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Mathematics Sample Paper

Class VI

General Instructions

1. Attempt all the questions of Section A

2. Attempt any 4 Questions from Section B
3. The intended marks for questions or parts of questions are given in brackets

SECTION A [40 marks]

Question 1

(a) Subtract 146 from 115 the sum of 78 , 124 and 69 [2]


The sum of 78 , 124 and 69 is = 78  124  69  115

If we subtract 146 from the sum of 78 , 124 and 69 we get,

115  ( 146)  115  146  261

(b) Find the perimeter of a rectangle with length 3.5 cm and breadth 5 cm. [2]


The perimeter of a rectangle is = 2(l  b )


l  length  3.5cm
b  breadth  5cm

Therefore, perimeter of a rectangle is = 2(l  b)  2(3.5  5)  2(8.5)  17cm


(c) Use the divisibility tests to determine whether the number 672 is divisible by 2, 3,
and 4. [3]


The given number 672 is:

 Divisible by 2 as the last digit of the number is an even number.

 Divisible by 3 as the sum of the digits of the number is 15 (6+7+2); which is divisible
by 3.
 Divisible by 4 as the last two digits 72 are divisible by 4.

(d) State whether true or false: [3]

i. If Set A = {all even numbers from 0 to 10} Set B= {All prime numbers from 1 to 10}
then A  B  

Ans: False. A  B consists of the set carrying common elements of Set A and Set B.

Set A = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10} and Set B = {1, 2, 3, 5, 7}

A  B = {2}

Therefore, the given statement is false.

ii. If two angles of a triangle are acute, then it is called an acute angled triangle.

Ans: False. An acute angled triangle is one who’s all the three angles are acute angles.

Therefore, the given statement is false.

iii. A triangle is formed by joining collinear points.

Ans: False. Collinear points are the points that lie in the same line. A triangle is made by
joining non-collinear points.

Therefore, the given statement is false.

Question 2

(a) If two angles are complementary and one angle is 6° more than three times the
other, find the angles. [2]


Two angles are said to be complementary if their sum is 900.

Let one angle be of x0

The other angle will be 3x+60

 x  (3x  6)  90

x  3x  6  90
4 x  84
x  21

Therefore, one angle is of 210 and the other is of 690.

(b) The annual income of Manjeet and Sukhpreet are Rs. 180000 and Rs. 240000
respectively. What is the ratio of their income? [2]


The annual income of Manjeet = Rs.1,80,000

The annual income of Sukhpreet = Rs.2,40,000

The ratio between annual income of Manjeet and Sukhpreet

180000 18 3
  
240000 24 4

Therefore, the ratio of Manjeet’s annual income to Sukhpreet’s annual income is 3 : 4

(c) Find the H.C.F and L.C.M of 24, 36, 45, and 60. [3]


The prime factors of 24 = 2  2  2  3

The prime factors of 36 = 2  2  3  3

The prime factors of 45 = 3  3  5

The prime factors of 60 = 2  2  3  5


Therefore, the H.C.F of 24, 36, 45, 60 is 3 and their L.C.M is 360.

1  1  1 5
(d) Simplify: 2   3    7   [3]
2  4   8  12


1  1  1 5
2   3    7  
2  4   8  12
5  13   57  5
   
2  4   8  12
5 13 57 5
   
2 4 8 12

Taking L.C.M of the denominators we get = 24

5  12 13  6 57  3 5  2
   
24 24 24 24
60 78 171 10
   
24 24 24 24
60  78  171  10



1  1  1 5 19
Therefore, the simplified value of 2   3    7   is 6 .
2  4   8  12 24

Question 3

(a) Write the greatest and the smallest 3-digit numbers using three different digits with
the given conditions: [3]

i. Digit 8 is always at tens place

ii. Digit 0 is always at ones place

iii. Digit 5 is always at hundreds place



The greatest 3 digit number using 3 different digits is 987 and the smallest 3 digit number
using 3 different digits is 123. Now we will find the highest and lowest 3 digit numbers on
the basis of the given conditions.

i. Digit 8 is always at tens place

The greatest 3 digit number will be 987 and the smallest 3 digit number will be 182.

ii. Digit 0 is always at ones place

The greatest 3 digit number will be 980 and the smallest 3 digit number will be 120.

iii. Digit 5 is always at hundreds place

The greatest 3 digit number will be 598 and the smallest 3 digit number will be 501.

