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Gingoog City


1. The condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or loss.
2. A device (as on a weapon or a machine) designed to prevent inadvertent or
hazardous operation

1. A quality or state of being secure such as freedom from danger, freedom from fear
or anxiety and freedom from the prospect of being laid off job security.
2. Something given, deposited, or pledged to make certain the fulfillment of an
obligation and surety
3. An instrument of investment in the form of a document (such as a stock certificate
or bond) providing evidence of its ownership.
4. Something that secures or protection that measures taken to guard against
espionage or sabotage, crime, attack, or escape, which are organization or
department whose task is security


Individual safety and security is important because both safety and security affect an
individual’s well-being. Safety is freedom from physical or emotional harm. Security is
freedom from the threat or fear of harm or danger.
Threats to safety and security come in many forms, ranging from deliberate violence to
accidental injury. Violence and injury, at their most extreme, threaten life itself. In other
cases, they reduce the quality of life of the victim and, often, of those close to them.

National Security is defined as the state or condition wherein the values which a nation
treasures such as territorial integrity, sovereignty, people’s way of life and well-being are
protected and enhanced. It is the requirement to maintain the survival of the nation-state
through the use of economic military and political power and the exercise of diplomacy.
The measures taken to ensure national security include:
• Using diplomacy to rally allies and isolate threats • Maintaining effective armed forces;
Implementing civil defense and emergency preparedness measures (including anti-
terrorism legislation) • Ensuring the resilience and security of critical infrastructure • Using
intelligence services to detect and defeat or avoid threats and espionage, and to protect
classified information.


The National Security Council (NSC) is the Philippine President's principal forum for
considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security
advisors and cabinet officials.

National security stated in the Philippine Constitution. Security is a major event that
covers a wide area and goes even further to be international aspect. Major role of security
agencies that include the military and police is to ensure secure the safety of the citizens
of the country as they carry out their duties. Countries ensure safety of their citizens by
instilling security procedure at the border and their airspace.
1987 Philippine Constitution. Article II – Declaration of Principle and the State Policies
Section 4: The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. The
government may call upon the people to defend the state and in fulfillment thereof all
citizens may be required under conditions provided by the law, to render personal, military
or civil service.
This requires not only the military and police personnel but also civilians to render service
if needed to defend the country.
Section 5: The maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, liberty; and
property, and promotion of the general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by
all the
people of the blessings of democracy.
In the Philippine context as indicated by the National Security Council Permanent
Secretariat, National Security is described as a condition or state of being where the
Filipino people’s values, way of life, institutions, welfare, and well-being, sovereignty and
strategic relations are protected and enhanced. The elements of National Security are the
• Moral-spiritual consensus
• Cultural cohesiveness
• Economic solidarity
• Socio-political stability
• Ecological balance
• Territorial integrity
• International harmony
Having campus security and safety is very important features of education. As crime and
incidence in campuses has been risen. HEI must be committed to ensure that the safe
environment of its students during their stay inside the campus. Also the students and
parents are very well informed about campus security.
1. Know your safety resources: open establishments, office, and other locations that
can provide you with a safe haven.
2. If being followed, reverse direction, cross the street, go to a safety resource and
contact security.
3. If approached for directions, keep a safe distance from the stranger and never
enter a vehicle.
4. While sleeping in other places, make sure the door is locked.
5. Trust your feelings and instincts.
6. Like activity or lighting, criminals do not like noise. Carry a noise device and
remember to use your voice to call attention or situation.
7. Do what you must do to survive; escape, negotiate, use force or submit. Each
situation is different and only you can decide what action is best. Theft
8. Keep money and jewelry in a safe place, out of sight. Don’t carry a large amount
of cash with you and don’t flash money in public view
9. Don’t keep valuables in an unattended back-pack or in a locker at the gym (locked
or unlocked).
10. Record and engrave your valuables. This will make recovery easier and makes it
easy to prove ownership.

General Tips:
1. Report harassing or bullying to the guidance counselor or any school authorities.
2. Fire alarms are not an unusual occurrence on Campus, but you must evacuate a
building upon hearing the sound of the alarm.
3. Watch for suspicious behavior. Contact school authorities immediately if you see
or hear suspicious or strange vehicles or people or loud unusual noises.
4. Be aware and alert.


