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Name : Muhammad Baron Agil

NIM : C.131.22.0045
Class : Sore A Civil Engineering
Course : English
Construction and Design of Jatiluhur Dam and Reservoir
in Purwakarta Regency

Muhammad Baron Agil1, Tatas Transinata2

Department of Civil Engneering, Semarang University, Semarang-Indonesia

Abstract. Reservoir which is officially named Reservoir Ir. H. Juanda is the largest
reservoir in Indonesia. is the main source of water supply for drinking water,
irrigation and most importantly as a Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) for the
Greater Jakarta area and its surroundings, in addition to being a place for raising
fish in floating ponds or cages. Dam is any artificial retaining dam, type of rock fill
or other types, which contain air or can accommodate air either naturally or
artificially, including foundations, supporting hills/cliffs, as well as complementary
buildings and equipment. A reservoir is an artificial lake, or an enlarged early
natural lake, the dam of a river for the purpose of storing water. The final design of
the dam is largely the same as the second design.

Jatiluhur is a sub-district in Purwakarta Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. It is
surrounded by dams and reservoirs.
Reservoir which is officially named Reservoir Ir. H. Juanda is the largest reservoir in
Indonesia. is the main source of water supply for drinking water, irrigation and most
importantly as a Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) for the Greater Jakarta area and its
surroundings, in addition to being a place for raising fish in floating ponds or cages.[1]
In this study, we aim to explain the construction of the dam in the Jatiluhur reservoir as
a dam to the Citarum River.

2. Literature Review
Construction comes from the word ''construct,'' which means ''to build.'' Building a sand
castle, a fort out of pillows, or a house of cards are all examples of constructing something. In
engineering terms, construction is usually associated with large structures like houses,
railways, and power plants.[4] Construction, also called building construction, the techniques
and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures, primarily those used to
provide shelter.[5]
Dam, structure built across a stream, a river, or an estuary to retain water. Dams are
built to provide water for human consumption, for irrigating arid and semiarid lands, or for use
in industrial processes.[6] Auxiliary works that can help a dam function properly include
spillways, movable gates, and valves that control the release of surplus water downstream from
the dam. Dams can also include intake structures that deliver water to a power station or to
canals, tunnels, or pipelines designed to convey the water stored by the dam to far-distant
places. Other auxiliary works are systems for evacuating or flushing out silt that accumulates
in the reservoir.[7]
Dam is any artificial retaining dam, type of rock fill or other types, which contain air
or can accommodate air either naturally or artificially, including foundations, supporting
hills/cliffs, as well as complementary buildings and equipment. In this sense it includes
excavated waste dams but does not include dams and embankments. In terms of construction,
the dam consists of an embankment dam and a concrete dam. The embankment dam consists
of a homogeneous embankment dam, a rock fill dam with an airtight layer inside the dam body
(claycore rockfill dam, zone dam) and a rock fill dam with a concrete face rockfill dam
(concrete face rockfill dam). While concrete dams consist of concrete dams based on their own
weight (gravity concrete), concrete dams with supports (buttress dams), curved concrete dams,
and concrete dams in the form of more than one arch (multiple arch dams). Based on the size
of the Jatiluhur Dam, it is a large dam.[2]
A reservoir is an artificial lake, or an enlarged early natural lake, the dam of a river for
the purpose of storing water. Reservoirs are usually built in river valleys. Reservoirs are
constructed by constructing a dam, excavating soil, or applying conventional construction
techniques such as building walls or pouring concrete. The term 'reservoir' can also be used to
describe underground storage such as underground water sources, oil wells or water wells.[3]

