SPM 2019

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SPM 2019
Paper 1 6 The third term of an arithmetic progression is 4
and the fourth term is 7.
1 Three dice of different colours are thrown. The a State the common difference of the progression
numbers obtained by red, yellow and green b Find the sum of the first 25 terms of the
dice are ‘6’, ‘6’ and ‘3’ respectively. progression. [4]
a. Draw an arrow diagram to represent the
relations ‘the coloured dice thrown to the 7. Three consecutive terms of a geometric
numbers obtained’. progression are 32, p, q. It is given that the sum
b Hence, state the type of the relation. Is the of these terms is 26. Find the possible values of
relation a function? [2] p and of q. [3]

2 Diagram 1 shows the graph of a quadratic 8. Diagram 2 shows the relation of three sets.
function f(x) = 𝑥 𝑛 + qx + r such that p, q, r n f g -1 Diagram 2

and u are constants. • • •

f(x) Diagram 1 3 a 2

Set X Set Y Set Z

It is given that f: x → 2x + 3 and g-1f : x → 𝑥 +

-u 0 u x 1 , x ≠ 0.
a If a student writes a = 10, determine whether
the value is correct or wrong. Give your
a State the value of n.
b If f(x) = 0 and the product of roots is r, state the
b Find g-1(x) [4]
value of
(i) q,
9 It is given that the quadratic equation (px)2 +
(ii) p. [3]
5qx + 4 = 0 has two equal roots while the
quadratic equation hx2 – x + p = 0 has no roots,
3 The graph of a quadratic function f(x) = 3[2h – (x
where p, q and h are constants. Express the
– 1)2], where h is a constant, has maximum point
range of q in terms of h. [3]
(1, h – 10).
a State the value of h.
10 Given logm C = x, express in terms of x
b State the type of roots for f(x) = 0 . Justify your 1
answer. [3] a logm (𝑐 )
b lo𝑔√𝑚 Cm3 [4]
4 The following information is regarding a law of
indices. 11 The variables x and y are related by the
State the value of p and of q. [2] 𝑦
equation = px2 – qx where p and q are
constants. Diagram 3.1 and Diagram 3.2 show
(𝑎𝑞 )8 = √𝑎 × √𝑎 ×√𝑎 × ⋯ × √𝑎 , where p and q the straight line graphs obtained by plotting the
are constants
relations from the equation.
p times 𝑦
Y 𝑥3
x k+3
5 It is given that the sum of the first m terms of an 0
arithmetic progression is Sm = 2
( a + 7), such -6k
that k is a constant, a is the first term and 7 is the O X
last term.
Diagram 3.1 Diagram 3.2
a Express k in terms of m.
Express p in terms of q. [3]
b State the range of values of k. [2]

12 Diagram 4 shows a rhombus OACB inscribed b ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗

𝐸𝑇 [3]
in sector AOB with centre O and radius r cm.
16 It is given that P(2, m) , Q(h, 6), v = 2 i – j, w =
Diagram 4 C 9i + 3 j and ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑃𝑄 = 2v + kw where m, h and k
are constants.
A Express h in terms of m. [3]
𝛼 𝑟𝑎𝑑 B

O 17 The curve y = px4 + 2x has turning point at

(-1,q). Find the value of p and of q. [4]
Given the area of sector AOB is 18 cm2 ,
express 𝑘 3
18 Given ∫3 𝑓(𝑦)𝑑𝑦 = , find
a 𝛼 𝑖𝑛 𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑚𝑠 𝑜𝑓 r, 2
b the perimeter, in cm, of the shaded region in a ∫𝑘 4 𝑓(𝑦)𝑑𝑦,
terms of r. [3] 𝑘
b the value of k such that ∫3 [2 − 𝑓(𝑦)]𝑑𝑦 = 4
13 It is given that A(1,3) and B(4,7) lie on a
Cartesian plane.
19 Diagram 7 shows a shaded region bounded by
a State the distance AB
the graph y = g(x) and x-axis from x = a to x =
b The straight line AB is extended to point C
b. Diagram 7
such that its distance from the point B is twice
the distance AB. Find the coordinates of C.

