Ajp-Rj 2018 13 Issue-2

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The American Journal of

Residents’ Journal
February 2018 Volume 13 Issue 2


2 Military Sexual Trauma: Fighting a Silent War

Susana Fehr Lampley, M.D.
Shedding light on an ill-informed but salient topic

3 Cannabis-Induced Depersonalization-Derealization
Sean P. Madden, M.S., Patrick M. Einhorn, M.S.
Examining pathogenesis, risk factors, and association with acute

7 Inhalant Abuse: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Alexandru I. Cojanu, M.D.
Assessing DSM-5 criteria, clinical adverse effects, diagnosis,
management, and screening

10 MDMA in Psychiatry: Past, Present, and Future

Michael Cooper, M.D., Anna Kim, M.D.
Exploring subjective effects, renewed interest in therapeutic
properties, and possible health consequences

11 Not There Yet

Shapir Rosenberg, M.D.
Considering the difficult ethical, emotional, and clinical variables
surrounding end-of-life decisions

13 Call for Applications to Join the 2018 Editorial Board

14 Residents’ Resources

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Erin Fulchiero, M.D. Rachel Katz, M.D. Katherine Pier, M.D.
Helena Winston, M.D. Rajiv Radhakrishnan, M.B.B.S., M.D.
MEDIA EDITOR Oliver Glass, M.D.
Shawn E. McNeil, M.D. Arshya Vahabzadeh, M.D.
Monifa Seawell, M.D.
Michelle Liu, M.D. Anna Kim, M.D.
Joseph M. Cerimele, M.D.
Angela Moore Sarah B. Johnson, M.D.


Military Sexual Trauma: Fighting a Silent War

Susana Fehr Lampley, M.D.

Since the First and Second World Wars she knew that she would never be recog-
and the Vietnam War, society has shifted
We cannot shift nized by the general public. For instance,
toward recognizing that soldiers who perceptions of she will not be applauded by millions at
experience posttraumatic stress disor- events. Her sacrifice will never be in-
der (PTSD) are not weak or malinger- military sexual scribed on a wall to which millions will
ing but are, instead, individuals endur- make a pilgrimage in her honor. She will
ing the residual psychological trauma of trauma overnight. not see her story in a film. Society has yet
war. However, society is nowhere close to acknowledge her experience. Com-
to similarly recognizing PTSD associ- bat-related PTSD is valorized in our cul-
ated with military sexual trauma. However, these avenues do not yet ture, but sexual trauma often brings re-
In my experience, it seems that many exist for military sexual trauma. There sponses of discomfort, pity, and silence.
veterans who have experienced mili- are minimal public narratives available The question for psychiatrists then
tary sexual trauma can process their in the media to inform the general pub- becomes this: how are we treating our
combat-related PTSD relatively directly, lic about military sexual trauma. In fact, patients who have experienced military
while remaining unable to discuss the until the women’s liberation movement sexual trauma? Like heroes, victims, or
sexual trauma. Herein lies the dilemma of the 1970s, it was not even recognized survivors? How are we informing the
of PTSD caused by military sexual that the most common posttraumatic public about military sexual trauma? We
trauma—it very often remains in hiding, disorders are found not among veterans, cannot shift perceptions of military sex-
including within the public sphere and but among women in civilian life work- ual trauma overnight—this was not even
in the media. These public arenas often ing through sexual trauma. Although the case for war-related trauma—but we
create avenues enabling society to empa- combat-related PTSD has found its place can begin to raise awareness and make
thize with the experiences of others. in public conversation, PTSD caused by efforts to recognize and push against
Therefore, if public conversations in- sexual trauma is only beginning to catch the contrasted perceptions of PTSD and
fluence how trauma is conceptualized, up, and military sexual trauma is lagging sexual trauma. I argue that the naviga-
what are we being told? Veterans often even further behind. tion of this issue shouldn’t solely begin
use their combat narratives as a badge of I believe that this creates significant with women and/or veterans, but with
honor, and story-telling among veterans problems for survivors processing their our praxis as psychiatrists.
provides opportunities to process expe- trauma. When one female soldier who
riences in a public way. Outside of first- experienced sexual trauma told me her Dr. Lampley is a second-year psychiatry
person narratives, films such as Dunkirk story, she spoke quietly—her tone flat, resident at the University of Texas South-
(2017), which grossed $50.5 million in her demeanor distant, and her eyes western Medical Center at Dallas.
its opening week, create avenues for cul- empty. She took no pride in her military
tural empathy toward war-torn soldiers. service. Perhaps this is partially because

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 2



Cannabis-Induced Depersonalization-Derealization
Sean P. Madden, M.S., Patrick M. Einhorn, M.S.

An association between cannabis use proximately 2% both in the United States PATHOGENESIS
and the emergence of psychotic disor- and worldwide (4). The average age at
Some individuals who use cannabis will
ders among susceptible individuals is in- onset is 16 years (8), and women and men
never experience depersonalization or
creasingly being described in the medical are equally affected (5). Persons with the
derealization during or after cannabis use
literature (1). However, little is known disorder may present with comorbid psy-
(5). However, depersonalization and de-
about how cannabis use relates to other chiatric disorders, including personality
realization remain potential side effects
psychiatric sequelae (2). Moreover, there disorders (8). However, it is uncommon
of cannabis (12), of which many clinicians
is a dearth of literature on the clinical for an individual with depersonalization-
are unaware (5). In general, cannabis-in-
characteristics of and risk factors for de- derealization disorder to have schizo-
duced symptoms of depersonalization
personalization-derealization disorder typal or schizoid personality disorder
and derealization are time-locked to the
as precipitated by cannabis use (3). (8). Personality disorders do not appear
period of intoxication, peaking approxi-
The principal clinical features of de- to predict symptom severity (8).
mately 30 minutes after ingestion and
personalization-derealization disorder Several precipitants have been impli-
subsiding within 120 minutes of expo-
are persistent or recurrent experiences cated in depersonalization-derealization
sure to the drug (12, 13). However, among
of depersonalization or derealization (4). disorder, including panic attacks (3) and
a subgroup of persons who use cannabis,
Depersonalization is a dissociative symp- recreational drugs (5). The most common
symptoms of depersonalization or dere-
tom in which one feels like an outside psychoactive drug precipitant of the dis-
alization persist for weeks, months, or
observer with respect to one’s thoughts, order is cannabis (3, 5). Although deper-
years (3, 5), even after discontinuation of
body, and sensations (3). Derealization is sonalization and derealization symptoms
the substance (2, 11). Those who experi-
marked by feelings of unreality and de- may occur as part of a panic attack (5),
ence prolonged symptoms may have can-
tachment from one’s surroundings (4), persons with depersonalization-dereal-
nabis-induced depersonalization-dereal-
such that one’s environment is experi- ization disorder continue to experience
ization disorder (2, 10).
enced as remote or unfamiliar (5). Both symptoms following resolution of the
The pathogenesis of cannabis-in-
symptoms may be a cause of significant panic attack (3). A cognitive model sug-
duced depersonalization-derealization
distress and functional impairment (4–6). gests that those predisposed to anxiety
disorder can be marked by an initial dis-
Transient episodes of depersonaliza- may develop fears regarding episodes of
sociative disturbance with a severity that
tion or derealization have been known depersonalization and derealization (e.g.,
subsides but later returns in episodes
to occur across a broad range of psychi- fear of “going mad”), which may contrib-
that eventually become chronic (3). In
atric disorders, including schizophrenia ute to the emergence of the symptoms
other cases, onset can be more abrupt,
(7). However, persons with depersonal- following panic attacks or substance in-
with symptoms emerging during intoxi-
ization-derealization are distinguished toxication (9).
cation and persisting unremittingly for
from those with psychotic disorders by Cannabis-induced depersonalization-
months or years (5). For other individu-
the presence of intact reality testing re- derealization disorder has been de-
als, symptoms do not occur until hours
garding the dissociative disturbance (4). scribed in the literature for many years
or days following an episode of cannabis
Whereas an individual with schizophre- (10, 11). However, this type of dissocia-
use (3).
nia may believe that he or she is actu- tive disorder is not typically addressed
ally outside of his or her body, persons in contemporary reviews focusing on the
with depersonalization-derealization are implications of cannabis use (2). Here, RISK FACTORS
aware that the dissociation is merely an we examine data on prolonged experi-
Several factors appear to be associated
uncanny sensation (5). Persons with de- ences of depersonalization and dereal-
with risk for cannabis-induced deper-
personalization-derealization do not ap- ization following cannabis use to provide
sonalization-derealization disorder (see
pear to be at risk for developing psychotic insight into the clinical features of and
box). Most affected individuals have a
disorders (2, 3). risk factors for cannabis-induced deper-
prior history of an anxiety disorder (6),
The lifetime prevalence of deperson- sonalization-derealization disorder.
such as panic disorder (11) or social pho-
alization-derealization disorder is ap-