• Bomb threats
• Terrorism
• Fire emergency
• Typhoon and flood
• Earthquake
Campus Emergency Response Team (CERT) is developed to assist during disaster or
other emergency on campus.
CERT is also responsible for the responding the Phase of Emergency Preparedness:
1. Prevention and Mitigation
2. Preparedness
3. Response
4. Recovery


1. Incident Management Team (IMT) Duties of IMT during emergency:
• Activation of the emergency operation center
• Notification and activation of response team member
• Deployment of response team
• Verification and release of incident information
• Update the education community regarding emergency or incident
• Activation of emergency plan
• Coordination of additional resources needed for incident

2. Damage Assessment Team (DAT) Duties of DAT during emergency:

• Damage assessment of facilities and building
• Turning on/off utilities
• Leak (oil, gas, water) response
• Moving lifting of heavy objects
• Debris clean-up
• Search and Rescue (SAR) Duties of SAR during emergency
• Damage assessment
• Building search
• Victim assistance
• Medical treatment
• Cribbing mineshaft

3. Medical Team (MED) Duties of MED during emergency

• Conduct and record initial medical assessment
• Administered first aid and medical treatment
• Conduct rapid assessment (triage)
• Set-up and manage treatment areas
• Maintain records of treatment
4. Communication and Radio Disaster Team (CARD) Duties of CARD during
• Establishing communication for emergency response teams using handheld
radios or runners
• Obtaining communication update
• Verifying and disseminating emergency information received from other teams
and communication devices
• Assisting CERT and other emergency responders with communications

1.The condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt, injury, or loss.
2.A device (as on a weapon or a machine) designed to prevent inadvertent or hazardous

1. A quality or state of being secure such as freedom from danger, freedom from fear
or anxiety and freedom from the prospect of being laid off job security.

2. Something given, deposited, or pledged to make certain the fulfillment of an

obligation and surety
3. An instrument of investment in the form of a document (such as a stock certificate
or bond) providing evidence of its ownership.
4. Something that secures or protection that measures taken to guard against
espionage or sabotage, crime, attack, or escape, which are organization or
department whose task is security

Individual safety and security is important because both safety and security affect
an individual’s well-being. Safety is freedom from physical or emotional harm. Security is
freedom from the threat or fear of harm or danger.

Threats to safety and security come in many forms, ranging from deliberate
violence to accidental injury. Violence and injury, at their most extreme, threaten life itself.
In other cases, they reduce the quality of life of the victim and, often, of those close to
National Security is defined as the state or condition wherein the values which a
nation treasures such as territorial integrity, sovereignty, people’s way of life and well-
being are protected and enhanced. It is the requirement to maintain the survival of the
nation-state through the use of economic military and political power and the exercise of
diplomacy. The measures
IN THE to ensure national security include:
wide area and goes even further to be international aspect. Major role of security agencies
that include the military and police is to ensure secure the safety of the citizens of the
country as they carry out their duties. Countries ensure safety of their citizens by instilling
security procedure at the border and their airspace.

1987 Philippine Constitution. Article II – Declaration of Principle and the State Policies
Section 4: The prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people. The
government may call upon the people to defend the state and in fulfillment thereof all
citizens may be required under conditions provided by the law, to render personal, military
or civil service. This requires not only the military and police personnel but also civilians
to render service if needed to defend the country.

Section 5: The maintenance of peace and order, the protection of life, liberty; and
property, and promotion of the general welfare are essential for the enjoyment by all the
people of the blessings of democracy.
In the Philippine context as indicated by the National Security Council Permanent
Secretariat, National Security is described as a condition or state of being where the
Filipino people’s values, way of life, institutions, welfare, and well-being, sovereignty and
strategic relations are protected and enhanced. The elements of National Security are the
Having campus security and safety is very important features of education. As crime
and incidence in campuses has been risen. HEI must be committed to ensure that the
safe environment of its students during their stay inside the campus. Also the students
and parents are very well informed about campus security.