(b) Find the value of 3a 2 – a 4  3a 3 b 2 – a 3 b 2 when a   3, b  2 [3]


3a 2 – a 4  3a 3 b 2 – a 3 b 2

Substituting a   3, b  2 we get,

3a 2 –a4 + 3a3 b2 –a3 b2

= 3(-3) – 4
(-3) 3
+ 3(-3) 2
(2) – 3
(-3) 2
 3(9)  (81)  3( 27)( 4)  ( 27)( 4)
 27  81  324  108
 270

(c) In the given figure ABC is a straight line. Find: [4]

i. x if y is 1100
ii. y if x is 650



In the given figure, x and y make a straight angle.

Therefore, x  y  180

i. Value of x if y is 1100

x  y  180
x  110  180
x  180  110
x  70

Therefore, if y is 110° then x will be 70°.

ii. y if x is 650

x  y  180
65  y  180
y  180  65
x  115

Therefore, if x is 65° then y will be 115°.

Question 4

(a) Answer the following questions for the figure given below: [4]

i. Name 2 pairs of adjacent angles.

ii. Name 2 acute angles.

iii. Name 2 obtuse angles.

iii. Name 2 reflex angles.



i. Adjacent angles: Adjacent angles are two angles having common vertex and a common
side. In the given figure two pairs of adjacent angles are:
"CBD and DBC " and "DBA and ABE "

ii. Acute angles: Acute angles are the angles less than 900. In the given figure two acute
angles are: DBC and EBC .

iii. Obtuse angles: Obtuse angles are the angles more than 900 but less than 1800. In the given
figure two obtuse angles are: DBA and EBA .

iii. Reflex angles: Reflex angles are the angles more than 1800 but less than 3600. In the given
figure two reflex angles are: CBD and ABE .

(b) Simplify: 5  a 2 – a – 1  4  2a – 2  – 8  a 2  a – 1 [3]


5 a2 – a – 1  
 4  2a – 2  – 8 a 2  a – 1 
 5a 2  5a  5  8a  8  8a 2  8a  8
 5a 2  8a 2  5a  8a  8a  8  8
 3a 2  5a
  a(3a  5)

(c) Sanah and her 2 friends went to their favourite cafeteria and ordered 3 coffee. They
paid a fifty rupee note for the bill and the cashier returned them Rs.8. Find the price of
each coffee with help of a linear equation. [3]


Total number of coffees ordered = 3

Total bill amount = 50  8  42

Let the price per coffee be x

Price for 3 coffees = 42


3 x  42
x  14

Therefore, the price per coffee is Rs.14.

SECTION B [40 marks]

Question 5

(a) Simplify: 0.243  200.35  0.9107  1.01 [3]


0.243  200.35  0.9107  1.01

 1.01
 0.243
 0.9107

(b) There are 13,00,000 people in a town. 7,86,324 of them are women, 8,642 children
and the rest are men. Find out the population of men in the town. [4]


Total number of people in town = 13,00,000

Number of women in town = 7,86,324

Number of children in town = 8,642

Number of men in town = x


 786324  8642  x  1300000

794966  x  1300000
x  1300000  794966
x  5, 05, 034

Therefore, the number of men in town is 5,05,034.

(c) If the H.C.F. of two numbers is 24 and their product is 5760, find their L.C.M. [3]


The H.C.F of two numbers = 24

The product of two numbers is = 5760

The L.C.M of two numbers = x

As we know that, the product of H.C.F and L.C.M of two numbers is equal to the product of
the two numbers.

24  x  5760
x  240

Therefore, the L.C.M of two numbers is 240.

Question 6

(a) Subtract the sum of 8.41 and 32.71 from the sum of 28.645 and 4.90 [3]


The sum of 28.645 and 4.90 = 33.545

The sum of 8.41 and 32.71 = 41.12

If we subtract 41.12 from 33.545, we get

33.545  41.12  7.575


(b) Rohit travels 360kms in 9 hours. Find: [3]

i. What is his speed?

ii. How much distance can he travel in 12 hrs at the given speed?
iii. How much time will he take to travel 360 kms if he increases his speed by


i. What is his speed?

Dis tan ce
Speed 
Speed 
Speed  40km / hr

Therefore, the speed of Rohit is 40 km/hr.

ii. How much distance can he travel in 12 hrs at the given speed?

Dis tan ce  Speed  Time

Dis tan ce  40  12
Dis tan ce  480kms

Therefore, the distance travelled by Rohit in 12 hrs is 480 kms.

iii. How much time will he take to travel 360 kms if he increases his speed by 20km/hr?

If he increases his speed by 20km/hr, then his speed will be = 60km/hr

Dis tan ce
Time 
Time 
Time  6hr

Therefore, if he increases his speed by 20km/hr, he will travel the distance of 360kms
in 6hrs.


