Part 04 C - WinIQSIM Configure Slots Panel v0

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3 Configure Slots Panel

In this panel, slots are generated from the previously defined data fields. Up to 24 different slots can be
defined. A slot is determined by its bit length and data content consisting of various data fields. To simplify
identification and editing, a name and colour can be assigned to each slot. A brief comment can also be
given for each slot.

Fig. 5-12 Configure Slots panel of data editor

Panel structure
The Configure Slots panel contains three windows. The first is the Slot Pool with the respective buttons,
the second the Data Fields window and the third the workspace where slots are generated from the data

The Slot Pool is a table where the already defined slots are listed. For a better overview, the name, bit
length and the colour assigned to the individual slots are indicated in the table. With the aid of the
scrollbar at the right of the table, the user can select the different parts of the table to view all defined
slots. The New, Copy, Delete and Marker buttons at the right of the table will be described further down.

The Data Fields window contains a scrollable list of previously defined data fields and the buttons
required for editing a slot.

In one section of the slot workspace, the name, a comment and the colour of a slot can be defined, in
a second the slot can be assembled and graphically displayed.
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Data Editor WinIQSIM Operation of Configure Slots Panel

When the panel is called immediately after the selection of File:New, the slot pool is empty because no
slots have been defined yet. When a configuration file is loaded or slots have been defined before, there
are entries in the pool.

Selecting a defined slot from the pool

Click with the left mouse key on a slot entry in the pool. The line selected in the pool is highlighted by an
orange frame. The parameters of the selected slot are automatically transferred to the slot workspace.
In addition to name, comment, slot colour and slot length, the data field structure of the slot is
graphically displayed. The slot can then be edited in the workspace. Editing/Defining a Slot

A slot selected in the pool (orange frame) can be edited in the workspace. Entries made in the
workspace are immediately transferred to the slot pool. Without a slot selected in the pool, entries made
in the workspace are ineffective and ignored.

A name of max. four characters can be assigned to the current slot in the Name field. A comment of
max. 20 characters can be entered in the Info field.

At the next level of data sequence definition in the Configure Frame panel, the slots are combined into
frames and graphically displayed. In this panel the slots are displayed as coloured elements labelled
with name and bit length. To simplify identification, a colour can be assigned to the individual slots in the
Color field. To select a colour click on the Color field with the left mouse key and hold the key down. A
colour selection window is opened. With the left mouse key held down, a colour can be selected with the
aid of the mouse cursor. Release the key after the selection. The selected colour is indicated in the
Color field.
The length of the slots in bits is displayed in the Length / Bits field. The length is determined by the data
field structure of the slot and cannot be edited.

In the lower part of the workspace the slot structure (data fields) is graphically displayed.
A data field can be selected in the slot by a click with the left mouse key. The selected data field is
highlighted by an orange frame. Now the Data Fields window is used. In this window the slot structure
can be configured, ie data fields can be inserted, appended or replaced.

Data Fields window

In this section the data field to be used next in the current slot can be selected from the list with the aid
of the left mouse key. The selected data field is highlighted by an orange frame. The data field in the list
can be used as often as desired. With the Append button the selected data field is added to the end of
the slot. The Insert button inserts the data field selected in the list at the left of the data field marked in
the slot. When the Replace button is pressed, the data field marked in the slot is replaced by the data
field selected in the list. The figure below illustrates the function of the Append, Insert and Replace
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WinIQSIM Data Editor

Fig. 5-13 Function of buttons in the data field window

A data field selected in the slot can be cleared with the Delete Data Field in Slot.

A slot may contain up of up to 36 data fields. In the workspace a slot containing more than 12 data fields
is displayed in two lines, a slot with more than 24 data fields takes up three lines. New, Copy and Delete

The New, Copy and Delete buttons in the Slot Pool window have a similar function to those in the
Configure Data Fields panel.

Generating new slots

Press the New button (at the right of the Slot Pool) to add a new slot to the pool. The pool table
automatically scrolls to its lower end where a slot with the name New, length 0, colour Grey and ALL 0 is
located. This entry in the table is marked by an orange frame and transferred to the Slot workspace. The
graphics section of the workspace is still empty. At first the slot contains no data fields but it can be
configured as desired (see description above).

Copy function
With the Copy button, defined slots can be copied and from the copy a new slot can be created by a few
modifications. The Copy button is only active when an entry has been selected in the slot pool (orange
frame). The selected slot is copied and appended to the lower table end. The copied entry in the table is
highlighted by an orange frame and transferred to the Slot workspace where the copied slot can be
modified as desired (see description above). This function is particularly useful if a number of similar
slots is to be defined that differ only by the training sequence, for instance. The repeated entry of the
same parameters can thus be avoided.

Delete function
A slot selected in the pool can be cleared using the Delete button (at the right of the pool table). This
button is only active when a slot is selected. Only slots not in use at the frame level can be cleared. If an
attempt is made to clear a slot used at the frame level, a respective message is issued.

