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• Soal Nomor 1

1. Identifikasi ragam bahasa apakah yang digunakan dalam percakapan tersebut dan jelaskan
alasannya. / Identify what style of language used in the conversation and explain your answer.

Ragam bahasa yang digunakan menggunakan bahasa informal atau bahasa santai. Karena,
percakapan yang menggunakan bahasa santai penting untuk menjalin hubungan baik dengan orang
lain, menunjukkan sikap sopan saat berinteraksi dengan orang lain, dan menunjukkan minat pada
suatu topik atau orang lain dengan mendengarkan pendapat mereka.

2. Identifikasi topik percakapan tersebut. / Identify the topic of the conversation.

Percakapan di atas menjelaskan bagaimana mereka ditanya dan wawancara kerja yang pertama kali
membuat mereka merasa gugup

• Soal Nomor 2

1. Introducing my name is Philadelpia Zeivalda. I work at PT. Jakartanotebook

My office location is at Officers Building 6th Floor 2 Jl. Medan Merdeka Timur 1A, Central Jakarta.
I want to tell you what is interesting in my office space, which is a lot of my co-workers from various
regions and ethnicities. So happy to share knowledge and share with others. In addition, there is
also a beautiful view seen from the top of the building.
My feeling or impression of the workspace is that I really enjoy this job because it is my passion, it is
a job that I am interested in. That's what makes me comfortable in this office. Because the key is
the city likes what we do. So there is no pressure when doing it. That's what makes me do it
diligently full of responsibility.

• Soal Nomor 3
a. the sender of the memo,
Sender of the memo Jonathan Stewart (Manager)

b. for whom the memo is for, and

The memo is to be addressed to all employees.

c. what the memo is about.

The memo is about the Invitation to At The memo is to be addressed to all employeestend Farewell
CeremonyWe hereby inform you that a farewell ceremony in honor of Jesse Carrillo, Marketing
Manager, will take placewhich will be held at 10 am on August 25 in Conference Room A. He left us
after 12 yearsspecial service. All staff are required to attend the ceremony without exception

• Soal Nomor 4

Dear Mr Jaka
How are you sir? I hope you're okay.
I contacted you to let you know that I am very interested in joining the My City Got Talent
competition. I want to test my skills and talents here sir. Because I think you are the right person to
contact. But I have a problem that the competition form cannot be downloaded. I need your help,
sir, thank you

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