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 3


“left-sided prefrontal mechanism” inhib-

Risk Factors for Cannabis-Induced Depersonalization-Derealization
its the amygdala and, in turn, the anterior
cingulate, leading to blunted autonomic
Variable arousal and feelings of detachment from
Adolescent age the self. Concurrently, disinhibited amyg-
Male gender dala arousal systems may activate the
High-potency cannabis use dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, thereby
Frequent cannabis use inhibiting the anterior cingulate, giving
Cannabis use after trauma exposure rise to other experiential features of de-
Cannabis use under acute distress personalization-derealization disorder,
Sudden withdrawal from regular cannabis use including mind emptiness and indiffer-
Experiences of panic attacks or depersonalization or derealization during ence to pain (18). Although patients with
depersonalization-derealization disorder
History of depersonalization or derealization symptoms
often show attenuated autonomic arousal
History of transient cannabis-induced depersonalization or derealization
(3), PET imaging data on transient can-
nabis-induced symptoms do not support
History of cannabis-induced depersonalization-derealization disorder
History of acute anxiety or panic attacks
this model (13). Elucidating how cannabis
History of obsessive thinking may be associated with symptom onset is
History of sociophobic or avoidant behavior challenging, given the varying strains of
Family history of depersonalization-derealization disorder cannabis and chemical compounds that
Family history of anxiety disorders or panic attacks are currently available (19).
a For further details regarding factors that may be associated with risk for cannabis-induced depersonal-
While acute anxiety is known to be
ization-derealization disorder among individuals who received a definitive diagnosis, see Hürlimann et involved in the emergence of deperson-
al. (2), Szymanski (10), and Moran (11). alization-derealization disorder symp-
toms, less is known about why such
symptoms may persist following can-
bia (2). Additionally, males (6) and ado- who used cannabis regularly while expe-
nabis use. Rather than a direct phar-
lescents (2) may be disproportionately riencing periods of marked distress, such
macologic effect, persistent symptoms
affected by cannabis-induced symptoms, as divorce. Cannabis use during such pe-
have been thought to be associated with
perhaps due to the higher rates of can- riods of distress appears to contribute to
causal attributions and fears regarding
nabis use among these groups (14) or to symptom onset among individuals with
an episode of dissociation (20). Some pa-
biological predisposing factors (6). Use little or no prior exposure (10).
tients have attributed their symptoms to
of cannabis during periods of marked
brain damage (11), while others have re-
distress (11) or after exposure to trauma
ASSOCIATION WITH ACUTE fused pharmacological intervention due
(10) may increase risk for cannabis-in-
ANXIETY to the fear of such intervention worsen-
duced symptoms. Other risk factors may
ing their symptoms (11). In light of the
include sudden withdrawal from regu- There appears to be a strong relation-
consistent relationship between anxiety
lar cannabis use (15), severe intoxica- ship between acute anxiety and symp-
and symptoms of depersonalization-de-
tion (10), and history of prior cannabis- tom onset in both cases of cannabis-in-
realization disorder (3, 5), it is possible
induced symptoms (3) or prior transient duced depersonalization-derealization
that such beliefs or fears about symp-
substance-induced symptoms (11). disorder (3) and depersonalization-de-
tom episodes may perpetuate otherwise
Individuals naive to cannabis or those realization disorder unrelated to drug
transient substance-induced symptoms
with little previous exposure to the sub- use (8). Persons who experience pro-
(20). It would be less likely that pro-
stance do not appear to be less prone to longed depersonalization-derealization
longed symptoms are due to residual
onset of cannabis-induced depersonali- symptoms following cannabis use often
drug effects, given that tetrahydrocan-
zation-derealization disorder. Simeon et report experiencing a panic attack dur-
nabinol is typically eliminated from the
al. (16) examined 89 individuals who de- ing intoxication (16), which may be due
body within a few weeks (2).
veloped prolonged experiences of deper- to altered hypothalamic-pituitary-ad-
sonalization and derealization following renal axis functioning (17). However,
cannabis use, 28% of whom disclosed the emergence of cannabis-induced de-
using cannabis between 100 and 500 personalization-derealization disorder We reviewed data on prolonged experi-
times prior to symptom onset. Sudden is not always associated with panic (5), ences of depersonalization or derealiza-
emergence of the disorder among per- which suggests that cannabis may be a tion following cannabis use to provide in-
sons who use cannabis regularly may be direct cause of symptom onset without sight into the clinical features of and risk
due to life stressors that increase sensi- mediation of anxiety symptoms (6). factors for cannabis-induced depersonal-
tivity to cannabis and risk for mental dis- Sierra and Berrios (18) proposed that ization-derealization disorder. Most risk
orders. Moran (11) examined individuals beyond a specific threshold of anxiety, a factors were derived from cases of indi-