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Data Editor WinIQSIM Markers

AMIQ is provided with four marker channels in addition to the four I/Q outputs. At these channels control
signals are output eg for triggering or external power ramping of the I/Q signal. The characteristics of the
four marker channels of a slot can be defined at the data bit level in the data editor. A power time
template can be defined in addition to the marker structure.

To perform these settings, select a slot from the slot pool and press the Marker button at the right. The
following Marker and Power Ramping Settings panel is displayed.

Fig. 5-14 Marker and Power Ramping Settings panel

The structure of the current slot is displayed again in the upper part of the panel.

A diagram (marker graph) is displayed directly below. It shows the currently defined power-time template
and the four marker channels. One marker channel only or the power-time template can be edited at a
time. One of the five channels under Marker to edit at the left of the graph should be selected for
editing. The marker characteristics are displayed sequentially in the order of the channels listed under
Marker to edit (power ramping or power-time template first and then the markers 1 to 4).

All data fields displayed in the slot workspace and in the upper window of this panel have the same
length irrespective of their bit length. In the marker graph, on the other hand, the slot structure is shown.
Here the length of the data fields corresponds to the bit length. The data fields are not labelled. The
section to be displayed can be selected with the scrollbar below the marker graph.

Marker 1 is a special case. It can be automatically coupled to the power-time template (see section
Power Ramping Settings) and used later for controlling external power ramping of the I/Q signal. In this
case the marker button 1 is disabled and Coupled to power ramping is displayed.

In the following description the terms marker channel and marker characteristic will be used. A
difference will not be made between marker and power-time template.

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WinIQSIM Data Editor

Determining the marker characteristic

A marker channel can assume the values 0 or 1. Before the marker characteristic of a selected channel
can be defined, the type of the characteristic must be determined. Six different types can be selected at
the left below the panel.

Table 5-4 Overview of marker characteristics

Symbol Name Meaning

All down The marker channel in the slot has always the value 0.

All up The marker channel in the slot has always the value 1.

Ramp up The marker channel of the slot has at first the value 0 and then changes to 1. Any point
within the slot can be defined for the transition.

Ramp down The marker channel of the slot has at first the value 1 and then changes to 0. Any point
within the slot can be defined for the transition.

Ramp up down The marker channel of the slot has at first the value 0 and then changes to 1 and back
again to 0. The two transition points within the slot can be set as required.

Ramp down up The marker channel of the slot has at first the value 1, changes to 0 and back again to 1.
The two transition points within the slot can be set as required.

The marker characteristic can be determined graphically by means of the cursor in the marker graph or
by entering a ramp and transition point in the field below.

No further information is required for defining the All down and All up characteristics. The entry fields
for Ramp 1 Pos and Ramp 2 Pos are disabled, a cursor is not displayed in the marker graph.

A transition point has to be defined for Ramp up and Ramp down. The entry field for Ramp 1 Pos is
enabled. Here the transition point can be set at the bit level in the range from 0 to slot length -1, ie
counting of data bits starts at 0. The transition point in the slot is also converted to a position in the data
field in which the transition occurs. The position in the data field and the name of the field are also
displayed. This function makes counting of bits unnecessary when for instance a marker change is to be
triggered at the third position of a data field in the slot.

The transition point can also be set in the marker graph by shifting the displayed cursor. This allows a
rough determination of the ramp position. If necessary, accurate setting is possible in the Ramp 1 Pos
entry field. When the Ramp 1 position is changed, the cursor position is adapted and vice versa.

Two transition points have to be entered for Ramp up down and Ramp down up. The Ramp 2 Pos
field is enabled in addition to the Ramp 1 Pos field. Two cursors are available in the marker graph for
defining the transition point. Setting the transition points by means of entries and cursors is identical to
the setting of a position described above. Care should be taken that the first transition point comes
before the second as otherwise an error message will be output.

With the marker characteristics of all channels configured, the panel can be quit with OK. If the modified
marker characteristics should not be retained, the panel can be quit with Cancel. In this case all
modifications are discarded.
With all slots and associated marker characteristics defined, close the Configure Slots panel with OK
and start defining the frames. Press the Cancel button if the changes made in the Slot panel should not
be saved.

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Data Editor WinIQSIM

5.7.4 Configure Frame Panel

One or several consecutive frames can be configured with the previously defined slots. Up to 50 frames
can be combined to a frame.

Panel structure
The Configure Frame panel consists of three windows. The first is the Slot Pool with associated
buttons. The slot pool is a table where defined slots are listed. Name and bit length of the individual slots
are indicated in the table. With the aid of the scrollbar at the right of the table the user can select the
different parts of table section to view all defined slots. The Append, Insert and Replace buttons at the
right of the table will be described further down.

The second window is the frame workspace where the slots are combined and graphically displayed.

