Đề Ôn Tập - Speaking Level 3

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Trường Đại học Duy Tân NỘI DUNG ÔN TẬP SPEAKING LEVEL 3 Đề số:

Khoa Tiếng Anh Khối lớp: ENG 219

Học kỳ Năm học:
Bộ môn: Anh văn không
Thời gian: 5 phút/SV (5 mins/student)


The picture may be taken in the office.

There are 4 people in the picture, they can be interviewer and interviewee.

Look at the picture, I can see everyone looking at the man

In the background of the picture, I can see a lot of doors, tables and chairs

In short, I love the picture because it is clear, the people in the picture seem professional
at work.
The picture may be taken in the park.

There are several people in the picture, they can be visitors.

Look at the picture, I can see the man walking the pet, the woman taking
care of the children and the people sitting on the chair may be talking

In the background of the picture, I can see a lake and a lot of trees

In short, I love the picture because it is clear, the people in the picture look
very relaxed
The picture may be taken at the Christmas ( chít rịt max )party.

There are several people in the picture, they can be members of a family.

Look at the picture, I can see the man giving gifts to children

In the background of the picture, I can see the Christmas tree and the

In short, I love the picture because it is clear, the people in the picture look
so happy
The picture may be taken at the wedding

There are several people in the picture, they are the bride, the groom and the guests.

Look at the picture, I can see the bride and groom are running under the cheers of

In the background of the picture, I can see the wall with many windows

In short, I love the picture because it is clear, the people in the picture look so happy


In this part of the test, you will answer ONE of 4 questions based on the information
provided. You will have 30 seconds to read the information before the questions begin. For
each question, begin responding immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15
seconds to respond to each question.
Question 1: Who is John?

Mr John is lutech executive

Question 2: How long does it take to fly from New York to Tokyo?

It take about 15 hours to fly from N.Y to Tokyo from 6 a.m to 9 p.m

Question 3: How many meals does he have with Futaka Degital’s staff?

He has 2 meals with staff Futaka, include Formal dinner with Futaka Digital’s CEO
Yamada Taro 8p.m, and Final lunch meeting with Mr.Taro 1:30 p.m

Question 4: When will he return to New York?

He will return to New York at 4 p.m Wednesday , June 4

Question 2 (1.5 points)

Respond to the questions using information provided. In this part of the test, you will
answer ONE of 4 questions based on the information provided. You will have 30 seconds to
read the information before the questions begin. For each question, begin responding
immediately after you hear the question. You will have 15 seconds to respond to each
Question 1: What kind of business is going to open?

The kind of business is going to open is health center

Question 2: What’s the name of the new health center?

The name of the new health center is SIMS

Question 3: I’m free on Wednesday afternoon, what sections can I take part in?

You can take part in Presentation on medical technologies, Lecture on patient needs,
Closing thoughts.

Question 4: Where is lunch served?

The lunch is served at onsite cafeteria ( cáp phè té ri ờ )

Question 1. What kind of clothes is on sale at Normandy Department Store?

Kind of clothes on sale at Normandy Department Store is dress

Question 2. When does the sale begin?

The sale begin September 9 at 10:30 a.m

Question 3. I would like to buy a shirt for my son, can you send me the list of sale items?

I’m sorry, you can not buy a shirt for my son because the shop only sale dress.

Question 4. How many items have the same discount price?

There are 2 items with the same item discount price. It is Floral mini dress and Dot
dress for $178.80
Question 1: How long will the sale last?

1. The sale last for two weeks

Question 2: Which items do the shop sale?

2. The items the store sale are extra large luxury bathtubs, ( mấy mặt hàng hôm bữa e ns a á)
Question 3: How much percent is applied for the minimum discount?

3. The minium discount applied for is 25 percent

Question 4: I want to get a free large towel. What should I do?

4. You want to get a free large towel. You should buy two large towels.


Propose a solution: In this part of the test, you will be presented with 4 problems; Choose
ONLY ONE PROBLEM and propose a solution. You will have 30 seconds to prepare. Then
you will have 60 seconds to speak. Here are the problems.

1. Respond as if you work at an office supplies company

In your response, be sure to

• show that you recognize the problem, and

• propose a way of dealing with the problem.

Here is the problem:

Hi, this is Paul Williams from Eco-Travel Agency. I ordered some copy paper last
Monday and it still hasn’t arrived. I want to know when it will be delivered.

Hello Paul Williams ( hè lô bao will li am ). My name is Tao, I'm calling ( kha linh )
from the office ( ó phịt ) supplies( súp lai) company ( khơm bơ ni ). I understand
you're having issues ( I sùi ) with ordering ( ó đơ ring ) some copy paper ( bây bơ )
last Monday (món đây ) but it hasn't ( hét nờn ) arrived yet and I'd like to help ( hép) .
The Item could be sent to the wrong ( ờ rơn ) address.( á rẹt) I will check your order
information and reply ( rẹt lay) back as ( át ) soon( sơn ) as possible( bót sờ bồ ) ,
hope( hôi bi ) you will receive ( ri ci ) your order this week( quit). Please let me know
if you have any ( é ni ) problems . Thanks


2. Respond as if you are the manager of the supermarket

In your response, be sure to

• show that you recognize the problem, and
• propose a way of dealing with the problem.
Here is the problem:

Hi, this is Tara Corner. I shopped at your supermarket and when I got home I
check my receipt and you charged me for two bottles of cooking oil but I only
bought one. Please ask your manager to give me a call at 733-0770. Let me know
what I should do.

Hello Tara Corner. My name is Tao , and I'm the manager AB supermarket. I
understand that you charged ( chai ) for two bottles(bó đồ) of cooking oil(oi ồ) but you
only bought ( bay) one. I am really sorry about this issue . It may be due to a failure
( phai li ờ ) of our computer system or it may be due to our staff..( sờ ta ) However,
this is something we can easily solve.( so) If you could come back to the supermarket
with your receipt( ri cì) , we can refund ( ri phinh ) your money with the extra bottle of
cooking oil. Again, my name is Tao at AB supermarket. I hope to see you soon.
Thank you
3. Respond as if you are in the Apartment Rental Management

In your response, be sure to

• show that you recognize the problem, and
• propose a way of dealing with the problem.
Here is the problem:

Hi, this is Chris Robertson in Apartment 314. I’m calling about the elevator which
doesn’t seem to be working again. Can you let me know what’s going to be done
about this situation? Using the stairs isn’t easy for me because I have a bad back. I
hope it can be repaired soon. Thank you.

Hello, Mr Robertson. My name is Tao, I am calling from the Apartment Rental

Management . I understand you had a problem with the elevator (ớ li vi tờ ). I'm very
sorry this with. I know it's difficult for you because of your back. We plan to the
replace the elavator this week. In the meantime , please feel free to use the service ( xé
vơ ) elevator instead( ìn ten). Please let me know if you have any problem. Thank you

4. Respond as if you are the Customer service staff at the Store.

In your response, be sure to

• show that you recognize the problem, and
• propose a way of dealing with the problem.
Here is the problem:

Hi, this is Mary White. I bought a stove from your online store two weeks ago. I
have tried to turn it on so many times, but nothing happened. Can you tell me what
I am going to do about this situation?

Hello, Mary White. My name is Tao , I am a customer service employee of the store. I
understand that you've had a problem with the stove and I'm here to help. It is possible
that you did not read the instructions carefully. You should try again. If that still
doesn't work, pack it up and send it to the store. Please let me know if you have any
problem this with .Thanks
***THE END***

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