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 4


viduals who received a definitive diag-

nosis of depersonalization-derealization KEY POINTS/CLINICAL PEARLS
disorder after using cannabis (2, 10, 11). • Cannabis-induced depersonalization-derealization disorder is characterized
The most significant risk factor appears by persistent or recurring episodes of depersonalization or derealization.
to be a history of pathological anxiety (3,
5), which may be contributory to both • Cannabis-induced depersonalization-derealization disorder is distinguished
from psychotic disorders by the presence of intact reality testing; patients
symptom onset (14) and the persistent
with cannabis-induced depersonalization-derealization disorder do not ap-
nature of the syndrome (20). Anxiety-
pear to be at risk for developing psychotic disorders.
prone young males who use cannabis
may be at ultra-high risk for cannabis- • Symptoms of cannabis-induced depersonalization-derealization disorder
induced depersonalization-derealization are typically time-locked to the period of intoxication, although marked anxi-
disorder, particularly when cannabis is ety regarding dissociation may contribute to the symptomatic presentation
used under marked distress. of the disorder.
Depersonalization-derealization dis- • Active treatment of cannabis-induced depersonalization-derealization dis-
order has been considered a hardwired order should incorporate treatment of patients’ anxiety regarding dissocia-
coping mechanism through which feel- tion symptoms.
ings of unreality and detachment from
one’s self and one’s surroundings help
one to cope with acute distress (3). Epi- vere dissociation following cannabis use New York, Oxford University Press, 2006
sodes of depersonalization or derealiza- may, therefore, not always be an indica- 6. Medford N, Baker D, Hunter E, et al: Chronic
depersonalization following illicit drug use:
tion associated with cannabis use are tion of evolving psychosis.
a controlled analysis of 40 cases. Addiction
typically time-locked to the period of Distinguishing cases of cannabis-in- 2003; 98(12):1731–1736
intoxication (12). However, in suscep- duced psychosis from cases of cannabis- 7. Hunter ECM, Sierra M, David AS: The epi-
tible individuals who use cannabis, “ex- induced depersonalization-derealization demiology of depersonalisation and dereali-
ternal stressors and intrapsychic factors disorder may be critical in guiding ap- sation: a systematic review. Soc Psychiatry
Psychiatr Epidemiol 2004; 39(1):9–18
may contribute to its continued use as propriate diagnosis and treatment of this
8. Simeon D, Knutelska M, Nelson D, et al:
a defense mechanism,” as described by distressing dissociative disorder. Feeling unreal: a depersonalization disorder
Syzmanski (10). Interventions aimed at update of 117 cases. J Clin Psychiatry 2003;
mitigating anxiety and targeting intra- Sean P. Madden and Patrick M. Einhorn 64(9):990–997
psychic factors may prove to be useful in completed this study as students in the De- 9. Hunter ECM, Phillips ML, Chalder T, et al:
partment of Biobehavioral Sciences, Teach- Depersonalisation disorder: a cognitive-be-
treating cannabis-induced depersonali-
ers College, Columbia University, New York. havioural conceptualisation. Behav Res
zation-derealization disorder (20). Ther 2003; 41(12):1451–1467
Prolonged symptoms following can- The authors thank John G. Keilp, Associate 10. Szymanski H: Prolonged depersonalization
nabis use have been associated with psy- Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychi-
after marijuana use. Am J Psychiatry 1981;
chotic syndromes in some case reports 138(2):231–233
atry at Columbia University and Research
11. Moran C: Depersonalization and agorapho-
(10, 11). However, persons who meet Scientist at New York State Psychiatric In- bia associated with marijuana use. Br J Med
diagnostic criteria for depersonaliza- stitute. The authors also thank Peter Gor- Psychol 1986; 59:187–196
tion-derealization disorder present with don, Associate Professor of Neuroscience 12. Mathew RJ, Wilson WH, Humphreys D, et
intact reality testing and do not have and Education at Teachers College, Co- al: Depersonalization after marijuana smok-
a psychotic disorder (2, 4). Although lumbia University. ing. Biol Psychiatry 1993; 33(6):431–441
13. Mathew RJ, Wilson WH, Chiu NY, et al:
symptoms of depersonalization-dereal-
Regional cerebral blood flow and deperson-
ization disorder may occur in the pro- REFERENCES alization after tetrahydrocannabinol admin-
drome of schizophrenia (3), validated istration. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1999;
1. Ksir C, Hart CL: Cannabis and psychosis: a
instruments used in the assessment of 100(1):67–75
critical overview of the relationship. Curr 14. Gunderson EW, Haughey HM, Ait-Daoud N,
early- and late-prodromal schizophrenia Psychiatry Rep 2016; 18(2):12 et al: A survey of synthetic cannabinoid con-
have not revealed any evidence of risk for 2. Hürlimann F, Kupferschmid S, Simon AE: sumption by current cannabis users. Subst
psychosis among patients with canna- Cannabis-induced depersonalization disor- Abuse 2014; 35(2):184–189
bis-induced depersonalization-dereal- der in adolescence. Neuropsychobiology 15. Keshaven MS, Lishman WA: Prolonged de-
2012; 65(3):141–146
ization disorder (2). It is noteworthy that personalization following cannabis abuse.
3. Sierra M: Depersonalization: A New Look at Br J Addict 1986; 81(1):140–142
in our review, individuals who did not a Neglected Syndrome. Cambridge, United 16. Simeon D, Kozin DS, Segal K, et al: Is deper-
show signs of prodromal schizophrenia Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 2009 sonalization disorder initiated by illicit drug
reported experiencing some of the more 4. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnos- use any different? a survey of 394 adults. J
severe clinical features of depersonaliza- tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor- Clin Psychiatry 2009; 70(10):1358–1364
ders, 5th ed. Washington, DC, American
tion and derealization, including sensa- 17. Viveros MP, Marco EM, File SE: Endocan-
Psychiatric Publishing, 2013 nabinoid system and stress and anxiety re-
tions of physical separation from their 5. Simeon D, Abugel J: Feeling Unreal: Deper- sponses. Pharmacol Biochem Behav 2005;
bodies and agency (2). Prolonged and se- sonalization Disorder and the Loss of the Self. 81(2):331–342

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 5


18. Sierra M, Berrios GE: Depersonalization: and subjective effects of different strains of toms in depersonalisation disorder. Behav
neurobiological perspectives. Biol Psychia- pharmaceutical-grade cannabis. J Clin Psy- Res Ther 2014; 53:20–29
try 1998; 44(9):898–908 chopharmacol 2014; 34(3):344–349
19. Brunt TM, van Genugten M, Höner- 20. Hunter EC, Salkovskis PM, David AS: Attri-
Snoeken K, et al: Therapeutic satisfaction butions, appraisals and attention for symp-

The Annual Meeting Workshop

American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal:
How to Publish a Scholarly Manuscript and Cultivate a Career
in Academic Psychiatry

Chair: Rachel Brooke Katz, M.D.
Chair: Oliver Glass, M.D.
Presenter: Anna Kim, M.D.
Presenter: Michelle Chang Liu, M.D.
Presenter: Erin Campbell Fulchiero, M.D.
Presenter: Shawn E. McNeil, M.D.

Sunday, May 6, 2018 • 10:00–11:30 AM • Session ID 1304

The AJP Residents’ Journal

has launched an
Instagram page! Send
your psychiatry-inspired
photos & artwork to the
AJP-RJ Media Editor
Shawn E. McNeil

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 6



Inhalant Abuse: The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

Alexandru I. Cojanu, M.D.

