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65 MARKS (15%)

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Instructions: This test contains SEVEN (7) sections. Answer ALL questions by writing your
answers in the spaces provided.

Section A: Past Tenses (10 marks)

Complete the paragraph below with either the past simple or past continuous form of the
verbs in the brackets. Then, type your answers in the spaces below. The first one has been
done for you as an example.

It was (to be) a lovely Saturday morning and Officer Razak (1) __________ (sit) in
his police car by the side of a highway while sipping a hot cup of coffee. Suddenly, he (2)
__________ (hear) a loud roar coming from behind his patrol car and in an instant, a red
sedan car (3) __________ (pass) by. The speed gun (4) __________ (indicate) that the
driver (5) _________ (drive) the red car at almost 140km/h. Officer Razak did not wait any
longer and quickly chased the car.

After the red car finally (6) _________ (stop) by the side of the road, Officer Razak
walked towards it and began questioning the driver. “Sir, please step out of the car. Do you
know you (7) _________ (drive) pass the speed limit?” The man (8) __________ (sweat).
“I’m so sorry, officer. I (9) __________ (spend) my night at the hospital last night because
my wife just gave birth to my daughter. I am later for work now,” explained the man.

Officer Razak let the man go and quickly video called Sarah, his 3-month-old baby
back home. The man (10) __________ (remind) him of his time when Sarah was born.

1. 6.
2. 7.
3. 8.
4. 9.
5. 10.

Section B: Multiword Verbs (10 Marks)

Complete each sentence below using the correct form (base verb/ present simple/ present
continuous/ past simple/ past continuous) of the multiword verbs from the box. Then, type
your answers in the spaces below. 

let down go over put off

run into stand by look over
get away with drop in sit in for

1. The professor __________ the final exam questions last night when she heard someone
knocking on her door.

2. Since Ms. Pamala is not around this afternoon, Mr. Rajesh will __________ her at
today’s department meeting.

3. Joshua was getting his coffee at Starbucks this morning when he __________ his ex-
girlfriend, Rachel.

4. After her brother died in a car accident last week, Bella decides that she __________
her wedding to a new unannounced date.

5. As a forensic examiner, Jessica __________ almost ten dead bodies every day.

1. 4.
2. 5.

Section C: Time Clauses (10 Marks)

Complete the story below using the correct time-indicated conjunctions from the box. Then,
type your answers in the spaces provided. The words can be used more than once.

before  as soon as  when 

while  until  after 

(1) __________ Gina gave birth to her beautiful baby last September, she received a
letter from her former company asking her to return to work. Her husband, George, was
furious (2) __________ he heard the news, saying that the company was not compassionate
for asking a woman to come to work only after two months of giving birth. George advised
Gina to think it through (3) __________ making any decision and suggested he could work
from home to take care of the baby (4) __________ Gina is at the office.

It took Gina two whole weeks of thinking before coming up with her decision. She
decided that (5) __________ her maternity leave ends in December, she would resign from
her job. “Don’t you love your job there?” George asked her (6) __________ changing the
baby’s diaper. “Yes, I do,” Gina answered. “But I can’t just leave my baby. I want to be by
her side, at least (7) __________ she’s old enough to talk. I want to hear her first word,

(8) __________ Gina started crying, George immediately hugged his wife and wiped
the tears off her face. “Let’s get your favourite ice-cream (9) __________ I’m done with the
baby,” George said with a smile on his face. Gina kissed him on his cheek (10) __________
she left to get ready.

1.  5.  9. 

2.  6.  10. 
3.  7.     
4.  8.     

Section D: Questions (10 Marks)

Type a Yes/No question OR a WH question for each of the following sentences in the
spaces provided. The first one has been done for you. 

E.g. Did you enjoy the movie?

Yes, I enjoyed the movie.

Yes, I love watching Korean movies.

No, Jessica didn’t submit her work last week.

No, he doesn’t know that the earth is not flat.

Yes, my name is Petra Khan.

Yes, I would like to have dinner with you tonight.
No, Jeremy hasn’t done the laundry and dishes.

The next train will arrive at 4.30pm.

The nearest toilet is at the end of the corridor.

We should cook about three cups of rice for lunch.

I would choose Samsung smartphone over iPhone.

Section E: Talking about Future Plans (5 Marks)

Complete these sentences with the best form of the verb in the brackets to talk about future.
Then, type your answers in the spaces below. 

1. We assume Jessica Alba __________ (hate) reading about her love affairs being printed
on newspaper.

2. The workers __________ (look) forward to receiving their annual bonus this December.

3. I don’t have any plans this weekend but I __________ (think) of visiting the new museum
sometime this week.

4. The couple __________ (get) married during autumn this year.

5. My parents __________ (not go) to Switzerland for their holiday this year.

1. 4.
2. 5.

Section F: Reported Speech (10 Marks)

Read the meeting transcript below. Then, create sentences in reported speech based on
what was said in the meeting and which meeting member said it. The first one has been
done for you as an example.

Mr. Jacobson : Okay, looking at the profit data on the screen, it seems that our
current marketing strategy is not working well. We need to come up
with a new strategy before this meeting ends. Let’s hear on
everybody’s opinion on this issue. Polly, why don’t you start first.

Polly : I’d like to begin by reporting on our current financial status on this
project. As of today, our department has exceeded our initial
marketing budget by almost RM10,000. Looks like we have to cut our
expenditure on transportation by 25 per cent.

Kyle : I’m sorry, Polly, but from the logistic team, I don’t think we can reduce
our transportation budget. Last month, we’ve approved the official
request from officers who require transportation to get to the event

Mr. Jacobson : This is difficult. Natasha, what says you?

Natasha : I think I have the answer for our problem. I’ve just received an email
from Jaya Bina Sdn. Bhd. and they’ve agreed to sponsor us
RM500,000 for our project. However, they’d like us to take part in
their annual charity event next week, as return in favour.

Mr. Jacobson : Splendid! That really solves one of our problems. Patrick, do you
have anything to contribute?

Patrick : I have an idea on our new marketing campaign. We should look at the
trending topics on main social media and see how we can incorporate
them into our new marketing strategy. One way is to use trending
songs as the background music of our TV advertisement.

Mr. Jacobson : That’s a great idea, Patrick!

Windy : I agree with that. Patrick’s suggestion has been implemented by

companies like Jaya Store and Silver Bell Sdn. Bhd. last year. They
did manage to attract almost one million visitors to their event.

Mr. Jacobson : If so, we’ll discuss further on how to develop Patrick’s idea in our next
meeting. Good job, everybody.

E.g. Mr. Jacobson said that the current marketing strategy is not working well. He said we
need to come up with a new strategy before the meeting ends.


1. Polly said…

2. Kyle said …

3. Natasha said…

4. Patrick said …

5. Windy said …

* 2 marks are awarded when students provide TWO sentences of reported speech
*1 mark is given if there is only one sentence provided
*1 mark will be deducted if the sentences use incorrect verbs of reported speech

Section G: Fix the Errors (10 Marks)

Sentences below contain TWO (2) errors either on their tense, choice of words, spelling, or
punctuation. Fix those errors by typing corrected sentences in the spaces provided. The first
one has been done for you as an example.

Once the train arrives, we will go our separate ways.




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