian
saw his current appearance, his heart ached severely.
Just the act of reprimanding someone could make him happy to
this extent.
All his previous abuse and suppression were indeed successful.
The young Emperor who was originally arrogant and noble had now
completely lost his identity and recognition from others. He was
gradually becoming a real puppet.
Shen Wumian’s hand holding Chi Zhao’s shoulders tightened
subconsciously. Chi Zhao felt some pain and couldn’t help moving
his shoulders a little. Shen Wumian who noticed this immediately let
him go and then hid his hands inside his sleeves. At a place that
couldn’t be seen by others, his hands clenched and loosened and
then loosened and clenched.
Not long afterwards, the imperial doctor arrived. The imperial
doctor that came was not the same one who helped treat Shen
Wumian. This one was more courageous and not as scared of Shen
Wumian as the one from earlier. The imperial doctor calmly took Chi
Zhao’s pulse and after a while, he opened his eyes, stroked his beard
and said a bunch of things while shaking his head.
The rough meaning was that the young Emperor had hit his head
and would require taking medicine for a period of time to address it.
Vomiting and dizziness was normal, and he would be fine after some
In modern terms, it was a concussion.
Hearing those words, a line of words appeared in Chi Zhao’s mind.
——You are ill, in the head, death will await if not treated.
Chi Zhao: “……..”
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After hearing the imperial doctor’s diagnosis, Chi Zhao showed no
reaction. On the other hand, Shen Wumian’s expression became
even more unsightly. He didn’t say anything, nor did he stop the
doctor from prescribing medicine and he just sat there silently,
exuding coldness in all directions. The imperial doctor was very
different from the one last time. He only raised his eyes slightly to
glance at the prince regent before lowering his head again to write
out the prescription.
Once done, he stood back up and bowed at Chi Zhao, “This official
will take his leave.”
He then proceeded to leave, the entire time not paying any
attention to Shen Wumian.
Except for Shen Wumian, the rest of the guards, the system as well
as Chi Zhao all had the same thought in their minds: Amazing.
Having ascertained that everything was okay, the shadow guards
tacitly didn’t ask how the young Emperor hit his head and went out
to do the tasks they should be doing, leaving only Chi Zhao and Shen
Wumian in the room. Shen Wumian motioned for Chi Zhao to lie
down. Chi Zhao very obediently and slowly laid back down under
the quilt. As Shen Wumian covered him up with the quilt, his large
dark sleeves brushed across Chi Zhao’s face, bringing along with it a
tiny smell of blood.
Chi Zhao gripped onto the quilt tightly and asked in a small voice,
“Imperial Uncle, did you kill someone?”
Shen Wumian’s actions paused. He looked at Chi Zhao straight in
the eyes, “Yes, this official has killed someone.”
Without needing to ask, Chi Zhao knew who he had killed. It was
most certainly the people behind the breaking in incident. After a
moment of silence, Chi Zhao asked another question, “…..Then can
you tell me who they are?”
Hearing this question, Shen Wumian didn’t immediately answer.
He was quiet for a moment before he spoke up, “The mastermind
was the left prime minister Lord Wei.”
This time there were a lot of people involved. Before this, Shen
Wumian knew that these people were colluding together, but he
didn’t know that they were planning on taking away the young
Emperor. In his previous life, Lord Wei was in the same group as
these people but at that time, Shen Wumian was dedicated to
assisting Chen Yi and had never shown any intention to seize power,
let alone take over the throne, so he had always been peaceful.
Even when the young Emperor imprisoned him in the end, he
heard Lord Wei persuade the young Emperor to continue to use
him. It was because in the eyes of Lord Wei, he was a rare loyal
He had changed and the court had also changed accordingly. The
prime minister who was dedicated to supporting the young
Emperor also changed.
Chi Zhao was immersed in his own thoughts and wasn’t paying
attention to Shen Wumian so he didn’t see Shen Wumian’s face
suddenly becoming pale.
If he could change and Lord Wei could change, why did he still feel
that Chen Yi would not change?
From the time he was reborn, this life had been completely
different. He had clung stubbornly to the mistakes made by the Chen
Yi in his previous life but the Chen Yi in this life clearly had not done
anything; he hadn’t met Sixteen and he also hadn’t done anything to
wrong himself. He on the other hand blindly tried to hurt him and
even wanted to kill him.
A thought capable of subverting all of Shen Wumian’s thoughts
suddenly appeared in his mind.
Chen Yi could change. If he induces it a little, the Chen Yi in this
life may fall in love with himself and become infatuated with him.
The reason why he treated Shen Wumian like that in the previous
life was because the person he loved was Sixteen but what if he
really fell in love with Shen Wumian? Then would he treat him like
how he treated Sixteen and be willing to devote himself completely
to him and love him deeply?
All the anger in the world comes from dissatisfaction. Shen
Wumian had never been so clear in the heart before. His
dissatisfaction had at some point in time changed. The hate he once
had was due to Chen Yi’s betrayal and humiliation but now what he
hated was that the person Chen Yi met first was not himself.
His dissatisfaction was very simply put: Unwillingness to accept
this truth.
He had everything Sixteen had and he also had everything Sixteen
didn’t have. Why was it that just a single life-saving act could take
away all of Chen Yi’s attention and heart? If Chen Yi loving Sixteen
was because of fate/life, then he was also willing to give up his
fate/life to Chen Yi in exchange for his attention and love. (KKnotes:
命 was used to here and it could mean both fate and life)
Such a method may be a bit despicable, but he was that kind of
person. Only when Chen Yi loves him will he be able to cast
everything aside. Only when Chen Yi belongs to him will he be able
to lower his guard and give him a sincere promise lasting for an
While alive, he would do everything he could to treat him well but
if he were to die, he would leave behind countless shackles and
methods to ensure that Chen Yi remains alone, until he reaches the
end of his life, until he once again reunites with him on the other
side of the Naihe bridge.
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This was a tyrant’s love. Not everyone could bear with it.
Fortunately, he had fallen in love with a real Emperor so he believed
that Chen Yi and himself were the same.
Chi Zhao: …..No, I’m not.
Chi Zhao ended his deep contemplation and moved his eyes
around until his gaze finally fell onto Shen Wumian’s face. Suddenly,
Chi Zhao’s expression became a little strange.
Somehow, Shen Wumian’s current expression looked very
familiar, as if he had seen it many times before. But where did he see
Oh, he remembered now. It was on Li Yihan’s face, on Louis’s face
and on Qi Yuyang’s face. Each of them had shown this kind of
ambitious and borderline mad expression.
Chi Zhao: “………” Oh no.
Noticing that Chi Zhao was looking at him, Shen Wumian
withdrew from his thoughts. He stretched out a hand and used his
cool fingers to cover Chi Zhao’s ear. After gently rubbing it a few
times, Shen Wumian whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Chi Zhao blinked a few times. It took him a while to realise that he
was referring to the incident from earlier where he slammed him
against the door panel. While Chi Zhao tried to convince himself that
it was just his own imagination, he smiled stiffly, “It’s okay Imperial
Shen Wumian didn’t speak anymore but he continued to look at
him both deeply and indifferently, as if he had unknowingly
managed to sort something out in his mind. What Chi Zhao feared
the most was Shen Wumian sorting something out in his mind. He
hesitated for a moment and asked tentatively, “Imperial
Uncle……..Is Lord Wei still alive?”
In the original plot, Lord Wei was one of the officials who would
come find the young Emperor with the intention to rescue him, but
the method used in the plot wasn’t breaking into the palace and
instead he secretly tried to contact the young Emperor. In the
original plotline, there was nothing about assassins raiding the
palace. Something like this happened probably because of Shen
Wumian’s tyrannical actions as of late angering the left prime
In any case, Chi Zhao still wanted to bring the plot back onto its
Staring into Chi Zhao’s eyes, Shen Wumian silently nodded.
“Then…..Will you kill him?”
Shen Wumian retracted his hand and tossed the question back,
“Does Your Majesty hope that this official kills him?”
Chi Zhao’s expression turned even more strange. It was as if he
was saying ‘Why is it like this?’ and also as if he was saying ‘You see
that. I knew it.’.
Shen Wumian: “……….”
Holding the quilt with both hands, Chi Zhao asked nervously,
“What if, what if Zhen doesn’t wish for it?”
Although it wasn’t the answer he liked, it was the answer he had
expected. Shen Wumian smiled slightly and for the first time took up
an unconcealed pampering and compliant approach, “Then this
official will not kill him.”
Upon hearing this, the young Emperor’s expression instantly
turned into one of despair.
As expected of the Emperor’s heart. It really was difficult to
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KK has something to say: The ML just doesn’t want to follow the
original plot line………
Chapter 95
Source: KK Translates


Even if he managed to sort out some things in his mind, the prince
regent was still as usual a man of few words. The young Emperor
didn’t speak, and he naturally wouldn’t raise a new topic to talk
about so after the two exchanged a short conversation, they soon fell
silent. Shen Wumian moved his gaze away and looked at the burning
candle in the distance.
His voice was very low. Even in the already very quiet room, Chi
Zhao who was close to him heard him very clearly, “Your Majesty,
please rest. This official will step out for a moment and will
return soon.”
Chi Zhao was left speechless. He really wanted to say, Imperial
Uncle, it’s actually okay if you don’t come back!
After saying this, Shen Wumian got up and left. Chi Zhao blankly
watched him leave and felt that his brain that had turned into paste
was now a pot of greasy and fragrant rice porridge.
After the prince regent left, a shadow guard quietly entered and
looked inside only to see the thin Emperor lying in bed, looking
blankly and foolishly at the ceiling above.
This shadow guard had been in the palace for a long time, so he
already knew about the young Emperor’s feelings towards the
prince regent. Seeing him in that state, it didn’t require much
thought for him to be able to understand the situation.
Anyone would naturally hope that their loved one would care for
them while they are sick. With his master rushing over so quickly
after hearing about His Majesty’s condition and also not concealing
his concern and anxiousness, His Majesty naturally noticed it let
alone anyone else.
Look, he has already turned foolish with joy.
Chi Zhao had indeed turned foolish. Not only himself, the system
in his mind had also turned foolish.
Compared to Chi Zhao, the system had already mentally prepared
itself in advance but no matter how prepared it was, it didn’t expect
something like this to happen so quickly. It had been less than two
months since Chi Zhao came. In just those two months, how did the
plot that was deemed absolutely impossible to fail and absolutely
impossible to go off rail suddenly become like this?!
The system could even feel its data shaking and there were even
faint signs of data corruption.
【 No…..that’s impossible….How could it be, it’s impossible. How
did this happen…….】
The system couldn’t believe what it saw, even Chi Zhao couldn’t
believe it. He was in no better shape than the system. He collapsed
and cried out, “I really didn’t fucking do anything! The number of
times I met him could be counted using two hands. What the hell
is going on?!”
Chi Zhao felt a that things were a little strange after his outburst
but as for what was strange, he couldn’t tell. It was just faint feeling
that something was off. After shouting a few times inside, Chi Zhao
finally calmed down. He frowned in thought for a while and slowly
spoke up, “Forget it. I think I’m really not made for this. This is
already the fourth world and I still haven’t succeeded once. With
the plotline collapsing the moment I arrive, I’m even wondering if
I have a ‘Plotline Destructor’ skill…..”
The more he spoke, the more depressed he became. Chi Zhao
felt that his future didn’t seem bright and may have already
become completely dark. He decided to give up, “Since there is no
hope, let’s just forget about it. I’m not going to follow the plot
anymore and I’m not going to care about my task. I have already
lived long enough, and I have enough money. Although it’s
unfortunate that I can’t return and my parents will be very sad, I
can’t do much about it. Haa, after I die, I’ll try and appear in their
dream and let them know that it’s not that their son is not filial
but because he’s useless…….”
To emphasise how emotional he was feeling, Chi Zhao even
moved to wipe away his non-existent tears. Suddenly, an
astonishingly loud ding-dong sounded in his mind. Chi Zhao looked
over suspiciously but before he could make out what it was,
fluttering ribbons and gold confetti scattered about in his mind. The
effect resembled the effects one would see when they managed to
win a prize.
Chi Zhao, “…..What’s going on?”
As if it heard his question, the colourful celebration special effects
slowly faded and, without the system doing anything, a panel with
Chi Zhao’s success points suddenly appeared. On the original panel
with two numbers, there was now a third number. On the third line,
two Arabic numbers shone brightly. When put together, it formed
the number 10.
It seemed to be the success points issued for the last world. It just
had to be issued while his mood was at its lowest and it even
happened to be a perfect score…..
Chi Zhao suddenly felt that it may have been done deliberately to
coax him.
Chi Zhao called out hesitantly, “System, look at this…..”
Before he could finish speaking, an earth-shattering cry suddenly
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【Wahhhhhh! —— Even if success points are given, it’s useless! I
already have no reason for existing. I’m sorry for my name, I’m sorry
for the engineer who worked so hard to maintain the server. Ohhh,
I’m such a useless system——】
Chi Zhao: “…………..”
In all honesty, he had always felt that the systems so called dignity
and pride for its title was just an act, a lie, but now that he heard the
system’s cries, he felt that this system seemed to really care about
its work and responsibilities.
In the past, the system had used its data strand to comfort Chi
Zhao but today, it was the other way around. Chi Zhao tried to
mobilise his own spirit. This was a skill he had learned in the second
world but ever since he left the world where his spiritual powers
could be manifested, it had basically become useless. Since then, he
had only used it occasionally to threaten the system.
Despite threatening the system so many times, Chi Zhao never
did anything to it. Today was an exception. His spirit swayed
gently, like a mother swaying her own child; carefully and gently.
“Alright, alright, don’t cry. Didn’t we manage to get your
favourite success points? Although the plot has collapsed, we still
have an alternative. Uh…..From now on, I will do my best to abuse
the protagonist! Don’t you worry!”
The system sniffled a few times and was still suspicious.
“Really.” Chi Zhao nodded. “Alright, I’m sleepy so I’m going to
sleep. Don’t you like to sing? You can go sing. Sing until you’ve
sung enough and then come back. I’ll watch over the task here.”
Chi Zhao’s soft tone moved the system to tears.
“Wuu Thank you host…”
Chi Zhao smiled slightly and relaxed his body. Seeing that he was
getting ready to sleep, the system also slowly moved into the depths
of Chi Zhao’s mind. It however didn’t sing and just very quietly and
very well-behavedly began to do some self-cleaning.
After about half an hour, Chi Zhao didn’t open his eyes, but his
mind moved, making a panel with his success points appear again.
He stared at the three numbers on it with a slight frown before
closing the panel.
This time, he really fell asleep.
On the other side, the prince regent who had returned to the
Criminal Interrogation Bureau bought Lord Wei out and the two
talked about something behind closed doors. Those guarding
outside turned a blind eye and deaf ear to this and only did what
they needed to do with no intentions to disturb the two inside.
Just after midday, Lord Wei personally opened the door. He was
still wearing the pale linen prison uniform. When they saw that the
person who came out was Lord Wei, the people outside revealed a
faint look of surprise. Closely following Lord Wei was Shen Wumian.
He commanded, “Send the left prime minister back.”
Just that sentence answered a lot of questions. For example, Lord
Wei was still a high ranking official and had not been demoted and
for example, the prince regent did not have any intention to kill the
prime minister.
No one knew what agreement the two had reached but the left
prime minister’s expression was much better now compared to
when he first entered the room. As he left, he turned and glanced at
Shen Wumian with a complicated look which seemed to also hold
some pity.
Shen Wumian saw that look but he didn’t give any response. He
passed the prime minister and also strode off. The path the prime
minister headed in was the only way out the palace while the path
Shen Wumian took was in the opposite direction, leading directly to
the depths of the palace.
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Watching the prince regent’s figure gradually disappear along this
long red brick path, the prime minister sighed imperceptibly.
Regardless of whether the prince regent supported their
Emperor, as long as Shen Wumian was around, their Emperor would
not be able to have any queens. It is said that the two princesses
already have children. Should he go and take a look at those children
and then bring one back…..?
The prime minister Lord Wei slowly walked away as he worried
about the future of the country and its people. Afternoon passed by
very quickly. When Chi Zhao woke up, unsurprisingly, the first thing
he saw was Shen Wumian.
He was still sitting on the side of his bed, looking as if he hadn’t
left since the morning. Seeing that he was awake, he revealed a
smile, “Your Majesty would like to get up?”
The young Emperor laid in bed, looking at him without blinking.
His current appearance was a little different from his usual
appearance. His eyes were empty, without the usual warmth and
vitality. It was completely different from the ones Shen Wumian was
familiar with.
Shen Wumian’s heart sank. He pursed his lips. However, in a blink
of an eye, that unfamiliar young Emperor was gone and the young
man before him smiled faintly, “Imperial Uncle is here again.”
The young Emperor didn’t usually see Shen Wumian and now that
he was seeing him so many times the past few days, it was normal
for him to be surprised. Shen Wumian however lowered his eyes
slightly and didn’t respond for a while. He comforted himself inside.
It takes more than one cold day for the river to freeze three feet
deep so melting that ice will take more than a day of warmth. As
long as he slowly persevered, Chen Yi wouldn’t say that again.
As he optimistically reassured himself, Chi Zhao on the other end
weakly sat up. Shen Wumian who saw this hurriedly tried to help.
Chi Zhao didn’t refuse but after he managed to sit up with his
support, he looked outside. Seeing that it was already dark, he
smiled faintly, “It is already night.”
The delicate young man speaking so softly to him was just too
obedient. Shen Wumian’s naturally cold and stiff expression couldn’t
help but soften slightly, “How is Your Majesty feeling? Still dizzy?”
The young gently shook his head, “Not dizzy anymore.”
Although he said he was no longer dizzy, after he shook his head a
few times, his actions still stopped for a moment, as if he was
stabilising himself. Shen Wumian’s hands around the young
Emperor tightened a little and the expression that softened slightly
earlier once again turned a little ugly. But taking into consideration
the person next to him, he didn’t reveal that and just forced himself
to smile, thinking inside that he still needed to appease that young
Emperor’s fragile and sensitive heart.
If the other party was really the young Emperor, it would
naturally work. Chen Yi may be the Emperor, but he was in fact still
a teenager. He was still growing so no matter how emotionally or
mentally mature he was, he couldn’t compare with Shen Wumian
who had spent his life in military. Chi Zhao however was different.
Chi Zhao looked at Shen Wumian with a smile. Seeing that had
recovered somewhat and no longer felt uncomfortable, he received
the teacup Shen Wumian handed over and took a sip.
“Imperial Uncle, it is night now. Why has Zhen’s tonic not been
delivered yet?”
Seeing the colour on Shen Wumian’s face slowly fade away and
him sitting there stiffly, unable to speak, Chi Zhao smiled faintly and
struck while the iron was hot to plunge another knife into his heart.
“The servants must have forgotten. If Hong Lei was here, it
wouldn’t be like this.” Chi Zhao lowered his head and rubbed the
teacup in his hands, “Hong Lei is good. She can always remember
Imperial Uncle’s orders. Imperial Uncle…….”
The young man raised his head timidly. After the prince
regent’s attitude changed drastically since his rebirth, the young
man made his first ever request, “Can you bring Hong Lei back?
Zhen will be good and won’t do anything to make Imperial Uncle
angry again so……just like before, bring Hong Lei back to serve
Zhen. Don’t send over so many people, okay?”
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KK has something to say: Let the abuse begin!
Chapter 96
Source: KK Translates


Although the sudden appearance of the full score rating from the
last world didn’t make the system happy, its effect on Chi Zhao was
still very powerful.
Chi Zhao regained his confidence in an instant and completely
abandoned his goal of following the plot.
Following the plot was useless because the protagonist never
plays his cards according to the usual routine but making the
protagonist suffer was too easy, especially when the protagonist
already likes him.
Humans would die for money and birds would die for food. Chi
Zhao could now deeply understand this line. No wonder people
always say that having money can even make ghosts work. If you
give money and the ghosts don’t work, it wasn’t a problem with the
work but the amount paid. The amount was just not large enough!
The magnanimous little ghost Chi Zhao thought this.
He was still looking at Shen Wumian. The latter then dejectedly
lowered his head, not daring to look at him. After a long period of
silence, he slowly raised his head. It seemed that he was able to
gather up his emotions during this time and Chi Zhao couldn’t see
the emotions he wanted to see in his eyes.
As expected of a pro.
Chi Zhao continued to maintain a simple and cowardly
appearance. At the same time, he thought blankly inside, ‘With those
skills of his, debuting as an actor wouldn’t be problem’.
“……..Hong Lei will return after a while.” Shen Wumian finally
spoke while Chi Zhao’s mind was in the clouds. His voice was calm,
with no sense of strangeness to it. It was as if the person who had
just had his heart pierced wasn’t him, “The tonic……someone will
soon bring it over.”
Shen Wumian didn’t lie. After about the time it took to burn half a
stick of incense, an eunuch walked in with a bowl of black
concoction. Chinese medicine are all the same colour so Chi Zhao
couldn’t tell whether or not it was the same was the one from
before. He could only call out to the system, “System, stop singing.
Come and scan this for me. Is this still poison?”
The system who was called out quickly gave it a scan. It was silent
for a moment and didn’t speak.
Chi Zhao was puzzled, “Why aren’t you speaking? It can’t be
【I don’t want to live anymore.】
Chi Zhao: “………..” Seems like it’s not poison.
The system was in so much despair, it would often say nonsense
like this. Chi Zhao was used to it so he ignored it. He stretched out
his hand to pick up the bowl of medicine, but Shen Wumian did it for
him. He picked it up and stirred it with a spoon for a while to cool it
down. Chi Zhao waited patiently as he did this. When Shen Wumian
felt that the temperature was just right, he scooped some of it using
the spoon and brought it to his own lips.
Once he made sure it wasn’t hot anymore, he brought it over to
Chi Zhao’s lips.
Chi Zhao almost couldn’t hold back his true emotions.
He looked at that small porcelain spoon speechlessly and
hesitated for a moment before obediently opening his mouth and
drinking the medicine. Shen Wumian soon brought another spoonful
over and Chi Zhao again obediently drank it. After doing this a few
times, there were still two thirds of the medicine left.
…..Chi Zhao couldn’t stand it anymore.
This medicine was originally difficult to drink and being fed one
spoonful at a time like this was simply torture for him. At first, Chi
Zhao could bear with it but that bitterness in his mouth later grew
stronger and stronger to the point that Chi Zhao felt like he was
about to vomit. Finally, he spoke up with an aggrieved look, “Im-
Imperial Uncle, let Zhen do it. It’ll be faster that way.”
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Shen Wumian was stunned for a moment. For a moment he didn’t
understand what he meant but he soon reacted. He couldn’t help but
let out a soft laugh. He was originally very good looking so laughing
lowly like that was foul play. Chi Zhao’s ears turned red. In order to
hide it, he no longer cared about whether Shen Wumian agreed and
snatched over the bowl of medicine. With the attitude of a brave
warrior, gulp, gulp, gulp, he drank it all down.
Seeing him drink it so hastily, both the eunuch and Shen Wuman
were shocked. The former was afraid of Shen Wumian’s wrath. After
all, the prince regent had been moody these days and no one dared
to provoke him. The latter on the other hand was purely just afraid
of the young Emperor choking.
The eunuch received the empty bowl and then reached over to
pick up the handkerchief, but the prince regent was one step ahead
of him. In a blink of an eye, the handkerchief was in the prince
regent’s hand and used to wipe away the residual medicine by Chi
Zhao’s lips. Once done, that handkerchief wasn’t thrown back onto
the tray and instead folded up and stored away in the prince
regent’s clothes.
The young Emperor was too busy enduring the bitter aftertaste in
his mouth, so he didn’t notice this, but the eunuch witnessed it all.
Shen Wumian had done it so skilfully and naturally; as if it was a
matter of course for him to hide things used by the Emperor. The
eunuch stared wide eyed for a moment and even temporarily forgot
about his own identity. Shen Wumian gave him a faint look, the
coldness in his eyes making the eunuch tremble and quickly lower
his head. The eunuch then proceeded to quickly retreat out of the
During the implicit and conservative ancient times, many things
carry very special meanings and it wouldn’t be given to others
thoughtlessly. This included things like jade pendants, folding fans
and the likes as well as items that should only be given between
couples like brocades and hairpins.
Shen Wumian also knew that his behaviour wasn’t very
gentlemanly, but he had done it out of impulse. The young
Emperor’s ‘unintentional words’ just now left his heart heavy and
despite reassuring himself that it would take time, he still felt very
uneasy and wanted to secretly take away something belonging to
the young Emperor to calm himself a little.
Chi Zhao raised his eyes and was immediately met with Shen
Wumian’s gaze. Looking into the dark eyes that seemed like it could
almost suck him in. Chi Zhao blinked a few times and let out a faint
He shouldn’t speak hurtfully too often. If he did, Shen Wumian
would notice that something wasn’t right. It didn’t matter, there was
still plenty of time. Chi Zhao may not have anything else, but he had
a lot of time.
As a result of the past two days, Chi Zhao’s biological clock
seemed to have turned upside down. After staying up until midnight,
Chi Zhao finally felt sleepy. Shen Wumian who had been staying
there the entire time finally said that he would leave when he
noticed this. Lying on the bed, Chi Zhao closed his eyes and could
sense that the lights outside had been extinguished. He rolled over
lazily and continued to brew in sleepiness.
The system who had lost its will to live had been watching his and
Shen Wumian’s interactions all this time. At this moment, it couldn’t
help but ask a question.
【Why are you able to do it this time?】
Chi Zhao was quiet for a moment and then he rubbed his eyes,
【 Weren’t you too soft-hearted to abuse to the protagonist
before? Why are you able to do it this time?】
Although Chi Zhao didn’t speak, the system understood what he
was thinking. He was wondering why the system was asking such an
obvious question.
System: “…….” Although I live in your mind, I am not an actual
roundworm. Unless you actually form that thought properly in your
mind, I wouldn’t know what you are thinking!
Letting out a yawn, Chi Zhao softly replied, “Because, he is not a
good person.”
To return grievance with grievance and take revenge on those
who have wronged him, there was nothing wrong with that. Shen
Wumian however didn’t do that and instead took his anger out on
many people indiscriminately. Based on his actions, he clearly didn’t
care much about human lives.
In his eyes, it didn’t matter if the person obstructing his goals was
But that was also very normal. Shen Wumian was a politician and
military strategist. With such a status, if he cared about a few the
lives, he would long be dead.
Chi Zhao didn’t think that he was wrong because of this so he
didn’t give him the label of a bad person. After all, people go down
different roads, experience different lives and make different
decisions. Chi Zhao wouldn’t criticise him for that, but he also
wouldn’t sympathise with him.
He just felt that they were of different values.
The system didn’t speak for a while. It felt that the protagonist
this time was probably the most unfortunate one out of all the
worlds. Chi Zhao’s character was one that disliked tyrants but things
like getting rid of dissidents and murdering indiscriminately had
already been done by Shen Wumian and it had reached Chi Zhao’s
ears through Hong Lei. If he wanted to make Chi Zhao fall in love
with him, it was likely a very difficult endeavour.
What an unfortunate protagonist.
The more the system thought about it, the more emotional it felt.
It even let out a emotional laugh.
【Oh right, I will soon be participating in the preliminary rounds.
At that time, I will be away for about half a month——–】
Before it could finish speaking, Chi Zhao had already casually
waved his head, “Okay, I understand. Go on, I can handle
everything myself.”
【You won’t be alone. There will be a substitute system coming to
replace me.】
Chi Zhao who was originally not paying too much attention to the
conversation suddenly became interested. He asked curiously,
“Who? One your brothers or sisters? Are they also a slag shou
【That I do not know. It has not been arranged yet. In any case, it
will definitely be a reliable system so don’t worry.】
Chi Zhao heard this and nodded in agreement, “I believe that.
There cannot be a system more unreliable than you.”
System: “………..”
Just a small concussion actually made Chi Zhao rest in bed for a
whole month. It couldn’t be helped, the medical skills in this world
was just too poor. Furthermore, Chi Zhao’s physique also wasn’t
good, so it took all kinds of top-quality medicine to allow him to
recover after a month. If he was born into an ordinary family, he
would have probably had to be bedridden for three or five years.
Of course, if he was born into an ordinary family, he wouldn’t
have been poisoned.
After a two-month absence, Chi Zhao finally returned to court
wearing his golden robe. Having not seen the officials for two
months, Chi Zhao scanned through the crowd and noticed that there
were many new faces while the familiar faces seemed to be
wordlessly taking him in. They couldn’t help but have scheming
thoughts when they saw the Emperor’s visibly thinner figure and
pale face.
It was estimated that it wouldn’t be long for the Emperor to pass
away. They didn’t know if the prince regent was planning on taking
over the throne himself or supporting another puppet Emperor.
The court began. All the officials quickly stored away those
thoughts and knelt down to greet the Emperor. Chi Zhao who had
not been out for a month felt that everything was interesting, but he
really didn’t have much energy in him. After just walking that short
distance, he was already short of breath.
He didn’t know how the original owner managed to persist like
this for three years.
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Noting that the young Emperor didn’t seem to be in good spirits, a
look of chagrin flashed through Shen Wumian’s eyes.
He should’ve made him rest a little longer. It was probably too
much coming to court again so soon.
At the same time, his heart was also anxious and depressed.
Poisoning was easy but detoxifying that was hard. In his previous
life, he had hired countless top doctors but, in the end, he wasn’t
able to save himself. In this life the young Emperor hadn’t taken
much of the poison and he still remembered the same statements
those doctors gave so it shouldn’t be too difficult to treat it this time.
He used his memory to find the doctors who gave the same
responses and finally discovered that their knowledge all came from
the same source. With further investigation, it just coincidentally
happened that these top doctors were taught by the same doctor
while they were on duty in the hospital and that doctor just
happened to be an imperial doctor.
Seeing the name of the imperial doctor, Shen Wumian
remembered that he was the old doctor with strong personality who
was even indifferent to him.
In his previous life, that imperial doctor happened to have
returned to his hometown and after he left for who knows what
countryside, no one could find him. Shen Wumian had no intention
to let him leave in this lifetime.
Shen Wumian detained that person and also gave him a lot of
benefits with the request that he get rid of the toxins in the young
Emperor’s body. The old doctor however just listened with lowered
eyes while he drank his tea as Shen Wumian told him what poison
the Emperor was given and how much. He didn’t speak for a long
time. Shen Wumian waited patiently thinking that the case was
probably very difficult even for the old imperial doctor but after
finishing his cup of tea, the old imperial doctor looked up again and
appeared to be surprised.
That look of his seemed to say: Why are you still here?
Shen Wumian: “……..”
After some thought the old imperial doctor seemed to remember
what he had forgotten to say. He nodded, “My lord, take care
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KK has something to say: System: 【 I don’t want to live
anymore.】 HAHAHA Feeling bad for the system
Chapter 97
Source: KK Translates


Shen Wumian’s temper indeed wasn’t very good but he was also
someone who highly valued talent so even if the old doctor was rude
to him, he was able to silently endure it.
Concussion and detoxification treatment commenced together
and taking medicine daily had now become commonplace for the
young Emperor. As the saying goes, medicine is three parts poison.
The process of detoxification was also a slow poisoning process. It
was just that this poison was too subtle, too gentle, so even the top
doctor couldn’t avoid it.
Today’s weather was good. In addition to that, the court had also
been cleaned up thoroughly over the past month and those who
were dishonest and waiting for an opportunity to disturb the court
had been dealt with by Shen Wumian. During this period, there were
many who wanted to get close to the young Emperor and deal with
him first or use him to threaten Shen Wumian or even try to get in
between the young Emperor and the prince regent. At the beginning,
Shen Wumian would patiently stop their attempts but once he
started feeling irritated, all that patience was gone.
Shen Wumian released a eunuch he had imprisoned. That eunuch
was a spy who had been planted in the palace more than ten years
ago. As he had been very peaceful before and never came into
contact with anyone outside, Shen Wumian didn’t discover his
identity but a month ago, his master had asked him to secretly
approach the young Emperor, show his favour and to use that
opportunity to make the young Emperor rely on him.
In the royal setting, dependence was a very terrible world. It
meant that a person had a weakness. That eunuch had planned it out
very well. He believed that the young Emperor who had lost his
parents at a young age and grown up alone in the palace must be
very lonely. If he played the role of a father, the young Emperor
would most definitely fall for it. With this thought in mind, the
eunuch approached Chen Yi but before he could say a single word,
he was taken to the Criminal Interrogation Bureau by a shadow
guard who had been watching over him since a while ago.
The spy eunuch spent a week there. After he was released, Shen
Wumian ordered his subordinates to place a cage at the palace gate
and chained the eunuch up in there, allowing everyone going by to
see him very clearly.
All the officials had to go through the palace gate when they go to
court. That night, many of the officials had nightmares when they
returned. When they returned to court the second day, many of their
faces were fragile like gold paper and they could barely maintain the
demeanour and dignity of a court official. As for the thoughts they
had prior to this, they had long disappeared without a trace.
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Chi Zhao naturally didn’t know about all of this. Shen Wumian had
protected him very well. Every message that reached Chi Zhao’s ears
were only those that were approved by Shen Wumian. He would
never allow something as filthy as this to reach Chi Zhao.
After two days of peace, the officials below once again regained
their spirits. As long as they encountered a somewhat controversial
political case, they would instantly turn into the aunties at the
vegetable markets and would start arguing with their colleagues
until their faces were flushed red.
Chi Zhao silently watched the officials below, silently counting to
When the count reached twenty, an official suddenly fell onto his
knees and cried and wailed for a long time. The general gist of his
words was that if the Emperor didn’t listen to him, Chen Empire
would be finished.
When the count reached forty, another official who couldn’t stand
watching this jumped in. He picked up the crying official by his
collar, scolded him for being crying sissy and said that if he had the
ability, they should go out onto the field to have a proper showdown
with their swords.
When the count reached sixty, someone on the side watching over
the chaos pondered for a few seconds and instantly changed their
expressions into a tragic and solemn look. They cried out loudly,
“This is all because of official’s incompetence to be unable to
make the Emperor take back his order. Late Emperor, this official
would join you down there to make amends!”
Chi Zhao: “……”
In just sixty seconds, all sorts of acts were displayed before him.
Only after becoming an Emperor did Chi Zhao realise that it
wasn’t just a woman’s forte to act dramatic. It was even more so for
these civil servants before him.
When he finally left that chaotic court, Chi Zhao’s ears were still
buzzing, like there was a group of flies nearby. He slowly walked
back at a snail’s pace with Shen Wumian accompanying him by his
After being silent for a moment, Shen Wumian asked, “Today’s
court, what is Your Majesty’s opinion?”
Chi Zhao blinked lightly and answered quickly, “Um…. Everyone’s
in good spirits.”
Chi Zhao had made up his mind to be wishy washy so he naturally
wouldn’t give him any serious responses. Shen Wumian however
wasn’t angry when he heard Chi Zhao’s answer and didn’t think that
he was being perfunctory. Instead, he let out a low laugh and
continued looking ahead.
“The owner of Ye Zhetai went to Dongliang and used 36,000
taels of silver but reported to the Ministry of Civil Affairs 36, 824
taels. Both the minister and the supervisor there believe that he
had done it out of greed and embezzled 824 taels. The minister
advocated the dismissal of him, and the supervisor insisted that
he be imprisoned. They made it seem like it was a very serious
matter, but it was in fact embezzling just a mere 800 taels.
Although that amount could sustain an ordinary family for a few
lifetimes, it is nothing for those who have already achieved a
status as an official.”
A skinny camel is still larger than a horse. Chen Empire was also a
very wealthy country a few years ago. Although it was now
declining, there was still a lot of money in the treasury. As an official
with high authority in this country, if he was corrupt, tens of
thousands of taels wouldn’t be considered as a big amount for him.
After all, Ye Zhetai was equivalent to an official charity foundation in
modern society. It would receive donations every day and its annual
expenditure was also quite a large amount. It was indeed strange for
them to argue about a mere 800 taels.
Talking about something he was interested in; Chi Zhao’s
attention was drawn. He widened his eyes slightly and looked at
Shen Wumian curiously, hoping that he could tell him the answer.
Shen Wumian smiled and didn’t hide anything. He directly
gave him the answer, “The minister and supervisor are not
considered very influential officials but just by raising this issue
in court today, the reaction was very strong. The reason for this
was because the officials had more important things in mind and
that is, their own circumstances.”
“That owner of Ye Zhetai had entered and left the Beijiang
Mansion half a month ago. When he came out, his expression was
nervous and he accidentally tripped over the threshold, cutting
his face. The next day, the mansion closed its doors and Lord
Beijiang no longer went to court due to sickness. The officials all
have their own network of connections. From one to ten and ten
to a hundred, everyone soon found out about this and then today
Your Majesty made your appearance. Your Majesty, why do you
think they are doing this?”
Chi Zhao seemed to understand a little, “They want to show
loyalty to you.”
Lord Beijiang was also a high-ranking official with a status on par
to Shen Wumian. Before, he had always been high-profile and would
from time to time go against Shen Wumian in court. Chi Zhao knew
about this. With him suddenly becoming so quiet, Chi Zhao could tell
that something must have happened.
Shen Wumian slowly came to a stop. It was now the end of the
summer and it was no longer so hot especially with the occasional
autumn breeze. He reached out to straighten Chi Zhao’s clothes with
had come loose with his movements.
When Shen Wumian did this, his fingers would lightly sweep
across Chi Zhao’s chin a few times. Chi Zhao couldn’t help but purse
his lips and lower his eyes such that he didn’t look at Shen Wumian.
Shen Wumian didn’t do anything else, as if that action earlier really
was done unintentionally.
The smile on Shen Wumian’s face deepened, “Not only that,
they want to create an opportunity to attack Lord Beijiang’s
party. With this, they can not only strike Lord Beijiang while he’s
down and also show loyalty to me.”
So it turned out to be like this.
In troubled times, everyone is at risk and everyone wants to
protect themselves. Even the most non-corrupt officials would want
to protect their lives first and foremost. Lord Beijiang originally had
been going against Shen Wumian but now that Shen Wumian was
able to finally deal with him, others would most definitely follow.
Perhaps there were some officials who didn’t want to do this but
with everyone else arguing so passionately, they couldn’t stand
silently on the side. In the end, in order to go with the flow, they
joined in and that resulted in that vegetable market scene.
Chi Zhao couldn’t help but sigh. Shen Wumian had been calmly
watching him the entire time and, seeing that he was listening
carefully and deeply in thought, he slowly withdrew his hand and
said his next words with a natural expression.
“Your Majesty must learn to understand the officials minds.
There is only one Emperor in this world but there are countless
officials. Your Majesty can not learn about handling major
national affairs since there are officials who can help but Your
Majesty must learn about managing the officials.”
Chi Zhao was stunned. Was Shen Wumian wanting him to learn
how to govern a country?
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But after some thought, it made sense. The poison was no longer
given and the abuse that he had planned to do initially had now been
abandoned. The next thing to do following that was naturally to
return everything that originally belonged to him. After the initial
astonishment passed, Chi Zhao quickly gathered up his thoughts.
The cogs in his mind turned a few times and Chi Zhao lowered his
head, making himself look gloomy and wronged.
Staring at the tip of his toes for a while, he spoke in a very small
voice, “Imperial Uncle….Do you still not believe me?”
Shen Wumian was startled.
When the young Emperor is emotionally unstable or frightened,
he would forget to refer to himself using ‘Zhen’.
The eunuch and palace maids were standing three feet away from
them, so they didn’t hear the young Emperor just now. Shen
Wumian suddenly felt a little weak. He had tried to fix everything
and the past few days he had been with the young Emperor almost
every day, using his actions to express his sincerity but the young
Emperor never trusted him.
Closing his eyes, Shen Wumian suppressed his emotions and
said, “This one believes in Your Majesty and that is why I want
Your Majesty to learn how to govern the country and how to be a
good Emperor.”
Having said that, he took a step forward to rub the young
Emperor’s soft hair. But before he could touch it, the young Emperor
suddenly raised his head. That frail and pleading look in his eyes
made Shen Wumian stop and freeze in place.
Those sickly lips opened and closed and the words that were
spoken were like a blunt knife piercing into his heart. It hurt a lot,
but it didn’t bleed.
“Imperial Uncle, what do you want me to do, just tell me. I will
definitely be obedient so please…….Stop testing me, okay?”
Shen Wumian’s face paled with every word. In the end, there was
no colour left on his face.
As it turned out…..In Chen Yi’s eyes, everything he had been doing
these days were tests?
He thought that as long as he had enough patience, he could
convince Chen Yi to fall in love with himself but what if he had
completely lost Chen Yi’s trust? What if Chen Yi had been hurt so
badly by him, the wounds left behind couldn’t heal?
Shen Wumian’s expression was extremely poor, as if he was
rejected by the entire world, completely alone and helpless. Chi
Zhao looked up at him and didn’t say anything. He just turned
around in silence and left. The entourage behind them looked back
and forth between him and the prince regent who looked like he had
just been abandoned by his master before finally choosing to run
after the Emperor.
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KK has something to say: Chi Zhao: *Plunges knife into Shen
Wumian’s heart and twists it around a few times*
Chapter 98
Source: KK Translates


Passing through the imposing and high palace walls, Chi Zhao
didn’t directly return to his quarter and instead went to the empty
imperial garden abundant with flowers and birds.
The Emperor was still young, so his harem was empty. The former
Emperor however had many imperial concubines at first but when
he died, he had named several favourites of his to be buried with
himself. It just happened that those favoured concubines were
rather high in rank.
The imperial concubines with profound family backgrounds were
all buried and the remaining ones without background got lucky and
were sent to various imperial courtyards in Chen Empire to live
comfortably. Before the former Emperor passed away, he had
organised everything such that only the Empress was left by the
young Emperor’s side in order to make the mother and son’s life a
little easier in the future. Unfortunately, the Empress didn’t realise
the Emperor’s intentions and before the young Emperor could come
of age, she similarly left the world.
The former Emperor was a good Emperor and a good father. If he
didn’t inherit the throne and was born into an ordinary family, he
would probably also be a good husband.
Such a good man but unfortunately, he died too soon.
Chi Zhao didn’t let anyone follow him and he alone went to find a
large bluestone to sit on and enjoy the cool breeze.
The system was really surprised this time. It looked at Chi Zhao
suspiciously and then quietly listened in to Chi Zhao’s inner voice.
When it heard him calmly think about the former Emperor and his
harem, the system felt like its logic library was about to emit smoke.
It wasn’t uncommon for a goody goody to suddenly blacken. The
data each system came with contained various files that would help
it understand their hosts better. The system remembered that there
was once a host just like this and was too timid to do anything at the
beginning. When he was later forced into a dead end, he had
transformed into a demon who would swallow humans whole
without spitting out any of their bones. What conscience? What
compassion? He directly embarked onto the terrible road of clearing
every world successfully using no matter what means possible.
But the problem was, Chi Zhao wasn’t forced into a dead end nor
did he turn into a demon. His current state……how to put it, it was as
if he had suddenly come to an epiphany and no longer cared about
the people or things around him. As a result, he seemed to have let
everything go and could now do anything without any fear or
The system felt a little worried.
【Host, are you okay?】
Chi Zhao raised an eyebrow, “Why won’t I be okay?”
【 …… .Don’t you feel bad seeing Shen Wumian like this? I secretly
took a peek just now. He didn’t move at all and seemed to have been
hit hard by your words.】
Chi Zhao was noncommittal, “Isn’t that good? That’s what I
wanted. The more miserable he is, the more points I get.”
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【Then, this time you won’t fall for him?】
“I won’t.” Chi Zhao answered very quickly, as if he had already
prepared this answer in advance.
Chi Zhao’s gaze travelled over to the other side. There was a small
koi pond in the Imperial Garden. From Chi Zhao’s end, he couldn’t
see the koi in the koi pond, but he could occasionally see bubbles
appearing on the surface.
Chi Zhao’s tone was light and calm, “I won’t fall for anyone
until I go home.”
Chi Zhao had said similar lines many times before: “I don’t like
him, don’t worry”, “Are you kidding me? How can I like him?”, “I
definitely won’t fall for him!”, and every time Chi Zhao said it, the
system’s response was scornful, and it never took him seriously. Chi
Zhao was also the same. He had only said those words for the sake of
it but he naturally couldn’t control the future.
The system grabbed its fat data link and suddenly felt that his
words this time seemed to be a little different from the ones before.
Having spent so many years with the system, Chi Zhao knew that
although the system living in his mind may seem very intelligent,
almost indistinguishable from humans, it in fact couldn’t process
human emotions at all.
In other words, it could deal with emotions but just like a child, it
could only deal with the very basics. If it got a little more complex, it
wouldn’t be able to get its head around it.
Chi Zhao felt a little awkward talking to the system about
something like this. It felt like he was teaching a child bad things. But
even if he didn’t say anything, the curious system would probably
secretly listen to his inner thoughts when he is not paying attention,
so it was probably better to tell it directly.
After changing his sitting posture, Chi Zhao calmly replied,
“Because, I find it annoying.”
The system held its round data link in confusion. It didn’t know
why Chi Zhao found it annoying. From a human body’s perspective,
love should be like a drug for them, unable to quit, so how could he
find it annoying? Was there something wrong with Chi Zhao’s body?
But that wasn’t possible. Chi Zhao’s body was still in the hospital
so how could such a strange change suddenly happen?
As the system frantically tried to figure out what was going on,
Chi Zhao paused for a moment and continued, “I am the only one
who remembers what happened, only I feel lonely and sad. It’s
too unfair. You said that these worlds are real, so it means that
every one of the partings were real. Whether it is in my eyes or
their eyes, it’s the same. If you die, you die. It means that we will
never meet again, eternally separated.”
Thunder, rain and dew are all graces from God. It there is a God in
this world, then life is a gift from God, and death is also the same.
Everyone’s life has a beginning and end and there may be
unwillingness to leave but at least they know that they are not alone
when they go there. Lovers, friends and family would be there
waiting for them and they could also sit down in anticipation,
waiting for the day they are once again reunited.
But…….Chi Zhao didn’t have such an opportunity.
He had jumped out of the rules of the world and is now no longer
under God’s control. From that moment onwards, his world only has
a beginning but no end. No matter which world he would go to in the
future, he would be filled with memories of the past. Day after day,
year after year, he would perhaps get used to it, but it would most
definitely be a long and difficult process.
And that was why, it was really unfair.
The system had concealed a lot of things from him. This, Chi Zhao
knew. He also could tell that these worlds are probably not real.
What if these worlds were just some fake scripts written by
someone? What if it didn’t even involve a script and was just a
bunch of data shuffling everything around and self-improving after
every attempt?
Then what about him? And what about those people whom he had
given his heart to?
The more he thought about it, the more irritated he felt. It went
from irritation to anger, and anger to embarrassment.
Simply put, he no longer wanted to emotionally invest himself. In
any case, his goal was to go home. He wanted to be resurrected. He
was only twenty when he died and still had a bright future ahead of
him. That was also his only retreat, and also his home.
Chi Zhao felt that his thoughts were firm and rational, but the
system looked at his extremely cold expression and didn’t dare say a
single word for a very long time.
The system retreated into Chi Zhao’s mind. After going through its
own database for a long time, it finally managed to pull out an
“Encyclopedia of Host Behaviours” that came with it when it left
the factory from its pile of junk files.
After going through it for a long time, the system was finally able
to determine what Chi Zhao’s current mood was.
According to the book, Chi Zhao’s behaviour and mentality
indicated that he was sulking.
The encyclopedia could only help the system analyse the hosts
behaviour, but it couldn’t tell the system why the host was behaving
that way. But as long as it ensured that Chi Zhao was fine and not
emotionally stimulated, everything should be fine.
After all, there was a similar case before. The host had fallen in
love with their target, but the target didn’t like him back. In the end
the host got so angry, he let his emotions take control and he leapt
off the 88th floor of a building whilst dragging the target along. That
incident back then had left a large psychological shadow on both the
system and the target at the time.
Thinking about it now, the system felt that it was worrying
pointlessly. With Chi Zhao being so good and so kind, how could he
do something like that? If he was sulking…..His anger should be gone
after some time?
With this thought in mind, the system calmed back down and
continued to invest itself in its singing career.
Chi Zhao on the other hand stayed in the Imperial Garden for a
while and then returned.
No one knew how destructive his words to Shen Wumian that
morning was because that afternoon Shen Wumian once again
appeared beside Chi Zhao looking no different from usual.
No matter what Chi Zhao said, he still continued to act like this.
His current focus in life had completely shifted onto Chi Zhao. After
going over every single day to attend the court, he would deal with
some paperwork at the Qinzheng Hall and, no matter how much
work he had to deal with, he would always arrive in time to have
lunch with Chi Zhao.
In the afternoon, Chi Zhao attended his lessons. Art, literature,
martial arts; only after becoming Shen Wumian’s student did Chi
Zhao truly realise how amazing this person was. There was almost
nothing this person didn’t know; he was good at everything. Chi
Zhao who was in awe at this couldn’t help but also take the lessons
more seriously.
As time passed, Shen Wumian no longer asked him to learn about
governing the country and he also wouldn’t specifically throw out
government related questions to test him. But a few months later,
Chi Zhao accidentally saw a report left by Shen Wumian. Once he
quickly skimmed through it, he was able to quickly come up with
several strategies to deal with the problems written in the report.
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With the report in his hand, Chi Zhao fell silent.
Did he just unknowingly fall into a trap……….
He stared at the officials scribbles on the report for a while and
calmly placed it back.
Whatever. Since he wants him to learn how to govern a country,
he will learn how to govern a country. In any case, he wasn’t
following the plot line anymore.
Chi Zhao lowered his eyes and thought of several new ways to
abuse the protagonist. Very soon, his mood turned for the better and
he turned and left with a smile with Hong Lei hurrying after him.
After recuperating over summer and autumn, Hong Lei finally
recovered and could be reinstated. She knew very well why she was
punished so when she returned this time, her attitude towards the
young Emperor had changed completely. Everything she did was
filled with dedication, and not a single mistake could be pointed out.
Hong Lei’s initial task was to keep an eye the young Emperor, but
Shen Wumian later found out that the young Emperor had already
known about Hong Lei’s identity since a long time ago. He not only
didn’t transfer her away, he still let Hong Lei serve him without a
Chi Zhao took advantage of Hong Lei’s existence to stab Shen
Wumian a few times. Having heard hurtful words too many times,
Shen Wumian gradually got used to it. Four seasons passed and
Shen Wumian who was originally very smart discovered during this
time that His Majesty wasn’t as obedient as he seemed on the
surface and most of his hurtful words were spoken intentionally.
It was just that Shen Wumian couldn’t understand why he wanted
to hurt him.
And why didn’t he say anything when he was given poison that
could kill him?
Was it his way of getting back at him?
It was very possible.
Chen Yi’s personality was originally quite unique. He may appear
obedient on the surface but he was rebellious inside and despite
being sensitive, he also sometimes would have some extreme
thoughts. If you love someone, you wish for them to live; if you hate
someone, you wish for their death. In his eyes, it was probably a case
of love and hate.
Watching the young Emperor spread open his arms to allow the
eunuch to dress him, Shen Wumian smiled faintly and slowly hid
away the deep emotions in his eyes.
It didn’t matter if it was a combination of love and late. It didn’t
matter if he wanted him to die. It was fine as long as…….the person
in his heart was always himself.
After changing his clothes, Chen Yi slowly approached Shen
Wumian. The latter smiled gently, “Your Majesty, you look very
good in it.”
Today was Chen Yi’s fifteenth birthday. The Emperor’s birthday
was celebrated all across the country and new clothes were put on
for his own birthday banquet.
A year had passed, and Chi Zhao had grown another two inches.
Despite this, he still had to look up at Shen Wumian. What Shen
Wumian had done to him over this year, anyone with eyes could see
and Chi Zhao who was the one involved also saw it very clearly. At
this moment, he tilted his head slightly as he looked at Shen Wumian
who was smiling at him from the depths of his heart and felt that
this person was really strange.
If the two swapped places and Chi Zhao was subjected to hearing
hurtful words one after another, he would’ve already turned violent
and beat that person up, but Shen Wumian just continued to act like
he didn’t hear it. At the beginning, he would reveal some emotion
but later on, he didn’t show any changes at all. Once, he even quietly
waited for Chi Zhao to finish speaking before passing over a cup of
tea to get him to quench his thirst.
Looking back now, Chi Zhao felt very miffed. He felt that he was
The young man tilting his head looking at him intently was a very
tempting sight. Shen Wumian however had good control of himself.
He added a bit of obedience to his already gentle smile, stepped back
and lowered his head humbly, “This one will take Your Majesty
After saying this, Shen Wumian straightened up and walked out.
Chi Zhao hesitated for a second before similarly walking out.
Although Shen Wumian was training him to be a real Emperor, in
daily life, Shen Wumian didn’t act that respectful to him. Just like
now, he and Chi Zhao walked side by side instead of the usual way
an Emperor and his subject would.
After all, the prince regent’s mindset had changed. Before, he
wanted to be the Emperor but now he wanted to be the Emperor’s
To still have that desire after having his heart pierced so many
times, he really must be a masochist.
It seemed that every protagonist had a slight masochist side to
them. No matter how the person they like tormented them, they
wouldn’t get angry let alone hurt him. Outsiders may think that they
are deeply in love but as the one involved, Chi Zhao only felt one
Very dissatisfied.
He didn’t know if all protagonists were like this or it was only the
protagonist he meets.
As this thought appeared in his mind, Chi Zhao paused slightly.
Shen Wumian seemed to sense it but before he could turn his head,
Chi Zhao had already continued forward, as if that moment just now
was just his imagination.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 99
Source: KK Translates


After the officials presented their gifts, the banquet officially

Most of the things given by the officials were strange gimmicks
that aren’t worth a lot of money but were enough to arouse his
curiosity. Those who have titles such as Dukes, Warlords and the
likes gifted him more expensive gold or silver antiques. The higher
their status, the more valuable the gift. It was as if they had agreed
on this in advance.
After all, gift-giving can be very tricky. They not only have to show
the Emperor their sincerity, they also have to avoid letting the
prince regent see how much money they have embezzled.
Chi Zhao only briefly glanced at the gifts given by the others
before letting the eunuch beside him take it away. Only Shen
Wumian’s gift remained behind and he would fiddle with it every
now and then.
The officials below exchanged toasts and from time to time
someone would stand up to offer a toast to the Emperor but
everyone knew that the young Emperor didn’t know how to drink so
the Emperor just needed to raise his glass to receive the toast
without needing to drink.
Humans tend to easily let themselves go when drunk. Even if they
are the pillars of the country, they are not immune. Gradually, the
originally reserved officials became more and more happy and their
voices became louder.
This dynasty was similar to the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Although
there are differences in class and ranks, it wasn’t as rigid as how it
was in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Everyone became excited after
drinking and soon, two military commanders started throwing their
fists. The people around them saw this and just laughed with no
intention to stop them.
The country was originally not very peaceful and if you didn’t
even have a good time drinking, then life wasn’t worth living.
Seeing that it was about time, a group of elegant dancers
appeared. Everyone’s eyes were drawn to these rare, stunning
beauties, all except two people.
One was Chi Zhao who was focused on playing with the object in
his hand and the other was Shen Wumian who was focused on
watching Chi Zhao.
The present Shen Wumian gave was very ordinary. It was a piece
of jade pendant. The material was good but, in the palace where
even the toilet was made of fine red sandalwood, it wasn’t anything
rare. The carvings on the pendant also was very strange and didn’t
appear to be related to his birthday.
The front of the jade pendant had an evergreen pine with a Qilin
sleeping underneath. (KKnotes: A mythical Chinese beast) The
carvings were very intricate and even the lines on the horns were
carved. On the back of the pendant was a drawing with an ancient
Chi Zhao squinted his eyes and tried to decipher it for a while
before concluding that it probably was the word ‘Mian’.
In all honesty, if he didn’t know who gave him the jade pendant,
Chi Zhao would have thought that it was ‘Sha’, the sha from shabu
shabu. (KKnotes: 眠 (Mian) and 呷 (Sha))
It is said that the Shen family the prince regent was born into had
such a tradition. On the day a child is born, they would ask a talented
craftsman to carve a jade for the newborn. If it is a son, it would be a
jade pendant and if it is a daughter, it would be a jade hairpin. The
jade has been prepared a long time ago and it was made as soon as
the child was born, and the name was decided.
If there were no major problems along the way, this jade artefact
would be kept for more than ten years. When the child grows up and
is of age to be married, this jade artefact can then be given as a token
of marriage.
The jade pendant Chi Zhao held was probably the jade pendant
Shen Wumian’s parents had made for him. He examined it for a very
long time expressionlessly, as if what he was holding wasn’t a jade
pendant but a piece of fatty pork.
Please read this from kk translates
Shen Wumian may look indifferent, but his eyes had in fact never
left Chi Zhao. Before he became a prince regent, he had led troops
into enemy terrain many times, but he was not as nervous then as he
was now. The wine in his hands were like plain water. Despite
drinking one cup after another, he couldn’t taste it at all.
In fact, Shen Wumian didn’t mean much when he did this. His
thoughts were still the same as before. He wished to assist the young
Emperor and strive to make him a respectable Emperor. As for the
relationship between the two, whether it turned for the better or
remained the same, he was fine with it.
He wasn’t Shen Sixteen. He would do anything the young Emperor
says. Thinking a little further, if the Emperor married a man, it
would most definitely become a stain on the Emperor’s life and this
incident may even wipe out all of the Emperor’s other achievements
in his life, making it such that people would only remember that he
had married a man even thousands of years later instead of any of
his achievements.
Shen Wumian didn’t know what Chen Yi cared about but as long
as Chen Yi wanted to do something, he would do it for him without
raising any complaints.
Of course, the condition was that he stay by his side and not look
at anyone else.
The food at the birthday banquet was carefully prepared by the
imperial kitchen but Chi Zhao hadn’t taken a single bite; he was still
busy looking at the jade pendant in his hand with who knows what
thoughts on his mind. The system had disappeared again. He had
heard that the preliminary competition would be held soon and that
it would be broadcasted live so the system had been under a lot of
pressure lately. As a result, a lot of redundant garbage data had been
appearing each day. Chi Zhao thought about it for a moment and felt
that this was probably the systems way of losing hair.
Feeling nervous before a competition was normal. Chi Zhao didn’t
move to comfort it. He felt that the system would most definitely
pass the preliminary round.
After all, the system had been practicing its singing for a super,
super, super long time.
It didn’t matter if the system wasn’t around, it even gave Chi Zhao
an opportunity to think over some things. He lowered his eyes and
rubbed his thumb against the edges of the jade pendant. Suddenly, a
loud drunken voice sounded in the hall.
“Your Majesty, the former Emperor has been married for a
year when he was at Your Majesty’s age and has also had
countless concubines in the palace including the Empress,
consorts, concubines and beauties. This old official would like to
ask if Your Majesty has any intentions to get married and expand
the branches for the royal family?”
The person who had said this was the right prime minister. Both
the right and left prime ministers are high ranking officials but
compared to the absolute royalist left prime minister, the right
prime minister was a little unusual because no one could tell which
faction he was in.
You could say that he supports the prince regent, but he had many
times gone against Shen Wumian. You could say that he supports the
young Emperor, but he and the left prime minister Lord Wei are
natural rivals. Shen Wumian guessed that he may be secretly
colluding with people from other forces but after investigating for a
long time, he couldn’t find anything.
In the end, Shen Wumian could only come to one conclusion. This
right prime minister Lord Huang was a wily old man who liked to be
involved in everything but also not be completely involved. By
dawdling around alone this entire time, he eventually reached the
position of the right prime minister.
Seeing that he was able to achieve such a status alone and remain
there for so many years, this person probably wasn’t as simple as
one may think.
But after saying those words just now, his life would probably
soon be over.
After hearing Lod Huang’s words, everyone’s first reaction was to
look at the young Emperor sitting at the top. Only the left prime
minister turned quickly to glance at the prince regent with a look of
The left prime minister felt complicated inside. In fact, he had long
wanted to tell the young Emperor the same things the right prime
minister had said just now but after that incident of breaking into
the palace last year, many of his people were killed or injured and he
wasn’t in a state to go head-on against the prince regent.
Moreover, he still remembered what the prince regent said to him
in the palace that day.
The meaning behind the prince regent’s words were very clear.
He didn’t want to be the Emperor and he also would not let anyone
else take over. The problem however was that his reason for it was
because he was fond of His Majesty. If His Majesty stayed by his side
and is good to him, he would be willing to be his official and devote
himself, but if anyone dared to take His Majesty away from him or if
His Majesty wanted to escape from him, the first thing he would do
is to rise up and take over the throne.
And the second thing he would do is to make His Majesty his
To be liked by a man like Shen Wumian was Chen Empire’s
fortune and also Chen Empire’s misfortune. With both internal and
external troubles affecting the country at this very moment, in all
honesty, if Chen Yi was to really take over the government, he would
definitely not be able to keep Chen Empire standing. The only
person that could keep everything maintained on a delicate balance
and deter other countries from invading was Shen Wumian.
And so, after leaving the palace that day, the prime minister
mulled over it for an hour before deciding to act like nothing had
happened. As for the issue of heirs, he only thought about it for a
moment before stopping himself. No matter how weak the royal
family was, it shouldn’t be hard to find a child with some royal blood
in them. On the other hand, there was only one person in this world
who was as capable as Shen Wumian.
For these reasons, the left prime minister was able to accept it,
but it wasn’t the case for the others. In fact, some have already tried
suggesting that Chen Yi marries but their voices were all suppressed
before a single word could be uttered. The right prime minister
suddenly proposing it today caught Shen Wumian off guard because
he had never shown any signs of wanting to be involved with this
matter before this.
The hall became quiet in an instant and even the two generals
exchanging fists also stopped. Seeing that the situation didn’t seem
right, the dancers similarly stopped their movements. With the
lively scene suddenly turning silent, the situation was just too
strange. Some felt a little stunned inside.
The right prime minister was still in a pleased mood. Shen
Wumian stared at him for a while before turning his head to look at
the young man at the top.
Today was his birthday banquet so the young man wore a dark
red robe. The young man had fair skin, so this colour suited him very
well. After taking care of him for a whole year and incorporating
various tonics and nutritious diets, the young man finally grew some
more flesh around his originally sharp chin. At this very moment, he
was supporting his head with one hand while holding the jade
pendant from him in the other.
With a clack, the jade pendant was placed on the table. The sound
of the impact between the jade and white marble tabletop was very
clear. Shen Wumian’s heart sank when he saw the young Emperor’s
Please read this from kk translates
The Chi Zhao now was no longer the transparent Emperor he
once was. Shen Wumian had both intentionally and unintentionally
involved him in making decisions in court and with time, everyone
could tell that the prince regent was giving up on his initial goal of
taking over the throne. Although they didn’t know why, everyone
could tell that the current Emperor was no longer the puppet
Emperor in the past.
The current Emperor could now make his own decisions and the
right prime minister had asked the Emperor that question directly.
Everyone watched on nervously, not knowing how he would
Shen Wumian not only detested others mentioning matters about
his own marriage, he also detested others mentioning matters about
the Emperor’s marriage. To be eligible to participate in the birthday
banquet, one must either be the Emperor’s important official or the
Emperor’s relative. In short, everyone here wasn’t an idiot. The
messiest and dirtiest matters have always come from the royal
family. Simple things like this don’t require much thought to
And that was why everyone was too afraid to speak.
Everyone was looking at Chi Zhao. The cogs in Chi Zhao’s mind
turned and he looked at Shen Wumian who sat closest to him.
Chi Zhao’s eyes were clear and pure but because they were too
clear, it conversely turned others away. Clear water has no fish.
When the water is extremely clear, it meant that there was nothing
in there; no love, no hatred, no country and no court.
There was also no Shen Wumian.
Shen Wumian’s pupils constricted slightly. His body straightened
as if he wanted to stand but, considering the people around him, he
decided to remain sitting in his seat.
Chi Zhao could guess what he wanted to do. He probably wanted
to rush over to ask him why he didn’t answer and why he was
hesitating. But even if he asked, Chi Zhao didn’t know the answer.
He also didn’t understand why he was hesitating. In fact, he
originally wanted to agree.
Shen Wumian delegating power to him was an opportunity for
him. He could slowly make use of that power and, just like the
original owner in the previous life and Shen Wumian, he could use it
to compete for power and get involved in all sorts of fights and
conflicts. Shen Wumian likes him so if he saw everything that had
happened in the previous life happen again, he would most
definitely feel uncomfortable. Along the way, Chi Zhao could also
marry an ambitious woman and cooperate with her to torment Shen
Wumian. In any case, he had a one spring night potion, so he wasn’t
afraid of being discovered.
But when he saw Shen Wumian’s look, he suddenly found himself
unable to speak.
Shen Wumian stared fixatedly at him, his eyes cold and fierce. It
may look terrifying, but he was in fact nervous and scared inside. He
didn’t want to reveal his true emotions and he didn’t want to be
sympathised or taunted by others so he could only disguise it with
anger. What others saw was a prince regent with a dark expression
while what Chi Zhao saw as a helpless Shen Wumian, sitting there
like a prisoner waiting for his sentence.
“This matter will be discussed later.”
Through half lowered eyes, Chi Zhao replied calmly. At this point,
the tense environment finally dissipated, and everyone below
breathed a sigh of relief. Very quickly, the atmosphere became lively
The banquet seemed to have returned to how it was initially but
in fact no one was in the mood to eat or drink anymore. Everyone
was doing their best to act lively and noisy to conceal those changes
in them. While everyone was doing their best acting, the right prime
minister happily enjoyed the celebration, seemingly not realising
what he had just done.
Or to be more precise, he knew but he either didn’t care or he had
a goal he wanted to achieve. Whether it was the prince regent or the
Emperor, he didn’t care.
Chi Zhao sighed. It was really difficult for him to survive among
this group of people.
Having not drunk for a while now, Chi Zhao missed the taste of
alcohol a little. After going through so many worlds and
experiencing so many things, Chi Zhao felt that this world was the
most tiring one and that he should have a chance to relax while he
Picking up the cup, Chi Zhao drank it all on one go and then
smacked his lips.
Pretty good, the taste isn’t bad, and it doesn’t seem too strong.
And so, Chi Zhao calmly ordered a eunuch next to him to pour him
another cup. The eunuch hesitated. He raised his head to look at the
prince regent first and only moved to pour Chi Zhao another cup
when he received the other party’s consent.
Chi Zhao curled his lips at an angle that couldn’t be seen by Shen
Wumian and enjoyed the new cup.
After doing it for another three or four cups, the prince regent
signalled to the eunuch to stop pouring. Chi Zhao heard the eunuch
advise him not to drink anymore and didn’t make a fuss. Instead, he
nodded very obediently, “Okay.”
Seeing the young Emperor being well-behaved, the eunuch
couldn’t help but reveal a smile. Their Majesty was really too cute.
He never made trouble and he also never made it difficult for
servants like them. It could be said that he was really well-behaved.
The next second, the well-behaved young Emperor he was
praising inside suddenly reached out to pour himself another cup of
alcohol. Before he could stop him, he saw him pick up a plate of fruit
nearby and pick out a cherry from it. The young Emperor then
raised his hands up high until he couldn’t raise it any higher before
beginning to adjust the angle.
He checked the angle with a tilted head to make sure it was aimed
at the cup below before he released his hold of the cherry and even
added a sound effect as he did it, “Piu!——”
He watched the cherry fall into the cup, causing some of the
contents to splatter out. Chi Zhao then picked up the cup and turned
to look at the confused eunuch with a serious expression, “Do you
know what this is called?”
Eunuch: “…..This old slave doesn’t know.”
Chi Zhao looked at him exasperatedly, “You don’t even know
something like this. This is called Pink Lady.” (KKnotes: A
Eunuch: “……”
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: Chi Zhao is drunk!
Chapter 100
Source: KK Translates


In full view of everyone, the young Emperor began to chaotically

mix up drinks.
He started first with throwing in a few grains of rice and then he
poured in some of the orange-red soup. Once done, he picked up a
plate of colourful dumplings. After picking up a dumpling bigger
than this fist with a chopstick, he frowned and stared at it for a long
time before deciding to mash it up with his spoon.
He planned to throw that tragic pulp into the cup, but the cup was
too small and could no longer withstand his continued torment. The
eunuch called out to him many times, but Chi Zhao ignored him.
Some sharp-eyed officials below naturally saw this scene. They fell
silent for a moment and then turned to happily toast their
Although they didn’t understand that the Emperor was doing,
they could see that their Emperor was drunk. If an official was to
behave out of line, the prince regent in the past who always
tyrannically oppressed them would most definitely choose to cut
them down. On the contrary, if an official was to see the Emperor
behave out of line, it was estimated that in order to protect the
young Emperor’s reputation, the prince regent would still choose to
cut them down.
In any case, they couldn’t escape from such a tragic fate, so it was
better to act like they are blind.
No one has ever seen what the young Emperor was like when he
was drunk so they were all very worried, fearing that the young
Emperor would suddenly jump up and go crazy. Unfortunately, they
were let down. Even if Chi Zhao was drunk, he was a good baby who
wouldn’t cause trouble. All his attention was on the cup of alcohol he
was tinkering with and he had no intentions to do anything else.
After noticing that Chi Zhao’s condition didn’t seem quite right,
Shen Wumian approached the throne without any hesitation. He
leaned down slightly in a both respectful and intimate manner and
asked the young man reflected in his eyes in a small voice, “Your
Majesty, are you okay?”
Once again, Chi Zhao ignored him. The neglected prince regent fell
silent for a few seconds before straightening back up and beckoning
the eunuch nearby to come. He gave the eunuch an order and then
stretched out to support Chi Zhao up, “Your Majesty, it’s time to go
back. This one here will take you back to the palace, okay?”
Chi Zhao seemed to have heard his voice. He raised his head and
looked at Shen Wumian calmly, looking like he wasn’t drunk at all.
Shen Wumian however felt very nervous when being looked at like
After travelling around from one place to another for so many
years, he had encountered all kinds of people and he also knew that
there was a type of person who would appear the same as usual
when drunk but if that kind of person was to start making a fuss, no
one could withstand it.
For a moment, multiple ways of dealing with the aftermath if like
that happened flashed through Shen Wumian’s mind. Some were
gentle, some bloody and ruthless. In short, he didn’t want His
Majesty to feel embarrassed. But before he could use any of these
methods, Chi Zhao tilted his head and said obediently, “Okay.”
He placed down the things in his hands, the wide sleeves
sweeping across the table. Chi Zhao grabbed Shen Wumian’s cold
hands to stand up. Because his legs were soft, he staggered a little
but with Shen Wumian’s support, he was able to quickly straighten
back up. Shen Wumian was worried that he would fall so his eyes
followed his every move. Apart from the unsteadiness at the
beginning, he didn’t have much trouble later one. Those who
weren’t familiar with the situation would have a hard time telling
that Chi Zhao was drunk.
Please read this from kk translates
After taking less than two steps, Chi Zhao suddenly stopped and
turned back. Shen Wumian looked at him with confusion. Chi Zhao’s
eyes swept across his table before finally locking onto the cup of
alcohol he had just been messing with.
He told the eunuch nearby, “That’s my Pink Lady. I still want it.
Send it over to me later, you hear me?”
Pink Lady……….?
The young Emperor didn’t have a chance to come into contact
with women the whole time apart from the few dances just now.
Could it be that while he wasn’t paying attention, Chen Yi fell in love
with one of the dancers?!
The hand holding the young Emperor’s hand tightened. Chi Zhao
was in pain and instinctively wanted to withdraw his hand, but Shen
Wumian held him tightly with no intentions to let him go.
They were still in the hall. The people below were still watching.
No matter how presumptuous he was, Shen Wumian shouldn’t
expose his true nature here. He closed his eyes and took a deep
breath to calm himself down before opening his eyes back up and
looking at the young man next to him with a smile, “Let’s go, Your
Once the young Emperor and the prince regent left, the remaining
people in the hall, whether they were eunuchs, palace maids, civil
servants, generals or the guards, they all slowly straightened the
backs they had unconsciously bent out of fear and wiped away the
sweat that had formed on their foreheads.
It was too scary. Really.
Once he sent the young Emperor back to his sleeping quarter,
Shen Wumian waved his hand to order the others out. Hong Lei was
the last to leave. She stood at the door and hesitated for a moment.
The young Emperor had already taken off his cumbersome and
heavy coat and was half lying on the bed nodding off while her
master was sitting beside the young Emperor, his shadow
enveloping him and blocking the faint light coming in.
Hong Lei was a little worried,
Sensing that someone was looking this way, Shen Wumian raised
his eyes and looked towards the door. Being met with such a cold
gaze, Hong Lei’s body stiffened, and she immediately tossed those
worries aside.
She hurried out and closed the door for them along the way.
With no outsiders bothering them, Shen Wumian slowly retracted
his gaze and directed it over to Chi Zhao who was lying there with
his eyes closed. The young man appeared extremely docile and
peaceful with his eyes closed. Compared to how he was usually, the
obedient part of him was gone but he now seemed calmer and more
When he had his eyes open, the young Emperor would always
have calculating thoughts and schemes in his mind. Shen Wumian
liked the present him more.
As he thought this, Shen Wuman reached out and pinched Chi
Zhao’s chin. The original owner’s body was very thin and after
drinking Chinese medicine for a while year and eating countless
unpalatable medicinal foods, he managed to fatten Chi Zhao up. Shen
Wumian didn’t use much strength, but Chi Zhao woke up
immediately. That feeling of having his chin pinched by someone
was uncomfortable. Chi Zhao frowned and raised his hand to push
Shen Wumian’s hand away.
Chi Zhao’s strength seemed to only feel like a light tickle to Shen
Wumian. He didn’t mind it at all and his mind at this moment was
filled with Chi Zhao.
After all this time, there was still no progress. The old imperial
doctor had said that it would take five years to thoroughly restore
the young Emperor’s body. That seemed to be true.
Although Shen Wumian was anxious, he also knew that sickness
can come like a tide only to trickle away slowly. Worrying and
feeling anxious was pointless but every time he saw the young man’s
overly thin face, he would always hope that he could fatten up a little
more, a little faster.
That way it would be more comfortable to touch.
Perhaps the drunk young Emperor was particularly nice to bully,
Shen Wumian even abandoned his half-hearted principles and, like a
lecher, he slowly and erotically rubbed the young Emperor’s chin
before stretching out his finger to gently slide it across the soft flesh
on his chin a few times.
When he did this, he didn’t think much about the meaning behind
it. He only did it because he wanted to do it. In any case, the young
Emperor had already accepted his jade pendant. From now on, he
was his person and it was too late for him to regret it.
Chi Zhao’s act of pushing his hand way suddenly stopped and his
hands slowly moved away. When Shen Wumian finally raised his
eyes to look at Chi Zhao’s face, he was met with a pair of clear and
pure eyes looking back at him. Shen Wumian was taken aback.
He was looking at himself intently. Whether it was in his previous
life or this life, Shen Wumian had never been looked at so seriously
and curiously by the young Emperor.
Suddenly, the young Emperor sat up. He softly asked him, “What’s
your name?”
A flash of surprise appeared in Shen Wumian’s eyes. He then
remembered that the young Emperor was drunk, and that drunk
people have no logic and usually would speak nonsense. Thinking
this, Shen Wumian lowly chuckled and patiently answered, “Your
Majesty, this official’s name is Shen Wumian.”
He heard this answer, but it didn’t seem to the be answer he was
looking for. The young Emperor frowned and asked again, “What is
your name?”
Shen Wumian was startled. After a short pause, he replied again,
“My name is Shen Wumian.”
The young Emperor’s brows wrinkled even further. He lowered
his eyes and softly muttered, “No, I’m not asking that.”
Before Shen Wumian could ask him what he wanted to ask, the
young man suddenly became angry. He leaned forward a little and
stretched out his slender arm to grab Shen Wumian’s collar, “What
on earth is your name?!”
A hint of astonishment appeared in Shen Wumian’s eyes. Soon,
that astonishment turned into shock and confusion.
For him to ask him so persistently what his name was, was it
because he already knew that he wasn’t the one who had saved him
back then?
After realising this, Shen Wumian lost all his strength and the
blood in his body once again started to boil. That boiling sensation
inside him almost scorched through his inner organs. After the
blood reached boiling point, it immediately froze. He seemed to be
able to hear each blood vessel inside him freeze solid and then
slowly shattering.
After going around and around, in the end he returned to the
same point he was at in his last life. Again, he knew. And it was
probably around the same time as when he found out in his last life.
But why didn’t he make any attempts to find Shen Sixteen this time?
Was it because he had already acted first and bound him down
and he no longer dared to act rashly?
He had been so well-behaved and obedient the past few days, was
it because he wanted to lower the enemy’s guard?
Shen Wumian’s thoughts continued to spiral down towards
despair but Chi Zhao’s thoughts and his thoughts were on
completely different spectrums. The more Shen Wumian didn’t
answer him, the angrier Chi Zhao became. He tightened his grip
around Shen Wumian’s collar even further and even pulled Shen
Wumian two inches closer to him.
Chi Zhao still wanted to the know answer to his question, “What
is your name?”
Shen Wumian’s lips were a little pale. His lips moved but no sound
was made. Finally, he heard himself answer in a strangely hoarse
voice, “What my name is, is it important?”
Chi Zhao was surprised for a moment by this question thrown
back at him.
It’s very important.
People all have names. Even his stupid system has a name and
would proudly show it off. If it was really was how he thought it was,
if his guess wasn’t a just sad and unfortunate theory of his……then
this person here should have his own name.
Chi Zhao was indeed drunk, but he still retained some sanity and
sobriety. Those words circled round and round in his mouth but in
the end, he couldn’t say it. Looking at those eyes that clearly didn’t
know anything, Chi Zhao suddenly felt helpless.
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He sullenly let go and replied in a low voice, “It’s not
important…….but I just want to know.”
His chin was suddenly pinched roughly. Chi Zhao was forced to
raise his head. The person opposite him was no longer calm or
gentle. At this very moment, he looked ruthless and scary. He stared
at Chi Zhao’s eyes and the words he said next carried no
temperature at all. Each and every word uttered was spoken like a
“My name is Shen Wumian. No matter how many times you ask
me, my name is Shen Wumian.”
The person the young Emperor loved in his last life was Shen
Sixteen. This was something that had always been a thorn in Shen
Wumian’s heart that couldn’t be taken out no matter what he did.
Once a wound was left there for a long time without being treated, it
would eventually become infected and start decaying and would
progress onto the other healthy organs. Shen Wumian never
revealed anything because he had always been waiting, waiting for
the day the young Emperor could throw away his feelings towards
the person who saved his life and truly fall in love with him.
But now, it seems that such a day would not come.
Shen Wumian’s words knocked on Chi Zhao’s heart, like a dull but
merciless blow. His eyes started to turn misty and even the rings
around his eyes were red. Seeing that he was about to cry, Shen
Wumian’s heart felt like it was pierced by several poisoned needles
at the same time. It hurt terribly, but it didn’t bleed.
The toxin slowly spread through the blood and atrium. Shen
Wumian raised the corners of his lips, revealing an ugly and crazed
smile. He wanted to tell the young Emperor, so what if you know, so
what if you want to escape? As long as there is a day where he, Shen
Wumian, is still around, don’t even think about trying to leave!
He can only remain by his side forever. If he cannot get his heart,
he will keep his body. If he cannot even keep his body, then even if
he must turn Chen Yi into a lifeless puppet, he would never let him
Shen Wumian knew very well that as long as he said those words,
the relationship between him and the young Emperor would be
completely over. The young Emperor may seem very obedient but in
fact, he also had his dignity and bottom line. He could accept Shen
Wumian not liking him, he could also accept Shen Wumian torturing
him and he could accept Shen Wumian killing him but he couldn’t
accept Shen Wumian playing with him and imprisoning him.
In fact, this was a personality trait of Chi Zhao’s. Chi Zhao however
is now playing the role of the young Emperor, so he wasn’t wrong
when he said that
Shen Wumian opened his mouth and got ready to say some other
hurtful words when he saw Chi Zhao lower his head and raise his
arms to use his sleeve to wipe his eyes. He quietly asked, “Do you
like me?”
That question asked with a nasal voice interrupted Shen
Wumian’s thoughts. The latter looked at the young man with a
complicated expression and was silent for a while before responding
solemnly, “Yes.”
He was defeated by that one word. If he could freely follow his
mind instead of his heart, he wouldn’t have let himself reach such a
“Then why do you like me?”
Chi Zhao’s voice was still small, but Shen Wumian heard it clearly.
This time, Shen Wumian was silent for a long time. Not receiving an
answer, Chi Zhao raised his head. Shen Wumian flatted his lips into a
straight line at stared at him for a few long seconds before giving
him his answer.
“……I don’t know.”
He really didn’t know. He had also asked himself this question but
no matter how long he thought about it, he couldn’t find the answer.
In the end, he could only accept it. Perhaps this was some form of
terrible witchcraft, perhaps this was karma or perhaps it was his
predestined fate.
In short, he couldn’t think of a reason why he likes the young
Emperor but despite that, he was hopelessly in love with him.
Hopelessly and crazily in love.
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KK has something to say: Chi Zhao seems to be suspecting
something about the ML! 😮
Chapter 101
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao looked into Shen Wumian’s eyes and the two looked at
each other in silence like this for a while. After a few breaths, Chi
Zhao moved a little. He turned his legs away, adjusting himself into a
more casual sitting posture on the bed before stretching up and
lightly planting his soft lips against Shen Wumian’s slightly pale lips.
Shen Wumian watched Chi Zhao slowly approach him, his brain
no longer able to function.
……What did this mean?
From Shen Wumian’s perspective, tonight was the moment he and
the young Emperor parted ways. With all the hidden truths exposed,
he and the young Emperor would gradually become strangers. Even
if they happen to meet in the future, they would no longer have the
chance to sit together quietly like now.
But, looking at the youthful face in front of him, Shen Wumian
realised that he still didn’t understand the young Emperor very well.
After lingering for a while, Chi Zhao’s hands on the bed supporting
himself suddenly weakened and he unexpectedly fell into Shen
Wumian’s arms, his nose knocking directly onto the other party’s
hard chest. The tip of Chi Zhao’s nose was sore, and his two eyes
very quickly teared up from the pain. He rubbed his nose
aggrievedly. A pair of tense hands suddenly supported his shoulders
and Shen Wumian looked down to examine his face while quietly
muttering, “Why are you so careless……..”
His words stopped abruptly. Shen Wumian swallowed back the
rest of his words when he saw Chi Zhao raise his eyes and glare
angrily at him.
Although he didn’t speak, Shen Wumian understood what he
meant. He was blaming himself; blaming him for not supporting him
earlier and for having such a hard chest that was hard enough to
almost make him break his nose.
The atmosphere turned silent and awkward. Suddenly, a low and
pleasant laugh rose up from Shen Wumian’s throat.
At this moment, Chi Zhao was held in Shen Wumian’s arms with
his forehead resting against his chest. When he laughed, Chi Zhao
could feel the tremors through his chest. Chi Zhao’s mind was blank.
He foolishly leaned back and looked up at the man whose expression
had suddenly softened with who knows what thoughts in his mind.
When Shen Wumian saw the young Emperor like this, he finally
couldn’t restrain himself. He lowered his head, gently closed his eyes
and then lightly planted a soft kiss on his nose.
The tip of that small nose had become hot because of the impact
earlier. When Shen Wumian kissed him, there was still a small smile
on the corner of his mouth. The current Chi Zhao was more well-
behaved than ever before, and he still maintained a haughty and
proud attitude. Unable to restrain himself, Shen Wumian slowly
moved downwards, his warm breath slowly shifting from Chi Zhao’s
eyes to his cheeks. When the warm touch reached his lips, Chi Zhao’s
eyelashes trembled slightly.
A second later, he slowly closed his eyes and then reached out the
hands that were originally resting against Shen Wumian’s chest to
loop tightly around his neck. Together they relished the wonderful
feeling of interlocked lips.
The prince regent’s bloodthirsty nature made it such that even
when he was with his lover, he wasn’t very gentle. Although he tried
his best to take the feelings of the young man into consideration, not
wanting to make him afraid because his actions were too fierce and
voracious, Chi Zhao still felt like he was about to die; he would either
be strangled to death or be suffocated to death.
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The prince regent who thought he was being very gentle: “……..”
Children growing up in the palace should have matured earlier. At
the age of twelve, the elders should have already arranged a palace
maid to service the young Emperor but because of various reasons,
it had never been done so today was the first time the young
Emperor came into contact with something like this.
The prince regents hands that could be used to take off the enemy
marshal’s head and could also be used to approve major country
affairs was now used as a comforting tool for the young Emperor.
The prince regent didn’t know how the young Emperor was feeling
because after he was done servicing him, the young Emperor fell
asleep. Seeing how deeply asleep he was, he probably wouldn’t
wake up even if he was thrown out the window.
But his highness the prince regent felt very satisfied.
This was especially so when he remembered the young prince
lying in his arms with his red-rimmed eyes who would from time to
time bury his face into his chest. Seeing that sight, Shen Wumian
almost lost control of himself.
After being serviced, the young Emperor smacked his lips and fell
asleep with Shen Wumian stiffly holding him in his arms. Shen
Wumian lowered his head to look down at that certain place of his
and sighed. He could only do it himself.
After cleaning his hands, Shen Wumian slowed down his pace and
opened the door of the Emperor’s sleeping quarters. As the door
opened, the evening breeze instantly cleared out the musky smell in
the room. Hong Lei couldn’t help but lower her head, pretending to
not notice anything.
Shen Wumian didn’t pay her any attention either. He furrowed his
brows and looked at a eunuch who was holding a tray. The eunuch
had been standing there for a long time, but the people inside hadn’t
come out and he didn’t dare go in, so he had been waiting outside
the entire time.
“Who are you?”
Hearing the prince regent’s question, the eunuch muttered inside.
Nobles really have a tendency to forget things. Didn’t they see each
other earlier in the hall just now? And they weren’t even that far
In fact, Shen Wumian couldn’t be blamed for this. He only had
eyes for the young Emperor and he didn’t care what the other
people around him looked like.
“Responding to the lord, this slave is called Xiao Xiangzi. His
Majesty instructed this slave to send the ‘Pink Lady’ over.”
As soon as he finished saying this, Shen Wumian’s originally calm
and complacent expression instantly turned serious. With a thud,
Hong Lei fell onto her knees and the guards also did the same. The
eunuch didn’t know what was going on and was so shocked, he even
had the urge to escape but he also knew that if he ran off now, he
would lose his life.
Therefore, he could only stand there with trembling legs, “M-my
lord…..this is…..”
“Where is that person?” Shen Wumian darkly interrupted him.
The eunuch’s expression turned bitter. He held the tray whilst
holding back his tears, “P-person….? What person?”
Shen Wumian resisted the urge to slash the eunuch and answered
patiently, “The person you brought over. That lady.”
When Shen Wumian said this, the gloomy aura behind him
intensified. He was too happy just now and had forgotten that the
young Emperor had called to have a dancer brought over before he
left to accompany him.
Just from the name, Pink Lady, she was certainly one of those
dancers, and extremely vulgar. Would a proper performer give
themself a name like that? It was probably one of those brothel girls
who snuck in!
But how could that be possible? What kind of place was the
palace? If a brothel girl could get in, then she is definitely not a
simple brothel girl.
Shen Wumian was intent on finding that person and taking a good
took to see what kind of woman could draw Chen Yi’s interest and
then make that woman disappear completely from the face of the
earth. The eunuch before him was dumbfounded for a moment
before carefully raising the tray in his hands.
Shen Wumian: …….?
The eunuch’s voice was very small, as if he was afraid that he
would scare someone, “My lord, this is the Pink Lady. It is the
name given to it by His Majesty. There is no such….person.”
Shen Wumian silently stared at the cup in front of him. The
unidentified liquid in there could no longer be called wine. He didn’t
speak for a long time.
This awkward silence passed very slowly. Shen Wumian finally
spoke up, “…In that case, send this Pink Lady to the imperial
kitchen and bring it back tomorrow morning when His Majesty
asks for it.”
The eunuch hurriedly lowered his head, “Yes.”
Sleeping through an entire night, when Chi Zhao woke up the next
day, the sun was already high in the sky. The people in the palace
had received the prince regents order so no one came to wake him
and the court was also cancelled with the reason being that His
Majesty wasn’t feeling well and all important matters were
redirected to the Qingzheng Hall for Shen Wumian to deal with.
Shen Wumian had everything handled just so that Chi Zhao could
sleep well.
After Chi Zhao woke up, the first thing he did was to rub his nose.
How strange, why did his nose hurt more than his pounding
Supporting himself up, Chi Zhao narrowed his eyes in thought for
a long time before realising in horror that his memories had once
again cut off.
In an instant, Chi Zhao remembered the stupid things he had done
when it happened before. He maintained a rigid position of grabbing
his hair with one hand and then closed his eyes in despair. He
desperately prayed for himself as he called out to the system.
“System! System! Hurry and come out! Something big has
happened, hurry!”
The system didn’t answer him. Instead, an unfamiliar but gentle
voice sounded in his mind.
【Hello, what is the matter?】
Chi Zhao was stunned for a moment, “You are…..Are you the
system the system arranged to take over temporarily?”
Hearing strange sounding question, the other party was silent for
a few seconds before answering thoughtfully.
【 Yes, I am the system the system arranged to take over
temporarily. You can call me the main system. I will be serving you
for the next half month. I hope we can get along well.】
The main system’s voice belonged to that of a mature man. It was
unknown if it was his own voice or a physical characteristic he had
bought. In short, every time he spoke, he would give people the
feeling of a spring breeze. That feeling we very comfortable and
Chi Zhao was instantly captured by such a magnetic and pleasant
voice. Just from that voice, Chi Zhao’s good feelings for the substitute
system grew several folds. A few seconds later, he remembered
what his system had said to him before.
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If it was the main system…….
Chi Zhao recalled carefully and then his eyes lit up, “Oh! Oh oh oh!
I remember now! You are daddy!”
Main system: “………”
【You are being too polite. Just call me main system.】
Chi Zhao laughed with some embarrassment. He had been with
the system for too long and had basically learnt from the system a
lot about the systems world. Of the things he had learnt from the
system, the thing the system mentioned the most was it’s direct
superior, it’s main system daddy.
Scratching his head, Chi Zhao calmed down from his earlier
excitement and remembered his purpose of calling the system out,
“Dad….no, Mr. main system, when did you come? Did you record last
night? I want to see the video playback.
The main system quickly answered him.
【Sorry, I only took over starting this morning. I’m not sure what
happened last night.】
Chi Zhao: “……..”
What to do? His memories cut off last night and he has no idea
what he did. What if something bad actually happened……
The system didn’t seem like a chatty system so when Chi Zhao
didn’t ask him a question, he would be silent. Chi Zhao worried for a
long time before he finally gave up and covered his face, “Why is it
that despite going through so many worlds, I still can’t hold my
drink?! And my memory even cuts off when I’m drunk. Is this a
setting set up for slag shou’s?”
【It’s not like that, it has nothing to do with us. That is your own
Chi Zhao was stunned, “What do you mean?”
【Well…..The way we put souls in is special. It could be regarded
as a high-tech ability but although it gives us more ease in inserting
and withdrawing souls, there are still some flaws to it. For example,
some original characteristics may remain intact. These
characteristics won’t affect the task, so it is just left as is. Chi Zhao,
your original characteristic is that you don’t handle drinks well so in
every world you will not be able to drink well.】
Chi Zhao: “…………” Is that so?
Chi Zhao was a little embarrassed. What now? He couldn’t put the
blame on others and could only obediently carry the blame himself.
Without speaking any further, Chi Zhao silently sat up and moved
to get out of bed. Hong Lei saw this and quickly motioned for the
people waiting outside to come in and help the Emperor change and
freshen up.
As his clothes were taken off, Chi Zhao breathed a sigh of relief
when he saw that there were no abnormalities to his body. At least
he could be certain that he didn’t engage in drunken sex. Thank
goodness for that.
While his hair was arranged, Shen Wumian came over. Chi Zhao’s
memory stopped at the moment the right prime minister proposed
that he get married so when he saw Shen Wumian now, he felt a
little complicated inside. Right now, the two should be in a state of
cold war. After all, although he had rejected the right prime
minister’s proposal, he had hesitated for a while.
And this had happened just after he accepted Shen Wumian’s
marriage token jade pendant.
Speaking of that jade pendant….Chi Zhao looked around but
couldn’t find it. At this moment, Shen Wumian approached him from
behind and ordered the palace maids to leave, “I’ll do it, you can
Chi Zhao’s eyes were instantly fixed onto the figure reflected in
the mirror.
Do what???
All the palace maids left, leaving only Hong Lei standing to the
side. Chi Zhao watched Shen Wumian arrange his hair in front of
everyone. Seeing that he was staring at him in daze, Shen Wumian’s
lowered eyes carried a hint of a smile. This look of his appeared very
Chi Zhao: “………???”
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KK has something to say: Main system daddy has made his
Chapter 102
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao felt very complicated.

Needless to say, something terrible must’ve happened last night
or Shen Wemian wouldn’t have revealed such a terrifying look to
Chi Zhao felt despaired. In that despair was also a trace of
His mother, what the hell did he do? Even a hint would do!
The soft and smooth hairs rested in Shen Wumian’s hands and
very soon, a standard bun was tied up. Chi Zhao obediently sat in the
chair, not daring to move while his eyes remained fixated on the
carpet under his feet. He may appear calm, but he was actually
desperately trying to get himself to remember what happened last
Main system: “…….”
Seeing Chi Zhao working so hard, he felt a little bad lying that he
didn’t see anything.
The main system had said that he only took over this morning,
that was the truth. But even if he didn’t come, Chi Zhao’s situation
would automatically be recorded into his database so that there
would not be any instances where he doesn’t know what was going
But last night was a bit special. Shen Wumian and Chi Zhao talked
in two different languages to each other with neither of them
understanding the true meaning behind the other person’s words
but, as the bystander, the main system understood very clearly. Chi
Zhao was becoming aware of the truth of the world.
All the systems, if he used human terms, are an intermediary, a
medium that connects two unrelated parties. As an intermediary,
they are obligated to protect the physical and mental well-being of
both parties.
According to the regulations, Chi Zhao must not know about the
truth of the world. Party A, Party B and the intermediary; these
three roles work like a triangle. Chi Zhao was Party B and Party B
can be considered the most passive role in this triangle. They don’t
know anything but work the hardest and their options are also very
This may sound like Party B is the exploited one but it in fact is
not true. Party B are dying souls and the intermediary provides
them with the chance to live again on the condition that they work
for them for a period of time. If they are not selected by the
intermediary, the only outcome for Party B is death and if selected,
the outcome was 50% death and 50% survival. These three parties
take what they need in exchange for an equivalent price so there
was nothing to complain about.
It had to be said that it is actually not easy forcefully preserving a
person with no signs of life. It requires a lot of time and money.
The main system began to habitually calculate the expenses
associated with this task. The more he calculated, the more troubled
he felt. For the nth time, he complained inside, wondering when this
collaboration with No. 6 would end. On the other end, Chi Zhao’s
emotions suddenly exhibited some fluctuations.
The main system didn’t know what was going on and followed Chi
Zhao’s line of sight only to see Hong Lei take out a small oval shaped
object from the robe he wore yesterday.
The main system stared at it for a while before remembering what
it was.
That should be the jade pendant marriage token Shen Wumian
Chi Zhao raised his head and looked at the jade pendant with an
incomprehensible expression. Shen Wumian on the other hand took
it from Hong Lei, signalled for Chi Zhao to stand up and then bent
down, getting ready to tie the jade pendant onto him.
Chi Zhao couldn’t remember what happened last night and his
feelings towards Shen Wumian hadn’t changed at all. Although he
had a very faint feeling towards him, in order to not disappoint
himself, he directly cut that tiny hope off and told himself again and
again that it was all just his illusion.
Watching Shen Wumian bend down, Chi Zhao furrowed his brows
and quickly reached out to stop Shen Wumian, “Forget it.”
Shen Wumian’s expression showed slight surprise. He raised his
head, wondering why Chi Zhao wanted to stop him.
After everything that had happened last night, didn’t the two of
them officially establish their relationship?
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Although the young Emperor was drunk in the first half, his words
and actions afterwards seemed to be ‘sober’. When their skins
touched afterwards, Shen Wumian could also tell that the young
Emperor knew very well what he was doing, and he also knew very
well who was embracing him. He was clearly……..very willing.
The Chi Zhao last night was indeed willing, but the problem
was……the current Chi Zhao didn’t remember!
Such a tragedy.
The main system silently watched the two from the sidelines.
Suddenly, he reminded Chi Zhao whose mind was chaotic.
【Actually, you can tell him the truth.】
Chi Zhao was stunned for a moment. He immediately understood
the meaning behind the main system’s words.
That’s right, he could tell him straight! That way, he could not only
clear through this stage, he could even reap some more success
points and force Shen Wumian back onto the right tracks! That
would kill three birds with one stone!
With this in mind, Chi Zhao’s expression sank, and he made a cold
and indifferent expression. He snatched the jade pendant back and
threw it into a small cabinet beside him. With a clatter, the jade
pendant hit the table. That careless and indifferent attitude
immediately angered Shen Wumian.
“Your Majesty, what do you mean by this?”
Chi Zhao raised his eyes and looked back expressionlessly,
“Nothing. Imperial Uncle, Zhen was too drunk last night and
don’tremember what happened. Imperial Uncle, please return.
Zhen doesn’t need you here anymore.”
Shen Wumian looked at Chi Zhao in disbelief. On his way here, he
had thought of the different kinds of attitudes the young Emperor
could show him, but he didn’t expect that he would use the excuse of
being too drunk to remember to draw a line between them.
Does that mean, he regrets it?
Does his heart still belong to his saviour?!
Shen Wumian’s expression gradually became gloomy. There was
an imminent feeling that something big was about to happen. Chi
Zhao had already turned his eyes away and was no longer looking at
him. Shen Wumian sneered, pinched his chin and forced him to look
at him, “You say that you don’t remember so you don’t remember.
Your Majesty, do you need this one here to help you remember?
For example, how seductively Your Majesty looked at this one and
your moans that could even make a lady ashamed?”
Chi Zhao: “………..”
Fuck, he really got fucked last night!
Hong Lei: “………”
Why don’t you two ever check to see if there is anyone around
when you talk about these kinds of things? Is it too late for me to
leave now??
Chi Zhao’s old face blushed but he mustn’t be shy in this situation.
Chi Zhao glanced at the Shen Wumian in front of him, imitated his
expression and angrily roared, “Presumptuous!”
Shen Wumian had never heard the young Emperor speak so
coldly to him. In fact, today was also the first time the young
Emperor went against him. It seems that this was the result of
revealing the truth. Only under the influence of alcohol would the
young Emperor be willing to spend the night with him. Without the
alcohol affecting his mind, he was still nothing to the young
His heart started to ache. Shen Wumian’s lips turned pale and he
laughed mockingly a few times, as if he heard a joke,
“Presumptuous? Is Your Majesty using anger to conceal your
With regards to arguing, Chi Zhao was most definitely not Shen
Wumian’s opponent. He originally didn’t want to go against Shen
Wumian but Shen Wumian continued to mock him, making him
unable to counter at all. Also unable to say the truly hurtful words,
he could only stare back at Shen Wumian wordlessly.
The main system watched on anxiously. If this continued, Chi
Zhao would miss the golden opportunity to strike back! If he misses
that opportunity, no matter how impactful that line was, the effect
would be greatly reduced!
【If you can’t say it, you can try throwing something at his face?】
Suddenly hearing such a line, Chi Zhao was surprised for a
moment. He then felt that it was a good suggestion and proceeded to
turn around and reach out to grab something. There weren’t many
things that could be thrown at someone on the table behind. His
hand was closest to the jade pendant just now but after his hand
hovered over the pendant for a while, he changed direction and
turned to pick up a small flower vase next to it.
That vase was said to be a very, very, very old antique. At a height
of about ten centimetres, it was small and pleasing to the eyes and
very suitable to be thrown at someone. Chi Zhao selected it and then
angrily turned around, accurately aiming it at a spot about twenty
centimetres to the right of Shen Wumian’s head.
Please read this from kk translates
The main system watched on excitedly. As he watched in
anticipation, he watched that vase fly past Shen Wumian’s face
before kissing the ground.
Didn’t hit, how disappointing.
With a crash, the vase shattered. Upon hearing this commotion,
the door was immediately pushed open and seven or eight guards
rushed in. They looked around only to see that there was no one to
As they looked around with a look of confusion, they heard the
prince regent bellow, “Get the hell out!”
The guard’s actions froze, and they immediately turned to leave.
Among them was the shadow guard Two who was disguised as the
chief guard. He stretched out his arm and dragged Hong Lei with
him as he left, leaving only Chi Zhao and Shen Wumian in the room.
Oh, and there was also the main system who has finally started
watching live broadcasts instead of recordings.
Shen Wumian stared fixatedly at Chi Zhao with his red eyes while
Chi Zhao refused to admit defeat and stuck up his chin in defiance.
After a long period of silence, Shen Wumian’s hoarse voice rang
through the empty room, “…….Do you like him that much?”
Like who???
Chi Zhao didn’t know what Shen Wumian was talking about. Once
again, he felt frustrated at himself for not remembering anything.
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment before replying solemnly, “I don’t
know what you are talking about.”
I really don’t know what you’re talking about!
Hearing his answer, Shen Wumian’s eyes turned even more red
and even his breathing became heavily. He took a step forward,
placing him firmly in front of Chi Zhao, scaring the latter terribly.
“Even now, you pretend to be dumb. Chen Yi, do you really
have no heart?”
Shen Wumian laughed at himself both sorrowfully and self-
deprecatingly and then he himself answered that question. No, Chen
Yi does have a heart. It was just that his heart was given to another
person, given to a person he could never defeat in his entire life.
The kindness in his youth, that brief encounter; it had completely
occupied all four corners of the young Emperor’s soft heart, leaving
no space for anyone else. That was why, no matter what he did and
no matter how he tried to prove himself, as long as Chen Yi knew
about the existence of Shen Sixteen, he would be ruthlessly pushed
aside by Chen Yi and abandoned.
Hearing Shen Wumian’s words, Chi Zhao’s heart trembled. It felt
like someone had stabbed his chest. That sharp pain was very
fleeting, and it disappeared too quickly for him to be able to describe
that feeling.
He subconsciously opened his mouth but what could he say?
Shen Wumian watched him open his mouth hesitantly, seemingly
wanting to say something, but after waiting for a long time, he didn’t
hear the other party utter a single word.
With an ashen heart, Shen Wumian flattened his lips and then
turned and left.
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KK has something to say: LOL the ML once again jumping to
conclusions and abusing himself in the process
Chapter 103
Source: KK Translates


Shen Wumian left, and the originally quiet palace became even
quieter. The main system silently stared at Chi Zhao, only to see him
stand there silently for a while before calmly turning around and
sitting back down on the low stool he was sitting on earlier.
He picked up the jade pendant lying quietly on the table and
slowly rubbed his thumb against its delicate and detailed patterns.
Chi Zhao’s expression was calm and indifferent, as if he wasn’t
thinking about anything and also as if he was thinking about a lot of
thigs. The main system fell into thought for a moment and then
decided to break the silence.
【Are you sad?】
Chi Zhao’s act of rubbing the jade pendant stopped. His eyes
became focused and he calmly replied, “No.”
And you say you’re not. You’re even talking less. Chi Zhao wasn’t
Shen Wumian, he wasn’t the type to speak perfunctorily.
The main system sighed. He didn’t say anything to comfort him
and just changed the topic.
【 I heard the slag shou system say that you are a very kind
person. Before it left, it even told me that I must cooperate with you
and cannot force you to do things that you don’t want to do.】
Chi Zhao heard this and suddenly felt that energised, “Really? It
really told you that?”
【Of course, I have no need to lie about this kind of thing.】
Chi Zhao couldn’t help but laugh, “I didn’t treat it well for
He subconsciously stored the jade pendant into his sleeve, just
like how he did after getting drunk last night. The main system saw
this action of his and couldn’t help but laugh. Chi Zhao this person,
no matter whether he was drunk or sober, he was still the same and
would do things with his heart on his sleeve.
In a human society where almost everyone complains about doing
things involuntarily and being forced by life circumstances, a person
like him was very rare. No wonder No.6 was obsessed with him.
While the main system silently expressing this to himself, on the
other end, Chi Zhao had already stored away his downcast mood. He
turned around and happily started chatting with the main system,
“Daddy, why are you the one replacing the system? Are all the
other systems busy?”
Once again hearing Chi Zhao calling him daddy with no hesitation,
the main system fell silent for a moment. For a moment, he felt like
he was the one who was on the short end of the stick.
【 No, it’s mainly because there was no precedence like this
before. A system usually cannot leave their job without approval. If I
find another system to take over, I was afraid of this matter
spreading. It wouldn’t be good for the slag shou system, so I came
Chi Zhao blinked a few times and used one hand to support his
chin, “You also call the system the slag shou system? I heard that
there are several of its type. Do you call all of them that?”
【Humans and systems are different. Every system has their own
code. We use code when we communicate internally and only use
names when introduced to humans.】
“Oh?” Chi Zhao was interested, “Then what’s the system’s
The main system very quickly read out a string of letters and
numbers and there were even several special characters. It sounded
like complete gibberish. Chi Zhao supported his head and listened
for a full minute, but the main system still wasn’t done. Two minutes
later, he still wasn’t done.
Chi Zhao: “……..”
“Okay, alright. I understand now daddy. You don’t need to
read it anymore.”
When the systems communicate internally, it was at hundreds of
thousands of bytes per second so they could very quickly read the
code but if it were to be read out verbally, it would take a
horrendously long time.
The main system promptly closed his mouth. He was very easy to
talk to and would almost always answer any of Chi Zhao’s question.
Chi Zhao changed his sitting position. He thought about the time
the system fiercely praised the main system and, with the main
system now living in his mind, Chi Zhao suddenly felt a little
mischevious. He dragged his tone, “Daddy, you said just now that a
system cannot leave their post without approval but you’re
blatantly helping the system skip work. Aren’t you being too nice
to my family’s system?” It was almost to the point of spoiling it.
Hearing Chi Zhao’s words, the main system lightly chuckled. That
laugh was extremely pleasing to the ears, making Chi Zhao’s body
shiver. Your mum, how could it be so nice? This was foul play!
Although Chi Zhao was accusing him of sheltering his subordinate,
the main system wasn’t angry. He knew that Chi Zhao didn’t say it
with malicious intentions, so he admitted to it very easily.
【Indeed, I shouldn’t be doing this but when faced by its begging,
I couldn’t bring myself to refuse. It has been like this every time. It
would whine and beg and before I could realise what I was doing, I
have already agreed. Fortunately, it never asked for too much. Like
this time, it wouldn’t be away for long. It’s afraid of causing trouble
for me so it has stressed multiple times that it would return as soon
as it can.】
Chi Zhao was stunned for a moment. Huh? Why did he seem to
smell dog food?
Chi Zhao dumbfoundedly moved his finger a little and only after
opening his mouth for a long time did he ask tentatively,
“Then…..Then why are you so good to the system?”
Could it be that he was interested in his family’s little system
who’s soft and good at singing and wants to take it further?!
Hearing this question, the main system was a little surprised. He
replied without much thought.
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【 Because its code is very cute, different from other systems.】
Chi Zhao: “……….”
Was this the legendary, after being single for so long, developing
an interest to a string of alphanumeric numbers?
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment. Because he didn’t want to leave
the main system hanging, he still gave a response, “Oh, I see.”
From Chi Zhao’s tone, the system seemed to sense some
extremely complicated emotions. This time, the main system was
truly surprised.
【Why? You don’t think so?】
Chi Zhao laughed drily a few times, “……Haha, of course I do.”
After that exchange, the main system could tell that Chi Zhao
didn’t mean it and Chi Zhao could also tell that the main system was
serious. One human and one system silently confronted each other.
In the end, the atmosphere gradually became awkward and strange.
Both of them only had one thought on their minds —– He actually
thinks the code is not cute/He actually thinks the code is cute!
Seeing that Chi Zhao’s mood seemed to have recovered somewhat
after receiving the shock from “the code being cute”, the main
system cleared his throat and spoke again.
【Alright, let’s not talk about these things and focus on the task.
Chi Zhao, do you want to experience the thrill of completing a task at
supersonic speed?】
Chi Zhao: “………..” Why did that sound a little strange?
Seeing that Chi Zhao didn’t understand, the main system
【I have some authority here and can change the progression of
the word, turning all the conditions into your advantage. Not only
can it return the plot back onto its original tracks, it could also allow
you to reap abuse points. For you to achieve this, it will only take
fifteen days. That is to say, you can have this world sorted before I
Presented with such attractive conditions, if it was another host,
they would have already happily accepted it. Chi Zhao however
didn’t say anything after hearing it.
The main system was silent for a second and it then quickly
analysed the reason for Chi Zhao’s silence. It was because those
were not what he needed nor what he wanted. Even if the
progression of the world was not changed, Chi Zhao would still do
very well in this world. It could be said that out of all the worlds, he
was doing the best in this one. If he continued like this, he would
most definitely get full marks.
After some quick thinking, the main system slowly added a line.
【Leaving early is also good for you and your body.】
Chi Zhao’s eyes flashed.
Right now, what Chi Zhao needed the most was time. In the first
three worlds, he had lived until he died naturally, or he waited until
the protagonist died before leaving so he had used up too much time
because of this. As a result, the system later worked to find worlds
that could be completed in one or two, or even two or three years,
but it was all futile because the plot had never been stable.
In addition to that, the main systems words just now were like a
reminder for Chi Zhao. He could tell what the main system implying.
Chi Zhao pursed his lips and felt that he really shouldn’t hesitate
over something like this. After all, there was nothing holding him
back in this world. He didn’t like the protagonist and he also didn’t
have any lingering affection for anyone else so why shouldn’t he
accept it?
“It’s really just fifteen days?”
【At most fifteen days. You can rest assured that as long as I make
the move, even the protagonist will not be able to change the plot
The main system’s tone was light, but his words were filled with
confidence. Chi Zhao glanced at the jade pendant, tightened his fist
and nodded firmly, “Alright! Then let’s get it sorted in fifteen
The main system smiled and immediately issued a command.
【 Okay, as the host wishes. The world progression self-repair
program has been launched. Host, you will soon see the results.】
J-just like that?
Chi Zhao wasn’t ready for it yet and he also didn’t know what the
main system meant by changing the world progression. When he
asked the main system, the latter just shrugged and told him that a
self-repairing program would repair the world. As for what the
repaired world would be like, no one knew but one could at least be
certain that everything would go in a good direction.
Chi Zhao sat there nervously and wasn’t even in the mood to eat
while the main system on the other end watched the changes to the
world progression with a faint smile on his face.
It really wasn’t easy.
After watching the plots in the previous three words stubbornly
take a wrong turn, finally, he could now deal with it in person!
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He had long been unhappy with No. 6! He hadn’t cast his work
aside and come here as a replacement system in vain. This time, he
would set everything up the way he wanted so that No. 6 can truly
experience a long journey of abuse!
He loves watching those scenes of a domineering wife whipping
her loyal dog husband the most HAHAHAHA!
The moment the program was launched, a major incident
occurred on the border of Chen Empire. Barbarians suddenly
attacked and captured three cities within a day and one of them
actually had people on the inside colluding with them, directly
bringing the general there over to the barbarians to deal with. When
he heard the news, Shen Wumian was in his dungeon, self-torturing
himself as he looked at Shen Sixteen’s face that resembled his own.
When he heard it, he immediately assembled the officials to discuss
what should be done.
Although some of these officials can be disobedient, when the
country is in trouble, they would still unite together to fight the
invading enemies first.
After discussing for a long time, Shen Wumian’s expression
became more and more unsightly. It was because he had discovered
that these barbarians were not low in strength and quite
threatening. The leader of the group was a person he had never
heard of, but his skills and abilities were definitely something he
cannot underestimate.
With this, there was no one else who would be able to deal with it.
If he wanted to drive those barbarians away as soon as possible, he,
Shen Wumian, would have to take action.
In just two hours, there was already chaos outside. When he
heard from Hong Lei that Shen Wumian might be taking the front
line, Chi Zhao for a moment couldn’t register this information.
After Hong Lei left, Chi Zhao blinked a few times and hurriedly
asked the main system.
“What is happening?”
【Every change in the plot is done for your sake. Think about it. If
Shen Wumian leaves, what can you do? What is it that you can do
that is the cruellest to him?】
Following the hints from the main system, Chi Zhao fell into
thought. He had always been a good child through and through, but
it didn’t take long for him to understand.
The cruellest thing to Shen Wumian would be for the previous life
to repeat itself again. With Shen Wumian around, he was originally
unable to do much but now that he was gone, he could do it without
anything holding himself back.
Many thoughts quickly passed through his mind. The main system
waited for a while before asking patiently.
【How is it? Do you know what you should do?】
Chi Zhao nodded. He quietly uttered a name: “……Shen Sixteen.”
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: Is that a side CP I see there?!
Chapter 104
Source: KK Translates


The war caught them completely off guard. In just a short night,
the originally stealthily plotting forces once again experienced a
reshuffle. Shen Wumian stayed up all night without sleep. In the
early morning when the sky was still dark, he travelled through the
night and entered the young Emperor’s quarters.
Chi Zhao was still mulling over things inside and so he wasn’t
sleeping very deeply. When he heard the sound of heavy footsteps,
he almost immediately opened his eyes and turned to look at the
person coming his way.
Shen Wumian’s footsteps paused momentarily but he very soon
continued walking over whilst maintaining the same pace and same
Chi Zhao also sat up. He pursed his lips and silently looked at Shen
Today, Shen Wumian wore a pure black robe. With a dazzling
sword hanging to the side, the aura he gave off was too serious and
overbearing, making Chi Zhao’s mood also turn heavy.
Shen Wumian didn’t sit next to Chi Zhao like he usually did. He
just stood there, looking down at the young Emperor from above.
After a long time, he finally spoke, “The barbarians have
invaded the border. I am going to drive them away.”
He didn’t use the humble and distant referral ‘this one’, and had
instead used the more ordinary, ‘I’. Chi Zhao was silent for a
moment. Both his hands under the quilt nervously gripped the
bright yellow sheet under him, “Mhn.”
Swords have no eyes. Every time one goes to the battlefield, it was
a gamble with life. When Shen Wumian went to the battlefield for
the first time, his father had already passed away. His mother was
also a tough female general. She wouldn’t cry like other mothers,
reluctantly bidding goodbye to her son. His mother would just tell
him one line, don’t make the Shen family lose face, and then turn to
leave without a hint of worry in her eyes.
Later, his mother also passed away. There was no one left who
would send him off to the battlefield. Shen Wumian had always felt
that it wasn’t a big deal. Crying and having tearful goodbyes didn’t
suit him. He was born a warrior who would wield a sword to kill the
enemy. His life had always been filled with scheming and killing.
Things like tenderness and affection, it was a strange thing that
didn’t belong to his world.
But now, he felt a little sour inside. He had hoped that the young
Emperor would say a few more words. As long as the young
Emperor could show even one ten thousandth of dissatisfaction and
worry, it would give him enough strength and determination to
come back alive.
That short and indifferent ‘mhn’ had cut off all his hopes. Shen
Wumian seemed to have grown used to such a cold treatment. Every
time it happened, he would think self-deprecatingly, if he was Shen
Sixteen instead, would Chen Yi still be so indifferent?
The first time he thought this, he was very angry. The second
time, he was upset. The third time, he was numb.
After going back and forth, Shen Wumian felt that he was really
about to grow an iron heart.
The corners of his lips twitched indifferently. Shen Wumian
continued, “Before I return…….”
There were a lot of things he wanted to say. He wanted to say,
please take care of yourself. He also wanted to say, please don’t run
around recklessly and quietly stay in the palace, waiting for his
return. Numerous lines circled around in his mouth several times
and his pause was so long, Chen Yi even raised his head to look a
him questioningly. Shen Wumian looked at his eyes before slowly
lowering his eyelids.
This action was clearly very silent, but Chi Zhao seemed to hear a
very faint sigh of conceded defeat.
“Before I come back, don’t be stubborn and remember to take
your medicine.”
Chi Zhao was slightly stunned for a moment.
The medicine naturally didn’t refer to the poison but the one for
detoxifying and conditioning his body. The old imperial doctor had
carefully assessed Chi Zhao’s body and the prescription would
change from time to time. In the past, Chi Zhao felt that this imperial
doctor really had a unique personality. He was probably the only
one in the whole country who would dare to disrespect Shen
Wumian. Later, Chi Zhao realised that he not only dared to
disrespect Shen Wumian, he also dared to disrespect himself.
Every bowl of medicine from the imperial doctor didn’t contain
any ingredient that would neutralise the bitter taste so every one of
them were difficult to drink. After Chi Zhao managed to adapt to the
taste of the current prescription, a newer and more bitter one would
present itself.
Chi Zhao secretly went to the old imperial doctor, begging him to
add something to neutralise the taste. The old imperial doctor who
was writing out the new prescription paused and indifferently
looked back at Chi Zhao, “No.”
Chi Zhao: “……..”
Shen Wumian who was calmly drinking tea on the side couldn’t
help but think to himself: This imperial doctor didn’t just look down
on him, he treated everyone the same. He really had a unique
Chi Zhao really didn’t want to drink the bitter medicine. In his
opinion, since he would ascend to heaven sooner or later, there was
no need to keep his body so healthy, so he had always tried to avoid
drinking it using various reasons and excuses. But unfortunately, he
couldn’t seem to beat Shen Wumian. Shen Wumian would ruthlessly
tear apart his excuses and until now, Chi Zhao has not been able to
avoid drinking the medicine for a single day.
Chi Zhao waited for a long time because he wanted to know what
the latter half of Shen Wumian’s sentence would be. Would it be
‘don’t do things you should be doing’ or ‘be good and don’t make
He had all sorts of guesses in mind, but he didn’t expect
something like this.
At this moment, Chi Zhao suddenly realised how much the prince
regent liked him.
Shen Wumian was originally planning to leave after saying those
words. The upcoming battle was indeed very urgent, and it cannot
be delayed for even a second. He wanted to rush over to the border
immediately and being here saying goodbye to the Emperor was
wasting that precious time.
But Chen Yi’s eyes that were fixated onto him made him unable to
move. After a moment of silence, Shen Wumian took a step forward
and sat down on the edge of Chen Yi’s bed.
This place had almost become his exclusive seat.
As he sat down, Chen Yi’s gaze also followed him over.
“Will you be good?”
Hearing this question, Chi Zhao restored his gaze. He lowered his
eyes and looked at the quilt covering his body.
His voice was very soft but never humble, “If you want me to be
good, you shouldn’t have let me know too much.”
What Chi Zhao was saying was that Shen Wumian’s act of teaching
him how to govern a country and be in charge of the government
was basically on par to raising a tiger. Once he has learnt how to be
an Emperor, he naturally would no longer listen to Shen Wumian’s
But when these words reached Shen Wumian’s ears, they
translated into a different meaning.
——- If I didn’t know about the existence of Shen Sixteen, perhaps
I would continue to listen to you.
Shen Wumian felt that he was already used to it but at this
moment, his heart that was riddled with holes once again started to
All his inner organs ached. If it was the past, Shen Wumian would
explode and hurt the person before him, but the current Shen
Wumian only blinked a few times and there wasn’t even much of a
change to his expression.
He acted like he didn’t hear that line. Looking at the young
Emperor’s lowered head, he stretched out his hand and forcible
pulled Chi Zhao closer. Chi Zhao raised his head in astonishment.
Shen Wumian only used one hand to bring him closer and he used
his other hand to roughly rub Chi Zhao’s lips.
The rough rubbing caused Chi Zhao’s lips to turn red, like it could
drip blood. Chi Zhao was in pain and wanted to push him away but
Shen Wumian’s strength was too great. He couldn’t get away at all.
Seeing the young Emperor’s lips turn red, Shen Wumian lowered
his eyes and leaned forward, bringing his lips to it with both with
restraint and with force.
He didn’t go deep, and he also didn’t rub. It couldn’t be considered
a kiss, it was just an ordinary contact between the lips. Chi Zhao’s
eyes widened. Seeing Shen Wumian’s handsome face so close to him,
his body stiffened slightly. Shen Wumian moved back slightly. The
finger that was originally rubbing Chi Zhao’s lips moved down to
pinch his chin and the other hand holding Chi Zhao’s arm slowly
moved up, gently pressing the back of his neck.
This place was a human’s vital spot. If he wanted to, with just a
light twist of his wrist, the young Emperor could immediately lose
his life.
It was a very threatening act, especially with his hand kneading
the back of his neck like this. It was almost the same as saying ‘I am
now thinking about taking away your life’. Shen Wumian looked into
Chi Zhao’s eyes indifferently. He had thought that he would see
panic and vigilance and he was prepared for him to struggle, but
nothing happened.
The young Emperor just stared back at him in daze and there was
a slightly complicated look in his eyes. His fingers were trembling
slightly, as if he wanted to bring his hand up but for reasons
unknown it remained hanging loosely beside him.
Shen Wumian suppressed the strange feeling in his heart and said
quietly, “Your Majesty should be more obedient, or I won’t know
what I would do.”
His tone was calm, as if what he just said wasn’t a big deal. If it
was someone else, they would have immediately fainted on the spot
upon hearing the prince regents’ threats or at least show some fear.
After all, those words were basically a threat.
But the young Emperor before him was still the same as before. If
he had to talk about changes, he was just no longer sitting there in
daze like he was earlier.
His eyes were turned to the left. The left brain was where one’s
memories are stored. It meant that he was recalling something. Shen
Wumian however was an ancient person. He didn’t know about the
difference between left and right brains and just thought that Chen
Yi was using silence to escape him.
If he didn’t leave now, it would be too late. He never got a promise
from Chen Yi and staying any longer would probably be useless
anyway. Shen Wuman closed his eyes and swallowed back the
bitterness and coldness inside him. He retracted his hand, stood up
and turned to leave.
Just as he was about to take a step, suddenly, there was a tiny
force behind him grabbing onto the corner of his gown. Compared to
Shen Wumian’s own strength, that small force was nothing, but that
almost non-existent force made him stop in place.
Shen Wumian stood stiffly in place. He didn’t look back, nor did he
dare look back.
As for why he didn’t dare look back, it may be because of
cowardice. When someone suddenly obtains something that they
couldn’t obtain before, their first reaction would be doubt.
Chi Zhao held the corner of Shen Wumian’s gown and opened his
mouth over and over again.
In the end, the hundred and thousands of different words could
only be condensed into three simple words. It wasn’t what he
wanted to say the most but it was what Shen Wumian needed to
hear the most at this very moment.
“……Come back safe.”
Shen Wumian’s heart stopped. The hands hanging by his sides
clenched tightly. He took a step forward, breaking away from Chi
Zhao’s grasp. Shen Wumian left very quickly, like he was hurriedly
fleeing, but Chi Zhao still heard his response that almost faded in the
Leaning back against the bed, Chi Zhao seemed to have thought of
something and suddenly laughed.
He really is awkward.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 105
Source: KK Translates