Recent efforts aimed at analyzing new CASE aimed at treating both his mood and
forms of substance abuse have led to substance use disorders. At a 3-month
“Steve” is a 20-year-old young man who
identification of risks associated with follow-up, the patient reported not hav-
was brought to the emergency depart-
electronic cigarettes (1) and synthetic ing abused inhalants during this period,
ment after being found in an altered
cannabinoids (2). Additionally, guide- and his mood symptoms were markedly
mental state in his apartment during a
lines pertaining to low-risk cannabis use improved.
safety check. The patient’s urine drug
have been established (3). However, less
screen was negative for cocaine, meth-
focus has been placed on the forgotten
adone, opiates, propoxyphene, benzo- DISCUSSION
but commonplace use of readily avail-
diazepines, barbiturates, and amphet-
able inhalants as a means of achieving a What Are Inhalants?
amines. His ethanol screen was also
“high” and its relationship with comor- Inhalants include solvents, aerosol
negative, and his vital signs were within
bid mental disorders. sprays, gases, and nitrites found in
normal ranges, except for a blood pres-
DSM-5 defines inhalant use disor- low-cost, legally sold, easily accessible
sure reading of 150 mmHg/100 mmHg.
der as a “problematic pattern of use of a household items. They typically contain
His initial medical workup did not re-
hydrocarbon-based inhalant substance hydrocarbons (aliphatic, aromatic, or ha-
veal any abnormalities. A consult with
leading to clinically significant impair- logenated), nitrous oxide (a gas), and ni-
the psychiatric service was ordered due
ment or distress” (4). Estimates show trites (amyl, butyl, and isobutyl). DSM-5
to the patient’s history of depression and
that 11% of high school students use in- distinguishes between these substances,
clinical presentation.
halants as a form of achieving a “high” with only hydrocarbon-based inhalants
During the psychiatric evaluation,
(5). Current data also suggest that the included under the inhalant use disorder
the patient was tearful, withdrawn, and
lifetime prevalence of inhalant use diagnosis and nitrous oxide and nitrites
somewhat weak and unsteady. He re-
among persons aged 18–25 years is 13.1% assigned to the “other” diagnostic class
ported “huffing” approximately nine
and 9.6% among those aged ≥26 (6). Fur- (4). Terms commonly used by patients
cans of computer-keyboard dust cleaner
thermore, it is estimated that 70% of to describe inhalant abuse are presented
daily over the past 3 months. He revealed
persons with inhalant use disorder meet in Table 1. In popular culture, inhalant
that he lived alone, had lost his part-time
criteria for at least one lifetime mood, abuse has been depicted in film. In the
job, and had been dismissed from his col-
anxiety, or personality disorder (7). Due 2003 movie Thirteen, two protagonists
lege courses, and he endorsed increasing
to the lack of readily available diagnos- are seen inhaling from a can of computer
isolation from his family. He was on pro-
tic tools for detecting inhalant use, this dust cleaner.
bation following an arrest for attempting
commonplace practice of substance
to steal computer-keyboard dust cleaner
abuse goes largely undetected. Common Clinical Adverse Effects
from a local hardware store. He denied
The case report below provides in-
active suicidal ideations. However, he Persons who engage in inhalant abuse
sight into inhalant use disorder in the
did endorse an overall depressed mood, rarely seek immediate medical atten-
context of comorbid depressive disor-
poor sleep, lack of appetite, and loss of tion. Due to their high lipid solubility,
der. The discussion that follows provides
interest in any activity that did not in- inhalants are rapidly absorbed across
definitions of various forms of inhalants,
volve huffing, and he expressed guilt re- pulmonary membranes and into the
as well as description of the practice of
lated to his continued use of inhalants bloodstream. Lipophilic hydrocarbons
inhalant abuse, including associated
and the negative consequences. He de- have high volatility, allowing them to
terminology (“street names”), popular
nied use of any other illicit substance. readily cross the blood-brain barrier.
culture cameos, and possible clinical
The patient was admitted to the inpa- They promote an initial feeling of eu-
adverse effects. To aid clinicians in iden-
tient psychiatric unit for his safety and phoria, with an effect lasting between 15
tifying this behavior, initial diagnostic
started on mirtazapine for his depres- and 45 minutes, leading to CNS depres-
and management approaches, as well as
sion, sleep deprivation, and appetite loss. sion. Symptoms include lethargy, som-
guidelines for psychiatric comorbidity
After a short hospitalization, he was en- nolence, headache, ataxia, stupor, and
screening, are also discussed.
rolled in a dual-track treatment program possible seizures. The mechanism by

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 7


TABLE 1. Street Terminology and Common Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests for Inhalant Abuse should follow, as summarized in Table 1.
Method of Abuse Substances of Abuse Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests Differential diagnoses should be ruled
Huffing Air blast EKG out, including consideration of the use of
Sniffing Whiteout CBC and comprehensive metabolic panel antidotes such as naloxone and flumaze-
Bagging Poppers Urine drug screen nil. Consulting the local poison control
Dusting Whippets Urinalysis center is prudent. Patients with mild to
Whipping Highball Rapid blood glucose
moderate respiratory distress typically
Nagging Poppers Continuous pulse oximetry
Glading Bullet bolt Arterial blood gas analysis benefit from the use of supplemental
oxygen and beta-2 bronchodilators (alb-
uterol), and seizures should be managed
which CNS depression occurs has not 58 minutes (10), suggesting that detec- with intravenous benzodiazepines.
yet been fully elucidated; however, ex- tion proves to be difficult even for just Once the patient is medically stable,
perts have postulated noncompetitive, this one substance. a thorough psychiatric evaluation is re-
reversible inhibition of the N-methyl- Where available, more extensive test- quired. This will enable clinicians to es-
d-aspartate receptor; activation of the ing can include urinary trichloroethanol tablish a diagnosis while screening for
mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway; and (for chlorinated hydrocarbons), urinary comorbid psychiatric illness, given that
increased GABA receptor activation (8). hippuric acid (for toluene exposure), or 70% of persons who abuse inhalants
Continued use and toxicity are as- blood and exhaled toluene levels. How- meet criteria for at least one lifetime
sociated with pulmonary, gastrointesti- ever, these tests represent limitations mood (48%), anxiety (36%), or personal-
nal, renal, neurologic, and cardiovascu- to diagnostic strategy, since they are ity (45%) disorder (7).
lar adverse effects. Inhalant-associated expensive and not readily available at
“sudden sniffing death” refers to sud- most facilities. Characteristic odors can
den cardiovascular collapse as a result reveal recent inhalant abuse, including
of arrhythmia, occurring after the in- sweet solvent odor (halogenated hydro- Clinicians should maintain a high index
halation of halogenated hydrocarbons carbons) and petroleum distillate odor of suspicion for inhalant abuse when en-
(containing chloride or fluoride), which (kerosene). countering young, intoxicated patients
are commonly found in degreasers and Differential diagnoses include in- with relatively normal medical and lab-
spot removers. Additionally, inhaling ni- toxication with other substances (e.g., oratory workup, negative urine drug
trous oxide from an inflated balloon or alcohol, cannabis, salicylates, opioids, screen, and negative alcohol screen.
a whipped cream can (“whipping”) can benzodiazepines, barbiturates, nonben- However, clinicians should understand
result in neurotoxicity manifesting as zodiazepine sleep medications, carbon the limitations associated with making
polyneuropathy, ataxia, and even psy- monoxide, and cyanide) that can cause the diagnosis of inhalant use disorder, in-
chosis (9). CNS depression. Metabolic disturbances cluding lack of readily available diagnos-
such as hypoglycemia, as well as misuse tic laboratory tests. Screening for comor-
Making the Diagnosis of medications such as metformin and bid psychiatric illness should be prompt,
Standard five- and seven-panel drug isoniazid, should be ruled out. along with treatment interventions. In
screens do not enable identification of summary, inhalant abuse remains a dan-
inhalant abuse but should be used to rule Management and Further Screening gerous behavior among young adults and
out intoxication with other substances. While inhalant intoxication usually re- warrants the label of a “wolf in sheep’s
An experimental study conducted in solves spontaneously, emergency treat- clothing” due to easy access to common-
Sweden showed that inhaled 1,1,1,2-tet- ment strategies should begin with ad- place household items used as a form of
rafluoroethane, found in aerosol freezer vanced cardiac life support protocols, substance abuse.
sprays, resulted in a 0.002% postexpo- with the patient’s airway, breathing, and
Dr. Cojanu is a second-year resident in the
sure urinary excretion of the inhaled circulation stabilized first. Basic medical
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
amount, with an average half-life of only workup, laboratory tests, and monitoring Neurosciences, Wayne State University/
Detroit Medical Center, Detroit.

