Change Management Group Assignment Guidelines

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Identify/choose any real corporate case study/news piece which highlights “Change Management “and
submit report on the same highlighting Change Management concepts.You need to employ at least one
model of change, means to manage Resistance to change and use any one diagrammatic representation

1. Collect as much data as possible from all secondary sources:

-Newspaper reports
-Research Papers

2. If possible collect primary data by filling out questionnaire/survey which can be done through
google forms.

3. Based on your collected data; make a final report submission.

4. Report Format:

I.-Cover page
a.–Title of Report
c.-Class, Section,
d.Submitted for Group Assignment for Subject”____________”
e. Group member’s names
f. Submitted to: Dr. Jyoti Vyas Bajpai, Faculty
ii. Index
iii. Group Job Description:
- Who did what?

iv. Introduction

v. Review of Literature

vi. Objective

vii. Methodology

viii. Report

xi. Learning’s for a Young Manager:

x. Conclusion

x. References

Assignment has to be typed in MS-Word. Times New Roman 12 for Text and 14 for titles, in Bold.
Line spacing has to be 1.5.Justifies alignment in text. Referencing in APA Format, 6th Edition.

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