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The Use of English Movie in Teaching English to Mastering English Vocabulary to The
Third Grade Student at SMP N 1 SAMBI

A. Background of the Study

“Language is a system of communication in speech and writing used by people of a

particular country”. According to an American linguist, John B. Carrol, in his book entitled ‘the
study of language’ (1953),

Language is an arbitrary system of speech sounds or sequences of

speech sounds which is used or can be used in interpersonal communication by
an aggregation of human beings, and which rather exhaustively catalogs
things, process, and events the human environment.

English is one of the international languages that most used in many countries in the
world, including Indonesia. As an international language, English is very important because
people around the world communicate to others using English. Media is very important in
teaching and learning process. There are three kinds of media. They are audio, visual, and audio
visual media. By using audio visual, media that use sense of vision and hearing, students can get
more than students learn by using media that only use one sense either vision or hearing. In this
case, the writer will take audio visual media for running the research. It is English movies media.
Good Mastering of vocabulary is important for anyone who learns the language used in listening,
speaking, writing, and reading. A learner of a foreign language will speak fluently and
accurately, write easily or understand what he or she reads and hears if he or she has enough
vocabulary and has the capability of using it accurately. Mastering vocabulary is the ability to get
or to receive lots of word. By having and mastering vocabulary we will know the meaning of
vocabulary in the context. It can also help to avoid making mistakes in understanding a written
and spoken text.The English vocabulary often becomes a problem for most high school and
university students although they have studied English since elementary school. Sometimes the
students always get difficulties to understand some word in context. In learning English,
Students should be able to master the four language skills of English. They are speaking, reading,
writing, and listening. Learning English also should cover some language components. They are
structure, vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation. As a part of language components, vocabulary
has an important role in learning English. Without mastering vocabulary, it is impossible to
master English well. The students who get more vocabulary, they can improve their English

In Indonesia, English considered the first foreign language to be learned, the Indonesian
government has chosen English as a first foreign language to be taught in schools. In formal
education, English is taught from Elementary School until Universities. As a subject of learning
process, English considered as one of subject that less comfortable by students. So that using
teaching media is very important to help the students be more interest. Teaching English at
Junior High School is not easy task. Teachers usually use traditional ways in teaching
vocabulary. When students find new difficult words they have to open a dictionary to get the
meaning. It may take a long time for the students to find the meaning of the words. It can make
the students get bored and tired. Therefore, the teachers of Junior High School should teach the
vocabulary through enjoyable activities. By using media students hoped fell more interested and
pay more attention to the teacher. The data get at SMP N 1 Sambi located at Boyolali. The
school consists of 21 classes. The research will be focus at the third grade, it is 3B. The class
consists of 35 students. This research was carried out in SMP Negeri 1 Sambi. SMP Negeri
Sambi is a junior high school which is consists of three grades of the students. There are eighteen
classes in the school. It is consists of first grade, second grade ang third grade. The study is
conducted in third grade of 9B students of SMP Negeri 1 Sambi. This classes was chosen
because is has low ability in mastering English vocabulary. It can be seen when the teacher asks
to classified word, the students hard to classify it. Sometimes they can’t classify it with easily. So
the writer is interested in conducting research entitled, “The Use of English Movie in Teaching
English to Mastering English Vocabulary to the Third Grade Student at SMP N 1 SAMBI"
B. Limitation of the Study

This study focused on the English vocabulary mastery and watching English movie, this
study describes: (a). what learning procedure do the teachers applied in the classroom of the
third grade students at SMP N 1 SAMBI? (b). What kind of the movie the teacher used for
teaching English of the third grade students at SMP N 1 SAMBI? (c). what difficulties faced by
the teacher when teaching English by using English movie of the third grade at SMP N 1

C. Problem Statement
In this study, the researcher will formulate the problem as follows:

1. What learning procedure do the teachers applied in the classroom of the third grade
students at SMP N 1 SAMBI?
2. What kind of the movie the teacher used for teaching English of the third grade students at
3. What difficulties faced by the teacher when teaching English by using English movie of
the third grade at SMP N 1 SAMBI?

