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I am drinking a strong coffee (while we are) waiting for the chemicals?

to spread in
the patient’s body, quickly glancing at the monitoring display? between two
sips/aspirations/suction of the boiling (hot) liquid. Everything seems normal,
breathing, temperature, heart rate... With a nod, I tell François, my assistant, that he
can install the breathing tube? as well as the catheter in case we would have to
administer medication urgently. As soon as the system is set up, I grab hold of a
scalpel (all the while) looking at the X-rays displayed on the light wall/illuminator??,
(something connecting missing here: maybe just ’from’) behind the operating table.
The two lumbar herniated discs are clearly visible, stage 5, and the shoulder/dorsal
blades? will have to be removed from the two vertebrae to open a window? on the
spinal cord/marrow?. (stg maybe missing here) Highly precise work that requires a
perfect mastery of movement (is it not too verbatim?). I take a deep breath. As a
(general) rule, I would advise against resorting to surgery for/in the case of such
severe conditions in the case of very/involving? elderly subjects, the absence of
serious aftereffects being a question of chance (maybe rephrase again the last clause –
is it a ’question of chance’?). I had really tried to make Mélanie Clayes, a haughty
Belgian baroness, understand that it was rather worth saving time: treating the
pain/illness with painkillers, sedatives, some massage, and letting her partner pass
away slowly... My arguments (had) made no difference/had not changed anything/had
not worked.

what to do with these ’en +ent’s?

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