Todays Assignment

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DRAMA 16120092
OCTOBER 12, 2022

DIRECTION: ● Work in group (the same group as the presentation group).

● Using the text of Lady Augusta Gregory‘s Hyacinth Halvey, discuss the following:

1. What types of utterance are used in the text? Elaborate your answer and be sure to
provide evidence from the text to support your arguments.
2. Does the drama employ a close structure or an open structure? Explain!
3. Is the plot linear or non-linear? Explain!
4. Briefly, outline the basic plot structure of Gregory‘s Hyacinth Halvey. Use the table
below to present your outline. Refer to the basic plot structure of Shakespeare’s play
Romeo and Juliet below as a model.
5. Submit your work in the link below:

The Basic Plot of Shakespeare‘s Romeo and Juliet

A street fight in Verona reveals
Exposition the feud between the Capulet
establishes the problem
and Montague families.
Romeo (a Montague) and
Juliet (a Capulet) meet, fall in
love, and secretly marry.
Romeo is banished from
Verona for killing a Capulet out
the main part of the story— of revenge for his friend's
Rising Action
the character struggles with death. Juliet drinks a potion to
the problem fake her own death so that she
and Romeo can run away
together. The news of her plan
fails to reach Romeo and he
thinks that she is dead.

Grief-stricken, Romeo goes to

the turning point in the
Juliet's tomb and drinks
story—the character makes
Climax poison. Juliet wakes up as
a decision or takes an action
Romeo dies. Juliet stabs
that brings about a
herself with Romeo's dagger.
resolution to the problem

events that follow the The parents of Romeo and

Falling Action climax and lead up to the Juliet discover the bodies and
resolution (i.e., the effects learn of their tragic story.
of the climax)
The Capulets and Montagues
Resolution solves the problem and ties agree to make peace and end
up the loose ends their feud.

The Basic Plot of Lady Augusta Gregory‘s Hyacinth Halvey


Rising Action


Falling Action


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