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Test: Module 8

A. Do the crossword.

4 5 3 2
1. a present 7

2. the side of your face below your eye mouth

3. the people who work on a plane or ship captain

4. a hard bag where you put your clothes when you travel suitcase

5. a holiday on a ship

6. a room for sleeping on a ship cabin

7. a line of people, who are standing usually, waiting for something waiter

B. Choose a, b or c.

1. Donna spent all day on the beach and got a b .

a. resort b. scar c. tan

2. Julian put on a shirt and tie to make a good c .

a. announcement b. offer c. impression

3. Oh no! The horse has escaped from the b .

a. location b. stable c. agency

4. Many passengers were a so they went to make a complaint.

a. dissatisfied b. disorganised c. disagreed

5. I asked if I could borrow Andy's jacket but he b .

a. required b. refused c. removed

6. Eric c into an old classmate the other day.

a. bumped b. hugged c. greeted

scor 6

A. Rewrite the sentences using Reported Speech.

1. 'I'm going to complain to the travel agency tomorrow,' Dennis told me.

Dennis told me he going to travel tomorrow.

2. 'The scenery is beautiful,' said Kimberly.

Kimberly said the scenery is beautiful.

3. 'The passenger may refuse to get off the ship,' the captain said.

The captain said the passenger may refuse to get off the ship.

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4. 'I can't find my ticket,' Glenda told me.

Glenda told me she can’t find her tickets

5. ‘That man waved at me,’ said Lionel.

Lionel said that man waved at him.

B. Choose a, b or c.

1. Mr Little wanted to know c he should wear smart clothes.

a. how b. whether c. what

2. Gloria asked Henry where he had been b .

a. the next day b. the day before c. yesterday

3. The teacher asked us b Sally was, but nobody knew.

a. where b. whether c. if

4. The man told the children b in the river because it was dangerous.

a. to swim b. not to swim c. to not swim

5. Cybil asked her husband a he had read the brochure or not.

a. why b. if c. when

6. We asked our parents c us on a safari and they said yes!

a. take b. to not take c. to take


Read the diary and write T for True or F for False.

My Agritourism Holiday
1. The children's first impression was that they liked the people but not the farm.

Day 1 T
2. On the second day, Philip got his clothes dirty.
Philip and I arrived at the farm. It wasn't as luxurious as it looked in the brochure and there was an unpleasant smell. Mr Adams, the farmer, and his wife were very polite
and also 3.
Theorganised. They
children had toldtous
time killtoevery
put our things away and get straight to work. We spent the afternoon cleaningout the stables and we were exhausted by the
evening. But dinner was delicious.

4. The children made a mistake while they were building something.

Day 2

We were woken up very early and Mr Adams asked us to help him with the cows before breakfast. Philip got completely covered in mud, and he began to realise he had
packed the wrong clothes. It was more work after breakfast, but in the afternoon we had some time to kill. We went for a walk and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

Day 3

In the morning, we planted vegetables and my hands hurt from using the spade. But it was a waste of time because Mr Adams told us we had done it all wrong, and we
had to do it again. In the afternoon, we built a new shed which was an unbelievable experience. We're getting used to the smell now and the holiday is turning into a very
enjoyable experience.

Copyright © 2011 MM Publications

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