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Jetttton for oioee nderPectton15

tru ladafe fet,1955

In_Aneuni timu_thu lentpt_q Auerce uias met Rnewn

CeanyenL Evygnl LAnAuded mQHH*DAL as saed lercet
Accesdm ta Mahu, Huaband and nde cassoaetbLApedated
em ich huu thuu naiTal tiu Lanmet si sueten Bts
Lsti en h th1_prsaguo umedueseu Lame in thi pctwe
Omd Letrssihed as a lutem to put the maxuage te an td.

cceeding te thi Axthashaalua., Mnaruagecaa ind i_duselud_

b4 munal Lenstd and heuld b _unabsueud muiaL
p Aaid ealiu tha Manil, ld ne keluw Ln thi cenc4Rt
duseldisn: hnd thu nlyAay to end Mdauaje
dath e n o dhu peLslu

The ewuen ulatd te th cencpt

DOugcu Ws_Ltaduced
bath tndu MULagL Act, 115S The Act
depanu MveLe
hua dutulien maxiagt ethL lntuut of th
Meciet the mauriagt
tALmnautal_ulatienship meed te be

Auskounded by _wny áaleguud the ue cassu tptcafiud hy las

ieecL_i pelmdtts enly u a qtase suasen wsdbr puls
amaiage te an idpaduis suwwd boct e hun u
masnd tatus and asu onu agaun biu to muy

a e vauieus thuouiu w e bhu ault tuony , utual

terxurd 6aak detn Bd the tundu Matuau A Dugunally-
ascd erily en th aull_thuety in tinch any int 4 h -
0 s d tpeuuu uridu ucten 3lL) La appseashe
Lastieh13()pLeLMda th4ueilnds en hichenly i wl.

Houmd p c e
icientzl)fth Hindu Maxuiape Act,L2sS la4gdsuen Ate
u t Leundi e Dizeuce
At at caie kajindeu y/ Anita, it s htd ky th
Lwut hat mauriag an enly h dselueden th ueumds
mentiznd in thL Atand mot dn_amy_othu 4ueUndo
Thu hueunds
DLLen Swtn mlans plmanirit kersakin pe
abandenrol em 4AMusi by thi eth_hMtheut aky uLase|
able Cauus and LLhoul thu enssnt of h othu:

Letal rusudualuen oolugtens ofmawuape

n thuasLeL Raykani vs Hasbara t las huld by thu Leut
That AnLmus kLxdtmdi le inttnntien to duud mut bh thue-
eu dudien te takL placc: theul intuntien huu Can ht 1e

AeuLtusy Aauuttany mians thu teniunaual and uolustasy

indcsiss bctueuna mauicd puuen h anethApNA
th spbeuti sss uung th Luseullne maa}

Lly Th lenczpt o luultly imcludu mvntal as l l a4

phyaibal Ksly pAacal uelly zmians uhia a

AndMdal nlty u tul Lact kinkaus hioh adsinaul

4 L th healtk e th peuen

emi o h pLLsLLCenueuts his ulguen

teamy hu uliguen dhaut thu Lenserd ef tk hue
Aue bio thu thu4pauL Ca abpreach thu CeNT amd
et thu Mmid oduei

Lnganty naasnty _antams uhen th pesen u afunseuaad

mind 2nsamity aka qLeund vduec has thL ellewing
t i e u uuellats
T usendest has hun Lmunasly _ umseund mund_
Page No.

Date /201

aft 0f Oetition der ecttonkb3



Haditya Kumas, S/6 Psauwn lumast , Klo #e 20 ,ua

leen Kamal Ptitiemu

Aauehi Kummas wlo Aaddtya Kuma, Dlo Manilh kunman, Rlo #
Heuang lenblex Blaspls kespernclet

titien nduu deatuen 13 Thu Hindu Masuag Act he

diuelulien d mauagL by pasuimg a drssu "o dweuc Ln
pstulueniu dnd azainut Mspendhnt enh
LuLLy kaud nd desetien


t th Mamageetwetn the pettwn_and thu spendert

w oeminizN accedung to Hindu Als Qmd CwUmenus
14-10-20/5 at Eual Ruoet, Yamunanaqa
Th marslagi As imple and theut_ any a t dewy
pem thi spendunt's amuly

That the stalus of the pasctius te the mauiageand thi

pla Adoste kefete mewuagt and di thu dumi Ahe
Page No


lung t h pucént pethen u as felloues


6den Mamia92
Aadilya Kum 28 y s , Hundu Bachelorn , Rlo # 43,2 Flesu
Suetod 15, Chandigauh

At the ume eLlung pellen;