D. Objective of the Study

In line with research question, this study has purpose to find out as follows:

1. Learning procedure do the teachers applied of third grade students at SMP N 1 SAMBI in
the academic year of 2014/ 2015.
2. The kind of movie the teacher use for teaching English of third grade students at SMP N
1 SAMBI in the academic year of 2014 /2015.
3. The difficulties faced by the teacher when teaching English of third grade students at
SMP N 1 SAMBI in the academic year of 2014 /2015
E. Benefit of the Study

1. Theoretical

The study can increase the insight for reader about the use English movie in teaching
English vocabulary. The study hopefully can give contribution in teaching English using

2. Practical
The result of this study is expected to give some positive outcome as follow:

a. For Students
It can be useful for students to help them measure their vocabulary mastery and it
can be used to motivate the students to improve their vocabulary mastery.

b. For Teachers
By doing this research, the writer hopes that the result of the study will be useful
to give contribution of developing English teaching vocabulary especially in teaching
vocabulary using media. Moreover, the writer hopes teachers can use media as an
alternative way in teaching vocabulary. Therefore, the students will get better achievement.

c. For the writer

By doing this research, the writer will get some new experiences and knowledge
about his study and it will be useful for the future.

F. Research Paper Organization

The writer organizes the research paper with research paper organization. This research paper
organization includes five chapters to make easier to understand.
The first chapter focused on the describing of English movie and vocabulary mastery.
Therefore there is described about the definition of the research and the use of the research for
teaching learning English.
The second chapter focused on the literature of the research. It is focus on the theoretical of
the research. Such as the theory used in the research, and the research using qualitative
The third chapter focused on the research methodology. It deals with that research method
covering the type of research, the subject of the research, object of the research, data and data
source, place and time of research, method of collecting data, and research procedure.
The fourth chapter focused on the finding and discovery. In this chapter told about hypothesis
analysis and the final analysis about teaching English using English movie.
The fifth chapter focused on the conclusion and suggestion. The chapter told about the all
result and the suggestion from the writer about the research.

G. Review of Related Literature

1. Previous Study

The writer has some relevant researches that support this research. That is: Nurul Hikmah
(03015018), the student of English Department of Tarbiyah Faculty Walisongo State Institute
For Islamic Studies Semarang (IAIN Walisongo). Her title is “Developing Students’
Vocabulary using Dora the Explorer Movie (A classroom Action Research of The Fourth
Grade Students of SDN 02 Subah Batang in the Academic Year of 2009/2010)”. She was
using cartoon film as media to teaching her class. The technique used for obtaining data, he
use test and observation. In this research he was done in three cycles. Each cycle was
conducted in four steps. They are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The result of this
study shows the use of movie to teach of English to the fourth grades of SDN 02 Subah
Batang in the academic year of 2009/2010 was an important media in improving the students’
vocabulary. It was proven by the result of achievement tests score.

2. Underlying Theory

The research used qualitative research for the finding the result. Quantitative research is the
systematic empirical investigation of observable phenomena via statistical, mathematical or
computational techniques. The objective of quantitative research is to develop and employ
mathematical models, theories and/or hypotheses pertaining to phenomena. The process
of measurement is central to quantitative research because it provides the fundamental
connection between empirical observation and mathematical expression of quantitative
relationships. Quantitative data is any data that is in numerical form such as statistics,
percentages, etc. The researcher analyzes the data with the help of statistics. The researcher is
hoping the numbers will yield an unbiased result that can be generalized to some larger
population. Qualitative methods produce information only on the particular cases studied, and
any more general conclusions are only hypotheses. Quantitative methods can be used to verify
which of such hypotheses are true.

3. Theoretical Framework

1. General Concept of Vocabulary

a. Definition of Vocabulary

According to Richard, “vocabulary is a set of lexemes, including single words,

compound words and idioms”. The writer thinks that vocabulary is one of the important
components that have to be mastered by learners. So, they can master English well.
Vocabulary is the one thing beside many factors in learning English. Without mastering
vocabulary, it is impossible to master English well. The more students get the vocabulary,
the easier students improve their English. Based on the linguist David Wilkins states that
‘Without grammar very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be
conveyed’. To know what vocabulary is the writer would like to present several that
definitions of vocabulary. According to the Cambridge dictionary, “vocabulary is: All the
words known and used by a particular person and all the words which exist in a particular
language or subject”.20 Richard also explains that “vocabulary is one of the most obvious
components of language and one of the first things applied linguists turned their attention
to”. Based on the definition above, the writer concludes that vocabulary is all the words
that have meaning and usually used to communicate by a particular person.
b. The types of vocabulary According to Evelyn Hatch that had been written in his book
entitled ‘Vocabulary, Semantics, and Language Education’ divides vocabulary into two
groups. They are:
1) Receptive vocabulary can be called as passive vocabulary. Receptive vocabulary is
words that students recognize and understand when they occur in a context, but they
cannot produce it by themselves. Students just use constructively in listening and reading.
2) Productive vocabulary can be called as active vocabulary. Productive vocabulary is
words that students understand, can pronounce correctly and use constructively in
speaking and writing. From the explanation above, we can know that the student ability
in mastering vocabulary is different. Students may learn core or basic meaning of words
sufficiently to understand what they hear or read without knowing enough about the
syntactic restriction, register appropriateness, or collocations to be able to produce the
words on their own.

