Thesis Merly and Carmen

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Learners in the 21 st century education are provided with the learning

ability and skills given by the teacher that will help enhance and develop

their knowledge in adapting new opportunities in their daily lives.

Students with lack of self-learning efficacy will hinder their learning

ability to enhance their performance since they don’t have enough self-

confidence to react the lesson given by the teachers. Lu-Ho(2020) stated

that there are some problems associated with the self-learning efficacy;

these problems include students’ lack of guidance when self-learning; no

instant assistance when encountering problems; and lack of reflection . 

The learners with high levels of self-efficacy attribute their failures to

lower attempts rather than lower ability, while those with low self-efficacy

attribute their failure to their low abilities. Students with low self-efficacy

are more likely to be afraid of doing their tasks, avoiding, postponing, and

give them up soon (Hayat,2020).

One of the significant aims of education is to produce learners who are

well informed, that is to say learners should understand ideas that are

important, useful, beautiful and powerful. When students think critically,

they are encouraged to think for themselves, to question hypotheses, to

analyze and synthesize the events, to go one step further, to go one step

further by developing new hypotheses and test them against the fact (Iyer,

2019). Based on the study students’ self-efficacy is influenced by some

factors. If a student has a high level of efficacy, he is always confident in

his ability to do something, while a person with low self-efficacy will


always be hesitant in completing the task because self -efficacy closely

related to the extent to which students have competence, better

competence of students then higher self-efficacy that students have, then

it will increase students' confidence (Dharma, 2018).

There are lot of studies conducted about self-learning efficacy which

investigated of self-efficacy on the academic performance of the students

(Tus, 2020). On the other hand Filipino researchers Sison and

Doloque(2021) focus to identify the relationship between self-efficacy and

academic motivation. However, this study is different as it focusses on

investigating the domain of critical thinking that best predict self-learning

efficacy among Elementary pupils.

In the Philippines, self-efficacy is considered a vital factor toward

college education- beliefs to able to something becomes the new trend.

This study aimed to determine which domain of critical thinking of the

pupils significantly predict their self-learning efficacy. In self -efficacy it

builds beliefs in our own capabilities that increases our level of self-

efficacy and influences what we are able to do which is very important in

our present situation in education system. Frattura(2018) students with

strong sense of efficacy believe they can accomplish even difficult tasks.

Objectives of the Study

The main objective of the study is to investigate which domain of

critical thinking significantly predict the self-learning efficacy of

Elemetary pupils of Sta.Josefa Central Elementary School

Specifically, it aims to attain the following objectives:

1. To determine the level of Critical Thinking in terms of;

1.1. Systematic Analysis;

1.2. Thinking within the Box; and

1.3. Thinking outside the Box.

2. To determine the level of Student's Self- Learning Efficacy in terms of;

2.1. Social Self-Efficacy;

2.2. Emotional Self-Efficacy; and

2.3. Academic Self-Efficacy.

3. To determine if there is a significant relationship between Critical

Thinking and Self-learning efficacy

4. To determine which domain of critical thinking of the pupils

significantly predict their self-learning efficacy.


Significance of the Study

The findings of the study are beneficial to the following:

School Administrator – They are the one who make things better for the

enhancement of pedagogy, curriculum and strategy in order to have

better understanding of all the needs of the school, that benefit the

students and teachers. The result of this study will be their basis in

decision making to improve leadership style for self-efficacy can influence

the choice of tasks. It will also reflect confidence and allow pupils to

become advocate for their own needs and support.

Teachers –As facilitator of learning process, they will become aware to

determine their willingness and engagement to their students. It can help

them utilized strategies which will contribute to be an effective teacher.

Pupils - The study will be more beneficial to the pupils to improve their

critical thinking and self-learning efficacy. The findings of this study will

help the students identify their strength and weaknesses.

Parents - The findings of this study would also be beneficial to the

parents because they are the one who are more concern of the

performance of their child that needs to overcome whatever hindrances in

their studies.