The prince regent had already set off when the others
remembered to inform the Emperor.
Sitting in court, the people below for once had a solemn
expression. The attack from the barbarians had exposed a lot of
Chen Empire’s shortcomings. These chronic issues had accumulated
for a long time so even if Shen Wumian goes to deal with it now, it
wouldn’t be settled in a short time. He had originally thought he had
more time, but he didn’t expect the barbarians to attack so suddenly.
The rations, equipment, horses, everything required money. The
two prime ministers as well as the other officials constantly gave
their opinions and although the circumstances were quite
overwhelming, they still managed to come up with a feasible plan.
After the court, Chi Zhao wanted to return to his quarters as usual,
but he was stopped by someone behind him.
“Your Majesty, please wait!”
Chi Zhao turned to look back. An old man strode together to him.
It was the left prime minister.
Chi Zhao stood there quietly, waiting for him to come over.
Three steps turning into two steps, the left prime minister soon
reached Chi Zhao. The officials who were leaving at this moment
saw this scene. Some perked their ears, eager to hear what they
were saying but they were unfortunately too far to hear clearly.
The left prime minister had a lot of things to say. He didn’t know
why but he felt that this time, the attack from the barbarians was not
as simple as it seemed on the surface. He wasn’t afraid of others, but
he was afraid that the young Emperor couldn’t hold himself back
and would do something outrageous.
But when he got closer and saw the young Emperor’s eyes that
appeared to be calmer than an adults, he felt that perhaps he was
getting older and was now even worrying meaninglessly.
Slightly relieved but just to be on the safe side, the left prime
minister still said, “Your Majesty, there is no peace between the
country and the outside. Please remain in the palace and don’t do
anything rash.”
This statement was very meaningful. Chi Zhao thought about it
and then nodded obediently, “Thank you Lord Wei. Zhen
After that, Chi Zhao turned and left. At the same time, he felt some
regret in his heart.
The main system had said the that world would progress in his
favour so when the left prime minister approached him, he had
thought that he was there to ask him to do something. In the end, he
had come to remind him not to do anything.
So disappointed.
Hong Lei was a palace maid. The palace rules stipulated that a
palace maid cannot enter the court to serve so when he left, only a
few eunuchs followed Chi Zhao out the main door. If he turned
around that corner, it would be the junction between the court and
the harem and Hong Lei would be waiting for him there.
Chi Zhao was still wondering how he could go to the prince
regent’s mansion to find Shen Sixteen when a voice sounded again
behind him.
Today, he seemed to be in high demand.
Chi Zhao turned around. Very coincidentally, the person who had
stopped him just now was the left prime minister and now the
person stopping him was the right prime minister.
The right one was a little older than the left, but he looked
younger. If you ignored the grey hairs, he looked no different from a
middle-aged person.
The right prime minister laughed and bowed to Chi Zhao.
Without waiting for Chi Zhao to tell him to get up, he directly
raised his head and looked at Chi Zhao with a smile that also
didn’t seem like a smile, “Your Majesty, this old official recently
got his hands on some top-grade calligraphy works and would
like to take this opportunity to gift it to your Majesty. I wonder if
Your Majesty would give me a chance to do so?”
Listen to this! This is the standard line for trouble! All that bunch
of nonsense was basically telling the other party that he was ready
to make trouble!
If he wanted to get out of the palace, he would need someone to
help him. The right prime minister had clearly been turned into a
divine assistant after the world progress had changed. Chi Zhao
naturally had to accept his help.
Without going to the harem, Chi Zhao turned his feet and went
with the right prime minister and eunuchs to the Qinzheng Hall.
After arriving, he ordered the eunuchs to watch the door and then
sat down in the main seat, “Speak now if you have something to
say. Zhen is busy.”
Please read this from kk translates
The palace was now almost completely under Shen Wumian’s
control. Although he wasn’t around, his subordinates are
everywhere, not to mention, even just Hong Lei alone was able to
prevent him from doing anything.
The right prime minister looked at Chi Zhao and finally no longer
smiled. He stored away his difficult to decipher smile and his eyes
flashed with appreciation and interest, “This official thinks it’s
pretty good. Your Majesty sure enough is not as cowardly as you
seem, can certainly take over the important task given by the
former Emperor.”
Chi Zhao: “……” Those words were too illogical. The task entrusted
to him by the former Emperor was to live quietly, in obscurity. What
kind of important task is that?
The right prime minister was also aware that Chen Yi was
constantly being watched by others so this meeting of theirs would
most definitely attract other people’s attention. He however had no
other choice. Now was a once in a lifetime opportunity to take
advantage of. Before Shen Wumian returns, everything must be
He didn’t continue talking nonsense and very concisely explained
his intentions. Chi Zhao continued to listen on expressionlessly,
appearing very calm, but inside him, one word repeated itself over
and over again.
This right prime minister had concealed himself very well. He was
actually more royalist than the royalist left prime minister!
However, it wasn’t appropriate calling him a royalist. His
allegiance was towards the former Emperor, that is, the good
Emperor who had unfortunately died too early.
To the left prime minister, if Chen Yi died, he could always find
others with royal bloodlines. No matter what that person was, it was
enough as long as they are surnamed Chen. To the right prime
minister however, he became an official so that he could repay the
former Emperor’s kindness. Since the former Emperor had asked
him to protect the current young Emperor before his death, he was
determined to protect Chen Yi.
Everyone here feared Shen Wumian. Many hoped that Shen
Wumian would die, and the right prime minister was one of them.
He acted like he didn’t care about anything but he in fact had always
wanted to stab that bastard, Shen Wumian!
While stabbing, he would also curse at him. Where did you get
that courage from?! How dare you covet His Majesty?! How dare you
do that?! Is His Majesty someone you can covet?! Did you soak your
brain in soybean paste?!
So, when he learned that the barbarians had invaded, his first
reaction wasn’t protecting Chen Empire but that he now had a
chance to knock Shen Wumian down. The right prime minister had
some hidden forces and manpower on his side and at the same time
he could make use of the favours he had accumulated from those
who also didn’t like Shen Wumian.
This method was very dangerous. If they failed, they wouldn’t be
able to recover but if they won, it would be a wonderous occasion. If
they wanted to make Chen Empire prosperous and strong again, the
first thing they had to do was to deal with the corruption internally.
With the time it took to finish a cup of tea, the right prime
minister told the young Emperor everything that had to be said. He
spoke until his throat was dry, but he didn’t dare drink and just
stared firmly at the young Emperor, “What do you think Your
Chi Zhao silently closed his mouth that was slightly open from
shock and thought seriously for a while, “How long do you need?”
“Answering Your Majesty, fifteen days.”
When he gave this answer, the right prime minister felt a little
frustrated inside. He naturally knew that fifteen days was too long
but Shen Wumian’s power had stretched far across the capital so it
wouldn’t be easy getting rid of it and gaining a firm foothold.
Hearing this answer, Chi Zhao wasn’t very surprised. Fifteen days
however was too long.
Chi Zhao smiled faintly, “Ten days should be enough.”
Answering the right prime minister’s surprised look, Chi Zhao
slowly added, “Zhen will help you.”
Leaving Qinzheng Hall, Chi Zhao returned to his quarters. Along
the way, although Hong Lei didn’t say anything, Chi Zhao saw her
exchange a look with one of the eunuchs. She was probably trying to
investigate what happened. Chi Zhao didn’t care and only continued
to drink the lotus soup in his bowl.
【Can you really shorten fifteen days into ten days?】
Chi Zhao swallowed and answered inside, “Of course. The
people outside can be dealt with by the right prime minister and
I can deal with the people inside. As long as the palace is sorted,
it shouldn’t be a problem outside.”
The main system found it very strange. He wasn’t trying to look
down on Chi Zhao but……Chi Zhao’s personality and intelligence
definitely wasn’t suitable for being involved with politics. Although
he was smart, he wasn’t sly. If he really got involved with power
struggles, he probably wouldn’t survive longer than three episodes.
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But Chi Zhao’s answer was filled with confidence, as if he really
did have that ability.
【Then what are you planning to do? Before he left, Shen Wumian
had placed his most powerful subordinates both inside and outside
the palace. Let alone people, even a bird will not be able to fly out
from this place. Even if the right prime minister can send assassins
in, they probably wouldn’t be able to last long.】
“What’s the assassin for?” Chi Zhao wondered.
【 … .If the assassins don’t come in, who will help you deal with
Chi Zhao was even more confused, “Why does someone need to
help me?”
The main system was speechless.
【Did you want to go against a group of them alone?】
And they are also proficient at martial arts. With Chi Zhao’s small
body, just a sneeze from them would knock him down!
“Why would I go against them? Isn’t that just asking for
death?” Chi Zhao replied calmly, “I’m not stupid.”
【Then what do you plan to do?】
The main system was losing his patience. Chi Zhao took another
sip of his lotus soup and slowly answered.
“It’s very simple.” Chi Zhao smiled, “Drug them.”
Main system: “……..”
After a moment of silence, the main system could only cruelly tear
apart Chi Zhao’s naïve thoughts.
【Those people are all proficient at martial arts. Ordinary poison
won’t work on them. Even if you do get something that’s not
ordinary, how would you poison them? They are all extremely
vigilant such that even if there was something wrong with their
food, they wouldn’t even eat it anymore. All poison have a taste or
colour to it. Those that are colourless and tasteless and highly toxic
only exist in novels or still needs to be studied further so they
currently don’t exist in this world.】
Chi Zhao lightly blinked, “Who said I’m going to poison them? I
said I’m going to drug them. It won’t endanger their lives; it’ll just
make them sleep for a night. I would then use that opportunity to tie
and lock them up.
Was there a difference? The difficulty of the two was exactly the
The tired main system paused for a moment. He thought abut it
and asked a question he had been wondering for a while now.
【Do you have a way to get knock-out drugs?】
Chi Zhao shook his head, “No need for knock-out drugs. I have a
drug with me, and plenty of it too. No need to worry too much.
This thing is colourless, tasteless and has no side effects. The
effect will wear off after sleeping for a night so it’s very humane.”
The more the main system listened, the more he felt that it
strangely sounded familiar.
【Are you referring to……】
Chi Zhao smiled brightly, “I’m referring to the one spring night
Main system: “……….”
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KK has something to say: The potion shows up again!
Chapter 106
Source: KK Translates


For a moment, the main system felt that his logic library was
about to collapse.
Was this something a human could say???
The main system even began to wonder if Chi Zhao didn’t know
what that potion was used for but when he asked that question,
Chi Zhao replied sensibly, “I know but I have no choice. If I don’t
deal with these people, the right prime minister will have
difficulty too outside. Besides, I will be leaving soon so there is
nothing to worry about.”
Main system: “……”
That seems to make sense.
——– As if!!
Using that potion to knock down a group of people and then
having everyone wake up thinking that something indescribable had
happened between them and the young Emperor, what kind of
scene would that be like?!
Just thinking about it, the main system felt like a lot of redundant
garbage data had fallen out of him. If it continued at this rate, it
wouldn’t be long until he went bald.
In the main system’s eyes, Chi Zhao was planning to do that to all
the guards in the palace. Roughly estimating, there were about three
hundred of them. That was also why he was so shocked. Chi Zhao
however had planned it out and felt that knocking out six of them
was enough.
Hong Lei next to him, the palace guard general, the attendant from
the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the two guards at Qinzheng Hall and
the shadow guard who has been protecting him from the shadows
the entire time, Seven.
These people were all Shen Wumian’s people and are in charge of
all the affairs in the palace. After Shen Wumian left, they are now the
leaders of the other people, especially the always unsmiling general.
Chi Zhao had seen him reprimand Hong Lei several times and
guessed that he was probably Shen Wumian’s right- or left-hand
As the saying goes, to catch the bandits, first catch the ringleader.
As long as these people are dealt with, the rest would be easy as pie.
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Hearing Chi Zhao’s words, the main system felt that he really
shouldn’t judge people based on their appearance.
In his mind, Chi Zhao was still a college student in his early
twenties. Although his IQ wasn’t low, he was only book smart and
when forced into a real-life situation, he could only get through it
blindly. The current Chi Zhao’s analysis was very good. It was indeed
as he had said. Those six people hold the lifeline of the palace. If they
are properly dealt with, this battle would be half successful.
The main system lightly chuckled. He didn’t speak any further. He
felt that he had been influenced by the things he heard. The slag
shou system would always complain about the task not being
completed so he had subconsciously thought that Chi Zhao couldn’t
do anything well while he was in fact quite amazing.
So in the end, it was still No. 6’s fault!
The main system was relieved, so he no longer paid attention to
this end and went to deal with his other mountain of work. Chi Zhao
had initiated the repair program so there shouldn’t be much of a
problem and that was why the main system was able to walk away
without a second thought.
After he left, Chi Zhao looked down at the spray on the table. He
then pulled out the piece of clear green jade from his sleeve and
looked at it for a long time. Hearing the sound of someone coming in,
Chi Zhao quickly stored the jade pendant away. The palace maid
busied about doing her work as usual and didn’t even glance at the
spray sitting right in front of her.
Seeing this, Chi Zhao was completely relieved. That spray was a
foreign object and people in this world couldn’t see it. Chi Zhao had
used it once in the first world. At that time, he had to watch his back
because although people couldn’t see the spray, they could see that
he was holding something. This world wasn’t that troublesome
because of the large sleeves that could easily cover his hands.
Once the new tea was served, Chi Zhao took a sip, his eyes calm
and indifferent.
Changes in the palace can happen very quickly. In just a few
hours, the owner of the palace had changed but before the change, it
was unknown how many people and how many years of preparation
was involved.
With the double attack from the inside and outside, on the
seventh day after the prince regent left with his troops, the palace
was filled with murderous energy. More than half of the palace
guards were killed or injured. Stepping onto the road washed with
blood, the fifteen-year-old emperor sat onto the throne he had used
for the last five years for the first time with power firmly in his own
There were not many people on the right prime minister’s side,
but after the young Emperor sat in the throne with overwhelming
presence, many officials headed by the left prime minister kneeled
to show their loyalty to the Emperor.
Humans are just that fickle. Wherever the wind blew, they would
lean that way. Chi Zhao tilted his head slightly as he looked at the
officials kneeling on the ground. Just like how he did when he was a
puppet Emperor, he said very calmly, “Rise.”
For once, the two prime ministers stood on the same side. With
their help, Chi Zhao didn’t have to worry about any of the outside
affairs but there were still a few things he wanted to do himself.
For example, stripping Shen Wumian of his mansion.
On the border, Shen Wumian managed to use his military prowess
to repel the barbarians in just three days. While the army remained
on the border, Shen Wumian had already hurried back when he
heard the news of the changes happening in the capital.
With his speed, he would probably be back in about three or four
days. Right now, it just happened to be the tenth day Chi Zhao and
the right prime minister had agreed upon.
Hong Lei and the others were all imprisoned by Chi Zhao. The
right prime minister wanted to kill them or torture them to get some
information out of them about Shen Wumian but Chi Zhao stopped
him saying that they will be useful in the future.
The right prime minister was very suspicious of this. Although he
hadn’t interacted with the young Emperor much, he could see that
His Majesty wasn’t a cruel and ruthless person. As far as the palace
changes are concerned, he was never actually involved with any of
killings and only listened to the others in silence or handed the task
to the people below to deal with.
His Majesty’s soft-heartedness wasn’t a good thing, but it also
wasn’t a bad thing. It at least meant that he wouldn’t be a tyrant in
the future. The right prime minister was worried that the young
Emperor wouldn’t just be soft-hearted to the common people, he
would also be soft-hearted to Shen Wumian.
The winner takes all. When some people lose, they absolutely
cannot remain alive. This was something His Majesty should be fully
aware of.
The right prime minister still wanted to further probe Chi Zhao
out but an eunuch suddenly reported that Doctor Xun from the
Imperial Hospital came.
Doctor Xun was the old doctor with strong personality. No matter
what happened the past few days, the young Emperor still continued
to see the doctor every day and got him to write him the
prescription for the day.
Seeing Doctor Xun come in, the right prime minister felt that in
some senses, His Majesty was quite amazing. For one to consistently
drink medicine to nourish the body without fail every day, it wasn’t
something ordinary people could do. Something like this, only His
Majesty could do it.
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Chi Zhao waved his hand to send the right prime minister away.
The right prime minister bowed and very obediently left. His
expression while leaving seemed to show some relief.
If he found out that Chi Zhao’s reason for taking his medicine on
time every day was because it was Shen Wumian’s instructions
before he left, he might have died on the spot from anger.
What happened in the palace was nothing more than a fart to
Imperial Doctor Xun and it was not worthy of his attention. The
young Emperor who used to be a puppet Emperor had now become
the proper Emperor of Chen Empire but he only closed his eyes to
get his pulse without saying anything unnecessary.
Watching the old doctor who was only mentioned a few times in
the main plot line examine him, Chi Zhao blinked a few times and
suddenly asked, “Doctor Xun, I heard you sent a report last year
saying that you want to return to your hometown to retire?”
The imperial doctor raised his eyes, meeting the young Emperor’s
bright and lively eyes. His old and wrinkled face seemed to have
moved slightly.
Once he finished drinking the medicine sent over by Doctor Xun,
under the mighty protection of a large group of people, Chi Zhao
went to the prince regent’s mansion which no longer looked as
majestic as it once did.
If Shen Wumian didn’t transfer all his strongest subordinates to
the palace before he left, their attempt this time probably would not
have succeeded.
Chi Zhao didn’t want to kill Shen Wumian’s subordinates but
when he broke into the mansion, two of the shadow guards died.
They had wanted to attack Chi Zhao and kill him in secret, but they
were seen through by the others. After some blows were exchanged,
the two guards were dead.
The changes had happened too quickly. When Chi Zhao turned his
head, he could only see the other party crumble onto the ground.
The so-called stripping the mansion involved distributing stolen
goods and also planting stolen goods. The right prime minister next
to him furiously recorded all of Shen Wumian’s crimes. In total, it
added up several dozen. Chi Zhao followed the main system’s
instructions and was on his way to the dungeon when a guard
suddenly ran over with a look of panic on his face.
He leaned to whisper in the right prime minister’s ear for a
moment and, after listening for a few seconds, the right prime
minister’s face started to change.
In about the time it took for one to finish a cup of tea, under Chi
Zhao’s order, that guard pulled out pieces of paper he had found in a
secret compartment in the study.
There were roughly forty or fifty of them, all of which were
paintings of the same person. Some were new, some old and each of
them were all a little different.
Looking at so many of his own faces, Chi Zhao didn’t express any
of his opinion.
The right prime minister gritted his teeth, “Shen Wumian that
shameless bastard!”
When Chi Zhao heard those words, he handed the pictures back to
the right prime minister. The right prime minister thought he was
upset and quickly tried to placate him, “Your Majesty, please calm
down. This old official will get these burned.”
“No need.”
The right prime minister was taken aback.
Chi Zhao looked down at the paintings and pondered for a
moment. He then decided, “Keep it. This is also one of Shen
Wumian’s crimes.”
A look of surprise flashed across the right prime minister’s face.
He wanted to say something but Chi Zhao had already moved on, so
he had no choice but to keep up.
Reaching the entrance to the dungeon, Chi Zhao ignored the pleas
from the official and guards and insisted on going in alone. The right
prime minister felt that he was being too reckless, but Chi Zhao had
already confirmed with the main system that there was only Shen
Sixteen down there.
As Chi Zhao walked through the darkness, he expressed
internally. As expected of daddy, his navigation ability was better
than that trashy system.
Main system: “……….”
Are you happy you have a more advanced electronic dog?
After spending more than a year in a dungeon without seeing the
sun, Shen Sixteen no longer looked like how he used to look. After
all, no one would go out of their way to bathe, shave or help him
change. If not for a certain someone occasionally coming to self-
abuse himself, he probably wouldn’t even have the chance to have
his face washed.
And so, when Chi Zhao finally saw that person, he felt very
This cave man………did he really look like Shen Wumian?
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Chapter 107
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao’s estimate was correct. On the fourteenth day, Shen

Wumian arrived back at the capital with his personal soldiers.
When he left, he had taken with him 60,000 troops but when he
returned, he was with less than 40 elite subordinates. As soon as
he reached the gate, Shen Wumian was stopped. Like many TV
shows, the right prime minister stood above the city gate, looking
down at Shen Wumian. He proclaimed loudly, “The prince
regent’s tyrannical acts of indiscriminately killing the innocent
and lax ruling of the government has cause internal and external
troubles to the Chen Empire and unrest among the common
people. Under His Majesty’s orders, we are to arrest this
offending official. Offender Shen Wumian, remove your armour
and kneel in submission!”
Shen Wuman sat motionlessly on his horse, holding his sword. As
he looked up at the right prime minister above, mockery flashed
across his eyes.
He was clearly the one being looked down upon, but the right
prime minister felt that it was the other way around. The right
prime minister fell silent for a moment and then repeated the lines
again. He also knew that his words were nonsense, but he couldn’t
help it. This was the capital gate. What happens here can spread to
the ears of the common people within a day. For the sake of His
Majesty’s reputation and prestige, he must say this.
After repeating those grand words again, Shen Wumian finally
moved. He raised the hand holding the sword, his voice resonating
through the tower.
“I want to see His Majesty.”
There was a row of archers standing next to him in tight
formation. The right prime minister frowned. Before he had the
chance to speak, he saw another official next to him step forward
and shout loudly, “Presumptuous! Is His Majesty someone a
criminal can see so easily?”
Shen Wumian was no longer the prince regent, but he was still of
high status. His title had been conferred by the former Emperor so it
wouldn’t be easy if the young Emperor wanted to remove it. The
right prime minister frowned more deeply. Before he could say
something to that pig teammate of his, Shen Wumian below lost his
patience first.
His expression darkened and the armour covered in dirt and dust
from the border clanged together, emitting a sharp metallic sound.
“Then I have nothing to say.”
Shen Wumian raised the hand holding his sword and uttered an
order, “Siege the gate!”
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The official who had just spoken widened his eyes in surprise.
Was Shen Wumian seeking death? Sieging the gates? He only has a
few dozen people with him, how could that go against the three
thousand guards here?!
No one could tell whether Shen Wumian was truly capable of it or
if he was seeking death. If they wanted to know the answer to this,
they could only watch him attack the gate.
The right prime minister’s expression turned unsightly. He
internally cursed a few times. Tsk, His Majesty was spot on.
The right prime minister found then Wumian even more
detestable, but he still stopped the imminent bloody scene, “Halt!”
Shen Wumian looked up at the right prime minister. The latter
maintained his stern expression and said, “His Majesty said he will
only see you if you bow your head and confess to your crimes.”
The official next to him looked at the right prime minister with
surprise. He didn’t understand what he was going on about. If he
confessed to his crimes, Shen Wumian would be completely over.
There wouldn’t be a chance for him to see His Majesty. Besides, Shen
Wumian just now said he wanted to see His Majesty, but it was most
likely just out of mockery. Right now, His Majesty and Shen Wumian
are mortal enemies. Why would Shen Wumian want to see him?
Shouldn’t he be hoping to kill him instead?
Almost everyone else present thought this too, including Shen
Wumian’s subordinates. At first, they were still mocking the people
above in their hearts, thinking that the right prime minister was
dreaming but when they saw that Shen Wumian really wasn’t
moving, they started panicking.
Following that, they watched Shen Wumian purse his lips, his
expression cold and gloomy. Although he wore a look that looked
like he would start a massacre, he didn’t do anything of that sort and
instead turned and dismounted from his horse before handing his
sword to the guard beside him.
Different voices sounded and shocked looks appeared on both
sides. Shen Wumian finished taking off his armour and then looked
back up. The look in his eyes as he looked at the right prime minister
seemed to say, ‘Is this enough?”
He didn’t confess to his crimes nor did he bow his head.
But he admitted to his loss.
The right prime minister was also shocked. He didn’t expect Shen
Wumian giving his chance of survival so easily and he was also
shocked by the young Emperor’s understanding of Shen Wumian.
That line just now was something the young Emperor had taught
him before he came here. He had said that if Shen Wumian didn’t
oblige, he should threaten him with those words, and he would then
definitely oblige.
Looking at Shen Wumian solitary figure in front of him, the right
prime minister felt complicated.
This person…….seems to be sincere to His Majesty.
But as for His Majesty……
Sure enough, the royal family had always been like this.
While the situation was tense at the capital gate, Chi Zhao on the
other end was sitting quietly in the palace, fiddling with a pot of
When the main system saw that Shen Wumian really walked in by
himself without any weapons or armour, a part of him sighed in
relief and another part of him was a little surprised.
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In all honesty, he had been waiting these past few days, waiting
for Chi Zhao to suddenly change his mind or do something that
would cause this task to fail again. After all, he has watched the
recordings and broadcasts from the previous three worlds, and he
was used to those kinds of things. This time however, Chi Zhao
performed very well. Even tasks that were a little difficult to
complete, he completed it. It was like he was completely reborn.
Before Shen Wumian’s return, the main system was cautious and
vigilant. Now that Shen Wumian had returned, the main system was
completely relieved.
The entire Chen Empire, no, to be more exact, the whole world
now knows that Chen Empire’s prince regent had fallen. Even if Chi
Zhao changed his mind, he wouldn’t be able to anything about it.
Feeling pleased, the main system stretched out his data cable and
patted Chi Zhao’s neurons.
【Good job. Tomorrow the slag shou system will be back. I’ll head
off now to meet it. Will you be okay doing this alone?】
Chi Zhao immediately nodded obediently when he heard this
question, “Of course. I’ll be fine by myself. Bye daddy.”
Main system: “………..”
【Yeah, bye.】
Shen Wumian was imprisoned. In any case, he was a former
prince regent, so the right prime minister treated him pretty well
and found him a cell comparable to a five-star hotel suite. It was also
equipped with a luxury care package consisting of constant
Shen Wumian sat in the cell. He didn’t feel sad, annoyed or
resentful. He just thought to himself, it turned out that this was what
it felt like being watched all the time. No wonder Chen Yi didn’t like
It was said that he could see the young Emperor if he confessed to
his crimes, but Shen Wumian waited for a day and still didn’t see the
person he longed for. At midnight, there were suddenly some
rustling sounds. Shen Wumian who had his eyes closed, instantly
opened his eyes and saw Chi Zhao standing in front of him.
Looking down at Shen Wumian, Chi Zhao said thoughtlessly,
“Does this place make you feel relaxed?”
Others may not understand, but Shen Wumian immediately
Just now, before the young Emperor came in, he had fallen asleep
and he only woke up when the young Emperor was already in front
of him. In the past, that would be completely impossible but this
time, he was really tired. He firstly had been dispatched to the
border and had fought endlessly for two days and then, after hearing
the news, he rushed back without rest for more than a dozen days.
These past few days, he hadn’t had a good night’s sleep and now
with him sitting in a dark cell, he could finally have a chance to rest.
The corners of Shen Wumian’s lips stiffly twitched, as if he wanted
to laugh, but in the end he didn’t laugh. Chi Zhao looked at the dark
shadows under his eyes and the stubble on his chin. Without saying
anything else, he turned his head and ordered the others, “Go
What Chi Zhao meant by outside was outside the cell. The cell was
made up of wood. The chief guard didn’t feel comfortable but after
some thought, he eventually decided to wait outside.
Although they couldn’t see it, both knew that there were a bunch
of people outside paying close attention to the situation inside.
Supporting himself, Shen Wumian stood up, restoring their usual
height difference. Shen Wumian spoke up, his voice carrying fatigue
and hoarseness following a long journey. There was none of that
oppressiveness displayed earlier before the right prime minister
and guards.
“Your Majesty, have you achieved what you wanted?”
Chi Zhao raised his eyes and answered, “Not yet.”
Shen Wumian heard his answer and his gaze became a little
complex. He looked around the cell indifferently and saw that there
was an extra pot of wine on the table. After a short pause, he
suddenly laughed.
“Yes, of course it hasn’t been achieved yet.”
He was still alive so how could it be considered as achieving his
Hearing him laughing and saying such a strange thing, Chi Zhao
glanced at him in confusion and then followed his gaze to the pot of
wine. Chi Zhao pursed his lips but made no attempts to explain
Seeing this, what else couldn’t Shen Wumian understand? He
however couldn’t accept this.
Two lifetimes, all spent on the same person; two lifetimes, yet he
couldn’t get this person to love him back. Why…….was his life such a
That intricately designed pot of wine appeared in his hand in a
blink of an eye. Shen Wumian picked up a cup nearby and filled up it.
Chi Zhao had only brought one cup over, so it was self-evident who
this was for.
A royal gift of wine was synonymous with death. As Shen Wumian
watched the clear wine trickle out, even he himself couldn’t describe
what he was feeling.
There seemed to be some numbness, but he was already used to
that. In addition to that, there was also the feeling of finally being set
Holding the small cup, Shen Wumian asked in a low voice, “What
did Your Majesty want to tell me?”
The cell was quiet for a long time. After that silence was a voice
that carried a bit of harshness belonging to the young man, “……
The last thing he needed, the last thing he wanted to hear was that
word sorry.
He swallowed back the bloody and bitter taste in his throat. After
a few breaths, the throat that had lost its voice finally made a sound.
“I used to want your life but now you want my life. We’re even
now.” Shen Wumian laughed mockingly at himself. He then
looked at the young Emperor standing in front of him, “I wish
that……in the lives after this, I won’t meet you again.”
Chi Zhao’s expression remained unchanged. It was even a little
too calm. While even the guards outside were wondering what was
going on, Chi Zhao on the other hand was lost in his thoughts.
It was only when he heard Shen Wumian’s last words that Chi
Zhao’s expression suddenly changed.
His expression was filled with disbelief as well as some pitifulness
and daze. Shen Wumian didn’t notice this. He drank the wine in his
cup and then looked at the person in front of him.
The person in front of him finally no longer looked cold and
indifferent. His face had become a little paler and the corners of his
eyes drooped, as if he was brutally hurt by someone. Shen Wumian
let out a low laugh. While he was thinking about what to say before
the drug takes effect, the drug started working.
It was only at this moment that Shen Wumian realised that he
wasn’t drinking poisoned wine like he had thought.
He suddenly lost all his strength and the world in front of him
began to spin. Caught unprepared, he fell forward. Chi Zhao had to
use a lot of effort to support him. At this moment, Shen Wumian had
not yet completely lost his consciousness so he could clearly feel the
young Emperor hurriedly try and support his body, to prevent him
front collapsing onto the ground. After a moment of silence, he
tightened his arms. The pair of weak arms wrapped around his back
also tightened little by little, like a child expressing reluctance to
part with his family but also like a drowning person clinging
desperately onto a driftwood to remain afloat.
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Chapter 108
Source: KK Translates


When the heavy eyelids were raised again, the world before him
was dark. It took Shen Wumian a while to gradually adapt to the
dark environment.
Opposite him stood a figure in trance.
The damp and decayed smell of not having any exposure to the
sun filled his nose. The familiar environment instantly evoked some
memories in Shen Wumian’s mind. He however didn’t give up. He
tried moving his arms but found that his arms were bound above
him by two thick chains. Even if he could move, it was no more than
an inch.
The same scene as his previous life, the same treatment. The only
difference was that this time, he wasn’t dying and could still stand
and talk to the person in front of him.
Along with his movements, the sound of metal clanging sounded
in the small and cramped room. Ever since he opened his eyes, Chen
Yi’s expression hadn’t changed. He was vey calm. It was hard to tell
whether he was angry or happy.
After Shen Wumian stood up, the chain originally holding his arms
up dangled down. There were also another two around his feet. The
length of the chain was very short, only enough for him to move
around near the wall. It was however much better than his last life
where he had little room for activity so he could only remain bound
to the wall like a bereaved dog.
When Shen Wumian raised his hand to check the chains, Chen Yi
who was standing opposite him suddenly spoke.
“I sent Shen Sixteen away.”
Shen Wumian’s actions stopped. He raised his head, the
expression on his face unclear.
Chi Zhao didn’t care what his reaction was. He lowered his eyes,
his gaze fixated on the grey-black stones on the ground. In fact, he
didn’t know what the colour was because it was too dark. He
couldn’t see anything. Even Shen Wumian who was close to him was
somewhat unclear.
It was better this way. It made it easier for him to say the next
“Imperial Doctor Xun returned to his hometown. I let him go
with him. Doctor Xun said that Shen Sixteen has a good aptitude
for medicine and he would take him to a quiet place to teach him
and also seal his memories of the past. Once he stops being
another person’s shadow, he should live well in the future.”
In the original plot line, after Doctor Xun returned to his
hometown, Shen Wumian couldn’t find him. It could be seen how
deeply he had hidden. It was also because of this that Chi Zhao
decided to hand Shen Sixteen to him. Chi Zhao had told Doctor Xun
that as long as he took Shen Sixteen away with him, he would agree
with Doctor Xun’s request to return to his hometown.
Theoretically speaking, Doctor Xun’s personality wasn’t one Chi
Zhao could easily get a good understanding of but for some reason
Doctor Xun only thought for a moment after hearing Chi Zhao’s offer
before promptly agreeing.
No one knew whether Shen Sixteen would really become a top
doctor. It was enough as long as he could live as an ordinary person.
The most innocent person in the past and present life was Shen
Sixteen. Letting him go was not only done to fulfil his desire to
compensate him but to also cut off Shen Wumian’s act of revenge.
After a long silence, Shen Wumian’s voice finally sounded in the
quiet room. His voice sounded a little strange, “Why let him go?”
Why did you let him go?
Don’t you like him? Weren’t you unable to forget about him? After
finally getting him, why did you let him go?
Chi Zhao frowned, “He is after all someone who saved my life. I
can’t let him continue being a prisoner. He also looks a lot like
you. Staying here won’t be good for him.”
Those words were impartial, just like the words of someone with
the intentions to repay someone for their kindness. Shen Wumian
was stunned for a moment, “……Just that?”
What else then?
Chi Zhao almost blurted out this question, but he then
remembered that in the past life he had never experienced, the
original owner had always loved Shen Sixteen. Shen Wumian still
strongly believed this and that was the reason he asked that
After a moment of silence, Chi Zhao replied in a low voice, “My
love is not that cheap and casual. I wouldn’t fall for someone just
because they saved me.”
The life saving act was just an introduction. Whether it was for the
current Chi Zhao or Chen Yi from the previous lifetime, they only
liked the person in their heart, not some life-saving grace.
Chen Yi not liking Shen Wumian, that was very obvious based on
his actions. Shen Wumian felt that the Chen Yi who didn’t know the
truth treated him well but in fact, after he knew the truth, he treated
Shen Sixteen even better. Despite thinking that he liked Shen
Wumian for several years, he never even considered the thought of
getting together with him but after Shen Sixteen appeared, the thing
he wanted to do the most was to marry Shen Sixteen.
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Onlookers see more than the players themselves. Shen Wumian
couldn’t see what was going on, but Chi Zhao did.
Chi Zhao’s thoughts travelled over to the previous life, but Shen
Wumian was still staring blankly at him.
He didn’t understand what Chi Zhao said just now. What did he
mean? Was he saying that he doesn’t like Shen Sixteen?
Then…….who does he like?
Before Shen Wumian could ask this question, the Chi Zhao in
front of him had already returned from his thoughts. He took a
deep breath and continued, “Your men are all confined in Dali
Temple. I have sent the people away from Dali Temple last night
and the remaining guards are very week. It probably won’t be
long before your men escape and come to rescue you.”
Without looking at Shen Wumian’s eyes, Chi Zhao said in one
breath, “The jade seal and zhen’s imperial degree is left in
Qinzheng Hall. After you get out, you can take it yourself. I don’t
like being the Emperor and I don’t like being the king with the
power to determine another person’s life and death. You have
always wanted the throne, so I’ll give it to you. I just hope that
you can do it better than me, even if it’s only a little bit.”
“In the past few days when I was in power, there have been
countless deaths and casualties in the capital and blood flowed
in the rivers. An Emperor should bring blessings to the people but
I, as the Emperor, only brought death. Shen Wumian, after you
become the Emperor, don’t be like me, okay?”
After Chi Zhao finished speaking, he finally raised his eyes. In an
instant, he was met with Shen Wumian’s deep and cold eyes. Chi
Zhao instinctively stiffened. For some reason, the current Shen
Wumian was very scary. Although he wasn’t moving, Chi Zhao felt
like he was about to kill him.
Shen Wumian indeed wanted to kill him. He has this urge almost
every day but every time, he couldn’t do it. Sometimes when he
forced himself to be cruel, he wished that he could kill himself
The young Emperor’s words were straightforward and calm.
Anyone could understand it. Shen Wumian however couldn’t believe
his ears let alone believe that those words had just come from Chen
Yi’s mouth.
He didn’t feel the joy of finally getting the throne nor did he feel
the joy now knowing that Chen Yi had no intentions to kill him and
may possibly even like him. All he could feel right now was tight
constriction around his chest, as if a python was tightly wrapped
around it.
Shen Wumian took a step forward. The chain immediately
stretched taut. He didn’t let any of the small emotional changes on
the young Emperor’s face escape his eyes and stared at him firmly as
he asked through gritted teeth, “What about you?”
The young Emperor averted his eyes. He rubbed the joints of
his fingers and said while acting nonchalant, “You don’t have to
worry about me. The sky is big, and the land is wide, there will
always be a place for me. As long as I am not the Emperor, I will
be happy wherever I go.”
Since he woke up, the young Emperor’s body had always been
leaning slightly to the left. Even more so now, almost half his body
was blocked. Shen Wumian furrowed his brows and looked over at
the blocked left arm. Chi Zhao sensed his gaze and immediately
lowered the right hand that was holding his left hand and tried to
divert Shen Wumian’s attention.
“Before your subordinates come, I should leave.” Chi Zhao
looked at Shen Wumian. He still wanted to say something but after
thinking for a long time, he found that he had nothing to say,
“…….That’s all. I’m leaving now.”
With the help of the main system, Chi Zhao harvested a wave of
abuse points over just fifteen days. According to the main system,
Chi Zhao should continue the abuse until the end, cast himself as a
failed Emperor and wait for Shen Wumian to fight back. Once that is
over, he should quickly commit suicide and die appropriately as a
perishing royal.
But from the very beginning, Chi Zhao had no intentions to listen
to the main system.
Abusing until this point, he had done everything that had to be
done and he had also done everything that shouldn’t be done.
Wasn’t it just abusing him? He had already abused, and he had
already inflicted harm, but for the sake of making sure that Shen
Wumian’s life wasn’t so miserable and to also give himself a peace of
mind, he still wanted to salvage it somewhat.
He wanted Shen Wumian to know that, in fact, he wasn’t that bad,
nor did he hate him that much and that his show of sincerity wasn’t
futile. In some inconspicuous place, some of his sincerity was
concealed. If Shen Wumian looked carefully enough, he should be
able to see it.
Chi Zhao couldn’t explain what his current state of mind was. He
didn’t like Shen Wumian but he also couldn’t let him go. The main
system was right. Leaving early was the best for him and his body.
Chi Zhao turned around. Shen Wumian who was still motionless
until now finally moved his wrist slightly. The sound of metal
colliding with each other was mixed with a mocking sneer.
Chi Zhao’s footsteps stopped. The room then became very quiet.
The voice behind him reached his ears very distinctly.
“What about me?”
“You’re happy wherever you go, then me, do you think I would
be happy if you leave me behind?”
Chi Zhao didn’t move forward but he also didn’t turn back.
Shen Wumian looked at his back and words that seemed to
contain his own blood and tears poured out, “Can’t you just once!
—– Just think about me a little?! Why are you always so self-
righteous? If you thought about my thoughts and my feelings
before doing this, you wouldn’t have said any of those things to
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The seemingly obedient young Emperor had in fact never opened
his heart to Shen Wumian. He silently bore with it, silently accepted
it and silently planned. In his eyes, there was only himself in his
future. Shen Wumian was never there.
He was right. Chi Zhao thought about it himself and felt that it was
indeed the case. In this world, he was probably a true “slag shou”.
Closing his eyes, Chi Zhao took a step forward. Seeing that he was
still heading out, there was a crack in Shen Wumian’s mask, “Chen
That shout didn’t have any effect but after hearing the lines
following it, Chi Zhao suddenly stopped and turned back in panic.
“If you go one step further, I will die together with you. As for
how the Chen Empire turns out, I have never cared.”
Compared to the shout earlier, the lines following that were
spoken quite calmly but it made Chi Zhao turn back. What he saw
were a pair of red eyes and protruding veins on Shen Wumian’s
temples. Chi Zhao could no longer maintain a calm expression. He
opened his mouth and could only force out the next few lines with
much difficulty, “I’m not planning on dying! Are you crazy? Didn’t
you always want to be the Emperor? You’ve got what you wanted
now, what else are you upset about?”
Shen Wumian didn’t answer him. His line of sight once again
returned to Chi Zhao’s left sleeve. Chi Zhao subconsciously covered
the sleeve and soon following that, the person on the opposite side
revealed a mocking expression. When Chi Zhao saw this, he pursed
his lips and his expression turned ugly.
Hidden in the sleeve was poison he had asked a guard for. It was
said that one would ascend to heaven in less than a second after
taking it. Yesterday’s knockout drug was also given to him by a
guard. Chi Zhao had originally planned on going to a hidden place
after this to wait for the system’s return and once it’s back and the
pain shield was on, he would happily send himself off.
Unfortunately, Shen Wumian saw through him.
“Shouldn’t you already know what I really want?”
Shen Wumian’s eyes were red. He asked this with each word
emphasised. Chi Zhao pursed his lips and didn’t answer. Inside he
was still trying to think of countermeasures. Shen Wumian’s words
earlier were most definitely serious. If he died, he would
immediately retaliate by killing himself. Shen Wumian was just that
kind of ruthless person; ruthless to others and also ruthless to
Chi Zhao didn’t think about how his proclamation to die with him
showed how much Shen Wumian cared about him. He just wanted to
quickly resolve this matter. He couldn’t let Shen Wumian die. It
could be said that Shen Wumian’s words just now caught him by his
Chi Zhao still stubbornly persisted. Suddenly, he heard a strange
noise which sounded like the wall breaking. Chi Zhao
subconsciously looked up and his eyes widened at the sight.
At some point, Shen Wumian had started to exert his strength. In
short, when he looked over, the wall had cracked. As long as there
was a crack, the rest of the job was easier. And so. Chi Zhao watched
as Shen Wumian pulled the chain off the wall, the chain around his
wrist leaving a bloody, crimson mark. Chi Zhao stared at him
dumbfounded and even forgot to escape.
After pulling his arms free, it was easier for his legs. Shen Wumian
managed to break them off with his bare hands. Chi Zhao was finally
able to witness what this world meant by having strong fighting
abilities but wasn’t in the mood to clap his hands.
Shen Wumian’s reflection in his eyes grew larger and larger. Chi
Zhao finally reacted and made an attempt to run but Shen Wumian
grabbed him. Paying no heed to his struggles, he tore Chi Zhao’s left
A small porcelain bottle fell out, shattering instantly the moment
it hit the ground. Following that, a round object also fell out. That
object wasn’t ceramic but the sound of it hitting the ground was
Shen Wumian looked at the ground with a frown. Chi Zhao
stiffened and suddenly started to struggle even more forcefully.
Shen Wumian was taken aback, allowing Chi Zhao to actually
successfully break away. Chi Zhao immediately bent down to pick up
the object on the ground and then silently looked at the broken jade
pendant in his hands.
Chi Zhao was squatting on the ground so Shen Wumian couldn’t
see his expression. He could only see that the fingers holding the
jade pendant had turned white.
Chi Zhao was very angry. Very, very angry. He had lived for so
many years and had experienced so many things. Even when he
learned that he would die pathetically, he didn’t feel like how he did
now, like his intestines are about to explode.
“What are you doing?!”
Chi Zhao suddenly stood up. He looked like he was about to eat
him out of anger, “What does my death have to do with you?!
What right do you have to over what I want to do? You should
just be grateful that I didn’t kill you. Why are you interfering
with what I’m doing? What qualifications do you have?!”
That was a very harsh statement, with no chance to interrupt. Chi
Zhao usually has a good temper, but it was also because he usually
has a good temper that it can get very terrible the moment he loses
it. This very moment was probably the worst in his entire lifetime
because he had also used this opportunity to vent the anger he had
held back for a very long time, for several hundreds of years.
Shen Wumian who was opposite Chi Zhao was startled at first, but
he soon calmed down.
He allowed Chi Zhao to continue reprimanding him. No matter
how deep the knife was plunged into his heart, he acted like he
didn’t hear anything and just continued to stare at the jade pendant
held tightly in his hands.
When Chi Zhao shouted until his throat became hoarse, he raised
a hand that was still bound by chains. The heavy chains rested at his
wrist, making his movements somewhat awkward. Chi Zhao
maintained the expression from earlier and watched Shen Wumian
with a frown. When the latter placed his hand on the back of his
neck, he stiffened for a moment and then sent out a kick.
“Let me go! You should be glad that I’m not good at cursing. If I
could, I would have cursed you to death! Don’t touch me. Do you
understand human speech?! I fucking—–”
The rest of the words were blocked by Shen Wumian’s sudden
kiss that was filled with ferociousness. In response to this, Chi Zhao
became even more angry. He kicked and kicked and even bit the tip
of Shen Wumian’s tongue, causing the taste of blood to invade his
mouth. Together with this metallic taste, there was also slight
Chi Zhao suddenly opened his eyes. Right in front of him was Shen
Wumian who also had his eyes closed. There were obvious tear
streaks down his face.
I fucking———-
I fucking———-
I fucking———-Why am I so fucking useless.
Chi Zhao’s throat suddenly released a cub-like whimper and then
he stopped struggling. When Shen Wumian noticed this, he held him
even tighter in his arms.
On the other end, the system who had successfully passed the
preliminary round returned after completing the handover
procedures. It had heard that Chi Zhao had done everything
properly and that all the tasks in this world had been completed so
it just needed to go and pick up Chi Zhao. As the system happily
returned to Chi Zhao’s mind, it was met with this almost soon to be
censored scene.
System: “……..”
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KK has something to say: The system’s timing 🤭
Chapter 109
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao didn’t know the system had already returned because
the system was correct and the almost soon to be censored scene
really happened.
Probably because the incident just now irritated Shen Wumian,
his actions were not at all gentle and could even be said to be very
rough. He didn’t show any intention to take into consideration that it
was the young Emperor’s first time.
Chi Zhao who was pressed down felt that he was planning on
doing him to death in this impermeable secret room.
The first time was to vent, the second time was to prove and the
third time was to cherish.
Chi Zhao felt like half his life was gone. This body was originally
not very healthy and while being tossed around like this, there were
several times where Chi Zhao almost wasn’t able to catch his breath.
After seeing that the young Emperor was exhausted, Shen
Wumian sat up. He held the young Emperor in his arms, covering his
face with light kisses. In the room filled with the smell of wood and
dirt, this small moment of tenderness suddenly seemed precious.
Chi Zhao raised his eyes that were in daze just now. He finally
seemed to have gained some spirit.
The corners of his eyes were still red. He was done so hard just
now and there were still physiological tears left hanging on the
corners of his eyes. The two silently looked at each other like this for
a while. Shen Wumian lowered his head and gently kissed away the
tears left in the corners of his eyes.
Chi Zhao subconsciously closed his eyes, his eyelashes still
trembling slightly. When Shen Wumian raised his head again, he
couldn’t help but let out a laugh when he saw this fragile and
endearing appearance of his. Chi Zhao opened his eyes with some
embarrassment when he heard the indistinct laugh. His weak
fingers grabbed Shen Wumian’s collar. He wanted to speak harshly
but just as he was getting ready to fire it out, he realised that he
wouldn’t be able to threaten the person in front of him. On the
contrary, the other party had managed to grab his weakness.
Although Chi Zhao hadn’t said anything yet, Shen Wumian seemed
to understand what he wanted to say. The corners of his lips pressed
into a straight line. After a moment of silence, Shen Wumian grabbed
Chi Zhao’s hand and tightly interlocked their fingers.
“I held up the country for you for five years.”
Chi Zhao looked at him silently.
“You said you don’t want it anymore. What about me?”
Chi Zhao still didn’t speak. He even turned his head to the other
side, intending to play deaf.
Shen Wumian took in this stubborn appearance and smiled
helplessly. He then lowered his head, lowered his voice and said in
an almost begging tone, “Your Majesty, my Majesty. Stay by my
side, okay?”
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Chi Zhao’s ears moved. Although it was a very slight movement,
Shen Wumian still caught sight of it. The smile on his face deepened
and his heart also felt moved.
Rather than force, this young Emperor was someone who yielded
to soft persuasion. He probably hadn’t realised himself how gentle of
a person he really was.
There were still small red marks on the young Emperor’s body.
While Shen Wumian rubbed his earlobes, he launched a highly
effective attack of looking very pitiful. Just as the walls around Chi
Zhao’s heart were just about to be toppled, footsteps and clanging of
metal could be heard in the distance. Shen Wumian frowned. With a
large wave, he immediately covered Chi Zhao’s body with the robe
he had just taken off. The door to the cell opened. Several people
rushed inside but when they saw the scene before them, their
expressions that were originally filled with killing intent instantly
changed into surprise.
The master they had come to rescue had his top open and the
chains around his wrists clearly had been broken. At the same time,
he was holding someone in his arms. Although they couldn’t see who
it was, they could see the red marks on that person’s neck and the
entire room was filled with that kind of smell. No matter how dull
they may be, they could tell that a very fierce ‘battle’ had just taken
place here.
The shadow guard Two was still stunned. It didn’t look like his
master wanted them to save him…..
Sure enough, Shen Wumian roared angrily, “Not getting out?!”
The group left as fast as they came. Two stood calmly outside,
sending all his subordinates off to deal with different matters,
leaving only himself and Seven guarding the cell.
After a long period of silence, Seven who was standing next to him
suddenly asked in a small voice, “That person earlier……..was he
the Emperor?”
Two and Seven both instantly revealed a difficult to describe
expression. Even if they are brothers who have gone through almost
everything together, there were some secrets they cannot say!
Especially the kind of secrets that can cause you to lose your life!
After ensuring that the others had left, Chi Zhao lifted the robe
covering him. He sat there in silence for a moment before looking
around for his clothes that had been scattered across the room. Shen
Wumian had not received any confirmation from him so how could
he let him go? He quickly grabbed Chi Zhao, “You still haven’t
answered me………”
Chi Zhao’s body stiffened. He then turned around with a fierce
expression, “Okay, okay, I’m not leaving! Just putting on my
clothes. You’re so annoying.”
That fierce look was just an act. Chi Zhao was no longer angry but
he also didn’t want Shen Wumian to see his true emotions, so he
chose to use it as a way to cover things up.
After hearing his words, Shen Wumian was stunned. He then
relaxed and revealed a relieved smile.
Chi Zhao who saw him smiling so happily swallowed back the
words he was about to say next. He fell silent for a second and then
turned around to put on his clothes.
As he did this, he also thought to himself: After all that work for
the past half a month, the result was still the same.
【Hah. Don’t act all goody goody after receiving the benefit.】
A glum voice suddenly appeared in his mind. Chi Zhao was
stunned for a moment, “You’re back?”
【 I came back four hours ago when the two of you were still
wearing clothes.】
Chi Zhao: “……..”
The system sighed. It thought for a moment and continued.
【Actually, I’ve already accepted it. Really. As the old saying goes,
when god closes a door, he opens a window. Now, your door is
completely blocked and I on the other hand am ready to escape out
the window.】
Chi Zhao: “……..What are you going to do?”
【You don’t have to worry about it. In short, you do whatever you
want. Don’t worry, I will silently support you in your mind and will
never hold you back.】
Chi Zhao was a little touched. To be honest, he was a little
troubled when he heard that the system returned because he
thought the system would throw a headache inducing tantrum. He
didn’t expect the system to remain so calm and to even say
something like that.
Chi Zhao said emotionally, “System, you…….”
Before he could finish, he was suddenly interrupted.
【 After four worlds, I finally understand where we have failed.
We failed because we didn’t take the initiative. In the next world,
you don’t need to wait for the protagonist to derail the plot. For the
next plotline, let’s derail it first!!】
Chi Zhao: “…….”
Alright, it was still the same system.
In the ancient world, the average lifespan wasn’t long. Although
Chi Zhao stayed, he didn’t stay for long and only lived until he was a
little more than forty years old. It was an age that was considered to
be an average lifespan in ancient times but for Chi Zhao who was
used to living until an old age, he couldn’t get used to it.
At first, he had stayed because of Shen Wumian’s threat but when
he later left, he still felt some reluctance to part.
Did he like Shen Wumian?
He didn’t know.
Did he care about Shen Wumian?
He didn’t know.
Since nothing was clear, why was it that, when he heard of Shen
Wumian’s death, he felt like his heart was stabbed by a knife?
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Chi Zhao mulled over this question for decades, but he was never
able to reach a conclusion. It wasn’t until the world shift was over
and Chi Zhao opened his eyes again that he was able to put the
thought aside.
【Are you okay?】
Chi Zhao nodded, “Yeah.”
Chi Zhao didn’t lie. He did in fact feel pretty good. Probably
because of the words Shen Wumian said to him before his death, he
was comforted and didn’t feel very sad.
Once the system ensured that he was truly okay, it started to
【 According to our regulations, once a host has been to four
worlds, they will receive some time to buffer in a retirement world.
The world is just as the name implies and you will receive
corresponding vacation time. I just looked into it and you have six
years. You can rest assured that you will not meet the protagonist
during those six years so you can enjoy this vacation without a
worry. In order to reflect our humanity, we even considerately
provide the hosts with leisure projects to do to help pass time. Each
world is different. Some involve running a business, some farming,
some travelling…..】
The more Chi Zhao listened, the more interested he became. It
sounded really good.
He asked with great interest, “Then what’s my leisure project?”
【Raising a child.】
“……….” Chi Zhao doubted his hearing, “Can you repeat that
【 It’s just raising a child. According to our research into the
human race, reproduction is every human’s desire and instinctive
behaviour. In view of the fact that the host will not be able to have a
child of your own in your entire life, my colleagues and I have
considerately chosen this world for you.】
Once done, it noticed irregular wave patterns in Chi Zhao’s mind,
as if he was doing his best to repress his emotions. The system was
very confused.
【Why? You don’t like it?】
There were so many things he wanted to say, Chi Zhao didn’t
know where to start. He paused for a moment and after a few
seconds, he asked with a frown, “……You just said, a child of my
Chi Zhao was horrified, “So you mean that the child is mine, not
The system affirmed it again.
【That’s right.】
Chi Zhao could feel his hair rise, “Why are you making me have
a child with another woman?! Impossible! I don’t want to! Please,
you’re a slag shou system, not a slag man system! I don’t want to
randomly get another woman pregnant!”
【What are you thinking?】
The system lightly interrupted him.
【There is no woman. You give birth to the child yourself.】
The first second, Chi Zhao didn’t understand the system’s
The second second, he understood.
Chi Zhao’s expression then morphed into a living version of
Munch’s ‘The Scream’. The system didn’t hear him speak for a long
time and it also couldn’t hear his thoughts. Just was it was feeling
confused, Chi Zhao’s expression slowly returned back to normal.
He stood up and looked around the room he was in.
It appeared to be the kitchen. There were all kinds of food and
drinks on the table and the other half of the space was filled with
various refrigerators containing bags of nutrient solutions. Chi Zhao
looked around before finally finding the thing he was looking for.
Seeing him approach the dining table, pick up a knife and check its
weight, the system suddenly had a bad feeling.
Chi Zhao took in a deep breath, “You said that we should derail
the plot first. At that time, I thought you were speaking nonsense
but now I think what you said makes sense.”
“But rather than derailing, I’ve deciding to die first instead!”
With a whoosh, the knife was placed next to his neck.
【 Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh you can’t do that! You’re always
threatening me with this. You are actually no better than that Shen
Wumian! Hurry and put the knife down! Let me finish speaking first,
there is still room for discussion on this matter. Let’s discuss it first,
okay? Okay?】
Hearing this, Chi Zhao immediately placed the knife back down
and acted very respectful, “Okay.”
System: “……..”
Humans are indeed the most shameless creatures.
The system was so angry, it didn’t even want to speak. Instead, it
directly threw Chi Zhao the world’s information.
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KK has something to say: End of this arc! There’s also an extra
chapter I found on the author’s Weibo titled ch109.5. Because it
wasn’t officially included together with the other raw chapters, I will
not be linking it to NU. The link to that chapter is down below this.
Click HERE for CH109.5!!
Chapter 110
Source: KK Translates


This was a relatively special world. A typical world would use

male and female to distinguish between human genders but here,
humans are divided into three types; guide, sentinels and ordinary
A sentinel was one whose abilities in all aspects far surpasses that
of ordinary people, with all the good points of human beings having
been magnified many times. Sentinels are smarter, stronger and
they also possess very powerful spiritual powers so there are
usually sentinels at the top of all fields.
But where there are advantages, there are also disadvantages.
Because all aspects of their skills have been amplified, they become
much more sensitive than ordinary people. Even the slightest
stimulus would be extremely painful for them. As a result, a sentinel
can only eat the plainest of foods, live in the quietest house and wear
the softest clothes or the feeling of the fabric rubbing against their
skin could drive them crazy.
Even if they are constantly being careful, one couldn’t avoid all the
noises and sensations in the world. Besides, sentinels are the pillars
of the world. You couldn’t let the pillars stay holed up inside all the
time, right?
As a result of this, another kind of person was needed —- A guide.
A guide was someone who could quickly calm sensitive sentinels
down. They possess a gentle spiritual power that is different from
others and can help calm the sentinel’s mind, giving them
comforting reassurance. Sentinels who have had their spiritual mind
soothed and calmed down by a guide can remain unaffected by any
external influences for some time. If they could bind with a guide,
that period of time would be greatly increased.
In this world the ratio of sentinels, guides and ordinary people are
3:2:5. Although there are relatively fewer sentinels and guides, it
didn’t mean that there aren’t any. But, because a sentinel basically
could not live without a guide, the country had regulations put in
place. A guide must be registered and bound with a sentinel before
the age of thirty. If that is not achieved, the country would continue
to set the guide on blind dates until they are willing to form a bond
with someone.
Although they weren’t technically forcefully sending a guide over
to a sentinel, this kind of middle-aged aunty-like shameless policy
was also very troublesome.
Guides and sentinels are people with powerful spiritual powers
and because of this, each guide and sentinel would have their
spiritual power condensed into a ‘spiritual body’. Most sentinel’s
spiritual body take the form of a ferocious beast with strong
lethality while the spiritual bodies of guides are usually of cute little
herbivore animals.
The characteristics of guides and sentinels had appeared
thousands of years ago and through these thousands of years,
humans have managed to find a way to maintain a proper balance
such that forceful exploitation would not happen again.
And the person Chi Zhao had to act out was a guide.
This person was called Noah, currently twenty-four years of age.
He was a golden-haired, gentle looking and seemingly very harmless
young master. A dozen generations ago, his family once had some
relationship with the Emperor of the previous dynasty.
His family was a scholarly family, and everyone were scientists.
From his grandparents to his younger cousins, they were all
involved with scientific research. Even he himself was also a PhD
It may seem like he was a noble and intelligent person coming
from a good family background, but the truth was that his character
was inversely proportional to his appearance.
Noah wore a harmless mask but his favourite thing to do was
climbing the social ladder. Guides are also divided into different
levels with a total of six levels. He was a relatively advanced level
two guide. He always felt that since he was a guide, he was already
much better than the others and that those excellent sentinels
should all listen to him and flock to him.
When he was twelve years old, Noah’s guide characteristics
awakened. Since then, he held himself higher than the sky. When he
meets ordinary people or low-level sentinels, he would sneer and
when he meets high level sentinels, he would use all sorts of
methods to get acquainted.
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Sentinels have a natural desire to protect guides, particularly their
own guides, and would wish to have them tied to their side day and
night. Although Noah’s intentions were not pure, he acted very well
and managed to seduce a lot of the top class but innocent sentinels
and he even carefully considered whether or not he should marry
one of them.
At this time, Noah met a man. That man came to the academy
where Noah studied at to attend an event. Although he saw him
from afar, Noah suddenly realised that his mindset was too narrow.
None of the sentinels he had met before could compare with a
single strand of hair on this man before him.
The man Noah met was the protagonist of this world, Leopold
As mentioned before, guides are divided into levels. Sentinels
were also similarly divided into levels. From one to six, the lower
the number the higher they are and above these six levels, there was
another existence that existed outside of heaven’s plans; the dark
Dark sentinels are much stronger than ordinary sentinels in all
aspects and they also have an advantage that ordinary sentinels
absolutely cannot match up to; they are not bothered by external
influences and do not need a guide to help calm their spiritual mind
This superior characteristic allowed them to break free from all
restraints and they could go around as they pleased and complete
long, solo missions without needing to bring along a weak guide. A
dark sentinel was a precious talent every country attached great
importance to. Almost all the upper echelons of the military and
political circles were occupied by dark sentinels.
The probability of a dark sentinel’s appearance was one in one
hundred thousand and it was even more rare today with the low
fertility rate.
As we all know, where there are good sides, there are also bad
sides. The word perfect didn’t exist and it was the same for this
A dark sentinel was indeed very powerful, but they had a fatal
flaw and that was, when they are thirty years old, their usually
stable spiritual mind that has never received any soothing would
become very messy. Even the smallest noise would make ordinary
sentinels want to cut off their ears to relieve them from the pain but
for a dark sentinel, it made them want to cut off other people’s ears
It was really very scary.
This symptom was medically regarded as Mania. The less
soothing received, the more serious the symptom and it could even
cause large-scale casualties. Even if the dark sentinel could resist the
urge to hurt another person, repeated episodes of Mania would
continue to consume their lives. If they cannot find a suitable guide
for themselves, they wouldn’t be able to survive past forty.
No one wanted to die. And so, the first thing dark sentinels do
after discovering that they are a dark sentinel wasn’t to open a
bottle of wine to celebrate but to rush to the Guide Academy to book
a guide who can form a bond with them in the future.
There was no requirement for a low-level sentinel and guide to
match each other, just receiving approval from both ends was
enough. But the higher the level, the stricter the requirements
because low-level guides cannot soothe out the spiritual mind of a
high-level sentinel. As such, dark sentinels have an even more
difficult time finding a guide. After all, there aren’t many of them
around and guides that are compatible with them are also very few.
The protagonist Leopold was such a dark sentinel and also a very
unfortunate dark sentinel.
He was twenty-nine years old this year and he still hadn’t found a
guide who could form a bond with him.
The Leopold family was much more complicated, and it result in
him becoming very resistant to marriage. As a result, he was still
single at twenty-nine years of age. His identity was the chairman of
the Armed Services Committee and he was still very young.
Everyone could see that his future was bright and perhaps he may
even become the next president.
In any case, no one would talk about the military chairman’s past
so very few knew that he didn’t get married because of it and just
thought he was too picky. After inquiring about it, the narcissistic
Noah felt that the protagonist was destined to be with him, that he
had been single all this time just to meet himself.
Regardless of the fact that a level two guide wouldn’t be able to
soothe out a dark sentinel’s mind, Leo would never like him because
of his character because he was just too similar to the third-party
guide who got involved in his parent’s marriage.
Noah tried his best to get close to Leo but was indifferently
rejected several times. He had never felt so wronged in his life. Noah
was very angry, and he thought of a very wicked plan.
He took advantage of the convenience of his own home and
managed to get his hands on a drug specially designed to be used on
sentinels. As long as a sentinel drank it, even the dark sentinel
would feel uncomfortable to the point of being unable to stand.
Along the way he even gave himself a shot to stimulate his heat in
advance. With both sides ready, he pretended to be a waiter and
arrived at a private party, ready to cook up the protagonist.
Once sentinels and guides are bound, they automatically form a
marriage relationship. If both parties agree, the binding mark could
be removed but if one party does not agree, it cannot be done. If
removed forcibly, the torturous pain from the removal could result
in the other party’s life to be put in danger.
Noah’s plan was flawless. The drugs he took were only available
for top secret military operations, it was something even Leo
wouldn’t be able to resist. Unfortunately, he went to the wrong
Perhaps there was a mistake in the information received or
perhaps he really went to the wrong room, in short, the heat very
quickly made him lose his mind and the other party saw that it was a
guide without a master and felt that there was no reason not to eat
him up. When Noah woke up the next day, he discovered that he was
topped by a stranger and the most frustrating thing was that the
binding pact wasn’t done.
What a beast! Only enjoyed and didn’t take responsibility!
What happened to him was disgraceful and he would be in trouble
if he was found out so he could only secretly escape. Unfortunately,
the worse was still to come. Not long after he returned home, he
discovered that he was pregnant.
Yes, pregnant.
Female guides have the highest fertility rate and that was
followed by male guides and then the ordinary females. If it was
Leo’s child, Noah would pass out from happiness, but this was a
stranger’s child. When he later secretly investigated who that
stranger was, he discovered that it was Leo’s half-brother who was
also the son of the third-party.
It was too embarrassing, too miserable.
Noah was about to go crazy, but the law stimulated that he
couldn’t abort. Even if he didn’t want the child, he had to give birth
and then sign a series of agreements to hand the child over to the
country. Afraid of being found out by his family, Noah had to go to a
remote planet to give birth. When he was about to hand the baby
over, Noah was a little reluctant. No matter how bad a person may
be, they would still have paternal love in them. After thinking it
through for several days, he eventually decided to keep the child and
think about what he should do in the future.
Accustomed to the life of not having to worry about being clothed
and fed and now having escaped to a place that was in the middle of
nowhere, Noah couldn’t get used to it. After four years, he secretly
ran back to the main star, planning to get some money from home
but he accidentally ran into Leo’s brother. Only then did Noah
realise that the other party didn’t remember him anymore. He
walked past him expressionlessly and completely showed no signs
of recognising Noah.
Please read this from kk translates
Noah stood there, stunned for a long time. He returned to his
temporary hiding place and looked at his son’s face that was three
parts similar to that of Leo’s and revealed a disgusting smile.
He first brought the child back to his home and insisted that the
boy was a child between himself and Leo and that the reason for the
child’s existence was because Leo raped him. He said it with good
reason and along with the child who resembled Leo, the family
quickly believed him. Of course, they also couldn’t not believe him. If
they did, they would have to admit that their child had a child
outside of wedlock. Face and reputation were the most important
things to this family, and they couldn’t afford to lose that.
This group of pedantic elders also played role in raising Noah into
a person he turned out to be now. In order to save their faces and
along the way use this opportunity to become a family with one of
the four major families in the country, Noah’s family involved the
media and used public opinion to exert pressure on the protagonist.
Eventually, the protagonist had no choice but to come forward. At
the same time, Noah had spent a lot of money and pulled a lot of
strings to manipulate the results of the paternity test so the
protagonist could only marry Noah and take the child along.
If the story ended here, Noah’s behaviour would be hateful but
not enough to make people want to break all the bones in his body.
Because the marriage process wasn’t very pleasant, the two were
still not in good relations and never had a chance to interact at all.
Noah’s love for the protagonist had already worn out years ago and
he had only wanted to marry him because he thought he would live
a more luxurious life.
He was outside all the time drinking into an oblivion and would
always cause trouble for the protagonist. The protagonist could
endure these acts, but Noah never considered toning it down.
For some reason, he would always run into the protagonist’s
illegitimate brother. The more his brother looked at Noah, the more
familiar he found him. Finally, one day, he remembered. He then
proceeded to threaten Noah with this and asked Noah to help him
deal with the protagonist. After counting the days and confirming
that the child was actually his, he made a promise to Noah. As long
as the protagonist dies, he would be the heir to the family, and he
would marry Noah back and let him continue being Madam Grenoch.
The two hit it off immediately and were especially crafty. In fact,
the protagonist being willing to marry Noah already meant that he
no longer had any interest in life, he no longer cared if he died of
Mania. They however weren’t satisfied and wanted to kill him and
take everything away from him.
The thirty-five-year-old protagonist used a simulated guide every
day. Only by doing so would he feel better and not hurt others. After
discovering the actions of the two men, he didn’t rush in and instead
silently waited for a long time, watching over them. It was because
he couldn’t understand why the two would work together. After he
discovered the truth, he was completely enraged.
His life was originally very miserable. Half of it was because of his
brother and the other half was because of Noah. Despite knowing
that he wouldn’t live long, they still plotted to kill him.
The protagonist was motivated to fight back. He first dealt with
his brother, turning him into a cripple. He then dug out a pile of
evidence of his brother’s crimes and anonymously revealed it one by
one to the public, ruining his name. After he was convicted, he went
to the place he was confined in, slowly extracted the oxygen around
him and personally watching him be tortured to death.
As for Noah, the protagonist didn’t kill him, but he might as well
have. With his powerful spiritual power, he directly shattered
Noah’s spiritual mind and turned him into someone with dementia.
Noah’s family was also destroyed by him. Divorce was a very simple
process as they never properly bonded. With the protagonist
preventing anyone to help, Noah wandered around like a stray,
living through each day in a complete state of confusion and eating
out of the trash whenever he was hungry.
As for the child, he was sent to another planet by the protagonist.
After doing all this, the protagonist felt that even if he died now,
he had no regrets. At this moment, he met a person completely
different from Noah; a person who didn’t pay him any attention but
somehow that person left a strong impression in his heart. He tried
to pursue that person, wanting to see if he could finally find some
fortune in this miserable life of his.
The answer to was naturally yes.
After reading through it, Chi Zhao was silent for a few seconds.
He asked the system, “You said there was room for discussion?
Don’t I still have to give birth? And it’s also a child with such a
trash man! Alright, so be it.”
The system had just wanted to explain itself but when it heard Chi
Zhao’s last few words, it felt that something wasn’t right. When it
looked at Chi Zhao again, it saw that he was no longer paying
attention to the knife and was making a running posture.
System: ?
Thud, thud, thud——–
Chi Zhao ran over to the window, opened it and made an attempt
to leap out.
“Bye bye!”
System: “…..!!!”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 111
Source: KK Translates


The time Chi Zhao took over the body happened to be the day
Noah planned to drug the protagonist. Today, the speaker of the
senate had invited fellow congressmen and chairpersons to attend a
private gathering. Receiving an invitation from such a person, no
one would reject it so even the protagonist who didn’t like to
participate in such events came.
Noah had used a lot of money to get himself an opportunity to
pretend to be a waiter at this private gathering. While everyone was
busy serving the big shots outside, only he was sneaking around in
the kitchen.
This villa had a total of five floors. The kitchen was on the lowest
floor, so Chi Zhao had planned it all out. After he escapes out that
window, it didn’t matter where he went, as long as he stayed away
from that psycho brother and protagonist who was probably also
equally as psycho.
【Hey, I won’t make you give birth! Let me finish talking first!】
Seeing Chi Zhao’s actions pause for a moment, the system quickly
struck while the iron was hot.
【 The fertility rate in this world is quite low and because the
fertility rate is now, the people have thought of a lot of methods to
increase the fertility rate. Natural conception is no longer the
mainstream method now. There is another method where the DNA
is taken from two different people and synthesised to form a new
life. The entire process is done in a nursery box, you don’t have to do
Chi Zhao moved his leg back and sat straddled on the window. He
raised his chin, “Interesting. Keep going.”
【Of course, for ethical reasons DNA cannot be randomly matched
just because you sent it over. In order to prevent unauthorised
synthesis, there is a rule stipulated that there must be two DNA
sources and both owners of the DNA must sign a form to authorise
its use. You will definitely not be able to get authorisation from the
psycho brother, so I’ll direct you down a good path. Take the original
owner’s money and go to a black market!】
Chi Zhao: “……Is this something a human can come up with?”
As soon as he finished asking this, Chi Zhao answered his own
question himself, “Oh right, you are originally not human.”
System: “…….”
“Even if you aren’t human, you can’t come up with such a crazy
idea like that! What do you mean direct me down to a good path?
Forget it, I’m not going to ask about anything else anymore. I just
don’t understand why I must create a descendent with such a
disgusting person. Even if I didn’t give birth to the child and it
was synthesised, it’s still the same problem!”
The system couldn’t talk back. It struggled for a long time and
finally replied in a very low voice.
【Because…..because this is the rule……】
This reason was simply not enough to convince Chi Zhao. He
raised his eyebrows and waited. The system added aggrievedly:
【 Although the brother is a little disgusting, the child didn’t do
anything wrong. He was originally a small life that needs to be born.
If you don’t want him, he wouldn’t even have the chance to come
into this world.】
Chi Zhao frowned slightly.
In the original plot, the child had always been somewhat ignorant.
He didn’t know what kind of person his two fathers were and after
only being around the protagonist for a little more than a year, the
family was destroyed, and he was sent to a distant planet by the
protagonist. At that time, he was less than seven-years-old.
He probably knew that he had lost his home, so the child didn’t
cry for too long and quickly adapted to life on the remote planet.
Gradually, he forgot about his past, became a ship repairer on that
planet and had a happy family that filled for everything that was
missing in his childhood.
If Chi Zhao left like this, that child would not have been born and
the fates of many people would also change accordingly. Chi Zhao
suddenly remembered that the information he had received also
mentioned that when this child grew up and was working at the
dock, he saved a girl who had fallen into the water. The girl who had
almost died survived because of him and later, that girl’s older sister
became his wife.
Thinking of this, Chi Zhao felt that the system was right. The child
is indeed innocent. Chi Zhao also didn’t want to drastically change
the plot line anymore. The last time he did that, many people had
died because of it. Although those people have always been living
with their lives hanging from the edge of the cliff and would
eventually die one day, it was still…..
After all, he had taken away their chances for survival.
“Then what should I do?”
After talking for a long time, the system had thought that Chi
Zhao’s decision wouldn’t be shaken. Unexpectedly, he agreed and
the system was extremely elated.
【 It’s very easy! I’ll show you the way. You go to that psycho
brother’s room, spray with a spring night potion and then open his
mouth and take some of his saliva.】
Please read this from kk translates
It sounded very simple but after his experience in his previous
life, Chi Zhao understood very well the strength of that potion. Even
masters of martial arts have no resistance to it and there was no
need to spray it on the skin. As long as it was sprayed, it would work
even if it was sprayed on clothes or shoes.
After pondering for a while, Chi Zhao nodded, “And then?”
【 Then we can run away and find a black market to make the
child. After that, you can go on vacation!】
Chi Zhao’s expression turned cold, “You even have the nerve to
call it a vacation?!”
System: “…….QAQ”
What was this called? Despite clearly knowing that the other
person was a big baddie, he still had to personally get his genes to
create a child and then return with the child six years later to
confront the protagonist. Even if the protagonist falls for him, he
would never like him back because he no longer had the face to do
that anymore….
Chi Zhao sighed deeply inside. Suddenly, his movements
stopped and he asked the system, “Is this your new plan? You
don’t plan on dealing with the plot or the protagonist and have
turned around to deal with me instead?!”
It was silent for a second.
【 What are you talking about, dear? This one here doesn’t
understand. In view of your question, I suggest that you have you
brain checked.】
Chi Zhao: “……..”
Chi Zhao laughed out in anger. He wanted to say something, but
he suddenly heard a faint call nearby. Chi Zhao was surprised. He
thought someone was there but when he followed the sound and
looked over, he noticed that beside his foot was something no more
than ten centimetres in height……a red chick?
Chi Zhao squatted down. He stared at it for a long time unable to
figure out what kind of chick it was. The latter noticed his ‘loving
gaze’ and its black beady eyes slowly turned to Chi Zhao’s face.
After just one glance, this thing of unknown species suddenly
stood up. Its two small yellow claws scratched at the floor,
seemingly very anxious. After scratching for a while, it suddenly
raised its head and flapped its wings, tweeting nonstop.
Chi Zhao silently looked down at this chick. He didn’t say anything
but from the look on his face, he didn’t seem to like it very much.
Guides have their own spiritual bodies. Whether they are a guide,
or a sentinel was determined by the individual’s body, but the
appearance of a spiritual body was determined by the host’s
spiritual power. And so, although Chi Zhao was still a guide, his
spiritual body had changed from the original owner’s white rabbit to
a red chick.
The system could tell in one glance that this chick was a spiritual
body. Because Chi Zhao had only just arrived, its body was still very
small, but it would probably grow more in the future.
The system tried to decipher its language but after listening to it
for a long time, the code was still a mess. It had no choice but to ask
Chi Zhao.
【What did it say?】
Chi Zhao’s expression turned darker and darker. Sensing that Chi
Zhao was starting to get angry, the little red chick finally closed its
little yellow beak and turned around in anger, facing its round and
plump butt at Chi Zhao.
The system was even more confused.
【 What did it say? That is your spiritual body. It is said that the
spiritual body can directly communicate with their master. What did
it say to you? Let me know too?】
Grinding his teeth, Chi Zhao only repeated the little red chick’s
words once, “He said I’m ugly, a sissy, a mixed trash. Cannot
System: “……….”
Even it didn’t dare say that to Chi Zhao. This chick is too
There were a bunch of longer feathers on the chick’s butt. If you
looked closely, you would see that there were a few faint gold ones
among it. The system noticed it and was surprised. Before it could
report its findings, Chi Zhao had already picked the chick up by the
feathers on its plump butt.
The chick cried out in alarm and struggled as if it was about to be
“You still dare say that to me?! A chicken that doesn’t look like
a chicken, a duck that doesn’t look like a duck. Your whole body is
red like you were roasted in a blacksmith’s stove for several days.
I have only heard of horses and donkeys giving birth to mules but
what can a chicken and an iron nugget make?”
The system hurriedly asked.
【What did it say?】
Chi Zhao expressionlessly watched the chick struggle, “It said
to perish together. Little one, you think you……”
Before he could finish, the little chick choked and coughed several
times. After its last cough was done, a faint wisp of smoke came out
of its little yellow beak.
Chi Zhao: “……..”
System: “……….”
Chick: “……….”
A spiritual body cannot hurt their master. What the chick said just
now were just empty threats. At this moment, it felt ashamed and no
longer struggled. It just loosely hung upside down in Chi Zhao’s
hands, looking very despaired.
On the contrary, Chi Zhao felt a little bad. But before he could say
some words of comfort, with a whoosh, the chick disappeared. It had
angrily returned to the spiritual mind to lick its own wounds.
【 Look at its ability to emit smoke….Seems to be a phoenix and
not a deified one, the one that can breathe fire and fly. By the way,
aren’t you an Asian? This unique creature should be from your
culture. It’s no wonder it thinks that you are ugly. You currently
have Noah’s face and don’t have any resemblance to the people it’s
familiar with.】
After hearing the system’s explanation, Chi Zhao felt a little better.
He stood up and patted his numb legs, “We will deal with it later.
Let’s get started.”
Following the system’s guidance, he reached a room on the fourth
floor and stopped outside the closed door. Chi Zhao felt a little
uneasy inside, “Are you sure this is the place?”
【That’s right, it’s here.】
Chi Zhao frowned, “I think…..” It didn’t feel right.
The system interrupted before he could voice his thoughts.
【Don’t think anymore. If you keep delaying it, the person inside
might come out. You still haven’t injected yourself with the heat-
stimulating drug yet. If his brother sees you here, he wouldn’t think
that you’re attractive and just think that you’re strange.】
Please read this from kk translates
It was really strange for a lowly waiter to sneak up to the fourth
floor where the guests rested. Chi Zhao could only swallow back his
words and push open the door.
He carefully entered and quickly closed the door behind him. He
had the spray in his hands. Not wanting to delay it any longer, he
turned around to spray but before he could do that, he froze in place.
A pair of dark green eyes that belonged to a beast appeared about
ten centimetres in front of his face. Those eyes belonged to a wolf
that was completely black and taller than him. The other party
stared at him unwaveringly. Being looked at by such a large beast,
Chi Zhao’s scalp went numb and the hand holding the spray couldn’t
But at this moment, the system was still shouting.
【What happened? Why can’t I see anything?? Why is it so dark?
Chi Zhao, turn on the light!】
The hell, there is such a big wolf here and you can’t see it?!
Chi Zhao’s heart was about to fly out of his throat. That oppressive
feeling made Chi Zhao instinctively hold his breath. The black wolf
opposite him however didn’t have any intentions to attack him. It
instead tilted its head and gently stretched its neck forwards,
seemingly trying to find something it could smell on him. Chi Zhao
was confused. He immediately backed into the door to avoid the
wolf and only then did he realise that there was a faint dark mist
lingering around the black wolf. It was just that the mist was too
faint so Chi Zhao had to look very carefully to see it.
In the faint black mist, a tall and handsome man slowly stood up.
There were deep creases between his brows, and he looked
dignified and cold. He walked very slowly, as if he was enduring
some pain and the black wolf suddenly disappeared. Chi Zhao only
then realised that it was a spiritual body, not a real animal.
Fortunately, Chi Zhao didn’t forget his mission. He quickly raised
the spray and pressed it down hard.
No reaction.
Spray again!
Still no reaction.
Spray, spray, spray!——
Almost half the bottle was gone but the person opposite him still
showed no reaction. Chi Zhao blinked a few times and remembered
something the system had told him a long, long time ago.
—–Our spring night potion is very effective, but it has a bug—it
only works on the general characters in the world. If you encounter
important characters—that is, the protagonist— it will be useless,
because the protagonist is completely immune to all external
“A guide….?”
Or a masterless guide who could see his spiritual body.
A low and hoarse voice sounded in the room. As these words were
spoken, the black mist in the room grew thicker. They entangled
around Chi Zhao’s body and seemed to be probing him out and also
seemed to be trying to win his favour.
Chi Zhao’s heart grew cold. The system was still calling out.
【Huh? Huh huh? Host, why can’t I even see you?? Host? Host??】
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KK has something to say: Already screwed up from the get-go!
Chapter 112
Source: KK Translates


In the original plot, Noah wore an artificial mask before entering

the villa. His hair colour remained the same but his facial featured
became more ordinary with that mask. He had done this because he
was afraid that he would be recognised. When he was about to get
started, he injected himself with the drug, took off his mask and
changed out of the waiter clothes in order to leave the protagonist
with a good impression.
At this time, Chi Zhao didn’t inject any drug, nor did he take off his
mask, and his scent had also changed so the protagonist Leo didn’t
recognise him.
Chi Zhao immediately realised this and quickly straightened up
and began to pretend to be a waiter, “Sorry sir, I went to the wrong
room. I will leave now.”
Although Chi Zhao didn’t give himself an injection, from the looks
of the protagonist, it was clear that he had fallen for the original
owner’s trick. The drug the original owner had procured was very
strong. Leo could still remain standing right now, but his spirit was
surely on the verge of collapse. That unfamiliar guide who had
suddenly entered for once didn’t disgust him and he was also a
powerful one who could see his own spiritual body. Without even
thinking, Leopold reached out and grabbed the weak guide’s wrist.
Using his remaining reason, he said in a small voice, “Wait,
please…..please help me.”
If it was someone who knew Leo, they would be so surprised their
eyeballs would’ve fallen out.
Was this the abstinent and serious chairman they knew? Such a
blatant request towards a single guide! Please, even if they’re
friends, a guide wouldn’t just casually sooth out a sentinel’s spiritual
That line was basically equivalent to ‘please touch me deeply’!
At some unknown point in time, the chattering system had
disappeared, and the surroundings were so quiet, it was as if there
were only the two of them there. Leo had a pair of emerald green
eyes which was very beautiful and mysterious. It unconsciously
drew people in. Chi Zhao was used to seeing beauties, so he was now
almost immune to the protagonist’s appearance. He frowned as he
felt the tension and urgency from the grip around his wrist and
uttered a single word, “You…..”
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Hearing him speak, Leo immediately took a step forward. With his
entire body shrouded in the other party’s shadow, Chi Zhao’s eyes
instantly widened, and he even forgot what he had wanted to say
just now.
The guide in front of him had a very ordinary face but for some
reason Leo found him more pleasing to the eye than any other guide.
He also had a head of golden hair which was Leo’s most hated colour
but even so, Leo couldn’t feel the slightest disgust for this person.
Seeing that he was still hesitating, he pursed his lips and frowned.
He seemed to be feeling even more uncomfortable. His free hand
also stretched over, grabbing Chi Zhao’s shoulder. The solitary and
aloof chairman who would have never thrown away his pride and
status was now practically begging this waiter, “Please.”
Since I currently have another person’s face, there should be a
problem if I help him out right? Isn’t it just soothing out his spiritual
mind? It’s at least not….
Wait a minute.
Chi Zhao suddenly remembered a very important question.
Today was his first day as a guide. He still didn’t know how to
sooth out the spiritual mind!
Chi Zhao who had almost succumbed instantly returned to his
senses. He firmly rejected the chairman and twisted his wrist with
force to try and break free.
“Sir, I am just a waiter, I cannot help you. Let’s do this, I will
help call a doctor over to check on you. I won’t disturb you any
For a few seconds, the other party was motionless. Chi Zhao had
used all his strength to break free but all he got was a sweaty
forehead from trying so hard. Because the sweat also contained
some of the guide’s scent, the eyes of the person opposite him
instantly deepened further.
He lowered his head, the tip of his nose lingering next to Chi
Zhao’s ear. He inhaled deeply and murmured in a low voice, “Your
smell……is so nice.”
Chi Zhao: “…….”
Big brother, you’re a protagonist. Please don’t say something so
Goosebumps formed. An adult male’s sturdy torso was pressed so
close to him and the other party’s spiritual power and sentinel
pheromone were still probing around restlessly. Although the
original owner’s body was still two months away from his next heat,
Chi Zhao still found it hard enduring such strong temptation. Chi
Zhao could feel his body heating up. Feeling anxious, he furiously
pushed the other party.
That was a cry from his soul. Leo was so shocked; he couldn’t
stand stably. He stumbled back with a pale face and almost fell to the
Most guide’s spiritual powers are gentle, but Chi Zhao wasn’t real
guide and his spiritual power itself was quite aggressive. When he
subconsciously fought back, he had used his spiritual power. With
Leo in such a vulnerable state right now, he was taken by surprise
by Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao was also taken aback. He didn’t think that a dark sentinel
would fall to the ground just from a single word of his. He
subconsciously took a few steps forward and hesitated for a while
before reaching out to pull him up. Leo squeezed his eyes shut and
didn’t speak. His originally pale lips were almost about to bleed from
how hard he was biting it. This scene unexpectedly overlapped with
a scene from the third world. When Qi Yuyang was still unwell and
in pain, he had always done that too.
Chi Zhao stiffened for a moment and finally sighed in resignation.
Forget it. He never had any intentions to follow the plot anyway.
Although he didn’t know how to soothe out a sentinel’s spiritual
mind, Chi Zhao knew that he had to use his spiritual powers. He
tried to release some relatively gentle threads of spiritual power and
slowly entered Leo’s skin to find a place he needed to soothe out.
Noticing the awkward technique, Leo immediately understood.
This was a novice, and very likely still an unregistered guide so he
had not yet learned how to soothe out another person’s spiritual
Opening his deep eyes, Leo turned the situation around. He
embraced Chi Zhao with an overwhelming strength and then
lowered his head such that their foreheads were pressed against
each other, their breathing intertwined, and a natural heart shape
formed with their heads and neck.
Chi Zhao was startled by this sudden action and opened his eyes
but when he opened his eyes, the other party had already closed
theirs. Leo patiently guided his spiritual threads to the depths of his
spiritual mind, the most private and fragile place of his.
Please read this from kk translates
Leo was twenty-nine years old this year. There was less than a
year until the dark sentinel’s most painful backlash period. As of
now, his spiritual mind could be described as riddled with holes
because he had never taken care of his body. Before entering the
political world, he had been in the military and had been involved in
all sorts of dangerous missions. It was because he dared to push
himself to the limits and mistreat himself that he was able to
become the chairman at such a young age.
Chi Zhao was surprised for a moment and his heart ached slightly.
Without saying much, he also closed his eyes and concentrated on
soothing out his spiritual mind. The feeling of spiritual harmony was
comfortable and peaceful, a beautiful feeing that couldn’t be
described with words. Not only would the person being soothed feel
comfortable, the soothing party Chi Zhao also gradually felt his
mood improving.
This was an instinctive reaction brought about by the body and
that was why, after reaching adulthood, guides and sentinels would
always bond with each other. Unless it was true love, they wouldn’t
marry an ordinary person.
In that moment of contact, Leo was surprised at the large power
possessed by the weak guide and at the same time he understood
why the other party would rather be an unregistered guide.
Because he was too strong, if he was discovered by the country,
the old guys would definitely have their eyes on him, and his future,
career and future partner would no longer be his own choice.
However, it didn’t matter. He was strong enough so he can protect
this guide in the future.
The chairman who was loved by all the people in the country
unilaterally decided the future relationship between himself and the
person he had only known for less than three minutes without
asking for their opinion. To him, since the other party was already
willing to help soothe out his spiritual mind, didn’t it mean that he
had a good impression of him? What more could he ask for?
As the old saying goes, it is the worst when hooligans are
Chi Zhao helped sort out Leo’s spiritual sea, but he couldn’t get rid
of the drug effects. Leo himself could feel that his spirit had
improved but his body began to feel more and more uncomfortable
and his mind had also become confused. His lower half had a
reaction and he uncontrollably wanted to kiss the lips of the person
in his arms and taste that part of him.
The original owner had included some aphrodisiac in the drug. It
was originally a well thought out plan but now everything was
Chi Zhao concentrated on soothing out the spiritual mind,
completely unaware that the person holding him had once again
released out his spiritual body. The human and the wolf had same-
coloured eyes. Even the emotion in the eyes were exactly the same.
They both held strong, undisguised lust as they looked at the
person before them like they were looking at their prey.
When Chi Zhao was finally done with his job and tried to
withdraw his spiritual powers in satisfaction, he found that he
couldn’t do it.
After looking up again and seeing the other person’s expression,
Chi Zhao fell silent for a moment. He then bravely asked a line,
“Seeing that I helped soothe it out for you just now……can you let
me go just this once?”
Narrowing his eyes, Leo’s thumb lightly rubbed Chi Zhao’s cheek
and seemed to be looking for the edge of the mask. At the same time,
he threw the question back with a calm voice, “What do you think?”
Chi Zhao wanted to cry. With his physique, he most certainly
wouldn’t be able to beat this chairman who had also served in the
military for several years. In terms of spiritual powers, it was also
the same. It could be seen from Leo’s ability to hold tightly onto his
spiritual threads. In other words, he couldn’t escape.
In despair, he tried to salvage the situation a little for himself, “Th-
then can you stop touching my face?”
The little guide looking up at him pleadingly was too stimulating
for this sentinel. In fact, Leo didn’t even hear his words clearly but
that didn’t prevent him from following his hearts desires.
He lowered his head and kissed those pale pink lips that had been
tempting him, his next words swallowed up in the process.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 113
Source: KK Translates


When Chi Zhao sat up on the bed, exhausted, the protagonist Leo
had already fallen asleep. It could be seen from the state of his
spiritual body — the big black wolf — that the drug had exhausted
all his energy.
The big black wolf by the bed was clearly doing its best staying
awake. It looked like it would fall asleep any time soon, but it still
kept its eyes open slightly, playing hide and seek with his useless
little chick.
As Chi Zhao watched this, bzzt, bzzt, there was a sound of
electricity and the system that had been offline the whole time
finally came online again.
【Man, I finally fixed it. For some reason, I was blocked just now.
Host, are you oka…..Holy crap! Host, what happened?! Why are your
lips swollen?!】
Chi Zhao: “…….”
“You even dare ask me that?! Didn’t you say that this is that
psycho brother’s room?! Go and take a look, is that person on the
bed that psycho brother?!”
The system looked over suspiciously and instantly crashed.
【 Huh? That’s not right, this should be that psycho brother’s
room! Why is the protagonist here? And host, your
appearance…..Did you get fucked by him?!——】
With that final shout, Chi Zhao’s ears were almost rendered deaf
by the system. He rubbed his ringing ears and said with restraint,
“Stop talking nonsense. What should I do now?”
【What else…..】
Before it could finish speaking, one word appeared in the human
and system’s mind.
Leo who had been tossed around by the effect of the drug was
now exhausted so there was basically no chance of him waking up
any time soon and the spiritual body that was still awake was
nothing to be afraid of. Chi Zhao glanced down for a moment and
quickly knew that he had to do.
Chi Zhao raised his hand and quickly issued an order to the little
chick, “Little Red, knock it out!”
Hearing its master’s words, the chick was puzzled at first but it
soon understood and immediately flapped its wings in excitement.
The chick kicked the ground hard and the entire bird jumped up
like an exploding dumpling. It formed a perfect parabola on its own
and the round, bright red chick projected itself at the black wolf. The
system even whistled out in admiration as it watched the chick
strike the wolf right in the head.
The chick’s attack carried strong spiritual power which was most
effective against spiritual bodies. As soon as the black wolf was
struck, it immediately disappeared.
Whether it was Leo or the honest black wolf, both had no desire to
hurt their partner and they also wholeheartedly believed in them, so
they had their defences lowered. In such a state, even a strike out of
the blue would succeed.
Chi Zhao had no time to think about anything else. He hurriedly
jumped off the bed only to find that his clothes had been torn to
shreds during the fierce battle just now. He looked around and had
no choice but to steal Leo’s clothes.
Wearing a suit two sizes too large for him, Chi Zhao followed the
systems instructions and managed to sneak out of the villa. At this
moment, the sky was just starting to brighten. He hid himself in an
alley filled with the smell of garbage and waited for the system’s
System: “………..”
【 I—I-I really didn’t point out the wrong room! You can look at
the information yourself. The third room from the left on the fourth
floor is the room the psycho brother uses. I also don’t know why the
protagonist suddenly appeared there.】
Please read this from kk translates
The system felt extremely wronged. It immediately spilled
everything it knew.
【When you first entered, I felt that something didn’t seem right.
The whole room was pitch black but I have a night vision function
and night is the same as day to me, but I couldn’t see anything. It
could only mean that something was blocking my sight. At that time,
I sensed the situation change. I kept telling you to get out, but you
couldn’t hear me and later I couldn’t even see you. It felt like
someone had set up a magnetic field, blocking anything from the
outside and I was also blocked by that.】
Chi Zhao heard this and wondered, “Aren’t you a system?
Theoretically speaking, you should be very powerful. How could
you be blocked by a character in this world?”
【 But he’s the protagonist. Protagonists are always more
powerful than any other character….】
Chi Zhao nodded and seemed to understand. Oh, so it basically
means that the protagonist’s authority is greater than that of
ordinary characters. Not only will he not be affected by external
forces, he can even in turn affect external forces.
The system didn’t know what Chi Zhao was thinking, it just felt
very bad for its host. Thinking this, it very sincerely put forward its
【Why don’t I do this? I will report the matter to the main system
daddy and ask him to investigate. There have been examples of the
host entering a highly developed world, but such a situation hasn’t
happened before. Perhaps something happened at the
Reporting to the main system.
You mean the main system that only wants him to abuse the
Chi Zhao blinked a few times and revealed a faint smile,
“Forget it, let’s solve it ourselves. Besides, I don’t think this
matter is too difficult.”
Chi Zhao nodded. “Yeah.”
The system still felt very strange.
【Host, why are you smiling?】
Whenever Chi Zhao felt guilty, he would smile reflexively. When
asked by the system, the corners of Chi Zhao’s lips became stiff and
he tried to change the subject.
“Isn’t it because I’m currently using an artificial mask right
now? And the smell of my body has changed. Once I take that
mask off and return to the original owner’s face, and then use an
inhibiter to suppress the scent, he won’t be able to recognise me.”
That was indeed an option…..
The system looked at Chi Zhao suspiciously. The system had no
sense of smell so it could only assess based on Chi Zhao’s current
physical condition.
【 Host, you haven’t established a bond with the protagonist,
right? If you did, let alone using Noah’s face, even if you use the face
of that psycho brother, he will recognise you immediately.】
Chi Zhao: “……..No, we haven’t. I was thinking this and that’s
why I was determined not to let him establish a bond.”
What a joke. How would he be able to escape if the bond was
actually established? How would he be able to enjoy his vacation?
Rolling up the trousers, Chi Zhao patted his hands and stood
up, “This time it wasn’t because I didn’t cooperate but because
you directed me to the wrong room. There is no way of getting
that psycho brother’s genes anymore, so the child is not possible.
Don’t be discouraged, it’s just that the heavens don’t wish for it to
happen. Alright, where should we go next?”
Chi Zhao’s tone was relaxed, “Since it’s a vacation, I would like
to go to a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters,
where the population density is lower, and the air is clean. It
would be even better if I can see water as soon as I go outside…..”
The system was silent for a long time. It finally gritted its teeth
and interrupted Chi Zhao’s great plans.
【Um, host.】
Chi Zhao was in a good mood, “Hm? What is it?”
Chi Zhao: “……….”
Every time the system did this, Chi Zhao was in a bad situation.
The smile on Chi Zhao’s face froze and it took him a few seconds to
find his voice again, “What is it now?”
【It’s like this. You see, the original owner’s body was originally in
a fertile state. Heat and fertility is not the same thing. The fertility
stage is very long, about half a year, while a heat can last only for
one day. The chance of conception is highest on the day when the
owner is in heat but although the probability of conception is low at
other times, it isn’t impossible. In your current situation, you were
both in heat and fertile so…..】
It took Chi Zhao a long time to understand the system’s words. It
wasn’t that he was too stupid but because he couldn’t accept the
news, “So you’re saying that I’m pregnant?!”
As for how resistant Chi Zhao could be towards pregnancy, this
was something the system had personally experienced yesterday.
Taking advantage of the moment where Chi Zhao’s mood was still
fairly stable and not explosive, it quickly explained.
【You don’t need to give birth! You don’t need to give birth! Let’s
go to a black market. We can take out the embryo, put it in the
nursery box and you can bring the child home when it is time. It’s
just like manufacturing a baby! It’s just one additional step!】
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Fuck you and that additional step.
Chi Zhao was so angry he wanted to beat someone up. He had
stupidly slept with the protagonist because that shameless guy had
used his dark sentinel pheromone to forcibly stimulate his heat
which caused him to lose his sanity. It worked like an aphrodisiac
and that was why he eventually succeeded.
But now, he had learnt that he, a man, was actually pregnant.
Chi Zhao’s current mood was very unstable. The system searched
everywhere for a way to persuade him but at this moment, the little
chick who had been staying in Chi Zhao’s spiritual mind suddenly
leapt out.
Tilting its head to look at its owner, the little chick tweeted a few
times. Its chubby face looked very serious.
After it finished tweeting, Chi Zhao looked down at the chick on
the ground and for some reason calmed down.
The system was amazed.
【What did it say?】
“It said, if I don’t want the child, I can abort it.”
System: “………….” Wasn’t it said that spiritual bodies are all very
loving of their master’s next generation? Why is this chick here so
Abortion was also an option but if they were to take that route,
they still needed to search the black market and it has to be a top-
secret place because abortion was a big crime in this country.
Whether it was the person who had the abortion done or the person
who helped with the abortion, they would be sentenced to 400 years
in prison.
The average life expectance in this country was only one hundred
Chi Zhao’s expression was serious. He fell into thought for a long
time but still couldn’t reach a decision. In the end, he could only
leave first.
“Forget it, we can think about the details later. Let’s leave this
place first and find a place in the black market. In any case,
regardless of what I choose, I still need to find one.”
Hearing this, the system and the chick agreed.
Fortunately, Chi Zhao didn’t dawdle around any longer because if
he did, he wouldn’t have been able to leave.
Immediately after Chi Zhao left the main star, several more
security levels were added to all the entrances and exits of the main
star and anyone leaving were screened very carefully. The artificial
mask Chi Zhao wore would not have been able to escape such strict
Chi Zhao didn’t know anything about the riots that had occurred
on the main star. The system this time didn’t make any mistakes and
directed him to the right place. He sat in the waiting area and looked
around at the other people waiting for surgery. When he looked
back, there was a nurse standing in front of him questioning him.
“Sir, what exactly is the surgery you want to do?”
Before the word abortion could be spoken, a sad singing voice
rang in his head.
【Little cabbage~ The ground is yellow~】
Chi Zhao: “……….”
The nurse saw that he wasn’t answering and felt a little impatient
inside. She asked him the same question again. Chi Zhao calmed
himself down and opened his mouth again.
【Still not yet born~ Dad is unafraid~】
Chi Zhao: “…….”
“Sir, have you decided yet?”
Chi Zhao gritted his teeth and replied, “Retrieve the embryo and
preserve it.”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 114
Source: KK Translates


Vacation time always passes very quickly. More than five years
passed in a flash. When the doctor come over with a petri dish at the
black market, Chi Zhao’s heart was indifferent and he even had a
slight urge to laugh but now, after almost six years, Chi Zhao’s
mentality had changed dramatically.
Standing in front of his place, a middle-aged aunt saw Chi Zhao
return and immediately walked over to talk to him. It had been five
years since Chi Zhao moved to this place and everyone knew that he
was a single father and also a very powerful guide, so they took care
of him very well.
When he first moved to this town, Chi Zhao didn’t have a lot of
money in his pockets. The black market was indeed worthy of being
called a black market; it basically could be described with one word:
In less than a year, they had taken all his savings. When he didn’t
have a child, Chi Zhao thought he only had to ensure that they didn’t
go hungry and never considered what it would be like in the future
but now that he had an extra little guy waiting to be fed, Chi Zhao’s
paternal love index came online in an instant. Very soon afterwards,
a clinic was opened.
It wasn’t a clinic in an ordinary sense, it was a clinic dedicated to
For sentinels without a guide, they would need to go to a white
noise room provided by the hospital to cultivate for a day or two
every now and then. The so-called white noise are sounds of nature
like the sound of wind and water. In such a room, the sentinel could
only hear the sounds of nature and all other stimulating sounds are
removed. After staying in a room like this for a few days, the tense
spirits of the sentinels would be able to relax.
While the hospital provided a white noise room, Chi Zhao
provided a noise free room. He covered the entire clinic with his
own spiritual power such that, regardless or whether they’re a
sentinel, guide or even an ordinary person, they would feel tranquil
and at peace the moment they walked in.
Chi Zhao relied on this clinic to make a living and support his
family. Because the effect was very good, most of the townspeople
knew of him and through word of mouth, Chi Zhao’s clinic also
became well known. It was to the point where sentinels from all
over the world are willing to come here to relax.
The people are warm, and the business was good. It was only then
that Chi Zhao understood what it meant by a vacation world. He
even no longer wanted to leave this place.
Chi Zhao’s life was very comfortable while the system’s life was
filled with passion. It even no longer prepared for the final
competition and nagged non-stop in Chi Zhao’s mind every day.
It was nothing more than trying to persuade Chi Zhao to return. If
he didn’t return now, everything would be too late to salvage!
Chi Zhao was indifferent, “Everything is already ruined anyway
so what’s the point of returning? The plot has already collapsed
since the beginning; the protagonist won’t be taking care of
someone else’s child but his own now. What’s the point of going
back since it’s like this?”
【 …… Even if the plot has collapsed, don’t we have other ways to
complete the task?】
“You’re referring to abuse but how to abuse?”
The system opened its mouth wanting to answer but, in the end,
nothing was spoken. It instead found itself unable to answer.
That’s right, how to abuse?
In the past, he was able to abuse because it was an easy world
where he could succeed even while lying down. Chi Zhao had only
just entered the world and didn’t have to do anything before a poor
relationship was established with the protagonist. Following this,
the two loved and hated each other, and that was why abuse could
occur. But right now, Chi Zhao and the protagonist had no
grievances and he also didn’t sleep together with the psycho
The main problem between the protagonist and the original
owner was that the original owner couldn’t love the protagonist,
thereby hurting the protagonist. If Chi Zhao were to act out that
scene now….The system tried to imagine it.
—- Leo, I like you.
—-That’s great, I also love you.
System: “………”
The system was frustrated. It didn’t know how to persuade Chi
Zhao to return to the main star and to continue with completing his
task. Chi Zhao seemed fully intent on planting himself here on this
planet but when night came, he suddenly said he was going to return
to the main planet.
【Why are you suddenly changing your mind?】
Chi Zhao turned his head and looked at his son who was
playing a game of ‘whoever moves, whoever’s hair gets plucked’
with Little Red. He then said to the system in a very serious tone,
“This afternoon my neighbour Audrey told me that the schools
here are allocated according to the register. If there are a lot of
schools in the area, then the best school would be very popular
and would basically fill up on the first day of registration.”
Please read this from kk translates
After hearing this, the system still didn’t understand Chi Zhao’s
“So we have to quickly go back! If we continue delaying it, Joey
won’t be able to attend the best school in the country this year!”
System: “…….”
The system almost had a breakdown.
I said all those words and tried so hard to persuade you for so
many days but in the end you what made you change your mind was
your son’s education?!
The system felt very tired. It no longer wanted to talk to Chi Zhao
In any case, just the fact that he was returning was enough. After
making that decision, in less than a week, Chi Zhao took care of
everything over here on this planet. The clinic was closed, the house
was rented out and all the savings were taken along with him.
Holding his little one’s small hands, Chi Zhao boarded the spaceship
bound for the main star.
Chi Zhao had named his son Joey and he is currently a little less
than five years old. He has a very quiet personality and gets along
with his peers not too well but also not too poorly. His superhuman
gene had already started showing itself since his birth and right
now, despite not having gone to school yet, Joey was able learn a lot
of elementary skills with just one look. Chi Zhao was worried that he
would mature too fast because he was too smart so he always took
him out to play or invited a bunch of children to play at home, but it
was all useless.
Joey didn’t like playing with his peers. He would rather play ‘I hit
you, you hit me’ with Little Red over playing with building blocks
with the other children. Chi Zhao was puzzled for a long time but
Little Red helped him figure out why.
Joey felt that those children were too dumb and too boring to play
Such a scoundrel personality must’ve been inherited from the
scoundrel protagonist!
But when he thought about it, Chi Zhao felt that it was also
understandable for Joey to think this. After all, they were not people
from the same world. Joey’s favourite thing to do was to read while
other children his age liked watching cartoons. Joey was the
protagonist’s child, so he was destined not to be ordinary. If he were
to bring him back to the talent-filled main star, perhaps he would be
able to find some like-minded friends.
This was why Chi Zhao wanted to return to the main star. He
could live on a remote planet for the rest of his life but he couldn’t
deprive of his child’s right to soar higher.
At night, the father and son slept in the same room. The room on
the spacecraft was relatively small but fortunately it had all the
necessary facilities. After coaxing the child to sleep, Chi Zhao looked
towards the vast starry sky.
When he was on a spaceship last time, he was constantly in fear
because his destination at the time was an illegal black market and
he wasn’t able to enjoy the view. Now that he was in the mood to,
Chi Zhao looked out at the beautiful scenery and couldn’t help but
reveal a nostalgic look.
It has really been a long, long time.
The success points had already been added to his account two
years ago. Unsurprisingly, the final score was 10. The system
scanned Chi Zhao’s body but couldn’t figure out what he was
thinking so it could only ask directly.
【What are you thoughts about the task?】
Chi Zhao retracted his gaze and smiled, “Do you think Joey and
Leopold look alike?”
The system spoke truthfully.
The protagonist had platinum white hair and a pair of alluring
emerald green eyes while Joey had flaxen hair and ordinary tea-grey
eyes. The facial features of the two were also very different. The
protagonist’s facial features were serious and cold, like an
unreachable flower at the top of a mountain. Joey’s features on the
other hand had not fully developed yet but it could already be seen
that he didn’t look serious at all and even had an androgenous type
of appearance. When he grows up, he would most definitely have
the appearance that is popular with young girls.
Speaking of this, the system sighed. The fake child the original
owner gave birth to was three parts similar in appearance to the
protagonist, but the real child didn’t look at all like the protagonist.
It really didn’t understand how human genes worked.
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Hearing the system’s answer, Chi Zhao’s smile deepened, “Then,
do you think the protagonist hates Noah?”
The system thought about it again.
【Probably not to the extent of hate but maybe just irritated. After
all, he was like a fly, always pestering him….】
Seeing the smile on its hosts face become more and more strange,
the system fell silent for a moment.
【 Just say it. What on earth are you planning? Stop playing
Chi Zhao straightened up his sitting posture, reached out and
snapped his finger.
“It’s very simple. Doesn’t Leopold hate me? I will go around
from time to time to show my presence and at the same time, I
will do my own things; study, raise the child, go on blind dates.”
That’s right. Chi Zhao is still single guide. He is twenty-eight this
year and is almost twenty-nine. For a skilled guide who is on the
older side, the country would step in to arrange blind dates.
After it quickly sorted everything out, the system felt a little
【You’re planning to…..】
“That’s right!” Chi Zhao’s voice held some excitement, “He
doesn’t know who I am, and he will definitely continue to hate
me. Once I’ve shown my presence enough and he falls for me, he
will then fall into self-doubt and be conflicted over whether he
should accept me but by then I would already be on a blind date
with another person. Even if we’re not together, it’s good to get to
know a few more people and use it to anger the protagonist.
What a great idea!”
“Oh and there’s Joey. If even you don’t think they look alike,
others definitely wouldn’t think it either. As long as I don’t say it,
no one would know who Joey’s father is. I can just randomly
generate a tragic story saying that Joey’s father passed away
while protecting the country. How could the living defeat the
dead? Isn’t that right, system?”
When he asked the last question, Chi Zhao’s voice rose happily.
The system silently looked at Chi Zhao whose grin was become more
and more strange and couldn’t help but light a candle for the
unfortunate protagonist.
So pitiful to become entangled with a lover like this.
Looking forward to his plans playing out, Chi Zhao soon fell
asleep. On the other side on the main star, the protagonist Leopold
was facing a great trial.
Almost all the members of the Grenoch family had gathered,
interrogating Leo like he had committed a great crime.
“Miss Victoria is a level one guide and her family background
is similar to yours too, what else are you dissatisfied with?! We’re
just asking you to meet her, not asking you for your life!”
The one who spoke was Leo’s father. Leo silently raised his head,
“I said, I have a partner.”
It was those words again. Leo’s father’s face turned green. When
Leo said those words at the beginning, the others believed him, but
many years had passed. If you still believed him now, there must be
something wrong with your brain.
“Where is that partner you say you have? Bring them over for
us to see!”
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KK has something to say: Back to the main star~
Chapter 115
Source: KK Translates


Although the Grenoch family was one of the four top influential
families, it had in fact lost a lot of its former prestige.
Each generation worse than the previous and each generation not
as capable as the previous, this was the current state the Grenoch
family was facing. In today’s society, the family was basically an
empty shell. If not for the birth of Leo, they would’ve probably fallen
from the ranks of the four top families.
Leo was the only dark sentinel in the family for nearly two
hundred years and was highly regarded since he was a child. Every
word and every action of his was watched carefully by the entire
family out of fear that he would do something that would discredit
and harm the family.
But in fact, when people are talented, they are talented in all
aspects. There were people who were bad influences but the one
they had their eyes on turned out to be the one they didn’t have to
worry about.
Leo’s father didn’t like this child much when he was young
because when people mentioned him, they would always mention
his son as if that was the only achievement he had. When he was
young, he ignored Leo but now that he was getting older, he put on a
‘kind father’ mask hoping to fix up their father-son relationship.
The rest of the family had different thoughts inside but at least
this father was somewhat sincere. Although his relationship with
Leo wasn’t good, he was his own son after all, and he didn’t want to
watch him meet his end like this.
Seeing that Leo wasn’t relenting, he fell silent for a while and
finally took a step back, “Leo, you are no longer young.
Supressing Mania with medicine is not a long-term solution. Do
you plan on dying early? Your future is still very bright and there
are still many things you can do in your life. I know you don’t like
Victoria, but feelings can be nurtured. Don’t always be so
stubborn. At least meet up and have a meal together. If you still
don’t like her after that then we can forget about it.”
Those words were spoken with rare patience. Seeing that his
father could have such a soft attitude, Leo’s expression also eased.
The refusal that was brewing in his mouth finally turned a little
more tactful but before he could speak, a middle-aged guide sitting
next to his father spoke.
“That’s right, Leo. Your father is right. Just meet her once. Miss
Victoria and I have a very good relationship, her mother and I
have been good friends for many years. I have already met her in
advance for you. She is a very good girl, very worthy of you.”
This middle-aged guide was his father’s current partner and also
his stepbrother’s birthing father.
The age difference between himself and his brother was less than
three months. That age and that relationship, everything was self-
evident. Cheating while the wife was pregnant was already too much
but what made it worst was that the illegitimate child was born
three months earlier than the legitimate child.
A sentinel can only have one guide and can only bind with one
guide. His father however, after establishing a bond with his mother,
still continued to hang out with other guides and even produced a
child. His mother’s health was originally poor. Unable to accept this
kind of thing, she separated from his father and when Leo was only
five, she passed away. Before her funeral processes could even
finish, that man before him had grandiosely brought his son to the
Grenoch residence and his father even had the nerve to allow him to
At that time, Leo was too young to resist. Now that so much time
has passed, people have long recognised his identity. On the other
hand, with his father and the family’s reputation at stake, he also
couldn’t do anything to that man.
But even if he can’t hurt him, it didn’t mean that he would treat
him with a good attitude.
Leo didn’t even bother smiling. He indifferently raised his eyes,
glancing at the guide who spoke. That gaze of his was like
someone looking at a barking dog, “Mr. Hillman, since you are
used to being a third party, are you hoping that all families have
a third party? Sorry but I love my partner very much and will not
betray him. Moreover, I think that Miss Victoria and you are not
in the same profession.”
Hillman’s face flushed with anger. The two young men next to
them couldn’t help but laugh. Outsiders may not be aware of this
because the family had covered up Hillman and his son’s identity
very well to protect the family’s reputation, but those in the Grenoch
family knew very who how Hillman came into power. Wasn’t it just
anticipating day and night while hiding in the dark corner, hoping
for the death of Leo’s mother so that he could be married into the
Externally, Hillman was Leo’s father’s successor while Hillman’s
son Faria was the adopted son of the two. The older the family, the
more they value their reputation. In addition, this family was also
involved with politics, so honour was even more important to them.
Everyone knew that they would also be affected if anything were to
happen so this pair of father and son was able to remain untouched
until now.
Hillman was furious but he couldn’t say anything to refute. It was
always like this. Leo would always leave the elders speechless and
then the farce would end. Because Leo was currently the highest-
ranking person in the family, everyone listened to him and dared not
to talk back. Even when faced with matters that concerned their
lives, they didn’t dare force Leo to do anything.
Faria watched on coldly from the sidelines. This was what he
wanted. He wanted to become the highest-ranking person in the
family and make those people who act kind in front of him but
would curse him out behind his back go onto their knees, unable to
continue spouting out those nonsense.
His skill wasn’t bad, he was a level one sentinel. If Leo was not
around he would’ve been the most talented person of this
generation. So what if he’s an illegitimate child? This is an era where
strength represents everything.
“Leopold! Who taught you to be so rude?! Apologize to
Everyone knew that Leo was serious but not reckless, dignified
but not cold. Although he wasn’t talkative, he still had his manners.
That was also precisely why he could still be gentle even when
facing a dog that cannot speak and why he had been ranked first in
the country’s most desirable bachelor ranking for several years.
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But there were exceptions to everything, and Hillman was the
exception. It was absolutely impossible for Leo to apologise to him.
As for this, Leo’s father also knew it. He had said that not because
he wanted to make Leo apologise but because he wanted to give
himself a way out. As long as Hillman was sensible, he would most
definitely step out and persuade him to calm down. At that time, he
just needed to follow Hillman’s words, say a few things and then this
matter would be over and his face would be saved.
Hillman gritted his teeth and once again felt that he must’ve been
blind to have fallen for a man like this back then. He took a deep
breath, turned his head and just as he was about to speak, he heard a
sound of provocation from the group behind him.
“That’s right, Leo. Listen to your father. That person is
MadamGrenoch after all. How can you talk to him like that?”
Hillman’s heart fell. When he turned back to look at Leo, as
expected, his expression had completely darkened.
Leo immediately stood up. His eyes were looking at Hillman but
everyone in the room seemed to feel the dangerous change in
atmosphere. In a place outside of everyone’s line of sight, the black
wolf who was originally lying there lazily, sat up and stared at
Hillman with murderous intent.
Leo emphasised each word one by one, his words directed at
everyone present.
“There is only one Madam Grenoch and that is my partner.
Before he returns, Mr Hillman, please don’t tarnish that identity.”
The room was completely silent. It was only until Leo had left for
two minutes that the rest of the people in the room could breathe a
sigh of relief.
How scary. As expected of a dark sentinel. Most wouldn’t have the
ability to resist that.
As others discussed whether Leo’s powers have increased again,
there were some who had different thoughts.
What Leo’s father was thinking was: Seeing that appearance of his
sons, he didn’t seem to be lying and there really is a partner. But
why hadn’t they seen him over the past five years? Who on earth
could it be?
Hillman was both angry and embarrassed. It was however not the
first time this had happened. As long as Leo was around, he would
not be completely free or be recognised by the others in this family.
His thoughts were vicious: It would be great if Leo was lying. Even if
he wasn’t, he hoped that this partner would never show up so Leo
can only fend for himself.
Glancing at the vicious expression flashing across his birthing
father’s face, Faria’s expression remained unchanged. If you looked
closely enough, one would even notice a hint of undisguised
When he was in front of his family, Leo acted strong and proud
but when he returned to his own place, his back bent down and his
entire body was lifeless. Anyone who had been looking for someone
for five years without rest with no results would naturally feel
despaired. If it wasn’t for the black wolf’s confirmation and the
traces left on his body, Leo would have thought that it was just a
wonderful dream.
It had been five years. Until now, he still didn’t know what the
other party’s name was or what he looked like. The only thing he
could remember was the guide’s scent. Where did he go?
Sensing its master’s low mood, the black wolf whimpered. It
walked over to Leo’s feet and similarly laid down lifelessly. It also
missed that cute little chick. It wondered if it had grown up now.
At this time, the one human and one chick they were missing so
badly were excitedly exploring the most prosperous commercial
district on the main star.
“Ahhhhh This ice cream is delicious!”
“Oh my god, is that a celebrity?! So handsome, so handsome I
can’t breathe!”
“A new babysitter robot?! Let’s take a look!”
System: “……..”
Whenever it thinks that Chi Zhao had become more mature and
wiser, Chi Zhao would always use various ways to shatter its
The corners of his clothes were tugged. Chi Zhao lowered his head
with a big smile on his face. Joey blinked back at him with his pair of
big and pure eyes and raised his little fleshy hand, “Dad, I want
Remote planets in the end didn’t have many resources. Although
living there was fine, there were many things not available there.
Joey was pointing at a new type of snack which looked like an
eggroll and is sweet and soft. It was something very popular
amongst children.
Chi Zhao suddenly felt guilty. This poor baby who had been in
hiding with his dad hadn’t had the chance to properly eat delicious
snacks. It was too upsetting.
Without saying another word, Chi Zhao bought three different
flavours for Joey. Joey naturally couldn’t eat that much and even one
serving was more than enough. Chi Zhao brought the child to an
outdoor dining area and set the table up. Afterwards, he left Little
Red by his side to protect him before getting ready to stroll around
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Little Red’s lethality was equal to one Chi Zhao. When necessary,
it could even use Chi Zhao’s spiritual power to attack others. Leaving
Little Red there, Chi Zhao wasn’t worried about someone
kidnapping his son unless they’re willing to personally experience
what it felt like being charcoal grilled.
The original owner’s family was a big pit and he definitely
wouldn’t go back there. If he did, the child would only be taught the
wrong things. Thinking this, Chi Zhao planned to buy a place on the
main star and add some daily necessities to it. The money he had
earned the past few years was enough for them to spend for a long
time, so Chi Zhao had no intentions to save and immediately bought
everything he thought was appropriate.
Just as he was making his large-scale purchases, the system
suddenly made a surprised sound.
【 The man behind you is so strange. Why is he wearing so
The weather on the main star was like spring all year round and
usually short sleeves were enough. This man however wore a long-
sleeved shirt along with a thick coat. Out of curiosity, the system
scanned him and quickly fell silent.
【……Host, you should hurry back.】
Chi Zhao placed down the item he picked up and asked in
confusion, “Why?”
【Because the man behind you is carrying liquid explosives inside
him. The moment it comes into contact with something cold, it will
explode. He is currently wearing thick clothes in order to keep it at
body temperature. Later, I think he might directly cut open his
stomach and then…..”
Chi Zhao’s eyes widened. He dropped his things and quicky strode
out the store before changing into a run the moment he was outside.
He didn’t want to alarm the man with the bomb, but that man was
already in a very alert state. Seeing Chi Zhao suddenly move, that
man immediately removed his clothes, ready to detonate the
explosives in him.
When Chi Zhao hurried back to Joey, that man had just cut open
his stomach. Chi Zhao instinctively held Joey in his eyes and
squeezed his eyes shut. At the same time, he quickly expanded his
spiritual barrier. In an instant, nothing could be heard. The people
shopping nearby all found themselves unable to hear anything and
in twos and threes, they stopped in place and looked around in
Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden spark as well as a
silent explosion. Debris slowed down as it passed through the
invisible barrier before slowly falling to the ground. At this moment,
the people nearby suddenly returned to the senses and panicked
screams quickly sounded.
Chi Zhao had only maintained the barrier for three seconds. Three
seconds later, he removed the barrier and then grabbed the chick
who had grown into the size of a rooster and placed it onto Joey’s
head. The chick immediately understood and used its wings to cover
Joey’s ears to block his five senses and also hypnotised him to sleep
along the way.
Picking up his yawning son, Chi Zhao ran away as he called
out, “Go, go, go. Hurry and go! Let’s get as far away from this
place as possible!”
But before he could take more than a few steps, the people in
front of him stopped moving, forcing Chi Zhao to also stop. There
was a vicious looking man ahead holding a particle cannon even
larger in size than Joey.
He smirked wretchedly, “Don’t run. If you run, where would I
find other hostages. Be good and don’t move.”
Immediately after that, he pointed at Chi Zhao with the cannon,
the smirk on his face widening even further, “Especially you, the
guide whose spiritual body I cannot see.”
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Chapter 116
Source: KK Translates