b. The principle of teaching vocabulary

“Principle is beliefs and theories that teachers hold concerning effective

approaches to teaching and learning and which serve as the basis for some of their
decision-making”.23 According to Carten, there are seven key principles that can follow
to help students of teaching and learning vocabulary to be more effective. They are focus
on vocabulary, offer variety, repeat and recycle, provide opportunities to organize
vocabulary, make vocabulary learning personal, don’t overdo it, and use strategic
vocabulary in class. Focus on vocabulary means that the teachers should emphasize
students to master vocabulary in the syllabus and the classroom so that students can see
that vocabulary is importance and understand that learning a language isn’t just about
learning grammar. Offer variety means that the teachers should use different ways to
present vocabulary including pictures, sounds, and different text types which students can
identify. Offering variety also means catering to different learning styles. 25 Some
students may use different learning styles for different types of language or in different
learning situations. Learning vocabulary is largely about remembering, memorizing, and
students generally need to see, say, and write new learned words many times before they
can be said to have learned them. Actually repeating words help students to remember
new words that have learned them. Repeat and recycle is very important in teaching and
learning vocabulary. Everybody can memorize something easily by reading more times.
So teacher ask students to memorize vocabularies at the day and teacher can review the
day after it. Besides that, students can repeat their memorizing in their home. Organizing
vocabulary means that makes vocabulary easier to learn. Textbooks often present new
vocabulary as an aid to memorize.26 Make vocabulary learning personal means that
relates to the point above, materials should provide opportunities for students to use the
vocabulary meaningfully, to say and write something about themselves and their lives.
Students should be encouraged to enrich vocabulary they want to learn. Another
important point is not to overload students – there are limits to how much vocabulary
anyone can absorb for productive use in one lesson and this will be affected by how
“difficult” the words are and how much students are required to know about them. 27 So
that, the teachers should give an intermezzo to keep student be fresh. The last principle of
teaching and learning vocabulary is teachers should use strategic teaching vocabulary in
class. Teachers can bring students to outdoor class and ask students to memorize
everything in our environment.

According to Richard and Willy, in teaching vocabulary teachers need to consider the

1) Teachers should give learners time to practice the material. Learner need to practice
what the teacher gives to them. They need to do more than just see the form.
2) Avoid learning words that have similar forms and closely related meaning at the same
time. For example, because affect and effect have similar forms.
3) To get effective word study, teachers should study regularly. Studying words over
several short sessions is better than to study them for one or two longer session.
4) Teachers should divide larger numbers of words into smaller groups to study five to
seven words at a time, because it will be easier to get repeated exposure to the words than
when larger groups.
5) Teachers should be more creative to make teaching learning more interesting, such as
the key word technique to promote deeper mental processing and better retention.
6) Teachers can add cards to get further elaboration. Using unknown vocabulary to make
associated with other second language that students have already known. And these
words can be added to the card, such as parts of speech, definitions, and keywords.

From the principle above, in teaching learning process the teacher should be able
to identify who the students are, what their needs are, and how the teacher should teach
simple and interesting way. Different age of students indicate that they also have different
need and interesting.

c. Technique in teaching vocabulary

“Technique is a specific procedure for carrying out a teaching activity, such as the
ways a teacher corrects students’ errors or sets up group activities”.29 Ruth Gaims and
Stuard Redman mention two techniques of teaching vocabulary. There are visual
technique and verbal technique.

1) Visual Technique

a) Mime and gestures

In this technique, the teacher can use real object and command. In real object, the
teacher can use something available in the classroom such as door, whiteboard, board
marker, clock, and so on. In using command, a teacher can give command such as open
the window; open your book, etc. Another example is teaching part of body, a teacher can
give command such as raise your hand, put your right hand on your head, etc.

b) Visual aids
In this technique, the teacher can use pictures, photographs, flashcards, and
whiteboards as the visual aid. One of the visual aids that possibly used is whiteboards.
Picture for vocabulary teaching come from many sources. It can be from the magazine,
newspaper, or the student’s handmade. Pictures can be used to explain the meaning of
vocabulary items. The meaning of vocabulary is in the students mind before he is given
the English word because he can understand it from the picture.