3. Discussion
3.1 The history of the Dam and Reservoir Jatiluhur
Jatiluhur Reservoir was built by damming the Citarum River with a watershed area of
4,500 sq km. This dam was built starting in 1957 with the laying of the first stone by President
Ir. Soekarno and inaugurated by President Soeharto on August 26, 1967. The construction of
the Jatiluhur Reservoir dam cost US$ 230 million. The name of the reservoir dam is named Ir.
H. Juanda due to his struggle in financing the construction of the Jatiluhur Dam. He was the
last Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia and led the Karya cabinet (1957 – 1959)
together with Ir. Sedijatmo persistently fought for the realization of the Jatiluhur project in the
Government of Indonesia and international forums. The inundation that occurred due to the
construction of the Jatiluhur Reservoir Dam drowned 14 villages with a population of 5,002
people. As a result, the population moved to the area around the dam and some moved to
Karawang Regency. The majority of the population work as farmers.[8]
3.2 The Design of Jatiluhur Dam
Preliminary Design, Jatiluhur Dam was first designed by Neyrpic Laboratory (since
1955 Neyrpic Laboratory changed to Sogreah), around 1953. Sogreah (formerly Neyrpic
Laboratory) is a French company engaged in planning consultancy which also owns a power
plant manufacturing unit (specifically manufacturing turbines and generators). waterways). [9]
In contrast to the current design, the dam plan is in the form of an arc with a radius of
360 m towards the village with a side spillway located to the left of the dam. The length of the
dam is shorter because it utilizes the peninsula that is in the back of the dam at this time. The
evasive tunnels are to the left of the dam, totaling two with a diameter of 10.5 m. It is planned
that one of the evasion tunnels will be used as a power plant intake. Has 4 power generation
units located downstream of the dam with the intake on the left of the dam, (the location in the
body of the dam is now on the left) utilizing part of the diversion tunnel on the right.[9]

Picture 1 Preliminary Design Plan for Jatiluhur Dam by Neyrpic.

This plan was discontinued because based on the results of geological investigations, it
showed that the right pedestal had a syncline with a sloping layer downstream. Meanwhile, the
geological condition of the spillway location is not good.[9]
Second design, This design was carried out by A. Coine & J. Beller Consulting
Engineers Paris. The design made is still in the form of an arc, but the direction is opposite to
the previous design, which is in the form of an arc downstream. Considering the existing
geological conditions, the dam's pedestal hill was shifted downstream, approximately 100 m.
The location of the pedestal hill in this second design is exactly the same as the location of the
current dam pedestal.[9]
The design of the spillway was changed from the previous using a side spillway, in this second
design using a spillway with a morning glory structure (see the previous explanation about the
morning glory spillway). Meanwhile, the hydropower plant is integrated into the morning glory
tower building. The location of the hydropower plant in the village of the dam is unusual,
usually located downstream of the dam. Consideration of the PLTA being integrated with the
spill tower building is based on efficiency, meaning that there is no need to build a separate
building for the PLTA building (the downstream height difference is not significant) and the
intake to the PLTA is not too long so as to reduce losses.[9]
Picture 2 Jatiluhur Dam Plan Based on the Second Design.

The final design of the dam is largely the same as the second design. What sets it apart
is the tread and slope of the clay core of the dam. In this final design, the shape of the dam's
axle is shifted to the village, so that the distance between the body of the dam and the tower
building is getting closer. Another change is the clay core which has a more upright slope than
Based on the results of the analysis, there are concerns that the displacement of joints
1 and 2 is the result of a shift in the foundation layer. It was decided at that time to anchor the
foundation layer.[9]

Picture 3 The Final Design

3.2 Construction of Dam and Reservoir Jatihulur

1. Main dam
• Rockfill with slanted clay core.
• Height 105 m, length 1,220 m, peak elevation +114.5 m, fill volume 9.1 million
Main Dam Plan

Cross Section Through the Tower

2. Main Spill Tower

• 110 m tall, diameter. 90 m and peak elevation +114.5 m.

• Morning glory type, crest elevation +107.0 m, spillway length 151.5 m,
windows 14 pieces.
• Max capacity 3,000 m3/s at TMA +111.6 m.
• Has 2 'hollowjet' doors/valves with a capacity of 270 m3/s for irrigation
3. Reservoir
The storage volume is 2.44 billion m3 at TMA + 107 m with an expected area of 8,300 ha.
The total catchment area is 4,500 km2, while the catchment area directly to Ir. H. Juanda
380 km2 (8%).[9]

4. Conclusion
Jatiluhur dams and reservoirs are very important benefits for local residents who are
the main source of water supply for drinking water, irrigation and most importantly as a
Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) for the Jabodetabek area and its surroundings, in addition
to being a place for cultivating fish in floating ponds or cages. And has gone through several
design stages to get the current final design.
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