“Chairman! There was an incident! There was a terrorist

attack at Copenhagen Avenue. Three shops were blown up and
the number of casualties is still unknown. Right now, hundreds of
tourists are held hostage by the terrorists. They are requesting
for us to release the twelve who were arrested last week. They’re
even threatening to kill a hostage every minute we delay it!”
The more advanced a civilisation was, the stronger the sense of
humanitarianism. In today’s society, people generally share a similar
attitude and that was, life was above everything else and that a
person’s life was even more valuable than a planet. If the life of a
homeless man was threatened, the country wouldn’t hesitate to
send a large troop over to rescue him and would even consider
destroying a planet in order to do so. Despite most people sharing
this similar sentiment, there were however still those who like to go
against the government.
These extremists are a small group of people who advocated
power above everything. In the past few years, the group was fairly
normal. Although there were occasional bloodsheds, it was because
they had conflicts with other people’s ideals but over the years, this
group of extremists had grown more and more barbarous. In the
past two years, they would start conflicts for no reason and
eventually they became a terrorist organisation everyone feared.
Psychologists have tried to study the young leaders of this
extremist group they had captured. They eventually found that they
actually didn’t care about people’s lives and also didn’t care about
whether or not their ideas were accepted by others. None of them
had been persecuted by the government or had a miserable
childhood, they had just done it out of their desire to kill and
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call them society’s cancer.
The biggest characteristic of an extremist was their
aggressiveness and cold-bloodedness. As soon as they are locked
onto a target, they would stick to them constantly like a ghost.
Leo was the chairman. When encountering such a thing, he should
immediately return to the senate and turn on the remote control
panel to get ready to deal with all kinds of emergencies at any time.
After frowning in thought as he listened to his secretary make his
report, Leo walked out the room and quickly asked while walking, “I
will return to the senate. Who is the garrison officer and police
chief near Copenhagen Avenue? Have they gone over?”
“They have but…..Chairman.”
Leo frowned. His secretary was perfect in every aspect but there
was one thing that left Leo dissatisfied. Whenever something
difficult came up, he would always become hesitant like this,
completely unlike what an officer should be like.
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“What is it?”
“Copenhagen Avenue is the most prosperous commercial
district; we can’t suppress the spread of the news. By now, most
of the people on the main star must have heard about it.”
“Mhn.” Leo made a sound of acknowledgement. Without needing
the secretary to say it, he had already expected this.
“Colonel Grenoch……also knows. He is currently leading people
over and will soon arrive at the scene.”
Of course, the Colonel Grenoch he was referring to wasn’t Leo
himself but that psycho brother Faria. Hearing his name, Leo’s
expression worsened. He only responded indifferently after getting
into the hover car and setting it to autopilot with, “Oh, I see.”
The secretary thought to himself: It was always like this. Anyone
with a discerning eye can see that Faria has been doing anything he
could to climb up the social ladder and his efforts have reaped
results. This could be seen by his rank being promoted to colonel. It
was estimated that in another year or two, he would turn to politics.
Watching Faria climb up to his current position, perhaps he may
even be a threat to Leo’s position in the future. Leo however didn’t
care about these things. If he wanted to climb, let him climb. In any
case, he was not moving.
It was unknown whether he really didn’t care or if he was just too
confident in himself.
“If there’s nothing else, I will hang up first. I need to contact
the officers on the front line.”
The secretary considerately tried to persuade him. Although
terrorists taking people hostage was a very terrible incident, if they
looked at it from another perspective, it was an opportunity for
them. The chairman right now didn’t lack anything apart from
having an opportunity to show up in high-profile and gain support
from the public. Even if he didn’t want this opportunity, he shouldn’t
hand it over to Faria.
But having been with Leo for so many years, the secretary knew
Leo all too well. One he has made a decision, no one can change it.
Sighing inside, the secretary fell into thought and suddenly
remembered something he almost forgot.
“Oh right. According to the reports from the frontline soldiers,
the bomb detonated by the terrorists only reached half its power
and the remaining half was blocked by someone’s spiritual
power. From the looks of it, it seems to have been done by a
guide. Not only us, the terrorists have also discovered this.
Among the hostages they took, there is probably a guide. The
frontline soldiers have been ordered to ensure that guide’s
A guide’s spiritual power can not only make the guides
themselves gentler and warmer, they can also be used to soothe out
a sentinel’s spiritual mind. Other than that, there was basically no
other uses to it. Most guide’s spiritual powers didn’t have any
offensive abilities and are usually primarily defensive. Only
advanced guides would have some offensive abilities. The secretary
had mentioned just now that the bomb had blown up three shops. If
this was half its power, then at full power it would have blown up six
Being able to protect the remaining half of the civilians with their
own power whilst not exposing themself meant that the guide was
very powerful. So powerful that they are probably comparable to
that of a level one sentinel.
No, it was probably better to say that even a level one sentinel
wasn’t as good as this person because a sentinel can only destroy
while this guide can protect everyone.
Thinking this, Leo straightened up, “Are there any on-site
The secretary was taken aback, “Yes there are but it was from
before the incident. The current surveillance has been destroyed
by them.”
“Before the incident is fine. Send me a copy.”
The secretary did not often hear Leo speak so seriously. A chill
ran down his back. He quickly said yes and moved to send the
recording from one second before the incident.
On-site surveillance could monitor every corner of the place but
no matter how powerful it was, it didn’t have an x-ray function. In
the last moment captured by the camera, everyone acted strangely.
Leo’s eyes quickly swept through these people before finally locking
onto a thin figure holding tightly to a child.
His soft, golden hair was stopped in the air as he held tightly onto
the child in his arms. He himself had his head lowered, with his chin
resting on the child’s back.
It was a gesture of absolute protection, as if protecting his entire
Leo’s blood almost flowed backwards. The black wolf next to him
immediately stood up, his green eyes fixed on the screen. A
threatening growl sounded from the depths of its throat.
In less than five minutes, the chairman had rushed over to
Copenhagen Avenue.
The secretary who suddenly received this news chased after him
the entire way. Inside he was still confused. Didn’t he say that he
was going to the senate? Why did he suddenly change his mind?
At the same time on the other end, the situation was at a deadlock.
Little Red had already been taken back into Chi Zhao’s spiritual
mind a long time ago. Anyone could see that this man in front of him
was not a good person. He didn’t want to end up fighting him here.
Let alone whether he could beat him…..he didn’t want to let his child
learn the wrong thing!
System: “……”
You still have the time to care about this? Can’t you see that this
man already has his eyes on you?!
Of the people present, anyone with an IQ greater than a hermit
crab should know that someone who can release such a large
protective barrier must be a particularly powerful guide. Such a
powerful guide must either be taken possession of or eliminated.
Guides whose spiritual bodies cannot be seen are all suspicious. In
fact, Chi Zhao had disguised himself very well. Ever since he set foot
on this planet, he had injected himself with an inhibiter. Others can
only judge one’s strength from their smell so although the man kept
staring at him, he didn’t dare make any moves because of this
Chi Zhao held Joey in his arms with his head lowered and his back
trembling slightly to make himself look like he was too afraid to say
The other party only felt irritated seeing this. He couldn’t wait to
shoot him dead right then and there, but his boss had warned him
not to act rashly. Their task this time was to force the government to
release their people and there was no time to worry about anything
Joey couldn’t understand what was going on, but he knew
instinctively that this man had no good intentions so even though he
was sleepy, he still stared at that man with vigilance and made a
gesture of also wanting to protect Chi Zhao.
“What is your name?”
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Chi Zhao’s body stiffened for a moment. He forced himself to calm
down and replied timidly, “Noah Mayswen.”
The man frowned. He checked online and quickly returned with a
result. That face was the same as the face in front of him and it was
clearly written there that he was a level two guide.
Only level two?! How can that be?!
This man was a level two sentinel. If the compatibility wasn’t high
enough, he would indeed be unable to see the spiritual body of a
level two guide. He however still felt that something wasn’t right. In
their organisation, this man’s forte wasn’t his fighting ability but his
almost infallible intuition. Right now, his instincts were telling him
that the guide who had ruined their plans just now was the man in
front of him.
But his information says that he was a level two guide. What was
going on? He had never heard of a guide’s level changing.
Before Leo came, the highest-ranked officer here was Faria. Now
that Leo had arrived, the highest-ranked officer was naturally him.
With the hostages locked inside, Leo couldn’t see the situation so he
could only negotiate with them from the outside.
As time passed by little by little, there were constant sounds of
weeping next to him. Chi Zhao was anxious. He didn’t know what to
do. If he took action, he could be rescued but his identity would be
exposed. How should he explain himself at that time? He had
changed from a level two guide to…..he also didn’t know what level
he was at!
Hearing that the chairman had arrived, the man who had been
staring intently at Chi Zhao finally left. Chi Zhao quietly looked up to
take in the situation, but he found himself looking at a familiar
looking black wolf. Its eyes were not fixed, and it seemed to be
looking around for something before it finally locked onto Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao was so startled, he almost couldn’t maintain his
expression. Was he recognised?! But his acting should’ve been
In a place where no one could see, the black wolf quickly ran over
to Chi Zhao and sat down in front of him, carefully scrutinising him.
Chi Zhao had already looked away when it ran over, pretending
not to see anything. He however had forgotten that besides himself,
there was also another one with super strong spiritual powers. This
little one had never seen such a big animal before and stared
straight at it, wide-eyed.
A spiritual body shares their senses with their master. Everything
the black wolf saw, Leo also saw. He was a little in shock and
couldn’t react to what he saw just now.
That golden-haired guide is Noah?
And the child in Noah’s arms could actually see his spiritual body?
Moreover, that child…..that child looked exactly like his mother?!
What was going on here?!
As Leo was in confusion, Chi Zhao inside was not in a better
situation. After discovering that his son had at some unknown point
in time become a pig teammate, Chi Zhao fell silent for a moment. He
quickly made a distressed expression and lightly patting Joey’s
“Joey! How many times have I told you before not to stare in
one place in daze? Dad brought you back here to see a doctor.
Just wait a little longer. Just a little longer. Dad will definitely get
your congenital mental deficit cured!”
Joey: “……….”
Congenital mental deficit, are you referring to me?
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KK has something to say: Oops, left this as a draft and almost
forgot to post it!
Chapter 117
Source: KK Translates


There was no time for Leo to think about these things right now.
The leader of the terrorist group was standing opposite him, waiting
for his reply.
Returning to his senses, Leo raised his green eyes and said
flatly, “There are a total of 147 hostages in there. You release 27
first to show your sincerity and then I will consider your request.”
Hearing Leo’s words, the terrorist leader immediately laughed.
Standing in front of Leo was a holographic projection. The real
leader himself was hiding who knows where but the projection
didn’t stop him from showing ridicule.
“Mr. Chairman, did you forget to bring along your brain when
you left your house? What right do you have to negotiate terms
with me? My words are still the same. Every minute you delay
releasing them, I will kill a hostage. Our reputation is already
down in the pits now so a few more lives wouldn’t matter.”
A soldier behind Leo couldn’t help but clench his fists in anger.
This man was so arrogant. He really treated human lives like they
were worth nothing!
Leo was still calm, “I will return your words right back to you.
If you kill a hostage, I will also kill a hostage. You have more than
a hundred people in your place, but I only have twelve here. Once
they’re all killed, I will put both yours and their ashes together
for you to be reunited.”
Leader: “………”
Extremists are often arrested but this was the first time for them
to create such a big commotion after someone was arrested. With
them doing this, it could be certain that there must be someone they
cannot give up on among those twelve young leaders. Leo had said it
because he was certain of this but to the others, they only felt that
Leo was crazy enough to arrogantly decide on the fate of more than
a hundred people.
What if he angered the terrorists and they really killed all the
The terrorist leader’s face was scarily dark. As one of the hostages
inside, Chi Zhao couldn’t hear the negotiation happening outside. His
arms holding Joey was starting to grow numb and the black wolf
opposite him still wasn’t leaving. It continued to stare at the two of
them intently, not moving an inch like a stone sculpture.
After about half a minute, the man guarding them suddenly came
over, randomly selected a few people and told them the scram. Chi
Zhao raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything.
It seemed that the negotiations were going well.
“I have released twenty-seven hostages as you have requested.
Now, it is up to you to fulfil your promise.”
From the looks of the terrorist leader’s expression, if there
weren’t so many soldiers around, he would most definitely jump out
and fight Leo to death. Leo glanced at the hostages who had
collapsed to the ground after being received by the soldiers and
“One hostage in exchange for ten. I also have another request.
Release the children and pregnant women first.”
The leader on the other side snorted contemptuously but he
didn’t refuse.
There were many children held hostage and most were children
who didn’t reach past an adult’s waist. The terrorists waved their
weapons around like butchers in a slaughterhouse. Whoever they
pointed to; the target would instinctively start to tremble. When it
was the third batch, someone approached Chi Zhao and pointed at
Joey in his arms, “Let him down. Hurry up!”
It could be seen from how they were leaving in batches; they were
exchanging hostages. The second batch was all children and the
third batch consisted of children and a pregnant woman. The wheels
in Chi Zhao’s mind turned. He placed Joey down, nudged him and
motioned for him to leave with the other children.
At the same time, he held Joey’s hand and stuffed a shrunken
version of Little Red into his hand.
Joey blinked a few times and obediently went out.
Almost at the same time, the two erect ears of the black wolf
moved very quickly.
It however didn’t follow Joey and continued to quietly remain
sitting opposite Chi Zhao.
It was really hard pretending not to see something so large right
in front of him. Chi Zhao forced himself to stare a Joey and was
relieved to see him walk out safely with the other children.
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Alright, now that the child is gone, even if anything were to
happen next, he wouldn’t need to hold back.
This was something both Leo and Chi Zhao agreed with.
Whether it was Leo or the leader of the terrorists, they both had
no intentions to release all the hostages. As long as the leader
managed to retrieve the person he was ordered to save, they would
immediately kill the remaining hostages and flee with the rescued
people. As for those who weren’t rescued, just consider them
Leo had been dealing with extremists like them for many years so
he knew very well how perverse they can get. As such, his plan was
to release a few hostages first to exchange for those who have no
fighting capabilities, relax the terrorist’s vigilance and then finally,
capture them all in one fell swoop.
In fact, this was a big gamble because Leo also didn’t know
whether the hostages who were released were the ones the
terrorists cared about the most about. He could only judge by
When it was the fifth batch, the opposing leader’s eyebrows
moved slightly. This change was so subtle, Leo would probably have
missed it if he was just an ordinary sentinel.
But unfortunately, he was a dark sentinel with keen senses.
The black wolf suddenly stood up, scaring Chi Zhao in the process.
Soon afterwards, he saw the black wolf turn around and begin to
release a faint black mist from its body. That mist spread very
quickly. Before long, it had invaded the minds of the terrorists
guarding them but none of them noticed anything unusual.
All except for the man who threatened Chi Zhao at the beginning.
Sensing that something wasn’t right, he furrowed his brows.
Standing in the crowd, Chi Zhao seemed to have guessed
something. He stepped back and stood a little further away from the
Little Red was in Joey’s hands and Joey was also very sensible and
didn’t let go the entire time, holding tightly onto Little Red. Chi Zhao
could only see pitch darkness. He could only ask the system inside,
“How is Joey? Where is he?”
【Joey and the other children were sent away. I can’t locate them,
but it should be somewhere safe.】
The terrorist leader in charge of this attack was also a dark
sentinel and was very powerful. Apart from Leo, no one else would
be able to go up against him but even so, he couldn’t see Leo’s
spiritual body.
But he didn’t care about this. He could see the spiritual bodies of
the other sentinels so they certainly wouldn’t dare rashly barge in.
Even if Leo’s spiritual body entered, what could it do? It was only
one spiritual body and they have many brave sentinels here that can
go against it.
This was why people shouldn’t speak too soon. This time, they
lost because of this single spiritual body.
A battle was about to break out. Almost instantaneously, all the
sentinels guarding the hostages let out terrible cries. Others couldn’t
see but Chi Zhao saw it clearly. The spiritual minds of those
sentinels had become polluted and the pollutant seemed like it was
alive; it constantly wandered around and wherever it went, the
place would start breaking down.
The spiritual mind was made up of several elements. Now that
those core elements were destroyed, those sentinels also fell.
From the beginning to the end, Chi Zhao didn’t have the chance to
make a move. That was also good, he didn’t want to make a move
anyway. And so, he just stood quietly at the back, carefully observing
the black mist.
Watching the seemingly endless black mist, Chi Zhao suddenly
thought of a highly poisonous substance which existed in the bodies
of some special creatures. As soon as another creature came into
contact with it, they would die because that poison would spread
through the body in less than a minute. As soon as blood cells
encountered it, they would be stimulated and explode, cutting off
the creature’s ability to sustain their life. Moreover, this kind of
damage was irreversible and there was no cure for it.
The black wolf’s weapon was similar to that.
Some sentinels have the chance to obtain special mutated abilities
but the chance of it was very low and the abilities acquired may not
all be useful. Just like ordinary people, some are born with good
noses, some while others are born with thick and beautiful hair. All
sorts of characteristics were possible, and it meant that any kind of
mutation was also possible.
A dark sentinel was originally very rare so a mutant dark sentinel
would be even rarer. Leo’s mutated ability just happened to have
such terrible offensive power……
This person was simply a natural killing machine.
Chi Zhao felt a little complicated. He couldn’t help but lower his
When everything settled, Chi Zhao walked out with the other
hostages. He wanted to find Joey but, in the end, he didn’t need to
look for him. Joey was standing outside waiting for him.
Together with him was an unsmiling Mr. Chairman.
Chi Zhao: “…….”
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Chi Zhao took a quick look at the two of them and saw that they
had no physical contact. Joey’s eyes were also fixated on him the
entire time and didn’t seem to feel anything strange about the
chairman he had met for the first time. Only after seeing this, Chi
Zhao calmed down and slowly walked over.
“Chairman, long time no see. Thank you for saving us.”
Noah originally knew Leo, so it was understandable to say this.
After confirming that his son was okay, Chi Zhao took Little Red
back. Right now, he was convinced. There were no flaws in him. Leo
would never think that he was the waiter from before.
Chi Zhao was very confident. Leo on the other hand was silent.
After a few seconds, his eyes turned to Joey and his voice was a
little strange, “What kind of person is this child to you?”
In fact, he had heard Chi Zhao claiming to be his father earlier but
right now, he wanted to hear him say it in person.
Chi Zhao replied naturally, “My son.”
Leo’s mind was blank. He couldn’t connect that person with
Noah’s face, but the other soldiers had checked the situation out
earlier and there were no other high level guides amongst the rest of
the hostages. If you didn’t look at the face and only look at his figure,
Noah was indeed very similar to that person. Most importantly, he
couldn’t ignore the fact that this child looked so much like his
“…..Your child?”
For a moment, Leo even suspected that Noah had stolen the child.
Chi Zhao looked at him strangely. He once again replied
naturally, “Yes, a child between my husband and I. Chairman, it
has been many years since then. Isn’t it about time for me to start
a family?”
There are many people in this world so it was inevitable that
there would be some who share similar looks. Some people who are
not related by blood look like twins. If this was just a coincidence, it
seemed reasonable but for some reason Leo felt that this matter
wasn’t that simple.
Once he started to feel doubtful, Leo noticed that the Noah in front
of him seemed very different from before.
Chi Zhao put his arm around the child, “What is it?”
Leo smiled faintly, “Wait here for a while. I will get someone to
send you back. Your family must be very worried, especially your
older sister. I heard that she was pregnant a few months ago, I
wonder if she has given birth yet?”
Chi Zhao immediately narrowed his eyes. Leo wouldn’t talk so
familiarly with him about his family matters. This must be a trap!
Chi Zhao pursed his lips and answered coldly, “I don’t know. I
haven’t contacted my family in a long time.”
In an instant, Leo’s eyes changed.
There were people secretly watching them from the side. They
didn’t know who Chi Zhao was and thought he was also one of the
nobles. For Leo to talk to him for such a long time, it meant that this
person’s status wasn’t low. Chi Zhao didn’t like being watched so he
wanted to leave. He took Joey’s hand but before he could turn
around, he saw Leo step forward, revealing an even more
gentlemanly smile.
“Wait, I will send you back.”
Chi Zhao: “………..”
Didn’t you say that you’re getting someone to send us back?
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Update 09/02/2021: Sorry guys, I’ve been very busy with Chinese
New Year preparations and wasn’t able to post a chapter today. I
probably might not be able to post one tomorrow either. Chapters
should hopefully resume on Thursday (if everything goes to plan
that is)
Chapter 118
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao didn’t want to have anything to do with Leo right now
and he especially didn’t want to be sent back to that superficial
family by him. Leo however moved too quickly. There were clearly
still a lot of work left to deal with. His secretary came over asking
him if he wanted to check to see if there are terrorists who are still
conscious, but he pushed it off and left everything for the remaining
people to deal with, including his psycho brother.
Chi Zhao glanced at the place where the others were gathered and
saw that Faria was also looking at him. From time to time his eyes
would move to Joey next to him and his expression was dark.
Chi Zhao found it strange. He also felt that this place wasn’t a
place he should stay and wanted to leave. At this moment, Joey
tugged his hand.
Chi Zhao lowered his head. Joey looked up and asked in a small
voice, “Dad, who is he?”
He was asking about Leo.
That seemingly normal question instantly put Chi Zhao in an alert
Joey was different from normal children. He was very quiet and
sensible and would never speak impolitely outside, like asking about
someone’s identity in front of them. In Joey’s young mind, it was
impolite to do that but he was too curious so he couldn’t hold back.
For such a simple question, Chi Zhao could see that Joey was
actually very interested in Leo but because of his character, he didn’t
show it obviously.
Leo was standing next him talking to his secretary. Hearing Joey’s
question, he quickly turned his head back, seemingly wanting to see
what he would say.
Chi Zhao pursed his lips and smiled kindly, “This is Uncle
Grenoch, dad’s friend. Quick, call him uncle.”
Seeing Chi Zhao’s warm behaviour, the secretary couldn’t help but
smile. This kid was just too cute. Along with that, he even felt that
Noah was not as irritating as he was a few years ago. Sure enough,
having a family and starting a business can change a person
The secretary looked very happy, but Leo’s expression was a little
strange. Joey’s as well. With a stiff face, he stared at Leo unblinkingly
and didn’t want to do as his father had said. When he finally felt his
father nudge him, he reluctantly murmured, “Hello, uncle.”
Seeing him act so reluctant, Chi Zhao felt a little worried inside,
but he didn’t show it. He raised his head and when his eyes met
Leo’s, a polite smile appeared on his face, “Sorry, my child is a little
special. Please forgive us.”
Joey looked at Chi Zhao in confusion. Special? What did he mean?
That word was very subtle. Once they leave, Chi Zhao could
explain to Joey that special meant that he was very smart and
different from other children but to Leo and the secretary, it meant
that Joey had some defects.
It just happened to match with the words he said earlier before
the black wolf made its moves.
Chi Zhao couldn’t help but be in awe at himself inside. Why am I
so clever?
The system who had been blocked ever since the black wolf
released the black mist and had only regained signal: “…….”
After going to one world after another, its host had not grown in
any other aspects, but he was getting more and more shameless.
Leo glanced at Joey who was standing there quietly and
obediently. He silently passed a cloud of black mist before Joey’s
As long as it didn’t enter the human body, these black mists
weren’t dangerous, and it could serve as a protective barrier from
spiritual attacks. The black mist flashed across Joey’s eyes like a
meteor and Joey’s small eyes immediately followed. When the black
mist disappeared, he was still a little nervous and started to move
his head, searching for it.
These black mists were actually Leo’s spiritual threads. This child
was still very young and hadn’t become a sentinel, but he could
already see his spiritual threads. How powerful must his spiritual
power be? For someone with powerful spiritual powers, how could
he be a child with mental deficits?
Thinking this, Leo’s gaze shifted to Chi Zhao. He glanced at Chi
Zhao faintly and then internally gave him a label.
—– Full of lies.
The chairman’s hospitality was hard to refuse. In the end, Chi
Zhao and Joey got in his hovercar.
Three people and one wolf sat together. Chi Zhao didn’t dare look
at the black wolf so he could only look out the window. Joey was
already feeling sleepy. With no danger around and his most trusted
father by his side, he very quickly entered dreamland.
Holding the child, Chi Zhao didn’t speak and only hoped to reach
their destination soon.
Things however backfired. It was unknown if it was because the
destination was too far or if the car was driving too slowly, Chi Zhao
was still questioned during the long journey.
“You seem to have been away for five years.”
Chi Zhao answered expressionlessly, “Yeah.”
“What did you do?”
Chi Zhao turned his head and looked at him calmly, “I met my
husband, fell in love at first sight and left with him. Why? I can’t
do that?”
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This was Chi Zhao’s second time mentioning his husband. Leo
raised his brow. For some reason he had always felt that every word
coming from this man in front of him couldn’t be trusted. Just
listening was fine but it shouldn’t be taken seriously. Once you do,
you lose.
Thinking this, Leo continued to ask patiently, “And your
Chi Zhao looked down. He didn’t seme to want to talk about it,
“Passed away. The time we were together wasn’t very long, but
he left me with a beautiful memory no one can replace.”
After that, Chi Zhao even let out a dramatic sigh, looking both
happy and sad.
Leo: “……..”
After suppressing some strange thoughts, Leo nodded, “So, which
planet did you stay at?”
Chi Zhao raised his eyes. Seeing that the atmosphere was just
about right, he finally said what he had been planning to say,
“Chairman, don’t you have too many questions? I am neither a
member of your committee nor in the military. You don’t seem to
have the right to ask about my personal matters. Do you happen
to like me? Sorry but my heart belongs to be deceased husband
and will never be given to anyone else. Please give up on me.”
Leo: “………”
After Chi Zhao’s moving and awe-inspiring words, Leo really no
longer asked him any questions. The system used this opportunity
to quickly make its appearance.
【 What’s going on? Why is he asking you so many questions? It
sounds like a cross-examination. Did you somehow reveal
Chi Zhao was also wondering that too but after thinking about
it for a long time, he still replied without much confidence, “That
shouldn’t be. Joey only looked at Leo’s spiritual body for a
moment, but I quickly sorted that problem out. There is no
reason for him to doubt me…”
After pondering over it for quite some time, Chi Zhao still couldn’t
figure out how he may have exposed himself. When he reached the
destination, Chi Zhao picked up Joey who was still asleep and ran
home without saying a single word to Leo in the car.
After walking for a while, Chi Zhao looked back only to see that
the hovercar had already driven away.
With him leaving so quickly, he probably didn’t suspect anything.
Chi Zhao was finally relieved.
On the other end, the hovercar was still driving automatically. Leo
sat in the seat with the black wolf sitting opposite him. His green
eyes looked out the window with unknown thoughts in his mind.
A moment later, Leo looked back at the silent black wolf.
“Do you think it’s him?”
The black wolf still didn’t speak.
The spiritual body and their master’s consciousness were
connected. In fact, to some extent, the black wolf was Leo and Leo
was the black wolf, so they have the same personality and
If Leo wanted to know the black wolf’s thoughts, he didn’t need to
ask or touch. He could easily obtain it through his thoughts.
Him asking the question out loud right now was in fact just
nonsense. He already knew what the black wolf thought.
He quietly stared at his spiritual body for a few seconds and then
leaned back, placing his strong and slender arms onto the arm rest.
His fingers tapped at it again and again.
He closed his eyes and concealed the faint smile hanging at the
corner of his lips.
Sitting in the living room of the Mayswen residence, Chi Zhao felt
a little uncomfortable inside.
He didn’t actually plan to bring Joey here, but his plan couldn’t
keep up with the changes. Before he had the chance to buy a place,
the terrorists had held them hostage and he later got too nervous
after seeing Leo that he forgot to sort out the child’s matters.
But it wasn’t a big deal. Letting the family see Joey’s face was also
good. If he knows what this group of people are like now, he
wouldn’t suffer too much later on.
Joey sat properly on the sofa and opposite him was a very old-
fashioned looking grandfather. He stared at Joey for three seconds
and then stared at Chi Zhao.
“Noah, give me a good explanation. What the hell is going on
with this child?!”
Chi Zhao said calmly, “You only need to know that this is my
child. I have nothing else to explain.”
The old man on the other end was so angry, he couldn’t say
another word. to him, a fashionably dressed woman spoke, “Noah,
how could you do this? You…something so shameful…How could
you do something like this?!”
Under the system’s reminder, Chi Zhao realised that this was his
mother. Chi Zhao frowned, “You think I’m shameful or my son is
“Both are shameful!”
“Who is this child’s father? If it was a man of unknown
background, hurry and send this child to the National Welfare
The old man finally recovered from his anger and shouted this.
The room was silent for a while. Joey’s expression didn’t change. He
just calmly looked at the old man opposite him and then slowly
lowered his eyes. It was unknown what he was thinking inside.
Chi Zhao immediately regretted it. Look at what he had just down.
He clearly knew that this group of people were trash, yet he had
brought his son over to listen to their trash talks.
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A sneer suddenly sounded. Joey quickly raised his head worriedly.
He was really worried. Although he was young, he was very aware of
Chi Zhao’s temper. He was afraid that his father would get angry and
teach these people a lesson. If the police were involved, it wouldn’t
be good.
“Having relatives like you is what’s truly shameful.”
Chi Zhao stood up. His cold eyes swept across all of the original
owner’s family’s faces.
“You make me sick.”
He stuck out a finger by his side. Joey immediately understood
and he proceeded to obediently hold his father’s index finger. These
people here are all Noah’s relatives. Chi Zhao couldn’t do anything to
them. What’s more, these people are all bark and no bite and
wouldn’t really do anything to them so after Chi Zhao took a deep
breath, he calmed himself down.
His voice wasn’t loud but it could be heard clearly by everyone
present, “You feel ashamed of me and I also feel ashamed of you.
It’s better to be just cut off our relationship. From now on, we
have nothing to do with each other. Whether I am dead or alive,
it has nothing to do with you. How great is that? My child also
won’t need to call you grandpa, grandma, aunt or uncle
Although the Mayswen family wasn’t big, it was still a family with
solid foundation and there were many scholars in the family. He had
announced that he would cut off the relationship just now. Although
Noah used to be one who sought prestige with underhanded tactics,
he wasn’t stupid. Did he really think that a level two guide was
amazing? Without his family, he wouldn’t even be able to stand next
to the other nobles!
Everyone was stunned. Chi Zhao however didn’t want to stay in
this place a second longer. He took Joey and turned around to leave.
Seeing that they were leaving, the old man finally returned to his
senses. He angrily chased after them and raised his hand to teach
Chi Zhao a lesson. He still thought that he was someone who had the
right to disciple the young ones.
Chi Zhao didn’t stop walking but he subconsciously frowned.
Little Red who had been following them flapped its wings, circled in
the air and let out a cry of anger.
Woosh! ——–
Following a red flash, the old man became bald.
After doing all this, Little Red circled in the air again before finally
shrinking into the size of a chick and landing onto Joey’s head. It
then started doing one of its daily activities — Combing Joey’s hair
with its beak.
Scholars care the most about their hair. After all, intellectuals tend
to lose their hairs faster. When he was attacked, the old man thought
he was going to die but when he later discovered that he had just
lost his hair, he felt that he was better off dead.
It was chaotic behind him. Chi Zhao used this opportunity to leave
with Joey. It was dark now. As he left, Chi Zhao wondered if it was
better to buy a place directly or go and find a hotel to make do for
the time being.
Suddenly, Chi Zhao remembered a question.
Seeing Chi Zhao suddenly stop, Joey asked, “Dad, what’s the
Chi Zhao returned to his senses and hurriedly smiled, “Nothing.”
Although his lips said nothing, inside he was actually crazily
trying to recall the original owner’s family. Just now, all his family
members seemed to be present, but he didn’t seem to recall seeing
many females of his generation. There were two, but they seemed to
be underage….
Later, after realising a possibility, Chi Zhao froze. Hanging onto a
tiny thread of hope, he asked the system for verification, “System
brother, I have a question.”
The system found it strange when it heard him. Chi Zhao had
almost never called him system brother unless he was in a
particular good mood or did something that wronged it.
“I don’t seem to remember well. Did the original owner…..have
an older sister?”
The system was quiet. It then mercilessly shattered Chi Zhao’s last
Chi Zhao: “……….”
For such a big family to not have an older sister, it doesn’t make
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Chapter 119
Source: KK Translates


Because he had slept too much during the day, at night, Joey was
not sleepy at all and was even watching entertainment shows
Calmly glancing at his son, Chi Zhao maintained a calm expression
and walked to the bathroom. The moment he closed the door, he
quickly ran to the toilet, put the toilet seat down and sat down with
his hands covering his face.
He had explained the situation to the system on his way here and
since then, the system hadn’t spoken a single word.
Chi Zhao was uneasy. No matter how he looked at it, this time he
was too careless. He didn’t dare throw the blame onto the system
anymore and he was ready for the backlash.
Chi Zhao felt guilty and ashamed. The voice calling out the system
also become much softer.
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“System, I know I was wrong. Please say something. Don’t be
angry. The data link is already fat, if it continues to fatten, how
are you going to make your debut?”
【Huh? You said something?】
Suddenly hearing such words, the system was surprised.
【Angry? Why would I be angry?】
Chi Zhao: “……Because I messed up.”
The system was even more surprised.
【 Isn’t that a common occurrence though? If I get angry every
time you mess up, my motherboard would have already burned
Makes sense.
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment, “Then why weren’t you
saying anything all this time?”
【 Preparing for the finals. One of my competitors is the new
virtual idol Carol. You have no idea how much money the merchants
have used on it and it is considered the most advanced virtual idol
around. It wouldn’t be easy to beat! There is also another
competitor. You’ll be shocked when you hear its identity. It’s also a
very formidable opponent. I must prepare well. If I only get third
place, it would be a huge shame!】
Coming third place was already really amazing. When the system
first went to participate in the competition, it had thought that it
would be eliminated at the semi-finals, but it had unexpectedly
made its way to the finals.
Chi Zhao still couldn’t understand. He was someone who had
listened to the system sing the most. The system’s singing wasn’t
good or bad and it wasn’t at a level where it could get to the finals
and become a singer. Could it be that the people there have a
different form of appreciation of music compared to the people from
Although he thought tis, Chi Zhao naturally didn’t say it. He as
usual spoke some encouraging words, “Don’t worry, with your
skills, you will definitely come out first! No matter how
formidable the others are, they are definitely not any better than
you…..Ah, by the way, who is your second competitor? Is it really
that formidable?”
【Of course!】
The system lowered its voice, and its tone became serious.
【Before joining this competition, it was a smart rice cooker!】
For a moment, Chi Zhao thought there was something wrong with
his ears.
【Smart rice cooker.】
The finals were coming soon. It wasn’t easy for the system to
manage both the competition and the task at the same time so Chi
Zhao decided to cut it some slack and not say anything. But….
He couldn’t help it.
“Why are you afraid of a rice cooker?! How big can a rice
cooker’s memory be? It can probably only say a few lines, cooking
rice, rice is ready, please enjoy etc. What’s so scary about that?!”
After three seconds of silence, the system’s sigh sounded in Chi
Zhao’s mind.
【It is because it is a low-level rice cooker. It should’ve been made
obsolete thousands of years ago but somehow this low-level
intelligence managed to survive until now without being repaired or
inspected while continuing to expand on its intelligence. It can now
even compete with the most advanced systems in the world and
win. Don’t you think such an opponent is scary?】
Chi Zhao: “……..”
It does indeed sound quite scary.
【 So, look. Host, you’re someone who cannot even understand
such a simple thing. Do you think I would be angry over you messing
up the task?】
The tone the system used was like a kind father gently rubbing his
intellectually challenged son’s head. Chi Zhao wanted to refute but
he couldn’t seem to say anything.
After leaving the bathroom, Chi Zhao still felt upset inside. Even
Little Red was aware of Chi Zhao’s mood. It tilted its head and
looked at Chi Zhao for a while before turning its head and no longer
caring about him.
Turning off the lights, Chi Zhao could hear Joey’s faint and steady
breathing. He closed his eyes and decided that the first thing he
should do tomorrow was to buy a house.
In a world where spiritual powers could take form and be used as
weapons, to Chi Zhao, it also gave him another advantage. Now, he
could turn around and track the whereabouts of the system.
In the past, Chi Zhao could only make vague guesses based on his
intuition and judgment but now he only needed to explore the
depths of his mind slightly to know what the system was doing or
whether it was still in his mind.
But doing something like this was risky. There was a risk of being
discovered by the system.
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After waiting patiently for an hour or two, Chi Zhao carefully
stretched out a spiritual thread. He saw that the system was hidden
in the deepest part of his mind, engrossed in its singing practice.
Reassured, he rolled over, opened his eyes and pondered carefully
over the information the system had accidentally revealed today.
Rice cookers have been made obsolete over a thousand years ago.
This meant that their civilisation wasn’t all that much different from
the world they are currently in or at least relatively similar. Here,
they also eat rice and cook rice…..they also live off grain foods.
Countless speculations formed inside him. A minute later, Chi
Zhao lightly exhaled and closed his eyes again. This time, he really
fell asleep.
Over the next few days, Chi Zhao was busy will all kinds of trivial
matters while he secretively prepared his heart for his next
confrontation with Leo.
Chi Zhao had thought of various ways to blow Leo off, but three
days had passed, and Leo never made his appearance.
Chi Zhao didn’t deliberately hide his whereabouts. Even if they’re
not the chairman, anyone would be able to find out his location but
for Leo not to come, did it mean that he wasn’t coming?
After so many worlds, what Chi Zhao was most afraid of was the
protagonist playing his cards the usual way and facts have also
proved that the protagonists in each world had never done that.
Without contact between the two, Chi Zhao didn’t have the
opportunity to complete his task. After waiting for another two days,
Chi Zhao couldn’t wait any longer and so he decided to take the
Coincidentally, just as he was about to make the first move,
someone came over.
But it wasn’t Leo, it was two government officials dressed in suits.
The other party didn’t waste ay time. After showing their ID’s to
Chi Zhao, they quickly explained the reason for their visit.
Following the last terrorist attack, the government had been
looking for the high-level guide who had protected half the people
but was unsuccessful, so they had decided to investigate them one
by one. All guides and ordinary people involved were requested to
go have their spiritual powers tested and they were free to leave
after that.
The other party was very polite, but Chi Zhao was not an ordinary
citizen who rarely interacted with government officials. In the
second world, his husband was an admiral and in the fourth world,
he was an Emperor. Chi Zhao was very familiar with these types of
government officials. They may seem polite now but if Chi Zhao
shows any signs of not wanting to go, their attitudes would
immediately change.
Just the sight of their spiritual bodies by their sides was enough to
tell what their true attitude was.
Chi Zhao smiled lightly, “Okay but I am not the only one in my
family. If I go, I need to take my son with me.”
The superiors had showed great interest in this search for the
high-level guide because they found that they did not have a guide
like that registered. It basically meant that the other party was
hidden somewhere or never registered. In any case, that person
could no longer be hidden.
With the country being short in talents like this, they would
naturally not let a top-level guide like this get away.
The place they were going to was not an ordinary government
agency. If you brought a child along, it would indeed be a little
The two officials were a little troubled for a moment. They
finally proposed, “How about this? You can bring the child over,
but you can’t let the child enter the testing room. The child can
stay in the reception on the first floor and we will send someone
over to specially protect your child. What do you think?”
Chi Zhao didn’t accept or refuse, “What floor is your test room
“Fourth Floor.”
That was okay. Chi Zhao thought about it. The fourth floor wasn’t
too far. There shouldn’t be any problems if he left Little Red with
Now that there was no problem, Chi Zhao was taken to the testing
room while Joey stayed in the reception with a half-sized Little Red
on his lap.
Chi Zhao had long told Joey not to act like he could see Little Red
when others were around. Being strong was a good thing but it was
necessary to keep a low profile as much as possible. After all, one
cannot defeat many. In case someone deliberately wants to try
something, it would be troublesome.
And so, Joey remained sitting there motionlessly, looking very
well-behaved. It even made the staff accompanying him find him
Alas, when would he also have a lovely son like this too?
In the quiet atmosphere, suddenly, Joey’s eyes moved. He
stretched out his hand. It looked a little strange but in fact, he had
grabbed onto Little Red and held it in his hands. Just two seconds
after he did this, the door was opened. When the staff saw who
came, he immediately stood up.
“Chairman, good day.”
Leo smiled and nodded. He seemed to be in a good mood. The
staff was flattered. The chairman was usually not so amiable. Did
something happen today?
At the same time, he didn’t forget to try and get close to the
chairman, “Chairman, what are you doing here?”
There were a lot of places to sit in the reception, but Leo walked
straight over to the staff and even wordlessly took over his seat.
When he looked at Joey who was looking at him curiously, Leo’s
smile deepened.
“I heard that you haven’t found the high-level guide yet, so I
came to take a look and along the way see what is going on.”
Staff member: “………..”
Seems to be an interrogation!
The smile on the staff’s face turned stiff. He smiled awkwardly and
quickly found an excuse to run out to call for his boss. Before
leaving, he didn’t forget to ask the chairman to temporarily look
after this well-behaved child. The staff felt that he was very clever
doing this; he managed to delay the chairman a little and buy
himself some time. Unbeknownst to him, Leo was the cleverer one
and he was the one who was tricked.
There was only Joey and Leo left in the room now. Leo moved
closer to Joey and spoke in a low voice. Because he hadn’t interacted
with children before, he seemed to be a little restrained.
“My name is Leopold. What’s your name?”
Joey’s voice was milky, but he was unexpectedly very accepting.
When they met the first time, the child didn’t speak, and Leo had
thought he was very introverted.
“My name is Joey.”
Immediately afterwards, Joey blinked and threw out the question
he couldn’t get an answer to from his father at this strange uncle,
“What is your relationship with my dad?”
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Leo was stunned for a moment, “This question, your father
seemed to have already answered that.”
Joey nodded and replied solemnly, “I know but I don’t believe
my dad. He is Pinocchio whose nose won’t grow long and none of
his words are truthful.”
Little Red who was held in his hands, “………”
You damn cheat! Turning around and selling out your dad!
Leo laughed.
It wasn’t a faint laugh or a polite laugh. It was a joyful laugh that
came from the depths of his heart. It had been many years since Leo
laughed like this.
After laughing for a while, Leo also stored away his relaxed
expression. He similarly nodded with seriousness, “Okay, how
about we exchange information? Tell me what kind of person
your father is and in exchange I will tell you what your father’s
relationship is with me.”
He had thought that Joey would agree but the latter narrowed his
small eyes and shook his head very coldly, “No.”
Leo wondered, “Why not?”
“Because the value is not equal. The answer to the question I
asked you isn’t very important to me, and I will also sooner or
later be able to figure it out through my own efforts anyway. As
for your question, it is something important to you. Did you think
I’m stupid enough to give up information about my dad so
The child wasn’t even taller than the green plant next to him but
the words coming out of his mouth was completely shocking. Leo
was stunned for a long time. Immediately afterwards, the staff who
had hurried back after reporting to his boss heard the chairman’s
majestic laughter from the other side of the door.
Staff member: “……???”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 120
Source: KK Translates


As of today, five days had passed since the terrorist attack. Among
the suspects, there were only a few people who have not been tested
yet. If they couldn’t find that high-level guide, they could only report
to their superiors and admit their incompetence.
The government officials were very nervous. The eyes looking at
Chi Zhao were full of uncertainty and doubt.
Noah Mayswen. Awakened at the age of twelve. A level two guide.
Unlike the other suspects, Noah was a native of the main star and
he also came from a very famous family. As such, the possibility of
him being that high level guide was very low.
For common people to hide their own talent, it may be because
they were afraid of their crimes being exposed or because they
didn’t want to live a life bound by the country, but Noah was
different. He was a noble and although his life wasn’t one where
everyone was watching his every move, there were at least still
some who would do that. If he really had such high spiritual power,
it would be impossible for him to hide it until now without revealing
Besides, the documents sent back had mentioned that Noah was
someone who was extremely vain and would want everyone’s eyes
to be on him. If he really had such high spiritual power, the first
thing he would do wouldn’t be to hide himself but to proudly show it
Chi Zhao quietly waited for the test but the eyes of the uncle next
to him who was a high-ranking official seemed to be becoming
stranger and stranger. He frowned and turned to look at him but
instead of being embarrassed from being caught looking at him, the
uncle just shook his head in disappointment.
Chi Zhao: “……”
The testing machine was finished setting up. Chi Zhao laid inside
and his five senses were instantly sealed. At the same time, the door
to the testing room was opened and a man dressed in noble clothes
walked in. His appearance was very sharp, and he looked aloof at
first glance. His act of looking around the room was filled with
arrogance and disdain from a superior. The staff controlling the
machine were originally about to press the start button but when he
saw the man enter, he immediately turned around and bowed
respectfully, “Vice-chairman, good day.”
For this young man who had become a vice-chairman, this kind of
treatment was very commonplace. He didn’t even bother
acknowledging the greeting and just leaned against the wall,
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See? The Congress really cares about this high-level guide. Almost
every day, high ranking officials would come to inquire about the
progress of the matter in person. Having to face different Congress
officials every day, how could they not feel anxious?
Although they were 99% certain Noah wasn’t the person they
were looking for, they still hoped for a 1% miracle.
Unfortunately, they were destined to be disappointed. The value
on the panel rose and then stopped. The final result, like the existing
information on Noah’s file, was that he had level two spiritual
The people present were very disappointed. Chi Zhao sat up and
glanced at the recorded value next to him. There was a trace of
untold satisfaction in his expression.
The vice-chairman raised a brow but didn’t say anything.
Now that all the tests were done and it was confirmed that Chi
Zhao really wasn’t the person they were looking for, Chi Zhao was
free to leave.
Randomly bidding goodbye to the various staff, Chi Zhao left. As
he left, he saw that there was another stranger standing by the door
and that stranger’s presence was very strong, almost as strong as
Chi Zhao sensed something. He casually looked over and as
expected, he saw a thick and venomous python sticking its tongue
out at him.
Chi Zhao calmly turned his eyes back. After going out, he admired
himself so much he was about to give himself three kowtows.
So amazing! If he saw such a big snake a hundred years ago, he
would have freaked out on the spot but just now he didn’t reveal
anything except for cold sweat on his back. He was indeed someone
who has experienced all sorts of storms and waves. He was amazing!
System: “……”
After experiencing all sorts of storms and waves, why have you
not fixed this boasting problem of yours?
Chi Zhao wanted to hurry and pick Joey up but when he turned
around a corner to find the elevator, he suddenly felt a cold feeling
coming from behind him. Chi Zhao’s back shuddered. Sensing that
his life was in danger, he immediately turned around and used his
spiritual powers to resist the attack from behind. At the same time,
he condensed part of the spiritual thread into sharp icicles and fired
it ruthlessly at the attacker.
Although Chi Zhao was powerful, he had not received any special
training. His icicles were fast, but the opponent was faster. The
icicles grazed past the other party’s face, leaving no wound at all. All
it managed to do was slow the other person down a little.
It was a dark sentinel.
Chi Zhao’s expression turned serious.
The one who had tried to attack him just now was the python he
saw before going out.
Chi Zhao was stunned for a second before quickly realising that he
had fallen into a trap. As his expression darkened, someone walked
out from behind the corner.
The vice-chairman approached him while leisurely clapping
his hands. He seemed to be in a very good mood, “That’s why I
said that there’s no point doing those tests, they should just let
me take action. When faced with a life or death situation, no one
can truly hide themselves. Isn’t that right my dear…..Noah?”
Before he said his name, the vice-chairman’s expression drifted
off for a moment, as if he was trying to recall Chi Zhao’s name. Chi
Zhao’s expression was very poor, “You are despicable.”
If he wasn’t a high-level guide and he didn’t fight back quickly
enough, what would’ve happened? Chi Zhao’s prompt reaction just
now was because there was clear killing intent. At that time, this
man really had the intentions to hurt him and didn’t hold back hence
successfully tricking Chi Zhao.
How confident was this person in himself? If something really
went wrong, could he bear with the responsibility?
The vice-chairman knew what Chi Zhao was thinking but he was
just so confident, he didn’t even want to explain himself.
He just smiled slightly, “You were too careless.”
To a certain extent, he was right. This was a government agency.
The possibility of Chi Zhao encountering danger here was almost
zero but he had acted solely on instinct and didn’t stop to think.
No one likes falling into another person’s trap, regardless of
whether the opponent had malicious intentions or not.
Seeing that Chi Zhao’s expression was becoming more and more
unsightly, he could tell that he was really angry. The vice-chairman
was able to quickly apologise, “Don’t be like this. I just thought you
were different from others, so I wanted to test it out. Who knew I
would be successful? Could this be called…..fate?”
Chi Zhao frowned. He suddenly felt that those words were a little
The vice-chairman was only promoted to this position earlier this
year. Among the history of vice-chairman’s, he was the youngest
one, so he even looked a little unreal. Seeing that Chi Zhao was no
longer looking at him with hostility, he immediately came over and
said what he wanted to say.
“It has been a long time since I met a guide who can see my
spiritual body. Even if I have met them before, I only felt that they
were boring people. But you’re different. I think you are very
well-matched with my personality. Are you single? You wouldn’t
be using an inhibitor otherwise. Since you’re single, why not try it
with me? I am the vice-chairman here. If you join me, you can
enjoy the most freedom you can possibly get, and I also won’t let
anyone hurt you or use you. You also won’t need to hide yourself
Chi Zhao looked at him expressionlessly for many seconds, “No
thanks. I’m not interested.”
The vice-chairman had been sought after by others for too long
and because he was also narcissistic, he had never managed to find a
guide he liked so he didn’t know how to pursue someone. Realising
that he may have angered the other party, he scratched his head,
“Don’t turn me down so quickly. I can tell that your spiritual
power is very strong. At your level, you should be with the best
sentinel in the country. If the difference in strength is too great,
your sex life wouldn’t be harmonious.”
Chi Zhao: “……..”
Chi Zhao didn’t want to stay with this person for even a second
longer. He turned his head around and left but the vice-chairman
was still chasing after him, “I’m serious. There aren’t many dark
sentinels who are still single and match your conditions. There’s
myself, Leopold the chairman and Major General Levi who was
sent to Gamma Galaxy to watch over the mining processes there.
You certainly wouldn’t want to go to such a far place to become a
military spouse would you?”
The vice-chairman was still a beautiful man when he didn’t speak.
Once he spoke, that image was completely ruined.
He chased after Chi Zhao the entire way. To avoid him, Chi Zhao
didn’t even take the elevator and went to find the stairs but the
other party still persevered with chasing after him and his mouth
never stopped. Suddenly, Chi Zhao’s footsteps stopped. He turned
around and looked back at the vice-chairman in confusion.
“You said just now that there are three people who match up
with my conditions.”
That topic was touched on a while ago, but Chi Zhao was suddenly
mentioning it again. The vice-chairman was taken about for a
moment, “Well, yes.”
Chi Zhao’s expression became even stranger, “Isn’t there
Chairman Grenoch? Why can’t I be with him?”
The vice-chairman replied without much thought, “Do you even
need to ask? Of course, it’s because he’s too old. He’s already
thirty-four and has reached the backlash period. Every day, he
needs to rely on drugs to maintain his sanity. I’m different. I’m
twenty-eight years old this year and very young, just like you.”
Once done, the vice-chairman even winked suggestively at Chi
Chi Zhao was in a very complicated mood. He took a deep breath
and spoke using the last of his patience left, “I’m sorry, I’m really
not interested in you. My son is still downstairs, I need to pick
him up. Goodbye.”
The vice-chairman frowned and didn’t have any intentions to
listen. Instead, he continued to chase after him. Before he could walk
down half a staircase, Chi Zhao ahead of him stopped moving and
looked ahead with a stiff expression. The vice-chairman took
another few steps, and finally saw the cause of Chi Zhao’s reaction.
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By the entrance of the stairs on the first floor, one big person and
one small person was standing there. Both had the same expression
on their faces and that was, there was no expression.
Chi Zhao didn’t know when Leo came or how much he had heard
let alone why Joey was standing there together with Leo and why
Leo was holding Joey’s hand.
Just now, he was busy dealing with the vice-chairman and had
forgotten to check on Little Red’s situation. But even if he forgot,
why did the system also forget?
Hearing Chi Zhao’s inner voice, the system quickly defended itself.
【I haven’t forgotten. I was always watching.】
“Then why didn’t you remind me?!”
【Such a good scene, why should I remind you?】
Chi Zhao: “……”
“Joey said he heard your voice, so I brought him out to look for
Leo’s calmly explained why they were there and didn’t mention
anything else. Chi Zhao suddenly felt a little guilty, but he thought
about it and felt that there was no reason for him to feel that way.
The one who said that Leo was old wasn’t himself anyway and the
one who was trying to encourage cheating also wasn’t him.
Pei! What cheating?! There was nothing going on the first place!
Chi Zhao silently walked over and brought his son to his side. He
then averted his eyes and didn’t look at Leo, “Thank you, we should
go now. Goodbye.”
Chi Zhao had taken inhibitors so Leo couldn’t smell him. Leo
lowered his head and looked down at Chi Zhao’s golden hair. He was
silent for a few seconds before speaking again. His voice was low. It
sounded like he was gently obliging but there was also a sense of
“Okay, be careful.”
In an instant, Chi Zhao’s mood fluctuated. Little Red who was
tucked in Joey’s sleeve tilted its head. Before it could come out to
check on the situation, it felt a gust of wind. Chi Zhao had walked off
with Joey.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 121
Source: KK Translates


After Chi Zhao left, Leo’s earlier pitiful, weak and helpless
appearance was gone. He raised his eyes and gave the vice-chairman
a look of warning. He looked like a beast whose territory had just
been trespassed.
As a dark sentinel, the meaning of Leo’s behaviour was self-
evident. The vice-chairman wasn’t surprised that there were others
wanting to compete with him. He just couldn’t stand the fact that his
competitor was a scheming bitch.
“Chairman, you shouldn’t be so shameless.”
The vice-chairman smiled as he said this and the python beside
him straightened its upper body. Its look was the opposite of the
smile on his face and it clearly showed a desire to eat Leo up.
The black wolf who had appeared at some unknown point in time
was similarly looking at the other party with killing intent. Its body
was lowered against the ground, its muscles were tense, and its
fangs were also exposed. It looked like it would rush over and bite
the vice-chairman’s neck any moment.
Fortunately, these two were dark sentinels and almost no one else
could see their spiritual bodies. If others saw these two big shots
competing over an unknown guide like this, the government would
lose face and even worse, the international influence of the country
would fall dramatically.
“What use is having face in front of my wife?” Leo said those
words lightly. Under the dumbfounded gaze of the vice-chairman,
he added, “Ferdinand, I know your IQ is not high so I won’t take
to heart your actions just now but I hope you can stay away from
my wife in the future. If I see you standing on the same land as
him again, I will make you turn from the youngest vice-chairman
into the fastest resigning vice-chairman.”
Leo’s threat was nothing in the eyes of the vice-chairman. They
had known each other for over ten years but the relationship
between them had not been very good. He disliked Leo’s cold and
indifferent personality while Leo disliked his frivolousness. In short,
both didn’t like the sight of each other.
The vice-chairman’s attention was still on the previous statement,
“Your wife? Aren’t you single?”
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Hearing this question, Leo’s originally restrained mood turned
sour, “I already said five years ago. I’m not single, I have a
Leo didn’t say anything after that, but the vice-chairman already
understood what he was implying.
He said it was five years……
But who knew if that was the truth?! Everyone had thought that
he made it up in order to be able to show his face in front of the
If it was just Leo’s words, the vice-chairman might’ve still not
believed it, but he had also seen just now that Noah’s attitude
towards himself and Leo was completely different. His tone towards
Leo revealed that the two seemed to have known each other for a
long time and Leo had also just now showed up with a child.
If Noah was Leo’s wife then was that child……
After all these years, he had finally come across a guide who
suited him in all aspects, and he was also very interested in him.
How was it that in less than three minutes, he had become someone
The vice-chairman wanted to ask more questions, but Leo had run
out of patience. He had come here today because he heard that the
government wanted Chi Zhao to undergo a test. Now that Chi Zhao
was gone, he no longer had a reason to stay.
The current Chi Zhao felt that it was a mistake to have returned
here. He should’ve stayed on that remote planet and remained on
vacation until the day he died.
Look, ever since his return, has anything gone well for him?
First, there was the terrorist attack. After that, half his cover was
seen through by the protagonist and now the other half was also
exposed in front of a character who wasn’t important enough to
appear in the plot line.
If the two had the chance to communicate and put the two halves
Then wouldn’t he be completely exposed?!
Chi Zhao was extremely troubled, but the system was very calm.
The closer it was to the game, the more stable its mentality. It was as
if it was very open-minded and able to let things go without much
Worrying was useless. It was better to counter each attack as they
come. If he was exposed, there were also other countermeasures he
could take. Firstly, he needed to find a way to deal with the
Chi Zhao held no expectations over the vice-chairman keeping it a
secret; he would most definitely report that he was the high-level
guide. Chi Zhao had mentally prepared himself to be called over by
the government but even now, no one came.
Not to mention government officials, even the vice-chairman
himself didn’t come.
Everything was too quiet.
Chi Zhao found it strange. Another few days passed and when he
saw a certain chairman appear outside his door uninvited, he could
basically guess what happened.
The chairman had come to visit using the reason that he was close
to Joey, but that reason was too easily seen through. What kind of
person would visit someone else’s place just because they’re close to
a four-year-old child? Wouldn’t only a perverted stalker do that?
And although he said that he was close to Joey, it didn’t take long
for Joey to be cleverly sent away by the chairman using a mini robot
that couldn’t easily be found in the market.
Joey wasn’t tall and what he liked to do the most was to sit on the
floor reading a book or playing games. He laid on the white carpet
next to the floor-to-ceiling windows, happily playing with the robot
while the black wolf slowly followed behind him. Seeing that he
wasn’t planning on moving around, it obediently laid down and
rested its furry head on its crossed paws while its fluffy tail behind
him slowly swayed side to side.
It had to be said that this scene was a very loving scene.
That was on the premise that you overlooked the fact that Chi
Zhao’s circumstances were almost completely exposed.
Chi Zhao sighed. He placed his last hope on the fact that Leo still
didn’t know that Joey was his son. Right now, he had very few cards
left. If he couldn’t even keep this one…….
It was too despairing. Chi Zhao refused to think about that
“What kind of person was your husband?
That sudden question pulled Chi Zhao back from his thoughts.
He paused and replied, “Handsome and passionate. Filled with
justice and care and enthusiasm for everything.”
Leo silently applied those words onto himself and realised that he
met the first adjective, handsome.
If not for his investigations the past seven days revealing that Chi
Zhao had never had too much contact with any single males in those
past few years, Leo would have crushed the cup in his hand.
Having not found anyone for five years and suddenly returning
with a child who looked like his own son, he should be crazily happy,
but the other party pretended not to know him and even tried to
create a distance between the two. Leo didn’t understand the reason
for this nor was he willing to accept it.
The ecstasy after recovering something that was lost was almost
gone now and the current Leo only wanted to know what he should
do to tie this person to his side so that he could no longer escape.
The sentinel’s instincts were always roaring inside him, urging
him to possess and control him but Leo didn’t want a partner who
hated him. What he wanted was a partner who loved him
He wanted reciprocated love.
Therefore, he couldn’t follow his instincts. He had to follow his
Please read this from kk translates
He had been taking drugs for four years now and he could feel the
effects of those drugs becoming less and less effective. Sooner or
later, those drugs would no longer be useful and by that time, it
would be his death. In the original plot, Leo had been taking
medicine, but he only took a few pills whenever he felt
uncomfortable. The current Leo however had been taking it
everyday and would consciously look for ways to extend and
preserve his life.
It was because he was no longer someone who had nothing like
how he was in the original plot. He still had to find someone, and he
wanted to live a normal life, so he wanted to be healthy.
It was just that, every time he faced Chi Zhao, Leo couldn’t control
his emotions. He looked normal externally but inside his heart was
constantly in turmoil. He couldn’t help but want to destroy. He could
only suppress those tyrannical and terrible thoughts inside him with
a lot of effort.
Leo didn’t understand what was wrong with him. When he later
found a doctor online and talked to him anonymously about his
symptoms, the other party had reassured him that it was a normal
When he heard this result, Leo was stunned for a long time. He
then couldn’t help but laugh.
Ferdinand was right. He really was shameless.
Although they had only met once, Leo was certain that the other
party was his other half, but in fact, Leo didn’t know Chi Zhao at all.
He didn’t know what kind of person he was so Leo didn’t dare take
things too lightly. However, since showing weakness was the
instinct of every sentinel, it should also be a guide’s instinct to care
for the weakened sentinel.
Thinking this, Leo closed his eyes and frowned unnaturally.
Chi Zhao immediately noted this. He didn’t ask but his gaze stayed
on Leo’s face for a long time. Leo smiled, looking a little forced.
“It’s nothing. It’s just here…….It’s not very comfortable.”
He pointed to his head. Chi Zhao thought about Leo’s current
situation and was a little uncertain, “Haven’t you been taking
medicine all this time?”
With drugs, a dark sentinel could continue living a normal live for
about five to seven years. The efficacy of it however varies from
person to person. In short, it should still be effective for at least five
years and that was also the reason why Chi Zhao was able to leave
with confidence. As it hadn’t been five years yet, why was he feeling
uncomfortable already?
When he saw Chi Zhao’s expression, Leo knew that he had taken
the right approach. He secretly hooked up the corners of his lips and
lowly explained, “The medicine has very little effect on me. I have
suffered from too many injuries before and normal drugs no
longer work for me.”
Chi Zhao had seen the state of Leo’s spiritual mind. At that time, it
had taken him a long time to soothe it out. It was indeed just as he
had said, he had sustained too many injuries in the past and his
current situation didn’t look good.
Chi Zhao’s expression changed. He hadn’t thought about that and
had thought that Leo would be able to control his condition well
with medicine. As it turned out, it wasn’t possible?
Leo picked up the cup and took a sip while he secretly observed
Chi Zhao’s current expression.
In fact, Chi Zhao didn’t really need to insist that he was Noah.
Firstly, his spiritual power and spiritual body had changed and
secondly, when facing Leo, he would always reveal a bit of his true
emotions. It wasn’t known whether it was done deliberately or
When facing others, he wasn’t like that.
Realising this, Leo’s mood suddenly improved. He placed down
the cup and lightly sighed, “If my lover is willing to return, that
would be great.”
Chi Zhao choked on his water. He did his best to keep himself calm
and then looked at the culprit who made him choke. The other party
was looking at him with a slightly worried look.
Chi Zhao: “…..You have a lover?”
Leo nodded and revealed a happy smile, “Yes, we have been
together for several years now. He is the cutest guide I have ever
met. I fell in love at first sight and it was the same for him too.”
Chi Zhao: “………..” You are too shameless.
Chi Zhao’s expression was becoming more and more
complicated. Leo on the other hand was still talking to himself, as
if he didn’t see Chi Zhao’s expression just now, “But…..there was a
small problem between us and he no longer wants to return.
From what I have heard from you, it seems that you and your
husband have a very good relationship. Can you tell me how you
did it?”
Leo looked at him quietly, the gaze in his eyes filled with sincerity.
Chi Zhao calmly drank some water and replied, “It’s very simple.”
“When he died, our relationship became better. You can also
give dying a try. Once dead, your lover will be like me, forever
unable to forget about you.”
Leo: “…….”
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Chapter 122
Source: KK Translates


Leo was unable to speak for a while. A few long seconds later,
he pretended to be calm and smiled, “Forget it, that kind of
method doesn’t suit me. I want to be with my lover for a long
time. I can’t irresponsibly die and leave him behind.”
Chi Zhao looked at him silently and internally gave him a label.
Wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Chi Zhao no longer wanted to talk to Leo, but Leo still continued
to chat with him familiarly. He completely ignored Chi Zhao’s mood
and was quite happy to be the one doing the talking.
“In fact, up until now, I still don’t know why he left me. I’ve
been looking for him everyday since the day he left me. It’s
probably because I’m useless and that was why I couldn’t find
him. Even now, I haven’t personally told him how much I love
him. Other sentinels treat their beloved guides with love and can
say all kinds of sweet phrases, but I didn’t even have to chance to
say the most basic confession. Say, do you think I’m too much of a
Chi Zhao: “…….”
No, this elder is not a failure at all. Aren’t you saying it fine now?!
Chi Zhao resisted the urge to smash the cup in his hand on Leo’s
face. This guy clearly knew that he was the waiter back then and
instead of exposing him, he was sitting here treating him as a tree
hole and using this opportunity to breakdown his emotional journey
over those past few years.
He probably knew that if Chi Zhao’s identity was pointed out, Chi
Zhao would no longer treat him nicely, so he wanted to use this
opportunity to say everything he wanted to say regardless of
whether Chi Zhao wanted to listen.
When he first listened, Chi Zhao was a little excited. Anyone who
was confessed to like this and even by such a charming chairman
would feel a little happy inside but after listening for too long, Chi
Zhao’s feelings grew numb.
In addition to the numbness, there was also an urge to laugh out
in anger.
When Leo asked him sincerely why his lover would leave without
saying a word, Chi Zhao snorted. Since you’re playing the game like
this, I’ll accompany you and play the game as well.
“If you want to ask me, I think it’s probably because he didn’t
like you in the first place.”
Leo’s expression stiffened for a second. He then very quickly
returned to his usual relaxed look, “Why would you say that?”
Chi Zhao raised a brow, “No reason, it just seems to be like that.
As the saying goes, only guides know guides best. You big and
rough sentinels will never be able to understand what us guides
think. Also, think about it. If he really likes you, would he be
willing to leave you? And to even leave when he knew that you
are about to enter the backlash period?”
Leo looked straight into Chi Zhao’s eyes and Chi Zhao also calmly
looked back at him with no signs of discomfort in him. The sound of
the two chatting was like background noises to Joey. Now that the
background noise was gone, he immediately raised his small head
and looked questioningly at the two adults.
Knowing that the child was looking at him, Leo didn’t want to
create a commotion, so he lowered his eyes and pursed his lips
without refuting Chi Zhao’s words.
Him not saying anything on the contrary was more lethal than
actually saying something. He looked like he had taken in Chi Zhao’s
words just now. Chi Zhao’s eyelid twitched. Weren’t you doing
pretty well just now? Things like love at first sight and saying lover
and wife left and right, why, with just one line of mine, your
sensitive and fragile heart couldn’t bear with it?
Just as he was fretting inside, Leo raised his head. His face was a
little paler than before and the volume of his voice was smaller, “Is
that so. Perhaps that may be the case.”
Chi Zhao was left stunned and he didn’t know what to do. He
opened his mouth to say something, but he didn’t know what to say.
Leo quietly took in all of his reactions and just watching him worry
and fret.
Joey came over. He looked up at the two adults while holding his
new toy. Although his father didn’t like the uncle who gave him a
gift, his expression told him that he was still in a good mood. Why
was it that in less than half an hour, he looked unhappy?
And this uncle. He clearly was in a good mood but why was he
pretending to be unhappy?
The adult world was really strange.
Leo didn’t take it too far and stopped when he felt that his act was
enough. If he continued to take advantage of the other person’s
sympathy, he would most definitely be found out. As such, Leo
finished off his pitiful act and turned his head to look at the child
walking over. When facing Joey, there was an extra look of affection
on his face.
“Do you like this toy?”
Although Joey was clever like an adult, he wasn’t actually an adult.
In many cases, he was still like a child who would say whatever
came to mind. All his emotions would be clearly revealed on his face.
Joey nodded, “I like it. Thank you, uncle.”
At the sound of the word uncle, the two adults in front of him
reflexively stiffened at the same time. Joey noticed this reaction and
found it a little strange.
Leo wanted to tell Joey who he was but before he did that, he must
deal with the big one first.
Thinking this, he stretched out and rubbed Joey’s head, “That’s
good. I will buy you anything you like in the future too.”
The chairman was simply the family pillar people all across the
country dreamed of. He earned a lot, looks handsome, gives a sense
of security and doesn’t indiscriminately spend money. Best of all, he
dies early.
A question to everyone, who wouldn’t want such a husband?
For the past ten years, he had been desperately completing tasks
every day, climbing up the ladder one step at a time and saving a lot
of money in the process with nowhere to spend it. Now was great
timing. There was finally someone who could help him spend that
The chairman who had the fate of the country resting on his
shoulders had thrown away the principle of living a low-key life a
million light years away but now, all he wanted to do was to show
off his wealth in front of his on.
The more Chi Zhao looked at the interaction between the two, the
stranger he found it.
After finding out that an old lover had given birth to a child that
clearly wasn’t his, would a normal person still smile so lovingly at
that child?
Probably not.
But the current Leo looked like a silly dad spoiling his silly son.
The more he thought about it, the more silent he became.
Chi Zhao heavily slammed the cup onto the table, almost breaking
it in the process. After he finished doing this, he saw that the pair of
father and son had looked over in surprise, staring at him with
identical expressions.
Chi Zhao froze for a second and then continued to maintain an
angry expression, “This water isn’t natural mineral water at all!
That old salesman lied to me!”
Leo and Joey: “……”
With his outburst, the atmosphere become even more awkward.
At this moment, the system who was enjoying the show started
applauding in Chi Zhao’s mind.
【Awesome! Improvisation ability has improved again!】
Chi Zhao: “………” Go die.
From this day on, the chairman seemed to have flipped a strange
switch. He would come to Chi Zhao’s place every day and his stay
grew longer and longer each day. At first, he came as a guest and
would have a beautifully packaged gift in his hands. Later, the things
he brought changed and they become more and more homely. For
example, yesterday, he brought over a bag of ingredients and made
dinner. Joey ate until his stomach was about to burst.
This step-by-step approach made Chi Zhao feel like he was a frog
slowly being boiled but he couldn’t do anything about it. He couldn’t
think of any tricks he could use to abuse the protagonist.
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After crossing through several worlds, in all honesty, Chi Zhao no
longer felt much towards failing his task. Right now, he was more
concerned about finding out what Leo’s thoughts would be if he was
to really find out the truth. Would he think that he was a soul that
had come back to life using Noah’s body?
Either way, it felt a little awkward. Why was Leo able to so easily
accept the fact that he wasn’t Noah?
Chi Zhao couldn’t understand it. And because his cover hadn’t
been completely stripped away, he couldn’t ask directly.
It was really suffocating.
On this day, Chi Zhao woke up to check the nearby shop leasing
and purchasing situation. Just sitting around wasn’t an option, he
should have a job of his own. Right now, Joey was a child of a single-
parent household and the children here will take many tests before
entering school. If he wanted him to enter a good one, they would
also conduct corresponding tests and inspections on the parents to
ensure that they are recruiting good students.
Chi Zhao wasn’t worried about anything else, but he was worried
about the job aspect. When he brings Joey over to the school, they
would definitely ask his occupation. He couldn’t just say that he was
For his little one, daddy was worried sick.
Chi Zhao got ready to return to his old profession and open
another sentinel clinic. He had looked at many places online, but he
hadn’t yet made a decision. When he looked at the time, he saw that
it was already ten in the morning.
What was going on? It was already ten but he hadn’t come over
Chi Zhao subconsciously frowned. His expression then darkened
when he realised what he was thinking.
On the other end, Leo was sitting in the senate together with a few
older people.
One of them spoke, “I heard that the high-level guide has been
found. It is the child of the Mayswen family but it is said that he is
unwilling to let people know of his identity, so he had been hiding
it the entire time.”
Leo raised his eyes, “Who did you hear it from?”
Old man: “…….No need to worry about that. However, I also
heard that the guide has some relationship with you. The
rumours outside are not credible. I want to hear it from you.”
The old man before him could be considered Leo’s teacher so
when facing him, Leo would still be somewhat humble.
“He is my partner.”
These people had already heard about this from Ferdinand and
were all mentally prepared for this answer. They weren’t surprised
to hear Leo make that affirmation. The old man nodded and felt that
it was good. Leo had been single this entire time and he had been
worried for Leo. Now that he knew that he wouldn’t die young, the
old man sincerely felt happy for him.
“Since he is your partner, then it is much more convenient. Our
wish is for him to work for the senate. You should also know that
we are in need for people like him. He is from a noble family and
is also your partner. With both that identity and ability, it would
be a shame for him not to join us.”
This wasn’t the first time someone raised this matter, but Leo had
stopped the previous requests and none reached Chi Zhao’s ears.
Out of his own selfishness, Leo didn’t want Chi Zhao to be involved
in politics. He wasn’t suited to work in this place.
But this wasn’t a problem he could continue dragging along like
this and a solution had to be found. Thinking this, Leo didn’t refuse
and just said, “We will consider it.”
It wasn’t easy getting such a reply. The old man was even
happier hearing this. Once happy, he returned to his true nature,
“That’s great. Oh, I also heard that you two have a four- or five-
year old child and that he is very cute. Logically speaking, he
should call me grandpa. When can I see the little one?”
Leo: “………”
He hadn’t noticed it before but it turns out that in addition to
serving as the vice-chairman, Ferdinand was also the president of
the Gossip Association.
At twelve noon, Leo arrived at Chi Zhao’s place. Hearing the sound
of the door opening, Chi Zhao’s ears which had constantly been on
alert finally relaxed. He quickly changed into a lazy and disdainful
sitting posture and when Leo walked over to him, he indifferently
raised his eyes.
“Chairman, have you resigned? Why do I feel that you are freer
than me, a person who is unemployed?”
Leo ignored Chi Zhao’s jest and naturally sat down next to Chi
Zhao. He glanced at the virtual screen in front of him, picked up a
fruit from the table and carefully peeled it. While peeling, he said, “I
have taken annual leave. I will be free as I am now for a while.”
Chi Zhao was surprised. He glanced at him and asked, “How long
is your annual leave?”
“Seven days.”
Oh, that’s okay. That’s not very long.
Handing the peeled fruit to Chi Zhao, Leo smiled slightly, “I
haven’t taken annual leave since I first joined the army and have
been saving it all up for fourteen years. Annual leave is also
linked to my duration of service. With each year, my annual leave
increases by a day. It feels quite good using it up all at once.”
Chi Zhao: “……”
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Chapter 123
Source: KK Translates


It was always Chi Zhao who shocked others with his actions and
he had never expected that there would be a day where he himself
would be shocked.
After a long period of silence, Chi Zhao finally figured out how
many days it was.
“…..For you to take half a year off, would the military
committee let you go that easily?”
Leo wasn’t an ordinary company executive who can leave as he
pleased. He was an important member of the congress and also a
chairman of the military committee. Was it really okay leaving just
like that?
“General affairs will be handled by the vice-chairman. If there
are any major issues the vice-chairman cannot handle, I will
After Leo patiently explained, he glanced at Chi Zhao’s virtual
screen and asked, “You want to buy a store?”
The topic having turned back to him, Chi Zhao nodded, “Joey is
about to go to school. I should open another clinic.”
He said this without any context, but Leo still understood. His
investigation of Chi Zhao was very in-depth and detailed; not to
mention Chi Zhao’s occupation, Leo even knew how many patients
he has treated and what their families were like.
Because he knew all too well, Leo’s expression sank. Only half of
those sentinels were really sick while the other half were clearly
using it as an excuse to try and seduce Chi Zhao. How shameless.
Can’t they see that they still have their darling son there? No
morality at all!
Leo didn’t express any disagreement and just sat on the side in
silence, quietly releasing a negative atmosphere around him. All that
was missing were the words ‘I’m not happy, I don’t like it, I don’t
agree’ written on his face.
Chi Zhao ignored him for a while before finally frowning and
looking over, “If you’re really unhappy…..”
Leo’s eyes brightened slightly.
Chi Zhao slowly finished the second half of his sentence, “Then
stay away from me. Your mood is bothering me.”
Leo: “……”
When a sentinel is unhappy, he would unconsciously release some
sentinel pheromone with a strong deterrent effect. It could be
regarded as their instinct to threaten. Of course, Leo didn’t want to
threaten Chi Zhao, he just wanted to use his weak self to arouse Chi
Zhao’s sympathy. Unfortunately, having taken advantage of his
sympathy too many times, Chi Zhao had clearly become immune to
his weak act.
Leo pursed his lips. Seeing that Chi Zhao was still browsing
several shops, he blinked and said, “If you want to find a job, you
might as well go to the senate. Last time Ferdinand tested your
spiritual power and reported your situation. The members of the
congress have always wanted you to work there. I have stopped it
a few times, but they still insisted on it.”
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Talking was also an art. It was necessary to let the wife know that
he had been defending him the whole time and throw the blame
onto the foolish rivals so that he can claim the merit.
Leo knew that Chi Zhao didn’t want to work for the government.
Otherwise, he wouldn’t have done everything possible to hide
himself. Sure enough, after Chi Zhao heard this, he waved his hand,
“No thanks.”
Leo originally had no problem with where Chi Zhao worked, and
he even didn’t want him to work for the senate. After all, there were
all kinds of people there and each of them can be very scheming. He
didn’t want Chi Zhao to work with such a group of people.
The chairman with double standards seemed to have forgotten
that he was the leader of this group of scheming people.
If Chi Zhao joined the senate, they could commute to and from
work together and spend more time together. Chi Zhao also
wouldn’t have to open that clinic of his which could lure in shifty
Thinking this, Leo pursed his lips. He glanced at the children’s
toys that Joey had left downstairs and then lightly spoke up, “The
best school on the main star is the Anthony School of Education.
It has been in operation for more than 300 years and has a long
history. The teaching staff is also very skilled.”
Chi Zhao already knew about this. The school he had applied for
was also this school. This school catered for children from the age of
five to fifteen and there were also a large number of students who
simply couldn’t graduate and was directly taken out by the strict
assessment system.
Chi Zhao wasn’t worried about Joey being taken out. Even if he
was, it was definitely not because Joey wasn’t good enough but
because of other reasons. What he was worried about was that Joey
would not be able to get into this school from the very beginning.
After all, the bigger they are, the more power they have. With a
school that famous, the selection process must be very strict.
Chi Zhao’s expression turned solemn. Leo took this in and
continued, “Anthony School of Education likes to enrol offspring
of outstanding citizens. If their parents are senior officials, the
likelihood of being accepted is greatly increased.”
Chi Zhao was stunned. He turned his head to look at Leo,
Leo nodded lightly, “I graduated from that school.”
Leo’s words sounded very reasonable and what he said was also
the truth. Chi Zhao however narrowed his eyes, not wanting to
believe what he said.
Every line of the protagonist carried a bluffing buff. He must be
careful so as not to fall into a trap.
Joey was taking a nap on the second floor and there were only the
two of them left in the quiet space downstairs. Since Leo often came
over, Little Red was locked up and only given a chance to come out
at night. It was an elegant phoenix but to have to live a life like this,
it was really a tragedy for the bird.
After thinking over Leo’s words just now, Chi Zhao sank into the
sofa, looking even lazier. The distance between himself and Leo also
grew larger.
The golden-haired guide looked at him with a smile that also
didn’t seem like a smile and uttered a single word, “Parents?”
Leo looked at him quietly and didn’t respond.
His eyes were like a deep pool that couldn’t be broken through.
The contents of it were thick and deep and as he looked into it, Chi
Zhao suddenly felt like he was actually a child and Leo was a parent
patiently waiting for his child to finish his game and go home with
Although this analogy didn’t seem quite right, it also seemed quite
appropriate. It somehow made Chi Zhao feel a little frustrated. He
averted his eyes and his cheeks slowly turned red.
That paper window-like cover of his would be torn open sooner
or later and for it to last this long was already an incredible feat. Leo
had been hinting and testing it out the entire time and was certain
that Chi Zhao actually didn’t hate him and even liked his intimacy
and feeding. Since he didn’t feel any aversion towards him, why did
he leave?
If……If he stayed back and explained everything to him, he would
definitely protect him such that he wouldn’t encounter any danger,
let alone leave him alone with his child for so many years.
Chi Zhao was unaware that in Leo’s eyes, he had become a little
pitiful child who was forced to leave his hometown. When he quietly
looked back, he was startled by the distressed look in Leo’s eyes. He
was stunned for a long time and could only mutter uncomfortably to
break the silence, “I’m hungry.”
Hearing this, Leo immediately stood up and went to the kitchen.
Without that overwhelming attention on him, Chi Zhao was finally
able to breathe a sigh of relief.
After waiting for a while and ensuring that Leo wasn’t looking at
him anymore, Chi Zhao quietly looked over at the chairman’s back.
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Chi Zhao looked and looked, and the corners of his lips couldn’t
help but rise. Just as it was half up, the system’s voice suddenly
【Your mouth says no but your body is honest.】
Chi Zhao: “…….How many times have I said it? Children
shouldn’t be looking at useless things.”
【Oh, what a hypocritical man.】
Chi Zhao: “Aren’t you going to be participating in the
competition soon? Do you still have the time to read overbearing
president novels? You should stop reading. You originally don’t
have much memory and shouldn’t overload it with garbage. Be
careful of viruses.”
The system expressed dissatisfaction.
【 Do you know how high-end my firewall is? How could I get a
Chi Zhao was silent for a few seconds and then darkly reminded
the system, “You have been interfered with by the protagonist
twice. Twice.”
System: “……..”
It was just twice anyway! Was there a need to repeat it with
【That isn’t the same. The protagonist is not a virus and I can’t do
anything against the protagonist. Not only him, I also can’t do
anything to you. You are the same as the protagonist, you’re both pig
Chi Zhao held back his temper and ignored him. The system
however continued to chatter on.
【Tomorrow I will be participating in the finals. This time it is still
the same and I will be away for a week. Since the last experience
with you, the main system daddy no longer wants to replace me so
this time you will be alone.】
The main system had never expected the plot to collapse in just a
mere few hours after he left despite everything going so smoothly
the past fifteen days. All of his hard work had been in vain. He had to
use his own money to pay for the cheat, but it was all for naught.
The main system had been in a depressed mood for several days.
During this time, he had been watching the competition the system
had been participating in. Once daddy was angry, his spending went
wild. In an instant, the system became a competitor with a strong
backing and managed to shoot up to the top place in popularity at
rocket speed.
This was why one should not anger a big boss with lots of money.
Chi Zhao responded to show that he understood and thought that
this was the end of their conversation but after the system paused
for a while, it neither left or did it’s own thing and just stood there
hesitantly, as if it had something else to say.
Chi Zhao was puzzled, “What’s the matter?”
【I’m a little nervous. Can I sing the song I will be singing at the
competition for you to hear?】
Chi Zhao realised that the system was experiencing stage fright
and was in urgent need for excessive praising to restore its self-
confidence. Chi Zhao very easily agreed, “Go ahead!”
He had already thought it out. No matter what the system sang, he
would praise the system and lift it all the way up into space. But the
moment he heard the system singing, Chi Zhao fell silent.
【Isolation from the pandemic~ Meeting of bloodshot eyes~ The
voice carefully passing into the brain~ Entering an indifferent
humanity~ Indifferent humanity~】
Chi Zhao: “…….”
This song must be something written by the system itself.
The system was too engrossed in singing but Chi Zhao couldn’t
bear with it anymore. He couldn’t help but lower his head and rub
his temples, looking very uncomfortable.
He was indeed uncomfortable, because the more he listened, the
more he wanted to beat the system up. This was clearly this
system’s inner thoughts!
Chi Zhao racked his brains as he tried to think about how to praise
the system when suddenly, there was a gust of wind and his wrist
was suddenly grabbed. Chi Zhao looked up in surprise only to see
that Leo was looking even more nervous than him, as if he was
about to lose something important.
Leo knelt in front of him with his lips pursed together tightly.
After a long silence, he stared into Chi Zhao’s eyes and asked while
doing his best to remain calm, “Do you feel uncomfortable?”
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KK has something to say: What kind of brainhole has ML made up
this time???
Chapter 124
Source: KK Translates


He had only rubbed his temples, did Leo need to look so nervous?
It wasn’t like he had a terminal illness.
Chi Zhao looked at Leo in confusion. The latter was still clutching
his wrist tightly with pursed lips. He stood up and sat down next to
Chi Zhao. Without caring about whether the other party agreed to it,
he embraced him and said, “Let me check your spiritual mind.”
Chi Zhao was stunned for a long time. He then quickly moved
away with vigilance, “Are you okay? I’m the guide, you’re the
sentinel. Why are you checking my spiritual mind? I don’t have
Chi Zhao had only moved back one centimetre and could no
longer move any further away. Leo looked at him with furrowed
brows and his tone was stern, “Don’t fuss, let me take a look.”
Are you kidding me? If he looked, his cover would be gone!
Chi Zhao resolutely refused but Leo didn’t care about his opinion.
He was very insistent on his request and ignored Chi Zhao’s wishes.
Unable to go against him, Chi Zhao could only lower his guard and
let Leo take a look at his spiritual mind.
Contrary to what Leo was worried about, Chi Zhao’s spiritual
mind was quiet and vast. There were no problems with it at all. After
confirming with his own eyes, Leo was relieved. He then thought
about it. With Chi Zhao’s spiritual powers being so high, even if Noah
was still alive, it was absolutely impossible for him to take over the
right to use the body.
He was too weak after all.
Chi Zhao still didn’t know that Leo had regarded him as Noah’s
second personality. Leo had very considerately avoided mentioning
it because he wanted Chi Zhao to see that he saw him as a complete
person, not just a personality.
Thinking this, Leo gently rubbed Chi Zhao’s head and ambiguously
complimented him, “Good job, keep it up.”
Chi Zhao: “……?”
Chi Zhao twisted his body away uncomfortably, “Now that you’re
done, you can let me go.”
He was too nervous just now and didn’t notice what his and Chi
Zhao’s position was like at this very moment. Now that he had the
chance to take it in, he realised that he had Chi Zhao wrapped
completely in his arms.
There was a powerful and hot presence around him. Chi Zhao’s
body had not yet formed a bond with a sentinel was at a state that
could easily be stimulated by the pheromone of another unbounded
sentinel but because he had never allowed other sentinels to get
close to him in the past few years, he didn’t know whether this was a
physical reaction, or a reaction driven by the spiritual powers.
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Leo had long discovered that his guide got shy very easily and as
soon as he felt shy, he would turn his head away and avoid his gaze
while pretending to be calm. Those red earlobes of his however
exposed his true feelings, making him look extremely adorable. Leo
really wanted to lower his head and give it a bite to see if it still
tasted like how it did five years ago.
The past Leo would be able to hold back but the current time,
place and occasion was just too perfect. There were no bystanders
around and the sun just happened to fall over where they were
sitting, making them glow warmly. Following the rapid change in
mood just now and the slightly itchy feeling in his heart, Leo
urgently wanted to do something to truly feel that his guide had
indeed returned and was currently in his arms.
Without a word, Leo lowered his head. He had been watching Chi
Zhao for too long. Even a wise-minded husky would be able to see
what he wanted to do. As mentioned earlier, todays time, place and
occasion was just right. Even Chi Zhao didn’t want to refuse him.
Leo wasn’t the only one who missed him. Having not experienced
his warmth for so many years, Chi Zhao also didn’t want to leave.
It started with just a light touch of the lips. It couldn’t be
considered a kiss and was rather a small test. Sensing the unusually
submissive attitude of the person in his arms, Leo’s eyes darkened.
He lifted Chi Zhao’s head and started to reveal his true nature.
A dark sentinel was the universes beloved. They are different
from ordinary people in every aspect including their sexual energy.
For their partner, it was both a kind of happiness and also a kind of
misfortune. Few people can bear with the demands of a dark
sentinel because their energy was too strong, as if it could never be
used up.
Even after several minutes, Leo’s actions were still not gentler and
had instead become more intense. Chi Zhao was almost unable to
breathe. He pushed Leo’s chest with both hands, but it conversely
had a counterproductive effect. When he found himself pressed
down onto the sofa, Chi Zhao deeply suspected that this person
wanted to do him to death.
Chi Zhao wasn’t able to push the other person away no matter
what he did. Instead, he was pushed down. Angry, he let out his
spiritual threads in preparation to teach this greedy guy a lesson.
But just as his spiritual thread entered Leo’s spiritual mind, it
became trapped by a strong spiritual power and couldn’t escape
even if it wanted to escape. This was similar to the incident from
before. Chi Zhao felt distressed inside and hastily tried to withdraw.
Unfortunately, whatever he did was all in vain. Leo opened his
eyes slightly and saw Chi Zhao’s frustrated appearance. He lowly let
out a laugh and then proceeded to activate his spiritual powers
It wasn’t until this moment that Chi Zhao realised that Leo wasn’t
actually forcing him just now. It was all because his resistance was
too weak, and it looked like flirting in Leo’s eyes.
When he had himself and Chi Zhao wrapped in the black mist and
forcefully pulled out Chi Zhao’s spiritual thread, allowing the two to
entangle, Chi Zhao finally knew what being forced really meant.
It had to be said, it was quite exciting.
The system had been interfered with by the protagonist for the
third time. Although it wanted to know Chi Zhao’s evaluation of its
singing, it didn’t want to stay around. It soon started to imagine the
activities its host and the protagonist must be doing in the dark.
By the time the two was done, the lunch Leo had prepared had
gone cold. The two however were not in the mood to eat. Chi Zhao
laid against Leo’s chest panting and his entire body was limp.
It had been many years since he had experienced making love
spiritually. Chi Zhao had once again realised how good it felt.
Little Red had at some unknown point in time made its
appearance. It was much more honest than its owner. Seeing the
black wolf, it immediately tweeted happily, as if it was happy to see
a childhood playmate again, but the next moment, after the black
wolf saw tht its figure had become larger than it used to be, its eyes
darkened, and it quickly picked it up and brought it over to a corner
in the room.
Chi Zhao lazily turned over. Internally he thought: Very good.
Today is the anniversary for his cover completely falling off.
“I’ll move everything over tonight, okay?”
While Chi Zhao was still in a good mood, Leo leaned over and
kissed his earlobe as he earnestly made this request. A man was
easiest to talk to when they have just finished doing the deed. Leo
was very well aware of this truth. As expected, Chi Zhao glanced at
him and slowly nodded, “Up to you.”
Leo immediately smiled. Seeing that he was so happy, Chi Zhao
felt a little upset inside. He pursed his lips and buried his head in
Leo’s chest, covering his entire face so that Leo couldn’t see him and
he couldn’t see Leo.
Leo laughed a few more times when he saw this. That laughter
reverberated through his chest. When Chi Zhao heard his strong
heartbeat, he felt at peace inside.
He slowly closed his eyes, enjoying the silence and peace of the
The tree wanted calmness, but the wind persisted. Leo above him
blinked a few times and continued to strike while the iron was hot.
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“Can you tell me your name?”
Compared to everything just now, Chi Zhao was more shocked
when he heard this question.
He sat up abruptly and his eyes darkened. Seeing him like this,
Leo suddenly felt a little nervous. He was a man who would not be
nervous even when facing enemies or the entire congress. The
current situation wouldn’t affect his career nor would it make him
lose anything, but he felt very nervous.
Looking at each other in silence, Chi Zhao narrowed his eyes and
replied in a low voice, “Chi Zhao.”
That name was little hard to say but Leo tried to repeat after him,
“Chi Zhao.”
For hundreds of years, Chi Zhao hadn’t heard anyone call him by
his name. Of course, the system wasn’t included because it wasn’t
System: “…………” Am I being cursed at?
Hearing his name being spoken by Leo over and over again at this
very moment, Chi Zhao felt a little strange inside. He was a little
moved and also a little embarrassed.
Seeing that Chi Zhao still wasn’t looking up, Leo guessed that he
was feeling shy again. Leo lightly curled up his lips and wickedly
leaned against Chi Zhao’s ear, whispering, “My lover is called Chi
Zhao. I won’t forget it.”
It was clearly a normal way of flirting and Chi Zhao had heard
much more explicit things that this but the moment he heard that
line, he immediately raised his head and looked fixatedly at Leo. The
person being looked at couldn’t tell whether he was happy or
Leo was a little surprised by this. At this moment, there were
small patter sounds and Joey appeared while rubbing his eyes. He
looked at the two adults sitting in a strange position.
“Dad, why are you sitting on Uncle Leo’s lap?”
Chi Zhao: “……..”
Leo: “………”
Leo: I’m clearly a proper member of this family of three but why
did I feel like a beast planning to snatch away the child’s father?
At the same time, in the Grenoch mansion on the other side of the
main star.
Faria was sitting in his room when Hillman pushed the door open,
walked in and placed something on Faria’s desk. “This is it. Hurry
and look. I’ll soon need to put it back. Your father never lets me
touch these things.”
Hillman had brought over Leo’s father’s photo album from when
he was young. Seemingly having grown used to it, he didn’t reveal
anything when he said those words just now but Faria snorted
Others couldn’t be blamed for not acknowledging Hillman’s
identity. Even his wonderful father never admitted to it. In his heart,
Hillman was still just a lover and he would always be the lover’s son.
A dark light flashed across his eyes. Faria opened the album and
went through it page by page. Finally, he found the person he was
looking for in a photo taken at a reception.
Leopold’s mother, Madam Lily.
After adulthood, Leo had moved away from this place, taking
away every phot and every relic of his mothers. Even his father was
not qualified enough to keep any around. This picture was probably
the last fish that had slipped through the net.
Madam Lily was a low-key person. There was no information
about her on the internet. Faria only met her when she was a child
and couldn’t remember exactly what she looked like. Looking at the
photo at this very moment, a guess he had inside was confirmed.
It turned out to be his son.
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Chapter 125
Source: KK Translates


Getting off the sofa, Leo came to Joey’s side. He squatted down but
even then, he was still taller than Joey and Joey had to raise his head
to look at him. The beast opposite him smiled and Joey heard him
say, “Be good, you don’t need to call me uncle anymore. Call me
Joey was stunned. He subconsciously looked at Chi Zhao on the
other side of the room who stood there with pursed lips but didn’t
make any attempts to stop him.
Joey tilted his head in thought for a while and was able to
understand the situation, “Are you my stepfather now?”
Leo: “……”
Chi Zhao: “……”
Leo was silent for a few seconds. He turned his head and looked
back at the culprit. Chi Zhao coughed lightly and guiltily looked
away, pretending to appreciate the wallpaper.
The lie may have been great for the moment but the explanation
coming after that was difficult.
For something so troublesome, it was better to let Leo deal with it.
It look Leo a very long time to make Joey understand that he
wasn’t Joey’s stepfather but his biological father. After
understanding, Joey naturally asked a lot of questions such as why
he only showed up now and why he and his dad weren’t’ married.
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Chi Zhao had long since ran away. He felt that the chairman who
has dealt with all kinds of national issues with ease should probably
be able to answer his son’s questions without much difficulty.
When Leo went upstairs again, he looked a lot more haggard.
Entering the bedroom, he glanced at Chi Zhao who was playing
games while lying on the bed. The latter smiled brightly back at him
without any guilty conscience.
“He acknowledged you?”
Speaking of this, Leo’s haggard face brightened somewhat, “Yeah,
he called me father.”
The term father was still a little strange for Joey but fortunately he
was still a child and didn’t think too much about it. Once his
questions were all addressed, he was able to obediently call him
Blood relations couldn’t be faked. Compared to other strangers,
Joey’s attitude towards Leo was already considered very
enthusiastic. Now that he knew that he was his father, Joey didn’t
feel any resistance and only found it a little strange. In the future,
there would be one more person in the family. He would no longer
be living alone with his father.
Chi Zhao knew how difficult Joey that child could be. He originally
thought it would take several days or even months for Joey to accept
Leo. He didn’t expect it to all be sorted within a few dozen minutes.
As expected of the father-son bond.
After thinking for a while, Chi Zhao turned over and sat up. He
beckoned Leo, “Come here.”
Leo walked over and asked, “What is it?”
When he reached the bed, Chi Zhao grabbed his arm and made
him sit down. He then reached out and held Leo’s head.
“Don’t move. Let me see.”
Knowing his intention, Leo’s eyes flashed, and he obediently
closed his eyes.
The two foreheads were pressed together. Chi Zhao released a
spiritual thread and carefully used it to explore Leo’s spiritual mind.
Compared to five years ago, Leo’s spiritual mind hadn’t improved at
all and was at an even a more terrible state. For him to survive until
now, he must have been taking a lot of medicine and using strong
self-control. If it was anyone else, that person would’ve been
hospitalised long ago.
After Chi Zhao closed his eyes and shut off his vision, Leo’s
spiritual state became more evident. Looking at the mess, Chi Zhao
frowned. At the same time, the hands holding Leo’s head also
subconsciously increased in strength.
It wasn’t enough strength to make Leo feel pain, but his honest
feelings reached Leo’s heart.
He was feeling distressed.
He was feeling distressed for me.
Leo’s heart released happy bubbles. While a guide was soothing
out a sentinel’s spiritual mind, there should not be any disturbances.
Leo knew this but he couldn’t hold back.
He reached out and held Chi Zhao tightly. The sensation on his
body made Chi Zhao’s spiritual movements pause for a moment but
he quickly gathered up his concentration and ignored the
disturbances in the outside world.
The spiritual mind was soothed by the warm threads and the
wounds that had been slowly eating away at Leo healed at a rate
that was visible to the naked eye. While a sentinel was experiencing
this, it should feel very comfortable and that pleasant feeling would
make them forget everything and become deeply immersed.
Leo however opened his eyes.
With his eyes half open, Chi Zhao’s figure was reflected in his eyes.
If Chi Zhao opened his eyes and saw him now, he would be
frightened by the strong and terrifying emotions in Leo’s eyes. He
looked like a threatened beast. With red eyes, he was on guard
against every unsafe factor that could take away the prey from his
Losing something and getting it back was the happiest feeling in
the world, but it was also the most worrisome. There were too many
dangers in this world. He wasn’t a god, and he couldn’t keep this
person tied to his side forever. He may leave, others may take him
away, accidents may also happen. There were too many uncertain
factors that made it possible for him to lose him again….
Perhaps the soothing of his spiritual mind had made Leo lower his
guard or perhaps it was because everything recently had been
progressing smoothly, so smoothly that Leo found it unbelievable,
some terrible thoughts hidden inside him had slowly revealed itself.
Those thoughts weren’t something that had only appeared today.
It was just that Leo had pretended to be fine and managed to hide
away all the violent and bloody thoughts, creating a stern and
indifferent image for himself. This was what he wanted others to see
but as for what he really was like, even he himself could hardly
No one knew how upset he was when he woke up and saw the
empty room that day; no one knew how much he wanted to destroy
everything around him when he returned without success again and
again, unable to find that person he was looking for; no one knew
how much he wanted to cut off the heads of the others laughing
happily with their partners so that they could never show him that
infuriating sight again.
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He wasn’t a good person. He had always known this. But he
wanted Chi Zhao to think that he was a good person.
After taking a deep breath, Leo closed his eyes again. His grip
around Chi Zhao grew a little stronger, as if he wanted to sink him
completely into his body. Chi Zhao gently nudged him with his knee,
telling him to stop moving.
Chi Zhao was unaware of Leo’s thoughts just now. When he was
done, Leo had returned to his usual gentle and calm look.
“You can stop taking medicine from now on. I will help you out
three times a day. If you feel uncomfortable, come and find me
immediately. Don’t try to endure it.”
Although Chi Zhao didn’t say anything about love, just those
words alone were enough to make Leo happy for a whole lifetime.
Leo clearly didn’t expect Chi Zhao to say something like that. He
kissed Chi Zhao with both some restraint and some excitement and
said hoarsely, “Does this mean that you will no longer leave me?”
Chi Zhao would occasionally sense that Leo seemed to be
insecure. He sighed inside and smiled, “Yeah.”
A sentinel’s emotions are typically quite restrained. Even though
he felt like his heart was about to burst from happiness, what was
revealed externally was just slight quivering of the eyelids. Leo’s
hands were still on Chi Zhao’s arms. When he applied some force,
Chi Zhao was easily picked up and placed onto his lap. With the two
sitting so closely together, Chi Zhao suddenly felt that the situation
was a little dangerous.
“No! Let me down. Joey is still outside!”
Hearing his words, Leo was stunned for a moment. After realising
that Chi Zhao had misunderstood, he tightened his embrace around
that man and lightly chuckled, “Don’t worry, I don’t plan on doing
anything to you during the day.”
Chi Zhao: “…….” So you’re saying that you plan to do it at night?
Chi Zhao continued to struggle as he tried to break free from his
grip but Leo only tightened his hold. He lowered his head and spoke
in his ear, “What I want to say is, let’s get us registered tomorrow,
Chi Zhao’s struggling stopped instantly. After waiting for a few
seconds and not hearing a response from the person in his arms, Leo
pursed his lips and added, “After registering, it would be more
convenient for Joey’s enrolment.”
Another three seconds passed. The person in his arms finally
nodded and replied faintly, “I see, then let’s go register.”
A pleasant laugh sounded above his head.
With the advancements in science and technology, people’s lives
have become much more convenient. After Leo gave the robot butler
at home an order and, before the sky darkened, the robot butler had
returned with his luggage.
Seeing Leo set his things out, the originally new but empty house
instantly became crowded.
By the time everything was almost taken out, Chi Zhao looked at
the several empty boxes on the ground and suddenly asked a
question: “Why don’t Joey and I move to your place? Your place
must be much bigger than this place here, right?”
Leo who was holding clothes that couldn’t be stored anywhere,
“…….” Oh yeah, why didn’t they?
It was pointless saying it now though as he was almost finished
unpacking. Today was the day the three of them officially start their
life as a family. Leo cooked and made a table filled with delicious
food but just as he sat down at the dinner table and before he could
even take off his apron, Leo’s communicator sounded. The caller was
his secretary.
Before Leo asked for leave, he had instructed the secretary not to
call him unless it was something urgent. Seeing the contact name on
the communicator, Leo frowned. He immediately stood up, walked
to the kitchen and accepted the video call.
Before the secretary could speak, he was surprised by the sight of
the chairman’s outfit.
As it turned out…..The almighty chairman also knew how to
Leo said grumpily, “What is it?”
Hurry up. His wife and child are still waiting for him to return and
have dinner together.
The secretary immediately remembered the reason for his call,
“Chairman, the extremist who was injured during the attack last
time is about to die.”
During the last terrorist attack, most of the extremists had died
and the ones who were still alive were arrested. Two however
escaped. One was the leader at the time and the other had no
particular status and his name couldn’t be found. He was likely just
an ordinary member.
At that time, the extremists had asked for the hostages to be
exchanged. Although these hostages were taken back after that
incident, one was injured during the process. That person happened
to be the one the extremists desperately wanted to save. Leo had
asked the secretary to keep an eye on the situation at the hospital
and to notify him as soon as possible when the man recovers.
But instead of recovering, after only a few days of no attention,
that person was about to die.
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Chapter 126
Source: KK Translates


Before requesting for leave, Leo had already investigated the

prisoner’s information and there seemed to be nothing special. The
prisoner was from the main star, a level-one sentinel. He had joined
the extremists when he was twenty and now at twenty-three years
of age, he became one of the young leaders.
Like the other prisoners, there was nothing special about him that
would be worth the other extremists taking such risks to rescue him.
The original plan was to wait for him to wake up and then Leo
would interrogate him personally, but no one had expected that the
man would remain unconscious until now and now, he was even on
the verge of dying.
He had no choice. Leo could only change and head to the hospital.
When Chi Zhao heard his explanation, he nodded thoughtfully,
“Then hurry and go. Be careful on your way there. I’ll keep some
food for you and warm it up when you’re back.”
The originally cold mood instantly warmed up with those words.
Leo smiled and kissed the corner of Chi Zhao’s lips before turning
around and rubbing Joey’s head.
“I’m leaving. Joey has to do his best to protect dad.”
After hearing Leo’s words, Joey nodded seriously in response,
“Father should also come back early. Nine o’clock is bedtime.”
Nine o’clock was Joey’s bedtime, adults naturally wouldn’t sleep at
nine. Joey had gone to bed earlier, thinking that it was the same for
everyone. Leo was amused by his seriousness. When he got onto his
hovercar, the smile on his face still hadn’t faded.
One big and one small watched Leo leave. With the sound of the
door closing, the father and son duo blinked a few times before
turning back to look at the food on the table.
The atmosphere had turned silent. Chi Zhao raised his eyes and
looked at Joey who was busy trying to cut into his meat.
“Son, don’t you have anything to ask me?”
Joey placed down his knife and fork and looked up, “If I asked,
would you tell me the truth?”
Chi Zhao: “……..”
This kid is really not cute!
There was a moment of silence. Chi Zhao also placed down the
cutlery in his hands. With one hand supporting his chin, he knocked
on the table, “Let’s do this. I’ll do it today only. From now until you
go to bed, no matter what you ask me, I will tell the truth. Today
only, okay?”
After blinking his pair of tea-grey eyes, Joey suddenly reached out
and held up his little finger, “Pinkie promise. If dad lies, you will be
a big tortoise in your next life.”
Chi Zhao: “……”
After he helplessly hooked his finger with his sons, Joey was
finally satisfied.
Chi Zhao felt very complicated inside. Joey would rather believe in
this old-fashioned promise than the words of his biological father.
How much of a failure was he as a parent?
With his small head lowered, Joey thought for a while before
deciding what he wanted to ask. He looked back up and gazed
quietly at Chi Zhao: “Will we be moving in the future?”
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Chi Zhao was stunned. He didn’t expect this to be Joey’s first
question. After a second of surprise, Chi Zhao shook his head, “I
also don’t know, it depends on what happens in the future. The
days ahead are still very long, and changes can happen. I can’t
give you a definite answer.”
Joey pursed his lips and seemed to be unhappy with this answer.
He looked away in thought for a while and then looked back. He
clearly wanted to know the answer, but he would always act aloof
and nonchalant, as if he didn’t care at all.
“Okay, then I’ll ask another question. Will you leave father
again in the future?”
Chi Zhao now understood why Joey wanted to ask if they were
moving in the future. In fact, those two questions were asking the
same thing and that was, would the three of them be separated
again in the future? Joey didn’t want to appear too childish and was
too embarrassed to ask bluntly so he could only get answers using
this method.
Chi Zhao found it amusing but at the same time he felt a little sad
Although Joey had never said it, he probably also longed for a
complete and whole family. No one wants to be a child of a single
parent family. It was just that Joey was more sensible and didn’t
want to pour more salt into his father’s wounds, so he never said
Chi Zhao’s heart softened. He beckoned Joey over who
immediately jumped off the dining chair and ran over. Just as he was
about to throw himself into his father’s arms, he quickly stepped
onto his brakes and then stood there waiting reservedly for Chi Zhao
to speak.
Chi Zhao smiled. He lowered his head and said in a whisper-
like volume, “Dad will tell you a secret. This is a secret only the
two of us knows. After hearing this, you are not allowed to tell
anything, especially your father. Understand?”
Wow…..A secret between adults.
Joey’s heart almost flew out but he nodded solemnly and tried his
best to keep his true feelings from showing.
Putting his arms around his son’s soft shoulders, Chi Zhao said
softly, “I love your father. Very, very much. Unless he doesn’t want
me anymore, I won’t leave him.”
Even if Joey was less than five years old, he already knew what
privacy was. His eyes widened in an instant and he asked very
quietly, “Really?”
“Of course.” Chi Zhao raised a brow, “Didn’t I tell you just now?
Today, no matter what you ask me, I will tell the truth.”
Although he still didn’t understand the relationship between
adults, with Chi Zhao’s guarantee, Joey felt more at ease. This was
more reassuring than hearing Chi Zhao say that they weren’t
Because not leaving was too shallow of a promise. There are many
people in this world who obviously don’t love each other but still
stay together, either for money or for power. They weren’t happy at
all in life, but they deceived themselves into thinking that they were
having the best life.
What ties a family together wasn’t just blood relations, there was
also love that couldn’t be faked and the latter was the cornerstone of
happiness. Dad loves father. That was the best secret Joey has ever
The little one pursed his lips but eventually couldn’t help but let
out a laugh. He made a promise with his milky voice, “I understand.
I definitely won’t tell father this.”
This was a little secret between him and his dad. He was a child
with principles and he definitely wouldn’t betray his dad.
Chi Zhao lovingly rubbed Joey’s head and then straightened up
and told Joey to continue eating.
Before the system left, it heard this short exchange between the
father and son. It fell silent for a long time before pretending not to
hear anything and leaving.
Before leaving it also secretly used its newly acquired authority to
delete this part from the daily records.
The main system just happened to be free today and was catching
up with the live broadcast. Seeing the system invade his database for
Chi Zhao and delete the conversation just now, the main system felt
complicated inside.
Ah, the protective love of a father.
On the other side, Leo who was unaware of the deal his wife and
son had made had finally arrived at the hospital.
After going straight up to the top floor, there were already several
people gathered outside the prisoner’s ward. When they saw Leo
coming, they immediately straightened up, “Chairman, you’re
“How is the situation?”
Leo didn’t waste any time and directly asked about the
prisoner’s condition. The person opposite him furrowed his
brows, “Sorry, we have tried our best, but his condition is very
bad. There were initial signs of his brain deteriorating but at
that time it was very slow and most people who have received
such shock would display some signs of deterioration, so we
didn’t take it to heart. We didn’t expect it to worsen so
dramatically overnight. Right now, his brain waves are getting
weaker and weaker and now it is almost impossible to be
This hospital had the best medical equipment on the main star but
even the doctors here had never seen such a situation. They have
tried to do something, but that deterioration was almost like the low
tide, turbulent and irreversible. If it weren’t for strict security here
preventing outsiders from approaching the prisoner, they would’ve
suspected that an extremist had been sent over to kill him.
After listening to his subordinate’s report, Leo opened the door
and entered the ward. The person on the bed appeared the same as
before, as if he were asleep, but beneath that surface in the depths of
his brain, his active brain waves were declining at an alarming rate.
At this rate, this person would be deemed as brain dead in less than
half an hour.
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Leo felt that something didn’t seem quite right.
The situation at the time was too chaotic but because the prisoner
was special, Leo had paid special attention to him. According to his
memory, that prisoner had never taken any action the entire time
and when the fight started, he didn’t participate and never came into
physical contact with anyone. It was only at the very end when his
subordinates captured him, they might have used some force,
causing him to stagger, hit his head and pass out.
It didn’t seem like a problem at first but when he recalled, Leo
couldn’t help but feel that this person seemed to have turned a little
sluggish before he hit his head.
The chairman wasn’t speaking so the people below didn’t dare
speak up either. Only the secretary was still lost in thought. From
the moment the chairman suddenly requested to use up all his
accumulated annual leave, he felt that something didn’t seem quite
right. In the past, even if the chairman was ill, he had never
forgotten about his work but now he had cast it all away and
disappeared completely after his request for leave was approved.
Occasionally the secretary went to find the chairman to make his
reports only to find that no one was around.
No longer caring about work, often not at home and also
occasionally seeing him dressed up….What was even more
concerning was that he was actually inside someone else’s house,
cooking for them…..
The secretary sucked in a breath to stop the conclusion in his
mind from being spoken and squeezed his mouth shut.
Although he couldn’t shout it out, he could shout internally.
The chairman has someone, the chairman has someone, the
chairman has someone!——-
No one knew what was going on in the secretary’s heart;
everyone’s attention was on the prisoner lying on the hospital bed.
Leo furrowed his brows as he looked at the lifeless man with
unknown thoughts in his mind. Suddenly, the door to the ward was
opened again.
The vice-chairman walked in, every step as domineering as usual.
Seeing that Leo was also there, his footsteps stopped for a moment
before he casually approached him and stopped a few metres away.
“Chairman, good day.”
Facing his rival who had tried to steal his wife, Leo didn’t give him
a good attitude. He nodded coldly and soon looked away.
Vice-chairman: “……….”
The secretary hurriedly tried to fix up the mood. The vice-
chairman rubbed his nose and felt a little embarrassed, but he
thought about it again. How could he have known that he was Leo’s
partner? They had kept it to low profile, could he really be blamed?
Thinking this, the vice-chairman regained his confidence. His
expression sank slightly as he tried to bluff his way through,
“Leopold, several professors from the Genetics Research Institute
suddenly discovered that the prisoner’s state is similar to a case
they have been studying. Before he dies, I will need to take him
over. From now on, this person will be under the Genetics
Research Institute’s authority. Don’t interfere.”
If this person died, there was no point for Leo to keep the body.
Leo was in charge of the extremists while the vice-chairman was in
charge of genetic research and advancements. The two would
usually never cross paths and if he requested to take away a body,
Leo usually wouldn’t say anything. This vice-chairman however had
been floating around for too long and he had long forgotten about
speaking more smoothly.
Leo narrowed his eyes, “Are you trying to steal someone away
from me?”
Stealing someone was a rather strange way of speaking but from a
certain point of view, it was also correct. The vice-chairman made a
sound of affirmation and before he could say the words ‘So what
about it?’, a chill ran through him. The vice-chairman only frowned
but the others almost fell onto their knees.
“I have already warned you last time not to get close to my
partner but now you’re trying to provoke me using this method.
Don’t you think that you’re being too immature?”
The others who were still trying to remain standing: Huh?! —–
The vice-chairman wanted to steal the chairman’s partner?! Isn’t
this a huge scandal?? Wait, when did the chairman have a partner?
Wasn’t it just an imaginary lover?!
Leo’s eyes were dark and strong spiritual force flowed out from
him non-stop. The vice-chairman standing opposite him however
was confused.
Who’s provoking you?! The one who’s using spiritual forces to
suppress people who have opposing opinions without a second
thought is you okay?! You’re the one who’s immature!
Before he could speak, Leo on the opposite end revealed a
wretched and cruel smile, “But, I accept your provocation.”
Vice-chairman: “…….”
I’m just here to fetch a damned corpse, do you really need to be
like this?! I really can’t understand you married men!
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Chapter 127
Source: KK Translates


The doctor was right, the prisoner’s condition was already very
poor. Half an hour later, the machine could no longer detect any
brainwaves and the doctor announced that the prisoner was brain
On the other side, the chairman finally let off the unfortunate vice-
chairman and turned around and left.
The vice-chairman stood there for a while with an ugly expression
before turning around to look at the others who tried to act like they
were part of the background.
Everyone: “………”
If I said I didn’t see anything, would you believe me?
Anyway, they were colleagues. Although Leo wanted to beat the
other party up, he still restrained himself and only crushed the vice-
chairman who had never been on a battlefield with his spiritual
power before turning and leaving.
The vice-chairman had never been so embarrassed in his life and
he almost couldn’t get back up. He fixed his tie and walked over to
the prisoner.
After the brain death was declared, the doctor had turned off the
life-sustaining machine. Lying on the bed right now was a corpse
with no signs of life left.
Recalling the words of the professors at the research institute, the
vice-chairman’s expression sank and he finally became more
serious, “Take him away. Send him directly to the research
The people following after the vice-chairman bowed his head and
stepped forward to pick up the body.
On the other side, when Leo returned home it was just past nine
o’clock and Joey had already gone to bed. Chi Zhao who had finished
reading the bedtime story for the day had just sat down in the living
room on the first floor to find something to watch but before he
could find something interesting, the door opened.
Chi Zhao raised his head, “Why are you so late? Your dinner…..”
Before he could finish, there was a gust of wind and his body was
suddenly lifted. He let out a startled cry and quickly grabbed Leo’s
neck. The latter didn’t say anything and proceeded to carry him
“What are you doing? Not eating?!”
Hearing this, Leo’s gaze darkened several folds. His footsteps
stopped and he looked down at Chi Zhao in his arms, “Not eating.
Eating you.”
Chi Zhao was left dumbfounded with his mouth half open. He
didn’t understand what was going on. Didn’t Leo just head out to
check on a prisoner? And it was also one who as dying. How could
such a serious matter make him excited?
Although Chi Zhao often referred to Leo as a pervert and psycho
inside, he were just joking. But right now, Chi Zhao was a little
Seeing Chi Zhao’s expression turn stranger and stranger, Leo was
silent for a moment and then proceeded to explain to stop Chi Zhao’s
increasingly dangerous thoughts.
“I just met someone and remembered something bad. I don’t
want to see another person looking at you with coveting
It didn’t take Chi Zhao long to understand what Leo was talking
about. After all, they had only met a number of times and only the
encounter with the vice-chairman could barely match with Leo’s
words just now. But although he said the vice-chairman was
frivolous, he definitely wasn’t coveting him and was at most just a
little interested.
Leo held him as if he was holding a piece of cotton and it didn’t
affect his movement or speed at all. When Chi Zhao was placed on
the bed and saw that the fluffy head was about to come closer, he
helplessly pushed him away and opened his mouth to speak. Leo
however somehow knew what he was going to say.
Leo said with a dark expression, “I don’t care. If anyone looks
at you with those kinds of eyes, I will definitely want to break
their neck. To prevent it from happening, we must form a bond
Chi Zhao: “……..”
Making it sound so grand and solemn. For those who aren’t
involved, they would think that you’re making a great sacrifice or
Chi Zhao didn’t object to it, but Leo’s serious expression gave him
an urge to laugh. He raised his brows, “Forming a bond would
Of course, it would. That way, others will know that Chi Zhao was
taken. Their individual pheromones would fuse together and the
oppressiveness from a dark sentinel wasn’t a joke. When the time
comes, as long as they smell the scent from Chi Zhao’s body, it would
directly scare away 99% of people with impure thoughts.
During the silent stare down, Chi Zhao understood Leo’s
thoughts. He laughed, “My dear chairman, don’t you know that
there are people in this world who like to go after married
Chi Zhao chuckled lightly and tilted his head as he poked Leo’s
chest with a single finger. Seeing that he wasn’t speaking, he pressed
his entire palm against it. Through his palm, he could feel the
powerful explosive power from under the clothes. Chi Zhao couldn’t
help but lick his lips.
After five years of absence, that body of the chairman’s was still
just as marvellous.
Grasping that dishonest hand, Leo moved his hand over to the
place above his heart. The slight vibration from the heartbeat
quickly transmitted through Chi Zhao’s hands and it didn’t take long
for Chi Zhao’s heartbeat to beat at the same frequency as Leo’s.
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They were both fast and powerful.
Chi Zhao raised his head and looked up at Leo who was half
propped up on top of him. The latter held his wrist and brought it
hand over to his lips. He landed a heavy kiss on the back of his hand
and then bit by bit kissed along it to the tips of each finger. As he did
this, his eyes were still fixated on Chi Zhao who flinched slightly as if
he wanted to withdraw his hand but also as if he was reluctant to
move away.
After doing this, Leo answered Chi Zhao’s last question, “It’s
okay. If you really encounter a situation like that, I will naturally
kill them.”
“No one can covet my treasure unless they want to die.”
The next day, Chi Zhao sat at the dinner table drinking porridge.
Of course, with his current state, he could only drink porridge.
Recalling the battle last night, Chi Zhao felt a headache oncoming.
The Leo back then was already very energetic and five years later,
the chairman not only didn’t get older, but he had instead developed
himself further.
Being a dark sentinel’s partner was very difficult. If this
continued, Chi Zhao wondered if he could live past thirty in this
The culprit who didn’t think he did anything wrong had been in a
very good mood ever since he woke up and would occasionally kiss
his wife and occasionally hug his son. Chi Zhao and Joey didn’t have
to do anything because he had already prepared everything.
After breakfast, the family of three planned to go to the Marriage
Registration Centre. Chi Zhao stirred the porridge in his bowl and
listened to the father and son talk.
“What is the Marriage Registration Centre?”
“It’s a place that can turn us into a family.”
“If we don’t register, we’re not a family?”
“Legally speaking, that is the case.”
Hearing this, Joey turned and looked at Chi Zhao, “Then dad,
hurry and get us registered. I don’t think you registered the two
of us either.”
Chi Zhao: “………”
Leo’s originally loving expression changed in an instant. He
pinched Joey’s little face, “Silly child, your dad is my guide. If you
want to register, you have to find another guide.”
Joey patted Leo’s hand and Leo finally let go. Chi Zhao pushed
aside the bowl of porridge, “How are you so certain that Joey is a
sentinel? He might be a guide in the future.” Although those
characteristics only begin to show after the age of ten, there are
signs which could be seen since early age and it was because of this
that Leo was very certain, “Joey is a sentinel, and he is a dark
Chi Zhao frowned, “How do you know?”
He also looked at Joey but no matter how he looked, he couldn’t
see any signs of a dark sentinel on him. On the contrary, because he
looked more like a girl, Chi Zhao felt that he would probably be a
guide in the future.
“Because he is very fit physically.”
After saying this, Leo’s eyes lingered on Joey’s hands for a while.
The physical fitness of a guide was generally poor, and the
physical fitness of a sentinel was generally very high. The better the
physical fitness of a sentinel, the more powerful their spiritual
power. There were however some exceptions where a physically
strong sentinel has weak spiritual powers instead but there had
never been sentinels with powerful spiritual powers but a weak
Joey’s spiritual power was no less than that of his parents and as
for his physique, although he was still too young and many aspects
cannot be properly assessed, there was one thing that Leo had
noticed a while ago.
—— Joey could hold onto the spiritual bodies of others with his
bare hands.
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A spiritual body was an illusionary figure that existed in this
world in a special state. To give a rather inappropriate example, it
was almost like a ghost.
What could deal with these ghosts are other similarly invisible
and intangible objects such as spells and formations, but Joey didn’t
need those, let alone his own spiritual power. He could catch them
with his bare hands and could firmly control them and stop them
from escaping.
Chi Zhao’s Little Red was often held by Joey and Leo’s black wolf
was also caught once by him. Joey didn’t want the black wolf to leave
so he reached out to grab its leg and almost made it trip.
That was actually a very frightening thing. So far, only dark
sentinels could do this. It was like a talent unique to dark sentinels
and it would become more and more powerful with age.
Leo remembered that he only managed to do it when he was eight
years old. Joey was less than five this year and he was already able
to easily touch his spiritual body.
As expected of his son, he was very gifted!
Leo had completely forgotten about his words of warning to his
son just now and his gaze became more and more proud. Chi Zhao
was still waiting for him to explain what he said just now but after
waiting for a long time, he was certain that Leo had completely
forgotten about the conversation.
Chi Zhao: “…….” Idiot.
When they arrived at the Marriage Registration Centre, children
were not allowed to go in. They left Joey outside and left their
spiritual bodies with him as well to keep him company. Like this,
Joey sat obediently outside, waiting for his two fathers to come out.
There were all kinds of couples sitting near him. Everyone had come
to get married and form a happy family and when they suddenly
saw a child as lovely as Joey, they couldn’t help but get excited.
At first, they just stared at him but they later couldn’t restrain
their hands.
“What a cute child! What is your name? Did you come with
your family?”
“Oh my, this sensation. It feels like him touching an angel’s
face…..Wuwuwuwu husband, I also want a baby.”
This kind of situation wasn’t uncommon for little Joey. Although
he didn’t speak much, everything he said hit the right mark for the
adults and it didn’t take long for Joey to receive a bunch of rewards
including snacks, a hat, a pair of sunglasses and of course more
loving hugs.
Little Red wasn’t worried but the black wolf was a little anxious. It
knew that these people had no malicious intentions, but it still
wanted to drive them away. Joey politely thanked everyone and
silently moved to the side, along the way tugging at the black wolf to
quiet down.
Suddenly, his actions stopped, and he turned to look out the
There was a slimy and ugly looking alien-like thing staring at him
through the window. Joey was stunned. When he blinked again, that
thing had disappeared. The moment that thing disappeared, a man
sitting on a chair in a humble abode somewhere on the main star
opened his eyes.
While he sat in a chair, there was another person standing next to
him. If Leo and Chi Zhao was here, they would instantly recognise
the two of them. They were the extremists who had escaped from
the terrorist attack the other day and the one standing was the
leader at the time.
Seeing that he had opened his eyes, the leader frowned. He didn’t
like this behaviour, but this person had a higher status in the
organisation than him and he could only listen to his orders.
He didn’t have a good feeling. As expected, the man smiled in
“As expected, it’s really good.”
After saying that, he glanced at the leader. The greed and
wickedness in his eyes were almost overflowing, “I want that child.
Go and bring him to me.”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 128
Source: KK Translates


The leader had anticipated such an order, but he was still

reluctant to do it. Although everyone here are extremists, there was
still a difference between how crazy they can get. He had joined the
group because he wanted to enjoy the pleasure of killing, not
kidnapping and hurting a child less than five years old.
To do something and to not do something, even as a extremist, he
still had some principles he abided to. He wasn’t like the man in
front of him who would do anything to achieve his goals.
The leader was silent for a second before replying calmly, “I
can’t do it. That child is Leopold’s son and besides Leopold, there
is also a deeply hidden guide. That family of three always go
around together and there is only one of me. I won’t be able to
After saying those words in one breath, the leader thought he
would be beaten and scolded but only the man’s expression
darkened a few degrees as if he recalled some unpleasant memories.
After a long silence, he reached out and opened a virtual screen.
He pulled up information about all the members of the Grenoch
family and quickly screened out the useless ones before stopped at a
photo of a man in a military uniform.
Rubbing his chin, he asked, “Who is this person?”
“The eldest son of the Grenoch family and also an illegitimate
child. He is in the military.”
After a pause, the leader added another two lines, “He and
Leopold are known to be mortal enemies. He has always wanted
to replace Leopold.”
That man immediately laughed, “Seems like this gentleman
should be a good friend of ours.”
Tapping on the virtual screen, the man narrowed his eyes,
“Find a way to bring this person over. No, invite him over.”
Faria was also a member of the Grenoch family so in the end, this
person still wanted that child.
But as long as he didn’t ask him to get the child himself, the leader
had no objections. He glanced at the person on the virtual screen
indifferently and nodded, “Understood.”
The unexpected appearance of that strange creature didn’t attract
too much of Joey’s attention and because Little Red and the black
wolf didn’t show any reactions, Joey felt that he may have seen
wrong or that it was just a non-threatening spiritual body.
As such, Joey didn’t tell his parents about it and it was only when
he went to bed at night that he suddenly remembered.
He was lying on the bed and Chi Zhao was sitting next to him.
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“Dad, I saw a very ugly spiritual body today.”
Chi Zhao raised a brow, “You didn’t say that in front of others,
did you?”
Although children can be unrestrained when they speak, if
someone was directly told by the child that their spiritual body was
ugly, it could be quite hurtful.
Joey shook his head, “No, it was gone right after. I thought I
saw wrong.”
Hearing that, Chi Zhao breathed a sigh of relief. He supported his
chin, “Was it really ugly? Tell me, what did it look like?”
Joey’s ability to describe things was limited. He thought hard for a
while before finally figuring out how to describe it, “It’s like a
melted ice-cream with eyes that can also move.”
Chi Zhao: “……..”
That does sound quite bad.
Coming out of Joey’s room, Chi Zhao returned to his bedroom.
Leo was sitting on the bed looking at something. Chi Zhao walked
over and sat next to him, “Joey just told me he saw a particularly
ugly spiritual body today. The description was very abstract. I
didn’t really understand. Are there really creatures like that in
this world…..”
But before he could tell him about the creature’s description, Leo
brought a virtual screen over in front of him, “Do you think the
wedding invitation design here looks good?”
Chi Zhao: “……”
It’s very impolite to be distracted when others are talking okay?!
Giving it a casual glance, Chi Zhao shook his head, “The colour
is too serious. Change it to a brighter one.”
It takes three months to properly prepare a wedding. The
chairman’s break was currently halfway through and the remaining
time was exactly three months so by the time he was done with his
leave, it would be his wedding.
When the speaker of the senate received the wedding invitation,
he also received an application for a wedding leave and an
application for a honeymoon leave. The application execution time
was to start the moment his current annual leave ends.
Speaker: “……..”
Too shameless! How could someone be on break for eight months
If they were a private company, they would’ve fired an employee
like that a long time ago!
Leo who was being complained about didn’t feel shameless at all.
If he really wanted to be shameless then he would have also taken
the paternity leave he had not taken when Joey was born and by
then it wouldn’t be eight months and would be an entire year
The speaker finally realised the importance of improving social
welfare as proposed by the house of representatives last year. They
were right. It was indeed not good for social welfare to be too
developed because there would always be shameless people who
would try and take advantage of it.
Most of Leo’s acquaintances received an invitation. The older one
gets, the stronger their desire to let everyone know of their
marriage. If it weren’t for Chi Zhao stopping him, Leo would have
also wanted to broadcast their wedding online to the entire world.
After receiving the invitations, others were either surprised or
emotional but no matter what mood it was, it all eventually turned
into sincere blessing. Even the vice-chairman was no exception.
Those who received the invitation were like this, but it was
different for those who didn’t receive one.
This was especially so for the Grenoch and Mayswen family.
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As the family of the two grooms, no one in the family received an
invitation. If anyone heard this, they would think that they were
joking. The Mayswen family was okay, they comforted themselves
with some dark thoughts and believed that Leo actually didn’t like
Noah and only married Noah because he was dying and couldn’t find
a suitable guide.
And since Noah had a child outside of wedlock, the two of them
would suffer from a lot of rumours in the future. Their lives
definitely wouldn’t be easy from here onwards.
In summary, they felt that there was nothing to be envious of.
Although it may look bright and beautiful on the outside but who
knew how much hardship there actually was on the inside?
After some self-comforting, the Mayswen family didn’t feel upset
at all. On the other end, the Grenoch family wasn’t able to dismiss it
that easily.
Leo had ignored them many times, but the other party still
persisted. In the end, Chi Zhao couldn’t stand it anymore, “If you
don’t ignore them, they will still come and find me. If it continues
like that, it’s only going to get more complicated. Why don’t you
talk to them properly and sort it out completely?”
Leo raised a brow, “Just like you?”
Chi Zhao shrugged, “If you want to, you can.”
Chi Zhao and the Mayswen family weren’t real family so he was
able to easily cut off their relationship. Leo was different. He had
feelings with those people, and he had been living in that circle for
many years. He probably won’t be as resolute as Chi Zhao on this
Two days ago, Chi Zhao had taken Joey to the Resident
Information Centre and changed Joey’s name to Joey Grenoch. Leo
watched him do this on the side without stopping him.
This basically meant that he still saw himself as a descendant of
the Grenoch family and he just didn’t like his father who plays
Leo was silent for a while. He finally nodded, “I’ll go talk to him.”
“Should I go with you?”
Leo smiled, “No need, I can handle it myself. I also don’t want
you to go there. Those people don’t deserve to see you.”
Leo would occasionally say arrogant words like this, but Chi Zhao
had almost grown used to it. In any case, he didn’t really want to
accompany him and had only asked out of politeness.
Chi Zhao replied naturally, “It’s fine if you don’t need me, I
don’t have time to accompany you anyway. Tomorrow is the
admission interview. I have to review with Joey.”
“How are you going to review……”
With Joey’s intelligence and skill, let alone review, he probably
would be able to pass without even needing to prepare.
Chi Zhao glared at him, “It’s better to do it just in case. Being
overly confident can sometimes backfire. Be careful or one day it
will backfire onto you.”
Leo: “…….”
Chi Zhao was someone who would review for an exam for three
months in advance for just a level four exam. For greater
convenience when he goes abroad or when he goes into
postgraduate studies, he had set himself a goal to get more than 600
points in the exam. He could originally get 600 points just doing it
but to be extra certain, he reviewed furiously for three months.
If I’m so strict on myself, it’ll be the same for my son.
Early the next morning, Leo came to the Grenoch residence alone.
The interview was in the afternoon. He had planned to get this
sorted as quickly as possible and then going to join his wife and
Unlike the times before, Leo didn’t have a very cold attitude this
time and instead looked more easy-going and approachable. He had
originally thought that this meeting might turn out better than his
previous attempts but contrary to his expectations, when Leo left,
his father’s expression was still very unsightly.
Because of this, Leo’s mind was broadened. He already had a real
family so there was no need to feel guilty about throwing away such
a fake family here.
Standing at the door of the study and looking at Leo’s back, Leo’s
father looked a lot older. At this moment he realised that he was
really going to lose his son.
As he walked through the living room, Leo casually glanced at the
person nearby. Faria was standing together with his parents with
who knows what thoughts in his mind.
His hands behind his back were tightly clenched and it meant that
he was currently making a very difficult choice. Leo never cared
about this cheap older brother of his so he withdrew his gaze
indifferently and then strode out the house.
That action of his fell into Faria’s eyes and a familiar feeling of
neglect and indifference instantly struck Faria’s nerves.
That’s right. As long as Leopold was around, others would treat
him like this. Just like air.
Looking darkly at the door, he loosened his clenched hands and
soon after that, his expression also relaxed.
It was because he had already made his decision.
On the other end, at the Anthony School of Education in the noble
district, Chi Zhao was stopped by a young and sunny man.
“Noah, I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Chi Zhao turned around but he didn’t know who the other party
was. He could only vaguely respond, “Ah….long time no see. What
are you doing here?”
That man smiled, “I have been working here since I
After saying that, his gaze moved to Joey and the smile on his face
“Is this your child?”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 129
Source: KK Translates