2) Verbal Technique

a) Use of illustrative situations (oral or written) This technique can be useful when the
words are abstract. In this technique teachers just explain the word so that teachers should
use more than one situation or context to ensure that students understand what they

b) Use of synonym and definition Synonym can be called the words that have similar
meaning with other words. Teachers often use this technique to low level students; it
would be justifiable at low levels to tell students that miserable mean very sad. Secondly,
it is commonly used with higher level students and subsequently qualified, such as Male
means man.

c) Contrasts and opposites

In this technique, the teacher asks the students the opposite of something, for example,
what is the opposite of sweet?, what is the opposite of clever?, etc.

d) Scales
It can be useful way to get new vocabulary if students have learned contrasting or related
gradable items. If students know ‘hot’ and ‘cold’ teachers can ask students a framework
for feeding in ‘warm’ and ‘cool’ and later ‘freezing’ and ‘boiling’.

e) Examples of the type

The teachers can use illustration to get the meaning of subordinates, such as furniture,
vegetables, and fruits. It is a common produce to exemplify them e.g. table, chair, and,
bed are all furniture.

3) Translation

Translation is changing some words or sentences from second language or other

language to native language with similar meaning. It is one of traditional method. This
technique is usually used by the teachers when they taught vocabulary or text in teaching
learning process. Translation can be a very effective way of conveying meaning. It can
save valuable time that might otherwise be spent on a largely unsuccessful explanation in
English, and it can be a very quick way to dispose of low frequency items that may worry
the students but do not warrant significant attention.

2. General Concept of Media

a. Definition of Media
“Media is a means of communication and source of information. Derived from the
Latin word meaning “between,” the term refers to anything that carries information
between a source and a receiver”. Some example of the media is video, television,
diagrams, printed materials, computer programs, and instructors. Those are considered as
an instructional media when they provide messages with an instructional purpose. The
purpose of media is to facilitate communication and learning activities. Many provide
limitations on the media. Association of Education and Communication Technology
(AECT) in the United States limits the media as all forms and channels that can be used
by people to deliver messages or information. Gagne states that media are various kinds
of components in the environment that can stimulate students to learn. Meanwhile, Briggs
argues that media are all the physical tools that can present messages and stimulate
students to learn by themselves. From the definition above, the writer can conclude that
media is a tool which are used by teachers during teaching and learning process to help
teachers in presenting the materials. Media can facilitate teaching process. Thus, media
has an important role in teaching and learning process to build students’ interest to the
material. Besides that, media can help students in acquiring lessons that was being taught
by teachers. So that, students can understands more the material that is presented.

b. Types of Media
There are many kinds of media. According to Gerlach and Elly state that media can be
classified into five groups. They are still picture, audio recording, motion picture,
television, and real things, simulation and models.

1) Still Picture
A still picture is a record or a copy of real object or event which may be larger or
smaller than the object or event it represents.
2) Audio Recording
Recording are made on magnetic tape, on discs, or on motion picture sound
tracks. Sounds are genuine and represented in the sequence in which they actually
happened unless the recording is edited. Obviously, one of the most important types of
audio recording is verbal material. So, audio recording may be used by individual or
played directly to an audience or over radio or a central sound system.
3) Motion picture/ video tape recording
A motion picture or video tape recording is a moving image in color black and
white produced from live action or from graphic representation. Objects or events may
be in normal motion, in slow motion, time-lapse or stop motion.
4) Television
Television can originate from a variety sources and can be distributed in many
ways, but the signal eventually is displayed by a television receiver. It is usually used to
show live show that is held in other places.
5) Real Things, Simulation, and Models
This category includes people, events, objects, and demonstrations. Real things as
contrasted with other media are not substitutes for the actual object or event. Simulation
is the replication of the real situation which has been designed to be as near the actual
event or process as possible. Model is a replica or representation of reality. Such as,
when teachers get part of body material that has to be explained to the students, teachers
can use students to be model in front of class to help teachers explain the material.