14 Diagram 5 shows three straight lines, such that

k, p, q and r are constants. O a b x
𝑥 𝑦 𝑑
r - =1 a It is given that [2 h(x)] = g(x) and [h(x)]𝑏𝑎 =
ky= 3x +6 𝑝 𝑞 𝑑𝑥
-7. State the area of the shaded region.
b the graph y = g(x) passes through point ( 3, 19).
O x 𝑑
Given 𝑑𝑥[g(x)] = 3x2 + 2x – 6 , find g(x) in
Diagram 5 terms of x. [4]

Express 20 The events A, B and C are independent but not

a k in terms of q, mutually exclusive. It is given that P(A) = x,
b r in terms of k and p. [3] P(B) = y and P(C) = z.
Express in terms of x and / or y and / or z
15 Diagram 6 shows a parallelogram ABCD. a P(A∩ 𝐵 ∩ 𝐶)
D C b P(A∪ 𝐵) [2]
Diagram 6
T \\ 21 Diagram 8 shows the graph of y =
D• |n sin𝛼 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝛼| for 0 ≤ 𝛼 ≤ 2𝜋.
• m-
Diagram 8
Point E lies on AB such that AE : EB = 2 : 1.
𝐸𝐵 = 4u and ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
It is given that ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗ 𝐴𝐷 = 3v .
Express in terms of u and / or v
a ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝐴𝐸 O π 2π x
a Express m in terms of n.

b There are 8 solutions when y = k, where k is a a Find the probability that a customer is qualified
constant. State the range of k in terms of m. to draw a ball from the box
[3] b A customer who obtains ten points but fails to
draw a black ball is given the privilege for the
22 San sets a four-digit passcode ‘0131’ on his second draw without replacing the first ball
smartphone. drawn. Find the probability that the customer
He wants to reset the passcode such that the will get the prize. [4]
new passcode cannot consist of digit 1 follow
by digit 3. How many different passcodes can 25 Diagram 11 shows the normal distribution
be formed. [3] graph of the time for a school bus to arrive at a
23 A survey was carried out on the household f(x) 25%
income distribution among a group of potential
buyers by a housing developer company. 2
Table 1 shows the findings of the survey. 2 minutes
25% minutes
Table 1
Household income Number of family
(RM) 7.15 x
2000 – 2999 150 a Find the standard deviation
3000 – 3999 208 b It is given that the mean time for the bus to
4000 – 4999 250 arrive at the school is 7.15a.m. Students are
5000 – 5999 160 considered late if they arrived after 7.20a.m.
6000 – 6999 143 Lea takes that bus to the school. Calculate the
7000 – 7999 49 probability that Lea will be late. Give your
answer correct to three significant figures.
The housing developer plans to provide a
housing scheme for a medium income group. Paper 2
The developer identifies this group by
excluding those in the top 25% and bottom 1 Solve the simultaneous equations x + 2y = 1
3 2
25% of the distribution. Rose qualifies for the and − = 5. Give your answers correct to
𝑥 𝑦
scheme. What is the range of Rose’s income? three decimal places. [5]
[Round off your answer to the nearest RM]
[4] 2 Express 2𝑛+2 − 2𝑛+1 + 2𝑛−1 in the form
p( 2𝑛−1 ), where p is a constant.
24 Diagram 10.1 shows a spinning wheel which
Hence, solve the equation 8 (2𝑛+2 − 2𝑛+1 +
has 4 equal parts with different points used in a
2𝑛−1 ) = 5( 2n ^ 2 ) [6]
lucky draw in a supermarket. After spinning
the wheel twice, the customers who obtain at
3 Diagram 1 shows a sector POA with centre O.
least nine points, are given a chance to draw a C
ball randomly from a box as shown in Diagram
10.2. A prize will be given if a black ball is
obtained. P B
Diagram 1
5 4 2 10 cm

600 A
Diagram 10.1 Diagram 10.2

It is given that the length of arc PB is 2.56cm.

