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HOMEWORK: ORIGO_WRITING 1 – LETTER (Topic Focus: Transport,

Írjon emailt angol ismerősének melyben:
 újságolja el, hogy az Ön városában nemrég átalakították a buszközlekedést.

 Adjon hangot felháborodásának az átalakítással kapcsolatban, hisz Önt hátrányosan érinti az új

menetrend, mert az utolsó busz a munkahelye irányából az otthona felé jóval korábban indul,
így, ha túlóráznia kell, nem éri el és mehet taxiva, vagy gyalogolhat kb. másfél kilómétert egy
másik járat megállójáig.

 Térjen ki arra, hogy a közvélemény alapvetően pozitívan fogadta az őj menetrendeket, mert sok
új járatot vezettek be és drasztikusan lecsökkent az átszállási kényszer, valamint modern új
buszok álltak forgalomba, melyek környezetkímélőek is.

 Érdeklődjön, milyen a tömegközlekedés ismerőse lakóhelyén.

Dear Clara!

I have a lot to tell you about the last few days. There is a new bus transport in Nyíregyháza and it is
very uncomfortable for me.

People said it would be more flexible to travel, but they were wrong. For me, this was a deep
disappointment, as I almost can't use transport. When I'm working overtime, my bus's last flight has
gone, so I have to call a taxi or walk one and a half kilometres. I'm working overtime for at least 3
times a week and the taxi is very expensive, so it's not pleasant for me to have this new agenda. Lot
of people very much like this new system. I think most of these people work in normal working
hours, such as 8am to 4 pm. But it also has some good sides, such as many new flights introduced, so
there is much smaller transfer pressure. And one more positive point is that these new buses, which
have been placed on the market, are already electro washed, which doesn’t pollute the environment.
All in all, this innovation has many advantages and disadvantages too.

What about your city. Do you have buses like that? If not when they were expected to arrive?

Lots of love!


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