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Effects of Electronic Devices on the Affective and Behavior of Senior High

School STEM Students

A Quantitative Research Proposal

Presented to the Faculty and Staff of


Poblacion, Guipos Zamboanga del Sur

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For Practical Research II


Baluit, Liza Mae S.

Fallore, Yujin

Maata, Ashley Diane M.

Maghinay, Edna Jane L.

Malantig, Jurex B.

Mirabueno, Christal Juice Q.

Sabal, Arawena Rose D.

October 2022

Chapter I

The Problem


The use of technology especially the electronic gadgets is on the rise all

over the world. The ubiquity of technological devices in our society has led to a

strong interest in them among both adults and children. The use of electronic

devices by children and students can have negative consequences on their physical

and mental development. According to the study of Kumar and Sherkhane,

(2018), Continuous adverse effects like physiological, psychological, social and

emotional. Use of device results in many stated health issues like eye straining,

finger ache, backache, neck ache and sleep disturbances. Depending on the

quantity of time spent on device (length and frequency), there are destructive

consequences like physiological, psychological, social and emotional.

Our daily lives now unintentionally include electronic devices and media.

The density of mobile phones has increased significantly during the last five

years. Due in large part to the fact that adolescence is a time when technology is

most relevant compared to earlier developmental stages, the use of mobile phones

among teenagers has substantially expanded (Hedge et al, 2019). However, using

them carefully would have a positive impact but on the same time any false use

would have a negative impact (Hegde, Bhandary and Balraj, 2019)


The latest innovations in electronic devices are incredibly useful and quick

to use. Utilize nothing as large as the radio. The newest fashion the electronic

devices provide you access to everything world-wide information with the touch

of a finger. Everything is prepared; a person only needs to click enter to conduct a

search. These numerous electrical devices used by all ages both directly and

indirectly group of individuals that are accustomed to these technological devices.

However, electronic devices offer their own unique advantages. restrictions and

negative aspects that affect people behavior. (Upadhyay, Jesudass, and

Chitale ,2014).

According to Pachiyappan et al. (2021), Global worry over youth use of

electronic gadgets, especially mobile phones, is rising. In addition, the

development of technology over the past few decades has significantly altered

international communication. Social media usage has since increased rapidly can

influence students' study habits and academic performance depending on how

students use it and how long they engage on it (Aku, Omale 2020).

Due to their wide accessibility and advantages in simplifying daily

activities, electronic devices including cellphones, laptops, tablets, personal

computers, and televisions have evolved into indispensable components of

people's life. If used excessively, however, electronic devices can have a negative

impact on a person's health, productivity, or academic achievement (Qanash et. al


In Pakistan, technology advances alter human behavior and social systems.

consumption by individuals worldwide. Knowledge and Communication

technology (ICT) has an impact on how people study and how they acquire

knowledge. These developments include a smartphone is a device with computing

capabilities and an operating system to a computer alternative connectivity

(Shakoor, Fakhar, and Abbas, 2021).

In Philippines, Over the past few years, smartphone usage among Filipino

teenagers has increased years. Teenagers and young adults (16 to 24 years old)

own the biggest smartphones. Ownership proportion in the nation. Statista (The

Statistics Portal) reports that in Filipinos spend an average of 10.3 hours per day

online in the second and third quarters of 2018. their mobile devices. According to

a study, the incidence of SA was 62.6% among adults in 2020. Filipino teenagers

Similar to this, NMP among young Filipinos is also noticeable, as According to a

local newspaper (Philippine Daily Inquirer), 33.3% (or one in three) 3 of Filipinos

said they couldn't live without their smartphones (Buctut, Kim and kim, 2021).

In Zambales, students are using the modern technology improperly. Their

study habits and academic standing were merely affected. They could not focus on

their studies because of too much pleasure brought about by the modern

technology such as addiction on computer games and improper browsing of

prohibited websites (Antigo and de Guzman, 2021). In this study we will identify

the effects of electronic gadgets on the affective and behavior of senior high

school STEM students, and we will determine the level of affective and behavior

effects of electronic devices among senior high school STEM students.


