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Task one

Dear Sir/Madam
I am writing to you on a very important matter as I need your help! My name is
Sarah Hampson and I studied at their own language school a year ago. I am
writing this letter now because I need to learn a few documents.
Unfortunately, I have abandoned all my important papers, including my
certificate. So I would like to ask for a stamped and signed copy of my
certificate, if that's not a problem.
I wonder if you could also send me, my language exam, which I passed in
December, with outstanding results.
On another note, can you please inform me about how to download and
complete that UTC application.
Thank you in advance for your help and I look forward to your earliest
Yours sincerely,
Sarah Hampson

Task two

Living healthy is the luxury of the rich

Unfortunately, I have to agree with the above statement, but there is still
something that is debatable
As in most countries, health care is free of charge in Hungary. However, there
are also private hospitals – which may investigate the problem more
accurately, but this means that it is also costlier than publicly funded hospitals.
On the other hand, there are activities that prevent the disease such as eating
healthy. Nowadays, we can notice that eating healthy is not cheap and is not as
easy to get as "simple" or unhealthy foods.
I believe that if someone cannot afford private hospitals or healthy food, then
the best option for a healthy life is sports. If you play sports, there is less
chance of weakening your body so it is more difficult for you to catch various
diseases. I also claim that sport does not help with more serious-inherited
diseases, but it can be important both mentally and physically.

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