Future Researchers - As a person who conducts research this study

used as a reference for the future plan related to the study and a

contribution to a new knowledge and how others will benefit from it.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The focus of this study aimed to provide insights about the Critical

Thinking and Self-Learning Efficacy. It was enclosed only to three (3)

indicators of Critical Thinking that includes; Systematic Analysis,

thinking within the box and Thinking outside the box, Self-Learning

Efficacy that was enclosed only to three (3) indicators that includes;

Social Self-Efficacy, Emotional Self-Efficacy and Academic Self-Efficacy.

The respondents in this study is delimited only for Elementary pupils who

are currently enrolled during A. Y 2022-2023 in Sta.Josefa Central

Elementary School. Thus, the result of this study should not be

generalized to all students in district, provincial and national.

Time and Place of the Study

The researchers will conduct this study during the second grading

of academic year 2022-2023 on the Elementary pupils of Sta.Josefa

Central Elementary School, Sta.Josefa Agusan Del Sur, Philippines.


The Municipality of Santa Josefa, is a 3rd class municipality in the

province of Agusan del Sur, Philippines. The municipality has a land area

of 341.80 square kilometers or 131.97 square miles which constitutes

3.42% of Agusan del Sur's total area. Sta. Josefa Central Elementary

School was established on January 01, 1948.

Operational Definition of Terms

To facilitate a better understanding of this study, the following

terms were defined operationally.

Critical Thinking- refers to the ability to think clearly and rationally

about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in

reflective and independent thinking.

Self-Learning Efficacy-refers to the personal belief in one's capability to

organize and execute courses of action required to attain designated types

of performances

Pupils- refers to the elementary pupils of Sta.Josefa Central Elementary


Critical Thinking Self-Efficacy

 Systematic Analysis  Social Self-Efficacy

Conceptual Framework
 Thinking within the
box and;  Emotional Self-Efficacy
Independent variable Dependent Variable
 Thinking outside the
 Academic Self-Efficacy

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Figure 1 shows the conceptual framework of the study consisting of

one (1) independent variable and one (1) dependent variable. The

independent variable Critical Thinking is composed of three indicators

namely: Systematic Analysis, thinking within the box and Thinking

outside the box. Systematic Analysis refers to way of thinking. It is a way

of putting together the pieces of information we have to create an

understanding of the whole, thinking within the box means to innovate

within the constraints defined by the box and Thinking outside the box

means that someone is willing to consider different solutions and methods

for reaching your desired outcome.


On the other hand, the dependent variable in this study is the Self-

Learning Efficacy which is composed of three (3) indicators namely;

Academic self-efficacy refers to an individual's belief (conviction) that they

can successfully achieve a designated level on an academic task or attain

a specific academic goal, Social Self-Efficacy which is defined as an

individual's confidence in her/his ability to engage in social interactional

tasks necessary to initiate and maintain interpersonal relationships and

Emotional Self-Efficacy which is defined as one's belief that they can

manage negative emotional states when faced with adversity or during

frustrating events to overcome emotions such as anger as well as

believing one is capable to adequately express positive emotions such as

joy during pleasant events.



This chapter of the study presents the aimed at providing a strong

foundation to this study and literature or references gathered by the

researchers that are anchored on. It covers the review of existing relevant

pieces of literature which were explained according to its concern.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking in the classroom is a common term used by

educators. It has been called the art of thinking about thinking (Ruggiero

2012) with the intent to improve one’s thinking. The challenge, of course,

is to create learning environments that promote critical thinking both in

the classroom and beyond. Teaching and practicing critical thinking

provides adults with the opportunity to embrace and take charge of their

learning. Adults engaged in critical thinking approach the classroom

experience differently. Typically, students who implement critical thinking

skills approach the courseware in a more thoughtful and effective

manner, ask more challenging questions and participate in the learning

process more intensely. This critical thinking process endures beyond the

classroom and into the workplace. This session examines the background

of critical thinking, its role in the classroom and beyond that to the


Systematic Analysis

Systematic analysis approaches can provide a more comprehensive

understanding of the knowledge in the field, and the findings can change

future directions of the research in this discipline by uncovering gaps in

the literature. For new research areas, a systematic analysis can be the

most powerful tool to inform academics, professionals and policy-makers

about the current state of knowledge, consensuses and ambiguities in the

emerging discipline. (Corbet, Lucey, Urquhart,Yarovaya2019)

Tsvetcov (2015) stated that the three approaches application of

systems analysis: deductive, inductive and adductive. On the other hand,

Huy (2019) define systematic review as a review using a systematic

method to summarize evidence on questions with a detailed and

comprehensive plan of study.