The person Chi Zhao ran into was Noah’s junior brother from
when he was attending this school. Both were under the same
professor, but Noah was a PhD student, and this junior brother was
doing his Masters.
There was a higher chance of making a mistake if he continued
speaking. Chi Zhao didn’t want to have anything to do with a friend
of the original owner so after a casual greeting, he used the excuse of
needing to bring his child to the interview to leave.
Hearing his words, the junior brother immediately smiled
gracefully, “I’ll take you there. There are many people today. If
you go there early, you can leave the interviewing teacher with a
good impression.”
Thinking that it sounded reasonable, Chi Zhao gently hooked up
his lips, “Then, thank you in advance.”
When Leo arrived, he was met with this scene.
His legal partner was smiling kindly at another single sentinel
who was both young and handsome. That sentinel had his head
lowered slightly and his gaze was focused on Chi Zhao’s face.
From a dozen metres away, Chi Zhao could already feel the chill
emanating from a certain dark sentinel. He looked over helplessly
and when Leo walked over, he said, “Let me introduce you. This is
my junior brother.”
Junior brother.
Hah, are there still pure relationship between junior and senior
brothers these days?
Leo’s heart was about to collapse from all the vinegar inside him.
Chi Zhao ignored him and turned back to the junior brother, “This is
my husband. You should already know his name, so I won’t
introduce him.”
The moment the word husband was spoken, the cold air coming
out from Leo immediately stopped and it was then slowly stored
away. The junior brother looked at Leo only to see that the latter
had his eyes fixated on Noah. Seeing this, he smiled nicely, “Yes, Mr
Chairman. Hello.”
When other people see Leo suddenly appearing, they would all
feel uncomfortable. After all, it was the chairman, a big shot most
people would never be able to reach. This junior brother however
didn’t show any particular reaction the entire time and he
considerately guided the family of three to the interview site before
Chi Zhao felt that this person was a little interesting, so he said
casually, “That young man is pretty good. He’s still so calm even
after seeing you.”
Leo was holding Joey’s hand and was originally looking at the big
screen ahead. Hearing Chi Zhao’s words, he immediately turned his
head back. It was so fast, it was as if an enemy army had suddenly
invaded this place.
Chi Zhao: “……I was actually complimenting you, you couldn’t
Leo was silent for a moment.
“He’s the eldest son of the Sialaya family. His father is the CEO
of the Sialaya Planetary System.”
In other words, that person was also a rich second generation
with dozens of planets waiting to be inherited. People like this have
seen all sorts of big shots so seeing someone like Leo wasn’t a big
Chi Zhao didn’t expect the junior brother to have a background
like this but in any case, what did it have to do with him?
And so, Chi Zhao only let out a nonchalant hum and no longer
Seeing that he really didn’t care about that rich second generation
just now, the last haze in Leo’s heart was also gone. He secretly
hooked his lips up and turned to look back at the screen.
On the other end, the rich second generation they were talking
about didn’t go straight home after leaving the school. Instead, he
arrived at a civilian area and entered a very small restaurant. After
going around for a while, he found the person he was looking for
sitting in a hidden space in there taking an afternoon nap.
This person was the leader of the extremists who had been
controlling them from the shadows.
“Faria just gave me an answer.”
The person with closed eyes instantly raised his eyelids, “He
“Of course.” He answered both confidently and arrogantly. With
someone as stupid as Faria, he had never even considered the
possibility of him refusing.
Pulling up a chair and sitting on it backwards, he saw looked over
at the man standing there, “You give the item to him and then
come back. When it’s all done, you can go kill him.”
The leader had no objections over killing Faria but he didn’t
understand, “To kill him so soon, is he that useless?”
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That sunny and bright looking junior brother chuckled and
nodded, “That’s right. The Grenoch family can only have one heir
and that hair can only be our dear little Joey. Someone like Faria
who is ambitious but stupid is useless.”
Hearing this, the leader looked blankly at the man in front of him
and then showed a knowing smile.
Those who are useless and not strong enough should die.
That was the truth these extremists believed in.
The interview was divided into several rounds. Today was just the
first test and Joey performed very well. After the family of three
returned home, Chi Zhao who was in a good mood for once went
into the kitchen and stayed as an assistant for Leo.
Chi Zhao said as he wiped the dishes, “After the last round of
interviews, it will be the wedding. When the wedding is over, the
three of us should have a holiday at a resort. Anyway, there are still
two months left before school. During those two months you should
also stop thinking about work and take a break. The environment
will help with healing your spiritual mind. I will try to take care of all
the scars in your spiritual mind during those two months.
After chattering for a while, Chi Zhao didn’t hear Leo’s answer. He
turned to look only to see that Leo was looking at him with a strange
Chi Zhao was puzzled, “What’s wrong?”
Leo shook his head, “Nothing.”
He just felt a little……unaccustomed to this.
Everything had gone too smoothly. Except for the fact that he
wasn’t able to find this person for the past five years, everything
that happened later was as if the heavens suddenly wanted to do
something good for him and gave him a huge luck buff. Without
much effort he had attained everything he wanted, and his life was
filled with so much happiness…….it was so good that it almost felt
Although it may sound like the words of a masochist, Leo really
felt that things shouldn’t be going this smoothly and that his life
shouldn’t have anything to do with the word happiness.
When did that start to change?
It was probably ever since his little guide appeared.
No matter how well Chi Zhao knew Leo, it was impossible for him
to understand everything he was thinking. He placed down the plate
in his hand, walked over to Leo and tiptoed to kiss his chin, “I’m
going to the bathroom. You can finish this off yourself. Call me
when the food is ready.”
No matter how many worlds he had gone through, Chi Zhao’s
cooking skills still hadn’t improved, and he also didn’t like being in
this small kitchen space. Leo wasn’t surprised. He lowered his head
and pecked his partner’s pale pink lips before chuckling lowly,
“Alright, go on.”
A week later, it was the next round of interviews. Leo originally
wanted to accompany his wife and child, but he suddenly received a
call from the vice-chairman.
Although he didn’t like the vice-chairman, Leo could tell that
something must have happened, or the vice-chairman would not
have called him directly.
Chi Zhao didn’t show any reaction. It was just an interview. It
wasn’t anything important, so it didn’t matter whether Leo came or
not. And so, he alone took Joey out and Leo went to the Genetics
Research Institute.
From the moment he entered through the door, Leo’s expression
wasn’t too good. After he entered, his eyes fell directly onto the vice-
chairman. Although he didn’t say anything, everyone immediately
understood what he was thinking.
—— It better be important, or I will beat you into a fool.
Vice-chairman: “……”
Barbaric! Vulgar! Violent beast!
Before the vice-chairman could speak, a middle-aged man next
to him walked over and nodded at Leo, “Hello Chairman, I am the
leader of the Sentinel Gene Anomaly Research Group. The vice-
chairman is the person overseeing our project. I asked him to call
for you.”
The vice-chairman scowled and said, “There was a new
development in the research, and it seems to be related to the
extremists you have been dealing with, so I want to combine
these two projects into one and allow information from each end
to be shared openly.”
Leo frowned, “Then you should apply through the speaker first
and then contact my secretary.”
“……….By the time those steps are taken, the enemy would have
already disappeared! Besides, haven’t you been on break for a
while now? It should be time for you to come back to work.”
As the politicians spoke, the bookish researcher leader next to
him was watching on. Seeing that they have been talking for a
while without touching on the important topic, he pulled the vice-
chairman away and said anxiously, “Don’t talk nonsense! Vice-
chairman, our research group was established three years ago.
In those past three years we have been studying the issue of
genetic mutation and modification in sentinels because our team
leader saw that some sentinels were in strange conditions
following their deaths and may have been involved with genetic
modification. Of course, those were what we thought at first. The
first sample was discovered eight years ago and the most recent
one was from two days ago. The method of death for both were
the same and with the same characteristics. Today we suddenly
noticed that this wasn’t genetic modification but murder! The
person committing these murders is probably still on the main
star, currently plotting to kill his next victim!”
After saying all of this in one breath, the research leader was
almost deprived of oxygen. Leo looked at him with furrowed brows
and didn’t say anything. It was obvious that he was letting the
information sink in.
The vice-chairman had no dignity here in this place and had
long grown used to being dragged around. He quickly continued
the research leader’s words and said, “The above are all
speculations but I would rather believe it than dismiss it. The
sample from two days ago was one of the extremists who had
tried to escape after being captured. Of the thirteen samples we
have studied, five of them were extremists. We believe that the
culprit has something to do with the extremists and may be
someone at the top or their enemy.”
After all this talk and seeing that there was no response from Leo,
the researcher who had just caught his breath frowned. But before
he could speak, Leo asked, “What are the common characteristics
“They were all level one sentinels ranging from the age of
eighteen to twenty-three. The cause of death is brain death. After
autopsy, it was discovered that it wasn’t due to gradual
deterioration but a sudden loss. To use an analogy, it’s like
someone had dug out their brains.”
Please read this from kk translates
At first, they had thought that someone was carrying out
experiments on these sentinels that involved genetic modification of
spiritual powers. Something like this was absolutely forbidden and
that was why they paid so much attention on this matter. They had
studied day and night to find out what exactly they were doing but
they had been unsuccessful.
The vice-chairman and his subordinates have been on this matter
for many years, but it was all for naught. When the vice-chairman
brought back the body from Leo a while back, that was their first
time receiving such a fresh test subject. This test subject had also
been alive with Leo for a while and that meant that they could also
get information about his vitals from when he was still alive.
It was this information that allowed for them to realise that they
had been thinking in the wrong direction the entire time. From the
beginning, there was no genetic modification and no secret
organisation. There was only a very terrible, mutant sentinel.
With the result right in front of them, it was self-evident what his
mutant ability was.
“The specific name is not known yet but what is certain is that
the other party has the ability to eat, destroy or absorb another
person’s spiritual mind and those that he can destroy are level
one sentinels. That basically means that he should at least be a
dark sentinel.”
Dark sentinels and level one sentinels are not the same. The latter
requires only a small team to capture while the former requires the
involvement of an entire army and even then, there would be large-
scale casualties involved.
And this was when they deal with an ordinary dark sentinel. If
they were to capture a mutated dark sentinel…..
The research leader’s expression was very grim. He didn’t
continue speaking. The vice-chairman sighed gently, “What I’m
most worried about is his purpose of doing all this. For
example…..was it to become stronger?”
That was the most terrifying kind of speculation. The other party
was already strong enough and if he could get stronger by devouring
others, wouldn’t he become an existence that even the heavens
cannot go against?
The others looked worried, but Leo felt that something didn’t
seem right.
He heard the vice-chairman opposite him ask, “You have spent
a lot of time dealing with these extremists. There should be a few
dark sentinels in their organisation. Are any of them likely to be
this mutant sentinel?”
Leo shook his head.
A dark sentinel was originally very rare. At present, Leo only
knew of three. One of them had died a long time ago and he had seen
the remaining two. Leo was certain that those two didn’t have any
mutant abilities.
The room fell silent. Leo raised his eyes and looked around the
laboratory. Everything here was related to that project and a lot of
data was recorded on the virtual walls.
After Leo glanced at it casually, he looked back and stared at it
more intently.
The wall was very high and in the upper left corner, there were
thirteen photos with personal information recorded next to it. Leo
walked over, selected the pictures and zoomed in.
The communicator sounded twice. Leo glanced at it, turned it off
and then pointed at the first picture on the wall, “Why is he here?”
The research leader looked at the picture, “He was the first test
subject found. Why?”
Leo’s actions stopped. He looked at the leader, “You said……he
was a test subject?”
The leader was stunned for a moment, “Yes, what’s the problem.”
The man in the picture was very young when he died. Leo glanced
at his picture again before turning to look back at the others.
“Weren’t all your subjects level one sentinels? This person is a
dark sentinel.”
A moment of silence followed.
The research leader immediately refuted, “Impossible! We
used genetic testing to determine his physical fitness level. He is
a level one sentinel and his physique is the lowest level for a level
one sentinel. I personally tested it and he——”
Halfway through his words, the research leader suddenly fell
What if he was a mutant dark sentinel?
If even the genes were changed, nothing else could be certain.
There was not a single person here with an IQ lower than 180.
Ever since the leader stopped speaking, all their brains started
working at a rapid speed.
If the first person wasn’t the victim but the perpetrator, then the
previous assumption of being ‘eaten up’ no longer worked.
The victims are all level one sentinel and all very young. These
people have one thing in common — they have not been affected by
Mania. Even if they had symptoms, they were mild and didn’t
require a guide’s assistance.
Since he didn’t need a guide then as long as he didn’t want it,
others wouldn’t be able to see his spiritual mind and spiritual body.
With that, he would be able to conceal himself very well.
Of the pictures on the wall, five of the thirteen people were
government officials or senior military officials. It was because these
people were involved that this project was held with high
importance and it was also why they hadn’t withdrawn the funds for
it over the past three years.
Everyone suddenly felt a chill down their backs.
The stunned research leader who was left dumbstruck for a while
muttered, “If it’s not being eaten then…….”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 130
Source: KK Translates


“If that was the case then it makes sense why the victims are
young sentinels. Everyone would subconsciously reject external
spiritual powers but the younger they are, the lower the
compatibility between the spirit and the body and, similarly, the
likelihood of rejection of foreign forces is also lower.”
Every once in a while, victims were born. It probably wasn’t only
because the other party had changed targets but also because the
body was beginning to show signs of rejections and he had no choice
but to change bodies.
As for the hostage incident some time ago, it was now clear that
those extremists didn’t have any intention to exchange hostages but
had instead wanted to use that opportunity for that person to be
exposed to a suitable host to move on to.
From the very beginning, they had been played around by those
The research assistant still didn’t quite understand, “Since they
have escaped, why aren’t they leaving? For him to stay here, does
it mean that he has his eyes on someone’s body again?”
No one answered him. The research assistant frowned, “Also,
why hasn’t he ever parasitised on a dark sentinel? Chairman,
haven’t you dealt with him before? At that time, you were also
young but why didn’t he attack you?”
It wasn’t that he didn’t attack, it was because he was unable to
That black sentinel was called Evan. Although he had a very
powerful mutant ability, he had a fatal flaw and that was —– Poor
physique. It was also because of this flaw that he planned to change
into a different body and at that time he had his eyes on Leo. But
after a short exchange, he realised that he wasn’t Leo’s opponent at
all. If he hadn’t retreated quickly, he might have died there on the
Even if he survived, he wasn’t in a good state. The original body
was completely rendered useless by Leo’s black mist and his
spiritual mind was also affected for a long time.
As a last resort, he could only abandon his original body and
parasitise a level one sentinel.
A level one sentinel could only be used for a short period of time
— up to two years. After two years, he had to move onto a new
body. Some lasted for two years while others only lasted for a few
months before he was rejected by the body.
During his parasitic process, he needed to forcibly invade the
other party’s spiritual mind which was equivalent to killing the
opponent mentally and then transferring his own spiritual mind into
that body. The remaining spiritual power of the original owner
would then automatically form a protective shield to prevent him
from being rejected by the body.
It took several years for Evan to discover that the ability to stay in
a body for a long time had little to do with the person’s physique or
age and was instead strongly linked to their spiritual power.
If the other party’s spiritual power was very strong, then after
their death, the remaining spiritual power could protect him for a
long time but if the other party’s spiritual power was very weak, it
would very quickly dissipate and once it was all gone, he would be
rejected by the body.
A young body did indeed have a lower chance of rejection, but it
was spiritual powers that really played a decisive role.
In other words, if he wanted to remain in a body for a long time,
he still needed to find a dark sentinel.
It was an endless loop. At the beginning, his physique was very
poor, and he couldn’t fight against a dark sentinel so he was stuck in
a situation where he had to change his body every once in a while,
but even after changing his body, he still couldn’t beat a dark
sentinel. Unless, of course, he could find a dark sentinel who was
weaker than him.
Just when he thought there was no hope, he discovered Joey.
When he saw Joey holding a little red bird, Evan knew that the
person he was looking for had appeared. Although Joey was still
very young, after so many years of changing bodies, Evan was
confident that he could easily disguise himself as a child without
letting others notice.
And the identity of this child was just perfect; he was a
descendent of a dark sentinel and would naturally also be a dark
sentinel in the future. He was also an heir of the Grenoch family.
Everything was simply working in his favour.
By using this identity, he could do many things for his
organisation including overturning the current regime.
Evan had it all planned out. He first contacted Faria, took
advantage of the other’s inferiority complex and dark personality
and gave him a drug. That drug was the drug Noah had used on Leo
back then and it was something that could make a dark sentinel
temporarily lose their mind and awareness.
Evan’s task for Faria was to kill Leo but Evan never held any
expectations on Leo actually getting killed. He only needed Leo to
take that drug and once that was done, the terrorist leader would
come out from hiding and kill both Leo and Faria together.
He himself parasitised the eldest son of the Sialaya family and
borrowed his identity as an educator to get close to Chi Zhao to
create an opportunity to be alone with Joey. Once an opportunity
arises, he would silently parasitise Joey’s body without Chi Zhao
noticing and be taken home with him. Following that, the news of
Leopold and Faria’s death would be reported.
Please read this from kk translates
This child was too young and needed a guardian, so Evan never
considered killing Chi Zhao. After all, Chi Zhao looked like a typical
golden-haired fool and using him as a shield wasn’t a bad idea.
Everything went smoothly but Even didn’t expect the vice-
chairman to suddenly appear and there was also something else that
suddenly appeared in the midst of his plans.
At this time, Chi Zhao and Evan were still sitting in the lounge.
Today, the junior brother was the teacher in charge of guiding the
students and their parents, so they followed him and entered a
relatively quiet lounge and waited there to be called back to
continue with the rest of the tests.
Chi Zhao was completely unaware that his son was in danger.
Suddenly, his communicator sounded. When he picked it up to look,
he saw that it was a message from the school asking for parents to
go and confirm the child’s name and number as well as the time for
the test.
What was strange was that the message specifically stated that
only parents were allowed to go.
Chi Zhao frowned and looked at his junior brother, “I can’t take
Joey with me?”
The junior brother nodded gently, “If a child follows along, it
can get too messy. The next one is also a written exam. It’s best
for the child to stay in the lounge so that they are in their best
There were a lot of children here preparing for the test. Other
children stayed in lounges in groups of twos and threes, but the
junior brother very enthusiastically provided them with a room just
for them.
With a slight frown, Chi Zhao stood up, “Okay, I’ll head over.
Joey, you stay here.”
Joey nodded. The junior brother stood up, “Don’t worry, I’ll be
here too.”
Chi Zhao smiled. He seemed to trust his junior brother but the
next second he silently released Little Red.
As soon as the little red bird appeared, it flew towards Joey. The
corners of Evan’s lips couldn’t help but twitch as he watched that
pheasant stumble around.
He was clearly a very powerful guide but why was his spiritual
body like this? It was just a low IQ pheasant with the only advantage
of being plump and delicious looking.
That’s right, Evan had thought that Little Red was a pheasant and
had never taken it seriously.
On the other end at the Genetic Research Institute, Leo finally
managed to put together the clues. Parasitism, young level one
sentinels, the reason why he’s staying on the main star despite the
danger and a particularly ugly spiritual body.
Suddenly, the usually calm chairman rushed out. Seeing this, the
vice-chairman was confused for a moment before quickly realising
that he was onto something and hurried to catch up. The research
leader similarly anxiously chased after the two of them.
Only the research assistant was left in the institute. He blinked
blankly a few times and only realised that it was probably better to
go with them a dozen seconds later. Throwing down the things in
his hands and rushing out the door, he found that it was completely
deserted outside. There was not even a car in sight.
Research assistant: “……..”
Wait for me!!
Chi Zhao had left for about a minute. It was estimated that he had
probably already gone downstairs. Evan turned to look at Joey who
was sitting obediently in the chair, “Do you like it here?”
Joey looked back at him, “It’s okay.”
Hearing this, Evan laughed, “You’re actually a pretty
interesting kid. If you didn’t have such an identity and talent, I
would be happy to train you and bring you back to the
Joey tilted his head in confusion. The smile on Evan’s face slowly
deepened and soon, an ugly alien-like spiritual body appeared on
Joey’s shoulder.
Joey’s eyes widened and he reached to get the spiritual body off
his shoulder, but the slimy sensation was very sickening. Little Red
let out a sharp cry that was different from its usual chirps. It was a
cry that carried powerful sound waves powerful enough to not only
affected spiritual bodies, but also their masters. It flapped its wings
and flew up high and proceeded to spray a large ball of fire at Evan’s
spiritual body.
The spiritual body was in pain and the original act of invading
Joey’s spiritual mind was interrupted. Evan didn’t expect the
pheasant to have such a powerful attack and the pain from the
attack just now was directly transmitted from his spiritual body to
him hurting him to the point that he couldn’t open his eyes for a
Evan’s expression instantly darkened and it was no longer the
gentle expression he had earlier. He placed down Joey and got ready
to kill Little Red.
His mutated ability wasn’t just parasitism. He could also destroy.
After all, before parasitising, he would need to completely shatter
the other party’s spiritual mind.
Before he could make a move, the door to the lounge was
suddenly opened. Chi Zhao activated a large spiritual barrier to trap
himself and Evan together, leaving Joey outside and glared furiously
at Evan, “I knew you had bad intentions. What are you……..”
Before he could finish speaking, Chi Zhao noticed his spiritual
body and instantly exclaimed, “What the hell, it really is ugly!”
Evan: “…..”
Even sneered, “Turns out I was discovered. Well, it doesn’t
matter. I can kill you as well. There are many people in the
Grenoch family anyway, I can just find another one to use.”
He had spoken without context and Chi Zhao had no idea what he
meant but he at least knew that what he was saying was definitely
not a good thing. The spiritual pressure in the room soared. Evan
who saw Chi Zhao’s true strength for the first time was indeed very
surprised but he himself was also a dark sentinel. Chi Zhao may be
powerful, but it was nothing in the eyes of a dark sentinel.
In the case of spiritual powers, physical fitness was very
important. He was a guide so his physique would never be able to
match up with the body of a level one sentinel.
And so, Evan was at ease, “I suggest that you stop resisting.
The more you resist, the more painful it will be. If you obediently
accept it, you can at least die faster.”
Hearing this, Chi Zhao sucked in a deep breath.
He rolled up his sleeves and smiled, “It has been a while since
someone dares try to provoke me. Here, call me daddy. Daddy
here will let you feel good.”
Joey who was watching them nervously, “……….” Dad, is this the
right time to find me a brother?
When Chi Zhao noticed that something wasn’t right, he had
immediately called the police. The teachers in the school arrived the
fastest and then it was followed by the police. Leo and the others
were the last to arrive but they weren’t of much help anyway
because Chi Zhao had already set up a spiritual barrier and if anyone
was to try to break through, it would severely affect Chi Zhao’s
spiritual mind.
The teacher who arrived first wanted to take Joey away, but Joey
refused. Suddenly his eyes widened, “Dad, look out behind you!”
Unexpectedly, Evan’s spiritual body could not only parasitise, it
could also split itself. At some unknown point in time, that
disgusting spiritual body had split itself into two and chose the
despicable method of attacking from behind.
Only Joey saw this, others couldn’t see it. Chi Zhao who was
caught in battle naturally didn’t notice it either. Just as he heard his
son’s cry, he felt a sharp pain in his head.
When Leo rushed over, what he saw was the sight of a spiritual
body covered in slime digging into his partner’s head.
Leo’s heart was torn. Chi Zhao wanted to resist but just like Evan
had said, the more he resisted, the more painful it was.
Once it found an opportunity, it was impossible to drive it back
Evan couldn’t parasitise Chi Zhao. He knew this. He also knew that
since his identity was discovered, everything was over, and he
would probably die here today. Since he was going to die, he wanted
to drag someone down with him.
Seeing the horrified expressions of the father and son not far
away, Evan was pleased but before he could laugh his fill, his
expression suddenly stiffened.
Immediately afterwards, he clutched his head in pain, “W-what is
After the system returned to report the outcome of its
competition, it saw a disgusting tentacle reaching into its space.
The system was dumbstruck.
【What the hell is this? Get out! Don’t dirty my bed!】
Then, the system pulled out two strips of data and fiercely
whipped the thing trying to take over its bed.
After quickly reviewing the recordings from earlier, the system
was even more angry. I see, you’re actually trying to kill my host?
Since you’re here, I’ll teach you a lesson!
It wouldn’t be called a good system if it didn’t beat this thing up!
Chi Zhao dazedly watched the system morph into a Hulk-like
appearance, turn strands of data into a mace and used it to violently
beat-up Evan’s spiritual body.
As it did that, it continued to curse.
Please read this from kk translates
【 You dare bully others! You dare be this ugly! Being ugly isn’t
your fault but it’s despicable of you to come out and scare people
with that appearance! How dare you do that!】
As Chi Zhao watched, he suddenly felt that the main system was
right. The system’s source code was indeed very cute. There are so
many zero’s there.
As a system that can change the course of the world, it was a very
formidable existence to ordinary people in the world. It didn’t take
long for the newly split spiritual body to be withdrawn following the
attacks from the system. On the other side, Leo had also broken
through his spiritual barrier and dealt with both the other spiritual
body and Evan. Holding Chi Zhao tremblingly, when he saw him
open his eyes, Leo’s tears were almost about to fall.
Chi Zhao knew that he must’ve been frightened. He quickly
comforted him with a warm voice, “I’m fine, don’t cry. There are
still so many people here.”
Leo didn’t speak. He silently tightened his hold around the person
in his arms, almost suffocating Chi Zhao in the process.
There were still many things that needed to be dealt with. The
vice-chairman asked for the head of the school to send away the
uninvolved people to prevent them from disturbing the family of
three. Once everyone was driven away, the vice-chairman looked at
the two people embracing each other with jealousy.
He also wanted someone to hug.
The chairman was originally insecure and after something like
that happening, for a whole week he didn’t let Chi Zhao go out. No
matter what he did, he stuck to Chi Zhao and it was the same for
Joey too. Chi Zhao could only comfort both the big one and the little
one and was tired to no end because of this.
Only when sleeping at night, Chi Zhao had the chance to talk to the
The system had tried its best and managed to get second place.
Coming first was the very formidable rice cooker. The system was
quite calm about this result, but the main system wasn’t happy and
wanted to interrogate the organiser of the competition.
【 Once I’m done with you, I’ll be resigning. I don’t plan on
continuing as a system, but I will still be working for the same
company. The main system daddy and I signed a new contract. Part
of the money I earn as a singer will be given to the company and the
rest will be my own.】
Chi Zhao listened quietly.
In fact, with his completion speed, Chi Zhao himself was not
confident about being able to succeed in being revived but the
system continued to look confident, as if it had already known about
the ending in advance.
The system wasn’t that smart. It had unintentionally revealed a lot
of information. Chi Zhao felt that he was getting close to the truth,
but he didn’t know what truth it was either.
“Thank you, for saving me.”
When the system heard the words of gratitude, it couldn’t help
but twist around shyly.
【Hey, there’s no need to be polite between us.】
Chi Zhao laughed, “Thank you too, for giving me a chance to
continue living.”
This continue living wasn’t about continuing in this world but for
him to continue living in his original world, although it might still
take some time to get there.
After experiencing so much, even if he couldn’t return to his own
world, Chi Zhao felt that he had lived enough. He had experienced
everything others had never experienced, and he had also lived a life
other people would envy. It was all because the system had chosen
The system was silent for a while.
【Actually…..It’s not me who you should be thankful for.】
It had chosen Chi Zhao, but other hosts were also chosen. They
however weren’t so lucky and had to do things that they didn’t like
to do, deal with people they didn’t like and were forced to accept
another person’s unfortunate life. Chi Zhao was lucky from the very
beginning, but this luck wasn’t because he met the system but
because he met a certain person.
The next world was the last world and their cooperation with No.
6 was about to end. The main system had also said that once No. 6 is
gone, Chi Zhao can also return.
There is always calm before the storm. The system was conflicted
for a while and didn’t know if it should tell Chi Zhao these things.
After thinking for a while, it decided to test out Chi Zhao’s mood
Chi Zhao didn’t respond. After taking a closer look, he had already
fallen asleep.
System: “………”
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: And that’s the end of this arc, the next
arc starts tomorrow! I’m still in the middle of translating the next
arc but for now there are some trigger warnings….(highlight below
to see).
Mentions of child grooming & self-harm
Chapter 131
Source: KK Translates


When Chi Zhao left this world, the problem with extremists was
still not completely resolved but every society was like this and it
was impossible achieving complete peace. There would always be a
few troublemakers who would appear in attempt to disrupt
everyone’s peaceful life.
News of the parasitic incident that year was not made public
because the vice-chairman had worked very quickly to suppress it.
Except for the people involved that day, almost no one else knew
what happened.
But even if it wasn’t known by the public, it didn’t mean that they
would be let off.
From the traitor Faria to the fleeing leader, not one was
overlooked. They were all dealt with properly by Leo. What the
extremists did this time was so horrible, both the father and son
were left with a deep psychological shadow. After Joey grew up, he
became a dark sentinel without much trouble and, when he was
completing his future aspirations form, he didn’t spare it much
thought and wrote that he wanted to enter the most powerful
military academy in the world with the aim to eliminate all the
Of the five worlds, only this one here was the most warm and
plain, living the life most ordinary people would live. When he left,
Chi Zhao still had a faint smile on his face.
【Wasn’t the vacation world great?】
Chi Zhao nodded in agreement, “It is pretty good.”
【How does it feel raising a child?】
“It’s alright.” Chi Zhao raised a brow in thought, “Not as scary
as I thought.”
When the child was born, it was indeed quite chaotic but after
watching the child grow up, the sense of accomplishment in his
heart couldn’t be replaced with anything else.
【That’s good then.】
Those three words seemed to carry hidden meaning. At this
moment, Chi Zhao was still in the transitioning space. Hearing those
words, he looked at the system warily, “What do you mean that’s
good then?”
【It’s nothing. I just felt that it’s good that you don’t dislike raising
children. Alright, no more nonsense. I’ll take you to the next world
now. Get ready.】
Chi Zhao still wanted to ask the system more questions, but the
system had already taken him away. The world before him changed
rapidly. Chi Zhao buffered a little and then opened his eyes.
【 Welcome to the new world. In this world, you have seven
children to raise. Daddy Chi Zhao, please continue working hard in
this world~】
Chi Zhao: “..….Huh?”
【Words aren’t enough to explain. Take a look yourself.】
In this world, the person Chi Zhao must act out is a man called
Wen Xijun and just as the system had said, he has seven children
under his name. Each and every one of these children respectfully
called him father.
Wen Xijun was a very powerful person and is considered as a
bigshot in this world. He was born in a business conglomerate
family and since very early on, his family had both been involved
with legal and illegal matters. When it reached Wen Xijun’s
generation, it no longer had any ties with the underworld, but the
Wen family still retained some of the underworld practices.
There were many heirs in Wen Xijun’s generation but in the end,
it was Wen Xijun himself who got everything. As for the rest of his
brothers and sisters, those that died had died, and those that had
escaped had escaped. In short, no one dared to stay in this country.
Wen Xijun’s actions had instilled deep fear into them. They all
agreed that this man was a madman, and no one would be able to
beat him.
When Wen Xijun became the head of the Wen family, he was only
twenty years old. At twenty, he became alone with not a friend or
relative by his side. This wasn’t good for the Wen Family because
there was not only the Wen Family that existed in this world, but
there were also other families that were evenly matched in power
with the Wen Family. In order to stabilise his position and make it
more convenient in the future, Wen Xijun successfully adopted ten
children from orphanages over the years.
In the first world, Li Yihan had also adopted a child to pretend to
be his heir in order to stabilise his position. From this perspective,
Wen Xijun seemed to be similar to Li Yihan but that was only just
that and in fact, the two are completely different.
Please read this from kk translates
Wen Xijun was a lot more ruthless than Li Yihan.
The ten adopted children all had their own uses. He found the best
teachers and provided the best materials to teach these children the
skills he wanted them to learn. Among these children, some are good
at communication and establishing connections, some are good at
business and some have strong fists. Every child was a chess piece.
As soon as they came of age, they would be sent to their
predetermined positions and are required to work hard for Wen
There was a total of ten children but now there are seven left. The
remaining three had all lost their lives in the process of working
hard for Wen Xijun.
The protagonist was one of these seven children. His name was
Wen Yu.
The ten children had their own names when they came to the
Wen Family but after they came, they had all changed their
surnames to Wen.
“Martyrs hit the jade pot and cherish their old age.” Wen Xijun
named the ten children according to the line from one of Li Bai’s
poems. Eight boys and two girls. Wen Yu was originally the fourth
boy but now he was the second. (KKnotes: 烈士击玉壶、壮心惜暮:
Lie Shi Ji Yu Hu, Zhuang Xin Xi Mu Nian. They’re the names the
children were given)
Wen Yu was different from his other brothers and sisters. He had
a wonderful family before arriving at the Wen Family and it was
only because of an accident that he became an orphan. When he
came over, he was already six years old and he could faintly tell that
the things Wen Xijun was teaching him was wrong, but he was too
young to resist and he also didn’t dare resist.
After growing up, at the age of eighteen when he watched his
youngest brother die in his arms, he suddenly realised that this so-
called father was actually an executioner. Them staying with this
father of theirs was equivalent to staying with a killer. Perhaps one
day, the next person to be slaughtered would be themselves.
When he was young and filled with spirit, Wen Yu had resisted
but he was punished by Wen Xijun. One of his eyes were rendered
blind and he also suffered a lot of inhuman abuse afterwards but no
matter how painful it was, he didn’t make a single sound. This made
Wen Xijun appreciate him a little more.
Originally, Wen Xijun’s favourite child was the eldest Wen Lie but
he later felt that the second child Wen Yu seemed to be pretty good
too and began to bring Wen Yu around with him. When he saw that
Wen Yu was quite beautiful, he even took him to his own bed.
Wen Xijun had a clear heart with no desires and had never had a
relationship with anyone else. Because his father was someone who
would sleep around all the time, he was firm with his decision on
not becoming a beast like his father.
He didn’t want any woman to give birth to his child so if he felt
lonely, he would find a couple of red lipped men to play with. This
play however was only limited to the mind, he didn’t allow anyone
to touch him.
If there was a physical need, he would solve it by himself. He had
lived like this for the past thirty years. Outsiders may think that he
was someone who dislikes physical relationships but in fact, it
wasn’t the physical aspect, he just didn’t like the emotional side
The reason he slept with Wen Yu was very simple; he wanted it.
And since Wen Yu was his child, that is, his belonging, he should
naturally serve him.
Having started off with Wen Yu and getting a taste of it, Wen Xijun
soon laid his hands on another child. These two children are both
his secret lovers and because they were raised by him, they held
respect for him and had no way of resisting.
Wen Yu spurned and hated himself and at the same time, he
looked for ways to resist. Unfortunately, Wen Xijun was a fearsome
character. When he treated you well, he treated you well but when
he wanted to be bad to you, he would be really bad. After spending a
few intimate months with Wen Xijun, Wen Yu started to fall for his
sweet words. He slowly forgot to resist and even wondered if he
could stay with Wen Xijun forever.
What made him completely give up this thought was another
reason. As mentioned before, there were two girls among Wen
Xijun’s adopted children. The eldest was 19 years old, called Wen
Xin and the younger was 12, called Wen Xi.
One of Wen Xijun’s business partners was a perverted paedophile.
He instantly had his eyes set on Wen Xi and when Wen Xijun that
beast heard about it, he sent Wen Xi over to him without another
word. Among all the children, Wen Xin was the kindest and
everyone’s beloved older sister. Unable to see her younger sister get
hurt, she secretly went and saved Wen Xi.
Because of her intervention, the business partner was very angry.
After Wen Xijun learned about this, he didn’t say anything and
showed no intentions to save Wen Xin who had fallen into the hands
of the business partner.
Wen Xin stayed in that pervert’s place for three days. The night
she returned; she chose to commit suicide. Although she didn’t
manage to die, she became a paralysed person who couldn’t wake
up anymore. Wen Yu’s heart was extremely cold, and he let go of the
last bit of softness in him. He hated Wen Xijun so much, he wanted
Wen Xijun to die.
Wen Xin’s matter was the starting point. The oldest Wen Lie had
always liked Wen Xin but he was never able to say it. After this
incident, he also tore off his docile and obedient disguise and
worked together with Wen Yu.
It only took the two brothers less than a year to make the other
children join their side. Through their concentrated efforts, it didn’t
take them long to completely overthrow Wen Xijun.
Please read this from kk translates
Wen Xijun who was betrayed by all his children had become a
prisoner. Wen Lie and Wen Yu were the ones who hated him the
most but they didn’t do anything to Wen Xijun who had no power to
fight back and just stood on the side, watching indifferently.
As for the little girl who was almost gifted to a business partner
by him, the twelve-year-old Wen Xi, she giggled as she reached out
and personally dug out one of Wen Xijun’s eyes.
Chi Zhao was silent for a long time.
“Do you hate me a lot?”
【…… Hey, you have to believe in yourself. No matter which world
you go to, you have the ability to make the protagonist fall in love
with you in one second. It shouldn’t be a problem in this world
Chi Zhao: “………..”
Even he doesn’t believe something like that okay? The protagonist
was able to fall for him before because no matter how hard the start
was, there was room for changes, but this time when he arrived,
Wen Nian had already died and Wen Yu was outside the door having
just had one of his eyes blinded by his subordinate!
Sure enough, there is always more work after a vacation. If he
knew that this would be the case, he would rather not have gone to
that vacation world!
“Knock, knock, knock.”
The knocks pulled Chi Zhao back from his thoughts. A few seconds
later, the door opened, and a man walked in respectfully, “Master,
you can come take a look.”
As soon as the door opened, Chi Zhao could smell a strong scent of
blood. His heart trembled but he followed the man’s words and
walked over. Outside the door, a thin young man was kneeling on
the ground. His two arms were held by two bodyguards and his
head hung lifelessly as blood fell onto the ground from his chin drip
by drip.
Hearing the sound of footsteps, the young man slowly raised his
head, revealing a blood-stained face.
His back was tense, and his hands were white at the joints. His
entire being looked like a lion that had been injured but would never
admit defeat and was on the lookout for a chance to bite the throat
of the man in front of him.
One of his eyes had been blinded while the other was still intact.
Chi Zhao could see deep hatred and cold ruthlessness through that
eye. He was stunned for a moment and didn’t get any closer.
The person next to Chi Zhao checked his expression and then
approached Wen Yu. He asked both calmly and coldly, “Second
Young Master, the Master wants to know if you know your
Swallowing a mouthful of rusty tasting blood, Wen Yu lowered his
eyes and stored away all the hatred he felt inside his heart. He
replied hoarsely, “Yes, I know. Please forgive me father.”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 132
Source: KK Translates


Wen Yu wasn’t stupid. Right now, he didn’t have anything to his

name and rashly trying to resist would not be a clever move. If he
insisted on going against Wen Xijun, the final outcome would be
nothing more than gifting Wen Xijun his life.
It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge.
Today’s hatred and humiliation would be noted deeply inside and
when the day comes, he would pay it all back.
For a long time, no one in the room spoke. He Jia looked at the
man next to him with confusion but couldn’t see any emotions on his
He Jia had been working for Wen Xijun for more than ten years.
Although he had been with him the longest, he dared not relax his
vigilance. It was precisely because he had spent all that time with
Wen Xijun that he knew just how terrible this handsome and
seemingly kind-looking man really was. There was a term that could
specifically be used to describe people like Wen Xijun.
—— Gentlemanly Scum.
When Wen Xijun smiles, it doesn’t necessarily mean that he is
happy and when his expression is dark, it doesn’t necessarily mean
that he is angry. His mood can flip in an instant and no one knew
when he would suddenly be provoked. It was the so-called having a
tiger as a companion. He Jia had long prepared to die under Wen
Xijun’s hands one day but right now he hadn’t lived enough yet and
didn’t want to anger this tyrant.
Wen Xijun didn’t speak. The whole place was quiet and even the
sound of breathing couldn’t be heard. Only the occasional sound of
blood dripping reminded everyone how tense the current situation
Everyone’s heart was tense, everyone except for Chi Zhao who
now donned Wen Xijun’s face.
After staring at the protagonist for a long time, he finally spoke,
“Send him to the basement and patch him up.”
He Jia breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. He didn’t have
any thoughts about the young masters and young ladies in the Wen
Family; he didn’t like them or dislike them, and he naturally
wouldn’t be like those in TV dramas and secretly find one of them to
support in the background. He knew that they were in fact just like
himself, one of Wen Xijun’s dogs.
He Jia ordered two people to take Wen Yu out. With no one
around now, Chi Zhao really wanted to mess up his hair but that
action was too inconsistent with Wen Xijun’s personality so he could
only resist the urge.
He had no choice but to give up. He let out a long sigh and
similarly went out.
This was the study room, and it was now a little past nine in the
evening. He should return to his room to sleep.
The Wen residence was very big. Chi Zhao once again used the
system branded electronic dog and slowly returned to his room.
Halfway there, he received a reminder from the system and stopped
in place for a moment before continuing. After turning a corner, the
living room on the third floor was just ahead. In the living room,
several children stood tall and straight.
The remaining six were here, the person who brought them over
was Wen Xin. Although Wen Lie was the oldest, he didn’t get
involved with such matters and he also didn’t have much appeal.
Only Wen Xin could make the other children listen to her.
Wen Xin took a step forward. The nineteen-year-old girl was
halfway between a girl and a woman and enviably beautiful. She
looked at Chi Zhao neither too humbly or too arrogantly and her
tone contained just the right amount of humility, “Father, A’Yu was
just too upset. Please let him go.”
After she said this, the five people behind her all showed different
Wen Lie pursed his lips. It was his way of showing worry and
concern. He was worried about Wen Yu and he was also worried
about himself who was involved in this matter, but he was most
worried about Wen Xin who stood at the forefront.
As such, he very quickly also stepped forward, stopping beside
Wen Xin. He every subtly blocked Wen Xin with half his body and
also pleaded, “Father, A’Yu is still young, I will definitely teach
him well in the future and let him understand your painstaking
After reading everyone’s faces, Chi Zhao lifted his chin slightly and
looked at the children indifferently, “Don’t interfere with my
This line was actually quite ordinary, but the problem was that
the person who said this was Wen Xijun. After hearing those words,
the older ones were fine, but the three younger ones all showed a
fearful look on their faces. Chi Zhao who saw this immediately
spurned the original owner inside.
What evil. Look at what he has done to those children.
After spurning the original owner, he also spurned the system
along the way.
What kind of world is this?! Garbage system. Sooner or later,
you’re finished!
System: “……..”
No longer looking at those children, Chi Zhao turned around and
left. Wen Xin anxiously wanted to chase after him but her arm was
pulled back. Wen Xin looked back only to see Wen Lie silently
shaking his head at her.
Wen Xin pursed her lips together tightly. In the end, she didn’t
chase after Chi Zhao.
Returning to his room and taking in the cold furnishing in the
room, Chi Zhao fell silent for a moment. He then sat down on the bed
and began to question the system.
“Can you tell me this time why you chose this world?”
【Because you like to raise……】
“What I want is the truth.”
The system was interrupted before it could finish. Looking at Chi
Zhao’s gentle smiling expression, the core of the system trembled.
【Because the level of completion of the previous world was too
poor, the next world must be more difficult.】
This time, the system was telling the truth. Chi Zhao frowned,
“How much was the last world?”
The system didn’t answer and instead pulled up the panel with
the success values. Seeing the latest number, Chi Zhao was slightly
It was only two points. He had thought that Leopold would abuse
himself more during his five years of hiding.
Sighing inside, Chi Zhao nodded reluctantly, “Alright. I
Please read this from kk translates
The system who was originally waiting for a second scolding was
【You’re not angry?】
“Why should I be angry? Didn’t you do it for me?”
The system right now longer had any intention to continue
working as a system so there was no need for it to force him to
complete the task. The reason why it chose such a world was
definitely for his sake. After all, this world seemed like one that
could be completed more easily than the previous worlds.
The system was very moved.
【 Wuuuu….After so many years, you finally understand my
painstaking efforts. For the sake of my hard work, will you finally act
it out properly in this world?】
Chi Zhao very quickly nodded, “Yeah, I promise I won’t go out of
【That’s great! —- Wait, not go out of character?】
Shouldn’t it be promising not to let the plot collapse?
Under the system’s dumbfounded gaze, Chi Zhao smiled slightly
and then went to the kitchen closest to him to make a bowl of
noodles. After that, he brought that bowl of noodles with him down
to the basement.
System: “………”
Forget it, it should have already known how unreliable its trashy
host was. In any case, this was the last world so it should just let the
host do whatever he wants.
The system didn’t know at the beginning that the protagonists in
each of the worlds were the same person. It was only later, after the
main system was affected too deeply by Chi Zhao’s actions, that it
was told about No. 6. After it heard about this, the system felt
complicated inside.
One world after another, the protagonist managed to fall in love
with Chi Zhao despite all the obstacles in his way and no matter how
scummy the original owner was before, he managed to overlook
them all and love Chi Zhao wholeheartedly.
What kind of celestial love was this? And what kind of celestial
being was that gong?!
In any case, it was true love. But there was no eternal banquet in
the world; they all have their own lives to live and they will always
have to go back to their places and need to be separated.
Since it was the last world, it might as well let them do what they
as they pleased. The system no longer wanted to urge Chi Zhao and
decided to just watch from the sidelines.
The Wen Family has a very strict schedule. Everyone must return
to their rooms from ten o’clock onwards. Those who are not at home
can ignore this rule but those who are at home must strictly abide
by it.
Now that it was past ten, Chi Zhao wasn’t afraid of running into
anyone, so he walked with some swagger. Suddenly, the system
called out to him.
【Host, Wen Xi is in the room ahead on the left-hand side.】
Chi Zhao’s footsteps stopped. He deliberately moved to avoid Wen
Xi but the other party had already come out. When she saw Chi Zhao
holding a bowl of noodles, she was stunned for a moment before
quickly hiding something in her hands behind her back.
Chi Zhao saw this and asked the system, “What is she holding?”
Sandpaper? What does a girl need sandpaper for?
Please read this from kk translates
Chi Zhao took a few more steps closer. Wen Xi’s body was a little
stiff. She seemed to want to escape but it was like her feet were
firmly nailed to the ground and she couldn’t move. Chi Zhao slowly
looked over her, his gaze finally stopping on her left leg.
There were obvious blood stains on her left calf. It looked like the
wound had already been treated so there wasn’t much blood flowing
Chi Zhao furrowed his brows. He placed the bowl aside and
squatted down to examine the wound on Wen Xi’s leg.
Wen Xi’s back went cold. Her fingers trembled slightly. It was
clear how afraid she was of Wen Xijun.
After Chi Zhao got closer, he saw that the wound on her leg was a
Chinese character.
Nian. (KKnotes: Means ‘year’. It is also the character for Wen Nian
who had passed away.)
Among the seven children, Wen Xi was the cruellest. She was not
only cruel to others, but she was also even more cruel to herself and
would have a slight tendency to self-harm. Raising his head and
meeting Wen Xi’s big and dark eyes, Chi Zhao seemed to understand
what she wanted to do.
He pulled out Wen Xi’s hand. A young girl’s strength would
naturally not be able to resist the strength of an adult man so she
didn’t dare resist and could only watch the sandpaper in her hands
enter Wen Xijun’s hands.
“Did you want to use sandpaper to remove the wound and
disguise it as an abrasion?”
A low voice resounded in the dark night. Wen Xi didn’t expect
Wen Xijun to guess her thoughts so easily and now she didn’t even
have a chance to lie.
Wen Xi looked at Chi Zhao nervously and tried to calm herself
down, “Father, I was wrong. I won’t do it again.”
Wen Xijun didn’t allow anything related to the dead to appear in
the house. When the first two children died, he had cremated all
their belongings together with their bodies and their rooms were
sealed forever. Even the ranking of the children changed. It was as if
he was trying to completely erase any evidence of their existence.
To Wen Xijun, the past was worthless, and failures are not worth
mentioning. Death was synonymous with failure. No matter what
the cause of death was, as long as you are dead, you deserve to
disappear forever.
It sounded very cold-hearted but Wen Xijun not only did this to
others, he also did it to himself. After being betrayed by the children
in the original plot, he wasn’t angry or in pain. Because there is a
left, there is a right and since there is success, there is naturally also
Yesterday he killed someone and tomorrow someone may kill
What Wen Xi wanted to do was just to leave a mark on her body
related to her younger brother that couldn’t be seen by the others.
After all, Wen Xi was still a child and she couldn’t accept the loss of a
family member.
Chi Zhao knew that the children’s hearts already have a deeply
ingrained impression of him so even if he said now that there was
no need to hide it using the sandpaper, Wen Xi wouldn’t listen and
would on the contrary think that he was either plotting something
or had completely given up on her. It was possible that one day, she
would be next.
After pondering for a moment, Chi Zhao spoke, “Give me the
sandpaper and I will give you the noodles.”
Wen Xi was stunned.
“Your second brother hasn’t eaten dinner yet. You can give
him the noodles.”
Chi Zhao stood back up and looked down at the young girl who
just reached his chest, “But you cannot tell your second brother
that the noodles are from me. As long as you keep this secret, I
will let you keep the wound on your leg.”
Wen Xi still looked stunned. Chi Zhao on the other hand didn’t
want to say to much and promptly turned and left. Wen Xi watched
his departing back for a while and slowly looked down at the bowl of
steaming but crudely made noodles.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 133
Source: KK Translates


Wen Xi arrived at the basement with the bowl of noodles. There

were two guards standing at the door. Seeing Wen Xi approaching,
they all straightened up.
“Second young lady, do you need something?”
Wen Xi looked at them, her voice much colder than when she
faced Chi Zhao just now, “I’m here to bring food for my second
The two guards looked at each other.
In this repressive and icy-cold residence, Wen Xijun represented
absolute authority. Everyone was afraid of him so they didn’t dare
do anything that they know would upset him. It was the same for
Wen Xin. Even if she was anxious and worried, even if she knew that
Wen Yu was locked in the basement, she wouldn’t dare go there
without Wen Xijun’s consent.
And so, when Wen Xi said this, the two guards immediately
understood. The second young lady wasn’t here to bring food, the
one who really wanted the second young master to eat must be the
master of his house.
The two guards obediently stepped aside, allowing Wen Xi to
enter with the bowl of noodles.
The basement of the Wen residence was very large, with many
different rooms. Compared to the rooms upstairs, the only
difference was that the room Wen Yu was in didn’t have a window.
At first glance, it looked like an ordinary bedroom.
Almost every child of the Wen Family had stayed in this room
before. When they made mistakes, Wen Xijun would make them stay
in here. This place had everything else but no people, no internet
and no books. The surrounding walls have been specially designed
such that no sounds from the outside world could be heard. This
extremely quiet environment was enough to make the people
staying there feel a sense of panic, as if they were abandoned by the
entire world.
Normal people could stay there for at most a day but when the
children were confined in here, they would be confined for a week
before they were allowed to come out. Wen Xi had also stayed in this
place several times. At first, she would beat the wall like crazy,
crying that she was wrong and later, she learnt to find something to
entertain herself and pass time.
The last time she had come out of that room, there was not a
single part of her unharmed but that was probably the only time
there was a satisfied smile on Wen Xijun’s face. His look at that time
was as if he was looking at a perfect finished product.
Wen Xi at that time was too young to understand why Wen Xijun
showed such an expression. Now that she was twelve years old and
the children in the Wen Family mature earlier, she could almost
guess the meaning behind that smile.
Her father like to watch her do self-harm because it meant how
cruel and cold-blooded she was. He just happened to lack a
subordinate like this.
Wen Xijun’s transformation plan wasn’t over. Since discovering
this, Wen Xi had noticed that her father would always consciously or
unconsciously show her videos and books that should never appear
in front of children.
Wen Xijun wanted to destroy Wen Xi’s empathetic side. He was
consciously cultivating Wen Xi into a cold assassin who could only
obey and cannot sympathise. His efforts were also effective and
now, Wen Xi’s hobby was no longer normal. She liked to watch
bloody movies, read books about the human body and she enjoyed
the pleasure of cutting through skin with her own hands. It didn’t
matter if it was her own skin, an animal’s or someone else’s.
Wen Xi also understood that she wasn’t normal but she couldn’t
control it and she didn’t understand how to correct it, so she could
only continue walking towards the terrifying future Wen Xijun had
planned out for her step by step.
As soon as she stepped into this room, many unpleasant
memories surfaced to her mind. Wen Xi stood at the door and didn’t
go in any further. Hearing the sound of the door opening, Wen Yu
opened his eyes. His head was wrapped in bandages. Seeing that the
one who entered was Wen Xi, he sat up.
“Why are you here?”
Wen Xi didn’t have any deep feelings for Wen Yu. The reason why
she followed her brothers and sisters to plead for him earlier was
because Wen Xin wanted her to. In fact, she didn’t care how long
Wen Yu was detained for.
In her opinion, Wen Xijun wouldn’t do anything to them. After all,
everyone was useful to him so no matter how unhappy Wen Xijun
was, he would at most torture them mentally for a while.
And so, when she saw Wen Yu’s eye, Wen Xi was stunned, “……
Your eye?”
Wen Yu subconsciously touched the bandages over his left eye
and slowly lowered it again, “It’s nothing.”
Wen Xi was silent for a while. It was unknown whether she
believed Wen Yu’s words. She approached Wen Yu and handed him
the bowl of noodles. After a glance at the contents, Wen Yu looked
up with a frown, “You made it?”
Wen Xi shook her head.
“Eldest sister made it?”
Wen Xi shook her head again.
The Wen Family had cooks and each and every one of them are
top chefs. Even the simplest bowl of noodles would be made
exquisitely. Since it wasn’t made by Wen Xi or Wen Xin…..
A trace of mockery flashed across Wen Yu’s face.
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In the end, Wen Yu didn’t eat the noodles. When Wen Xi was
about to leave, she asked Wen Yu, “Second brother, what kind of
person do you think father is?”
Wen Yu’s gaze moved past Wen Xi’s calf. He laid in bed and slowly
closed his eyes.
“For this, you should ask A’Nian.”
Early the next morning, Chi Zhao changed into a suit. He stood in
front of the mirror, sighing inside while he knotted his tie.
“To have to go to work and manage such a large group…..”
【You have lived for several hundreds of years. You have been a
professor and even an Emperor. It’s just managing a group, how
hard can it be?】
“Please, there is something called specialising in a certain
field. And for those occupations, wasn’t I given adequate time to
slowly ease in? I wasn’t thrown in immediately like this time. Oh
and also, is Wen Xijun really a shou?”
【Of course.】
“…….Such a powerful boss is actually a shou. It’s unscientific.”
The system found it strange.
【Why not? Big bosses can’t be shou’s?】
“Have you seen an all-powerful, cold-blooded, ruthless
billionaire gangster shou before?”
【Then have you seen a one metre seventy-eight gong?】
Chi Zhao: “………..”
Alright, he really hasn’t seen one.
None of Wen Family’s children had ever gone to school and have
been home-schooled since a young age. Every one of them
completed their college courses before the age of sixteen and as for
what kind of diplomas they wanted to get afterwards, it was their
own business.
Once every child reaches eighteen years of age, they leave the
family and begin to help Wen Xijun. The eldest, Wen Lie, was now a
member of the group. He was only twenty this year, but he was just
as familiar with the job as the more experienced ones there. The
second oldest Wen Yu had always been working at a branch
company but now that there was a problem with his eye, he
wouldn’t be able to go out for a while. As for Wen Xin, Wen Xijun had
been committed to training her into a multi-talented elite daughter
who would be sent out for marriage once the time was right. As
such, Wen Xin was still studying at home and would occasionally go
out to gatherings with the other wealthy ladies.
Among the remaining children, the last child that was of age was
the third child. Thinking of the third child’s name, Chi Zhao fell
Wen Xijun was really too heartless. How could he name this child
so casually? Poor third child. Fortunately he didn’t attend school or
he would’ve been made fun of by his classmates.
The third child, Wen Hu, was a pretty amazing person. He never
thought that there were any problems with his name and had been
working as Wen Xijun’s assistant ever since he came of age. Wen
Xijun originally planned to put him in a position similar to Wen Lie’s
since the child was very smart. In fact, from the IQ tests, he was the
best out of all the children. (KKnotes: Wen Hu basically means warm
Seeing that Chi Zhao was looking at him, Wen Yu raised his head
and blinked his peach eyes a few times before giving Chi Zhao a faint
Chi Zhao: “……..”
In the original plot, the original owner had two secret lovers. Wen
Yu was one of them and the other was Wen Hu. Chi Zhao fell silent
for a moment. He turned his eyes and looked at his eldest daughter,
“From today onwards, A’Xin, you come with me to the group.”
Wen Xin originally had her head lowered as she ate. Hearing those
words, she couldn’t help but be surprised but she very quickly
recovered and nodded, “Understood, father.”
Returning his gaze back to Wen Hu, Chi Zhao continued, “A……
Third child, you stay at home for the time being.”
As if he hadn’t noticed the pause in Chi Zhao’s words, Wen Hu
looked at Chi Zhao and smiled again. He similarly didn’t express any
objections, “Understood, father.”
As soon as he saw Wen Hu’s peach eyes, Chi Zhao felt pressured.
Although the two have no special relationship other than father and
son, Chi Zhao still wanted to avoid suspicion.
The Wen business was large and there was always a place to
arrange for Wen Hu. In short, he should start with transferring him
away from himself.
Chi Zhao didn’t know how to manage such a big group at all.
Seeing all the astronomical numbers, he felt like his brain was about
to explode, let alone dealing with these numbers. As a result, his
plan was like this: First, bring Wen Xin into the group and then let
her and Wen Lie manage it together to overcome this problem.
Wen Xin was kind and fair and while Wen Lie was fast and
capable. The two complemented each other very well. Furthermore,
those two would always have some little secrets between the two of
them. The two had been very busy previously and almost never had
the time to interact with each other but whether or not they could
develop something now was up to them.
After arranging the company’s affairs, Chi Zhao picked up a
napkin on the table and wiped his mouth. He said gently, “Let
A’Yu go back to sleep and give him treatment. It will be A’Nian’s
funeral in two days. As the second brother, he must attend.”
No one dared to object and no one dared to show joy or anger in
front of Wen Xijun. Everyone bowed their heads as they ate and a
sound of agreement came from one of them. The dining room was
quiet again. Even the sound of tableware clinking was almost
Chi Zhao looked at the row of heads in front of him and sighed
“I feel like I am a commander.”
【A commander in an army?】
“No, a commander in a concentration camp.”
System: “……..”
Arriving at the headquarters, Chi Zhao who had handed off most
of the work to his oldest son and oldest daughter thought it would
be much easier for him but as it turned out, he was too naïve.
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Even if most of the work was gone, there were still many things he
had to do. There were always people looking for him to talk, many of
which he couldn’t refuse. Chi Zhao had no choice but to call Wen Hu
who was left at home to come over.
When he did this, he wasn’t thinking much, and he also did it
expressionlessly which was very in line with Wen Xijun’s original
personality. His decisions however resulted in a lot of talk amongst
the group.
Everyone wondered what Wen Xijun meant by this. Was he about
to formally start selecting his heir? The young masters and young
ladies who have come of age are all here, all except for the second
young master Wen Yu. Did something happen to him? It was said
that Wen Xijun had a conflict with his second son. Were the rumours
Chi Zhao was too busy to spare any attention to this gossip. After
he was done with his work and returned home, he still had to check
on the protagonist.
He really couldn’t let the protagonist hate him for an entire
lifetime. That would be torture for the protagonist and also for
Chi Zhao’s priorities had changed. Right now, his task was no
longer first priority.
Except for their first meeting when he first arrived in this world,
Chi Zhao never went to see the protagonist again. It was only until
the morning of the funeral that he came to Wen Yu’s room.
Wen Yu had already finished changing. With his entire body
covered in a black suit, he sat silently in the room. The bandages on
his head not been removed so it was impossible to see how the
wounds were.
But everyone knew that Wen Yu’s eye could no longer be saved.
That was the price of rebelling against Wen Xijun.
Seeing Wen Xijun enter, Wen Yu looked up with his other eye,
paused for a moment, and then stood up and lowered his head
Being able adapt accordingly was a good quality. Chi Zhao glanced
at him appreciatively and then walked over, sitting at the spot Wen
Yu was sitting in just now. He then raised his head and looked at the
tall young man.
“Do you think I killed A’Nian?”
Wen Yu replied calmly, “I don’t think so.”
Chi Zhao laughed. The tone in his voice was undecipherable,
“You looked for me the other day, asking me for an explanation. I
didn’t want to say it at the time but after some thought, I felt that
I should give you an explanation.”
After a pause, Chi Zhao continued, “My explanation is that I
didn’t kill him. I gave him a task, he didn’t complete it. That’s why
he died.”
Wen Yu suddenly raised his head. He had been holding himself
back ever since Wen Xijun entered but he was still young and
vigorous, easily stimulated with a few words.
The smile on Chi Zhao’s face gradually faded. He stood up.
Although he still needed to look up at the other person, he no longer
needed to stretch his neck.
Moreover, because his expression was too calm and Wen Yu’s
expression was too agitated, Wen Yu had lowered his head instead.
“The task I gave A’Nian was a task I had given you all as well
when you were younger. At that time, you were all the same as
A’Nian. If you succeed, you come back alive and if you fail, you
will die there. Do you think I’m cruel? That I shouldn’t treat a
child like this? But the Wen children have all grown up like this.
You and your brothers and sisters, and me as well.”
Chi Zhao lowered his eyes, his voice was still calm as ever,
“Before adopting you, I asked each of you if you’re willing to come
with me.”
Recalling some buried memories, Wen Yu’s hands hanging beside
him suddenly stiffened.
Chi Zhao raised his eyes, his gaze tranquil, “At that time, each
of you said that you’re willing to follow me. This was your choice.
Only you are responsible for the choices you make.”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 134
Source: KK Translates


The funeral was very grand and also done very quickly. Because
the deceased was a child who had just turned ten, many of the
processes were simplified. When they reached the cemetery, Chi
Zhao walked at the front and behind him were the seven adopted
children standing in line according to age.
In fact, Chi Zhao understood Wen Yu’s feelings very well. If he
were Wen Yu, he would also want to kill Wen Xijun that hypocritical
The ten-year-old boy laid quietly in the coffin. His life was over
before it could start. The most unfortunate thing was that even
when he died, he didn’t understand why he was forced to leave this
Seeing that the coffin was put in place, Chi Zhao was silent for a
while. He then walked over to the other side. Wen Lie watched him
from behind and proceeded to gently place a lily on the coffin.
Wen Yu followed closely afterwards but after he placed the flower
down, he looked up and glanced at Chi Zhao with an indecipherable
After the funeral, people very soon stopped mentioning Wen Nian.
Wen Nian’s room as usual was sealed shut. It was as if there was
never such a person in his household. Everyone similarly sealed
away everything related to that child including their memories. No
one knew when those memories would resurface again.
Wen Yu’s injuries were almost healed and the scars on his body
gradually faded. The most obvious scar across his eye however will
never go away. His left eye was covered with a grey cloud, forming a
strong contrast with the healthy right eye.
Although no one said anything, Chi Zhao knew everyone was
concerned about Wen Yu’s left eye. It seemed that the person
involved was the calmest.
Ever since his injuries healed, Chi Zhao brought Wen Yu around
with him and also let him manage various affairs for the group. With
this, the last young master who was of age had also joined the group
and the rumours become even more enthusiastic.
The difference from the others was that Wen Yu and Wen Xijun
went around everywhere together. No matter what they did, they
were together. They appeared to be much closer than the others.
Could the second young master be the one Wen Xijun likes the
Everyone wondered inside. But very soon, this speculation was
Impossible. With the second young master’s eyes like that, how
could he inherit the Wen Family? It was said that the second young
master’s eyes were personally blinded by Wen Xijun himself. He
probably hates Wen Xijun with all his heart deep inside.
Appearing close on the surface but secretly hating and plotting
against Wen Xijun, Wen Xijun keeping the second young master by
his side was probably also his way of using him as a shield. The real
heir was probably someone else.
Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where
there are a lot of people, there will always be fights for power. Chi
Zhao reproached inside: So much for a big organisation. There are
no more than 10,000 employees yet they can still pull out
speculations like shields and heirs. They really took him too
No matter what the rumours were, the people involved were still
unmoved. Chi Zhao had to compliment the original owner’s choice;
all the adopted children were good seedlings. After some hellish
training, they were now all top elites.
Moreover, none of them were shocked or bothered by the
rumours. They were even calmer than Chi Zhao, an old monster who
had lived for hundreds of years.
Besides, the real situation wasn’t like what the outside world
thought. It was true that Chi Zhao brought Wen Yu around with him
wherever he went but the two didn’t work together. Most of the
time, Wen Yu worked while Chi Zhao rested.
Wen Yu found that he has having a harder time to understand
Wen Xijun. He had thought of all the worst possible outcomes
possible and had waited vigilantly every day, but even after three
months had passed, nothing happened. Wen Xijun was still the same,
handing over all of the work that should be done by himself over to
Wen Yu and then staying alone in his office. It was unknown what he
was plotting.
Whenever Wen Yu entered the office, he would either see Wen
Xijun sleeping or see him sitting in the office chair, silently gazing at
the scenery outside the window.
Every time it was like this, Wen Yu’s expression would sink a
To hide it so much, what exactly was he planning?
Chi Zhao: I’m not doing anything, I’m just bored so I spend my
time sleeping and sitting in daze.
The system also didn’t understand what was going on with Chi
Zhao. Either complete the task or fall in love, he should choose one
or the other. What was he doing?
After watching for a while, it still couldn’t tell. In the end, it could
only ask.
Hearing the system’s question, Chi Zhao was also speechless,
“Isn’t it all because of you? If you hadn’t brought me to this place,
I wouldn’t be like how I am now, unable to do anything.”
【What do you mean?】
Chi Zhao rubbed his temples and explained, “To Wen Yu, I am a
big, black-hearted villain. No matter what I do, he thinks that it is
definitely something bad so the most important task for me right
now is to change Wen Yu’s impression of me. If not, he wouldn’t
believe what I say or do, and everything would be in vain.”
【……Then by doing nothing, he will believe in you?】
“What do you mean doing nothing?” Chi Zhao let out a
mysterious smile, “I am currently slowly boiling the frog in
lukewarm water. By not doing anything, it allows Wen Yu to see
that I am not a big villain who can only hurt others and that I
have my own personality and principles that I adhere to. My true
identity is an ordinary human, not the tyrant in the Wen Family
who kills without hesitation.”
The system let out an indifferent ‘oh’.
【In the end, it’s still doing nothing.】
Chi Zhao: “……..”
With the big boss Wen Xijun’s personality, if he was interested in
someone, he would neither predate nor pursue. He would just be
like an old cat, slowly directly the other party into his territory,
teasing the other party until they’re tired and then, once he loses
interest, he would throw them away like trash.
Wen Xijun was very well versed in the way of buying people’s
hearts and the people who were teased by him often fail to see that
they were just a toy. They would dig out their hearts and show
sincerity in everything but all of that just made them look like a
clown to Wen Xijun; funny, ridiculous and boring.
This wasn’t the first time Wen Xijun did this. There were several
people before this and because their developed real feelings for him
and created a big fuss, their end result was naturally very miserable.
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Wen Xijun’s actions were very skilled. He could make others fall in
love with him easily but ultimately, that kind of love was
psychopathic and unhealthy. When unable to be obtained, they
would be depressed but once obtained, they would slowly wake up
and realise that they actually didn’t love him as much as they
thought. All the previous passion and vigor was just a temporary
impulse as a result of excessive emotional manipulation.
Chi Zhao couldn’t imagine manipulating someone into becoming
his and he also didn’t want to work hard at pursing the other party.
After all, right now in Wen Yu’s eyes, he was probably not even as
cute as a field mouse.
And so, Chi Zhao’s strategy was to gradually lower Wen Yu’s
defences and let him fall in love with him first before doing some
pushing and pulling and then finally agreeing to be with him when
he gets too anxious.
Upon hearing Chi Zhao’s plan, the system was silent for a moment.
【Pig trotter.】
Chi Zhao: “………..”
Chi Zhao worked during the day and slept at night. In fact, Chi
Zhao spent very little time in the Wen residence. Usually, he would
go to rest as soon as he gets home so even if he had been in this
world for several months, he didn’t have much interaction with the
other children.
Furthermore, those children were more afraid of Wen Xijun and
didn’t dare wander around in front of him.
Of course, there was an exception.
The fourth child, Wen Zhuang, was a strong and sturdy boy who
lived up to his name. Despite being only sixteen this year, he already
has a much sturdier build than his eldest brother, Wen Lie. When
Chi Zhao stood next to him, he looked particularly petite.
Wen Zhuang was the typical simple minded but physically apt
individual. Among all the children, he was the one who was closest
to Wen Xijun. This admiration in his eyes could almost be felt. It was
also because this child was so sincere, Chi Zhao found it hard to
refuse his requests.
Wen Zhuang admired Wen Xijun very much. His dream was to
become a man as powerful as Wen Xijun. Although Chi Zhao felt that
his dream may not be realised, it was still possible for him to satisfy
the child’s desires a little.
After dinner, Chi Zhao found himself stopped by Wen Zhuang.
Having grown up in the Wen household, Wen Zhuang naturally
wasn’t a fool. His intelligence was there but his mind was just a little
simpler than the others and he was also just a little bit too frank.
He controlled the conversation just right so that Chi Zhao didn’t
feel uncomfortable or bored. After a while Chi Zhao and Wen Zhuang
sat down together in the living room.
It was basically Wen Zhuang talking and Chi Zhao listening. A
while later, Wen Xi also came over. She sat down furthest away from
Chi Zhao but a few seconds later, she picked up her skirt and moved
a little closer.
Chi Zhao: “……….”
Wen Xin supported her chin and took in this scene. She couldn’t
help but smile, “Father’s temper has improved a lot recently.”
He never had enough patience to listen to Wen Zhuang talk before
this but now he not only listened, he would also respond.
A while ago he had suddenly delegated his power over to his adult
children. At first, Wen Xin thought the same as the others; she
suspected that Wen Xijun may be testing them or wanting to use
them but with the current situation here in the living room, Wen Xin
felt that perhaps……..He didn’t mean anything else and was just tired
and didn’t want to deal with so much work anymore.
Girls are always more meticulous than boys. Wen Xin recalled the
moment Wen Xijun changed and expressed.
“Father…….actually cares about A’Nian.”
Wen Xin looked up and saw Wen Yu place down his chopsticks. He
stood up coldly, “I’m returning to my room.”
Watching Wen Yu’s figure disappear around the corner, Wen Xin
pursed her lips.
The people here weren’t stupid. Wen Xin naturally understood
that their father wasn’t a good person. He had adopted them, but he
didn’t give them the fatherly love other families would give. Their
family was twisted and abnormal.
But an abnormal family was still a family.
Wen Yu stood in his room, looking out at the garden outside his
window. During the day, the garden was colourful and gorgeous but
at night, darkness swallowed everything up and all the flowers lost
their original colour and shape. They were like monsters lurking in
the dark with their fangs and venom hidden, waiting for the moment
to attack its unsuspecting prey.
His fingers twitched. Wen Yu suddenly wanted a smoke.
Wen Xijun didn’t care if the others smoked or not, although he
never smoked himself. A year ago, Wen Yu tried it. The feeling of the
smoke passing through his lungs felt strange, but Wen Yu didn’t hate
He didn’t hate it but he also couldn’t say that he liked it. Wen Yu
thought that since he had only smoked once, he wouldn’t be
addicted but now, he even missed the smell of tobacco.
Humans are filled with bad roots. No matter what it was, as long
as you tried it once, you would want to try it a second time, even if
you already know that it can kill you.
Wen Yu raised his hand and looked at his palm, as if he was
thinking about tobacco but also as if he was thinking about
something else. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.
Wen Yu casually lowered his hand and turned around. The other
party had already entered.
It was Wen Xijun.
The hands hanging by Wen Yu’s sides tightened a little.
After he entered, he took a casual look at the room and saw Wen
Yu standing by the window. The room was too big and there was no
light on the balcony, so he didn’t see Wen Yu immediately.
His line of sight landed on Wen Yu and Wen Xijun’s voice soon
reached Wen Yu’s ears, “Come with me to Country Meng
tomorrow. The Zhang Family has set the venue for negotiation
Wen Yu looked down and didn’t speak.
“I’ll leave this negotiation to you. Do you have a problem with
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The Zhang Family has a similar status to that of the Wen family.
This negotiation also determines the business relationship between
the two parties for the next few years. The Wen Xijun in the past
wouldn’t leave this matter to others but over the past few months,
Wen Xijun had already done a lot of things he wouldn’t normally do
so handing over such a task to him also wasn’t unusual.
But, did he really trust him that much?
The emotions in Wen Yu’s eyes were complex and difficult to
understand. After a few seconds, his answer was heard, “No
problem. I will complete the task you gave me, without fail.”
Chi Zhao had already turned around at this time. Hearing the last
part of the line, his footsteps paused.
Wen Yu naturally noticed this short pause, but the other party had
already left. Wen Yu’s gaze lingered at the place he was standing at
just now.
——-Father…..actually cares about A’Nian.
Wen Xijun didn’t care about A’Nian. He actually didn’t care about
anything; he didn’t care about the Wen Family, the children he
adopted and even himself, he didn’t care.
He didn’t know why Wen Xijun had changed but he knew that
these changes had nothing to do with A’Nian.
Wen Xijun this person……is completely heartless. Don’t expect
him to care about anyone.
This line appeared again and again inside him, as if he as trying to
engrave it in. It was unknown who Wen Yu wanted to warn with this
In the afternoon of the next day, Chi Zhao and Wen Yu boarded a
private jet together. Country Meng wasn’t close, and it took more
than four hours to fly there. The young master of the Zhang Family
had opened a branch there recently and wanted to negotiate there.
In order to entertain Wen Xijun, they also specially prepared their
own holiday villa and programs along the way.
The person in power in the Zhang Family was still Grandfather
Zhang, but the one working actively at the front of the stage was the
young master of the Zhang Family. This young master was someone
rich in literary and artistic skills and always treat entertaining
others like preparing dates. The country of Meng, where Chi Zhao
went, was a small and ancient country with very strong exotic
customs, the most famous being the Red Moon Beath where you can
admire the moon. As stated in the name, the moon was big and
round and also a rare red colour.
Of course, that was only on certain days. Except for those days, the
moon would usually be a pale pink.
The beach, the sand, the moonlit night and the pink moon, they
were simply the best kind of setting for dates.
If he didn’t know that the young master Zhang was straight, Chi
Zhao would have suspected that he was interested in him.
After all, this big boss’s body was still very attractive. Although he
was more than thirty years old, he still looked like he was in his
twenties and with his good genes, he had an excellent appearance
and figure.
Among the children he adopted, Wen Mu was the most attractive.
When he first saw him, Chi Zhao almost thought he saw a living
angel. Wen Xijun’s appearance was just a little worse and Wen Mu
and a little higher than Wen Yu who was ranked second.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 135
Source: KK Translates


It as four o’clock in the afternoon when they got off the plane. The
Zhang Family was already waiting at the airport for them. One group
sent Chi Zhao and Wen Yu to the place where young master Zhang
was and the other group was responsible for delivering their
luggage to the villa.
Wen Xijun didn’t like living with strangers. This was something
everyone knew. The young master of the Zhang family wisely
offered his villa while he himself stayed at a luxury hotel near Red
Moon Beach.
Zhang Family’s attitude was pretty good. Chi Zhao had a better
impression of them.
But no matter what, Chi Zhao had no intentions to intervene with
this negotiation. For one thing, he didn’t understand those
professional terms at all. Secondly, he didn’t know about the
undercurrents between the Zhang Family and the Wen Family.
Although the original information of the world had introduced it in
detail, no matter how detailed it was, it didn’t talk about everything.
As such, Chi Zhao very quickly dumped everything onto Wen Yu.
As the protagonist, it was natural that he should work harder for
those who are unable to work, not to mention, such a powerful Wen
Family would also fall into the children’s hands eventually, so it was
okay to have some experience first.
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The system snorted.
Before it could speak, Chi Zhao quickly said, “Pig trotter.”
System: “…………”
“I knew you were going to say this. Your memory capacity is
too small. You can’t even fit a thesaurus? Will you have enough
space for when you’re singing?”
The system was rendered unable to speak for a while by Chi Zhao.
After holding it in for a long time, it threw out another line.
【Pork head stew!!!】
Chi Zhao: “………”
The best place to do business was over some drinks. While
exchanging pleasantries, all things would be settled. Seeing the Wen
father and son enter, young master Zhang immediately stood up and
smiled warmly at them. Once seated, young master Zhang didn’t say
anything about cooperation and first chatted with Chi Zhao and Wen
Yu to know them better.
He was clearly a male, but he was gentler, more attentive and
more high-profile than a woman. Was he really not gay??
Chi Zhao was very suspicious but he didn’t have any evidence so
he could only sit on the side, quietly eating.
Young master Zhang continued to smile warmly but inside he was
thinking to himself: Wen Xijun hadn’t said anything since he came.
Except for nodding at him at the beginning, he didn’t even give him
another look.
The person he had come with today was Wen Yu. Wen Yu had a
better attitude than Wen Xijun and he mentioned cooperation
matters from time to time. What? Was Wen Xijun planning on
handing over today’s negotiations to Wen Yu?
As for Wen Xijun not negotiating with him in person, young
master Zhang didn’t feel underestimated. After all, the person Wen
Xijun usually talked to was his grandfather and even now his
grandfather was still the head. As the actual person in power wasn’t
him yet, he naturally wasn’t qualified enough to stand on equal
footing with Wen Xijun.
Young master Zhang had expected that the person he would be
negotiating with would be one of Wen Xijun’s adopted children, but
he never thought that it would be Wen Yu.
What did this mean? Did he really want to hand over the Wen
Family to this second young master who is already blind in one eye?
Young master Zhang continued to mutter to himself inside, but it
didn’t affect his ability to continue his friendly act with Wen Yu. Wen
Yu glanced at him with a frown. His impression of this heir of the
Zhang Family fell a little further.
The two juniors talked pretty well, and Chi Zhao also had a pretty
good meal. Halfway through the meal, the door to the private room
was quietly pushed open.
Three young men walked in, each with their own unique
characteristics. Although everyone knew what the identity of these
people were, these people didn’t look at all like they were in this
field. If Chi Zhao encountered them in another setting, even if he was
beaten to death, he wouldn’t associate them with this kind of
Wen Xijun wasn’t interested in women and even hates women
approaching him. That was also something known by many. As such,
young master Zhang called three high-quality men over.
He didn’t want to pimp Wen Xijun but as the host, he should offer
everything. Regardless of whether Wen Xijun was interested in
these people, it was good to have something pleasing to look at
while they ate.
The three had very discerning eyes. As soon as they came in, they
sat down and smiled openly at young master Zhang before starting
conversations with the other two at the table.
This wasn’t Wen Yu’s first time in this kind of setting. In the past,
he would also play along and smile and give some money to the
people who accompanied him but for some reason, Wen Yu wasn’t
very pleased when he saw these people enter.
He could tell that these three were prepared for Wen Xijun. After
Wen Xijun shows interest in one of them, the remaining two would
retreat and accompany young master Zhang and himself, acting as if
everyone had a share.
Just as Wen Yu thought, Wen Xijun raised his eyes at random and
looked over those three people. His gaze lingered on one of them a
little longer and the other two immediately understood and
Wen Yu stared at Wen Xijun and the man for a second and looked
away nonchalantly. He continued to talk to young master Zhang
about their business cooperation.
Chi Zhao actually felt very wronged. He had only looked at that
person a little longer because he looked too young, like he had not
yet reached adulthood. He looked too pure to be working in this
Chi Zhao internally spurned the evil business and then saw the
innocent boy sit down next to him.
Chi Zhao: “………”
Don’t look at me with those big watery eyes of yours. It’s useless
even if you look at me like that. Nothing good with come from two
shou’s being together.
After the meal, young master Zhang silently wiped off the sweat
from his forehead. All the previous talks were good but for some
reason Wen Yu’s attitude suddenly became aggressive in the second
half and the conditions were also overwhelming. Young master
Zhang felt like he was deliberately going against him.
In any case, the cooperation matter was settled. Looking at the
master of the Wen Family on the side, it seems that he wasn’t having
a bad time talking to the young boy.
Just as young master Zhang observed for a while and wondered if
he should send the young boy to the villa, he saw Wen Xijun stand
up and pat the boys head affectionately, “Study hard so that you
can get into a good university.”
Young boy: “……….”
Young master Zhang: “…………”
Leaving the place, Chi Zhao looked at the darkening sky and
turned to look at the taciturn Wen Yu, “It’s still early. Want to go to
Red Moon Beach to take a look?”
Today’s meal had confirmed the cooperation between the two
parties and the specific terms would be slowly negotiated over the
next few days. This business trip would last at least three to five
days but the only time for them to go out would probably be today.
The person who decided everything had always been Wen Xijun,
Wen Yu had no opportunity to refuse at all. No, it should be said that
he was never given a choice.
But at this moment, Wen Xijun was asking him if he wanted to go
to Red Moon Beach together.
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Having not expressed his wishes for such a long time, Wen Yu
suddenly felt that such a conversation was strange, so strange that
he didn’t know how to answer.
The silence was long. When Wen Xijun started to look at him
questioningly, he let out a small sound of agreement and stepped
This action may not mean much for others, but it was different for
Wen Yu who had been trained for many years. Wen Xijun wanted
him to be absolutely indifferent to his emotions and always calmly
deal with all sorts of urgent matters. For so many years, he had been
doing very well with the exception for the one time when Wen Nian
passed away. Even when he was beaten and blinded in one eye after
that, he didn’t make a single sound that would make the person
abusing him enjoy the pleasure of abusing.
But right now, he had actually stepped forward, indicating the
impatience he was feeling. He really wanted to let the other party
know that he was willing to go with him.
Wen Yu’s expression suddenly became ugly. Chi Zhao however
didn’t see it because he had already turned his head back and
proceeded on.
Red Moon Beach wasn’t far. By foot, they could reach it very
quickly. With a wave of a hand, the bodyguards were asked to leave.
The bodyguards felt that with Wen Xijun and Wen Yu’s abilities
were no less than theirs so they obediently retreated after a moment
of hesitation.
They still followed, but their boss can no longer see them.
Red Moon Beach was really worthy of its name and reputation.
Little by little, the moon grew bigger and the pale pink moonlight
warmed the hearts of everyone looking at it.
It was a pity that the current Wen Yu hated him very much or he
could take advantage of the good atmosphere here to do something.
Chi Zhao stood at the beach and looked up at the large moon for a
while and then proceeded to casually glance around.
Many people have discovered the special charm of the Red Moon
Beach. They shifted their gaze from the moon to the person they
love by their sides, their gaze focused and affectionate. It very
quickly turned the faces of the other party red.
How nice.
Seeing them, Chi Zhao remembered his past self. He understood
the feelings of excitement and restraint between these young lovers.
Happiness was like this. It would enter your heart without you
noticing, making you happy to the point that you no longer know
what to do.
Chi Zhao watched the others intently and was not aware that
there was someone next to him also watching him intently.
Wen Yu however didn’t look at Chi Zhao with eyes like the lovers
around them. The place he was looking at was the corner of Chi
Zhao’s mouth.
Although it was very faint, he still managed to see it.
It was a very faint and fleeting smile.
Unlike the fake smile he would usually use, at this moment, he
was truly happy.
For people with introverted natures, to reveal that little amount of
emotion, it was already enough to show how good of a mood he was
in. In an unfamiliar country, for him to show such an expression
while looking at people who he would probably never see again,
what was the reason?
Wen Yu subconsciously looked in the same direction. There were
pairs of lovers holding hands and looking into each other’s eyes.
Some couldn’t help but kiss each other. Some were male and female
couples, some male and male couples, and some female and female
Before love, everyone was equal. Here, what was valuable wasn’t
identity or wealth but the heart.
The heart suddenly beated loudly and rapidly, every blow hitting
the chest like a beating drum.
Wen Xijun, you also want something like this?
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 136
Source: KK Translates


The business trip went very smoothly. Wen Yu showed maturity

and decisiveness completely unsuited for his age and managed to
achieve an overwhelming victory in his negotiations with young
master Zhang. Even the competitor, young master Zhang, was
overwhelmed by his skills.
If his eye wasn’t blind, young master Zhang would not have even
doubted the possibility of Wen Yu becoming the future heir of the
Wen Family.
But as for now…..
It was a pity.
Wen Yu had studied psychology and also researched into micro
expressions. Everything young master Zhang thought, he knew very
well but as for what he himself was thinking, only he himself knew.
Although he was raised in the Wen Family. Wen Yu had no
interest in the things happening in the Wen Family. Even if he gets
kicked out of the Wen Family the next day, he wouldn’t frown.
It was because he had enough confidence in himself. He believed
that even if he left the Wen Family, he could still live well. As such,
when his eye was blinded, he didn’t live a pitiful life like the
outsiders had guessed and only felt anger and humiliation. What he
cared about wasn’t his eye but Wen Xijun’s abandonment attitude
towards him.
He hated this man who had forcibly taken away his peaceful life
and he hated him for making him heartless and numb to everything
in life. The life he wanted wasn’t like this. He wanted to take back all
the things he once had.
To accomplish this goal, he needed to get rid of this adoptive
father of his who controlled him.
Since the time he left the basement, he had held such thoughts. As
time gradually passed, those thoughts had gradually taken shape
and there was even a clear plan thought out.
Wen Yu didn’t know if Wen Xijun had become aware of this, or if
he cared, but he really wanted to see if he would still be as calm as
he is now once he has lost everything and is forced onto his knees
before him.
Chi Zhao was completely unaware of the dangerous thoughts
going through the protagonist’s mind. He only thought that his slow
and silent approaches have finally managed to open a small crack in
Wen Yu’s heart.
After the negotiation ended, they were to stay there for another
day and take the return flight at 11 o’clock the next morning.
Once the task was over, the rest of the time could be used to
indulge. The two big men however didn’t have anything they wanted
to do so in the end they went to a local restaurant with good
The seafood in Country Meng was good. Sitting by the window,
the vast sea was right before them.
Chi Zhao took a few sips of red wine and casually glanced out the
window. At this moment, a tall man on the beach not far away was
looking in his direction.
Because the distance was too far, Chi Zhao couldn’t see the other
person’s appearance clearly. He could only see it very roughly, but
Chi Zhao had a feeling that the person was looking at himself.
“System, who is that person?”
Since the end of the competition, the systems attendance rate had
greatly increased. In the past, five out of ten of Chi Zhao’s calls
would be unanswered. This time, only one out of ten calls would be
But this time, Chi Zhao unfortunately happened to encounter that
one out of ten times.
Not hearing a response after a long wait, Chi Zhao could only give
up. He took another bite of the food and when he looked back, that
person was already gone.
This was an ordinary world. Chi Zhao was very certain of this. It
wasn’t possible for people here to recognise his amazing beauty
from his seeing his appearance very roughly in the distance and thus
refuse to leave for a long time. That person probably knew him.
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This big boss Wen had achieved a lot of accomplishments in his
life but there was only one thing that left everyone else in the dust.
It was his ability to offend people.
Wen Xijun’s enemies were too many to count. Chi Zhao lowered
his eyes, picked up a napkin to wipe his mouth and said in a low
voice, “A’Yu, leave this place now.”
Wen Yu’s eyes had been injured so he was no longer as vigilant as
he used to be. Wen Yu was stunned for a second when he heard Chi
Zhao’s words, but he quickly reacted. He placed down his knife and
fork and stood up to walk out together with Chi Zhao.
Wen Yu walked in front of Chi Zhao, shielding him from the
enemy’s sight and danger while he ordered the bodyguards to
quickly check the surrounding situation.
Chi Zhao didn’t know who that person was, and he didn’t know
what they wanted or whether they held malicious intentions, but he
was prepared for the worst. After quickly walking out, Chi Zhao’s
movements suddenly stiffened.
Wen Yu keenly noticed this. He lowered his voice, “Father?”
Chi Zhao: “…….It’s nothing. Go back first.”
Wen Yu frowned. He was however used to obeying Wen Xijun’s
orders so very soon, the two returned to the villa young master
Zhang had prepared for them.
There weren’t only people from the Wen Family here but also
people from the Zhang family. Theoretically speaking, it shouldn’t be
a problem but it wasn’t worth the risk. Since that person had
managed to secretly slip some aphrodisiac into his food, who knew
who else here may have also been coerced?
The feeling inside him was becoming more and more strange. Chi
Zhao endured it the entire way and now even standing up was
difficult. When he got out of car, he staggered a little, prompting
Wen Yu to quickly support him up.
His hot cheeks were pressed against Wen Yu’s cool neck. That
sudden stimulation made Chi Zhao’s entire body tremble reflexively.
He subconsciously grasped Wen Yu’s clothes. The two were
currently in an almost embracing position. Hearing the unstable
breathing next to his hear and feeling the abnormally high body
temperature of the person in his arms, Wen Yu couldn’t not
In fact, this wasn’t something surprising. There were too many
people who would do things like this. Wen Lie had previously
suffered from this and it was Wen Yu who had helped him deal with
it at the time.
Wen Yu’s treatment method was to directly knock Wen Lie
unconscious and then call a doctor over to prescribe medication to
counter the drug effects. At that time, he was calm and reliable but
the current him was a completely mess.
His body was a little stiff and his voice was a little unstable,
Chi Zhao felt that he couldn’t hold on any longer but he was
currently in public so he forced himself to stay awake and said
through gritted teeth, “Take me back to the room.”
“Do you need a doctor……”
“No need!”
The tone of the person in his arms carried a hint of
embarrassment. This was Wen Yu’s first time hearing Wen Xijun
reveal such obvious emotions. He pursed his slips and stopped
talking nonsense and quickly half-held/half-supported Wen Xijun
back to his room.
Now that there was no one else around, Chi Zhao no longer
needed to bear with it. His originally tense body suddenly relaxed,
turning so soft that it was as if he was about to turn into a pool of
water. Wen Yu placed him on the bed and stood on the side, dazed.
His previous shrewd and calculating nature from the negotiations
earlier was now completely gone.
It took him several seconds to remember that Wen Xijun should
be relieved of the discomfort he was feeling. He quickly turned
around and ran to the bathroom to get a cold towel.
Chi Zhao didn’t have a fever so what use was that cold towel? As
soon as the cold towel touched Chi Zhao’s skin, he groaned
Wen Yu’s entire body froze. A current of electricity that he had
never felt before instantly travelled through all his limbs. He soon
noticed some changes on his own body.
Wen Yu immediately stood up. He quickly backed away, as if the
person on the bed was some sort of monster. Chi Zhao could sense
that he couldn’t hold on any longer but the person next to him
showed no intentions to touch him at all. Chi Zhao could only
hoarsely call out to him: “Come here.”
Come here…..who?
Opening his eyes with difficulty, this drug not only made his mind
muddled, it also made him very weak. Even if Chi Zhao wanted to do
it himself, he couldn’t move. Dammit, who was the one who gave
him this drug!
Seeing that Wen Yu was not moving, Chi Zhao took in a deep
breath. He felt that he would soon ascend to heaven if he continued
enduring it, “Come here!”
This time, his tone was filled with anger, but his anger only
lingered around for a second before quickly turning weak. His words
trembled and there was a hint of pleading, “Come, help me………”
The person who drugged Chi Zhao definitely did it with the
intention to kill him with sex. After returning to the villa at eight
o’clock in the evening, it was only until two in the morning that the
effect of the drug almost wore off. Chi Zhao who had no strength at
all both physically and mentally could now finally rest. Chi Zhao laid
weakly on the bed and began to recall the silhouette of the person
on the beach.
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He didn’t know what that person looked like, but he knew his
name. It was because it was a man who had been slagged by big boss
Wen himself.
That man had a very long name and was a foreigner who often
travelled between countries. When he came to this country in the
past, he met Wen Xijun and the two spent some time together.
Big boss Wen was a strange one who never liked emotional
attachments. The other party had been playing around for such a
long time and having finally found someone he held true feelings
towards but only realising that the other party didn’t care about him
at all, one could only imagine how unwilling he was to accept this.
This was especially so after he desperately begged for him to
return his feelings only for big boss Wen to humiliate him and make
him lose face. As a result, love turned to hate.
And this wasn’t his first time using drugs against him.
The efficacy of the drug last time wasn’t strong, and it didn’t make
Wen Xijun embarrass himself him public so Wen Xijun didn’t rush to
kill him and spared his life. He didn’t expect that he would dare
attempt it again.
And seeing that he could succeed twice in a row, it seems that this
person wasn’t that simple.
Chi Zhao suddenly felt that this place was a little dangerous. On
the other side, Wen Yu came out from the bathroom.
Chi Zhao looked over and spoke with his hoarse voice, “Push the
flight ahead as much as possible.”
They must hurry and return. In an unfamiliar place like this, it
wouldn’t be good if anything happened.
Wen Yu didn’t answer immediately. He walked to Chi Zhao’s side
and placed a warm towel on his neck, helping him wipe off his
sweat. After wiping for a while, he finally answered, “Understood.”
Wen Yu usually didn’t talk much but right now he was too silent,
and his expression was also a little strange. He didn’t seem unhappy,
but he also couldn’t be said to be happy.
Chi Zhao pondered for a while and his expression suddenly
turned dark. Since the current Wen Yu didn’t like him…..did he think
that he was disgusting?!
Chi Zhao felt wronged. He also didn’t want it to progress this
quickly. This was something outside his control.
Although Wen Yu didn’t speak, his hands didn’t stop. Chi Zhao had
sweated a lot and was severely lacking electrolytes. He had drunk
water just now, but he was thirsty again.
Hearing him ask for water, Wen Yu immediately placed down the
towel in his hand and brought over a cup of warm water.
When he returned, Chi Zhao had already half-supported himself
up. Wen Yu had wanted to help him drink like earlier, but Chi Zhao
took the initiative to take the cup.
Wen Yu pursed his lips. After a few moments of silence, he finally
spoke, “Father, let’s call a doctor over to check.”
Chi Zhao slowly shook his head. He swallowed the water in his
mouth and replied, “No, I know this drug. It has no side effects on
the body.”
That casual statement caused Wen Yu’s eyes to darken in an
instant. His hands slowly formed a fist and his voice became a little
strange, “Father….have you used this drug before?”
Did he use it himself or give it to others?
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 137
Source: KK Translates


Early the next morning, Chi Zhao and Wen Yu boarded the plan
returning home.
Although the drug had no side effects on the body, the behaviour
it triggered had some serious side effects.
Some big bosses may seem aloof on the surface but was actually a
rookie who couldn’t last very long when helping each other out.
Big Bos Wen in fact had good physical strength and is also quite
capable of fighting but having sorted out his problems with his own
hand for all those years and suddenly having a taste of something
else and also for such a long time, his body couldn’t withstand it.
Even if he was a cow, he would probably also be exhausted.
Chi Zhao slept on the plane and even after getting off, he
continued to sleep. Once home, Wen Yu no longer cared about
anything else and personally carried Chi Zhao to his room before
secretly calling over the family doctor to draw a tube of blood from
the sleeping Chi Zhao. It was only after he finally learnt that this was
a normal reaction that he was able to breathe a sigh of relief.
When they returned, it was eleven in the morning. There was no
one at home. All the younger brothers and sisters were in class and
Wen Xijun also didn’t like others coming out to greet him so even
after hearing that their father was back, the children didn’t move
and instead studied even more seriously.
Once the health check was done, Wen Yu didn’t go out and instead
remained in Wen Xijun’s room. This was something that would have
never happened in the past. When He Jia rushed over after hearing
that there was an incident in Country Meng and saw Wen Yu silently
sitting beside Wen Xijun, he froze for a few seconds.
Hearing his arrival, Wen Yu looked up at He Jia and asked, “Did
you catch him?”
He Jia shook his head, “He escaped.”
The person who had drugged Wen Xijun was someone called Cain,
a member of a mafia family with a long history in Country Meng. He
just happened to learn of Wen Xijun’s whereabouts and with old
grudge and new grudge piling on top of each other, he decided to
attack Wen Xijun.
Cain’s original plan was to bring Wen Xijun to his territory and
secretly lock him up, making Wen Xijun become his slave.
Unfortunately, having planned everything out in too much haste, the
wine that was drugged was served ahead of time and Wen Xijun also
saw him.
Wen Yu didn’t speak anymore. He just gave He Jia a stern look and
the meaning of it was clear: He must capture Cain.
Although the Wen Family was powerful, the other party must not
be underestimated. It was a mafia family which had been around for
hundreds of years and Cain was also the son of their current head.
He Jia was a little hesitant. He wanted to hear Wen Xijun’s opinion. If
Wen Xijun wanted him to capture him then he would really go and
capture him.
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As if he could read his thoughts, Wen Yu stood up.
Although Wen Yu was only eighteen years old this year, his
oppressive temperament was already established. Unlike his elder
brother Wen Lie, Wen Yu didn’t have the kind of gentleness
exclusive to a businessman and he was instead too sharp, the
presence making others stay far away from him.
This was especially so when he looked at another person
seriously. It made the other party feel a cold chill on par to being
stared at by a poisonous snake. He Jia had seen all kinds of people in
his life, but he was still overwhelmed by the current Wen Yu.
“Bring him right here in front of me. Understand?”
He Jia was silent for a moment, but he eventually agreed. He had
no choice. He couldn’t provoke Wen Xijun and he similarly couldn’t
provoke the current Wen Yu. Wen Xijun’s attitude these days have
already shown that he hadn’t given up on this half blind second
young master and, on the contrary, he even held him with more
importance. He Jia didn’t want to provoke anyone.
The eldest young master Wen Lie would still smile when he
requests for someone to do something but when this second young
master wanted someone to do something he didn’t ask and instead
directly resorted to threats, scaring the other party into submission.
If the Wen Family was still the same as before, dealing with both
good and evil, then the second young master was very suitable to be
the head of the family.
Cain’s name and background were all told to Wen Yu by Wen
Xijun when he was still awake. He also said that he and Cain had a
relationship about five years ago but after some very unpleasant
disagreements, he never saw him again.
From Wen Xijun’s tone, it seemed that Cain and he were involved
in a very brief relationship and without even saying more than a few
sentences altogether, the relationship was over. But how could
someone who had only appeared in Wen Xijun’s life briefly five
years ago still be remembered and recognised from just a vague
figure in the distance?
When they were eating, Wen Yu also saw that person, but he
didn’t say anything. He had thought that it was a stranger, but he
didn’t expect that person to have such a relationship with Wen
Wen Yu had always known that Wen Xijun would also
occasionally go outside and play around. He had never thought
much of it before but right now his mind was filled with the scenes
from last night and when he thought of such scenes appearing in
front of other people’s eyes, he…….
Unable to have the chance to understand his own feelings, there
was suddenly knocking on his door.
Wen Xin was back.
Before entering, she had heard about something happening in
Country Meng and when she saw Wen Xijun lying on the bed the
moment she entered, Wen Xin’s face turned pale. She lowered her
voice and quietly approached Wen Yu, “A’Yu, what happened in
Country Meng? What’s wrong with father? Did you get hurt?”
Wen Yu right now didn’t want to talk to anyone but the other
party was his older sister so he could only respond succinctly,
“Don’t worry, it was a trivial matter. It has been resolved. I’m not
injured, and father isn’t either. He was just too tired and had
fallen asleep.”
Wen Xin breathed a sigh of relief. A moment later, Wen Xin
wondered, “Since father is sleeping, why are you sitting here?
Come out with me or father won’t be happy when he wakes up.”
Wen Yu was also taken aback when he heard Wen Xin’s question.
That’s right. What was he doing here? There was no danger
around right now, so he didn’t need to be by Wen Xijun’s side. Why
had he stayed beside him until now after subconsciously following
him into his room?
Wen Yu’s expression was stiff and strange. Wen Xin had been
standing there for a while, but he had never looked at her directly.
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Wen Yu’s eyes remained fixated on Wen Xijun’s face.
Wen Xin took another step closer towards Wen Yu. Her tone was
now a little different compared to earlier, “A’Yu, what exactly
happened in Country Meng?”
Wen Yu was silent for a few seconds. He then turned around and
walked out.
Even until the very end, Wen Xin didn’t get the answer she
wanted. Curiosity can kill the cat. This was something Wen Xin was
also aware of so she no longer asked about it. On the other end, Chi
Zhao also woke up.
Leaning lazily against the head of the bed, the system immediately
threw a rapid-fire of questions at him the moment it noticed that he
was awake.
【 What is this? I just went to sign a contract but how did you
become so weak? Did something happen again? Why do you always
get into trouble? Wow, look at your face right now. It’s as if you have
stayed at a brothel for three days and three nights.】
Chi Zhao: “……I am also confused. Why is it that every time
something happens, you are never around? Have you colluded
with them?”
【 I am wronged! I no longer care if the mission is successful or
not so why would I use my privileges to interfere with the world
progression? You don’t know how much it costs to do that. It’s too
expensive. I’m not that generous.】
That was also true. With the system being so stingy, it definitely
wouldn’t do that. Chi Zhao however still didn’t understand, “Then
why is it that every time you leave, something happens?”
The system was silent for a while.
【 Actually, I felt that you are also very prone to getting into
trouble. Wasn’t there this saying? Having a so and so physique. You
may have an accident-prone physique.】
Chi Zhao: “……..”
Having slept for ten hours, Chi Zhao was completely recovered.
He calmly observed Wen Yu’s attitude towards himself and very
tragically found that Wen Yu had been particularly distant. Although
he didn’t deliberately avoid him, his slightly softened edges had
become hard again, just like how he was when they first met.
After all those years of hard work, everything had gone back to
the beginning.
Chi Zhao was depressed. In order to prevent Wen Yu from feeling
even more disgusted at himself, Chi Zhao could only maintain some
distance between the two and sent Wen Yu away on jobs that
required business trips to give him a chance to relax.
After Wen Yu received those jobs, the temperature in his
originally cold eyes instantly dropped below freezing point.
After half a month, He Jia finally managed to capture the culprit.
The Wen Family had been dealing with legal business these past few
years and hadn’t been involved in illegal matters in a while so He Jia
found it a little foreign at first.
Hearing that Cain had been captured, Chi Zhao and Wen Yu were
both in a good mood. The former felt that they could finally get
revenge for himself while the latter felt that he could finally use this
chance to vent.
Hearing He Jia report this, Chi Zhao rubbed his hands, eager to
meet this person who had drugged him. At this moment, Wen Yu
who had been playing the role of an ice sculpture the past few days
suddenly looked at him, “Father, please let me deal with that
Wen Yu had always waited for Wen Xijun to assign tasks to him.
This was his first time taking the initiative to ask for a job.
So far, only Wen Yu and Chi Zhao knew about Cain and, with the
addition of their confidant, He Jia, there was no one else. After all,
the matter with the aphrodisiac was not a matter that could easily
be talked about. In order to protect his big boss settings, Chi Zhao
forbad them from saying anything about it.
After more than half a month, Wen Yu finally said something to
him that carried some warmth. Chi Zhao thought about it and
nodded, “Alright, I will hand it over to you.”
All Wen Yu could do was to torture Cain and extract a confession,
ask him if there was anyone else behind him and then beat him up.
Apart from that, there wasn’t much else to do.
Both Chi Zhao and He Jia thought this. This time, Cain was in the
wrong. Cain’s family was familiar with the matter of being in the
right or wrong so they would turn a blind eye to this incident. Once
they are done, they would throw him back to Country Meng and it
would be all over.
Of course, before throwing him back, they would also take a few
things from Cain. Those that have made a mistake should be
punished. Surely Cain’s family will understand this.
But what they didn’t expect was that Wen Yu not only didn’t go
and torture out a confession or ask if there was anyone behind him,
he also didn’t beat Cain up severely.
When he arrived at the place Cain was detained, he stood in front
of the pathetic person, looking down at him.
“That drug, how many times have you used it?”
Cain raised his head with difficulty. They were in an abandoned
factory and the sun happened to shine into Cain’s eyes, forcing him
to squint to see who the other party was.
He looked familiar but for a while Cain couldn’t remember.
Hearing Wen Yu’s question, Cain suddenly let out a couple of low
laughs. He licked his lips and seemed to be recalling some
interesting memories, “Just twice. Every time, I used it on Wen
Xijun but unfortunately…….”
Not once was successful.
He didn’t finish his words, but it made Wen Yu misunderstand. He
thought he said it was unfortunate because he didn’t succeed the
second time. Did that mean that he succeeded the first time?
Caught off guard, Cain was hit in the face with a heavy punch. The
fist slammed against his cheek bones, loosening several of his teeth
and he could also see gold stars in his vision. Cain was tied to a chair
and that blow caused him to crash onto the ground together with
the chair. After taking some time to recover from the pain, Cain
reopened his eyes.
Looking at the furious man before him from such a strange
angle, Cain laughed loudly, “Are you his new plaything?
Interesting. Seeing that you are so angry, you must care about
him a lot. But so what? My current state is your future. Sooner or
later, you will be thrown by him and then severely humiliated.
Oh, you poor little baby, look at that furious look of yours. Looks
like it won’t be long until you’re thrown away.”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 138
Source: KK Translates


In response to those words, Wen Yu’s answer was to punch Cain

Cain wasn’t a spoiled young master; he had also dirtied his hands
before. Having fallen into Wen Yu’s hands at this very moment, he
wasn’t annoyed and on the contrary, he found it very interesting.
This was especially so after he remembered Wen Yu’s identity.
The eyes he used to look at Wen Yu gradually changed from
indifference to surprise and then from surprise to disgust and pity.
“Wen Xijun must not know that you have such thoughts about
him or your throat would have long been personally cut open by
Spitting out a mouthful of blood, Cain raised the corner of his
mouth, revealing bloody and wretched smile.
“Falling for your adoptive father, don’t you find yourself
disgusting? Oh, of course, you must already think that, otherwise
why would Wen Xijun not know until now? Poor little thing, you
live like a rat in a dirty sewer, only able to carefully hide away
your true feelings and never able to confess. Your adoptive father
after all is the person who looks down on people like you the
Cain was right. Wen Xijun hated messy relationships between
people the most, particularly those with particularly messy private
lives. When he was young, he had run into his father and his cousin
in a compromising position and was so disgusted, he didn’t eat for
several days.
No less than a beast. That referred to Wen Xijun’s father. If it
weren’t for him, Wen Xijun wouldn’t have been so abstinent for all
these years.
Although Wen Xijin had never said these things, the people
around him have always paid attention to his preferences so Wen Yu
was also aware that what Wen Xijun hated the most was playing
around and incest.
Wen Yu’s eyes were cold like ice. He stared at the other person on
the ground and, suddenly, he let out a laugh and slowly squatted
The distance between the two shortened, Cain could now see the
emotions in Wen Yu’s eye more clearly.
Cain had seen it many times before. It was the look one had when
looking at something dead.
Cain couldn’t move. Wen Yu reached out, his hand gently grasping
Cain’s throat. His tone was very calm.
“You are right, I am a disgusting rat. As for you, you are just a
bug. You can only resort to the lowest tricks. You’re not even as
good as a rat.”
Cain’s eyes trembled. He even started to feel some fear towards
this Wen Yu before him. He forced himself to calm down and
sneered, “Is that right? Then I guess we’re no different.”
Wen Yu also laughed. His laugh was more sincere than Cain’s.
“However, I am not the same as you.”
“I am a lot more ruthless than you. You can say that you’re
doing your all but all you can do is drug his wine. As for me…..to
achieve what I want, I can even kill someone.”
When saying the last two words, Wen Yu’s grip suddenly
tightened. The feeling of having someone have control of your life
was too terrifying. A trace of panic flashed in Cain’s eyes. At this
moment, he could still speak.
“No, you don’t dare. I am a member of the Carlos Family. Kill
me and you won’t live it down.”
Wen Yu looked down at him from above and raised a brow
slightly, “You’re wrong again. I indeed don’t dare but what I’m
afraid of is others discovering my secret. Killing you is nothing.”
Cain’s eyes widened. Before he died, all he had in his mind was:
Turns out Wen Yu did it on purpose.
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He wasn’t one that would show his emotions but only with just
this encounter, Cain could see that he liked Wen Xijun. It wasn’t
because Wen Yu was emotionally charged but because Wen Yu had
never planned on letting Cain live from the very beginning.
When he received the news of Cain’s death, Chi Zhao was sitting in
the study with an invitation letter in his hands sent from another
He Jia quickly walked in with a frown.
“Master, Cain’s dead.”
Chi Zhao looked away from the letter and looked towards He Jia.
Half an hour later, Wen Yu arrived at the study.
Chi Zhao sat quietly behind a solid wooden desk. He had changed
his clothes and was now wearing casual clothes, making him a little
softer than usual, but it was only a little bit.
“Father, you were looking for me?”
Chi Zhao didn’t go around in circles and asked directly, “Why did
you kill Cain?”
Wen Yu lowered his eyes, “Because he was disrespectful to you,
so he deserved to die.”
When he said this, Wen Yu didn’t raise his head so Chi Zhao
couldn’t see his true thoughts. After a second of silence, Chi Zhao
spoke, “You have also disrespected me, but you are alive and
Wen Yu raised his eyes, “What does father mean?”
Chi Zhao only felt tired, He didn’t expect Wen Yu to kill someone
just because of some disagreements. Right now, not only was He Jia
anxious, but he was also very worried.
He Jia was anxious because he didn’t know how to explain to the
mafia family while Chi Zhao was worried because it looked like Wen
Yu had already been led down the wrong path by Wen Xijun and he
didn’t know if he could still bring him back.
But what he also found strange was that although the Wen Yu in
the original plot as quite scary, he wasn’t the type who would kill
without reason. In the plot, Wen Yu fought desperately against Wen
Xijun for his and his sibling’s freedom. If you reasoned it out, it was
for the sake of love and justice. How could such a good child do
something like this?
Chi Zhao didn’t understand and Wen Yu opposite him was even
less likely going to give him an answer. Chi Zhao lightly sighed,
“Nothing, just don’t something like this again. We are
businessmen, we no longer deal with that blood-stained knife
kind of lifestyle anymore.”
Before coming in, Wen Yu had thought that he was going to be
punished again but it seems that he had no intentions to do that and
even planned to gently brush it off.
Chi Zhao closed his eyes to rest them for a while but when he
didn’t hear the other person leaving, he opened his eyes again. Sure
enough, Wen Yu was still standing there.
Chi Zhao looked at him questioningly. Meeting his gaze, Wen Yu
suddenly asked a question.
“Can…..people change?”
Chi Zhao looked at Wen Yu fixatedly for a while. He then changed
into a more relaxed sitting position. Folding his hands on his legs,
his elbows naturally fell onto the chair armrest and his chin was
slightly raised. Chi Zhao replied, “Some will, some won’t.”
After a few seconds, the corners of Wen Yu’s lips twitched lightly,
“I see, thank you father.”
The Jiang Family’s cocktail party was scheduled for the coming
weekend and the main purpose of it was for connecting and
improving business relations. Firstly, it was to celebrate the Jiang
Family’s twin daughters coming of age and it was also secondly used
to show off the new batch of goods the Jiang Family had received.
The reception was organised by Mrs. Jiang. Originally, the
invitation was only sent out to the wives of the big bosses but Wen
Xijun didn’t have a wife and his daughter Wen Xin wasn’t married so
she could only send the letter to Wen Xijun.
Please read this from kk translates
Because it was more of a homely gathering, and because the Jiang
Family was one of the few conscientious merchants in the country
and the relationship between Master Jiang and Mrs. Jiang was also
very good such that there were no messy things going on, Chi Zhao
brought along all seven children with him to the reception to show
these children what a happy family should be like in hopes to
correct their crooked worldviews.
All of Wen Family’s children had excellent appearances. When
they all appeared together as a group, everyone’s eyes brightened.
Chi Zhao gave Wen Lie and Wen Xin standing behind him a look and
the two children immediately understood. Carrying perfect smiles,
they guided their younger siblings into the party and started to
socialise with the other children there.
Children have their own conversation topics while adults have
theirs. Chi Zhao had already got himself ready to talk to the other
business leaders about work and engage in business boasting but
surprisingly, no one mentioned any of those things.
On the contrary, a couple of them asked him about Wen Lie and
Wen Xin as well as the third child, Wen Hu’s situation.
Chi Zhao didn’t understand why at first but he later realised that
he had probably wandered into a large-scale blind date gathering for
With four adult children altogether, three had already been asked
about. Only Wen Yu was pitifully overlooked by the parents. In fact,
if his eye was okay, there would be many people also asking about
him, but the original owner had cruelly ruined his eye and at the
same time ruined his chance of living a normal life.
Wen Lie and Wen Xin had been working together for a while now,
Chi Zhao didn’t know if the two had made any progress. Wen Lie
was a gentle elder brother type while Wen Xin was similarly a gently
elder sister type, they didn’t seem like they would get into a secret
relationship with each other.
As such, when someone asked about the two, Chi Zhao could only
answer vaguely, saying that they were still young and weren’t
thinking about these things.
If they were both still young, then Wen Hu who had only just
come of age a few months ago would be considered even younger.
Gradually, the people around Chi Zhao were gone. Chi Zhao was also
happy about this. He randomly picked up a glass of champagne and
took a sip.
Chi Zhao still remembered that he couldn’t drink much and that
he was the type who would forget everything when drunk. Since
entering this reception, this was the first drink he picked up.
Because there were so many children here today, Mrs. Jiang had
prepared all kinds of drinks and had directed the staff to avoid
giving the children drinks with high alcohol content.
Children could drink fruit wine. Although it had some alcohol
taste, it wouldn’t harm their body.
Mrs. Jiang was very attentive. Chi Zhao internally commented this
as he quietly tasted the champagne in his hand.
A child was walking towards Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao looked over and saw that it was Wen Mu.
The most popular person here today was Wen Mu and even the
Jiang Family’s twin girls were robbed of their limelight by him.
Whenever Chi Zhao looked over, there would always be a bunch of
girls around him. There were girls from all sorts of age groups, he
was practically able to charm females both young and old.
Wen Mu was one of the best-looking children in the Wen Family.
Although he was a boy, just his smile alone could really steal another
person’s soul away. Wen Xijun had been working on training him to
be a male version of Su Daji and Chi Zhao had recently been quietly
changing those courses of his back to normal, but it seems that his
efforts the past few months have not had any effect. (KKnotes:
Wikilink to Su Daji – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daji)
Just like now, when Wen Mu came over, he first subconsciously
smiled sweetly at Chi Zhao and then stuck to Chi Zhao’s side, staying
at a distance that was close but also wasn’t too close.
Chi Zhao felt very helpless, but he also knew that a long-term
habit wouldn’t be very easy to change. He helped straighten Wen
Mu’s collar and then asked, “Why did you come over?”
Wen Mu opened his hands, his big bright eyes looking intently at
Chi Zhao, “Father, a big sister gave me this.”
Chi Zhao lowered his head to look at it and then his face was
covered with black lines.
Who had shamelessly given a room card to a thirteen-year-old
boy?! Are you taking my son for a male prostitute?!
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 139
Source: KK Translates


Wen Yu’s gaze had been both intentionally and unintentionally

following Chi Zhao around. Seeing his face suddenly darken, Wen Yu
walked over without a second word.
Standing next to Chi Zhao, Wen Yu glanced at Wen Mu who was
still attached to him and then asked in a low voice, “Father, what’s
Chi Zhao was silent. He gently held Wen Mu’s hand, gesturing for
him to close his hands and Wen Mu did as he was instructed. Wen
Yu didn’t see what Wen Mu was holding but his eyes were fixed onto
the two hands holding each other.
Although the other person was his younger brother, Wen Yu also
found him an eyesore at this very moment.
Chi Zhao had his back to Wen Yu, so he didn’t see his expression.
He smiled at Wen Mu, “A’Mu, which big sister gave you that?”
Wen Mu turned around and looked in a particular direction. There
was a woman in her twenties talking to Mr. Jiang. Chi Zhao frowned
and looked at her for a while, but he still couldn’t remember who
she was.
While he was deep in thought, Wen Yu said in his ear, “Father,
that is the eldest daughter of the Wang Family.”
There were too many families Wen Xijun dealt with so unless the
other party was very important, Wen Xijun wouldn’t remember the
appearance of all the family members. Wen Yu’s timely reminder
allowed Chi Zhao to recognise that woman’s identity.
It was a very bold background character.
There were too many powerful families named in the plot but in
the end, there was no one surnamed Wang.
Chi Zhao now understood. He looked down at Wen Mu who was
still waiting for his answer, “A’Mu, go and return that to that big
sister. Be polite and let Uncle Jiang and the others see that you’re
a gentle and polite boy, understand?”
Wen Mu blinked a few times and very quickly revealed a sweet
smile, “I understand, father.”
For the children of the Wen Family, Wen Xijun was their
everything. Whatever he said, they would do it without thinking
about the possible consequences.
When Wen Mu reached Miss Wang’s side and Miss Wang saw that
he seemed to be wanting to say something, she felt her heart fall. She
originally thought that it was fortunate that Wen Mu didn’t seem to
be too ignorant but as it turned out, Wen Mu was just that ignorant.
In the presence of Mr. Jiang and the other guests, Wen Mu gave
her room card back and very quickly went through what happened
with just a few lines. His voice wasn’t loud, but Wen Mu was very
attention-drawing, so a lot of people looked over when they saw him
walking over. Hearing Wen Mu’s words, they then looked at Miss
Wang, their gazes changing a little.
Mr. Jiang took a closer look. He gave Miss Wang a deep look and
then turned to look at Wen Mu, “A’Mu, uncle has a lot of precious
collections. Would you like to see?”
Mr. Jiang led Wen Mu away, leaving Miss Wang, whose face
quickly alternated back and forth between red and white.
Chi Zhao watched this entire process and couldn’t help but let out
a laugh. He then turned to Wen Yu, “Keep an eye on A’Mu. Don’t let
anything happen to him.”
Wen Yu looked at the small trace of smile still lingering on Chi
Zhao’s face. He pursed his lips and finally nodded.
There were too many children but too few guardians. Although
Wen Mu was being watched and no other accidents occurred, the
others who weren’t being watched had their own troubles to deal
When Chi Zhao was called over, there were several adults already
there. Wen Xin had her brows furrowed as she stood beside Wen Xi
and opposite them was a young girl around the same age as Wen Xi
crying pitifully. She gripped her dress tightly as large tears rolled
down her cheeks. It was a particularly distressing sight to see.
Chi Zhao felt a headache forming. He could see with one glance
that there had been a conflict between the children. Did he also have
to deal with this?
What’s more, wasn’t Wen Xin there as well? Why did they call him
Seeing him coming, Wen Xi’s originally cold expression became a
little tense. She seemed to be very nervous. Realising that his
existence made the little girl uncomfortable, Chi Zhao could only
stop in place and no longer move closer.
When Wen Xi saw him standing on the edge like an outsider, her
originally upset mood turned for the worse. She lowered her head
and stopped looking at anyone.
Please read this from kk translates
When the people around saw Wen Xijun coming, pretty much
everyone’s expressions went through some changes. Most of the
people standing there were women. Their shrill voices made Chi
Zhao’s head hurt and he looked around the crowd with a frown
before finally naming Wen Xin, “A’Xin, what’s going on.”
No matter what actually happened, Wen Xijun would still protect
his children. Wen Xin breathed a sigh of relief and walked over with
Wen Xi. She very quickly explained the situation.
A few girls of the same age were standing together talking and at
some point, the other girls left, leaving Wen Xi and that child alone
together. At that moment, Wen Xi suddenly poured wine on the girl,
making the girl cry.
Many people saw it. Wen Xin hurried over to ask about the
situation but Wen Xi stubbornly refused to speak and even insisted
that she had done it on purpose.
Chi Zhao had no experience dealing with little girls. Although he
was recognised as a fellow sister by his female classmates, a twelve-
year-old girl was still completely different from a twenty-year-old
Chi Zhao looked at Wen Xi, but Wen Xi was looking down at her
toes. No one spoke for a while. On the other end, the young girl’s
mother spoke up.
“We’re not unreasonable people. Mr. Wen, we came here today
to celebrate the coming of age of Jiang Family’s two young ladies,
making a ruckus isn’t good. As the saying goes, harmony brings
wealth. You don’t need to blame your daughter, let’s just put this
behind us.”
She didn’t mention anything about Wen Xi apologising and the
words were spoken with a very generous attitude, but Chi Zhao
frowned when he heard this.
Wasn’t that equivalent to admitting that Wen Xi was in the
Chi Zhao ignored that mother and asked Wen Xi, “A’Xi, why did
you do it?”
This incident wasn’t the same as Wen Mu’s incident just now.
Everything was at stalemate. Very soon, the others who were
originally enjoying the alcohol also started to look over. Wen Lie and
Wen Zhuang also came over. Seeing that one of the protagonists
involved was Wen Xi, they similarly asked, “What happened?”
Wen Xi still didn’t speak.
The young girl opposite her was no longer crying. A small trace of
contempt flashed in her eyes when she looked at Wen Xi.
Look at that, sure enough trash is just trash. She doesn’t even have
the ability to defend herself, how pitiful.
All the family members had come over. Wen Mu even had to
squeeze past other people to reach them. When he reached her side,
he held her hand to show his concern for her. Wen Xi’s eyelashes
trembled. She raised her head and looked towards Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao originally hated being watched and the situation at this
very moment made him even more irritated. He originally wanted to
bring his children over to participate in a harmonious cocktail party
but he didn’t expect there to be so many bad people here and every
one of them even had their eyes on his children.
Chi Zhao approached Wen Xi and pressed down on her thin
shoulder. He lowered his eyes and said in a low voice, “It can’t be
more embarrassing than this very moment.”
That’s why, you should speak up.
Wen Xi understood what he was saying. She was silent for a
second before finally opening her mouth, “She said that I am
someone who grew up in a dirty sewer, a crayfish that only
knows to eat garbage, that our family is dirty and disgusting and
that we should all return to that smelly and dark sewer to
continue eating the rubbish she considerately throws at us.”
The insulted party was clearly Wen Xin, but she didn’t say
anything. Firstly, it was because no one would listen; that other girl
was recognised as a good child by the others so people would easily
believe in her words instead. Secondly, that girl had touched on a
topic she had always been sensitive about. She would rather take the
blame than let the other hear those insults.
When Wen Xi was done, that young girl immediately stood up. Her
eyes were wide open, and her expression was incredulous, “I didn’t
say that! How dare you slander me?!”
At this moment, the expressions of the members of then Wen
Family weren’t too good. Wen Lie stepped forward. For once, there
was no warmth in his eyes, “So you’re saying that my sister is
“Since she can pour alcohol on someone, lying shouldn’t be a
problem for her either.”
Unable to bear with it, Wen Zhuang rolled up his sleeves, ready to
jump in, but the person who spoke was a woman so he couldn’t hit
Wen Yu held back the emotionally charged Wen Zhuang and
looked deeply back at the young girl who was guarded in her
mother’s arms.
In fact, he also wanted to take action but compared to Wen
Zhuang who cared about the other party’s gender, it didn’t matter to
him whether they’re male or female. It was just that there were too
many people around, so it wasn’t a good place to do anything.
Wen Xi was guarded by her elder brothers and sisters. Even her
usually kind eldest brother and sister were angry. Wen Mu had his
arms around her shoulders, letting her lean against him. Her nose
felt a little sour. Wen Xi suddenly had the urge to cry.
For the first time, she felt that she was also a child with a family.
For the first time, she experienced what it was like being
Wen Xijun was still silent but just those six children were more
than enough for them to deal with. That young girl’s family and
friends had also gathered. Everyone here were civilised people; they
naturally wouldn’t start quarrelling and getting physical, but it was
also most irritating when a civilised person speaks. Every word and
every sentence of theirs carried thorns, pushing the blame onto Wen
Please read this from kk translates
After an unknown amount of time passed, perhaps about three
minutes, very suddenly, a young girl’s voice sounded.
“…..Hah, do you really think you can be our friends? Are you
worthy? You’re just a crayfish picked up by your father. Do you
know what a crayfish is? They all grow in filthy water, eating
garbage and dead bodies and their heads are filled with toxins
and filth. Don’t you think that sounds just like you?”
Those few words were filled with disdain. Everyone fell silent and
turned to look at the source of the sound. Wen Xijun
expressionlessly pressed a button on his phone and raised his head,
“Do you want to continue listening?”
That young girl could no longer speak. She looked at Wen Xijun
with a ghostly pale face and didn’t know when he had recorded her
words from just now.
Wen Xi was also stunned.
“Before coming to this reception, I was worried about the two
young children in my family. They are only twelve and thirteen
years old this year and children at that age are not capable of
protecting themselves and can easily be bullied so I planted a
listening and tracking device on them. I didn’t think I would
actually need to use it.”
Chi Zhao didn’t look at the shocked expressions and just turned to
smile courteously at Mr. Jiang.
“I won’t be staying around. My child has been wronged so I
will need to coax her when we return. Mr. Jiang, thank you for
your hospitality today.”
Mr. Jiang wanted to say something, but Chi Zhao had already
stretched out a hand, signalling Wen Xi to hold it. Following that, he
turned around and looked back at that young girl who was still
standing there in shock from his sudden attack.
“You seem to be thirteen years old this year and will be
turning fourteen next year. Fortunately, our country can charge
someone up to three years after the incident for psychological
injury and fourteen is an age when one can be sentenced. Young
lady, you should spend more time with your parents. Later, they
will only be able to visit you in prison.”
Looking at the mother and daughter, Wen Zhuang also added
another line, “That’s not all. Feng shui is always changing, who
knows whether her parents will be able to have the chance to
visit her?”
Wen Lie chuckled, “Oh they will be able to. Leisurely people
always have a lot of time.”
The repeated threats, regardless of whether they’re true or false,
made the mother’s vision turn dark. She gripped her daughter’s
shoulder with great strength but still wasn’t willing to lower her
head down to apologise.
Leaving the Jiang residence and standing at a place where there
were no outsiders around, Wen Xi finally couldn’t restrain her
feelings and immediately threw herself into Chi Zhao’s arms.
Chi Zhao was startled. Just as he was about to pull the girl away,
he felt Wen Xi’s small body trembling slightly. Chi Zhao could only
smile helplessly and lightly pat her back.
Seeing this scene, the children standing around them all smiled
unanimously. Wen Xi was the most introverted and cold-blooded
among them all. To make her show so much emotion, it clearly
showed how big of an effect todays incident had on her.
Thank goodness father had taken measures beforehand.
At this time, the ‘listening and tracking device’ in Chi Zhao’s mind
wasn’t happy.
【I’m clearly the one who sent the recording to your phone. Why
is no one hugging me?】
Haa, one who has no family has no power.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 140
Source: KK Translates


When they got back, it was only eight in the evening. The warm
scene earlier was only very brief and when everyone entered the
residence, their expressions had returned to the usual indifferent
and calm look, but ultimately, there were still some changes.
A warm feeling still lingered in their hearts, subtly changing their
perceptions and relationships.
Chi Zhao returned to his room and thought about how he should
deal with the young girl from today. After thinking about it for a
while, he sneered.
In fact, he didn’t even need to think. Wen Lie would help him
handle everything. Wen Lie was a smiling tiger; he looked kind on
the outside, but he was no worse than the old Wen Xijun when it
came to being ruthless.
If nothing unexpected happens, Wen Lie should become the main
heir of the Wen Family in the future. Of course, the other children
would also receive some assets, but Wen Lie would take control
over the main group.
Wen Yu actually wasn’t bad either, but he had too much hostility
and was more suitable being the boss of the underworld, not the
chairman of a group.
These people are still young. They still have a lot of time to think
about their future.
After pondering for a while, Chi Zhao stood up and left his room.
Not thinking, not thinking. The young ones can take care of
themselves, especially since these children are all smarter than him.
For something this serious, he should let them deal with it
Having not eaten his fill at the Jiang residence, Chi Zhao went to
the kitchen. When he opened the fridge and saw that there was
nothing he could eat right away, he could only do what he did before
and make himself a bowl of noodles.
When the noodles were done, Chi Zhao stared at the noodles
which didn’t look any better than his first attempt at cooking and
felt troubled.
After all these worlds, no matter where he went, why were the
food he cooked always so bad??
Sitting at the dining table, Chi Zhao picked up some noodles and
just as he was about to put it in his mouth, he heard a nice and soft
voice behind him, “Father, can you give me some too?”
Chi Zhao: “……….”
Wen Hu quietly waited on the side. Very soon, a second bowl of
very crudely made noodles was done. Placing that bowl in front of
Wen Hu, Chi Zhao returned to his seat and suddenly wanted to bring
his bowl back with him to eat in his own room.
For some reason, every time he saw Wen Hu’s face, he felt
uncomfortable and wanted to distance himself from him.
Just as Chi Zhao was struggling over whether he should leave,
Wen Hu opposite him spoke up.
He gently picked at the noodles with his chopsticks and looked up
with a smile on his face, “Father has changed a lot recently. I
almost couldn’t recognise you.”
Please read this from kk translates
Chi Zhao wasn’t worried about being exposed. This world wasn’t
like the previous one where his spiritual body could take shape. His
body was Wen Xijun’s and everything he owned was also Wen
Xijun’s. As long as he remained insistent, no one would be able to
find any evidence.
As such, Chi Zhao calmly followed up, “People change.”
Wen Hu looked into Chi Zhao’s eyes and found that he couldn’t
read his thoughts. He could only give up and ask another question,
“Then can father tell me why you don’t like me?”
Chi Zhao: “…….”
The past Wen Xijun also never liked you!
After a few seconds of silence, Chi Zhao also raised his head. He
chose to tell the truth, “You are my child. I have never liked you.”
Wen Hu was startled.
After a pause, Chi Zhao went on to say, “As a father, what I
have to do is to protect you, guide you, lead you. I don’t need to
like you nor do you need to like me.”
His astonished expression gradually faded. Wen Hu carefully
savoured those words and then revealed a smile that looked like he
had been abandoned by society, “What a cruel answer.”
“What cruel?” Chi Zhao lowered his head. He casually picked up
some noodles and took a bite before speaking again, “You don’t like
me either anyway.”
In the original plot, although Wen Hu was closest to Wen Xijun, he
was also the one who threw him away the fastest when he saw that
Wen Xijun had lost his power. Someone like Wen Hu, how should he
put it? At times, he seemed like he was very devoted but other times
he seemed very carefree. He seemed to care about his siblings, but
he could also watch on indifferently as a pervert shows interest
towards Wen Xi. But if you said that he didn’t care about his family,
he would also step in to help when Wen Yu almost exposed himself
and was on the verge of losing his life.
In summary, he was a mysterious man.
Even if nothing else was certain, the fact that Wen Hu didn’t like
Wen Xijun, Chi Zhao was 100% certain about this.
This wasn’t from the plot he was given; he had noticed it as he
interacted with Wen Hu.
Chi Zhao was certain that Wen Hu didn’t like him, and even hated
him a little.
Perhaps this was why Chi Zhao felt uncomfortable when he saw
him. It was because Wen Hu would always act like he likes Wen
Xijun very much and would happily follow his orders. It sent a chill
down his back.
The Wen Hu opposite him slowly stored away his expression. A
moment later, he lowered his head and let out a low laugh.
“That’s because, father doesn’t need my affection.”
His words seem to hold deeper meaning. Chi Zhao calmly
looked at him but couldn’t get anything else out by doing that. On
the other end, Wen Hu stood up in a good mood, “Father you
should rest early. I will return to my room first. Thank you father
for your hospitality tonight. If you can make a bowl of noodles
like this for A’Xi, A’Xi will definitely be willing to do anything for
you in the future.”
After saying that, Wen Hu left. Chi Zhao looked at the untouched
bowl of noodles opposite him and felt very complicated.
He didn’t even taste it. Were the noodles he made really that bad?!
Chi Zhao was very down. He even lost his appetite. He took a few
more bites and then returned to his room, leaving the bowl of
noodles on the table to be cleaned up by the maid tomorrow
Half an hour later, Wen Yu passed by this kitchen and smelt a
familiar smell. He stepped in and saw two bowls of noodles on the
dining table as well as two sets of chopsticks. Wen Yu pursed his lips
Wen Xin had just came out of Wen Xi’s room. She was thirsty so
she stopped by the kitchen. This small kitchen was usually just a
spare room but today it was visited by many people.
It was just that every single one of the visitors seemed to be in a
bad mood.
Wen Xin stood behind Wen Yu. After two minutes, she softly
spoke up, “A’Yu, can you practice dancing with me?”
There was a very beautiful courtyard with a flowerbed in the
centre in front of the Wen residence. to the flowerbed was marbled
floor and every gathering the Wen Family hosted would be held
The flowers, a fountain and gorgeous and gentle lighting. No
matter who came over, they would find this place extremely
pleasing to the eye.
But today, there were no brilliant lights and also no noisy guests.
There were only the two of them, dancing to a soundtrack played
from a phone.
Wen Xin was raised to be a multi-talented lady and she was
naturally very good at dancing and didn’t need to practice at all. She
however still dragged Wen Yu out there, spinning around and
around like fools.
Dance needed to be accompanied by music or in the eyes of
others, it would look very awkward and embarrassing.
After the end of the third round, Wen Xi couldn’t take it anymore.
She didn’t have much strength and dancing was a strenuous job. She
waved her hand repeatedly, “Can’t do it, can’t do it. Let me rest a
Wen Yu found it strange, “Don’t you take dancing lessons every
Why are you tired already?
Wen Xin similarly looked back at him strangely, “Yeah, I have
dance classes every day but I usually dance for ten minutes and
then rest for ten minutes.”
Wen Yu: “……….”
Wen Xin’s practice partner had always been her teacher or Wen
Lie. Sometimes, when Wen Xijun was in a good mood, he would also
dance with her for a while. This was the first time for Wen Yu. He
really didn’t know that his sister’s physical strength was this bad.
Wen Xin had already sat down so there was no point in him
standing around. He similarly sat down next to Wen Xin and asked,
“Why did you suddenly want to practice? Are you going to another
gathering again?
Please read this from kk translates
The world of the rich young ladies was too complicated. Every few
days there would be a big gathering and every other day there
would be a small gathering. It was as if that group of people had
nothing else to do except for attending the gatherings.
Wen Xin nodded, “Yes. Mrs. Liang invited me to her club’s
anniversary party.”
After she said that and, seeing that Wen Yu wasn’t showing
any reaction, Wen Xin was silent for a moment before she
explained, “Mrs. Liang is Liang Wencheng’s wife. The club she
founded is very famous internationally and many young ladies
make their first social debut through this party.”
After saying this, Wen Yu understood. He however looked at Wen
Xin, “Didn’t you already make your debut when you were fifteen?”
Wen Xijun had invited over the world’s best fashion designer and
hair stylist at that time. He had directly packaged her up into
someone on par to a princess and since then, Wen Xin became well-
known and had become the leader of the group of rich young ladies.
Wen Xin looked at Wen Yu like he was behind with the times,
“Of course it is to preserve my reputation and let the new girls
know who their big sister really is!”
Wen Yu: “……..”
Wen Xin seemed to be born with maternal love. To her, everyone
who is younger than her are her younger brothers and sisters. Even
if she says that she wanted to compete with them, Wen Yu could see
that Wen Xin was just joking. She wasn’t someone competitive nor
did she like the ladies who love to compare and spend most of their
time forming connections.
Wen Yu smiled faintly. He lowered his head and looked at a trees
shadow on the ground. Wen Xin sat to his left. From her angle, the
most obvious thing was the smile on Wen Yu’s face and the second
most obvious was his grey and murky eye.
Wen Xin looked at him for a while and sighed internally. She
gently spoke up.
Hearing Wen Xin’s call, Wen Yu’s eyelashes trembled slightly. He
turned his head and silently looked at Wen Xin.
Dancing was just a cover, Wen Xin actually had something she
wanted to say to him. He knew that already and he could also guess
what Wen Xin was going to say.
Wen Xin was a very observant person and he also didn’t
deliberately hide it, so it was no surprise that she had noticed.
Sure enough, Wen Xin looked up at him with an almost
pleading smile, “Listen to your elder sister. Don’t do anything
that will hurt yourself anymore, okay?”
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Chapter 141
Source: KK Translates


As the saying goes, the eldest sister is like a mother.

