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I.Answer the following:
1. In an electromagnetic wave what is the phase difference between electric field and
magnetic field.
2.A plane electromagnetic wave travels in vacuum along Z direction. What can you say
about the direction of electric and magnetic field vector? Justify your answer.
3.Write an expression for the velocity of electromagnetic wave in a material medium in
terms of electric and magnetic properties of the medium.
4.For an electromagnetic wave propagating along X axis Emax = 30 V/m. What is the
maximum value of magnetic field?
5.Name the electromagnetic wave produced by an electron oscillating at a frequency of
6. Show that the average energy density of the oscillating electric field is equal to that of
the oscillating magnetic field.
7. Prove that electromagnetic waves carry energy and momentum.
8. Name the part of the electromagnetic spectrum of wavelength 102 m and mention its
one application.
9. To which part of the electromagnetic spectrum does a wave of frequency
(a) 5 x1019 Hz
(b)3 x1013 Hz belongs?
10. Why is the orientation of the portable radio with respect to broadcasting station
11. Name the parts of the electromagnetic wave which is suitable for
(a) radar systems used in aircraft navigation.
(b) used to treat muscular strain.
(c) used as diagnostic tool in medicine.
(d) used in eye surgery
(e) water purification
Write briefly how these waves can be produced.
12. State the characteristics of electromagnetic waves.
13. Why are infra – red waves often called heat waves?
14. Why is the amount of momentum transferred by the electromagnetic waves incident
on the surface so small?
15. We feel the warmth of the sun but not the pressure on our hands. Explain.
16. A thin ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is crucial for human survival on earth.
17. Suppose that the electric field part of an electromagnetic wave in vacuum is
E = {(3.1 N/C Cos[(1.8rad/m)y + (5.4 x 106 rad/s)t]}
(a) What is the direction of propagation?
(b) What is the wavelength?
(c) What is the frequency?
(d) What is the amplitude of the magnetic field of the wave?
(e)Write an expression for the magnetic field part of the wave?
18. Give reasons for the following.
(a) Long distance radio broadcasts use short – wave bands.
(b) It is necessary to use satellites for long distance radio broad casts.
(c) Optical and radio telescopes are built on the ground but X- Ray astronomy is possible
only from satellite orbiting the earth.
19. Calculate the electric and magnetic fields produced by the radiation coming from a
100 W bulb at a distance of 3 m. Assume that the efficiency of the bulb is 2.5% and it is
a point source.
20. Light with an energy flux of 18 W/cm2 falls on a non – reflecting surface at normal
incidence. If the surface has an area of 20 cm2, find the average force exerted on the
surface during a 30 minute time span.
21.Write a physical quantity which is same for X- rays and visible light?
22.Exlain how electromagnetic waves are produced?
23. Draw a schematic sketch of electromagnetic waves propagating along X – axis.
24. Name the electro – magnetic waves with their frequency range, produced in ‘
(a) some radioactive decay
(b) sparks during electric welding
(c) TV Remote.

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