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Unique Value Proposition

 What makes you different from every other organization?

Strategic Priorities

 What are major priorities for the organization?

(Even if they are not things that you can specifically raise money for. Typically, these come
directly from the strategic plan.)

Roles and Responsibilities of the Development Program

 What are your company’s development program? And its roles to your organization
(Roles within a development program include connectors, who tie together people and causes;
experts, who speak knowledgably and passionately about the mission of an organization; and
closers, who ask for support.)

Environmental Conditions

 What’s going on in the community, your organization, the world that might impact your

1. What is your company strength?
2. How would you take advantage of your company's strengths and opportunities?
3. What are your weaknesses?
4. How will you improve your weaknesses?
5. What are your company's threats?
6. How will you avoid the threats?
Development Priorities

 What are you company’s department or program priorities?

(Some sample ones are: Implement best practices, Efficient and effective involvement of
volunteers, Appropriate tools and resources, Long term and stable funding strategy, Perpetual:
Endowment, Diversified: includes major giving, planned giving, reliable annual giving
Expanded: upgrade current donors and acquire new ones, Uniform and clear marketing

Redesign of brochures
1. Explain your value proposition (why would people spend money on your products?) and how
do you place yourself in the market to increase brand awareness?
2. How big do you think is the impact of your value propositions to the business world?
Key constituents

 Who are your major audiences? And what they can contribute to the Organizational
(Example: Board, Area businesses, Individual supporters, Volunteers, Clients, Staff,
Government, Providers, and Service clubs.)

Development Audit

 Were there any major changes in operations this year?

 What are the steps you take to examine and evaluate the effectiveness on the
operations of the business?
 How would you describe the ability of the business to raise money in the coming years?

Financial Results
You may want to insert a chart here.

What do the numbers mean? Which are your most effective programs? Which need work?
Which should be retired?
Development Tactics
1. Had your company ever Corporate Giving or in-kind contributions to help the community?
(Fundraising, donor, or foundations)
2. How much experience do you have with direct mail?
3. What event/s that your company did or hosted that became successful?

1.what are your company plans in the long term?
2.. what are your company plans in the short term?
3. What was the last big achievement that was celebrated?

Financial Projections
What are your budget projections for the first year?

Additional Resources Needed

1. What are the basic recruitment criteria in your company?
2. What kind of recruitment method do you use? Why?
1. How do you have a budget your company’s supplies or materials?

Other Organizational Development Areas:

• What are the challenges or issues that the firm faces recently?
• Describe the level of Employee Involvement.
• Describe your company’s work design.
Discuss the social technical system of the firm
•What are the company’s social technical system?
•Describe the strategic change interventions of the company
•Discuss the Competitive and Collaborative Strategies

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