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‫‪Written By :‬‬
‫علي محمد حسن‪1-‬‬
‫عثمان عدي حاتم عبدهللا‪2-‬‬
‫علي صالح عبد الزهره‪3-‬‬
‫علي فاضل هندي ‪-5‬علي امجد رشك خل‪4-‬‬


We aim from this experiment to study the behavior of the

materials under the impact force, and from this impact force we
can determine the Toughness of that materials, this test & Also we
aim to study the effect of the Potential energy in finally to
measure the Energy Observed (taken) by the work piece from the
impact force which is an indication to the work piece toughness


Theory the impact test study is very important in the design field, because we
should know how much the energy that the work piece can hold before reach
the fracture point. the main factor that effect on this test the potential energy
which is equal to= mgh, where: g is the gravity acceleration (9.81 m/s^2) and m
is the mass of the body, and h is the height of the body from a reference point
usually ground to the body The height is effect on the potential energy by
increase it if it increase and decrease it if the height decrease There are two
types of loads that can be applied to the work piece: 1. sudden load(impact)
and it take less than 1 sec, so the load that is applied to the work piece is
suddenly applied and suddenly disappear. 2. continuous load this load is
applied for a certain time to the work. piece usually take minutes, such as
Tensile Load which is taking usually a long time to reach the fracture point for
the work piece. The material properties that we can get from this test is
basically its " Toughness" and the material that can take higher Energy in this
test means that it has higher Toughness The processing that we done on the
work piece effect on its toughness, also the Heat treatment effect on the
Toughness of the work piece We have two ways to do the Impact Test (Types
of the Impact Test):
1. The Charpy Test 2. The Izod Test The Charpy Test: is the one that we will use
in this experiment, and it is basically to hold the work piece from two side's and
we make a Notch in the work piece so it make the fracture (Break) of the work
piece is Easy, and the notch is a small (tiny) line that we make in the work piece
from one of its sides. The Izod Test: in this test we hold the work piece from
one side only, and we should mention that the force that we need in this test is
Doubled from the Charpy test. We have two types of Notch: 1.) V-notch 2.) U -
notch And the better one is V-notch because it has a Sharp Edge

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