(c) The following data represents the rainfall in inch in the previous week. Draw a
suitable bar graph to represent the given data. [4]

Days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Rainfall 15 5 5 10 20 15 10


The bar graph representing the data given above is





Question 7

(a) A painter can paint a wall of area 30m2 in 15 hours. If he works at a constant speed,
find the time taken by him to paint a wall of area 20 m2? [3]


The wall area painted by the painter in 15 hrs = 30m2

The wall area painted by the painter in 1 hr =  2m 2

The time taken by the painter to paint a wall area of 20m2=  10hrs


Therefore, the painter will paint the wall area of 20m2 in 10 hrs.

(b) Verify: n(A ∪ B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A ∩ B), where [3]

Set A = {1,2,3,4,5,6} and Set B = {2,4,6,8,10}


n(A) = No. of elements in Set A = 6

n(B) = No. of elements in Set B = 5

A∪B = {1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10}

A∩B = {2,4,6}

n(A∪B) = No. of elements in A∪B = 8

n(A∩B) = No. of elements in A∩B = 3

Putting the values in n(A ∪ B) = n(A) + n(B) – n(A ∩ B) we get,

n( A  B )  n  A  n  B  – n  A  B 
86  5  3

Therefore, L.H.S = R.H.S

(c) Find the perimeter of: [4]

i. An equilateral triangle with side 4.78cm

ii. A regular pentagon with side 5.8m
iii. A square with side 7.3cm
iv. A hexagon with side 3.8m


i. An equilateral triangle with side 4.78cm

Perimeter of an equilateral triangle = 3  Side  3  4.78  14.34cm


ii. A regular pentagon with side 5.8m

Perimeter of a regular pentagon = 5  Side  5  5.8  29m

iii. A square with side 7.3cm

Perimeter of a Square = 4  Side  4  7.3  29.2cm

iv. A hexagon with side 3.8m

Perimeter of a hexagon = 6  Side  6  3.8  22.8m

Question 8

(a) The perimeter of a square having a side of 15cm is equal to the perimeter of a
regular hexagon. Find the side of the hexagon. [3]


The perimeter of a square = 4  Side  4 15  60cm

The perimeter of a regular hexagon = 6  Side

 6  Side  60cm
Side 
Side  10cm

Therefore, the side of a hexagon is 10cm.

(b) The two angles of a quadrilateral are 800 and 1600, the other two angles are in ratio
of 7:5. Find the remaining angles. [3]


The sum of all the angles of a quadrilateral = 3600


 80  160  7 x  5 x  360
240  12 x  360
12 x  360  240
12 x  120
x  10

Therefore, the remaining two angles are:

7 x  7  10  70
5 x  5  10  50

(c) The marks scored by 20 students in maths test are given below.


Find the following: [4]

i. Show tally marks and frequency table

ii. Find the number of students who scored below 15
iii. Find the number of students who scored above 15
iv. Find range.


i. Tally marks and frequency table

Marks Tally Frequency

8 || 2
10 |||| 5
14 ||| 3
15 |||| 4
16 || 2
20 ||| 3
25 | 1
20 20

ii. Find the number of students who scored below 15

The number of students who scored below 15 is 10

iii. Find the number of students who scored above 15

The number of students who scored above 15 is 6


iv. Find range.

Range = Highest Value – Lowest Value

Range  25  8  17

Question 9

(a) Find the value of x, given that all the numbers are in proportion [3]



It is given that the given numbers are in proportion,

3 15
 
x 20
3  20  15 x
60  15 x
x  4

(b) The length and width of a rectangle is 14cm and 8 cm respectively. Find [3]

i. Perimeter of rectangle
ii. Area of rectangle
iii. What will be the area of rectangle if all its length is increased by 2 cm and width
is reduced by 2 cm?


i. Perimeter of rectangle

Perimeter of rectangle  2(l  b)

l  14cm
b  8cm
Perimeter of rectangle  2(14  8)  2  22  44cm

ii. Area of rectangle


Area of rectangle  l  b
l  14cm
b  8cm
 Area of rectangle  14  8  112cm 2

iii. What will be the area of rectangle if all its length is increased by 2 cm and width is
reduced by 2 cm?

Area of rectangle  l  b
l  14cm  2  16cm
b  8cm  2  6cm
 Area of rectangle  16  6  96cm 2

(c) Find H.C.F of 8, 16 and 24 by division method. [4]


8 16
8 24

Therefore, the H.C.F of 8,16, and 24 is 8.


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