Sumardiyani and Sakhiya states that teaching media can be classified into three categories.
They are:

1) Audio media
Audio media are media that can be listened. It means that audio media has sound which
can be listened by us. Such as radio, audio tape, and audio conference which can allow
learners to hear some ideas and opinions.
2) Visual media
Visual media are media that can be seen. It can be formed of picture, moving picture or
animation, and flashcard, etc.
3) Audio visual media
Audio visual media are media that have sound and picture. Movie is an example of audio
visual media in teaching and it must have a sound because, if that is produced to get the
reality picture in the original form and it describes science theory.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that media are classified into
audio media, visual media, and audio visual media. Audio media is related to sense of
sound, such as radio and tape recording. Visual media is related to sense of view, such as
photograph, chart and image. And audio visual media is related to both of the senses, such as
television, movie, video, and even model. In this study, the writer uses audio visual media or
English movie to run the research.

3. General Concept of Movie

a. Definition of movie

“A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still or moving images. It is
produced by recording photographic images with cameras, or by creating images using
animation techniques or visual effects”. Bong S Eliab states that analyzing movie the first
thing is to understand the elements of movie. They are story, character, theme, setting, and
style.A good story is the basis for most successful films. A good story has a very clear
beginning, middle, and end. The best way to organize the telling of a story is through proper
balance of suspense and action. Alfred Hitchcock was found of defining suspense as the “the
opposite of surprise”.

1) Surprise : “when something happens and you don’t expect it”.

2) Suspense : “when you expect it and it doesn’t happen”.

A character is a person that created by movies’ creator or sometimes events an animal who
takes part in action of story. Based on the character function on the story, character can be
classified to be two. They are main character and supporting character. The main character is
the character that has many scenes on the story. Whereas, the supporting character is
character that supports and helps the main character on the story. Theme is main concepts
and idea that underlies the story. Theme is revealed through the values of the character when
confronting obstacles and resolving conflict in pursuit of their goal. It can be considered as
the foundation and purpose of the story because without purpose the story will be trivial.
The setting refers to all of the information about the place, time and situation of the movie.
The setting can be classified to be two kinds. There are physical setting and social setting.
The physical setting is setting that can be understood by using sense, such as time and place.
The social setting is setting that describes about the situation, lifestyle, culture, language of
the society. The last element of the movie is style refers to genre of movie. The statement
above can be concluded that movie is a form of entertainment that composed by some
elements. Movie has five elements which we have to know and understand when watching a
movie or reading story, because they are parts of the movies. If we don’t know
about it, we will not understand the substance of that movie.

The difficulties of the teacher when teaching English using movie:

1) During playing movie, teachers cannot explain any material because it can disturb
students' concentration.
2) Students cannot understand the movie well if it is played too fast.
3) It is difficult to repeat what is gone except playing it once more.
4) The equipment is expensive.
A good film is a film that can meet the needs of students in relation to what has been

a. Movie as a media in teaching vocabulary

It is necessary to learn vocabulary whenever a learner comes into contact with a new
language and tries to use it. However, studying language causes some problems. Because
many students consider that learning vocabulary is a boring activity, teacher should keep
looking for way to make learning vocabulary easier and more pleasant. Therefore, the teacher
should use appropriate technique and media. Actually teaching learning process is a
communication process. It has to be realized through conveying activity and changing
message by the teachers or students. Teaching English as the foreign language for Indonesian
students is not easy. The teacher is asked to use a suitable technique or media to teach
effectively because effective teaching is the basic factor for the successful learning process
including learning vocabulary. The use of media such as movie is very important and also
helps students more understand the message which the teacher gave them. From the
explanation above the researcher concludes that movies as one of several media in teaching
and learning vocabulary is very important and vocabulary can help students more interest and
can receive the messages from the materials.
According to Harmer there are many reasons why video can be a special, extra dimension to
the learning experience:

1) Seeing language in use

Students not only can hear the language but also they can see it. By watching video, students
can see the real condition of language in use, such as students can see the facial expression
and the gesture when native speakers are saying some words or expressions.
2) Cross culture awareness
Video can help students who want to see westerns’ culture by watching it in their classroom.
It is especially when they want to know how their body language are when they are inviting
someone out, or how American speaks to waiters. Video is also a great value in giving
students a chance to see all of cultures from other countries. In order that, by using video
students can see the culture of American, Australian, etc. it can be useful for students because
we do not have to go to target country directly when we want to know their cultures.
3) The power of creation
Students suddenly get some considerable power when they use video camera. They can make
video that could be unforgettable moment by them. It can be good media because they can
remember all of vocabulary inside of the video they made and it can enrich their vocabulary
mastery. The task of video making can make students creative.
4) Motivation
Based on all the reasons have mentioned above prove that most of students show an
increasing level of interesting when they have a chance to see language in use. It indicates that
video can increase students’ motivation to learn independently. By watching video students
can get new knowledge that more interesting.

