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Physical Education Assignment — 2020-2021

Class - XII Unit-3
Chapter 8 - Biomechanics and sports
Multiple Choice Questions :
Q.1 The force which oppose the relative motion between th surfaces of two object is known as
(a) Frictional force (b) Gravitational force
(c) Applied force (d) Tension force
Q.2. The force produced when the surfaces of two objects come to contract of each other & tends to
move but their is inrelative motion between them is known as
(a) Static friction (b) Sliding friction
(c) Rolling friction (d) Fluid friction
Q.3 Newton's 2nd law is also known as
(a) Law of Action Reaction (b)Law of Inertia
(c) Law of Acceleration (d) Law of velocity
Q.4 In the long jump take off which law works
(a) 1st law of newton (b) 2nd lawof newton
(c) 3rd law of newton (d) Low of conservation of mass.
Q.5 Which is not the Importance of Biomechanics
(a) Improvement of Technique
(b) To understand the structure of Movement & effect of forces on the Movement
(c) To understand Physiology of human body
(d) Improvement of sports Equipment's
Q.6 Biomechanics Deals units.
(a) Muscles involved in Movement
(b) Effect of force on Different Movements done by human body
(c) To understand the physiology of the body
(d) To understand Time & Distance concept of Various Biomechanics
Match the following
Q .7 (a) Abduction (i) Decreasing in Angle
(b) Newton's 2nd law (ii) Frictional force
(d) Force That oppose (iii) Away from midline Movement
(d) Flexion (iv) Law of Acceleration
(a) a - iii, b - iv, c - ii, d - i (b) a -iv, b - iii, c- ii, d - i
(c) a - iv, b - iii, c - i, d - ii (d) a - ii, d - iv, b - iii, c - i
Q.8 (a) Mechanical friction (i) Increased in angle
(b) Law of Inertiacontract (ii) Object are solid comes
(c) Take off high jump (iii) 3rd law of motion
(d) Extension (iv) Things Remains in its pc
(a) a - ii, b - iv, c - iii, d - ii (b) a - iv, b - ii, c- iii, d - i
(c) a - iv, b - ii, c- i, d -iii (d) a - iii, b - ii, c - i, d - iv
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Very short answer type questions
Q.1 Biomechanics is a science which studies ___________.
Q.2 What is flexion?
Q.3 Name the muscle used while extending an arm.
Q.4 Give one major difference between Abduction and adduction.
Q.5 Enlist two importance of biomechanics.
Q.6 Give two examples of Newton’s law of motion.
Q.7 Mention two examples from sports for IInd Law of Motion.
Q.8 Friction is necessary give two reasons.
Q.9 Write two disadvantages of friction in sports.
Q.10 What is static friction?
Q.11 What is throwing?
Q.12 Define Biomechanics.
Q.13 What is Jumping?
Q.14 What is Running?
Short answer type questions
Q.1 Explain various types of friction.
Q.2 What are different types of movements?
Q.3 Explain Flexion, Extension, Abduction and Adduction.
Q.4 Enlist the importance of Biomechanics in sports.
Long answer type questions
Q.5 Define friction. Write any one disadvantage and advantage of friction in sports.
Q.6 Explain in detail the Newton’s law of motion and its application in sports.
Q.7 Explain in detail about Importance of Biomechanics in sports.

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