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Republic of the Philippines


College of Arts and Sciences
Malacampa, Camiling Tarlac

LIVING in the IT Era

1st Semester A.Y. 2022-2023
Activity in Lesson IV

Name: Daennise Louiseanna A. Sebastian Score: ________________________

Course Year & Section: DVM 1A Date: 09/21/2022

Instructions: Take a picture of your activities on a typical day. Take note of the time/hours
of your ICT usage (TV, phone, other gadgets). After doing so, explain how it affects your
social life and how does it influence you as a person.

Activities Time
Brushing my teeth (electric toothbrush) 6:00 AM-6:15 AM
Watch tiktok for entertainment 6:30 AM-7:30 AM
Online Classes 8:00 AM-02:30 PM

Do academic activities 2:30 PM-05:00 PM

Do house chores 6:00 PM-08:00 PM

Read books 8:30 PM-10:00 PM
Scroll on social media 10:00 PM- 12:00 AM

Review/ Advance reading 4:00 AM-5:00 AM

A total number of hrs. on ICTs: 11 hours and 24 minutes

Technology has become a necessity in today's society, as a student I became dependent on
ICT. ICT became part of my daily routine and I cannot imagine how’s life without them. I socialize
less, I talk less and my social health became poor. I spent my time on gadgets and books and I
totally forgot how to engage on something else, I am afraid of social interactions today. The more I
talk with people behind the computer or any gadgets the more I become dependent to them, I
appreciate technology more than life and that is not good, I am very much aware. So, I am limiting
my self, challenging every day to lessen my screen time but because of online classes and digital
home works it is hard.

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