Thinking within the box

Inside the box thinking' means to innovate within the constraints

defined by the box. It is more generally described as constraint-based

innovation. The idea behind it is understanding your constraints and

utilizing those constraints to innovate beyond the box. Most people tend

to think that good ideas only come from out of the box thinking, which is

not true. Inside the box thinking is to constrain the problem but not the

potential ways of solving it. Inside the box thinking is also to constrain

the atmosphere, but not the team. Inside the box thinking is restricting

the resources but not the ways to utilize them. (Philmckenny,2020)

Thinking outside the box

The pressure and over-reliance to get good grades have aggravated

the situation as students become rote learners, merely accepting what is

being fed to them, seeing their lecturers or teachers as disseminators of

knowledge that should not be questioned. They are churned to become

followers and having a limited worldview due to the exam-oriented system

that puts academic achievement at a pedestal. This has incapacitated

their capability to vocalize their thoughts confidently and to think from

different perspectives (Fadhlullah & Ahmad, 2017). The term “out of the

box thinking” is a metaphor that means to think from a new perspective.

It originally came from some management consulting firms that were

trying to solve problems in new ways. The term was attached to a concept

known as the nine-dot problem(Philmckenny,2020).

Self-Learning Efficacy

The term self-efficacy has become ubiquitous in psychology and

related fields. Hundreds of articles on every imaginable aspect of self-

efficacy have appeared in journals devoted to psychology, sociology,

kinesiology, public health, medicine, nursing, and other fields (Maddux &

Gosselin 2012). Self-transcendence values, and empathic self-efficacy


beliefs predict individuals' tendencies to engage in prosocial behavior (ie,

prosociality) across time (Caprara & Alessandri, 2012). The role of self-

efficacy in teaching and learning continues to intrigue researchers and

practitioners. Previous research has provided empirical evidence in

supporting the effectiveness of teacher self- efficacy, or the extent to

which a teacher believes that he or she can influence the students’

outcome, in educational contexts (Mojavezi & Tamiz, 2012).

Academic Self-Efficacy

Academic self-efficacy moderately correlated with academic

performance. Several mediating and moderating factors were identified,

including effort regulation, deep processing strategies and goal

orientations. Given the paucity of longitudinal studies identified in this

review, further research into how these variables relate over time is

necessary in order to establish causality and uncover the complex

interaction between academic self-efficacy, performance, and motivational

and cognitive variables that impact it. (Jaclyn 2015)

Despite the educational setting in which it is measured, ASE has

consistently been shown to positively correlate with academic

performance, with meta-analytic studies reporting moderate effect sizes

(Richardson, Bond, & Abraham, 2012).

Social Self-Efficacy

The sense of self plays a vital role in human beings’ psychological

well-being, physical health, and interpersonal relationships (Ahmad,


Yasien, & Ahmad, 2014). Social self-efficacyse is important not only in its

possible relationship to effective social behaviour but also in psychological

adjustment and mental health ( Saticia, Kayisa, & Akinb, 2013). Social

self-efficacy usually links individual’s relationships and self-efficacy.

Smith and Betz (2000) define it as the individual's trust in his own ability

to participate in social interactive tasks which are needed to preserve

personal relationships.

Emotional Self-Efficacy

Emotional Self-Efficacy (ESE) is defined as beliefs in one's

emotional functioning capabilities (Pool & Qualter, 2012). Research has

shown that self‐efficacy is often one of the most important personal

resources in the work context. However, because this research has

focused on cognitive and task‐oriented self‐efficacy, little is known about

social and emotional dimensions of self‐efficacy at work (Loeb, Stempel &

Isaksson, 2016).