Although Wen Xin and Wen Yu are only one year apart, Wen Yu
was willing to put himself in the young and ignorant role and listen
to every word Wen Xin had to say.
It was because he knew that Wen Xin was saying it for his own
But after hearing Wen Xin’s words, Wen Yu didn’t answer
He was silent for a long time. He then turned his head back,
straightened up and said softly, “I won’t get hurt.”
“I won’t get hurt again.”
That second half didn’t seem to be spoken for Wen Xin to hear, it
seemed more like a warning and reminder for himself. Wen Xin
frowned and wanted to say something, but she suddenly heard Wen
Yu ask her a question.
“Do you know how one can know what kind of feeling they
have towards someone? What is it like to hate someone, what is it
like to like someone, and what is it like to be infatuated with
He could tell that his feelings towards Wen Xijun had changed but
even now, he couldn’t tell what kind of feeling it had changed to.
Like? It didn’t seem like it.
Hate? That also didn’t seem right.
Infatuation? Seems to be similar but also not quite.
He originally possessed 100% hatred and anger towards Wen
Xijun and because of that he had thought of a detailed plan to
retaliate against him. It stood to reason that no matter what new
emotions formed inside him, it shouldn’t continue forming and
should be contained.
Wen Yu knew very clearly what he should do next but before
doing it, he wanted to confirm his feelings.
Wen Xin looked at him for a few seconds and slowly retracted her
gaze. She looked down at her knees and lightly clenched her fists.
The corners of her lips slowly raised, as if she was thinking of
something pleasant.
“If you hate someone, you want to see them cry.”
“If you are infatuated with someone, you want to see them
“If you like someone……You want that person to see you, want
to see all their happiness and unhappiness, smiles and tears,
happen because of you.”
Wen Yu was a little surprised.
Wen Xin had already left for several minutes but Wen Yu was still
sitting on the edge of the flowerbed. He only moved a few minutes
later. He didn’t stand up and instead looked up at a window that was
still lit up in the middle of the night.
Chi Zhao was standing behind the window. Seeing him look over,
he was startled and subconsciously wanted to find a place to hide
but he quickly remembered that this was a one-way glass, and you
couldn’t see inside.
Wen Yu’s gaze didn’t linger very long. Very soon, he stood up and
returned into the residence. The gorgeous flowerbed had returned
to silence. Chi Zhao stood behind the window; his expression very
The system was still busy feeling emotional over the warm-
hearted Wen Xin. Hearing it being called, it hummed in response.
“Wen Xin doing something like this tonight…….”
The system looked questioningly at Chi Zhao. It didn’t know what
he was trying to say.
Chi Zhao: “Is she trying to steal him away from me?!”
System: “……….”
The system could hear Wen Xin and Wen Yu’s conversation, but
Chi Zhao couldn’t hear them so in Chi Zhao’s eyes, what he saw was
an unmarried man and woman suddenly dancing romantically by
the flowerbed for a while and when Wen Xin got tired, Wen Yu sat
next to her and the two appeared to be getting along very well with
smiles on their faces.
That was a clear show of cheating!
The system felt like its internal system was about to break down
but, in a sense, Chi Zhao was right. After all, the concealed meaning
behind Wen Xin’s words was to persuade Wen Yu to stop liking him.
But from the looks of it, it seems that Wen Yu had not yet
completely fallen in love with Chi Zhao.
Human feelings are too complicated. To not even be able to tell
whether or not they like someone and even confuse it with the
feeling of hate, it was no wonder the road to love is never smooth.
Fortunately, it is also because the road to love is not smooth that
many popular, classic songs come about, indirectly contributing to
the birth of virtual singers like itself.
The next day, just as Chi Zhao was wondering whether he should
send Wen Xin off on a business trip, Wen Yu suddenly took the
initiative to knock on his office door.
These days, Wen Yu had been resolutely adhering to the principle
of not seeing Chi Zhao and the two had interacted very few times.
Chi Zhao raised a brow and then allowed him to enter. He sat behind
his desk and waited for him to speak.
Wen Yu didn’t go around in circles and went straight to the
point, “Father, I heard that the general manager of the southern
branch has resigned.”
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Chi Zhao’s breezy expression suddenly stiffened.
“……Yes, what about it?”
The southern branch was a relatively large branch of the main
company and the general manager there had just been poached by
one of Wen Family’s competitor. This was something that originally
happened in the plot. In the plot, Wen Yu seized this opportunity to
propose to Wen Xijun that he wanted to become the temporary
general manager there to firstly, develop himself further and
secondly, help solve Wen Xijun’s problems.
Wen Xijun thought over it carefully and felt that although Wen Yu
was still young, the southern branch was indeed a suitable place for
further training and development, and it was also only a temporary
arrangement, so he sent Wen Yu over. Wen Yu didn’t let him down.
Four months later, he quietly retreated and returned to Wen Xijun.
But during those four months, Wen Yu had been secretly building
his own network in the south. Without Wen Xijun’s knowledge, he
managed to expand that network of his extensively and when he
finally moved to deal with Wen Xijun, it could be said that this
network helped him out a lot.
It could be said that this network was established by Wen Yu
mainly in order to defeat Wen Xijun. Since Wen Yu was proposing
this, did it mean that he still planned to kill him?!
What was even more frightening was that Wen Yu’s next words
and the original plot seemed to be the same, almost unchanged.
Chi Zhao could barely suppress the shock inside him. After taking
some time to recover, he finally asked, “Why do you suddenly want
to go there?”
The situation in the southern branch didn’t just happen suddenly,
it was something that had happened for several days already. Wen
Yu didn’t show any intentions to go there before but why was he
suddenly following the original plot line now?
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What on earth did Wen Xin tell him…..
The system hidden deep in Chi Zhao’s mind kept its mouth shut
and resolutely played the role of an audience watching the show
play out.
Wen Yu raised his head and looked at Wen Xijun’s face which has
not shown any changes the entire time. Wen Yu paused for a second
and then gave his answer, “Because I am not strong enough.”
That’s why Wen Xijun never saw him as an equal. Only after
becoming strong enough, he will be able to enter Wen Xijun’s eyes
and talk to him on equal standings.
Everything he has now were given to him by Wen Xijun. Wen
Xijun could give him these gifts and he could also easily take them
away. The day he takes them away would be the day he needs to
completely leave Wen Xijun’s side.
Wen Yu didn’t want to be a dispensable adopted son who could be
replaced by someone at any time. What he wanted was a lot more
than what Wen Xijun gave him.
To achieve his goal, he must leave this place, go to a place outside
of Wen Xijun’s control and then develop himself through his own
Every boy would go through a period like this, a period where
they desperately want to become stronger and start something from
scratch which will allow them to become a real man. Wen Yu had
reached that stage in life and it was Chi Zhao himself who had
triggered it.
Chi Zhao however was unaware of Wen Yu’s thoughts and the
thoughts of the two were on two completely different wavelengths.
He looked fixatedly at Wen Yu who returned his gaze and
suddenly felt a strange sense of anxiousness inside him.
After three long seconds, Chi Zhao leaned back in his chair and
nodded calmly, “I understand. You can go. I agree to it.”
Once Wen Yu was gone, Chi Zhao no longer needed to maintain
his act. With one hand supporting his forehead, his eyes fell onto the
wooden desk below and he turned scarily quiet.
The system wanted to ask him what was wrong, but it felt that Chi
Zhao wouldn’t answer so it just quietly extended a data cable and
used it to listen to Chi Zhao’s inner thoughts.
Chi Zhao’s mood was very complicated. It wasn’t something that
could be explained with a few words.
He had always had a vague guess inside him. After going through
several worlds, that guess had gradually become regarded by him as
a fact.
He didn’t seek to prove or think about the issues of whether it was
true. Perhaps it was because of this, he no longer thought about
going home and no longer missed his family and friends. He still
remembered the consequences the system had told him long ago,
but he no longer cared.
If the protagonists he had met were all the same person and he
had been in love with the same person the entire time, then as long
as he had this person by his side, he was willing to stay in these
worlds forever.
Chi Zhao no longer knew when he had made this decision. It
wasn’t easy for him to give up returning to the parents who had
given birth to him. In order not to make himself be depressed for too
long, he always tried to find things for himself to do. For example,
right now, although he wasn’t very good at managing such a big
group, he still came to work on time every day.
Only when one busies themselves will they stop their
overthinking, but right now, Chi Zhao couldn’t do anything but
Because Chi Zhao had realised that he seemed to have been too
Even if the protagonists he had encountered until now were the
same person, it didn’t necessarily mean that the future protagonists
would still be the same person. And would that man who had shared
a bed with him be willing to be trapped in these endless cycles with
He had one-sidedly decided their future but had completely
forgotten that the other party may not like this arrangement.
For a long time, Chi Zhao’s basis for determining whether the
other party was that person was through their identity as the
protagonist and their ability to quickly fall in love with him. In this
world however, Wen Yu was the protagonist, but he didn’t love him.
And he even wanted to kill him.
Chi Zhao suddenly felt a little at loss. What had he been doing
these days?
When the system heard this, it anxiously stretched out its data
cable. It wanted to tell Chi Zhao that it wasn’t futile, that he didn’t
make a mistake and that they are really all the same person. It didn’t
know what had gone wrong. After some thought, however, it quietly
stored its data cables away again.
Forget it. That would be equivalent to revealing third party
information to the host. If a system did this, they would be returned
back to the factory. Although its current contract had changed, it
was still required to complete its role as the slag shou system until it
is no longer bound to Chi Zhao so it couldn’t break the rules now.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 142
Source: KK Translates


Very soon, Wen Yu left.

The southern branch was more than 300 kilometres away and it
would take a few hours to reach there by car. Although it didn’t
sound very far, it was still in another city so the Wen Family
probably wouldn’t see Wen Yu for the next six months.
In this regard, the children didn’t have much of an issue. After all,
they were all used to long partings like this and what’s more, half a
year wasn’t long. Wen Yu would be back before they knew it.
The children managed to accept this fact very easily, but Chi Zhao
couldn’t maintain such a steady state of mind.
Ever since Wen Yu’s departure, Chi Zhao had become a lot more
silent and he would also have a frown on his face, looking like he
was thinking about something serious.
The others could see that Chi Zhao’s mood wasn’t right, but none
asked about it. To them, when Wen Xijun is unhappy, it wasn’t a big
deal but if the reason for Wen Xijun’s unhappiness was themselves,
then it was a big problem.

One or two heart-warming actions didn’t mean that Wen Xijun’s
heart had changed. In the past, Wen Xijun would also occasionally
do things that didn’t conform to his personality, but it was later
revealed that every one of Wen Xijun’s actions were done in his own
best interest.
Merchants wouldn’t get up early if it is not profitable. This line fit
very well with Wen Xijun’s actions.
The others still maintained strong vigilance towards the current
Wen Xijun, even Wen Yu was like that. He was aware that he may
have fallen for Wen Xijun but so what? Even if he liked him, he had
no intentions to pursue him, let alone lower his defences and give up
his heart.
His initial thoughts haven’t changed. He still wanted to see Wen
Xijun kneel in front of him, but the way of kneeling and the location
had undergone some changes.
Almost a month had passed. Everyone had gradually became
accustomed to the taciturn Wen Xijun. In fact, there was no need for
them to get used to it because it was only like they were going back
to how it was in the past.
Basically no one dared to bother this big boss who was in a bad
mood, all except for one person.
The city the Wen Family was in was spring all year round and
would rarely have bad weather. It was one of the most liveable cities
in the world.
Chi Zhao sat on an outdoor swing chair in the front garden with a
book in his hand. He had sat there for more than an hour but the
book in his had only turned a few pages.
Wen Xi quietly sat down next to him. Noticing that there was an
extra weight on the swing chair, he looked over. Seeing that it was
Wen Xi, Chi Zhao closed his book and asked, “Need something?”
Ever since returning from the Jiang Family’s cocktail party, Wen
Xi’s attitude towards Chi Zhao had changed. It wasn’t very obvious,
but she would occasionally look at Chi Zhao with bright eyes, as if
she really liked him.
Chi Zhao also understood that his actions that day had probably
created a heroic image in this young girl’s heart. If it were before,
Chi Zhao would be happy to see this outcome because he truly
regarded these children as his own. If they liked him, it would give
him a great sense of accomplishment.
But now, Chi Zhao regretted it a little.
He shouldn’t have changed Wen Xijun’s image in these children’s
hearts so quickly.
If Wen Yu really was just an ordinary protagonist and not the
person he thought he was, there was no reason for him to stay here
The original plot had been disrupted and the plot following on
from here could no longer be played out by Chi Zhao. In any case, he
couldn’t do something like sending a young girl to a pervert’s bed
and if the protagonist wasn’t that person, he wouldn’t fall in love
with him again and therefore he would no longer be abused. The
plot unable to continue and unable to get abuse points, there really
was no reason for him to stay in this world.
Then why was he staying here? It would be better to die early and
move on.
As such, Wen Xijun should ‘disappear’, but no matter how he
disappears, it would bring great harm to these children, especially
Wen Xi.
Chi Zhao sighed. He then heard Wen Xi ask, “Father, the
courses you have given me will be completed next month. If I pass
them all….can I ask for a reward from you?”
Wen Xi asked this very cautiously. Chi Zhao was stunned. He then
remembered that Wen Xi was about to finish her undergraduate
coursework and when she reaches thirteen, she will be starting her
master’s degree.
……Even the youngest child in the family already has a higher
education than the father who has not graduated from university.
Chi Zhao nodded silently, “What do you want?”
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“I want father to take me out to play.”
Chi Zhao had thought that it would be a very valuable reward but,
in the end, it was just this. But even this request was difficult to
agree to.
If he agreed now, when he leaves in the future and is unable to do
it, wouldn’t it become the legendary death flag………?
The young girl was still wanting for his answer, her clear eyes
staring fixatedly at him. Chi Zhao was silent for several seconds and
in the end, he could only answer ambiguously, “If there is time.”
Wen Xijun’s words were gold. He would never back out from a
promise he had made. As such, when she heard those words of his,
Wen Xi’s eyes lit up, “Thank you father. Then father, can I choose
the location myself?”
Chi Zhao was a little puzzled. He didn’t seem to have explicitly
agreed but why did Wen Xi look so happy?
After nodding slightly, the smile on Wen Xi’s face grew bigger. The
Wen Xi right now still had some baby fat on her cheeks but even if
she hadn’t fully developed yet, Chi Zhao could tell that she would be
a beauty when she is older.
No wonder that pervert had his eyes on Wen Xi. She really is
Getting the promise she wanted, Wen Xi soon left. On the way
back, she ran into Wen Hu. She stopped, raised her head and
exchanged a few words with Wen Hu. Chi Zhao sat too far away so
he couldn’t hear what Wen Xi was talking about, but he could see the
expression on Wen Hu’s face.
Wen Hu listened patiently to Wen Xi and when she was done
speaking, he smiled and patted her head. The two then continued to
walk in opposite directions.
The direction Wen Hu was heading in was Chi Zhao’s direction.
From the distance, Chi Zhao could see Wen Hu’s peach eyes
looking his way. Very soon, Wen Hu arrived before him, but he
didn’t sit beside him like Wen Xi did and instead sat opposite him.
A lot of orchids were planted next to the swing. These were the
kinds famous for their delicate fragrance. A large patch of orchids
slowly swayed with the breeze, the wind carrying along its scent.
Sitting here, it helped improve one’s mood.
Wen Hu seemed to also feel this way. He turned his head and
looked at the sea of flowers close at hand and then said with a
smile, “A’Xi just told me that you promised to take her out to play
next month. She even reassured us that she will choose a place
that is suitable for the whole family to go.”
Wen Xi didn’t mention anything about travelling as a whole family
earlier and Chi Zhao had thought that he was just taking her out
alone. It was estimated that she was afraid that Chi Zhao wouldn’t
want to go out with so many people, so she had hidden that
At such a young age, she has already learnt to deceive someone.
Chi Zhao only complained about it inside and didn’t express his
opinion. Wen Hu turned his head back, his eyes moving back from
the sea of flowers to Chi Zhao’s face, “Actually, we’re taking turns.
A’Xi mainly wants you to relax.”
Chi Zhao lowered his eyes, “I know.”
Wen Xi wasn’t the type who liked to go out to play. Her
personality had been nurtured by Wen Xijun into: quiet, curious,
strange. Those were her labels.
Hearing Chi Zhao’s answer, Wen Hu didn’t show any surprise. He
placed his elbows on the table, clasped his hands together and his
knuckles supported his chin.
Wen Hu was a very sophisticated-looking young man. Today, he
wore a well-fitted brown shirt made of soft fabric, helping him
emphasise that characteristic.
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He looked very harmless like this. He looked at Chi Zhao’s eyes
and said softly, “My brothers and sisters have been wondering
about this these days, but they don’t dare ask. I also want to
know but I don’t know if you will tell me.”
Ever since that night when Chi Zhao helped make a bowl of
noodles for Wen Hu, Wen Hu’s attitude towards him had changed
and even the way he referred to him had changed. Although there
was no particular problems with his actions, Chi Zhao felt that this
Wen Hu seemed to no longer regard him as an elder.
Chi Zhao was silent. Wen Hu also didn’t expect a response from
him. He looked at Chi Zhao inquiringly, “What is the reason for
your unhappiness?”
Wen Hu’s peach eyes were too lethal. It made Chi Zhao feel
uncomfortable being stared at like that. He turned his head to break
off the eye contact. Wen Hu naturally noticed that he was trying to
escape and create a distance between them. He slowly lowered his
eyes and voiced out a guess of his.
“Is it because of A’Yu?”
The Chi Zhao in front of him didn’t show any reaction. Wen Hu
couldn’t tell if his guess was correct. After a short pause, Wen Hu
changed his sitting position and his voice became a little more
frivolous, “I envy A’Yu. If I have seen right, you have always liked
A’Yu, and you also like A’Yu the most.”
Chi Zhao still didn’t show any reaction, as if he didn’t hear him.
After a pause, Wen Hu continued, “A’Yu also seems to like you a
lot too.”
Chi Zhao’s eyes wavered slightly.
With a light chuckle, Wen Hu added, “But A’Yu is someone who
flits between extremes, and he is also stubborn. He may like you
now but the next second it can change into hatred.”
He was speaking the truth and because it was the truth, Chi Zhao
found it hard to listen to. He turned his head back and looked at Wen
Hu expressionlessly, “And you?”
“Don’t you also dislike me?”
Wen Hu shook his head, “Not the same.”
“How is it not the same?”
Wen Yu smiled faintly, “If you can always be like this, then I
will like you.”
“And I will like you a lot.”
When he said the last line, Wen Hu’s tone changed slightly. He
seemed to be very serious, but he also seemed to be joking. It was
very difficult to tell.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 143
Source: KK Translates


For a moment, Chi Zhao almost thought the Wen Hu in front of

him was the person he was looking for.
But soon, Chi Zhao threw aside this guess of his.
Impossible, Wen Hu definitely isn’t him.
Chi Zhao didn’t know why he was so certain.
Wen Hu liked him, and he was also a very important character. In
the original plot, Wen Hu was the most similar to the protagonist
Wen Yu in regard to status, talent, power as well as his relationship
with Wen Xijun.
In the final ending, the children joined forces to kill Wen Xijun and
after everything was settled, Wen Yu left. He returned to his original
family and changed back to his original name.
Wen Yu thought he came from an ordinary family but it in fact
wasn’t ordinary. His parents were both children of a large family.
The two families have always had a good relationship but more than
ten years ago, something happened. Fearing that his own family
would be affected, Wen Yu’s grandfather decided to let his parents
leave and hide themselves, continuing their life as ordinary people.
What happened back then was indeed very dangerous. After Wen
Yu’s father left with his mother, they hid away in a place that even
Wen Yu’s grandfather didn’t know about. They had agreed to return
once the matter was settled but, in the end, it was only settled more
than ten years later. By then Wen Yu’s parents had already long
passed away.
If it weren’t for some coincidence, Wen Yu’s grandfather would
not have known about the existence of a grandson suffering out
After Wen Yu returned to his original family and inherited the
family business there, he no longer mentioned his past nor did he
mention the Wen Family, the place where he experienced both love
and hate. Only on certain days, he would return to the city where he
had lived for more than ten years to visit Wen Lie who had become
the head of the Wen Family and Wen Xin who had not awakened the
entire time.
When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. With Wen Xijun’s death,
the path he had planned for the children was also no longer in effect.
Except for Wen Xi who stayed in the Wen Family, everyone else left.
Even after leaving, they would still return every once in a while.
Only Wen Hu disappeared completely. No one knew whether he was
dead or alive.
The others may not know but Chi Zhao who was reading the plot
knew that Wen Hu lived very well and had even become a big boss.
Like Wen Yu, he changed his name and surname, completely getting
rid of his past and only living for himself from then on.
Although Wen Hu was very powerful, Chi Zhao was very certain
that he wasn’t the one he was looking for.
Despite calming down, Chi Zhao still couldn’t figure out whether
Wen Hu’s words carried any truth. After all, every one of the words
spoken by this child was spoken casually. It was difficult to
distinguish between the truth and the lies.
Chi Zhao didn’t want to deal with any pointless relationships.
Even if Wen Hu was serious, he would treat those words as fake.
He had enough on his own plate, he didn’t have the time to deal
with emotional problems involving other people.
During the day, he was stimulated by Wen Hu and at night, Chi
Zhao laid in bed tossing and turning. Eventually, he made a decision.
He decided that he shouldn’t have such a pessimistic attitude and
should give himself another chance to see if Wen Yu was really that
If he is, everyone would be happy.
If not…….
Chi Zhao didn’t know what he should do anymore. He laid on the
bed, despaired, and proceeded to cover his head with his blanket.
After rolling about in frustration and giving himself a bird nest, Chi
Zhao felt a little better. Very soon, he felt asleep.
System: “……….” The host is becoming stranger and stranger.
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Finding an excuse to go to the southern branch was easy. Chi Zhao
rummaged around the table and quickly managed to find an
invitation to a press conference in the same city.
The more difficult task was, how to go there on his own?
No matter where Wen Xijun went, there would be a lot of people
following him. Excluding the bodyguards and the assistant, he would
also be accompanied by one of the children or He Jia.
But Chi Zhao didn’t want to bring along anyone this time because
he didn’t know what the outcome would be. In case it was the worst-
case scenario, he would definitely need some time alone to calm
down. If there are other people around, he would have to suppress
his true emotions the whole time and it wouldn’t be convenient.
Hearing his thoughts, the system almost couldn’t hold back.
Suppress your true emotions?
Your true emotions are practically written on your forehead.
You’re calling that suppressing???
After doing some back-and-forth persuading, He Jia finally agreed
to let Wen Xijun go out alone. He paused for a second and took out
his phone, “Then I will give the second young master a call to let
him go and pick you up.”
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment before he quickly stopped him,
“No need. I don’t want others to pick me up.”
Not wanting to take along anyone and also not wanting anyone on
the other end to pick him up, He Jia didn’t know what Wen Xijun was
thinking. He’s not afraid of encountering any danger?
After being put into a difficult position for a while, He Jia could
only take a step back, “Alright, then Master, do you need me to
arrange a place for you to stay?”
“No need, it’s too troublesome for that. I can just stay at A’Yu’s
for the night.”
The Wen Family had several properties there and Wen Yu was
staying in a duplex apartment. It was located close to the office and
in a prosperous area, which was the kind of place Wen Xijun wasn’t
fond of.
He Jia frowned. Just as he wanted to suggest changing to another
place, he stopped himself. Remembering that Chi Zhao had been
repeatedly rejecting all of his suggestions just now, he decided to
keep silent.
The conference was held in the morning of the next day. If Chi
Zhao drove over now, he would be able to arrive in the city in the
evening and then he would be back the evening of the next day. In
total, it would just affect one day of his work.
Without taking anything along, Chi Zhao got ready to set off. He Jia
watched Chi Zhao start the car and suddenly understood.
Not wanting others to come along, not wanting to notify the other
party in advance and even not needing to prepare a place to stay
Was Wen Xijun……wanting to give Wen Yu a surprise?
The more he thought about it, the more it seemed to be the case.
While watching Chi Zhao drive away with a smile on his face, He Jia
silently complained inside: He wasn’t even a lover, what kind of
father would go and surprise his son like that? Hopefully he doesn’t
end up scaring him.
The highway was congested and by the time Chi Zhao arrived, the
moon was already high up in the sky.
Standing outside the address given by He Jia, Chi Zhao rang the
He waited outside the door for three minutes, but no one came to
open the door. Chi Zhao frowned.
It’s already so late but he still isn’t back yet?
The door had a smart lock so it could be opened by just entering
the password. When Chi Zhao walked in, he saw that the light was
on in the living room. Someone should be home if that was the case.
Chi Zhao had never been to this place before. He wandered
around for a while before he found Wen Yu who was lying on the
bed in a bedroom on the second floor with flushed cheeks and a
sweaty forehead.
It was clear that he was sick. Chi Zhao was stunned for a moment.
He hurriedly walked over and tested the temperature of Wen Yu’s
forehead with the back of his hand.
So hot.
Chi Zhao furrowed his brows. He pushed Wen Yu and called out to
him, “A’Yu, get up and see a doctor.”
High fever was much more dangerous than a low fever. If you
don’t take care, it may turn into pneumonia. Chi Zhao wanted to
wake Wen Yu and then take him to a hospital but even after calling
out to him several times, Wen Yu didn’t respond. At this time, Chi
Zhao also remembered something. There was no need for Wen Yu to
go out. Where the Wen Family is, there must be at least one family
doctor already put on standby. Chi Zhao called He Jia, told him about
the situation on his end and He Jia instantly knew what he had to do.
While he waited for the doctor to come, Chi Zhao first tried to help
cool Wen Yu down.
Seeing Wen Yu like this, it was estimated that he hadn’t been sick
for just the past few days and had been enduring it the entire time
until he couldn’t endure it any longer.
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After the doctor came, he gave Wen Yu a check. Chi Zhao was
relieved when he heard that it was just a common cold.
The doctor left after the infusion was done. Wen Yu’s temperature
had dropped. When Chi Zhao first came, Wen Yu was at 39.1 degrees
and it was now 38.2. Although it was still a fever, it was at least not
as serious as before.
The doctor also said before he left that this was a viral infection
and would require three or four days of infusion for him to get
It was now midnight. Chi Zhao sat next to Wen Yu, looking at his
pale face and silently sighed inside.
Because of the difference in their positions, it made it easy for
people to forget that Wen Yu was actually just an eighteen-year-old
child. Of course, some may say that an eighteen-year-old is no longer
a child. The law after all stipulates that an eighteen-year-old can be
considered an adult and can bear the consequences of their own
That was true, but no one has endured through as much torture
and pain as Wen Yu at the age of eighteen.
Poor children start families early and children who have not
received love mature early.
Regardless of whether Wen Yu was the person he was looking for,
Chi Zhao felt distressed for him at this very moment.
If his parents weren’t dead, he would’ve followed them back to
the original home and Wen Yu would’ve grown up surrounded by
love. He most certainly wouldn’t be like the Wen Yu now who has
fallen unconscious due to a fever with no one around to care for him.
The ice bag was still resting on Wen Yu’s forehead. Chi Zhao
reached out to it, wanting to help him change it. At this moment,
Wen Yu slowly opened his eyes.
Chi Zhao was still in the middle of reaching out to touch his
forehead. Seeing that he was awake, Chi Zhao quickly retracted his
arm. He stood up and asked gently, “You’re awake. How do you
Wen Yu turned his head and glanced briefly at Chi Zhao before
closing his eyes, exhausted. His dry lips opened and closed a few
times before a hoarse voice poured out, “Ji Zongcheng…..Pour me a
glass of water.”
Chi Zhao was stunned.
Ji Zongcheng was a small supporting character in the main plot. In
fact, he was a very powerful person but because he didn’t have many
scenes and wasn’t a very important character, he could only be said
to be a small supporting character.
He was Wen Yu’s future friend and the person who helped him
reunite with his grandfather.
In the plot, Wen Yu indeed met Ji Zongcheng around this time.
After several confrontations, the two slowly grew closer and when
Wen Yu was about to leave, Ji Zongcheng also suggest to him to stay.
At this time, Wen Yu had an unclear relationship with Wen Xijun.
He was conflicted at heart and he eventually decided to return but
not long after he returned, Wen Xin had an accident. Wen Yu thus
began to deal with Wen Xijun and Ji Zongcheng was one of his
Now that Wen Xin would no longer have an accident and the
unclear relationship between Wen Yu and Wen Xijun was
gone……..Wen Yu probably wouldn’t go back?
Chi Zhao stared blankly at the person on the bed. After waiting for
a long time, Wen Yu who still hadn’t received the water he had asked
for opened his eyes impatiently, his originally hazy vision now
Once he saw who was standing next to him, Wen Yu was
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Chapter 144
Source: KK Translates


The room was ridiculously quiet. Wen Yu could only stare

dumbfoundedly at the sudden appearance of Chi Zhao and he
seemed to have lost the ability to speak.
Chi Zhao straightened up. After a few seconds of silence, the
corners of his lips twitched, “Who is Ji Zongcheng? Your friend?”
When he said this, the expression on Chi Zhao’s face was very
indifferent. It was hard to tell what he was thinking inside. Wen Yu
continued to stare fixatedly at him, his eyes filled with countless
emotions ranging from shock to doubt to confusion.
Chi Zhao pursed his lips. Seeing Wen Yu like this, he probably
didn’t even hear what he had just said. It would be silly of him to
continue standing around waiting for his answer.
Chi Zhao took in a deep breath and turned around to get the water
Wen Yu had asked for. Seeing that he was leaving, Wen Yu suddenly
returned to his senses. He immediately sat up from the bed and
grabbed firmly onto Chi Zhao’s wrist.
Wen Yu was still feverish and his body was like a soldering iron.
That abnormally high body temperature travelled through to Chi
Zhao’s heart from the place where the two of them are in contact,
causing his heart to waver slightly.
Wen Yu’s hands were very dry, he was still ill and there was no
sweat on his body. Chi Zhao couldn’t move forward so he could only
turn back around.
He first looked at the hand that was grasping his hand tightly and
then he looked at the owner of that hand, “What is it?”
Wen Yu continued to stare at him. Being asked that question, Wen
Yu was returned to his senses and remembered that Wen Xijun
didn’t like others touching him without permission.
Wen Yu quicky withdrew his hand like he was shocked. With that
warm feeling suddenly leaving, the wrist felt a little empty.
The sick Wen Yu’s reaction was slower than usual and not as
meticulous. It took him more than two seconds to gather his
thoughts and slowly sit up, “Father, why are you here?”
“I came to participate in Tongying Company’s new product
Chi Zhao answered very quickly. Wen Yu frowned when he heard
this answer.
He thought for a while before finally remembering which
company Tongying was. The current Wen Yu’s actions were slightly
slower than usual. Chi Zhao turned to look at the various
medications on the bedside table but before he could reach out to
throw them away, Wen Yu suddenly realised something and asked,
“What…….time is it now?”
Chi Zhao looked at Wen Yu, the latter looking like a child,
confused and distressed.
“Half past one. Lie down, I’ll get you some water.”
Wen Yu still wanted to say something but knowing that Chi Zhao
was just going to get water and not leaving, he realised that there
was no need to be so anxious. He sat quietly in bed for a moment
and slowly laid back down again.
When Chi Zhao returned, Wen Yu was resting against the head of
the bed, staring at the bedroom door unblinkingly, as if waiting for
his return.
He passed the water over and Wen Yu obediently accepted it.
After drinking half the glass, he returned it back to Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao placed the glass aside. He reached out and pressed one
of his hands onto Wen Yu’s forehead and the other on his own
Still hot.
Chi Zhao retracted his hand and saw that the loose hair in front of
Wen Yu’s forehead had been messed up by him, so he gently helped
tidy it up.
People are extremely vulnerable when sick. That cool and gentle
touch lingered for less than a few seconds before leaving. Wen Yu
suddenly felt a deep sense of loss inside. He had been ill many times
and sick many times, but he had never been like this, longing for that
person in front of him, wanting him to touch him a little more, care
for him a little more.
As if his thoughts were heard, that person then proceeded to bend
down, gently brushing away the hair in front of his eyes. He then
stood back up and Wen Yu heard him say, “Sleep. Until you get
better, you don’t need to go to the company.”
There were a total of three bedrooms here. Although the
remaining two rooms have not been prepared, the cleaning lady
cleaned them every day so it wasn’t a problem to make do for a
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Chi Zhao picked up the ice bag and medicine from beside Wen Yu
and turned to leave. Wen Yu watched his back and wanted to say
something but he didn’t know what he should do to make that
person stay.
Chi Zhao’s footsteps stopped. He turned his head slightly and
looked questioningly at Wen Yu.
Wen Yu opened his mouth, “Ji Zongcheng is my business
partner. This afternoon, I went to his company to discuss the next
direction of cooperation and he saw that I was sick and unable to
drive so he sent me back. He was too noisy so I soon sent him
Wen Yu rarely spoke so much in one go. Chi Zhao listened to his
words without showing much of a reaction but the young man in
front of him continued to stare at him fixatedly, as if he would only
feel better once he hears him say something in response.
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment. He then asked, “So, what do
you want to tell me?”
Wen Yu wasn’t the type who would beat around the bush, but all
those words earlier were clearly him beating around the bush.
Wen Xijun didn’t like listening to others talking about their lives
in detail. Chi Zhao was now Wen Xijun so Wen Yu should already be
aware of this.
Wen Yu was stunned, “I……..”
“I wanted to say…….”
We’re not friends.
So, don’t look at me with that look anymore.
That look was too distant, too calm. That calmness made him
anxious, as if he was soon about to be thrown away.
“Rest up first. If you need anything, we can talk about it
After waiting patiently for a while and not receiving a proper
response, Chi Zhao seemed to no longer want to wait a second
longer. He raised the corner of his lips to form a comforting smile
and then quickly left the room.
Wen Yu who was left behind stared blankly in the direction of the
door. After staring in that direction for a long time, he silently
lowered his eyes and looked down at his left hand which still had
medical tape.
Randomly finding a guest room, Chi Zhao closed to door, sat down
on the bed and proceeded to silently think over the current
Ji Zongcheng had already appeared.
And from the looks of it, his relationship with Wen Yu was pretty
good so they have probably become friends. Wen Yu’s explanation
and his abnormal reaction earlier made Chi Zhao feel that there was
more to it. After thinking about it for a while, Chi Zhao understood.
He probably didn’t want him to investigate Ji Zongcheng.
Protecting him like that, it seems that Wen Yu cared about this
person more than one would towards someone who is just a friend.
System : “……..” Please use your head!
Chi Zhao let out a long sigh. Although he had already mentally
prepared himself for this, Chi Zhao still felt uncomfortable when
faced with this reality and his heart twisted with pain.
He also wasn’t quite sure what he was doing. He was certain that
the protagonist was that person, so he had put all his energy on him
as soon as he came, and he even regarded him as his lover inside.
However, if he was his lover, he should love him.
Before he met Wen Yu, Chi Zhao had made a decision. He wanted
to stay by that person’s side for the rest of his life and his actions
and plans were all thought out and done without pressure but that
was because he thought Wen Yu was that person. Now that he
couldn’t help but admit that he was the wrong person, Chi Zhao
didn’t know what to do anymore.
He had difficulty understanding his current mood.
Was he feeling uncomfortable because he had mistaken someone
else for his lover or was it because Wen Yu wasn’t that person?
After experiencing too many things and living for so long, Chi
Zhao suddenly found that he had lost the ability to love passionately.
It had been a long time since he had experienced his heart
palpitating with excitement. His love and life had always been calm
and quiet and because he had repeated that love too many times, he
now no longer loved the other person based on the feeling in his
heart, but by his identity.
If that person can always show up next to him, that was
something he could accept naturally but what if he no longer
showed up again?
Then would he not be able to live a good life anymore?
As soon as this thought appeared in his mind, Chi Zhao was taken
aback for a moment before he let out a snort.
He was someone who always failed the task. It was already a
mystery whether he could continue living yet he was worrying
about a problem like this. He really was thinking too far ahead of
After sighing, Chi Zhao called out to the system, “System, are you
The system answered almost immediately.
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Chi Zhao discussed with it seriously, “I want to give up this
world. Let’s go directly to the next one, how about it?”
Chi Zhao was surprised. This was the first time the system
rejected him so firmly. He blinked a few times, “Why not?”
【 No why nots, you just can’t. In this world, you must stay until
the very end. Any deliberate attempts to leave is not
Chi Zhao frowned, “Can you tell me why?”
He had often used the method of suicide to scare the system
before and every time it worked. It could be seen from the systems
reaction that the method was indeed effective in allowing the host to
leave the world but why was the systems reaction so different this
【No way.】
Chi Zhao: “……….”
Continuously being rejected without being given a proper reason,
Chi Zhao also got angry, “If I really want to leave, you can’t stop
【 Yes, but I can restart this world. Again and again, you will be
send back to the time before you left, unable to leave.】
From the system’s tone, Chi Zhao could tell that it was serious. Chi
Zhao’s expression changed several times, and he could only
eventually say, “This world is that important?”
The system didn’t speak.
Chi Zhao pursed his lips, “I understand.”
If he couldn’t leave, then he coudn’t leave. It would be the same
even if he left. If he still couldn’t find the person he was looking for
in the next world and he still couldn’t bring harm to the protagonist,
he would end up in the same situation as now.
The system looked at the changes in Chi Zhao’s brainwaves and
was silent for a moment before it spoke up to explain.
【When you leave this world, you will know why. I can’t tell you
the reason now, but you just have to remember, I won’t do anything
that will harm you.】
Chi Zhao agreed with those words. He smiled, “To bind to a
host like me, it must’ve been hard. Am I considered an useless
host on your end? To have not even completed a single task
properly, it’s really horrible. Don’t talk about those worlds where
I got full points, I know you guys did it to boost my morale.”
Chi Zhao’s words just now was just a joke, but they were also
what he truly thought. The system was unable to speak for a while.
After a long time, Chi Zhao heard the system’s response.
【Do you think that……we are philanthropists?】
【 Chi Zhao, you are a human and I am a system. We are two
completely different existences in the first place. Although us
systems want to integrate into the human society, we are aware of
the differences between us better than anymore else. We wish to
integrate into the human society not to become human but to make
better use of humans or add some fun into our lives.】
Chi Zhao’s expression changed into a look of surprise. This was
his first time hearing the system speak about it so directly.
【 Do you think my words sound very inhumane? That’s right, I
am a system, I originally don’t have any humanity in me. You think
that I am good to you and think that I am cute, but these are just
what I am programmed to do by the factory. Data life and genetic life
are not the same. Even though we have been studying human
emotions, we still cannot fully understand them.】
【 So, it is not me being good to you nor us being kind, it is just
that you are useful to us and that is why you get so many
exemptions. There are many differences between systems and
humans but there is one thing where we are similar; we also focus
on benefits. Fortunately, you can bring us benefits otherwise when
you failed the first world, the main system daddy would have used
his privileges to kick you out.】
The more the system spoke, the colder Chi Zhao’s heart became.
He understood that the system was speaking to truth but having the
cloak of peace suddenly ripped open, revealing the cold bones
inside, Chi Zhao for a moment had difficulty accepting it.
And he also didn’t understand. Why was the system telling him
The system also felt a little upset inside. Even since it was born, it
had been different from the other systems. It had a lot of difficulty
understanding human emotions. No matter how many times the
engineers modified it and updated its database, it couldn’t seem to
perfectly digest the information. It however was also a system that
could integrate with humans the easiest out of all the systems.
The way the other systems and hosts interacted was different to
how they interacted. To use a human idiom, they treated each other
as honoured guests.
The system didn’t know what it lacked in comparison with the
others. If the main system was here, he could probably help answer
this question.
It wasn’t that something was missing, it was because it had
something others didn’t have.
It couldn’t digest the information because it had its own database
which was used to record the emotional changes between humans
and from there, it slowly learnt these changes itself.
That was why the main system shared his database with this
small system. The main system was considered to be the most
successful system in existence, but he could only at most imitate
humans and cannot truly understand them.
The system said these things today firstly, because they were soon
about to be separated and secondly, because it didn’t want Chi Zhao
to think that it was a good system. In fact, it was never a good
If it weren’t for Chi Zhao’s own abilities to make No.6 pay
attention to him, such a kind Chi Zhao would have long been thrown
away by the main system. It was just a system that was ignorant to
the world and couldn’t even come first place in the singing
competition; it couldn’t do anything to help him.
The system sadly bundled itself up into a ball. Several data
strands fell out. It silently picked them up and placed it back onto its
body before it continued.
【That’s why, you don’t need to continue belittling yourself. In the
eyes of us systems, you are not useless at all. You are already the
most powerful host to us. Really.】
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Chapter 145
Source: KK Translates


It had been a long time since the system spoke and Chi Zhao didn’t
make any response. It seems that he had no intention to respond.
The system felt even more upset, but it didn’t know what else it
could say. After all, what it had said just now was the truth and the
main system had told it a long time ago that compared to the harsh
truth, humans preferred to hide it with beautiful illusions.
When speaking the truth recklessly, it can incur hatred from the
The system thought for a while but still didn’t understand. Was it
being hated by Chi Zhao now?
The system could hear Chi Zhao’s inner thoughts, but Chi Zhao
couldn’t hear the system’s inner thoughts. Chi Zhao entered the
bathroom, roughly washed himself and then opened the closet in the
guest room. Inside were many brand-new pyjamas of different sizes
prepared in advance for a situation like this. After finding his size,
Chi Zhao changed and laid down in bed.
With the lights turned off, the room plunged into darkness.
Chi Zhao laid on the side with one hand resting under his head.
He didn’t close his eyes. His gaze lingered mid-air and out of focus,
as if he were in daze.
With no one moving around anymore, the surroundings instantly
became quiet. The sound insulation here was very good. Except for
the shallow breathing coming from Chi Zhao himself, he couldn’t
hear anything else.
Chi Zhao was still staring out into the darkness. After a long
period of silence, he suddenly called out, “System.”
The system heard this call and immediately extended a fat data
cable and placed it on Chi Zhao’s mind, waiting for Chi Zhao’s next
Blinking in the darkness, Chi Zhao lowered his eyes and
similarly stored away the emotions in his eyes, “If……um, if there
is a day where you’re no longer my system and I haven’t
disappeared, I think I will miss you a lot.”
After saying this, Chi Zhao turned over such that he was lying on
his back. The sudden sound of the sheets rustling interrupted the
systems thoughts. The system was stunned for a while and just as it
was about to say something, it saw that Chi Zhao had already closed
his eyes.
The night became quiet again. About two minutes later, a small
voice sounded in Chi Zhao’s mind. The voice stuttered awkwardly
and seemed to not be very well versed with this kind of emotional
【M-m-me…….me too.】
This time, Chi Zhao didn’t give a response and before long, he fell
asleep. When he fell asleep, the smile on his face hadn’t subsided.
Because of what the system said yesterday, Chi Zhao no longer
had plans to leave. Since he had to stay, he must continue playing
the role of a father and he should treat everyone here seriously so
that he could integrate himself thoroughly into this world.
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Wen Yu no longer needed to go to the company and, in order to
take care of him, Chi Zhao naturally didn’t go to the conference.
When Chi Zhao got up in the morning, Wen Yu was still asleep. The
first thing Chi Zhao did after getting up was to check Wen Yu’s
temperature. The infrared thermometer could measure the
temperature just by placing it next to the ear and Chi Zhao’s actions
were very light, so Wen Yu didn’t wake up the entire time.
It was only later when Chi Zhao saw that his medicine in the
morning was about to be combined with his medicine at lunch that
he decided to wake Wen Yu up.
Wen Yu had been dazed ever since he woke up. His lips were dry
and pale, and his face had no colour to it; he looked very sickly.
These were all however just an act he had put on in front of Chi
Zhao. As soon as Chi Zhao left his room or turned his back to him, his
expression would gradually return to a silent and complicated look.
He remembered everything that happened last night. Although his
mind was groggy due to the cold and the medicine, every action and
every word of his were his true thoughts.
And it was also because of this that Wen Yu felt a little scared
Since when did Wen Xijun have such a big impact on him.
Wen Xijun’s expression would change once and his heart would
similarly rise and plummet once. When he heard that Wen Xijun was
leaving, he was upset and depressed and even wanted to reach out
to stop him and when he heard that Wen Xijun was staying, his heart
fell back in place in an instant and joy immediately flowed out
uncontrollably from his heart, filling every corner of his body.
Even thought he was sober now, Wen Yu still wanted Wen Xijun
to stay. He wanted to see this man busy around for his sake, he
wanted him to continue to take care of him.
This was abnormal. Too abnormal.
Wen Xijun was a villain through and through, the initiator of the
tragedy of the first half of his life. A warped family, a warped
education and a warped relationship. What Wen Xijun had brought
to him was pain and more pain. Before, he had no ability to fight
back and could only accept it but now that he had the ability to
resist, why was it that his heart wasn’t listening to him anymore?
Wen Yu’s expression was gloomy and complicated. He had come
here firstly, to settle his emotions and secondly, to escape from Wen
Xijun. He wanted to rely on his on abilities to escape from Wen
Xijun’s control and grow into one who could talk to Wen Xijun on an
equal footing.
He wanted Wen Xijun to have him in his eyes, but he also wanted
to suppress him and defeat him.
Wen Yu was a very patient person, and he was also very calm.
Two months after leaving the Wen residence, he had slowly
approached his goal step by step. His goal was too ambitious, and it
meant that he had to work hard in order to accomplish this goal as
soon as possible.
He had been very busy every single day for the past two months.
He would leave in the morning and would only return at midnight or
in the early hours of the next day. Once back, he would sleep and
repeat that same cycle again. By doing this, Wen Yu was able to
show rapid progression but similarly, the downfalls of doing this
also quickly reared its head.
For example, right now, illness had struck him. If it weren’t for
Wen Xijun suddenly coming over, he would have probably suffered
from the fever all night and by that time it wouldn’t be as simple as
just a cold.
Because he was usually too busy, Wen Yu didn’t have the time to
think about things. During the rare moments when he had some
time, he would think of his brothers and sisters in another city, as
well as Wen Xijun.
Wen Yu had felt that he had done very well controlling himself. If
it continued like this, he would soon be able to store away those
feelings he shouldn’t possess. But when he saw Wen Xijun again
yesterday, he finally realised how much he had missed this person.
He really was sick.
And it wasn’t a mild case.
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The warped education and family had eventually resulted in a
warped person. If it was before, he could still comfort himself and
convince himself that he didn’t actually like him and that it was just
a temporary case of infatuation. Wen Xijun was his adoptive father
and he had never been in love with anyone so when coupled with
some other factors, he had developed some unspeakable feelings
towards his adoptive father. But now, Wen Yu could no longer
deceive himself.
He wasn’t infatuated with Wen Xijun nor did he hate him. He
loved him and it was purely just that.
Wen Yu lowered his eyes. When he reached that final conclusion,
his eyelashes trembled slightly. He then raised his eyes and looked
at Wen Xijun who was sitting beside him.
The latter was checking the prescription left by the doctor which
outlined which medicine to take. After confirming the correct
medicine, he placed it beside Wen Yu and brought over a glass half
filled with water.
“Here, take it.”
His voice was calm, and his expression was indifferent. Wen Yu
held back the heavy emotions inside him and obediently received
the water and medicine.
Wen Yu’s illness was actually that serious and it wasn’t to the
point where he couldn’t get out of bed. One may say that Chi Zhao
was taking care of him, but he was in fact just making sure he was
taking his medicine and eating his meals properly.
After sitting there for a while, Chi Zhao stood up to return to his
room. He had only told He Jia that he would return a few days later
and hadn’t said anything to Wen Lie. Wen Lie was the eldest of all
the children so usually when he is away Wen Lie presides over the
family matters. He should also tell Wen Lie not to overwork himself
too much the next two days and to go home and look after his
siblings at home.
The Wen Yu today wasn’t as clingy as last night. Seeing that he
was leaving, he just obediently bowed his head, no longer trying to
stop him. When Chi Zhao left the room and passed the living room,
he suddenly heard the doorbell ring.
Chi Zhao went to the door and stared at the person outside
through the intercom system for a while. It was someone he didn’t
recognise but the other party was dressed well and didn’t appear to
be a salesperson, so Chi Zhao opened the door for him.
When the other party saw the door open, he immediately smiled
brightly but he was stunned for a moment when he saw that the
person who opened the door was not Wen Yu, “Who are you?”
Chi Zhao frowned, “The person visiting should report their
identity first. What do you mean by asking me that instead?”
Big boss Wen’s face can be rather intimidating and with Chi Zhao
imitating this big boss for a while now, he was able to maintain a
stern look that was nine parts similar to the originals.
The other party immediately became serious when he saw this.
He scratched his head and asked more obediently this time, “Uh,
hello, my name is Ji Zongcheng. I am Wen Yu’s friend. You are?”
So, this is Ji Zongcheng.
Chi Zhao assessed him again and saw that he was a young man in
his twenties. His temperament wasn’t any better than his family’s
Wen Zhuang.
But since he was Wen Yu’s good friend, he would be quite useful
for Chi Zhao’s next plan. As such, Chi Zhao moved aside to let him in
and at the same time replied, “I am Wen Yu’s father. Wen Yu is sick
and is resting in his room. You can go to his room to find him.”
Ji Zongcheng already had one foot into the room. Hearing Chi
Zhao’s words, he suddenly stopped in place and looked at Chi Zhao
strangely, “You just said that you’re Wen Yu’s father?”
Although it was correct, why did that statement sound so strange?
Chi Zhao: “…….Yes.”
“Ha!” Young master Ji laughed exaggeratedly, “Do you think I
look like a fool? You’re probably not much older than me and you
want to be his father? Do you even know who his father……Tsk.
Alright, let me introduce myself again then. Here, let’s shake
hands. I’m Wen Yu’s grandfather! It seems that today we have all
three generations in one place hahahaha!”
Chi Zhao: “………….”
Wen Yu who had hurried over after hearing the noise, “………..”
With you like this, you even have the nerve to ask others if you
look like a fool??
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Chapter 146
Source: KK Translates


Ji Zongcheng haha’d for a long time but the two of them ignored
him and instead looked at him with a difficult to read expression.
Ji Zongcheng was confused. He felt that his joke was pretty good
but why wasn’t anyone laughing along?
He scratched his head and looked Chi Zhao before looking over at
Wen Yu, “What? Did I say something wrong?”
Wen Yu took in a deep breath. If he wasn’t so weak right now, he
really wanted to kick this person out.
“Ji Zongcheng, this is my father. My father is thirty-four this
That last line was almost spoken through gritted teeth. Ji
Zongcheng wasn’t able to react for a while when he heard this and
when he finally processed that information, his head immediately
turned towards Chi Zhao and he stared at him wide-eyed. He quickly
looked at Chi Zhao up and down and stammered, “Y-y-you you’re
really Mr. Wen Xijun?”
Chi Zhao was also amazed. It had been many years since he last
saw such a refreshing fool like him.
After a moment of silence, he raised his head and smiled at Ji
Zongcheng, “You can talk. I’ll return to my room.”
It was basically silent affirmation. Ji Zongcheng had studied
abroad since the age of sixteen and had only just returned this year.
During his studies overseas, he would always hear his friends back
home talking about this person called Wen Xijun. He had heard
about this legendary character for so many years, but he had never
seen Wen Xijun in person himself.
When he first met Wen Yu, Ji Zongcheng was a little excited. This
was that legendary Wen Xijun’s adopted son. It is said that Wen
Xijun is extremely strict to his adoptive children; they not only need
to look good, but they also need be extremely intelligent and have a
good physique. The Ji Zongcheng in the past didn’t believe this
rumour but when he saw Wen Yu, he believed it and it made him
even more curious about Wen Xijun.
It was just that he didn’t expect Wen Xijun to look so young and he
even had the nerve to taunt him. God, could he have angered the big
boss just now?!
Wen Xijun had always been one who returns grudges no matter
how late. He may be smiling now but perhaps he had returned to his
room to plan out how he should deal with him later.
Ji Zongcheng looked at Wen Yu with a look of despair, “Say….Do
you think he might’ve taken my words earlier as complimenting
his youthful appearance?”
Wen Yu: “……What do you think?”
Ji Zongcheng hung his head, “Definitely not. He at most would
think that I’m saying that he has a baby face.”
Wen Yu: “…………” You sure are optimistic.
Ji Zongcheng didn’t know much about the Wen Family. His
family’s business had no connection with the Wen Family, and it was
only with Ji Zongcheng returning this year to inject some fresh blood
into his family’s business and help move them into a different field
did he establish a connection with Wen Yu.
Because he didn’t know much, Ji Zongcheng had no idea how
terrible Wen Xijun can be. Fortunately, the person he had
encountered was Chi Zhao. If it was the old Wen Xijun, it wouldn’t be
just himself who would be implicated, his entire family would also
be finished.
Ji Zongcheng hung his head depressed for a while and then
slowly regained his spirits. He studied Wen Yu’s face, “How are
you? I originally wanted to check on you earlier but there was
another meeting in the morning so I could only come now.”
Wen Yu wasn’t in a good mood, “Better. When are you
“Hey, I only just came. Don’t worry, I’ve pushed back the rest of
my work. I told my secretary my brother is sick and I need to visit
him so I would be back at noon.”
Wen Yu looked at him in disbelief. What? He actually wants to
stay here past noon?!
Ji Zongcheng didn’t notice Wen Yu’s reaction at all and carelessly
flopped onto the sofa. Wen Xijun had already returned to the guest
room on the second floor so he wasn’t afraid of being heard by him.
Ji Zongcheng snickered at Wen Yu, “Holding it in must’ve been
hard. I must say, you are too difficult. I said I’ll help call for a
doctor for you last night, but you refused. I suggested to call your
family or secretary, but you also refused. You even looked like
you would kill me if I did but as soon as I left, you called your dad
who rushed all the way over. Your father really cares for you.”
When he said that last line, Ji Zongcheng’s tone was sour. His own
father would force him to go on blind dates every day and when he
returned to visit him, he would have to listen to his nagging the
entire time. Getting concern from his own father was harder than
reaching the sky. On Wen Yu’s end, it was just a cold, yet his father
had put his work aside and hurried over to take care of his son.
It was really worlds apart.
Looking at Ji Zongcheng’s envious gaze, Wen Yu silently closed his
eyes, “I didn’t call him.”
“He came to attend a product launch conference and it just
happened to be when I was sick.”
Wen Yu’s voice carried faint desolateness that even he himself
didn’t notice. Ji Zongcheng’s character was the careless type, so he
naturally also didn’t notice it. He rubbed his chin, “A product launch
conference? What conference?”
Why hadn’t he heard about it?
Wen Yu didn’t remember what the conference was. He furrowed
his brows in thought before remembering the name of the company,
“It’s held by Tongying.”
Ji Zongcheng thought for a while and immediately rolled his
eyes, “Bullshit! I don’t even bother going to that kind of
conference so why would your father go? He most certainly came
here to see you but didn’t want to let you know so he used it as an
excuse! Tsk, tsk, tsk what deep bond you father and son have. I
must say, the rumours are not credible. It is said that your father
doesn’t treat you well, but I feel that he treats you very
preciously. Oh right, was the conference this morning? Look at
the time now. Isn’t he still here?”
Wen Yu was stunned.
He felt that his body temperature seemed to have risen again
because right now even his palms and chest were a little hot.
Wen Yu looked at his palms blankly and flatted back down the
corners of his lips.
Only he knew whether Wen Xijun treated him well. Ji Zongcheng
had said this today because he saw Wen Xijun staying to take care of
him, but he didn’t see the times when Wen Xijun punished him, nor
was he there that time when Wen Xijun asked someone to injure one
of his eyes.
Wen Xijun was good to him, but he was also cruel to him.
Like a person drinking water, it could be hot or cold. Wen Yu only
knew that if Wen Xijun continued to treat him like this, he may
forever sink into that mud, unable to get out.
He clenched his hot palms, as if he was holding something but also
as if something had fallen out through the cracks.
While Wen Yu and Ji Zongcheng talked, Chi Zhao returned to his
room, retrieved his phone and called He Jia’s number.
He Jia very quickly picked up. Chi Zhao didn’t make any
preparations and said directly, “Go and investigate the Song
Family in City Ping. Once you’re done, send the information to
City Ping was very close to this southern city. The southern city
was close to sea while City Ping was more inland. There are two
Song families which are well-known across the country and the one
in City Ping was the more renowned of the two but because they had
no descendants, its status had fallen.
Although He Jia had heard about the Song Family, he knew very
little about them. For the specifics, he would need to find someone
to investigate.
He Jia didn’t ask Wen Xijun why he suddenly wanted to
investigate the Song Family. Upon hearing his affirmative response,
Chi Zhao hung up.
The system asked him.
【What are you trying to do?】
The Song Family was Wen Yu’s original home. Wen Yu’s real name
was Song Luoxing. He came to the Wen Family at six years of age
and he still remembered everything about his own family, but he
was too young at the time and his parents didn’t tell him about what
happened to his original home, so he wasn’t aware that he still had a
Chi Zhao answered, “Since I’m not leaving, then I should take
the initiative to advance the plot. First send Wen Yu back to his
own home and then set up the future of the other children. Once
it’s all settled, I can then retire. That Country Meng I went to last
time was pretty good. I want to buy a house there, plant some
flowers, watch the sea, walk around and enjoy my retirement
This kind of life had already been experienced several times by
Chi Zhao but in the past, there was always someone by his side. This
time there was no one. As for what it was like enjoying retirement
life alone, he wanted to give it a try.
The system was speechless. Before it could say anything, Chi Zhao
had taken out his phone and downloaded a real estate app. He then
actually proceeded to start looking for houses by the sea in Country
System: “………”
Look, look, look. In any case, you won’t be able to leave.
When Chi Zhao went downstairs again, Ji Zongcheng had already
left. Wen Yu stood downstairs and looked up at him. That look of his
was very complicated, making Chi Zhao stop in place. The foot that
he had stepped out with lingered mid-air.
While Chi Zhao was confused, Wen Yu on the other hand lowered
his head and silently returned to his room without saying anything
to Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao: ???
In the afternoon, the family doctor dropped by again to give Wen
Yu another drip. Once both bottles are done, the family doctor
instructed him again on what to do and then left. Chi Zhao also
wanted to leave with him but before he could take more than two
steps, he was stopped by Wen Yu.
Chi Zhao turned to look back. Wen Yu looked at him with pursed
lips and only spoke after a long silence, “……I’m hungry.”
Chi Zhao raised a brow, “What do you want to eat? I’ll order for
“I want noodles.”
Chi Zhao took out his phone and searched. He wasn’t familiar with
this place and didn’t know any noodle places around. After
searching around for a bit, all he managed to find were bowls of
noodles at twenty or thirty yuan which clearly looked very
unhealthy. Who knew if the oil used in there was waste oil or proper
oil? Chi Zhao could only store his phone away, “Let your secretary
buy for you. He should know better the good noodle places here.”
Wen Yu shook his head, “I don’t want to eat the ones outside.”
Chi Zhao stared at him. The two stared at each other for a while.
Chi Zhao finally understood what he meant. He pointed at his nose,
“Then you want to eat the one I make?”
Wen Yu gently nodded.
Chi Zhao couldn’t help but blurt out, “Won’t your illness get
worse after eating?”
Wen Yu: “…….”
Wen Yu let out a very rare laugh, “No, after eating, I will get
better faster.”
Wen Yu had only said those words without much thought but
once he said that, both remembered the last time Wen Yu ate the
noodles he made. At that time, Wen Yu was still confined in the
basement and he was also injured, all thanks to Wen Xijun.
Wen Yu’s lips moved, seemingly wanting to say something, but Chi
Zhao had already quickly turned his head away and walked off
without saying whether he agreed or not.
Wen Yu watched his leaving figure and could only lower his eyes
in annoyance at himself.
However, half an hour later, Wen Yu still managed to get a bowl of
steaming noodles. In order to give him more nutrition, Chi Zhao had
also specially included two eggs for him. Those eggs sank
pathetically to the bottom of the bowl. Wen Yu silently picked out
the eggshells without a change to his expression.
While Wen Yu did this, Chi Zhao was busy cutting cucumber strips
in the kitchen. There weren’t many dishes he could make so he could
only make do with this.
Passing a plate full of cucumber strips to Wen Yu, Wen Yu raised
his eyes and gave him a smile before lowering his head again to eat
the noodles. Watching him eat with so much relish, Chi Zhao felt a
sense of accomplishment inside.
He smiled warmly, “Eat slowly, don’t choke.”
Wen Yu was almost halfway through the noodles. He asked Chi
Zhao, “Father, when will you be going back?”
“I’ll go back when you’re better.”
Wen Yu’s illness came very quickly but this kind of illness was the
kind that would come quickly and leave very quickly. It is estimated
that Wen Yu should fully recover in a day or two. As Chi Zhao
calculated this and thought about what he should do when he
returns, he didn’t see Wen Yu’s slowly lowering gaze.
Too fast.
As Wen Yu began to seriously think about how he could make
Wen Xijun stay a little longer. Wen Xijun’s phone rang.
Chi Zhao glanced at the caller ID, stood up and walked over to the
window in the living room.
He Jia was the one who called. In less than a day, he had managed
to find out everything about the Song Family. When he first saw the
information his subordinates sent him, He Jia thought he saw wrong.
Once he finished reading everything, he realised later that the
Master must have already known about this and that was probably
why he suddenly went to the southern branch.
If that was the case, what was Master planning on doing?
If it was the Wen Xijun of the past, he would most definitely use
Wen Yu. He would tie him to his side even more firmly and use him
to control the entire Song Family for his own benefit. He Jia also
hoped that Wen Xijun could benefit from this, but he intuitively felt
that the current Wen Xijun probably wouldn’t do that. Sure enough,
the second he finished making his report, he heard Wen Xijun
answer the question he had on his mind, “Secretly disclose this
information to the Song Family. Don’t let them know that you did
it. When the Song Family contacts Wen Yu, come and notify me.”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 147
Source: KK Translates


Wen Yu had said that he would get better faster after eating the
noodles made by Chi Zhao. He had said it offhandedly at the time,
but he never expected it to really happen.
After having a bowl of piping hot noodles, Wen Yu sweated
considerably. When he checked his temperature before he went to
bed, he saw that it had fallen below 37 degrees.
Wen Yu knew his body very well. He was as sturdy as a cow and
once the temperature has dropped, it wouldn’t rise again. In other
words, he had recovered.
Wen Yu stared at the numbers on the thermometer for a long
time. The drowsiness he had earlier was now completely gone. He
laid on the bed and turned over and over again like a pancake. After
an unknown amount of time passed, Wen Yu suddenly sat up and
lightly got out of bed.
He quietly came upstairs and stopped before Wen Xijun’s room.
Wen Yu hesitated for a moment before finally pushing the door
The curtains had been drawn. Wen Xijun laid quietly on the bed
and there weren’t any lights on in the room. Once Wen Yu managed
to adjust to the darkness inside, he approached the bed and slowly
knelt down next to Wen Xijun who was deeply asleep.
System: “……..” This voyeur actually came to peep again!
Wen Yu also didn’t know what he was doing. When he laid in his
bed, his mind was filled with Ji Zongcheng’s words earlier in the day
as well as Wen Xijun’s behaviour the past two days.
He didn’t know whether he should believe it or not but, with the
facts right in front of him, he couldn’t deny it anymore.
Wen Xijun really did come to see him.
And he also took care of him for the past two days.
Even now, when he entered Wen Xijun’s room, he showed no
signs of awareness. His vigilance seemed to have been lowered
considerably ever since he entered this place. The Wen Xijun who
busied about in the house no longer looked like that cold-blooded
and ruthless master of the Wen Family. He was just an ordinary
person caring about his family and, just like other fathers, he
clumsily prepared a bowl of noodles with egg for his son.
Please read this from kk translates
This was his……..father.
To Wen Yu, the word father was very strange and unfamiliar.
Before the age of six, that word represented his world but after the
age of six, that word was just a pronoun.
Wen Yu thought he knew Wen Xijun very well. He was a good
head of the family, a good businessman and a very good superior,
but he was definitely not a good father.
These days, Wen Yu could see that he had changed. Even if he
didn’t want to admit it, he couldn’t help but nod his head.
Yes, Wen Xijun had changed. He was starting to turn for the
Wen Yu couldn’t find the reason for this change and with his
current state of mind and racing heart, he couldn’t make any
accurate judgements.
An absurd and bold thought formed in his mind. Ever since that
thought appeared, it continued to linger around.
Wen Xijun was starting to turn for the better.
Then could he…..perhaps…..also like him even a little bit?
Thinking about it carefully, no father would let their own son do
that kind of thing for him but Wen Xijun had let him do it. Although
it was a situation where there were no other options, Wen Xijun
could clearly send him out and randomly find someone to help him
deal with it but he didn’t do that. Why didn’t he?
Did that mean that in his heart, he didn’t really see them as father
and son? And for Wen Xijun, did he hold some feelings for him?
Although they are father and son both inside and outside,
everyone knew very well that the blood flowing inside them were
not compatible.
They were not a real father and son.
Wen Yu reached out. Facing Wen Xijun, he could clearly see Wen
Xijun’s undulating chest and his hand lightly landed on Wen Xijun’s
neck. The moment it touched, Wen Xijun who was still asleep
frowned a little before relaxing again. Wen Yu didn’t dare move.
Seeing that his breathing had returned to normal, very slowly, he
pressed his palm down against his carotid artery.
He could feel the slow and powerful beating through his palm. It
was the sign of life. Even for someone as powerful as Wen Xijun,
when he completely lowered his guard, he was as weak as a lamb
and can easily be hunted without much effort.
The system was secretly watching this scene. Something like this
had happened far too many times and the process was the same
each time as well. The system had been aware of this situation from
the very beginning.
Heh, just you wait. Even if he may look like he wants to kill Chi
Zhao right now, he will soon lean down and kiss him.
Stinky pervert, always coming to eat grass around the burrow.
(KKnotes: Take advantage of the situation/vulnerable)
He’s pretty much just a perverted rabbit.
Wen Yu naturally didn’t know that there was a system watching
him. He gentle rubbed Wen Xijun’s neck a few times and then slowly
moved it to the back of Chi Zhao’s neck.
His current position was like he was gently holding Wen Xijun’s
neck, wanting to push him into his arms. The closed eyes of the
sleeping Wen Xijun had concealed that pair of cold and merciless
eyes, making him look extremely harmless at this very moment.
Wen Yu was silent for a moment. He then lowered his head slightly
and both with restraint and with an all or nothing attitude, he
pressed a light kiss on Wen Xijun’s earlobe.
The earlobe was soft and small, completely in contrast to Wen
Xijun. It took Wen Yu a lot of effort to move away. When he moved
away, his gaze swept across Wen Xijun and he saw Wen Xijun’s
slightly exposed chest as well as a round scar slightly to the left of
his heart.
Wen Yu’s movements stiffened. He stared at that scar for a long
That was a scar from when he was injured by his older brother
when he was a child around the same age as his current children.
His elder brother shared the same mother and father as him, but
that location of the gunshot clearly showed that he really had the
intention to kill Wen Xijun.
The bullet wound was only a few millimetres away from the heart
and if not for those few millimetres, Wen Xijun would have no
longer existed in this world.
After a pause, Wen Yu raised his hand and touched his left eye.
Wen Yu suddenly remembered what Wen Xijun had told each of
them before he adopted them.
—— Since you are coming with me, you must remember to never
trust anyone. In this world, everyone is alone especially the Wen
Family. I will not let you find my weakness and you shouldn’t let me
find your weakness, understand?
For a long time, Wen Yu didn’t understand those words. It was
because he didn’t understand what it was like to have a weakness.
Wen Lie had spoken to him once about this. At that time, Wen Lie
was drunk. He sat on a chair and gazed down at his glass for a while
before revealing a very sad expression, “A’Yu, do you have a
Wen Yu’s answer at the time was to shake his head.
Wen Lie smiled bitterly. He then let out a very long sigh,
“Fortunately, you don’t and don’t ever have one. I am really
afraid now. I’m afraid that father would find out. If he really
finds out, what should I do? What should I do………”
That was Wen Yu’s first time seeing Wen Lie with such a fragile
expression. Wen Yu didn’t understand at the time but looking back
now, he seemed to understand now that Wen Lie’s weakness was.
Please read this from kk translates
It was because he also has a similar weakness.
Dragons have inverse scales, once touched, death would follow.
This line actually had two meanings. One was that if you touch the
dragon’s scales, the person who touched it will die and the other
was that if you touch those scales, the dragon will die.
But right now, was he considered a dragon with inverse scales?
Would his weakness make him stronger or would it…..destroy him
That evening, Wen Yu’s mind was filled with thoughts. Chi Zhao
was naturally unaware of this. The next day when he saw that Wen
Yu had recovered, Chi Zhao got ready to return to the Wen residence
without much thought.
Wen Yu was also very strange. He didn’t stop him and just
obediently sent Chi Zhao out the door. Standing in the parking lot
and watching Chi Zhao get in the car, Wen Yu who had been silent
the entire time suddenly spoke.
“I will hurry back before the 13th of the next month.”
Chi Zhao who had just started the car was stunned. Why did he
need to be back before the 13th?
Without needing him to ask, Wen Yu saw his expression and
explained, “A’Xi sent me a message. Her exam is on the 13th of the
next month.”
Chi Zhao was stunned for a moment, “A’Xi also told you?”
Wen Yu smiled, “Yeah.”
Chi Zhao was silent for a while. In the end, he didn’t say anything
and closed the car window. Upon seeing this, Wen Yu took two steps
back to clear the way.
Seeing the car disappear in the distance, the corners of Wen Yu’s
lips slowly lowered. He didn’t go back upstairs and instead walked
to the other side to his garage, got in his car and drove to the
He Jia’s work efficiency was very high. Before Chi Zhao returned,
he had already quietly leaked the news to the Song Family. Two days
after Chi Zhao returned, the authenticity of the news was confirmed,
and they immediately went to find Wen Yu.
Since Wen Xijun left, Wen Yu had been very devoted to his job. All
he had on his mind was to quickly finish all the work here and go
back home as soon as possible, he no longer cared about
establishing a network or his own growth. As a result, when two
strangers suddenly came to talk to him, he refused without a
The other party was silent for a moment. He took a step
forward and whispered, “We were sent by Mr Song Xuezhong of
the Song Family. Mr Wen….You should have an impression,
Wen Yu followed the people sent by Song Xuezhong to a teahouse
with excellent privacy. The teahouse had clearly been completely
booked by someone and when he entered, there was only an old
man with grey hair sitting at the back.
The old man looked very excited when he saw him. He shot up
and his lips trembled but in the end, he didn’t say anything and just
smiled at him, as if just the act of doing that took up all his strength.
Wen Yu looked at the old man blankly and paused for a while
before he continued to walk closer.
After sitting opposite the old man, the old man looked at him with
a thousand words in his mouth, but he couldn’t say anything. He
didn’t know what kind of opening remarks should be said now that
he had finally reunited with his grandson. His eyes continued to
linger on Wen Yu’s face and when it reached Wen Yu’s left eye, the
old man’s excitement was suddenly gone.
He looked at Wen Yu with concern and his eyes were a little misty,
“Your eye…..does it still hurt?”
—— Does your eye still hurt?
Wen Xin had also asked him this before. It seems that all family
members are like this. No matter what they had originally wanted to
say, no matter how many things were unresolved, the moment they
see a member of their family, the thing they care most about was the
other party’s health.
Wen Yu had a hunch inside when he heard the words ‘Song
Family’ and now that he saw the old man, that hunch of his became
Ever since Song Xuezhong knew that he still had a grandson
somewhere out there, he couldn’t sit still anymore. He wanted to see
Wen Yu immediately but was stopped by his subordinates. His
subordinates showed Song Xuezhong everything Wen Yu had
experienced the past few years and after finding out, Song Xuezhong
even had the desire to kill Wen Xijun. The Wen Family however had
deep roots and couldn’t be dealt with that easily.
The Song Family used to be as great was the current Wen Family
and was once even more powerful but ever since that incident
twenty years ago, the Song Family had been going downhill. If not
for that, let alone Wen Xijun, he wouldn’t hesitate to deal with the
entire Wen Family.
Song Xuezhong also knew that he shouldn’t be too arrogant and
let his emotions take control. No matter what, the most important
thing right now was to bring his grandson home first. He must never
be left in the hands of that demon Wen Xijun.
However, after hearing Song Xuezhong’s intentions, Wen Yu was
silent. To everyone’s expectations, he rejected Song Xuezhong.
“Sorry, I have my own family now. I understand what you
mean and how you feel but I will not leave the Wen Family.”
At least, not like this.
Song Xuezhong couldn’t accept this answer. His voice became
louder, “Why? My child, I am your grandfather, I won’t harm you.
That place is the Wen Family. It’s a place where people can eat
other people without spitting out their bones!”
Wen Yu frowned, “Sorry.”
This time he didn’t even want to speak any more. He stood up and
left. The subordinates behind him wanted to chase after him but
were stopped by Song Xuezhong.
The subordinates were puzzled, “Master, the young master,
Song Xuezhong’s expression was very ugly, “He raised a wolf
into a dog who can only watch the house. Wen Xijun really is a
great master.”
No dog would take the initiative to leave their owner but for the
sake of a little bit of money, there are black-hearted owners who
would be willing to sell their dog.
It seems that if he wanted to bring his grandson home, he would
still have to go through that demon Wen Xijun.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 148
Source: KK Translates


One the third day after Wen Yu refused Song Xuezhong, Song
Xuezhong arrived at the city where the Wen Family’s residence was
located and went to find Chi Zhao himself.
Song Xuezhong was different from ordinary old people. His skin
may be wrinkled and his hair may be grey, but he had a spirit that
couldn’t be matched by the young ones. His eyes moved around
agilely and when looking at others, it made them feel like they had
been seen through.
Chi Zhao knew that Wen Yu and Song Xuezhong had met up three
days ago but the place they met was too hidden and nothing
happened on either side after that meeting so Chi Zhao didn’t know
what kind of exchange they had.
Hearing that Song Xuezhong had come to find him today, Chi Zhao
could almost guess that rather than coming as a guest, he was here
to persuade him to let Wen Yu go.
Sure enough, not long after sitting down, the old gentleman
went straight to the point: “Mr Wen, you are a businessman and
businessmen all have a suitable price in mind. Let’s not waste
time. I am already a bunch of old bones and cannot be tossed
around. Tell me straight. No matter how much you want, I will
give it to you.”
Chi Zhao frowned. Why was this old man speaking so strangely? It
was as if Wen Yu was a commodity.
If it weren’t for the fact that the plot had said that he was a good
grandfather, Chi Zhao would have suspected that he was bringing
Wen Yu back to use him.
Following a period of silence, Chi Zhao slowly spoke up, “A’Yu is
your grandson and not a commodity for trading. You should be
aware of this?”
Song Xuezhong let out an unreadable laugh, “Of course I know,
but I heard from the others that in Mr Wen’s eyes, anyone has a
value. That is why I went straight to the point.”
Since entering, Song Xuezhong had been kind and courteous but
when he said those words just now, Chi Zhao could clearly sense
coldness and hostility from him. It seemed that he didn’t like him
very much.
He just didn’t know if it was because Wen Yu didn’t like him or
simply because he didn’t like the sight of him.
Chi Zhao pondered for a while and then came up with an idea.
“Raising a child is not easy, I’m sure you are aware of that.
A’Yu is one of my most beloved children. If you really want him to
return to the Song Family, you will need to show some sincerity.”
A businessman’s mouth is filled with lies. When negotiating,
everyone would say that only a little bit of profit is enough, but
reality wasn’t like that. Song Xuezhong had already prepared himself
to be severely slaughtered but he didn’t expect that Wen Xijun
would shamelessly ask for half their assets.
Song Xuezhong’s liver hurt but there was nothing he could do.
Money is not living but humans are alive. No matter what, he must
take Wen Yu away.
Fortunately, Wen Xijun didn’t want their shares and all he wanted
was some real estate and valuable cooperation projects. Even if he
asked for half the shares, Song Xuezhong was ready to show him
what it meant by going all out.
Going out the gate and getting into his own car, Song
Xuezhong’s subordinate hesitated for a while before finally
asking, “Master, Wen Xijun wasn’t surprised by our arrival and
when you talked about the young master his expression also
didn’t change. He seemed to have already known about this.”
Please read this from kk translates
Without needing his subordinate to say this, Song Xuezhong
himself had eyes and he also naturally noticed this. His
expression sank and he coldly snorted, “People like Wen Xijun
have done too many bad things and he doesn’t trust anyone
around him. He must’ve kept an eye on Luoxing so it’s not
surprising that he knows.”
The subordinate however felt that this matter wasn’t that simple.
The one involved couldn’t see the full picture clearly but he as a
bystander could see it better.
Knowing that his own grandfather was still alive, the young
master was still unmoved and showed no intention to leave the Wen
Family. Wen Xijun had handled the young master so well but why
was he letting him go? After all, regardless of whether the young
master returned to the Song Family, the future of the Song Family’s
industry was his.
If he didn’t let the young master go, it would be equivalent to
merging the Song and Wen family together, further strengthening
the Wen Family’s influence in the process. Wen Xijun however didn’t
do that. Not only that, but he also easily dismissed the relationship
between himself and the young master. It was almost like……..he
wished for the young master to leave.
But what benefit would that bring to him?
The preestablished impression of Wen Xijun made him feel that
he wouldn’t have done it out of good intentions. After thinking about
it for a long time, the subordinate still couldn’t understand. In the
end, he could only drop that matter.
Song Xuezhong’s arrival wasn’t low-key. Many people saw it and
overheard parts of the conversation and soon rumours started to
spread. When Chi Zhao was in his office looking through some
documents, there was suddenly a knock on the door.
The door opened. The person entering was Wen Lie.
Chi Zhao placed down the documents and looked up at him
Wen Lie closed the door. He pursed his lips and asked, “Father,
did the head of the Song Family come by just now?”
Wen Lie had always been serious and would never speak rashly.
Today’s news however had shocked him too much and the rumours
were everywhere. This kind of plot however was something that
only appeared in TV dramas, so the people only listened and
laughed at it, not taking it very seriously.
But Wen Lie was different. He thought more deeply than others
and also saw things more deeply so he realised that this time, the
rumours might actually be true.
Chi Zhao nodded. He originally had his eyes lowered. Not knowing
what he thought of, he let out a laugh and then raised his head to
look directly at Wen Lie.
“A’Lie, you will only have three younger brothers in the
Wen Lie’s eyes widened slightly. This shock of his only appeared
for a moment and soon he restored himself back to his usual gentle
and serious appearance. Although he had returned to normal
externally, it didn’t mean that he was at peace inside. Wen Lie spoke
up anxiously, “Fath…….”
The moment he spoke up, Chi Zhao also asked, “How are the
cooperation discussions going with the Yuejin Group?”
Wen Lie was taken aback. The topic had changed too quickly and
too bluntly. It took him a few seconds to reply, “About
that…….Father, I think we should change to another partner.”
Chi Zhao looked at him with interest, “Why?”
The Yujin group had exclusive technology that almost
monopolises the entire industry. Having finally thrown an olive
branch to the Wen Family this time, it stood to reason that they
should grasp this opportunity, but Wen Lie was actually intending
on giving it up.
Wen Lie hadn’t planned on reporting about this matter so soon.
He had originally intended waiting a little and then telling Wen Xijun
once everything was settled. After all, it was impossible for Wen
Xijun to agree to his decision to abandon that cooperation project. If
he said anything, Wen Xijun would only hand the job over to another
person to complete.
After a long silence, Wen Lie could only tell the truth, “I just
think that…….There are some business that can be done and
some that shouldn’t be done.”
The chairman of the Yuejin Group was that paedophile pervert
who had in the end destroyed Wen Xin. That person’s hobby was
actually highly confidential and not many knew about it. It was
unknown how Wen Lie knew about it but since he could even find
out about this, it could be seen that Wen Lie’s ability was no longer
any inferior to the former big boss Wen.
Chi Zhao was very pleased to hear this. He nodded and sighed,
“Alright then, you can go and turn them down.”
Wen Lie didn’t expect to hear such an answer from him. After
being surprised for a while, Wen Lie suddenly remembered that
there were more important matters left unsaid. The Yuejin Group
was just a business partner and business partners can be changed
but family couldn’t be replaced!
Wen Lie furrowed his brows, “Father, A’Yu he……”
Chi Zhao stood up and took off his coat from the coat rack
beside him. Just like before, he answered without answering the
question, “You should continue doing the same in the future.
Remember, people should do things with a clear conscience.
Although you are a businessman, you must be a businessman
with principles.”
After leaving his desk, Chi Zhao approached Wen Lie and
patted his shoulder. Chi Zhao smiled, “I’ll leave the group to you
in the future as well as your younger siblings. Don’t lead them
down the wrong path.”
The meaning behind those words was too great. Wen Lie was left
completely stunned and he finally stopped mentioning Wen Yu. Chi
Zhao took another two steps towards the door before suddenly
remembering something and turning back around, “Oh yes, you
should treat the Song Family better in the future. Even though his
surname is no longer Wen, he is still your brother.”
Wen Lie is a very reliable heir. With him, Chi Zhao wouldn’t need
to worry about anything.
Compared to the former big boss Wen, Wen Lie was more like a
father. All Chi Zhao needed to do now was to remove the unstable
factors and his heir position would be stable.
And this unstable factor referred to Wen Hu.
Chi Zhao really couldn’t understand Wen Hu. He didn’t know
whether Wen Hu had any intentions of competing with Wen Lie.
Having watched ancient TV dramas of people vying for the throne
and personally experiencing it this time, he suddenly felt that being
the Emperor really wasn’t easy.
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There could only be one heir but there were too many talented
sons. It couldn’t be helped; he could only choose the best one and
then try his best to compensate the other children.
Back at home, Chi Zhao asked the housekeeper where Wen Hu
was. After learning that Wen Hu was resting in the back garden, Chi
Zhao walked over alone.
But when he arrived, there wasn’t just Wen Hu there, but also the
youngest Wen Xi.
The two of them were discussing the travel destination next
month. Wen Hu was very good with the children. Among all the
older brothers, Wen Xi’s favourite was Wen Hu and even the little
angel Wen Mu who used to coax her to sleep was cast aside.
Seeing Chi Zhao coming over, Wen Xi’s smile became even
brighter. She happily reported to Chi Zhao the places she had in
mind as well as the local sites and food she wanted to visit. Chi Zhao
took a quick look and corrected a mistake for her, “You don’t need
to prepare so many, there will only be seven of us going later
Wen Xi and Wen Hu were both taken aback when they heard this.
Just as Wen Xi wanted to ask Chi Zhao what he meant, Chi Zhao
spoke to her first, “I have something to talk about with your third
brother. A’Xi, can you go back first?”
Wen Xi looked at Chi Zhao and then looked at Wen Hu. After
receiving an encouraging smile from Wen Hu, she bit her lower lip
and cleaned everything up on the table and left.
Chi Zhao’s gaze followed Wen Xi’s departing figure. After he figure
disappeared around the corner, Chi Zhao retracted his gaze and
looked at Wen Hu.
“Seven people.” Wen Hu voice carried some amusement but the
warmth in his eyes didn’t reach the bottom of his eyes, “That is to
say, the rumours are true?”
Chi Zhao responded casually and then asked him, “Do you want
to leave this place?”
After a second, the smile on Wen Hu’s face slowly deepened, “You
can’t be saying that you also found my family?”
Wen Hu laughed lightly, “I was an abandoned baby. Do you
have the heart to make me return to the people who once threw
me away?”
“I didn’t mean that.” Chi Zhao frowned, “I just wanted to give
you another chance. I asked if you wanted to come with me back
then, now I’m asking you if you want to leave.”
Chi Zhao pursed his lips, “You have grown up very well. Even if
you leave this place, you will soon be able to soar up into the sky.
When I brought you back that year, I could give you many things
but now, all I can give you are shackles that restrict and hold you
Everything Chi Zhao said was something Wen Hu thought inside
as well. Chi Zhao wasn’t certain about anything else, but he was
absolutely certain that Wen Hu wanted to leave the Wen Family. Chi
Zhao intended to give him a generous sum to help him find a place
where he could fully put his skills to use instead of being trapped in
the repressive Wen Family.
There were too many smart people here, and too many people he
had to worry about.
As he spoke, Chi Zhao thought of something and even smiled,
“After you leave, you can change your name to one that you like.
The name I gave you…….seems to be a little too casual.”
It wasn’t just a little casual, it was too casual. Chi Zhao’s smiling
appearance fell into Wen Hu’s eyes. Wen Hu looked fixatedly at him
for a while and finally spoke. He said, “Then you can give me
another one.”
He raised a hand, and, under Chi Zhao’s slightly stunned
expression, it lingered in the air a small distance away from Chi
Zhao’s brows. He looked at Chi Zhao’s eyes with eyes that still
contained a smile, but it also seemed to contain emotions that were
unfamiliar and deep.
“My answer is that I don’t want to leave, but….I want a new
As soon as he heard from his secretary that Song Xuezhong had
gone to the Wen residence, Wen Yu left the southern city and
hurried over. When he arrived, he was met with this scene.
In Wen Hu’s eyes, Wen Yu saw something very familiar. Of course,
it was familiar, it was because when he himself looked at Wen Xijun,
he was the same.
Wen Yu stiffly stopped in place, his head buzzing. At this moment,
the people on the other end also noticed him.
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Chapter 149
Source: KK Translates


When Wen Hu’s hand was only about two centimetres away from
Chi Zhao, Chi Zhao reacted and moved back slightly to avoid his
touch. Wen Hu’s eyes darkened and when he raised his eyes, he saw
Wen Yu who stood not far away.
Wen Yu’s expression at this moment was too abnormal. Wen Hu
was stunned for a moment before he proceeded to withdraw his
outstretched hand. The Chi Zhao opposite him followed his gaze and
looked over.
Seeing Wen Yu standing behind him, Chi Zhao pursed his lips with
a guilty conscience, but he soon reacted. What was he feeling guilty
for? He and Wen Hu didn’t do anything, and Wen Yu wouldn’t care
Chi Zhao stood up. He walked over to Wen Yu and stopped about a
metre away before speaking indifferently, “Come with me.”
Only god knew how much effort Wen Yu had to use to control his
emotions right now. Wen Xijun’s emotionless tone was like a barrel
of gasoline was poured directly onto his burning heart. That
scorching heat instantly swept through his entire body, burning
through everything and giving him intense pain. He had however
been trained by Wen Xijun to be a wooden puppet who wouldn’t
make a sound when faced with any pain so even if the pain inside
was intense, he didn’t show anything externally.
After Wen Xijun finished saying this, he walked on ahead. Wen Yu
silently looked over and glanced at Wen Hu who was left behind.
Wen Hu was also looking at him, his eyes filled with scrutiny and
perplexity. After the two stared at each other for a few seconds, Wen
Hu suddenly straightened up.
It was because he now understood.
At this moment, Wen Yu retracted his gaze. He turned around and
strode quickly to catch up to Wen Xijun’s departing figure and the
two left one after another.
With no one else around now, Wen Hu no longer needed to
maintain his image and his face finally showed some real emotions.
At this moment, Wen Hu’s expression definitely wasn’t very good.
His eyes constantly moved as his mind was in confusion.
How could this be?
In the entire Wen Family, wasn’t Wen Yu the one who hated Wen
Xijun the most? He usually hid it very well, but one would always
accidently leak out some of their true emotions when not paying
attention. He had seen it with his own eyes. At that time. Wen Yu
truly wanted to kill Wen Xijun. How did it become like this now?
How could he……
Linking it with Wen Xijun’s strange behaviour a few months ago,
Wen Hu’s eyes suddenly stopped.
Wen Yu and Chi Zhao came to the study. After the heavy wooden
door was closed, nothing in here could be heard outside.
Chi Zhao sat on a dark green sofa next to a bookcase. He wanted to
pour himself some water, but he could only find tea here.
Abandoning the thought of quenching his thirst, Chi Zhao raised his
head to look over at Wen Yu who was still standing at the door. He
neither walked forward nor found a place to sit and just stood at the
door silently.
“Did your grandfather tell you?”
Wen Yu suddenly had a bad feeling. He took his thoughts out of
the scene he saw just now and asked back with a low voice, “Tell me
So nothing was said.
Chi Zhao said lightly, “Your grandfather came to see me today
and showed me his sincerity so we agreed that you should
recognise your own ancestors and return to your original
Those words were too ruthless. It was as if Chi Zhao had sold Wen
Yu off to Song Xuezhong for a small favour. Wen Yu understood the
meaning of Chi Zhao’s words. His expression changed several times.
His voice carried disbelief, “You’re making me go to the Song
Chi Zhao corrected his misnomer, “It’s not going, it’s returning.”
Wen Yu was originally from the Song Family. Being in the Wen
Family for all those years wasn’t right. Shouldn’t he be happy to hear
that he was returning to his family? Why was it that when Chi Zhao
looked at Wen Yu’s current expression, he felt like he had done
something heinous?
Wen Yu stared at Chi Zhao’s eyes, the light in his eyes quickly
dimming. His right intact eye seemed to resemble a grim reaper’s
scythe; pitch black, cold and sharp. The tightly clenched fists slowly
loosened and hung lifelessly next to him.
Wen Yu’s eyes flashed, “You know.”
Just like Song Xuezhong’s subordinate, Wen Yu couldn’t
understand why he was being pushed away by Wen Xijun. No matter
how he looked at it, Wen Xijun shouldn’t have given up on him,
unless…..He discovered something intolerable and urgently wanted
to push him away.
Before he had guessed that Wen Xijun also liked him but today he
felt that Wen Xijun probably didn’t like him. Regardless of the
conclusion, they were all just guesses and are far less powerful than
Wen Xijun admitting to it himself.
Under his gaze, Wen Xijun was silent for a moment and then
nodded, “Yeah, I already know.”
The moment he heard Wen Xijun’s admission, Wen Yu almost
couldn’t hold himself back. He wanted to rush over to Wen Xijun and
question him.
Why are you driving me away?
Why are you sentencing me to death without giving me a chance
to say a single world?
That guy Wen Hu was clearly the same as him but why was it that
he could stay by Wen Xijun’s side and boldly reveal his shameful
thoughts while he himself gets expelled?!
What was the difference between himself and Wen hu?!?
Immediately after these words formed in his heart, Wen Yu’s
raging mind suddenly calmed down.
No, he had forgotten. There wasn’t just one difference between
himself and Wen Hu.
Wen Hu wasn’t missing an eye, Wen Hu never rebelled against
Wen Xijun and, compared to himself who was cold and stubborn, the
Wen Hu who always smiled would naturally be more pleasant to the
In the previous few months, he had not been able to understand
his feelings and was restrained by his stubborn past thoughts,
unwilling to face the truth. Now, he had finally thought it through
and understood what he should to, but he found that he didn’t have
the qualifications to fight for himself.
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His personality wasn’t as sleek as the others; others could
smoothly sing words of praise but his lips couldn’t say a single word
of those. He knew very well that it was a problem staying like this,
so he wanted to change, wanted to learn.
Wen Yu looked like a big dog who was about to be abandoned by
its owner. He alone stood in place and only after mustering up some
courage, he took a couple of steps forward,
“Father, can you……give me another chance?”
Wen Yu had never pleaded to anyone and he had never spoken so
submissively to someone in his entire life. The most enviable thing
about him was the fact that no one could make him bend his body,
but now, he had personally smashed his pride and spine and humbly
made a request to the person before him, hoping that he would
change his mind and let him stay by his side.
At least……give him a chance to work hard.
Chi Zhao looked at him suspiciously, not understanding what he
Just now when Wen Yu said that he knew, Chi Zhao nodded after
some thought because he thought Wen Yu was talking about his
relationship with the Song Family. If he thought about it carefully, he
would realise that Chi Zhao must’ve known about it for a while now
or he wouldn’t have decided so quickly to let Wen Yu leave.
But what did he mean by giving him another chance? What
Chi Zhao pondered in thought for a long time and suddenly came
to an understanding.
Did Wen Yu think that he was kicked out of the Wen Family
because he thought he was a traitor and wanted to deal with him
Chi Zhao had taken for granted that Wen Yu would have the
desire to return to the Song Family after his meeting with his
grandfather and that the reason for there to be nothing happening
on his end after that was because he was thinking about what he
should do to be set free. He now understood that Wen Yu had
panicked knowing that every move of his was being watched by
Wen Xijun.
Big boss Wen never treated traitors softly. Even if it were a losing
business, he would make the traitor pay the price. Wen Yu knew this
and that was why he wanted to ask for another chance to show him
his loyalty.
System: “……….”
Finally, the pair of husbands are in harmony.
Chi Zhao’s ability to create scenarios in his mind has already
caught up with the protagonists of the previous worlds!
Chi Zhao felt that he understood Wen Yu’s train of thought and
wanted to reassure him, “Although you will no longer be
surnamed Wen, you are still their brother. They won’t forget you
and I hope that you won’t forget them either.”
Wen Yu would bring the Song Family to a new height in the future
and with both himself and Wen Lie being big bosses, Chi Zhao didn’t
want Wen Lie to do anything to Wen Yu and he naturally also hoped
that Wen Yu wouldn’t do anything to Wen Lie. Although Chi Zhao
didn’t want to see Wen Yu’s face anymore after realising that he
wasn’t that person, he was still his son.
As soon as that last line formed in his mind, Chi Zhao shuddered.
It couldn’t be helped. He hadn’t been regarding Wen Yu as his son
from the beginning and having to change his mindset so suddenly,
he was still a little unaccustomed to it.
Wen Yu’s face became pale.
In the end, he still wanted him to leave.
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Just because he likes him? But what about Wen Hu? He also likes
him so is he leaving too?
Wen Yu didn’t respond to Chi Zhao’s words for a long time. When
he finally responded, he had instead asked about Wen Hu’s future.
Chi Zhao was stunned.
He originally wanted to send Wen Hu away, but Wen Hu had just
said earlier that he didn’t want to leave.
Recalling Wen Hu’s behaviour and words from just now, Chi Zhao
fell into a moment of silence. He didn’t want to be involved in
incestuous relationships. If Wen Hu liked him, he couldn’t control
him, but he could stay far away from Wen Hu to give him time for
those feelings to fade.
Chi Zhao had already thought it through. When he returns from
the trip with Wen Xi, he would pack up his things and retire in
Country Meng. As for Wen Hu, whether he wanted to leave or stay
was his own business. In any case, he wouldn’t be in the Wen
residence anyway.
“He is already an adult and can make his own decisions. I will
not interfere with him.”
Hearing Chi Zhao’s answer, Wen Yu’s expression changed slightly.
His throat became dry. Wen Yu asked again, “Then why are you
interfering with me?”
Chi Zhao now felt that something really didn’t seem quite right
with Wen Yu. Why were his questions so strange? He frowned but
answered good temperedly, “Because you should go back.”
Song Xuezhong was old. With half his foot in the coffin, he had
finally found his son’s orphaned child. He was a person with
conscience didn’t want to destroy this long-awaited reunion.
Wen Yu lowered his eyes and his greyed left eye similarly
lowered. In his incomplete field of vision, Wen Yu seemed to
understand something.
“I understand.”
Wen Yu had said those words hoarsely. A moment later, he raised
his eyes again and looked straight at Chi Zhao, the next words
spoken one after another with emphasis, “Goodbye father. I will be
back as soon as possible.”
At that time, he will prevent anyone from pushing him away from
Wen Xijun’s side, even if it’s Wen Xijun himself.
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Chapter 150
Source: KK Translates


Three years passed by in a flash.