[use 𝜋 = 3.142 ] Land
Calculate O K
a POB in radians, [2]
b the area, in cm2, of the shaded region. [4] S
4 Diagram 2 shows the curve y = 4x − x2 and T
tangent to the curve at point Q passes point P.
Diagram 3
y • P(2,5) Diagram 2 Kelong L is situated 400m from jetty O and
kelong R is situated 600m from jetty O in the
y = 4x – x2 direction of OL. Kelong S is situated 300m
from jetty O and kelong T is situated 600m
from kelong S in the direction of OS. Kelongs
L, K and T are situated on a straight line such
that the distance of kelong K from kelong T is
2 h x 5 times its distance form kelong L.
a Show that h = 3 [4] a By using p to represent 100m in the direction
b Calculate the area of the shaded region. [4] of OR and q to represent 150m in the direction
of OT, express in terms of p and q
5 Table 1 shows the deviation from the mean (i) ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑂𝐾 ,
mark scored by Nora in a monthly test. The (ii) ⃗⃗⃗⃗⃗
𝑅𝐾 [3]
deviation from the mean mark for Sejarah has
been left out. b If Joe uses a binocular to observe kolong R
from kelong S, determine whether kelong R
Subject Deviation from the can be seen without being blocked by kelong K
mean mark or otherwise.
Bahasa Melayu 10 Prove your answer mathematically. [5]
Bahasa Inggeris 2
Mathematics 23 7 A metal solid is formed by combining a cone
Additional -19 and a cylinder with common radius, r cm. The
Mathematics total surface area of the solid A cm2, is given
Sejarah 18 𝑟2
by A = 2π( 𝑟 + 3
Pendidikan Islam -6
a. (i) The solid expands when heated. It is given that
Physics -22
the surface area of the solid changes at the rate
Chemistry -20 of 1.4𝜋 cm2s-1. Find the rate of change of its
Biology 2 radius, in cm s-1, when its radius is 6 cm.
Table 1 (ii) Find the approximate change in the surface
It is given that her mean mark for all the 9 area of the solid, in terms of π, when its radius
subjects is 60. Find increases from 6 cm to 6.02cm.
a the median mark [4] [6]
b the standard deviation [3] b If the solid of a same shape is to be formed in
such that the total surface area is minimum,
6 Diagram 3 shows the position of jetty O and find the minimum total surface area of the
kelongs K, L, R, S and T in the sea. solid, in terms of 𝜋. [4]