KEY POINTS/CLINICAL PEARLS The patient’s name and other identify-

• Inhalants are found in common, low-cost, legally sold household products ing details in the above case have been
and provide fast-acting euphoria, ultimately leading to CNS depression. changed to protect the patient’s privacy.

• Lifetime prevalence of inhalant abuse is 13.1% among persons aged 18–25

and 9.6% among persons aged ≥26. REFERENCES
• Seventy percent of persons who abuse inhalants have a lifetime prevalence 1. US Department of Health and Human Ser-
of comorbid psychiatric disorders, including mood (48%), anxiety (36%), and vices: E-Cigarette use among youth and
young adults: a report of the Surgeon Gen-
personality (45%) disorders.
eral–Executive Summary. Atlanta, Centers

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 8


for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016. ders, 5th ed. Washington, DC, American lated Conditions. Drug Alcohol Depend
https://e-cigarettes.surgeongeneral.gov/ Psychiatric Publishing, 2013 2007; 88(2–3):146–155
documents/2016_SGR_Exec_Summ_508. 5. Eaton DK, Kann L, Kinchen S, et al: Youth 8. Tormoehlen LM, Tekulve KJ, Nanagas KA:
pdf risk behavior surveillance–United States, Hydrocarbon toxicity: a review. Clin Toxicol
2. Tait RJ, Caldicott D, Mountain D, et al: A 2011. MMWR Surveill 2012; 61(4):1 2014; 52(5):479–489
systematic review of adverse events arising 6. National Institute on Drug Abuse: Monitor- 9. Iwata K, O’Keefe GB, Karanas A: Neurologic
from the use of synthetic cannabinoids and ing the Future Study: Trends in Prevalence problems associated with chronic nitrous
their associated treatment. Clin Toxicol of Various Drugs. Bethesda, Md, National oxide abuse in a non-healthcare worker. Am
2015; 54(1):1–13 Institutes of Health, 2016. https://www. J Med Sci 2001; 322(3):173–174
3. Fischer B, Russell C, Sabioni P, et al: Lower- drugabuse.gov/trends-statistics/monitoring 10. Gunnare S, Ernstgard L, Sjogren B, et al: Tox-
risk cannabis use guidelines: a comprehen- -future/monitoring-future-study-trends-in- icokinetics of 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (HFC-
sive update of evidence and recommenda- prevalence-various-drugs 134a) in male volunteers after experimental
tions. Am J Public Health 2017; 107(8):1277 7. Wu LT, Howard MO: Psychiatric disorders exposure. Toxicol Lett 2006; 167(1):54–65
4. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnos- in inhalant users: results from The National
tic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disor- Epidemiologic Survey on Alcohol and Re-

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The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 9



MDMA in Psychiatry: Past, Present, and Future

Michael Cooper, M.D., Anna Kim, M.D.

3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine to concerns over its potential for abuse those who had not ingested the drug,
(MDMA), commonly referred to as “Ec- and increasing availability on the street, suggesting that the drug could be well
stasy,” is a ring-substituted phenethyl- however, it was designated as a schedule suited for treating PTSD.
amine that is structurally similar to I substance in 1985 (2). To this day, dis- MDMA has an undeniably checkered
both mescaline and methamphetamine. cussions about its therapeutic use con- history, and its use is not without risks.
MDMA is characterized by its unique tinue among academics, sparking novel However, its unique subjective effects,
subjective effects, including euphoria, a ideas and inciting firmly held opinions when paired with psychotherapy, hold
feeling of love for others, and a sense of and debate. promise as a novel therapeutic interven-
being at peace with the world, while not Despite the potential therapeutic tion for PTSD and potentially for other
significantly affecting visual perception use of MDMA, it is not without pos- psychiatric disorders.
or cognition (1). sible health consequences. Neuroimag-
Dr. Cooper is a third-year resident in the
Its idealized, publicized, “Zen”-like ing studies have found evidence for de-
Department of Psychiatry at New York Uni-
impact poses a stark contrast to a largely creased serotonin transporter binding
versity, New York.
controversial history. Merck first synthe- in abstinent MDMA users, which may
sized the substance in 1912 in a search contribute to deficits in attention, ex- Dr. Kim is a third-year resident in the De-
for a precursor to hydrastinine, a hemo- ecutive function, and memory among partment of Psychiatry at the Icahn School
static drug, to which archrival Bayer al- this population (3). Another potential of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical Center,
ready held the patent. Records of subse- risk of MDMA use is that of deep-seated New York. She is also Deputy Editor of the
quent animal studies were destroyed in thoughts and feelings facilitated by the American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’
Allied bombing raids during World War drug that might emerge in the course
II. It was not until the 1950s that inter- of a therapeutic session, which may be
est in MDMA was rekindled by the U.S. overly distressing, particularly with in- REFERENCES
Army in hopes that it could be used as a experienced therapists. A period of non- 1. Harris DS, Baggott M, Mendelson J, et al:
form of mind control or a weapon. The drug therapy may then be required to Subjective and hormonal effects of 3,4-meth-
United States lost interest once it was resolve the newly emerged problems (4). ylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in
humans. Psychopharmacology 2002; 162:
found that the effects of the drug were Potential health consequences not-
not much different from the effects of withstanding, results from recent phase 2. Karch SB: A historical review of MDMA.
other stimulants (2). II studies suggest that MDMA-assisted Open Foren Sci J 2011; 4:20–24
Research on MDMA took a turn once psychotherapy might be a promising 3. Kish SJ, Lerch J, Furukawa Y, et al: De-
curious chemists in university and in- new treatment for posttraumatic stress creased cerebral cortical serotonin trans-
porter binding in ecstasy users: a positron
dustry settings realized its potential disorder (PTSD). In addition to en-
emission tomography/[(11)C] DASB and
therapeutic properties. Alexander Shul- hancement of bonding and trust, it is hy- structural brain imaging study. Brain 2010;
gin, a former Dow Chemical employee, pothesized that defenses against certain 133:1779–1797
resynthesized the compound as part of themes may be diminished while under 4. Parrott AC: The potential dangers of using
an intellectual musing in 1965 and even- the influence of MDMA, thereby facili- MDMA for psychotherapy. J Psychoactive
Drugs 2014; 46(1):37–43
tually tried MDMA himself 2 years later. tating more active therapeutic work.
5. Amoroso T, Workman M: Treating posttrau-
In mental health and academic circles, One of the studies included in a meta- matic stress disorder with MDMA-assisted
word spread of the many positive expe- analysis by Amoroso and Workman (5) psychotherapy: a preliminary meta-analysis
riences individuals had using the drug, revealed that participants who ingested and comparison to prolonged exposure ther-
namely in response to its striking effects MDMA reported that their worst mem- apy. J Psychopharmacol 2016; 30(7):595–600
on empathy and communication. Due ories were less negative compared with