Fig. 5-15 Configure Frame panel of data editor

Editing the frame

The structure (slots) of the frame is graphically displayed in the frame workspace.
A slot of the frame can be selected by a click with the left mouse key. The selected slot is highlighted by
an orange frame. Further actions are then made in the Slot Pool section, where the frame structure can
be configured and slots inserted, appended or replaced.

In the slot pool the slot to be used next in the frame can be selected from the list with the aid of the left
mouse key. The selected data field is highlighted by an orange frame. All slots in the list can be used as
often as desired. With the Append button, the selected slot is added to the end of the frame. The Insert
button inserts the slot selected in the list at the left of the field marked in the frame. With the Replace
button the slot selected in the frame is replaced by one selected in the slot list.

The frame length in bits, which is the sum of the employed slot lengths, is displayed in the Frame
Length field. This field cannot be edited.
A slot selected in the frame can be cleared with the Delete Slot in Frame button. For clearing the whole
workspace press the Clear Frame button.

A frame may contain up to 50 slots. Depending on its number of slots, the frame is displayed in the
workspace in up to five lines of max. ten slots each.

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WinIQSIM Data Editor

Show Marker
In the Show Marker field the user can select whether and which of the defined marker channels should
be displayed. The characteristic of the selected channels is then displayed below the slots of the frame.
The colours of the marker graphs correspond to the colours of the marker selection labels (power
ramping red, marker 1 blue, marker 2 green, marker 3 turquoise, marker 4 yellow). The space between
the frame lines is assigned to the selected markers.

After defining the frame, the panel can be quit with OK. When the panel is quit with Cancel, all the
modifications are discarded.

The completely defined data sequence and the associated marker lists can now be computed. The
calculation is described in the following section.

5.7.5 Calculation of Data Sequence and Marker Lists

After data fields have been defined, slots combined and marker channels with power-time templates
determined and configured into a frame, the final task can be performed. The data sequence to be used
as a data source for I/Q calculation must now be computed from the defined data field, slot and frame
structures with marker lists.

First enter in the File field under Calculate and Save Sequence the file with the fixed extension *.dbi
(data bits) in which the calculated data sequence is to be saved. Select in the Use Sequence as Data
Source field whether the calculated data sequence is to be used as the current data source. The
calculated data file is then automatically entered as a data source in the Data Source panel (Data
Source: File).

Press now the Calculate and save sequence in the sequence definition diagram or select the
respective item in the Calculate menu. During the calculation, a progress indication bar informs the user
on the state of the calculation.

The generated marker lists defined at the bit level in the data editor are converted to the sampling level
and entered in the Marker Setting panel.

When the Internal Power Ramping option is selected in the Power Ramping Settings panel, the table in
the Power Ramping panel is also filled with the calculated power ramping characteristic. In this case the
ramp points referenced to the data bits are to be converted to the symbol level.

Note: The conversion of marker and ramp positions from the data bit level to the sample or
symbol level depends on the currently selected oversampling and modulation levels. To
avoid discrepancies, the levels should be determined before data and markers are

Example: Bit position 104 corresponds to symbol position 52 in the case of a two-level
modulation like QPSK and to symbol position 26 with the four-level modulation 16QAM.

If oversampling is lower than the modulation level, inaccuracies may occur when marker
lists are converted to the sample level and adjacent marker entries are too close to each
When the calculated data sequence is ready for use but should not be employed as the current data
source, the calculated file may be called later on as a data source under File in the Data Source panel.
In this case the defined marker positions and power ramping cannot be used however. This function is
only available at the time when the data and marker lists are calculated.

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Data Editor

5.7.6 Power Ramping Settings Panel of Data Editor

Power ramping and the power-time template can be set in the Power Ramping Settings panel.
At first the settings only apply to the current configuration in the data editor. Other parts of
the program (particularly the Power Ramping panel and the Marker Settings panel) are only
affected when data and power ramping lists are computed and used.

Fig. 5-16 Power Ramping Settings panel of data editor

Internal Power Ramping

In this section, WinIQSIM-internal power ramping can be configured using the data editor. With
the aid of the On/Off switch it can be decided whether power ramping defined in the data editor
(power-time templates of slots) should be used for filling the tables of the Power Ramping panel,
and thus for power control of the calculated signal, after calculation and direct use of a data editor

The type of power ramping and the ramp time can be defined in the Ramp Function and Ramp
Time fields. A selection can be made between a cosine square function and a linear ramp
function. A ramp time between 0 to 16 Tsymbol can be set normalized to the symbol period. Also
fractions of the symbol period can be set.

The signal levels to be assigned to the power ramping marker states 0 (Off) and 1 (On) can be
varied between -80 dB and 0 dB in the ON Level and OFF Level fields.

External Power Ramping

By selecting Couple Marker 1 for External Power Ramping, the marker channel 1 is directly
linked to the power ramping marker. To further expand the dynamic range, for instance, the
power of the I/Q signal can also be controlled externally by means of the output signal of marker
channel 1.
The panel can be quit as usual with the OK or Cancel button. With Cancel all modifications
made are discarded.

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