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Aim: To write the Steps to create a Conditional
a) . Numbers less than 50
Steps Involved -:
I. Open Microsoft Excel.
II. Click on Home and go to Conditional formatting.
III. Type all the numbers and select them.
IV. After selecting all the numbers click on Highlight
cells and then select the option of less than and
type 50.

V. After this Click on OK to see the results.

b) For the Months of December, March and
Steps Involved -:
i.For this select all the cells and click on conditional
ii.After clicking on conditional Formatting click on
Highlight cells and click on Text that contains and
then type December.

iii. After this click on Ok to see the results.

VI. The same steps are repeated to highlight the
steps of March and August.

c) Dates for the Next Month.

Steps Involved -:
a) For this step, First select the cells containing
dates and click on Conditional Formatting.
b) After clicking on Conditional Formatting click
on Highlight Cells Rules and go to Date occurring
and select the Option of Next Month.
c) After this Click on OK to see the results.

d) Unique Value for (b)

Steps Involved -:
1) . For this step, first select the Cells of Values
and click on Conditional Formatting.
2) . After this click on Highlight cells rules and go
to duplicate/Unique values and then select
Unique values.
3. After clicking on Unique click on Ok to see the

d) Top 10% covid cases in India (state wise)

Steps Involved -:
1. For this step, select all the cells of covid cases
and click on Conditional Formatting.
2. After this, click on Top/Bottom Rules and click
on Top 10% and type10.
3. After this click On OK to see the result.

e) Bars Showing a company sale in different

Steps Involved -:
1. For this step, select the Cells of Sales and click
on Conditional Formatting.
2. Then click on Data Bars and select the bars to
be applied.

3. After selecting the bars, the result can be seen

f) Scales for Different Bakery products prepared

at Different Temperatures.

Steps Involved -:
1. For this Step, select the Cells of Bakery
Products and click on conditional Formatting.
2. Then click on color scales and select the type
of scale to be applied.
g) Icon Sets for share value of Reliance.

Steps Involved -:
1. For this step, Select the Cells of Share Value
and click on Conditional Formatting.
2. After this, click on Icon sets and select the
type of shape to be selected.
3. After selecting the shape, the results Can be

h) Sorting the Data of (G)

Steps Involved -:
▪ For this Step, First select the cells and go to
▪ After clicking on Data Click on Sorting.

▪ After clicking on sorting, select the cells and click

on continue with current selection option.

• After this click on sort, and then press on OK

and the result can be seen.
❖After clicking on OK the result can be seen.

J.) Clear Rules

Steps Involved -:
a. For this step, go back to home and click on
Conditional Formatting.
b. After this , go to Clear rules.
c. After clicking on clear rules, 2 options can be seen.

1) If clear rule is done from the option of

Selected Cells, then the rule will be cleared from
the selected cells only.
2) But if Clear Rule is done from the option of
Entire Sheet then the rules will be removed from
the whole sheet.

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