2 - SRM IJES Sep 16 Vol-4 Number-1

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SRM INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL Vol-4 Number-1 Sep-2016 Page No-01-05


J. P. N. Verma, Aditya Agarwal, Ajay Kumar
Jpnverma2@gmail.com, aditya.electrobond@gmail.com, ajayku87@gmail.com

Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engineerng

SRM University, NCR Campus, Ghaziabad, India.

Abstract in the design for high speed and low power

High speed multiplication has always been
a fundamental requirement of high
performance processors and The multipliers presented in this paper were
systems.Multiplier is one of the basic all modelled using VHDL (Very High
functional units in Microprocessors and Speed Integration Hardware Description
DSPs and also a major source of power Language)
dissipation. Most high performance DSP
systems rely on hardware multiplication to Keywords: — CPA, DSP, microprocessor,
achieve high data rates. With technological multiplier.
advances there is a need for design and
development of high speed data path Introduction
operators such as adders and multipliers to
perform signal processing operations at Multipliers play an important role in
very high speed supporting higher data today’s digital signal processing and
rates. In many applications, multiplication various other applications. With advances
is one of the most utilized arithmetic in technology, many researchers have tried
operations as part of filters and transforms and are trying to design multipliers which
processors[5]. In this paper a low power offer either of the following design targets –
and low area multiplier is proposed. high speed, low power consumption,
Reducing the power dissipation of regularity of layout and hence less area or
multipliers is a key to satisfy the overall
even combination of them in one multiplier
power budget of various digital circuits and
thus making them suitable for various high
systems. The fundamental units to design a
multiplier are adders. Improving multipliers speed, low power and compact VLSI
design directly benefits the high implementation.
performance embedded processors used in Array multiplier is well known due to its
consumer and industrial electronic
regular structure. Multiplier circuit is based
products. Hence there is a need for design
on add and shift algorithm. Each partial
and development of high-speed
architectures for N-bit multipliers product is generated by the multiplication
supporting high speed and power. Our of the multiplicand with one multiplier bit.
research efforts have been devoted to The partial product are shifted according to
reducing the power dissipation of different their bit orders and then added. The
multipliers. Here we review the architecture addition can be performed with normal
reported in the literature for multipliers and carry propagate adder. N-1 adders are
critical issues degrading the speed and required where N is the multiplier length.
power of these multiplier. Based on this
review suitable modifications are suggested Although the method is simple as it can be
seen from this example, the addition is done
serially as well as in parallel. To improve denoted by A and B respectively, where A=
on the delay and area the CRAs are (a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) and B=(b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5)
replaced with Carry Save Adders, in which are chosen for convenience.
every carry and sum signal is passed to the
Although the architecture shown in fig.-1 is
adders of the next stage. Final product is
that of a 6 by 6 bit multiplier. The
obtained in a final adder by any fast adder
regulatory of the architecture enable one to
(usually carry ripple adder). In array
draw larger multiplier quite easily. The
multiplication we need to add, as many
architecture is very regular, it consist of a
partial products as there are multiplier
leaf cells, And gate and carry save adder.
bits[2]. This arrangement is shown in the
The final adder often employ some form of
figure below.
fast carry propagation scheme and are
The VHDL design implemented differently than the carry-save
adder (FA) used in the array.
We have generated parametric description
for both the array to array multiplier and the However, both of these adders perform the
array multiplier and we have used these same logical function in therefore maybe be
description to synthesis 6 bit array regarded to be the same from the point of
multiplier .For the VHDL moulding we view of logical functionality.
have used modalism for simulation. Firstly, y1 is multiplied with all digits of
The characteristics of VHDL description A=(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5)and B=(b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5)
are the following using AND gate to give us

1. Can generate 2’s compliment a5b0 a4b0 a3b0 a2b0 a1b0 a0b0
multiplier Similar multiplication is performed with all
2. Can generate any bit size multiplier terms of multiplier and multiplicand as
Like 4*6 multiplier shown in figure and we get
3. The VHDL modal can be synthesis
a5b1 a4b1 a3b1 a2b1 a1b1 a0b1
with the Philips synthesis package

Theoretical analysis show that for 6 bits a5b2 a4b2 a3b2 a2b2 a1b2 a0b2
array multiplier use carry select addition for
the final adder stage. The array multiplier is
faster than normal multiplier. a5b3 a4b3 a3b3 a2b3 a1b3 a0b3

