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10 Golden Habits To Be Super Productive

High-Quality Sleeping
If you don’t have high-quality sleep all your day will be worst because of stress,
bad mood, and bad decisions. You will have no focus, no concentration, and no
memory. You will not be able to answer questions correctly because you can’t
think the right way. You will not be able to manage your time and tasks and as a
result no day organization. In addition, you will be gaining weight, having
headaches and fivers almost your day, and the dangerous thing, no resistance
against illnesses from your immune system.
✓ Pieces of Advice
• Go to bed at the same time every day.
• Don’t eat or start doing activities before bed.
• Don’t watch TV, or use your phone or computer directly before your sleeping
• The room must be between 15.6 and 20 Celsius degrees, not hot and not too much
• Keep your room dark, switch lights off, close your window, or just cover it to hide
lights from the outside.
• Sleep in a comfortable bed.
• Take a hot shower just before your sleeping time.
• Sleep between 7 and 9 hours, depending on your gender, age, activity, and other

Waking Up Early
” When you delay getting up until you have to, think that what you are actually doing
is resisting your life” Miracle Morning book. All your day will completely depend on
your morning quality, and let’s know why!
You will have enough time to prepare yourself for your day, and you will not be late for
your work. You will have a kind of happiness and gratitude, feeling that you are different
and special than other people that are sleeping while you are enjoying the beginning of
your day. You will have your own special time away from the noise of the day, and enjoy
relaxing walk-in empty streets. And the most important thing is that when you wake up
early, you will sleep early, which leads to a complete healthy cycle for your body
generally, and for your immune system, mood, and brain functions precisely.
✓ How to wake up early?
• Put a specific reason to wake up. If you don’t have an important goal to do the
next day, you will not wake up early.
• Take enough hours of sleep.
• Wait a few seconds before you stand up from your bed, that’s good for your heart,
but don’t stay more than 1minute or you will fall asleep again.
• Drink a cup of water just after waking up.
• If you wake up at 12 PM, don’t set your alarm at 6 A.M directly, and expect that
you will wake up. Be kind to yourself, and wake up earlier just for 15 to 30
minutes, and duplicate the period day after day.
• Don’t put calm music like meditation music as your alarm sound, because it will
not help you to wake up, but to sleep more relaxed.
• Take a cold shower.
• Be grateful for beautiful things in the morning, sunlight, birds, calm, and peace.

Morning Exercising
“If you don't make time for exercise, you may have to make time for illness” Robin
Exercising can turn a bad day into a productive one because when you are exercising
you are preparing your body to be able to do more physical effort in your day, get rid of
a sleepy mood, and become in a good one. Enhancing the blood cycle controls sugar
levels and blood pressure. Encouraging you to follow a healthier food program, and
motivates fat burning in your body, as a result, you will lose weight. Having high
sleeping quality. Gives you more energy, focus, and concentration, due to lacking
distractions in the morning.
✓ Advice
• Set a specific time for exercising.
• Prepare your clothes, equipment, or anything you need at night before.
• Prepare your healthy breakfast before start exercising, because you will require
energy, and you don’t want to wait for more to take your meal.
• Choose exercises that fit you, and make you enjoy.
• Exercise for 30 minutes at least, 1 hour is good, more will be excellent. But you
don’t ever have to be strict with yourself.

Morning Meditation
Meditation will help you get rid of negative feelings, ideas, and distractions. Enhance
your focus and memory. Gives you dozes of happiness, relaxation, and peace. It protects
you from illnesses that are caused by stress or anxiety. Protect your mind from anything
coming in your day. And for men, it will increase Testosterone which will strengthen their
workout quality.
You can meditate before or after exercising, there is no bad effect. Meditation before,
will help you stretch your muscles, be focused on your exercise, and have the spiritual
energy to start. Meditation after will help you to cool down your body, reduce the pain in
your muscles, and high levels of cortisol, balancing your energy instead of going to work
with high levels of it, especially if your work doesn’t demand action at the beginning of
your day, so you have the choice.
If you wake up and you feel that you are so hungry, just meditate after eating a healthy
breakfast, but after a little time. Otherwise, there is no difference between meditation
before or after breakfast.
You can use meditation music. It is calm, peaceful, and beautiful. So that it will help you
get in a meditation mood, but it is not necessary.