Emotional self-efficacy, which is concerned with beliefs in one's

emotional functioning capabilities, has recently been shown to be

important in relation to graduate employability. However, there are very

few empirical studies which demonstrate that emotional functioning

ability is something that it is possible to teach and develop. This study

investigates whether it is possible to improve levels of emotional

intelligence and emotional self-efficacy in university students through a

teaching intervention. The findings show that it is possible to increase

emotional self-efficacy and some aspects of emotional intelligence ability.


These findings are considered within the framework of graduate

employability, as improving emotional functioning may be particularly

important to young people who will shortly join the graduate working

population (Pool, Lorraine Dacre, & Qualter,2012)


This part of the study presents the research design that used for

this study, respondents of the study, the research instrument, data

gathering procedure and the statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study will use the predictive correlation research design to

investigate how the domain of critical thinking significantly predict the

self-learning efficacy of Elemetary pupils of Sta.Josefa Central Elementary

School. The predictive correlation is a statistical association or

relationship between variables(Warner,2013). This design is appropriate

for this study since it aims to investigate which domain of critical thinking

significantly predicts their self- learning efficacy then it would imply that

this is suitable design to be used.

Research Respondent

The respondents of this study are the Grade 6 pupils of Sta. Josefa

Elementary School. As the survey was administered written

questionnaire, Borowik (2017) stated that it is a good option for people

who are not comfortable with technology and who communicate better

in writing as opposed to verbally. A simple random sampling is chosen

on this study because in this sampling method, each member of the

population has an exactly equal chance of being selected. Moreover, to

determine the number of sample respondent, slovin’s formula will be


n= 2
, where e=0.05
1+ N e

Research Instrument

Two sets of research instrument will be used in this study. The

Critical Thinking questionnaire and the Self-Learning Efficacy


For Critical Thinking an adapted questionnaire from Ludin (2017)

will be utilized, and it is composed of 18 items which contained 3

indicators namely; Systematic Analysis has (5 items), Thinking within the

box has (8 items) and Thinking outside the box has (5 items).

For Self-Learning Efficacy an adapted questionnaire from Muris

(2001) will be utilized, and it was composed of 24 items which contained 3

indicators namely; Academic Self-efficacy has (8 items), Social Self-

efficacy has (8 items) and Emotional Self-efficacy has (8 items).

These two kinds of questionnaires will be used to gather the needed

data and information to answer the objectives of the study.


The following interpretation scale will be used to identify the level of

critical thinking and to assess the level of student’s self-learning efficacy.

Likert Scale for Critical Thinking

Rate Interval Scale Descriptive Verbal Interpretation


5 4.21 – 5.00 Very High This means that the pupil’s

Critical Thinking is very


4 3.41 – 4.20 High This means that the pupil’s

Critical Thinking is


3 2.61 – 3.40 Moderate This means that the pupil’s

Critical Thinking, is

somewhat proficient.

2 1.81 – 2.60 Low This means that the pupil’s

Critical Thinking is least



1 1.00 – 1.80 Very Low This means that the pupil’s

Critical Thinking, is not


Likert Scale on Self-Learning Efficacy

Rate Interval Scale Descriptive Verbal Interpretation


5 4.21 – 5.00 Very High This means that the pupil’s

Self- learning efficacy is

always manifested.

4 3.41 – 4.20 High This means that the pupil’s

Self- learning efficacy is often


3 2.61 – 3.40 Moderate This means that the pupil’s

Self- learning efficacy is

sometimes manifested.

2 1.81 – 2.60 Low This means that the pupil’s

Self- learning efficacy is

seldom manifested.

1 1.00 – 1.80 Very Low This means that the pupil’s


Self- learning efficacy is never


Data Gathering Procedure

Preceding the initiation of the study, the researchers will contact the

administrator of ASSCAT Trento Campus for permission to conduct the

study outside the school. Once the permission is granted the researchers

will secure a request letter and submit the study proposal to the school

principal of Sta. Josefa Central Elementary School for permission to

conduct research in their school. After the approval of the principal, the

researchers will collect the names of the total population of grade 6 pupils

and select the respondents using the Fish bowl/Lottery method. The

distribution of the survey questionnaires will be according to the new

normal face-to-face class schedule. The data gathered will be subject for

further analysis and interpretation.