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 10



Not There Yet

Shapir Rosenberg, M.D.

“Lilly,” an 86-year-old woman residing istered for agitation, Lilly remained in

in an assisted-living facility, wasn’t act-
I was struck by the her recliner for most of her hospitaliza-
ing her usual self. An ambulance brought challenge that dying tion, glasses askew, generally mute, and
her to the hospital, and she was admitted only intermittently screaming her name
to the geriatric psychiatry service. She poses for doctors— during diaper changes.
had dementia and severe hearing loss, Two weeks in, I requested a family
and she was on an antidepressant. even geriatric meeting with Debra and the unit’s so-
On my evening intake, Lilly occupied cial worker and case manager. I wanted
a small portion of her large “geri-chair”
psychiatrists. to discuss remaining treatment options
recliner. She was small and frail. Her and the likelihood that Lilly had arrived
piercingly beautiful blue eyes looked tor her mother and consider further tests at a new cognitive baseline and would
above her glasses, which sat low on her to exclude other diagnoses. At the end of require round-the-clock nursing, a level
nose. She looked away silently as I posed the conversation, I inquired, “At present, of care higher than what she was previ-
questions. Though when I amplified your mom’s code status is ‘full,’ is that ously receiving. I called Dr. G to discuss
my voice to inquire whether she knew still your wish?” She answered, “Yes.” the meeting’s intended agenda. After
where she was, she shouted, “Lilly!” In the ensuing days, at the behest of a review of her hospital course and my
When I touched her hand, she screamed, my supervising psychiatrist, “Dr. G,” no discharge plan, I said, “I’d also like to ex-
“Don’t!” so a physical examination was fewer than five specialty teams were plore Lilly’s goals of care and code sta-
deferred. I ordered routine laboratory brought on board to evaluate Lilly. The tus; she’s an elderly lady with advanced
workups to identify common causes of internist recommended demarcating an dementia who is making frequent trips
altered mentation in the elderly, typed area of redness on her left wrist to track to emergency rooms.” Dr. G, a senior
an admission note, and went home. possible cellulitis, and a rheumatologist psychiatrist on the inpatient service, re-
The next day I called Lilly’s only child, expressed concern for upper-extremity plied, “Hold off on that. I don’t think—
her daughter, Debra, a nurse. Debra re- gout. The latter recommended a wrist no, we’re not there yet.”
lated that Lilly began showing signs of aspiration to exclude infection. This re- In the ensuing meeting, Debra said
memory loss some years ago and that she quired an orthopedic surgeon to sedate that she wasn’t willing to consent to
had urged her mother to sell her home and restrain Lilly and then “tap” her her mother undergoing a repeat lumbar
in the Vermont woods in order to move joint. Concurrently, a brain MRI hinted puncture. Even if the findings were sug-
closer to her. Lilly had been living in her at the possibility of normal pressure hy- gestive, a surgically placed shunt to drain
current facility for a year. Her daughter drocephalus as the source of her acute fluid accumulating in Lilly’s brain would
stated, “We know the neighborhood hos- cognitive slide. The neurologist felt that likely offer minimal restoration of her
pitals well.” Knowledge of local hospitals an empiric trial of acetazolamide would cognitive abilities and pose intolerably
is often the case among elder-care facil- be more palatable than the requisite high risk. She tearfully concurred that
ity residents and their family members, large-volume lumbar puncture, which her mother needed full-time care.
with infection, constipation, and falls was needed to definitively make the di- Debra again recounted their frequent
leading to emergency department vis- agnosis. Neurosurgery deferred involve- emergency department visits and their
its, each time with a different doctor cast ment until there was diagnostic clarity. exacting tolls. As an oncology nurse,
and nursing crew. Indeed, Debra knew With time, the outer aspect of Lilly’s Debra said that she had counseled many
well the ambulances’ hospital bypass wrist attained a normal hue without an- families over the years in similar situa-
protocols and had her “favorite” emer- tibiotics, and the inner part was deemed tions. When a patient’s clinical picture
gency departments. microbiologically unremarkable. An at- isn’t improving, when further intensive
Debra said that in the past 12 months, tempted lumbar puncture was halted, tests like blood draws are more upsetting
her mother had become less conver- owing to Lilly’s wiggling and squirm- than therapeutic, and when repeated
sant, more confused, and forgetful of her ing. Aside from transient electrolyte de- hospital trips impinge on a person’s lim-
own daughter’s identity. But because no rangement due to poor hydration and a ited days, reconsideration of the point of
acute etiology for her impaired state was 2-day stupor, which the team believed to it all seems necessary. Yet Debra stopped
found, I told Debra that we would moni- be a reaction to an antipsychotic admin-

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 11


short of doing so. Fearful of Dr. G’s ad- a clinical perspective about a decision struck by the challenge that dying poses
monishment, so did I. that inherently acknowledged the ap- for doctors—even geriatric psychiatrists.
I did not suggest the possibility of proaching end of her mother’s life. But I In modern health care, a struggle per-
changing Lilly’s code status. Nor did I too was complicit, despite a keen aware- sists to acknowledge, talk about, and
share my feelings regarding the appro- ness of the need for physicians to initi- cope with loss and to help patients and
priateness and likely benefit of hospice ate goals-of-care discussions. My own surrogates assign value to limited time.
care at this juncture. Rather, Debra con- mother’s death, when I was just 12 years In a gently incriminating, tragically ab-
cluded the meeting by saying that she old, came during an era when little at- surd, and unintentionally astute way, Dr.
would take time that week to visit nurs- tention was given to such conversations G captured it: we are not there yet.
ing homes in geographic proximity and and when patients were subjected to ag-
provide the social worker with a ranked gressive, and often futile, “treatments,” Dr. Rosenberg is a third-year resident at
list to facilitate placement. which those in the field of palliative care the University of Maryland Medical Center,
Debra, a medical professional, was now strive to avoid. Baltimore.
also Lilly’s daughter, and in the midst of I felt sad for Lilly and Debra, angry at
crisis couldn’t be expected to maintain Dr. G, and disappointed in myself. I was

Competency in Combining Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy JUST PUBLISHED!