Conceptual Framework

The researcher adopted Input Process Output (IPO) model. It includes all

the materials and the information that are required on the process, the specific

details of the process itself, and the guide on evaluation of Senior High School

STEM students on the effects of electronic devices on the affective and behavior.

The concept model as shown in Figure 1. It shows what is the process of

determining the effects of electronic devices on the affective and behavior of

Senior High School STEM students.

The first box which is the input is contains the profile of the Effects of

Electronic devices on the affective and behavior of Senior High School STEM

students. This is the researcher topic; the researcher wants to know the effects of

electronic devices on the affective and behavior. According to Teng and Wang

(2021), Behavioral engagement is the combination of students' participation time,

commitment to learning activities, and participation efforts. Affective

engagement, sometimes referred to as emotional engagement, is the term for

responses that are favorable to the learning environment, classmates, and teachers

as well as feelings of identification and interest.

An arrow directed toward the second box which entails the process. In the

process we used survey questionnaire to collect data.

Lastly, the researchers conceptualize the output of the study which is the

intervention program and established as a sign response resolving the problems of

the study.

Input Process Output

1. Socio-  Profiling Intervention

demograp the

hic Profile: Responden Program

 Age t

 Gender  Survey

 Grade questionna

level ire

2. Affective  Gathering

Effect of data

Electronic  Data

Devices Analysis

3. Behavior

Effect of



Figure 1. Input Process Output (IPO Model)


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the effects on the affective and behavior of

electronic devices of senior high school STEM students. This study will be

conducted during the school year 2022-2023 at Guipos National High School.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1. What is the profile of respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender; and

1.3 Grade Level?

2. To what level is the affective effect of electronic devices on Grade 11 and 12

STEM students?

3. To what level is the behavior effect of electronic devices on Grade 11 and 12

STEM students?

4. What intervention is to be done based on the result?

Scope and Limitation

This study contained the subject matter, research environment, research

respondents, research design and research method Subject Matter. This study

focuses on the Effects of Electronic devices on the Affective and Behavior of

Grade 11 and 12 STEM students.


Research Environment. This study will be conducted during the school year 2022-

2023 at Guipos National High School.

Research Participants. The research participants for this study will be the grade

11 and 12 STEM Students at Guipos National High School.

Research Design. This research is a descriptive design which aims to attempt and

collect quantifiable data to know the effect of electronic gadget on the affective

and behavior of students.

Research Method. The research method in this study aims to conduct survey

research where the respondents can answer through questionnaires.

Significance of the Study

The results of this study will contribute to understanding the effects of

electronic devices on students' affective and behaviors.

Administrator. The study will assist administrators in enforcing and implementing

the usage of electronic devices on the school's warning techniques and in

enforcing disciplinary action against pupils who misuse them.

Teachers. Will be challenged to apply and exercise the use of electronic devices in

their teaching by the study's findings, which may represent implications of the

why and the how considering current trends and practices of education using


Students. It will help to be reminded to study while utilizing their preferred

devices to stay focused on their duties. They needed to be reminded of the dangers

of excessive usage of these devices as well.

Other Researchers. Parents, whose support of the use of electronic devices for the

acceptable effectiveness of the academic on students' performance would be

advantageous. They would also be reminded of their vital roles in spending a lot

of time educating and mentoring their kids about the harmful impacts of using

necessary technology improperly or excessively.

Definition of Terms

For better understanding, several relevant terms were defined conceptually

and operationally:

Affective. Is a word that crops up a lot in psychology—it means having to do with

emotions or moods ( In this study, it is used as a variable to

identify the effects of electronic devices on the Affective of Senior High School


Behavior. The way in which someone conducts oneself or behaves (Merriam

Webster). In this study, it is used as a variable to identify how electronic

devices affects the behavior of grade 11 and 12 STEM students.

Effects. A change that results when something is done or happens: an event,

condition, or situation that is produced by a cause Britannica Dictionary).


Electronic Device. An overarching term that refers to a hardware whose function

is to control the flow of electrical energy for the purpose of processing

information or controlling a system. In this study, researchers will use electronic

device as a independent variable that affects the behavior and academic


Mobile device. Is a handheld tablet or other device that is made for portability and

is therefore both compact and lightweight. In this study, it is used as a variable to

determine how the electronic devices affects the affective and Behavior of Senior

High School STEM students.

