Article Employee Experience

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Employee experience is the way in which employees internalize and interpret the interactions
they have with their organization, as well as the context that underlies those interactions. A
company's employee experience refers to how a worker perceives his or her entire journey,
starting with job eligibility and ending with exit.

Change in

The covid crisis has catalyzed a more digital, mobile, and distributed business ecosystem, but
the culture of relying on digital experiences has now become unstoppable. Digital initiatives
sparked by the pandemic need to be iterated upon to remain relevant for both employees and

As a rule, human resources leaders believe that a great company must offer competitive perks,
such as skills training, pet insurance, and foosball, to distinguish itself from the competition.
According to new research it is found that there is no correlation between employee
engagement and retention and benefits awards.In addition to material offerings, employees are
now assessing how they feel about the company where they work-and that requires a different
approach.Based on global surveys of 5,000 employees and 150 HR leaders, a study by Gartner
reveals that employee engagement has been flat since 2016. According to HR leaders, only
23% expect most employees to remain with their company once the pandemic ends, and only
31% believe their company offers something unique. According to Carolina Valencia, one of the
study's authors and a vice president in Gartner's HR practice, companies have been engaged in
an arms race to offer the best benefits. However, once basic needs are met, employees today
are more motivated by feelings than by material features. Employees today want to be treated
with dignity and respect.

It doesn't mean employers should eliminate all employee benefits, the researchers suggest.
What's needed is a change in focus: Instead of building a portfolio of ever-increasing offerings,
benefits managers should focus on creating a human deal that makes employees feel cared for
financially, physically, and emotionally. Given the dual crises of the pandemic and civil unrest in
many countries, this shift is especially urgent.

HR managers can make employees feel valued and supported by the

following ways:

Keeping in touch with employees' lives outside of work:

Employers need to keep in touch with their employees' lives outside of the workplace. Due to
privacy concerns, companies have traditionally avoided asking about non work issues.
However, the researchers argue that since the pandemic, the boundaries have blurred, and
workers are no longer willing to pretend they live separate lives at work and at home. More than
60% of employees believe that their companies should contribute to the well-being of their
families and communities.

Ensuring autonomy:

It is commonly known that A company must deliver everything from skills training to pet
insurance to foosball to stand out in a great place in the industry.but,the employees begun to
look for the feeling they have for the work than material offerings from the company .the
employees expect their managers to know their personal commitments and make
accommodations where possible.The organization must tend to allow the employees for “radical
flexibility” that is making them decide with whom, on what, and how much to work .the
organization foster the employees professionally but the employees want them to grow
personally as well. It mean anything from career coaching to community service and even
language lessons.

Personal growth:

Organizations usually offer programs to help employees grow professionally, but more than half
of employees want to grow personally as well. Career coaching, community service, and even
language lessons can be a part of that. One major consulting and accounting firm offers
employees the opportunity to pursue learning opportunities through an employee experience
fund. One of the requirements is that people are willing to introduce others to the program.
When employees learn something new, even if it's not work-related, they develop their learning

“But once basic needs are met, people are more powerfully motivated by feelings than by
material features. Employees today want to be treated as people, not just workers.”

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