Chi Zhao spent his time alone very comfortably and he had also
developed a new hobby, fishing.
This activity that is popular amongst middle-aged and elderly
men had now become one of Chi Zhao’s daily activities. The place
where Chi Zhao stayed at was a lake-view house. As soon as you
opened the door, you are greeted with the sparkling lake.
Surrounded by mountains and waters, the scene was just like that of
a fairy tale.
Every time Wen Xin came over, she would always express, “I
also want to live here in the future. It’s so beautiful, it feels like
it’s heaven.”
Chi Zhao’s spoke like an elderly, “Young people should do what
young people should do. There’s still a few decades before it is
time for you to think about retirement.”
Wen Xin retracted her gaze from the scenery and gently laughed,
“But father, aren’t you also very young?”
He was clearly already thirty-six and would by thirty-seven very
soon, but it was as if Wen Xijun would never grow old. When
outside, no one would think that he’s Wen Xin’s father and would
just think that he is Wen Xin’s older brother.
Time seemed to treat Wen Xijun very favourably. Not a trace of
time was left on his body.
It was very enviable.
“I’m different from you.” Chi Zhao propped his head up with
one hand and looked at a swaying tree in the distance with
narrowed eyes, “Since birth, I have been living with my life
hanging from a thread. From the time I can remember, I have
been completing the tasks and work others have imposed onto
me so although I don’t seem that old, I have worked long enough.
It is time to rest.”
Wen Xin was silent when she heard this. She then started
another topic, “A’Xi wanted to come with me this time but she has
to represent her school in a competition and can only stay back.”
Ever since Chi Zhao’s departure, Wen Lie became the guardian of
his underaged brothers and sisters. Before leaving, Chi Zhao had
instructed everyone to live their life according to their own wishes.
Wen Xi was the youngest and she didn’t have very mature thoughts
so after many days of silence, she found Wen Lie and finally told him
what she wanted.
—— She wanted to go to school.
Wen Xi was no longer the gloomy and strange girl in the past. She
had now become brighter and had also learnt to be friendly with her
schoolmates. The moment her heart opened to embrace the world,
the world also attracted her in its own way. And so, she wanted to go
to school and be in touch with the outside world more.
Wen Xi went to middle school. Wen Mu hesitated for a few days
and finally followed. The two top students who have already
completed their university degrees was suddenly dropped into a
private middle school. They were both attractive, good tempered
and they also took over the first-place position in the school the
moment they arrived. This pair of siblings instantly attracted the
attention of the whole school and now, the two of them have become
influential figures and are having a good time there.
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Chi Zhao had stipulated that these children can only see him once
a year. Wen Xi hadn’t come over yet this year, but she would often
send him emails with photos of the Wen children. Recalling the
photos of her and Wen Mu at a school party, Chi Zhao couldn’t help
but smile.
Before leaving, Chi Zhao wasn’t worried about Wen Xi but he was
a little worried about Wen Mu. Wen Xi had improved at a rate that
was visible to the naked eye, but Wen Mu was still the same as
before. Chi Zhao was worried that he wouldn’t be able to change his
habit of subconsciously seducing others so he instructed Wen Xi to
get along with Wen Mu and take care of him.
Although Wen Xi’s favourite brother was Wen Hu, the person Wen
Mu cared the most about was Wen Xi. Facing Wen Xi, Wen Mu
seemed to have natural desire to protect her. As long as Wen Xi was
around, Wen Mu’s attention would be divided out, preventing him
from making the place a mess with his seduction skills.
Seeing Chi Zhao smiling, Wen Xin thought about what she had said
just now and very quickly remembered a matter related to Wen Mu.
She raised a brow and asked, “Father, has A’Xi been sending you
Chi Zhao nodded.
Wen Xin blinked and smiled playfully, “Then father, you also
know that A’Mu has someone he likes?”
Wen Mu was sixteen years old this year. The former little angel
had now grown up. In the past, he could take down a large group of
women but now he could pretty much take down anything. Wen Yu
would receive love calls from strangers almost every day and it
annoyed him so much they he announced that he had someone he
No one in the family took it seriously. They all felt that Wen Mu
was still the innocent Wen Mu and just as delicate inside as he was
in the past.
As the person who has received the most photos from Wen Xi, Chi
Zhao raised his chin, “Isn’t it A’Xi?”
Wen Xin gently laughed, “That’s right, but A’Xi doesn’t know.
The others also don’t know.”
“You seem to be very optimistic about them?”
Wen Xin nodded honestly, “Although A’Xi is still young and she
may not have any thoughts in that regard, but I think she and
A’Mu go very well together. If it does work out, they will be very
happy in the future.”
Chi Zhao pondered for a moment. Indeed, if you want to restrain
an angel, you will have to use a devil. Although one of them is a
succubus in angel skin and the other is a real angel in a devil’s skin.
“This is their own business. Let them solve it by themselves.”
Chi Zhao said it very casually, but those words of his made Wen
Xin fall silent for a moment. Wen Xin then responded, “Yes, don’t
worry, I won’t interfere.”
Chi Zhao wasn’t worried. He looked at Wen Xin, “Rather than
the others, what about you? How……is it for you?”
Although he didn’t say it explicitly, Wen Xin knew that he was
asking about her and Wen Lie. Two years ago, after everything had
settled, Wen Lie finally expressed his feelings to Wen Xin but Wen
Xin didn’t accept him. She originally spent most of her time at home
but during the past two years she started to travel around the world,
travelling while doing international charity work on the side.
In the past three years, Wen Xin saw Chi Zhao a total of three
times. Chi Zhao hadn’t asked this question before, but Chi Zhao
knew about everything that happened in the Wen Family so Wen Xin
didn’t hide anything from him.
Rubbing the coffee cup in her hands, Wen Xin smiled faintly,
“Father, you asked me what I wanted to do in the future, but I
was unable to answer you clearly because I didn’t know what I
wanted at the time. Now that I have travelled around, I have
made my decision.”
“I want to live the most ordinary life. Find someone who is
good to me, marry him, build a happy family together and then
spend the rest of my life peacefully.”
Wen Xin’s wish couldn’t be considered a wish because what she
was talking about was the life most people would have.
Unfortunately, this ordinary wish of hers couldn’t be achieved with
Wen Lie.
Chi Zhao looked at her eyes and after a while he looked away,
“As long as it is something you want, you can do whatever you
Wen Xin’s smile grew brighter, “Thank you father.”
With this topic reaching an end, Wen Xin talked about her
experience in the other countries. The places Wen Xin had visited
were too many. If she wanted to finish talking about it all, it would
take three days and three nights. Ten minutes later, Wen Xin noticed
that Chi Zhao seemed to be distracted and seemed to be often
glancing at her, as if saying ‘Why isn’t it over yet?’.
Wen Xin found it funny. She elegantly took a sip of her coffee,
looking like she was about to put a stop to the topic, but after
placing the cup down, she started talking about her journey in
another country in the eastern hemisphere.
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Chi Zhao: “…….”
After seeing more people and experiencing more things, Wen Xin
no longer treated Chi Zhao with as much respect as she did in the
past. She used to treat Chi Zhao as her father, but how she treated
him as a friend. After teasing Chi Zhao a little, she felt a small sense
of accomplishment inside.
But Wen Xin was still the kind-hearted Wen Xin. It wasn’t long
until she started to talk about the person Chi Zhao cared the most
“A’Yu, ah, no, I should now call him Luoxing. I can’t change this
habit of mine. Luoxing is still very busy. I would sometimes call
him, but he doesn’t have the time to answer. The last time we met
was half a year ago. He’s a little taller now and I now have to
stand on my toes to talk to him.”
That was too much of an exaggeration. Wen Xin was 1.7m and if
she needed to stand on her toes to talk to someone, that person
must be more than 2m tall.
Chi Zhao listened to Wen Xin’s description and answered faintly
with lowered eyes, “I see.”
Not long after Wen Yu returned to the Song Family, Chi Zhao left
the country. News from back home was hard to obtain here and Chi
Zhao had also come alone, leaving He Jia with Wen Lie, so his
knowledge of Wen Yu’s situation came from the children who came
to see him.
Wen Yu had never visited, and Chi Zhao hadn’t let him come. He
hadn’t seen him for three years now. He didn’t know what Wen Yu
was like now.
However, no matter what Wen Yu was like, it seemed to have
nothing to do with him.
When Wen Xin said those words, she had been keeping a close eye
on Chi Zhao, taking in the changes in his expression. She saw
everything and naturally also saw the slightly downcast look hidden
in his eyes.
The hands on Wen Xin’s lap clenched slightly.
Back then she was too impatient and too worried so she looked
for Wen Yu as soon as she found out and persuaded him to give up
this feeling of his that will never bear fruit. Over the past three
years, her worldviews and state of mind had changed. Only then did
she realise that she had taken everything for granted and that her
act of kindness may have been unnecessary.
Just through the occasional phone calls, Wen Xin could tell how
busy Wen Yu’s life was. He was like a robot that would never rest.
Even if he was tired or sick and is in the hospital, he still wouldn’t let
go of his work. In order to grow as quickly as possible, he even took
risks and did some things that shouldn’t be done.
Other’s may not know why Wen Yu was working so hard, but Wen
Xin knew best.
It was in order to come back.
Only when he is at the same level as Wen Xijun can he ignore Wen
Xijun’s order and return to Wen Xijun’s side.
Wen Xin had always thought that Wen Yu’s feelings were
unrequited, but she recently realised that she was wrong.
Fortunately, it wasn’t too late, and A’Yu would be back soon.
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Chapter 151
Source: KK Translates


Wen Xin only stayed for a day and left the next day. Her next
destination was another country in the eastern hemisphere. It was a
chaotic and underdeveloped country so in order to get there, Wen
Xin would need to fly to a neighbouring country first and then take a
20-hour train trip to even set foot into that country.
After Wen Xin left, Chi Zhao’s life became quiet again.
After about a month, the climate here entered the rainy season. It
rained for more than a week in a row and it only finally stopped
early this morning. Unable to go fishing the past few days, Chi Zhao
had been holed up at home. When he saw the long-awaited sunlight
entering through the window, Chi Zhao happily went to the
basement to pick up his fishing equipment, ready to go out and try
his luck.
There was still the smell of rain in the air. There was a forest not
far away and fresh air filled his lungs with every breath. Chi Zhao
slowly walked out the door but before he could go down the stairs,
he saw someone below appreciating the flowerbed by his door with
his eyes slightly lowered.
Just as Wen Xin had said, Wen Yu had really grown a little taller.
After not seeing him for three years, Wen Yu had undergone
tremendous changes both inside and outside. Instead of becoming
smoother, the edges and corners of his body had become sharper.
Even without raising his head, the overbearing presence from
someone of a superior status could be distinctly felt.
Noticing the lean figure, Wen Yu gently looked over.
At Chi Zhao who looked slightly startled, Wen Yu smiled slightly,
“Long time no see, father.”
The fishing plans had to be cancelled. Chi Zhao stood in the
kitchen and served Wen Yu a cup of coffee he had similarly served
Wen Xin.
Wen Yu thanked him and then glanced over at the fishing
equipment placed aside by Chi Zhao, “Although the rain has
stopped, it has been raining very heavily the past two days, so the
water level has risen, and the soil is loose. It may not be a good
idea to go fishing now.”
Chi Zhao’s act of sitting paused for a few milliseconds before he
sat down casually, acting as if he didn’t understand the meaning
behind Wen Yu’s words.
When the other children came, Chi Zhao was usually the one who
listened. He seldom asked any questions and almost all the
questions he did ask were about Wen Yu.
When he didn’t see him, Chi Zhao was very curious and now that
he saw him, Chi Zhao couldn’t hold himself back anymore. He
adjusted his posture and asked awkwardly, “How have you been?”
Others could say as much as they wanted but it would never beat
hearing Wen Yu saying it personally. Staring at Chi Zhao’s eyes, Wen
Yu’s dark eyes seemed to darken a little further. He continued to
smile, “Alright.”
Although he had said that word with a smile, it didn’t sound like
he was happy. It wasn’t that Chi Zhao didn’t know what he was
doing but he didn’t understand why Wen Yu would put it that way.
Why was it? He was already doing a good job. Why did he have to
tire himself like that?
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In any case, Chi Zhao wasn’t in a position to say anything and even
if he did, Wen Yu wouldn’t necessarily listen to him.
As a result, Chi Zhao could only remind him subtly, “Don’t tire
Wen Yu took in Chi Zhao’s calm appearance. A while later, he
raised the corners of his lips, revealing an indecipherable smile,
“I heard from Wen Xin that each of them can visit you once a year
and can only stay for a day at a time. Having missed the past two
years, I wonder if I can receive your company for a day?”
Wen Yu was acting a little strange. Chi Zhao frowned, “What do
you want to do?”
“I just want my father to spend a day of vacation with me.”
Chi Zhao didn’t want to go out. From his expression, Wen Yu could
see that he wanted to refuse. Having a good grasp of Chi Zhao’s
temper, Wen Yu pursed his lips slightly and even lowered his voice a
little, “Today is my birthday, can you give me a day as my
birthday gift?”
Wen Yu was now an adult man. He looked too pitiful pleading like
this, and his small, trembling fan-like eyelashes gently brushed
against Chi Zhao’s heart, leaving a ticklish and numb sensation. Chi
Zhao could only accept his request.
In the past, Wen Yu’s birthday was always celebrated on the
anniversary of day when Wen Yu came to the Wen Family. That was
during winter. Chi Zhao thought Wen Yu’s grandfather had told him
his real birthday and he was referring to that.
Chi Zhao didn’t know what year what month and what day Wen
Yu was born so he very easily fell for that lie. In fact, Wen Yu’s real
birthday was also in winter. It had nothing to do with today.
For the sake of peace, Chi Zhao didn’t have anyone else around,
but he didn’t expect Wen Yu to have also done the same. He had only
brought along a driver and when they reached their destination, the
driver nodded at Wen Yu and drove off.
Chi Zhao who found himself downtown, “…….He’s leaving?”
Wen Yu was looking at the sea not far away when he heard Chi
Zhao’s voice which sounded a little confused. He smiled, “When the
time comes, he will come and pick us up.”
Seeing Chi Zhao’s expression relaxing, Wen Yu couldn’t help
but laugh, “Don’t worry, even if he doesn’t come, I won’t let you
sleep on the streets.”
Chi Zhao: “………..” You really think he was worried about that?!
For the whole day, Wen Yu wandered around with Chi Zhao.
There were too many famous scenic spots in Country Meng and
despite going around for a whole day, they only went to three
places. In the evening, the two rented a beach viewing platform.
Compared to the beach walk last time, the view here was better and
there weren’t as many people, so the surroundings were quiet and
there was only the sound of the waves and faint whispers from far
A large pale pink moon came into view. No matter how dense Chi
Zhao may be, he couldn’t miss the mood at this very moment.
For the whole day today, all of Wen Yu’s attention was on him.
Wherever they went, Wen Yu would first seek his opinion but Chi
Zhao originally had no plans to come out so every time Wen Yu
asked him, he would answer with anything’s fine. Wen Yu seemed to
have foreseen this answer of Chi Zhao’s so after he finished asking,
he immediately brought him to the next destination, as if he had
achieved his goal.
The name of his goal was probably “How to spend a romantic
couple tour in Country Meng”.
Chi Zhao’s heart was pounding. Because he had made a mistake in
his judgement once already, he didn’t dare jump to conclusions too
quickly or did he dare remain hopeful. He pressed his lips tightly
together and looked at Wen Yu sitting next to him who had been
staring at him since a few minutes ago after gazing at the moon for a
The smile on Wen Yu’s lips was very faint, “Father, with you
looking at me like this, I will misunderstand.”
Chi Zhao almost couldn’t think anymore. He suppressed the
tumultuous emotions inside him, and his voice was complex and
difficult to decipher, “Misunderstand what?”
Wen Yu’s eyes darkened a little. He stood up, stopped in front of
Chi Zhao, placed both his hands beside Chi Zhao and knelt on one
knee so that he was less that three centimetres shorter than Chi
Zhao. At a close proximity, he slightly tilted his head and looked at
Chi Zhao with a somewhat dangerous expression.
“Misunderstand ——- and think that you want to kiss me too.”
As soon as he finished saying that, Wen Yu raised his upper body
and pressed his slightly cool lips against Chi Zhao’s. A second ago,
Wen Yu’s position was humble and submissive but the next second
the situation was flipped. Facing this person he had missed day and
night for three full years, he could no longer hold back.
No one knew what kind of crazy thoughts have been invading his
mind all those nights and how he managed to last that long. Three
years was neither long nor short but how many three years could
there be in a person’s lifetime, especially for people like him who
never knew when they will lose their lives?
Many times, he didn’t want to persist with it anymore. He wanted
to leave this place, escape to Country Meng and be by Chi Zhao’s
side, no longer caring about their identities and status. He wanted to
take him away and bring him to a place with only the two of them.
He wanted to lock him up and keep him away from seeing anyone
Why should others be able to attain their beloved by only needing
to say a few nice words and sending a few bunches of flowers? And
why was it so difficult for him to even just see his beloved’s face?
Crazed thoughts raged inside him. Wen Yu knew that this wasn’t
right, but he couldn’t help it. He really couldn’t help having those
Since the second year after leaving the Wen Family, he had started
planting people by Chi Zhao’s side. Only by relying on the
information about Chi Zhao from these people could he sleep at
night. He clearly wasn’t like this when he was still part of the Wen
Family but somehow, he had become like this after he left.
It was probably because…….If he didn’t succeed, he wouldn’t be
able to return.
Before arriving at Country Meng, Wen Yu had already dealt with
the affairs on his end. He had prepared for the worst and had
thought about every possible outcome.
Perhaps Wen Xijun would accept him; perhaps Wen Xijun would
want to personally kill him. But no matter what the result was, he
didn’t want to go back to how it was in the past and as for Wen
Xijun, he had better kill him himself because if he couldn’t do it, he
would never be able to leave his side again.
Wen Yu placed his hand on the back of Chi Zhao’s neck. He held
Chi Zhao’s head like this with his thumb pressed firmly against the
bone, as if he was trying to push him into his body. Chi Zhao who
was shocked stiff by the surprise kiss closed his eyes and opened
them again.
After a few seconds of stunned silence, Chi Zhao pushed against
Wen Yu’s chest, trying to get him to stand up.
Wen Yu thought he was rejecting him. His breathing was heavy,
and he bit onto the tip of Chi Zhao’s tongue. After tasting some
blood, he finally raised his head and at the same time increased the
strength in his hands.
“You can no longer order me to leave, Wen Xijun. I won’t listen
to you anymore, understand?”
Wen Yu’s right eye was filled with dark emotions. The red veins
made him look like he was an evil spirit who had just crawled out
from hell. Chi Zhao was stunned. He raised one of his hands to try
and calm his unstable mood.
With the slender fingers gradually approaching his temples, Wen
Yu watched him suspiciously. As soon as those fingers touched his
brow bone, Wen Yu’s heart trembled.
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The gentle pressure soothed Wen Yu’s highly tensed nerves. He
stared blankly at Chi Zhao who was still imprisoned in his arms and
a few seconds later, he spoke up, “F-father……….”
The man who looked like he was about to commit murder a
second ago had returned to his originally obedient state. Chi Zhao
couldn’t help but lament internally.
What is all this? He originally thought that he was the wrong
person but as it turned out, it wasn’t the case. As a result of this
misunderstanding, the two had missed three entire years!
Wen Xijun was already old enough yet he had lost three years of
Chi Zhao was now both happy and angry. He was happy that he no
longer needed to live the rest of his life alone anymore, but he was
angry because of all the time that was wasted.
With a light sigh, Chi Zhao smiled again.
In any case, he was still here. That was good enough.
He leaned over and pecked the corner of Wen Yu’s lips. Just as he
wanted to say something, he heard a voice in his head.
【Pain shielding activated.】
Chi Zhao was taken aback. He looked around. There was no one
around but there was a small red dot in the distance. If one didn’t
look closely, it would easily be overlooked. What’s more, that red
dot was aimed at Wen Yu’s heart.
Chi Zhao suddenly pushed Wen Yu down. Wen Yu held him
tightly, not letting him go, so when he fell, Chi Zhao fell along with
him and he just happened to be pressed on top of Wen Yu. There
was the sound of gunfire. Chi Zhao didn’t feel any pain, but he could
feel his consciousness becoming a little blurry.
His body felt lighter. Chi Zhao opened his eyes in confusion. The
last scene he saw was Wen Yu holding him with a look of horror and
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KK has something to say: 😮😮😮
Chapter 152
Source: KK Translates


For Chi Zhao, he felt like he opened his eyes again not long after
he closed it. To him, it felt like only a few minutes had passed, but
how could anyone wake up just a few minutes after being shot?
Thinking this, Chi Zhao calculated inside and guessed that he had
probably been unconscious for about three to five days.
He slowly opened his eyes. His eyelids felt extremely heavy. It
took him a while to finally see where he was.
Hmm? Not the hospital?
From the furnishings…..It seems to be a bedroom?
Chi Zhao blinked in confusion a few times. By now, all the lethargy
and heaviness from earlier was gone. He got ready to sit up but
found that his arm couldn’t be used at all. Recalling that he was shot,
he moved his head with difficulty and saw that he was covered in a
thin golden-brown quilt and there was also an infusion tube on his
hand. Apart from that, there was nothing else on him.
Where’s the nose cannula? The bandages?
The place he was hit was his back, but Chi Zhao was currently
lying on his back and he didn’t feel any pain or discomfort.
Could it be……that the system still hadn’t cancelled the pain
Chi Zhao felt that the situation probably wasn’t as simple as he
thought it was. After a moment of silence, Chi Zhao used all his
strength to pinch the tip of his finger. The slight pain that came from
it proved that the shielding was off.
A terrifying thought formed in his mind. Chi Zhao quickly
called out to the system, “System! I couldn’t have slept for several
decades, right?! Did I become a grey-haired old man? Where’s
Wen Yu?! Did he also become an old man?!””
System: “………”
Before the system could answer, the door to the room suddenly
opened and the person outside walked in. His condition was very
bad, and he looked worse than Chi Zhao who laid in bed.
He usually stayed in this room, ate in this room and also slept in
this room. Except for when he must go out, he would stay in this
room almost all the time.
The person on the bed continued to lay there with his eyes closed
day after day. It was clearly just some internal injury, but he didn’t
wake up. Famous doctors from all over the world were called over
to check but no one could explain this situation. In the end, they had
no choice but to tell him that there were many mysterious diseases
in this world, and some couldn’t be diagnosed by doctors.
They also very tactfully told him that Wen Xijun might never wake
up at this rate and hoped that he could mentally prepare himself.
He listened silently to the words of countless doctors, but he
chose not to believe in them.
He brought Wen Xijun back to the Song residence from Country
Meng, bought the best medical equipment and also hired dozens of
experienced and capable medical staff to work there.
When they are not needed, they are cleaners, cooks and butlers.
When needed, they would immediately take off their work clothes,
put on their white coats and hurry over to check on the man who
showed no signs of waking up.
A single accident had not only caused Wen Xijun to fall into a
coma, it also exposed his feelings to everyone.
When the accident happened, as long as the others had eyes, one
could tell that his care and concern for Wen Xijun had gone far
beyond the boundaries of a foster father and son relationship. They
even dared to say that if Wen Xijun wasn’t saved, he would definitely
avenge Wen Xijun and then follow him to the next world.
At first, everyone was shocked. Later, they were sad. In the end,
all the emotions from earlier was gone and as soon as they returned
to reality, they started to feel dissatisfied with his behaviour.
Song Xuezhong had talked to him countless times and even raised
his hand to slap him back into his senses but it was useless.
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The people from the Wen Family would come everyday to bother
him, wanting him to send Wen Xijun back to the Wen family. Wen
Lie who had always been gentle and pleasant even had a stern
expression and the always smiling Wen Xin was worried to no end.
Even the youngest Wen Mu and Wen Xi got angry at him.
It was because he didn’t let the others visit Wen Xijun.
“Song Luoxing! That’s our father! You are no longer Wen Yu
and no longer my second brother! What right do you have to
keep our father in your house and what right do you have to
prohibit us from seeing him?!”
Wen Zhuang was the most short-tempered. He regretted it as
soon as he threw out those harsh words. He looked at Wen Yu
anxiously and tried to take it back, “Se-second brother, I didn’t
mean it that way…I….I just……..Why won’t you let us see father?!”
Wen Zhuang’s last cry slowly faded and he collapsed onto the
ground, dejected, “I haven’t visited him yet this year and he still
owes me a day…….”
Wen Hu had changed his name and is now called Wen Hu.
(KKnotes: 温 壶 - 温 湖 , Warm pot to warm lake) Standing next to
Wen Zhuang, his expression was similarly very poor. However, after
staring at Wen Yu for a long time, he didn’t say anything about
handing Wen Xijun over.
As someone in the same position, if it was him, he also wouldn’t
hand him over.
No matter what the others said, Wen Yu remained unmoved. They
thought he was scheming something but in fact, he wasn’t thinking
about anything.
He just felt that the others were too noisy. If they came over, it
would disrupt Wen Xijun’s rest. Right now, Wen Xijun was too tired
and needed to rest and as long as he has rested well enough, he
would wake up again.
Such a naïve thought had formed in Wen Yu’s mind. Others may
laugh if they heard it.
But no matter how ridiculous it may seem, Wen Yu insisted on
believing it because if he didn’t leave himself a small sliver of hope,
he may not be able to hold on.
In the middle of the night, Wen Yu would always have trouble
sleeping. He sat next to Wen Xijun and watched him lie there while
in daze.
As it turned out, he actually liked Wen Xijun this much?
Liking him to the point that he would rather die than be without
There was a constant dull, throbbing pain in his chest. It had been
there for so long, he seemed to have grown used to it. Ever since
Wen Xijun fell unconscious, Wen Yu had suffered from countless
sleepless nights. He often couldn’t fall asleep. If he could sleep for
five or six hours in a day, it was already considered an incredible
feat. Every day before he closed his eyes, he would pray for the same
I hope that when I wake up tomorrow, Wen Xijun will have
opened his eyes.
Wen Yu felt that he wasn’t a particularly bad person so he
shouldn’t have encountered something this cruel.
His lover will not die. His lover will come back.
Standing a metre away from the bed, Wen Yu paused. Even after
staring at Chi Zhao for a long time, there was no change in his
Chi Zhao who saw him couldn’t help but feel bad inside.
Wen Yu’s complexion was poor having not eaten or slept well
these days. He had even personally gone to serve a mafia family with
hundreds of years of history and suffered a lot of injuries there so
right now he looked a lot more haggard than before. When one is
haggard, one would look a lot older.
Chi Zhao blinked hesitantly, “Am I…..in my forties now?”
This kind of illusion had appeared before but it was never
accompanied with a voice.
Moreover, that voice was hoarse and unpleasant, the type one
would expect from a patient who had been asleep for half a year.
Wen Yu’s eyes widened slightly, and he quickly hurried over.
When he was only a step away from Chi Zhao, Wen Yu suddenly
stopped. Chi Zhao who saw him suddenly stop was confused.
“No way? Am I so old now that even you can’t accept it?”
Chi Zhao had only said that as a joke. Wen Yu hadn’t gotten much
older so big boss Wen who was a practically a person whose time
had stopped for him shouldn’t look that old. He just felt that Wen
Yu’s expression was too serious and wanted to say a joke to ease the
mood but what he didn’t expect was that Wen Yu would cry as soon
as he finished saying that.
Two trails of tears soon fell from his eyes, the teardrops rolling
down his cheeks and finally falling onto the dark grey marble floor.
Chi Zhao’s expression stiffened. He tried to get up again but found
that he still couldn’t do it.
He struggled for a few seconds but it was to no avail so he
could only give up. He then lifelessly called out to him, “Stop
crying. Isn’t it good that I’m awake now? According to usual
procedures, you should be coming over and hugging me.”
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The hug he was anticipating didn’t come. Chi Zhao had only just
woken up so Wen Yu didn’t dare embrace him in fear of hurting him.
He could only run over excitedly, place his large hand on Chi Zhao’s
hair and lean down to plant a heavy kiss on Chi Zhao’s forehead.
Salty tears rolled down from Wen Yu’s chin onto Chi Zhao’s dry lips.
Chi Zhao stuck out his tongue and licked it slightly.
Doctors were quickly called in. Chi Zhao’s coma was a medical
mystery and now that he had awakened, it was another medical
miracle. The doctors continued to check Chi Zhao and once they
have confirmed that there was nothing wrong, they hurried back
If they didn’t leave, Wen Yu would probably kill someone.
With no outsiders around, Chi Zhao took a sip of water through a
straw, “So, I was only unconscious for half a year?”
Wen Yu immediately looked at Chi Zhao accusingly. What only
half a year? Those six months almost killed him.
Realising that he had said something wrong, Chi Zhao smiled
awkwardly, “I’m awake now, aren’t I?”
Wen Yu placed down the glass with the straw. His lips rose faintly,
“Yeah. Fortunately, you woke up.”
Wen Yu’s emotions still hadn’t calmed down. Chi Zhao’s vision
wasn’t too clear but even then, he could still see the excitement he
was trying to suppress. Chi Zhao couldn’t imagine how he had lived
the past six months. Wen Yu wasn’t one who knew how to take care
of himself. He must’ve suffered a lot in the past six months.
And that was why his tears were so bitter. Chi Zhao’s heart ached.
The longer he was awake, the better his physical condition
became. Now, Chi Zhao could move his arms. He looked at Wen Yu
and slowly moved his hand.
With the palm facing up, Wen Yu instantly understood what he
meant. His eyes wavered slightly.
Following that, he covered it with his own hand.
Chi Zhao still couldn’t apply any strength. Wen Yu took the
initiative to interlock their fingers together. He lowered his eyes and
could feel through his hands the other party trying their best to
respond to his grip. That heavy stone which had been weighing
down his heart the past six months, torturing him, was gone in an
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Chapter 153
Source: KK Translates


After lying on the bed for two days, Chi Zhao was finally able to sit
up. His face was still a little pale, but the doctors had said that it was
normal. After being in a coma for half a year and relying solely on
infusions to sustain his life, it was natural for one to look a little
sickly. Chi Zhao’s rate of recovery was very fast. At this rate, it
wouldn’t be long before he could get out of bed.
When he was unconscious, Wen Yu basically didn’t leave this
room and after he woke up, Wen Yu still basically didn’t leave the
room. Chi Zhao now knew the general gist of what had happened. At
that time, it was a Country Meng national who had attacked. He was
a member of the Carlos Family and was tasked by the head of the
family to take Wen Yu’s life.
The Carlos Family head was Cain’s father and also the father of
the cannon fodder who was killed by Wen Yu himself. The mafia had
always been principled and would only kill people they should kill.
The one who had wronged them was Wen Yu so they have always
targeted Wen Yu and didn’t pay any attention to the rest of the Wen
When Wen Yu was still in his country, there were always a lot of
people guarding him. When Wen Yu finally left the country, it was a
like it was a gift from heaven. His destination also happened to be
Country Meng, the Carlos Family’s territory. They really didn’t know
if Wen Yu was too stupid, or too confident.
In fact, neither was the case. He just cared too much about a
certain someone living in Country Meng.
If Chi Zhao lived in a war-torn country, Wen Yu would still rush
over without any hesitation on his end and bring him back.
At that time, the gun was aimed at Wen Yu. The attacker had been
working as an assassin for decades and had extensive experience
and patience. Even when he was caught, he still didn’t understand
what happened. Even if Wen Xijun showed his back, that bullet
wouldn’t have hit him!
When Wen Xijun pushed Wen Yu down, the bullet was already
fired. It couldn’t be that the bullet could make turns?!
A bullet couldn’t turn but the system manipulating it could.
Chi Zhao ushered Wen Yu out, asking him to go to the kitchen to
make some congee for him. Seeing that Wen Yu obediently left, Chi
Zhao narrowed his eyes and began to interrogate the system.
“Speak. What the hell is going on?”
The bullet that normally wouldn’t hit him just so happened to
coincidentally hit him and he clearly didn’t hurt his head, but he fell
into a mysterious coma for half a year. What’s more, the system
clearly knew what would happen next, yet it didn’t warn him and
only arrogantly turned on the pain shield. That clearly meant that
the system deliberately made him get hit instead of Wen Yu!
The system continued to play dumb.
【Host, what are you talking about? I don’t understand.】
“My back was shot, not my head.” The implication was that he
wasn’t stupid.
System: “……….”
The system tugged at its cables and finally admitted.
【It’s because I received a notice that the abuse wasn’t enough. I
thought for a long time before I decided to do it this way. As long as I
change the bullet trajectory a little, you can achieve full score in
terms of success points, I can complete my task perfectly and Wen
Yu can finally face his feelings and realise what is truly important.
It’s killing three birds with one stone, isn’t it great?!】
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The more the system spoke, the darker Chi Zhao’s expression
became. The system quietly peeked at Chi Zhao’s current brainwave
activity and realised that it might soon receive a scolding. It silently
cowered and prepared for the backlash.
But after waiting for a long time, Chi Zhao still hadn’t said
anything. When it looked again. Chi Zhao had his eyes closed. He
breathed slowly several times and when he opened his eyes again,
his brain waves had returned to normal and his expression was
“Thank you for that but don’t do it again next time.”
The system was flattered. It quickly promised.
【 There will be no next time! I promise it’s just this time. I will
never do it again!】
【Um host…..Aren’t you angry?】
Chi Zhao shook his head, “Not angry.”
The system did it for its task. Both of them had entered these
worlds for the sake of completing their tasks. Although he had gone
on strike and had no plans to follow the plot, he couldn’t drag the
system down and make it stop completing its task. Besides, the
system had gone easy on him.
Since it could change the bullet trajectory, it could definitely make
the bullet it a vital spot of Chi Zhao’s, allowing him to immediately
ascend to heaven. To end up in a vegetative state or die, the latter
was most definitely more abusive. The system was already kind
enough to let him continue living.
Chi Zhao’s expression wasn’t very good just now because he felt
very weak.
He was really useless; he couldn’t complete the task and he also
couldn’t help Wen Yu.
But this wasn’t the first time. Since the first world and for all the
worlds following that, hadn’t it been the same?
Chi Zhao pulled up the quilt and lowered his eyes. When the
system saw this, it wanted to say something, but Wen Yu had just
The kitchen was working non-stop, cooking up all kinds of
nutritious foods for a patient and keeping them warm so Wen Yu
was able to return very soon with a bowl of congee. He fed congee
very carefully, as if Chi Zhao was a porcelain doll, extremely fragile
and precious.
The conversation with the system interrupted, Chi Zhao ate half a
bowl before he couldn’t eat anymore. Wen Yu placed the bowl aside.
He got up from his oak chair, sat down next to Chi Zhao and wiped
the corners of his mouth. Seeming to have thought of something, he
suddenly let out a laugh.
Chi Zhao was confused, “What are you laughing at?”
Wen Yu pursed his lips slightly, but the corners of his lips didn’t
drop, “I like to take care of you like this.”
It gave him the feeling that Wen Xijun needed him and couldn’t do
without him.
Chi Zhao could guess what he was thinking about inside, but he
didn’t say anything, nor did he continue the topic.
Looking at Wen Yu’s profile, from Chi Zhao’s perspective, he
couldn’t see Wen Yu’s scarred eye. The 22-year-old man was already
very mature. His usually cold and sharp gaze would always soften
when he looked at him. His current state looked quiet and peaceful,
as if he had walked out from the shadows of the past the moment
Chi Zhao woke up.
Chi Zhao looked at him for a while, and then said, “I want to see
A’Lie and the others.”
Wen Yu’s natural movements immediately stopped. About half a
second later, he slowly looked at him, “…….Why?”
A normal person would ask what he wanted to do, not such a
strange question like asking why after hearing that line. Chi Zhao felt
that the situation was just as bad as he had guessed. He wasn’t sad
but he couldn’t help but sigh.
It doesn’t matter. There was still a lot of time. As long as he is
around, Wen Yu will slowly recover.
“They should also be very worried about me. Before leaving, I
want to see them and say goodbye.”
The temperature in Wen Yu’s eyes dropped to freezing point in an
instant. Chi Zhao could feel his body stiffen a little. He was probably
trying his best to restrain himself. After a few long seconds, he spoke
up, “You……leaving?”
Go where? Do what? Didn’t you just wake up? Didn’t you just
narrowly escape from death? Why are you leaving again?
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He just really didn’t like this place, and didn’t like him?
The past six months of fear and despair had given Wen Yu a
tremendous stimulation. Everyone could tell that he was sick, but he
couldn’t see it himself, so he wasn’t even able to see through
something so simple.
Chi Zhao had been very intimate with him ever since he woke up,
as if he already regarded him as his lover. He had been like this for
several days, yet how could he suddenly change his mind? If it was
Wen Yu in the past, he would understand as soon as he heard that
line and realised that Chi Zhao would most definitely take him along,
but the current Wen Yu couldn’t figure it out. His current state of
mind was too pessimistic. It was so pessimistic, as long as there was
the slightest disturbance, his heart would be torn and riddled with
Chi Zhao sighed inside. He straightened up and leaned over to
gently kiss Wen Yu on the lips. He said gently, “Didn’t you hate
being disturbed by others? I also don’t like it. That’s why, you can
take me away. Go to a place you like and think is not dangerous
and, in that place, you can take care of me and I can take care of
you, okay?”
He was talking about something Wen Yu had been thinking about
but didn’t dare take action. Wen Yu’s expression was filled with
astonishment. After a long time, he dumbly asked, “Are you
If Wen Xijun was lying to him, he may go crazy.
Chi Zhao smiled warmly, “Yes, that’s why you should remember
to call Wen Lie and the others over. I don’t want to tell them
where I will be this time lest they come over all the time.”
The next moment, Chi Zhao found himself in a hard embrace. Wen
Yu had used too much strength such that Chi Zhao almost couldn’t
breathe but what Wen Yu needed the most right now was comfort.
Only through this would his constantly restless and uneasy heart
would be at ease. As such, Chi Zhao didn’t stop him and even
reached out with difficulty to pat Wen Yu on the back.
As soon as he felt a warm palm on his back, Wen Yu’s body
trembled slightly. He squeezed his eyes shut and had his lips against
Chi Zhao’s ears, his heavy breath spraying onto it. In his embrace,
Chi Zhao seemed to be able to feel Wen Yu’s mood at this very
“Father, I love you, I love you…..please don’t lie to me……”
Wen Yu’s voice was hoarse and dry. It carried meekness and
pleading that couldn’t be overlooked. Chi Zhao’s heart almost
shattered hearing those words. He raised his eyes and looked at the
crystal light on the ceiling which reflected multiple Wen Yu’s and
multiple Chi Zhao’s. Staring at the reflections of the two people
hugging tightly together, Chi Zhao seemed to be talking to his own
“I will never lie to you and I won’t……leave you.”
For the first time, Chi Zhao clearly voiced his promise.
The main system at this time was in his office looking at the
performance reports sent back from the other departments. The
Cannon Fodder Uprising Department had been gaining momentum
recently and the customer satisfaction rate was at a high of 99.99%.
Looking at the performance report, the main system nodded but
before he could smile, he suddenly saw a virtual screen in front of
him flicker.
The main system took a look. He then left his office, walked down
a corridor to another building, swiped a card to enter the tightly
secured building and went straight to the highest floor and into the
innermost room.
The room was very small and because there was a large device
taking up most of the room, the space that was left for a person was
less than four square metres. After the main system entered, he
immediately looked over at the man lying on the bed. He was a
system and wasn’t affected by the device in the room. Lowering his
head and seeing the faint tear marks on the man’s face that and not
yet dried, the main system let out a sigh.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 154
Source: KK Translates


Even with Chi Zhao’s promise, Wen Yu was still insecure. He still
insisted on keeping an eye on Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao wasn’t in a hurry. Since he was ill, he would still need to
slowly be treated and what’s more, this was not a physical illness
but a mental one.
Chi Zhao had been extremely accommodating to Wen Yu. As long
as he saw that something would make Wen Yu unhappy, he wouldn’t
do it again. Even when bidding goodbye to the Wen children, he
didn’t make Wen Yu leave and let him listen to their entire
It already wasn’t an easy feat for Wen Xijun to wake up, so the
others didn’t dare ask for too much. From Wen Xijun’s behaviour,
the others could see very clearly that Wen Yu’s feelings weren’t one-
sided and that Wen Xijun had already acquiesced their relationship.
Everyone was already shocked half a year ago so when they saw
them get along so intimately now, except for feeling a little
uncomfortable at first, they were able to gradually get used to it.
This was also the case for Wen Hu.
The biggest headache for Chi Zhao was Wen Hu. After all, this
person didn’t like the play his cards normally and would often do
something outside of his expectations but when he met Wen Hu this
time, Wen Hu didn’t do anything and just obediently said ‘father
take care’ after Chi Zhao was done talking.
Chi Zhao didn’t understand. Wen Hu also didn’t explain.
Leaving the Song residence, Wen Hu glanced back at the door of
the Song residence before getting into the car.
He indeed liked Wen Xijun.
But to him, love was just a spice in life, not a necessity.
He wasn’t like Wen Yu who regarded Wen Xijun as his life and he
also wasn’t someone who liked to intervene in other people’s
Others thought that Wen Xijun had developed a different kind of
feeling towards Wen Yu after this accident but only Wen Hu knew
that as early as three years ago when Wen Xijun asked Wen Yu to
leave, he had already held feelings that was more what a normal
father would feel towards their son.
Despite not seeing him for three years, Wen Xijun’s feelings hadn’t
changed and he had even blocked a fatal injury for Wen Hu when he
saw him again. Many thought Wen Yu had fallen into a big pit. With
Wen Xijun’s personality, it certainly wouldn’t be long before he
throws Wen Yu aside like the others, but Wen Hu felt that Wen Xijun
would probably disappoint them this time.
Wen Xijun was no longer the old Wen Xijun. Wen Yu was also no
longer the old Wen Yu. There was no room for others to intervene
between them.
After settling everything here, Chi Zhao really followed Wen Yu to
a place no one knew about.
Occasionally, Wen Yu would deal with some affairs for the Song
Family, but Chi Zhao had completely retired. He fulfilled his promise
of not seeing anyone and not caring about anyone, leaving only Wen
Yu and his beloved fishing.
This kind of life was quiet and beautiful. Wen Yu would often be
startled awake in the middle of the night, fearing that everything
was just a dream. Only after holding the person in his arms more
tightly and listening to their strong heartbeat, was he able to calm
Wen Yu was like this for almost ten years. Chi Zhao never took
him to see a psychiatrist nor did he tell him that it was abnormal for
him to be like this. On a certain day ten years later, all of a sudden,
Wen Yu had recovered.
As for how it happened, Chi Zhao didn’t know. Perhaps the long-
term companionship finally worked. From quantitative change to
qualitative change, Wen Yu’s heart finally fell back in place and he
managed to recover without medical intervention.
After living in this world for another thirty or so years, big boss
Wen’s body finally reached its end. Even until the second before he
left, Wen Yu was still asking him whether he remembered the
promise he had made. Chi Zhao nodded with great effort. A tear
rolled out from Wen Yu’s watery eyes. Chi Zhao reached out wanting
to help wipe it off, but he was too tired and could only close his eyes.
By the time he felt less tired and opened his eyes again, he found
that he had returned to the system space.
Please read this from kk translates
Chi Zhao looked around in daze. After a while, he lowered his
“Let’s go, system.”
He had spoken that line almost half a minute ago, but the system
still hadn’t responded. Chi Zhao suddenly had a bad feeling. He
called out again, “System?”
The system still didn’t answer. Chi Zhao however heard a prompt.
It was a sound Chi Zhao had heard several times before. Realising
something, Chi Zhao pulled up the success points interface and saw
that the success points of the previous world had been released. It
was a full score of 10. Adding to the previous scores, he had
achieved a total of 40 points.
At this moment, the system spoke.
【 The success points have been detected to have reached 40
points. Our company recently has a promotion going on to celebrate
its anniversary and is offering a 60% off discount. The resurrection
water that was originally priced at 100 points is now 40 points,
would you like to buy it?】
The system didn’t answer earlier and now it was Chi Zhao’s turn
not to answer.
The system waited patiently for a while until Chi Zhao finally
reacted, “I……can resurrect and go home?”
Chi Zhao’s mind was blank. This was too sudden. He didn’t expect
it to happen so soon. He opened and closed his mouth several times
but couldn’t say a single world.
The system was very silent and for once, it was a little agitated.
After struggling for a few seconds and seeing that Chi Zhao was still
in shock, it quickly checked its newly signed contract to confirm that
it stated that as soon as the last task was completed, it could begin
work in accordance to the new contract. This basically meant that it
no longer needed to abide by the rules of a contracting slag shou
system. The system took a deep breath.
It! Had! Been! Waiting! For! This! Day!
【 Host, please listen to me! In fact, at the end of the first world,
you have already been proposed by the main system daddy to
become a host for special tasks and all the success points, abuse
points and lying down to complete the tasks were all lies! In truth, as
long as you stayed and experienced these six worlds, you can be
resurrected and sent home! As for the reason, it was because one of
our partners was difficult to deal with and after multiple tries, you
were the only host who could be accepted by him!】
Before the main system could pay attention to this end, the
system immediately spilled everything it knew.
【Our company is actually a virtual life experience platform. The
development in our world and your world is too different so you
may not understand what I’m saying but in short, we are not a game
creator. We work together with governments, companies and
individuals and provide virtual life experience services to educate,
alert or punish certain individuals so that they can realise how
difficult it is to have a good life and change for the better. So you see,
as I said from the beginning, we are here to help make the
protagonist better! And you didn’t believe me!】
Chi Zhao: “……………”
Who would’ve thought that it was actually true….
【Our clients are all kinds of people. Most of them are disobedient
teenagers and their parents have paid a large sum of money to send
them to a world and take over a character’s role there. Our system
would then bring a host over. The host would retain their memories
and they would also know the plot that they should follow so that
they can teach those spoiled rich second-generation brats a lesson.
Not all our clients are here to be educated though, some are also
sent to be punished. It is probably the same in your world. There are
high-ranking people who are put in jail after breaking the law, but
because their identities were different, the jail they enter are also
different. Our platform is the prison for these people. These
criminals are made to experience virtual lives as punishment.】
It was just a form of psychological punishment; the body was still
fine. The sins committed by each person are different so the lives
they experience are also different. These people have too much
power and too much influence. If they were placed in ordinary
prisons, as long as they had the chance to interact with other people,
they would be able to turn the situation around somehow but if they
were trapped in a virtual life platform, then it was absolutely
impossible for them to do that.
After all, they have forgotten who they are and are only subjected
to miserable lives time and time again.
At first, Chi Zhao was dumbfounded. When he was done listening
to everything the system had to say, Chi Zhao’s expression had
returned to normal and he also seemed to understand what the
system wanted to say to him. On the other end, the system had
adjusted its talking speed to 5x and it very quickly talked about its
【That is to say, these protagonists you have met are actually the
same person and is a criminal who was being punished using our
platform. Now that his sentence is over, you are also allowed to
leave as thanks for your contribution!】
Please read this from kk translates
The system didn’t need to catch its breath, so it didn’t pause at all
when it spoke. Chi Zhao only listened but didn’t give a response.
He stared ahead in daze and there was only one thought left in his
As it turned out, it really was like that.
He and the same person had been in love a total of six times and
have lived six happy lives together.
Looking at it this way, it seemed that even if he left now, there
was nothing for him to regret. After all, no matter how you looked at
it, he was benefitting.
He kept comforting himself with those thoughts but in fact, his
current expression was one that looked like he was about to cry. The
system couldn’t bear seeing it. After it was done saying the things
the main system didn’t let it say, the system finally mentioned the
things the main system wanted it to say.
【Although his sentence is over, he didn’t want to leave like this,
so he bought from us one more opportunity to experience a virtual
world. This time, you don’t need to complete any tasks and can live
however you want. He wants to use this world to say goodbye to
you. Would you…..like to do it?
【Yes, but because of the regulations here, he still won’t have any
memories in this world. You however will have your memories. This
time, he doesn’t have to suffer, and you don’t have to do anything to
make him suffer. You two can meet, fall in love and stay together like
ordinary people. When the time comes, I will pick you up and then
you can go home.】
After a few seconds of silence, the system heard Chi Zhao’s calm
answer, “Okay, I’ll do it.”
【Then it is up to you how long you plan to stay in this world. You
can stay as long as you want but I just want to remind you that time
will still be moving outside of this world. While you were completing
your tasks, six years have already passed in the outside world. That
is to say, you body is now twenty-six years old.】
Chi Zhao was taken aback.
“What is the time flow ratio?”
【Fifty to one.】
After a brief thought, Chi Zhao closed his eyes, “Then fifty years.”
Fifty years. It was the maximum time most couples stay together
and it was also the most time he could give up.
His parents were still waiting for him. He shouldn’t drag this out
any longer.
【 Alright, the time has been set. Because this is not a mission
world, I won’t be following you over. You take care of yourself, don’t
be bullied by the others.】
Just as Chi Zhao was about to be sent over to the other world, the
system scratched its own code and suddenly called out to him.
Chi Zhao raised his eyes.
【 That…….although he is a criminal, he is a good person. You
didn’t make a mistake liking him, really.】
Chi Zhao pursed his lips. His soft voice continued to echo in the
system space even after his departure.
“…..I know. I know that already.”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 155
Source: KK Translates


Because there was no task for him to complete this time, there
was also no system following Chi Zhao around or anyone sending
him any information of the world, so Chi Zhao opened his eyes as
soon as he entered.
Then he realised that the world was lying down. There was only
the blue sky in his vision, nothing else.
It was only when a round head appeared in his field of vision,
looking at him with great concern, that Chi Zhao realised that it
wasn’t the world that was lying down, and instead it was he himself.
Chi Zhao: “……….”
The owner of the head looked at him with furrowed brows, “Are
you okay?”
It was okay when he didn’t ask but as soon as he asked, Chi Zhao
felt a sharp pain. He subconsciously closed his eyes from the pain
and noticed that there was an extra page of paper in his mind. After
opening it, he saw a short passage written in it.
——–Golden autumn, October. The osmanthus trees are fragrant.
Along with the refreshing autumn breeze and abundant harvest, the
cultivation realm will be once again holding the five yearly disciple
recruitment assessment. This year, Zhao Tian sect will be the host
and the six major sects will be gathered. We wish all registered
disciples to uphold the principle no arrogance in victory and no
despair in defeat. Please carry the spirit of becoming ‘strong,
stronger and even stronger’ as well as ‘teamwork, friendship and
ascendance’ to achieve outstanding results!
Chi Zhao: “……….”
What is this? Background introduction?
Chi Zhao had never read cultivation novels before but when he
was in school, there were always a few boys in class who liked to
stay up late following Long Aotian’s struggles to reach the pinnacle
in life, so he knew a little about the world of cultivation. He
supported his head and sat up. Seeing that he wasn’t answering, the
young man in front of him thought he was feeling uncomfortable,
“Hey, you should say something. If you can’t do this, don’t force
yourself. Seeing that you’re still young, you can train for another
five years and try again next time.”
Chi Zhao raised his head to look at this cold-faced and bad-toned
but unexpectedly warm-hearted young man. Before he could say
anything, a few other young men wearing ancient costumes passed
by. One of them even looked over with disdain. To be more precise,
he was looking at the young man next to Chi Zhao.
“What a nosy garbage.”
When that man said this, he didn’t even try to hide it. He was
clearly not afraid of being heard. Chi Zhao looked back at the young
man and saw that the other party’s face had turned gloomy for a
moment, but he very quickly recovered again and looked at Chi Zhao
strangely, “Could it be that you’re a fool?”
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Chi Zhao returned to his senses and shook his head, “No. Thank
Chi Zhao stood up. His head was still a little hazy, but it wasn’t a
problem with his body, he was just a little sleepy. Seeing him stand
up, the young man also continued moving on. Chi Zhao didn’t know
what he was doing but when he combined the situation with the
young man’s words earlier, he guessed that he was probably on his
way to the assessment.
Everyone was going in the same direction. Chi Zhao also followed
them. The young man originally didn’t want to be involved with him
anymore but before he could take more than a few steps, he couldn’t
help but look back, fearing that Chi Zhao would suddenly fall onto
the ground like he did just now.
After a moment of silence, the young man slowed down. He didn’t
have any friends here and the few people who had came with him
looked down on him due to his commoner status. All day long,
except for being mocked, it was being mocked. Chi Zhao seemed to
be easy to talk to and he also seemed a little ignorant, not snobbish
like the others.
He raised his chin, “Hey, what’s your name?”
“My name is Han Yu. The Yu for hesitating.” (KKnotes: Basically
explaining which Chinese character his name is.)
Chi Zhao was really sleepy, and he was still in a drowsy state. He
yawned and answered, “My name is Chi Zhao. The Zhao for photo.”
After saying this, Chi Zhao suddenly realised that he had spoken
wrongly. He hurriedly looked at Han Yu. As expected, Han Yu
scratched his head and looked at him questioningly, “What does
photo mean?”
Chi Zhao stammered out an explanation, “Ah…..th-that is, ‘The
frosty sky sheds light on ones heart’, abbreviated as photo.”
(KKnotes: Basically, Chi Zhao here is saying ‘霜天流照一片心’, which
is a rather poetic line that people in the cultivation world should
understand. The characters for photo is 照片, hence why he said that
it is abbreviated as photo. Hopefully that makes sense!)
In a state of anxiousness, Chi Zhao recalled a poem he had
memorised when he was the young Emperor. This poem wasn’t
difficult to understand so Han Yu naturally understood, but his
expression was still a bit complicated, “It’s my first time hearing it
abbreviated like that……….”
All the nouns and adjectives are gone, leaving only a verb and a
quantifier. How could it be an abbreviation if no one can tell what
the original line is?!
Chi Zhao was now almost completely awake. He looked around.
Except for knowing that he was on his way to participate in an
assessment in hopes to join a sect, he didn’t know about anything
else, including where he should go to find that person. Luckily, he
had ran into Han Yu. Han Yu looked a little foolish, so it shouldn’t be
too hard getting some information out of him.
Chi Zhao asked Han Yu, “Are you also here alone?”
The system had told him before that Chi Zhao’s character this
time has little connection with this world and is equivalent to a
blank sheet of paper so he could decide on his past however he liked
without needing to act like someone else. That was also why Chi
Zhao reported his real name. Since he was a blank slate, there
wouldn’t be any companions in the first place and it also helped
lower the other party’s wariness.
Han Yu didn’t come alone but it was no different to that anyway,
so he promptly nodded. Seeing Chi Zhao’s eyes light up, Han Yu
could guess his thoughts, “What? Want to partner up?”
Chi Zhao nodded. Han Yu was a silly, but an honest and good-
natured person. He was practically an NPC guide sent over by the
system so he shouldn’t throw away this opportunity.
After a second of silence, Han Yu also nodded. This person was
foolish, but an honest and good-natured person. Although he may
not be of much help, he at least wouldn’t hurt him. Since the journey
would still go on for a while, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to partner up
with him.
The two reached a consensus and hit it off. For the remainder of
the journey, the two walked together.
Chi Zhao took the opportunity to inquire about the situation of the
world and found that this was an ordinary cultivation world.
This place was divided into three realms, humans, ghosts and
immortals. The human realm was also called the cultivation realm.
The cultivation realm was originally very prosperous, but because of
a major incident 600 years ago where a super villain had defected
from his own sect and was involved with some antipathies, together
destroying many spiritual mountains, the originally scarce spiritual
energy became even more scarce and, since then, the cultivation
realm was severely damaged. It may have been at its peak back then
but 600 years later, it is now nowhere close.
That super villain had already been killed with the collective
efforts from all the sects and the current era was a bit like it was in a
post-disaster recovery state. After the initial period of despair,
humanity had rekindled their hope of ascension. Although it is now
even more difficult to ascend, it at least is still possible. Moreover,
after the original incident 600 years ago, the cultivation realm had
become more united and whole. In the past, everyone would fight
both in open and in secret; if you weren’t killed today, you may be
killed tomorrow. Although they would still fight for resources now,
they no longer killed others without reason as they did 600 years
There were countless sects in this world but among them, only six
were the largest and most influential. Those six sects would jointly
accept disciples while the other small sects would accept disciples
on their own. When Chi Zhao just woke up, this body had just passed
the first round of assessments and they were now moving to the
location of the second round.
Chi Zhao felt that his lover should be in one of these six sects and
he was likely waiting for him at the end of the assessment, so he
must pass this assessment.
Chi Zhao’s heart was filled with ambition, but this ambition only
lasted for one second and the next second he was sleepy again. If
Han Yu wasn’t dragging him along, he would’ve just fallen asleep on
the side of the road.
This repeated seven or eight times. After coming out of the second
round of assessments, Chi Zhao was still like this. Han Yu’s
expression turned cloudy, “I understand now. At that time, you
didn’t faint and had instead fallen asleep! And I even thought you
were going to die!”
Chi Zhao: “……….”
There was a total of five rounds to this assessment. After passing
the third round, you can join the six major sects and, according to
age and talent, you are assigned to be an outside disciple or an inner
disciple of an affiliated sect elder. After passing the fourth round,
you can become an inner disciple of a sect and if you pass the fifth
round, that’s great. Congratulations, you can choose your own
master or become a disciple of a cultivator who has reached a semi-
immortal state.
Please read this from kk translates
Nowadays, with the number of ascendents being very scarce,
there are very few cultivators above the semi-immortal state. To be
that level, they would basically either be a sect master or a
legendary figure. Chi Zhao didn’t know what his body’s level was
and could only hope that he won’t fail the third round.
Unexpectedly, not only did he not fail the third round, but he had
also easily reached the fifth round. When they both came out of the
fifth round, Chi Zhao and Han Yu looked at each other.
They both thought the same things inside.
—- Didn’t they say that the fifth round is particularly difficult?
How did this person pass? Was the Zhao Tian sect going easy on
them this year?
In any case, it was good enough that they passed. This was also a
collective recruitment so more than 100,000 people had signed up
this year. All the people who had passed the fifth round stood
gathered in Zhao Tian sect’s main hall. The main hall could
accommodate five thousand people and when the assessment was
over, excluding the elders who were originally sitting there,
hundreds of people stood scattered around the hall.
Seeing how many people there were, the two of them passing the
fifth round didn’t seem to be much of a big deal.
Being able to stand there meant that they were all gifted talents.
Everyone was ambitious and hoped that they could enter a sect and
become a disciple of a semi-immortal cultivator. Unfortunately,
these cultivators didn’t easily accept disciples. The last time one did
was thirty years ago and only one was accepted.
Everyone was nervous and expectant. Everyone except for Chi
Chi Zhao was secretly scanning through the elders in the main
hall. After looking around, he couldn’t find the person he was
looking for.
He didn’t remember him, and he also didn’t have any plot
information. How would he be able to identify his target?
Chi Zhao frowned. At this moment, a disciple in white appeared
above, his voice reaching everyone’s ears. “Everyone, please don’t
be hasty. All the sect leaders will soon arrive to host the inner
disciple acceptance ceremony. Please stand in order and refrain
from talking.”
Upon hearing this, Han Yu silently closed his open mouth and
obediently returned to his place.
Not long afterwards, all the leaders appeared.
Six sect leaders, four men and two women. One was also a monk.
The six of them sat in the seats prepared in advance for them,
looking at the people below with different expressions. The abbot of
Ling Shan School looked at everyone with a kind smile while
twisting the beads in his hand. The sect leader of the He Huan sect
was extremely gorgeous, making even Chi Zhao, a gay guy, blush.
The sect leader of the Ning Xin sect appeared calm. He didn’t seem
to see this hall, nor the people standing in the hall and looked more
like a monk than the abbot. The sect leader of the Li Yang Palace had
a silver veil over her face. She only glanced at the people below
before soon looking away. The sect master of the Di Chuan sect was
a sword cultivator. His gaze remained on his sword and he never
looked at anyone else. Chi Zhao even suspected that the sword was
in fact his wife.
Chi Zhao’s eyes drifted across these sect leaders one by one. He
didn’t know why but he had a feeling that his lover should be one of
the most powerful people in this world and since he is powerful, he
would probably be a sect leader.
The former five weren’t him. Chi Zhao focused on the last one.
At this moment, the sect master of the Zhao Tian sect raised his
head. Facing that pair of cold eyes, Chi Zhao’s eyes widened slightly.
That temperament, that appearance, that gaze……
Really alike!!
As soon as he shouted out this line inside, one, two, three, Chi
Zhao saw another three people appear behind the sect leader with
that similar temperament, appearance and gaze. Lastly, a girl who
looked like a celestial fairy also walked out. The four of them stood
in pairs beside the sect leader, looking coldly and indifferently at the
people in the hall.
Chi Zhao: “……..”
How was he supposed to find him like this?!
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KK has something to say: Last arc! ….And it’s also a cultivation arc
which I’m not very familiar with Apologies in advance guys , I’m
really not good with ancient settings 😅
Chapter 156
Source: KK Translates


While Chi Zhao was still recovering from the shock, the people
above had started to test out everyone’s spiritual roots.
When they first signed up for this, they also had to test their
spiritual roots, but it was just to see if the applicants had the
qualifications for cultivation, so the results were very vague.
This was to prevent groupings or estrangements from happening.
If one knew what their spiritual roots were from the beginning, the
disciples coming to the assessment would most definitely find ways
to form cliques to make up for their own shortcomings, so as not to
fail during the earlier rounds. Although the cultivation world is
currently very united, there are still people who liked to take
advantage of the situation. Once they know what each other’s
spiritual roots are, ridicule or flattery would inevitably occur.
Look at Han Yu. He was a living example.
When he first went up the mountain to test his spiritual roots,
although he couldn’t see what they were exactly, he could vaguely
make out that he had several of them, perhaps three or perhaps two.
The fewer spiritual roots one has, the better, and a single spiritual
root was the best. There are almost no barriers when a single
spiritual root absorbs the spiritual energy of the world and the
cultivation speed was also the fastest. Having two spiritual roots
was slightly worse but it was also still pretty good. If one worked
hard enough, they could reach a Nascent Soul stage. Disciples with
three spiritual roots basically all became outside disciples, and their
cultivation speed was a lot worse than having two spiritual roots.
Unless they have extremely good perseverance, the peak stage for
them was the early stage of developing a golden core.
Four spiritual roots and five spiritual roots were the worst
possible scenario. People with this will hardly ever be able to
cultivate and even if they did, they would only linger on the qi
condensation stage, unable to advance further. It is however better
to have spiritual roots than no spiritual roots. The body of a
cultivator was stronger than that of ordinary people and their life
span was also longer. It was because of this that everyone wanted to
Han Yu was born in a small country far, far away and he came
from a farming family. As a child, he was very gifted. Later, people
discovered that he had a talent for cultivation, so they sent him to
the largest cultivating family there to let him study together with the
other members. The others originally wanted to form a good
relationship with him when they saw that he was learning faster
than them and seemed to be quite powerful. They all thought that
Han Yu was probably a very powerful person and possibly even one
who possesses a mutant spiritual root. Unfortunately, when he went
up the mountain to check, he was determined to be one with
multiple roots and it may even be three spiritual roots.
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Among those who came with him was a young master. He was a
single spiritual root. When he saw this, he immediately threw Han
Yu away. What is this? He was only of that level, yet his father
wanted him to treat Han Yu well? He was just a piece of garbage,
why should he treat him well?!
As a result, the abandoned Han Yu was picked up by Chi Zhao and
the two of them reached the fifth round.
Chi Zhao didn’t understand at all. Although Han Yu knew some
things, he was only sent to be the young masters study companion.
He had been there for less than a year before signing up together
with the young master, so he didn’t actually know much. These two
had left the fifth round relaxed and they didn’t look ruffled at all.
They stood far away from the others, so they didn’t see how much
damage the others had suffered. Even if the others were excited, the
physical exhaustion and injuries were still there.
The fifth round was a test of one’s heart. Using the words of Ling
Shan School, it was a test to see if there was a root of wisdom.
Ordinary people would soon go crazy after entering and it was
difficult for one to be able to come out independently but these two
looked like they had just strolled through a vegetable market,
completely unfazed.
As a result, the elders above them noticed them immediately.
They then sent someone to notify the disciples under the leaders.
The elders spoke in a very roundabout way but if one translated it
literally, it was probably something like this:
—— Hurry and tell the sect leader! There are two good seedlings
this year so you must make the first move. Don’t be late like last
time and have them snatched away by the sword idiot of the Di
Chuan sect!
Chi Zhao was not aware that he was being targeted because the
other person was looking at him using their divine senses. He hadn’t
started cultivating yet, so he didn’t know what divine senses were.
After rows and rows were tested, it was finally Chi Zhao’s turn. He
walked over and stopped in the middle of the hall.
The thing that measured spiritual roots was actually a kind of
stone. The cultivation world referred to it as the Nuwa Stone. It was
one that would change colour after coming into contact with a
human body.
The Nuwa Stone of the Zhao Tian sect was the largest and it was
about the height of a person. After Chi Zhao walked over, he placed
his palms on the Nuwa stone like the others did before him.
The person before him was a single spiritual root with the wood
element and the light green colour on the stone had not yet faded.
There were hundreds of people present and so far, all the people
who had been tested had one spiritual root and there were also five
with mutant spiritual roots. As soon as this was revealed, they were
immediately singled out and assigned to a place closest to the top.
These people held their heads up high and kept their expressions
calm as they tried to make a ‘this is nothing, I’m not happy’ look. Chi
Zhao who saw this had the urge to laugh.
Chi Zhao restored his gaze from those people and looked at the
Nuwa Stone in front of him.
The colour of the stone was changing.
There were five types of spiritual roots: gold, wood, water, fire
and earth. They each corresponded to yellow, green, blue, red and
black. In addition to these common spiritual roots, there were also
mutant spiritual roots. There were too many mutant spiritual roots
to count but the most common ones included wind, lightning, fog
and ice. Mutated spiritual roots are usually single spiritual roots and
are more powerful than ordinary single spiritual roots.
The moment Chi Zhao placed his hands onto the stone, Chi Zhao
was also looking forward to the result. For him to reach this stage,
his spiritual root shouldn’t be too bad. Perhaps it may even…….
Before he could finish his thoughts, the Nuwa Stone suddenly
showed some changes. It faintly glowed and then soon darkened.
Chi Zhao: “……..?!?!” What happened? The Nuwa Stone can also
It had tested more than two hundred people earlier. Even if it was
thirty seconds for each person, more than two hours had passed,
and everyone had long lost interest. They would only occasionally
look up when the recording disciples called out the results to
remember the face of the person who had just done the test.
And so, when this strange change occurred, no one else saw it.
Only the disciple standing next to the Nuwa Stone waiting to record
the results was shocked, “What is this?!”
There were more than a hundred people waiting in line behind
Chi Zhao. Seeing this situation, they were all stunned. Han Yu
directly dragged Chi Zhao over while looking at the Niwa stone with
surprise. He was worried that the stone would suddenly collapse.
The recording disciple’s shout attracted everyone’s attention. As
soon as they saw the changes on the Nuwa Stone, everyone was
shocked. The abbot of the Ling Shan School stopped smiling, the sect
leader of the Ning Xin sect looked straight at Chi Zhao and the sect
leader of the Li Yang Palace even shot up from her seat, looking at
Chi Zhao with amazement, as if he was some kind of monster.
The sect leader of the He Huan sect was the most carlm. She
glanced at the Nuwa Stone and then at the clearly frightened Chi
Zhao and slowly revealed a smile, “Yin spiritual root…..”
There were many mutant spiritual roots and no matter what type
appeared, it wasn’t surprising. Yin spiritual roots and Yang spiritual
roots are complete opposites and are both relatively powerful
mutant spiritual roots, but they also weren’t extremely powerful.
They were shocked because the Yin spiritual root had not appeared
for 600 years and the last person who had the Yin spiritual root was
the now deceased big villain who had caused the cultivation realm
to fall into a bloodbath.
Chi Zhao had naturally heard of such a history from Han Yu, but
he didn’t know what the Yin spiritual root was like, let alone the fact
that he would cause trouble because of this.
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He Huan’s sect leader’s words made the people below also reveal
shocked expressions. Hundreds of heads turned to look at Chi Zhao
and even Han Yu withdrew his hands like he was shocked by
At this moment, Chi Zhao remembered a setting all cultivation
novels had.
Taking over a body. Rebirth.
Chi Zhao: “………..” I’m not. I’m really not him!
He looked at the sect leaders helplessly, but they all looked at him
with unkind eyes. Chi Zhao’s eyes were very sharp. He clearly saw
that the Di Chuan sect leader had unsheathed his sword. If they said
that he was the reborn big villain, that sword would most definitely
appear in front of his neck the next second.
How could he let that happen?! He had only just entered! He still
wanted to fall in love and then bid farewell!
Chi Zhao anxiously stepped forward, “I’m not, I’m not——”
Before he could finish, the Zhao Tian sect leader who hadn’t
spoken the entire time finally spoke, “Chengfeng.”
The person called Chengfeng flew down. He was the person
standing closest to the left of the sect leader and should be his
disciple. He was also a sword cultivator. Before Chi Zhao could react,
there was a flash of white light and the sharp tip of a sword was
already pointed at the centre of his brows. Chi Zhao stared at this
scene in shock but didn’t try to hide.
His expression was too strange, as if filled with grievances, as if
filled with reluctance. When the tip of the sword pierced between
his eyebrows, he subconsciously closed his eyes. Divine senses
flowed unobstructed down the sword into Chi Zhao’s sea of
consciousness. That sword was retracted, and the person called
Chengfeng in front of him glanced indifferently at the small bead of
blood flowing from the centre of Chi Zhao’s brow before turning and
reporting to his sect leader, “No trace of it.”
Chengfeng was a disciple of the Zhao Tian sect. His cultivation
level was no worse than the elders here so when they heard him say
this, the hostility on their expressions finally faded.
That’s right, that person had died a long time ago. Even if his soul
still lingered, it wasn’t possible for him to take over a body. They
had overreacted.
But if it wasn’t a case of the body being taken over, then wouldn’t
that mean that this person is a new Yin spiritual root
The Yin spiritual root cultivation speed was faster than the other
mutant spiritual roots, but because it was too fast, it was easy to
develop inner demons. For a while, everyone’s mood was
complicated. This was indeed a good seedling but who would dare
want him? What if the same thing happened again and another
traitor was born?
The abbot of the Ling Shan School thought for a moment and felt
that it was better for him to accept him. He had no plans to let Chi
Zhao cultivate hard and instead would make him read Buddhist
scriptures every day. He believed that regardless of who it was, if
they read Buddhist scriptures for hundreds of years, they would
become devoted to Buddha.
Before the abbot could speak, the sect leader from earlier spoke
again, “Chengfeng.”
Hearing the sect leader speak, Chengfeng immediately
understood. He turned around again and looked at Chi Zhao who
was a head shorter than him, “Would you like to join the Zhao Tian
sect and become our sect leader, Jiye Zhenren’s disciple?”
Of course he was willing but the problem was….After becoming a
disciple, would he have to bring a senior brother along too as a
translator every time he talked to the master?
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Chapter 157
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao looked up and glanced at the high-ranking sect leader of

the Zhao Tian sect, then at the two young men next to him and
finally at Cheng Feng who was closest to him.
The latter had been waiting quietly for his answer. The hall was
completely silent. In such silence, even if Chi Zhao didn’t speak
loudly, his voice reached the ears of everyone present.
“This disciple is willing.”
As soon as these four words sounded, many different expressions
were revealed. Chengfeng no longer looked at him after hearing this
answer. As he turned away, his gaze briefly met with the young
woman standing above.
The young woman pursed her lip slightly. Instead of flying down
like Chengfeng earlier, she quickly walked down and whispered to
Chi Zhao, “Follow me.”
Very surprisingly, the cold-looking young woman’s voice turned
out to be very warm and it even carried noticeable concern.
Chi Zhao went with her together to the left side of the main hall
and the two of them formed a group by themselves. Chi Zhao
obediently stood there, waiting for the rest of the test to finish. The
spiritual root test continued, and the next one was Han Yu.
However just a few seconds after everything had calmed down
from Chi Zhao’s results earlier, everyone once again started to
become animated.
Han Yu turned out to be both lightning and fire, two spiritual
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Lighting spiritual root was simply a variant of the fire spiritual
root so the lightning and fire dual spiritual root was equivalent to
having a dual fire spiritual root and it was also a super powerful
variant of it. Such a spiritual root was god sent. With this, he could
practice almost all fire-based skills and there was no bottleneck to
encounter. What cultivators feared the most was reaching a
bottleneck. To have such a spiritual root, it wasn’t an exaggeration
to say that he was a child blessed by the heavens.
It was too amazing, alright?!
With Han Yu soon following, the others no longer paid much
attention to Chi Zhao. Unlike Chi Zhao earlier where the sect leaders
showed no interest, the moment they saw that he was a lightning
and fire dual spiritual root, several sect leaders spoke up.
They were already an esteemed sect leader so they naturally had
to worry about their image. They only commented ‘not bad’ or ‘this
one has good future prospects’ before falling silent again, The job of
fighting for the disciples was does by the disciples they had brought,
just like how Jiye Zhenren had asked Chengfeng to ask him if he
wanted to join.
No, he shouldn’t call him Chengfeng now. It should be senior
The sect leaders each came this time with not many disciples by
their side. The Zhao Tian sect leader had four while the others only
had one or two. Regardless of how many they had brought along, if
they brought one who couldn’t talk, it would be all in vain.
And so, Chi Zhao was subjected to listening to the disciple’s non-
stop praise of their respective sects.
During the assessment, Chi Zhao had chatted with Han Yu. Han Yu
had said that he wanted to enter the Zhao Tian sect but even now,
Jiye Zhenren had not spoken. It looks like he had no intentions to
accept another disciple.
Although Jiye Zhenren had the most disciples present, he was also
the one with the least disciples. The four disciples he had brought
along were the only disciples he had. For him to accept one was
already a big feat so accepting another one was very unlikely. Han
Yu knew that he was probably out of luck.
But it didn’t matter if he couldn’t be Jiye Zhenren’s disciple, his
future would still be bright even if he joined another sect. His eyes
lingered between the Ning Xin sect’s sect leader and Di Chuan sect’s
sect leader.
He didn’t even consider Ling Shan School because his preferences
didn’t align with them; he loved to eat meat and he hated reading
Buddhist scriptures. He also didn’t consider the He Huan sect
because he was still young and wouldn’t be able to bear through the
training they go through. Needless to say, the Li Yang Palace was
also out of the question. Just as the name implies, this sect was
supported by women and was pretty much made up of only women.
Of course, it wasn’t that there weren’t any men but the men in this
sect are generally sons of the disciples, not men from outside.
Han Yu was feeling very conflicted. He had heard that the sect
leader of the Ning Xin sect was terrifying, and that the death rate of
his direct disciples was very high. If he joined that sect, he would
need to write up his will in advance. As for the sect leader of the Di
Chuan sect, he wasn’t as scary, but he was quite loose with his
training. Saying that he was loose with the training was wording it
nicely but in fact, he didn’t train them at all. All the cultivation
depended entirely on the disciples own ability and he was only a
master by name.
Han Yu was very, very troubled. He glanced at Chi Zhao glumly. He
also really wanted to join the Zhao Tian sect.
Chi Zhao didn’t notice the look from his little friend, but someone
above saw it. Suddenly, a female voice rang out, “Would you like to
worship me as your master?”
The one who spoke was the sect leader of the Li Yang Palace, that
is, the Li Yang Palace that never accepted outsider men.
After everything was over, everyone walked out one after
another. Chi Zhao still followed behind the young woman, who was
his senior sister, Xu Shiqing.
Jiye Zhenren had left as soon as the ceremony was over and the
other three senior brothers also left soon afterwards but it was to
send off the other sect leaders.
Xu Zhiqing called out to him, “Let’s go. I’ll take you around to
get you familiar with the main peak first.”
The main peak was divided into the front peak and the back peak.
The front peak was the place where the sects discussed matters and
the back peak was where the master and disciples lived. Knowing
that Chi Zhao didn’t know how to fly, she walked slowly with Chi
Zhao, her expression cold and indifferent until the moment they
reached the back peak.
Xu Shiqing, “I’m exhausted! I’m going to end up having facial
paralysis like this! Junior brother, help me check. Is there
anything wrong with my face?”
Chi Zhao: “………”
Seeing Chi Zhao’s dumbfounded expression, Xu Shiqing
laughed, “Did I scare you? Sorry, I didn’t mean to, but our sect is
like this. When you go out, you have to act cold and aloof or the
others will look down on you especially since we are so small in
……It does make sense.
Chi Zhao blinked a few times, “Then is master and the three
senior brothers also pretending?”
Xu Shiqing shook her head, “Master isn’t. He’s really like that,
I’ve never seen him have a second expression. Eldest senior
brother is also not pretending. He was someone who was raised
by master so the two are practically carved from the same stone.
As for second senior brother…..well, neither is second senior
brother. His temperament is colder than my ice spirit root.
Although he can smile, his smile is terrifying, as if he is about to
eat a child.”
After stepping over an exposed root of a thousand-year-old
peach tree, Xu Shiqing thought for a while, “As for third senior
brother…..It’s not the case for him either! You saw the sect leader
of the Di Chuan sect earlier, right? Third senior brother is that
sect leader’s nephew. It is said that the nephew is like the uncle, it
really is the case!”
Chi Zhao fell silent.
So in the end, the only one who needs to put on an act when going
out is just you!
Xu Shiqing didn’t see Chi Zhao’s complicated expression and
continued talking as she walked, “I didn’t expect master to
actually accept another disciple. I joined 30 years ago, and third
senior brother joined 200 years ago. Everyone thought that the
next time master accepts a disciple, it would be at least a
hundred years later! Now that you’re here, I’m no longer the
youngest! Hahahaha!”
Xu Shiqing was in a really good mood. Chi Zhao was infected by
her laugh and also couldn’t help but smile. Seeing him smile, Xu
Zhiqing was stunned for a moment.
She then rushed over and pinched Chi Zhao’s face, “Ahhhh You
look great smiling. Give this senior sister another smile!”
Chi Zhao: “………”
“We don’t have many main peak courtyards, there are only six
independent ones here and with five of us using a room each,
there is no place for you. I’ll have to ask eldest senior brother
later but for now you will need to share a place temporarily with
someone. Where do you want to stay?”
Xu Shiqing asked this question very seriously. Chi Zhao was
puzzled, “Aren’t there six courtyards? Can’t I stay in the
remaining one?”
Xu Shiqing raised a brow and smiled, “Sure you can, but you’ll
have to ask master. It is reserved for his future Dao companion. If
master agrees, you can stay there.”
Chi Zhao flushed and quickly shook his head, “Nevermind then.”
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Xu Shiqing laughed again, “Look at you acting all scared.
Alright, you can just stay with me.”
Chi Zhao widened his eyes, “That probably isn’t a good idea?!”
Xu Shiqing glanced at him, “Why not? Cultivators are not
bothered by trivial matters like that. Besides, my place is very big
and the place we’ll be staying at will be separated by two mu of
land. Don’t worry, senior sister won’t take advantage of you.”
Chi Zhao was relieved to hear this. He also smiled, “Senior sister
likes to joke.”
Xu Shiqing also told him a bunch of sect roles including where to
get his monthly rations, when to get up each morning, what to call
the elders in class as well as the location and requirements of each
level of cultivation. The entire time, Xu Shiqing’s mouth never
stopped. Chi Zhao even felt that she must’ve felt very suffocated
being unable to speak during the ceremony.
“I also don’t know much about the Yin spiritual root and will
have to look into it when I get back, but no matter what the
spiritual root is, you should start with Basics of Heaven and
Earth’s Spiritual Energy. Start with memorising the cultivation
method in that book and then I will teach you how to do the
breathing exercises, meditate and the likes. First learn the basics
and then we can start with the training. Well, I heard that those
with Yin spiritual roots learn very fast? Would three days be
enough for you?”
Ordinary inner disciples would require three months to learn
Basics of Heaven and Earth’s Spiritual Energy. Xu Shiqing herself
used half a month and she was already the worst in the sect. Since
the Yin spiritual root is so powerful, she felt that three days should
probably be fine?
If three days wasn’t possible, they could worry about it later. In
any case, she wasn’t in a hurry.
While Xu Shiqing thought this, she didn’t notice that Chi Zhao’s
expression was becoming more and more strange. When she
reached the courtyard where she stayed, Chi Zhao finally
interrupted her. Xu Shiqing turned back and looked at him
questioningly, “What’s wrong?”
“…..Senior sister, shouldn’t master be teaching me these?”
Xu Shiqing naturally shook her head, “No, I’ll be teaching you.”
Noticing Chi Zhao’s confused look, Xu Shiqing realised that she
had forgotten to tell him, “Our master is very busy and doesn’t
have time to teach these basics. The only disciple our master has
taught is eldest senior brother. Second senior brother was taught
by eldest senior brother, third senior brother was taught by
second senior brother and I was taught by third senior brother.
Now that you’re here, I should be the one teaching you.
Chi Zhao seemed to understand but he also seemed to not
understand, “Oh…..so that is to say, once I learn the basics, I
should look for master for the rest?”
Xu Shiqing continued to shake her head, “No, once you’re done
with the basics, you can start core formation. If there is a
problem, you just need to find eldest senior brother. Eldest senior
brother is now in the late Nascent Soul stage and will have more
than enough skills to teach you.”
Then wasn’t Jiye Zhenren pretty much just like the sect leader of
the Di Chuan sect who lets his disciples do their own things?
Chi Zhao murmured, “Looks like master is really busy. That’s
true, as a sect leader there must be a lot of things to deal with.”
Chi Zhao had only said those words to himself and he didn’t
expect Xu Shiqing to answer him, but Xu Shiqing once again
shook her head, “No, master doesn’t care about the sect affairs.
All matters in the sect are handled by eldest senior brother,
master is busy secluding himself and doing closed door training.
The person you saw yesterday wasn’t master himself but
master’s clone. Eldest senior brother manages the entire sect,
second senior brother is in charge with correspondence between
the sect and other sects and third senior brother is in charge
with managing the sect’s main warehouse. Once you’re settled, I
will also go and be delegated a responsibility. As for you, you
should hope that the next disciple joins soon. As soon as the next
disciple joins, you won’t need to train all day and can finally do
something proper.”
Chi Zhao: “………..”
What kind of master is that?! How can he not care about anything
and push it all onto his disciples?! Didn’t they say that the Zhao Tian
sect is very powerful and is one of the most humane? But this Jiye
Zhenren is more like a stepfather than a stepfather! Something is
seriously wrong here!
Chi Zhao was severely affected by this news. Cultivation was
originally something that would take a long time and if he wasted all
that time on cultivation, he wouldn’t he able to find the person he
was looking for. Slowly trudging on, Chi Zhao yawned again. Ever
since entering this world, he had been particularly sleepy. Xu
Shiqing looked at him with concern, “Are you sleepy? Then hurry
and sleep. I’ll take you up tomorrow morning for morning class.”
Xu Shiqing pulled at Chi Zhao’s wrist to take him to her room but
at this moment, she heard someone calling out to them from behind
The two together looked back only to see the eldest senior
brother suddenly appear. His cold eyes lingered for a moment at
their linked hands and then he looked up at Chi Zhao, “Come here
and live with me first.”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 158
Source: KK Translates


Xu Shiqing was stunned. She quickly walked forward a few

steps and looked anxiously at the eldest senior brother who had
suddenly appeared out of nowhere, “Huh? But senior brother,
junior brother is being taught by me so wouldn’t it be
inconvenient for him to stay with you? Your place is also too far
from mine and he still doesn’t know how to fly so it will waste a
lot of time.”
Chengfeng glanced at her, “It’s fine.”
“I will teach him.”
Xu Shiqing was completely stunned. Chi Zhao wasn’t surprised. He
looked at Chengfeng with thoughtful eyes.
After taking some time to process this, Xu Shiqing couldn’t
accept it, “Y-you’re teaching him?! What about me, eldest senior
brother? Aren’t you very busy? You should let me do it, I——-”
Chengfeng was someone no one dared to speak against in this
sect. Xu Shiqing was one of the few people who dared to speak back.
For others, Chengfeng wouldn’t bother explaining but this person
was different, she was his junior sister.
Chengfeng frowned and answered, “You won’t be able to teach
It was fine when he hadn’t said anything but as soon as he said
that, Xu Shiqing exploded.
“……Eldest senior brother, I’m already at the fasting stage!
Although we only see each other once every few years, you can’t
look down on me like this! I’m no longer at the stage where I can
only do qi condensation!”
The cultivation levels were separated into qi condensation,
foundation establishment, fasting, core formation, nascent soul,
spirit severing, soul formation, body unification and great
completion Only after progressing through all these stages will you
have a chance at ascending.
It typically takes a cultivator with a single spirit root six years to
enter the qi condensation stage and to reach the foundation
establishment stage, it would take another thirty years. From
foundation establishment to fasting it would take one hundred years
and then two hundred years to progress onto core formation and
finally another four hundred years to reach the nascent soul stage.
The further along, the long it took, and many end up stuck at a stage,
never able to advance further. Only a small number of people are
able to break through their skill barriers and their inner demons
and be able to get through this bottleneck stage.
Although Jiye Zhenren didn’t care about his disciples, each of his
disciples were outstanding. Xu Shiqing may be the slowest, but it
only took her thirty years to develop from an ordinary person who
didn’t know anything to a cultivator on the fasting stage. It was
shorter than others by more than one hundred years.
In other words, Xu Shiqing had the right to be dissatisfied. She
was very skilled and at her current level, teaching Chi Zhao was not
a problem.
Chengfeng looked at his stubborn junior sister and his
expression remained unchanged. He slowly spoke up, “The last
person who possessed the Yin spiritual root took one year to
reach qi condensation, three years to reach foundation
establishment, five years to reach the fasting stage and at sixty
years of age, he was already halfway to the golden core
formation stage.”
“When he is sixty years old, you will be at the core formation
He was talking about Chi Zhao. Xu Shiqing could only open and
close her mouth, unable to speak. She looked at Chi Zhao like he was
a monster and finally could only angrily lower her head, “I can’t.”
The young lady’s voice was filled with frustration. Chengfeng no
longer looked at her and walked on. Chi Zhao hurriedly ran after
him but before he could take more than a few steps, Chengfeng
turned around again. He first glanced at Chi Zhao and saw that he
wasn’t resistant about going with him and even appeared very
happy. He couldn’t help but furrow his brows. After a short pause,
he looked at Xu Shiqing again, “From today, you go manage the
Xu Shiqing’s originally glum expression immediately turned into a
look of pleasant surprise. She immediately looked up, “Really?!
Thank you, eldest senior brother! Eldest senior brother, goodbye!
Junior brother goodbye!”
Chi Zhao: “…………”
Chi Zhao had thought that Xu Shiqing was upset because he was
leaving but from the looks of it, he was overthinking it. Xu Shiqing
really only cared about being delegated a responsibility and no
longer being the youngest disciple forced to train every day, and
actually didn’t care where Chi Zhao went.
Seeing her regain her spirit, Chengfeng continued, “You must
ensure that you also continue your training while managing the
library. You will still need to report to third junior brother with
your results.”
After saying this, Chengfeng really left. Chi Zhao followed after
him without looking back and could hear a loud wail coming from
behind him. Chi Zhao walked beside Chengfeng and caught a glimpse
of a small smile appearing briefly on his face.
Chi Zhao couldn’t help but also curl up his lips, “Senior sister
seems to find third senior brother troublesome.”
Chengfeng returned to his cold expression and his voice was calm,
“Cangxu can be a little strict.”
There were only five people under Jiye Zhenren and with Chi Zhao
now, there were six. Master Jiye had lived for almost two thousand
years and no one remembered what his real name was nor did
anyone dare ask. Jiye Zhenren would always be in seclusion so he
naturally also wouldn’t say it himself. Apart from master, the
remaining disciples didn’t have Daoist names, so they called each
other by the names given to them by their birth parents.
Eldest senior brother was Lin Chengfeng, second senior brother
was Lu Yuezhi and third senior brother was Shentu Cangxu.
When he first heard Han Yu introduce them, he had felt that
second senior brother’s name sounded the best, it was very elegant
and sounded like it belonged to a gentleman. But now, he felt that
the eldest senior brother’s name sounded the best. The more he
heard it, the better it sounded. It was as if each character of his name
carried a gentle taste, just like him in person.
If Xu Shiqing heard Chi Zhao’s thoughts at this moment, she would
shake Chi Zhao back to his senses, “Junior brother, are you okay?
Junior brother, when did you become blind?!”
Of course, not only Xu Shiqing would be shocked, the real Jiye
Zhenren would also be unable to maintain his cold and aloof
exterior if he heard this. Lin Chengfeng was the disciple he was most
proud of and he was happy to hear others praise him but to say that
he’s gentle…..Chi Zhao was in the wrong here. Even if he didn’t like
his eldest senior brother, he shouldn’t curse him out like that.
Xu Shiqing didn’t lie. Her place and eldest senior brother’s place
were almost on complete opposite ends. If he walked over, it would
take him about the time it would take for a stick of incense to burn.
After walking for a while, Lin Chengfeng stepped onto his sword and
reached out to Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao looked at that slender and powerful hand and after a
second of silence, he placed his own hands onto it.
Lin Chengfeng used some strength and pulled Chi Zhao up onto
his flying sword. He made Chi Zhao stand in front of him to prevent
him from falling off. Seeing that he was standing straight, he was
ready to let go but before he could do that, Chi Zhao tightened his
grip around his hands.
Lin Chengfeng: “……???”
His hand was smaller and more tender than Lin Chengfeng’s and
there were no calluses on his fingers. In one glance, it as clear that
he was a child of a wealthy family and had never suffered. He held
firmly onto Lin Chengfeng’s hand. In fact, it wasn’t very strong and if
Lin Chengfeng really wanted to break free, he would be able to do so
easily, but when he saw Chi Zhao’s slightly pursed lips, he thought
for a moment and decided to let him do as he pleased.
Along the way, he noted something down inside.
Youngest junior brother is afraid of heights. He will need to find a
way to correct it in the future.
Very soon, they arrived. Lin Chengfeng had indulged him all the
way and the first thing he did after they landed was to withdraw his
hand. As a result, he pulled and pulled….but he couldn’t do it?
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Lin Chengfeng furrowed his brows, “Let go.”
He didn’t use any force because he was afraid of hurting Chi Zhao.
The people with the Yin spiritual root are lethargic, afraid of the
cold, and can easily get sick. This was a physique that will need to be
trained. If it wasn’t worked on, he would soon die from an accident
or illness. People with the Yin spiritual root often are not able to
cultivate because they don’t manage to grow up. Since young, they
do not have the ability to protect themselves and if they weren’t
lucky during this time, they would easily die off in some unknown
place. In fact, Yin spiritual roots aren’t uncommon, and the
frequency of its appearance was about the same as that of the four
major mutated spiritual roots but it was rare for one to grow up into
an adult, so it gave people the illusion that the Yin spiritual root was
extremely rare.
Moreover, even if they managed to grow up, most people with the
Yin spiritual root do not live long. They cultivated too quickly and
almost none of them wouldn’t develop any inner demons, just like
than man from six hundred years ago…..The proud son of heaven.
Once developing inner demons and falling into madness, continuing
to live was no longer an option.
Lin Chengfeng’s thoughts drifted a little, but it was only for a short
moment. When he recovered, he saw that Chi Zhao still hadn’t let go
and was looking at himself with docile expression. If one looked
more carefully, one would also see some joy in his eyes.
Lin Chengfeng found it strange. His browed furrowed even more.
Chi Zhao lowered his eyes slightly and released his hold, returning is
hands back to his sides. He tightened his empty palms and said in a
low voice, “I was a little nervous riding a flying sword for the first
time and have offended senior brother.”
Lin Chengfeng could see that he wasn’t telling the truth, but he
didn’t expose him and just walked on.
Lin Chengfeng hadn’t arranged for a place for Chi Zhao in advance.
He entered his room, found a bottle of pills and handed them to Chi
Zhao, “Take one every three days to keep your spirits awake.”
Chi Zhao obediently accepted it, “Then I won’t have to sleep
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Lin Chengfeng paused, “Still will need to sleep. This pill will
only keep you awake when you should be awake.”
Chi Zhao let out an ‘oh’. He looked down at the bottle of pills. The
pattern was strange but it looked pretty nice.
With his head lowered like this, Lin Chengfeng’s gaze moved from
his eyes to the centre of his eyebrows. The blood stains there had
already dried up, but the hideous wound was still there. He hadn’t
held back at the time and if Chi Zhao showed any signs of
possession, he would have mercilessly plunged it through his head.
It would have been the same too if Chi Zhao raised his spiritual
defences to resist him.
For this kind of thing, he would rather kill a thousand people than
let one person go. As one who has witnessed what it was like for life
to be turned upside down back then, Lin Chengfeng believed that he
would never go easy on someone who could potentially make it
happen again.
However, seeing the shocking wound between Chi Zhao’s brows
again and how he treated it like it was nothing and was only
concentrating on examining the bottle of medium-grade pills in his
hands, Lin Chengfeng suddenly felt uncomfortable.
As if he was possessed by someone, he reached out and touched
Chi Zhao’s wound.
The sudden bout of pain made Chi Zhao subconsciously avoid his
touch. Lin Chengfeng’s hand stopped in place. He fell silent for a
while and then turned to take out a bottle of wound medicine from
his storage box, “Apply once in the morning and evening.”
Chi Zhao took it as usual but when he saw that Lin Chengfeng’s
expression was a little different from earlier and then combining it
with his action earlier, Chi Zhao felt that he understood what was
going through his mind. He said without blame, “It doesn’t hurt.”
Lin Chengfeng, “…………”
It was better if he didn’t say that. He had just avoided his hand
because of the pain and now he was lying and saying that it didn’t
hurt. Was he thinking that he wasn’t feeling guilty enough and
wanted to deliberately stab him in the heart?
Lin Chengfeng pursed his lips. His voice was a little heavier than
usual, “Why didn’t you avoid it?”
Any normal person would have the desire to live but when faced
with his sword, Chi Zhao didn’t move an inch. He didn’t look like
someone who wished to die. From his reaction earlier when people
started showing their doubts towards him, it was clear that he didn’t
want to die, and he had a very strong desire to live.
If that was the case, why didn’t he avoid it? Chi Zhao looked at him
and a few moments later, he smiled softly, “Because it’s you.”
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Chapter 159
Source: KK Translates


After Chi Zhao was done speaking, he looked at Lin Chengfeng

expectantly, wondering how he would react.
But of all the guesses he had in mind, he didn’t expect the reaction
he saw.
Lin Chengfeng narrowed his eyes vigilantly and subconsciously
placed his hand on his sword, “What did you just say?”
Chi Zhao: “……….”
It was just a little teasing, there was no need to think about killing!
Chi Zhao’s neck felt cold. He blinked a few times and quickly
put on a calm expression, “What I meant was, it’s because it was
you, senior brother. Who doesn’t know that Zhao Tian sect’s Lin
Chengfeng is benevolent and cares about the world? From a
young age, you started to take care of the sect. I have heard
about senior brother’s legends since I was a child and admire
senior brother very much. I came to this assessment this time
because I wanted to enter the Zhao Tian sect and be able to see
senior brother’s face. I didn’t expect to be lucky enough to be
taught by senior brother directly. Senior brother, rest assured. I
will definitely train hard and not embarrass you.”
He had spoken boldly and without fear, but Chi Zhao was actually
a little nervous. With each line, he would secretly check eldest senior
brother’s expression, but his expression had always remained the
same. It was hard to see what he was thinking inside.
His right hand however was still on his sword.
Chi Zhao felt more and more uncertain. He had said that just now
because he wanted to test to see how Lin Chengfeng would react and
how tolerant he was. He didn’t expect such a result. Chi Zhao felt
that he should give up. It seems that he really doesn’t remember him
at all, so there was no point in hoping that his old feelings would be
In the past, the other party had sincerely pursued him. This time,
their positions were reversed, and it was his turn to pursue the
other party sincerely. Fortunately, there wouldn’t be any tasks
getting in his way. He will definitely make Lin Chengfeng quickly fall
for him and then treat him well for the rest of this lifetime.
Thinking this, Chi Zhao’s eyes slowly changed. Soft light flowed
out from those eyes of his. Lin Chengfeng frowned. He relaxed his
right hand. As soon as Chi Zhao breathed a sigh of relief, he spoke
up, “Not senior brother.”
Chi Zhao was confused. He didn’t understand what he meant. If he
wasn’t senior brother, then should he call him master? Wasn’t he a
disciple of Jiye Zhenren?
Lin Chengfeng looked at Chi Zhao and seriously corrected him,
“It’s eldest senior brother. Don’t call me senior brother in the
future, you have a total of three senior brothers. As a Zhao Tian
sect disciple, you must remember the rules and not mess up the
Except for the rules, there was another reason, but he didn’t say it.
Calling him senior brother…..it sounded too intimate. Although it
was the truth, for some reason when he heard it spoken so naturally
and obediently from Chi Zhao’s lips, he felt that it seemed to carry
some unexplained emotions as well.
Chi Zhao felt that he really was serious. He even wanted to correct
the way he called him. After some thought, he nodded, “I
“In the future I will call you eldest senior brother when others
are around and senior brother when it’s just us. The same goes
for you. You can call me youngest junior brother when others are
around and when it’s just us, you can call me junior brother.”
Lin Chengfeng: “……..”
He felt complicated inside for a few seconds. Lin Chengfeng still
wanted to say something, but he then saw Chi Zhao yawn sleepily
and rub his red eyes. Since the fifth round of assessment, he had
only had a short nap while waiting for the others to test their
spiritual roots and right now he was too sleepy. He asked, “Senior
brother, where do I stay?”
If he didn’t let him call him as he pleased, he definitely
wouldn’t let him sleep anywhere he liked, but he also shouldn’t be
too eager so early on. Chi Zhao added, “I’m not picky but I have a
small request. Can I stay closer to senior brother? It will be much
easier for me to find senior brother to solve my doubts in the
Lin Chengfeng’s brows that had relaxed were furrowed again.
This youngest junior brother was not only afraid of heights he
also habitually lies, speaks without restraint and is very clingy.
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What a troublesome person.
Although he thought this, he still arranged a room in the west
wing for Chi Zhao to stay which was the room closest to his. He had
originally planned to let Chi Zhao stay in a room in the back which
was bigger, more spacious and cleaner, and he also wouldn’t be
disturbed by the disciples outside but after hearing Chi Zhao’s
request, he could only give up that idea.
After all, it wasn’t an excessive request. It was just changing
He brought Chi Zhao to his room. Chi Zhao stood at the door and
glanced back at Lin Chengfeng’s room and was very satisfied. He
obediently said goodbye to Lin Chengfeng and ran off to sleep.
Xu Shiqing had told Chi Zhao that eldest senior brother’s
cultivation level was in the late nascent soul stage but that was in
fact not accurate. Lin Chengfeng’s current level was halfway through
spirit severing stage. As there were too many people in the Zhao
Tian sect and all sorts of people were present, he generally wouldn’t
reveal his true cultivation level to remain low-key.
Normally, he wouldn’t release his divine sense but after standing
in the yard in silence for a while and looking at the closed door, he
pursed his lips and silently let out an almost invisible strand of
divine sense to check on the situation in the room.
Chi Zhao almost fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. His
body wasn’t very old, at most fourteen or fifteen years old, and Han
Yu who had come with him was also of the same age. With his eyes
closed, he looked even more harmless than when he was awake. He
laid quietly on his side with his legs bent and hands by the side of his
face. With such a well-behaved sleeping position, it was really
difficult associating him with the miserable Yin spiritual root.
Ones abilities and their actual character seemed to be complete
opposites. Xu Shiquing was an ice spiritual root, but she wasn’t cold
at all and was on the contrary very enthusiastic. Lu Yuezhi was a
lightning spiritual root, but his temper wasn’t explosive like
lightning and on the contrary he was calmest of them all. Being able
to hold back his anger with a seemingly nonchalant smile on his face,
it was actually quite terrifying.
Those with the Yin spiritual root are filled with sunshine, but
those with the Yang spiritual root are gloomy and dark. If anyone
was together with one with the Yang spiritual root, they would even
have trouble breathing.
Lin Chengfeng half lowered his eyes and retracted his divine
senses. He also put a stop to the thoughts going through his mind
and turned to leave.
Soon afterwards, his figure appeared in one of the most remote
courtyards. This courtyard was the smallest of the six courtyards
and the most remote one. To the north of this courtyard was an
abyss and below the abyss was bottomless darkness. If you listened
carefully, you could faintly hear something like a roar of a beast
from below.
This remote and noisy courtyard was the place Jiye Zhenren
stayed and he had already lived here for a long time.
In the sect, only Lin Chengfeng could enter and leave this
courtyard and he would usually come and report every six months.
Although it hadn’t been half a year yet, he was someone who knew
Jiye Zhenren the best so after Chi Zhao’s matter was settled, Lin
Chengfeng came over.
From the time he got ready to come over, Jiye Zhenren already
knew about it. He was a cultivator in the body unification stage and
if he released his divine sense, it could cover the entire continent.
Although he wouldn’t go out of his way to do this, as long as
someone thought of him, he would know about it immediately.
When everyone talked about Jiye Zhenren, they are all very
respectful. Firstly, it was because he was really powerful and
secondly, it was because he was able to listen in and watch over the
entire sect. Even if he didn’t want to, there are always voices that
would reach his ear. Now that he had reached the body unification
state, Jiye Zhenren was able to filter out those noisy sounds and only
listen to what he wanted to hear.
As such, no one dared to speak bad of Jiye Zhenren nor did they
dare think about it. What if they were heard? They still wanted to
Hearing that Jiye Zhenren was letting him in, Lin Chengfeng
opened the door and saw him sitting in the centre of the room,
reading an ancient book. He placed down the book and looked up,
“Is it all settled?”
He clearly could just release his divine senses to know about the
various changes in the sect, but he didn’t do that. Every time
something happened in the sect, Jiye Zhenren as the sect leader
would always be the last to know because Lin Chengfeng who
reported matters to him only came every six months.
Master’s heart was like a needle at the bottom of the sea. Lin
Chengfeng would naturally wonder what he was thinking but after
so many years, he had now grown accustomed to it.
With his eyes lowered, Lin Chengfeng lowered his head and
replied, “Yes, this disciple has arranged for youngest junior
brother to stay in this disciple’s courtyard temporarily. As for his
future training, this disciple will personally give him pointers.”
Jiye Zhenren didn’t move. After a while, Lin Chengfeng heard
him ask, “The sect is very busy. Do you still have the energy to
take care of him?”
“It is fine. This disciple can handle it.”
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“You are about to break through. With a new disciple at your
place, won’t you find it noisy?”
“No, youngest junior brother is very quiet.”
“Staying with you is not a long term-solution. You can find
some disciples and build a new courtyard. I remember there is
space to the west of Yuezhi’s place. Once it’s constructed, Chi
Zhao can move there. Yuezhi has also improved a lot with his
cultivation so he can help lighten some of your burdens. With his
current level, it shouldn’t be a problem for him to teach Chi
Lin Chengfeng raised his head and looked at Jiye Zhenren with an
undecipherable expression, “Master, you don’t wish for me to
teach youngest junior brother?”
Jiye Zhenren was silent for a while. He then threw the question
back, “Tell master, do you want to teach him?”
After a short pause, Lin Chengfeng nodded, “Yes.”
Youngest junior brother had too many problems. If he was taught
by second junior brother Lu Yuezhi, he was afraid that he would
suffer a lot. With his quiet and submissive character, he might even
resign himself to that treatment. As such, Lu Yuezhi wasn’t suitable
to teach him.
Third junior brother was too cold in temperament, even colder
than this eldest senior brother. Furthermore, he was so obsessed
with cultivation that he doesn’t pay attention to anything else. Junior
sister was proof of this. Junior sister’s talent was comparable to
theirs, but she was slowest in cultivation. Although part of the
reason was because of junior sister’s laziness, the main reason was
because third junior brother didn’t care about junior sister’s
progress, resulting in her lack of practice.
And junior sister naturally wasn’t suitable. She hadn’t developed
herself enough yet so teaching others was out of the question.
Since the other three are not suitable, only he was left.
With such a good seedling, as long as you care for it well, it
shouldn’t grow crooked. He originally didn’t want to teach Chi Zhao,
but he couldn’t just watch Chi Zhao become ruined in the hands of
other juniors so he should step forward.
Looking at his disciple’s firm eyes, Jiye Zhenren lowered his eyes.
He picked up the book he hadn’t finished reading and said lightly,
“Alright. If you want to teach, you can teach.”
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By the way, I am currently looking at picking up another project to
work on and post after this novel is done. For now, I’m thinking of
picking up one that has been dropped/not updated in a while
because I hate seeing so many incomplete novels on NU lol
Comment any recommendations below!!
Chapter 160
Source: KK Translates


After the formal training began, people were able to understand

firsthand how fast cultivating with a Yin spiritual root really was.
While others were still struggling with studying Basics of Heaven
and Earth’s Spiritual Energy, Chi Zhao had already managed to
circulate spiritual qi around his body for three whole weeks and he
even managed to start practicing basic techniques.
By the time others were finally able to learn how to control the
spiritual qi, Chi Zhao had entered the qi condensation stage. Only
seven months had passed since the day of the ceremony.
Because there were not many people with Yin spiritual roots who
have managed to live until adulthood, everyone began to put him
and the big villain together. With every achievement, people would
remember when the big villain achieved it.
As soon as they finished recalling, they were horrified. Why was
this one faster than the other cultivator?! If it continued like this,
wouldn’t he reach the foundation establishment stage soon?!
When other disciples progressed quickly, the people would be
extremely pleased, but when Chi Zhao progressed quickly, the entire
sect, with the exception for the little disciples who are not well-
versed in the world, would all have the same expression. The people
from the other sects were the same. Although they left without
saying anything that day, it didn’t mean that they have lowered their
guard against Chi Zhao.
So what if he wasn’t taken over? He’s still the same Yin spiritual
He was clearly already a dangerous existence but now he even
showed talent that far surpassed ordinary people. If one day his
heart becomes unstable and he goes mad, what will happen to the
rest of the cultivation realm?
While some sent people over to watch over Chi Zhao’s progress in
the Zhao Tian sect, others wanted to talk to Zhao Tian sect about Chi
However, the Zhao Tian sect’s sect leader didn’t care about sect
matters so the actual leader was actually Lin Chengfeng. With Chi
Zhao currently training with Lin Chengfeng, they couldn’t go and
directly ask him if he had any plans to lock Chi Zhao up or kill him.
The disciples of Jiye Zhenren each have their own merits, and
each have different personalities and talents, but there was one
thing that they share in common.
They all like to shield the weak.
The current Chi Zhao hadn’t done anything, and he also got along
with them well so they would never do anything to hurt Chi Zhao. If
they knew that other sects had the intentions to kill him, perhaps
they would even…..It wouldn’t even be a possibility. They would
definitely stop them. It may even turn into a conflict between the
Disaster. Yin spiritual roots are bringers of disaster! Look at that.
He hadn’t done anything yet and they already can’t do anything. If
something really happened, wouldn’t the peace that they had
painstakingly maintained for the past six hundred years be ruined?
While others watched over Zhao Tian sect, Zhao Tian sect also
watched over the other sects. Second senior brother Lu Yuezhi was
the one in charge of external relations and affairs for the Zhao Tian
sect. On the surface, it was just sending a few disciples to each sect
as a study exchange but in fact, they were sent over as spies.
Unsurprisingly, the youngest junior brother who had just entered
the second level of qi condensation has caused a sensation in the
other sects. The sect leaders may not have said anything but the
elder peak masters who have lived for hundreds of years were done.
One by one, they are anxious like ants on a hot pan, as if Chi Zhao
was soon about to destroy the world.
He was only in the qi condensation stage yet they’re acting this
Lu Yuezhi looked down at the coded message that was sent back
and snorted, “Group of mediocre people.”
Fixing his sleeve, Lu Yuezhi stood up and headed for Lin
Chengfeng’s residence.
He should let eldest senior brother see how capable their
youngest junior brother is. Only half a year after joining the sect, he
had already become a legendary figure.
Lu Yuezhi’s lips contained a smile. No matter how one looked at it,
one could tell that he didn’t have good intentions. The place he lived
at was quite far from where Lin Chengfeng was, but he liked to enjoy
the scenery while walking so he didn’t use flying skills and slowly
strolled over.
Lu Yuezhi had just broken into the nascent soul stage this year. In
the cultivation realm, people who are in the nascent soul stage could
be referred to as Patriarch, but he seemed to still carry a young
man’s heart and would nod and greet disciples he met along the
way. He didn’t put on airs and act like the sect leader’s second
disciple at all.
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It was just that everyone who was greeted by him all stiffened up.
They would all panic and say ‘Martial Uncle Lu’ before quickly
running away.
Seeing them run away so frantically, those who weren’t familiar
would have thought that there was a level 9 beast chasing after
Lu Yuezhi was used to this kind of treatment. Furthermore, the
more others feared him, the better his mood. When he was about to
reach his destination, Lu Yuezhi heard people talking inside.
It was Chi Zhao and an unknown female disciple.
Female disciple, “Martial Uncle Chi, what do you mean?”
Chi Zhao’s voice was very polite, “I’m asking you to put those
things down and leave.”
This female disciple had some background. She was the princess
of a country; her father was an Emperor governing over more than
ten thousand citizens and her mother was a female cultivator. Since
a young age, she had been raised preciously and because she had a
talent for cultivation, her father valued her very much. Having
managed to join the Zhao Tian sect and becoming an inner disciple,
she felt like she was floating. What she didn’t expect was for Chi
Zhao to talk to her like this.
The female disciple’s voice carried some anger, “Martial Uncle
Chi, this disciple is here to deliver some papers to Martial Uncle
Chengfeng. These papers are extremely important, so my master
specially asked me to send it over and give it directly to Martial
Uncle Chengfeng.”
Direct disciples of the sect leader are generally of higher status.
Because the sect leader has lived for almost two thousand years and
although his disciples are no more than seven hundred years old,
they were all referred to as ‘ Martial Uncle’. Chi Zhao looked at the
stubborn but pitiful looking female disciple before him and could
feel fire flaring out from his heart.
Don’t think that since you look like a green tea bitch and behave
like a green tea bitch, I can’t see that you’re essentially a white lotus!
What delivering papers? What needing to be given directly to
Martial Uncle Chengfeng? You dare call Ling Chengfeng so intimately
yet when it came to him it was Martial Uncle Chi? You’re intentions
are too obvious yet you act like it’s not the case. Do you have no
Chi Zhao sneered and patted the spiritual sword in his hand.
Lin Chengfeng had asked what skills Chi Zhao wanted to train and,
without even thinking, Chi Zhao chose the same one as Lin
Chengfeng. After entering the qi condensation stage, Lin Chengfeng
had taken out a simple spiritual sword from his warehouse and
given it to him. This spiritual sword wasn’t powerful, and it was
even more on the delicate side such that it looked like one used by
female cultivators, but it was just right for the current Chi Zhao.
Once he develops a little further, Lin Chengfeng would give him a
new one.
Such a good spiritual sword was now used as a beating stick by
Chi Zhao. He held the scabbard and hit the hilt against his palm
again and again, and the smile on his face was so cold, it made the
female disciple take a step back, “W-what are you doing?”
Chi Zhao narrowed his eyes, “Since you’re talking to this
Martial Uncle so rudely, it looks like you’re not familiar with the
rules. Do you wish to be sent to the punishment pavilion?”
As a direct disciple of the sect leader, Chi Zhao was on equal
footing with all the elders in the sect. Even if he was only a new
cultivator on the second stage of cultivation, he still had the right to
send off the other disciples.
The female disciple’s expression turned stiff. She then refused to
accept defeat, “I can’t be blamed for this. It’s Martial Uncle, you
“If you really came to deliver papers, I wouldn’t have gone out
of my way to bother you. The time I’ve used talking to you
would’ve been put to better use instead, but I am really annoyed.”
Chi Zhao’s tone was calm and slow, “Today is the fifteenth. You
have come here six times this month and each time you would
linger around for a long time before leaving and you also try to
get closer to senior brother. For every ten lines you say, senior
brother wouldn’t even say a single word in response. I don’t
understand why you’re so persistent even with him acting like
this. Aren’t you a princess? Has your father never taught you to
back off when you can see that the other party isn’t welcoming
your advances?”
The female disciple was embarrassed and angered. She was
unable to retort, “I….I——-”
“I what? Since you have entered Zhao Tian sect, you should put
away those useless thoughts and focus on training. You haven’t
even been here for long yet you’re already thinking about finding
at Daoist companion. With you not even reaching the qi
condensation stage, you’re even attempting to become a Daoist
companion of someone who is in their nascent soul stage. Is there
anything else other than men in your mind?”
The female disciple was almost angered to tears. Chi Zhao placed
down the spiritual sword and walked over to a stone table to pour
himself a cup of tea. He then suddenly remembered something and
added, “By the way, I helped pass the thousand-year miyin grass
you brought over last time to senior brother but he didn’t want it
and gave it to me so I ate it as a snack.”
Female disciple: “…….”
That was an exquisite gift her mother gave her! One or two of
them was equivalent to thirty middle-grade spirit stones!
This time the female disciple really started crying with anger.
When she ran out, she was still wiping away her tears. Chi Zhao was
indifferent to all this and he continued to leisurely drink his tea.
“Even if she had some poor intentions, I don’t think you need to
be this angry?”
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A familiar voice suddenly sounded. Chi Zhao raised his eyelids
and looked over before lowering his eyes again, “I’m teaching her
a lesson on behalf of eldest senior brother. That grass thing will
be returned in a few days.”
He wouldn’t eat things sent by his rivals. He had only said that
earlier to anger the other party and let her know that all her efforts
are futile.
Lu Yuezhi sat across from him. The more he looked at his
current expression, the more curious he became, “Eldest senior
brother doesn’t care about these things. People who want to be
his Daoist companion can form a line from the Zhao Tian sect to
the Lingshan sect. He is long used to it.”
Chi Zhao’s act of drinking tea paused for a moment. His
expression turned visibly dark, but he didn’t say anything and
continued to drink his tea. His drinking speed however was a little
fast, as if he was sulking.
Lu Yuezhi was amused, “Youngest junior brother, don’t tell
Before he could finish asking, another voice sounded in the
distance, “Why are you here?”
Hearing this cold voice, Lu Yuezhi paused. After that short pause,
he swallowed back his unfinished words and turned around with a
smile, “Nothing much. Just here to give you papers that must be
handed over personally, right, youngest junior brother?”
Chi Zhao: “…….” Shut up.
After closing the door, Chi Zhao couldn’t hear what they were
saying inside. He wandered around the yard for a while but saw that
the people inside still hadn’t come out, so he could only return to his
room to continue with his training. On the other end, Lin Chengfeng
had just finished reading note brought over by Lu Yuezhi, “It is
natural for them to be concerned. You can continue watching
over them. If they do anything, inform me as soon as possible.”
Lu Yuezhi hummed in acknowledgement. He then looked at Lin
Chengfeng’s cold and calm appearance and found the situation
amusing so he added some extra embellishments when describing
the scene he had just seen.
“Eldest senior brother, isn’t our youngest junior brother too
concerned about your affairs? You weren’t there but he really
looked like a beast protecting his prey. If he didn’t suppress his
temper, he may have even fought the female disciple for real.”
Lin Chengfeng frowned, “Really?”
Lu Yuezhi nodded again and again, “Of course!”
Lin Chengfeng was silent for a while, “I understand.”
As for what he understood, Lu Yuezhi didn’t know. He still had
matters to deal with on his end, so he left soon afterwards and as
soon as he left, Chi Zhao was punished.
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Chapter 161
Source: KK Translates


Hearing Lin Chengfeng ask him to recite the Heart-Clearing

Mantra 30,000 times, Chi Zhao for a moment couldn’t believe his
He didn’t understand. He clearly did everything Lin Chengfeng
asked him to, had been extremely docile and obedient and even
overperformed in every task he was assigned. He hadn’t made a
single mistake so why was he being punished?
Lin Chengfeng looked at him indifferently, the slightly furrowed
brows radiating sternness, “Did you bully Elder Wangquan’s
disciple today?”
He didn’t remember the name of that female disciple, but he knew
who she was under. Chi Zhao was stunned for a long time. Finally, he
raised a hand and pointed at himself, “You’re punishing me
because of her?”
His voice was filled with disbelief. Just because he made her cry?
He didn’t even say anything that harsh. That girl only cried because
she had thin skin and couldn’t listen to anything that she didn’t want
to hear. Chi Zhao also knew this, so he held himself back. If he didn’t
do that, she wouldn’t have just cried.
For a disciple whose name he didn’t even remember, Lin
Chengfeng actually wanted to punish him, and it was even punishing
him to recite the Heart-Clearing Mantra 30,000 times. This was
equivalent to grounding him for half a month. Reciting the Heart-
Clearing Mantra once would take half a minute and he wasn’t in the
fasting stage and still needed to eat and sleep. If he removed the
time for that and used all his remaining time to recite the mantra, he
would need to say in his room for at least half a month.
Ever since he came here, Lin Chengfeng had never treated him
like this.
Chi Zhao was originally sitting. Looking up at Lin Chengfeng’s
eyes, he couldn’t see any tenderness or concern, it was completely
Chi Zhao immediately shot up. His two hands by his sides were
clenched into fists and if one looked closely, you would also see that
his fists were trembling faintly.
Met with those eyes that were gradually reddening, Lin Chengfeng
frowned, “You……..”
Chi Zhao didn’t want to listen to him. He shouted, “I’m not
Lin Chengfeng was taken aback.
The youngest junior brother who would smile as soon as he saw
him was now glaring at him with anger but because his eyes were
red, he wasn’t scary at all and he instead looked a little pitiful. He
probably knew how pathetic he looked right now so he turned away
to calm his breathing for a while before turning back and looking at
him fiercely, “I didn’t do anything wrong, why should I be
punished? If you want to lock me up, lock me up. In any case, I’m
not reciting that rubbish!”
Lin Chengfeng’s expression was also not very good. He lowered
his voice, “It is not up to you. You say that you didn’t do anything
wrong but let me ask you. Did I or did I not tell you to clear your
mind and calm your heart so that you can control your temper
Chi Zhao stubbornly kept silent, but his eyes wavered a little. It
was clear that he was listening.
Lin Chengfeng indeed did say that, but Chi Zhao hadn’t taken it
seriously. He had always felt that he had a good temper as it was
hard for others to make him angry, so he didn’t think he needed to
control it.
He suddenly felt a little guilty. Lin Chengfeng took a step closer
to close the distance between the two and looked down at the
round fluffy head in front of him. After a moment of silence, he
continued, “You think that you are not in the wrong because you
think that today’s matter was just a small matter and not enough
to create a commotion. Since you also know that it is a small
matter and she hadn’t done anything terrible, why did you still
say those hurtful words and drive her away?”
“For things like that, you should be able to hold it in, but you
didn’t do that. Do you still think that you’re not in the wrong?”
Chi Zhao’s lips were pursed flat. He continued to stare at a spot on
the ground without blinking and his expression turned a little ugly.
Lin Chengfeng saw him like this and slowly sighed, “Chi Zhao,
look at me.”
Every time Lin Chengfeng called his name, he felt powerless. Chi
Zhao dawdled for a while before obediently raising his head.
Seeing the panic and guilt in his eyes, Lin Chengfeng’s voice was
faint, “Your heart is unstable.”
Everyone was aware that those with the Yin spiritual root can
easily encounter qi deviation and go mad. Chi Zhao naturally also
heard about it, but he didn’t expect the Yin spiritual root physique to
make him more emotional. Indeed, now that he had calmed down,
he realised that he really didn’t need to be so mean to that female
disciple. He used to an ally of women. Even if he didn’t like a certain
girl, he wouldn’t have been so rude towards them yet here he was
acting like a hedgehog, rolling around and pricking people away
whenever he was in a poor mood.
He now understood why eldest senior brother punished him to
recite the Heart-Clearing Mantra. After figuring out the reasons
behind it, he felt that it was fine if he was punished, but he still
wanted to defend himself, “It’s not that my heart is not stable. My
heart has always been stable…..”
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He was his Dao heart. As long as he was around, nothing would go
wrong with Chi Zhao’s cultivation.
Faced with Lin Chengfeng’s cold expression, Chi Zhao’s anxious
voice grew smaller, “I-I just couldn’t help it when it’s something
related to you……As for other things, I can hold myself back very
He didn’t need to hold himself back for other things. Even if
someone poked his nose and said that he was a bringer of
misfortune, he wouldn’t even blink his eyes.
Lin Chengfeng’s expression calmed down and it turned dignified.
Something wasn’t right about Chi Zhao.
He didn’t care about certain things, but he cared too much about
other things. Of course, the latter part referred to he Lin Chengfeng
Lin Chengfeng thought for a moment and asked, “Something
related to me…..Chi Zhao, what are you afraid of?”
All the anger came from his own incompetence and panic. Lin
Chengfeng looked at Chi Zhao too intently and seemed to be wanting
to know the answer to this question of his. His clear and steady gaze
stopped on his face. Chi Zhao felt his heart miss a beat. He pursed his
lips, lowered his head and replied in a small voice, “I’m afraid that
you would be snatched away. Afraid that you don’t want me
For a long time, there was no response from the person above
him. Chi Zhao’s heart sank. He didn’t really want to hear the next
In fact, Chi Zhao had thought it through. He knew that he wouldn’t
be successful with just one or two attempts when pursuing
someone. Although the other party and himself had been in love for
several centuries, each time the other party had entered the worlds
like a blank piece of paper. It was inevitable that he would be
affected by the rules of the world and the past. This was the
cultivation realm, the ancient world. People’s thinking during this
time are inherently conservative and rigid. He was ready to fight a
long battle and sometimes he even felt that a world like this was
pretty good.
Because he also wanted to use this final chance to let the other
person know that he really did love him and was willing to spend his
whole life pursuing him.
But thinking it was one thing and experiencing it for real was
another thing entirely. Sensing that he was probably going to be
issued a ‘good person’ card, Chi Zhao’s entire body exuded an aura
that said, ‘I don’t want to hear it’.
At first, it was resistance and then it was despair and it finally
turned into suffering. He couldn’t do it anymore. He might as well
say it so that he could die a faster death. He took a deep breath and
suddenly raised his head, only to see that Lin Chengfeng was looking
at him with a complicated expression.
That look of his didn’t look like rejection or acceptance. It was
unexpectedly amusing.
Chi Zhao: “???”
After Chi Zhao raised his head, Lin Chengfeng quickly averted his
gaze. He took a small step back and no longer looked at Chi Zhao’s
eyes, “It’s late, go and rest. Remember to go to morning class
After saying that, he left, leaving Chi Zhao standing there stunned.
Chi Zhao hurried after him, “Th-then what about the Heart-
Clearing Mantra?”
Lin Chengfeng’s footsteps paused. Very soon, he continued
walking ahead.
His voice drifted into the room along with the wind, “Recite it for
one hour every night from now on.”
Chi Zhao: “……….”
So after his confession, his punishment was increased?!
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Chi Zhao angrily went back to meditating and reciting the Heart-
Clearing Mantra. After Lin Chengfeng left, he didn’t return to his
room and instead sat next to Xieyun Field for a while. There were
very few disciples in the back peak and Jiye Zhenren’s direct
disciples all didn’t like to be served upon. Junior sister used to have
two who cooked for her but after she reached the fasting stage,
those two disciples no longer needed to come. What Chi Zhao now
ate were food that would be delivered by those disciples at certain
times. Lin Chengfeng was even more solitary than what the others
thought, and he didn’t let anyone into his courtyard at all, even as a
cooking disciple.
The view from the field was very good, as if the sky filled with
stars could be reached. The gorgeous scenery was in front and a
large stone chessboard behind. to the board were also two pillars of
the same height. It looked like humans, but there were no faces.
Lin Chengfeng sat there. It was unknown whether he was in
thought or simply in daze.
At some point in time, Lu Yuezhi came. He looked at Lin
Chengfeng with a smile that also wasn’t quite a smile, “Does eldest
senior brother have something bothering you?”
Seeing that Lin Chengfeng was ignoring him, he sat down next to
Lin Chengfeng and chuckled, “What is bothering you? Let it out
and let me be happy for you.”
Lin Chengfeng, “………”
Lu Yuezhi and Lin Chengfeng were about the same age. Compared
to those which are hundreds of years apart, the age difference
between the two of them was less than fifty years. Lin Chengfeng
turned his head to glance at him and suddenly asked, “Can a Yin
spiritual root affect a person’s character?”
Lu Yuezhi rubbed his chin, “Hmm….It’s hard to say.”
“If I say it does, living beings in this world are everchanging
and each of them are different and their personalities are also
very different, but if I say that it doesn’t, it is known that those
with wood spiritual roots are naturally fonder of nature and that
water spiritual roots feel more relaxed around rivers, lakes and
seas. Spiritual roots cannot affect a person’s character, but it can
affect a person’s preferences. As long as we have not ascended, us
humans are still ordinary people trapped in the cycle of birth,
aging, sickness and death.”
Lu Yuezhi looked away from the starry sky and looked at Lin
Chengfeng. His expression was indecipherable, “Rather than
affecting a person’s character, spiritual roots affect their desires
more. If the things they want changes, their personalities would
naturally change accordingly, don’t you think, eldest senior
Lin Chengfeng lowered his eyes and looked down in silence.
“Then, what is a Yin spiritual root’s preference?”
Lin Chengfeng’s voice was very soft, almost to the point where it
was inaudible. Lu Yuezhi however was sitting next to him and their
level of cultivation was similar. Hearing this question, Lu Yuezhi was
slightly surprised, “Yin spiritual root? Are you talking about
youngest junior brother, or…….”
“The both of them.”
Lu Yuezhi was stunned. After a short pause, he shook his head, “I
don’t know.”
And he wouldn’t be able to find out either.
One had already passed away and the other was still clueless.
There were too few examples so no one knew what kind of talent
the Yin spiritual root can bring about and what kind of fate it would
bring to their master.
But there was one thing he could be certain of.
Lu Yuzhi stood up and looked down at the eldest senior brother
who was both like a father and like a brother to him. The smile on
his lips gradually faded, “Stay away from him. It’ll be good for both
you and him.”
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Chapter 162
Source: KK Translates


There are some things that don’t need to be said explicitly. Just
hinting at it slightly was enough.
As for what Lin Changfeng was thinking inside and whether he
would take heed those words, no one knew.
Whether it was the master or his junior brother who he had
grown up together with, the relationship between them seemed
close, but if you inspected it more carefully, it really was just that.
The path of the Dao is merciless. Everyone has the same goal. If they
had more things tying them down, it would be more difficult for
them to leave this chaotic world. This was also the tabooest thing for
Cultivators only formed superficial relationships. Love stories that
could rock the world often get ridiculed in this cultivation realm, but
no matter how much you look down on it, just was Lu Yuezhi said, as
long as they haven’t ascended and as long as they haven’t left this
world, they are still humans with passions and desires.
After Lu Yuezhi left for who knows how long, Lin Changfeng
finally stood up. When he returned to his residence, the moon was
already high up in the sky. He quietly landed in the middle of the
yard, his gown fluttering lightly behind him. Following a short
pause, he returned to his room and, as he walked over, he habitually
glanced at Chi Zhao’s room. No lights. He seemed to be asleep.
As soon as this thought formed in his mind and before it could
fade away, a figure suddenly stood up in the corridor in the distance.
Chi Zhao was originally leaning against one of the pillars there. He
was thin and he was also hidden in the shadows, so Lin Changfeng
didn’t see him. After he sat up, before Lin Changfeng’s eyes could
look over, his divine senses had already followed over. Chi Zhao ran
out the corridor and stopped in front of Lin Changfeng. He tilted his
head up at him and pinched at the corner of his clothes.
After opening and closing his mouth several times, Chi Zhao
finally squeezed out a small line, “Senior brother…..I have
finished reciting the Heart-Clearing Mantra. I did it for a whole
hour without slacking off.”
Three hours had passed since Lin Changfeng ordered him to recite
the Heart-Clearing Mantra. He had spent an hour reciting it and the
remaining two hours were used to think about how he should admit
to his mistakes. Although he still didn’t feel that he had done
anything wrong chasing the female disciple away, he indeed held no
regard to Lin Changfeng’s words from before.
After two hours of deep thought and practising how to apologise,
Lin Changfeng still hadn’t returned. As a result, just ten minutes
before his return, Chi Zhao had fallen asleep.
When he was awakened by the light footsteps, all the words he
had rehearsed had been forgotten and he could only speak without
Chi Zhao lowered his head, not daring to see Lin Changfeng’s
expression. After all, this person was very angry before he left and
even if he wasn’t angry now, his expression was still emotionless.
Chi Zhao secretly stole a look and started to speak haphazardly, “I
was wrong, senior brother. I won’t lose my temper anymore. I’ll
definitely listen to you in the future and also recite the Heart-
Clearing Mantra properly s-so please don’t be angry, okay?”
He spoke with much caution and hesitation, as if Lin Changfeng’s
words would determine what the rest of his life would be like.
Anyone who saw this scene would think that Chi Zhao was a good
junior brother and Lin Changfeng was too strict on him as a senior
Lin Changfeng looked at the top of Chi Zhao’s head, but his face
turned into a frown.
—– He shouldn’t be like this.
When that line appeared out of nowhere in his mind, Lin
Changfeng was surprised, but when he thought about it carefully, it
seemed that he had also thought this when he first saw Chi Zhao.
Chi Zhao had thought that Lin Changfeng had only noticed him
after he had his spiritual root tested but in fact, from the moment
Lin Changfeng entered the hall, he had noticed him from amongst
the crowd and had been silently watching him ever since. At that
time, Chi Zhao was still looking around the hall, checking the other
people out.
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His gaze scanned across the people around him, as if he was
looking for something. The sect leaders, elders, peak masters and
the disciples in charge, no matter what their status was, it didn’t
seem to mean much to him. He didn’t look at them like there were
people and instead as if they were a string of meaningless symbols.
After looking around several times, his line of sight finally settled
on the sect leaders and their disciples. While his clever eyes stared
at them, his brows also wrinkled, as if he had encountered
something very troubling. No one noticed this but when Lin
Changfeng inadvertently met his eyes, his fingertips stiffened
But very soon, Chi Zhao had looked away and continued to stare
at Lu Yuezhi beside him. Seeing this, he felt strangely disappointed
He wasn’t someone who would find trouble for himself. In fact, Xu
Shiqing should be the one teaching Chi Zhao. Even if Chi Zhao
trained quickly, Xu Shiqing should still be able to teach him for a few
years, but he had brought Chi Zhao to his side without any warning
or prior discussion with the others. Faced with Jiye Zhenren’s
question, he also gave a well thought out explanation.
He naturally knew how special the Yin spiritual root was and he
also knew how much effort it would be guiding someone with the
Yin spiritual root. Not to mention, he had also personally witnessed
the process of the Yin spiritual root changing from one extreme to
the other extreme.
Ordinary people would often say that that what comes around,
goes around. So that is to say, this was his fate?
If that wasn’t the case, then what else could explain it? What else
could explain why his eyes, his heart and his entire body was no
longer under his control the moment Chi Zhao entered his life?
Closing his eyes, Lin Changfeng looked down and said, “I’m angry,
not because you lost your temper.”
Chi Zhao raised his head looking a little confused.
Those eyes were still as clear and pure as when they first met in
the hall that day. Those eyes however are not as empty and calm as
it was, and it now contained Lin Changfeng’s figure as well as care
and concentration that even he himself didn’t notice.
“I’m angry……” Lin Changfeng paused. The corners of his lips
then rose slightly. Having never seen him smile, Chi Zhao’s eyes
widened, “I’m angry because I am afraid that you would be
disturbed by those chaotic emotions and experience qi
Chi Zhao looked at him shocked. Lin Changfeng took in his silly
expression and asked, “Chi Zhao, will you experience qi deviation
and go mad?”
Lin Changfeng had asked this in a very ordinary tone, but Chi Zhao
could see fragility and anxiety hidden under his calm expression. Chi
Zhao didn’t know the meaning for those emotions, but it didn’t stop
him from promising confidently.
“I definitely won’t! Promise!”
He had answered too confidently. It was too confident for others
to trust him, but such a line that no one would believe managed to
clear away the fears in Lin Changfeng’s heart. The smile at the
corners of his lips deepened and he reached out to rub Chi Zhaos’s
head, “Sleepy?”
Chi Zhao shook his head, “I slept just now so I’m not sleepy
That was actually a lie; if he was given a pillow, he could fall
asleep right then and there, but when Lin Changfeng asks this
question, there would most definitely be a follow-up. Bright moon,
light breeze, two people, late night. With all those words combined,
it was the perfect setting for a date. He had been here for almost a
year. Except for the times when Lin Changfeng stayed to teach him,
he hadn’t had much opportunity to be with him.
Sometimes, Chi Zhao felt like a concubine in a harem, praying
every day to the stars and the moon that Emperor Lin would come
and visit him just this once.
Hearing him say that he wasn’t sleepy, Lin Changfeng took him to
the backyard and dug up a jug of wine from under a thousand-year-
old tree. It was clear that he wanted him to accompany him for a
drink. Chi Zhao stood on the side very well-behaved. He didn’t say
anything and just watched.
In Chi Zhao’s fantasy, the place to drink was either a cool rooftop
location or over a stone table in a courtyard under the starry sky. At
the very least, it would be casually sitting on the ground leaning
against an old tree. Those settings were all romantic. He had never
expected Lin Changfeng to bring him to a place like this to drink.
The bottom of the cliff was pitch black and the wind whistled
around them. Chi Zhao was a little scared. He wanted to sit closer to
Lin Changfeng but just as he moved the top half of his body, there
was a loud roar that sounded like a beast. It sounded like it was right
next to him, but it was in fact several miles away from Chi Zhao. The
reason for it to sound like it was so close was because the beast was
too big, probably about the size as a prehistoric behemoth.
Chi Zhao stiffened and didn’t dare move anymore.
Lin Changfeng continued as if he hadn’t heard the roar of the giant
beast. He took out two cups from his storage ring, poured himself a
cup and poured another for Chi Zhao.
Just as Chi Zhao was about to receive it, he suddenly remembered
“Senior brother, my alcohol tolerance is bad.”
He had said that to decline the drink, but Lin Changfeng turned his
head and looked at him, “How bad is it?”
Chi Zhao: “…….Very, very bad. Once I drink, I become another
person.” And also a very silly person.
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Lin Changfeng’s hand that held the cup paused. He didn’t force
him and just felt that it was a pity, “I brought this from my
mortal home and buried it under the hibiscus. It has been more
than 600 years now and today is the first time I’ve opened it.
Except for the sect banquets, I don’t usually have an opportunity
to drink with anyone. I originally wanted to share a drink with
friends like before but since you’re not good with drinks,
Before he could finish the rest of his words, Chi Zhao snatched
away the cup in his hand and downed half of it in one go.
Lin Changfeng, “……..”
After a while, he laughed, “Didn’t you say that your alcohol
tolerance is bad?”
Chi Zhao wiped his lips and mumbled, “It’s okay. I can do it.”
Since it had been stored away for 600 years, even the most
tasteless wine would become a delicacy. Chi Zhao and drunk it too
quickly and didn’t have the chance to taste it. From his drinking
experiences before, two or three cups was probably his maximum
limit. Having just finished half a cup, he should still be okay, but he
should still be careful.
And so, Chi Zhao very quickly turned his head and instructed Lin
Changfeng, “If I’m drunk, don’t talk to me and just knock me out.”
Lin Changfeng, “Is it that serious?”
Chi Zhao let out a long sigh, “It’s more serious than you can
imagine. The most terrible thing is that I never remember what I
did when I was drink, not even a little bit. It’s too scary.”
The more he thought about it, the scarier he found it. Chi Zhao
quickly picked up the cup and finished the other half.
Lin Changfeng, “…….”
The longer wines are stored, the better the taste but also the
stronger the effect of the alcohol. At first, Chi Zhao wasn’t really
drunk. Lin Changfeng didn’t speak much, and he also didn’t say
anything so the two just drank one cup after another. If he wanted
more, Lin Changfeng would pour more for him and this continued
until he no longer asked for more.
Chi Zhao had been holding the empty cup for a while now. The jug
of wine was still half full. Lin Changfeng had drunk as much as Chi
Zhao, but he still looked the same as before. He looked at Chi Zhao
with a tilted head and called out in a small voice, “Chi Zhao?”
Chi Zhao quickly turned his head over, “What?”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 163
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao’s response wasn’t very polite. Lin Changfeng looked

fixatedly at him and called out again, “Chi Zhao.”
Although Chi Zhao was facing Lin Changfeng, his gaze passed Lin
Changfeng and was looking at the darkness behind him. He blinked a
few times, retracted his gaze and widened his eyes slightly, “Why
are you calling me? Are you also afraid of this place?”
Lin Changfeng, “……..”
Although he had asked a question, Chi Zhao wasn’t looking for an
answer to that question. He looked around and found the jug of wine
beside Lin Changfeng. Holding the empty cup with one hand, he
reached out to the jug with the other but when he was about to
reach it, Lin Changfeng easily moved the jug behind him and outside
of his reach.
This time, the expression was a little different from before when
he looked at Chi Zhao, “Chi Zhao, are you drunk?”
Chi Zhao was like a silkworm. He laid down, placed his arms on
the ground and wriggled forward to get around Lin Changfeng and
get his hands on that hidden jug of wine. He had completely
forgotten that he was human and had legs that he could use to stand
up with.
As soon as this scene appeared, there was no need to look for an
answer to that question. Lin Changfeng however wanted to know
how he would answer him. It is said that those who are drunk would
never admit that they are drunk, and no one had really become
drunk in front of him before. Even if there was, Lin Changfeng had
never had the urge to tease them, but with Chi Zhao like this right
now, he really wanted to do that.
Chi Zhao was sprawled across the ground while Lin Changfeng sat
on the ground. The two were very close. Hearing Lin Changfeng
speak, Chi Zhao raised his head to look at him. It was actually pretty
uncomfortable doing that, but it was as if Chi Zhao didn’t feel it.
He maintained that position and retorted with a serious
expression, “Who’s drunk? I’m not. I didn’t drink so how can I be
Lin Changfeng lightly chuckled and didn’t speak.
He inwardly made another note.
After becoming drunk, youngest junior brother is not noisy and
not as scary as he himself says, he is even a quite cute and would
respond to everything he is asked.
Seeing him chuckling, Chi Zhao was in daze. He was already in an
intoxicated state and he even forgot who he himself was.
Seeing that he still wasn’t getting up, Lin Changfeng reached out
to pull him up. Chi Zhao sat up after borrowing his strength. Seeing
that Chi Zhao was even more obedient than usual, Lin Changfeng felt
that it was about time.
He asked, “Do you know who I am?”
Chi Zhao blinked, “Eldest senior brother.”
Chi Zhao had some dirt on him. It was something that could be
dealt with easily with a cleansing technique, but Lin Changfeng
chose to use his hand. After gently wiping away the dirt from the
front, his hand moved to Chi Zhao’s chin.
He first wiped off the dirt from his chin and then he gently rubbed
his Adam’s apple with the tips of his fingers. The Adam’s apple
which had just developed not long ago was relatively small and
sensitive. When Lin Changfeng touched it, it would tremble a little,
as if the Adam’s apple was shy.
The Adam’s apple wasn’t shy but the owner of it was.
Chi Zhao looked at Lin Changfeng with a flushed face. The latter’s
originally deep eyes become even deeper and even his voice become
a little lower.
“Chi Zhao, do you like me?”
Without even needing to think, Chi Zhao nodded vigorously,
“How much?”
The question stumped Chi Zhao. Lin Changfeng still hadn’t
retracted his hand and his thumb was inadvertently kneading the
soft flesh on Chi Zhao’s neck. He avoided the jut in his throat but
deliberately circled his thumb around it. Being treated like this, Chi
Zhao felt that something wasn’t right and wanted to escape but the
person doing this to him was Lin Changfeng.
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It’s Lin Changfeng.
If it’s him, then he……then he can reluctantly accept it and bear
with it.
Chi Zhao aggrievedly remained in place. After thinking about it
for a long time, he replied, “I like you very much. See? That’s why
I’m not even trying to escape even while you’re bullying me right
Lin Changfeng’s actions stopped. He then added strength and
squeezed the slight jut in Chi Zhao’s throat.
Lin Changfeng’s voice sounded a little different from before. It
contained more irritation and there were some other emotions Chi
Zhao’s current mind couldn’t process.
“Who did you learn something like this from?”
Who else could it be apart from you?
This person was too unreasonable. Chi Zhao turned his head away
unhappily and didn’t want to talk to him anymore.
Seeing him act like that, a sound of laughter rang from Lin
Changfeng’s end. After a while, he asked softly, “Chi Zhao, when you
wake up tomorrow, you’re really not going to remember
Chi Zhao ignored him. He was clearly still angry. Lin Changfeng
moved closer to him.
Chi Zhao turned and looked at him silently. His eyes seemed to be
asking what he was up to now.
What Chi Zhao didn’t know was that the place they were at now
was the forbidden area of the Zhao Tian sect where every sect
leader would be buried. Only current and future sect leaders are
allowed to enter and leave this place.
And so, it was normal for Chi Zhao to be afraid. This place was
after all the place where many sect leaders who have reached a late
stage in cultivation but were not able to successfully ascend are
buried. If Jiye Zhenren also fails to ascend in the future, this would
be his final destination. Lin Changfeng, as the one who has been
recognised by the entire cultivation realm to be next sect leader of
the Zhao Tian sect, would possibly also have his body buried here in
the future.
Death was a very distant topic for Lin Changfeng. He brought Chi
Zhao here only because he took a fancy to the tranquillity here. They
could drink however they liked, and he could say anything he
wanted without worrying about being overheard by others.
A gentleman should be magnanimous. Lin Changfeng had never
thought that there would be a day where he would have to
painstakingly hide something. He laughed at himself and then
lowered his voice even more.
“I’ll tell you a secret, okay?”
The whispering tone instantly aroused Chi Zhao’s interested. He
nodded with bright eyes, “Okay, okay.”
Lin Changfeng smiled faintly, “The secret is……’
He deliberately drew out the last word. Under Chi Zhao expectant
gaze, Lin Changfeng finished his line.
“Chi Zhao, I seem to like you too.”
Chi Zhao was stunned. Soon afterwards, his eyes widened in
shock and he propped his upper body up. He looked at Lin
Changfeng with excitement and opened his mouth to say something
but before he could make a sound, Lin Changfeng’s right hand had at
some unknown point in time reached behind him and struck his
sleeping meridian. In an instant, sleepiness overwhelmed him. Chi
Zhao’s body went soft.
He crumpled into Lin Changfeng’s arms. Supporting Chi Zhao, Lin
Changfeng’s body was stiff and silent.
He thought inside: This was enough. This was as far as he could
Just as Lu Yuezhi had said, he should stay away from Chi Zhao. It’ll
be good for both of them as well as the entire cultivation realm.
The cultivation realm couldn’t be tossed around again, the Zhao
Tian sect couldn’t be subjected to a barrage of criticisms again and
he himself couldn’t watch everything happen again and watch Chi
Zhao meet the same fate as that person.
His mind told him that he was fine but in fact, the arms holding
Chi Zhao tightened a little. The person he wanted was close at hand.
As long as he wanted to, as long as he opened his mouth, that person
would become his.
Those tense arms were like shackles. It was unknown how much
strength it took for Lin Changfeng to finally stand up with Chi Zhao
obediently sleeping in his arms. There was a roar of a giant beast in
the distance. It was the beast guarding the graves. Chi Zhao seemed
to be very afraid of the beast’s roar and even in his sleep, he was
Lin Changfeng glanced at the place where the giant beast was
hiding and soon there were no more sounds.
The giant beast no longer dared to call out and even the smaller
creatures didn’t dare make any sounds. Everything was quiet. Lin
Changfeng lowered his head, kissed top of Chi Zhao’s head, and left
the place with him in his arms.
And the moment they left, in the small courtyard next to the cliff,
Jiye Zhenren who was meditating opened his eyes.
With half-opened eyes, he silently let out a sigh and then he closed
it again.
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He brought Chi Zhao back to his bed, took off his shoes and socks
and helped tucked him in. Before he could retract his hands, he saw
that Chi Zhao was sniffling with an upset expression. The boy’s clean
and youthful face was wrinkled together, and he looked like he was
about to cry.
Lin Changfeng was taken aback for a moment. Seeing that his lips
were moving, Lin Changfeng leaned closer to hear what he was
“I don’t…..I don’t want to leave, don’t want to……Can’t I
continue to stay? I can follow…I don’t want to leave you….”
Even his sleep talk was filled with grief. His cries were like a pair
of pliers, fiercely clamping on Lin Changfeng’s heart. He froze for a
moment and tried to coax him awkwardly, “Yes, won’t leave. You
won’t leave me.”
Hearing those words, Chi Zhao’s brows furrowed even more. The
600-year-old wine had allowed him to sleep very deeply but at the
same time it had removed the shield around his heart. Tears flowed
from the corners of his eyes. Chi Zhao’s voice became even smaller
and there were small sobs mixed in with his words.
“You promised me…..You clearly said it. You said it but you
didn’t fulfil it……”
Lin Changfeng was stunned for a while. What did he promise? He
didn’t remember saying anything like that to Chi Zhao.
While he was wondering, Chi Zhao spoke again, “Shen
Wumian…..big liar……”
……Shen Wumian?
A very unfamiliar name. Lin Changfeng was certain that he had
never heard of this name before.
Chi Zhao was still attacking Shen Wumian over and over again
and each time, Lin Changfeng’s expression turned darker and
The next day, Chi Zhao woke up and found that he once again
couldn’t remember anything. The meridian point behind his neck
was also a little sore. It was clear that he was drunk again. Chi Zhao
wasn’t surprised at all. Anyway, he had told Lin Changfeng to knock
him out, so everything was probably okay.
After changing and leaving his room, he saw that Lin Changfeng
was outside. He walked over with cheerful steps.
Chi Zhao was in a good mood, “Senior brother, did you bring
me back yesterday? It must’ve been hard for senior brother.”
Lin Changfeng stared at him for a long time. Chi Zhao seemed to
be the same as usual. He was certain now that he didn’t remember
Whether it was his confession, or his sleep talk.
The corners of Lin Changfeng’s lips twitched, “Not hard.
Starting today, your daily reciting of the Heart-Clearing Mantra
is to be increased to two hours.”
Chi Zhao: ??? What did I do wrong now?
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 164
Source: KK Translates