Modified. Having been changed slightly, usually to improve something or make it

more acceptable (Cambridge Dictionary). In this study, researcher used a

modified survey questionnaire.

Smart Phones. Refers to a handled electronic device that provides a connection to

a cellular network (Frankenfield 2022). In this study, it is used as a variable to

determine the effect of electronic device on the affective and behavior of senior

High School students.

STEM. Is an educational program developed to prepare primary and secondary

students for college and graduate study in the fields of science, technology,

engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Into subject-specific learning, STEM aims

to foster inquiring minds, logical reasoning, and collaboration skills.

Students. A student is primarily a person enrolled in a school or other educational

institution who attends classes in a course to attain the appropriate level of


mastery of a subject under the guidance of an instructor and who devotes time

outside class to do whatever activities the instructor assigns that are necessary

either for class preparation or to submit evidence of progress towards that mastery

(Wikipedia). In this study, especially the stem students will be the researcher’s


Technology. Refers to methods, systems, and devices which are the result of

scientific knowledge being used for practical purposes (Collinsdictionary).



Review of Related Literature

This chapter includes some related literature and studies, both foreign and

local, which are presented in the paragraph that follow:

Related Literature

In the current era, the uses of various electronic gadgets/gizmos have

eased the lifestyles and routines of people of all age groups or classes. Whilst the

uses of these gizmos have facilitated us in several day-to-day choruses, but also

equally ill-affected the social behavior of human beings as well. Few of the most

alarming impacts of modern era electronic gadgets (Gizmos) on our social life/

structure are like, "Nomo Phobia", Cue- Reactivity", "Cyber Bullying", "sleep

disorders", Compromised privacy", Lack of concentration, Fertility Disorders,

Narcissistic Personality Disorders, Depressions, and several other psychological

problems (Gupta, 2021).

Researchers have frequently utilized students' attitudes as a stand-in for

figuring out students' knowledge and willingness to pursue a career by studying a

topic area in school, such as technology. Therefore, it is crucial for educational

research in general and technology education research in particular to examine

students' attitudes, including what drives attitudes and the nature of their affective,

cognitive, and behavioral components. The Netherlands created PATT, or Pupils'

Attitudes Toward Technological, in the 1980s, which was the first technology

attitude measurement tool. However, the theoretical underpinnings for the study of

attitudes toward technology have come under more and more scrutiny in recent

years, and it is still unclear how the links between the three attitude components

should be described and assessed. For example, it was questioned whether the

behavioral component belonged in the attitude paradigm and was thought to be an

addition to attitude rather than a part of it. Additionally, in PATT studies, the

behavioral component was minimized, and gender skewness in the questionnaire

items was highlighted while the affective and cognitive components were given

priority (Svenningsson,  Höst, Hultén &  Hallström , 2021)

In the contemporary science the creation of current day technological units

has captured the pastime of international populace. The dependency of human

beings on those technological units and alternatives furnished through. This has

reached at such stage that, barring those, they can’t suppose a step in develop with

internal the route in their growth. The point of dependency is key to dependency

of the tech-gadgets and offerings. Teenagers are the most extensive variety of

populaces to be hooked on technology. They seem to be at modified into designed

to appear at the use of tech-gadgets via young adults i.e. the time spent with the

devices, the functions at the decrease back of use, and its influences on mental

health and existence trend (Khaveithra, Zainurey, and  Saad 2021).

In Egypt and Saudi, the public and industry have been educated by

widespread Internet access and increased rates of technology device use. Using a

range of apps, information sources, and benefits, the global community. However,

out-of-control behavior and excessive Internet use have given rise to a variety of

problems that can obstruct user success in several domains (Elbilgahy, 2021).

In Taiwan, according to the study of (Yang, Chen, Lin, and Wang, 2019),

a substantial factor in adolescent females' lack of sleep has been linked to using a

smartphone right before bed. In addition to harming physical health and

wellbeing, excessive smartphone use also shortens and degrades sleep cycles.

Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is shortened, and sleep onset latency is

prolonged by the flashing light of a cell phone, as well as by the stimulation from

its games. A growing health concern is the effect of smartphone dependency on

sleep in adolescent females because it has been discovered that females

experience smartphone dependence more frequently than males.

According to Mulhim, Alkhateeb, Jamaan, and Elmedany (2018) a United

Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) report found that

Saudi Arabia has the highest number of mobile phone users in the world The

report shows that Saudi Arabia has 180 cell phones per 100 people, and cell phone

use is on the rise among teenagers and young children According to an American

study, about 30% of preschoolers and 50-90% of school-aged children and

adolescents do not get enough sleep.

In the Philippines, according to the study of Contillo et al, (2019) students

are obsessed in the use of Gadgets. They generally favor to purchase the ultra-

modern release of these Gadgets to fulfill their wishes in terms of amusement and

getting the most recent model. As a result, students tend to involve gadgets in

their day-to-day lives along with in their studies. Students tend to use extra time in

using gadgets than on studying. This interestingly impacts the student's analyzing

habits and tutorial performance. Gadgets affect the study habit of a student in

many factors in the usage of gadgets college students start turning into stupid,

dependable, and careless and do all his or her work with the assist of gadgets. He

additionally turns into drowsy and wants to do all his work in shortcut. In this age

of technological know-how, no phase of life is derived from the influence it has

created on life pattern and so schooling is no exception.

In Quezon City, Philippines, Berdin et al, (2019), revealed that cellphones

are helpful for learning, however inexperienced persons tend to abuse them. The

presence of cellphones offers a host of picks and challenges for today’s students.

The mobile phone is an undeniably convenient, useful tool for study. However, it

can be a hurtful supply of distraction relying on the attitude and use pattern of a

student. As a result, they acquired lower ratings in tests or assessments and have

been much less nice at duties such as note-taking. This technology of “voracious

text” may be affected by using so many online distractions. When students did no

longer use mobiles, they have been higher at recalling information. With the

examination season underway, there are family arguments about whether

teenagers absolutely can examine whilst using countless on-line gadgets. In this

study we will identify the effects of electronic gadgets on the affective and

behavior of senior high school STEM students, and we will determine the level of

affective and behavior effects of electronic devices among senior high school

STEM students.

Chapter III
Research Methodology

This chapter articulated methodology for research. It included the research

design, research setting, research respondents, research instrument, data gathering,

ethical consideration and data analysis.

Research Design

In this study the researchers will use a descriptive survey research design

to determine the affective and behavior effects of electronic devices among grade

11 and 12 STEM students.

Descriptive survey research design it is the most typical and often utilized

methodology in market research to acquire useful information. The most effective

way to gather customer feedback on your company's offerings and other factors is

through a survey. In a descriptive survey design, the study topic-related questions

are asked (“What is Descriptive Survey Design”, 2021)

Research Environment

This study will be conducted at Guipos National High School which is a

public school located around Poblacion Guipos Zamboanga del Sur. Guipos, is a

4th class municipality in the province of Zamboanga del Sur, Philippines.

(PhilAtlas, n.d.).

Research Respondents

The research respondents in this study are senior high school STEM

students at Guipos National High School. In this research there are 53

respondents, 33 are STEM 11 and 20 are STEM 12.

Table 1

Location STEM Students Total

Grade 11 Grade 12
Female Male Female Male
Guipos NHS 28 5 16 4 53
Distribution of Respondents

Sampling Technique
In this study, researchers will employ purposive sampling, a non-

probability sampling technique where in respondents will be selected based on

researchers’ judgement and the purpose of the study (Ridzuan, 2018).

Research Instrument

In this study, researchers will adapt a survey questionnaire from Mariam,

Kamal, Lukman, Azlini, Normala (2018) entitled “The Effect in Cognitive,

Affective, and Behavior of using Electronic Gadget among University Students”.

As part of the research instrument, participants will be required to complete a

survey questionnaire. The researcher will offer a checklist-style questionnaire to

create the data that will be collected following the survey. A modified

questionnaire will be utilized as the study's instrument.