The architecture of the 6 bit multiplier is a5b4 a4b4 a3b4 a2b4 a1b4 a0b4
shown in figure given below. It is based on
a5b5 a4b5 a3b5 a2b5 a1b5 a0b5
The algorithm consists of 6*6 operands and
gives the product output and gives the 12
bit product output. In the architecture in
figure of figure 1, the explicit sign
extension circuity has been eliminated by
recoding the most complement number. The
multiplication and the multiplier are
Carry save adder is used to compute sum of
three or more n-bit binary numbers. Carry
save adder is mostly same as a full
adder.Carry save adder (CSA) is the design
Diagram of a high speed multi operand adder. A
carry save adder consists of a ladder of
stand-alone full adders. The n-bits CSA
consists of n disjoint full adders (FAs)
where each of which computes single sum
and carry bit based on the corresponding
bits of the three input numbers. It consumes
three n-bit carry. Unlike the normal adders
such as ripple carry adder, a CSA consists
of multiple one bit full adders without any
carry chaining.
Si = Ai xor Bi
Ci = Ai and Bi
The final addition is then computed as:
1. Shifting the carry sequence C left by one
2. Placing a 0 to the front (MSB) of the
partial sum sequence S.
3. Finally, a ripple carry adder is used to
add these two together and computing the
resulting sum.

Fig. _1
A 6 bit array multiplier has a delay TABLE I. CARRY SAVE ADDER
proportional to n plus the delay of CSA. COMPUTATION
There are two items we can attack to A: 1 0 0 1 1
improve the performance of a multiplier:
the number of partial products and the B: 1 1 0 0 1
addition of the partial products. Z: + 0 1 0 1 1
Suppose we wish to multiply an 6-bit S: 0 0 0 0 1
binary number A=111000 to by B= 000111.
It is easier to multiply A by B and the result C: + 1 1 0 1 1
gives P = 0000110001000.
Sum: 1 1 0 1 1 1
This helps in saving a lot of time and makes
the circuit to perform at high speed [9].


In Array multiplier, almost identical calls Features
array is used for generation of the bit-
Advanced Code Coverage
products and accumulation. All bit-products
are generated in parallel and collected ModelSim’s advanced code coverage
through an array of full adders or any other capabilities and ease of use lower the
type of adders and final adder. Array barriers for leveraging this valuable
multiplier has a regular structure that verification resource.
simplifies the wiring and the layout.
Therefore, among other multiplier The ModelSim advanced code coverage
structures, array multiplier takes up the capabilities provide valuable metrics for
least amount of area. Table II gives an systematic verification. All coverage
algorithm steps and shows complete information is stored in the Unified
multiplication process with the help of an Coverage Data Base (UCDB), which is
example. In this algorithm, S (i) represents used to collect and manage all coverage
sum of each product term, B(i)A represents information in a highly efficient database.
each product term and P(i) represents Coverage utilities that analyse code
individual bit-term of final product coverage data, such as merging and test
ranking, are available. Coverage results can
be viewed interactively, post-simulation, or
after a merge of multiple simulation runs.
Code coverage metrics can be reported by
instance or by design unit, providing
flexibility in managing coverage data.

Mixed HDL Simulation

ModelSim combines simulation
performance and capacity with the code
coverage and debugging capabilities
required to simulate multiple blocks and
systems and attain ASIC gate-level sign-off.
Comprehensive support of Verilog, System
Verilog for Design, VHDL, and System C
ModelSim provide a solid foundation for single and
multi-language design verification
Mentor Graphics was the first to combine environments. ModelSim easy to use and
single kernel simulator (SKS) technology unified debug and simulation environment
with a unified debug environment for provide today’s FPGA designers both the
Verilog, VHDL, and System C. The advanced capabilities that they are growing
combination of industry-leading, native to need and the environment that makes
SKS performance with the best integrated their work productive.
debug and analysis environment
make ModelSim the simulator of choice for Effective Debug Environment
both ASIC and FPGA designs. The best The ModelSim debug environment’s broad
standards and platform support in the set of intuitive capabilities for Verilog,
industry make it easy to adopt in the
majority of process and tool flows.
VHDL, and SystemC make it the choice for RESOURCES SUMMARY
ASIC and FPGA design.
Macrocell Paterns Registers Pins Functionl
ModelSim eases the process of finding Used Used Used Used Block
design defects with an intelligently Used
engineered debug environment. The 26/0
ModelSim debug environment efficiently 69/144 277/72 0/144 (- 136/432
(48%) 0 (0%) 2147 (32%)
displays design data for analysis and debug (39%) 4836
of all languages. 47%
The VHDL simulation of two 6 bit numbers
is presented in this paper. Macrocells in high
performance mode 0
Macrocells in low power 69
mode (MCHP)
Total macrocells 69

Advantage of Array Multiplier

1. An array multiplier─ a multiplication
method in which an array of identical cells
generates new partial product and
accumulation of it at the same time
2. We can use pipelines at each level •
Result from the adder can be latched at each
level and used as input for next level adder
3.The delay is logarithmically proportional
to the bit size of multiplicand and multiplier
if we use the high speed array multiplier
Large number of logic gates required to
design an array multiplier.


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