An act mandating Higher Education institutions and Technical Vocational Institution to

ensure the safety and security of the academic community from internal and external
threats thereby creating a crime prevention committee for this purpose and for the other
purpose. Also included in this mandate is the state’s is responsible for the safety and
security of the student to pursue their studies with in the academic institution without fear
for their physical well-being.

Section 4: Safety and security service.

The following shall provide by HEI’s and TVI’s
security of the students, faculty, non-teaching personnel and other member
of the academic community and their belongings.
security of the concerned HEI and TVI.

Section 5: Creation of Crime Prevention Committee

A Crime Prevention Committee (CPC) shall be established in every HEI and TVI to
formulate policies and strategies that shall help protect the academic community from
both internal and external threats to their safety and security, such as theft, robbery,
rape, and other forms of violence within and outside the area where the HEI and TVI
1. Alcohol crimes – (drinking while in school or in the influence of)
2. Theft
3. Assault
4. Crimes of sexual nature
5. Crimes associated with hazing
6. Illegal drug crimes (possession, use and distribution)
7. Harassment or bullying

1. Always be alert and aware of your surroundings and to activity around you.
2. Walk with others at night, never walk alone.
3. Walk in well lit, well-travelled areas, walk in the middle of sidewalks wait from
trees and shrubs.
4. Know your safety resources: open establishments, office, and other locations that
can provide you with a safe haven.
5. If being followed, reverse direction, cross the street, go to a safety resource and
contact security.
6. If approached for directions, keep a safe distance from the stranger and never enter
a vehicle.
7. While sleeping in other places, make sure the door is locked.
8. Trust your feelings and instincts.
9.Like activity or lighting, criminals do not like noise. Carry a noise device and remember
to use your voice to call attention or situation.
10. Do what you must do to survive; escape, negotiate, use force or submit. Each
situation is different and only you can decide what action is best.

- Keep money and jewelry in a safe place, out of sight. Don’t carry a large
amount of cash
- Don’t keep valuables in an unattended back-pack or in a locker at the gym
(locked or unlocked).
- Record and engrave your valuables. This will make recovery easier and
makes it easy to prove ownership.
- Report harassing or bullying to the guidance counselor or any school
- Fire alarms are not an unusual occurrence on Campus, but you must
evacuate a building upon hearing the sound of the alarm.
- Watch for suspicious behavior. Contact school authorities immediately if you
see or hear suspicious or strange vehicles or people or loud unusual noises.
- Be aware and alert.

CERT is also responsible for the responding the Phase of Emergency Preparedness:
1. Prevention and Mitigation
2. Preparedness
3. Response
4. Recovery

1. Incident Management Team (IMT)

Duties of IMT during emergency:
-Activation of the emergency operation center
-Notification and Activation of response team
-Deployment of response team
-Verification and release of incident information
-Update the education

2. Damage Assessment Team (DAT)

Duties of DAT during emergency:
-Damage assessment of facilities and building
-Turning on/off utilities
-Leak (oil, gas, water) response
-Moving lifting of heavy objects
- Debris clean-up
-Search and Rescue (SAR)

Duties of SAR during emergency

-Damage assessment
-Building Search
-Victim Assistance
-Medical treatment
-Cribbing mineshaft

3. Medical Team (MED)

Duties of MED during emergency
-Conduct and record initial medical assessment
-Administered first aid and medical treatment
-conduct rapid assessment (triage)
-Set-up and manage treatment areas
-Maintain records of treatment

4. Communication and Radio Disaster Team (CARD)

Duties of CARD during emergency
-establishing communication for emergency response teams using handheld radios or
-obtaining communication update
- verifying and disseminating emergency information received from other teams and
communication devices
-Assisting CERT and other emergency responders with communication.

1. What role does the NSTP play in national security? Explain your

2. Choose two (2) threats to campus safety and security that you believe
are the most dangerous. Explain your response.

3. Do you believe the Philippines has an effective National Disaster

Preparedness Plan? If YES, provide an example use an example to support
your response. If the answer is NO, provide an example of a National
Disaster Preparedness Plan. Program that our country can put into action.

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