The writer focused in animation movie in teaching learning English. Animation movie are
ones in which individual drawing, painting, or illustration are photographed frame by frame.
The reason using animation movie are hopefully with animation movie students can get more
attention in learning English by the movie. Animation movie is good for students because the
movie is colorful, entertaining and interesting.
H. Research Method
1. Type of Research

In this research the writer applied descriptive research, because it can be covered the all of
the research investigated. The writer only describes the use of English movie in teaching
learning English to mastering English vocabulary. By using descriptive research wants to
describe the Use of English Movie in Teaching English to Mastering English Vocabulary to
the Third Grade Student at SMP N 1 SAMBI.

2. Setting of the Research

This research was carried out in SMP Negeri 1 Sambi. This school is located on Jl. Bangak
KM. 07 Sambi Boyolali. Code pos, 57376. Telephone number and fax simile (0276
3294443). Email:

SMP Neferi 1 Sambi is Junior High School which is still consist of three grades of the
students. There are twenty one classes in the school. Besides the classroom there are other
rooms that facilitate the teaching learning process, such as multimedia room, laboratory,
healthy room, and library.

Actually the ninth “B” is the setting of the research but sometimes the researcher uses other
room such as language lab, multimedia room and library. It is done to create different setting
and make student not bored. The research was done at the second semester in 2015/2016
academic year.

3. Subject of the study

The subject of the study is limited to third year student of SMP N 1 Sambi and the
English teacher who is teaching at the students.
4. Object of the Study
The object of the research is the use of English movie in mastering English
vocabulary in the ninth grade of SMP N 1 Sambi.

5. Data and Data Source

This research is field at junior High School 01 Semarang (well-known as SMA N
1 Sambi) which is located on Jl. Jl. Bangak KM. 07 Sambi Boyolali, kec. Boyolali. In
order to find out the solution to the problems posted in the previous chapter, the writer
needs some data. In conducting the study, the writer tries to get some data from the third
grade students of SMP N 1 Sambi.

6. Data Collecting Technique

In quantitative research, the researcher uses observation, interview and

a. Observation
Observation is a technique for collecting data carried out by the writer to make
a note about the event or phenomenon occurring by observation. Observation involves
visiting a class to observe different aspects of teaching. Observation is suggested as way
of gathering information about teaching, rather than way of evaluating (Richard and
Lockhart, 1994). In this research, the writer comes to classroom than takes a seat in the
last seat and pays attention since the teaching-learning process.

b. Interview
Interview is the most often method used in qualitative inquiries. Interview is a
dialogue done by the interviewer to get information to get information from the
interview (Murdikah, 2012). In this research , the interview is addressed to English
teacher and students. It is done by face to during the observation to get certain purpose,

c. Documentation
The writer has gathered a variety of written data and document. The
documents are gotten from syllabus, lesson plan, teaching materials and students’
worksheets from teaching English using English movie.

7. Data analyzing technique

After collecting data, the writer will take some step to analyze data. The analysis
step will as follow:

1. Data reduction
Data reduction is the transformation of numerical or alphabetical digital
information derived empirically or experimentally into a corrected, ordered, and
simplified form. The basic concept is the reduction of multitudinous amounts of data
down to the meaningful parts.

2. Data Display
Data display such as matrices and network are often utilized to enhance data
analysis and are more commonly seen in qualitative research. The findings include the
procedure of teaching, the kind of movie and the disadvantages of movie.

3. Data Verification/ Conclusion

Data verification is a process where in different types of data are checked for
accuracy and inconsistencies after data migration is done. The conclusion of the
research is that the research gives contribution in teaching learning English especially in
teaching English using media. And students not boring when they are learning English.
G. Credibility

To prove credibility of data, the writer does the validity of data because the wrong
data will produce the wrong conclusion and the valid data will produce the valid conclusion.
According to Alwasilah, Bakri in Ans (2014:1), the challenge of all researches are the
product of valid knowledge. The validity of data consist of, descriptive, interpretation and
the theory on qualitative research.

The criteria to investigate for validity of data, namely: (1) Credibility, (2)
Transferability, (3) Dependability and (4) Certainty (Bachri in Ans, 2014:1). Another that,
the validity of data also can be done by triangulation. According to William, Sugiyono in
Ans (2014:1), “Triangulation is qualitative cross-validation. It assesses to a suffiency of the
data according to the convergence of multimedia data collection procedures”.

In this study the writer uses triangulation to show and to analyze the problem of
object study. So, the writer analyzes the data by using observation triangulation method.

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