Data Gathering Techniques

In this study, researchers will use a survey questionnaire as the primary

data collection instrument. The researchers will use an adapted questionnaire and

will formally ask for a permission letter from the day school head. Upon

distributing the questionnaire, the instructions will be thoroughly explained by the

researchers, and the respondents will be encouraged to ask questions if the items

are not clear to them. After having a common understanding, the respondents will

be given an hour to complete the questionnaire.

Ethical Consideration

In this study the researchers will ensure the respondents' confidentiality

and privacy to maintain the integrity of this student’s ethics. The researchers will

request consent prior to the survey. Defend and respect the respondents' values

and interests from harm. Any information supplied will be kept confidential.

Data Analysis

The data for this study will be analyzed using descriptive statistics.

Percentages, means, and frequency count.

Descriptive statistic it describes the link between variables in a sample or

population to summarize data in an ordered manner (Kaur, Stoltzfus,  and Yellapu

, 2018).

Mean. This will be used to determine the average on the respondents’

responses on the effect of electronic devices on the affective and behavior of the

senior high school STEM students.


µ= Mean
x= number of responses
n= number of respondents
∑x= The summation of all responses

Frequency count. This will be used to determine the number of

respondents in the research and number of responses made by the respondents in

the research instrument.

Percentage. This will be used to determine the level of electronic devices

that effects the affective and behavior of senior high school STEM students.


P= (f/n) (100)

P= Percentage
f = Frequency
n= number of respondents


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Letter Request
Guipos National High School
Poblacion, Guipos Zamboanga Del Sur
School Year. 2022-2023

GIGI R. DATWIN, Ed.D October __, 2022

School Principal
Guipos National High School
Poblacion Guipos, Zamboanga Del Sur
Dear Ma’am:
Good day!
The undersigned are Grade XII students of Guipos National High School taking
up Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM). We are currently
enrolled in Practical Research II. Our approved study entitled “Effects of
Electronic Device on the Affective and Behavior of Senior High School STEM
students”. This study aims to determine the level of affective and behavior effect
of electronic device among Grade 11 & 12 STEM students.
In this regard, we humbly ask your permission to allow us to conduct a survey
inside the school campus.
Your kind endorsement of this study is appreciated. Thank you very much for
your favorable consideration regarding such request.
Malantig, Jurex, Maata, Ashley Diane, Maghinay, Edna Jaen,
Mirabueno, Christal Juice, Baluit, Liza Mae, Sabal, Arawena Rose,
Fallore, Yujin

Research Teacher School Principal


Adapted from Mariam, Kumal, Lukman, Azlini, and Normala (2018)
AGE: ______
GENDER: Female Male
Grade Level: _____

Table 2: The affective effect of electronic devices of senior high school STEM


Statements Always Sometime Rarely Never

4 s 2 1
1.I should not be away with electronic gadgets.
2. I'm very excited to receive a notification.
3. I am very comfortable with playing electronic
4. I don't have a problem with the electronic
gadgets ringing during the study.

5. I always check the electronic gadgets to find out

the latest developments although during the study.

6. I like to learn to use electronic gadget and listen

to lectures simultaneously.

7. I love electronic gadgets to use the lecturer to

find additional information

8. I like to find additional information during the

course of the classroom.

9. I'm easy to lose focus on learning when using

electronic gadgets.

10. I used the electronic gadget in the classroom

when I was bored.

11. I think using electronic gadgets while learning

is a difficult thing.

Table 3: The behavior effects of electronic devices of senior high school STEM


Statements Alway Sometimes Rarel Never

s 3 y 1
4 2
1. I like to buy for electronic gadgets that fit my taste.

2. I love to make calls, send SMS, surf online games

while studying in the classroom.

3. I opened social networking sites like Facebook,

Twitter and so on while in the lecture room.

4. I read the online newspaper on electronic gadgets

during my classroom lectures.

5. I do not mind when lecturer look at me while I'm

using electronic gadgets in the classroom.

6. I was able to focus on learning when using electronic

gadgets during the study in the classroom.

7. I was able to write a note in the classroom when

using electronic gadgets during college-based learning.

8. I was able to divide myself into the interaction

between the use of electronic gadgets and the
interaction with the lecturers during the course of

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