Since eldest senior brother had already said it, he wouldn’t take it
At first, Chi Zhao thought Lin Changfeng was just joking and
perhaps he didn’t actually want him to recite it but after a few days,
Chi Zhao thought about it again. Perhaps he might have said
something out of line to eldest senior brother or done something he
didn’t like and that was why he was punished like this. Once eldest
senior brother is no longer angry, it should be okay.
But even after a year passed and Chi Zhao was about to reach the
foundation establishment stage, eldest senior brother was still
angry. Every night, Chi Zhao had to recite the Heart-Clearing Mantra
for two hours. If something happened in the sect and Chi Zhao had
to participate, he would put a stop to his training for a while, but he
still had to continue with reciting the mantra every single day.
Reciting of the Heart-Clearing Mantra was similar to becoming
vegetarian. To suddenly eat it every day, it made him feel nauseous
in the stomach and sick at the thought of it but over time, he got
used to it and if he didn’t do it, he felt uncomfortable.
Chi Zhao had passed that stage of nausea and was now in the
latter stage.
Spring left and autumn came. Zhao Tian sect ushered another
winter season. Chi Zhao had finished his set of sword training and
when he stored away his sword and turned around, he saw that
there was someone behind him. The other person was also looking
at him with a smile.
It was unknown how long he had been standing there. Chi Zhao
had no divine senses, he couldn’t see through the back of his head
and this place was also the main peak, so he had subconsciously
lowered his vigilance. As a result, he didn’t notice that person at all.
Noticing the other person’s presence, Chi Zhao furrowed his
brows faintly, “What is it?”
The other party was called Yu Mochen, a disciple of Huang Linger,
the owner of Taiqing Lake in Zhao Tian sect’s twelve peaks. The
owner of Tiaqing Lake was already two thousand years old this year
and is of the same generation as Jiye Zhenren. Even Jiye Zhenren
respectfully refers to her as senior sister.
This lady and Jiye Zhenren are the same and they both hardly
went out, constantly staying in retreat in their own residence. She
had a particularly large group of disciples. Yu Mochen was a disciple
she had picked up several hundred years ago when she was looking
for some heavenly treasures. He was slightly older than Lin
Changfeng in terms of age, but his current cultivation level was only
at the core formation stage.
Starting about a month ago, the frequency of Yu Mochen’s
appearance at the main peak suddenly increased. Chi Zhao often
practiced his sword techniques on the stone chessboard on Xieyun
Field and he would see this senior brother here every three or five
days. Every time, Chi Zhao would ask him what he wanted and every
time, his answer was different.
This time it was the same.
Yu Mochen smiled lightly, “On the third of the next month, I will
be taking disciples down the mountain to train. Junior brother
Chi, do you want to come with?”
With Chi Zhao’s age, he wasn’t qualified to go down the mountain,
but his cultivation level was comparable to many of the disciples
who had been in the sect for decades. If he wanted to go down the
mountain, basically no one would stop him.
But Chi Zhao just glanced indifferently at him and rejected the
offer directly, “No.”
Being rejected so quickly, Yu Mochen felt a little awkward. The
corners of his lips stiffened a little and a while later, he tried to
persuade earnestly, “Junior brother Chi, always training like this
in the mountains is not advisable. When appropriate, you should
also enter society to learn about the rest of the world and help
them with their concerns. After doing this once, you will find that
your mind is much broader, and your cultivation would also
advance a lot further.”
He had persuaded him very earnestly, but this time Chi Zhao
didn’t even look at him, “I’m not the Emperor, what need is there
to learn about the world. Some people need to go out to broaden
their minds but I’m different, I just need to read more books.”
Yu Mochen: “……..”
No matter what he said, Chi Zhao still remained firm. In the end,
Yu Mochen could only leave in frustration. Xu Shiqing who was
enjoying the show in the shadows then stepped out from behind a
broken wall.
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It was unknown how many times the main peak had been
repaired. Some places had been used by immortals who have
already ascended, leaving behind strong Daoist signifirance so the
people who came later didn’t take them down. This included this
stone chessboard as well as the broken wall Xu Shiqing had used to
hide herself just now. They were all left from over thousands of
years ago.
Xu Shiqing was overwhelmed, “Youngest junior brother, aren’t
you being too cold?”
Chi Zhao lowered his eyes. He stored away the spirit sword and
his expression wasn’t too good, “I’m already being very polite.”
In the past, he would directly make the others cry but having
recited the Heart-Clearing Mantra for more than a year, he had
calmed down a lot compared to before.
Xu Shiqing didn’t come here to eavesdrop. When she came to find
Chi Zhao, she saw them talking from the distance and after some
hesitation, she decided to listen in.
The people here weren’t idiots. Yu Mochen was also a Zhao Tian
sect disciple and with him coming to the main peak so often, many
people naturally noticed it.
Although every disciple of the Zhao Tian sect looked like an
immortal; clean and refreshing, in fact if they gossiped, even the
paparazzi in the modern world wouldn’t be able to match up to
It couldn’t be helped. The cultivation life was too boring, and they
could only find things to do such as digging out some gossip from
their colleagues to entertain themselves.
Xu Shiqing was also a member of the gossip army. She covered
her mouth and giggled a few times but when Chi Zhao came over,
she lowered her hand and restored her expression back to a serious
expression, “Well done, keep it up. Senior sister will still support
you and eldest senior brother. Don’t worry, I will definitely not
change factions!”
Ever since Chi Zhao hinted at his feelings a year ago and Lin
Changfeng didn’t explicitly reject him, Chi Zhao changed his tactics
and changed from pursuing him secretly to pursuing him openly so
everyone was now aware that Chi Zhao held feelings for his eldest
senior brother. Chi Zhao however never went down the mountain
and he also didn’t even leave the main peak. With ordinary disciples
unable to enter to see what the two involved parties were doing and
inquire about their progress, there weren’t many people who paid
attention to them.
Instead, they were more interested in the Lusi Fairy and the Feiyu
Daoist. This pair had always been the model Daoist couple in the
cultivation realm, but news broke out some time ago that the Lusi
Fairy and the Yuanhe Mage of the Lingshan sect had something
going on and that Feiyu Daoist was even more amazing, he had
actually hooked up with Meng Xinxiao, the left guardian of the
Liyang Palace!
If it was just an ordinary case of both parties cheating on each
other, it wouldn’t have attracted everyone’s enthusiastic attention
but according to the latest news two days ago, Meng Xinxiao didn’t
actually like Feiyu Daoist and the reason why she got involved with
a man who already has a companion was entirely because she had
feelings for the Yuanhe Mage for many years. The Yuanhe Mage had
told her that he only had Buddha in his heart but in the end he and
the Lusi Fairy got together.
What only having Buddha in his heart? Was this Lusi Fairy
Meng Xinxiao was furious and Lusi Fairy became her target of
hatred. If she didn’t explode in silence, she would die in it, and so,
out of anger, Meng Xinxiao got involved with Feiyu Daoist. She had
done this in retaliation against Lusi Fairy and Yuanhe Mage but now
Feiyu Daoist really fell in love with her and continued to chase after
her every day. He even said that he didn’t mind if he was used
because what he wanted wasn’t her heart but her body.
The entire cultivation realm was shocked.
What kind of four-sided love was this?!
What was even more shocking was that none of the four people
involved were good people!!
The Lusi Fairy was also from the Liyang Palace and Feiyu Daoist
belonged to the Zhao Tian sect so right now all the disciples of the
Zhao Tian sect were watching the show while eating melons and not
paying any attention to Chi Zhao’s end. That is, everyone except for
Xu Shiqing as well as some of Lin Changfeng’s diehard fans.
About six months ago, Xu Shiqing had made a bet with the other
disciples. They betted on whether Chi Zhao and Lin Changfeng
would get together within ten years. Xu Shiqing had taken the
liberty to bet all of the dowry her mother had given to her when she
left the mortal world.
Chi Zhao didn’t understand why she was so confident. Xu Shiqing
laughed and said it was a secret. No matter how Chi Zhao asked, she
just kept silent.
Half a year later, the two of them still hadn’t made any progress.
By this time, Xu Shiqing was also a little anxious.
And so she came to inquire about the situation.
Chi Zhao was annoyed the moment she mentioned it, “He ignores
Xu Shiqing was stunned for a moment. It took her a while to
respond, “What do you mean he ignores you? Why would he
ignore you?”
Chi Zhao sat down depressed, “I don’t know.”
Although Lin Changfeng was cold to him before, he still said what
he needed to say, and he also did what he needed to do to take care
of him. The current Lin Changfeng was like he had evaporated.
When Chi Zhao is awake, he was never around and when Chi Zhao is
asleep, he would be back.
Knowing that he was deliberately avoiding him, Chi Zhao angrily
stayed up last night and waited in the yard for him, but he didn’t
turn up the whole night!
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He never returned!
Xu Shiqing was the only person in the entire sect who supported
him. When everyone else found out, they all pretended not to know
and neither opposed ror supported him. Although they didn’t say
anything, Chi Zhao could tell that they didn’t want him to get
together with Lin Changfeng. As for the reason for that, there were
too many.
Chi Zhao didn’t care about what the other people thought, but
after holding it in for so long, he also needed to vent.
He spilled all his complaints onto Xu Shiqing and strongly
criticised Lin Changfeng’s recent actions. Xu Shiqing listened to his
complaints for a long time and was deep in thought.
“Youngest junior brother, when did eldest senior brother start
ignoring you?”
Chi Zhao furrowed his brows in thought, “The beginning of this
Wasn’t that when the rumour that Yu Mochen liked Chi Zhao
Chi Zhao didn’t talk to the others much, so he didn’t know about
the rumours circulating outside. Xu Shiqing’s eyes flashed and she
smiled meaningfully, “Youngest junior brother, do you want
senior sister to teach you a cool trick?”
Chi Zhao looked up at her suspiciously.
Xu Shiqing hooked her finger at Chi Zhao. Chi Zhao leaned
closer and heard Xu Shiqing said with a lowered voice, “Isn’t
eldest senior brother avoiding you? If that’s the case, you just
need to force him out. Do this. Pretend to be sick when you get
back. Act realistically. You can moan a few times and he will
definitely appear.”
Chi Zhao: “……..”
He had thought that it would be some amazing trick but, in the
end, it was just this.
“Even if he believed it, what if he doesn’t care?” Chi Zhao asked
Hearing Chi Zhao’s question, Xu Shiqing smiled like a
neighbourhood uncle, “Hey, youngest junior brother, you’re
underestimating how important you are to eldest senior brother.
Listen to senior sister. It will definitely be fine.”
Chi Zhao was still doubtful, but he had no other methods he could
think of right now. Lin Changfeng’s cultivation level was higher than
his so even if he wanted to make him come out, Chi Zhao wouldn’t
be able to find him.
Thinking this, Chi Zhao nodded solemnly, “Okay, I’ll go back and
Chi Zhao stood up. Xu Shiqing waved at him encouragingly
from behind, “Good luck! Whether or not this senior sister
becomes the richest woman in Zhao Tian sect in the future is all
up to you!”
Chi Zhao: “………..”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 165
Source: KK Translates


Content warning: Self-harm

Back in his room, Chi Zhao sat on the bed silently. He laid down
for a while and then sat back up again.
He was pondering over how he should act to appear sick more
Pretend that he has a headache? No, if he overdid it, it would
easily become him complaining over nothing. Pretend to have a
fever? But cultivators basically never have fevers and doing that was
a bit difficult for him since he couldn’t adjust his own body
After thinking about it for a long time, Chi Zhao’s hand rubbing his
teacup suddenly stopped.
No matter how he pretended, it was all fake and once he was
exposed, the outcome wouldn’t be good. If he really was sick, then
he wouldn’t be exposed.
Looking at the spirit sword on the side, Chi Zhao knew what he
should do.
Chi Zhao clutched his arm, yelling in pain non-stop. Bright red
blood flowed down his fingers. When the spirit sword cut into his
flesh, he felt a momentary sharp pain but as soon as he thought that
he could force Lin Changfeng to appear with this pain, the pain
seemed to have disappeared. Looking at his bloody arm, Chi Zhao
revealed a calm but strange smile.
Your body is a gift from our parents. The Chi Zhao before this
would have never done this to himself. This stubborn and paranoid
personality of his was likely a result of his Yin spiritual root
In fact, Chi Zhao also felt that something was wrong with him, but
he didn’t want to endure, and he didn’t want to control himself.
Every second that passed in this world was one second less of his
time left. He didn’t care about others or about himself. In the limited
time remaining, he must use all means to get what he wanted,
because this was his last chance.
At first, he would pretend to grunt in pain for a while but later, he
sat on the bed expressionlessly watching the blood trickle down as
he mentally took note of how much time passed.
Lin Changfeng came very quickly. He originally wasn’t far away
and had left some of his divine senses behind with Chi Zhao. The
divine senses were not enough to allow him to see what was
happening around Chi Zhao, but it allowed him to quickly judge Chi
Zhao’s state. The moment he noticed that Chi Zhao’s state didn’t
seem normal, he threw the elders aside and rushed over.
Landing in the middle of the yard, a faint smell of blood instantly
reached his nose. Lin Changfeng anxiously walked over. With a wave
of his sleeves, the door was opened by a force of wind and Chi Zhao
looked over.
Seeing Lin Changfeng’s shocked expression, Chi Zhao raised his
arm to show him his wound, “Senior brother, look, I’m injured.”
Lin Changfeng’s pupils constricted. Seeing the relaxed smile on
Chi Zhao’s face, for a moment, he found breathing to be difficult.
It was different from last time. The last time Chi Zhao was injured,
it was due to Lin Changfeng’s sword. His sword was a rare artifact
that would only appear every thousand or so years and, once hit by
it, it was hard to recover. Chi Zhao had hurt himself this time using a
normal spirit sword so he didn’t even need to apply medicinal
powder. As long as he used a small healing technique, that wound
would soon be gone.
Chi Zhao also knew this and that was why he dared to make such
a rash decision. His purpose was to force Lin Changfeng out, not to
kill himself. He really valued his life so he wouldn’t commit suicide
so easily.
After Lin Changfeng recovered from his initial shock, his
expression was dark. Chi Zhao took this in but he wasn’t afraid at all.
If Lin Changfeng hadn’t reacted at all, that was when he would be
afraid. Seeing him so angry right now, that was the reaction Chi Zhao
wanted to see.
It meant that Lin Changfeng still cared about him and that was
why he was so angry when he saw that he had hurt himself.
Although the wound was gone, the blood that was shed wouldn’t
be able to be restored in such a short period of time. After the rapid
loss of blood, Chi Zhao’s face had turned pale, but he still looked at
Lin Changfeng with a smile. Green veins were clearly bulging out on
Lin Changfeng’s forehead.
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The last time he was this angry was when he was still a young
man and he wasn’t mature enough yet. His peers had deliberately
angered him, and he had fallen for their trickery and gotten into a
fight. That was however more than six hundred years ago. He was
no longer the same young man as back then and he had long lost his
youthful mindset.
The anger he had not experienced for a very long time filled his
heart. He suppressed the thoughts in him and fed Chi Zhao a blood-
restoring pill. Chi Zhao was really obedient at this moment and ate
whatever he gave him. Once he was done, he even raised his head
and smiled at him.
But Lin Changfeng didn’t pay him any attention.
He looked down at Chi Zhao with a stern expression, “Who taught
you to do this?”
Like almost all parents, once they find out that their child had
made a mistake, they subconsciously wanted to find an excuse for
them. They would often think that perhaps it wasn’t their child’s
fault. Perhaps someone had instigated them.
But Chi Zhao just blinked a few times and shook his head, “No one
taught me.”
Lin Changfeng was at loss for words. He immediately spoke
angrily, “Your body is a gift from our parents. Do you think your
parents will be happy knowing that you’re doing this?!”
No matter what Lin Changfeng said, Chi Zhao was still the same as
before. Lin Changfeng felt that he would he angered to death by him.
He stared at Chi Zhao for several long seconds and then closed his
mouth and stopped lecturing him.
A touch of disappointment flashed across his face. That change
was clearly noticed by Chi Zhao. Chi Zhao’s originally devil may care
expression froze for a moment and the smile on his lips faded a
Chi Zhao looked fixatedly at Lin Changfeng. His voice was calm,
“Senior brother, why aren’t you asking me why I’m doing this?”
Lin Changfeng’s gaze fell onto a vase placed in the corner of the
room. He pursed his lips shut and didn’t answer.
Some things didn’t have to spoken explicitly. As long as it was
hinted, both parties can tacitly understand. Lin Changfeng had
thought that what he did was enough, so he took the initiative to
leave Chi Zhao’s side and give him and that person called Mochen
some space.
He hoped that Chi Zhao could develop some good feelings
towards that person, but he didn’t want Chi Zhao to really fall in love
with that person.
That thought of his was too contradictory and too demanding for
the other person. It was however what Lin Changfeng thought.
He wanted this youngest junior brother to be like the other junior
brothers. He wanted him to like more things and not only have him
in his eyes.
No one understood Lin Changfeng’s thoughts, even Lin Changfeng
Can’t let go, can’t hold on, can’t leave it alone, can’t stand by idly.
Chi Zhao was very talented. If he wanted to, many cultivators
would discover him and even fall for him, just like Yu Mochen. He
had just come to the main peak to pass on some messages from his
master. The time he was here was less than a stick of incense and
the time he saw Chi Zhao was no more than an instant.
But in just that short instant, Chi Zhao managed to completely
enter his heart and imprint himself onto it.
He was just that good. If he really had feelings for another person,
no one would be able to resist it. This was just like Lin Changfeng
himself who was a living example.
If things developed according to his plan, he wouldn’t he happy. If
things didn’t develop according to his plan, he still wouldn’t be
happy. In order to force him to show up, Chi Zhao had deliberately
hurt himself. This was definitely not a method normal people would
think of. Normal people wouldn’t be this ruthless, let alone be this
ruthless to themselves.
Before reaching a conclusion, Chi Zhao suddenly stood up. He
raised his head slightly and stared at Lin Changfeng with his pair of
bright eyes.
“Why won’t you talk?”
Chi Zhao looked a little aggressive at this moment. He had
endured it for two years and he had waited patiently for two years,
but now, he couldn’t do it anymore.
In the past, no matter how insurmountable the gap between them
was, no matter how deep the hatred was, this person was able to
quickly fall in love with him and treat him sincerely. This time, there
was nothing between them; they hadn’t met before and he hadn’t
harmed him. Why was it that he still didn’t dare move this
relationship along?
Chi Zhao really didn’t understand. He wasn’t stupid. Even if Lin
Changfeng hid it well, they had shared the same place for two years
and he could tell that Lin Changfeng cared about him.
Chi Zhao didn’t know whether that concern he felt for him had
turned into the feeling of love one would have towards their lover,
but he was certain that Lin Changfeng felt something towards him.
Even if it wasn’t to the extent of liking him, it shouldn’t be like how it
was recently, not sparing him a single glance.
For a whole month, he didn’t see him or talk to him. Does he know
how important time was to him right now?
“Give me a reason. Tell me, why are you avoiding me?”
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Chi Zhao’s almost icy expression was like a sharp knife. It made a
small hole in Lin Changfeng’s heart. It didn’t bleed much, but it hurt
However, after living for so many years, he had long learned how
to hide his emotions. There was no change in his expression and he
just silently pursed his lips and looked away, “I’m not avoiding you.
I am in charge of the sect on behalf of master and am originally
very busy.”
A snort made Lin Changfeng’s body stiffen.
He looked back and saw Chi Zhao laughing out in anger, “So that’s
After the last word was spoken, the smile on Chi Zhao’s face
was gone. His eyes were extremely cold, and his words were filled
with sharp edges, “Since you’re so busy every day, am I not going
to see you next month too? It doesn’t matter. Starting from today,
as long as you don’t come and see me for a day, I will cut myself
with the sword once. Don’t you know how to heal wounds? After I
cut myself, you come and help me. Even if you don’t come, I won’t
find anyone else. Either you come and see me, or you can watch
me bleed to death.”
Those words were too ridiculous, especially the last line. As soon
as it was spoken, Lin Changfeng’s heart felt like it was about to be
broken into pieces. He had restrained himself so that Chi Zhao could
live longer but what was he saying now?
Watch him bleed to death?
The colour on Lin Changfeng’s face was gone. He couldn’t help but
take a step forward. His hands were clenched tightly into fists and
after a long period of silence, he opened his mouth and spoke with a
low and repressed voice, “Don’t say those kinds of words to me
Chi Zhao didn’t feel good seeing him like this but what came out of
his mouth was another cruel line, “Alright, I won’t say it. You can
see with your own eyes whether or not I can do it.”
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: Yikes…..Chi Zhao is definitely affected by
this Yin spiritual root isn’t he 😫
Chapter 166
Source: KK Translates


After saying those words, Chi Zhao’s expression became uglier

than Lin Changfeng’s.
He hadn’t intended on saying something like that but before he
could react, he had already blurted those words out.
Chi Zhao quickly lowered his head and looked down at the ground
in shame. Lin Changfeng didn’t respond to him. With his head
lowered, Chi Zhao couldn’t see his face and could only see the hem of
his moon-white robe hanging motionlessly over the ground. Chi
Zhao didn’t know what Lin Changfeng’s current mood was. He was
afraid to see his hurt expression, but he was also afraid of seeing
him looking indifferent.
He closed his eyes and took a couple of deep breaths. Once he was
able to calm himself down, he spoke up again.
“Lin Changfeng.”
He didn’t call him senior brother. This was his first time calling
him by his name.
After getting himself mentally prepared, Chi Zhao finally raised
his head. He looked at the elegant man standing before him and
looked at his pair of dark eyes. Chi Zhao opened his mouth.
He wanted to say something but he found that his vocal cords
were very tight so he could only shut his mouth again. Seemingly
finding it awkward like this, he tugged at the corners of his lips to
reveal a gentle but also distressing smile.
“Lin Changfeng, I don’t have much time left.”
This time, Chi Zhao saw obvious changes on Lin Changfeng’s face.
He was taken aback for a moment and then he quickly grabbed hold
of Chi Zhao’s wrist. He sent his spiritual power through his body and
at the same time, without asking, he used his divine senses to check
him inside and out. The grip on Chi Zhao’s wrist grew stronger to
the point that Chi Zhao felt some pain. His wrist very quickly turned
red, but he only pursed his lips and didn’t make any attempt to
break free.
Lin Changfeng thought he had discovered something wrong with
his body but after some investigation, he found nothing. Lin
Changfeng frowned, and his eyes continued to scrutinise Chi Zhao’s
face, “What do you mean you don’t have much time left? What do
you mean by that?”
Chi Zhao turned his head to sort out his emotions before
turning back and saying naturally, “I am a Yin spiritual root and
Yin spiritual roots don’t live long. Don’t you already know this?”
No one wanted to live a short life, let alone a life that was short
because it was destined to be short, not because of other external
Hearing him say that he wouldn’t live long with such a calm tone,
Lin Changfeng felt like his heart was pierced by a long needle. Chi
Zhao moved his wrist. Lin Changfeng didn’t respond at first but
when he finally reacted, instead of letting go, he grasped his wrist
even more tightly.
Chi Zhao raised his eyes in surprise. Lin Changfeng looked at his
eyes and said sternly, “No.”
Chi Zhao was puzzled.
Please read this from kk translates
Lin Changfeng: “As long as you don’t develop an inner demon,
you won’t have anything happen to you and can live for a long
Inner demon?
Chi Zhao suddenly remembered that when he first met Lin
Changfeng, the other party had asked him if he would ever
experience qi deviation and go mad. Chi Zhao’s answer at the time
was without any hesitation but now he had slapped himself in the
Chi Zhao laughed self-deprecatingly, “Yes, nothing will happen
if I don’t develop an inner demon, but how are you so certain that
I won’t develop an inner demon?”
Lin Changfeng was startled.
Chi Zhao felt that it wasn’t enough. He lowered the corners of
his lips and continued, “I used to say that I wouldn’t develop one
because I had confidence in myself. I was confident that I could
make you like me and want to seriously be with me, but now I’ve
realised that I have been too arrogant.”
“I now want to correct what I said last time. I can also develop
inner demons.” Chi Zhao paused and then smiled faintly, “And the
one who can make me develop one, is you.”
Lin Changfeng had now lost the ability to speak. Chi Zhao thought
he already knew how important he was to him but from the looks of
it, he didn’t. It was however pretty amusing seeing his usually calm
eldest senior brother stand there with a dumbfounded expression.
The gloomy mood which had accumulated over the past month
turned for the better at this moment and when he looked up at the
man in front of him, he suddenly had a not so proper thought.
Do it. There’s no need to hesitate.
He and Lin Changfeng were standing close enough so there was
no need for him to step any closer. As long as he gently raised
himself onto his toes and leaned forward, he would easily be able to
touch Lin Changfeng’s cool lips.
The moment it made contact, Chi Zhao slowly closed his eyes. This
was their first kiss in this world. He didn’t want it to be awkward so
he closed his eyes before he could see Lin Changfeng’s reaction. As
the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind.
The ancients are very reserved and in a time like this, such a
simple action was equivalent to playing dangerously on the edge of a
highway. Chi Zhao maintained this position for several seconds with
the mindset that every second was valuable.
Chi Zhao felt that this was a successful sneak attack. While Lin
Changfeng was in daze, he had managed to steal away a kiss. He
however had forgotten that this wasn’t an ordinary ancient world
and Lin Changfeng also wasn’t an ordinary man. If he really wanted
to avoid it, Chi Zhao wouldn’t have been able to even touch a single
strand of his hair.
Chi Zhao’s words just now had turned Lin Changfeng’s blood icy
cold. Contrary to Chi Zhao, he had a spiritual root that would never
produce inner demons. Although his cultivation speed was not as
fast as the Yin spiritual root, because he would never produce inner
demon, it meant that he would never encounter a bottleneck period.
With this kind of gift, he was destined to ascend in the future.
After living for more than 600 years, Lin Changfeng didn’t know
what it was like to feel heartache or what it feels like to care about
someone. For more than 600 years, he had seen all sorts of things
and he had thought that he would spend his entire life like this but
he didn’t expect that in just two years, he experienced all the
emotions normal people would experience in a lifetime.
His body was cold, but Chi Zhao’s wasn’t. His lips were warm and
moist and very soft. It felt like he was directly kissing his soul
through the flesh. The moment Chi Zhao approached him, Lin
Changfeng’s divine senses wavered and even his soul seemed to be
——- Don’t want him to go.
Don’t want him to leave.
If he leaves, he would never see him again……
Just the thought of this caused pain all throughout his body. It felt
like it went as deep as his soul. They were originally sealed, but now,
there was a small hairline crack. That hairline crack soon grew into
larger crack and soon, it burst. All the pain poured out like a wave,
making him unable to open his eyes.
Chi Zhao had his fill. Although he still wanted to continue, he also
knew that he shouldn’t push it too far or he would need to recite the
Heart-Clearing Mantra even more. However, before he could move
away, the other party seemed to have guessed his thoughts and
suddenly, Lin Changfeng held the back of his head.
Chi Zhao widened his eyes in astonishment, but he only saw Lin
Changfeng’s tightly furrowed brows. He leaned over desperately
and, completely unlike Chi Zhao’s simple kiss earlier, his kiss was
like a storm. It was ruthless, desperate and filled with desire.
Chi Zhao was stunned. He was unable to respond. Lin Changfeng
also didn’t need him to respond. He was like a beast, desperately
chasing his prey. Chi Zhao was stuck in that position for a long time.
After he was able to react to the sudden change in circumstances, he
quickly closed his eyes and enjoyed this wonderful sensation
together with Lin Changfeng.
Please read this from kk translates
It was just that this didn’t go on for too long. Very soon, he tasted
something salty. Chi Zhao was no longer a stranger to this taste. He
immediately opened his eyes and saw the fluid flowing out from Lin
Changfeng’s eyes. His heart shook and he quickly pushed him away.
Chi Zhao’s breathing was unstable, and his voice had also turned a
little hoarse. He looked at Lin Changfeng worriedly, “What’s
Lin Changfeng’s eyes were red. He looked fixatedly at Chi Zhao.
Not knowing why, Chi Zhao felt that he looked a little scary right
now. He blinked a few times and pondered for a while, “Senior
brother, are you okay?”
From how it looked right now, Lin Changfeng looked like the one
who could develop an inner demon. Could it be that his words
earlier had stimulated him that much?
Chi Zhao wasn’t certain. Didn’t they say that eldest senior brother
would never develop an inner demon? It couldn’t be. It was only just
a few words……
While Chi Zhao was puzzled, Lin Changfeng closed his eyes. He
then raised a hand and gently rubbed Chi Zhao’s lower lip, “Chi
Suddenly being called, Chi Zhao blinked a few times, “Hmm?”
Lin Changfeng’s originally calm eyes became even deeper after
hearing his voice. He made up his mind and spoke rather quickly,
“Become my Dao companion.”
Chi Zhao: “……….?!”
Happiness not only came very quickly, it also came very suddenly.
They had only kissed and now they were at the stage where they
were discussing marriage? Besides, this wasn’t just discussing
marriage, this was a direct proposal!
Chi Zhao felt that he should be a little more reserved but the next
second, he snorted at that thought of his.
Damn you and your reservedness. Now wasn’t the time to be
And so, Chi Zhao didn’t even hesitate to accept. He then asked,
Lin Changfeng didn’t give him a specific date and only said that it
would be as soon as possible.
He didn’t expect self-harm to reap such great results. If he had
known it earlier, Chi Zhao would have already done it. Wasn’t it just
losing some blood? Lose some blood in exchange for a husband, it
wasn’t a losing business!
When Lin Changfeng asked him to become his Dao companion, Chi
Zhao’s gloomy and paranoid mood almost disappeared in an instant.
He happily held Lin Changfeng’s hand and wanted to talk to him
more, but Lin Changfeng said he had to leave.
There was still a smile on Chi Zhao’s face, but his expression froze.
Just as he was about to change back to how he was earlier, Lin
Changfeng explained, “I’m going to find master.”
Chi Zhao knitted his brows, “Find him for what?”
“Finding a Dao companion is a very important matter. I will
need to inform master.”
It seemed to make sense. Chi Zhao thought about it and smiled
again, “Then you should go. Do you need me to go with you?”
Lin Changfeng shook his head, “Master’s residence has a
formation in place. You won’t be able to get in. Wait for me here,
I’ll be back soon.”
After being coaxed, Chi Zhao smiled very happily. He was a
completely different person to how he was just now. As long as Lin
Changfeng continued to treat him like this, he would still be a
obedient and well-behaved youngest junior brother, “Okay, you
should go then. I’ll wait for you.”
Lin Changfeng raised the corner of his lips reassuringly and
turned around to leave.
Chi Zhao sat in the room, flipping through the book in his hand. He
then tilted his head in confusion when he thought of something.
There was a formation in Jiye Zhenren’s residence so he wouldn’t
be able to enter. He was probably not the only one who couldn’t
enter and it was the same for the entire sect. In the entire Zhao Tian
sect, no one except for Lin Changfeng could enter……but why?
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 167
Source: KK Translates


It was already night. Lin Changfeng walked out and stopped

outside the door for a moment. Instead of flying over, he decided to
walk step by step towards the restricted area no one else could
Chi Zhao didn’t understand why Jiye Zhenren never left his
residence and he also didn’t understand why Jiye Zhenren didn’t let
anyone enter. Even though other high levelled cultivators may look
down on those that are lower, they weren’t as strange as him. If
anyone didn’t want to be disturbed, they would find a place where
no one could find them to train alone but this behaviour of confining
himself inside the prosperous Zhao Tian sect and not letting anyone
come closer was really difficult to understand.
Chi Zhao wasn’t the only one who didn’t understand. In fact,
everyone else also didn’t understand. Some thought they did, but the
truth was completely different from their guesses.
Standing outside Jiye Zhenren’s residence, Lin Changfeng said in a
low voice, “Master, can this disciple enter?”
Jiye Zhenren slowly opened his eyes. After a long silence, he made
a sound, “Mhn.”
As soon as Jin Changfeng entered, he immediately knelt in front of
Jiye Zhenren.
Although Jiye Zhenren was old, he still looked like how he did in
his prime. He quietly looked at Lin Changfeng who was kneeling
before him. The temperaments of the two were similar and their
appearances were also similar. With it like this, rather than a master
and his disciple, he looked more like an ordinary older brother and
his younger brother.
Once a cultivator enters the qi condensation stage, their
appearance becomes fixed. They could develop further if they
wanted to and then they would no longer change. Everyone
naturally wished that they could stay young forever so in the major
sects, most of the cultivators are people who looked like they were
in their twenties or thirties. There were very few who would choose
to change their appearance to an elderly man or woman.
Most people enter the qi condensation stage when they are in
their twenties or thirties. Some with poorer skills only manage to
enter at the age of forty or fifty. Very few are like Chi Zhao who
reached this stage at the age of fifteen. He could choose to continue
growing or he could choose to stay as how he was now, but in view
of the height difference between himself and Lin Changfeng, Chi
Zhao decided to continue growing for two more years.
Facing his disciple who he had singlehandedly brought up, Jiye
Zhenren’s current mood was a little different. After all, he had taken
much care guiding this disciple of his over all these years and his
feeling towards him couldn’t be compared to normal people.
Jiye Zhenren looked at Lin Changfeng who had his head bowed.
Lin Changfeng reported resolutely,”Master, this disciple and
youngest junior disciple have decided to form a contract.”
Chi Zhao had thought that Lin Changfeng was leaving to ask for
Jiye Zhenren’s approval but in fact, Lin Changfeng didn’t have any
intention to ask for his approval at all. He had already made his
decision, and no one could change it.
There seemed to be a lot of things contained in Jiye Zhenren’s
eyes, but if one looked closely, it also seemed as if it didn’t contain
anything. After a while, he asked, “What contract?”
Lin Changfeng’s eyelids trembled. He originally wasn’t going to
say this but Jiye Zhenren was too keen and seemed to have almost
immediately understood his true intentions.
After furrowing his brows for a moment, Lin Changfeng flattened
his lips and spoke truthfully, “Life and death contract.”
The life and death contract. It meant that they would share the
same fate and would live together or die together.
If one becomes a Dao companion, the two could share their qi
energy which was the foundation of Daoism. Since birth, humans are
guided by this qi energy of theirs. Although many say that three
parts of your life is determined by fate and seven parts is
determined by your efforts, in fact, the final result was still the three
parts that was pre-determined by fate.
No matter how ambitious one may be, no matter how much they
persevered and how excellent their qualities were, if they were born
as an ordinary person without any spiritual roots, they would not be
able to enter the world of cultivation. Through sharing qi energy,
one party would without a doubt be dragged down while the other
party is raised higher. There are many Dao companions in the
cultivation realm but there are also many who have ended that
relationship. The longer one lived, the more likely their thoughts
would change. The passionate love from back then may have been
true at first but later the feelings fading and even turning into hatred
was also true.
Please read this from kk translates
There were too many variables, yet Lin Changfeng even wished to
form a life and death contract with Chi Zhao.
To live together or die together, in other words, if one party died,
the other party would also lose their life. Lin Changfeng was a
cultivator in the late nascent soul stage and was only one step away
from breaking through and entering the next stage. Coupled with his
enviable talent and identity as the future sect leader of the Zhao
Tian sect, it was actually difficult for him to die. On the contrary, Chi
Zhao who had only entered the sect no more than two years ago was
more likely to die at any time.
No matter how one looked at it, it seemed that Lin Changfeng
didn’t want to live anymore.
If it was someone else’s master, at this moment, they would kind-
heartedly try and persuade Lin Changfeng to give up this idea. After
all, the life and death contract wasn’t a trifling matter and doing it
was pretty much seeking death. Even if they just became Dao
companions, Chi Zhao would probably have no objections.
But Jiye Zhenren said nothing.
He even let out a low laugh.
Lin Changfeng hadn’t seen Jiye Zhenren laugh in a very long time
and was surprised for a moment. When he raised his head, that
fleeting smile on Jiye Zhenren’s face had already faded. He looked
out towards the half open window. Dim moonlight broken through
the clouds and fog outside, entering the room, but the moment it
entered, it faded into nothing.
“Qinghe said before that you and I are very similar.” Jiye
Zhenren retracted his gaze and looked back at the disciple in
front of him, “From the looks of it, we really are similar.”
If someone else was told that they are similar to Jiye Zhenren,
they would probably be pleased to no end but after Lin Changfeng
heard this line, he didn’t feel happy at all. His brows furrowed even
further, and he lowered his eyes to conceal the emotions in it. He
could only say neither too humbly or too arrogantly, “But this
disciple is not master after all.”
Jiye Zhenren was taken aback for a moment. He then nodded in
agreement, “Yes, you are not me.”
The room fell silent for a while. Jiye Zhenren than asked, “When
will the contract ceremony be held?”
Lin Changfeng answered, “On the third day of next month.”
That was the day Yu Mochen had invited Chi Zhao to go down the
mountain to train. Lin Changfeng pursed his lips. Master didn’t pay
attention to outside affairs, so he probably didn’t know that he had
decided on that date due to some selfishness on his part. Having
lived for hundreds of years, this was probably his first time doing
something petty like this, so he felt a little uncomfortable. The Jiye
Zhenren above didn’t notice this abnormality and just counted the
This year was the Jihai year. Looking outside, it seems that winter
has already come. If it’s the third of next month…..
It seems that there is only a dozen or so days left for preparation?
Jiye Zhenren nodded slightly, “Then you should go back and
prepare. The ceremony shouldn’t be done sloppily. Take some
money out of my private treasury and organise a proper one.”
Please read this from kk translates
Before Jiye Zhenren retreated away into his residence for closed
door training, he had given all of his private treasury to Lin
Changfeng, including all the heavenly treasures and artifacts he had
found in the past. It had been many years now. Unless it was a
particularly urgent situation, Lin Changfeng wouldn’t touch them.
Although Jiye Zhenren didn’t see it, he could imagine it and he felt a
headache forming just at the thought of it, “Keeping it is just taking
up space. This master has already said that I don’t need those
things anymore.”
Lin Changfeng made a sound to indicate that he understood.
Since retreating away, except for making an appearance at the
reception for new disciples, Jiye Zhenren almost never went out. Lin
Changfeng who only saw him every six months felt that Jiye Zhenren
seemed to be more humane than before.
When he first became Jiye Zhenren’s disciple, except for teaching,
he wouldn’t say more than a single line to him in a year but now, Jiye
Zhenren acted like how a father or brother would.
Lin Changfeng agreed readily but he had no intentions to use his
master’s private funds. After all, he didn’t know when his master
would change his mind and put an end to his seclusion. At that time,
all those things would still need to be returned to him.
Seeing him like this, Jiye Zhenren knew what he was thinking. He
however also knew that it was useless saying anything else, so he
didn’t mention it anymore.
When it was time to leave, Lin Changfeng stood up but he just
stood there without turning around. Jiye Zhenren raised his eyes
to look at him. Lin Changfeng was silent for a moment and then
he spoke, “This disciple is making a life and death contract not to
live and die together with youngest junior brother but because
this disciple felt that youngest junior brother would care about
himself more knowing that there is a contract.”
The bleeding wound had left a lasting imprint on Lin Changfeng’s
mind. He couldn’t accept Chi Zhao’s indifference to himself and after
thinking about it for a long time, he felt that this was the only way to
contain Chi Zhao.
Although a part of it was due to his own selfish desires, it was his
concern for Chi Zhao’s safety that made him make this decision.
“If he still doesn’t care even after knowing, what are you going
to do?”
This was something Lin Changfeng had also thought about. He
raised his head and looked back at Jiye Zhenren, “If that’s the case,
nothing else can be done.”
The last time this master and disciple met was half a year ago. At
that time, Lin Changfeng was in a low mood and dark clouds seemed
to be hanging over his head. It had only been half a year, but he was
like a different person now. His eyes were clear and calm and there
was no more suffocating haze in it. He had already thought it
through and accepted all the possibilities that could come up in the
After Lin Changfeng left, Jiye Zhenren didn’t close his eyes like he
would usually. He walked down, stood by the half open window and
looked up at the bright moon.
Lin Changfeng respected him as a master, but respect didn’t mean
approval or admiration.
Or, in other words, Lin Changfeng once admired him very much,
but after so many years, seeing so many things and meeting all sorts
of people with different personalities, the blind admiration he once
had gradually faded, and began to judge what kind of person his
master was rationally. The final conclusion he reached made that
admiration change into respect.
Lin Changfeng was indeed very similar to him, but he was also
very different. At the very least, when it came to the matter of a Dao
companion, Lin Changfeng was much better than him.
“To live and die together, huh……..”
Jiye Zhenren looked out at the bright moon as he muttered this.
Slowly, his gaze moved from the moon in the sky to the cliff not far
away. A beast was still roaring loudly. Across the dense forest, the
beast seemed to have noticed Jiye Zhenren’s gaze. That originally
ferocious roar turned in to a whimper and, very soon, the sound of
the beast was completely gone.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 168
Source: KK Translates


Extra! Extra!
Lin Changfeng, the eldest disciple of the Zhao Tian Sect and the
acting leader of the Zhao Tian sect, is about to form a contract. The
other party involved is the youngest disciple with the Yin spiritual,
Chi Zhao, who was only taken under Jiye Zhenren’s wings two years
As soon as this news broke out, the entire cultivation realm was
buzzing. The group of people who were originally watching Zhao
Tian sect’s every move were so shocked by this news, they almost
dropped their treasured weapons.
It had only been a few years? For a cultivator, two years was just a
blink of an eye. In this blink of an eye, the two have now become a
pair? Was love at first sight becoming popular again?
Both the people inside and outside were shocked. The young
cultivators outside were shocked because they thought it was too
fast. Even though both of them matched will regardless of their
status or talent, those with the Yin spiritual root was known to have
a short life.
The young cultivators thought very simply but the older ones,
especially those who were involved with the suppression of the big
villain back then, felt very complicated.
It was again another eldest senior brother and youngest junior
brother combination. Was the Zhao Tian sect’s sect leader’s
selection criteria based on whether or not the eldest senior brother
would fall for the junior brother?
After the abbot of the Ling Shan School heard the news, his act of
twisting the prayer beads paused. Very quickly, he returned to his
calm and indifferent look. He closed his eyes and continued twisting
the beads in his hand, but the Buddhist chants that he was chanting
earlier had now changed to “goodness, goodness”.
Ning Xin sect’s sect leader didn’t react as much as the abbot of
Ling Shan. He just raised his eyelids slightly and nothing else.
Please read this from kk translates
The sect leader of the He Huan sect had the biggest reaction. After
hearing about it from her disciples she was stunned for a long time.
She then waved her hand to let her disciples leave and leaned back
in her chair. The He Huan sect’s sect leader seemed to have thought
of something and revealed a forced smile.
Realising that she had reacted too emotionally, she
subconsciously held her left wrist which wore a green storage
bracelet. The surface of the bracelet was smooth and shiny, and it
had a calming effect. She had been wearing this bracelet for many
years now but it wasn’t because the bracelet itself was good, but
because it was from someone special.
The gift was still there but the one who gave the gift was now
buried under layers of soil. He Huan sect’s sect leader sighed and
closed her eyes.
Di Chuan sect’s sect leader was a steel straight man. His reaction
was completely different from the other sect leaders.
While others were sighing that fate was replaying once again, Di
Chuan sect’s sect leader’s concern was, “Another homosexual
couple. How is Cangxu doing? Is he also going to be homosexual
The disciple who came to report the news, “………..”
Han Yu had entered Liyang Palace that year. When 99% of his
fellow disciples are female, Han Yu lived like a prince. It may sound
like he had a high status, but the other disciples were eldest
princess, elder eldest princess as well as all kinds of favoured
The sect leader of the Liyang Palace may look lofty and cold but in
fact she was even more ruthless than any other masters. Han Yu had
trained under her for two years and had almost lost his life several
times. When he finally had the time to rest and heard the news from
a senior sister, Han Yu’s eyes widened in shock, “Chi Zhao and Lin
Changfeng are going to form a contract?!”
“Didn’t you say that you and that Yin spiritual root are good
brothers? Why did you find out about this later than me?”
Han Yu’s expression was bitter, “Senior sister, you shouldn’t
say something like that. How could I have the time to contact my
brother when I don’t even have enough time to sleep?”
After a short pause, Han Yu’s eyes brightened as his urge to
gossip surged, “They’re really forming a contract? Isn’t Lin
Changfeng a Yang spiritual root? Are they doing it because of
that? If that’s the case, should I be looking for an ice and water
dual spirit root for myself?”
The senior sister opposite him rolled her eyes. Just as she was
about to speak, a cold fragrance appeared. Both the senior sister and
Han Yu were surprised. The Liyang Palace’s sect leader walked in
and stopped at the threshold, not going any further.
“Han Yu, your application to go down the mountain to train
was rejected.”
Han Yu was dumbfounded. Although it was said to be going down
the mountain to train, he had in fact wanted to use this chance to
slack off and play. The other disciples could clearly go and the junior
sisters who joined the sect with him also could go but why couldn’t
he go?
The Liyang Palace’s sect leader still wore a veil. He ice-crystal-like
eyes met with Han Yu’s. Han Yu froze and quickly lowered his head,
not daring to expression any unwillingness in his eyes. The Liyang
Palace’s sect leader originally didn’t want to explain but when she
saw this scene, she paused and explained.
“ year you will be going to the secret realm of the Fantasy Sea.
There is now less than a year until the secret realm is opened so you
should prepare well. Before you go, you must reach the foundation
establishment stage.
Han Yu: “………”
Master, you must be crazy! I’m not a Yin spiritual root, I don’t
have a talent that could go against the sky!
As for how hard it was for Han Yu, the people outside naturally
knew nothing about it. Compared to Han Yu who was on the verge of
tears, Xu Shiqing at this moment was grinning widely.
“Hahahahaha hurry up and pay up! I told you I, Xu Shiqing,
will never be involved with a losing business! My family’s
youngest junior disciple is a fortune bringer and also very
efficient. It has only been a few days and he managed to get his
hands on eldest senior brother. I’m rich! Hahahahahaha!”
Those who lost money: ….. Senior sister Xu, you’re laughing too
exaggeratedly. We can almost see your uvula.
While Xu Shiqing was laughing wildly with her hands on her hips
as she collected her loot, Chi Zhao was in the library searching for
jade slips.
Lin Changfeng’s reaction that day made him curious about the so-
called inner demons and what it meant by qi deviation. Having been
in this world for more than two years, he had heard from others
about how terrible it was, but he had never seen a case himself and
he didn’t know what it was like when one encounters qi deviation.
In the cultivation realm, this seemed to be some kind of basic
knowledge that everyone would be instilled with from a young age.
Among one hundred cultivators, there would be one who would go
mad in the future due to an unstable Daoist heart. As such, the
chances of developing an inner demon and encountering qi
deviation wasn’t low and basically everyone knew of someone who
have had their futures completely ruined and have even lost their
lives as a result of this.
Chi Zhao thought someone would tell him about it after he started
training. After all, new disciples would be taught all the basics as
well as the sect’s history at the beginning. It had however been two
years and none of the teachers who taught him mentioned a single
world about this matter.
Linking it with Lin Changfeng’s reaction as well as the way the
other elders looked at him, Chi Zhao seemed to have a faint guess.
The library was 99 storeys high, but from the outside, it looked
like an ordinary six storey tower. Chi Zhao went up more than a
dozen storeys before finally finding what he wanted to know on a
jade slip in the corner of that floor.
What was recorded on the jade slip were all literary text. If
translated into normal people’s language, it basically said that inner
demons were a kind of illness. Whether you are an ordinary person
or a cultivator, everyone could get this illness. For ordinary people,
it was called paranoia and among cultivators, it was called inner
In short, it referred to someone who feels uncontrollable
possessiveness and paranoia towards something. Some may be too
obsessed with money or fame; some want to ascend so badly, they
end up going mad. In short, no matter what it was, if they are unable
to get it, the inner demon could form.
Paranoia wasn’t a terminal illness, but inner demon was. Once an
inner demon forms, unless the soul is scattered, it would never
disappear. When it first appears, perhaps it could be suppressed. It
was a little like cancer. If the cause of someone’s inner demon is
eliminated, then the inner demon would be suppressed and no
longer spread, but if it wasn’t suppressed, the person would
completely go mad.
Once one goes mad, they no longer recognise their loved ones.
They have no emotions and are bloodthirsty. To describe them using
a not so appropriate example, they are similar to zombies.
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Putting down the jade slip, Chi Zhao imagined what it would be
like if he went mad. The people who would once smile and greet him
would come and kill him and even Lin Changfeng would lift his
sword to stab him.
Chi Zhao pursed his lips. No wonder he was so afraid of him
developing inner demons.
Chi Zhao silently climbed down the ladder and slowly walked
The contracting ceremony was very important to cultivators and
Lin Changfeng didn’t want Chi Zhao to feel that he was treating it
lightly, so he wanted to make it grand. The invitations had already
been sent out but because it was too short of a notice, there weren’t
many who could come. Looking down at the list a disciple brought
over, Lin Changfeng felt that there were still too few people.
He knew that Chi Zhao was in the library, so Lin Changfeng wasn’t
worried despite not hearing from him. As long as he was still in the
Zhao Tian sect, Lin Changfeng’s divine senses could follow him like a
shadow and Chi Zhao also carried with him Lin Changfeng’s sword
intent which would be enough to protect him in the event of danger.
As Lin Changfeng thought seriously over who else he should
invite, on the other side of the door, Chi Zhao quickly trotted in.
Lin Changfeng was aware that he had returned. He raised his head
and smiled softly at Chi Zhao.
Ever since he said that they should become Dao companions, Lin
Changfeng’s attitude towards Chi Zhao had changed. It was as if it he
let himself go and was gentle to no end. Everything was well
planned out by him beforehand. Chi Zhao at first thought it was
because he was still worried but now, he had almost grown used to
After a few small trots, Chi Zhao sat down next to him, grasped his
hand and pressed it against his forehead.
The smile on Lin Changfeng’s face froze for a moment while he
was a left a little stunned by this action, “What are you doing?”
Chi Zhao continued to maintain that position. He originally had his
head lowered and he now raised his head, revealing his wet eyes,
“Check my spiritual platform again.”
Regarding the spiritual platform, Lin Changfeng didn’t dare be
sloppy. He quickly checked it but found nothing unusual, “Nothing
wrong. Do you feel uncomfortable?”
Chi Zhao was relieved to hear this, “It’s good if there’s nothing
wrong. You should regularly check it in the future just in case.”
Lin Changfeng knitted his brows, “Why? Did someone say
something to you?”
“No.” Chi Zhao shook his head. He let go of Lin Changfeng, “I’m
just a little afraid. Afraid of developing inner demons, afraid of
everyone hating me.”
And even more afraid that you won’t like me in the future.
Lin Changfeng was silent for a few seconds. He gently flicked Chi
Zhao’s forehead. Chi Zhao’s eyes widened, and he clutched his
forehead, but he was met with Lin Changfeng’s helpless laugh,
“Little fool.”
“It won’t happen to you. I’m already yours, so why would you
have an inner demon? Besides…” Lin Changfeng paused, and both
gently and carefully rubbed Chi Zhao’s head, making Chi Zhao fell
like he was a treasured porcelain. Chi Zhao lowered his hands in
daze and met Lin Changfeng’s eyes.
“It doesn’t matter if they don’t like you. I will like you more
than all of them combined.”
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Chapter 169
Source: KK Translates


Once people who don’t normally flirt suddenly start flirting, the
effect can be astonishing.
Those words instantly cleared away Chi Zhao’s gloomy emotions
and he also began to look forward to the upcoming ceremony.
The date was originally set very soon. After the people in the Zhao
Tian sect recovered from the initial shock, they found themselves
caught up with the preparations. At any rate, it was also a ceremony
for the future sect leader so they should naturally make it decent.
The entire Zhao Tian sect was of one heart and they actually
managed to get everything done before the third.
The ceremony was cumbersome and lengthy, but Chi Zhao wasn’t
impatient at all. Although this wasn’t his first time getting married,
he was very happy just at the thought that the other party was that
The ceremony in the cultivation realm was different to the normal
ceremonies. Although there were many procedures, most were
impersonal, and they must sit and meditate at every turn and swear
to the gods. After all the steps were done, the sky had already
Sitting in Lin Changfeng’s room, Chi Zhao pursed his lips. Even his
palms were a little sweaty.
He wasn’t nervous. He had been in a marriage relationship for
many years now, so it was difficult for him to be nervous because of
that. The reason why he was sweating was purely due to excitement.
Because this was the ancient world and Lin Changfeng was clearly
a pure-hearted, reserved and introverted person, he seldom made
moves himself. Having held back for two years, Chi Zhao was at his
Now that they’re Dao companions, Lin Changfeng probably has no
reason to refuse him, right?
Lin Changfeng had gone out and once again brought back the jug
of wine which had been resealed last time. What he saw when he
returned with the jug was Chi Zhao covering his face with his hands,
giggling goofily.
Lin Changfeng, “………”
He couldn’t help but smile. Lin Changfeng closed the door and
walked over. Hearing the dull thud of the jug hitting the table, Chi
Zhao looked up at Lin Changfeng. His eyes lit up but upon seeing the
jug of wine, he froze.
No way, are we drinking today too? Then when he wakes up
tomorrow, he wouldn’t remember anything!
Seeing the change in Chi Zhao’s expression, Lin Changfeng
concisely explained, “Just exchanging a drink. No need to drink too
After saying that, Lin Changfeng sat down and took out two small
cups. The capacity was at most a small sip. He slowly opened the jug
and the rich aroma immediately floated out. Chi Zhao blinked a few
times and sat down, “Exchanging drinks is also required when
cultivators form a contract?”
“No.” Lin Changfeng shook his head. He then raised his eyes
slightly, “This is a rule mortals have when they get married.”
Chi Zhao blushed. At the same time, he couldn’t help but smile.
The cultivator’s ceremony seemed a little cold. It clearly should be
a lively ceremony, but everyone’s clothes were normal and even the
two main characters had only replaced their clothes with a set of
white robes that had a few more patterns on it.
Dao companions and married couples are still fundamentally
different. After becoming Dao companions, many still return to their
own residences and may not even see each other for many years,
only getting together when they need to work together. This kind of
relationship was the best type of relationship as the purpose of
becoming Dao companions was in order to progress further, not
because they wanted to vent their desires. The type of marriage
mortals have are practically non-existent among cultivators.
However, at this moment, Lin Changfeng had asked him to
exchange drinks. What this meant was self-evident.
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After the wine was poured and before Lin Changfeng could move,
Chi Zhao had already quickly snatched up his cup. Looking at Chi
Zhao’s bright and shiny eyes, Lin Changfeng’s actions paused.
A second later, he also showed a warm smile.
With their arms entwined, Chi Zhao could feel Lin Changfeng’s
warm breath against his forearm. He was already feeling dizzy
before he even drank, as if he was drunk. After downing the wine in
one go and placing down the cup, Chi Zhao looked at Lin Changfeng
again with eyes filled with expectations. Lin Changfeng was also
looking at him with a soft expression and focused eyes.
Chi Zhao suddenly felt that the current Lin Changfeng was
different from usual. As for how he was different, he couldn’t
pinpoint it. Perhaps the him tonight seemed to be a little more
Although he had been very good to Chi Zhao before, it wasn’t as
much as today. Today, he had really been playing the role of a
newlywed husband. With a bit of alcohol scent, he looked gently and
unabashedly at his newlywed wife. Chi Zhao was a little stunned.
Just as he was about to speak, Lin Changfeng in front of him lowered
his eyes. His slender fingers with well defined joints took hold of the
empty wine cup and turned it such that the patten on the cup faced
“I am from Changzhou of Country Wei.”
The pattern on the cup was rare. Lin Changfeng himself hadn’t
seen this pattern in a long time. Except for Jiye Zhenren, almost no
one knew of Lin Changfeng’s background and Chi Zhao also didn’t
know. Hearing him talk about his hometown, Chi Zhao gave his full
attention, not wanting to miss a single word.
“There are many wineries in Changzhou and almost everyone
can make wine. This one was the most famous one there. My
family were imperial merchants in Country Wei and my
ancestors have been making wine for many generations. When I
left home, my father didn’t give me much money, but he gave me
some of his handmade wine. My father had always been strict. My
mother was worried that I would suffer so she stuffed me a bag of
gold and then gave me a pair of heirlooms which are these two
Hearing this, Chi Zhao subconsciously looked down at the cup he
had just drunk from. It turned out that these cups held so much
significance? Last time when he and Lin Changfeng drank, weren’t
they also using these cups?
“On the night of my parent’s marriage, they used these two
cups to exchange wine. This was also the same for my
Cool fingertips touched the corners of his lips. Chi Zhao wiped off
the residual wine and raised his head. Lin Changfeng’s eyes were
deep and his voice was lower than before.
“Do you know why this wine is called Drunk Beauty?”
Chi Zhao opened his mouth to speak. Those slightly rough fingers
didn’t leave his face and followed the movement of the lips as it
opened and closed. His voice was as small as a whisper, “……I don’t
Lin Changfeng suddenly laughed, “Because this is the wine you
drink when you get married. Every young man in Changzhou
would make a jug of Drunk Beauty at twelve years of age and on
the day of marriage, when the wine is most mellow, they can
drink it whilst having a beautiful woman lying drunk in their
“Parents naturally hope that their children can form a family
soon. Even after becoming a cultivator, my parents still didn’t not
let go of this wish. I could only let them down. It took more than
six hundred years for this Drunk Beauty to be drunk.”
Chi Zhao widened his eyes slightly. He seemed to know why Lin
Changfeng was saying this.
Lin Changfeng leaned over and pressed his forehead against Chi
Zhao’s. The distance between the two was now much shorter. Met
with Chi Zhao’s stunned gaze, Lin Changfeng’s voice carried a hint of
a smile, “Chi Zhao, do you understand what I mean?”
It was already spoken so straightforwardly, only a fool wouldn’t
understand what he meant. Chi Zhao really didn’t expect that Lin
Changfeng had already liked him since a year ago. What had he been
doing the past year? Enjoying the feeling of being pursued?!
Chi Zhao was both angry and amused. He was like a little puppy
and he bit Lin Changfeng to express his anger. He however didn’t
bite hard, so it only felt a little ticklish. It didn’t cause any bleeding,
but it conversely made Lin Changfengs gaze darken further.
The two quickly became entangled. Chi Zhao closed his eyes,
enjoying his first kiss since becoming a legal couple, but halfway
through, Lin Changfeng opened his eyes.
His eyes were as black as ink. The next moment, he closed his eyes
again. Chi Zhao felt tingling pain on the tip of his tongue and
subconsciously wanted to back away. Lin Changfeng however was
holding his head, preventing him from doing that.
Lin Changfeng was still the introverted Lin Changfeng. The reason
why he had said so much today wasn’t to let Chi Zhao know that he
had liked him for a long time but to make Chi Zhao put his guard
As long as he truly liked him, he naturally wouldn’t agree with
forming a life and death contract especially with the knowledge that
it was basically bringing Lin Changfeng closer to death. He naturally
knew how much Chi Zhao liked him, so he couldn’t tell him. He could
only use such a despicable method to trick him into forming the
A very strange feeling spread through his heart. At this moment,
Chi Zhao suddenly felt very sad, as if someone had punched him in
the heart. This feeling was fleeting. When Chi Zhao opened his eyes
again, he couldn’t find the source of this feeling.
Lin Changfeng was still the same as before.
Chi Zhao felt that he might’ve been thinking too much. Since
entering this world, he had often had some not so normal thoughts
and emotions. It was probably his Yin spiritual root playing up
during that short moment.
Chi Zhao didn’t have any more doubts. Lin Changfeng tightened
his arms and held the person in his arms even more tightly.
He regretted it.
He had previously told Jiye Zhenren that he wanted to make a life
and death contract because it was the only way he could suppress
Chi Zhao and tie him down, but now he didn’t want Chi Zhao to
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He didn’t want to make Chi Zhao worry, let along make him feel
guilty. If the Yin spiritual root was destined to die early and he
couldn’t change Chi Zhao’s fate no matter what he did, he would
rather make sure Chi Zhao lived happily during the time remaining.
If Chi Zhao loved him enough, he wouldn’t develop an inner
demon but even if Chi Zhao didn’t love him enough and developed
an inner demon, it was still okay.
They would live together and die together. No matter where they
went, they would be together.
Yu Mochen felt that he was seriously unlucky.
The person he had been pursing had all of a sudden become a Dao
companion of junior brother Lin and on the day of their ceremony,
he actually still had to take a dozen other disciples down the
mountain to train.
It happened to be storming where they were. Lying in the inn, Yu
Mochen turned over in frustration.
He didn’t like rainy days. When he checked the sky earlier, he
didn’t think that the weather would be bad, but he had unexpectedly
encountered this kind of weather as soon as he arrived. It was as if
God was laughing at him.
There was thunder and lightning outside. Yu Mochen couldn’t
sleep so he got up, put on his clothes and got ready to read for a
while. As soon as he laid down and closed his eyes, he would always
see Chi Zhao’s face which was a little gloomy and beside him was
junior brother Lin. Just the thought of what the two of them might
be doing right now made him unable to sleep.
Another sky-splitting lighting flashed through the night sky. Yu
Mochen paused and clicked his tongue a few times.
Those who don’t know may think there is a great calamity
happening here. With such a loud thunderclap, hopefully he
wouldn’t be rendered deaf later?
Yu Mochen chuckled at the thought of this and continued walking.
Just after taking a step, deafening thunder sounded and at the same
time, a long black needle suddenly appeared behind him, piercing
into his neck. Yu Mochen was surprised. He reached back to touch
but before he could do that, he collapsed onto the ground.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 170
Source: KK Translates


Yu Mochen disappeared, and he was gone for a whole year.

He wasn’t around but his soul lamp was still fine and without any
changes, so it meant that he wasn’t in danger.
Zhao Tian sect’s fellow disciples were puzzled. When their martial
uncle who had led the group down the mountain suddenly
disappeared, several disciples panicked and immediately rushed
back to report the news. Upon hearing about the situation, third
senior brother Shentu Cangxu personally brought people along with
him to search but in the end, it was to no avail.
Yu Mochen was the disciple of Taiqing Lake’s owner, Huang
Ling’er. In the past, people had thought that she was also someone
who only trained and didn’t care about her disciples but after this
incident, they realised that they were wrong.
She had almost turned the entire cultivation realm upside down
and even sacrificed all kinds of magical artifacts that were not from
this world, but it was as if Yu Mochen had disappeared in thin air. No
matter what method she used, she couldn’t find him. Just when
people thought that Huang Ling’er was going to lose her temper
again, she gloomily threw away the searching compass and
retreated back into her room.
The audience sporting serious expressions but are actually
excited inside, “……..”
Not searching anymore? Isn’t your patience too short?
With regard to the outside world, Chi Zhao was just as indifferent
as before. Spring passed, autumn came. It had been a year since the
contractual ceremony and although they were living a married
couple’s life, Chi Zhao’s cultivation speed had not slowed down at
all. Just seven days ago, he had already reached the foundation
establishment stage.
Zhao Tian sect’s back peak was like the Peach Blossom Spring
written by Tao Yuanming. As long as you don’t go out and don’t
deliberately ask, Chi Zhao really didn’t know anything. The days
after the ceremony were truly wonderful and, after living together
for a year, Chi Zhao who had been pampered with love no longer
had any trace of gloom or paranoia.
He was in a very good mental stage. He didn’t let himself think
about how much time was left or what would happen after he leaves
this world and just immersed himself in the moment, enjoying every
single second of his life.
He had circulated spiritual energy in his body for forty-nine days.
Chi Zhao continued to maintain the meditating posture. He opened
his eyes slightly and exhaled a stale breath. At this moment, Lin
Changfeng entered from outside.
Chi Zhao who had just returned his senses to his body still looked
a little pale, but he immediately jumped off the bed.
He lived with Lin Changfeng so Lin Changfeng’s room was his
room. Chi Zhao rushed to him recklessly and Lin Changfeng caught
him with no surprise. Chi Zhao stood on his toes and kissed Lin
Changfeng’s chin, “Why are you back so early today? Did that
group of old men take the wrong medicine?”
Lin Changfeng was the acting sect leader and would have a
meeting with the elders of the other peaks every three or five days.
Each meeting usually took many hours and Chi Zhao was used to
waiting from morning till night, so he didn’t expect Lin Changfeng to
return after only two hours today.
Lin Changfeng was a little helpless, “They’re all seniors. No
matter how bad they are, they are your senior. You have to
respect them.”
Chi Zhao pouted, “I’m not disrespecting them. Haven’t I always
been polite when we meet? Since they’re not here right now and
can’t hear what I say, it doesn’t count as disrespecting them.”
After saying that, Chi Zhao sneakily glanced at Lin Changfeng who
naturally noticed that small action of his. Lin Changfeng chuckled
lightly and gestured for him to sit next to him.
Chi Zhao sat on his lap. The two of them are now very used to
sitting in such an intimate position. Just like Chi Zhao said, no one
sees it anyway so they could do whatever they liked without a care
in the world.
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“The secret realm of the Fantasy Sea will open next month. Are
you going?”
There are countless secret realms both large and small in the
cultivation realm. The secret realm of the Fantasy Sea was a
relatively large one and there are many chances in there that have
not yet been discovered. If anything was found, it would be
extremely beneficial to them in the future.
Going to secret realms to find them was similar to buying lottery
tickets. Although strength was important, luck was the most
important. One must be lucky first before they can think about
whether their strength was enough.
The so-called strength would only be used in two situations.
Firstly, it is when a chance is found, and they are required to pass
a test left by the predecessor or defeat the beast guarding it.
Secondly, it is when one has already obtained the item and have to
prevent it from being snatched by other unscrupulous disciples.
The secret realm of the Fantasy Sea opens once every fifty years.
Before they go each time, the elders of each sect would instruct their
own disciples not to kill or be killed by others. It was however
useless even if they did that because there will be some who were
willing to do anything they could to obtain the item so every time
they went into the secret realm, there would be many who don’t
successfully come back out again. Among those people, only 20% die
from real accidents and the remaining 80% die from conflict
between the cultivators.
Chi Zhao wasn’t interested in any of this so he replied
indifferently, “Don’t want to go.”
So what if he managed to obtain it? No matter how great it may
be, he can only live for fifty years and would need to leave when the
time is up. Why bother?
Lin Changfeng had already noticed that Chi Zhao was different
from ordinary cultivators. Chi Zhao was completely uninterested in
things outside and it was also the same for cultivation. Even though
he trained obediently every day, he seemed like he was doing it to
pass time rather than pursuing longevity.
It was as if in this world, the only thing Chi Zhao was interested in
was Lin Changfeng.
Although Lin Changfeng knew rationally that this was wrong but
he couldn’t deny that every time he thought of this, a very sweet
feeling filled his heart. It was the same at this very moment.
Lin Changfeng lowered his eyes to look at him, “Really not
Chi Zhao yawned. The two of them had played around too late last
night and he hadn’t slept enough. Lin Changfeng had already
reached a stage where sleep was not required. It was like he had a
cheat. Looking at Lin Changfeng who was still energetic, Chi Zhao
was unhappy. He tilted his body and leaned against Lin Changfeng’s
arms, burying his head against the crook of Lin Changfeng’s neck.
His collar bone was too hard so he could only adjust his position and
rest his soft cheeks against Lin Changfeng’s chest. Lin Changfeng’s
eyes darkened a little.
Chi Zhao hadn’t noticed the danger yet. He sleepily closed his
eyes and replied, “Yeah, not going. Isn’t it just going out to find
something? And while looking for it you also have to fight. As a
lover of peace, I won’t participate in something as bloody as this.”
Lin Changfeng: “………”
After a moment of silence, Lin Changfeng sighed faintly, “If that
is the case, you can stay. Second junior brother and third junior
brother will also be staying in the sect so if you need something
you can find them, and they can help you.”
Chi Zhao had already closed his eyes. When he heard those words,
he immediately opened his eyes and raised his small face. He asked
Lin Changfeng, “Are you going to secret realm of the Fantasy Sea?”
Reasonably speaking, each cultivator can only go there once in
their life. That way, everyone’s cultivation level is the same and it
would be fairer. At the same time, it could prevent more
experienced cultivators from emptying the secret realm and let it
continue to exist.
But there were exceptions. For example, every time the secret
realm is opened, each sect must select four leading elders who must
have been to the secret realm before. They are responsible for safely
sending the disciples into the realm and accompanying them inside.
These elders however are not allowed to walk around after entering
and can only stand at the entrance until the secret realm is about to
close before bringing back the living disciples.
In other words, the existence of these elders is limited to
escorting them to and from the secret realm. As for the casualties
that occur there, the elders cannot interfere.
There are a total of 24 elders from the six sects. Everyone stayed
in one place and they also played the role of mutual supervision.
Most of the leading elders are peak masters or respected seniors.
Lin Changfeng as the acting sect elder actually had to lead the team
Chi Zhao thought he had heard wrong, but Lin Changfeng nodded
to confirm that it was true.
Chi Zhao blinked and immediately changed his words, “Then I’m
Lin Changfeng laughed. He knew very well why Chi Zhao changed
his mind so quickly, but he asked jokingly, “Didn’t you say you are a
lover of peace?”
Chi Zhao calmly explained, “In addition to loving peace, I also
love nature. I haven’t been down the mountain in a long time so I
want to go out for a bit.”
Lin Changfeng oh’d meaningfully. He then raised a brow, “You
just said that you don’t want to participate in something as
bloody as this.”
Chi Zhao continued to explain calmly, “Whether it is bloody or
not, it depends if I see it. If I really do participate, then it would be
bloody but if I don’t participate and just stay with you and come
back when the realm is closed without seeing anything, it
wouldn’t be bloody.”
The more he explained, the more far-fetched it sounded, but Chi
Zhao explained very seriously. Looking at his serious expression, Lin
Changfeng let out a couple of low laughs. His chest trembled, the
vibration numbing Chi Zhao’s ear which was resting against his
chest. Chi Zhao grabbed his collar and didn’t back down, “I was just
talking nonsense. Anyway, can I go?”
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Lin Changfeng didn’t hold back. He lowered his head slightly and
kissed the pale pink lips of the person in his arms, “Yes, and I have
already applied for you. You are also one of the elders leading the
Chi Zhao didn’t understand what he meant, “I am also an elder?”
Lin Changfeng nodded with a smile.
With Chi Zhao’s seniority, he could indeed be an elder, but with
his age and cultivation level, he could only barely be accepted to
enter the secret realm as a disciple.
The lowest level of cultivation to allow one to enter the secret
realm was the foundation establishment stage. He had only reached
that stage less than a week ago and he was still not twenty years old.
No matter how one looked at it, he shouldn’t go, but right now Lin
Changfeng not only wanted him to go, but he had even arranged for
a position where he didn’t have to do anything?
Chi Zhao knitted his brows. He suddenly felt that the matter didn’t
seem that simple. Looking at Lin Changfeng’s deep eyes, Chi Zhao
opened his mouth but didn’t ask anything.
Lin Changfeng was the acting sect leader. He had his own
considerations for what he needed to do. In any case, he definitely
wouldn’t harm him.
Thinking this, Chi Zhao decided not to ask. Lin Changfeng was
originally ready to be questioned and Chi Zhao clearly looked like he
wanted to say something just now but after moving his lips a few
times, he only closed it and obediently leaned back against his chest.
He wanted to be considerate of himself.
Lin Changfeng’s gaze turned tender.
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Chapter 171
Source: KK Translates


The time the secret realm was set to be open for was for four
months in total. It would take half a month for them to travel from
Zhao Tian sect to the Fantasy Sea so it would be a month for a return
trip. If Chi Zhao really didn’t go, he wouldn’t be able to see Lin
Changfeng for about half a year. He most certainly wouldn’t be able
to last that long.
Lin Changfeng knew this, so he got him a spot as an elder in
advance. In fact, Chi Zhao could participate as a disciple, but Lin
Changfeng had some other thoughts as well, so he decided on this on
his own initiative.
Before long, it was the day of departure. Chi Zhao calmly packed
his bags in the room. He was like a little wife, packing things in
different categories and storing it in the storage ring. Lin Changfeng
on the other hand had already stepped out to meet Jiye Zhenren.
For this master who he had only met once since he became his
disciple, Chi Zhao almost had no impression of him. When he was
done putting away everything he needed, he thought for a moment
and then stood up to leave.
Xu Zhiqing would also be going to the secret realm. They were
both disciples from the same sect and under the same master, so Chi
Zhao wanted to ask her if she needed any help.
When Chi Zhao slowly wandered out, Lin Changfeng had already
arrived at Jiye Zhenren’s place of residence. Unlike how Chi Zhao
had imagined the interaction between the two to be, Lin Changfeng’s
current expression was very serious.
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“……One year ago, Master Huang of Taiqing Lake’s disciple, Yu
Mochen, suddenly disappeared after going down the mountain to
train. At about the same time, several disciples from the Liyang
Palace, Ning Xin sect and He Huan sect also went missing. The
difference between them and junior brother Yu was that before
the disciples of He Huan sect and Ning Xin sect disappeared, they
either had a fierce quarrel with the colleagues or they left a
letter saying that the wanted to leave the sect and travel for a
while to break through their bottleneck period. If it weren’t for it
happening so close to junior brother Yu’s disappearance, we
probably wouldn’t have linked their disappearances together.”
Jiye Zhenren listened quietly and didn’t speak.
Lin Changfeng lowered his eyes and continued.
“As of now, there are five disciples who have been reported
missing. Of these five, they are all of different ages, different
genders and different sects but the only thing they had in
common was that they were pure Yin in nature.”
Those who are pure Yin are born with heavy Yin energy and more
likely to go down the evil path.
Everyone cultivated differently. Some followed the righteous path
while others follow the evil path and those who followed the evil
path are always inseparable from selfish and bloody carnal desires.
The people went missing, but they were unscathed. It meant the
people who had taken them didn’t want their life or perhaps, they
didn’t want their lives yet.
Although there are people from other sects among the missing,
Zhao Tian sect didn’t disclose the news when they first found out
because they didn’t know who their friend or foe was.
Huang Lin’er was one of the top cultivators in the cultivation
realm. She had searched for an entire year but was unable to find
her disciple. It could be seen that the person who had taken him was
definitely not any random cultivator and their strength also wasn’t
any less than Huang Ling’er’s. Furthermore, the person responsible
also knew who Yu Mochen was and still dared to take him away so it
meant that they didn’t have Huang Ling’er in their eyes at all.
After Huang Ling’er realised this, her lungs were about to burst
with anger. She had lived for thousands of years and this was her
first time encountering something as infuriating as this.
Moreover, Yu Mochen and the remaining kidnapped disciples
were still in the hands of that person. They didn’t know when that
person would do something to them so they must rescue the
disciples as soon as possible.
On the surface, five people were taken but that was only what
they knew, and it was very likely that there were more that they
weren’t aware of. It wasn’t uncommon for a person to be pure Yin.
Basically, one in every thousand would be pure Yin. Before one is
done with their bad deed, they naturally wouldn’t want to be caught
so soon. If Lin Changfeng was that person, he would start with
targeting the not so conspicuous cultivators first and then take the
risk and move onto the cultivators with some background.
Based on this analysis, it was unknown how many people may
have already been kidnapped. The last person who had disappeared
was a disciple of the He Huan sect and that was seven months ago. It
has now been seven months, and no one has disappeared yet. It was
unknown if the person behind this nad caught news of it or if they
have already captured enough people.
As early as half a year ago, several elders of the Zhao Tian sect had
been investigating this incident and figuring out why they needed to
capture so many people with pure Yins. There were quite a few
results but there was only one that fit with the current situation.
Transfer flowers onto trees, complete change in face and identity,
to take over the body of a living person.
When a person dies, there are many variables. Not everyone can
successfully take over a body. Even if the soul wasn’t scattered and
could continue to survive in this world without much trouble, taking
over a body wasn’t so simple. To do that, one would need to pay
attention to timing and fate. Without a suitable physical body, even a
true immortal wouldn’t not be able to occupy another person’s body
so easily.
In other words, to take over a body, it relied on luck. If you are
lucky, you will succeed but if you are not lucky, you would either
end up as a lonely, stray ghost or watch your soul slowly scatter.
That person probably discovered that they were about to die and
didn’t want to die so they thought of such a sinister way to continue
their life.
The most frightening thing was that this method wasn’t the same
as taking over a body after death. Once a formation is formed and
the soul exchange is done, even if you checked their spiritual
platform, one wouldn’t detect any trace of soul change. It was
extremely seamless.
If that person really succeeded, no one would know whose body
they had taken over. If the body that was chosen belonged to
someone from the six major sects, they could very easily bring
trouble to the cultivation realm. How good of a person could a
cultivator on the evil path who is willing to trample on the lives of
many innocent just to prolong their life be? The peace the sects have
struggled to maintain the past 600 years may all be in vain as a
Fortunately, there was still time to stop it. Although they didn’t
know who was behind it, they were now aware of the soul exchange
To activate such a formation, one would require eighty-one
cultivators who are above the core formation stage and are pure Yin
in nature to be sacrificed and five cultivators who are above the
spirit severing stage to protect the formation. In addition to that, a
body that is compatible with the formation user would be required
and it would become their new body once it is successful.
In addition to these, in the eye of the formation, it was also
necessary to use items carrying strong Yin and evil energy to sustain
the formation.
This insidious formation was wiped out thousands of years ago by
well-known sects and there are now very few records of it left. The
items with strong Yin and evil energy have also been sealed in the
centre of the secret realm of the Fantasy Sea.
This was the reason why Lin Changfeng had to go in person. If
they weren’t wrong, that person would definitely use this
opportunity to steal the Three Fantasy Sea Flower that was sealed in
centre of the secret realm.
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After confirming the next step in their plan, which was a month
ago, Lu Yuezhi was ordered by Lin Changfeng to secretly inform to
trusted sect leaders, that is, the abbot of the Linshan School and the
sect leader of the Di Chuan sect.
Hearing that someone wanted to steal the Three Fantasy Sea
Flower and use it to activate a soul-exchange formation, the two of
them also began to pay great attention to this matter. They soon
sent their trusted disciples over to Zhao Tian sect to discuss the
details and ther result of the discission was for each sect to split up.
One group would disguise themselves as ordinary disciples and
elders to enter the secret realm while the other group would wait
for an opportunity afterwards and join them inside later.
The sects may seem united but there was in fact still some
estrangement between them. If not for having insufficient
manpower or the fear of something happening, Zhao Tian sect
wouldn’t have involved the other two sects. They however had no
other option. The other party had their hands on eighty-one
cultivators so they should be more cautious.
That person could be anywhere, even Zhao Tian sect wasn’t safe.
Lin Changfeng originally thought about leaving Chi Zhao in the sect
but if Lin Changfeng, Huang Ling’er and Lu Yuezhi all left, leaving
only a few elders and disciples or unknown origins behind, it was
probably better to take him along. At least like this, he could watch
over him all the time.
After finishing his report, Lin Changfeng paused, “Master.”
Jiye Zhenren raised his eyes.
“When will master be leaving seclusion?”
Jiye Zhenren looked at him in silence. He then lowered his eyes,
“This master has said that I won’t leave anymore.”
The cultivation realm was declining. This was something that they
couldn’t avoid. It was because the spiritual energy was becoming
weaker and scarcer that the people of the cultivation realm finally
banded together over the past six hundred years. They weren’t in a
position to be tossed around again and they wouldn’t be able to
resist another bloodbath. When it was peaceful, Lin Changfeng
didn’t find the workload too difficult but now he was a little
overwhelmed. In the end, he was only a six-hundred-year-old
cultivator in the nascent soul stage. Even at his age, he was already
very powerful, but he couldn’t protect the sect with just his own
What’s more, he now had other responsibilities. He wanted to
protect his Dao companion and no longer had enough time to
manage the sect side of things.
He had managed Zhao Tian sect for six hundred years on behalf of
Jiye Zhenren. It was time for him to return that responsibility back.
Jiye Zhenren had said six hundred years ago that he wouldn’t
leave seclusion again, but Lin Changfeng had thought that after six
hundred years, perhaps Jiye Zhenren’s thoughts may have changed a
little. Didn’t he care about the sect and the cultivation realm a lot?
Now that the cultivation realm needed him, why was he still
reluctant to come out?
Faced with Lin Changfeng’s slightly puzzled gaze, Jiye Zhenren
faintly raised the corners of his lips, “Changfeng, you can already
do your own thing. Perhaps you may not be strong enough now,
but in the days to come you will become stronger and stronger. I
have never been suitable for being a sect leader, that position
should be yours.”
Lin Changfeng was shocked, “Master——–”
He had just hoped that Jiye Zhenren would leave seclusion but
Jiye Zhenren had actually given him the sect leader position. He even
directly handed over the Chaoyun Order which symbolised the sect
leader’s power. Looking at the Chao Yun Order in Lin Changfeng’s
hand, Jiye Zhenren revealed another faint smile.
Lin Changfeng furrowed his brows slightly. Jiye Zhenren didn’t
use to smile much but in the past few years, ever since Chi Zhao
appeared, Jiye Zhenren had started smiling more and even started to
speak more. Lin Changfeng’s heart sank. He suddenly raised his head
and closely scrutinised Jiye Zhenren’s appearance.
It was no different from six hundred years ago, he was still the
But why did he feel that Jiye Zhenren was preparing himself for
This strange feeling made him uneasy. He couldn’t ask because
Jiye Zhenren had already waved his hand to let him leave.
Before leaving, Lin Changfeng glanced back. Jiye Zhenren still
looked cold and distant. He tilted his head slightly and looked out a
wooden window not far from him. That window faced the cliff and it
also faced the forbidden area at the base of the cliff.
Lin Changfeng pursed his lips. He tightened his grasp around the
Chao Yun Order and turned to leave.
Although the Chao Yun Order was already in his hands, Lin
Changfeng didn’t tell anyone about it. The words Jiye Zhenren said
that day had made him uneasy. He didn’t want to succeed the
position of the sect leader in a situation like that. He planned to wait
until the secret realm matter is settled and then talk to Jiye Zhenren
Compared to Lin Changfeng whose mind was filled with thoughts,
Chi Zhao lived without a worry. The secret realm was on an island
far, far away and in order to get there, they would need to take a
fairy boat. Along the way, they had encountered all kinds of bad
weather that made it difficult for them to travel through so, for an
entire half month, everyone stayed on the boat without going out.
There were a total of twenty eight people on the boat and only
twelve were unaware the events that would happen next, including
Chi Zhao.
When the weather was good, Chi Zhao would go out and look out
at the sea of clouds. Among his companions, there was a young girl
who would always stand on the deck with a dark expression, looking
in the distance. She seemed to be very angry. He didn’t know what
was wrong.
Chi Zhao was not very familiar with most of the people in the sect
and this was a face he hadn’t seen before. He just glanced at her
casually when the girl suddenly looked over and stared at him with
an unkind expression.
Chi Zhao was taken aback for a moment, He looked back to make
sure he was the one she was looking at and then silently took out a
bag of candied spirit fruits from his storage ring.
“Want some?”
Huang Ling’er who was disguised as an ordinary disciple: “………”
Ignorant child! How dare you ask this kind of question to this
great Taiqing master?!
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Chapter 172
Source: KK Translates


After eating a few candied fruits with the cold and unfriendly girl
who didn’t seem to have any friends, a small shadow suddenly
appeared in the distance.
The speed of the fairy boat was very fast. The small shadow that
seemed to still be far away grew rapidly and it eventually became an
island floating in the sky.
Clouds and mist enveloped the island, adding a mysterious vibe to
it. Chi Zhao had never seen something like this. He stared ahead in
daze; his eyes slightly widened. It was like the reaction of someone
who had never seen a giant panda before. He didn’t dare blink his
eyes and just wanted to let this scene stay in his field of vision a little
Huang Ling’er was also staring ahead intently like Chi Zhao but
she was looking ahead in anger. Just the thought that there was
someone on this island who had taken her disciple away made her
so angry, she couldn’t wait to sacrifice a magic weapon and flatten
out this entire island.
Soon, they arrived at their destination. Chi Zhao obediently
followed Lin Changfeng.
The Zhao Tian sect was the last to arrive and the other five sects
had already arrived. Those who hadn’t received the news were
stunned for a moment when they saw Lin Changfeng. They didn’t
understand why Lin Changfeng would come himself. By the time
they saw Chi Zhao next to Lin Changfeng, everyone looked away in
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Chi Zhao: “……….”
Although no one said anything, he could tell from their eyes that
they are already regarding Chi Zhao as someone who relied on his
Dao companion to be a winner in life without doing anything. It was
a look he wasn’t a stranger to ever since he became Lin Changfeng’s
Dao companion. For a disciple who was still at a foundation stage to
become Lin Changfeng’s Dao companion, it was clearly just for the
benefits. They were very disdainful of this behaviour of ‘relying on
the Dao companion’ but inside they were also secretly jealous. They
similarly hoped that they would one day find someone who was
willing to give them all the benefits.
Chi Zhao didn’t pay much attention to those people who only
relied on rumours to make judgements of others. He just continued
to stand quietly to Lin Changfeng’s right. When Lin Changfeng saw
that they were deliberately or unintentionally glancing at Chi Zhao,
he gave them a look of warning and they immediately pretended to
look elsewhere. Lin Changfeng pursed his lips slightly. He tilted his
head down and looked at Chi Zhao, his originally cold eyes
immediately turning gentle. Chi Zhao blinked a few times and smiled
softly back at him.
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Lin Changfeng looked at his pure, clear and dependent eyes that
curved as he smiled and slowly curled up the corners of his lips.
He walked over and talked to the people from the other sects. Chi
Zhao remained standing in place. The rest of the disciples of the
Zhao Tian sect stood around him and, affected by their sect leader,
all of them had similar cold and aloof expressions.
In fact, there was no such trend before, but ever since Chi Zhao
entered the sect, he had never gone down the mountain let alone
leave the main peak. Even if he came out, he was always
expressionless. At that time, Chi Zhao and Lin Changfeng hadn’t
established their relationship officially and there was no progress
between the two so Chi Zhao was both anxious and angry. As a
result, he naturally didn’t have a good expression. His was
unintentional but the others were intentional. The first one was like
this, the second was like this as well and now even the sixth one was
also like this.
Could it be that Jiye Zhenren’s disciple selection criteria was
based on how cold and distant one can look?
The more they thought about it, the more they felt it sounded
plausible. Soon, all the disciples started to imitate the sect leader.
When they were in the sect, they didn’t have to hold back their true
nature but whenever they were outside, in order to give the sect a
good reputation, everyone fixed up their expressions.
When Chi Zhao was being secretly judged just now, the other
disciples also saw it. More than half of these twenty-odd people
were originally not real disciples; they were elders, peak masters
and some powerful cultivators disguised as disciples. These people
were all under Lin Changfeng’s command. Although they may not
like Chi Zhao and feel that he wasn’t worthy of Lin Changfeng, the
moment they saw Chi Zhao being looked at in such manner, they still
subconsciously wanted to protect him.
And so, they all unanimously surrounded Chi Zhao and stared
back at the offenders.
—– What are you looking at? If you have the ability, you can also
find a Dao companion who can fight against a thousand people!
Chi Zhao was completely unaware of the undercurrent surging
among the people there. His gaze continued to follow Lin
Changfeng’s figure and, after a while, he looked in another direction.
In that direction, Han Yu was like a little green grass among
thousands of flowers. Standing among a group of elegant female
cultivators, he waved at Chi Zhao and even winked a few times.
Chi Zhao: “……….”
After three years, Han Yu seemed to have changed a lot.
Three years ago, he definitely wouldn’t have done something as
embarrassing as this in public.
Chi Zhao was silent for a moment. Although he didn’t want to deal
with this guy, Han Yu was the first person he met after coming to
this world and he still stayed with him when he was dozing off and
dragging his legs, so Chi Zhao was very grateful to him. At that time,
the two parted ways very quickly and they didn’t have a chance to
say goodbye.
Over the three years, the two of them had changed. The former
teenager appearance had faded away and they are now very close a
mature man both mentally and physically. Seeing that his
exaggerated actions attracted Chi Zhao’s attention, Han Yu stopped
and grinned goofily at Chi Zhao from a distance.
Chi Zhao was infected by him and his expression similarly
mellowed out.
Everyone was here and the secret realm was about to open soon.
The entrance to the secret realm was on the wall of a mountain. The
group of people gathered before that wall and watched the surface
ripple as the entrance to the secret realm opened. The people
started to enter one by one. Chi Zhao was an elder by name, so he
didn’t stand with the disciples.
When the other disciples were about to set off, several of them
looked at Chi Zhao with surprise. A disciple from the Zhao Tian sect
who accompanied him kindly explained, “It hasn’t been long since
martial uncle Chi reached foundation establishment stage, so he
won’t be going with us.”
If you’re not going, then why did you come? Occupying an elder’s
position and forcibly feeding them dog food?!
Although they didn’t understand, no one dared to ask. After all,
Chi Zhao’s current identity was Lin Changfeng’s Dao companion. Lin
Changfeng was Zhao Tian sect’s future sect leader so Chi Zhao was
the partner the future sect leader. If possible, no one wanted to
offend such a big boss.
Storing away the thoughts in their hearts, everyone set off. After
they left, Chi Zhao, like the other elders, sat down and began to
The degree of danger in this secret realm wasn’t high. Most of the
disciples didn’t return because they were attacked by other
disciples, so the various sects just sent over some elders purely for
formalities. In general, it was enough if the elders are at the core
formation stage.
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Zhao Tian sect had sent over Lin Changfeng who was half a step
away from the spirit severing stage and they also sent over Chi Zhao
who had just reached the foundation establishment stage. The two
were complete contradictions of each other but, when balanced out,
there was nothing they could complain about.
Having thought this through, everyone began to focus on the task
at hand. Chi Zhao’s matter was thrown to the back of their mands
and their four-month exploration task officially began. They must
make haste so as not to fall behind.
Everyone gradually got into the right mindset. While meditating,
it was easy for one to forget about the time. Chi Zhao didn’t know
how long he had been meditating for when he was suddenly
awakened by the shaking of the mountain.
Chi Zhao opened his eyes in astonishment. The elders beside him
had already stood up. Lin Changfeng was not by his side and the
other Zhao Tian sect elders were no where in sight. Chi Zhao
suddenly had a bad feeling. Without much thought, he rushed in the
direction of the shaking and the people who had been guarding him
quickly followed.
There were already a lot of elders who had already rushed over.
They had thought that there was something wrong with the secret
realm but they didn’t expect the problem to be so big.
The centre of the secret realm…..had actually cracked.
As they stared at the already cracked centre of the secret realm,
some knew what was originally there while some didn’t. Although
they didn’t know what it was, they knew that it definitely wasn’t
anything simple if it could support the secret realm for thousands of
ears. Even in such a situation, these people couldn’t help but have
their gaze fixed on the treasure that was about to appear.
Unlike them, Chi Zhao only quickly glanced at the centre and then
towards the two people fighting in the air. Lin Changfeng and a man
he didn’t recognise were currently exchanging blows. In a flash, they
had already exchanged a dozen or so attacks. Lin Changfeng could
tell from the moment they exchanged their first blow that this was a
cultivator who was already in the soul severing stage and was very
powerful. Lin Changfeng’s expression fell.
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He knew that the other party wouldn’t be easy to deal with, but he
didn’t expect the other party to actually be working with so many
powerful cultivators in secret. These people had managed to mix in
with them and if he roughly counted them, there were twelve people
in total. Of these twelve people, the lowest level of cultivation was
actually mid-nascent soul stage!
Just to get the Three Fantasy Sea Flower? They had really gone all
Lin Changfeng didn’t continue thinking about this. In any case, he
would never let the other party take the Three Fantasy Sea Flower
Lu Yuezhi jumped out of the enemy’s attack range and quickly
came to Lin Changfeng’s side. The two joined hands and very soon
the enemy on the opposite end started to show signs of faltering.
The three sects who had been alerted about this beforehand had
always been vigilant and they reacted almost instantly when the
incident occurred. The others who followed over were a little late to
the scene but, after quickly judging the current situation, they also
soon joined the battle. Chi Zhao originally wanted to go and help but
at this moment someone held him back. A hoarse voice rang from
behind, “Don’t go, you can’t beat those people. They came
Chi Zhao turned around and saw a tattered Han Yu behind him. to
him were several disciples in a similar state. They seemed to have
just experienced a fierce battle. Han Yu’s face was pale, and blood
was still hanging from the corners of his lips. Chi Zhao asked
anxiously, “How are you?”
“I’m fine.” Han Yu shook his head. He didn’t seem to be in a good
state, “Won’t die any time soon.”
Chi Zhao frowned, “You said they came prepared. What did
they come here for?”
Before he could finish asking, there was a deafening blast in the
distance. The cracks had suddenly widened. Lin Changfeng
immediately flew over to take the Three Fantasy Sea Flower first but
when he saw the situation inside, he was stunned.
Nothing at all.
A terrifying thought soon formed in Lin Changfeng’s mind. The
Three Fantasy Sea Flower had already been taken away fifty years
ago or perhaps even one hundred years ago. If these people didn’t
come to take the Three Fantasy Sea Flower, then they……
Lin Changfeng suddenly turned around. At the same time, Han Yu,
who was facing Chi Zhao, suddenly raised the corners of his bloody
lips and smiled darkly, “Of course, it is to find you.”
Chi Zhao sensed danger and immediately retreated but
unfortunately, he was too slow, and the other party was too fast.
With a flash, Chi Zhao’s vision turned dark. First, it was his loss of
sight and then his hearing. Before losing consciousness, Chi Zhao
heard a heart-breaking and desperate cry. He wanted to listen to
that cry, open his eyes and run over, but his eyelids were too heavy,
and his body was too cold. He could only continue to be dragged
down to the bottomless abyss by the heavy chains.
Holding Chi Zhao’s body, Han Yu raised his eyes to look at the
person about to rush over to him. He smiled faintly and waved his
sleeves. In an instant, both him and Chi Zhao were gone.
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KK has something to say: Han Yu?!
Chapter 173
Source: KK Translates


There was the gurgling of water next to his ears. A cold chill
spread from his skin to the inside of his body. Under his feet was an
unknown force pushing him along. Chi Zhao felt like he was in an ice
cellar. It was too cold. He shivered and slowly opened his eyes.
There was no ice around. The reason it was cold was because this
was an underground cave with no light passing through. A the base
of the cave was also ground water that reached his waist. The
temperature of this water was about three or four degrees and that
was the main reason why Chi Zhao, who was currently kneeling in
that water, felt cold.
He was taken aback for a moment. He moved his arms only to find
that both his arms and legs are submerged underwater and he was
bound by a heavy chain. Since there was also a spell applied to the
chains, he wouldn’t be able to break free using only brute force. He
tried to stand but when he got up, he found that the length of the
chain didn’t allow for him to do that. But with that moment just now,
he noticed that he wasn’t sitting on the floor but on a disc-shaped
And around him were another five disc-shaped stones.
The five stones surrounded him like a five-pointed star. There
was nothing on those stones. The sound of the water flow was still
ringing in his ears. Chi Zhao couldn’t help but swallow nervously. He
suddenly felt that this scene was a little familiar.
In TV shows like this, if a villain or an evil faction was about to
cause trouble, they would always come to a place like this and offer
up sacrifices.
For some reason, Chi Zhao felt that he was that sacrifice.
He couldn’t be that unlucky, right?!
When Chi Zhao stared ahead in daze, suddenly, a figure appeared
from the cave entrance behind him. He glanced at Chi Zhao who had
already woken up and then silently smirked before leaping and
appearing before Chi Zhao. The place he landed just happened to be
the stone in front of Chi Zhao. He looked at Chi Zhao
condescendingly, his eyes filled with mockery and irony.
Looking up at the extremely familiar face, Chi Zhao said nothing.
He was able to remain calm, but the other party couldn’t. He
raised a brow and looked at Chi Zhao for a while. He was quite
disappointed that he couldn’t see panic or anger in Chi Zhao.
“Don’t you have anything to say to me?”
Han Yu rarely made such an obvious expression. Chi Zhao looked
at him for several seconds and asked, “Who are you?”
‘Han Yu’s’ face changed in an instant. Facing the other’s stunned
look, Chi Zhao asked again, “Is Han Yu already dead?”
Chi Zhao couldn’t be blamed for asking this question. After all, in
the cultivation realm, once you are taken over, the person that is
taken over is usually dead without even the opportunity for
Living in this world, Chi Zhao’s attention had always been on Lin
Changfeng. He had learned from the system that these worlds were
all virtual worlds. Although everything may seem extremely real, the
plants, trees and every human and every object are all fake. His lack
of interest in the others was firstly, because he wanted to make the
most of his time with Lin Changfeng and secondly, because he didn’t
want to develop feelings for something that doesn’t exist. One-sided
feelings are always sad, and he didn’t want to be sad.
But because he had been indifferent to the rest of the world for
too long, although he was extremely angry at this very moment, he
didn’t show it. Only his hands which were concealed in the water
were clenched so tightly, his knuckles were white.
‘Han Yu’ tilted his head. After a short second, he sneered, “You
sure are loyal.”
“I only took over his body temporarily. Don’t worry, he won’t
die any time soon.”
Han Yu’s voice sat between the voice of a teenager and the voice
of a young man. As soon as he was done, another light and charming
voice sounded behind Chi Zhao, “As for who I am, won’t you know
if you look back?”
Chi Zhao subconsciously turned back and saw a young woman
about twenty years old looking at him with a smile. Her appearance
could only be described as breathtakingly beautiful and even Chi
Zhao who wouldn’t feel anything towards a woman was moved by
her appearance. The last time Chi Zhao felt this way was the sect
leader of the He Huan sect.
Thinking this, Chi Zhao half guessed and half asked: “You’re He….”
Before he could finish speaking, there was suddenly a thud from
behind him. Chi Zhao was taken aback. He quickly turned around
and saw that the source of the loud noise was Han Yu. His whole
body had fallen to the ground and now his upper body was
submerged in the water while his lower body remained on the
stone. Chi Zhao’s eyes widened. He wanted to hurry over to help Han
Yu up but before he could stand up, a strong energy pulled him back.
He couldn’t leave even half a centimetre away from the stone.
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With the same technique, the woman landed lightly on the stone.
She looked at Han Yu as if she was looking at an inanimate object.
With a casual kick, Han Yu was kicked into the water and she
continued to look at Chi Zhao.
The disgust in her eyes was very obvious but it wasn’t disgust
towards Chi Zhao but disgust towards the word he had uttered, “I
am not someone from He Huan, don’t even put me together with
that sect.”
Several bubbles surfaced. Chi Zhao was smarter this time.
Knowing that his legs couldn’t move, he moved his upper body
instead and stretched his arm out to grab Han Yu’s clothes. He
hurriedly pulled him to his side. There were some splashes. Chi Zhao
felt Han Yu grabbing his hand, so he knew he was awake. Increasing
his strength, he soon managed to pull Han Yu out.
Controlling another person’s body. This was something that could
only be done once someone reaches the soul severing stage and
generally no one would do it because it used up too much of one’s
energy. Besides, the bodies that could be controlled by those in the
soul severing stage are only people who are at the foundation stage
or lower. A big boss like that normally wouldn’t covet a body of such
a small fry. Those who were controlled would also still remember
what they did while they were controlled and if they were powerful
enough, they could actually trace it back to the person who was
controlling them so it can be quite risky.
Han Yu’s current expression was extremely poor. He first glanced
at Chi Zhao who had been chained up. That look of his was filled
with guilt and complicated emotions. He didn’t dare look directly at
Chi Zhao so he quickly looked away.
He jumped up from the water and asked the woman sitting in
front of him, “Left guardian, why are you doing this?!”
Left guardian?
It sounded familiar.
Chi Zhao was stunned for a while and, finally, he dug up a name
from deep in his memory.
The left guardian of the Liyang Palace, Meng Xinxiao, and also the
heroine of the four-sided scandal that had rocked the cultivation
Meng Xinxiao slowly raised her lids. When she looked at Chi Zhao,
she would reveal a fake smile but when she looked at Han Yu, her
expression was very cold. If anyone else saw this, they would think
that Meng Xinxiao hated Han Yu very much and treated him worse
than Chi Zhao, but only the people from Liyang Palace knew that the
closer she was to someone, the more indifferent she acts She and Chi
Zhao weren’t familiar, so she was able to deal with him without
hesitation, but towards her junior brother, she still held some
Looking at Han Yu coldly, she asked back, “Don’t you already
know? Why are you asking me now?”
Meng Xinxiao had controlled Han Yu’s body for four hours.
Transporting Chi Zhao and Han Yu over to this cave seemed to have
exhausted all her spiritual powers so she was currently completely
defenceless. If Chi Zhao could move, the two disciples before her
would be able to kill her. To consume her spiritual power like this,
even if she was an immortal, she wouldn’t be able to withstand it.
She had taken advantage of Chi Zhao’s trust in Han Yu to bring him
here and she should’ve released her control then but she continued
to control Han Yu and did a lot of things with his body. Each second
used to control Han Yu, the more dangerous it was for herself.
Han Yu didn’t understand. He really couldn’t understand.
“All this just to resurrect that murderer?! You hurt so many
people and don’t even want your own life for that?! Are you
Meng Xinxiao’s expression had always been very indifferent, but
after hearing Han Yu’s words, she suddenly sat up and stared
straight at Han Yu, “Qinghe Zhenren is not a murderer. The ones
who killed him are.”
Since the time he realised that he was an offering about to be
sacrificed, Chi Zhao had been wondering why they brought him
here. He didn’t have anything and the only thing about him that was
different from the others was his Yin spiritual root. There weren’t
many things related to the Yin spiritual root, so it wasn’t hard for Chi
Zhao to guess their intentions. Looking at Meng Xinxiao now, he felt
that something wasn’t quite right.
Meng Xinxiao didn’t seem to be the mastermind. When she
mentioned the big villain, the late Qinghe Zhenren, although her
expression was serious and her words were firm, she didn’t appear
crazed, like she would do anything to resurrect him.
Moreover, Han Yu had just mentioned that she had hurt a lot of
What people? Isn’t it just the three of them here? Were there
other sacrifices too?
As the one who seemed to be in the most dangerous situation, Chi
Zhao was instead the calmest. It was because he believed that his
world wouldn’t be that ridiculous. He would definitely be able to
escape and his Dao companion would definitely come and rescue
him but where necessary, he should also try to save himself so that
he wouldn’t drag Lin Changfeng down.
Chi Zhao took in the surroundings and tried to ask casually,
“You want to resurrect Qinghe Zhenren? Isn’t the person you like
the Yuanhe Mage?”
At the mention of the Yuanhe Mage, Meng Xinxiao’s expression
distorted for a moment, “Don’t mention that bald donkey to me!
Utter nonsense. This guardian falling for him? If it wasn’t for the
Golden Toad Pagoda in his hands, why would someone like Lusi
and myself be involved with that guy?”
The Golden Toad Pagoda was a sacred artifact of the Lingshan
School. It was rumoured that it could rescue people who have lost
their souls and gather it together.
Chi Zhao was stunned for a moment. So that is to say, that four-
sided love relationship was fake? Meng Xinxiao and Lusi only
approached the Yuanhe Mage for the sake of the Golden Toad
The rumour that Meng Xinxiao liked the Yuanhe Mage had been
around since a hundred years ago. After nearly a hundred years
passed and despite still being unable to obtain it, she wasn’t in a
hurry but two years ago, she started to feel anxious. Seeing that she
couldn’t do it, she even got Lusi who already had a Dao companion
to take the Yuanhe Mage down.
Why did she suddenly get anxious? Was it because of Chi Zhao’s
Six hundred years ago, Zhenren Qinghe self-destructed. It was
said that he had let himself to ruin due qi deviation and as a result,
his soul scattered and even his corpse couldn’t be found. Meng
Xinxiao lied that she had fallen for the Yuanhe Mage to get the
Golden Toad Pagoda and as for why they kidnapped him…..
Chi Zhao swore inside. He had a feeling that he was probably the
The four-sided relationship was indeed fake. Meng Xinxiao and
Lusi’s relationship was very good and they both belonged to the four
fairies of the Liyang Palace. Not only was Meng Xinxiao’s love for the
Yuanhe Mage fake, but it was also the same three hundred years ago
when Lusi Fairy and Feiyu Daoist become Dao companions. Lusi
Fairy had only agreed to it in order to eavesdrop on Zhao Tian sect’s
Like Meng Xinxiao, Lusi Fairy wasn’t interested in men at all. The
reason why the four-sided relationship rumour came about was
because they needed a distracting topic at the time.
At that time, their movements were too big and too frequent.
Because of Chi Zhao’s sudden appearance, it was an excellent
opportunity for them, so the plans that were originally not in a
hurry now needed to be done quickly. In order not to let the
disappearances become a sensation, Meng Xinxiao and Lusi teamed
up to spread the rumour of the four-sided relationship with Feiyu
Daoist and Yuanhe Mage. Things like one-night stands and avenging
were exaggerated embellishments.
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Chi Zhao wanted to ask more questions but a cold voice suddenly
sounded behind him, “Xinxiao, you should rest now.”
Seeing the person appearing at the entrance, Meng Xinxiao
habitually straightened up and bowed her head to humble herself,
“Yes, sect leader.”
Sect leader…….?
With a click, the light bulb in Chi Zhao’s mind turned on.
The clues he had overlooked finally connected now. Meng Xinxiao
was the left guardian. Even if she had a good relationship with Lusi
Fairy, it was impossible for her to get her involved with resurrecting
Qinghe Zhenren. Moreover, she had used Han Yu to capture him. If
Han Yu wasn’t there and she wanted him to lower his guard, it
would have been quite difficult.
Even with the Golden Toad Pagoda, Meng Xinxiao could fight a
long battle for more than a hundred years so using several years to
capture him also wasn’t a problem.
There was only one person who could make the four fairies of the
Liyang Palace to obey them and be able to send so many master
cultivators to the secret realm.
It was the sect leader of the Liyang Palace. Three years ago, she
had personally asked Han Yu if he wanted to join her sect as her
Chi Zhao still remembered clearly the gaze Wanluan sect leader
used to look at him. It was because she had reacted the strongest
when it was reported that he had the Yin spiritual root. At that time,
he thought Wanluan was looking at him like she was looking at a
monster but now that he thought about it again, she didn’t seem like
she was looking at a monster, but at an extremely incredible thing.
It turned out that from that time, he had been targeted. She had
accepted Han Yu probably because she saw Han Yu’s close
relationship with him.
It had happened all too suddenly. When Wanluan thought she
could take Chi Zhao, he had already agreed to join the Zhao Tian
sect. It couldn’t be helped. She could only take a step back and do the
next best thing and accept his friend Han Yu. At that time, she didn’t
expect Han Yu to be of any use but she had only accepted him to her
sect as a backup plan. It just happened that in the end, it was this
backup plan that helped her capture Chi Zhao.
What Chi Zhao could think of, Han Yu could naturally think of too.
His eyes looking at the Wanluan sect leader turned vigilant and
sharp. Wanluan sect leader still wore a veil. She didn’t even look at
Han Yu and just ordered the people behind her, “No one returned
alive from the secret realm of the Fantasy Sea. Mengyi, you take
Fengse’s place and sit on the fire seat.”
Gold, wood, water, fire, earth. Meng Xinxiao sat on the earth seat
and the woman called Mengyi sat on the fire seat. Chi Zhao could
only express some shock. Couldn’t it be that the entire Liyang Palace
was under the sect leader;s control? The entire Liyang Palace was
willing to resurrect Qinghe?
The entrance was very narrow and could only accommodate one
person at a time. After the woman called Mengyi walked over, the
people who appeared after that were all men of different
appearances. The men in the Liyang palace were all Dao companions
of the disciples there so they wouldn’t bear a face that was seventy
or eighty years old in appearance. There was however an old man
among that group of men. It meant that he was probably not from
the Liyang palace.
The eyes he used to look at Chi Zhao were almost fanatical. This
man looked like a complete madman.
Chi Zhao looked at him warily. Wangluan instructed the last
person who entered, “The formation can be activated. Start
Chi Zhao was stunned. Han Yu next to hum suddenly got
agitated. He rushed to Wanluan and yelled, “No! You can’t do
this. They’re all innocent. Why are you using their lives to
exchange for Qinghe Zhenren’s life?! You’re going against the
heavens like this. Please, master. Stop! I’m begging you!!”
Chi Zhao originally thought that the bloodletting mentioned by
Wanluan was for himself to bleed but now, in hindsight, he looked
up at the only place he had overlooked before.
Just above his head were numerous cages made with the same
material as the chains that bound him. Inside them sat a group of
people who were all pale and weak. They looked like they were dead
and only the small rise and falls on the chest indicated that they
were still alive.
Chi Zhao also saw an acquaintance in there. Yu Mochen was no
longer as high-spirited as he was a year ago and his clothes were
dirty and tattered. One of his hands hung lifelessly out the edge of
the cage and there appeared to be dried blood on it.
There was a total of eighty-one cultivators and they were at the
core formation stage or above but at this moment they looked like
slaves in ancient times, confined inside a cage, completely
unconscious. Some have only been imprisoned for a few months
while others have been imprisoned for thousands of years.
Chi Zhao originally had no idea how the resurrection would work,
and everything felt unreal. It was only at this moment that he
realised that he was truly in a dangerous situation.
For someone to be able to do this kind of thing, how much of a
madman must they be?
Chi Zhao’s eyes were now finally covered with a layer of fear.
Wanluan took this in and even smiled a little. Her smile was hidden
under the veil so no one saw it and before anyone could notice it,
that smile was already gone.
It was because she heard the sounds of someone breaking in.
That person was slaughtering her disciples and guards outside. He
single-handedly cut through the throats of anyone who tried to stop
him using a sword that was originally used protect the world. He
was completely untouched by the formations left along the way and
he continued to approach their current location.
Slowly getting closer and closer.
The narrow entrance was cut open by a slash from the sword.
That slash also cut a small hole on Wanluan’s veil. She narrowed her
eyes slightly and looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front
of her who looked more terrifying than any demon.
And then, she smiled again.
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Chapter 174
Source: KK Translates