8 Diagram 4 shows a dart’s target board at a dart

game booth in a funfair.
(b)(i) Sketch the graph of y = − sin A
for 0  A  2.
(ii) Hence, using the same axes, sketch a suitable
Diagram 4 Bullseye straight line to find the number of solutions for
the equation (cot 2 ) ( 1 – cos A) = − 2𝜋 for
The booth offers 3 darts per game. The
0  A  2.
customers have to pay RM5 to play a game. A
State the number of solutions. [6]
toy bear will be given to customers who are able
to hit the bullseye for the three darts’ throws in
a game. Bob is a dart player. By average, he 11 Use graph paper to answer this question.
hits the bullseye 7 times out of 10 darts thrown. Table 2 shows the values of two variables, x
and y, obtained from an experiment. The
a Bob would play the games if he had at least 90%
variable x and y are related by the equation y
chance to win at least one toy bear by spending 𝑎
= 𝑏 , where a and b are constants.
RM30. By mathematical calculation, suggest to √𝑥
Bob whether he should play the game or
x 0.34 0.43 0.55 0.85 1.08 1.42
otherwise. [7]
y 47.68 25.12 12.58 4.17 2.51 1.38
b What is the minimum number of games that Bob Table 2
needed so that he can get 4 toy bears? [3] (a) Based on Table 2, construct a table for the values
of log10 x and log10 y. [2]
9 Solution by scale drawing is not accepted.
(b) Plot log10 y against log10 x, using a scale of 2 cm
Diagram 5 shows the path of a moving point P(x,
to 0.1 unit on the X- axis and 2 cm to 0.2 unit on
y). P always moves at a constant distance from the Y- axis.
point A. Hence, draw the line of best fit. [3]
y Diagram 5
(c) Use the graph in 11(b) to find the value of
(i) a
•P(x,y) (ii) b [5]
O Diagram x 12 A particle moves in a straight line such that its
Diagram velocity, v ms -1 , is given by v = t3 – 4t2 + 3t ,
•B 5
5 where t is time, in seconds, after passing
B(-1, -2) and R(-5, q) lie on the path of point P. through a fixed point O.
The straight line BC is a tangent to the path and Find
intersects the x-axis at point C. Find (a) the initial acceleration, in cms-2, of the particle.
a the equation of the path of point P, [3] [2]
(b) the time interval, in seconds, when the
b the possible values of q. [2] acceleration of the particle is less than 6 ms-2,
c the area of ∆ABC. [5] (c) the time, in seconds, when the particle stops
instantaneously, [2]
𝐴 1−cos 𝐴 (d) the total distance, in m, travelled by the
10a(i) Prove that tan 2 = sin 𝐴 particle until the particle returned to the fixed point
(ii) Hence, without using a calculator , find the O for the second time. [4]
value of tan150 . State your answer in the form
p −√𝑞, where p and q are constants. [4]

13 Solution by scale drawing is not accepted. (i) Find the minimum balance of the
Diagram 6 shows a quadrilateral ABCD allocation, if the number of set of pens
such that AC and BD are straight lines. purchase is equal to the number of set of
It is given that the area of ∆ABC = 6 cm2 notebooks.
and ABC is obtuse.
(ii) Determine the maximum number of set of
A pens that can be purchased if Siti spent
RM50 for wrapping papers.
D [4]
4 cmag 15 Table 3 shows information related to five cake
ra ingredients J, K, L, M and N used by a baker in
Diagram Diagram 6 his business.
m 54 5
cm 3.5 cm C Price index Change in Price index


Dia for the the price for the
a. gra Diagram 5
Find year 2018 index from year 2020
(i) mABC,
5 based on the year based on
(ii) the length , in cm, of AC, the year 2018 to the the year
(iii)  BAC. [7] 2016 year 2020 2016
J 124 No change 124 5
b Given BD = 7.3 cm and BCD = 900, calculate K 115 40% x 6
the area, in cm2, of ∆ ACD. [3] increase
L 130 No change 130 p
14 Siti is assigned to prepare prizes in conjunction M 140 10% y 4
with STEM week. She is required to purchase decrease
x set of pens and y set of notebooks. The price N 120 No change 120 2
for a set of pens is RM3 and the price for a set Table 3
of notebooks is RM4. The purchase of the
prizes is based on the following constraints. The composite index for the cost of making the
cakes in the year 2020 based on the year 2016
I : The total number of set of pens and set of is 136.
notebooks must be more than 40.
(a)(i) Find the value of x and of y.
II : The total allocation is RM400. (ii) Calculate the price for ingredient M in the year
2016 if the price in the year 2020 is RM6.30.
III: The number of set of pens exceed the [4]
number of set of notebook by at most 10
(b) Calculate the value of p. [3]
(a) Write three inequalities other than x  0
and y  0 that satisfy all the above (c) The cost of baking a cake in the year 2016 is
constraints. [3] RM25. Find the selling price of a cake made in
the year 2020, if the baker intends to make a
(b) Using a scale of 2 cm to 10 set on both profit of 80%. [3]
axes, construct and shade the region R
which satisfies all the above constraints.

(c) Using the graph constructed in 14(b) to

answer the following questions:

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