Integrated and Split Treatment, Second Edition
Core Competencies in Psychotherapy
Michelle B. Riba, M.D., M.S., Richard Balon, M.D., and Laura Weiss Roberts, M.D., M.A.
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C ompetency in Combining Pharmacotherapy and Psychotherapy: Integrated and Split

Treatment is designed to help psychiatrists at any stage of their career achieve competency
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The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 12


Call for Applications to Join the 2018 Editorial Board

The American Journal of Psychiatry—Residents’ Journal is now accepting applications to join the 2018–2019 Editorial Board for the following

SENIOR DEPUTY EDITOR (SDE) POSITION clarity, conciseness, and conformity with AJP MEDIA EDITOR (ME) POSITION
Job Description/Responsibilities style guidelines. Job Description/Responsibilities
• Prepare a monthly Residents’ Resources section
• Frequent correspondence with AJP-Residents’ • Manage the Residents’ Journal Twitter and
for the journal that highlights upcoming na-
Journal Editorial Board and AJP editorial staff, Facebook accounts.
tional opportunities for medical students and
including conference calls. • Oversee podcasts.
• Frequent correspondence with authors. • Collaborate with the AEs to decide on content
• Recruit authors and guest editors for the
• Peer review manuscripts on a weekly basis. • Collaborate with SDE, DE, and Editor-in-
• Make decisions regarding manuscript Chief to develop innovative ideas for the
• Collaborate with the Editor-in-Chief in select-
acceptance. journal.
ing the 2019–2020 Editorial Board.
• Work with AJP editorial staff to prepare ac- • Attend and present at the APA Annual Meeting.
• Attend and present at the APA Annual Meeting.
cepted manuscripts for publication to ensure • Commitment averages 5 hours per week.
• Commitment averages 10 hours per week.
clarity, conciseness, and conformity with AJP
Requirements Requirements
style guidelines.
• Coordinate selection of book review authors • Must be an APA resident-fellow member. • Must be an APA resident-fellow member.
and distribution of books with AJP editorial • Must be a PGY-2, PGY-3, or PGY-4 resident • Must be an upcoming PGY-2, PGY-3, or PGY-4
staff. starting in July 2018, or a fellow in an ACGME resident in July 2018, or a fellow in an ACGME
• Recruit authors and guest editors for the fellowship in July 2018. fellowship in July 2018.
journal. • Must be in a U.S. residency program or • Must be in a U.S. residency program or
• Manage the Test Your Knowledge questions on fellowship. fellowship.
the Residents’ Journal Facebook and Twitter
This is a 1-year position only, with no automatic This is a 1-year position only, with no automatic ad-
pages and work closely with authors in devel-
advancement to the SDE position in 2019. If the vancement to the Deputy Editor or Senior Deputy
oping Board-style review questions for the Test
selected candidate is interested in serving as SDE Editor position in 2019. If the selected candidate is
Your Knowledge section.
in 2019, he or she would need to formally apply interested in serving as Deputy Editor or Senior
• Fulfill the responsibilities of the Editor-in-
for the position at that time. Deputy Editor in 2019, he or she would need to for-
Chief when called upon, including forming
mally apply for the position at that time.
issue lineup.
• Collaborate with the Editor-in-Chief in select- ASSOCIATE EDITOR (AE) POSITIONS
ing the 2019 SDE, Deputy Editor, and Associ- (two positions available) CULTURE EDITOR (CE) POSITION
ate Editors. Job Description/Responsibilities Job Description/Responsibilities
• Attend and present at the APA Annual Meeting. • Collaborate with SDE, DE, and Editor-in-
• Peer review manuscripts on a weekly basis.
• Commitment averages 10–15 hours per week. Chief to develop innovative ideas for the
• Make decisions regarding manuscript
Requirements acceptance. journal.
• Recruit authors and guest editors for the • Attend and present at the APA Annual Meeting.
• Must be an APA resident-fellow member.
journal. • Commitment averages 5 hours per week.
• Must be starting as a PGY-3 in July 2018, or a
PGY-4 in July 2018 with plans to enter an • Collaborate with the SDE, DE, and Editor-in- Requirements
ACGME fellowship in July 2019. Chief to develop innovative ideas for the • Must be an APA resident-fellow member.
• Must be in a U.S. residency program. journal. • Must be an upcoming PGY-2, PGY-3, or PGY-4
• Attend and present at the APA Annual Meeting. resident in July 2018, or a fellow in an ACGME
Selected candidate will be considered for a 2-year • Commitment averages 5 hours per week. fellowship in July 2018.
position, including advancement to Editor-in-
Requirements • Must be in a U.S. residency program or
Chief in 2019.
• Must be an APA resident-fellow member fellowship.
DEPUTY EDITOR (DE) POSITION • Must be a PGY-2, PGY-3, or PGY-4 resident in This is a 1-year position only, with no automatic
July 2018, or a fellow in an ACGME fellowship advancement to the DE or SDE position in 2019. If
Job Description/Responsibilities
in July 2018. the selected candidate is interested in serving as
• Frequent correspondence with Residents’ • Must be in a U.S. residency program or DE or SDE in 2019, he or she would need to for-
Journal Editorial Board and AJP editorial staff, fellowship mally apply for the position at that time.
including conference calls.
• Frequent correspondence with authors. This is a 1-year position only, with no automatic ***
• Peer review manuscripts on a weekly basis. advancement to the DE or SDE position in 2019. If
For all positions, e-mail a CV and personal
• Make decisions regarding manuscript the selected candidate is interested in serving as
statement of up to 750 words, including
acceptance. DE or SDE in 2019, he or she would need to for-
reasons for applying and ideas for journal
• Work with AJP editorial staff to prepare ac- mally apply for the position at that time.
development, to oliver.glass@emory.edu.
cepted manuscripts for publication to ensure The deadline for applications is March 2, 2018.

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 13


Residents’ Resources
Here we highlight upcoming national opportunities for medical students and trainees to be recognized for their hard work, dedi-
cation, and scholarship.
To contribute to the Residents’ Resources feature, contact Anna Kim, M.D., Deputy Editor (anna.kim@mountsinai.org).