Healthy breakfast
Breakfast will give you the energy to start your day effectively, and enhance your focus
and concentration. It makes you feel full until your next meal, which means it prevents
you from feeling hungry at work when you will be obliged to eat fast food, as a result, it
protects you from gaining weight. A healthy breakfast will control your blood pressure
and sugar levels.
Your breakfast must contain enough amount of each one from the food groups: fruits,
vegetables, whole grain, dairy, and protein, with limiting food that contains added sugar,
such as green tea, coffee, chia seeds, nuts, Greek yogurt, eggs, oatmeal...
If you don’t feel hungry in the morning, it is okay to take a small breakfast, it is no
obligation to eat a big one.

To-do list
Daily creation of a To-Do list helps you enhance your lifestyle levels day after day. You
will not get up fast from your bed at night when you’re about to sleep just because you
forgot something to do! It keeps your thoughts organized so that your day, puts in you the
habit of discipline, finishing your day with good results, and makes your memory ready to
have the newest ideas of today and the important ones.
Checking tasks after finishing them, is something motivational, you will have no more
stress or pressure, and the most helpful thing is that it helps you break down the big goal
into small tasks.
✓ Advice
• Your tasks must be realistic, achievable, and able to edit and their results must be
in short term.
• Don’t put the goal on your list, but separate this goal into small tasks.
• Don’t add too many tasks to not be stressed when you are working.
• Given enough time for each task, don’t hurry just to finish.
• Start with the big and important task first, because when you finish it, the other
tasks will seem easier and able to be done faster.
• Put the paper of your list near to you, so that you can see it clearly.
• Take notes about how much time you needed to finish each task, to be easier for
you in the future to create good To-Do Lists.

Stay away from distractions allows you to have clear thinking, makes your tasks done
with high focus and concentration which makes your work done with high quality, with
excellent time management. Open big doors to your creativity, and help you listen to your
own inspirational thoughts, as a result, you will add your unique touch to your work
✓ Bits of Advice
• Knowing what really is distracting you and what is wasting your time, is very
important to be aware of it the next time.
• Turn your phone off, or turn it to silent and keep it away. You can use some
applications to lock your phone while working.
• Don’t log in to social media before or while working.
• Don’t open your email inbox at the beginning of your day.
• Take 10 minutes of rest after each hour of work. You can take a snack, step out,
and get some sunlight will increase your productivity, and keeps you away from
being exhausted so that you will not be distracted.
• Tell people around you that you don’t want any distractions, or simply you can
wear headphones.
• Wear comfortable clothes, so that you will not be distracted because of them.

Rewarding yourself
Don’t wait for anyone to reward you, you are the only one that will reward you, and
guess why it is this important?
At first, you will be motivated to do and finish more tasks, having beautiful vibes and
feelings of accomplishment and achievement, pushing you to work harder to achieve your
big goal in long term, so you will not be bored or exhausted.
✓ Advice
• Your reward doesn’t need to be big or expensive, just has to be a reward that will
make you happy.
• There are no specific rewards, you have the choice: delicious chocolate, video
game, movie...
• The balance between your achievement and your reward, don’t reward yourself
with something expensive just because you finished a small task and vest versa.

Drinking enough water per day

You will absolutely be going to start drinking water after knowing that water is the
principal factor in delivering nutrients, blood, and oxygen to your brain, and 60% of
your body is water!
After drinking enough water, your body will start getting rid of viruses and bacteria,
and your brain will be protected against harmful illnesses. Nutrients, blood, and oxygen
will be delivered to whole the body. Balance sugar levels, and control blood pressure.
Having a focus, concentration and strong memory will be present in your own. Less
headache and fatigue and the most important is strengthening your immune system.
So according to the U.S National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine: it
is needed about 3.7 Liters of water are for men, and about 2.7 Liters of water for women
with counting water in coffee, tea, and food.

Reading before sleeping

Reading is a daily habit for successful and creative people, so you have to make it a
habit too, and this is why?
Reading will boost your memory, train your brain to get more useful information, get rid
of stress, having new ideas every time you read. You will meet people's minds in the
books so that you will have more creativity in doing things. It will take you to quiet places
just with yourself to see clearly what you have inside you, which increases the ability to
achieve big success.
✓ Bits of Advice
• Set a specific daily time to read.
• Write on the margin, highlight or copy quotes, and write points of view in a
special copy book.
• Learn about 1 topic from many references.
• Set a goal from reading, to be clear with yourself.
• Understand the point of view of the writer, and see if you are with or against it?
• Rewrite the important points using your words, so that you can remember them
and taking it consideration.

Written By
Malika Bellounis

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