Internship Experience

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(Natassya Aulia Putri Wulandari – XIII TKGSP 1/22)

My name is Natassya Aulia Putri Wulandari. People usually call me Natassya. I study
at SMK N 7 Semarang majoring in KGSP. Currently I’m in thirteenth grade. In Vocational
High School We’re required to do an internship. At My school We do the internship for a
minimun six months. This essay is about my internship experience. I did an internship in two
places for three months each.

My first internship experience I got from Hotel GranDhika Pemuda Semarang at

Engineering Department on third of May to second of August. GranDhika Hotel is one of the
properties of PT. Adhi Karya (Persero) Tbk. (ADHI) managed by PT. Adhi Commuter
Properti. Hotel GranDhika Pemuda Semarang is located at Jalan Pemuda Number 80-82
Pandansari, Semarang City, Central Java. In this internship I’m not alone I get a group of 4
members, including Adelia Putri Cahyantari, Okky Satria Wibawa Putra, Yoshua Hasiholan
Simatupang, and mentoring by Mr. Daniel Agung Wibowo, S.T. At Grandhika Hotel we are
also guided by Engineering Supervisor Mr. Erwin Kusuma Praditya under the observation of
Chief Engineering Mr. Soni Wardana.

Before we starting our internship, we were contacted for an interview. It was Monday,
12th of April the day before 1 Ramadhan. We are informed a day before to come at 09.00
AM, then they rescheduled an hour later, when we arrived they rescheduled it again until in
the end we finished almost sunset. The day after that we do hotel tour and many more. Then
On the third of May we starting our internship program. I’ve been working a lot with the
Supervisor and Engineering Admin. During My internship program at GranDhika Hotel I
mostly worked on administrative-related work. Every morning I was given the task of making
Energy report and Morning report. In addition to administration-related work, I am also
trained in mechanical and civil work, especially building maintenance work. was trained to
become a reliable technician in handling a problem, from maintenance to building
maintenance. The implementation of building maintenance and maintenance is very complex.
Starting from maintenance on walls, ceilings, utility systems, furniture and so on. Here also
taught how to handle a complaint from visitors. The work environment in the engineering
department is also very supportive of each other. They work together, are compact, and
reliable. Not only that, their work system is also clear, so things are done every day in an
orderly manner. Many things that I did not get in school I can get here.

After 3 months of internship at a hotel we decided to move and continue our

internship program in a building construction project. The reason we continue the internship
on the project is so that we can have a balanced knowledge, both in terms of building
maintenance and implementation systems in the field during construction directly. However,
before we changed our internship place, we had also completed the internship report while at
the hotel. The contents of the internship report are also about the activities we did during the

The construction of this new faculty building also took a long time, but the time limit
for our internship was only for 3 months here. during 3 months of doing internship on the
project, we got a lot of new things. Starting from bringing working drawings, supervising
workers, seeing the casting process, and much more. During my internship here, I finally got
to know firsthand about the situation in the field. In the project, the safety of workers is of
utmost importance. Therefore, workers are required to wear personal protective equipment
strictly. Here we also find new friends from various universities, so we also learn a lot from
them. There are many differences between an internship at a hotel and a project. Starting
from the situation, type of work, workers, and working hours are very different. However, we
are very grateful for being able to experience this. After the internship program we went back
to school and did our final school assignment. The final school assignment is done by a team
of two people. My final school project is building planning.

The conclusion that I got from this internship experience is that I can improve the
knowledge that I have gained at school with the knowledge that is implemented in the field,
so that the results of the internship can be useful for entering the real world of work as well as
making the experience important for me. For friends who are going to continue their
education, they can continue to major in building construction, sanitation and maintenance.
You will get a lot of lessons that you can not get in other schools. let's learn together to build
our country Indonesia.

That's all the story of my internship experience. Thanks for your nice attention and

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