It has been more than 700 years since Wanluan succeeded Liyang
Palace. Unlike the other sects who select the leader based on
seniority and their background, Liyang Palace selected it based on
strength alone.
If someone felt that they could challenge the current sect leader,
as long as they send out a letter of challenge, the current sect leader
must accept it. Such battles do not follow the rules of a friendly fight
and every move made by each party are to be filled with killing
In every challenge, someone would die. Sometimes it would be the
challenger, sometimes it would be the current sect leader. As for the
person who wins, without needing to go through any procedures
and regardless of their identity, as long as they were still breathing
and the other party had already stopped breathing, they would be
given the identity of the sect leader.
For more than 700 years. Wanluan had been the sect leader. It
goes to show how terrifying her strength was.
At present, the sect leaders of the six major sects are actually
people from the same generation and are similar in age. This is with
the exception of the abbot of the Lingshan School who is more than
500 years older than the others. The rest of them have almost all
grown up together since a young age. Although they all grew up in
their respective sects, the road of cultivation is long, and the leaders
of the major sects would inevitably cross paths. At that time, the
male cultivators had Jiye Zhenren at the forefront while the female
cultivators had Wanluan. These two people were almost invincible,
but it also just so happened that both liked to remain low-key, so
they rarely took the initiative to do anything.
In the past, Wanluan and Jiye Zhenren had only exchanged hands
once and it was at a joint conference. At that time, Wanluan was only
barely defeated by Jiye Zhenren but now it was hard to say. After all,
for the past six hundred years, Wanluan had been making progress
while Jiye Zhenren’s cultivation progress had stagnated.
In other words, Wanluan was probably an opponent stronger than
Jiye Zhenren. Even Lin Changfeng was nothing against her.
Wanluan also clearly thought this and that was why she was able
to smile with ease. As for Jiye Zhenren’s eldest disciple, Wanluan
had never paid much attention to him and had only recently started
to become a little interested in him.
“To actually find this place so quickly. Quite remarkable.”
The overall strength in the cultivation realm was like a pyramid.
The higher you go, the fewer people there are and the distance
between each level was as insurmountable as the sky. For those
outside, he could end battles instantly with a brandish of his sword,
but in front of Wanluan, he couldn’t act rashly.
Lin Changfeng gripped his sword tightly. There was still
someone’s blood dripping off the tip of it. He didn’t respond to that
statement and just looked at Chi Zhao who was sitting in the middle
of the underground pool of water.
Chi Zhao had been watching him all this time. Seeing him look
over in his direction, he anxiously wanted to stand, but the heavy
chains tied him down. Chi Zhao’s anxiousness only caused the heavy
chains to rattle/
Lin Changfeng had good hearing. Even if he couldn’t see the
situation under the water, he could guess what that sound meant.
His breathing hastened for a moment and he turned to look at
Wanluan with a dark expression, “You tied him up?”
Ever since Lin Changfeng appeared, those two cultivators have
been staring at him with extreme vigilance, as if trying to decide if
they should get rid of him, but because Wanluan hadn’t said
anything, they didn’t move. Wanluan gently waved her hands and
glanced at the two who then silently returned to their positions.
Wanluan’s voice was very cold. Although most cultivators don’t
speak with much warmth in their voices, there were few people like
her who could freeze others with just a few words.
“What else? After activating the soul exchange formation, his
soul will be physically stripped away. At that time, he would be in
so much pain, he would want to end his life so what else could I
After she said this, Chi Zhao’s first reaction wasn’t to worry about
his own life and he instead looked nervously at Lin Changfeng,
fearing that he would be stimulated by those words and start
attacking Wanluan without caring for the consequences.
Fortunately, Lin Changfeng sensibly remained in place. His eyes
were red like a wild beast’s and he was clearly furious, but it was
like his feet were nailed to the ground and he didn’t move.
Wanluan looked at him and for some reason laughed, “You and
your master are so alike. You still remain rational even at a time
like this. If I said that I would let the rest of them go if you killed
him, would you also rationally choose to kill your Dao
Without waiting for Lin Changfeng’s answer, Wanluan looked
at him mockingly, “However, I won’t ask you that kind of question
because none of you are to leave this place. Today, you will all die
Wanluan usually wouldn’t say so much. Probably because her true
nature has been revealed, she felt that she no longer needed to
maintain her act. The others weren’t as quick as Lin Changfeng. After
learning that this incident was related to Wanluan, many returned
to get more support. No one expected the mastermind behind all
this to be the sect leader of the Liyang Palace, Wanluan. Huang
Ling’er originally thought that just herself would be enough to knock
everyone down to the ground but with the current situation, even if
there were three of her, there was no guarantee of victory.
Lin Changfeng was worried about Chi Zhao so he came here alone.
He was relieved when he saw that Chi Zhao was still alive and that
the formation was still not activated. The next thing he had to do
was to delay Wanluan and wait for the rest to come.
Thinking this, Lin Changfeng closed his eyes and suppressed the
strong killing intent inside him. He then lowered his eyes and spoke
up, “I am not the same as my master.”
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After saying this, he raised his eyes and looked at Wanluan calmly,
“I will never abandon Chi Zhao, let alone hurt him.”
Wanluan clearly didn’t believe him. The first time Jiye Zhenren
accepted a disciple, he had accepted a Yang spiritual root just like
himself. Before that incident, she wasn’t very familiar with what the
characteristics of a Yang spiritual root were. She only found out
when she personally watched Jiye lead a group of people to trap
Qinghe, watched him calmly put up a formation and watched him
expressionlessly confront Qinghe.
The Yang spiritual root will never develop inner demons and will
never be impulsive. They are always calm, and the word ‘regret’
does not exist in their dictionaries.
Qinghe was the kind of person who wouldn’t give up even when
forced into a dead end but in the end, he self-destructed. Why was
It was probably because he was in too much despair. He had been
chasing after Jiye’s footsteps, trying to reach a position where he
could stand shoulder to shoulder with Jiye and let him pay more
attention to him, but having not been unsuccessful for all those
years, he fell into the wrong path. Even after he went mad, that
person didn’t act any different and even disregarded their past and
personally came to trap him.
That was probably the reason for his despair and that was why he
chose to end his life and die together with Jiye.
But he had died and Jiye was still alive.
“Easier said than done.”
Wanluan lowered her gaze and looked down from above. Her
words were very light, like the sound of a petal falling. Chi Zhao felt
that she didn’t seem quite right. Just as he wanted to straighten up
the upper half of his body and speak up to warn Lin Changfeng, he
suddenly felt a numb sensation on his wrist.
It was like he was electrocuted by a small spark.
Chi Zhao glanced over in Han Yu’s direction, but Han Yu had his
back facing him and he couldn’t see Han Yu’s expression. They are
both in the water and water was a conductive medium so that shock
just now was probably Han Yu trying to help him.
Chi Zhao pursed his lips. He didn’t dare move too much. The chain
suppressed his spiritual power, and he was currently no different
from an ordinary person. Using the chance when everyone’s
attention was on Wanluan and Lin Changfeng, he lowered his head
and tried to find a weak point on that chain.
On the other end, Wanluan spoke up again.
“I’m not interested in wasting time with you. You are
considered Qinghe’s half disciple, so I originally didn’t want to
kill you. Don’t get in my way.”
Chi Zhao was still concentrating on examining the chain. Hearing
her say this, his body stiffened, and he quickly looked up. He just
happened to see Wanluan pull out a whip from her waist and attack
Lin Changfeng, “No!!!”
Lin Changfeng had to exert all his energy to block that blow.
Wanluan was going all out. She didn’t care where this place was and
she didn’t care about whether Lin Changfeng’s death would provoke
the entire Zhao Tian sect. Upon seeing that she was about to throw
out a second attack, he suddenly heard a line.
“I have a life and death contract with Chi Zhao. If you kill me, it
will all be futile.”
Wanluan’s actions stopped. Almost everyone in the cave was
shocked, including the other party involved, Chi Zhao.
Lin Changfeng didn’t want Chi Zhao to know about something like
this in such circumstances, but he had no other choice. He flattened
his lips and turn to look at Chi Zhao who was looking back at him
with a blank expression, as if he still didn’t understand what the life
and death contract meant.
The vessel must be alive. If it was dead, even if it had only died a
second ago, it couldn’t be used. Wanluan didn’t dare make any more
moves and even her expression was complicated. Lin Changfeng
used the corner of his eyes to scan the rest of the cave. He saw that
the other four cultivators who were at the spirit severing stage or
higher were all staring at him.
The life and death agreement wasn’t almighty. Even if they
couldn’t kill him; they could still knock him out or tie him up. Lin
Changfeng still couldn’t act too rashly. Lin Changfeng looked back at
Wanluan and noticed the change in her mental state. He suddenly
spoke, “You are putting all this effort just to resurrect Qinghe
Zhenren but what use is it for you to resurrect him? Even if he
lives, he will still be the Qinghe Zhenren who had gone mad, he
won’t be the same as before.”
Wanluan’s originally lost look froze for a moment. She stared
straight at Lin Changfeng with eyes that were so calm, she looked a
little mad.
“So what is he’s mad? I don’t care. I only want him to live. Even
if he kills the entire cultivation realm, I don’t care. In any case,
they owe him.”
Lin Changfeng frowned, “The people who harmed Qinghe
Zhenren have died a a long time ago. Everyone else is innocent.”
What happened back then was also very complicated. At that time,
Lin Changfeng was just a young disciple who had joined a sect and
wasn’t involved with many things nor did he have the authority to
be involved. What he saw back then was Qinghe, who was Jiye’s
junior brother, clinging to his master every day. Later, an accident
happened and Qinghe developed inner demons and ever since then,
his character began to change. The original Qinghe was generous,
kind-hearted and very animated so many people liked him but after
developing the inner demon, he became dark, paranoid and
impulsive, and almost killed innocent people several times.
Qinghe himself was also in pain but he couldn’t control it. Later, it
was unknown what had happened but Jiye who was followed
around by Qinghe for nearly a thousand years finally agreed to
become his Dao companion. At that time, Qinghe’s character had
faintly returned to what it was like in the past, but on the eve of the
ceremony, Qinghe completely went mad.
It was only after everything had settled that Lin Changfeng
learned that the Qinghe back then never felt secure. Hearing that
Jiye’s decision to become his Dao companion wasn’t sincere and was
just purely because he wanted to control his inner demon, he
wanted to confront Jiye about it. In the end, he didn’t see Jiye and
instead saw a killing formation set up in their future home.
Qinghe thought Jiye wanted to kill him and eliminate the danger
before it takes fruit. As a result, his originally unstable heart
collapsed and, after he went mad, a series of tragedies followed.
But it wasn’t Jiye’s idea, he himself didn’t know about it. That plan
was something the elders of the sect at the time had devised,
thinking that the bringer of misfortune, Qinghe, shouldn’t be by the
sect leader’s side. They had wanted to use the ceremony as a chance
to get rid of Qinghe.
The cultivation realm six hundred years ago was far more chaotic
than it was now. Schemes and plotting were almost everywhere, and
the status of a sect leader wasn’t that high. Something like this
happening was too normal and also too tragic.
Hearing Lin Changfeng’s words, Wanluan thought she heard a
joke, “Innocent?”
“How are they innocent?!”
“They all avoided Yin spiritual roots like a plague and after
hearing that Qinghe had inner demons, they couldn’t wait for
him to be expelled from the sect. Some pointed fingers at him in
the open while others persecuted him in secret. Why didn’t any of
them believe in Qinghe? Why should they turn a blind eye to him?
As long as there was one person who was willing to believe in
him, he would not have fallen to that state!”
Wanluan looked like a madman. She was so agitated; her veil had
fallen off. Wanluan originally had a gorgeous appearance that would
make even an immortal feel ashamed, but she never showed it to
others because she only wanted to show her face to the person she
She liked Qinghe and she had liked him since they were young.
Qinghe only had Jiye in his eyes so she knew she didn’t have a
chance and never expressed her feelings, only watching him silently
in the background. After watching for so many years, even if it was
just a back figure, he had completely melted into her blood and
bones. Qinghe had died. It also meant that her blood was drawn, her
bones were shaved, and her flesh was cut off. Now, she who used to
look like an immortal beauty, had become hideous and hateful.
“It wasn’t that no one believed in him.” Lin Changfeng looked
at Wanluan, his expression still calm, “Want he wanted had
nothing to do with the others.”
Lin Changfeng believed in him. The sect leader of the He Huan sect
also believed in him. But so what? What he wanted was that person
to believe in him. Even if the whole world didn’t believe in him, as
long as that person was willing to accept him, he wouldn’t have
fallen to that state.
Besides, it wasn’t that that person didn’t believe in him, but he
himself who no longer believed in that person.
Wanluan appeared to be shaken. It was unknown what she
recalled but she suddenly raised her head and glared at Lin
Changfeng with hatred. Chi Zhao hurriedly warned, “Changfeng, be
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Lin Changfeng quickly avoided the attack. Meng Xinxiao who
noticed that Wanluan didn’t seem quite right also shouted, “Sect
leader, don’t kill him!”
Wanluan clearly wanted to kill Lin Changfeng. The Daoist who
was originally sitting immediately flew over to block her attack. He
was willing to cooperate with Wanluan because he wanted to
resurrect Qinghe but he couldn’t care less about their past. He didn’t
want to see what they had planned for so many years be ruined in
the hands of this mad woman.
A fight had started over there. It conversely made it more
convenient for Han Yu. Han Yu’s mouth had a metallic taste. Having
used so much spiritual power, he was about to vomit blood. The
spell that had been applied to this chain was unique to the Liyang
Palace and Han Yu had only briefly seen it once and knew that
lightning was its nemesis. But no matter what he did, that spell
didn’t seem to budge.
One person wasn’t enough to stop Wanluan. The other knitted his
brows and soon joined the battle. The woman called Mengyi looked
at Meng Xinxiao and the two conversed with their eyes. She then
gently tapped the ground and leapt behind Lin Changfeng to knock
him out while he was distracted.
Lin Changfeng couldn’t beat Wanluan but it didn’t mean that he
couldn’t beat the others. Wanluan was currently caught up with the
other two cultivators to stop her from killing him so he knew that
this was the best opportunity for him. They only had five people
here and the formation required five cultivators who are above the
spirit severing stage. As long as he killed one, that formation would
no longer be possible.
Lin Changfeng suddenly turned around, seemingly intending to
attack Mengyi. Mengyi sneered, thinking that he was overestimating
himself. Lin Changfeng was not yet at the spirit severing stage and
having also spent so much energy just now, how could he beat her?
Just as she was about to take his blow, she suddenly noticed that Lin
Changfeng had disappeared.
In an instant, Mengyi realised something. She flew desperately but
she was still a step to late. Meng Xinxiao, who was originally
standing in the distance, was slashed across the throat by Lin
Changfeng and was not given a chance to resist.
Lin Changfeng didn’t want to kill Meng Xinxiao.
Meng Xinxiao had also watched him grow up. When he was a
child, Jiye Zhenren was busy with dealing with the sect affairs and it
had been Qinghe Zhenren who had helped him train and gain
experience at other sects. When he visited Liyang Palace, Meng
Xinxiao would laugh and joke, asking if he wanted to stay in Liyang
Palace and be her son-in-law.
But he had to kill Meng Xinxiao.
Because he was a Yang spiritual root, he knew very clearly what
he should do and what was most important to him.
The sound of the blade scraping across the neck bone sounded
like a grim reaper’s footsteps. He pulled out his sword and turned
back to look at the rest of the people in the cave who had instantly
fallen silent.
Even Han Yu was stunned. Meng Xinxiao…..died just like that?
The silence only lasted for a second. Very soon, a crazed and
despaired cry sounded through the cave. Wanluan killed the man
who tried to stop her from attacking and then charged towards Lin
Changfeng. Lin Changfeng didn’t have the chance to feel sad before
he had to move away. Chi Zhao was still bound by the chains, he
couldn’t bring Wanluan over.
Meng Xinxiao was Wanluan’s junior sister. They had been close
sisters since young and she meant a lot to Wanluan. Although
Wanluan held no affection for her over the past few hundred years
and Meng Xinxiao had only helped her accomplish what she wanted
to accomplish, no longer having any heart-to-heart talks, the
moment she saw Meng Xinxiao die, she realised what it meant to
lose a loved one.
Chi Zhao was also about to go crazy. He even wanted to cut off his
leg instead of sitting here, watching that mad woman drive Lin
Changfeng to a dead end. Countless cuts have formed on his wrists,
the blood flowing out from there, seeping into the water. The cold
and filthy water he sat in conversely penetrated into his veins,
making him tremble with pain. He however continued to pull at the
chain. Suddenly, the spell on those chains was gone and he
unexpectedly was able to break free rather easily. Disregarding the
pain in his body, he quickly raised his head. As expected, it wasn’t
Han Yu’s doing. Someone else was helping him.
Having not seen him for three years, Chi Zhao thought he had
forgotten what Jiye Zhenren looked like, but in fact, he only
discovered now that he remembered it very clearly, like it was only
Huang Ling’er followed closely behind. She had already removed
her disguise and with just a few moves, she had already beaten
Mengyi to the ground. The originally one-sided battle had changed
momentum in an instant. Seeing Jiye, Wanluan’s pupils instantly
constricted. She gritted her teeth, “Ji. Ye.”
Chi Zhao stumbled out from the water. Lin Changfeng used this
opportunity to hold him up and then retreated to a place far away
from Wanluan. He held tightly onto Chi Zhao who was still bleeding
at his wrist and stared at Wanluan with vigilance.
Jiye who was called out by her just looked around with a calm
expression. He then looked up at the cultivators who were locked up
and finally at Wanluan, “Pull back.”
Wanluan laughed sarcastically. The stimulation from Meng
Xinxiao’s death had already faded and she looked at Jiye seriously,
“You think that is possible?”
“You won’t be able to resurrect Qinghe.”
His voice was much too calm and certain. She was stunned for a
moment. She had known Jiye Zhenren for many years and naturally
knew his character very well. She frowned and asked, “Why?”
The Golden Toad Pagoda was in the cave, but it clearly hadn’t
been used yet. Jiye Zhenren looked at the Golden Toad Pagoda and
continued calmly, “Because you won’t be able to find Qinghe’s
After a pause, he turned his head back and looked at Wanluan,
“Qinghe’s soul didn’t scatter. After I killed him, I sealed it in the
sect’s forbidden area. The Golden Toad Pagoda won’t be able to
summon it.”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 175
Source: KK Translates


It has been more than 700 years since Wanluan succeeded Liyang
Palace. Unlike the other sects who select the leader based on
seniority and their background, Liyang Palace selected it based on
strength alone.
If someone felt that they could challenge the current sect leader,
as long as they send out a letter of challenge, the current sect leader
must accept it. Such battles do not follow the rules of a friendly fight
and every move made by each party are to be filled with killing
In every challenge, someone would die. Sometimes it would be the
challenger, sometimes it would be the current sect leader. As for the
person who wins, without needing to go through any procedures
and regardless of their identity, as long as they were still breathing
and the other party had already stopped breathing, they would be
given the identity of the sect leader.
For more than 700 years. Wanluan had been the sect leader. It
goes to show how terrifying her strength was.
At present, the sect leaders of the six major sects are actually
people from the same generation and are similar in age. This is with
the exception of the abbot of the Lingshan School who is more than
500 years older than the others. The rest of them have almost all
grown up together since a young age. Although they all grew up in
their respective sects, the road of cultivation is long, and the leaders
of the major sects would inevitably cross paths. At that time, the
male cultivators had Jiye Zhenren at the forefront while the female
cultivators had Wanluan. These two people were almost invincible,
but it also just so happened that both liked to remain low-key, so
they rarely took the initiative to do anything.
In the past, Wanluan and Jiye Zhenren had only exchanged hands
once and it was at a joint conference. At that time, Wanluan was only
barely defeated by Jiye Zhenren but now it was hard to say. After all,
for the past six hundred years, Wanluan had been making progress
while Jiye Zhenren’s cultivation progress had stagnated.
In other words, Wanluan was probably an opponent stronger than
Jiye Zhenren. Even Lin Changfeng was nothing against her.
Wanluan also clearly thought this and that was why she was able
to smile with ease. As for Jiye Zhenren’s eldest disciple, Wanluan
had never paid much attention to him and had only recently started
to become a little interested in him.
“To actually find this place so quickly. Quite remarkable.”
The overall strength in the cultivation realm was like a pyramid.
The higher you go, the fewer people there are and the distance
between each level was as insurmountable as the sky. For those
outside, he could end battles instantly with a brandish of his sword,
but in front of Wanluan, he couldn’t act rashly.
Lin Changfeng gripped his sword tightly. There was still
someone’s blood dripping off the tip of it. He didn’t respond to that
statement and just looked at Chi Zhao who was sitting in the middle
of the underground pool of water.
Chi Zhao had been watching him all this time. Seeing him look
over in his direction, he anxiously wanted to stand, but the heavy
chains tied him down. Chi Zhao’s anxiousness only caused the heavy
chains to rattle/
Lin Changfeng had good hearing. Even if he couldn’t see the
situation under the water, he could guess what that sound meant.
His breathing hastened for a moment and he turned to look at
Wanluan with a dark expression, “You tied him up?”
Ever since Lin Changfeng appeared, those two cultivators have
been staring at him with extreme vigilance, as if trying to decide if
they should get rid of him, but because Wanluan hadn’t said
anything, they didn’t move. Wanluan gently waved her hands and
glanced at the two who then silently returned to their positions.
Wanluan’s voice was very cold. Although most cultivators don’t
speak with much warmth in their voices, there were few people like
her who could freeze others with just a few words.
“What else? After activating the soul exchange formation, his
soul will be physically stripped away. At that time, he would be in
so much pain, he would want to end his life so what else could I
After she said this, Chi Zhao’s first reaction wasn’t to worry about
his own life and he instead looked nervously at Lin Changfeng,
fearing that he would be stimulated by those words and start
attacking Wanluan without caring for the consequences.
Fortunately, Lin Changfeng sensibly remained in place. His eyes
were red like a wild beast’s and he was clearly furious, but it was
like his feet were nailed to the ground and he didn’t move.
Wanluan looked at him and for some reason laughed, “You and
your master are so alike. You still remain rational even at a time
like this. If I said that I would let the rest of them go if you killed
him, would you also rationally choose to kill your Dao
Without waiting for Lin Changfeng’s answer, Wanluan looked
at him mockingly, “However, I won’t ask you that kind of question
because none of you are to leave this place. Today, you will all die
Wanluan usually wouldn’t say so much. Probably because her true
nature has been revealed, she felt that she no longer needed to
maintain her act. The others weren’t as quick as Lin Changfeng. After
learning that this incident was related to Wanluan, many returned
to get more support. No one expected the mastermind behind all
this to be the sect leader of the Liyang Palace, Wanluan. Huang
Ling’er originally thought that just herself would be enough to knock
everyone down to the ground but with the current situation, even if
there were three of her, there was no guarantee of victory.
Lin Changfeng was worried about Chi Zhao so he came here alone.
He was relieved when he saw that Chi Zhao was still alive and that
the formation was still not activated. The next thing he had to do
was to delay Wanluan and wait for the rest to come.
Thinking this, Lin Changfeng closed his eyes and suppressed the
strong killing intent inside him. He then lowered his eyes and spoke
up, “I am not the same as my master.”
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After saying this, he raised his eyes and looked at Wanluan calmly,
“I will never abandon Chi Zhao, let alone hurt him.”
Wanluan clearly didn’t believe him. The first time Jiye Zhenren
accepted a disciple, he had accepted a Yang spiritual root just like
himself. Before that incident, she wasn’t very familiar with what the
characteristics of a Yang spiritual root were. She only found out
when she personally watched Jiye lead a group of people to trap
Qinghe, watched him calmly put up a formation and watched him
expressionlessly confront Qinghe.
The Yang spiritual root will never develop inner demons and will
never be impulsive. They are always calm, and the word ‘regret’
does not exist in their dictionaries.
Qinghe was the kind of person who wouldn’t give up even when
forced into a dead end but in the end, he self-destructed. Why was
It was probably because he was in too much despair. He had been
chasing after Jiye’s footsteps, trying to reach a position where he
could stand shoulder to shoulder with Jiye and let him pay more
attention to him, but having not been unsuccessful for all those
years, he fell into the wrong path. Even after he went mad, that
person didn’t act any different and even disregarded their past and
personally came to trap him.
That was probably the reason for his despair and that was why he
chose to end his life and die together with Jiye.
But he had died and Jiye was still alive.
“Easier said than done.”
Wanluan lowered her gaze and looked down from above. Her
words were very light, like the sound of a petal falling. Chi Zhao felt
that she didn’t seem quite right. Just as he wanted to straighten up
the upper half of his body and speak up to warn Lin Changfeng, he
suddenly felt a numb sensation on his wrist.
It was like he was electrocuted by a small spark.
Chi Zhao glanced over in Han Yu’s direction, but Han Yu had his
back facing him and he couldn’t see Han Yu’s expression. They are
both in the water and water was a conductive medium so that shock
just now was probably Han Yu trying to help him.
Chi Zhao pursed his lips. He didn’t dare move too much. The chain
suppressed his spiritual power, and he was currently no different
from an ordinary person. Using the chance when everyone’s
attention was on Wanluan and Lin Changfeng, he lowered his head
and tried to find a weak point on that chain.
On the other end, Wanluan spoke up again.
“I’m not interested in wasting time with you. You are
considered Qinghe’s half disciple, so I originally didn’t want to
kill you. Don’t get in my way.”
Chi Zhao was still concentrating on examining the chain. Hearing
her say this, his body stiffened, and he quickly looked up. He just
happened to see Wanluan pull out a whip from her waist and attack
Lin Changfeng, “No!!!”
Lin Changfeng had to exert all his energy to block that blow.
Wanluan was going all out. She didn’t care where this place was and
she didn’t care about whether Lin Changfeng’s death would provoke
the entire Zhao Tian sect. Upon seeing that she was about to throw
out a second attack, he suddenly heard a line.
“I have a life and death contract with Chi Zhao. If you kill me, it
will all be futile.”
Wanluan’s actions stopped. Almost everyone in the cave was
shocked, including the other party involved, Chi Zhao.
Lin Changfeng didn’t want Chi Zhao to know about something like
this in such circumstances, but he had no other choice. He flattened
his lips and turn to look at Chi Zhao who was looking back at him
with a blank expression, as if he still didn’t understand what the life
and death contract meant.
The vessel must be alive. If it was dead, even if it had only died a
second ago, it couldn’t be used. Wanluan didn’t dare make any more
moves and even her expression was complicated. Lin Changfeng
used the corner of his eyes to scan the rest of the cave. He saw that
the other four cultivators who were at the spirit severing stage or
higher were all staring at him.
The life and death agreement wasn’t almighty. Even if they
couldn’t kill him; they could still knock him out or tie him up. Lin
Changfeng still couldn’t act too rashly. Lin Changfeng looked back at
Wanluan and noticed the change in her mental state. He suddenly
spoke, “You are putting all this effort just to resurrect Qinghe
Zhenren but what use is it for you to resurrect him? Even if he
lives, he will still be the Qinghe Zhenren who had gone mad, he
won’t be the same as before.”
Wanluan’s originally lost look froze for a moment. She stared
straight at Lin Changfeng with eyes that were so calm, she looked a
little mad.
“So what is he’s mad? I don’t care. I only want him to live. Even
if he kills the entire cultivation realm, I don’t care. In any case,
they owe him.”
Lin Changfeng frowned, “The people who harmed Qinghe
Zhenren have died a a long time ago. Everyone else is innocent.”
What happened back then was also very complicated. At that time,
Lin Changfeng was just a young disciple who had joined a sect and
wasn’t involved with many things nor did he have the authority to
be involved. What he saw back then was Qinghe, who was Jiye’s
junior brother, clinging to his master every day. Later, an accident
happened and Qinghe developed inner demons and ever since then,
his character began to change. The original Qinghe was generous,
kind-hearted and very animated so many people liked him but after
developing the inner demon, he became dark, paranoid and
impulsive, and almost killed innocent people several times.
Qinghe himself was also in pain but he couldn’t control it. Later, it
was unknown what had happened but Jiye who was followed
around by Qinghe for nearly a thousand years finally agreed to
become his Dao companion. At that time, Qinghe’s character had
faintly returned to what it was like in the past, but on the eve of the
ceremony, Qinghe completely went mad.
It was only after everything had settled that Lin Changfeng
learned that the Qinghe back then never felt secure. Hearing that
Jiye’s decision to become his Dao companion wasn’t sincere and was
just purely because he wanted to control his inner demon, he
wanted to confront Jiye about it. In the end, he didn’t see Jiye and
instead saw a killing formation set up in their future home.
Qinghe thought Jiye wanted to kill him and eliminate the danger
before it takes fruit. As a result, his originally unstable heart
collapsed and, after he went mad, a series of tragedies followed.
But it wasn’t Jiye’s idea, he himself didn’t know about it. That plan
was something the elders of the sect at the time had devised,
thinking that the bringer of misfortune, Qinghe, shouldn’t be by the
sect leader’s side. They had wanted to use the ceremony as a chance
to get rid of Qinghe.
The cultivation realm six hundred years ago was far more chaotic
than it was now. Schemes and plotting were almost everywhere, and
the status of a sect leader wasn’t that high. Something like this
happening was too normal and also too tragic.
Hearing Lin Changfeng’s words, Wanluan thought she heard a
joke, “Innocent?”
“How are they innocent?!”
“They all avoided Yin spiritual roots like a plague and after
hearing that Qinghe had inner demons, they couldn’t wait for
him to be expelled from the sect. Some pointed fingers at him in
the open while others persecuted him in secret. Why didn’t any of
them believe in Qinghe? Why should they turn a blind eye to him?
As long as there was one person who was willing to believe in
him, he would not have fallen to that state!”
Wanluan looked like a madman. She was so agitated; her veil had
fallen off. Wanluan originally had a gorgeous appearance that would
make even an immortal feel ashamed, but she never showed it to
others because she only wanted to show her face to the person she
She liked Qinghe and she had liked him since they were young.
Qinghe only had Jiye in his eyes so she knew she didn’t have a
chance and never expressed her feelings, only watching him silently
in the background. After watching for so many years, even if it was
just a back figure, he had completely melted into her blood and
bones. Qinghe had died. It also meant that her blood was drawn, her
bones were shaved, and her flesh was cut off. Now, she who used to
look like an immortal beauty, had become hideous and hateful.
“It wasn’t that no one believed in him.” Lin Changfeng looked
at Wanluan, his expression still calm, “Want he wanted had
nothing to do with the others.”
Lin Changfeng believed in him. The sect leader of the He Huan sect
also believed in him. But so what? What he wanted was that person
to believe in him. Even if the whole world didn’t believe in him, as
long as that person was willing to accept him, he wouldn’t have
fallen to that state.
Besides, it wasn’t that that person didn’t believe in him, but he
himself who no longer believed in that person.
Wanluan appeared to be shaken. It was unknown what she
recalled but she suddenly raised her head and glared at Lin
Changfeng with hatred. Chi Zhao hurriedly warned, “Changfeng, be
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Lin Changfeng quickly avoided the attack. Meng Xinxiao who
noticed that Wanluan didn’t seem quite right also shouted, “Sect
leader, don’t kill him!”
Wanluan clearly wanted to kill Lin Changfeng. The Daoist who
was originally sitting immediately flew over to block her attack. He
was willing to cooperate with Wanluan because he wanted to
resurrect Qinghe but he couldn’t care less about their past. He didn’t
want to see what they had planned for so many years be ruined in
the hands of this mad woman.
A fight had started over there. It conversely made it more
convenient for Han Yu. Han Yu’s mouth had a metallic taste. Having
used so much spiritual power, he was about to vomit blood. The
spell that had been applied to this chain was unique to the Liyang
Palace and Han Yu had only briefly seen it once and knew that
lightning was its nemesis. But no matter what he did, that spell
didn’t seem to budge.
One person wasn’t enough to stop Wanluan. The other knitted his
brows and soon joined the battle. The woman called Mengyi looked
at Meng Xinxiao and the two conversed with their eyes. She then
gently tapped the ground and leapt behind Lin Changfeng to knock
him out while he was distracted.
Lin Changfeng couldn’t beat Wanluan but it didn’t mean that he
couldn’t beat the others. Wanluan was currently caught up with the
other two cultivators to stop her from killing him so he knew that
this was the best opportunity for him. They only had five people
here and the formation required five cultivators who are above the
spirit severing stage. As long as he killed one, that formation would
no longer be possible.
Lin Changfeng suddenly turned around, seemingly intending to
attack Mengyi. Mengyi sneered, thinking that he was overestimating
himself. Lin Changfeng was not yet at the spirit severing stage and
having also spent so much energy just now, how could he beat her?
Just as she was about to take his blow, she suddenly noticed that Lin
Changfeng had disappeared.
In an instant, Mengyi realised something. She flew desperately but
she was still a step to late. Meng Xinxiao, who was originally
standing in the distance, was slashed across the throat by Lin
Changfeng and was not given a chance to resist.
Lin Changfeng didn’t want to kill Meng Xinxiao.
Meng Xinxiao had also watched him grow up. When he was a
child, Jiye Zhenren was busy with dealing with the sect affairs and it
had been Qinghe Zhenren who had helped him train and gain
experience at other sects. When he visited Liyang Palace, Meng
Xinxiao would laugh and joke, asking if he wanted to stay in Liyang
Palace and be her son-in-law.
But he had to kill Meng Xinxiao.
Because he was a Yang spiritual root, he knew very clearly what
he should do and what was most important to him.
The sound of the blade scraping across the neck bone sounded
like a grim reaper’s footsteps. He pulled out his sword and turned
back to look at the rest of the people in the cave who had instantly
fallen silent.
Even Han Yu was stunned. Meng Xinxiao…..died just like that?
The silence only lasted for a second. Very soon, a crazed and
despaired cry sounded through the cave. Wanluan killed the man
who tried to stop her from attacking and then charged towards Lin
Changfeng. Lin Changfeng didn’t have the chance to feel sad before
he had to move away. Chi Zhao was still bound by the chains, he
couldn’t bring Wanluan over.
Meng Xinxiao was Wanluan’s junior sister. They had been close
sisters since young and she meant a lot to Wanluan. Although
Wanluan held no affection for her over the past few hundred years
and Meng Xinxiao had only helped her accomplish what she wanted
to accomplish, no longer having any heart-to-heart talks, the
moment she saw Meng Xinxiao die, she realised what it meant to
lose a loved one.
Chi Zhao was also about to go crazy. He even wanted to cut off his
leg instead of sitting here, watching that mad woman drive Lin
Changfeng to a dead end. Countless cuts have formed on his wrists,
the blood flowing out from there, seeping into the water. The cold
and filthy water he sat in conversely penetrated into his veins,
making him tremble with pain. He however continued to pull at the
chain. Suddenly, the spell on those chains was gone and he
unexpectedly was able to break free rather easily. Disregarding the
pain in his body, he quickly raised his head. As expected, it wasn’t
Han Yu’s doing. Someone else was helping him.
Having not seen him for three years, Chi Zhao thought he had
forgotten what Jiye Zhenren looked like, but in fact, he only
discovered now that he remembered it very clearly, like it was only
Huang Ling’er followed closely behind. She had already removed
her disguise and with just a few moves, she had already beaten
Mengyi to the ground. The originally one-sided battle had changed
momentum in an instant. Seeing Jiye, Wanluan’s pupils instantly
constricted. She gritted her teeth, “Ji. Ye.”
Chi Zhao stumbled out from the water. Lin Changfeng used this
opportunity to hold him up and then retreated to a place far away
from Wanluan. He held tightly onto Chi Zhao who was still bleeding
at his wrist and stared at Wanluan with vigilance.
Jiye who was called out by her just looked around with a calm
expression. He then looked up at the cultivators who were locked up
and finally at Wanluan, “Pull back.”
Wanluan laughed sarcastically. The stimulation from Meng
Xinxiao’s death had already faded and she looked at Jiye seriously,
“You think that is possible?”
“You won’t be able to resurrect Qinghe.”
His voice was much too calm and certain. She was stunned for a
moment. She had known Jiye Zhenren for many years and naturally
knew his character very well. She frowned and asked, “Why?”
The Golden Toad Pagoda was in the cave, but it clearly hadn’t
been used yet. Jiye Zhenren looked at the Golden Toad Pagoda and
continued calmly, “Because you won’t be able to find Qinghe’s
After a pause, he turned his head back and looked at Wanluan,
“Qinghe’s soul didn’t scatter. After I killed him, I sealed it in the
sect’s forbidden area. The Golden Toad Pagoda won’t be able to
summon it.”
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 175
Source: KK Translates


Qinghe Zhenren self-destructed. This statement was something

everyone in the cultivation realm was familiar with.
Although everyone said this, no one saw the scene itself. When
Qinghe was forced into a desperate situation and died in the end, the
only other person beside him at the time was Jiye.
Jiye had said that he had self-destructed, and everyone believed
him. No one doubted the authenticity of that line.
The cave was narrow and dim. Any sound here would be
amplified several times. No one spoke. There was only the sound of
water dripping from the top of the cave. Nestled in Lin Changfeng’s
arms, Chi Zhao’s breathing eased a lot.
Qinghe Zhenren was a big villain. Chi Zhao knew about this a long
time ago, but he didn’t know that Qinghe was once a member of the
Zhao Tian sect, let alone the fact that Qinghe and Jiye had just an
intricate relationship.
What kind of scene was this?! Can he just go home now?!
The answer was naturally no.
Wanluan was completely stunned. Chi Zhao took advantage of this
moment to glance up at Lin Changfeng’s chin.
It turned out that he knew Qinghe Zhenren and was taught by him
for some time. No wonder he was so worried about him. He was
probably afraid of the same thing happening again.
Soft footsteps sounded. Chi Zhao withdrew his gaze and saw that
Wanluan had finally moved.
She only took a step forward. Huang Lin’er stared at her like she
was facing a big enemy. If she moved even a little more, she was
ready to fight her to death. Jiye Zhenren was still the same as before,
as if what he had said just now wasn’t important at all.
“You……killed Qinghe?”
When Wanluan asked this, her voice was very, very small. It was
just a few simple words, but it almost faded in the air as soon as it
left her mouth. Jiye Zhenren just looked at her, not answering.
But it also meant that he was silently affirming. Wanluan’s eyes
were empty. She looked even more terrifying now than earlier when
her face was twisted with anger because no one knew when she
would suddenly go mad again.
“Then where did you hide his body?”
If he didn’t self-destruct, it meant that there should be a corpse.
Jiye pursed his lips and replied, “It’s also in the forbidden area.”
“…..You do realise how much he liked you, right?”
The people in the cave didn’t dare move. Even Mengyi who was
supporting her wounded arm and leaning against the wall didn’t act.
Their sect leader had completely changed since Qinghe Zhenren’s
death. Right now, no one knew what Wanluan really was like. The
only thing they could be certain of was that Qinghe Zhenren was a
sore spot for her.
Wanluan held her long whip and closed her eyes for a few
seconds. She seemed to be smiling but she also seemed to have no
expression at all. After letting out a long breath, she said, “I really
regret it. I should’ve killed you the first time I saw you. People
like you are not worthy of living in this world.”
Before she finished saying this, Huang Ling’er had a warning
alarm go off in her mind. She immediately took action to snatch
away the weapon in Wanluan’s hand but before she could reach her,
Wanluan had already opened her eyes.
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Huang Ling’er who was in the soul formation stage couldn’t even
make a move before she was thrown against the cave wall. Huang
Ling’er could feel her internal organs twist about inside her and she
spat out a pool of blood. Climbing up from the ground with difficulty,
she smacked away Chi Zhao’s outstretched hand and said with a
poor expression, “She has gone mad.”
Without needing Huang Ling’er to say this, anyone with eyes
could see it. Wanluan was already in a state of madness and with
Jiye’s stimulation that time, she had become even more irrational.
There was no one else in her eyes, only Jiye. If she didn’t kill Jiye
tonight, she wouldn’t be able to let it go.
Chi Zhao and Huang Ling’er stayed together in one place. When
Lin Changfeng saw that Jiye was in trouble, he wanted to go and help
him, but before he could take a step out, he heard Jiye’s calm voice,
“You won’t be able to kill me either.”
The blows carrying killing intent had all been avoided by Jiye.
Wanluan sneered and didn’t even stop to think about why he would
say something like this. She threw her whip out again and this time,
Jiye couldn’t avoid it. Seeing that the whip strong enough to shatter
his internal organs, Lin Changfeng’s pupils constricted. As soon as he
was about to shout out the word ‘master’, he saw the whip pass
through Jiye Zhenren’s body and hit the cave wall.
Large pieces of rock shattered and fell onto the ground.
Everyone was left dumbfounded by this sudden scene and it
was the same with Wanluan. She was still in an agitated state,
“You actually only used a clone to save your disciples? Ha! This is
the sect leader of Zhao Tian sect, this is the Jiye Zhenren everyone
loves. Is it because you’re too cowardly or because you don’t see
me as anything worthy? Did you actually think that you could
beat me with just a clone?!”
Those involved may be unaware, but the onlookers saw it very
clearly. Wanluan was in too much of an emotional state to see the
truth of the matter. In this place, although he was taken away to be a
vessel, Chi Zhao was the only true outsider here, so he knew what
was going on. He looked at Jiye Zhenren in daze. Everything that had
happened over the past three years finally made sense.
Jiye Zhenren never went out, only going out once to accept
disciples but even then, he would use a clone. As a cultivator in the
body unification stage, his clone was almost the same as his real
body and no one could tell the difference between them. He didn’t
teach his disciples but would still accept disciples, he would hand
over sect affairs to the disciples below without doing anything and
he also didn’t see anyone apart from Lin Changfeng who he meets
only once every six months.
As Wanxuan had said, in todays situation, it really didn’t make
sense for Jiye Zhenren to come using a clone. And so, why would he
use a clone?
What if he didn’t choose to come as a clone but had no choice but
to come as a clone…..
Chi Zhao’s eyes suddenly widened.
For six hundred years, Jiye Zhenren had been in retreat, but his
strength hadn’t changed at all. This in itself was already very
strange. Everyone had thought that he had entered a bottleneck
period following stimulation from Qinghe Zhenren’s incident, but a
bottleneck period wasn’t like this and there would still be some
changes. For it to still remain the same, it was as if…….he had been
fixed in place.
Linking it with Jiye Zhenren’s words just now, he had said that
Wanluan wouldn’t be able to kill him. Why was he so certain? What
kind of person would never be killed?
Chi Zhao was the first to think of the answer. The second was
Huang Ling’er, the third was Lin Changfeng and finally the fourth
was Wanluan whose mind was still a mess.
From the moment he stepped out of Zhao Tian sect, Jiye no longer
thought about hiding it. He had concealed that incident back then
because Zhao Tian sect had received a devastating blow with many
of the powerful elders slaughtered and the murderer being Qinghe
who was vice-sect leader. At that time, Zhao Tian sect had fallen
from the position of being one of the top six sects and people all
pointed fingers at them. At that time, he, as the sect leader, was not
only the sect’s pillar, but also the spiritual pillar for the disciples
And so, he couldn’t have anything happen to him. At least, on the
surface he couldn’t.
The originally angry and sharp cries came to an abrupt end.
Thinking of a possibility, Wanluan’s face instantly paled,
Please read this from kk translates
The death of a cultivator above the soul formation stage was
called Yunluo. (KKnotes: Literally falling from the sky) Having
reached the soul formation stage, one could in fact be considered a
half-immortal and, once dead, their divine senses would still remain.
If the strength was strong enough, it could continue to survive even
until the end of the world and this was one of the reasons why
people were so keen to find treasures left behind by high-levelled
cultivators. The place where the treasures are would usually also
contain remnants of the cultivator’s divine senses and if anyone was
to get their hands onto this, it was equivalent to obtaining the best
teacher in the world. Before that divine sense dissipates, they could
gain from it countless knowledge and experience.
Divine senses can exist in the world either for a short moment or
a long period of time and it is generally proportional to strength. If
you took care of it, talked less and consumed less of the energy, the
time it could stay around for would be much longer.
This also explained why Jiye didn’t go out, didn’t speak and didn’t
guide the disciples but still continued to accept disciples.
It was because he could no longer manage the sect and required
someone to help him.
Jiye lowered his eyes slightly, “Like I said, you won’t be able to
kill me.”
Wanluan’s hand that held the whip was almost trembling. Her
eyes were red, and she looked at Jiye with a strange expression. For
a moment she seemed like she was about to cry but she later
seemed like she was about to laugh. After a long time, she finally
spoke, “Impossible…..impossible…..”
Although she said that it was impossible, she was only trying to
deceive herself. She then raised her eyes and asked, “When?”
After a brief silence, Jiye Zhenren answered, “The day I buried
The day Qinghe died wasn’t the day he was buried. There were
still a lot of things to deal with in the sect and Jiye had to finish all
those things first before he could hand his sect over to his disciple.
Lin Changfeng was still young and may not be able to bear such a
heavy burden, but there was nothing he could do. He could only take
away as much burden from Lin Changfeng as much as possible by
leaving behind a clone made of his divine senses which could also be
used for a while to fool the others.
When he first accepted his disciple, he really wanted to properly
develop him into a good successor. Although he wasn’t so good to
the disciple, he also wasn’t bad enough to leave the entire mess to
the disciple to deal with.
He however had no choice.
He couldn’t live anymore, so he really had no choice.
The day Qinghe was buried, he held Qinghe’s body and laid with
him in the grave that had been prepared for him since the day he
became the sect leader. The beast rescued by Qinghe thousands of
years ago voluntarily guarded their grave. That beast had lived for
so long, but its intelligence had never changed. It continued to guard
the grave, roaring loudly every day, crying over the pain of never
being able to see its owner again. Jiye originally thought that it
would come to an understanding one day but even after six hundred
years, it was still the same as before and had never considered
Reasonably speaking, he had already died and all that was left was
just a piece of his divine senses so Jiye felt that he shouldn’t feel any
lingering attachments. But when he thought of that stupid beast, he
felt some sadness.
There are many people who miss Qinghe.
But the only one who dared to say how much they missed Qinghe,
was this beast.
Please support the translator and read this from
Chapter 176
Source: KK Translates


With a clatter, the whip fell onto the ground and Wanluan
lifelessly sat down. The current her looked particularly at loss. She
had never expected Jiye to have died already. When a high levelled
cultivator dies, there would be signs of it but Jiye had died silently so
it goes to show that he had prepared a lot in advance.
Wanluan had always thought that she loved Qinghe the most.
Qinghe had done nothing wrong in his life but the only thing he had
done wrong was loving the wrong person and even lost his life as a
result. But looking at it now, it seemed that he hadn’t loved the
wrong person. If that was the case, what had she been doing this
whole time?
“The rumours that year,” Wanluan suddenly spoke up with a
hoarse voice that sounded like she suddenly had aged several
decades, “was from me.”
She had suddenly spoken without context, so no one understood
what she meant. Jiye Zhenren continued to look down at her, his
expression unchanged.
Wanluan raised her head, “I told the others that you agreed to
be his Dao companion just to suppress his inner demons. I was
jealous of you and I also blamed Qinghe, so when the elders came
to ask me if it was true, I said that, yes, it was.”
With Wanluan’s affirmation, those elders made up their minds to
get rid of Qinghe. Although Jiye didn’t have that much power at that
time, he was still the sect leader. If he really did like Qinghe, those
people would not have been so heartless and would’ve thought
things through more carefully.
But everything had already happened.
Rumours would always exist, and jealousy was something
everyone would feel, prompting them to do some bad things such as
coercion, such as spreading rumours, such as bullying. All those
things ordinary people would do, cultivators also would do. While it
would be nothing more than petty arguments among ordinary
people, it had set off a large bloodshed in the cultivation realm.
Wanluan didn’t have any malicious intentions. She didn’t want to
kill Qinghe, let alone separate him from Jiye. She didn’t even think of
doing something like that but just those few words of hers resulted
in such a tragedy. At first, Wanluan didn’t know how Qinghe ended
up going mad. She was heartbroken and sad but had to protect her
sect. It was only after Qinghe died and Zhao Tian sect cleared their
reputation that she found out the source of the tragedy.
It was those words she had said.
It was something she said.
After that, Wanluan went crazy. She desperately searched for a
way to resurrect Qinghe. Perhaps part of the reason was because
she liked Qinghe but the main reason was because she felt too guilty.
Wanluan never told anyone about this and she didn’t intend to tell
anyone, but when she saw Jiye today, she finally told the secret she
had kept hidden all this time. She looked up at Jiye, her red eyes
slowly returning to normal. She was waiting for Jiye’s response.
She wanted Jiye to hate her, she wanted Jiye to want to kill her.
She didn’t know what she wanted but she felt that if Jiye could
expression some hatred or anger, she would be able to feel a little
Jiye however never gave her this opportunity. She was destined to
die without a peace of mind.
“I know.”
Those simple words completed shattered Wanluan’s last hope.
Chi Zhao couldn’t explain what he was feeling right now. Even he
as an outsider could hardly stand seeing this but the victim, Jiye, still
managed to retain his reason. He had also said just now that he
Wanluan was stunned for a moment. Her expression again
became twisted, “Then why didn’t you kill me? Why didn’t you take
“Because…..I am a Yang spiritual root.”
It was another line that was spoken without context, but strangely
enough, everyone present understood what he meant.
Because he was a Yang spiritual root, he would not develop inner
demons so he would treat everyone rationally and calmly. It was
true that Wanluan had done something wrong but in the end, it
wasn’t Wanluan who had cause those tragedies, it was him and
He hadn’t given Qinghe enough security and Qinghe hadn’t given
him enough trust. Even if Wanluan didn’t do anything, there would
be someone else. As long as Qinghe heard those kinds of remarks, he
would become suspicious and more uneasy. Those elders may be
able to tolerate him for a while, but they wouldn’t be able to tolerate
him for a lifetime. Once those contradictions accumulate, it would be
exposed sooner or later. It was just a matter of time.
After a short period of daze, a sad and sorrowful laughter
resonated through the cave, scratching at the eardrums of the
people present. Wanluan laughed at a terrifying volume but no one
felt that she was scary and just thought that she was too pitiful.
Six hundred years of self-torture had turned her appearance into
something that no longer looked like a human or a ghost. She was
wrong, but could all the mistakes be attributed to her? Of course not.
Wanluan ran out crazily. Mengyi endured the pain and hurriedly
chased after her. Huang Ling’er glanced at Jiye with a complicated
expression and then moved to rescue the cultivators hanging from
above. Jiye just stood in place in silence and then walked out.
Lin Changfeng had been staring at Jiye Zhenren in daze the entire
time. Seeing him leave, he also followed. Chi Zhao and Han Yu looked
at each other. No one had expected the situation to have developed
in this direction. Chi Zhao hesitated for a moment and then decided
to also chase after him, but he didn’t get too close and just stood in
the distance, giving enough space for the master and disciple.
Please read this from kk translates
With this incident lasting a whole night, the sun was already
rising outside. Outside the cave was a large mountain range. Jiye
stood under a pine tree, looking at the red horizon in the distance.
Lin Changfeng’s throat tightened. He had never expected that his
master would have long left this world. To him, Jiye Zhenren was
like a father, He had always disliked Jiye Zhenren because Jiye
Zhenren had been too cold and indifferent to Qinghe but now he
realised that his master had also loved Qinghe and was only not very
good with his words, so no one knew.
Jiye turned around and stood in the sun. His figure was also quite
translucent. He had used too much spiritual power this time and
even a clone composed of his divine senses couldn’t sustain it.
Lin Changfeng could now handle matters on his own and the sect
was also back on the right tracks. Even the cultivation realm was
peaceful. There was no longer anything tying him down.
Jiye Zhenren smiled, “You and I have never been the same.”
Lin Changfeng was startled. He then nodded slightly, “Disciple
Jiye Zhenren looked in the distance at the slightly unfamiliar
figure, “He and Qinghe are also different.”
Lin Changfeng turned and looked at Chi Zhao standing hesitantly
in the distance, not daring to come closer. He pursed his lips, “He
loves me, and believes in me.”
Jiye Zhenren curled up his lips in agreement, “yes.”
Chi Zhao couldn’t hear what they were talking about, but he could
see the situation from his end. There wasn’t much divine senses left
and Jiye Zhenren had always maintained his clone appearance using
that. Watching from the distance, he saw Jiye Zhenren’s figure
slowly fade until it was completely gone. Chi Zhao felt his heart ache
a little inside.
He didn’t have any feelings for Jiye Zhenren. The reason he felt
sad was because of Lin Changfeng. Approaching him silently, Chi
Zhao had yet stretched out his hand when Lin Changfeng suddenly
turned around.
The two looked at each other. Chi Zhao opened his mouth to say
some comforting words, but words of comfort were useless. No
matter what he said, it wasn’t going to help. Chi Zhao silently closed
his mouth and stretched out his arms to hug Lin Changfeng tightly.
With the warm body embracing him, Lin Changfeng’s eyelashes
trembled slightly. A second later, he lowered his head slightly,
slowly closed his eyes and pressed his lips on Chi Zhao’s forehead as
he firmly hugged him back. No one said anything. There were in fact
still many things that have not been dealt with and the mess in the
cave couldn’t all be left for Huang Ling’er alone, but Lin Changfeng
didn’t want to move.
At this moment, he didn’t want to care about anything else. He
just wanted to embrace his loved one tightly.
In the end, it was Chi Zhao who raised his head, interrupting the
long silence.
“Why did you make a life and death contract with me? Do
you…….also want to die with me?”
Jiye Zhenren and Qinghe Zhenren had died together. When Chi
Zhao asked this, his heart throbbed with pain. He didn’t want to
leave Lin Changfeng here alone, but he also didn’t want him to
voluntarily give up his long life. Very often, Chi Zhao would forget
that Lin Changfeng was just an identity and that the real him still
had his own life outside of this world.
Looking down at Chi Zhao, Lin Changfeng slowly shook his head,
“I want to live with you.”
“If there is no other way, then we can die together.”
Chi Zhao was stunned for a while. Suddenly, he laughed, “Alright
When they live, they will live together and if one of them were to
die, they will die together. In their last few days, no one would be
left behind and no one would have to go through the pain of parting.
If it was like this, it didn’t seem too bad.
The news that Jiye Zhenren had already passed away finally
spread and the secret that had been buried for six hundred years
was finally made public. People were shocked, puzzled and even
more of them sighed.
Wanluan was detained by the Liyang Palace and another sect
leader was re-elected. The new sect leader was busy saving Liyang
Palace’s reputation and showed no mercy to Wanluan. Fearing that
Wanluan would escape, she sent twelve guards to guard her day and
night but, in fact, she didn’t need to do this. Even if there were no
guards around, Wanluan wouldn’t leave.
People originally thought that Zhao Tian sect would be greatly
affected without Jiye Zhenren around but in fact, it was the same as
it was in the past and there was no change at all. When Lin
Changfeng took over the position as sect leader, no one in the sect
had any objections.
Life was still the same. During the long cultivating period,
everyone would inevitably run into some major events which may
leave them confused. Time was however the best medicine for
forgetting. As the old saying goes, there is nothing that time cannot
The story of Jiye and Qinghe was too tragic, but it allowed Chi
Zhao to understand some things. The grievances that once lingered
in his heart disappeared. He no longer thought about the fifty-year
time limit and instead faced each day seriously.
Fifty years passed very quickly. When the final day came, Chi Zhao
had already mentally prepared himself and they were meditating in
front of each other. He suddenly opened his eyes and placed his
hands on Lin Changfeng’s knees.
Feeling the touch, Lin Changfeng opened his eyes. Before he could
ask, he saw Chi Zhao lean closer and kiss him on the lips with a smile
hanging from his lips.
“I love you very much, do you know that?”
Lin Changfeng blinked slowly and then gently nodded.
“Then do you love me?”
Couples would always ask immature questions like this. You
didn’t actually have to ask if they loved you but sometimes you just
want that affirmation. Although it was immature, Lin Changfeng
answered without any annoyance, “Yeah.”
He closed his eyes and leaned forward a little, pressing one hand
on the back of Chi Zhao’s neck and the other holding his waist. Their
lips and teeth intertwined. Chi Zhao had his eyes open the entire
time. He looked at the man in front of him, and all the mental
preparations he had done earlier crumbled in an instant.
In fact, he was much luckier than others. No one else had the
chance to spend so much time with their lover.
He really had nothing he could complain about.
He really wanted to know his name.
He really wanted to know what he looked like.
He really wanted to know if he would still look at him with such
gentle eyes when he sees his true self.
Chi Zhao felt that he would soon start crying. Suddenly, his five
senses were pulled away and his vision turned dark. Chi Zhao
subconsciously blinked a few times and when he opened his eyes
again, he found that he was in the familiar system space.
Please read this from kk translates
【Fifty years are up. Host, you should go home.】
Chi Zhao was still in a stunned state. After a while, he forced a
smile, “I thought I would be given a notice. Didn’t expect it to be
so sudden.”
The system didn’t answer him. Chi Zhao took a deep breath and
then revealed a sincere smile, “Goodbye system. I will miss you.”
The system still didn’t speak. Chi Zhao’s left wrist suddenly felt
numb. He subconsciously looked over but couldn’t see anything. At
this moment, the system finally gave him an explanation.
【Farewell gift. You will know what it is in the future.】
【Goodbye, host.】
Chi Zhao still wanted to say something but there was suddenly a
strong force sucking him in. He couldn’t open his eyes. When he was
finally able to open it again, a white scene filled his vision.
After staring at the ceiling blankly for a while, he wanted to sit up,
but found that his entire body was like it was nailed to the bed and
extremely stiff. There was a strange noise at the door. Chi Zhao
looked over and saw an unfamiliar woman standing there. The other
party looked to be in her fifties and was wearing clothes that looked
like a uniform. She even held a rag in her hands.
That woman stared at him wide-eyed. Before Chi Zhao could open
his mouth, he saw that woman turn around and run out.
“306! Patient 306 is awake! Hurry!”
Who’s patient 306? Me?
Chi Zhao stared blankly in the direction where the cleaning lady
had ran off. His mind was a complete mess. He wasn’t at school. How
did he suddenly appear here? Oh yes, the school lost power and he
went out to buy some things but on the way there, he seemed to
have….seemed to have been hit by a car?
Just as Chi Zhao struggled to remember, in another place where
the sun is scorching, an old man who had finished sorting out his
vegetable field walked out while wiping his face with the towel
around his neck. While he was resting, the pile of garbage next to
him moved.
This was a pile of crops to be disposed of and it basically consisted
of wheat stalks and weeds. It was something that would be burnt
later tonight. The old man narrowed his eyes and a moment later, a
man with shaggy hair crawled out.
Finally seeing daylight again, the man didn’t expect to find himself
on a farmland. Such an ancient place was something he had never
seen with his own eyes and he had only read about it in books. He
patted off the weeds on his body and took in his surroundings.
He didn’t know whether he succeeded or not. That trash company
had only been involved with transferring souls and had never
transferred a living person before. Before he left, the other party had
vowed that they had located Chi Zhao and the error margin was no
more than one light second.
There are both large and small planets and one light second was
equivalent to 300,000 kilometres. If the planet Chi Zhao was on was
very small, then he might have been sent to another planet entirely.
But just looking around was futile, it was better to ask where this
place was.
And so, he approached the only other human around him. After
some thought, he asked in Chi Zhao’s language, “Excuse me, do you
know what place this is?”
The old man had been watching him just now. The more he
looked at him, the more he felt that this person wasn’t a good
“Hah? Asking for directions? Don’t ask me, I don’t know
anything. If you need something, you can go find the village
Man: “……….”
Well, at least the language worked. This planet should be the right
Please support the translator and read this from
KK has something to say: And that’s the end of the cultivation arc!
up, we’re back to the real world~ We’re almost at the end guys!
On another note, I still haven’t managed to finalise the next novel
to work on after this 😅 I’ve messaged a few translators but have
been unsuccessful so far (And a reader of one of them even accused
me of being rude 😥 It really wasn’t my intention though!! The novel
hadn’t been updated in almost 3 months so I thought it was okay to
ask. Feeling very wronged….) Anyway! I’m still waiting for
responses from a couple of them. Let’s see how it goes. I will update
you guys once my next novel is confirmed! (Worst case scenario, I
might just start an entirely new novel instead of picking up an
existing one)
Chapter 177
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao’s memory is currently a mess.

When someone asked him how old he was and where his family
lived, it would take him a while to answer and two out of every ten
questions he was asked was answered incorrectly.
The doctor said that it was due to the impact to his head seven
years ago resulting in some confusions in his memory. It wasn’t
amnesia, so it should slowly recover on its own with time.
Compared to the despair over the past seven years, let alone Chi
Zhao’s slight memory disorder, even if he lost all his memories, Chi
Zhao’s parents didn’t mind.
That long wait made them dare not ask for anything else. As long
as Chi Zhao was still alive and well, they were content.
The third day after waking, Chi Zhao managed to almost figure out
what happened.
He had gone out to buy some things and was hit in the head by a
falling pot plant and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment.
The doctors had already given up on him and had even given him
several critical condition notices but somehow, he managed to
overcome it. Although his life was o longer in danger, he was still in
a comatose state.
And that state lasted for seven years.
Parents who have aged, classmates who have matured, as well as
his unfamiliar self. Everything caught Chi Zhao off guard. The doctor
said that it was a miracle and everyone who came to visited him
both cried and laughed. There were even reporters who came to
interview him, saying that his story was a hot topic.
Chi Zhao didn’t care about what happened to the outside world,
he was still trying his best to adapt to this world that was both
familiar and unfamiliar to him and trying to clear up his messy mind.
He would always feel like he had forgotten something, but even
after pondering deeply over it, he couldn’t remember. He told the
doctor about this situation and they said that this was normal for
him. His brain after all had been operated on and those who are
comatose may not be completely unconscious. Perhaps he had been
dreaming during those seven years and that was why he felt like he
had forgotten a lot of things after waking up.
Please read this from kk translates
Chi Zhao felt that what the doctor said made sense. He no longer
thought about those messy thoughts and began to think about what
he should do in the future.
At the time of the accident, he had just turned twenty and was
preparing for an exam for his university. After waking up again, he
had now turned twenty-seven. Among the classmates who came to
visit him, one even came with their son. The little boy was already
three and a half years old, and he hid behind his mother, looking
both curiously and vigilantly at Chi Zhao. He only meekly called Chi
Zhao ‘uncle’ after some nudging from his mother.
“I didn’t think much about those seven years until I saw your
Chi Zhao had been discharged from the hospital. After living with
his parents for more than a month, he moved out. After he
graduated from high school, his parents had purchased an
apartment near his university to make it more convenient for him
and ever since his accident, that apartment had remained vacant. In
this society, people move out of their parent’s homes immediately
after becoming an adult and almost no one lived with their parents.
As soon as Chi Zhao was almost recovered, he left. His parents were
very open-minded and didn’t make any attempt to stop him.
Now that he had woken up, he had to face life. Chi Zhao had been
asleep for seven years but there was still nearly seventy years to live
in the future so he couldn’t just continue lounging around.
His female classmate had already become a mother. When she
was in university, she got along with Chi Zhao well and during those
seven years, she often came to the hospital to visit him with her son
in tow. It was just that every time her son came, Chi Zhao had his
eyes closed. Seeing him with his eyes open, he found it strange.
The female classmate laughed, “I also didn’t think that I would
get married so early, but my fated one appeared.”
“What are you going to do now? Go back to school?”
The average life expectancy now was one hundred years. With the
life expectancy increasing, the time used on education naturally also
increased and many people are still in school at thirty years of age.
Returning at Chi Zhao’s current age, although he was still older, it
wasn’t particularly old. It stood to reason that Chi Zhao should get
his diploma regardless of what he does in the future, but he instead
knitted his brows and shook his head, “I don’t want to go back to
school anymore?”
The female classmate was very surprised, “Why?”
Right now, even high school graduates aren’t accepted as waiters.
If Chi Zhao didn’t go back to school, what else could he do?
Chi Zhao also didn’t know. He looked ahead with a look of
confusion, “I also don’t know. I just have a feeling…….That I
seemed to have gone to school many, many times. If I went back
again, I might vomit.”
Female classmate: “………”
“If you don’t want to then you don’t need to. Are you going
back home to help out then?”
Chi Zhao’s father had a company of his own, but it wasn’t large,
and the annual income wasn’t too high or too low, just enough to
place the family at the middle-class level. Because there aren’t many
people in the family, a small company like this was enough to
support the whole family. There was no education requirement if
one wanted to inherit the family business, so it wasn’t a bad idea.
Chi Zhao shook his head again, “Not going back for now. I want
to stay outside for a few years, find any casual job and pass the
When he said this, Chi Zhao had his head lowered. The female
classmate looked at him without making any attempt to hide her
assessing gaze and felt that Chi Zhao’s current state wasn’t very
good, and he seemed to be in a low mood. Perhaps it was a sequela
of his long comatose state?
The female classmate thought for a while, “It’s very
troublesome finding a job out here. Why don’t you come to our
company? The publicity department just happens to be lacking
an assistant and there are no technical skills required. As long as
you take notes, print out the forms and help out where required,
you can take it on.”
This female classmate was an amazing woman. When she was in
university, she was already contracted to a large company and her
studies never got in her way and after graduating, she directly
became the vice-director of the human resources team. Chi Zhao
admired her very much. He asked her how she managed getting
promoted so quickly only for the female classmate to smile shyly
and touch the back of her son’s head.
“It’s nothing. My husband is the general manager of our
Chi Zhao: “……..”
In the end, Chi Zhao still relied on his connections to enter the
It had been half a month after joining the company. Chi Zhao
adhered to the principle of speaking less and doing more and did his
work quietly. His colleagues knew that he was their boss’s wife’s old
classmate, so they treated him a little distantly. Only after working
together for a while did they realise that Chi Zhao was actually very
polite and well-behaved and never slacked off despite his
He looked young so no one would’ve been able to tell that he was
twenty-seven just based on his appearance and the women in the
office treated him like their younger brother. Although men typically
didn’t like seeing him being spoiled like this, they would face a
backlash if they bullied him so they could only keep their mouths
Chi Zhao had joined this company just to give himself something
to do. When he had nothing to do before, he would always be
distracted and think about all sorts of things, making him even more
frustrated as he could never reach a conclusion. After working as an
assistant for half a month, Chi Zhao felt that his mind had become a
lot calmer, his mood had improved and his personality had also
become more cheerful.
Before, he had come to the company to immerse himself with
work but now, he also chatted with the others. After making himself
a cup of coffee in the staffroom and returning, he saw a stranger
standing at the secretary’s desk in front of the president’s office.
That party had their brows knitted tightly and he appeared to be in a
difficult position.
Chi Zhao just happened to pass by him. Standing behind him, Chi
Zhao poked his head out and read the contents in a glance.
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“This plan seems to have considered everything, but they have
forgotten to consider its impact. Since last year, Victor Estate’s
net export profit has been on a decline. Victor Estate is the
world’s largest wine estate and twenty percent would usually be
exported to our country each year. There was no change to that
last year, but the net profit still fell so much. In the case of the
raw materials and manufacturers also not having raised their
prices, the only explanation for the net profit to fall is the doings
of the people above.”
“With even Victor Estate being impacted, they still want to buy
a brewery at such a large loss. Is this person in the right mind or
are they a spy from another company?”
The unfamiliar man turned and looked at him questioningly, “You
understand this?”
Chi Zhao blew onto his steaming cup of coffee and shook his head,
“I don’t understand. Just watched some news.”
“But what you said just now makes sense. You seem to know
very well.”
The stranger asked him again, but Chi Zhao just scratched his
head, “Really? I just said it casually. Looks like I hit the right
After saying that, Chi Zhao left. The stranger looked at his back
figure with a raised brow.
Over the next half a month, Chi Zhao would be harassed by this
strange uncle from time to time. If it weren’t for the fact that the
other party looked older than his own father, he would suspect that
he was interested in himself. Whenever he was harassed, that uncle
would bring along a couple of questions and from the looks of it, it
wasn’t that the uncle didn’t know the answers to those questions,
but he still insisted on hearing Chi Zhao’s opinions.
After happening to get it right once or twice, Chi Zhao felt that he
was just lucky. When it reached seven or eight times, even Chi Zhao
himself was stunned.
After living for so many years, he only realised this just now.
As it turned out, he was a financial genius!!
Chi Zhao wasn’t dumb. How could ordinary people have access to
so many of the company’s secrets. When the uncle finally revealed
his identity to be the chairman of the company, Chi Zhao looked at
him and responded very perfunctorily, “Oh.”
Sensing that the uncle was hurt by his perfunctory attitude, Chi
Zhao explained, “I knew since the second time you came to find
me. There is a photo of you on our company’s official website.”
The president who thought he had done well disguising himself:
Like this, Chi Zhao was sent over to the super high-tech B2B
International Business Department by the president. The female
classmate was shocked when she heard about it and immediately
complained, “Why didn’t you tell me earlier that you were this
skilled? I wouldn’t have made you take up an assistant role if I
knew that!”
Chi Zhao: “…..If I said I didn’t know it either, would you believe
Of course, the female classmate didn’t believe him. No one felt that
one would suddenly become skilled after being hit by a flowerpot
and just thought that Chi Zhao had hid his true abilities to remain
low key. Even Chi Zhao’s mother thought this.
It was originally thought that he would take a long time to adapt
to the missing seven years after waking but unexpectedly, in just
two months, her son had already adapted perfectly to the current
The old mother felt reassured. She then started to worry about
her son’s future like all other mothers.
After receiving a call from his mother, Chi Zhao only felt a
headache, “I don’t want to go…..”
“I’m not telling you to go on a blind date! It’s just having a
chat. If it’s a good match, you can start off as friends. I’ll tell you
this, son, I’ve seen her already and she’s very pretty and has a
nice personality. Her mother and your father are elementary
school classmates, and the family background is good. I’m sure
you will like her. Do you think your mum is doing this to harm
If someone were to ask Chi Zhao’s mother to introduce someone
to Chi Zhao seven years ago, she would’ve definitely dismissed it,
but seven years later, her attitude had completely changed. No one
knew what could happen in the future and parents cannot be with
their children forever. Humans are social animals so they naturally
wouldn’t like to be alone.
Chi Zhao’s mother didn’t want to force him to start a family, nor
did she want him to have a son to continue the family line. All she
wanted was for her son to have someone by his side who would love
and support him for the latter part of his life even after she and her
husband passes away and not live his life alone.
Chi Zhao had refused many times and if he continued to refuse, he
was afraid that he would hurt his mother’s feelings. He sighed,
“Alright, but it’s just to meet her. If it doesn’t work out, stop
arranging these for me in the future.”
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Chapter 178
Source: KK Translates


Sitting in a popular restaurant that had only emerged two years

ago, the girl opposite Chi Zhao smiled, “My hobbies are very
ordinary, just watching movies and TV shows. Have you seen the
recent “Emperor Cheng Yuan”? I think it was very good!”
Chi Zhao’s appearance was very deceptive. He looked clean, young
and refreshing which hit all the right spots in a girl’s heart. Seeing
him at first glance, the girl felt that she had not come in vain. He
mother had been unreliable so many times but this time she had
done a pretty good job.
Chi Zhao was polite in all areas, but he didn’t speak much. The girl
didn’t know if this was a sign of rejection and continued to talk,
trying to find common topics for the two of them.
Chi Zhao frowned upon hearing her mention the currently
popular TV series set in ancient times and his act of drinking paused
for a moment.
The glass contained lemon juice and the restaurant had added a
lot of sugar to it. With one sip, a sweet and sour taste would explode
in his mouth. It wasn’t bad but it also wasn’t great.
Chi Zhao silently critiqued the drink and then answered the girl, “I
didn’t watch it. Felt that it looked too fake.”
The girl let out an ‘ah’ and seemed a little disappointed. Hearing
Chi Zhao say something like that about the TV series she liked, she
wanted clarification, “How is it fake?”
Chi Zhao immediately opened his mouth. From that act of his, he
looked like he was ready to list seventy or eighty reasons in one go,
but after maintaining that position for two entire seconds, Chi Zhao
eventually closed his mouth again.
“It……it just feels fake.”
After saying this, he didn’t look at the girl’s expression and just
closed his eyes with slight irritation.
It was happening again. It had been nearly three months since he
woke up but sometimes, he would be like this and say things that
even he found strange and inexplicable. When others asked him why
he said such things, he often found that he couldn’t answer.
Why did he think that the TV drama was fake?
Of course, because it was fake! None of the details were correct!
Then what are the correct details?
Thinking this, Chi Zhao got stuck.
The atmosphere turned cold again. This time, the girl couldn’t
change the subject. She sat awkwardly for a while and then picked
up her bag, “I’m going to the bathroom.”
After the girl left, Chi Zhao raised his head and glanced at the
modern looking clock.
The location was chosen by the other party. He hadn’t planned on
eating, so he set it at two in the afternoon and then came half an
hour earlier to order drinks and desserts for the two. He had
thought that he would be able to leave after sitting here for a few
minutes but unexpectedly the other party could talk quite a bit, not
stopping even after half an hour had passed.
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Chi Zhao knocked his thighs unconsciously a few times, thinking
about how to tactfully raise the topic of leaving.
Was it okay to use the excuse of having other engagements in the
afternoon? Would it sound too rude?
While he was mulling over it, there was a small commotion at the
entrance of the restaurant.
A handsome man walked in. He possessed a golden ratio figure
comparable to a model’s and, coupled with a face that even the most
popular celebrity couldn’t match and an aristocratic temperament
that couldn’t be hidden no matter what was done, it instantly
attracted the attention of all the men and women in the restaurant.
Everyone’s attention was on him. All except one.
He paused at the door for a while, his gaze drifting across the
room. Very soon, it fell precisely onto Chi Zhao who sat in the
corner. The Chi Zhao at this moment had his head hanging in
distance. From the man’s perspective, he couldn’t see Chi Zhao’s face
and could only see the back of his head as well as his pale nape.
Chi Zhao reached out, wanting to take another sip of the lemon
juice that wasn’t good but also wasn’t bad. It was unexpectedly
addictive. Suddenly, a dark shadow fell into his field of vision.
The first thing that entered his vison was black. The other party
was wearing black, tight-fitting jeans and, looking up, he wore a well
fitted dark grey windbreaker. The windbreaker wasn’t buttoned and
loosely open, revealing a milky white turtleneck sweater
Well, his taste in clothing is pretty good.
That was Chi Zhao’s first impression of him. When he saw his face,
Chi Zhao was very clearly startled for a moment but the reason for
this reaction was because the other party was just too good looking.
But no matter how good looking a person may be, they are still
just a human. After that momentary surprise passed, Chi Zhao
returned to his usual look and looked at him questioningly, “Is
something the matter?”
Something flashed through that man’s eyes. Chi Zhao didn’t
understand what it was and just felt that he appeared to be a little
excited. The other party was also very skilled and was able to
quickly suppress those emotions which shook his heart and calmly
sit opposite Chi Zhao.
“You don’t remember me.”
Chi Zhao was taken aback. His memory indeed wasn’t very good,
but it was much better than when he first woke up. When the other
party said those words just now, Chi Zhao subconsciously thought
he was one of his classmates or a neighbour and began to search his
memories for this person. That person opposite him continued to
look at him or, to be more precise, his eyes were locked onto him.
“Chi Zhao.” The man carefully observed his complexion, “Is your
body better now?”
Chi Zhao felt uncomfortable being looked at like that. He
quietly shuffled back before nodding, “Yeah, sorry, I have indeed
forgotten some things and haven’t fully recovered yet, so I’m not
sure who….”
Chi Zhao dragged out that last word. He looked at the man and
realised that he really couldn’t remember him. What’s more, he
didn’t find that face familiar at all, it was as if he had never seen that
face before.
Also, if he knew such a handsome man, it would be impossible for
him not to have an impression at all.
The man paused for a moment. He seemed to have thought of
something in the past and his gaze turned gentle. He curled his lips
up slightly, “My name is Fu Yihe. I am your boyfriend.”
Hearing the first line, Chi Zhao seriously tried to remember the
name Fu Yihe but he didn’t have an impression of it at all. When he
heard the second line, Chi Zhao fell silent.
Staring at Fu Yihe’s eyes for a long time, Chi Zhao finally spoke
up again, “Although my memory isn’t good, I am not an
amnesiac. If you want to scam someone, find someone else.”
Fu Yihe: “……….”
Fu Yihe wasn’t surprised that he would answer like this. After all,
that company was rather humane with their contract conditions.
Once the task was completed, in order to prevent the host from
being unable to return to normal life, the moment the host returns
to their body, they would erase all their memories.
This wasn’t done by the main system or a certain system and was
instead a company protocol. The original founder had left behind
many damned programs and memory erasing was one of them.
Others may not be able to accept it, but Fu Yihe didn’t care
whether Chi Zhao remembered him or not, because he was very
confident. Even if Chi Zhao didn’t remember him, he would still fall
in love with him.
Fu Yihe who was very experienced in this matter had no fear and
that was why he ran over as soon as he found Chi Zhao. He didn’t
want to be separated from Chi Zhao a minute or even a second
longer. Even if the current Chi Zhao didn’t accept him, it didn’t
matter. As long as he could see him and talk to him, it was enough.
“I’m really your boyfriend. We have been dating for a really,
really long time, and you later left. It took me a lot of effort
finding you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t remember me, we can
start again.”
Chi Zhao stared at him for a while and suddenly felt that this
person may be a good-looking fool.
Fu Yihe knew him too well and he could tell what he was thinking
just by looking at him. He felt a little helpless and also found it a
little funny. He stretched out a hand and gently held Chi Zhao’s
It was an intimate, harmless and hesitant act. Chi Zhao originally
wanted to avoid it but for some reason it was like his body was
going against the will of his brain and didn’t move at all. He watched
that clearly defined hand wrap over his own. The warm sensation at
his fingertips made Chi Zhao’s heart race.
It was like he was frightened but also was like he was feeling
something he hadn’t felt in a long time.
Chi Zhao looked down at the connected hands as stormy waves
roared inside him.
Why didn’t I refuse? Why didn’t I push him away?
Why was it that even after several seconds have passed, I still
don’t want to push him away?
Damn it, did I become bent during those times that I still don’t
The girl returned from the bathroom and was met with the scene
of her blind date sitting silently in the same seat affectionally
holding the hand of another man who had appeared out of nowhere.
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The girl stood there hesitantly, “What are you two doing?”
The process of finding Chi Zhao wasn’t easy. Even if Fu Yihe was a
big boss in his original world, he couldn’t escape fate. Since he had
suddenly appeared in a certain village, Fu Yihe was brought before
the boss of the village, that is, the village chief, and received a lot of
teachings from him for a period of time.
In short, when Fu Yihe finally found Chi Zhao, three months had
passed. He only had the time to ask where Chi Zhao was, but he
didn’t know what Chi Zhao came out for. Seeing how well the girl
was dressed as well as her age and appearance, he finally
Fu Yihe narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Chi Zhao.
His eyes were filled with accusations and resentment, as if saying
‘I wasn’t around for three months and you’re already ready to move
to a new home?’.
Chi Zhao: “…………”
No longer looking at Chi Zhao, Fu Yihe turned around, stood up
and generously introduced himself to the princess, “Hello, my name
is Fu Yihe. I am Chi Zhao’s boyfriend.”
The girl’s eyes immediately widened. She looked at Chi Zhao who
anxiously stood up to explain, “No, he’s not….”
Fu Yihe smiled, “We had a little argument and he also got sick
so many things had been forgotten. He thought we had already
broken out, so he came here today. My apologies, I hope you can
Chi Zhao: “Don’t listen to his nonsense. I don’t know him, I don’t
have a boyfriend, I——”
Before he could finish, Fu Yihe frowned slightly and looked a little
hurt and unhappy. When he saw his expression, Chi Zhou found that
he couldn’t speak anymore. He looked away in surprise and
seriously wondered if he really had a boyfriend.
But that wasn’t right. He was still in university when the accident
happened, and he clearly remembered that he had been single since
Chi Zhao felt like his brain was about to explode and the girl on
the other end was also about to explode.
Only when one is older would they realise that art really takes
inspiration from real life. This kind of idol drama like scenario had
actually happened here and she was turned out to be the nameless
mob character!
The girl looked at Fu Yihe with a cold expression, “Forget it, it
looks like his parents also didn’t know about this or they
wouldn’t have put us together. You two talk. I’m leaving now.”
The girl left in a fit of anger. From the looks of it, she may even
report about it to her parents. Chi Zhao originally wanted her to stay
long enough to explain but he found that he didn’t know what to say
and could only watch her leave.
Turning back around in annoyance, the freshly baked ‘boyfriend’
was still looking at him with tender eyes, “Going home now? I don’t
have a driver’s licence yet so you drive.”
Chi Zhao’s heart was chaotic. Who wants to go home with you?!
Can you stop acting so familiar?!
Fu Yihe blinked a few times and seemed to be able to guess what
he was thinking inside. He easily answered, “No.”
Chi Zhao: “……….”
Mummy, this person is so scary. He can actually read minds.
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KK has something to say: ML is here!
Chapter 179
Source: KK Translates


Chi Zhao silently glanced at Fu Yihe and then turned to walk out.
Fu Yihe pursed his lips. He didn’t say anything and didn’t show
any signs of unhappiness and just quietly followed.
After taking a few steps and noticing that there was someone
following behind him the entire time, Chi Zhao frowned and turned
back, “Don’t follow me.”
Fu Yihe quietly stood a step away from him. His gaze remained
focused on Chi Zhao. Seeing that Chi Zhao was truly a little angry, he
took out the hand that was tucked in his pocket and looked a little at
“I can’t go home with you?”
Listen to that! He could actually ask something like that so
naturally! They don’t even know each other so of course he can’t.
Although those thoughts roared in his mind, when met with Fu
Yihe’s pair of deep and gentle eyes, the words that came out from his
mouth changed into a non-lethal mutter.
“……I go back to my place, you go back to yours.”
He had said it in a very small voice. Normally, one wouldn’t be
able to hear him, but Fu Yihe blinked a few times and answered, “I
can no longer go home.”
Chi Zhao was taken aback. He looked over.
The current Chi Zhao didn’t know anything. If Fu Yihe told the
truth, he may completely be labelled as a fool who was addicted to
science fiction. After some silence, Fu Yihe could only explain with
another vague line, “I have no home now.”
Biological teleportation was an irreversible process. There was
superb technology and a super intelligent system with precise
control over there to help him, but there was nothing here. For
example, it was like how it was for Chi Zhao when he was in an
ancient world. Although he is very powerful and possesses insights
and knowledge far surpassing ordinary people, one person cannot
change the whole world, let alone suddenly advance the civilisation
to how it would be like several thousand years in the future.
So what Fu Yihe said was true, he couldn’t go back. The home over
there no longer belonged to him.
Chi Zhao didn’t expect his casual question to provoke such a
painful response. He was left at loss for words for a long time, “Do
you have no family?”
He was keenly aware of Chi Zhao’s emotional changes and, linking
it to his previous experiences, he felt that acting pitiful in front of Chi
Zhao was particularly useful. And so, after a short pause, Fu Yihe
slowly shook his head, “None.”
“Not even one?”
Fu Yihe looked down, looking like he had touched a sore spot,
“Not a single one.”
“T-then…….” Chi Zhao subconsciously looked around. He didn’t
know what he was looking for, “You don’t even have a place to
That was indeed also the case. For the past three months, Fu Yihe
had been busy running about like a spinning top. First, he was busy
trying to escape from that village and later, he realised that he
needed an identity card, so he was busy preparing the fake
certificates for that. Along the way he also did a few small things to
prepare for the future.
For those three months, he didn’t stay in one place for more than
seven days and had stayed in a hotel every time. Fortunately, he did
very well with the fake certificates, and it allowed him to avoid
sleeping on the streets or look for illegally operating hotels.
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Seeing Fu Yihe shake his head again, Chi Zhao furrowed his brows
and was silent for a while. He turned around again and walked to
the parking lot.
Fu Yihe raised the corners of his lips triumphally and placed his
hands back in his pockets. He followed behind the person in front of
him in a relaxed manner.
It was still the same as before.
Still very soft-hearted.
A driver’s licence was very easy to obtain, and most people could
get it in a month. Chi Zhao was even faster and managed to get it in
just one week. Chi Zhao was already used to these surprises. He
didn’t think he was a driving genius and just felt that he might be a
genius among geniuses.
When he got home, Chi Zhao looked at the person who followed
him back and warned, “I’m just letting you stay for one day.
Tomorrow, you should go and find a place for yourself.”
Chi Zhao liked his place to be more homely. This place was
furnished the way it was seven years ago but after he woke up seven
years later, Chi Zhao found that his personality and mentality had
changed a little. Chi Zhao however didn’t hate this kind of change, so
he went along with the flow and added a few new additions to the
Fu Yihe’s gaze swept across the cabinet by the door. There were
two decorations placed on it; one was a hollow, white marble ball
and the other was a cute cat made out of clay about the size of a fist.
Fu Yihe laughed lightly and looked at Chi Zhao, “What if I can’t
find one?”
“Even if you can’t find one, you need to leave. This place isn’t a
Chi Zhao said this as he walked in but before he could take
another step, he suddenly turned his head back and stared at Fu
Yihe intently.
The sudden stare made Fu Yihe withdraw one of his feet, “What is
Chi Zhao looked at him up and down and then his focus went to
his stylish windbreaker, “That’s not right. You don’t seem like
someone who doesn’t have money and can only stay in a hotel.”
After a second of silence, Chi Zhao’s expression fell.
“You’re really trying to scam me!”
Fu Yihe: “……….”
Fu Yihe couldn’t laugh or cry. Chi Zhao on the other end was
furious. He clearly knew that this person was here to scam him, yet
he had brought that person home. Wasn’t this pretty much helping
the traffickers count money after being sold.
Chi Zhao’s expression was unkind, “Speak. Where did you find
out about the news of my illness? Have you been eyeing me the
whole time and only approached me after planning everything
When he said those words, his right hand was clenched tightly
while his left hand was tense. Whenever Chi Zhao was about to beat
up someone, this was how he got ready for it. Alarm bells
immediately went off in Fu Yihe’s mind.
It wasn’t that he couldn’t beat Chi Zhao. If they really fought, even
ten Chi Zhao’s wouldn’t be able to go against him, but if the wife
wants to hit him, how could he hide? If he did, his wife would
definitely be angry but if he didn’t, he would get hit a few times and
his wife would still be angry.
In short, he was doomed.
Fu Yihe was helpless, “I’m not scamming you. I’m really your
If he wasn’t afraid of scaring Chi Zhao, he would have said that he
was his husband instead. Unfortunately, the certificates from those
worlds are no longer useful in this world and there was no other
evidence so he could only claim that he is his boyfriend.
Chi Zhao clearly didn’t believe in him. As he drove back, his mind
had worked very hard, and he was very certain that he had never
seen this person before let alone hear of the name Fu Yihe. Since he
was young, he had always focused on studying and never had the
time to have a boyfriend!
When Chi Zhao’s fist was about to hit Fu Yihe’s face, Chi Zhao
wasn’t even able to see what moved when he found his hands
restricted behind his back. What shocked him even more was that
Fu Yihe only used one hand to restrain both his hands and he
couldn’t even turn around. In a position that resembled an embrace,
he had completely subdued him.
Seeing Fu Yihe get closer and closer, Chi Zhao let out a profanity.
In order to prevent him from struggling, Fu Yihe used his free hand
to support the back of his head and proceeded to press against the
nape, gently rubbing his fingers against the skin there. In an instant,
Chi Zhao was let stunned in place. He widened his eyes and looked
at Fu Yihe in a dazed and confused manner.
This act was a secret both Fu Yihe and Chi Zhao was familiar with
and it was also the result of Fu Yihe’s training. Even if the memory
was gone and time was erased, these habits that have been engraved
into the soul remained unchanged.
Fu Yihe’s eyes darkened several degrees. He leaned forward with
some restraint and gently touched Chi Zhao’s lips with his own.
It was just a light touch.
It had happened too fast. It was so fast, it was almost impossible
for Chi Zhao to feel it properly and Chi Zhao even felt a trace of
disappointment inside.
For a moment, he had a strong urge to throw himself into Fu
Yihe’s arms and hug him tightly so that he wouldn’t leave him
But that only lasted for a moment. Chi Zhao returned to his senses
and saw that Fu Yihe had already at some point in time released
“Felt familiar?”
Chi Zhao opened his mouth. It took him a long time to find his
“…..Over the past seven years, have you come to see me?”
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Fu Yihe was stunned.
He didn’t understand the meaning of Chi Zhao’s question. Chi
Zhao didn’t receive an answer and so he asked again, “If you are
really my boyfriend, then in the seven years when I was in a
coma, have you come to see me?”
Memories can be confusing and eyes can be deceiving, but the
feeling and the trembling of the soul couldn’t be faked. Even if Chi
Zhao wanted to deny it, he couldn’t.
Staring at Chi Zhao closely, Fu Yihe was silent. A few long seconds
later, he flattened the corners of his lips and lowered his eyes.
Unlike the act he had put on earlier outside, Fu Yihe’s current
emotions were real. No one could accept that their loved one almost
died. No, it wasn’t that Chi Zhao almost died, Chi Zhao had in fact
really died. If he didn’t have enough spiritual power or luck, he
would’ve completely disappeared from this world.
Mentally, Fu Yihe knew that this was something he couldn’t
change but emotionally, he would feel like his heart was torn apart
at just the mere thought of it.
Even if he couldn’t see his eyes, Chi Zhao could sense the pain and
sadness overflowing from his heart. Chi Zhao wasn’t sad, and he also
didn’t immediately question him. After a while, he asked, “Why
didn’t you come?”
Fu Yihe’s voice was very low. As long as Chi Zhao wanted to know,
he would not hide anything from him. He was however afraid that
Chi Zhao would show fear or disgust after hearing the truth.
Even if it was just a little bit, it was enough to slam his heart that
was originally soaring in the heavens because he had found Chi
Zhao, directly into hell.
“Because I was serving a sentence.”
Immediately after saying this, Fu Yihe nervously raised his eyes.
Chi Zhao was as expected very surprised. He had his mouth open in
astonishment, but he didn’t make a sound. Fu Yihe didn’t dare relax
so he just continued to watch him nervously.
It took Chi Zhao a long time to recover from the shock. He had a
lot of things he wanted to ask, but he didn’t know where to start and
he didn’t know if it was appropriate for him to ask. After pondering
for a long time, he finally asked the question he wanted to know the
answer to the most.
“Are you a good person?”
Fu Yihe smiled bitterly, “Probably not.”
He had done a lot of bad things. He had been involved with the
dark and crooked circle for more than ten years. Although he had
never harmed civilians or used the power he had to deal with any
innocent or unarmed people, he was known as the mad dog that
everyone was wary of and a white-eyed wolf who would never
warm up to anyone within that circle.
“I have said this many times,” Fu Yihe forced a smile, “but I
want to say it again. I will never hurt you and I will never force
you, because you are my lover. I love you. As long as it is
something you want, I will give it all to you, including my life.”
“So, please, don’t be afraid of me, and don’t hate me.”
He and Chi Zhao were originally very close. He reached out a little
and pulled Chi Zhao into his arms and kissed the top of his hair. Not
sensing any resistance from the person in his arms, he closed his
eyes and tightened his hold even further.
“You can tame me. Chi Zhao, let me change according to your
wishes, okay?”
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Chapter 180
Source: KK Translates


Just as the word ‘okay’ was about to pop out of his mouth, Chi
Zhao suddenly returned to his senses. He blinked a few times in
daze and then hurriedly escaped from Fu Yihe’s arms.
He turned around and walked off, but his steps didn’t appear to be
quite stable. After taking a few steps, he turned around again and
explained, “That…..I’m going to find you pyjamas. As for toiletries,
I don’t have any new ones here, so I’ll buy some online.”
This was his way of saying that he allowed him to stay. Chi Zhao
no longer mentioned anything about scamming and Fu Yihe also
held himself back. Although he didn’t hear Chi Zhao’s answer, he
didn’t see any signs of refusal on Chi Zhao’s face either. Rubbing his
fingers lightly as he felt the residual heat from it slowly fading, Fu
Yihe smiled lightly.
“It’s okay if you don’t buy it, I can just use yours.”
When he said this, Fu Yihe’s eyes were filled with suggestiveness.
Chi Zhao silently pursed his lips and shouted out one word
Chi Zhao only had his own clothes at home. His clothes could be
worn by Fu Yihe, but they were a little small. This was especially so
for the pyjama pants which were almost about to turn into ¾ length
After Chi Zhao found clothes for him, he no longer cared about
him and ordered toiletries as well as fried chicken. Chi Zhao bought
two servings. On this very important night, he and Fu Yihe didn’t say
anything, and each finished off an entire chicken.
As they ate, Chi Zhao would occasionally glance at Fu Yihe who
was concentrating on tearing up his chicken leg. In the place where
Fu Yihe lived, such unhealthy, high-calorie food was put into the
food hygiene blacklist 800 years ago. Since the law didn’t allow for
anyone to eat fried chicken, it was natural that no one dared to sell
it. Only black-hearted merchants may secretly produce some of it.
Fu Yihe didn’t care much for fried food so the last time he tasted it
was ten years ago. A colleague at the time had procured the recipe
for it from somewhere and invited him to try. When he tried it at the
time, he found it greasy and unpalatable but right now Fu Yihe
found it particularly fragrant.
It was after all the first meal Chi Zhao had invited him to eat and it
also wasn’t a simulation but something that could actually be eaten.
Fu Yihe who dealt with the chicken seriously noticed the other
person’s gaze. He raised his head and happened to catch Chi Zhao
secretly watching him. Chi Zhao who was caught quickly looked
away but a few seconds later, he looked back again and this time it
was with accusatory glare which said ‘What are you looking at me
Fu Yihe pursed his lips and didn’t say anything. He just swapped
the plate in front of Chi Zhao with the one in front of him.
Fu Yihe’s chicken had been torn into small strips that made it
easier to eat and it was also arranged very neatly to be picked up by
a pair of chopsticks. After taking over the chicken that had become
brutally battered by Chi Zhao’s poisonous hands, Fu Yihe continued
to deal with the chicken.
Working hard without complaint and not even asking for credit,
he really was virtuous.
Chi Zhao’s face was hot. He lowered his head, picked up the
chopsticks he had thrown aside and started to eat.
He had now accepted the fact that Fu Yihe was his boyfriend who
he had forgotten.
Although there were still many things he didn’t understand, this
was the one thing he was convinced about.
However, although he had accepted this, he still didn’t know how
to get along with Fu Yihe. Didn’t the doctor say that he would slowly
recover his memory? Perhaps after a while, he would remember
some bits and pieces of his past with Fu Yihe and wouldn’t be at loss
like he was now.
The apartment wasn’t big, and it only had two rooms. The guest
room was also Chi Zhao’s study room which used to have a lot of
books and a folding bed. It was originally for classmates who stayed
over but now it was for Fu Yihe.
Hastily saying that he was going to sleep, Chi Zhao quickly slipped
into his room. With the door closed, the two were now separated. Fu
Yihe stood outside the door. After a while, he silently lowered his
raised hand.
Forget it.
He shouldn’t be too hasty.
He had to be more considerate of Chi Zhao’s situation and he
should learn to be patient and wait. What’s more, he had nothing to
worry about. Chi Zhao was already his, wasn’t he?
Hooking up the corner of his lips, Fu Yihe returned to the guest
room with the pyjamas and bag of toiletries in his hands.
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He had found Chi Zhao, confirmed that Chi Zhao wasn’t turned off
by his past and Chi Zhao had even acquiesced their relationship. Fu
Yihe was in a good mood and he soon fell asleep. While he fell asleep
very quickly, Chi Zhao next door tossed and turned for most of the
When he was in the same room as Fu Yihe just now, he didn’t have
such a strong feeling but, after separating, he suddenly wanted to
know how they met, what they experienced and how they got
That was his memory and also his past, but he didn’t remember
anything. It was as if a large part of his story was taken from him.
Even if the other protagonist of that story came to find him, he still
felt that something was missing.
Chi Zhao rolled over again. He looked at the curtains in the dark,
his eyes unblinking.
He was hit in the head by a flowerpot and was in a coma for seven
years while Fu Yihe served seven years in prison. It just
coincidentally happened that they both ran into difficulties over the
past seven years and was unable to meet.
And not long after he woke up, Fu Yihe found him.
Wasn’t it too much of a coincidence?
Chi Zhao frowned slightly. He seemed to have seen something like
this in a TV drama before. A loving couple suffered a sudden
accident and one of them was injured and fell into a coma. The other
couldn’t stand the comatose lover and very soon dumped him.
Several years later, the comatose person woke up and the other
party had a bad life during that time. Hearing the news that the lover
had woken up, that person came back and made up a sad and
beautiful story to deceive the person who had just woken up.
According to the plot, before long, the real hero or heroine should
appear on stage, expose the true face of this white lotus and enter a
true loving relationship with the protagonist who was deceived.
Thinking this, Chi Zhao’s furrowed brows suddenly relaxed. He
covered his head with his blanket and giggled happily for a while.
Regardless of whether he had the role of a male protagonist, Fu
Yihe really couldn’t be associated with the words ‘white lotus’. For
Fu Yihe to dump him, wouldn’t it be equivalent to killing him?
This thought naturally appeared in Chi Zhao’s mind. He was
slightly stunned by this line and slowly repeated it again. After a
long while, he slowly pulled up his blanket and shrank himself into a
Chi Zhao lowered his eyes and pressed the corners of his lips into
a line.
Right now, he very much hoped that what Fu Yihe said was true
and that Fu Yihe wasn’t a liar.
After all……he seemed to rely and trust this ‘liar’ very much. If in
the end he really finds out that this was just a scam, he would be
very sad.
Thinking this, Chi Zhao shrank himself even more tightly into a
ball. This posture made him feel safe and comfortable. Slowly
closing his eyes, Chi Zhao very soon fell asleep.
He had a lot of messy dreams, but when he woke up, he couldn’t
remember any of them. Sluggishly opening his eyes, Chi Zhao was
still in a dazed state.
Today was still the weekend and there was no need to go to work.
Chi Zhao turned off the alarm clock. It was reasonable to say that he
wouldn’t wake up so early on a day like this but he seemed to hear a
phone ringing just now.
Chi Zhao sleepily sat up, picked up the phone next to him and
glanced at it.
With that glance, he saw it clearly.
It turned out that it was not his imagination. Someone was really
calling him, and it was his mother. Not only did his mother call him
three times, she had also sent him several messages. The last one
was still displayed on the screen.
—–I’ll be at your place soon. Let’s have a talk.
Chi Zhao: “………”
Talk about what? Isn’t that tone too serious?!
As the only child, Chi Zhao knew his mother’s temper very well.
She was clearly angry but he hadn’t done anything so what could she
be angry about? And she was even personally coming over?
Chi Zhao scratched his head in confusion. After scratching a few
times, his movements suddenly froze.
He remembered now. He had picked up a boyfriend yesterday and
taken him home, and he had even picked him up at the blind date.
It’s over! His mother must be coming over to interrogate him!! Fu
Yihe was still sleeping next door!!!
Chi Zhao didn’t even change out of his pyjamas and he directly
rushed out of bed. It was however too late. The old lady had already
scanned her fingerprint and opened the door.
At the same time, Fu Yihe had just put on his shoes and was about
to go downstairs to stroll around the morning market, buy some
ingredients home and make breakfast for Chi Zhao. After living here
for almost three months, he had almost figured out the lifestyle and
habits of the people on here. With the intention to live the rest of his
life here, Fu Yihe studied very seriously and adapted very quickly.
Of course, the culture here was too vast and too profound. What
Fu Yihe had learnt so far was just the tip of the iceberg. For example,
the current situation wasn’t something Fu Yihe could handle.
Chi Zhao’s mother stood outside the door. She first glanced at the
well-dressed Fu Yihe with surprise and then after recovering, she
asked in a stern voice, “Who are you?”
Chi Zhao looked like his mother. Looking at this middle-aged
woman who was somewhat similar to Chi Zhao, Fu Yihe quickly
realised who she was. Fu Yihe had no experience dealing with
parents. His parents had passed away early and in his life until now,
the only parents he saw were his brother-in-law’s parents, but they
had only met each other once, nodded, and that was it.
Looking at Chi Zhao’s mother calmly, Fu Yihe quietly retracted the
foot he had already stepped out with, making himself stand taller.
“Hello auntie, my name is Fu Yihe.”
Chi Zhao’s mother raised her brows slightly. His name was pretty
good, he looked good, and he also had a very special temperament.
Could he be?
At this moment, Fu Yihe uttered the next sentence, “I am Chi
Zhao’s boyfriend. Chi Zhao is still sleeping, you came a bit early.
Take a seat first, he will be getting up soon.”
Chi Zhao who had ran out of his bedroom stumbled a little. He
looked at his mother again. Sure enough, she had misunderstood.
What is this stinky rascal? Would she not know if her son has a
partner? This person who has appeared out of nowhere must be a
liar! Is he planning on obtaining his body first and then his heart? If
he already knows when Chi Zhao will get up, don’t tell me he has
already taken advantage of him?!
Thinking this, Chi Zhao’s mother immediately looked over at Chi
Zhao. Her line of sight didn’t stop on his face and it instead fell
directly to his lower body. The key places she checked were his legs
and butt.
Chi Zhao: “……..”
You really are my mother.
After a moment of silence, Chi Zhao walked over and instructed
Fu Yihe next to him, “Go clean up your room.”
Fu Yihe wanted to say that he had already finished cleaning it
when he got up but when he received Chi Zhao’s glare, he
understood Chi Zhao’s intention. Fu Yihe closed his mouth and
obediently returned to the guest room.
Chi Zhao just wanted to tell his mother that they didn’t sleep
together yesterday and there were also some things he was a little
embarrassed to explain in front of Fu Yihe.
“He really is my boyfriend, not a liar.”
Without waiting for the old lady to ask, Chi Zhao answered
directly. His mother obviously didn’t expect her son to answer this
way. She frowned, “How do you know? I thought you can’t
Chi Zhao paused. He subconsciously glanced at the guest room. Fu
Yihe wanted to give the mother and son some privacy, so he had
closed the door behind him. Chi Zhao who didn’t see his figure felt a
little down, but it wasn’t a big deal so that low feeling quickly
“Although I don’t remember his appearance, name or
character, I remember him as a person, and I remember that he
is my lover.”
The last word wasn’t spoken on an impulse. Chi Zhao had reached
that conclusion after very careful consideration. He had always felt
that the identity of a boyfriend wasn’t very appropriate and after
some thought, he finally decided on lover.
After saying this, he didn’t feel that it sounded strange. Chi Zhao
internally nodded. Yes, he is his lover. That is correct.
His mother was left speechless. It took her a long time to regain
her calm. Chi Zhao’s expression was so serious, making her doubt
herself a little. After thinking about it, she made a decision.
Ask first. If he is a liar, he will most definitely reveal some faults.
Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Chi Zhao’s mother sat on the
largest sofa in the centre while Chi Zhao and Fu Yihe each sat in a
single seater sofa. They were each on the left and right of Chi Zhao’s
mother and are about two metres apart. Chi Zhao‘s mother was a
government official and has been engaged in confidential work for
some years now. Even Chi Zhao and Chi Zhao’s father didn’t know
what his mother did when she was young.
Chi Zhao’s mother smiled very gently, “I’m just asking you a
few questions, don’t be nervous. Just tell the truth. Don’t lie just to
leave a good impression, okay, Xiao Fu?”
Fu Yihe sat in the hot seat. He suddenly felt that this scene seemed
to be a little familiar.
When he was being prosecuted, the intelligence personnel sent by
the inspection agency to question him seemed to have used a similar
expression, similar tone and similar words.
This mother-in-law is not easy.
Fu Yihe however wasn’t afraid. If he fell for something like this, he
would have lived in vain for so many years. He will only speak the
truth when he is truly willing to do so.
Fu Yihe smiled seemingly amicably, “Yes, you can ask.”
“Where are you from?”
Fu Yihe answered with the name of a country which was pretty
much on the other side of the world, developed and with many
mixed races including Chinese. Combined with Fu Yihe’s looks and
temperament, Chi Zhao’s mother didn’t suspect it.
Fu Yihe didn’t look Asian or Western and seemed to have some
characteristics from all ethnicities. If he was from that country, it
was believable.
“What do your parents do?”
“My parents are military officers.”
Chi Zhao’s mother was stunned for a moment. She didn’t expect it
at all, “Your parents are in the military, are you as well?”
Fu Yihe shook his head slightly, “I’m not. My parents lost their
lives when I was four and I grew up with my sister. She was
afraid that I would follow the same path as my parents and
didn’t let me join the army.”
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Chi Zhao didn’t stop his mother because he also wanted to know
about Fu Yihe’s situation. When he heard those words, his eyes
widened, and he looked blankly at him.
He originally just wanted to understand Fu Yihe’s situation better,
but he didn’t expect to have dug up such a tragic past. Chi Zhao’s
mother also felt bad. As a person who almost lost her son, she
understood Fu Yihe’s sister very well.
Her attitude softened a little, “Then what about your sister? Did
she come here too?
Fu Yihe continued to shake his head, “No, she…..is at a place far,
far away and can’t come over.”
Chi Zhao’s mother: “………….”
She had originally wanted to ease the mood but what now? It had
turned even more tragic!
Over here, those words basically implied that the other person
had left the world. Fu Yihe however didn’t know that and just said it
because his sister was indeed in a very far place and cannot come.
After his sentence was over, he met with his sister and also met
with his brother-in-law who was also freshly released as well as his
brother-in-law’s family. When they were young, the pair of siblings
had depended on each other. Even though she was reluctant, his
sister was still very happy to know that her younger brother was
going to pursue the person he deeply loved.
The room fell silent. Chi Zhao’s mother struggled for a long
time and finally spoke up, “What a poor child. Our Chi Zhao also
didn’t have it easy. An accident almost killed him, and he finally
woke up seven years later when I was about to lose all hope. By
the way, I haven’t seen you before. You……when did you find out
about Chi Zhao’s accident?”
“One year two months and seven days ago.”
That number was too exact. Chi Zhao’s mother was stunned for a
moment and then she asked, “Why did you only find out then?”
Fu Yihe only answered after a few seconds, “Because I was in
jail at the time and communication was cut off. I only found out
something happened to Chi Zhao when I finally had the
opportunity to connect with the outside world.”
At that time, his sentence had ended. The first thing he did after
opening his eyes was to ask the main system about Chi Zhao’s
identity. The main system naturally wouldn’t tell him and even
threats and bribery didn’t work. He had even gone to find his rival in
his political career and asked for their help.
Although Fu Yihe’s crime was serious, it wasn’t to the extent
where it would ruin his political career and, because the common
people sympathised with him, he may even be reinstated as soon as
he was released. To be able to send his rival away, Fu Yihe’s rival
naturally agreed. And so, with threats, bribery and political
oppression, the main system finally relented and told him the basic
information about Chi Zhao and along the way helped him find a
way to be reunited.
So strictly speaking, he had only found out about Chi Zhao’s
incident at that time.
Chi Zhao’s mother wasn’t aware of the details and her heart even
fell when she heard this. No one knew it better than her. Almost no
one who had been in jail are good people. At this moment, she was
determined. She must keep Chi Zhao away from this man no matter
what entanglement they had in the past.
However Chi Zhao asked the next question before her.
“Why did you go to jail?”
Chi Zhao was curious but he was afraid that it would touch Fu
Yihe’s sore spot so he didn’t ask yesterday. Since even if he didn’t
ask, his mother would ask, he decided to ask first.
Fu Yihe turned and looked at Chi Zhao’s clear eyes, “There is a
bastard. He liked my sister for a long time, but my sister didn’t
like him. After my sister rejected him many times, he got angry
and gathered seven or eight men to set her up with the intention
to ruin her reputation and spirit.”
“After I found out, I went over and beat that bastard up,
severing hurting him.”
Chi Zhao opened his mouth, “Then your sister……”
Fu Yihe smiled, “She’s okay. Someone rescued her.”
The one who rescued her was his brother-in-law. Fu Yihe had
deliberately spoken very concisely and didn’t mention any details.
Including the fact that the bastard wasn’t an ordinary person, but
the crown prince of their country, and he not only severely hurt the
other person, but he had also directly broken both his legs and
smashed his head with something, resulting in the crown prince
losing his right to succeed the throne. That crown prince in the end
had to be transferred to a bionic body.
He was sentenced not only because he severely hurt the crown
prince, but because he had beaten the crown prince so badly even
when his sister was already safe. The entire incident was filmed and
shared online.
The court originally wanted to sentence him lightly, but the
incident had blown up too much that even if public opinion was
leaning to his side, they still had to sentence him according to the
Even now, Fu Yihe didn’t regret doing it. What he regretted was
that he didn’t completely kill the crown prince, and even allowed
him to retain consciousness. It was a complete failure.
Fu Yihe didn’t use that terrible word, but Chi Zhao and his mother
understood. Chi Zhao may not know what his mother was thinking
but Chi Zhao knew that he himself was relieved.
Although he didn’t have a sister, he had friends. If any of his
friends were to encounter such a thing, he would also be angry
enough to beat the other party to death. If it was like that for friends,
it wasn’t surprising to have such a reaction for a sister who had
directly brought him up.
Chi Zhao’s gaze softened, He wanted to comfort Fu Yihe only to
see that someone else was faster than him.
The old lady who was determined to separate the two of them
earlier gently held Fu Yihe’s hand and patted it, “Good child,
really good child. You did the right thing protecting your sister,
but you did it the wrong way. You must have acted on an impulse.
You should’ve endured it for a few days, planned it out and then
retaliated against him. But don’t worry, this auntie understands.
No one can endure when faced with something like that. You’re
so pitiful having to spend so many years in prison. It must’ve
been hard, right? Do you feel guilty for not being able to
accompany Chi Zhao during his difficult times?”
His mother waved her hand, “Don’t feel guilty! He slept like a
dead pig and was oblivious to the whole world. If anything, he
should be the one to feel bad! You ran all the way over here, yet
he forgot about you. I really don’t want to admit that I gave birth
to him!”
Fu Yihe: “……..”
Auntie, you’re really amazing.
Chi Zhao: “…….”
I also don’t want to admit that you are my mother, thank you very
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KK has something to say: Last one tomorrow!
Chapter 181
Source: KK Translates


Arc 8 – The Real World

Chapter 181

Regarding the reason for his sentence, Fu Yihe was telling the truth.
After lowering Chi Zhao’s vigilance, Fu Yihe made up the answers to
the questions that followed.

After sending Chi Zhao’s mother away, Fu Yihe watched the elevator
door close with a smile. He originally wanted to accompany her
downstairs, but the old lady insisted that he didn’t do that. Once he
saw that the elevator was going down, Fu Yihe turned back around.

Then, he saw Chi Zhao leaning against the door frame, hands
crossed in front of his chest, looking at him assessingly.

Fu Yihe’s movements stopped for a moment before he continued to

walk over. He lowered his head slightly and asked gently, “What’s

Chi Zhao had already recovered from the news of Fu Yihe’s tragic
past. Although he knew that Fu Yihe shouldn’t have lied just now, he
felt that the word tragic and Fu Yihe didn’t seem to fit together.

Even if his parents passed away early and his sister was almost
ruined, he wasn’t the kind of person who would live pessimistically,
unable to stand back up. On the contrary, he should be the kind of
person who does his best to make the others miserable.

Chi Zhao pursed his lips. Not touching on this topic for now, he was
more concerned about something else.

“I really met you at university?”

Fu Yihe said that nine years ago he had gone to Chi Zhao’s university
and was there as an exchange student for half a month. He had met
Chi Zhao at that time and after returning, the two of them didn’t cut
off their contact and chatted every day. After that went on for a
while, they got together.

Afterwards, both of them had something happen to them at the

same time and there was a gap of seven years.

It sounded reasonable and there didn’t seem to be any problems

with that explanation.

But when Fu Yihe talked about it, Chi Zhao didn’t have any
impression of it at all. It seemed that Fu Yihe was lying to his

Staring at Fu Yihe’s eyes, Chi Zhao had no intentions to let him off.
Fu Yihe left out a low laugh and shook his head, “No, I just said that
because I want your mother to accept me.”

“Then how did we meet?”

It was already past ten and neither of them had eaten. He had
originally planned to make breakfast, but it had now changed to
brunch. Fu Yihe took out his phone to directly order some food and
then very naturally stepped forward and planted a soft kiss on
Zhao’s temple.

“Met you in a dream. What do you want to eat?”

Chi Zhao narrowed his eyes as he watched Fu Yihe stroll towards
the kitchen.

Not telling me, are you? It doesn’t matter. He would remember it

himself anyway. By the time he remembers, lets see how he fools

Fu Yihe lived with Chi Zhao and since then, Chi Zhao’s living
standards had risen sharply. In the past, he was always eating
takeaway and ordered almost everything he ate but now, Fu Yihe
managed his three meals and also purchased all his daily necessities.
Chi Zhao basically didn’t have to do anything.

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At first, Chi Zhao was afraid that he didn’t have money and often
transferred money to him but later, when Fu Yihe linked their
accounts together, Chi Zhao realised that he was actually the poorer
one compared to Fu Yihe.

It was strange though. Fu Yihe never went out to work but from time
to time there would be an extra sum in his account. After Chi Zhao
asked about it, Fu Yihe roughly explained, “I am a consultant for
some people. They ask me questions, I answer them. This money is
what they give me.”

With knowledge from a world thousands of years more advanced,

even if Fu Yihe only taught the other party a little bit, it was enough
for them to use it for a lifetime. Fu Yihe seemed to be in his twenties
while even the youngest of his clients was in their forties. They
however treated Fu Yihe with great respect. It was precisely because
of their good attitude that Fu Yihe was willing to teach them.

Fu Yihe didn’t want to show his face, so those middle-aged people

contacted him through their phones. In addition to the agreed
payment, they would also take the initiative to send over more
money to express their gratitude and loyalty.

In the first half of his life, he had been busy every day and later, he
was sentenced by the court to receive punishment through
experiencing virtual life. In the virtual life, he was still very busy
every day. Fu Yihe really didn’t want to work right now and even the
consultant job was only done because he needed money.

His original plan was, after accumulating enough money in his

account, he would stop attending to those people and then take Chi
Zhao to a place Chi Zhao wanted to go and live a peaceful life

But even after asking several times, Fu Yihe found that Chi Zhao
didn’t want to go anywhere. He wanted to stay here, stay in the
company he was currently working for, living life like an ordinary
citizen, working hard for company and his family.

Chi Zhao originally wasn’t someone with lofty ideas. After binding to
the system, he had experienced many ups and downs in his life. He
subconsciously no longer wanted to go through that anymore. For
example, just like now, just going to work when its time, talking to
Fu Yihe after work and living like an ordinary person working hard
for both the business and his family, was already enough to make
him happy.

No, the word happy shouldn’t be used.

It should be blessed.

Blessed was a very abstract word. Chi Zhao still didn’t understand
what feeling blessed really felt like, but just as the ancients had said,
after searching a thousand times in the crowd, when one looks back,
the person you’re looking for may be standing under the light.
Fu Yihe walked down the steps of the milk tea shop. He still didn’t
like this sweet drink, so he only bought one cup. When he turned
around and saw Chi Zhao leaning against the chair staring at him in
daze, Fu Yihe couldn’t help but raise the corner of his lips.

He placed the warm milk tea in Chi Zhao’s hands and then sat down
beside him, “What are you in daze for? You see me every day, yet
you still can’t get enough of it?”

Chi Zhao returned to his senses and gave him a speechless glance,
“You’re too narcissistic.”

Fu Yihe was noncommittal, “I’m not narcissistic, I’m just basing it off

Chi Zhao took a sip of his milk tea and successfully sucked some
pearls up. He then turned around and blinked a few times, “What do
you mean?”

Fu Yihe used to live on a planet that was spring all round. Suddenly
coming to this place with four distinct seasons, he still couldn’t get
used to it. This was especially so on an cold day like today and he
subconsciously tucked his hands in his pockets.

“Although I can see you every day, I don’t find it enough, so I thought
you might be thinking the same as me.”

Fu Yihe had already given his resume to the company where Chi
Zhao worked and would be going there for an interview in two days.
Chi Zhao always felt that Fu Yihe wasn’t going there to be
interviewed and was instead going there to evaluate the company in
preparation to take it over completely.

When Fu Yihe said this, he wasn’t looking at Chi Zhao and was
casually looking around. This commercial street was built around a
fountain. Behind Chi Zhao and Fu Yihe was a large musical fountain.
It wasn’t dark yet, so the lights weren’t on and the music wasn’t
playing. It only did what a normal fountain did. Fu Yihe looked at it
and then brought his arm around Chi Zhao’s shoulders, pulling him

The place where Chi Zhao sat was a place where one could easily be
hit by the water. When outside, Fu Yihe would always pay attention
to these small details. Because he was afraid of the cold, he felt that
Chi Zhao was probably just like him. If he was hit by those water
droplets that are not much higher than freezing point, who knew
how uncomfortable it must be.

Chi Zhao tilted his head to look at him. He then reached out and
pulled Fu Yihe’s hands out of his warm coat pockets and transferred
the milk tea that was still warm into Fu Yihe’s hands. Fu Yihe looked
slightly stunned. After he understood Chi Zhao’s intentions, he
smiled gently and wanted to say that there was no need to do that.

But before he could say anything, Chi Zhao used both his hands to
cover his hands. His hands however were not long enough to cover
his. After a moment of silence, Chi Zhao could only take another step
closer and use a combination of his hands and his wrists to cover the
back of Fu Yihe’s hands.

The bench was originally quite spacious but right now, if it weren’t
for the armrests, Fu Yihe would have been pushed off the seat. Chi
Zhao’s entire body was pressed against Fu Yihe. After a few seconds,
Chi Zhao lowered his head again, looked at this position and took
another sip of his milk tea.

Then, he straightened up and smiled lightly at Fu Yihe, “Is it still cold


Fu Yihe’s heart was about to melt. Let alone minus two degrees,
even if it was minus twenty degrees, he wouldn’t feel cold anymore.
Reluctant to pull his hand out, he could only trace the outline of Chi
Zhao’s face with his eyes. After a while, he said in a low voice, “I
really want to kiss you.”

There were many people coming and going here and it was evening,
so children were also outside. Fu Yihe naturally couldn’t do that kind
of thing here so he could only say those words sullenly. CHi Zhao
laughed when he heard those words, revealing his dimples.

“Then let’s go home. I just happen to be hungry too.”

When they got home, Fu Yihe first asked for a long kiss before
happily putting on his apron and entering the kitchen. When it was
being renovated, Chi Zhao had chosen a Japanese-style kitchen and
dining room. He sat at the table beside the sliding door supporting
his face and watched Fu Yihe prepare dinner for the two fo them.

Chi Zhao would usually go there to help but today he didn’t want to

It didn’t matter if he wanted to be lazy every now and then, Fu Yihe

spoiled him anyway.

Realising that he was becoming more and more spoilt, Chi Zhao was
surprised at first and then he couldn’t help but laugh.

At this moment, Chi Zhao’s heart was filled with happiness. Life was
great. It even felt a little unreal to him. Perhaps this was just a
dream, an exceptionally good one while he was in a coma.

The only regret was that, even now, he still hadn’t remembered the
bits and pieces of their past.

It would be great if he could remember. Although Fu Yihe hadn’t

said anything, he knew that he also wanted him to remember.
Letting out a light sigh, Chi Zhao lowered the hand supporting his
face. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain on his left wrist. He
instinctively held it and gave it a rub.


Five minutes later, Fu Yihe came out carrying the food. He placed the
food down and went back to serve up the rice and also pick up the
chopsticks from the holder hanging from the wall. He passed over a
pair to Chi Zhao.

Chi Zhao received it and tasted the food, “Did you originally know
how to cook?”

Fu Yihe sat opposite him. He was peeling shrimps for Chi Zhao.
Hearing that question, he shook his head, “I didn’t know how to
cook. Not only me, but everyone also didn’t know. I only learned this

Chi Zhao nodded indifferently, “I thought you were good at cooking

from the beginning. But that’s true. I remember you only made eggs
at the beginning in the first world.”

Fu Yihe’s act of peeling the shrimp instantly stopped. He thought he

had heard wrong. After a while, he stiffly lowered the shrimp and
raised his head.

“You…..what did you just say?”

Chi Zhao supported his head with one hand and looked at him lazily.
After seeing enough of Fu Yihe’s current expression, Chi Zhao
laughed, “The feeling of being forgotten, it probably wasn’t great,
The pastFu Yihe had forgotten about him in every world. At that
time he was like Fu Yihe now, trying to get close to him all the time
while still comforting himself inside.

Fu Yihe couldn’t believe what he heard. Chi Zhao also didn’t answer
directly so he wasn’t certain, “Chi Zhao, do you remember now?”

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Not wanting to torture him any longer, Chi Zhao quietly nodded.

Fu Yihe was stunned. Didn’t they say that once the memory was
erased, it was impossible to remember it again? He was ready to
start all over again with a blank Chi Zhao and was willing to bury the
past they had deep in his heart but, somehow, Chi Zhao

How did he remember?

Without needing him to ask, Chi Zhao who had recovered his
memory also knew him very well. He could tell what he was thinking
by just looking at his expression.

“Before I came back, the system gave me a parting gift. It didn’t tell
me what it was, but it seems that the gift was this.”

“You……remember everything?”

Fu Yihe’s voice was a little dry. Chi Zhao felt slight pain in his heart
when he heard it. He gently nodded, “Yeah, From Li Yihan to Lin
Changfeng, from the first year to the seventh year.”

After a pause, Chi Zhao laughed, “When I heard that the last world
was a world to say goodbye, I thought you didn’t want me anymore.”

He didn’t expect it to be a for the purpose of transitioning. Biological

teleportation took time and required precise position. Keeping Chi
Zhao in a virtual world was to allow them to use that time to locate
his body and along the way prepare for the teleportation.

No one knew if it would be successful because it was something that

hadn’t been done before, so Fu Yihe didn’t let the system tell Chi
Zhao the truth. He was afraid that he would fail or encounter an
accident and Chi Zhao would be sad.

Fu Yihe hadn’t said those things, but Chi Zhao could imagine what he
may have done. Even if Chi Zhao remembered, Fu Yihe still had no
intentions to mention anything about it. The reason was the same.
He didn’t want Chi Zhao to worry, let alone make him sad.

“You know that,” Fu Yihe said after a moment of silence, “I can’t be

without you.”

Chi Zhao was his life, his everything, a part of his soul that he would
never be able to give up. For him to lose Chi Zhao, it was better to
just kill him directly. Some people may think that taking such a
desperate approach was madness, but he had done this because he
knew that this was the only way to save himself.

Chi Zhao stood up and went over to Fu Yihe’s side. He didn’t answer
and just sniffled a little before stretching out both his arms, “Hug.”

Finding himself in a warm and powerful embrace, Chi Zhao buried

his head in those arms and took in Fu Yihe’s scent. He then opened
his eyes and said in a low voice, “You worked hard coming all the
way here.”

“But I still want to say, don’t throw me away in the future.”

The feeling of being thrown away and given up on was really

horrible. This was especially so when he couldn’t communicate
directly with Fu Yihe. Every time, he was the one being notified. He
wasn’t as accepting and unbothered as he looked. If he was, he
wouldn’t have cried unceasingly after becoming drunk.

At that time, Lin Changfeng didn’t understand what he was talking

about, but now Fu Yihe understood how sad he was at the time. Fu
Yihe lowered his head, closed his eyes and gently kissed Chi Zhao.


The earlier promise was to be together for all lifetimes but, this time,
it was to be together for eternity in this lifetime.


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<Chapter 180> <Table of Contents> <Chapter 181.5>

If possible, please support the author and purchase the original

chapters! Each chapter only costs a few cents! The links to the
raws are on the main novel page (You can go there via ‘Table of
Contents’) and here are some handy guides: Link 1 and Link 2.

KK has something to say:

The end!

Don’t worry guys, there is still another extra chapter to be posted

tomorrow. Like the one last time, this was also only posted on the
author’s weibo so I won’t be linking it to NU. Next up, the main star
is our little system!
Chapter 181.5
Source: KK Translates


Chapter 181.5

Fordelin is currently the largest AI manufacturing company in the

current society with each of their products costing a large fortune.
Even the lowest-grade ones would require three small well-off
families to throw away all their assets to be able to purchase it.

But the high prices also came together with top-of-the-line services.
In this age where labour costs are frighteningly high, Fordelin
insisted on personally delivering the product and teaching
customers how to use them.

The system’s custom bionic body arrived today. There had been a
small problem on the virtual life experience platform and the main
system had gone out to sort it out. When he hurried back and
opened the door, he was met with the sight of a clean and obedient
looking teenaged boy clumsily learning how to walk.

Every detail of this body was designed by the system himself. Since a
long, long time ago, he had already decided on what he would look
like. He didn’t need to be particularly handsome or eye-catching and
just wanted to look a little more docile, soft and harmless such that
more people can like him.
As a highly intelligent system, he didn’t make this choice because he
was programmed to protect and please humans, but rather, he just
wanted more humans to like him and that was why he made that

Most systems couldn’t afford a bionic body and that was way they
weren’t taught how to behave like a human by their programmers.
The same was also true for the system. Even though the Fordeline
staff had taught him how to move, they didn’t teach him how to
walk, how to blink and how to breathe.

He was like a baby who had just learned to stand. Whatever he did,
he was new to it.

The bionic body would move according to its owner’s thoughts and
make a series of human-like actions. Seeing the main system come
in, the system’s actions suddenly stopped for a moment and then his
face, which could make almost every woman have the desire to
protect him, revealed a standard smile that came from the depths of
his heart.

The system didn’t realise that he was smiling. He loosened his hand
and stumbled over to the main system. The main system just stood
in place and didn’t move. When the other party stumbled over and
was about to run into him, he reached out to support him.

Fortunately, he was a highly intelligent system, and his learning

ability was good. Although it was awkward, he still managed to
achieve his goal and the system fell into the main system’s arms.
Every inch of the bionic body was sophisticatedly designed such that
they had the same senses as humans.

It was the first time the system had come into contact with a human
body. He blinked a few times and then raised his head and smiled at
the main system who was holding him, “So this is the feeling of
hugging. Doesn’t seem to be anything special.”
The heartless system smiled very brightly. The main system
however felt that his motherboard may have fried. There was
nothing else that could explain why the temperature his skin rose by
0.7 degrees Celsius after the system rushed over.

Bionic body temperature regulation. Once the temperature rises

inexplicably, there is an eighty percent chance that the internal
motherboard has a problem.


Looking at the teenager that was both familiar and unfamiliar, the
main system’s originally slightly stiff expression slowly relaxed. He
gently hooked up the corner of his lips, “It’s like this at first. You will
get used to it with time.”

The system nodded like he understood, “That is to say, I need to

practice more.”

The system was a beginner, and it didn’t understand the rules

between humans and the fact that he couldn’t casually hug another
person. He didn’t know, but the main system knew, but for some
reason, the main system didn’t tell him. Maintaining that position,
the main system raised his hand and gently rubbed the system’s

The sensation was too real. It was soft and thin. The main system
didn’t hold back and rubbed it for a while.

When the main system raised his hand, the system originally wanted
to let go of him, but the main system had only let go of one hand and
his other hand had conversely tightened its grip even further.
Knowing that it meant that he didn’t want him to leave, the system
blinked his new light blue eyes and then very docilely nestled in his
He even felt that it was uncomfortable in this position and moved to
find himself a more comfortable position. With his soft cheeks
resting on the main system’s chest, as soon as he placed it against it,
he heard the bionic heart beating inside. He curiously opened his
eyes and moved closer, wanting to hear it more clearly.

This action just happened to move him over a small red point on the
main system’s left chest. Suddenly, a strange feeling washed over the
main system, and even his breathing stopped for a second.

Since his birth, the main system had never been in such a situation.
It was as if his core had failed and he didn’t know what to do next or
what to say. Those programs and code that clearly functioned
normally earlier had suddenly generated tens of millions of different
scenarios in a single second.

He was the main system. He would only crash but he wouldn’t


Only humans can freeze.

He had originally taken the system out and left him by his side to
take care of and talk to firstly, because he wanted to analyse the
system’s database and understand why he can self-generate
emotions and secondly, because a system with emotions was
different to a system without.

Ensuring that the system under him is being inspected regularly was
another responsibility of the main system. The one on the platform
who could imitate the most human emotions was the main system
himself, so he placed this very troublesome little system by his side.

But as for what his purpose was now, he was no longer sure.

He……seemed to be unable to analyse it.

The only thing he knew was that he wanted to treat the little system
in his arms well. He wanted to give him everything he liked, wanted
to keep looking at him and make him make what humans call a

What was this feeling called? Also, was this an emotion?

The main system’s eyes were dazed for a moment. As he pondered,

the system glanced at the time on his own motherboard and saw
that it was time to go so he heartlessly moved away from the main

After taking a few more steps towards the door, he was starting to
walk a little more smoothly.

“I have something on this evening. This is going to be my first time

revealing my true appearance!”

Please read this from kk translates

The main system was stunned for a moment. The sudden departure
of the system gave him a strong feeling but as for what that feeling
was, he wasn’t able to analyse it. Seeing that the system had left, he
quickly chased after him.

“Where is it? Fordelin sent you an ID card but they haven’t given you
a driver’s licence, right? I’ll take you there. You won’t need to take
the hovercar.”

Elevators could reach the ground in less than a second. The two of
them got out and reached a door on the ground floor. That door
accurately calculated the pace of the two people and opened at just
the right time for them to walk out. As the system walked, he said
with a smile to the main system, “No need. My senior said he’ll come
and pick me up.”

His sharp vision caught sight of a hovercar parked on the side of the
road. A black-haired man was leaning against that car. The system’s
voice turned several pitches higher, “Ah, that’s my senior! Senior
came early. I even came down ten minutes early!”

Hearing someone speak, the black-haired man raised his head. His
handsome features made others think of those priceless antiques
which have sealed away for thousands of years. In this era where
cosmetic surgery is not considered a surgery, handsome people
were very common, but that noble temperament wasn’t something
one can easily obtain.

Seeing the system, the man furrowed his brows slightly. He seemed
to resent the gaze of others but very soon, those brows smoothed
out again.

It was because he recognised the person in front of him.

He gave the system a very faint smile. The system also smiled and
began to increase his place into a run.

Like rocket, he rushed to the man, stretched out his arms and
hugged him. He then jumped back and stood obediently in front of
him and greeted his senior.

This man was the rival who had competed against the system in the
singing competition. Although the two had fought for the top
position the entire time during that competition, the system felt no
enmity towards him and only felt respect. The other party was the
same. A system who could self-produce emotions was very rare, and
it just happened that both of them were like that.

Sharing a few pleasantries, the two got in the hovercar. The system
got in very quickly and, before leaving, he even waved at the main
system who stood in the distance. Seeing his actions, the black-
haired man looked over.

He narrowed his eyes for a moment before setting the hovercar to

automatic driving.

Hah, a central control system that lacks emotion and doesn’t

understand anything.

The main system also looked at him. The smile he always had on his
face turned a little cold.

Hah, a rice cooker who only relies on a pile of patch files to live until

The gazes of the two men intersected. After just a short glance, they
both looked away in disgust. One drove away while the other coldly
turned around and returned to the building.

[The end!]

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<Chapter 181> <Table of Contents> [END]

If possible, please support the author and purchase the original

chapters! Each chapter only costs a few cents! The links to the
raws are on the main novel page (You can go there via ‘Table of
Contents’) and here are some handy guides: Link 1 and Link 2.

KK has something to say:

Is that a love triangle I see there????
Anyway, that’s the end of IRASS ^^
It was quite an interesting experience translating a QT. There were
some arcs that I liked to translate and some that I didn’t and

struggled a little with.

As for my next project, I’ve only just started working on it a day ago
so I don’t have anything ready to be posted yet. Sorry guys, give me
some time to have it ready ><

There is no guarantee the translation is 100% correct.

ASIANOVEL.COM wishes to emphasize that this translation is for

review purposes only. We do not claim this intellectual property or
any rights whatsoever.

Under no circumstances would you be allowed to take this work

for commercial activities or for personal gain. ASIANOVEL.COM does
not and will not condone any activities of such, including but not
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