Fellowship/Award American Association of Psychiatric Administrators (AAPA) Best Resident/Fellow Paper in Administrative Psychiatry Award
Organization AAPA/Journal of Psychiatric Administration and Management (JPAM)
Deadline March 30, 2018
Brief Description The Journal publishes peer-reviewed, original articles and also welcomes conceptual essays, commentaries, observations, and opinion
pieces. Trainees may submit papers related to their administrative experience such as being Chief Resident, serving on committees,
quality improvement or patient safety initiatives, or participating in a research project. The winner will have the opportunity to present
at the APA, will receive a $250 cash prize, and will be invited to serve as an executive member on the AAPA Early Career Development
Eligibility Must be a resident or fellow; manuscript may not be submitted elsewhere for publication unless first declined by JPAM (2,500 word
Contact and Website E-mail: francesrotonbell@gmail.com  •  Web: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=20782&osCsid
Fellowship/Award American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) Pilot Research Award for General Psychiatry Residents
Organization AACAP, supported by Pfizer
Deadline March 30, 2018
Brief Description Offers $15,000 for general psychiatry residents who have an interest in beginning a career in child and adolescent mental health
research. Recipients have the opportunity to submit a poster presentation on their research for the AACAP’s 66th Annual Meeting in
Chicago, October 14–19, 2019. The award also includes the cost of attending the AACAP Annual Meeting for 5 days.
Eligibility Candidates must be enrolled in a general psychiatry residency; must not have any previous significant, individual research funding in the
field of child and adolescent mental health; and must be an AACAP member.
Contact and Website E-mail: research@aacap.org  •  Web: http://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Awards/Resident_and_ECP_Awards/AACAP_Pilot_Research_Award.
Fellowship/Award AACAP Pilot Research Award for Junior Faculty and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellows
Organization AACAP
Deadline March 30, 2018
Brief Description Offers $15,000 for child psychiatry residents, fellows, and junior faculty who have an interest in beginning a career in child and
adolescent psychiatry research. Recipients have the opportunity to submit a poster presentation on their research for the AACAP’s 66th
Annual Meeting in Chicago, October 14–19, 2019. The award also includes the cost of attending the AACAP Annual meeting for 5 days.
Eligibility Enrolled in a child psychiatry residency or fellowship or have a faculty appointment in an accredited medical school but no more than 2
years of experience following graduation from training. Candidates must not have any previous significant, individual research funding
in the field of child and adolescent mental health and must be an AACAP member.
Contact and Website E-mail: research@aacap.org  •  Web: http://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Awards/Resident_and_ECP_Awards/Pilot_Research_Award_Child_
Fellowship/Award AACAP Pilot Research Award for Learning Disabilities
Organization AACAP, supported by AACAP’s Elaine Schlosser Lewis Fund
Deadline March 30, 2018
Brief Description Offers $15,000 for child and adolescent psychiatry residents and junior faculty who have an interest in beginning a career in child and
adolescent mental health research. The recipient has the opportunity to submit a poster presentation on his or her research for the
AACAP’s 66th Annual Meeting in Chicago, October 14–19, 2019.
Eligibility Enrolled in a child psychiatry residency or fellowship or have a faculty appointment in an accredited medical school but no more than 2
years of experience following graduation from training. Candidates must not have any previous significant, individual research funding
in the field of child and adolescent mental health and must be an AACAP member.
Contact and Website E-mail: research@aacap.org  •  Web: http://www.aacap.org/AACAP/Awards/Resident_and_ECP_Awards/AACAP_Pilot_Research_Award_
Fellowship/Award American Psychiatric Association (APA) Resident Recognition Award
Organization APA
Deadline March 31, 2018
Brief Description The Resident Recognition Award is presented annually to outstanding psychiatry residents or fellows from each department or
institution who exemplify one or more APA values. Multiple awards are given each year.
Eligibility Must be a resident or fellow; must be an APA member; and must be in good standing in a general psychiatry or fellowship program.
Contact and Website E-mail: cvanwagner@psych.org  •  Web: https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/awards-leadership-opportunities/awards/resident-

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 14


Author Information for The Residents’ Journal Submissions

Editor-in-Chief Senior Deputy Editor Deputy Editor
Rachel Katz, M.D. Oliver Glass, M.D. Anna Kim, M.D.
(Yale University) (Emory University) (Mount Sinai)

The Residents’ Journal accepts manu- 4. Clinical Case Conference: A 8. Perspectives in Global Mental
scripts authored by medical students, resi- presentation and discussion of an Health: This article type should
dent physicians, and fellows; attending unusual clinical event. Limited to begin with a representative case or
physicians and other members of faculty 1,250 words, 10 references, and one study on psychiatric health delivery
cannot be included as authors. figure. This article type should also internationally, rooted in scholarly
To submit a manuscript, please visit include a table of Key Points/Clinical projects that involve travel outside
http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/ajp_ Pearls with 3–4 teaching points. of the United States; a discussion of
authors_reviewers, and select a manu- clinical issues and future directions
script type for AJP Residents’ Journal. 5. Original Research: Reports of novel for research or scholarly work
observations and research. Limited should follow. Limited to 1,500
1. Commentary: Generally includes to 1,250 words, 10 references, and words and 20 references.
descriptions of recent events, two figures. This article type should
opinion pieces, or narratives. Limited also include a table of Key Points/ 9. Arts and Culture: Creative, nonfic­
to 500 words and five references. Clinical Pearls with 3–4 teaching tion pieces that represent the
points. intro­spections of authors generally
2. History of Psychiatry: Provides in­­formed by a patient encounter,
a historical perspective on a topic 6. Review Article: A clinically relevant an unexpected cause of personal
relevant to psychiatry. Limited to review focused on educating the reflection and/or growth, or
500 words and five references. resident physician. Limited to 1,500 elements of personal experience
words, 20 references, and one figure. in relation to one’s culture that are
3. Treatment in Psychiatry: This This article type should also include relevant to the field of psychiatry.
article type begins with a brief, a table of Key Points/Clinical Pearls Limited to 500 words.
common clinical vignette and with 3–4 teaching points. 10. Letters to the Editor: Limited to
involves a description of the
250 words (including 3 references)
evaluation and management of a 7. Drug Review: A review of a
and three authors. Comments on
clinical scenario that house officers pharmacological agent that
articles published in the Residents’
frequently encounter. This article highlights mechanism of action,
Journal will be considered for
type should also include 2–4 efficacy, side-effects and drug-
publication if received within 1 month
multiple-choice questions based on interactions. Limited to 1,500 words,
of publication of the original article.
the article’s content. Limited to 1,500 20 references, and one figure. This
words, 15 references, and one figure. article type should also include a 11. Book and Movie Forum: Book
This article type should also include table of Key Points/Clinical Pearls and movie reviews with a focus
a table of Key Points/Clinical Pearls with 3–4 teaching points. on their relevance to the field of
with 3–4 teaching points. psychiatry. Limited to 500 words and
3 references.

Upcoming Themes
If you are interested in serving as a Guest Section Editor Prevention and Primary Care in Psychiatry
for the Residents’ Journal, please send your CV, Neuropsychiatry
and include your ideas for topics, to Rachel Katz, M.D.,
Editor-in-Chief (rachel.katz@yale.edu). Advances in Treating Personality Disorders
Rachel Katz, M.D.

The American Journal of Psychiatry Residents’ Journal  |  February 2018 15

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