32yus Hndi uaued , Rlo F86 I8o, Nedtl Teuen4 kaunaL


Hindu fpintu, 2yus Rlo_P-lo3, Atam Najan Amhala

A timu o ng pcttien
3ys undu Mautid, Rlo F US6 , leusing Cempex Belasbs

hot aft mawuage thL petuthen ë t to Chamdiguh. alene

sith thu uspendivtas thL PUieni as_alitady Lwolkn
Tuueus uly 2pl4 md uwas wthum thu Pameidedpe
the upendiit and huoamuly merohs4: leu em
day on th Maiagu tk bihavieu thu upended wnsL
Jey Hude Tuvads thu pLitionl and his amily The
ispendunt ed te tauunt thu pettlenu hus Loe inceme
Meat th tim eoimg was dene by thi petMmL as the
upendunt a s mot wiung and Lultrutid in corting
Apit all thi thu petitien co opeuated wuth t
uspendnt ut i s01 theu naaumenial le Tint and
Agan ejptilieru assund th upendentt f
gut t saue
Page No.

Date 201

tAi mwaungc that he and hu farnily dan previde Ait

a l the amundus amd uh dhould alo Lopesnate and Lue

peaceully i Au malunental Keune Th peldLen_ nad his

neueUledu amd bus wwythny peruisle in mak Aue

4Tiatthe spendent and Auu bmly had toncalud thu

4aedi abeut i fuatth Lendutien em the pelilien
bu amuly tAat Jh iu uingom tplpuy: b tsuasy
20 16 whl em thi t Mattt ' ta suspndit
u am attack of Thn Thuu nly thu
sLiptndtit cellapsd t h LOMd in kuu puslie viee
and huu hands and kut hakmg aslly and
whit eam k sultane Carm pud of m a u t h
Th petihen panucted t LeL thcenduttn t h u uapemde
Bt tth th hulp_D em pLole aLLBumd, t
Lendiis a th spetlut becem stasle Bt katu e
whn akd aseut thu the Azapendent said hat she had
uHud and ben threcgh hus kest Tmt and that uh
i Aad thu attack coe 6 e and cemencd h e
plmu that this has happned te hu s t tzme

That t huspondent lven obade thu petitien to diulge

dtad alect the miallaatia &he uai iakmg Lecaua
h udnot wwat that to lem n eceud bthe

hoepTal papos.

6 t afuu u abev ctatd Lnedent,s thu petilienu_duinded

te dhup Te Kaunal, se That the povws UhAulenw

Ledd Leek altu the halth of u upondint bud thu-

shendent dumad to g to käumal and inuutd thu Pettent
to shdt te kilaspuw se that L Ceuld upend Leruduas
timm with hue paents The petilenu quutlAujot m
Chandigauh n July 20l6_and thy hpd t Yamunagah a
#lis Madul Jaush im th decéhd ruk_ouly 0/6-

iThatt spendnt alautd spinding mast t neal

Ku pauntk KeuuL and that also dth eud nkming

hat th ua4en dinth hraith Cenditien did aet imhneu -

twnaalmest afUM ent4tas ot thnaALagiitia
u 20 k 1'snspenduX admmbtd tr the hkt that
sh Aad t Authlm 'of ApAlLpay 2-3 yeaus bku
maeinL Amd Whi_usa bn sentukusu milicane
Pnpbaistint dimand ef thi penduntypetatienu, Th
uupendent tecf the petthenuy to thL dectou em hthu
Lperdi was takng ualmunt plzps h alecte
eern ad te peiensthat th periuritUissutteiin
m an meahle _daease Atse, thi dele
tiluanu that thiu aet was LenvLyLd te th Anypendant
and huu hmdy _nh yuau 2ol3 Pe bekexe vhe got
maxied n olS Th pcttaonu t hatad aA te
hnpendent and amuly membtu play1d a aud
upin_ thu pettent akad hu amuly anindbiss
Aenealmy hL aat th ptpa
Date: /

1|had Net enly thu hu usandast get paeiofad

LoenAMall acts omen cemaliasdeu T hu darhhmde.
amdq ämguH n nal_secauanshu
Lspendnt as RieN_pLumehad th petitien n
gi ucheccasien th paitieru ad to takmducal
klphiAin hu utns pLLanchid L thi gtLyekn-
QEa0that petituel Las im and am kratnad
y ta thatsh asilLtt bin acud
mmakm4- olhe accuLatzems n_hmn:
LDTht_ _uapendut net enly eluuupeetrd theplhenu.
but alao Luiykieay ln ulatuen ta th pcttuenuu
LlueimK aiulyuinnde andsulatianu hy
blaningand usineuk csist Th upendesit alukhg
wwd agaisstptutenuuh methiu,bthu
pentiuely lamhp thsm q Lutupring in hu i
n theugh Uthy abus liseanith thpctiteni
Also, th upsndlnt thkLatLnLd thu pLentthat ia
LosAa L4 thugut qali uspecting A whe_iL

