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Section B: Prose

Life of Pi

Question: in what ways does Pi draw parallels between religious belief and the zoo?

X 1st paragraph 2nd paragraph 3rd paragraph

Point Pi’s peculiar fascination for animals However, in the same chapter, Pi draws Also, Pi uses anthropomorphism (attributing
(as he majors in zoology) comes from a similar parallel but to describe human traits to an animal) or equivalents of
the fact that he lived in a zoo. agnostics and people who think it in order to pass a message just like a
animals are not happy in a zoo. parable from a religious book such as the

Evidence Indeed, he mentions at the start of In fact, he mentions that “zoos are no Indeed, Pi mentions the story of the
chapter 4, although Pi’s father did not longer in people’s good grace. Religion three-toed sloth in Chapter 1 which is often
enjoy living in a zoo, that “it was faces the same problem. Certain given the attribute of laziness or slowness in
paradise on earth” to him. illusions about freedom plague them general. In the same harmony, in chapter 32,
both.” Pi mentions a case of zoomorphism (similar
to anthropomorphism, when an animal
considers another species or human as its
own) with the vipers recognizing the mouse
as one of their own except for one: “[the
mouse] finally met its end in a curious way:
a young viper bit in it”.

Explanation This religious allusion both shows his In his words, he suggests that people The story of the sloth teaches Man to take
love for animals and indicates his nowadays say or think that majestic life at a much slower pace and that
strong faith in religion. Following this creatures such as lions or tigers are sometimes, slowing down might save your
quote, Pi then proceeds to describe the deprived of their freedom and thus life as sloths survive by barely moving and
enchanting setting of the zoo through unhappy being in captivity while zoos staying undetected. The story of the vipers
the beautiful animals and scenes actually provide them shelter, food and and the mouse teaches humans that the
portrayed. As the reader, one gets the stability, the latter one being boundaries between animal species can
impression that he is walking in the considered as ‘paradise’ according to easily be blurred out, so why not for
garden of Eden. Furthermore, this Pi. He links this misconception about religious beliefs?
might be a sign of foreshadowing zoo animals to agnostics (people who
regarding his ‘interesting’ religious do not have faith in anything such as
open-mindedness. religion or science) who think that
being free from any beliefs is a form of
freedom and thus happiness. Pi says
that they live by a philosophy of “dry,
yeastless factuality” in that they lack
imagination and will not commit to a

Analysis As the author describes Pi’s keen Martel uses this parallel between zoo The author is trying to convey, through the
interest for the zoo, he does so by animals being in captivity and agnostic use of anthropomorphism, that messages can
using a hyperbolic metaphor to heighten the absurdity of some be passed on in a simple way just like stories
comparing his experience as a child people’s thoughts concerning a subject in a religious book would do. As seen with
living in a zoo to heaven which that appears mysterious to them. the story of the three-toed sloth or the case
directly comes in contrast with Indeed, one can imagine that people of zoomorphism with the vipers and the
Santosh Patel’s distaste for the zoo who think that zoo animals are mouse, people might get inspired to change
which shows Pi’s innocence as unhappy might not be as qualified as Pi their lifestyle.
opposed to the striking reality of being to make a definite statement.
an adult. Moreover, the word “plague” suggests
that it is information that is spreading
fast and in a pejorative way according
to Pi.

Link As a whole, the theme of faith or Ultimately, Pi criticizes the lack of In some sense, Yann Martel is drawing a
religious belief is paralleled through faith and imagination in some people parallel between the zoo and religious belief
his interest in living in a zoo when he through the depiction of zoo animals through the use of anthropomorphism in
was a child in this quote. and thus creating a parallel between order to pass a simple message just like a
religious beliefs and the zoo. parable from the Bible would do.

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