Statistical Statement

Data has been subjected to analysis and further interpretation using

the following statistical tools:

In order to attain objectives 1 and 2 which is to determine the level of

Critical Thinking and Self-Learning Efficacy, a weighted mean will be


For objective 3 which is to determine the relationship between

Critical Thinking and Self-Learning Efficacy Pearson r correlation will be


To attain objective 4 which is to determine the critical thinking of

the students significantly predicts their self-learning efficacy; multiple

linear regression will be employed. The descriptive interpretation of

Medina (2013) is provided below in inferring the degree of its significant


Correlation Coefficient Descriptive Interpretation

0.0 = │r│ Almost Negligible

0.0 < │r│ ≤ 0.2 Very Weak Correlation

0.2 < │r│ ≤ 0.4 Weak Correlation

0.4 < │r│ ≤ 0.6 Moderately Strong Correlation

0.6 < │r│ ≤ 0.8 Strong Correlation

0.8 < │r│ < 1.0 Very Strong Correlation

│r│ = 1.0 Perfect Correlation


If r-value is negative, it would imply a negative correlation.

If r-value is positive, it would imply a positive correlation.

Survey Questionnaire

Self-efficacy of Grade 6 pupils of Sta.Josefa Elementary


Name (Optional)____________ Gender_____Yr. and


Instruction: Answer the statement, as you feel now and put (/) on the

corresponding scale.

5 – Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Neutral

2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

No. Indicators 5 4 3 2 1


1 I can express my opinion when other classmates


disagree with me.

2 I can be friends with other children.

3 I can have a chat with an unfamiliar person.

4 I can work in harmony with my classmates

5 I can tell other children that they are doing

something that I don’t like

6 I can tell a funny event to a group of children

7 I succeed in staying friends with other children

8 I succeed in preventing quarrels with other



9 I succeed in cheering myself up when an

unpleasant event has happened

10 I succeed in becoming calm again when I am

very scared

11 I can prevent to become nervous

12 I can control my feelings

13 I can give a deep talk when I feel low

14 I can tell a friend that I don’t feel well

15 I succeed in suppressing unpleasant thoughts

16 I succeed in worrying about things that might



17 I can easily help my teacher when she/he is


stuck with schoolwork’s

18 I can study when there are other interesting

things to do.

19 I can study a chapter for a test

20 I succeed in finishing all my homework everyday

21 I can pay attention during every class

22 I succeed in passing all subjects

23 I succeed in satisfying my parents with my

school work

24 I succeed in passing a test

Muris, P. (2001). A brief questionnaire for measuring self-efficacy in

youths. Journal of Psychopathology and behavioral
Assessment, 23(3), 145-149

Survey Questionnaire

Critical Thinking of Grade 6 pupils of Sta.Josefa Elementary School

Name: _________________________ Year and


Direction: Please put check to the blank provided to any number written

above each item to the best express your opinion in using the following

code below.

5 – Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Neutral

2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

No. Indicators 5 4 3 2 1


1 I am a person with logical thinking

2 I am good at solving problems

3 I can easily organize my thoughts

4 I appreciate myself as a person who has

comprehensive and precise thoughts

5 While facing a problem, my colleagues/ peers

are used to asking for my opinion in their

decision-making because I can objectively

analyse the problem


6 I only for the truths which would support my

opinions rather than those that would reject my


7 I am afraid of discovering the truth in many


8 During a team discussion, if someone’s

argument had been denied by others, the person

would not have a right to express their


9 Everyone has the right to address their opinions,

but I don’t bother with what they say

10 I pretend to be a logical person, although I’m not

11 Continuing education are a waste of time


12 If possible, I try to avoid reading

13 Decision made by authority are always right


14 I have a strong desire for knowledge

15 I am satisfied that I can understand other ideas

16 It is interesting to solve though problems

17 I like to know how things work out

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