n thu bars _alat allgatuen

uThatLotn thi Coutd oret taiukp theRuspendernt ad allt

le-a ths pcitueni ta hpths eálm and peacen
ta miumemmal eue unt in vaLn h attindee
Rude bhauueusdidma ohamge eunud thu pzieniu
amd ku pily amuubius.
12That thL uupandet en muttiple orcasslensought
Attitent im publue placLA lik maukis nahus te
MAat o thse Lghts abus e hecaue thi puien
askrd hu mst t àueH Spind ThL A4pendiit has als

thuatinud thu petiten many timu y atng a

seLnL gat_in kert q thlpotie.
5 at lune 20 7 thkLpenduit Lt_ku malki=
-mena. hemita atay cth_hu_pauLnta amd alao to0
a hy and pciutnu 4dd DumamLnlA
luTha m oi 01:20t , th kuspendest aleng t h kupLTA
e t to the athu hue thi patiiehu in kaunal amd
thLaliasd bim uith a nisdus m huhand sayLmg
that insast teme pkofpy inot tanufeud im thU
mame dh pendeit SKL wauld til himand alua thatt
wh ull lan petienu thuethu Thet
thu peihen a umbhsm nau as lapendunt ol_
huinimp kim tactudlbamgm hu Atad en thwall.

ISThotthL pdnent And ku family_amnukiu buns th

upendint paxmti heu amdU_uuguusted th aueendit
mamy imi a leome baek to thupttienu&ut't
Rupendtnt amd hu pmuly muultdand thuatnsd th
petutenLA_amdhu fanadta o_dLHL CenuequuncA
to i t thuiu laci agaim?
t daued

6 Thad en a: l2o1HRLpended wilh Kou athv and ksunthu t i

pctuluenn pauits haun andthuatintd thn to pay
R 2S,oD, ouD ie Twenyhu Lakha d P
to facn dne

E hat t u y t al cla that thu_ pamts of t u 4pendinl

aLalae nst Lntuatud te sittl t seueendiht ond th
pui enL_im_dhu matumenial Aem aithy ha mAL mad
dimtuu k te Centins thu hpendent Te hng
K adamant attitude toceauds thL prtitiénu 2 kii amid
IRkat both tu pasdus auLuimp_upauatily unei O2:06:F
Tupendt dibeuatly and itstuenaly demzt want
Liesth_tha paitheniu_asyomee a spitdiascue
e t e n thupat theptiien/to huump hiu back Te Auu
matumenLal Keme.

19 s Tus thu pitieniu has bium LAnbelled hs thu ad

Thi usperad te kle thu psusunt dueueL pALtLezm en tlau
p ds ud , deuntien"and phyueal oxuelty
ha thu Petiini Aas MA Ln amy mammLL bLlsnaLtLssAr
9Lendontdh u aheue_acts_Uu th iupendtrits_

3Tha th pahien hasmt been_pHLALMled cetluuien

Ath th spendeat

Tha tht pitlthenu hasmat flad any uh milat

petulien agaunat Thu Mspendint ehuuin thu hen'bl Ceut
0Ln ahy ethu Cocut olas in Vmolia

33Thath Pettienuy nd Auspendit lat uded at

Yamumanmagax Kimce this Henble cewd has_fuiuductten
Te ertdads adjudicatn and decide thu pruat petn
4Thalaxd Ceutke Rs./S,hn ubu has-
en alcd en thiu petdia
5Tha thu petitiene thioHe_pau e dusstulin a
Mauiagu bu ths 4ant na desae diseuot Luadu ee
13 tuU tindr Nauxidpe Act Bn aummd physikal
Amdmtal d asad deustien_as utatndabst
em the a tatid and ubmmiens made aksUL, i t s
TuksLprdklly phayd that thiu en'hlk Cauutmayb
tAsd te
aliolee thi paiuent pelien_amd thmakuiage ketien
t pelienvi amd ths kespendert anay indkl be dseled
amd a din o diveuu on thu guálind nfcuulty
aud amd dikdton may pltase be pased n hu0u
th petitiemu amd ahmet thi uspendert, in thi_
ul amu4 ethiu elal hich ths ton ble_cetuudt
may ldum t and"puofeu bt also gantid tth
ate: /

peluunenuu aqunst thu uondunt

Oatud2qxumbu, 2018 Pulont
CounslkeH Padon
Veued tha thu cer+urs oth aheu petuien Lem
pasias Nato 20 a Tu amd ouuct ta my
AtLdlge and thea pasas No 21ta s5 au
helud t cAuLct arpaLugal adui LeUgAt: No
paut t ual nd Nthimg has bun LencLatid thuun:
Udd 2th Dicumbiu 2ol Pentientu

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